Staff Matters
October 9, 2015 - Issue 25 Week 14
Welcome to Issue Number 25 of Staff Matters, a quarter of a century already! The past 6 months have seemingly passed in a blur, and so much has happened that I wanted to take a moment to recognise how far we have come already. First and foremost I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone for your support of the many changes we have made and the ongoing teamwork and customer service that you contribute every day at work. You are what makes Afford special, and what makes me confident that we will succeed in the totally different world of the NDIS. The decision to totally ‘privatise’ the sector, with the Government exiting from providing any services, and opening up the Sector to be a competitive market means that the sector will never be the same again. The reason all advanced economies such as Canada, the UK etc. have done this, is to give choice to customers and see competitive pressures bring greater efficiency & innovation. Overseas it has worked and in the test sites in Australia it has seen over 90% satisfaction rates from clients. We must not look back, we are moving from a relationship driven environment to a high volume customer service environment. To achieve efficiency we have created a much leaner Head Office structure, and I hope you have noted that we have not done anything that affects the provision of front line services to our customers on a day to day basis. To help this efficiency we are introducing the new version of CIMSability and Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Already it is clear that these will totally transform our business. The elimination of many disparate systems will see the structure we have now able to meet the very high chargeable time targets we will need to survive under the NDIS. You will see that CIMSability is now live and has replaced ACED is many areas and by December this will be total, across everything including Payroll and Finance. As you have probably seen already, I delivered on my promise of system speed, and the new systems are quick as a flash on whatever device you access them. CIMsability eliminates many manual tasks such as timesheets, freeing staff up to spend more time with clients and its functionality on mobile devices is amazing. Not only will this put us ahead of our competitors but we are now able to provide Shared Services to smaller companies in the sector. We have also taken on ELMO as our eLearning platform. We are now developing our first site inductions and planning ‘Afford’ising all of the base modules in the ELMO library. This month will see the beginning of training on the system and a new era in more training and more regular refreshers for Afford staff. Face to face training will still be happening for Total Inductions, First Aid and the like with greater focus on baseline training. To guide us every day we need good Policies & Procedures in place. We are writing P&P covering all operational areas to avoid any confusion around expectations. We have listened to you regarding confusion around duplication, mixing of Standards and Policies etc. etc. The new Policies will be succinct yet take the guessing out of the situations you find yourself in every day, and protect us as a Company in dealing with all circumstances in a consistent and prudent way. The implementation of the P.AC.E.S. will give staff the opportunity to be rewarded for going the extra mile (or kilometre!). Customer Service is about delighting customers! Along with our Customer Service Awards, P.AC.E.S. will give a clearly defined set of KPIs that bring focus to the many little things in Operations that help us delight our customers. Consistently. L.A.P.s also bring focus to the many things we do that makes Afford special. Our new website will blow your socks off. Not only will it have a modern look and feel aided by our modern new branding, but we will be taking the lead and hosting various market leading utilities such as an e-Market for Disability Carers and a Community Portal. These will provide an important tool to our customers and carers alike, and draw traffic to our brand and services. Exciting new services such as Afford Active Lifestyle Club and Afford Getaways will further help in re-establishing us as the market leader in the Western Suburbs. Finally, our rebranding will take us into the new world with a unique and fun presence in the market. I thank you all for your involvement in this process. Our vehicles will soon be sign-written and building awareness of our brand every day. We have a great team of people and some newbies bringing specialist skills to help us catch up in the race to be ready by 1 July 2016. Thanks again. The last 6 months has been a blast, and I am very excited for the future of Afford! Take Care
Steve T 02 8805 3700 E 12 Marieanne Place, Minchinbury 2770