French Cinepanorama 2012

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Alliance franรงaise de Hong Kong is very proud to announce the opening of a new branch in Shatin. Courses will start early 2013

Stay in touch with the French touch! 2

Forewords 前言 Acclaimed in the most prestigious film festivals and with a record breaking 57 million tickets sold, the French film industry has experienced a remarkable year in 2012. Hong Kong has certainly not missed out on this enthusiastic experience, thanks to the dynamic festivals and local movie distributors. Today, French Cinepanorama, the oldest Hong Kong film festival, thrives more than ever. For almost 60 years now, the festival has been able to present the most complete range of films thanks to the judicious selection and close collaboration of local partners, venues and distributors. The following 41st edition programme truly captures the vibrancy of the industry as it stands today. The opening film, Holy Motors , perfectly illustrates how our film industry never ceases to renew itself, reinvent itself and surprise us. I am delighted that the French Cinepanorama is introducing to Hong Kong such an audacious director as Leo Carax. Whether you are just a casual appreciator or film buff, whether you prefer comedies or dramas, action blockbusters or romances, short stories or epic trilogies, rest assured that you will find within this festival enough diversity and quality to create your very own ultimate program. I wish you an excellent festival. 在國際的大型影展中多次獲獎,售出門票破紀錄地超過 五千七百萬張,2012年對法國電影來說是成就非凡的一年。 香港幸得各地電影節以及本地電影發行機構的積極參與得以 分享這使人鼓舞的經驗。 香港最具歷史的法國電影節今日的發展更具規模。近六十年 來,本電影節藉着明智的選擇,以及與本地各個合作夥伴, 包括場地和電影發行商的緊密合作,得以向公眾介紹各種類 型的影片。第四十一屆的節目表準確表達了現今法國電影工 業欣欣向榮的生命力。 開幕電影《巴黎聖騎士》充分地展現了我們的電影有着日新 月異、不斷創新和使我們驚訝的特殊能力。因此,本人很高 興法國電影節能夠向香港的觀眾介紹里奧卡哈斯這類勇於創 新的導演。 無論你只是一個普通的影迷或是一個電影發燒友,不管你喜 歡的是喜劇還是劇情片,動畫或是愛情片,短片或是史詩式 的巨製,都必定可以從本屆電影節的眾多不同風格的影片中 找到自己的心水節目。 祝大家在電影節期間渡過愉快的時光!

Arnaud Barthélémy Consul General France in Hong Kong and Macao

Every year, in bringing the French Cinepanorama to Hong Kong, the Alliance française showcases the latest in the ever-evolving French film industry, with its impressive diversity and extraordinary artistic achievements. Each year, film lovers can sample what is excellent in French cinema, and they can delight in the talent on display, both well-known and newly-discovered. It is therefore with immense pleasure and pride that our festival opens with Holy Motors , which is imbued with the ingenuity, humour and passion of director Leos Carax; and concludes with the poignant Amour by Michael Haneke, which was awarded the Palme d’Or. Both films are of exceptional quality and made a profound impact at Cannes 2012. The Gala Premieres programme will feature three other major films presented in partnership with their Hong Kong distributors: Crazy Horse-Fire in 3D , a fascinating glimpse of a legendary Parisian institution; In the House , the latest film by François Ozon; and Happiness Never Comes Alone , a romance with the beautiful and glamorous Sophie Marceau. We are truly grateful to the distributors for their long-standing support of the festival. Beyond the Gala Premieres, the 41st French Cinepanorama comprises many other films which have won awards or been nominated internationally in the most prestigious film festivals. In this year’s selection, the accent has been on innovation, diversity and quality. It is a festival which I hope that you will truly enjoy, full of discovery, surprise and emotion. Bon festival à tous ! 每年,本電影節為香港的觀眾提供無與倫比的觀影體驗,帶大 家一覽法國電影工業的卓越製作和認識法國電影界的新才俊。 因此,我們非常榮幸能以導演里奧卡哈斯的《巴黎聖騎士》 為本電影節展開序幕。這部電影充份顯示了這位導演的別出 心裁、幽默感和細膩的感情;而奪得今年金棕櫚獎,米高漢 尼卡極之感人的新作《愛》 (暫譯) 將會是今年的閉幕電影。 這兩部優異的電影在2012年康城影展中引起極大的震撼。 另外三部隆重首映的名片包括:《 Crazy Horse - Fire in 3D》、法蘭索瓦.奧桑的《偷戀隔籬媽》,以及由法國著名 女星蘇菲馬素主演的《命中註定搭錯線》。我們實在非常感 謝本地電影發行機構長期以來對我們的支持。 除了隆重首映之外,其他的環節也有很多精彩的影片,當中 有不少曾在國際多個大型影展中獲獎或獲得提名。今年選擇 影片主要以創意、多元化和高質素作為指標。我們相信能再 一次為大家提供一個非常成功,充滿新意、驚喜和激動人心 的電影節。

Mr. Justice Robert Ribeiro President, Alliance française de Hong Kong 香港法國文化協會 主席




Forewords 前言 As a leading insurance company in France, Groupama Gan has been operating in Hong Kong for over 16 years and provides general insurance protection to individuals, professionals and institutions. Groupama Gan has a long-term commitment to social and cultural issues which are consistent with the group’s core values. Preserving heritage is at the core of an insurance company’s roles. It is in this spirit that the Group promotes an active commitment by supporting cinematography through the Groupama Gan Foundation for Cinema. Since 1987, the Groupama Gan Foundation has been active on two fronts, namely, that of guardian of the world’s cinematographic heritage and promoter of contemporary cinema in the areas of production, distribution and exhibition. This year, we are delighted to present two films under “laureats of the Foundation” selection : Louise Wimmer and Augustine for the public of Hong Kong. With a passionate belief in the power of film to unite cultures and generations, we are deeply honoured to support the 41st French Cinepanorama, which strengthens and cements our longstanding relationship with the Alliance française more than ever, through the medium of cinema. 在法國具領導地位的保險公司Groupama Gan已活躍於香港 十六年,為個人、專業人士和機構提供一般的保險服務。 Groupama Gan就社會和文化問題作出了長遠的承諾,這與 本集團的核心價值正好是一致的。保險公司的主要角色是 確保遺產得以保存。本集團本着這精神,並透過Groupama Gan電影基金會積極地致力促進電影工業。 自一九八七年起, Groupama Gan 電影基金會活躍於兩方 面,一方面是擔當世界電影遺產的守護者,另一方面積極促 進當代電影的製作、發行和放映。 今年,我們很高興向香港的公眾介紹兩部由Groupama Gan 電影基金會推薦的得獎影片《住在車裏的女人》和《奧古斯 丁》。 我們堅信電影有聯繫不同文化和年代的能力,我們非常榮幸 支持第四十一屆法國電影節,並透過電影這媒介加強和鞏固 我們與香港法國文化協會長期的合作關係。

HK KWOK General Manager Groupama Gan Hong Kong

Amundi Hong Kong Limited is glad to be again a Gold Sponsor of the French Cinepanorama, a meaningful event that showcases a constant dynamism of French cinema through a wide range of entertainment and artistic endeavor. The principle of its commitment completely echoes with that of us, Amundi. Benefiting from the support of two powerful banking groups, Crédit Agricole and Société Générale, Amundi aims to establish itself as a leading European asset management recognised for product quality, talents of people, client relationship and commitment to sustainability and socially responsible investment that go beyond financial criteria alone. Amundi offers a comprehensive range of products, covering all asset classes and all the main currencies, in more than 30 countries. As a leader Amundi carries great responsibility and calls for exemplary conduct in the asset management industry. Amundi seeks to play an active role in promoting progress of and in shaping its environment. In partnership with leading companies and bodies, Amundi selects projects in the field of economic solidarity, social business and development aid and brings its knowledge of financial engineering to bear in arranging their finance. We have a strong conviction that cultural development is a key driver of the overall development of Hong Kong where we as a responsible company should take part in. Our passion in serving our clients with the most suitable products for them is in complete harmony with the passion of French Cinepanorama in promoting the best selection of films from France for the local community. At a time when we celebrate our 30th anniversary in Hong Kong, we are delighted to have a presence in the French Cinepanorama. We wish all of you an enjoyable piece of experience in this cultural event. 東方匯理資產管理香港有限公司很高興再度擔任法國電影節的黃金贊 助商。法國電影節是一項矚目盛事,透過不同的娛樂與藝術元素,展 現法國電影多姿多彩的面貌。法國電影節堅持的理念,與東方匯理的 信念相呼應。 東方匯理資產管理結合兩大法國銀行集團法國農業信貸銀行(Crédit Agricole)及法國興業銀行 (Société Générale) 的雄厚實力,致力憑藉 深受認同的產品質素、優秀人材、客戶關係,以及推動超越金融業務 的可持續發展和社會責任投資,建立領先的歐洲資產管理公司。 東方匯理提供全面性的投資產品,產品覆蓋全方位的資產類別及所有 主要貨幣,業務遍及環球30 多個國家。作為業界的翹楚,東方匯理 肩負了重大的責任,一直致力改進及優化社會環境,以為業界樹立榜 樣。集團會與其他公司和機構合作,推動及發展社會經濟互助、社會 企業及發展援助項目,並為這些項目提供財務管理方面的服務。 我們深信文化發展是推動香港整體發展的重要元素,而作為一家對社 會負責的公司,我們絕對樂於支持。東方匯理竭誠為客戶提供最合適 的產品,與法國電影節向本港大眾推廣精選佳作的熱情不謀而合。 今年正值東方匯理於香港慶祝三十週年紀念,我們興幸能有此機會參 與法國電影節這個極具文化意義的活動,我們僅祝各位有一個愉快的 電影旅程。

Xiaofeng ZHONG Chief Executive Officer, North Asia Amundi Hong Kong Limited 鍾小鋒 北亞區行政總裁 東方匯理資產管理香港有限公司


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About the French Cinepanorama The extraordinary dynamism of the French cinema in 2012 will definitively mark the 41st edition of the French Cinepanorama, the oldest and one of the largest film festivals in Hong Kong.

香港法國電影節是香港歷史最悠久及其中一個最 大型的電影節。第四十一屆將標誌着2012年法國 電影的驚人活力。 自1953年11月的第一屆的法國電影節在香港首次

Since the first festival in November 1953, in which the cult film directed by Jacques Tati, Mr. Hulot's Holiday , was shown for the first time in Hong Kong, it has constantly promoted and accompanied the evolution of French cinema, from the prominent and influential New Wave period until today. The festival has shown hundreds of French films, attracting mostly local audiences, from movie goers to the general public – including some Hong Kong artists and directors who had their first exposure to French cinema there.


The programming of the 41st French Cinepanorama reflects the unceasing renewal and invigorating diversity of French cinema through very high quality first-feature films as well as films from world famous French directors, from comedy to drama, from animation films to documentaries, not to forget short films, the festival has remained accessible to all audiences and is representative of what French cinema is.


Among the most recent films to be brought to the festival this year, several premiered in Cannes just a few months ago. We will be honoured to welcome prominent director Leos Carax and to open the festival with his latest and critically acclaimed Holy Motors . Furthermore, this year’s Golden Palm winner, Michael Haneke’s Amour , will be our closing film. Those are only two of the five outstanding Gala Premieres the festival will host this year, thanks to the strong relationship we are fortunate enough to enjoy with Hong Kong film distributors. Last but not least, another highlight of this year ’s programming will be a 9-film retrospective dedicated to Claire Denis, one of our most important female directors. We hope you will find the programme both pleasurable and thought-provoking.

由前衛和極具影響力的電影新浪潮直到今天,本 電影節一直致力於推廣法國電影並且隨著它的腳 步與時並進。法國電影節曾放映數以百計的法國 電影,吸引了無數的觀眾,他們大部份是本地 人,有電影發燒友也有普羅大眾,當中包括香港 的藝人和導演,他們很多都是透過本電影節首次 接觸法國電影。

素的處女作,還有一些世界知名導演的作品,由 喜劇到劇情片,動畫到紀錄片,當然還有短片等 應有盡有,反映了法國電影的多元化和積極地不 斷革新。法國電影節兼顧到各種類型觀眾的口味 之餘同時亦讓公眾認識法國電影的精髓。 電影節今年給香港的觀眾帶來一些最新的電影製 作,其中的幾部才剛於幾個月前在康城影展中 首映。我們很高興邀請了著名導演里奧卡哈斯來 港,為他那廣受好評的新作《巴黎聖騎士》(本屆 電影節的開幕電影) 主持首映禮。此外,本屆電影 節的閉幕電影是今年金棕櫚獎得獎電影《愛》(暫 譯)。 非常感謝我們有幸能與香港電影發行機構建立了 長遠的夥伴關係,讓我們得以為五部精彩的電影 作隆重首映,而上面提及的只是其中的兩部。 最後但同樣重要的是今年電影節的其中一個焦點 活動是為法國最著名的其中一位女導演克麗雅丹 妮舉辦電影回顧,共展映九部她的電影。 電影節的仝人謹祝各位觀眾觀影愉快。



Contents 目錄 GALA PREMIERES 隆重首映 Holy Motors 巴黎聖騎士 Crazy Horse - Fire in 3D (Crazy Horse - Feu by Louboutin) Happiness Never Comes Alone 命中註定搭錯線 (Un bonheur n’arrive jamais seul) In the House 偷戀隔籬媽 (Dans la maison) Love 愛(暫譯)(Amour)


PANORAMA 2012 2012年法國電影一覽 The Minister 國家事務 (L’Exercice de l’Etat) Maddened by His Absence 恨他不在 (J’enrage de son absence) Camille Rewinds 卡米爾時光倒流 (Camille redouble) The Dandelions 兩腳生風 (Du vent dans mes mollets) Wrong 錯 The Land of Oblivion 湮沒之地 (La Terre outragée) Looking for Hortense 去找奧唐絲吧 (Cherchez Hortense) The Giants 惡童當家 (Les Géants) Where Do We Go Now? 吾等何處去? (Et maintenant on va où ?) What’s in a Name 名字 (Le Prénom) Granny’s Funeral 嫲嫲的喪禮 (Adieu Berthe) The Field of Enchantment 魔法池塘 (La Clé des champs) Bye Bye Blondie 再見,吾愛 A Few Hours of Spring 春暖心間 (Quelques heures de printemps) A Monkey on My Shoulder 開心見誠 (A cœur ouvert)

16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23

ANIMATIONS 精選動畫 The Painting 畫中國 (Le Tableau) The Suicide Shop 自殺專門店 (Le Magasin des suicides) Day of the Crows 烏鴉的日子 (Le Jour des corneilles)

26 26 27

FIRST WORK, FOCUS ON NEW FRENCH DIRECTORS 法國導演新生代 ─ 處女新作 Donoma Love Lasts Three Years 愛情保鮮期三年 (L’Amour dure trois ans) The Adopted 收養 (Les Adoptés) Low Profile 渺小如我 (Je me suis fait tout petit) Louise Wimmer 住在車裡的女人 Augustine 奧古斯丁 In a Rush 衝動 (Au galop)

30 30 31 31 32 32 33

克麗雅丹尼電影回顧 No Fear, No Die 不怕死 (S’en fout la mort) I Can’t Sleep 不眠夜 (J’ai pas sommeil) Good Work 軍中禁戀 (Beau travail) Trouble Every Day 血洗蜜月期 The Intruder 心之潛蝕 (L’Intrus) 35 Shots of Rhum 巴黎日和 (35 Rhums) White Material 白鬼子 Jacques Rivette, the Watchman 看守者,積葵利維特 (Jacques Rivette, le veilleur) Claire Denis, the Vagabond 浪遊人克麗雅丹妮 (Claire Denis, la vagabonde)

37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41

DOCUMENTARY SERIES 紀錄片系列 Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell 煉獄惡魔 (Duch, le maître des forges de l’enfer) Staff Entrance 員工入口 (Entrée du personnel) Free Radicals 自由激進份子

44 44 45


Live Action 實境 505g The Green Dogs 綠狗隊 (Les Chiens verts) The Last Caravan 最後一輛拖車 (La Dernière caravane) You Know It’s Bad Luck 認真唔好彩! (C’est pas de chance, quoi !) Catharsis 感情抒發 Paris-Shanghai 巴黎 - 上海

48 48 48 48 48 48

Animation 動畫 A Shadow of Blue 藍色影子 Of Mice (a Cat) and Men 老鼠(一隻貓)和人 (Des souris (un chat) et des hommes) Corridor 通道 Edmond Was a Donkey 我是驢 (Edmond était un âne) The Level Crossing Keeper 平交道口看守員 (La Garde-barrière) Le Môme Tintouin 丹家小孩

49 49

Ticketing Information 購票須知


Film Schedule 放映時間表

49 49 49 49

54 9


Gala Premieres 隆重首映



Holy Motors From dawn to dusk, a few hours in the life of Monsieur Oscar, a shadowy character who journeys from one life to the next. He is, in turn, captain of industry, assassin, beggar, monster, family man... He seems to be playing roles, plunging headlong into each part - but where are the cameras? Monsieur Oscar is alone, accompanied only by Céline, the slender blonde woman behind the wheel of the vast engine that transports him through and around Paris. He’s like a conscientious assassin moving from hit to hit. In pursuit of the beautiful gesture, the mysterious driving force, the women and the ghosts of past lives. But where is his true home, his family, his rest?

Official Selection – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 27/11 PALACE ifc

7/12 Broadway Cinematheque

從黎明到黃昏,奧斯卡先生的生命中有幾小時是 一個影子般的人物。他一時是企業的領導者,一 時是殺人兇手、乞丐、惡魔、住家男人…… 他似乎是在玩角色扮演的遊戲,並且全情投入每 一個角色中, 但攝影機在哪? 奧斯卡先生從來都是一個人獨來獨往,只由一名 身材修長,名叫思蓮的金髮女子擔任司機,用名 貴房車載他穿梭於巴黎的大街小巷。 他像一個盡責的殺人兇手般殺完一個人又一個 人。為的只是追求優美的姿態、不知名的動力、 過去生命中的女人和揮之不去的夢魘。但何處才 是他真正的家、家人和安息之所?

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 正式入選電影

巴黎聖騎士 2011 • Color 彩色 • 115 min France/Germany 法國/德國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English and Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演:Leos Carax 里奧卡哈斯 Cast 演員:Denis Lavant, Edith Scob,

Film premiere on Tuesday 27 November in the presence of director Leos Carax, and there is a session of Q&A after the film. 導演里奧卡哈斯將出席11月27日之隆重首映, 完場後設有答問時段。

Eva Mendes, Kylie Minogue 丹尼拉凡、艾迪芙司寇、 伊娃曼迪絲、凱莉米諾 12

Holy Motors is presented by


(Un bonheur n'arrive jamais seul) 2012 • Color 彩色 • 109 min France 法國 • Romantic Comedy 愛情喜劇 In French with English and Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演:James Huth 詹士赫夫 Cast 演員:Sophie Marceau, Gad Elmaleh,

Maurice Barthélemy 蘇菲馬素、加德艾馬力、 莫里斯巴提雷米

Happiness Never Comes Alone is presented by 3/12 PALACE ifc

7/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Crazy Horse Fire in 3D After having received a number of “Guest Creatures” on its mythical stage such as Dita Von Teese, it is Christian Louboutin’s turn to take over Le Crazy Horse. The famous creator of the red sole revisits the Crazy show. The 3D effects added during post production like sequins, water, flames and smoke reinforce the immersion. “We draw the eye as close to the body, the muscles, the emotions and the sensuality as possible” says director Bruno Hullin, 3D expert. 繼與多位國際級名師,其中包括 Dita Von Teese 合作後,著名巴黎癲馬舞蹈團繼續推陳出新, 這次請來法國名鞋品牌設計大師「紅底鞋王」 Christian Louboutin 擔任客席總監。 而後期製作,以3D效果加入的閃閃發光、水、火 焰和煙霧讓演出增添了受煙火洗禮的感覺。本片 的導演般奴于蘭表示:「我們盡可能將觀眾的目 光引向軀體、肌肉、情感和性感的動作。」

(Crazy Horse Feu by Louboutin) 2012 • Color 彩色 • 80 min France 法國 • Dance performance 舞蹈表演 Director 導演:Bruno Hullin 般奴于蘭

Crazy Horse - Fire in 3D is presented by

28/11, 29/11 HK City Hall

Happiness Never Comes Alone Sacha loves his friends, his piano and partying. He spends his evenings playing in a jazz club where he seduces pretty girls. He is happy and free as the wind, living for the thrill of the moment. No alarm clock, no wedding ring, no taxes. Charlotte has three children, two ex-husbands and a career to manage. She has no place whatsoever for romance in her utterly organized life. They are pole apart and have nothing in common… But they are made for one another. 廣告歌創作人阿查,愛彈琴愛夜蒲,晚晚在爵士 吧風流快活,和朋友攬女劈酒,感情生活豐富到 滿瀉,卻從沒有結婚念頭;兩度離婚帶着三個仔 女的莎洛蒂,在富豪前夫的藝廊打工,事業與家 庭令她容不下愛情兩個字…… 一場無情白事的過雲雨,令南轅北轍的阿查和莎 洛蒂神奇地接通電流,相逢恨晚的他們,能否排 除萬難,成就天長地久呢?


CLOSING FILM 閉幕電影 愛(暫譯)

(Amour) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 127 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 6/12 PALACE ifc

8/12 Broadway Cinematheque

In the House From the director Francois Ozon, starring the Oscar nominee Kristin Scott Thomas (The English Patient ), and the top French model Emmanuelle Seigner (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly ), In The House is another master piece from Mr. O. A boy of 16 wants to get in the house of one of his classmates to glean inspiration for his writing assignments. Impressed with this unusual and gifted student, his teacher rediscovers a taste for teaching, but the intrusion sparks a series of uncontrollable events. International Critics’ Prize, Special Presentations – Toronto International Film Festival 2012 San Sebatian Festival 2012 - Golden Shell for Best Film, Best Screenplay 憑《8美千嬌》、《泳池謀殺案》等作品享譽全球的 法國鬼才導演O先生 (法蘭索瓦奧桑),全新作品《偷

戀隔籬媽》再度改編自舞台劇作品挑戰道德界線。 《別問我是誰》奧斯卡提名女星姬絲汀史葛湯瑪士、 《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》法國名模艾曼妞薛納等傾力參演, 一次打破道德框框的觀影體驗。 故事講述高校法文老師獲派發一項集作,天才橫溢 的16歲學生,竟以自己潛入朋友家庭生活作為小說 的題材,結果模糊了現實與虛構之間。法文老師從 文章中找到了創作的激情,同時間卻引發了更多不 可控制的事件。 2012年多倫多國際影展 ─ 特別介紹,國際影評人獎 2012年聖塞瓦斯蒂安國際電影節 ─ 最佳影片金貝殼 獎、最佳劇本

偷戀隔籬媽 (Dans la maison) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 105 min France 法國 • Thriller 驚慄片 In French with English and Chinese subtitles 法語對白,中、英文字幕 Director 導演:François Ozon 法蘭索瓦奧桑 (O先生) Cast 演員:Fabrice Luchini, Kristin Scott Thomas,

Emmanuelle Seigner, Denis Ménochet 法比斯盧治尼、姬絲汀史葛湯瑪士、 艾曼妞薛納、丹尼梅諾齊

In the House is presented by 14


Director 導演:Michael Haneke 米高漢尼卡 Cast 演員:Jean-Louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle Riva, Isabelle Huppert 尚路易杜南寧、艾曼妞烈華、伊莎貝雨蓓

Love is presented by

12/12 PALACE ifc

Love Georges and Anne are in their eighties. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, Anne has an attack. The couple’s bond of love is severely tested.

Palme d’or – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 佐治與安娜已是八十多歲的人。他們兩人都是有 修養的退休音樂教師。他們的女兒也是一名樂 手,與家人住在國外。 有日,安娜心臟病發。這對夫婦的愛情關係亦因 此受到嚴峻的考嚴。

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 金棕櫚獎

Panorama 2012

2012 年法國電影一覽



(J'enrage de son absence) 2012 • Color 彩色 • 98 min France/Luxembourg/Belgium 法國 / 盧森堡 / 比利時 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Sandrine Bonnaire 桑德蓮博納尼 Cast 演員:William Hurt, Alexandra Lamy, Augustin Legrand 29/11, 1/12 HK City Hall 7/12 PALACE ifc 10/12 AMC Pacific Place


The Minister Transport Minister Bertrand Saint-Jean is awoken in the middle of the night by his head of staff. A bus has gone off the road into a gully. He has no choice but to go to the scene of the accident. Thus begins the odyssey of a politician in a world that is increasingly more complex and hostile. Speed, power struggles, chaos, economic crisis... Everything follows in quick succession and clashes. Emergencies follow on each other’s heels. What sacrifices are men prepared to make? Just how long will they hold up in a state that devours those that work for it? International Critics’ Prize Award, Un Certain Regard – Cannes International Film Festival 2011

3 César Awards (French Film Industry Awards) 2012 運輸部長貝特朗半夜接到他的幕僚長來電。一輛巴 士衝出馬路掉進水溝中。他必須親自到車禍現場 視察災情。自此,展開了一名政治家在一個愈來愈 複雜和充滿敵意的世界中奮力求存的漫長旅程。權 力鬥爭、混亂、經濟危機…… 問題和衝突接踵而 來。緊急事故一件接一件。想要有一番作為但在 政府裏沒有勢力背景的人到底能堅持多久呢?

2011年康城國際影展 ─ 某種視野,費比西國際 影評人獎 2012年三項凱撒獎 (法國電影工業獎)


(L' Exercice de l' Etat) 2010 • Color 彩色 • 112 min France 法國 • Dramatic comedy 溫情喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Pierre Schoeller 皮亞素拿 Cast 演員:Olivier Gourmet, Michel Blanc, Zabou Breitman 奧利維耶高美、米徹爾勃朗、沙寶布賴特曼 16

1/12, 4/12 AMC Pacific Place 9/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Maddened by His Absence After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared with Mado, his former wife, who in the meantime, built a new life with Stéphane and their 7 years old son, Paul. Upon his return, Jacques and Mado meet again; he asks to meet her son Paul; Mado hesitates, then accepts but hides it from her husband. Soon Paul and Jacques get close and they start to see each other secretly.

Special Screening, Critics’ Week – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 事隔十年,積克回到法國處理父親的繼承問題。 當年,他為了擺脫與前妻瑪杜的一段痛苦經歷, 毅然離開法國搬到美國居住。這期間,瑪杜已經 帶着他們的兒子保羅與另一名男子史提芬建立新 生活。回到法國後,積克與瑪杜再次相遇;他要 求與兒子保羅相見;瑪杜猶豫不決,最終同意但 卻向丈夫隱瞞此事。保羅與積克很快便熟絡起來 並開始秘密會面。

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 影評人週,特別放映


(Du vent dans mes mollets) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 90 min France 法國 • Comedy/Drama 喜劇 / 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 28/11, 30/11 HK City Hall

8/12 PALACE ifc

Camille Rewinds Camille was sixteen years old when she met Eric. They fell madly in love and had a daughter... 25 years later: Eric is leaving Camille for a younger woman. That is New Year’s Eve, and Camille suddenly finds herself back in her past. She is sixteen again and has returned to her parents, her girlfriends, her childhood... and Eric. Will she flee and try to change the course of their lives? Will she fall in love with him again, even though she knows how their story will end? Directors’ Fortnight – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 卡米爾認識艾力的時候只有十六歲。他們瘋狂地戀 愛並且有了一個女兒…… 二十五年後:艾力為了 一個更年輕的女人而離開卡米爾。當時正好是除夕 夜,卡米爾突然發現自己時光穿越,回到從前還 是十六歲的日子,回到父母,朋友的身邊,重拾 她的少年生活…… 和艾力。她會否嘗試逃避和改 變生命的軌跡呢?雖然她已知到自己和艾力的愛 情故事將如何結局,她仍否會再次愛上艾力呢?

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 導演雙週 28/11 - 2:30 pm : HK$20 Special price for full time students 特別學生價 (全日制學生)

法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Carine Tardieu 嘉騫塔迪約 Cast 演員:Agnès Jaoui, Denis Podalydès,

Isabelle Carré 艾麗斯查嫮綺、丹尼普達利德斯、 伊莎貝嘉希

8/12 PALACE ifc

7/12, 9/12 AMC Pacific Place

The Dandelions Caught between parents who fill her with love and meatballs, Rachel, aged 9, counts the minutes between her and freedom. Until one day, her path crosses that of the intrepid Valérie. 九歲的哈雪兒夾在父母中間,受盡寵愛之餘也填 滿了肉丸子。她急不及待地渴望自由的日子快些 來臨。直至有日,她遇到了強悍勇敢的華麗兒。


(Camille redouble) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 115 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Noémie Lvovsky 努艾薇盧鄔斯基 Cast 演員:Noémie Lvovsky, Samir Guesmi,

India Hair, Yolande Moreau 努艾薇盧鄔斯基、森美居斯美、 妍迪亞雅爾、佑蘭特摩露 17


(La Terre outragée) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 108 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French, Russian, Ukrainian with English subtitles 法語、俄語、烏克蘭語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Michale Boganim 米加艾爾保加南 Cast 演員:Olga Kurylenko, Andrzej Chyra,

Serguei Strelnikov 奧嘉柯瑞蘭高 、安傑施華、謝爾蓋史年高夫 30/11, 6/12 AMC Pacific Place 10/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Wrong Dolph Springer wakes up one morning to realize he has lost the love of his life, his dog, Paul. During his quest to get Paul (and his life) back, Dolph radically changes the lives of others: a pizza delivering nymphomaniac, a joggingaddict neighbor in search of completeness, an opportunistic French Mexican gardener, and an off-kilter pet detective. In his journey to find Paul, Dolph may lose something even more vital — his mind.

In Competition – Sundance Film Festival 2012 某天早上,杜夫醒來發現失去了他的一生摯愛: 他的寶貝狗保羅。當他想方設法要讓保羅重生的 時候,杜夫完全改變了一名發花癲的意大利薄餅 女送貨員、一名努力尋找完整性的慢跑發燒友、 一名投機的法國墨西哥混血園丁,以及一名情緒 不穩定的寵物偵探等人的生活。在尋找保羅的過 程中,杜夫或許會失去更重要的東西 ─ 他的理 智。

2012年日舞影展 ─ 參賽電影

錯 2012 • Color 彩色 • 94 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In English, no subtitles 英語對白,沒有字幕 Director 導演:Quentin Dupieux 江丹杜佩 Cast 演員:Jack Plotnick, Eric Judor, William Fichtner 積克普洛力、艾力朱鐸、威廉菲那

5/12 PALACE ifc 3/12 AMC Pacific Place 9/12 Broadway Cinematheque

The Land of Oblivion April 26th, 1986. On that day, Anya and Piotr celebrate their marriage. Little Valery and his father, a physicist at the power station in Chernobyl, plant an apple tree. Then, an accident occurs at the power station. Insidiously, the radioactivity transforms nature. A few days later, the population is evacuated. Ten years later, the deserted Pripiat has become a no man’s land and a bizarre tourist attraction. Anya comes to the Zone every month as a tour guide, while Valery goes there to look for traces of his father. With the passing of time, will they be able to accept the hope of a new life? Critics’ Week – Venice International Film Festival 2011

1986 年 4 月 26 日。在這個明媚的春日裏,安雅和

彼得正在舉行婚禮。小華麗兒和她的父親,一名 在切爾諾貝爾核電站工作的物理學家合種了一棵 蘋果樹。而就在那時,一場事故在核電站發生 了。放射性元素在不知不覺間改變了大自然。數 日後,人口被疏散。十年後,被遺棄的皮里亞特 已成為一處人跡罕至的無人之境,以及怪異的旅 遊景點。安雅以導遊的身份每月帶團回去災區, 而華麗兒回去卻是要尋找父親的蹤跡。隨著年月 的過去,她們能否接受重過新生活的希望呢?

2011年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 影評人週 18


(Les Géants) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 84 min France/Belgium 法國/比利時 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 8/12 AMC Pacific Place 3/12, 6/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Looking for Hortense Damien is a professor of Chinese civilization who lives with his wife, Iva, a theater director, and their son Noé. Their love is mired in a mountain of routine and disenchantment. To help keep Zorica from getting deported, Iva gets Damien to promise he’ll go to his father, a state department official, for help. But Damien and his father have a distant and cool relationship. And this mission is a risky business which will send Damien spiraling downward and over the edge…

Director 導演:Bouli Lanners 寶利蘭納 Cast 演員:Zacharie Chasseriaud, Martin Nissen, Paul Bartel 薩加希沙謝里奧、馬田尼辛、保羅巴特爾

28/11, 1/12 HK City Hall

4/12 AMC Pacific Place

Official Selection – Venice International Film Festival 2012

The Giants

在大學教授中國文化的達明和任職劇場總監的妻 子伊華與他們兒子諾埃住在一起。單調沉悶的山 區生活讓他們的愛情陷入困境。為了阻止一個名 叫蘇希嘉的女子被驅逐出境,伊華強迫達明承諾 找擔任國務院官員的父親幫助。只可惜達明和他 父親的關係冷淡疏離。這是一件不好處理的事, 達明更可能因此而墮進萬劫不復的境地……

It’s summertime. Zak and Seth find themselves dead broke and ditched by their absentee mother in the family’s cottage. Just like every holiday, they've resigned themselves to another shitty summer. But things change this year, when they meet Danny, a local teenager. Together, with life at their fingertips, they begin the great perilous journey of their lives.

2012年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 正式入選電影


(Cherchez Hortense) 2012 • Color 彩色 • 100 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Pascal Bonitzer 帕斯高保力士 Cast 演員:Jean-Pierre Bacri, Isabelle Carré,

Art Cinema Award, Directors' Fortnight – Cannes International Film Festival 2011 又到暑假了。石仔和錫夫再次被不負責任的母親 擺脫,一個錢也沒有留下便將他們留在家庭的渡 假屋中。正如所有的假期一樣,他們已準備好忍 受另一個淒慘的夏日。但今年他們認識了一名當 地的少年丹尼,一切都變得不一樣了。無人管束 下,他們一起開始生命中一段危險的旅程。

2011年康城國際影展 ─ 導演雙週,藝術電影獎

Kristin Scott Thomas 尚比雅柏琪、伊莎貝嘉希、 姬絲汀史葛湯瑪士



(Le Prénom) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 109 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Directors 導演:Matthieu Delaporte, Alexandre de la Patelière 1/12 HK City Hall 9/12 AMC Pacific Place 5/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Where Do We Go Now? On the edge of a cratered road, a cortège-like procession of women solemnly makes its way towards the village cemetery. Some of the women are veiled, others bear wooden crosses, but all are clad in black and united by a sense of shared grief. Where Do We Go Now? tells the heart-warming tale of a group of women’s determination to protect their isolated, mine-encircled community from the pervasive and divisive outside forces that threaten to destroy it from within.

Audience Award – Toronto International Film Festival 2011 在凹凸不平的沙石路上,一群婦女嚴肅地遊行到 村莊的墓地。她們有些蒙著面紗,有些拿着木 製十字架,但全部都穿着黑色的衣服並且神色哀 傷。《吾等何處去?》講述一個令人心裏感到溫 暖的故事,內容有關一群居住在遠離城市,四週 佈滿地雷的村莊內的婦女誓要保護她們生活的社 區不被外來的力量誘惑和分化。

2011年多倫多國際影展 ─ 觀眾評審獎


(Et maintenant on va où ?) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 100 min France/Lebanon/Italy 法國/黎巴嫩/義大利 • Drama 劇情片 In Arabic with English subtitles 阿拉伯語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Nadine Labaki Cast 演員:Nadine Labaki, Layla Hakim,

Claude Baz Moussawbaa 20

馬蒂爾杜拉波特、亞歷山大德拉柏特列耶 Cast 演員:Charles Berling, Patrick Bruel,

Valérie Benguigui 查克洛貝凌、帕德烈布雷埃、華麗兒班姬姬

9/12 PALACE ifc

2/12, 7/12 AMC Pacific Place

What's in a Name Vincent, a successful man in his forties, is about to become a father for the first time. He is invited to dinner with his sister Élisabeth and her husband Pierre, where he meets Claude, a childhood friend. As they wait for Vincent’s young and permanently late wife Anna to arrive, the others ply him good-naturedly with questions about his future fatherhood. But when Vincent is asked if he has already chosen a name for the baby, his answer sows uproar among the assembled company. 四十多歲的成功商人雲遜即將首次成為父親。他 應姐姐依莉莎伯和姐夫皮亞的邀請一同吃晚飯, 在那兒重遇兒時朋友克洛德。在他們等待他那永 遠遲到的年輕妻子安娜到來的時候,大家聊到他 未來身為父親的生活。但當雲遜被問到是否已為 即將出生的孩子選好名字時,他的回答令在場的 所有人陷入一遍混亂之中。


(La Clé des champs) 2010 • Color 彩色 • 81 min France 法國 • Family 合家歡 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Directors 導演:Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou 葛羅特路辛尼、瑪莉帕雷努

Cast 演員:Simon Delagnes, Lindsey Hénocque, Denis Podalydès (voice) 西蒙德拉尼、蘭西埃諾克、丹尼普達利德斯(配音) 1/12 AMC Pacific Place 4/12, 8/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Granny's Funeral Granny is dead. Berthe is no more. Armand's grandmother had sort of slipped his mind... Armand runs a pharmacy in the Paris suburbs with his wife, Helene. In a medicine cabinet he hides his magical equipment - he's secretly preparing a show for the daughter... of his lover, Alix. And Granny? Should she be buried or burned? Who was Berthe?

Directors’ Fortnight – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 嫲嫲死了。貝蒂不在了。阿芒差不多已忘記了嫲 嫲的事…… 阿芒與太太海倫在巴黎開了一家藥 房。他在藥櫃中藏起一些魔術的用具 ─ 他正偷偷 地為情人的女兒準備一場魔術表演 …… 嫲嫲?應 該要土葬還是火葬呢?貝蒂是誰啊?

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 導演雙週


(Adieu Berthe) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 127 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Bruno Podalydès 般奴波達里斯 Cast 演員:Denis Podalydès, Valérie Lemercier,

Isabelle Candelier 般奴波達里斯、華麗兒雷米絲、 伊莎貝康德利耶

1/12, 2/12, 9/12 AMC Pacific Place

The Field of Enchantment A deserted pond. Two lonely children fall under the spell of this wild place that, little by little, draws them closer to each other and gives them the strength to cope with life. Seen through their eyes, and through their imaginations, the pond becomes a secret kingdom, both marvelous and frightening, thronging with creatures born from dreams or nightmares. The children experience an initiation, brief and intense, from which they will emerge transformed.

Official Selection, Out of Competition – Venice International Film Festival 2011 一個廢棄了的池塘。兩個孤單的孩子同樣被這片荒 野之地吸引,他們慢慢互相接近,並從這段友誼中 得到應付生活的力量。透過他們的眼睛和想像力, 池塘變成充斥著一些源自夢幻或噩夢的生物,一個 既奇妙又可怕的神秘國度。兩名孩子經歷了這次 短暫強烈的人生初體驗,從此完全脫胎換骨。

2011年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 正式入選電影 ,非參 賽電影



(Quelques heures de printemps) 6/12, 11/12 AMC Pacific Place 4/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Bye Bye Blondie Gloria is 40. With no job, no family, no fixed address, she spends her time boozing in her local bar in Nancy. Frances is 40. A primetime TV presenter living in Paris, she’s married to successful novelist Claude. Behind closed doors, Frances sleeps with women and Claude with men. In public, they’re the perfect couple. Back in the 80s, Gloria and Frances met in a psychiatric hospital and ran away together. Back then they loved each other the way you love at 16: intense, wild. Sex, drugs and punk rock. Then life pushed them apart. Frances left Gloria – her first true love, her first broken heart. Now, twenty years later, their paths are about to cross again... Best Newcoming Actress (Stéphanie Sokolinski) – Cabourg Film Festival 2012 歌莉亞四十歲,既沒有工作也沒有家庭和固定地 址,她終日在南錫一家小酒吧買醉。同樣四十 歲的法蘭絲住在巴黎,是黃金時段電視節目主持 人,她嫁給了著名小說家克勞德。人前,他們是 完美的情侶。人後,他們各有所愛,法蘭絲喜與 女人上床,克勞德喜歡的卻是男人。歌莉亞和法 蘭絲早於80年代在精神病院中相識,之後還一起 逃走。當時她們彼此相愛,像所有16歲的少年人 一樣愛得熱烈和瘋狂。性、毒品、搖滾音樂。後 來生活迫使她們分手。法蘭絲離開了歌莉亞── 她的第一個摯愛,她的第一次心碎。二十年後的 現在,她們再度相遇……

2012年卡布爾影展 ─ 最佳女新人獎 (史蒂芬妮蘇 高蓮斯基)

再見,吾愛 2011 • Color 彩色 • 97 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Virginie Despentes 維珍妮德斯班特 Cast 演員:Emmanuelle Béart, Béatrice Dalle,

Stéphanie Sokolinski 22

伊曼妞比雅、貝雷尼絲黛爾、 史蒂芬妮蘇高蓮斯基

2011 • Color 彩色 • 108 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Director 導演:Stéphane Brizé 史提芬布西里 Cast 演員:Vincent Lindon, Hélène Vincent, Emmanuelle Seigner 雲遜蘭頓、艾蓮娜雲遜、艾曼妞薛納

5/12 PALACE ifc

29/11, 3/12 AMC Pacific Place

A Few Hours of Spring At the age of 48, Alain Evrard has to go and live with his mother again. This forced cohabitation brings back all the violence of their past relationship. He soon finds out that his mother is terminally ill. During the last months of her life, will they finally be able to reconcile their differences?

Special Presentation – Toronto International Film Festival 2012 年屆48歲的阿倫要再次回家與母親同住。被迫生 活在一起喚起了從前母子之間的衝突與磨擦。沒 多久,阿倫發現母親患上了不治之症並且已到了 末期。在她最後的幾個月生命中,母子二人能否 冰釋前嫌,彼此和解呢?

2012年多倫多國際影展 ─ 特別介紹

30/11, 2/12 HK City Hall

8/12 AMC Pacific Place

A Monkey on My Shoulder Mila and Javier, both renowned surgeons and both passionate about their work, have been madly in love for the past 10 years. They have always taken great care to preserve their extraordinary love for each other and refuse to succumb to the routine of everyday living. But Mila’s unexpected pregnancy, combined with increasing pressure from work at the hospital, drives Javier to drink more heavily and he ends up being suspended. Faced with his demons, Javier drifts further and further away from Mila. Yet, when their relationship is under serious threat, Javier is ready to do whatever it takes to win Mila back. 美娜與薩維耶都是知名的內科醫生,他們同樣熱 愛自己的工作,在過去十年來二人過着熱戀的生 活。他們一直都很小心地保守着這段難能可貴的 愛情,拒絕屈服於日常生活的影響。但美娜突然 懷孕,再加上醫院中的工作壓力愈來愈重,致使 薩維耶逐漸疏遠美娜。然而,當他們的關係面臨 嚴竣的考驗時,薩維耶願意不惜一切代價讓美娜 回到自己身邊。


(A coeur ouvert) 2012 • Color 彩色 • 87 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Marion Laine 瑪希容萊爾 Cast 演員:Juliette Binoche, Edgar Ramirez,

Hippolyte Girardot 茱麗葉庇洛仙、艾嘉拉美希、 伊波里特謝拉鐸



Animations 精選動畫



(Le Magasin des suicides) 2010 • Color 彩色 • 85 min France 法國 • Animation 動畫 In French with English subtitles Director 導演:Patrice Leconte 柏德烈雷孔特 1/12, 2/12 HK City Hall

8/12 AMC Pacific Place

The Painting A castle, flowering gardens, a threatening forest, here is what, for mysterious reasons, a Painter has left incomplete. Three kinds of characters live in this painting: the Toupins, who are entirely painted, the Pafinis, who lack a few colors, and the Reufs, who are only sketches. Considering themselves superior, the Toupins take over power, chase the Pafinis from the castle, and enslave the Reufs. Convinced that only the Painter can restore harmony by finishing the painting, Ramo, Lola, and Plume decided to go looking for him. Throughout the adventure, questions will follow one after the other: What has become of the Painter? Why did he abandon them? Why did he begin destroying some of his paintings? Will they one day know the Painter's secret? In Competition – Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2012 一座城堡,無數的花園,一座可怕的森林,而因為不 知名的原因,這畫的畫家並沒有完成森林的部份。畫 中住著三種人種:已被畫完的Toupin人;尚欠一些顏 色的Pafini人,以及只勾畫了輪廓的Reuf人。 自視高人一等的Toupin人接管了政權,將Pafini人趕 離城堡,還勞役那些Reuf人。 Ramo,Lola和Plume堅信只要畫家將畫完成,生活才 能恢復和諧,因此,他們決定去尋找這名畫家。 在尋找的過程當中,問題接連出現:畫家發生了甚麼 事呢?他為何放棄了他們?他為何開始摧毀部份自己 的畫作呢?他們最終會否知道這位畫家的秘密呢?

安錫國際動畫節 ─ 參賽電影

1/12 - 11 am : HK$20 Special price for full time students 特別學生價 (全日制學生)

8/12, 9/12 PALACE ifc

2/12 AMC Pacific Place

The Suicide Shop Imagine a shop that for generations has sold all the accoutrements of the perfect suicide. This family business prospers in all its bleak misery, until the day it encounters true joie de vivre in the shape of the owners’ younger son, Alan. What will become of The Suicide Shop in the face of Alan’s relentless good cheer, optimism and determination to make the customers smile?

Official Selection, Out of Competition – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 想像一下,一家代代以販賣完美自殺創意產品見 稱的老字號。這家族企業一直都靠悲傷和苦悶 維生,他們的人生觀黑暗負面,唯一的目標就是 讓所有的顧客都視死如歸,幫助他們輕鬆「上 路」。沒想到卻出了個「不肖子」,熱愛生命的 小兒子雅倫每天都笑臉迎人。這樣下去可怎麼得 了?老字號的商譽眼看就要毀於一旦……

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 正式入選電影,非參賽

畫中國 (Le Tableau) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 76 min France/Belgium 法國/比利時 • Animation 動畫 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-François Laguionie 26



1/12, 2/12 HK City Hall

8/12 AMC Pacific Place

Day of the Crows In a cabin in the deep of the forest, a child and his father lead a wild and hard life in utmost isolation. The child grows up fearing and admiring his father, with the ghosts haunting the forest as his only companions. Until the day he discovers a neighboring village and meets a young girl there, Manon. At her side, he discovers that love exists. From then on he won’t cease to search for the place where his father’s love for him is hiding. 在樹林深處的一間木屋中,一個孩子和他的父親 完全與世隔絕地過着原始和艱苦的生活。孩子在 又敬又畏的父親身邊長大,陪伴他的只有那些在 森林中徘徊不去的鬼魂。直至有日,他發現附近 一條村落,並結識了一個年輕的女孩曼儂。在她 身邊,他發現原來愛是存在的。從此,他誓要找 到父親將愛藏起來的地方。


(Le Jour des corneilles) 2012 • Color 彩色 • 96 min France/ Luxembourg/ Canada/ Belgium 法國/盧森堡/加拿大/比利時 • Animation 動畫 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Jean-Christophe Dessaint 尚基斯杜化德聖 Voices 配音:Jean Reno, Isabelle Carré,

Claude Chabrol 尚連奴、伊莎貝嘉希、哥羅迪查布洛



First Work, Focus on New French Directors 法國導演新生代 – 處女新作



(L'Amour dure trois ans) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 98 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Director 導演:Frédéric Beigbeder 法德烈貝格伯德 Cast 演員:Louise Bourgoin, Gaspard Proust, Joey Starr 蕗薏思布古安、加士帕普魯斯特、祖伊施達

28/11 AMC Pacific Place 2/12, 8/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Donoma A manipulative Spanish teacher plays a dangerous game with a particularly rebellious male student and gets caught in her own trap. A young agnostic taking care of her invalid sister is forced to rethink her stance on religion. A Ghanaian-born photographer adopted by French diplomats leaves the choice of her next lover to fate. Djinn Carrénard’s film asks: Do we choose to love? Do we choose to be loved? Made on a 150€ budget, this freshly experimental film has wowed critics. 一名西班牙裔女老師與一個特別反叛的學生玩一 場危險曖昧的遊戲,最終作繭自縛。一名年輕的 無神論者因要照顧傷殘的妹妹而被迫重新思考自 己對宗教的立場。在加納出生,被法國外交官收 養的攝影師決定讓命運選擇她的下一位情人。導 演津卡雷勒藉這部電影提出了幾個問題:是我們 選擇愛的嗎?是我們選擇被愛的嗎?這部製作費 只用了150歐元的實驗電影在影評界引起轟動。

2011 • Color 彩色 • 135 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Djinn Carrenard 津卡雷勒 Cast 演員:Emilia Derou-Bernal,

Sékouba Doucouré, Salomé Blechmans 艾美莉亞德浩貝娜、薛古巴杜古希、 莎樂美貝格蒙


7/12, 9/12 PALACE ifc 2/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Love Lasts Three Years When his wife Anne leaves him for a successful writer, Marc Marronnier, a high-profile literary critic, is rocked by her accusations that he is immature and fickle. In despair or maybe defiance, Marc starts writing a cynical pamphlet denouncing love. At the same time, his life is turned on its head by his encounter with Alice, an irresistible and inaccessible young woman, who forces Marc to reconsider everything he believes in… 當知名文學評論家馬克的妻子安妮為了一名成功 作家而離開他,並指責他性格不成熟和用情不 專時,馬克大受打擊。在絕望中又或者是為了反 抗,馬克着手寫一本憤世嫉俗,譴責愛情的小冊 子。而同一時間,他的生活卻因為結識了魅力沒 法擋但又拒人千里的愛麗絲而顛倒過來,這迫使 馬克重新思考他之前所相信的一切價值觀……


(Je me suis fait tout petit) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 96 min France 法國 • Comedy 喜劇 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Director 導演:Cécilia Rouaud 薛西莉亞胡奧 Cast 演員:Vanessa Paradis, Denis Ménochet, Léa Drucker, Laurent Lucas 3/12, 6/12 PALACE ifc

雲妮莎巴拉迪、丹尼梅努瑟、莉亞杜嘉、 羅朗路卡

The Adopted A story of a family of women whose lives are never easy but who, over time, manage to surmount their difficulties. There is little place for men in their lives so of course, when one of them falls in love, their world is thrown off balance. Everybody tries their best to find a new equilibrium. But fate barely gives them the chance to catch their breath before throwing them into a whole new reality. Once again, the family has to start over. The adoption process must once again get underway, forcing each of them to find their new places. 一個全女性的家庭,生活一點也不容易,但隨着 時間,她們終於克服所有困難。她們的生活中沒 有多少時間考慮男性的問題,因此,當她們其中 一人墮進愛河的時候所有人都亂成一團。每個人 都試圖找到一個新的平衡點,奈何命運弄人,一 波未平一波又起,她們又要面對新的現實。這個 家庭又要再次重新開始。必須再次開始新的收養 程序,這迫使她們每個人重新界定自己的位置。


(Les Adoptés) 2010 • Color 彩色 • 100 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Mélanie Laurent 梅蘭妮羅朗 Cast 演員:Mélanie Laurent, Denis Ménochet,

11/12 PALACE ifc

30/11, 5/12 AMC Pacific Place

Low Profile There’s nothing to keep Yvan in Paris any longer. His wife has left him to live in Thailand. His teenage daughters have chosen to live with his sister Ariane, who is as anxious as she is admirable. Yvan is ready to leave... when beautiful Emmanuelle enters his life. She makes babies as easily as she falls in love, and she’s accompanied by Léo, the little boy who Yvan’s wife had with another man. Yvan is going to have to change his plans. 伊雲對巴黎再沒有留戀的地方。他的妻子離開他 搬到泰國居住。他的女兒選擇與他那精神緊張但 又令人欽佩的姐姐雅莉安一同生活。當伊雲準備 離開時,艾曼紐卻闖進了他的生命中。她懷孕和 墮進愛河都快過大針,而且她身邊還帶着伊雲妻 子與別的男人所生的孩子里奧。伊雲看來要改變 計劃了。

Marie Denarnaud 梅蘭妮羅朗、丹尼梅諾齊、瑪莉德勒奴


奧古斯丁 2012 • Color • 102 min France • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Director 導演:Alice Winocour 艾麗絲溫奴古 Cast 演員:Vincent Lindon, Soko, Chiara Mastroianni, Olivier Rabourdin 雲遜蘭頓、蘇歌、琪亞拉馬斯杜伊安尼、 奧利維耶哈布丹 2/12 AMC Pacific Place 5/12, 11/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Louise Wimmer Louise Wimmer goes from one small job to another. Despite her loud speech and tall height she’d rather stay alone to avoid any conflict. Her past life is now far behind her and everything she owns is in her car. At the dawn of her fifties, she lost everything when separating from her husband, but she wants to make it by herself. Nonetheless it is only if she accepts to open herself to others that she will be able to start her life again.

28/11, 5/12 AMC Pacific Place 8/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Critics’ Week – Venice International Film Festival 2011 Laureate of the Fondation Groupama Gan


路薏絲都是打散工為生。雖然她身材高大並且說 話粗俗,但為了避免與人衝突她寧願與人保持拒 離。她遠離過去的生活,一切家當全部都在汽車 內。她剛踏入五十歲那年和丈夫分離,從此失去 了一切,但她決心要靠自己雙手過活。然而,唯 有在她打開心門接受別人的時候她才能重過新 生。

“A hysteric is a slave looking for a master to rule over.” Jacques Lacan Paris, winter 1885. At Salpêtrière Hospital, P ro fe s s o r C h a rco t st u d i e s a myste r i o u s disease—hysteria. Augustine, 19, becomes his favorite subject, the star of his demonstrations of hypnosis. But from guinea pig, she gradually becomes an object of desire...

2011年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 影評人週 Groupama Gan 電影基金會推薦的得獎影片

住在車裏的女人 2011 • Color 彩色 • 80 min France 法國• Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Cyril Mennegun 史勞梅奈居 Cast 演員:Corinne Masiero, Jérôme Kircher,

Anne Benoît 歌蓮娜馬斯浩、謝雷姆基殊、安娜賓諾瓦


Special Screening, Critics’ Week – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 Laureate of the Fondation Groupama Gan 「一個歇斯底里的人是一個找人來管治自己的奴 隸。」─ Jacques Lacan 1885年冬天的巴黎。在硝石廠醫院工作的查高教 授正在研究一種奇怪的疾病 ─ 歇斯底里。十九歲 的奧古斯丁成為他最喜歡的研究對象,是他用來 示範催眠術的明星。但她逐漸由實驗品變成慾望 的對象……

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 影評人週,特別放映 Groupama Gan 電影基金會推薦的得獎影片

8/12 PALACE ifc

29/11, 1/12 AMC Pacific Place

In a Rush Ada was settled in her life, she was pleased with it, or thought she was. She was one half of a couple who seemed happy, she’d had a child, was even due to get married, and wham… she met Paul… And this Paul was a writer to boot, who lived with his grown daughter, had an exceedingly intrusive mother, and had the unfortunate idea of losing his father when this story had hardly got off the ground… Life started to gather speed. It was about time.

Critics’ Week – Cannes International Film Festival 2012 雅達生活安定,她對目前生活亦非常滿足,或是 自以為滿足。她與她的另一半看來都很快樂, 她曾經有過一個孩子,甚至快要結婚了,但突然 間…… 她邂逅了保羅…… 而且這保羅還是一名作 家。他與已成年的女兒一起生活,有一個十分麻 煩的母親,而在這故事還未正式開始時,他不幸 地興起了擺脫父親的想法…… 生活的節奏突然加 速。也是時候了。

2012年康城國際影展 ─ 影評人週


(Au galop) 2012 • Color 彩色 • 93 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Louis-Do de Lencquesaing 路易杜德朗伽山 Cast 演員:Louis-Do de Lencquesaing,

Marthe Keller, Valentina Cervi 路易杜德朗伽山、奇勒馬爾特、 華朗天娜薛維 33


Claire Denis Retrospective 克麗雅丹妮 電影回顧




(J'ai pas sommeil) 1994 • Color 彩色 • 110 min France/Switzerland/Germany 法國/瑞士/德國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Cast 演員:Katerina Golubeva, Alex Descas, Richard Courcet 30/11, 2/12 HK Film Archive


No Fear, No Die They are both black, but Dah is from Benin, and Jocelyn from the West Indies. The two of them make a good team. So far, things are going well, Jocelyn has crossed the Spanish border without any trouble. In the van heading for Rungis, Dah thinks that for once things are going to work. They have a good tip, a deal which will give them fast, easy money and plenty of it. Except that things are about to get carried away, fast and badly.

Best Editing Award – Venice International Film Festival 1990 他們同樣是黑人,但Dah來自貝寧,Jocelyn則來 自西印度群島。兩人是很好的拍檔。至今,一切 都非常順利, Jocelyn 毫無困難地進入西班牙邊 境。 Dah 駕駛小型貨車往倫吉斯,他認為這次終 於一切順利了。這次交易他們得到很好的情報, 可以很容易賺到很多快錢。卻殊不知情況將會很 快失去控制,並且後果非常嚴重。

1990年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 最佳剪接獎


(S'en fout la mort) 1989 • Color 彩色 • 91 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Isaach de Bankolé, Alex Descas,

6/12 , 8/12 HK Film Archive

I Can't Sleep When Daiga arrives in the city, she has nothing. Nothing except her determination to survive, her wild beauty, and an energy come from afar, even further than her native Lithuania. As soon as she steps foot in the city, there are shocks and shouts — a she-wolf has come to Paris. Because the city is Paris, and very precisely this particular city, with its neighbourhoods, its streets, and its colours, and at the same time, this is Europe, the West, where the world’s starving masses converge. 當Daiga從立陶宛來到這城市時,除了堅強的求生 意志和一種與生俱來的力量外,她一無所有。在 她踏足城市的一刻便即時引起震撼和吶喊聲:一 頭母狼來到巴黎。因為這座城市是巴黎,特別是 這一座城市,包括其鄰近地區、街道和色彩,而 且,這是歐洲,是西方,是世界上飢餓的一群聚 居的地方。

Jean-Claude Brialy 艾錫克特班高利、亞力士德卡、 尚葛羅得比亞利


血洗蜜月期 2001 • Color 彩色 • 100 min France/Japan 法國/日本 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Béatrice Dalle, Vincent Gallo, Alex Descas 貝雷尼絲黛爾、雲遜加路、亞力士德卡

2/12, 8/12 HK Film Archive

Good Work In his forced retirement, the model warrant officer broods over the episodes of what turned out to be his decline, unbearable and unstoppable. He, the elite soldier, the legionnaire in the Djibouti desert training the hard heads washed up in that back of beyond, where an army steeped in manly fantasies and the smell of death reigns amid a populace which suffers it, reigns, too, over the scorched nothingness of dunes and stones.

Best Cinematography César Award (French Film Industry Awards) 2001 Special Screening – Venice International Film Festival 1999 被迫退休後,一名曾經受勳的軍官難以忍受但又 不能自制地回憶起那些導致他步向墮落的人生片 段。他,是軍隊中的精英,是被派往吉布提沙漠 接受訓練的外籍兵團的指揮官。在那偏遠荒無的 地方,在烈日下焦黃的沙丘和亂石間,一隊士兵 終日沉浸在幻想和死亡的氣息中。

2001年最佳攝影凱撒獎 (法國電影工業獎) 1999年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 特別放映


(Beau travail) 1999 • Color 彩色 • 90 min France 法國 • Psychological drama 心理劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Denis Lavant, Michel Subor,

Grégoire Colin 丹尼拉凡、米修素波、格哥亞哥蘭


3/12, 8/12 HK Film Archive

Trouble Every Day “I love you so much I could eat you...” Shane and June are American newlyweds in Paris, but this is no ordinary honeymoon. Shane is a man possessed, desperately searching for his old colleague with whom he worked on dangerous experiments into the human libido. He and Semeneau bear the terrible living scars of their researches, and Shane is tormented by a ravening hunger that will not be quieted. As Shane searches for Leo, the doctor pursues Core, his wife, who has fled the prison of her bedroom. Shane finds her first, crouched over the corpse of a young neighbour, splattered with blood. He helps to put her out of her misery. Official Selection – Cannes International Film Festival 2001 巴黎郊外,一個女人在路邊用引誘的姿勢攔下一輛卡 車請求搭載。司機毫不猶豫地答應了她,但他卻消失 在一片血光之中,殘缺的屍體在荒草之中顯得恐怖而 又迷人。 這個女人名叫卡拉,是醫生萊奧的妻子。 他發現妻子渾身鮮血地坐在屍體旁,他匆忙掩埋了屍 體,並把卡拉囚禁在家中。美國某藥物公司代表辛肖 恩和新婚的妻子朱爾來到巴黎度蜜月,朱爾發現丈夫 不願與自己親熱。原來卡拉和肖恩患上了同一種可怕 而神秘的疾病。當這種病發作時,渾身慾火難耐,而 在男女交歡時,患病的人會瘋狂地撕咬身邊那具肉 體,直至對方死亡……

2001年康城國際影展 ─ 正式入選電影


(35 Rhums) 2008 • Color 彩色• 100 min France/Germany 法國/德國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Alex Descas, Mati Diop, Nicole Dogué, Grégoire Colin 亞力士德卡、馬蒂戴安普、妮歌杜姬、格哥亞哥蘭

8/12 HK Film Archive

The Intruder Where are we going, alongside Trebor, on his way to Switzerland to have a heart transplant which may be fatal for him? On the other side of death, yes, but also in the intimacy of a body which is at once identical and different. And in the Orient, in the immense harbour of Busan in Korea, and then to the Antipodes, to the South of the South, as far as this Polynesian island which can only be reached on foot.

In Competition – Venice International Film Festival 2004 Trebor正前往瑞士接受一次可能導致他死亡的換 心手術,我們伴隨着他,究竟會去到那裡呢?是 到死亡的另一邊去,但也是深入一個既相同又不 一樣的人體中進行探索。也會去到東方,到韓國 斧山的巨大港口,然後到南太平洋的極南之地, 一座只能步行抵達的波利尼西亞島嶼。

2004年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 參賽電影


(L'intrus) 2004 • Color 彩色 • 130 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Michel Subor, Grégoire Colin,

Katerina Golubeva, Béatrice Dalle 米修素波、格哥亞哥蘭、 嘉蒂蓮娜歌露比華、貝雷尼絲黛爾

29/11, 3/12 HK Film Archive

35 Shots of Rhum The geometry of the tracks and the fluid journeys of these RER trains which Lionel drives from one outer suburb of Paris to the other convey the movement of the film, and at the same time they encompass the hard nature of the work, which will lead a friend to suicide. The solid and warm bonds of a small group of Antillean friends, living and working in Paris, are at once a landmark and a shelter in unexpected storms, a factor of stability, and a driving force which sets things in motion. Special Screening – Venice International Film Festival

Lionel 是巴黎高速鐵路的火車司機,每天駕駛火 車從一個市郊到另一個市郊。高速鐵路網的路軌 所形成的幾何形和順暢的火車旅程為本片帶來動 感,同時亦表達了火車司機艱苦的工作性質。這 一點亦是導致Lionel的一位朋友自殺的原因。一小 群來自安的列斯群島的朋友在巴黎居住和工作, 這個團結和友愛小社群已成為巴黎的一個地標以 及在需要時提供幫助的庇護所,它亦是一個提供 穩定因素和發起運動的動力。

2008年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 特別放映



(Jacques Rivette, le veilleur) 1990 • Color 彩色 • 124 min France 法國 • Documentary 紀錄片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Cast 演員:Jacques Rivette, Serge Daney, Bulle Ogier 積葵利維特、沙治丹尼、布萊奧吉爾 5/12, 6/12 HK Film Archive

White Material It’s hers, this is her home. Maria will not let go of it. She has put her life, her work, her love, her energy, and her despair into it. The frail and unsociable white woman will shrink from nothing to keep this land, this coffee plantation in Cameroon. She is right, as far as she is concerned. To everyone else, she is wrong. Because, right now, there is war, confused war, lethal games between factions with shifting identities, a traffic in treachery and violence, where the mooring to the fixed point of a place and the laborious rhythm of work in the field is off-target.

Official Selection – Venice International Film Festival 2009 這是她的土地,是她的家園。瑪莉亞絕對不會放 手,因為她將生活、工作、愛情、精神和絕望全 部都押上了。這名身材纖細和性格孤僻的白種女 人為了保衛這位於喀麥隆的咖啡種植園而不惜一 切。對她來說,她這麼做是絕對正確的。但對其 他的人來說,她卻做錯了。因為,時正值戰亂, 政局動盪,派系之間和土豪惡霸惡鬥不斷,是人 性被嚴重扭曲,尊嚴被肆意踐踏的年代。

2009年威尼斯國際影展 ─ 正式參賽電影

白鬼子 2009 • Color 彩色 • 102 min France 法國 • Drama 劇情片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Cast 演員:Isabelle Huppert, Isaach de Bankolé,

Christophe Lambert, Nicolas Duvauchelle 伊莎貝雨蓓、艾錫克特班高利、 基斯杜化林拔、尼高拉杜禾瑞 40

5/12 HK Film Archive

Jacques Rivette, the Watchman This film is part of the “Cinéma, de notre temps” collection (which was first called “Cinéastes de notre temps”), the brainchild of Janine Bazin and André S. Labarthe, and which numbers 70 titles to date. More often than not, it is the portrait of one filmmaker made by another filmmaker. The film shot by Claire Denis about Jacques Rivette, Cahiers du Cinéma critic, member of the New Wave, who was one of her mentors in her early days, is made up of two parts, Day and Night. 本片是Janine Bazin 及André S. Labarthe 構想之 「這一個時代的電影」(最初稱為「這一個時代的 電影人」)系列的其中一部電影,今日,這系列電 影已有七十部。它們多數是由一位電影製作者描 寫另一位電影製作者。克麗雅丹妮拍攝這部有關 積葵利維特的電影共分為兩部份:日與夜。積葵 利維特是電影新浪潮的一員,亦是《電影手冊》 的影評人,更是克麗雅丹妮初出道時的良師。

29/11, 30/11 HK Film Archive

Claire Denis, the Vagabond In this documentary, the filmmaker Claire Denis undertakes a difficult task, that of making a critical analysis of her works as a whole. The author of I Can’t Sleep filmed in close-up shots, sportingly talks about recurrent themes, work hypotheses, issues - such as that of the body in film, and about the future. Well-chosen excerpts punctuate this informal discussion. 在這部紀錄片中,電影製作者克麗雅丹尼肩負一 件高難度的任務,就是為她的整體作品作出批判 性的分析。這位《不眠夜》的作者被大特寫鏡頭 拍攝,大方地講述一些經常出現的主題,假設性 的作品、議題,例如電影的主體,以及有關未來 的動向。這場非正式的訪談中還加插了一些精心 挑選的電影片段。


(Claire Denis, la vagabonde) 1995 • Color 彩色 • 48 min France 法國 • Documentary 紀錄片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Sébastien Lifshitz 薛巴斯坦利弗席茲 With Claire Denis 克麗雅丹妮主演



Documentary Series 紀錄片系列



(Entrée du personnel) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 59 min France 法國 • Documentary 紀錄片 In French with English subtitles 法語對白,英文字幕

Director 導演:Manuela Fresil 2/12, 6/12, 11/12 Broadway Cinematheque

Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell Between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime caused the death of some 1.8 million people, representing one-quarter of the population of Cambodia. Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, was in charge at M13, a Khmer Rouge-controlled prison, for four years before being appointed to the S21 centre in Phnom Penh. In 2009, Duch became the first leader of the Khmer Rouge organisation to be brought before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Duch reveals here how he considers that he fully carried out his mission, and the reasons which led him to command M13 and then S21.

Official Selection, Special Screening – Cannes International Film Festival 2011 1975年至1979年間,高棉赤柬政府造成了1.8億 人死亡,這代表了柬埔寨四份之一的人口。康克 由,別名「杜赫同志」掌管杜斯蘭監獄(S21)之前 曾任赤柬監獄M13的獄長四年。2009年,杜赫成 為首位被帶上柬埔寨法院特別法庭受審的赤柬組 織高級幹部。在庭上杜赫披露他當時的想法,他 認為自己完滿地執行任務,並公開了他先後獲委 派掌管M13及S21的理由。

2011年康城國際影展 ─ 正式入選電影,特別放映


(Duch, le maître des forges de l'enfer) 2011 • Color 彩色 • 103 min France 法國 • Documentary 紀錄片 In Khmer with English subtitles 高棉語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Rithy Panh 44

1/12, 7/12, 9/12 HK Space Museum

Staff Entrance This movie tells the common fate of the meat workers in the big industrial slaughterhouses. “At the beginning, we think that we are not going to stay. But we change only our post, department. We want a normal life. A house was bought, children were born. We obtine, we lean. We have pain in the daytime, we have pain at night, we have pain all the time. We hold on all the same, until the day when we do not hold on any more. The joints break, nerves also.”

Grand Prix (French Competition) – FID Marseille International Film Festival 2011 本片講述在大型工業屠宰場工作的肉類工人的共 同命運。開始的時候,大家都自以為不會長期 留下來。但轉換的只是工作崗位,或部門。大家 希望過正常的生活。買了房屋,孩子出世。得到 了,又有所依靠。換來的是日痛夜又痛,總之整 日週身骨痛。然而,大家仍然堅持不懈,直至有 日再也堅持不來。關節斷裂,神經也斷裂。

2011年馬賽國際紀錄片影展 ─ 法國比賽大獎

1/12, 7/12, 9/12 HK Space Museum

Free Radicals What is experimental film? Artists and poets working in celluloid since before WWI have always found themselves in a no man’s land. Excluded both from the art world and from the film industry, they boldly created a grassroots network for making and showing their films. They also created a profound body of work that continues to influence our culture, says director Pip Chodorov. “I wanted to share a few of the films I love and introduce you to some of the free, radical artists who made them”. 甚麼是實驗電影?自第一次世界大戰前開始以電 影進行創作的藝術家和詩人經常處身於一處無人 地帶,被排除於藝術世界和電影工業以外,他們 大膽建立了一個用來製作和展示他們的電影的基 層網絡。 導演 Pip Chodorov 表示,他們同時亦創造了一個 對我們的文化有着深遠影響的工作體系。「我想 與大家分享一些我所喜愛的影片和那些製作這些 影片的自由激進藝術家」。

自由激進份子 2010 • Color 彩色 • 82 min France 法國 • Documentary 紀錄片 In French and in English with English subtitles 法語及英語對白,英文字幕 Director 導演:Pip Chodorov



Short Films Selection 短片精選 47

LIVE ACTION 實境 (110 ’) All films are in French with English subtitles 全部影片法語對白並附有英文字幕

1/12, 8/12, 9/12 HK Space Museum

505g 2012 - 9’55” Director 導演:Jérémy Azencott In the course of a routine cocaine deal, Thomas falls for Carmen, his supplier's half-sister. She has come home unexpectedly and is completely unaware of her brother’s drug-dealing activities. 在一次例行的可卡因交易中,杜馬愛上了毒品拆家同父異母的妹妹卡門。她突然回到 家中,對兄長從事毒品交易全不知情。

The Green Dogs 綠狗隊 (Les Chiens verts) 2012 - 20’10’’ Directors 導演:Mathias & Colas Rifkiss Oswaldo and Babass, two fifty-year-old soccer fans whose jobs are in danger due to the planned relocation of their factory to Romania, challenge their young managers to a soccer match. They decide to reunite their legendary amateur team from the 1980s, The Green Dogs. 五十來歲的Oswaldo和Babass是足球迷,他們的工作因工廠打算遷往羅馬利亞而出現 危機。於是他們挑戰工廠的年輕廠長與他們打一場足球賽,並為此决定重組他們那隊 曾於80年代名動一時的業餘足球隊:綠狗隊。

The Last Caravan 最後一輛拖車 (La Dernière caravane) 2012 - 16’ Director 導演:Foued Mansour On a small construction site lost in the middle of nowhere, three workers have the visit impromptu, but dreaded, of a representative of their employer. 在一處前不着村後不着店的小型工地中,三個地盤工人因雇主的代表臨時到訪而感到 害怕。

You Know It's Bad Luck 認真唔好彩!(C’est pas de chance,

quoi !)

2012 - 20’ Director 導演:Hélène Médigue Alice waits for Simon at the entrance of her home. They are going to spend the weekend together. Simon is a happy man with intense eyes, and is multi-talented: an incredible memory, listens to others benevolently and faces all difficulties with humor. Simon is fifty years old and dreams of meeting the love of his life. Alice 在家門口等Simon。他們將會一同渡周末。Simon是一個快樂的人,他有着熱烈 的眼神而且多才多藝:異乎尋常的記憶,熱心聆聽別人的心聲並以幽默的態度面對所 有困難。Simon今年五十歲,夢想能遇到一生摯愛。

Catharsis 感情抒發 2010 - 18’ Director 導演:Cédric Prévost An aspiring film director wakes suddenly to find a camera following his every move. He is trapped inside a film as it is being made. He struggles to escape. To get back to reality, to sanity, and to the girl he loves. 一個渴望成為電影導演的人醒來突然發現每一個動作都被攝影機拍攝下來。他被困在 一部正在拍攝的影片之中。他想盡辦法逃走,想要回到現實中,重拾理智和回到所愛 的女朋友身邊。

Paris-Shanghai 巴黎 - 上海 2010 - 25’ Director 導演:Thomas Cailley At the start of his 20,000 kilometre bike ride Manu crosses paths with Victor, a teenager behind the wheel of a stolen car. Manu enjoys travelling, open spaces and making new friends. Victor does not. Manu騎單車進行長達二萬公里的旅程,一開始便遇上了少年Victor。後者正駕駛一部 偷來的汽車。Manu熱愛旅遊,大自然和結交新朋友。而這一切Victor都不喜歡。


ANIMATION 動畫 (90’) All films are in French with English subtitles 全部影片法語對白並附有英文字幕

1/12, 2/12, 9/12 HK Space Museum

A Shadow of Blue 藍色影子 2011 - 12’43’’ Director 導演:Carlos Lascano An autumn evening. In a park situated in the middle of a sad city. In a fragile world consisted of shadows and lights, between reality and imagination, a little girl sat on a bench shares several visions of the same reality. 某個秋日的黃昏。在一座沉鬱的城市中央的一個公園內。一個由光影組成,介乎真實與 虛構,容易消失的世界中,一個坐在長凳的小女孩正與人分享同一個現實的多種看法。

Of Mice (a Cat) and Men 老鼠(一隻貓)和人 (Des souris (un chat) et des hommes) 2011- 25’19’’ Director 導演:Camille Bovier-Lapierre Aigue-Belette-sur-Mer is a charming sea resort. Day after day, Peter and his cat Barry welcomes warmly the customers into their bakery. The life passes by, harmonious. But appearances are misleading. In the dark night, Peter and Barry play a bitter comedy in the secret of their apartment. Aigue-Belette-sur-Mer是一處景緻怡人的海濱渡假區。日復一日,Peter和他的貓Barry

都熱情地招呼客人到他的餅店來。日子和諧地過去。但外表是騙人的。在夜深人靜的 時候,Peter和Barry在他們的寓所中秘密地玩嚇人的遊戲。

Corridor 通道 2011 - 11’15’’ Director 導演:Frédérique Ortega A young boy and his parents walk in a carnival. With ardour, the mother suggests to the child to go alone for a ride on the ghost train. In spite of his apprehension, the child accepts. Cross the tunnel, he is going to meet a real train in which he is going to confront with himself and to grow. 一名小童與父母漫步於嘉年華會中。母親熱切地建議小童獨自去坐猛鬼火車。小童雖 然心裏害怕,但仍然答應了。過了隧道,他將會見到一輛真正的火車。而在這輛火車 內他將會面對自我和學會成長。

Edmond Was a Donkey 我是驢 (Edmond était un âne) 2012 - 15’04’’ Director 導演:Franck Dion Edmond is not like the others. When colleagues deck out him as a dunce's cap, he has suddenly the revelation of his real nature and, if he seems to bloom in his new identity, this one digs however a ditch of incomprehension between him and the others. Edmond不像其他的人。有一天被同事欺負,被迫戴上象徵笨蛋的驢子紙帽,他逐漸認 同這樣的身分,最後走向命運不歸路。

The Level Crossing Keeper 平交道口看守員 (La Garde-barrière)

2011 - 12’ Director 導演:Hugo Frassetto Keeper of a level crossing on a neglected road, an old lady lives alone with her cow. She fills her solitude with the tenderness which she has for her attractive cow and escapes by playing the violin. Until the day when she decides to stop the trains which pass. 一處已棄置的平交道口的看守員是一名獨居老婦,她唯一的伴是一頭牛。寂寞的時光她 全都用來溫柔地照顧她那頭漂亮的牛和彈小提琴。直至有日她決定截停經過的火車。

Le Môme Tintouin 丹家小孩 2010 - 13’ Director 導演:Loïc Malo The Tintouin Kid has come down with something, but no one has any idea of what the illness is. The slightest ordinary action is a problem. Inside this fragile skull, everything is just holding on by a thread. Phobias, dissonant inner voices drive him into a corner. There's a tendency to say that he's working his mind, but everything indicates that the Tintouin Kid is losing his wits. 丹家的小孩病倒了,但沒有人知道他患的是甚麼病。簡單的一個動作都成為問題。在 他那脆弱的腦袋中,一切都只是命懸一線。恐懼症和發自內心的聲音使他陷入絕路。 人人都說一切都是他自己幻想出來的,但所有證據都顯示丹家的小孩瘋了。


Your French Language and Cultural Centre in Hong Kong wishes you un Excellent Festival! 50

Hong Ko

The st Win great prizes with French Cinepanorama 2012 Quiz 1. Which film won the Palme d'Or in Cannes in 2012? 2. How many films do we have in the“Panorama” category in French Cinepanorama 2012? 3. Where is the Alliance française de Hong Kong opening a new branch ?

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ong French Film Festival


Ticketing Information 購票須知 Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall 香港大會堂 劇院 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 香港中環愛丁堡廣場5號

Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 香港電影資料館 電影院 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 香港西灣河鯉景道50號

Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 香港太空館 演講廳 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 Tickets available from 1 November 2012 onwards at URBTIX outlets 門票由 2012 年 11 月 1 日起於城市電腦售票處發售 Tickets 票價: $55: Regular Price 正價 $50: Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (Maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老會電影中心VIP會員 (每場限購票兩張) $45 Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (Tickets for full-time students and CSSA recipients are available on a first-come-first-served basis) 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護 人及綜合社會保障援助受惠人 (全日制學生及綜援受惠 人士優惠票先到先得,額滿即止)

$40: Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張)

Special Package 特惠套票: $225: For 5 tickets of any five screenings 任選五場放映,每場一張

Ticketing Enquiries 票務查詢:2734 9009 Credit Card Telephone Booking 信用卡電話購票:2111 5999 Internet Booking 網上訂票 Programme Enquiries 節目查詢:2527 7825 Websites 網址 :

Remarks 備註: • Patrons can only enjoy either one of the above discount schemes for purchase of the same ticket. Please inform the box office at the time of purchase which discount scheme you wish to enjoy. 訂購每張門票,最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠,請 於購票時先向票務人員說明欲使用之優惠。

• The Hong Kong Film Archive box office provides counter sales and ticket collection services for film programmes at LCSD venues. 香港電影資料館售票處提供發售及領取康文署場地放 映之電影節目門票服務。

• The Hong Kong Space Museum box office only provides counter sales service for film programmes scheduled at the Museum. Ticket collection service is available at the Ticket Dispensing Machine in the Museum. 香港太空館售票處只發售於該館放映之電影節目門 票。選擇領票服務的顧客可於館內的自助取票機領取 門票。

• Discount for Alliance française membership cardholders and Broadway Cinematheque VIP members is not available for internet booking and credit card telephone booking. 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人及百老匯電影中心VIP 會員優惠不適用於網上訂票及信用卡電話購票。

• Service fee of $6.5 per ticket, up to $20 maximum per transaction for internet booking and credit card telephone booking (service fee will be adjusted in November, details will be announced by URBTIX later). 網上訂票及信用卡電話購票手續費為每張門票$6.5, 而每次不多於$20 (手續費將於十一月內調整,詳情請 留意城市電腦售票網稍後的公布)。

Special Notes: At the time of this programme goes to print, some of the films have not been submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In the event that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under 18 years old (with the original tickets intact) from 13 to 27 December 2012 at the Alliance Française de Hong Kong, 2/F, 123 Hennessy Road, Wanchai. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and the schedule should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter and sponsors. 本節目表付印時,部份影片未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來如有影片被分類為第三級者,未滿18歲的持票人可帶回完整門票由2012年 12月13日至27日到灣仔軒尼詩道123號二樓法國文化協會辦理退票手續。 本節目的內容並不反映主辦機構及贊助者的意見。如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目或時間的權利。


PALACE ifc Podium L1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central 香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心商場一樓 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 1 November 2012 由 2012 年 11 月 1 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 $85 Regular Price 正價 $76 Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) $72 Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (Maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老會電影中心VIP會員(每場限購票兩張) $120 For the screening of (3D 電影) Crazy Horse - Fire in 3D Audiences are reminded to bring their own Real D 3D glasses, or purchase it at the cinema at the cost of $6 for each pair. 觀眾請攜帶自己的 Real D 3D 眼鏡,或在電影院購買,每對$6。 (For discount price of this film, please visit our website 本片的折扣優惠請查閱我們的網址) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388 3188 Online Ticketing 網上購票 Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388 6268 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$8手續費

AMC Pacific Place Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Road, Hong Kong 香港皇后大道88號太古廣場一樓 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 1 November 2012 由 2012 年 11 月 1 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 $85 Regular Price 正價 $76 Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2265 8933 Online Ticketing 網上購票: Enquiry Hotline: 2265 8933 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$8手續費

Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心 Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, KLN (Yaumatei MTR-Exit C) 九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園 (地鐵油麻地站 C 出口) Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema from 1 November 2012 由 2012 年 11 月 1 日起親臨票房或自動售票機購買 $65 Regular Price 正價 $52 Alliance française membership cardholders (maximum 2 tickets per screening) 香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人(每場限購票兩張) $58 Broadway Cinematheque VIP members (Maximum 2 tickets per screening) 百老會電影中心VIP會員 (每場限購票兩張) $90 For the screening of (3D 電影) Crazy Horse - Fire in 3D Audiences are reminded to bring their own Real D 3D glasses, or purchase it at the cinema at the cost of $6 for each pair. 觀眾請攜帶自己的 Real D 3D 眼鏡,或在電影院購買,每對$6。 (For discount price of this film, please visit our website 本片的折扣優惠請查閱我們的網址) Phone Ticketing 電話購票:2388 3188 Online Ticketing 網上購票 Enquiry Hotline 查詢熱線:2388 0002 $8 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$8手續費


Film Schedule 放映時間表 Date 日期 27/11 Tue (二) 28/11 Wed (三) 29/11 Thu (四) 30/11 Fri (五) 1/12 Sat (六)

2/12 Sun (日)

Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall

Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

香港大會堂 劇院

香港電影資料館 電影院

香港太空館 演講廳

7:00 pm Happiness Never Comes Alone 命中註定搭錯線 (109’) 9:30 pm The Giants 惡童當家 (84’) 6:30 pm The Minister 國家事務 (112’) 9:00 pm Happiness Never Comes Alone 命中註定搭錯線 (109’) 7:00 pm A Monkey on My Shoulder 開心見誠 (87’) 9:00 pm Camille Rewinds 卡米爾時光倒流 (115’) 2:30 pm Day of the Crows 烏鴉的日子(96’) 5:00 pm The Giants 惡童當家 (84’) 7:00 pm The Minister 國家事務 (112’) 9:20 pm Where Do We Go Now? 吾等何處去? (100’) 3:00 pm The Painting 畫中國 (76’) 5:00 pm Day of the Crows 烏鴉的日子(96’) 7:30 pm A Monkey on My Shoulder 開心見誠 (87’)

7:30 pm 35 Shots of Rhum 巴黎日和 (100’) 9:30 pm Claire Denis, the Vagabond 浪遊人克麗雅丹妮 (48’) 7:30 pm Claire Denis, the Vagabond 浪遊人克麗雅丹妮 (48’) 8:45 pm No Fear, No Die 不怕死 (91’)

6:30 pm Good Work 軍中禁戀 (90’) 8:30 pm No Fear, No Die 不怕死 (91’)

3/12 Mon (一) 4/12 Tue (二)

6:15 pm Trouble Every Day 血洗蜜月期 (100’) 8:30 pm 35 Shots of Rhum 巴黎日和 (100’)

5/12 Wed (三)

6:30 pm White Material 白鬼子 (102’) 8:40 pm Jacques Rivette, the Watchman 看守者,積葵利維特 (124’)

6/12 Thu (四)

6:30 pm I Can’t Sleep 不眠夜 (110’) 8:50 pm White Material 白鬼子 (102’)

6:30 pm Free Radicals 自由激進份子 (82’) 8:30 pm Staff Entrance 員工入口 (59’)

7/12 Fri (五) 8/12 Sat (六)

9/12 Sun (日)

10/12 Mon (一) 11/12 Tue (二) 12/12 Wed (三) 54

2:30 pm Short Films : Live Action 短片:實境 (110’) 5:00 pm Short Films : Animation 短片:動畫 (90’) 7:00 pm Staff Entrance 員工入口 (59’) 8:30 pm Free Radicals 自由激進份子 (82’) 7:30 pm Short Films : Animation 短片:動畫 (90’)

1:30 pm 3:50 pm 5:50 pm 8:30 pm

I Can’t Sleep 不眠夜 (110’) Good Work 軍中禁戀 (90’) The Intruder 心之潛蝕 (130’) Trouble Every Day 血洗蜜月期 (100’)

7:30 pm Short Films : Live Action 短片:實境 (110’)

3:00 pm Staff Entrance 員工入口 (59’) 4:30 pm Free Radicals 自由激進份子 (82’) 6:30 pm Short Films : Live Action 短片:實境 (110’) 8:50 pm Short Films : Animation 短片:動畫 (90’)




Gala Premieres 隆重首映 First Work, Focus on New French Directors Documentary Series 紀錄片系列 Short Films Selection 短片精選 Panorama 2012 2012 年法國電影一覽 法國導演新生代 – 處女新作 Animations 精選動畫 Claire Denis Retrospective 克麗雅丹妮電影回顧


AMC Pacific Place

Broadway Cinematheque 百老匯電影中心

7:10 pm Holy Motors 巴黎聖騎士 (115’) 7:50 pm Augustine 奧古斯丁 (102’) 9:50 pm Donoma (135’) 8:00 pm In a Rush 衝動 (93’) 9:50 pm A Few Hours of Spring 春暖心間 (108’) 8:00 pm Wrong 錯 (94’) 9:50 pm Low Profile 渺小如我 (96’)

7:50 pm The Adopted 收養 (100’) 9:45 pm Crazy Horse - Fire in 3D (80’)

3:55 pm The Field of Enchantment 魔法池塘 (81’) 5:35 pm Granny’s Funeral 嫲嫲的喪禮 (127’) 8:00 pm In a Rush 衝動 (93’) 9:50 pm Maddened by His Absence 恨他不在 (98’) 2:50 pm The Field of Enchantment 魔法池塘 (81’) 4:30 pm The Suicide Shop 自殺專門店 (85’) 6:10 pm What’s In a Name 名字 (109’) 8:15 pm Louise Wimmer 住在車裏的女人 (80’) 7:45 pm The Land of Oblivion 湮沒之地 (108’) 9:50 pm A Few Hours of Spring 春暖心間 (108’) 7:55 pm Maddened by His Absence 恨他不在 (98’) 9:50 pm The Giants 惡童當家 (84’)

7:45 pm The Land of Oblivion 湮沒之地 (108’) 9:50 pm A Few Hours of Spring 春暖心間 (108’) 7:50 pm In the House 偷戀隔籬媽 (105’) 9:50 pm The Adopted 收養 (100’)

7:55 pm Low Profile 渺小如我 (96’) 9:50 pm Augustine 奧古斯丁 (102’)

7:40 pm The Minister 國家事務 (112’) 9:50 pm Love Lasts Three Years 愛情保鮮期三年 (98’) 4:10 pm The Suicide Shop 自殺專門店 (85’) 5:50 pm The Dandelions 兩腳生風 (90’) 7:35 pm Camille Rewinds 卡米爾時光倒流 (115’) 9:45 pm In a Rush 衝動 (93’)

7:45 pm The Dandelions 兩腳生風 (90’) 9:50 pm What’s In a Name 名字 (109’)

4:10 pm The Suicide Shop 自殺專門店 (85’) 5:50 pm Love Lasts Three Years 愛情保鮮期三年 (98’) 7:45 pm What’s In a Name 名字 (109’)

7:55 pm Bye Bye Blondie 再見,吾愛 (97’) 9:50 pm Wrong 錯 (94’)

4:20 pm Day of the Crows 烏鴉的日子 (96’) 6:15 pm The Painting 畫中國 (76’) 7:50 pm Looking for Hortense 去找奧唐絲吧 (100’) 9:45 pm A Monkey on My Shoulder 開心見誠 (87’) 4:15 pm The Field of Enchantment 魔法池塘 (81’) 5:55 pm The Dandelions 兩腳生風 (90’) 7:50 pm Where Do We Go Now? 吾等何處去? (100’)

7:40 pm The Minister 國家事務 (112’) 7:50 pm Low Profile 渺小如我 (96’)

5:50 pm Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell 煉獄惡魔 (103’) 7:50 pm Love Lasts Three Years 愛情保鮮期三年 (98’) 9:45 pm Donoma (135’) 8:00 pm Looking for Hortense 去找奧唐絲吧 (100’) 7:20 pm Granny’s Funeral 嫲嫲的喪禮 (127’) 9:45 pm Bye Bye Blondie 再見,吾愛 (97’) 8:15 pm Louise Wimmer

住在車裏的女人 (80’) 9:50 pm Where Do We Go Now? 吾等何處去? (100’) 7:55 pm Looking for Hortense 去找奧唐絲吧 (100’) 9:50 pm Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell 煉獄惡魔 (103’) 7:40 pm Holy Motors 巴黎聖騎士 (115’) 9:50 pm Crazy Horse - Fire in 3D (80’)

3:20 pm 5:50 pm 7:50 pm 9:50 pm

Donoma (135’) Augustine 奧古斯丁 (102’) In the House 偷戀隔籬媽 (105’) Granny’s Funeral 嫲嫲的喪禮 (127’) 5:50 pm Maddened by His Absence 恨他不在 (98’) 7:45 pm The Land of Oblivion 湮沒之地 (108’) 8:00 pm Wrong 錯 (94’)

7:50 pm Bye Bye Blondie 再見,吾愛 (97’)

7:50 pm Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell 煉獄惡魔 (103’) 9:50 pm Louise Wimmer 住在車裏的女人 (80’)

7:20 pm Love 愛(暫譯) (127’) 55


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