Staff Matters 165

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Staff matters August 10, 2018 - Issue 165 Week 6


In This Issue 1 Afford’s Got Talent

2 Staff Profile Canley Vale’s Biggest Loser

3 Afford’s Got Talent Cont.

We’ve got talent, yes we do, and we’ve got talent, how about you?! It was an dazzling display of vibrant talent and amazing ability at this year’s annual Afford’s Got Talent event! The Afford’s Got Talent event is staged purely for client enjoyment. It is a way that Afford gives back to clients, by providing an annual event where they can come together to celebrate, to let their hair down and to socialise with others and form new friendships.

4 Afford Makes A Splash At The Gold Coast

Upcoming Events Selfie Of the Week Have a Laugh

Held at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre in Penrith this year’s Afford’s Got Talent showcase was packed with wonderful singing, dancing and musical performances from our amazing clients. The buzz began as soon as the first Afford vans started rolling up, filled with clients eager to start the evening’s festivities. Bright, sparkly, colourful, bow tied, glitter covered clients filled the room and everyone was dressed to impress in matching outfits. There were teams of blue glitter suits, cowboys, Hawaiian dancers, bow ties and suits, face paint, matching site shirts and much more!

Continued Pg. 3

Let your abilities soar

Reminder Don’t forget to send your/clients’ achievements, good news stories and photos to

Staff matters


August 10, 2018 - Issue 165

Staff Profile

CANLEY VALE’S BIGGEST LOSER Canley Vale Day Program is pushing Afford’s healthy lifestyle ethos, with centre staff going head to head in their own Biggest Loser Competition! Staff empower each other daily, encouraging positive vibes and healthy eating choices. Each week the team weighs in, keeping track and getting closer to each person’s individual goal.

Warrick Hall

Lifestyle Assistant Mt Druitt Day Program Favourite Song: Open Me by Shawn Mcdonald Favourite Movie: Toy Story 2 Favourite Hobbies: Roasting and brewing specaity coffee and making new friends in cafes. Favourite Foods: Lebanese cuisine. If you could be an animal what would you be: A rhino What is your dream holiday destination: Samoa

The idea came from District Manager, Anastasia Arthandi (Tash). Tash is due to be a bridesmaid at a wedding she has coming up, which is her motivation to tone up and shed a few extra kilos. Interestingly, Tash has been running these kind of competitions in her sites since 2013. After stepping up in her role to District Manager, her staff raised an interest in exercising and with Tash’s support the team launched a Facebook page and a group chat for everyone to check and hold each other accountable. “We have a WhatsApp group where we share photos on a daily basis to inspire each other. Usually we will send each other pictures of our lunches or dinners to encourage each other to eat healthy.” – Scott Papas Team Leader. The staff get competitive with each other in their WhatsApp group as well, often sending each other challenges. “We often get videos from each other doing work outs, I will do 10 push-ups and send the video to the group, then another team member might reply with 10 squats as an example.” – Scott said.

If you had the power what would you change about the world: That everyone could live life and life to the full.

Canley Vale Day Program staff get together for healthy lunches on Tuesdays, depending on Day Program commitments, and one staff will bring healthy lunches and snacks for the group. The team was even watching what they were eating at the conference! Skipping the cakes and picking up the cucumber sticks.

What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? My wife married me.

Canley Vale staff have been organising meet ups with other sites for games of touch football to encourage active lifestyles. Recently the team played Guildford Day Program staff – everyone had fun and look forward to the next meet up.

If you had to teach something what would you teach: How to play drums. Something no one knows about me: I am a Fairy.

let your abilities soar

Currently, Ina is in the lead doing an amazing job! She often walks to work, goes to the gym daily and eats healthily. Each team member has contributed $25 each and the person who loses the most body fat wins! GAME ON! What a great example of practising what you preach! It’s great to see that Afford staff can showcase the benefits of healthy lifestyles to clients and also reap the rewards on a personal level. Well done team!

Staff matters


August 10, 2018 - Issue 165

Afford’s Got Talent CONT. To start, everyone filled up on a delicious sausage sizzle cooked by Sean Bourke, and helped themselves to delicious cakes and treats brought in by each site. After everyone’s bellies were full, the first acts took to the stage. 27 amazing performances were scheduled for the evening, so it was important to ensure the schedule was kept on track! This year, there was a mixture of solo, group and special acts from music therapy organisation - Nordoff Robins. The excitement continued to rise as the Accommodation team stepped onto stage; dressed in their shirts displaying flags from all around the world. The group overwhelmed the crowd with Acknowledgment to Country and the Australian National Anthem (Multicultural), followed by an inspiring Welcome speech by Chairman Ross Fowler before the night carried on. There were many memorable acts throughout the night, including the Heel Toe Polka by Campbelltown, Perfect by Ed Sheeran performed in Auslan by SLES, and the beautiful acoustic tunes of Slim Dusty by Akash Shah. All of the performances were incredible! Many times, the audience also became involved with the on-stage performances, with people joining in with the singing and dancing. Afford’s Got Talent is a truly inspiring event that allows all clients to express themselves, build their confidence in being in the spotlight and also encourages new friendships. We would like to thank everyone involved in the night. With your continued help and support we are able to hold such inspiring events for the entire Afford community – go Afford!

let your abilities soar

Staff matters


August 10, 2018 - Issue 165

Afford Makes a Splash at the Gold Coast Last week, Afford attended the two day Gold Coast Disability Expo and attracted many visitors to the bright, colourful and engaging stand. Hundreds of people walked through the two day expo and Afford’s wonderful expo staff were able to connect with many carers, clients and other organisations to introduce our new services in QLD. The team were particularly excited to meet Afford’s first Group Home Residents, Emma, and her service dog, Ricki. The Sydney and Gold Coast Team joined forces to setup a bright and bold stand, with representatives from all of Afford’s newly launched services in QLD. Afford is certainly making an impression in Queensland, with many people flocking to Afford’s stand and talking to Afford staff to Date: Event: find out more about the services on offer. In addition, staff were also able to network 1-31 Aug Wheel Make a Change (Cerebral Palsy Alliance) with other organisations and highlight all the 1-31 Aug MS Readathon quality services that Afford offers clients and 4-11 Aug Gold Coast Disability Expo their families and carers. 17-24 Aug Book Week Well done team! Afford is really making its 19-25 Aug Speech Pathology Week mark in Queensland! 20-26 Aug Keep Australia Beautiful


If you have have an enquiry about our Employer of Choice Fitness Passport initiative please use the following email: (For Members/Non-members).

fieweek l e

Have a laugh

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In the Selfie Above: Christina Emmanouel, enjoying her European getaway and embracing the Afford culture work hard, play hard!

let your abilities soar

Please send in your selfies or laughs

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