About nithyananda

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FACTS AND TRUTHS ABOUT FRAUD GODMAN NITHYANANDA Summary of complaints and issues against Nithyananda (Additional details provided after summary) A. Rape Case against Nithyananda 1. Trial for rape & unnatural sex – not over, just started in lower court (Ramnagar, Karnataka). Court has NOT declared him to be innocent. 2. Supreme Court on Sep 2014 condemned the delay in this case 3. Sex scandal video authentic – FSL and other forensic experts confirmed 4. Shocking Sex-contracts by Nithyananda reveal his dirty & illegal intentions to rape & sexually abuse disciples by misusing Hinduism 5. Nithyananda confessed about sex with many disciples - to whistleblower Dharmananda (@ Lenin) and other key donors & organizers in march 2010 6. His claims of impotency proved false by Court ordered medical tests B. Sudden mysterious death in ashram - 24 year brahmacharini, Dec 2014 1. Young, healthy, sanyasini of his ashram, 24 year old Sangeetha, died mysteriously in Dec 2014 2. Mother filed police complaint alleging torture and murder by Nithyananda & his ashram 3. Re-postmortem of late Sangeetha was done in Jan 2015 and investigation is in progress. C. Fraud Judgment by California (USA) Court in 2012 1. California court conducted a Jury trial and found Nithyananda Foundation and his secretary Nithya Bhaktananda @ Gopal Reddy Sheelum guilty of fraudulently obtaining $1.5 million on promise of building Vedic Hindu University in USA. 2. Court ordered them to return Rs. 9 crores ($1.5 Million) to the donor because no such Vedic Hindu University was started, and Nithyananda had no plans of starting it either. D. One more Fraud & Money Laundering Complaint in USA by several ex-

2 donors 1. Several ex-donors have filed complaint against Nithyananda, his secretaries and organizations in California, USA 2. Huge donations were collected with promise to build Vedic Hindu University & other such charitable projects. 3. No Hindu university was constructed, instead donations were transferred to his personal account in India and his brother’s import/export company in Bangalore. 4. Court has allowed the donors claim that Nithyananda has used his 20+ non-profit organizations in the US for money laundering purpose (i.e. all his organizations are his alter-ego , they are not really different from him) E. Another suspicious death - 29 year old Nithyananda disciple in 2002 1. Another young, healthy, 29 year old disciple Nickson died in 2002 in his then Bangalore ashram very suddenly & mysteriously. 2. Victim’s brother filed complaint raising strong doubts about the real cause of death of his brother, alleging beating and murder F. Beatings, Torture, Suicide Attempts in Nithyananda ashram 1. 24 year old sangeetha was tortured & beaten in the ashram, not allowed to go home, before she was killed in Dec 2014. Mothers complaint gives the details. 2. Another 17 year old boy, a brahmachari in his Bidadi (near Bangalore) ashram, was beaten & humiliated by Nithyananda, pushing him to attempt suicide in 2008. Family was pressurized not to reveal anything to police. Mother’s statement is part of chargesheet. 3. FIR and several witness statements reveal that Nithyananda was regularly beating with a stick and publicly humiliating young brahmacharis in the ashram for small mistakes. 4. Another unexplained mysterious death of a Canadian in the ashram in 2008 – also revealed in FIR G. Other Complaints against Nithyananda 1. Kicked out of Madurai Adheenam - 1500-year old, ancient mutt in Tamil Nadu – in Oct 2012, after heavy protests against his appointment as 293rd pontiff of the Adheenam (mutt).

3 2. Temple Destruction - 1008 Shiva Lingas and many deities uprooted in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu – after HR&CE notice to takeover. 3. Several Land Grab complaints – Tamil Nadu & karnataka 4. Illegal unlicensed school inside ashram – ordered to be shutdown by Education authorities 5. Illegal buildings in Bidadi (Bangalore) ashram – DC ordered to demolish them 6. Rs. 32 crores in his personal account in 2010! HOW??

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: (regarding the cases and issues against Nithyananda) A. Facts about Rape Case against Nithyananda 1. Nithyananda Rape case trial - proceedings have started in Ramanagara Sessions Court, Karnataka (SC 86/2014). i.

Rape case against Nithyananda is very strong as there are multiple victims in chargesheet. Nithyananda has NOT been proven innocent in trial, charges against him and his secretaries have NOT been dropped, NOT been proved false.


CID Karnataka has already appointed Special Public Prosecutor who is conducting this case in lower court.


Supreme Court passed a very strong order in September 2014 that there should NOT be any more delay in this case, this case has already been delayed for too long, and it should conclude soon. [Refer attached Supreme Court order, para 22]

2. Sex-scandal Video authentic - Forensic Labs confirms it is genuine and unedited: i.

Video of Nithyananda engaging in sexual activity with South actress Mrs. Ranjitha has been authenticated by the advanced Forensic Science Lab (FSL) by the Karnataka CID. [refer Forensic Lab report attached]


A US Forensic expert has also confirmed the video to be authentic, with NO editing, NO morphing, etc. [refer US forensic expert’s report]

4 iii.

One more national forensic expert, Dr. Chandra Sekaran, who has won Padma Bushan for his excellence in Forensic Science, has also declared based on his 50 years forensic expertise that the videos are are genuine, authentic, no editing/morphing.

3. Sex contracts (Non-Disclosure Agreements) seized by CID - close disciples were made to sign it and agree to engage in sexual activities with them were discovered by the police. [refer Non-Disclosure Agreement attached, special attention to pages 4,5, 8 and 9 of the document (part of CID chargesheet)] 4. Audio confession of Nithyananda pleading with whistleblower Lenin. [Refer pages 2, 4, 5 of attached Translation of the phone call (part of chargesheet)]. i.

In the phone call, Nithyananda says that Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Aurobindo and other great saints also had sexual relations with women, and that he is also like them only!!


Nithyananda begged whistleblower Dharmananda (@ Lenin) to be silent, and not to reveal about his sexual activities to anyone.


He promised not to harm Dharma/Lenin and pleaded for forgiveness from all the victims

5. Nithyananda’s claims of impotency proved false i.

Medical tests by Govt Doctors have confirmed that Nithyananda is a man, he is very much capable of sexual acts and that he is a NORMAL ADULT (i.e. NOT a 6 year old as he claimed). This report was submitted to the court by CID in Dec 2014.


He claimed to CID and courts that he is impotent and he is like a 6 year old child.


Supreme court ordered him to undergo mandatory medical test and rejected his petition against the test.

6. Nithyananda confessed about sex with many women i.

In March 2010, Nithyananda confessed to key donors and organizers that he had sex with many women. [Refer witness statement of Dr. Manohar Shinde and Mr. Ram Ramanathan (part of Chargesheet)]

7. Rape & unnatural sex complaints - multiple victims have given statements to the CID about how Nithyananda sexually abused them and forced them into

5 unnatural sex. [Victim statements are included in Charge Sheet filed by CID, Refer one victim’s complaint to Women’s Commission in 2011] B. Sudden mysterious death in ashram - 24 year brahmacharini, Dec 2014 1. 24 year old Sangeetha, a young brahmacharini of ashram died very mysteriously - December 2014 in Nithyananda’s Bidadi (Bangalore) ashram. 2. Sangeetha’s mother Jansi Rani has filed complaints with the Karnataka police alleging her daughter has been murdered! [Refer detailed complaint attached - shocking revelations about Nithyananda torture & blackmail] 3. Mother Jansi rani strongly suspects that her daughter sangeetha may have been poisoned. She has said in her complaint the Sangeetha discovered some dark secrets of Nithyananda and hence she was beaten very badly and tortured, she was not allowed to leave the ashram and not even allowed to talk to her parents/family. 4. She prayed for re-post mortem & a thorough investigation into real cause of her daughter’s death. She alleged that the Bangalore hospital was influenced by Nithyananda and their post mortem report cannot be trusted. 5. Ashram alleges Sangeetha died of heart attack, that she had family history or heart problems. But Jansi rani claims her daughter was very healthy, did not suffer from any ailment and there is NO FAMILY HISTORY of heart problems. 6. Sangeetha’s body was exhumed in Tamil Nadu in Jan 2015 and a re-post mortem has been conducted by Tamilnadu Govt doctors. Forensic Lab reports about the true cause of death is awaited. 7. Nithyananda had insisted to Jansi Rani to cremate Sangeetha’s body. Thankfully she did not listen to him. C. Fraud Judgment by California (USA) Court in 2012 1. California court conducted a Jury trial and found Nithyananda Foundation and his secretary guilty of fraudulently obtaining $1.5 million on promise of building Vedic Hindu University in USA. 2. Court ordered them to return Rs. 9 crores ($1.5 Million) to the donor because no such Vedic Hindu University was started, and Nithyananda had no plans of starting it either. 3. Nithyananda talks about the social & spiritual services he and his

6 organization renders to the society. In reality Nithyananda was on the board of Hedge Fund and several for-profit corporations around the world, using them to channel money to his personal account from abroad! D. One more Fraud & Money Laundering Complaint in USA by several exdonors 1. Several ex-donors have filed complaint against Nithyananda, his secretaries and organizations in California, USA 2. Huge donations were collected with promise to build Vedic Hindu University & other such charitable projects. 3. No Hindu university was constructed, instead donations were transferred to his personal account in India and his brother’s import/export company in Bangalore. 4. Court accepted that Nithyananda has used his 20+ non-profit organizations in the US for money laundering purpose (i.e. all his organizations are his alter-ego , they are not really different from him) 5. Nithyananda claims to be creating a Vedic Rennaisance by creating Nithyananda Temples all over the world. In reality, its ‘Nithyananda Import Export’ company owned by Nithyananda’s brother, that is reaping all the profits from the temple business! E. Another suspicious death - 29 year old ashram-mate in 2002. 1. Nithyananda disciple called Nickson, a 29 year old Ayurveda and siddha practitioner from Tamil Nadu – died suddenly & mysteriously in July 2002. [Refer Ambrose’s (deceased victim’s brother) & witness Gandhi Ramananda’s complaint to Karnataka police, attached]. 2. Victim Nickson was healthy & normal few days before his death, when he visited his family in their village in Tamil Nadu. 3. All of a sudden his family got call from Nithyananda and his secretary, they informed the family that Nickson was serious in the hospital. When they reached Bangalore, they were given his dead body and hurriedly sent away. 4. Once again, Nithyananda pressurized the family to cremate Nickson’s body, but they refused and buried him. Nithyananda’s intention to destroy all evidence of the suspicious death is very clear from his forcing the family to cremate the body. 5. Nickson’s death/medical certificate claims he died of multiple

7 complications But doctors who have reviewed it say it is unlikely for a healthy person to develop such serious complications and die within few hours F. Beatings, Torture, Suicide Attempts in Nithyananda ashram 1. Young girls and boys, sanyasis, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis in the ashram have been regularly beaten and tortured by Nithyananda and others in the ashram 2. Jansi Rani’s complaint about sangeetha’s death/murder reveals the beatings and mental torture that young girl was subjected to. [Refer Jansi Rani’s complaint to Karnataka Police] 3. When Sangeetha wanted to leave ashram permanently and return home, Nithyananda ashram did NOT allow her to leave, as they had locked her certificates and did not reurn it 4. Also, witness statement of long time disciple & ex-sanyasini Mrs. Amuda Bharati (part of charge sheet) reveals her 17 year old son – a brahmachari in the Bidadi (Bangalore) ashram was beaten, humiliated and mentally tortured by Nithyananda & others in the ashram in 2008. As a result of the extreme humiliation & torture the young boy tried to end his life (attempted suicide). But he was fortunately saved after 5 days in Coma! [Refer statement of Mrs. Amudha Bharati (from charge sheet), attached] 5. FIR & complaint by whistleblower Dharmananda @ Lenin reveals that there were other such cases where Nithyananda beat up a young brahmachari and he too attempted suicide in 2008. 6. FIR also reveals that another mysterious, unexplained death, of a Canadian called Melvyn Diamond, took place inside the ashram in 2008! Once again ashram has said heart attck as 7. Statements of witness/victims also reveal that Nithyananda used to regularly cane the young brahmacharis publicly during ashram meetings. [Victim statements in chargesheet] G. Other Complaints against Nithyananda 1. Kicked out of Madurai Adheenam - 1500-year old, ancient mutt in Tamilnadu – in Oct 2012, after heavy protests against his appointment as 293rd pontiff of Madurai Adheenam i. In Apr 2012, current pontiff 292nd Adheenam, coronated Nithyananda as his successor & 293 rd pontiff - a sudden &

8 surprising announcement ii. Madurai adheenam is a sacred & very ancient shaivite mutt, blessed by a great enlightened saint of Tamil Nadu called Tiru Gnanasambandar. iii. There were widespread protests in Madurai city a7 across Tamil Nadu by several Hindu groups – against Nithyananda’s appointment as 293rd pontiff. iv. Several writ petitions were filed by various groups and public questioning the appointment of such a person to the sacred seat of Madurai adheenam. v. High Court Court questioned Tamil Nadu govt’s response to this matter. The TN govt, through the Advocate General stated in open court that: “Nithyananda is UNFIT TO BE HEAD OF ANY ORGANIZATION, leave alone a religious organization”. vi. The TN advocate general also told the court that Govt will investigate the secret ‘Trust’ created by Nithyananda along with the 292nd pontiff, eyeing the mutt properties worth more than 1000 crores. vii. In Oct 2012, the current pontiff 292nd Adheenam, unceremoniously dismissed Nithyananda from his earlier appointment as 293rd pontiff. He told the media that he was disappointed that Nithyananda did not keep up his promise, he did not keep up the traditions of the mutt. He even complained that they removed all the photos of the great saints in the mutt and replaced them with his own photos. It was widely reported that Nithyananda broke the traditional rules about women in the mutt and several foreigners and other women were frequently visiting the mutt at odd hours. viii. The current pontiff even gave a complaint to the local police that he was facing threat to his life from Nithyananda & his disciples. ix. Recently, in a court hearing in 2015, the current pontiff, 292 nd Adheenam, confirmed once again about the threat to his life from Nithyananda and his followers! 2. Temple Destruction - 1008 Shiva Lingas and many deities uprooted in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. i. Nithyananda was running a full fledged temple in

9 Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu inside his Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam ashram. [Refer his ashram magazine attached (Tamil) showing pictures of temple & rituals] ii. He collected huge donations to install 1008 shiva lingas and many other deities such as Shiva Parvati, Ganesh, Subramanya, Navagrahas, etc. Daily puja, abisheka, archana, alankar, etc were being conducted for the deities by his ashram brahmacharis in Tiruvannamalai. [Refer donation flyer attached] iii. Nithyananda had infact claimed that he had installed the deities as per traditional Hindu rituals of prana prathista. [Refer photos of deities & Nithyananda performing arati, abisheka, etc attached] iv. In 2014, Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) of TamilNadu issued show cause notice to Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam of Tiruvannamalai – because all temples must come under the authority & control of HR&CE. v. Immediately after the Show cause notice, Nithyananda destroyed the temple!!! He removed all the 1008 shiva lingas, and all other deities. Instead he replaced it with statue of Buddha and claimed it was just a yoga & meditation center! [Refer Tamil News article showing the lingas replaced by Buddha]. 3. Land Grab Complaints – i. Several land grabbing complaints have been filed against Nithynanda in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka ii. Govt land has also been illegally grabbed by his ashram in Bidadi (near Bangalore). iii. Govt survey of his ashram land has confirmed the land grab. However, he has managed to get some stay order from High Court to prevent any further govt. action in this matter. 4. Illegal unlicensed school inside ashram – ordered to be shutdown i. Education Authorities in Bangalore issued notice to Nithyananda to shutdown the school in his Bangalore ashram (so-called Gurukul) because it was running without any permission or license from State or Central govt.

10 ii. The Child Welfare Commission also gave a report to the State that children were made to worship him as God and that the Gurukul was not a healthy & safe/good environment for those children. iii. Nithyananda got a stay order from Karnataka High Court against the Education dept order to close his so-called Gurukul. 5. Illegal buildings in Bidadi (Bangalore) ashram – DC ordered to demolish them i. The DC of Ramnagar discrict gave a report to the State in 2012 that several illegal constructions must be demolished in Nithyananda’s Bidadi ashram (near Bangalore). ii. Nithyananda had bought several acres of Agricultural land in Bidadi (near Bangalore) for his ashram. iii. As per Karnataka law, agricultural land must NOT be used for commercial activity or for buildings. However, if they get special permission and convert the agricultural land for nonagricultural use, then its ok. iv. Nithyananda had constructed several buildings on agricultural land, without proper conversion. Hence these buildings are illegal construction. 6. Rs. 32 crores in his personal account! i. How does a sanyasi get to have Rs. 32 crores in his personal account – the bank account was frozen by the authorities in March 2010 ii. Devotees and public have donated money to his ashram or nonprofit organizations in the US. Then how come his personal account had Rs. 32 crores in it? This is the reason the fraud & money laundering complaint was filed against him in the US by several donors. iii. Extravagant living style (for a Sanyasi!) •

7 gold thrones (not just one!!)

1.5 Kg gold rudraksha mala – which he wears very often during his satsangs

Personal collection of diamond and gold jewelry – seen in his many photos published by his ashram

Why does a Sanyasi, an enlightened master or a not-for-profit

11 charitable organization (i.e. his ashram) need 7 gold thrones and so much gold and diamond jewelry?

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