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According to the researchers, they found that even the target emissions based on the Paris Agreement are met, the SLR is set to keep rising but at a slower rate (Milman, 2019). Followed pictures show the current and potential SLR scenario impacted to South Beach, Miami, Florida. The future scenario of SLR in Miami, Florida could be the same potential scenario in other coastal cities in the world.


And Malaysia, is not an exception from the SLR impact. The study has been projected by the researchers that SLR will impact coastal city in Malaysia. Most mega city such as Melaka, Kedah, Selangor will be underwatered by 2050.

Malaysia, which is famous for its beautiful coastal cities also will be impacted by SLR in the future. Eventhough Malaysia is not facing the SLR issue currently as the land still above water level, and not listed within the 20 top cities that is impacted by SLR. However, it will be happened in the future, and the glimpse of the SLR impact can be seen in many parts of the country now eventhough it could be seen not as major as other countries such as Indonesia and Tuvalu that causing relocation and loss of livelihood. Towards 2100, according to the maps by NAHRIM (National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia), we can observe that lots of coastal cities will be affected by the SLR phenomenon and low-lying coastal areas will be the most vulnerable to SLR impact (refer to Figure 1.14). This will include high socio-economy states such as Kedah, Selangor, Melaka, Johor, and Sabah for instance.

Thus, SLR could threatened the coastal community and exposed it to the impact of SLR which includes loss of livelihood, loss of historical value, cultural heritage destruction and so much more. Followed picture shows the importance of coastal city to the socioeconomica growth of Malaysia which includes fisheries livelihood, historical town, and also maritime trading. v

Within Malaysia SLR researchers and experts, there has been an ongoing discourse on SLR and coastal adaptation measures to strategize for human survival at the affected area. For instance, coastal city such as Klang, the researchers has done a detail study on the impact on certain areas, and adaptration measures that can be used. However, adaptation measures is more to infrastructure functions such as wall barrier, rock revetment and etc.

And this could be seen at the Malaysia case study on the adaptation measures where protection such as wall barrier, rock revetment and etc. is used as part of the protection along the coastline area. This infrastructure can be used for only on short period of time as it is vulnerable towards destruction when storm surges happen. It also can disrupts the relationship between people and water as there is some barrier putted in between land and water. Thus, lead to the main issues of this thesis. COASTAL ADAPTATION MEASURES

Coastal adaptation measures has become one of the central approaches to reduce the adverse impact of changing global climate, has had a widespread benefit in reducing society’s vulnerability to coastal hazards and enables coastal communities to reduce its detrimental impacts by averting or reducing the potentially negative consequences, while benefiting for potentially positive consequences. - (Ehsan et al., 2019) According to the researchers, there is three key major strategy of coastal adaptation measures, which includes protect, accommodate and relocate. And each of the key strategies has its advantages and disadvantages. Protection could be seen as a short term measures and could slower the impact of SLR and relocation might be a longterm measures. However, the livelihood of coastal settlement will be endangered and the its historic value will be lost.

introduction problem statement

Lack of innovation towards the coastal adaptation measures in Malaysia apart from just an infrastructure

Losing the relationship of people and water. People starts to get further away from the water (land reclamation)

There is four main issues that need to be highlighted in this study. The issues are as followed;

1) Lack of innovation towards the coastal adaptation measures in Malaysia apart from just an infrastructure As per stated in the background study, we could observe that there is a lack of innovation of adaptation measures in Malaysia apart from just an infrastructure that act as protection barrier to block water from coming inland. However, we could see that this vulnerable to the damage especially unexpected natural disaster such as tsunami and storm surges.

2) losing the relationship of people and water. The infrastructure that has been built such as the building protective wall barrier also would create a boundaries of people and water. As we all know, relationship of people and water has been establish since thousand years ago, However, this infrastructure lead to disruption of the relation between people and water. With the project such as land reclamation and sand dunes, water starts to lose its value from people’s lives as the people starts to get further away from the water. And water started to be treated as backyard when it supposed to be the most important value of the people’s lives once upon a time.

Degradation of natural ecosystem because of land reclamation and coastal development

Place attachment- relocation is not an option

3) Degradation of natural ecosystem because of land reclamation and coastal development The land reclamation that has been ongoing along the coastline also has create towards much greater problem. Which includes the degradation of natural ecosystem. This has lead to lesser aquatic life which creates problem to the fisheries livelihood. This has create a great impact to the socio-economy of the coastal community. Not only that, it also has create a greater GHG release to the earth atmosphere which will lead to greater vulnerabilites of SLR. This will accelerate the SLR impact to the coastal community.

Place attachment-

4) Place attachment- relocation is relocation is not an option not an option For some coastal settlement, the site context defined who they really are where the livelihood of the settlement has high connection with water. And Because of this place attachment, relocation should be the last option for this settlement and the people need to be at the waterfront to practice and preserve their sociocultural livelihood.

introduction R E S E A R C H Q U E S T I O N

For the purpose of this thesis, a research question is formed to address the issues stated previously in the introduction. The problem statement stated before lead to the research question of the followed;

How architecture could accommodate the coastal settlement at waterfront context in preparation for SLR phenomena?

Sea level rise

Imperil Coastline Settlement

Coastal adaptationAccommodate with benefits

Waterfront DevelopmentNature-Based Solution

To answer the research question, the scope and limitation of this study is identified in the next figure. The scope is started on the understanding of Sea Level Rise and its impact towards the coastal city. Thus, will lead to imperil coastline settlement. Therefore, there is a need for coastal adaptation to save the coastline settlement from vulnerabilities and physical destruction. This study also is focus to accomodate while benefitting the coastal community with the adaptation measures. Therefore, the waterfront development will act as a medium for protection and improving relationship of people with water through the nature-based solution.

THESIS AIM : Re-thinking waterfront development as a coastal adaptation measures to SLR to accommodate while benefitting locals through Nature-based Solution for Resilient future.

THESIS OBJECTIVE: 1. To develop prototype innovation for long-term and sustainable solution of coastal adaptation measures to minimize environmental impact. 2. To promote climate resilient development and raise awareness on VSLR phenomenon. 3. To re-think potential of waterfront development that will act as adaptation measures and public space for the locals. 4. To preserve the coastline community with historical and place attachment in context. EXPECTED OUTCOME: 1. Waterfront development prototype that could benefit the local community and public from the extra seawater. 2. Programmed with existing socio-culture activity that has place attachment to locals with adaptability to SLR. 3. Prolonging the local’s collective identity in context by adapting to SLR. 4. VProvide space for ongoing SLR research while educate the public and raise awareness on SLR.


Identify the most impacted community

Identify the socio and physical aspect

Precedent, case and special study

Develop a prototype

Implementation to other place with same concern

challenges/ limitation: 1. Time limitation to deisgn the whole waterfront of Malaysia 2. Geographical position of Malaysia/s state (continuous pattern) 3. The prototype might need a continuous research for a successful implementation. (no single solution could cater all problem)

reflection: Focus on one location for a thorough study and develop a prototype

introduction focus study area

Based from the reflection on the research methodology, the focus study area need to be identified to meet the challenges of the study. Thus, key attributes to choose on the focus study area is listed which are as followed: 1. Impacted area based on SLR projection maps 2. Imperil Coastline Settlement 3. Socio-economic value 4. Historical Relationship of the People and Water 5. Place Attachment (Relocation is not an option)

Sea Level Rise And CoastalFlood Risk Maps

For this research, it is acknowledge that all coastal community is important however because of the time limitation to design the whole waterfront of Malaysia, thus as a reflection, this research will focus on one location for a thorough study. The research method is to identify the most impacted community and its socio and physical aspect. Then, develop a prototype of waterfront based on precedent, case and special study to be implemented at site. However, it is also important to note that there is no single solution that can fit all problem. Thus, there might need a continuous research for successful implementation. Therefore, based on the list, coastal city of Melaka is chosen based on its influence on Malaysia’s historical significance to the coastal city development and socio-economic value that is still actively undergoing development at the coastline area. According to Figure 1.17, the red color is the zone that will be threatened by SLR and be under-watered by 2050. It has been estimated by researchers and experts, in 2050, the coastal city of Melaka will be under-watered due to SLR and destroy the natural and manmade systems (Dzulkify, 2019). However, the local authorities and people are still unaware of the phenomenon that will arise and still developing and reclaiming land for the new development at the coastal areas that lead to vulnerability towards SLR (Aliran, 2014). From these vulnerabilities, one unique settlement will be impacted by the SLR phenomena which is Portuguese Settlement, Melaka. This settlement is locally unique to the area, and there is no other settlement that can be found similarly to these settlement around the globes.

Sea Level Rise And Coastal Flood Risk Maps

portuguese settlement, melaka


the site

Site background Site Selection Accessibility Site Elevation Environmental Aspect Macro Zoning S.W.O.T Analysis T.O.W.S Synthesis

Malacca Internation al Ferry Terminal Menara Taming Sari A famosa

Pahlawan Walk Night Market Pahlawan Mall

Mahkota Medical Center

Melaka Straits Mosque



Portuguese Settlement

Radius Road Melaka Getaway Imperio Residence

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