Staff Matters 76

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Staff Matters

October 21, 2016- Issue 76 Week 16

Afford Grills Up Award Winning Service

In this Issue Page 1 • Afford Grill Up Award Winning Service

Page 2 • Staff Profile • Gold Coast Getaway • Firefighters Light Up Penrith

Page 3 Raffles staff Emma and Cristina accepting the award at Grill’d.

Raffles staff Emma and Cristina on their rides to pick up the award.

Back in April Afford came 1st place in Grill‘d’s community program at Penrith and recently our lovely staff from Raffles visited the restaurant to receive the award and $300 generously donated to us. The community program aims to give back $500 to three community groups every month, each getting their own jar which sits at the entrance of the restaurant. Upon ordering food each customer is handed a token and have the opportunity to choose their favourite charity they would like to donate to. The tokens are then counted at the end of each month and the winner is awarded $300 while the other two groups receive $100 each. While visiting, our staff got to meet Grill’d staff member, Junior, who took a keen interest in knowing about Afford and our services as disability is something close to him as his Aunty and 2 cousins were in a car accident and now have disabilities. After hearing about the services we provide along with our great programs and events such as Club Afford, Afford Getaways and the success of the Afford Gala Ball, Junior asked for us to send him an event calendar so his staff can volunteer or be part of Events. He wants to be more involved with us and not just be able to help once a year.

T 02 8805 3700 E 12 Marieanne Place, Minchinbury 2770

• Cherrywood Residents Walk It Out • National Carers Week

Page 4 • Chipping Norton Have Fun In The Sun • Afford Selfies • Have A Laugh

Reminder Don’t forget to send your/clients achievements and good news stories & photo’s to

Staff Matters


October 21, 2016 - Issue 76

Staff Profile

Gold Coast Getaway

Tinque van den Berg

Another amazing Afford Getaways trip is currently taking place with six clients soaking up the sun and adventure in the Gold Coast.

Acting Senior Lifestyle Assistant Belmore Lifestyle Centre Favourite Song: Tulpen uit Amsterdam ( Dutch song) Favourite Movie: Notting Hill Favourite Hobbies: Taking photos and making photo albums Favourite Foods: Lasagna

Our clients are loving the luxury accommodation and exploring all the theme parks including Wet ’N’ Wild, Movieworld and Dreamworld. As you can see in the pictures the clients hare meeting some super people on their adventure!

Firefighters Light Up Penrith

If you could be an animal what would you be: A bird, I love traveling and going easily to different places in the world sounds really good to me. What is your dream holiday destination: I did a lot of traveling already but south America is still on my list! If you had the power what would you change about the world: Giving all the animals a good and safe place to live. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you: Someone flew over the whole world to surprise me in my home country. If you had to teach something what would you teach: I would teach somebody how to respectful communicate with other people. Something no one knows about me: I moved to Australia for love :)

On the 6th October 2016 seven clients from our Penrith Lifestyle Centre playing sports at Tench reserve had a visit from Regentville fire station. Tegan, Brendon, Huey and Mick supported the clients to sit in the truck, use a fire hose and spray water around the reserve. Cameron, Drew, Deemara, Luis, Sarah, Rachel and Robert were all surprised and so excited, hours after the fire fighters had left, they were still talking about their visit from the staff and their truck.


Staff Matters

October 21, 2016 - Issue 76

Cherrywood Residents Walk It Out Every afternoon 10-15 residents join our lovely Cherrywood staff members on a walk through the local park. Everyday features a new activity including ball sports, cut up oranges and surprise awards for participation! Feedback has been great from our residents with the walk growing in numbers day by day. At the conclusion of their walk staff and residents sit down and discuss how good they feel after exercising claiming “it gives us more energy and makes me feel good”. The residents can’t wait to find out what activity they will participate in next!

National Carers Week

National Carers Week is a celebration of the profound and wonderful work that Carers do! Fact: Carers of Australia save our healthcare systems more than $1 billon per week. Afford supports our Carers we’re showing thanks by holding free Carers events through our Carer Wellbeing Therapeutic Groups, High Teas, Dinner Shows, Cocktail Party and so much more. These events are being held across our great city of Sydney, including the Inner West, Western Sydney and South West of Sydney. With the recent Tragedy at Davidson, we are reminded of the vulnerability of our Carers. For anyone struggling, please advise our Carers that Afford is here to support them. Additionally, Carers can contact, the ‘Carers Helpline’; a specialty service with trained staff who know about the situations Carers find themselves in, Carer Line 1800 242 636.


Staff Matters


October 21, 2016 - Issue 76

Chipping Norton Have Fun In The Sun Recently clients from our Chipping Norton Lifestyle Centre went to the local park for a community access day. When they arrived client, Thomas, saw birds and immediately went running towards them, having a good time laughing and trying to catch them. Clients Naomi and Naguib had a great time on the play equipment, while client, Lachlan, found the pond full of ducks to feed! All clients had a great time enjoying time outdoors and can’t wait to soak up more sun in the warmer weather as we head into Summer!

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In this Selfie Above: Staff Member Kim with Penrith Lifestyle Centre’s first NDIS client Brendan Sullivan.

Please send in your selfies

Have a laugh

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