Regional Policy Framework To Strengthen Agent Networks For Digital Financial Services (DFS)

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REFERENCES Besides the agent network regulations and policy documents of AFI member countries, the following are other sources referred to for the development of this policy framework: 1. Policy Framework for Leveraging Digital Financial Services to Respond to Global Emergencies – Case of COVID-19, 2020 2. Policy Model for E-Money, 2019 3. Digital Financial Services, 2020, World Bank Group 4. Policy Framework for Responsible Digital Credit, 2020 5. AFI, Policy and Regulatory Changes in AFI Network, 2018 6. Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, A Guide to Supervising E-Money Issuers: A Technical Guide, 2018 7. GSMA, Mobile Money Policy and Regulatory Handbook, 2018 8. Agent Management Toolkit, CGAP, 2011 9. The role of gender in agent banking for a highly under-developed financial sector: Evidence from Democratic Republic of Congo, IFC &World bank, 2019 10. GSMA, Distribution 2.0: The future of mobile money agent distribution networks, 2018 11. AFI, Cybersecurity for financial inclusion: framework & risk guide, 201 12. AFI, Mobile Financial Services: Supervision and Oversight of Mobile Financial Services 13. AFI, Mobile Financial Services: Accessing Levels of Interoperability 14. AFI, Market Conduct Supervision of Financial Services Providers: A Risk-Based Supervision Framework 15. AFI, Mobile Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches to Enable Access 16. AFI, Lessons on Enhancing Women’s Financial Inclusion Using Digital Financial Services 17. AFI, Policy framework for women’s financial inclusion using digital financial services

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