CARER CONNECTIONS Edition 28 - October 2020
AFFORD CELEBRATE CARERS DURING NATIONAL CARERS WEEK 2020 We recently celebrated National Carers Week which ran from the 11th – 17th of October. It was the perfect opportunity to celebrate the importance of carers and the significant role they play every day. Over 2.6 million Australians provide unpaid care to support a family member or friend with disability, mental health, chronic conditions, terminal illness, alcohol, drug issues or who are aged. Read below about one of our own carer stories from Melbourne. Helen has been the primary, full-time carer for her son, Jacob, for all of his life. Jacob’s intellectual disability means that he needs close and regular support to stay safe and happy. Until recently, this role rested with Helen. Even though Jacob has moved into Afford Supported Accommodation, Helen has been an active and loving carer for him assisting Afford staff to provide a terrific quality of life for Jacob. Having these life supports for Jacob has given Helen peace of mind and respite. She has also attended a variety of Carer events organised by Afford to connect with other families and to build support networks, and while Jacob has 24/7 support if and when he needs it in his new Afford home, Helen still remains very much involved in her son’s life. She is across all medical appointments, 1300 233 673 | activities and his wellbeing in his new home environment. Helen’s dedication to her son exemplifies the selflessness of carers.
Supporting Our carers and the people they care for
Afford recognises the physical and emotional challenges faced by many carers and families supporting an individual with disability. Afford staff and programs focus on fostering supportive and encouraging environments so that carers can feel comfortable sharing the tough times and the triumphs and can draw strength from others to continue their role as carers. Afford Day Programs, Carer Support Programs and Short-Term Accommodation (respite) provide carers with opportunities to take time out for themselves to recharge and re-energise to be the best carers for their loved ones. Find out more about Carers Support offered by Afford by contacting: 1300 233 673 Read more carer case studies here:
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