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feasibility study


Schedule of Accommodation (SOA) Preliminary Detail Abstract (PDA) Annual Cost Estimation Return of Investment (ROI)

feasi study schedule of accommodation (soa)

No. Activities User

1 Management Management Staff


1. Reception Lobby 2. JKKK Room 3. Office 4. Meeting Room 5. Security Room 6. Storage 7. Toilet 8. Accommodation

Total Area (sqm)

50 20 180 60 15 30 17 340

2 Research Lab Researcher 1. Research Lab 2. Office 3. Pantry 4. Meeting Room

3 Education Gallery Researcher + Locals + Public 1. Past Gallery 2. Present Desalination

Treatment Gallery 3. Future Gallery 4. Conference Hall 5. Toilet 300 900 20 60 400 1500

1650 700 20

4 Food Court Locals 1. Food Stall 2. Dine Area 5 Community Area Locals + Public Outdoor 1. Community Boat Workshop 2. Pontoon Jetty 3. Platform Jetty 4. Shop Lot 5. Toilet


1. Communal Class 2. Communal Hall 3. Library 4. Toilet 200 500

45 600 2280 45 40

90 165 45 5

6 Services Management Staff

7 Circulation 1. Utility Room 2. Control Room 3. MDF Room 4. MSB Room 5. SDF Room 6. TNB Room 7. Transformer Room 8. Generator Set 9. Domestic Water Tank 10. Refuse Chamber 11. Desalination Treatment Tank

10 45 10 10 10 50 50 15 30 50 1450 3000 TOTAL 15,007

preliminary detail abstract

feasi study annual operating budget

a) total expenditure

b) total income

return of investment

13.35% 21.91%

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