14 minute read
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt families and economies around the world. The enduring impact on the financial inclusion of women is clear. Gender-inclusive DFS and sex disaggregated data collection is necessary to inform impactful policymaking, but we must act now. DFS-enabled social support that has reached women and targeted groups well beyond previous state programs and policymakers should consider ways to preserve and expand on these achievements.
Data and processes from these programs should be well-documented to build institutional memory and capacities on which future crisis responses can be built in an expedited way. DFS-led, women-focused social support programs could be preserved with transfers no longer intended to replace income shortfalls but instead, augmenting low-incomes and smooth cashflows in non-crisis periods. This may require not particularly large sums that could transition into conditional cash-transfer programs that are considered important drivers of social impact and poverty relief.234 The direct flow of funds to target populations is likely to offer opportunities for donor support that would be more challenging to obtain for discretionary spending or budget support. Such efforts accompanied by further financial inclusion initiatives and enabling policies, through digital G2P programs could provide an important “initial spark” for catalyzing the migration to formal and digital ways of managing household finances and transacting, every day.
Access to flexible loan offers at short notice can also help fill gaps in coping with unforeseen events. To reinforce the crisis resilience of its population, regulators have an interest in widening accessto-finance, especially for women and women-led businesses that tend to be more credit-constrained even in more normal times.235 Moving from collateralbased to more prudential risk-based regulation that facilitates unsecured lending is one of the major steps to clear hurdles disproportionately limiting women’s access to finance.
Initiatives that foster the emergence of less rigid collateralized lending (movable collateral registries, leasing, working capital finance) also add value here, but tend to work on longer timelines than the spaces of digital lending and buy-now-pay-later which benefit from strong investor interest. While this creates an opportunity for policymakers to channel global risk capital towards better access-to-finance, these opportunities currently in vogue with venture capitalists also require policy attention in terms of consumer protection and financial literacy to enhance market effectiveness and resilience rather than adding risk.
Open data initiatives are of particular importance for the financial system to rebuild its ability to score potential borrowers more accurately. The evaporation of purchasing power is likely to have exacerbated women’s data scarcity for credit, invalidating past data and patterns identified by algorithms. Combined with such sharing of data, guarantee schemes often applied during the pandemic can foster innovation on top of boosting credit supply, by providing risk cover to expedite the industry’s relearning process for credit assessments.
A broader set of enablers that disproportionately facilitate uptake by women will need to be in place: tiered-KYC, consumer protections, electronic signature, fully digital onboarding for more complex products and a payment system that facilitates easy payment of premiums or swiping of excess balances into longer-term savings at no cost.
Integration into digital financial interactions and the provision of more flexible loans are also key elements for boosting female entrepreneurship. The digital economy, both in terms of delivering digital services as well as digital access to markets, is a particular boon to time and mobility-constrained women, whether due to care responsibilities, inability to afford help and transport, or restrictive social norms.
Finally, with an eye to the increasing risk of crises triggered by climate change, the nexus of GIF and IGF merits close attention as a key to building greater resilience in AFI member countries. Women’s financial inclusion, as an enabler for funding adaption measures at the household level, via pay-as-you-go solutions is an evident focus. Prioritizing the emergence of greater financial risk-sharing and coping mechanisms is another space where stakeholders promoting financial inclusion can push the IGF and GIF agendas, simultaneously. The imminent wave of innovation related to raising funds for the ecosystem’s protection and for monetary incentives at the household and community levels for ecologically-sound action is another opportunity for financial sector regulators to channel into their financial sector communities and where inclusive policies and peer-learning can help create a recovery that indeed builds back better.
234 Millán, et al. 2019 documents many of these, principally Latin American examples, but finds mixed evidence about longer-term, cross-generational impacts.
235 WWhile credit supply may still stall during a crisis, this is a challenge that regulators’ conventional toolbox of liquidity injections, guarantee schemes, and flexibilization of prudential regulation can address.
AFI Alliance for Financial Inclusion
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CICO Cash-in, Cash-out
DAP Denarau Action Plan
DFS Digital Financial Services
EKYC Electronic Know Your Customer
FSP Financial Services Provider
G2P Government to Person
GBV Gender-Based Violence
GIF Gender Inclusive Finance
GPFI Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IFC International Finance Corporation
IVR Interactive Voice Response
IGF Inclusive Green Finance
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KYC Know Your Customer
LAC Latin America and the Caribbean
MENA Middle East and North Africa
MFIs Microfinance Institutions
MNO Mobile Network Operators
MSME Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
NFIS National Financial Inclusion Strategy
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
QR Code Quick Response Code
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
WFI Women’s Financial Inclusion
WFID Women’s Financial Inclusion Data Partnership
WSME Women-Owned/Led Small, Medium Enterprises
An understanding that the roles and social relationships of women and men are varied and that this has a profound influence on their needs and aspirations.
Prejudiced actions or thoughts that affect a person or a group of people based on their perceived gender. Such bias results in unequal and unfair treatment, including gender-based discrimination in the workplace or gender stereotyping in the media. It also leads to unequal and unfair access to resources such as income, food, health care, land ownership, and education. Gender bias can be conscious or unconscious, explicit, or implicit. It can occur in the public sphere, such as in access to financial services or documentation required for bank accounts, as well as in the private sphere within households.
Failure to recognize gender as a determinant of social outcomes that result from the implementation of projects and policies.
Taking conscious steps to identify and understand gender-based barriers and constraints, followed by actions to overcome them.
A perspective on issues with particular attention to how gender differences and relations can impact investments and project actions. It can be used to analyze power structures and roles in various contexts providing insights into the effect of an action (investment or project) on imbalances in gender power relations.
A concept, an entity, or a style of language that is not associated with the male or female genders. A genderneutral policy or regulation does not consider the needs of different genders. In practice, it is frequently gender blind as it does not account for systematic, embedded, or internalized bias.
Transformative Or Transformation
An approach that identifies the root causes of gender inequality in the field of financial inclusion before analyzing and transforming inequitable gender norms and power dynamics into positive outcomes that directly enhance gender equity.
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