Αθνξκέο Μ-νξθέαο
Μ-νξθέαο *
“Hold fast to dreams, For when dreams go, Life is a barren field, Frozen with snow” Langston Hughes
ΑΘΗΝΑ 2011
Αθνξκέο Μ-νξθέαο Δηήζην πεξηνδηθό Σεύρνο αξ. 13
© Παλεπηζηήκην Αζελώλ Φηινζνθηθή ρνιή Σκήκα Αγγιηθήο Γιώζζαο θαη Φηινινγίαο
ISSN: 1108-1333 Απαγνξεύεηαη ε αλαδεκνζίεπζε κέξνπο ή όινπ ηεο παξνύζαο έθδνζεο ρσξίο ηελ άδεηα ηνπ Σκήκαηνο Αγγιηθήο Γιώζζαο θαη Φηινινγίαο.
ΠΔΡΗΔΥΟΜΔΝΑ ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟ..................................................................................................................................... 1 ΔΗΑΓΩΓΖ. ..................................................................................................................................... 2 ΟΗ ΤΓΓΡΑΦΔΗ ΜΗΛΟΤΝ ΓΗΑ ΣΟ ΔΡΓΟ ΣΟΤ ................................................................... 4 Μαξίλα Μαξία Αγγέιε .................................................................................................................... 8 What Will Happen? Διέλε Ησάλλα Αεδνλίδνπ ................................................................................................................ 9 Tα ιόγηα πνπ πνηέ δελ Δίπα Όιγα Αθεςηκαΐδνπ......................................................................................................................... 10 Άληξεο Δπηπρία Αιεβίδνπ ........................................................................................................................... 11 Ο Αγσληζηήο νθία Βαζηιηθή Αιεμίνπ ............................................................................................................... 12 Star Light νθία Αρηύπε ................................................................................................................................. 13 Νobody, Jumble, [Eclipse, Winter, Silence, Dark…] Διεπζεξία Βαζηιάθε ...................................................................................................................... 16 Άδεηα Βξάδηα, Μηα Γπλαίθα Έλαο Ήιηνο, Μηα Σξίηε ή Δθείλνο The Love Embrace or Centre of All Διεπζεξία Μαξία Βαζηινπνύινπ ................................................................................................ 20 Λεσλίδαο, Βήκαηα Βεξόλα Βετδάε ................................................................................................................................ 22 Κπξηαθή Πξσί, The Storm Eπαλζία Βεληδέινπ ......................................................................................................................... 24 [Open my Hands to Hug Bowl…], [Open your Wings…] Θενδώξα Βιαζζή ........................................................................................................................... 26 Η Ακλεζία ζσλ Έθπγαλ, Immigrant Anonymous Θενδώξα Βνξύιια ......................................................................................................................... 28 Uninvited Bαζηιηθή Βνπιηζίδνπ .................................................................................................................... 29 Popular Song, Granny Waiting, Thinking
νθία Γαξνύθαιε .......................................................................................................................... 32 A Ticket Please.To Somewhere Peaceful Διέλε Γεσξγέιιε ........................................................................................................................... 33 Newborn, Breathing Κσλζηαληίλα Γεσξγίνπ ................................................................................................................. 35 [So Many Questions in my Dream…] Αλαζηαζία Γηαλλνπνύινπ .............................................................................................................. 36 Ο Σειεπηαίνο Διεύζεξνο Γεζκώηεο, Ο Δθπεζώλ Άγγεινο, Γηα λα κνπ Φηάζεηο, Σhere Ησάλλα Γηόιδαζε ........................................................................................................................... 40 Eternally Present, Dawn Άλλα Γηώηε ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Αύγνπζηνο Υξηζηηάλλα Γξάθνπ ....................................................................................................................... 43 Oh You! νθία Εαραξάθε ............................................................................................................................ 44 No Word Xξπζάλζε Εαραξνπνύινπ ............................................................................................................. 45 Marilyn Monroe Δπαγγειία Εαρνπνύινπ.................................................................................................................. 46 [Monday Morning…] Δζκεξίλα Δηξήλε Εγθνύξη ............................................................................................................. 47 [Φειά ζην Φάξν Ρεκβάδεη...] Απγνπζηίλα Εεξβνύδε ................................................................................................................... 48 Σν Πέηαγκα κηαο Πεηαινύδαο Καηεξίλα Εσγξάθνπ ...................................................................................................................... 49 [The Black Sea Is Mourning] Άλλα Ζιηνπνύινπ ........................................................................................................................... 50 Οπηηθή Πνίεζε, [You among the Knives…] Θενδώξα Δπαγγειία Θενδσξνπνύινπ ......................................................................................... 52 [Black Was the Sky that Day…], [Cool Crushing Waves…] Μαξίλα Θσκνπνύινπ ................................................................................................................... 54 [I Wish You Could See Me Again…]
Διέλε Καιατηδάθε ......................................................................................................................... 55 Feeling Κσλζηαληίλνο Καιθνύλνο ............................................................................................................. 56 Κπλεγόο Γήκεηξα Καληάξε .......................................................................................................................... 57 [Woman’s Perception Is Like…] Δπηπρία Καπνηή ............................................................................................................................. 58 Grandfather ηακαηία Καξάκπαιε ................................................................................................................... 59 [I Feel Insecure Today…], [The Tall, Dark, Mysterious Man…] Άλλα Καξγηώηε .............................................................................................................................. 61 Sun Διέλε Καξύδα ................................................................................................................................ 62 A Resume, The Ships Δηξήλε Ησάλλα Καξθή .................................................................................................................. 64 Commercialized Poet, Emily Dickinson Κξπζηάιισ Καηζαξνύ. ................................................................................................................. 66 Thorny Throne, Night Sky Μαξία Καησπόδε .......................................................................................................................... 68 [What a Piercing Noise…] Διέλε Κηξθίλε ................................................................................................................................ 69 Bedroom Λνπίδα Κιαδή ................................................................................................................................. 70 Unsinkable Παλαγηώηα Κνθθίλε ...................................................................................................................... 71 Athens, [Summer Moonlight…] Γεξάζηκνο Κνκπνζέθξαο .............................................................................................................. 73 Ain’t Life Grand Δπαγγειία Κνξόδε ......................................................................................................................... 74 [Pale Eyes and Skin…] Μαξία Αλησλία Κνζκήηνπ ........................................................................................................... 75 [I Played the Fool…], What Ιs inside the Βox in the Αttic? Mαξία Κνηξώηζνπ ......................................................................................................................... 77 [I Feel the Summer Love…], [Diana…], [You Are the Best…], [I Was just a Little Girl…]
Μαξνύζθα Κνπινύξε .................................................................................................................... 81 Μock Haiku, In the Μeat Μarket, Napoleon & La Belle des Μilles Feuilles, The Mille-Feuille Napoleon, Candyman Nίθε Κνπηαιηαλνύ ......................................................................................................................... 86 The Cripple, Epiphany, [Small Index Points Moon…] Βαζηιηθή Κξέθα ............................................................................................................................. 89 Αηώληνο Κύθινο, Mystery in the Train Όιγα Κπξηαδνπνύινπ..................................................................................................................... 91 [On this January Occasion…] Κσλζηαληίλα Κσλζηαληνπνύινπ.................................................................................................. 92 The Mermaid, From Rules to Rules, Voyeurism, The Ventriloquistic, Associations Γεκήηξεο Κώζηαο ......................................................................................................................... 97 Έζζεηαη Ήκαξ, Κνζκνγνλία, Φόβνο Υξηζηίλα Λαγνύ ............................................................................................................................ 100 ίζπθνο Αζαλαζία Λακπξνπνύινπ ............................................................................................................ 101 Σν Ξπξάθη, The “F” Word Μαξία Λέθθα................................................................................................................................ 103 Long After Αγγειηθή Λπθνύδε ....................................................................................................................... 104 Θενί Θλεηνί Άλλα Λπθνπξίλα ........................................................................................................................... 105 [You Are an Old Woman…] Αλδξέαο Μάιιεο ......................................................................................................................... 106 Soldier, [The Raindrop Thunderously Hits the Road…] Διέλε Μαληά ................................................................................................................................ 108 My Life Mαξίλα Μαξάθε .......................................................................................................................... 109 Κύθλεην Άζκα, Απνθάιπςε Μαξηάλλα Μαξάληε ..................................................................................................................... 111 In Hell, A World without You, Human Fallacies, Human Despair, [The Death of the Child…] Μαξία Θενδώξα Μάξθνπ ........................................................................................................... 113 [Horses Run on Muddy Waters… ], [Δπηά ηα Θαύκαηα ηνπ Κόζκνπ...]
Αιεμάλδξα Μαζνπξά ................................................................................................................... 115 La Triste Raggaza d’Ariccia, [Remembering Stories of the Past…], [Ο Άδκεηηνο Παληξεύηεθε...] Βαζηιηθή Μάηζηθα ....................................................................................................................... 118 Vermillion Άλλα Μαπξατλνύ. ......................................................................................................................... 119 [Father’s Advice…], Medea, [Brain’s Hemispheres…] Διέλε Μίληδεξα ........................................................................................................................... 122 Jim, Breeze, [This Is Music…] Γεζζεκαλή Μνπηαθίδε ............................................................................................................... 125 The Water, [As We Stayed as You Stayed…] Words, Choices νθία Μπατξάκε.......................................................................................................................... 129 Black and White, Λέμεηο Αθξνδίηε Μπαιαλίθα .................................................................................................................. 131 αβάλα, Can You Taste the Rain? Μαξία Μπαληνπβά....................................................................................................................... 133 Silent Presence, Πιέμηο Μαξία Μπηξιηξάθε ..................................................................................................................... 135 [Έδεζα γηα ηνλ Έξσηα...], La Grande Jatte Κνξίλα Νηθνιάνπ ......................................................................................................................... 137 ηηγκέο ζε Kερξηκπάξη, ε κηα Φησρή Υξπζή Καξδηά, λεηξν Οπδέηεξνπ Γέλνπο, Τπνγξάθσ «Άλζξσπνο», Trapped in his Gift, A Fatal Muse Δηξήλε Υξπζνβαιάληε Νηθνινύδε ............................................................................................. 143 Five Certain Frogs, Δξσηόθξηηνο θαη Αξεηνύζα Ζιηάλλα Νηόθα ............................................................................................................................. 145 Endless Destinations Kαηεξίλα Νηνύξνπ ....................................................................................................................... 146 Did I Cause this Rage? Καηεξίλα Ξηάξρνπ ........................................................................................................................ 147 [Μνηάδεηο κ’έλα Σξηαληάθπιιν...], [The Moon Is Pale…] Ησάλλα Ξσκεξηηάθε .................................................................................................................... 149 In a Search νf a True Hero, Σν Mεδεληθό Bάξνο ηνπ Οπζηώδνπο Μαξία Πάιια ............................................................................................................................... 151 Οη Eπηζπκίεο ηνπ Ίθαξνπ, Regeneration
Xξπζή Παλαγησηάθε ................................................................................................................... 153 [Ξαθλίαζηεθα...], [Κνίηαμέ κε...] Υαξίθιεηα Παπαδάθε .................................................................................................................. 155 Narcissus, Mourning Birthday, [Κξαπγή, ησπή...] Αιεμία Παπαδνπνύινπ................................................................................................................. 158 Why Are Angels so Cute and Tricky? Μαξηέηηα Παηζνγηάλλε ............................................................................................................... 159 Έθπησηνο Άγγεινο, [Ο Σεξεύο Μαγεκέλνο...] Βηξγηλία Πεξάθη ........................................................................................................................... 161 Έιιε Λακπέηε, [Σν Σξαγνύδη, ζαλ Αλάκλεζε...] Αζελά Πηπεξά............................................................................................................................... 163 [Άζε ην Υξόλν λα Κπιά γιπθά…], [Water Smashes through the Knife…] Ησάλλεο Ραγθνύζεο ..................................................................................................................... 165 Royal Vanity, Why, You Made Me a Man Υξηζηίλα Ρέιια ............................................................................................................................. 168 Γηα Έλαλ Άγγειν Γήκεηξα Μαξία άββα ............................................................................................................... 169 [Δθείλεο ηηο ηηγκέο...] ηέιηνο Υξήζηνο αββηνύ ........................................................................................................... 170 My Gun, Depression: Year 1929-1938, Look Γηάλλεο ακαξηδόπνπινο ............................................................................................................ 173 Α Perfect Day, M., M.J.A, A Return to Paris, Skull Kαηεξίλα ηαπξνύια ηδέξε ...................................................................................................... 178 [Walking through the Forest…] Άλλα ηακαηνπνύινπ .................................................................................................................. 179 Αγθπξσκέλνη Έξσηεο Δπζαιία ηέθα ............................................................................................................................. 180 Supposed Happiness Εσή θπξή ................................................................................................................................... 181 1964 Γεσξγία Σαζηνύιε ....................................................................................................................... 182 [Try to Find Money…] Αξρνληνύια Σαζνύιε .................................................................................................................. 183 [He Wasn’t a Clown…]
Βαζηιηθή Σάζζνπ ......................................................................................................................... 184 Black Sea, Poetry Ξαλζή Σνπξνύηζηθα ..................................................................................................................... 186 10- Pages, Demonology of our Senses, Κάπνηνπ o Kόζκνο κνπ, A Cry for Hestia Aξηζηέα Καηεξίλα Σζηάβνπ ........................................................................................................ 190 [Ννηώζε ζηα Υέξηα νπ...], [My Cigarette Has Burnt…], [The Moon up to the Sky…] Φσηεηλή Σζώλε............................................................................................................................ 193 Μηλώηαπξνο, Café Terrace on the Place du Forum Aλησλία Φιέληδεξε ..................................................................................................................... 195 [I Think of You and I See You…] Δηξήλε Φιώξνπ ............................................................................................................................ 196 [He Asked Me to Explain to Him…] Μαξία Υαηδεησαλλίδε ................................................................................................................ 197 [And It Was so Plain…] Γηνλπζία Υξηζηνπνύινπ ............................................................................................................... 198 Αθνύγoληαο Σξίην ΟΗ ΑΦΟΡΜΔ ΠΑΡΟΤΗΑΕΟΤΝ:FRANK O’ HARA ......................................................... 199
ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟ Οη Αθνξκέο είλαη ζπιινγηθφ πξντφλ ηνπ καζήκαηνο ηεο ζπγγξαθηθήο, ην νπνίν απνηειεί κέξνο ηνπ πξνγξάκκαηνο ζπνπδψλ ηνπ Σκήκαηνο Αγγιηθήο Γιψζζαο θαη Φηινινγίαο. Σν ζεκηλάξην απηφ, ην νπνίν πξνζθέξεηαη εηεζίσο απφ ηνλ Σνκέα Λνγνηερλίαο θαη Πνιηηηζκνχ, ην δίδαμα γηα 13ε θνξά ην 2011 ζηνπο θνηηεηέο θαη θνηηήηξηεο ηνπ Ζ‘ (εαξηλνχ) εμακήλνπ. Βνήζεηα ζηελ ειεθηξνληθή θαη γξακκαηνινγηθή επηκέιεηα ησλ θεηκέλσλ πξνζέθεξαλ ε θνηηήηξηα θαη ν θνηηεηήο ηνπ ζεκηλαξίνπ Κνξίλα Νηθνιάνπ θαη Γηάλλεο ακαξηδφπνπινο. Σειεηψλνληαο, ζα ήζεια λα επραξηζηήζσ ζεξκά ηηο θνηηήηξηεο θαη ηνπο θνηηεηέο πνπ παξαθνινχζεζαλ ην ζεκηλάξην, θαζψο θαη φινπο ηνπο ζπλαδέιθνπο πνπ πεξηέβαιαλ ηελ πξνζπάζεηα απηή κε ελδηαθέξνλ θαη αγάπε. Δίκαη επίζεο επγλψκσλ πξνο ηνπο νκηιεηέο πνπ ζπλέβαιαλ κε ηε ζπκκεηνρή ηνπο ζηελ έθβαζε ηνπ ζεκηλαξίνπ. Σνπο αλαθέξσ καδί κε ην αληηθείκελν ηεο νκηιίαο ηνπο. Γηώξγνο Βέεο, «Poetry in the Making» ηαύξνο Γειεγηώξγεο, «Creative Writing in the United States» ηέιηνο Υαξαιακπόπνπινο, «Σε Νύρηα πνπ ν Φεξλάλην Πεζζόα ζπλάληεζε ηνλ Κσλζηαληίλν Καβάθε» Gina Loring, «Writing for the Self»
Ληάλα αθειιίνπ-νπιηο
ΔΗΑΓΩΓΖ Μνξθέαο, Οξθέαο, Αθνξκέο Ζ πεγή ηεο πνηεηηθήο έκπλεπζεο δελ είλαη θαζαξή, επλφεηε, πξνθαηαζθεπαζκέλε φπσο ηα αληηθείκελα πνπ ζπλαληνχκε ζηελ θαζεκεξηλφηεηά καο. Βξίζθεηαη βαζεηά κέζα καο αιιά θαη κέζα ζ‘εθείλα ηα εμσηεξηθά θπζηθά πξάγκαηα πνπ δξνπλ σο θαζξέθηεο γηα ηα ζπλαηζζήκαηά καο πξνηνχ αθφκα απνθξπζηαιισζνχλ ζε ιέμεηο. Πψο κπνξνχκε λα γεηεχζνπκε ηα πξάγκαηα ζηελ εκπεηξία καο γηα λα ηα θάλνπκε λα καο κηιήζνπλ γηα ηελ εζσηεξηθή δσή καο θαη γηα ηνλ ηξφπν πνπ καο ζπλδέεη καδί ηνπο ψζηε λα γίλνπλ δηθά καο; Ο Μνξθέαο ήηαλ ν νδεγφο ησλ Ολείξσλ, ησλ ζεψλ ή ησλ πλεπκάησλ ησλ νλείξσλ. Λέγεηαη πσο εκθαληδφηαλ ζε βαζηιείο θαη εγέηεο κεηακθηεζκέλνο ζε αγγειηαθφξν. Κάπνηεο θνξέο ηα φλεηξα έβγαηλαλ αιεζηλά, άιιεο φκσο φρη. Οη πνηεηέο πεξηέγξαςαλ δχν πχιεο πνπ νδεγνχζαλ απφ ηνλ θάησ θφζκν ζηελ πξαγκαηηθφηεηα ηεο θαζεκεξηλήο δσήο. ηα φλεηξα ν Μνξθέαο ελέπλεε ηνπο αλζξψπνπο κέζσ ηεο εζσηεξηθήο ηνπο δσήο δίλνληάο ηνπο ιέμεηο κε ηηο νπνίεο ζα κπνξνχζαλ λα ζπκεζνχλ ην λπρηεξηλφ ηαμίδη ηνπο. ε αληίζεζε κε ηνλ Μνξθέα, ν Οξθέαο δελ ρξεζηκνπνηνχζε ηηο εμαηξεηηθέο ηθαλφηεηέο ηνπ ζε ζπλαηζζήκαηα αιιά ζε άγξηα δψα, ζε πέηξεο, θαη ζε δέληξα, παίδνληαο ηφζν φκνξθε κνπζηθή πνπ ηα έθαλε λα θηλνχληαη ή ηα δάκαδε. ηαλ έπαηδε ηε ιχξα ηα θπζηθά πξάγκαηα ζηνλ θφζκν απνθηνχζαλ ζπλαηζζήκαηα θαη κηα αίζζεζε νκνξθηάο αθξηβψο φπσο θαη νη άλζξσπνη. Γηα καο ηα θπζηθά πξάγκαηα είλαη ηα πιηθά ηεο θαληαζίαο καο ζε ηέηνην βαζκφ ψζηε επεξεάδνληαη απφ απηή θαη παξάιιεια ηελ επεξεάδνπλ θαη ηελ νδεγνχλ ζε κηα αξκνλία. ηε κνπζηθή ν Οξθέαο ελέπλεε ηα θπζηθά πξάγκαηα δίλνληάο ηνπο ζπλαηζζήκαηα ηα νπνία αληηιακβαλφκαζηε κέζσ ηεο γιψζζαο. Πάληα ηα φλεηξα είραλ κηα ηδηαίηεξε δχλακε λα καο επεξεάδνπλ. ηαλ νλεηξεπφκαζηε, αηζζαλφκαζηε θαη πηζηεχνπκε. Αθφκε θαη ν Ρελέ Νηεθάξη, ν ηδξπηήο ηεο αλαιπηηθήο γεσκεηξίαο, πίζηεπε φηη ε εδξαίσζε ησλ καζεκαηηθψλ παξνπζηάζηεθε κε εηθφλεο κέζα ζε φλεηξν, κεηά απφ ακέηξεηεο ψξεο πλεπκαηηθήο πξνζπάζεηαο θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηεο δσήο ηνπ φηαλ ήηαλ μχπληνο. πρλά δελ ζθεθηφκαζηε φηη ηα φλεηξα είλαη νξζνινγηζηηθά, ινγηθά. Ο Άκιεη κνηάδεη λα απνθάζηζε γηα ην κέιινλ ηνπ ζηνλ πεξίθεκν κνλφινγφ ηνπ «Να δεη θαλείο ή λα κε δεη», φπνπ εμέηαζε ηηο βαζηθέο επηινγέο ηεο δσήο ηνπ ζην επίπεδν ησλ νλείξσλ, ηελ αλζξψπηλε δξαζηεξηφηεηα επάλσ ζηελ νπνία βαζίδνληαη ηφζα πνιιά απφ ηε δσή καο—ειπίδεο, θηινδνμίεο, ζρέδηα, θήκεο, δπλαηφηεηεο, ζε πξάγκαηα καθξηλά, θαη ζε θαηξνχο πνπ πέξαζαλ ή πνπ ζα έξζνπλ, ζ‘ φιν ηνλ θφζκν ηνπ νπνίνπ είκαζηε κνλάρα έλα κηθξφ θνκκάηη. Σα φλεηξα δελ καο επηζθέπηνληαη κφλν ηε λχρηα, απνηεινχλ ζεκαληηθφ κέξνο ηεο θαζεκεξηλφηεηάο καο. 2
Ο Φξφπλη δεκηνχξγεζε κηα ζεσξία γηα ηα φλεηξα σο κελχκαηα, θαη ηζρπξίζηεθε πσο βξήθε πνιιά απηά παξαδείγκαηα ζηνπο αζζελείο ηνπ. Ο Γηνπλγθ αλέπηπμε πεξαηηέξσ ηελ θξνυδηθή ηδέα γηα ηελ ηδησηηθή θχζε ησλ νλείξσλ γηα λα ζπκπεξηιάβεη αηζζήκαηα ζηα φλεηξα ηα νπνία κνηξάδνληαη φζνη δνπλ ζηελ ίδηα θνπιηνχξα θαη ζηελ νπζία φινη νη άλζξσπνη εθφζνλ έρνπλ θνηλή πνιηηηζηηθή θιεξνλνκηά. Οη πνηεηέο έρνπλ ζπρλά εθθξάζεη ηελ άπνςε φηη ηα πνηήκαηα κπνξνχλ λα είλαη πην δπλαηά, πην θαζαξά, πην φκνξθα απφ ηηο ζπλήζεηο εκπεηξίεο καο ζηελ θαζεκεξηλή δσή. Ο Έιηνη καο είπε φηη ε πνίεζε είλαη έλα λέν είδνο αηζζήκαηνο επεηδή κεγεζχλεη ηελ αίζζεζε ηεο δσήο καο. Πνηεηέο, φπσο ν έιιευ ηζρπξίζηεθαλ φηη ε πνίεζε είλαη απηή πνπ θηηάρλεη ηνλ θαζεκεξηλφ καο θφζκν, έλαλ θφζκν ηνλ νπνίν ζεσξνχκε δεδνκέλν θαη απηνθπή. ινη καο έρνπκε απνθηήζεη ηελ εκπεηξία ησλ αθνπζκάησλ ηεο κνπζηθήο θη έρνπκε ζπγθηλεζεί απφ απηή, ζε δχζθνιεο αιιά θαη ζε επηπρηζκέλεο πεξηζηάζεηο αιιά θαη ζε άιιεο πνπ απιά καο παξαιχνπλ κε ηελ αίζζεζε ηεο θαηάπιεμεο θαη ηεο ζπνπδαηφηεηαο. Σν ίδην θαη ε πνίεζε φηαλ ηε δηαβάδνπκε θσλαρηά έρεη ηε δχλακε λα καο θάλεη λα ζπλαηζζαλφκαζηε ηελ νκνξθηά ησλ ιέμεσλ θαη ηε δχλακε λα καο δψζεη κήλπκα γηα ηα ζπλαηζζήκαηά καο. Ζ έκπλεπζε γηα ηελ πνίεζε πξνέξρεηαη απφ ηα –ζαλ ηα φλεηξα— κελχκαηα ηεο δηθήο καο ελαξκφληζεο κε φια εθείλα ηα πξάγκαηα ζηνλ θφζκν, πνπ φηαλ ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη ζαλ θαζξέθηεο ηεο δηθήο καο θαληαζίαο, καο ραξίδνπλ ην δπλαηφηεξν αίζζεκα θαιιηηερληθήο απφιαπζεο.
Ληάλα αθειιίνπ-νπιηο
ΟΗ ΤΓΓΡΑΦΔΗ ΜΗΛΟΤΝ ΓΗΑ ΣΟ ΔΡΓΟ ΣΟΤ Έρσ ηελ εληχπσζε φηη γράθομαι. ηη καδί κε ην θείκελν εθηακηεχεηαη έλαο ζπγθεθξηκέλνο αξηζκφο θπηηάξσλ κνπ γηα κηα απφ θνηλνχ δεκηνπξγία κειμενοητο-ινών. Ζ ζσκαηηθφηεηα ζπκκεηέρεη δειαδή απνιχησο ζηε γείσζε ηεο πνηεηηθήο αθνξκήο. Σν πνίεκα αληηζηνηρεί ζε πνζφηεηεο ηρψξ-αίκαηνο. Γηα λα ην δηαηππψζσ δηαθνξεηηθά, ζα ηζρπξηδφκνπλ φηη ε ξπζκηθή ηδέα, αθνχ αλαδεηήζεη κέζα απφ ηηο ηαιαληψζεηο ηεο ηελ πιηθή έθθξαζή ηεο, ην ιεθηηθφ ηεο ζρήκα ζηελ πεξίπησζή καο, έξρεηαη ζηα απιάθηα ηνπ λνπ κνπ λα θαηαθάηζεη, λα εγθνιπσζεί ζηελ θπξηνιεμία εγώ, λα ζρεκαηίζεη κηα κηθξή απνηθία δεπηεξνγελψλ κνπζηθψλ ελλνηψλ. Οξγαληζκφο θίιηνο, κηα δσή κέζα ζηε δσή. Οηθφζηηνη ζηίρνη, νηθφζηηεο πνηεηηθέο δνθηκέο, κε άιια ιφγηα. Πξφθεηηαη δειαδή γηα κηα δηαδηθαζία, ηελ νπνία καξηπξψ ελίνηε σο ηξίηνο, σο κέζνλ θαη σο κεζάδσλ. Άιισζηε, φπσο πξνζδηνξίδεη ν Οδπζζέαο Διχηεο ζηνλ «Λφγν πεξί θάιινπο» ζηε Μαρία Νεθέλη «είκαζηε ην αξλεηηθφ ηνπ νλείξνπ / γη‘ απηφ θαηλφκαζηε καχξνη θαη άζπξνη / θαη δνχκε ηε θζνξά / πάλσ ζε κηαλ ειάρηζηε πξαγκαηηθφηεηα». Γελληφκαζηε αλάκεζα ζε δχν πεδία, ζε δχν δνκέο χπαξμεο. Ρεαιηζηέο θαη νπ-ηνπηθνί ηαπηνρξφλσο. Έρνπκε ην κνηξαίν πξνλφκην λα πξνζιακβάλνπκε ζήκαηα εθαηέξσζελ. Απηφ ζα πεη εηνηκφηεηα άκεζεο ζπκβνινπνίεζεο. Κνληνινγίο, αξρίδνληαο λα γξάθσ, απηφ πνπ ζα ήζειε λα γίλεη πνίεκα, ζπληζηά πξσηίζησο δηαδηθαζία ππνβνιήο, απνδνρήο, θψηηζεο. Δμ νπ θαη ε κέζε δηάζεζε -θσλήθαηάζηαζε: γράθομαι. * ψκα γξαθήο: κηα πάιινπζα πλεπκαηνπνηεκέλε πιηθφηεηα πξνθαλψο. Καη θάηη πέξα απφ απηφ. Άιισζηε «ν θάζε ζηίρνο ππάξρεη αλεμάξηεηα απφ ην λφεκά ηνπ», καο ζπκίδεη ν Υφξρε Λνπίο Μπφξρεο. Απηφ ην άιιν, ην κπζηηθφ ζηνηρείν είλαη πνπ δίλεη ζην απζεληηθφ ζψκα γξαθήο ηελ αίγιε ηνπ. Σελ αχξα κηαο ππέξ-νπζίαο. Σν ζπλαξπαζηηθφ θνξηίν ελφο άθξσο γνεηεπηηθνχ κπζηεξίνπ. Δμ νπ θαη ε αηζζεηηθή έιμε, ε εδνλή ηεο πξφζκεημεο καδί ηνπ. Αο κλεκνλεχζνπκε ελδεηθηηθά θαη πάιη ηελ αηληγκαηηθή ακθηζεκία ησλ Ανηιζηοιτιών ηνπ Κάξνινπ Μπσληιαίξ, ηνλ θάιβεην νίζηξν, ηνλ ζνισκηθφ Πόρθσρα, ην απφιπην παιακηθφ έξγν, ηε Φοινικιά, ηελ πνιπζεκία ηνπ πνηεηηθνχ ηδηψκαηνο ηνπ Οπάιαο ηήβελο θαη ην Φωηόδενηρν ηνπ λνκπειίζηα καο Οδπζζέα Διχηε. ηηο νξηαθέο πεξηπηψζεηο, ν ζηίρνο αληηπξνζσπεχεη ην ζχκπαλ. Δίλαη θπξηνιεθηηθά κοζμικός. Ζ επηέιεηα ησλ ιέμεσλ, ε θζνξά απφ ηε ρξήζε ηνπο, ε ππνβαζκηζκέλε απφ ηα ιάζε καο ζεκαζηνινγηθή ηνπο εκβέιεηα, φια απηά ελ ξηπή νθζαικνχ αθπξψλνληαη. Ζ πνηεηηθή δξάζε, ε ραξηνγξάθεζε ηνπ νλεηξηθνχ θαζηζηά ηηο ιέμεηο αξρεηππηθέο, αθαηακάρεηεο αλήθειες. Δκέλα κνπ αξθνχλ απηέο αθξηβψο νη αλήθειες. Δίλαη ν ρψξνο κνπ, ν ρξφλνο κνπ, ην άηνκν Γ.Β ζην ζχλνιφ ηνπ, κέζα ζηε δείδσξε ππνθεηκεληθφηεηά ηνπ. Αχηαξθεο, αλπζηεξφβνπιν, καθαρό. Δίκαη – είλαη ζπιιαβή δίπνδε, δίρεηξε θαη ηα ινηπά. Μπνξψ ελ πάζε πεξηπηψζεη λα νηθεηνπνηνχκαη αηφθην ην κήλπκα : «επηθνιιψκαη ζε αληηθείκελα πνπ αλαγλσξίδνληαη κε ηελ αθή. / Αληηθείκελα πνπ αθήλνπλ ηα γπάιηλα θνπηηά ηνπο θη έξρνληαη / ζ΄ εκέλα αλνηγνθιείλνληαο ην βιέθαξν ηεο εθδνρήο ηνπο. / Γίλνληαη ηδέεο θαη κνπ ρατδεχνπλ ην κάγνπιν ζησπειά. / Με δάρηπια θαζαξά θαη ιεία / θαηαζθεπάδσ καδί ηνπο ηε ράξηηλε φςε κνπ / ζαλ λα ‘ηαλ παηδηθφ κεθαλφ [...] Δίκαζηε αθέο ξένπζεο ζε ρψξα ζξαπζκάησλ. / Σν θσο αλαιχεηαη ζ΄ φ, ηη αγγίδεη ∙ / γίλεηαη λεξφ, γίλεηαη θίδη ζην λεξφ, / γίλεηαη δέξκα κηαο άιιεο δσήο. / Κη αλ ε θαξδηά καο κεγαιψλεη / γηα λ΄ απαηηήζνπκε κηα αριχ / ζηνλ θαζξέθηε ηνπ ρεξζαίνπ εαπηνχ καο». ( Ηδέηε ην πνίεκα «Παξαιιαγέο»: Ληάλα αθειιίνπ, Αθές ρέοσζες, Αζήλα, Νεθέιε, 1992, ζει. 61). Γηψξγνο Βέεο
―Creative Writhing‖ what happened to your eitches? They are all right here, GBS . . . for I will pause to remember how hackneyed all labels be and how faithful was Marshall McLuhan exhorting us that we love our labels as ourselves; . . . and will also give thanks for Roland Barthes‘ line that writhing does not now have nor ever had a direct object (écrire, verbe intransitif); For I will excoriate institutions for pushing writhing on all those in their keep; For one way to numb the elderly is to teach them Summer writhing believing it does them good, as it does prison inmates who were taught by the now canonized sibs of John Cheever and Norman Mailer; For one way to coddle Undergrabs—no reference to Singe Singe or Attica—is to help them with antics and heavy, heaving writhing; For media-crazed Undergrabs love texting and also extend their writhing to their testes; For department easy chairs, arm chairs and rolling chairs love the label because, come evaluation time, deans will cite the excellent ―character building‖ of curses based on hep- epistemologies; For Undergrab parents and pastors are suckers for mystification: the children‘s perennial social studies trivia, history trivia, and bible trivia now prove to be worthy of note; For Grabs, or formerly Undergrabs, being notorious fiends for punishment, will naturally seek the lower ground of the skull cracking, demanding courses on ―travel writhing,‖ ―journal writhing‖ and ―writhing for cooking;‖ For, two years in the heaving, heavy tomes of frothy theses will be deposited in triplicate with the librarians and the registrars to commemorate the on campus writhing; For sacred history reveals that in the beginning was St. Montaigne‘s je me façonne moi mesme; Which screed begat Robert Bly‘s ―Meeting with the Blessed Paul Engle;‖ Who intercedes, all in one ―Breathless‖ Poe-sque ―X-ed Paragrab‖ for such writhers as Robert Lowell, John Berryman, Phil Levine, W. D. Snodgrass, William Carlos Williams, Allen Tate and Jean Stafford; Other writhers having interceded, in the meantime, for still other writhers in such ghastly numbers as to cause heaven and earth to be filled with their worlitzer prize glory; For on early circuses believers were crucified, burned alive and fed to wild animals, whereas now the moveable circus of master writhers is lionized for setting up nurseries (nurturies, they would have called them) for the autistically creative, i. e., irresponsible folk eternally ―intervening‖ in our always already indelibly soiled lits et rattures.
Stavros Deligiorgis 5
Πνηνο είλαη ν κεραληζκφο, πνπ ζην παηδηθφ κπαιφ ηα ιφγηα ησλ ηζηνξηψλ ηα κεηαηξέπεη ζε θηεκαηνγξαθηθέο εηθφλεο, δελ μέξσ. Ίζσο απηφκαηα λα γίλεηαη θαη λα είλαη ην ίδην γηα φινπο ηνπο αλζξψπνπο. Ξέξσ φκσο πσο νη γνλείο κνπ ήηαλ νη πξψηνη ζθελνζέηεο. Ήηαλ Μειηέο, Νηξάγεξ, Γθξίθηζ θαη ηηο ηζηνξίεο ηνπο ηηο «έβιεπα», λνεξά κελ, αιιά ηηο έβιεπα, ζαλ ηαηλίεο κε νινδψληαλα ρξψκαηα, ζπγθεθξηκέλεο γσλίεο ιήςεο, θαδξάξηζκα. Αξγφηεξα, ζην δξφκν, ζην κάζεκα, παληνχ, θαληαδφκνπλ ηηο δηθέο κνπ ηαηλίεο, πάληα ηνπ λνπ θαηαζθεπέο, αιιά εληππσζηαθέο νθείισ – ζαλ ζεαηήο πιένλ – λα νκνινγήζσ. ηαλ άξρηζα λα θηηάρλσ ηαηλίεο, ειάρηζηα απφ απηά πνπ «έβιεπα» έθηαλαλ ζην παλί. Απφ ην κπαιφ ζην ζειηιφηλη, εθεί αλάκεζα, πνιιά ράλνληαη, δελ βξίζθνπλ ην δξφκν. Καη ίζσο εθεί λα βξίζθεηαη ε δηαξθήο γνεηεία ηνπ θηλεκαηνγξάθνπ, απηφ πνπ «απνηππψλεηαη» λα ρξεζηκεχεη γηα λα ηξνθνδνηεί – ζαλ ςήγκαηα ηζηνξίαο – εθείλνλ ηνλ άιινλ θηεκαηνγξάθν πνπ ηζφηηκα κνηξαδφκαζηε ζαλ δεκηνπξγνί θαη ζεαηέο.
ηέιηνο Υαξαιακπφπνπινο
I was fourteen years old the first time I read Langston Hughes‘ poem, ―Dream Deferred.‖ I was captivated by the way he was able to put so much meaning into his work, with such honest, simple imagery. I credit him, along with the other writers I would soon discover—Paul Laurence Dunbar, Alice Walker, and Nikki Giovanni, to name a few, with igniting my journey to becoming a poet. In college, I discovered the work of Saul Williams, and was mesmerized by not only his words and delivery, but by my instant sense of kinship. His work was my first peek into the key-hole of a world that was to become mine. Over the years, writing has been a therapeutic tool for me, and a healing narrative of my lived experience. I have had the opportunity to consciously participate in my own personal growth process as an artist, and as a woman of color, through the unfolding continuum of my free verse poetry and hip hop, jazz, and soul inspired music. Writing begins as solitary work, but it‘s the impact it has once it hits the outside air that speaks volumes. My goal is to capture and seamlessly blend universally human themes with the vulnerability unique to my personal experiences. All of my goals are ultimately to use my life to contribute; to be a vessel and a vehicle for progression by empowering others to find their own voices.
Gina Loring
Μαξίλα-Μαξία Αγγέιε _________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT WILL HAPPEN?
What will happen in the end? What will my heart to my mind send? I wonder, if my past experiences will emerge And the names from the past reveal in revenge What will happen? If others react in the same way It may be as if we are all engaged in a play. All we, could take part in a competition And let the best scenario to win. There could also be poets too Fighting in the contest as you. And the theme of us all will be unfulfilled loves. A long catalogue will include those ones Who were given ―no‖ as an answer, To their genuine proposal for a romance at once. Does that answer imply that they are reserved? Or that they may like another man, instead? I don‘t know, do you?
Διέλε Ησάλλα Αεδνλίδνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΣΑ ΛΟΓΗΑ ΠΟΤ ΠΟΣΔ ΓΔΝ ΔΗΠΑ Σα ιφγηα εθείλα πνπ έγξαςεο ζην ραξηί, Σα ιφγηα πνπ είπεο εθείλε ηελ εκέξα, Σα ιφγηα ησλ άιισλ πνπ ζπρλά καο θαηαθξίλνπλ. Σα ιφγηα απφ ην παιηφ βηβιίν, πνπ πάληα επηζηξέθεηο θαη ηα μαλαδηαβάδεηο. Σα ιφγηα ηεο κάλαο πνπ πνηέ δελ μερλάο. Σα ιφγηα πνπ είπα ηηο ζηηγκέο πνπ ζε έραλα, ηα ιφγηα πνπ έρσ δηαγξάςεη, εθείλα πνπ έρσ μεράζεη. Σα ιφγηα ηεο ζησπήο ζνπ, εθείλα πνπ έπαηξλαλ δσή απφ ην βιέκκα ζνπ. Σα ιφγηα ηνχηεο ηεο λχρηαο γξακκέλα ζην παγθάθη. Σα ιφγηα απφ ηηο επρέο πνπ θάζε ρξφλν δίλνπκε, ηα ιφγηα ηεο ςπρήο πνπ έρεη θχγεη καθξηά ζνπ, αιιά γηα κηα δσή κέλεη θνληά ζνπ. Σα ιφγηα ηνπ παηέξα, ιφγηα ζιηβεξά γεκάηα πίθξα. Σα ιφγηα απφ ην καζεηηθφ ιεχθσκα, εθείλα πνπ κηινχζαλ γηα θηιία θη έξσηα. Σα ιφγηα ηεο θξαπγήο ζνπ, πνπ αθνχζηεθαλ απφ ηα δπν ζνπ ρείιε κε ηφζε δχλακε. Σα ιφγηα κηάο επηγξαθήο πνπ θάζε βξάδπ ιακπηξίδεη. Σα ιφγηα ηεο κνλαμηάο, πνπ ήηαλ ε κφλε ζπληξνθηά φηαλ εζχ ήζνπλ καθξηά. Σα ιφγηα ηνπ πνιεκηζηή, ηα ιφγηα ηνπ γηαηξνχ πνπ είλαη ηθαλά λα ζε γεκίζνπλ απφ πεξίεξγα ζπλαηζζήκαηα. Σα ιφγηα ηνπ θπξίνπ ζην ιεσθνξείν, ηα ιφγηα ηνπ πεξαζηηθνχ, ηα ιφγηα ηνπ αδειθνχ. Σα ιφγηα ζηε ζάιαζζα δίπια ζ‘ εθείλν ην παηδί, ηα ιφγηα ηνπ παξακπζηνχ πνπ ηφζν αγάπεζεο. Σα ιφγηα πνπ κε έβαιαλ λα πσ αιιά θαη θείλα πνπ πνηέ δελ είπα! 9
Όιγα Αθεςηκαΐδνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΑΝΣΡΔ Άληξεο λπκθεπκέλνη, άληξεο πνπ αθφκε ςάρλνπλ. Άληξεο πνπ πλίγνπλ ηε καηηά ηνπο ζην ξνιφη ηνπο, ελψ θνηηάδνπλ κία φκνξθε γπλαίθα. Άληξεο πνπ αγαπνχλ ην θνπζηνχκη ηνπο θαη άιινη άληξεο πνπ αγαπνχλ απηνχο. Άληξεο πνπ ηξέρνπλ γηα λα πνχλ ζ‘αγαπψ θαη δεηάλε ζπγγλψκε. Άληξεο πνπ κέηξεζαλ κέρξη ηα 18. Άληξεο πνπ θιαίλε κε ηελ θαξδηά θαη άληξεο πνπ θιαίλε κε ηα κάηηα. Άληξεο πνπ έθηηαμαλ ηα ζπνπδαία θαη άληξεο πνπ ηα γθξέκηζαλ. Άληξεο κε ην φλνκα Αδφιθνο θαη άληξεο κε ην φλνκα Ηεζνχο. Άληξεο κε ιεπθά δφληηα θαη ζειεκαηηθφ πεγνχλη, άληξεο κε άθξα κνηξαζκέλα ζηα δχν. Άληξεο πνπ ιέλε ςέκαηα θαη άληξεο πνπ δελ είπαλ πνηέ. Καη φκσο εζχ ηνπο αγάπεζεο θαη ζπλερίδεηο. .
Δπηπρία Αιεβίδνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ Ο ΑΓΧΝΗΣΖ Με ξσηάλε λα ηνπο πσ πσο ν ήξσαο ηεο Δπαλάζηαζεο ν πην δπλαηφο θαηέιεμε εδψ ζηνπ δξφκνπ ηε γσλία έιενο απφ ηνπο δηαβάηεο λα δεηά Έηζη ξαθέλδπηνο πσο μέπεζα ρξφληα κεηά εγψ ν μαθνπζηφο Νηθεηαξάο ηνλ νίθην θαη ζηα ιφγηα ηα παξεγνξεηηθά κηα απάληεζε ηνπο δίλσ κνλαρά. Πάιεςα γηα ηελ Παηξίδα θαη ηα ηδαληθά θαη θαηέιεμα κε ρέξηα αδεηαλά Μα εγψ θαθία ζε θαλέλαλ δελ θξαηψ. Γηαηί μέξσ πσο ζα θχγσ απφ ηνλ θφζκν απηφ ε ςπρή κνπ ζα δεη πάληα κε απηά ηα αηψληα θαη άπηαζηα ηδαληθά.
νθία Βαζηιηθή Αιεμίνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ LIGHT STAR
Oh Star Light! Beautiful star show your light! Under the black sky of the deep night! The loved baby is born. But do not mourn, do not even cry! He is the chosen, who shall be sacrificed, to save all! But three kings and three shepherds have seen your secret light. And now they are here through this cold, black, winter night.
νθία Αρηύπε _________________________________________________________________________________ NOBODY
Why are you staring at me? Your eyes like ponds ready to flow. And you still Wonder, wonder, wonder. Why you still Wander, wander, wander? Your mind intruding mine. Your eyes cutting me sharply. My hands are bleeding. The drops are touching The soft, bare ground. Who are you, Lady? I wonder, wonder, wonder!
Inhaling smoky air Steel, stark and filthy. Twenty years over them! Feels like a lurid destiny approaches, suffocates, vanishes them.
Thousands of stories filled with black Black and red. Same color, same symbol. Same End? Unanswered!
Where were they? Bloody crawling figures sponged the drops of Hell. More and more stamps on their bodies. Stamps of torture Or Atonement.
Eclipse, Whisper, Silence, Dark. And there He is, A stone, heavy just like a throne. He broke the Vow He noticed her A proper Heir. He sees her face She is not a fake. His lips are sealed He falls asleep.
Διεπζεξία Βαζηιάθε _________________________________________________________________________________ ΑΓΔΗΑ ΒΡΑΓΗΑ Βξάδπ Σεηάξηεο, δηα-πεξαζηηθφ αεξνπιάλν ζηνλ αζπξφκαπξν νπξαλφ κπαγηάηηθνο θαθέο ζηελ άδεηα βεξάληα θελφ θαπζαέξην ζην βαξχ λνηηά.
Μηα γπλαίθα,ςειή. Μηα γπλαίθα, κειαρξηλή. Μηα γπλαίθα, απιή. Μηα γπλαίθα, εηιηθξηλήο. Μηα γπλαίθα, ηξειή. Μηα γπλαίθα, αμηνπξεπήο. Μηα γπλαίθα, θαληαζηφπιεθηε. Μηα γπλαίθα. Μηα κάλα. Μηα αδεξθή. Μηα θφξε, Έλαο ήιηνο, ν κηζφο ήιηνο. Έλαο ήιηνο, ζθνηεηλφο. Έλαο ήιηνο, θξχνο. Έλαο ήιηνο, γξήγνξνο.
ΜΗΑ ΣΡΗΣΖ Ή ΔΚΔΗΝΟ Πνίεζε. Γεκηνπξγία. Υαξηί θαη κνιχβη. Ζ ιεπθή ιαίιαπα θαη ε αλαγσγή ζηνλ Παξάδεηζν. Πνίεζε. Γεκηνπξγία. Σαμίδη. Ο εαπηφο ζνπ ζε έλα άιιν γεσγξαθηθφ κήθνο. Σν ηξπθεξφ βαζαληζηήξην ηεο κνχζαο. Δπηξξνή πξνθαηφρσλ θαη ην πξνζσπηθφ network. Δθείλνο.
Firstly comes the Universe, the hidden figure behind everything, with the white sun and the black moon. Then here‘s Nature, Earth, Mexico. A Mother carrying her children, man and woman as one. The Woman–a red Frida having a naked ‗baby‘in her hands. The Man- a ‗3rd-eye‘-Diego playing with fire, Centre of All, Passion and Life.
Διεπζεξία Μαξία Βαζηινπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΛΔΧΝΗΓΑ Ξέλε ήξζεο πάιη Σνλ ηφπν καο λα πάξεηο Μα εηνχηε ηε θνξά Γελ δήηεζεο λα ιάβεηο Σα φπια καο λα πάξεηο ηέιλεηο ΓΝΣ Σελ πφξηα λα ρηππάεη Φίινο ηάρα είλαη Πνπ λα ζπκβάιιεη ζέιεη Γξήγνξα φκσο ζα ην δεηο Σνλ δξφκν πνπ ζα πάξεηο Καη γξήγνξα ζα ζπκεζείο Πσο ηα φπια καο αλ ζεο Έια ν ίδηνο λα ηα πάξεηο
ΒΖΜΑΣΑ Σα βήκαηα ζνπ ζησπειά Καλείο δελ ζε ζπκάηαη Καη ν θαηξφο θέξλεη θνληά ζα ν λνπο θνβάηαη Μηα ζιίςε ηξψεη ηελ ςπρή Καη ν βνπβφο ζνπ πφλνο Πσο παληειψο ζα μεραζηείο Καη ζα απνκείλεηο κφλνο.
Βεξόλα Βετδάε _________________________________________________________________________________ ΚΤΡΗΑΚΖ ΠΡΧΗ Ήηαλ Κπξηαθή πξσί αλ κνπ ‘παλ πσο δελ ππάξρεηο πηα εζχ ην άθνπζκα ηεο είδεζεο απηήο, Έθιαηγα ζαλ κηθξφ παηδί. Απφ ηφηε ζε ζπκάκαη πνπ εξρφκνπλ ζην ρσξηφ, Μα ηη άιιν γηα λα ζε δσ. ε φιεο ηηο γηνξηέο, Υξηζηνχγελλα, Πάζρα, θαινθαίξη ήηαλ απηέο, Σέιεηεο θαληαζηηθέο. Μα δελ ζα είζαη πηά εθεί, Να κε παίξλεηο αγθαιηά θάζε ζηηγκή Καη λα κνπ ιεο, πφζν κεγάισζεο εζχ; Παππνχ κνχ ιείπεηο πνιχ!
The leaves of trees Are falling down, During the storm That burst in town.
Δπαλζία Βεληδέινπ _________________________________________________________________________________
Open my hands to hug bowl I make an attempt to experience the whole bowl her throat feels the hole moving down samurai modest azure turning on music secondary wasteful samurai modest azure inflect the collapse inflect the sedulous fingers scrupulous an outburst weapons
Open your wings once in a moonlight Release your will beyond your own fight.
Θενδώξα Βιάζζε _________________________________________________________________________________ Ζ ΑΜΝΖΗΑ ΟΧΝ ΔΦΤΓΑΝ Απέκεηλα πάιη κφλε απφςε Να ζπκάκαη θαη γηα ηηο δπν καο Σα ηδίηδηθα, ηα ζθάκλα, ηα καληαξίληα Καη ηελ λχθε ζηε ιεπθή θάκαξα Πνπ κνλάρε πξνζέκελε Σνλ άγλσζην γακπξφ Να επηζηξέςεη απ‘ ηνλ ζηξαηφ. Ξέθηηζε ν ρξφλνο ηηο δαληέιεο ηεο. Κηηξίληζαλ ηα ηνχιηα Καη ην ζηεθάλη ηεο Σν ηχιημαλ νη ηζηνί ησλ αξαρλψλ, Μέζα ηνπο βαιζακψζεθαλ ηφζα έληνκα – Σψξα πηα Αθφκα θαη νη ίδηεο νη αξάρλεο. Μ‘ απηή παξακέλεη αθφκα εθεί πάλσ ηελ ιεπθή θάκαξα Καζηζηή ζην ζηδεξέλην θξεβάηη Με ηηο γξνζηέο ζθηγκέλεο Να θαηαπίλεη αλαθηιεηά πελήληα πέληε ρξφλσλ Πνπ ζαλ ηξνκαρηηθέο λπρηεξίδεο Μάρνληαη λα εθηνμεπζνχλ απ‘ ην ζηφκα ηεο. Παξακέλεη αθφκα εθεί Άθζαξηε θαη παξζέλα, Πην σξαία, Πην αγλή, Πην λέα απφ πνηέ άιινηε. Πελήληα πέληε ρξφληα πεξάζαλε Καη ηα κφλα πνπ άιιαμαλ Δίλαη ηη άιιν πηα δελ πεξηκέλεη θαλέλαλ Καη πσο ν απνκείλαληαο ρξπζφο ηεο βέξαο ηεο Σψξα ιηψλεη ζην δηθφ κνπ δάρηπιν, Καη πσο Σψξα πηα Οχηε θη εζχ ζπκάζαη Σν λπθηθφ Σν θξεβάηη, Σν αξαρληαζκέλν ζνπ ζηεθάλη, Σίπνηα.
IMMIGRANT ANONYMOUS I‘ve travelled through angry seas and lands that were inhuman The desert sand hid my tracks from spears and gunpowder In search for a chance, a chance in life My sole companions were my children‘s kiss and my wife‘s cry. I reached Valhalla at the dawn of the ninth day More spears and gunpowder were blocking the way Asking for gold to let me by And let me through with a pat on the back and a wink of the eye. Some people greeted me with flowers, others just with spite And others wearing suits told me it was all going to be all right A strange feeling rose and made me wonder all night If this is Valhalla why does it feel like I will once again have to put up a fight? Amongst unfriendly faces my days go by Through spears and gunpowder each day and night And when I dream, it‘s the same dream again My children‘s kiss and my wife‘s cry.
Θενδώξα Βνξύιια _________________________________________________________________________________ UNINVITED A lost game, death might be A dreadful occasion for a human being; Crowds are thronging, The scene are watching. Fruitless wishes, lost desires Fairies that lighting mourning fires. Tears are dropping, Rivers are forming. (Sweet memories of an early life.) Bloody scenery, bitter celebration Souls are fighting to gain salvation; Ashes scattered all over the sky Someone‘s staring a baby‘s cry.
Βαζηιηθή Βνπιηζίδνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ POPULAR SONG The red Retrieved-hair satyr Can whine And tease her and flatter, But Lily O‘Grady, Silly and shady, In the deep Shade is a lazy lady; Now Pompey‘s Dead, Homer‘s read, Heliogabalus Lost in head, And shade is on the brightest, Wing and Dust forbids the bird to sing.
Holding a knife you cut the bread How many slices you wish you knew How many of your children are going to join you tonight One, two, all seven or none Your hope is still burning They all said they‘d try Your face is still lit up It‘s not late, it‘s not early The bell might ring any time And you keep waiting God how much you missed them all In a minute or two They must be here In a minute or two You‘ll be holding their hands, kissing their heads, A sound out of nowhere A disturbing sound, not that of the door It rings in an awful manner But you remain still The knife well into your flesh, And you remain still.
Memory is a breath In and out of your mind Dissolved aspirin in bitter water When hard to take in Stay listening to the wind
νθία Γαξνύθαιε _________________________________________________________________________________ A TICKET, PLEASE.TΟ SOMEWHERE PEACEFUL It‘s high time for the journey I‘ve been longing for a long time. Don‘t care about the means or money Destination is yet my only concern. Would you care for a company perhaps? Mmm. No, this journey is a challenge of my own.
Διέλε Γεσξγέιιε _________________________________________________________________________________ NEWBORN
First breath, first cry A mother‘s touch, a father‘s smile A safety hug until you light Like baby roses bloom on May
The first breath The breath of scare The breath in The breath out The breath of exaggeration The breath of relief The breath of joy The breath of anxiety The breath of mercy The breath of age The last breath .
Κσλζηαληίλα Γεσξγίνπ _________________________________________________________________________________
So many questions in my dream. I am sitting on a chair thinking of my troubles, Night and day full of love pages, And my body is listening to my soul.
Αλαζηαζία Γηαλλνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ Ο ΣΔΛΔΤΣΑΗΟ ΔΛΔΤΘΔΡΟ ΓΔΜΧΣΖ Πξνκεζέαγηαηί ζθνληάθηεηο ζ‘ φ,ηη πξνζηάδεη η‘ φλνκά ζνπ Πνηά ζαξθνβφξα ειπίδα αθφκα ζε θξαηά ζηα δεζκά ηεο αηψληαο θαηαδίθεο ζνπ θαη πνηφο ζθνπφο λα ππνθέξεηο απ‘ άγλσζηνπ ηψξα Γία δηαηαγέο αθνχ ην θσο π‘ απιφρεξα παξέδσζεο ζηνλ άλζξσπν δελ ηνλ νδήγεζε πνηέ λα θηάζεη νπξαλφ Κη ν ρξφλνο, αθφκα, δελ ζε δίδαμε Πσο ζην ζεξίν δελ δίλεηο ην ζεξηφ
Ο ΔΚΠΔΧΝ ΑΓΓΔΛΟ Tέθλνλ ζλεηφ ππεξεθάλεηα ζσξαθηζκέλε ζ‘ εχζξαπζηε χιε κφλνη γελλήηνξεο ηεο ακαξηίαο ζπγρσξεκέλνη απφγνλνη ζπλνδνηπφξνη δελ κίζεζα πνηέ κνπ δεκηνχξγεκα νχηε παξέζπξα πνηέ ακλφλ ζενχ ε θφιαζε δηθφ κνπ θαηαθχγην δελ δέρζεθα πνηέ ςπρέο ζηα ζχλνξά ηεο η‘ φλνκά κνπ δηέβαιιαλ ζε έλα άλζξσπνη γηα λα ζθεπάζνπλ ηε γχκληα ηεο ςπρήο ηνπο κελ εθηεζεί ε ζθνηεηλή θαη ιαίκαξγε πιεπξά ηνπο ν πξσηφηνθνο ν εθπεζψλ νχηε πηφο νχηε άγγεινο θηηαγκέλνο αχινο θη άςπρνο ε βνχιεζε ερζξφο ηεο κνλαμηάο κνπ ηελ αγάπεζα ειεχζεξε ην κφλν δψξν μεθεχγνληαο απφ ην θξεληαζκέλν πιήζνο αδειθψλ κηα θαηαθξνλεκέλε θειίδα ζηνλ νξίδνληα ζλεηψλ θη αζαλάησλ νκνξθηά θαη δφμα ζχκκαρνη ζηε δηαθζνξά ηεο ζνθίαο ηε ζχκεζή νπ πξνθαιψ δέμνπ ζηα ρέξηα νπ εθείλνπο πνπ ζηε δεκηνπξγία ηνπο έζθαιιεο εθείλνπο πνπ δηθάζηεθαλ ζε αηψληα ηηκσξία εθείλνπο πνπ πνηέ δελ ηνπο αγάπεζε παηέξαο
ΓΗΑ ΝΑ ΜΟΤ ΦΣΑΔΗ Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο Έηξερα μνπίζσ ζνπ παηδί Να κελ ζθνληάςεηο Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο Έδησμα η‘ άγξηα πνπιηά Καθά καληάηα λα κελ θέξνπλ θαη ηξνκάμεηο Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο Έδησμα ηε λχρηα ηνλ θφζκν λα κε θνβεζείο θαη θιάςεηο Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο νπ‘ πα πσο είρεο πφδηα αλζξψπηλα γεξά Φσλή θαζάξηα Κη έθξπςα ηα αγγειηθά θηεξά ζνπ κελ πεηάμεηο Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο θφξπηζα η‘ αζηέξηα θαηάρακα Γηα λα κελ γίλνπλ νη πξνθήηεο ηνπ ρακνχ ζνπ Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο ‘ έδεζα κε επίγεηα ραιηλάξηα Κη έρηηζα καξκάξηλα άινγα Γηα λα δηαιέμεηο Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο Βνχιηαμα θαξάβηα ιχγηζα άξκαηα Να κελ ζε πάξνπλ καθξηά Γέκηζα θαλάηεο ιεζκνληάο ην πέιαγφο ζνπ Να πηείο λα κελ δηςάζεηο Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο ε πήγα ζε ιεηβάδηα απεξίθξαρηα Άιιν ηαμίδη λα κελ ζεο Καη καο μεράζεηο Γηα λα κνπ θηάζεηο ζνπ ‘θξπςα ηνλ νπξαλφ Κη έρηηζα γχξσ ζνπ δεζκά ζπκπφληαο
We are nearly there To the narcissistic lands of hope With corals and streams to eat and drink And we‘ve already made a list And we kept that roster Of the dreamers And the deniers All the figures of hope That pessimistic hope The hope that can easily destroy And can be the salt in our wounds Once again We carried the message Miles and miles away And seven seas left seven wrecks behind And mermaids to rustle how to leave Our absence to betray But we‘ve forgotten to capture Those who expected to survive And tried to stand alone Learn how the world is awake Stay beneath! Keep your head off! Not to be seen The snake must revive The dream to remake To fix the order To rise the flag to a land That none expected to be Strange color isn‘t it The color of nowhere We are nearly there Almost there
Ησάλλα Γηόιδαζε _________________________________________________________________________________ ETERNALLY PRESENT
The clock unstoppable The clock unnoticeable The clock logging hours The clock counting seasons The clock a small colonel Persistently commanding It was there when I was born It was there when I first walked It was there when I cried It was there when I laughed It was there when I first saw you It was there when she died It is still there Sometimes up on a wall Sometimes clasped around my wrist Should I smash it? Would anything change?
Born in a hall with no door Sickly moss floating offshore
Άλλα Γηώηε _________________________________________________________________________________ ΑΤΓΟΤΣΟ Ξππφιεηε ζην ρξπζφ ρνξηάξη, βαζηάεη δπφζκν ζηα ρείιε. Αχγνπζηνο. Υνξεχνπλ ηα ζηάρπα κε ηελ αχξα θαη απηή γειά κε ηνχηε ηελ παξαμεληά.
Υξηζηηάλλα Γξάθνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ OH YOU!
When I look at you I see angels. When I see your eyes I see the blue sky. When I hear your voice My spirit gets quiet And my heart is full of heat! But what if I lose you? I‘ll lose the image of angels I‘ll lose the image of the blue sky My heart will get cold I‘ll lose paradise!
νθία Εαραξάθε _________________________________________________________________________________ NO WORD
Down at the local port kids playing-no word Running in the field they have no need. Back in the mansion wounded by the passion weeping for a heaven lost she wanders like a ghost. Binding to her lord all year long-no word Just echo of steps frenzied in spite of her need.
Υξπζάλζε Εαραξνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ MARYLIN MONROE
It was the sound I knew I would miss Everything I knew I couldn‘t anymore kiss The cigarettes I wouldn‘t taste The smoke and all my sexual flame The white marble may seem so cold But I love its warm. It‘s closer to God
Δπαγγειία Εαρνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________
Monday morning, Naked Sitting at a chair. Long brown hair Hide my face Thinking of the case of my condition, Naked. The place, A dirty room of a cheap hotel My life‘s brothel. IThe whore, The painful sore of my kin Their secret sin Looking out of the glass Men and women pass. But IThe whore, I am standing there alone Hiding my face No pity, no disgrace. It was not my will to climb up this hill Monday morning, IThe whore, I am sitting there At the same chair Watching life pass. And I – alas! , the whore, I am standing there alone.
Δζκεξίλα-Δηξήλε Εγθνύξη _________________________________________________________________________________
Φειά ζην θάξν ξεκβάδεη ηε δσή πνπ θεχγεη αδπλαηεί λα αιιάμεη. Ο θξφηνο ηνπ θχκαηνο δηράδεη λα κείλεη φπσο είλαη ή λα αιιάμεη;
Απγνπζηίλα Εεξβνύδε _________________________________________________________________________________ ΣΟ ΠΔΣΑΓΜΑ ΜΗΑ ΠΔΣΑΛΟΤΓΑ Ήηαλ πνιχ σξαία ηα καιιηά ζνπ ηφηε Σα ζπκάκαη θαιά Καηάκαπξα, θνληά, κε κία ππθλή θξάληδα Πάληα ηζησκέλα Κ‘ ήξζε κηα άηπρε ζηηγκή Μία ζηηγκή θαη κφλν κσο αξθεηή Ο θφζκνο φινο θνπλήζεθε θαη μαλακπήθε ζηε ζέζε ηνπ Γηαηί ην κακνχλη δελ γλψξηδε φηη δελ έπξεπε λα ζηαζεί εθεί Γηαηί ε κάλα κνπ δελ γλψξηδε ηελ αθέιεηα ελφο κηθξνχ παηδηνχ Γηαηί εγψ απιά δελ θαληάζηεθα Καη ν θφζκνο φινο θνπλήζεθε Κνπλήζεθε θαη μαλακπήθε ζηε ζέζε ηνπ Μαδί θαη ηα σξαία ζνπ καιιηά. Καη εγψ ζαλ άιινο Ηνχδαο Πξφδσζα ην κπζηηθφ ζνπ Γελ έρσ θσλή Σα ηξεκάκελα κάηηα κνπ Γελ ζε θνηηψ Ακεραλία θαη ληξνπή Πφζν κηθξέο έλλνηεο φηαλ θνηηάδνπλ ηελ αιήζεηα Σφηε θαη ηψξα Καη εζχ δελ είπεο ηίπνηα, κφλν ρακνγεινχζεο
Καηεξίλα Εσγξάθνπ _________________________________________________________________________________
Σhe black sea is mourning You say nothing
Άλλα Ζιηνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΟΠΣΗΚΖ ΠΟΗΖΖ Δίπε ζα ‘ξζεη κα δελ ήξζε. Eίπε έια θαη δελ πήγα. Δίπε μέρλα κε γηα ιίγν, ηε δσή δελ πξνιαβαίλσ. Δίπε πεο κνπ θαη άιιν ςέκα, πεο κνπ πσο δελ πξνζπνηείζαη. Δίπε γχξλα ηε ζειίδα, ην φλνκα κνπ μαλαγξάςε. Δίπε άιιν πίζσ κελ θνηηάδεηο, ηε δσή δελ πξνιαβαίλεηο Δίπε ζα ‘ξζεη κα δελ ήξζε. Δίπε έια θαη δελ πήγα.
You among the knives, are trapped, confused, can‘t understand the turn the things have taken and your hair turned to white. Your hands, Α mystery A broken kiss your lips and the time goes by.
Θενδώξα Δπαγγειία Θενδσξνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________
Black was the sky that day, Black, with clouds of smoke. The lights went out that day, And sirens were screaming when people woke. Death was all around, inside and out. Fire, Pain, War, Destruction Hateful outcomes of human action. War, Why should people die for this? When their only hope in life, Is if they try for Peace?
Cool crushing waves, Hit sunlit shimmering rocks. Summer, summer You feel like days of summer.
Μαξίλα Θσκνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________
I wish you could see me again If only you could see the sea again You liked the great sea. This room is too small These walls are too white They are almost blinding me No wonder why you can‘t see me anymore There is a fragrance in the room I think it is your smell I want you to touch me again with your soft hands I want you to call me again and ask me if I ate It‘s not easy for you I know It‘s not easy for me either Mom I want you to see the sight of my face again.
Διέλε Καιατηδάθε _________________________________________________________________________________ FEELING
The door suddenly opens, steps are heard in the attic, a man in black touches my shoulder and makes me feel dizzy with his heavy perfume.
Κσλζηαληίλνο Καιθνύλνο _________________________________________________________________________________ ΚΤΝΖΓΟ νχξνππν, ηξίμηκν λνηηζκέλσλ θιαδηψλ, Σξίβνληαη θάησ απφ ηε κπφηα ηνπ θπλεγνχ.
Γήκεηξα Καληάξε _________________________________________________________________________________
Women‘s perception is like an open book filled with information. The poetry arrives in my mind and, the fiction follows my dreams. In the centre of my heart the education makes me up. The pages of the books, the manuscripts of art worth the most prizes and love from each of us.
Δπηπρία Καπνηή _________________________________________________________________________________ GRANDFATHER
He was not like all the others, he was the one that taught me manners. But one cursed day all of a sudden, he had to lift a fatal burden. The illness grew him more and more weak, and finally it was a fight he couldn't win. It was the most tragic moment in my life, felt like my heart was stubbed by a knife. But in my mind I keep his memory alive, and as this lasts, Grandpa you can never die.
ηακαηία Καξάκπαιε _________________________________________________________________________________
―I feel insecure today‖ My lips would say, for us I pray Outside in the empty streets Walking alone, my heart bleeds. ―Sorrow‖ is the word Depression is not an illusion, my lord, Your absence aggravates my open sores. Your distant soul cracks my bones. Endless bridges, vacant paths, Down my way I fear so much. Black tears, black veins, black heart, My world is dead black and we‘re still apart
The tall, dark, mysterious man screamed in pain when the bullet ripped his intestines. Seconds later, the sweet sound of silence echoes in our ears
Άλλα Καξγηώηε _________________________________________________________________________________ SUN
Hot ray upon my skin You blind me with your ring.
Διέλε Καξύδα _________________________________________________________________________________ A RESUME
Name: H.K. Age: around 30 City- Country: X. Greece Profession: Occasionally work as uninspired artist Special Characteristics: Lost sense of humor Spending time alone Review: Many bad choices Plans for the future: A hot cup of coffee and Give up from life.
Ships have sailed. Ships have sailed full of people or empty. Ships have sailed for Peaceful Places or Dark Forests. Ships have sailed full of laughs or tears. Ships have sailed and will never return. Ships are blue, or red, or grey. Ships are in the blue, or red, or grey sea. Ships have sailed greeting cheerfully. Ships have sailed for war. Ships are drops in the ocean. Ships with no governor. Ships forgotten by God. Our ship has sailed, too. Our ship sailed last night for nowhere.
Δηξήλε Ησάλλα Καξθή _________________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIALIZED POET
Commercialized poet! You try to be creative and speak the language na(t)ive You write collections every year Without a tear Commercialized poet! You try to sell, to publish monsters Booksellers, publications, contests Maybe awards For things that aren‘t worth Commercialized poet! Now you make a living without a true feeling. After some years your name will be lost and will live like a ghost
If only she knew What is in my heart and my mind I hide my feelings inside me My poetry is my mask Being unable to act Everything is a desperate lie I wish I took my last breath I hope she killed me to be satisfied At least I would have died by her hand She would have taken my life I t would be hers for ever Reveal my secret and then I shall die
Kξπζηάιισ Καηζαξνύ _________________________________________________________________________________ THORNY THRONE
Thorn and throne Unsettling smile A woman up front Wondering why A string in her hands Is she threading her life? She‘s telling a story Of years passing by. That is the story The story of her life Knitting and waiting With thorns woven wild.
Two glittering sparks, twinkling above the scent of blooming almond trees evaporated in the rustle of the wind.
Μαξία Καησπόδε _________________________________________________________________________________
What a piercing noise! A car accident outside the church My wife was pregnant. I can smell the perfume of death
Διέλε Κηξθίλε _________________________________________________________________________________ BEDROOM
An empty room, full of abstract objects All in their positions, without any essence of human presence. A bed, a chair, a table All seem like speaking, like talking to each other. They are looking for their owner, but he is not there. He has left them alone, but they still have a soul. They represent the soul of their owner.
There is life in the room, even though there is nobody there. The owner has left it for a while, but he will soon be there.
Λνπίδα Κιαδή _________________________________________________________________________________ UNSINKABLE
Total hypothermia and debris all around Voices echoing on bow and stern Shiny diamonds, emeralds and amethysts - the smell of Brandy and cigars ~ Numbly resting in their watery grave ~
* A poem about Titanic, which sunk on April 15th 1912.
Παλαγηώηα Κνθθίλε _________________________________________________________________________________ ATHENS
From all the towns that a man knows she is the one that still glows She bridges the distance between past and present combining excellently monuments with trees, cafes and streets She stands there proudly for thousand years including things of every choice reflecting many poets‘ inner voice She is with no lie a place full of history and life that seems that it will never finish despite all those who want it to diminish.
Summer moonlight, hearing the laps of the waves sipping a glass of wine with you in my arms.
Γεξάζηκνο Κνκπνζέθξαο _________________________________________________________________________________ AIN‘T LIFE GRAND
Dark and wet alley the heart of the city, Naked footsteps evoke no pity Stench of a dinner from a garbage can, This ain‘t no place for woman nor man.
Δπαγγειία Κνξόδε _________________________________________________________________________________
Pale eyes and skin, she is my beloved taking the eternal sleep. I touch her cold hands, whispering the song of death. Long silence and night flowers‘ smell is all that‘s left.
Μαξία Αλησλία Κνζκήηνπ _________________________________________________________________________________
I played the fool In a jokers game But a guided hand Revealed the truth In this wicked game What happened to our love? It used to be so bright Loving, laughing caring Soon caught in the night I know nothing of your kind And I won‘t reveal your evil mind Is it over yet? In my head? You took the breath right out of me You left a hole where my heart should be You‘ve got to fight just to make it through Cause I will be the death of you.
A trumpet that no longer operates Brown castanets A magical wand ready to be used Stardust An unfinished portrait of a nun Yellow shoes unpacked A hat with white stripes Aromatic candles A diary full of scrawny pages and tears A sleeping pillow embroidered with stars Broken flowers Plastic wings that a child wore in the carnival Golden earrings that glimmer like the sun A scar tissue My black heart cut into million pieces
Μαξία Κνηξώηζνπ _________________________________________________________________________________
I feel the summer love As I can hear the strong coo of a dove. While I am seeing the stars shine I touch your hand and I make it mine.
Diana – Lady Di happy, helpful, pretty, shy the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales who loves children, charities and the family who is afraid of weakness, unhappiness and loneliness who wants to see healthy people, piece and serenity resident of Kensington Palace in London Spencer.
You are the best of all. I can‘t think of anything else at all. I am always waiting for your call. I think I can tell you all. I feel that you can give me all. Please hold my hand in the mall. And kiss me until I will pall. I love you more than all.
I was just a little addicted girl addicted to drugs. I got them ―downtown.‖ I used to lose my way back home. When police appeared, suddenly I was hidden. When I was under influence, I wondered. I was wandering for years – I have used it up now.
Μαξνύζθα Κνπινύξε _________________________________________________________________________________ MOCK HAIKU
Blood Pebbles Moon Rebels-sploshing Anne of Green Gables
Not being likely to commit, Slimy fish that spawn And from the head reek I, write off my list. Eyes on the cleaver & eye hooked on the meat, my tummy rumbles syncopated beat. I crave carpaccio rare not steak bovine & after Exotic tenderloin I pine For pineapple dresses its smile wry. Italian speck, ragout minced & for the eccentrics Horse‘s stick-pendulato cheer with pig‘s ear the pending quest I never feared. Meatballs I could do without I never cared that much for round. With game birds I‘ve had a beef my sister‘s nauseas vouch for itshe picked a fowl cockatoo that crowing only cock-and-bull its comb she plucked & made a stew; Besides, chew fat, rabbit & pork my intellectual meat lies thereon, Though fed up with pork pies And hare in shallots makes me cry! Ancient recipe recites ―the steamy kind reaches the sky‖: Lamb we‘ve shorn out of its fleece, its tawny locks I reminisce. Rump cap steak to the world, to the savvy Picanha was my first love. Warned me of its aftertaste «garlic cleaves your blood for days» But I being an easy meat The Sirloin could not resist. 82
Cockney rhyming= */ Pig‘s ear=beer/*Pork pies=lies/*Chew fat=chat/*Rabbit and pork=talk
NAPOLEON & LA BELLE DES MILLES FEUILLES This is why they‘re here Waiting for the tear Gathered round her bud rose Hips usher the monsoon prose. This is why she is here Clammy as an eel While Pollock smears her theme No 7 down the poppy stream Then effort to scream: ―September you thief!‖ ―Engulfed me in pipe dreams Belittled opium leaf. ‖ ―And Napoleon I cuss Cause his whipped cream lied! In maple syrup we come, In syrup warm I undone;‖ No cake frosting now chills Her spine No pastry puffed But her own eyes. This is why
Second hands prey on me Paramedics‘ parade On my New Life‘s Eve ―Help yourselves to my mille-feuille‖ The celebration‘s gone astray. Marvels- the wall- plastered with my DNA ―Pollock, try & smear me a better way‖; As I sink in my wound‘s open mike Booed off stage they chide: ―A.C‘s Only Women Bleed? M. pretty pickle you‘re in!‖ Stretcher shudders! I am shocked to scene Stretcher crooner, lulls me back to theme: 2a.m santero wine, 3a.m red star prying— 3.05 mattress squirms, 3.08 coiled sheets writhe, 4a.m folded in two, bathroom robe you won‘t do; 4.15 Frog poised on murky tiles, tap deluge ―seek and ye shall find‖, though livers coming out of me, clogged the drain instead. 5a.m will this end? Hands poking, interrogating my clammy rose hips tap rap raping. No cake frosting chills my spine no pastry puffed but my own eyes.
Get you to the licorice man with canes and candy hard and starburst loaded with illusions buzz you in ―Bee queen honey if you please‖. Then get you higher with stronger pollinations-only the beekeeper has the mending fix. The watchword repeat in plea ―Beekeeper more honey please‖. The Candy man‘s haze orange start to sip in under the flesh, and sting falls off the queen.
Νίθε Κνπηαιηαλνύ _________________________________________________________________________________ THE CRIPPLE
Walked up the stairs of my house, hands stretched forward Walked into the room. Mama was there sitting silently, Mama! Mama! Mama where are you? Mama please I need help! I made a clumsy move, Tripped over the water jar, And fell into the water. Water, I was touching with my hands. Water, I was feeling in my eyes. Stop! I said to myself And breathed. Opened my ears and all my senses widely and listened. And I saw! Yes, I heard the cricket next to me And with one single move I grabbed it. I heard where the kettle was boiling now. Started crawling, Calm and sure, And, oh boy, I touched a knee I held my head high as if I could see, Her, and said I can hear you too mama! Since then, I have a sharp memory. Since then, I wear hard soled shoes to hear the echo they make. Since then, black glasses are one with my skin. Since then, I sing with all my heart and soul like I want the moon to hear me. Since then, I get paid in single dollars so I don‘t get cheated. Since then, I am mixing r‘n‘b with gospel. Since then, I am doing my thing in the world of music. Since then, my friend I have been NO CRIPPLE.
We often ask God why And he replies because Universe is the piece And we are a chord. To take a look into The near and far future Desperately, we need If only we knew the true adventure Is here and now, indeed. Don‘t ignore the colorful mural across the street Feel a ray of light on your cheek Scream I don‘t want to grow up Be the outlaw in your daily absurd hastiness.
Small index points moon Squeaky voice rings like a bell Child, wonder of life
Βαζηιηθή Κξέθα _________________________________________________________________________________ ΑΗΧΝΗΟ ΚΤΚΛΟ Φζηλφπσξν. Σν ζξφηζκα ησλ θχιισλ κε αλαηξηρηάδεη. Υεηκψλαο. Σν ρηφλη ηηο ζηέγεο ησλ ζπηηηψλ ζθεπάδεη. Έλα θηέξληζκα απφ γχξε ηελ Άλνημε ζα θέξεη, ζάιαζζα θη νπξαλφο, Διιάδα, Καινθαίξη.
I, Hercules Poirot, I have to find out. I am on the train thinking aloud. Who is the murderer? Difficult to say. What shows the kimono, no one can say. I, the great detective, suspect everyone, but the murderer shall write only with the right hand. I know that there is a link but I can find no ink. The more I use my mind the better solutions I will find. Now is clear what has happened, the whole family is here, all of a sudden. Now my thoughts are correct, everybody is a suspect. Armstrong family made a perfect plan, but to their surprise I am a powerful mind, ―small‖ man.
Όιγα Κπξηαδνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________
On this January occasion I feel a sense of equilibrium You may or may not share Between boredom and remorse The bath of rage and pinnacle of glee Highfalutin testimonial To the banked curves of the track We‘re off/on One player substitutes for another The ball bounces off his name Stars and leaves in mail The literary suspension of multiples.
Κσλζηαληίλα Κσλζηαληνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ THE MERMAID
I saw a mermaid I heard her wails How fishy did she smell When I touched her scales!
Business rules Military rules Rules in political matters. Mathematical rules Language rules Rules in law matters. Politeness Morality Ruled by rules. Nature Society Ruled by rules. Rules Everywhere Rules Texas.
My beautiful Lady* A gift from God How could I resist To a body of Gold. Fresh and clean Your long hair aroused me What a figure! – so slim Don‘t regret being seen. Your private nature Made my urges Erotic and sexual Come to the edges. I‘m not a spy I‘m full of respect I shouldn‘t be prisoner To the blindness effect.
* (From the myth Lady Godiva. Inspired by the character of Peeping Tom.)
THE VENTRILOQUISTIC Don‘t read my lips You won‘t understand I don‘t shape my sayings I speak the words you cannot see I offer you the depth of sound Close your eyes, it‘s the voice!
The Sketch Approximately Contained A Magnetic Rant In flu.
Γεκήηξεο Κώζηαο _________________________________________________________________________________ ΈΔΣΑΗ ΉΜΑΡ *
I sinned many years ago, I took the fire, from Prometheus And he paid for this, with bonds. I ate from the forbidden fruit, the knowledge... But I paid more than the usual. Isn't enough? Justice is coming, together with Nemesis Holding the new Ex-caliber. I am the iron generation Hesiod. Is it my fault? Should Mythos become Thymos¹?A new Babel? I was deceived by an other Titan, more powerful∙ But, let me keep the fire in my heart; Let me consider my visitor better than my brother And I'm ready to find my own Caucasus. I'm not afraid, I am still listening to Homer: Odysseia, Ousia des.²
*Ancient Greek, meaning: The day is coming ¹ Anagram of the word myth, meaning anger ² Find the meaning
ΚΟΜΟΓΟΝΗΑ Σηκαίνο: -Γάζθαιε, πψο ηνλ έθηηαμε ηνχηνλ ηνλ θφζκν ν Λφγνο; σθξάηεο: -Σξία αζηέξηα έβαιε, ην έλα δίπια ζη‘ άιιν θη φια ην κέηξν θξάηαγαλ, ηνπ Λφγνπ ην κεγάιν Κη χζηεξα πήξαλ θίλεζε, αληίξξνπε κα ίζε θη έιαβε ρψξα ε πνίεζε, πνπ ηψξα ιέκε θχζε Σέζζεξα φληα ελψζεθαλ, καδί κε ηνλ Αηζέξα θαη ηα θελά πιεξψζεθαλ θαη έγηλε ε ζθαίξα Σνχην ην ηέιεην ζηεξεφ, δψδεθα άθξεο έρεη θαη η‘ νλνκάζακε Αγαζφ, ζην ρξφλν λα αληέρεη Μέζα ζ‘ απηφ θηλνχκαζηε θαη δνχκε κε αξκνλία θαη φια φζα βιέπνπκε, καο θαίλνληαη νηθεία Αλάκλεζε είλαη φια ηνπο, ζην δηάβα ηεο ςπρήο καο ζθηέο ηνπ θφζκνπ βιέπνπκε, κέζα ζηελ ηχθισζή καο Μνλάρα ν λνχο κπνξεί λα δεί, λ‘ αθνχζεη θαη λ‘ αγγίμεη ζην ζπήιαην ησλ δεζκσηψλ, πνπ θάπνηνη ζ‘ έρνπλ θιείζεη Καη γηα λα βγείο ζηνλ πεγαηκφ, πνπ ζ‘ νδεγεί ζην Θείν ζσζηή παηδεία λα δεηάο ζ‘ νιφθιεξν ην βίν Γηρφλoηεο δηψμε καθξηά, ηνλ Γίθαην πάληα ηίκα Κξάηα ηνλ Λφγν ζηαζεξά, κεζ‘ ηεο δσήο ην θχκα Καη κελ μερλάο η‘ Αιεζηλφ, πνπ ε θσηηά γελλάεη θη αθίλεην θαη θηλεηφ, ηα πάληα θπβεξλάεη Έλαο ηεο Φχζεο ν Αξηζκφο, γεκάηνο ζπκκεηξία ηνπ βίνπ είλαη ν ξπζκφο, κέζ‘ ηε γεσκεηξία Απηή ηνλ θφζκν ζέξηεςε, απηή ζηα πάληα Άξρεη απηή κε Λφγν έζξεςε, ηνλ άλζξσπν πνπ ππ-άξρεη Κη φηαλ ην Νφκν δελ ηεξείο, πνηλή λα αλακέλεηο γηαηί αλ ηα κέηξα ππεξβείο, κέζα ζην Υάνο βαίλεηο Σν Μέηξν είλαη ην νξζφ, ν κέγαο δσνδφηεο θαη ζηεο ζνθίαο ην ξπζκφ, ηνπ ςεχδνπο ν πξνδφηεο
ΦΟΒΟ Ρακκέλνο κέζ‘ ηα αηζζήκαηα, μέλν παηδί ηνπ Λφγνπ ζαξξεί θηλεί ηα λήκαηα, ην άθνπζκα ηνπ θφβνπ Nνκίδεηο είλ‘ αθεληηθφ, κα κνλαρά ππάξρεη θξαηά θξπθφ ην κπζηηθφ, πσο θάπνηνο άιινο άξρεη Μέζα ζην θχκα ηνπ κπαινχ, ςάρλεη λα βξεί λεζίδεο δεηεί ηε δχλακε ηνπ λνχ, λα δψζεη κ‘ αιπζίδεο Ζ κάλα ηνπ ε Άγλνηα, παιεχεη λα ηνλ ζψζεη κα ζάβεη ηελ παξάλνηα, ε ινγηθή θη ε γλψζε Θξεκκέλνο πάληα ζθφπηκα, δνχιν γηα λα ζε θάλεη ηεο θχζεο είλαη αηφπηκα, γη‘ απηφ ζπλήζσο ράλεη Μ‘ αλάζηεκα δπν ζπιιαβέο, λφζν παηδί ηνπ Υάνπο ρηππά κε δηάθνξεο κνξθέο, αδχλακνπο θαη πξάνπο ηα κχρηα κέξε ηεο ςπρήο, παιεχεη λα γπξίζεη κα δελ ζα βξεί ν αθειήο, κήηξα λα ηνλ γελλήζεη
Υξηζηίλα Λαγνύ _______________________________________________________________________________ ΗΤΦΟ Μαηαηνδνμία λα ζεο λα μεγειάζεηο ην ζάλαην. Σν ηέινο θαη ε αξρή θνηλή έλλνηα γη‘ απηφλ πνπ ζέιεη λα μεθχγεη. Άπνςε. Με ηηκσξία λα δήζεηο κηα πην κάηαηε δσή. θνπφο. Κνληά ζηε ινγηθή ηνπ ζχκπαληνο πνπ δελ ζέιεη λα ηειεηψζεη, Μάρε ρακέλε ζε έλα πφιεκν γηα ηελ θαηάθηεζε ηνπ απείξνπ. Έλαο χκλνο ζηελ ηέιεηα ειεπζεξία.
Αζαλαζία Λακπξνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΣΟ ΞΤΡΑΦΗ ηέθεηο εθεί κε έλα θνκκέλν αθηί Σν βιέκκα ζνπ πεξίεξγν θαη αλήζπρν Βαζαληζκέλε ε κνξθή ζνπ Πνην άξαγε ην μπξάθη ηεο ςπρήο ζνπ; Σχςεηο, ζιίςε, πφλνο Σν μέξεηο θαιά φηη πάληα ήζνπλ κφλνο Αθξσηεξηαζκέλν θεθάιη, αθξσηεξηαζκέλε θαξδηά Φεχγνπλ νη αγαπεκέλνη ζνπ καθξηά ε θπλεγάεη ε εγθαηάιεηςε πνπ θνβάζαη Ο ήιηνο εμαθαλίζηεθε πίζσ απφ βαξηά ζχλλεθα Καη ην θππαξίζζη θπξηάξρεζε ζαλ καχξε θιφγα. Υξψκαηα έληνλα θαη θσηεηλά πνζείο θη φρη ηα γθξίδα θαη ηα αρλά ηεο δσήο πνπ δεηο.
Fact or fiction? The war is imminent No more festivals, feasts, and fifes Only felonies and feuds. Fidelity because of fear Frustration because of forlorn hope Fellows suffer from their flaws And the foes fixed in our flesh as fleas. But, finally Their failure will be our feat Our flag will flood them like a flow. We will fly away, without our fetters And only faith will be our fare for fidelity
Μαξία Λέθθα _______________________________________________________________________________ LONG AFTER
The log began to flame a bright red As he‘s reading in the candle-light the same story Lost in reflection Hearing again those cannons rumbling in the distance.
Αγγειηθή Λπθνύδε _______________________________________________________________________________ ΘΔΟΗ, ΘΝΖΣΟΗ Άξρηζε ρνξφο ζηελ θνξπθή ηνπ Οιχκπνπ Σελ ψξα πνπ ζ‘ έλα ρσξηφ δνπιεχαλε νη Μνίξεο Γελλήζεθε θη ν Ζξαθιήο Με παιηθαξηά θαη ξψκε Καη ε Λάρεζε ηνπ έδσζε Εσή γεκάηε άζινπο Οη Μνχζεο ηξαγνπδνχζαλ, πκλνχζαλ ηνπο ζενχο Καη ν Αζθιεπηφο εγηάηξεπε ηνπο πιεγσκέλνπο ζλεηνχο ηνλ πφιεκν ηνπ Άξε Ήξζε θαη ε Αζελά Καη λίθεζε ηνλ αδεξθφ ηεο Με ηα θφιπα ηα ζνθά.
Άλλα Λπθνπξίλα _______________________________________________________________________________
You are an old woman a wrinkly woman but you are a bit puzzled why? There are climbing plants behind you plants with sharp thorns there are increased problems in your mind problems with different aspects If you touch them, you will be harmed If you face them, you will be relieved Use your needles Unravel the mystery Get out of the maze Try. I will try
Aλδξέαο Μάιιεο _______________________________________________________________________________ SOLDIER
Thy sword so cutting, Thy spear so piercing, Thy shield so resisting, Thy spirit so unfolded, Thy sock so mighty, Thy slap so hard-hitting, Thy shoulders so hard, Thy shanks so tough, And thy shins so sturdy.
The raindrop thunderously hits the road, And the puppy‘s searching for a refuge. Its tiny nose cannot dig out any sign of food amongst the mire. And it keeps searching on and on.
Διέλε Μαληά _______________________________________________________________________________ MY LIFE
Locked in a golden cage my soul like a bird seeks a way out youth and wealth deceive and now a famous monster can‘t escape fate a fake life full with wealth and fame blinded by lights and colors but my lonely heart bursts into tears if my life was given a second chance it would have a deeper meaning.
Mαξίλα Μαξάθε _______________________________________________________________________________ ΚΤΚΝΔΗΟ ΑΜΑ ηελ αιήζεηα ησλ αηψλσλ ζα θξπθηψ θαη ζηα κάξκαξα ηα ρέξηα κνπ ζα πιέμσ· ηε ζησπή κνπ ζηε ζησπή ηνπο ζα ηελ πσ, κε ηε κνίξα κνπ ζηηο ζηάρηεο ηνπο ζα παίμσ. Κη φκσο, ζαλ πάσ πην θνληά εθεί, ηελ ψξα πνπ νη βνπέο ηνπ θφζκνπ πέθηνπλ, ιηγάθη απφ ην κάξκαξν ηνπ θεγγαξηνχ ζα θιεθηνχλ θαη ζα πςψλνληαη κε άιιε αίγιε θαη κνξθή. Κάζνληαη νιφιεπθα εθεί ηα εηξσληθά θνπθάξηα, ηελ ψξα πνπ ην ζάβαλν ηνπ θεγγαξηνχ ηα ληχλεη, θσλψληαο επηθήδεηνπο κε θάπνηα ππφγεηα θξαπγή, κε κπζηηθή νδχλε.
ΑΠΟΚΑΛΤΦΖ ην κπάλην ήζνπλα δσζκέλε, ζα λχκθε ηνπ Παλφο κηθξή κνπ, κε ην λεξφ απ‘ ην ληνπδ πνπ πάλσ ζνπ πψο δείρλεη ζαλ θφξεκα πδάηηλν θαη θίλν. Κη εγψ γηα κηα ζηηγκή κνλάρα, θξπκκέλε πίζσ απφ ηεο ζιίςεο ηηο θνπξηίλεο, ηηο παξακέξηζα γηα έλα θιεθηφ βιέκκα ζε έλα φλεηξν ηδαληθφ θαη ςέκα. αλ Αθξνδίηε αλαδχζεθεο κέζα απ‘ ηνπ λεξνχ ηνλ πφζν ηνλ αξραίν θη αθέζεθα ζηελ πιάλε απ‘ ην κνηξαίν θαη ην αθαλφληζην θεθάιη θιίλσ. Κη εθεί πνπ νη άκπλεο κνπ φιεο είραλ πέζεη, –Γηα κηα ζηηγκή ην επέηξεςα κνλάρα– γχξηζεο θαη κε θνίηαμεο κε κάηηα ηφζν καχξα θαη είδεο πηα ην πάζνο κνπ πνπ θξχβσ. Σφηε αγάπε κνπ εζχ ζαλ δεχηεξε Δχα γξήγνξα εθάιπςεο ην ζψκα πνπ κ‘ φιε ηνπ ηε ιάγλα επιπγηζία, παξζέλν ήηαλε αθφκα. Σν «‘ αγαπψ» ηεο ζιηβεξήο, βαξηάο ςπρήο κνπ πψο έζηαμε ζην πξάζηλν πιαθάθη θαη κε ην ηξέμηκφ ζνπ λ‘ αληερεί αθφκα άξρηζε ηε δνπιεηά ην καχξν ην ζαξάθη.
Μαξηάλλα Μαξάληε _______________________________________________________________________________ IN HELL
Monkey-like Monks with devilish eyes Pale wet innocents screaming and crawling; Heart-attack
ice-cold shadows merging miniatures porcelain dolls crack mermaids frozen silence screams
fragile hopes arising brutal dreams collapse vulgar virgins pray
Happy despair blackmails Fake tales delude Amnesia;
The death of the honor The death of the child The death of the mother The death of the presence The death of the absence My spiritual death My physical death My death Our death The death of the world The death of the universe The death of the holy spirit The death of the creator Our creator The death of the self The death of the other The death of the black The death of the white White, black, gray, white The death of the victim The death of the victimizer The death of the lamb The death of the wolf The death of inspiration The death of consolation The death of memory The death of hope Hope-deadened hope-sad hope-misery The misery of the innocent The misery of the poor The misery of the rich who wished they were poor The misery of the hope The misery of degradation The misery of a lost Eden The misery of a death Could it be Hell? Death and sadness Death and sorrow Death and life Death in life Life in death Life after Death No life at all What is left? If left? Nothing. Anything? Something What could it signify? Something. Anything. Nothing At all. And that is all. Could be all 112
Μαξία Θενδώξα Μάξθνπ _______________________________________________________________________________
Horses run on muddy waters spurs reflect the morning light. Rising smoke from greenest forest. Welcome rain with open mouth.
Δπηά ηα ζαχκαηα ηνπ θφζκνπ. Δπηά ζαλάζηκα ακαξηήκαηα. Δπηά ζνθνί. Δπηά επί Θήβαο. Δπηά νη ςπρέο ηεο γάηαο. Δπηά επρέο. Δπηά ζάιαζζεο. Δπηά λάλνη. Δπηά εκέξεο. Δπηά νπξαλνί. Δπηά αξεηέο. Δπηά αξράγγεινη. Δπηά θηιηά κνπ έδσζεο! Δπηά καγηθφο αξηζκφο!
Αιεμάλδξα Μαζνύξα _________________________________________________________________________________ LA TRISTE RAGGAZA D‘ ARICCIA
Trapped in the endless journey of the painter, Speaks but no music will ever be heard, Her two souls sorrowful and poor. Some of us will understand her, others will just look at her waiting for the resurrection of love like a poet for her muse. Amore will never find her form. Trapped within the painter‘s arms struggling to be set free. But there she will always be: La raggaza d‘Arricia.
Remembering stories of the past, His recollections, would narrate But that would be his last one As, often he would say. ―Son, the battles were not enough To save you, the Mortals. The fact is to find the key To keep this world believing.‖ Astonished as the son was, Laughed and left the old man dreaming.
O Άδκεηνο παληξεχηεθε, γηνξηέο θαη παλεγχξηα κα ηελ ζεά εμέραζε ζπζία λα ηεο θάλεη. Δμνξγηζκέλε ε Άξηεκηο θαθφ ζε λα ηνπ θάλεη «Σελ πξψηε λχρηα λα ζε βξνχλ, λα ζε θαηαζπαξάμνπλ.» Οη κνίξεο ζα λ‘ αθνχζαλε θαιφ πάλε λα πξάμνπλ. Ζ Άξηεκηο εζθέθηεθε, ζα ηνπ ραξίζεη ηελ δσή αληάιιαγκα αλ ηνπ δψζεη. Ζ Άιθεζηηο πξνζθέξζεθε ζπζία λα εγίλεη. Μα πξηλ πξνιάβεη ε ςπρή ζηνλ Κάησ Κφζκν λα θαλεί, Ο Ζξαθιήο, ηελ Άιθεζηε αξπάδεη γηα λα θέξεη. Καη κφιηο ήξζε ε ραξά, Γηνξηέο θαη παλεγχξηα θαη ε ζεά πην δπλαηά λα ηξαγνπδά καδί ηνπο.
Βαζηιηθή Μάηζηθα _________________________________________________________________________________ VERMILLION
The blood that gives the birth The blood that feeds the heart. The blood that gives the pulse The blood that needs the nurse. The blood that staffs the vein. The blood that bespeaks the pain. The blood that flows under every inch of the body The blood that makes the hissing melody. The blood that stains the blades The blood that foes barricades. The blood that stimulates the mind The blood that avenges the feticide. The blood that Christ bestowed as mead. The blood that parts the living from the dead.
Άλλα Μαπξατλνύ _________________________________________________________________________________
Father‘s advice Physical assurance Assurance till death Falling A notion dark and uneasing The nose is a sling
The salmons made it back to the river, After a life long journey. They are back to their place of birth. They‘ve made it against the salty current, Against the hungry carnivorous lives, those higher in the food chain Exhausted, using the last cells of their body the mother releases the eggs which will be the next generation. Her dead body is to cover them for protection. She does not want to die. She eats her babies. She removes their lives brutally, for another trip In the ocean.
Brain‘s hemispheres. Left, right, left, right. The pendulum moved. Left, right, left, right, the ticking was slow, excruciatingly so. Should she, shouldn‘t she? Should she shouldn‘t she? The right hemisphere produced the urge, the left hemisphere produced the logic. How should one choose between them? The pendulum hypnotized her. Left, right, left, right The answer was never found. She made a third option She jumped out of the window
Διέλε Μίληδεξα _________________________________________________________________________________ JIM
Am I Dreaming? Awake. It's Dawn. I am in a Dessert. Am I Dreaming? Awake. I saw the Lament. I am Cracked. It's an Indian. Many Indians. In the Dessert. Cracked. Bird of Prey, Hear my voice? Awake. Am I Dreaming? Who called these dead to fly? It's their Spirit. It Flies. Awake. It comes into me. Slip into my Soul. It's Still in Here. Awake. I need to Awake. I am free. No country possesses me. Celebrate symbols of Forests. Remember the Indians. In my Heart. Summer of Love. Make the myths. Ride the snake. I want the World. I am the Lizard King.
Still Marooned. The Echo of the Waves. Staring. Wish I could swim. Whispers on the clouds. Still I smell the Breeze. Waltz.
This is Music. I picture Divinity in Color. I am Charmed. The Day‘s Divinity, the Spirits whispered to me. I am in a Land of Nymphs. They put a Spell on me. I am Charmed. Then comes the Rain. I am Still Charmed. Music keeps me Charmed. The Towns sang to me. The Islands showed the Path. I left the Islands, though. I Dream of flying. I hear a very gentle Sound The Night that I dream awake. I‘ll light a Fire in the side of the Dawn. It‘s what my Head Colors. I Color Blue. Let it strike a Chord. This is Music.
Γεζζεκαλή Μνπηαθίδε _________________________________________________________________________________ THE WATER The blue water underneaththe surface. You are. The black sun above-YOU. You sense, you dream, you fear.
As we stayed as you stayed, two friends close to each other. the flowers of our heart ―Do you remember my smell?‖ ―I do, but have forgotten where we are.‖
The trace. The trace she left. The separated trace. Like a circle of a giant trap. My circle.
The son. The young son. The young son remains. Like a cause of feelings, buried deep inside the blackness of feelings. Focus. You have to focus. You are the focus.
Choices I make. Choices? Did I choose my color? Did I choose my religion? Did I choose my parents? Did I choose my appearance? Did I choose my life? Choices that are here to stay. Choices that follow me. Choices with an enigmatic face. Choices only for me. Did I choose my love? Did I choose my partner? Did I choose my friends? Did I choose my language? Choices come and go. Choices with no name. Choices for you. Choices for me. Choices to stay. For how long?
νθία Μπατξάκε _________________________________________________________________________________ BLACK AND WHITE It‘s all about Vanity. We are all citizens of Vanity We have body but no voice Heart but no feeling. We are empty souls, Dead bodies in our homes. No face for you to see No light to come and see. So dark, so black, so cold Like shadows during the night-fall. What to say and what to do In faces that never move. Our dreams pass through And we stand there having nothing to do. What a pity and what a cry For those who lived but never try To live a life with joy and light! GUYS JUST LIVE YOUR LIVES!
ΛΔΞΔΗ Λέμεηο, ιέμεηο παληνχ ‘ έλα θχιιν ραξηί, ζην θαγεηφ πνπ ζα θαο, ζε κηα πξσηλή θαιεκέξα απ‘ ηνλ αγαπεκέλν ζνπ, ζ‘ έλα μεραζκέλν γξάκκα πνπ δελ ήζειεο λ‘ αλνίμεηο Κη απηέο εθεί, ιεο θαη ζνπ ππελζπκίδνπλ ηελ χπαξμή ηνπο Λεο θαη έρνπλ θσλή λα ηηο αθνχζεηο. Λέμεηο ινγήο ινγήο άιιεο μαλζέο θη άιιεο κνπληέο Λέμεηο πεξίεξγεο πνπ δελ θαηαιαβαίλεηο, ζα λα κελ ήμεξεο πνηέ ζνπ λα κηιάο. Λέμεηο πνπ αθνχγνληαη, άιιεο βνπβέο κα φιεο ηνπο έρνπλ θάηη λα ζνπ πνπλ. Λέμεηο πνπ ράλνληαη ζαλ ηηο ζθηέο φηαλ ηηο ζθέθηεζαη θαη ράλεζαη ζην ρζέο. Φηάλεη πηα κε ηηο ιέμεηο! Σέξκα νη ιέμεηο, ηέξκα ηα ιφγηα. Λέμεηο, ζα ηηο μεξηδψζσ απ‘ ην ιαξχγγη κνπ κία κία, Θα καηψζσ κα ζα‘ καη ειεχζεξε. κσο δελ θηάλεη πηα ε ζησπή, δελ θηάλνπλ πηα νη ιέμεηο.
Αθξνδίηε Μπαιαλίθα _________________________________________________________________________________ ΑΒΑΝΑ Κνίηα πσο μερχλνληαη νη αγέιεο κφιηο αλάςεη πξάζηλν. Γελ νξκνχλ, δελ επηηίζεληαη. Μνλάρα κνλαρνί δηαζρίδνπλ ηελ απφζηαζε, κα πνηέ δελ πιεζηάδνπλ. Δίλαη απφ εθείλα ηα είδε πνπ παιεχνπλ γηα ηνλ εαπηφ ηνπο. αξθνθάγα; Μφλν αλ απεηιήζεηο ην δσηηθφ ηνπο ρψξν: Έλα δπάξη, έλα ακάμη, ηε ξνπηίλα ηνπο. Δπηδψληεο ζε αζηηθφ δσνινγηθφ πάξθν. Θχκαηα θαη ζχηεο ζηνλ αέλαν θχθιν ηεο ηξνθηθήο αιπζίδαο. Σν κεγάιν ςάξη ηξψεη ην κηθξφ. Έηζη είλαη. Πάληα έηζη ήηαλ. Καη πάληα ζ‘ αλάβεη πξάζηλν φηαλ φια ηξηγχξσ ζα είλαη γθξίδα.
Can you taste the rain? The thunder is barely heard anymore I can see the rainbow from the corner of your smile. Bliss.
Μαξία Μπαληνπβά _________________________________________________________________________________ SILENT PRESENCE
No good word will be spoken to her. She will constantly have to repeat herself. Her eyes are open wide, But she‘ll be charged for the biggest crimes. What an irony to blame a mute for not speaking And Her for a war. The hypocrisy of their living Is now her fault. Naked as a prostitute and innocent like a child, She will have to undergo Their gobbledygook For her whole life.
ΠΛΔΞΗ Σα κάηηα ηεο ηαμηδεχνπλ ζπρλά, ίζσο δελ βιέπεη πηα θαιά, θαη φκσο ζπλερίδεη λα θξαηάεη εθείλν ην ζεκέλ. Πεξήθαλα ζα ην ζηνιίζεη ή ζα ην ραξίζεη γηα λα κε ιεζκνλεζεί. Απν ην κεζεκέξη ψζπνπ λα ραξάμεη, ζθπθηή, θξαηψληαο πάληα βειφλα θαη θισζηή.
Μαξία Μπηξιηξάθε _________________________________________________________________________________
Έδεζα γηα ηνλ έξσηα Έδεζα γηα ηελ ηέρλε ε πιάζκα δσληαλφ δελ έθαλα πνηέ θαθφ Άιισζηε απηνί πνπ κε ηελ ηέρλε θαη ηνλ έξσηα δνπλ ην δηάβα ηνπο θαλέλα δελ πιεγψλνπλ, παξά κφλν πιεγψλνληαη Γελ είκαη άγγεινο Γελ είκαη δηάβνινο Δίκαη γπλαίθα, έλαο κχζνο δσληαλφο Σν κφλν κνπ παξφλ ήηαλ ην παξειζφλ Σν κφλν κνπ κέιινλ ήηαλ νη αλακλήζεηο Σψξα πηα δσ ζ‘έλαλ θφζκν πνπ φια ηα θνξίηζηα ηα ιέλε Βηνιέηα Καη φια η‘αγφξηα είλαη πνηεηέο Μα εζχ απφ έλα θελφ ζην ζχκπαλ γηα πάληα ζα κ‘αθνχο λα ηξαγνπδψ. .
Under the blazing mid-afternoon summer sky The Seine flooded with sunshine Faces devoured by the implacable sunlight A rust colored butterfly hovers the sky The Dantesque old grandmother is standing aside Holding her Parisian parasol upside Boats are moving up and down People are sitting lazily on the ground Mysterious transcendence is all around.
Κνξίλα Νηθνιάνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΣΗΓΜΔ Δ ΚΔΥΡΗΜΠΑΡΗ Πξνζκέλνπκε ηνλ έξσηα πνιχ πξηλ ηνλ γλσξίζνπκε. Σνλ ιαρηαξνχκε πάληα. Γλέζνπκε ηελ κνξθή ηνπ ζην κπαιφ. Απηφλ πνπ ληχλεη κε επηπρία ηα απιά κα ζψκαηα γπκλά ζηηο αγθαιηέο αθήλεη. Λνπζκέλα ζψκαηα ζην πξψην πξσηλφ θσο θαη πξφζσπα κε δάθξπα αγάπεο λνηηζκέλα. Δπραξηζηνχκε θη επγλσκνλνχκε απηνχο πνπ έθεξαλ ζηε δσή, γηα εκάο, ην αγαπεκέλν πιάζκα. Λαηξεχνπκε θαζεηί πνπ θέξεη ην άγγηγκά ηνπ θαη ζηελ ςπρή καο, ην άξσκά ηνπ, θαιά θξπκκέλν θπιαθηφ. Μα πέξα απφ ην δένο ηνπ γπκλνχ θαη ηνπ έξσηα ηελ επηπρία, πέξα απφ ην παξφλ, ην παξειζφλ, ηνλ πξψελ, ηνλ εξαζηή, ην κέιινλ, ζηέθεηαη απηφ πνπ αιεζηλά θαλείο θεξδίδεη. Απηφ πνπ αηψληα ρξσζηάεη. Ζ ηέρλε, ε έκπλεπζε, ην αίζζεκα, η‘ φλεηξν. Ζ ηχρε λα δεηο ζε κηα ζηηγκή, κηα νιφθιεξε δσή.
Δ ΜΗΑ ΦΣΧΥΖ, ΥΡΤΖ ΚΑΡΓΗΑ Μηα κεισδία ηζηγγάληθε ερεί, κε πξνζπέξλα Πφδηα ρνξεχνπλε γπκλά, ζαλ ηα λνκίζκαηα κέζα ζην ληέθη. Μαχξα ζαλ έβελν καιιηά, κάηηα ηθεηεπηηθά πγξά Πνηά αλάγθε ζηέγλσζε ζηελ παηδηθή θαξδηά ην θέθη;
ΟΝΔΗΡΟ ΟΤΓΔΣΔΡΟΤ ΓΔΝΟΤ! ζηε δσγξάθν Διέλε Μπνχθνπξα-Αιηακνχξα Θπκάκαη απαιά ηε κνξθή κνπ κηθξή δξνζεξή ειηθία απφκεξα απφ ηα βηβιία. Παξέα κφλε ηα πηζηά κνπ πηλέια λα ρνξεχσ ζε νλείξνπ παιέηα, κεζπζκέλε απ‘ ην ρξψκα, δσεξή καξηνλέηα ε θακβά ππνγξάθσ ηα φλεηξά κνπ. αγγέινπο θαη δαίκνλεο κε ηελ ηέρλε λα θηάζσ, φπσο κ‘ επιαζε ν Θεφο λα παιέςσ λα κνηάζσ Να ζπνπδάζσ φ,ηη βαζηά αγαπψ κα γη‘ απηφ πξέπεη λα γίλσ ζπζία απαξληέκαη κηα κνξθή γπλαηθεία ψκα γπκλφ, γηα ζθίηζν ειεχζεξν, πφδεο κα ην δηθφ κνπ εγψ λα θξχβσ θαιά ληπκέλν κε δηθαίσκα άλδξα, ην κάηη λα μεγειά Έηζη, ζην πάησκα ηα πινχζηα καιιηά κνπ θαη απφ πάλσ κνπ ηηλάδσ ζαλ ζθφλε ζηνιίδηα παιηάο γνεηείαο, πνπ ν ζηφρνο ζακπψλεη Κη ε επηηπρία κηα γιπθηά κεισδία Σν θξπθφ κνπ γέλνο γπξεχσ, ζηε ιέμε επηπρία!
ΤΠΟΓΡΑΦΧ «ΑΝΘΡΧΠΟ» Σνπ Αξηζηνηέιε ηα βήκαηα δεηιά αθνινπζψ ε κηα εηθφλα, ην αξραίν ξεηφ ηνπ ζπλαληψ, εηνχην πνπ κ‘ φξηζε «δψνλ πνιηηηθφλ» κα ε πνιηηεία, ηη εηξσλεία, κνπ απαγφξεπζε λα δσ. ε δπν παιάκεο, ζα θπιαθίζσ ρψκα, λεξφ Σα δάρηπια ζθηρηά ζα θιείζσ, ζα νλεηξεπηψ ηελ χιε κνπ, αθαηέξγαζην πιηθφ πειφο πνπ πιάζσ θαη αξρίδσ λα δεκηνπξγψ. Σα βήκαηα κνπ ζε φ,ηη γέλλεζα νδεγψ, κε ζπληξνθηά κνπ ηνλ αξραίν θίιν καο ζνθφ Κάζηξα ηππνηψλ-κεραλψλ, πφιεηο πεξλψ θαη εξγνζηάζηα πνπ παξάγνπλ θηελά ην «εγψ» Μα κέζα ζηεο πφιεο ηελ πνιππιεζή εξεκηά έλαο πιαλφδηνο θηζαξίζηαο ηξαγνπδά «ίδεξν θαη αίκα, ράξηηλν πλεχκα θαη βνπή Γεκηνπξγνχκε, κα φρη πιένλ κνπζηθή! Δηθφλεο άπιεο, ζρέζεηο εηθνληθέο ςπρέο θαη ζθέςεηο απφ ηδαληθά θελέο νπζίεο θαη αληί-θαηαζιηπηηθά γηα φζα θξχβνληαη ζε κηα αγθαιηά»
A kingdom unguided goes A ruler drown in French wine No matter what changes he brings He always sacrifices his will For a gift considered Divine!
Your glorious head reappears surrounded by slippery snakes Your twisted mind that poisons whatever humanity makes Once a utopian beauty Gods praised your name Now cursed in a monstrous form On iron shield, echoes your fame The man who boasts for your death Takes a mortal mask for reality, Afraid, lest stone he becomes Only stares in a mirror‘s duality But, what scares people to death is a creature well kept in the mist Their inner hideous self through your eyes, they see that exist.
*The poem refers to the Greek myth of Medusa
Δηξήλε Υξπζνβαιάληε Νηθνινύδε _________________________________________________________________________________ FIVE CERTAIN FROGS
What makes them happy? Whatever flies. But why? They take the lives from flies and mosquitoes Whatever flies. But these fives do mind. They are listening to flies or to mosquitoes crying. Their population is different. Have feelings and eyes. The do know. That whatever flies May be food But it is not good. Just because it has mood. Just like everyone. Just like frogs.
ΔΡΧΣΟΚΡΗΣΟ ΚΑΗ ΑΡΔΣΟΤΑ Πφζν πνιχ πξνζπάζεζε γηα λα ηελέ θεξδίζεη Σξαγνχδεζε, δσγξάθηζε γηα λα ηελ ζπγθηλήζεη. Γίρσο λα μέξεη πξφζσπν, θαηαγσγή θαη ηζέπε μάθλνπ ηνλ εξσηεχηεθε κε κηα ηνπ κφλν ιέμε. Ήηαλε κηα αξξψζηηα ε αθνξκή λα κάζεη Πσο ην παιηθαξάθη ηδε Σνλ ηξψγαλε ηα πάζε. Σνλ γλψξηδε πνιχ θαιά φκσο ν θχξηνο ηζε δελ ήζειε λα ηνλε δεη δίπια εηο ην πιεπξφ ηδε. Κξπθά εινγνδφζεθαλ πξηλ λα ηνλε μνξίζνπλ Γηα λα λαη πιένλ δχζθνιν λα ηζη μαλαρσξίζνπλ. Γελ ηνλ αξλήζεθε πνηέ φληε ζηε κάρε απάλσ κάρε πνπ εγηλφηαλε γηα ηελ θαξδηά ηεο κφλν. Απφ ηνπο Βιάρνπο έζσζε Σν λέν πεζεξφ ηνπ θη εθείλνο κε ρακφγειν ηνλ δέρηεθε γακπξφ ηνπ.
Ζιηάλλα Νηόθα _________________________________________________________________________________ ENDLESS DESTINATIONS
Do you see the horizon? I want to go there North or South East or West or Everywhere. The Empire of the Sun, The Big Apple‘s land. The frozen tops of the icebergs, the heat in the Sahara desert. Dreamy destination, not everyone can go there. Take me by the hand I want to see them all, I love the journeys of the soul.
Καηεξίλα Νηνύξνπ _________________________________________________________________________________
Did I cause this rage? Everything pointed out I did A brother dying The great Day Hello to God did he say Go upstairs, get undressed Upset my mother in distress In fear of whips Lest she forgets The fearsome loss of her dearest
Καηεξίλα Ξηάξρνπ _________________________________________________________________________________
Μνηάδεηο κ‘ έλα ηξηαληάθπιιν Κάζε πέηαιν θαη κηα ζνπ ζθέςε, θάζε αγθάζη θαη κηα ζνπ πιεγή Κάζε πέηαιν θαη έλα φλεηξν καδί ζνπ, θάζε αγθάζη θαη κηα ζνπ αιήζεηα πηθξή Μνηάδεηο ηφζν πνιχ κε ην ηξηαληάθπιιν Ζ κπξσδηά ηνπ κνπ ζπκίδεη ην πξψην ‘ αγαπψ Σξηαληάθπιιν θφθθηλν ζαλ ηνλ ήιην, θαηο ζαλ ηε θσηηά Σξηαληάθπιιν θίηξηλν ζαλ ην θεγγάξη, έρεηο κνλαμηά Σξηαληάθπιιν άζπξν ζαλ ηνλ θχθλν, έρεηο ηελ πην αγλή κπξσδηά Σξηαληάθπιιν καχξν ζαλ ηε λχρηα, έρεηο ζιίςε ζηελ θαξδηά Ξέξεηο, δελ αηζζάλνκαη φηη ην ηξηαληάθπιιν πεζαίλεη, έρεη ληθήζεη ην ζάλαην Απιψο εζχ αξέζθεζαη ζην ζάλαην, γη‘ απηφ θαη καξάζεθα. εγψ
The moon is pale and my eyes in tears Can you hear the sound of the fire burning in my heart?
Ησάλλα Ξσκεξηηάθε _________________________________________________________________________________ IN SEARCH OF A TRUE HERO
Divided as I feel in-between love and hate I‘ll try to touch the stony face of my lover. I‘ll learn the way to cut the strings of fate For the conventions I will no longer bother. I‘ll paint with colors the high walls of my cave In search of truth, I‘ll follow my own Plato. And if he‘s fragile but still tries to be brave He‘ll be the man who fought against NATO*.
(*NATO=International organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security.)
ΣΟ ΜΖΓΔΝΗΚΟ ΒΑΡΟ ΣΟΤ ΟΤΗΧΓΟΤ Ξεκεξψκαηα Γεπηέξαο θαη ην ραξηί, έηνηκν λα αηηκσζεί απ‘ ην παρχ κειάλη Καζψο νη ζθέςεηο, άηαρηεο, άλαξρεο αιιά ζπλάκα ζε απφιπηε αξκνλία κε ηε ληφηε, αλ γαιαμίαο πνπ ε βαξχηεηα ηνλ ζπληεξεί, νξγψλνπλ ην κπαιφ δίλνληαο εληνιή ζην ρέξη λα γξάςεη. Μέιεκά κνπ λα εμεγήζσ ηα ηδαληθά, απηά πνπ εμήγεζε δελ έρνπλ θαη γη απηφ δελ ακαπξψλνληαη. Αγάπε θαη Έξσηαο θαη Θάλαηνο θαη Εσή, Γηθνξνχκελα. Πιαζκέλα απφ αγγειηθφ δαίκνλα πνπ ζθνηψλεη κε βέιε, κε θξίλα θαη κε δξεπάλη. Αγάπε θαη Έξσηαο θαη Θάλαηνο θαη Εσή. Σα κεηαηξέπσ ζε δηαθνξηθή εμίζσζε, κήπσο ζην δχζθνιν απνηέιεζκα θαηαιήμσ. Μα φπνηνλ αξηζκφ σο η‘ άπεηξν θαη αλ πάξσ, δελ αληηθαζηζηά ην ηδεψδεο. Μπεξδεχνληαη ζην λνπ καζεκαηηθά θαη θηινζνθία. Έζησ φηη δελ ππάξρεη εμήγεζε. Σα πξάγκαηα είλ‘ απιά εμαηηίαο ηεο πνιππινθφηεηάο ηνπο. Γελ αξκφδεη ζηνλ άλζξσπν λα ρξεζηκνπνηεί ηελ ινγηθή ηνπ γηα φια. Ζ απάληεζε, ζαλ γξίθνο άιπηνο ζηνπο αηψλεο, θσιηάδεη ζηηο πέηξεο θαη ζηα θχιια. Φαλεξψλεηαη κέζα απφ ηνλ αέξα. Κακηά θνξά ε απνηπρία εμήγεζεο ηζνδπλακεί κε ηελ ίδηα ηε ιχζε.
Μαξία Πάιια _________________________________________________________________________________ ΟΗ ΔΠΗΘΤΜΗΔ ΣΟΤ ΗΚΑΡΟΤ «Θέισ ηηο θνξπθέο ησλ βνπλψλ λα θαηαθηήζσ. Θέισ ζην θσο ηνπ ήιηνπ λα ραζψ. Θέισ λα εξσηεπηψ ην θεγγάξη θαη λ‘ αγθαιηάζσ κε ηα θηεξά κνπ ην θσηνζηέθαλφ ηνπ. Θέισ απηήλ ηελ πφιε λ‘ αθήζσ πίζσ κνπ. Θέισ ην ζπίηη κνπ πέξα απ‘ ην νπξάλην ηφμν λα ρηίζσ. Θέισ λα βνπηήμσ ζηε ζάιαζζα γηα λα πλίμσ ηα ιάζε ηνπ παξειζφληνο. Θέισ λα ελσζψ γηα πάληα κε ηελ ειεπζεξία.» Απηά κνπ ιέεη ν Ίθαξνο κε πάζνο φηαλ θνηηάδσ ηελ κνξθή ηνπ ζην ηαηνπάδ ηνπ ρεξηνχ ζνπ. Απηά κνπ ιέεη ηηλάδνληαο ηα καθξηά καιιηά ηνπ θαζψο πέθηεη.
The car roared as speedy figures gave rise to a flash lighting when warm raindrops washed away my tears like healing flowers
Υξπζή Παλαγησηάθε _________________________________________________________________________________
Ξαθληάζηεθα. Ήηαλ εθεί αγέξσρνο. Ήηαλ καγηθφο. ηε κέζε ην ηεηξάγσλν, ν ήιηνο πνπ θπξηαξρεί. Σέζζεξηο γσλίεο, ην λεξφ, ε γε, ε θσηηά, ν αέξαο. Ηζάμηα ηνπνζεηεκέλα. Ίδηα δχλακε, ίδηα επηξξνή. Ζ ηειεηφηεηα. Οη άλζξσπνη, νη ξφκβνη. Σέζζεξηο γσλίεο μαλά. Αιιά θάηη αιιάδεη. Απηά πνπ καο μερσξίδνπλ απφ εθείλνλ. Σν εκηηειέο. Ζ καηαηνδνμία, ν θπληζκφο, ε αδηαθνξία, ν εγσηζκφο. Αιήζεηα, πψο λα ηνλ θηάζνπκε;
Κνίηαμέ κε, είκαη εδψ ζε πεξηκέλσ Δδψ πνπ ρηίδακε καδί κία αλάκλεζε Απνξξνθεκέλε απφ ην ρψκα καο Κάλνληαο ξπηίδεο ζηα φλεηξα ζνπ. Υσξίο ινγηθή, ηη κάηαην. Δδψ πνπ φινη πεξλνχλ αλ ινπινχδηα πνπ πεηνχλ αλεκνδαξκέλα. Δδψ πνπ νη βεξάληεο ζαλ άζπξεο λχθεο Κνηηάδνπλ ε κία ηελ άιιε κε απνξία. Δθεί θαη εδψ.
Υαξίθιεηα Παπαδάθε _________________________________________________________________________________ NARCISSUS
Do not offer me narcissus I can‘t even stand its smell Do not offer me narcissus You remind me the place he fell Do not offer me narcissus It is a beauty I can‘t stand Do not offer me narcissus I prefer you to give me your hand Do not offer me narcissus I am afraid of its curse Do not offer me narcissus It does not make any sense Do not offer me narcissus Aphrodite will punish me I will not accept this narcissus Its beauty will vanish
Staring at a voiceless ceiling Empty while searching for feeling, Trying to count the seconds, My patience breaks all records. ―What‘s up?‖ my mother keeps asking, ―Nobody is crying for nothing‖ ―His heart won‘t last for much long‖ My reply seemed to be wrong. A phone call that robbed all the silence We‘re letdown even by science. He‘s dead and I‘m trying to find, A way to protect my mind. A cake, some candles, a wish, My heart trembles like a fish. A date I‘ll doubly remember, My birthday‘s your own loss for ever.
Κξαπγή, ζησπή, ζησπή, θξαπγή Κξαπγή κέζα ζηνλ πφλν, Γελ εηλ‘ ην ζψκα, κα ε θαξδηά Πνπ αηκνξξαγεί ζην ρξφλν Θνιή καηηά, πληρηφ νπξιηαρηφ Μηα ζθξαγηζκέλε πφξηα Ζ θαηαδίθε κηαο ςπρήο Μέζα ζε γθξίδα θψηα Θξχςαια θη απνηζίγαξα Ο απνινγηζκφο καο Γπν ρξπζαθέληεο κειαληέο Σε βέξα κνπ θνηηψληαο Κη εζχ έλαο μέλνο πνπ έξρεζαη μαλά απέλαληη κνπ Σα ρέξηα ζνπ αλαγθάδνπλε Καη πάιη ηε ζησπή κνπ
Αιεμία Παπαδνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________
Why angels are so cute and tricky? Why not all the angels have wings? Why heart and mind are separated?
He said ―I will always love you.‖ He said ―I will stay next to you.‖ He said ―My heart belongs to you.‖
Why people who love them hurt us so much? Why wounds heal so difficult? Why all good things come to an end?
Μαξηέηηα Παηζνγηάλλε _________________________________________________________________________________ ΔΚΠΣΧΣΟ ΑΓΓΔΛΟ Ο νπξαλφο ζεηφηαλ αλνίγνληαο ζηα δχν θαη μάθλνπ παξνπζηαδφηαλ φρινο θεξαζθφξσλ δαηκφλσλ Ξέζθηδαλ αξγά αξζεληθνχ αγγέινπ θηεξά κέζα απφ πνιιά νπξιηαρηά Άπηεξνο άγγεινο, έθπησηνο πηα, θνπξληαζκέλνο ζε ηαθφπιαθα θνληά, παξαθνινπζεί απφ καθξηά παηδηά πνπ παίδνπλ θσλαρηά Γάθξπα θπινχλ πνιιά Μα ζην ηέινο γειάεη πνλεξά θαη ηψξα πιένλ είλαη αξγά.
Ο Σεξεχο καγεκέλνο απ‘ ηελ θξπζηάιιηλε θσλή ηεο έπεζε ιαβσκέλνο γεκάηνο έξσηα καδί ηεο. Ζ Φηινκήια ε δίθαηε ηνλ έξσηα αξληφηαλ θαη έπεζε ζχκα αβνήζεηε ηα ρέξηα ηνπ αξληφηαλ. Ζ Πξφθλε αθνχ κελχζεθε ηα γεγνλφηα εηνχηα ζθάδεη ηνλ Ίηε, ζπιάρλν ηεο θαη γηα θαγεηφ δηλφηαλ Ο Σεξεχο αθνχ δνθίκαζε πηάην κε ακαξηία ζαλ θακηά άιιε ηηο αδεξθέο θπλήγεζε κε έρζξα θη νξγή κεγάιε. ην ηέινο ηνπ κχζνπ θαίγεηαη πνπιηά γηλήθαλ ηξία θη νη κεισδνί ηξαγνχδεζαλ απηήλ ηελ κεισδία.
Βηξγηλία Πεξάθη _________________________________________________________________________________ ΔΛΛΖ ΛΑΜΠΔΣΖ Ζ δσή κνπ πνιπηάξαρε. Φινγεξή πξνζσπηθφηεηα θαη κε πνιχ ζξάζνο. Αξρηθά κε ππνηίκεζαλ Αξγφηεξα φκσο φινη ππνθιίζεθαλ « Έρεη ην δηάβνιν κέζα ηεο» είπαλ Δξσηεχηεθα παξάθνξα, δνχζα ηνλ έξσηα ζηα άθξα. Πάληα φκσο κε θπλεγνχζε κηα ζθηά Γελ κ‘ άθεζε πνηέ. ην ηέινο κε πιάθσζε θαη κε λίθεζε. Ζ δσή κνπ εηθνληθά γεκάηε. Άδεηα φκσο νπζηαζηηθά απ‘ φηη κέζα κνπ βαζεηά αγάπεζα Κη φκσο πνηέ δελ είδα λα βγαίλεη αιεζηλφ.
Σν ηξαγνχδη, ζαλ αλάκλεζε ησλ παηδηθψλ ζνπ ρξφλσλ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, ηελ ψξα πνπ έθαλεο ζθαληαιηέο. Σν ηξαγνχδη, κπξνζηά ζε φιν ην ζρνιείν. Σν ηξαγνχδη, ηελ ψξα ηνπ καζήκαηνο. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζνπ αθηέξσζαλ ζην ξαδηφθσλν. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ αθνπγφηαλ φηαλ έδηλεο ην πξψην ζνπ θηιί. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ρφξεπεο πεδψληαο ζην θξεβάηη. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζε θάλεη λα θιαίο. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζε γεκίδεη ζπκφ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζηραίλεζαη λ‘ αθνχο. Σν ηξαγνχδη, ν χκλνο εζέλα θαη ησλ θνιιεηψλ ζνπ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζνπ ζπκίδεη εθείλνλ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζε θάλεη λα ρακνγειάο. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ρφξεπεο ηα μεκεξψκαηα ζ‘ έλα θαηάκεζην club. Σν ηξαγνχδη, ηελ ψξα πνπ θάλεηο ληνπδ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, κεζπζκέλε ην θαινθαίξη ζην λεζί. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζνπ ζηηγκάηηζε ηε δσή. Σν ηξαγνχδη, κπξνζηά ζηνλ θαζξέθηε κε κηθξφθσλν κηα βνχξηζα. Σν ηξαγνχδη, θάζε πξσί ζαλ ήρνο ηνπ θηλεηνχ ζνπ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ ζηγνηξαγνπδάο ζηε δνπιεηά. Σν ηξαγνχδη ηνπ γάκνπ ζνπ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, πνπ λαλνπξίδεηο ην κσξφ ζνπ. Σν ηξαγνχδη, ην soundtrack ηεο δσήο ζνπ.
Αζελά Πηπεξά _________________________________________________________________________________
Άζε ην ρξφλν λα θπιά γιπθά θαη αθέζνπ απ‘ ηνπ ξνινγηνχ ηνπο δείθηεο ηελ αθξίβεηα ην ξνιφη άιιν πηα κελ ην θνηηάο ε δσή ζηακαηά ηφζν απξνζδφθεηα θαη ζπ κέλεηο πίζσ λα ζξελείο ηε κνίξα ζνπ ζηα ρέξηα άιιν πηα δελ ηε θξαηείο Φέξζνπ επγεληθά πάξε ηε δσή ζηα ζνβαξά νη ζθνησκέλνη βιέπνπλ έλαλ θφθθηλν ήιην θαη αγγίδνπλ ην θσο, κα ζηνπο δσληαλνχο κνηάδνπλ φια αιιηψο νη ζθνησκέλνη ζηέθνληαη νξζνί πξνβάιινπλ δπλαηνί ηεο αζαλαζίαο θεξδίδνπλ ην θιεηδί θαη νη δσληαλνί ηξσηνί κνηάδνπλ ζλεηνί κέλνπλ πίζσ λα αλαξσηηνχληαη ην πψο θαη ην γηαηί αθνχ φια έκνηαδαλ νξζά θαη νη δείθηεο ηνπ ξνινγηνχ πήγαηλαλ ζσζηά γηαηί ε δσή λα ζηακαηά;
Water smashes through the knife mother screaming out of fear Murder!
Puppets screaming in the distance soft desires collapse Hurricane!
Ησάλλεο Ραγθνύζεο _________________________________________________________________________________ ROYAL VANITY
I see queens and I see kings Living in their own worlds of dreams Thirsty for luxury and great deeds While everything around them bleeds I see generals and I see knights Dying in cold medieval nights Aiming at the higher orders By fighting to expand the borders I see vanity and I see madness Dominating in a cruel world of sadness Trying to fill the soul with feelings By doing things they have no meaning.
What most people fear Took you one night away I do not see you here But in my heart you always stay Until the last moment You smiled despite your pain You felt the end was imminent But I hoped in vain You told me to be strong You wanted no cry I can hardly get along And I keep asking why
You had taught us to follow our heart Not society‘s rules My heart was beating fast When you asked me what I had been dreaming of Your beauty seduced my soul Passion guided our bodies It was not a boy‘s fantasy fulfilled Pretty Lady you made me a man.
Υξηζηίλα Ρέιια _________________________________________________________________________________ ΓΗΑ ΔΝΑΝ ΑΓΓΔΛΟ Λέλε φηη ζηελ αγάπε θαη ζηα φλεηξα ηίπνηα δελ είλαη αθαηφξζσην Έηζη θαη εγψ θάζε βξάδπ ζηα φλεηξά κνπ ζρεκαηίδσ ηε κνξθή ζνπ Βιέπσ ηα κειαγρνιηθά ζνπ κάηηα λα κε θνηηάδνπλ έληνλα Εεηψληαο ζηνξγή θαη θξνληίδα. Αθνχσ μαλά ζηα απηηά κνπ ην γέιην ζνπ Κη είζαη μαλά εδψ φπσο παιηά αλ λα κε έθπγεο πνηέ, νχηε γηα κηα ζηηγκή
Γήκεηξα-Μαξία άββα _________________________________________________________________________________
Δθείλεο ηηο ζηηγκέο ζαλ παιηφ εθθξεκέο πήγαηλα: έλα βήκα ζάξξνπο κπξνο–έλα δεηιίαο πίζσ. Σα παηδηά πνπ αθήλσ πίζσ κνπ, λα ηα πξνζηαηεχζνπλ, εχρνκαη, νη άλζξσπνη πνπ ζα ηα κεγαιψζνπλ. Γχξσ κνπ θσλέο δπλαηέο, αθαλφληζηεο, ε κηα πάλσ ζηελ άιιε Πξφζσπα άιια αλέθθξαζηα, άιια κ‘ εθείλε ηελ άγξηα ραξά πνπ ληψζεη θαλείο κπξνζηά ζε θάηη άζρεκν –άζρεηα αλ κεηαληψλεη αξγφηεξα–θη άιια ζιηκκέλα, άξαγε απφ νίθην ή ελνρή γη‘ απηφ πνπ ζα γηλφηαλ, δελ ην μέξσ. Άλζξσπνη θαινληπκέλνη, θνπξειήδεο, κε θφξκεο εξγαζίαο, ζηξαηησηηθνί. Καη ην επίθεληξν ηεο πξνζνρήο ηνπο, εγψ: κηα «αλαπνηειεζκαηηθή βαζίιηζζα». Έζθπςα λα κελ αθνχσ ηηο ηαρέο, ηηο ινηδνξίεο, αιιά κεηά απφ ιίγν, φπσο χςσζα πάιη ην θεθάιη κνπ παξαμελεχηεθα: δελ άθνπγα πηα ηε βνπή. Έςαμα κε ηα κάηηα ηνλ θφζκν γχξσ· ήηαλ εθεί, άιινη ακίιεηνη θη άιινη π‘ αλνηγνθιείλαλ ζηφκαηα, αιιά ρσξίο λα βγαίλεη άρλα. Σν ζχγθξπν παξέιπζε η‘ απηηά κνπ, ζθέθηεθα. «Αλ είρα αληηιεθζεί λσξίηεξα, εγψ θη ν ζχδπγφο κνπ. Ο ζχδπγφο κνπ...» χληνκα ζα ‘καζηε καδί. Έλα ρακφγειν δσγξαθίζηεθε ζηα κάηηα κνπ. Κάπνηνο κε έζπξσμε. Γνλάηηζα. Έζηξεςα ηα κάηηα ζηνλ νπξαλφ. Έπεηηα θάησ, ζην μχιηλν πάησκα. Ζ θαξδηά κνπ–
ηέιηνο Υξήζηνο αββίνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ MY GUN
I'm walking down the streets of the vast cities with my little friend. He is silent, cold, but he protects me. I take care of him. Everything seems so hazardous in this hostile environment. Everything is ruined by the so-called modern criminals. But my lonely soul traipses every night without fear; my friend is strong, faithful, he is the so-called gun.
The woman in the kitchen Her daily routine Prepares some food for dinner Drinking some caffeine The television on, all night On Shrove Monday, a paper A form of art, a kite Giving its place to a maker To write for a mite His gift is diamonds Witness for the aftertime A lot of people and their bonds Will suffer in a while War is coming closer The soldiers ready to invade Roosevelt becomes a chaser The year thirty eight.
Look at the troop Ready to shoot The new air force WR Ready to fly My plan for invasion Will take place in a while And you talk about other invasions Are you crazy?* The world is waiting My blood‘s boiling for expansion Your blood‘s boiling for pleasure Are you crazy? I don‘t care about your women I don‘t care about medicines My cure is the world domination Look at these ladies laying Ready to destroy everything
* Hitler talking to a general who suggests to bring some ladies for pleasure before the beginning of the 2nd World War (imaginary scene).
Γηάλλεο ακαξηδόπνπινο _________________________________________________________________________________ A PERFECT DAY
I noticed the dew on lilies leaves I noticed the roses all over my skin I noticed water drops with rainbows inside I noticed teardrops with sorrow inside I noticed the sun clothed by the clouds I noticed the crowd gathering round I noticed their eyes, their breaths and their mouths. I tried to see, but I couldn‘t I noticed the air celestially scented I noticed the wood exquisitely polished I noticed the walls, a pure purple I noticed the room, a pure temple I noticed the smoke, the warmth and the light I noticed my flesh burning inside. I wanted to pain, but I couldn‘t I noticed my ashes drifting among clouds I noticed my friends spreading out
And then I let go of it coffee cups, vacuum cleaners, dirty dishes, tattered curtains, kitchen tables, gas ovens And it was Perfect
M. Μad may call me, but I'm not doors wide open, but I leave not imprisoned in desolation, but a cage not –Unique– the road not taken I did take full of fear did I stand frozen faces, can't get through. My home –Unique– endless spirals, eternal maze a continuum of space. The cosmos –Unique– the Taurus, the man, the one my savior will be. A plight –Unique– my horns Theseus are unique
M.J.A America I‘ve given you all and now I‘m nothing Your blonde lotus, a Hollywood opus Your diamonds-spangled banner. ―Thank for all the things you‘ve done the battles that you‘ve done The way you deal with U.S steel and problems by the ton‖ We thank you so much His happy birthday, my happy ending beautiful facade is all he asked, America, is this all we are? Andy Warhol, where thou art? dark pit of despair, dark pills on my bed Something‘s Got to Give, this is all I am JFK I‘ve given you my all and now I‘m nothing
A RETURN TO PARIS So I returned here to see the light again, To my sacred town divided in two by the eternal Seine with Tour Eiffel. To the small room in Montmartre, And the piano in night, breaking each note the laughter of the crowd crossing through Boulevard de Clichy. I don‘t need to write about it, I need to live it. je dois sentir la joie et la tristesse, la beauté et la lumière quelque chose que j‘avais oublié ou quelque chose qui m‘a manqué toujours. La vie. I will embrace the places, the crowd, the metro, the sounds, strolling around, peace in their beauty. The hunchback passes by with his inner lament, as I walk by the île de la Cité, he reminds me of the bateaux mouches de la Seine tourists disembarking as their voyage ends. Can't find a relief. To stay? To leave? You will forget me anyway
Καηεξίλα ηαπξνύια ηδέξε _________________________________________________________________________________
Walking through the forest Silence everywhere Just feeling twisted in the air. Fever all over my body But the nature is so cruel Trying to enclose me, forever. Begging for mercy But no one is there Come and save me with a prayer.
Άλλα ηακαηνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΑΓΚΤΡΧΜΔΝΟΗ ΔΡΧΣΔ ε έλα θξεζέλην επαλάζηαζεο κέζα κνπ, πεξηκέλσ απηφ πνπ ζα ξζεη,ζ‘ αθνχσ ζηα ζθαιηά ησλ παιιφκελσλ πιεγψλ κνπ λα θιαηο ρσξίο ήρν. Κνπξέιηα, απνκεηλάξηα κηαο επίζθεςεο, θξπθήο ζαλ κηα δσήο πνπ κε αλάγθαζεο λα δήζσ θαη μαλά απφ ηελ αξρή, ρσξνρξφλνο νλείξσλ κε επαλαθέξνπλ ζηελ αξρή ηνπ ηαμηδηνχ, θη εγψ φπσο ν αζηξνλαχηεο αησξνχκαη μαλά.
Δπζαιία ηέθα _________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPOSED HAPPINESS
Having nothing to do for today, I decided to go for a walk, To observe the world while outside is still day, The world as witnessed from a five-year-old. Yes, it was still morning, But the sun I could not find. All I saw was black and grey And then I wondered: Have I gone blind? Everybody rushing to make it to work. Same clothes, same cars, even same face and thought. They remind me of my parents, who are adults but don‘t know That all I wanted was just time. Expensive clothes and toys? No! So, in a world that has no time for me, I picked a little shadowy corner that no one could see And there I sat but secretly I cried, Because realization they say cannot be felt by a child.
Εσή θπξή _________________________________________________________________________________ 1964
Born in Sarajevo, Wealthier, more liberal than other communist countries. I traveled abroad But nowhere had I found the beauty and the charm of you. The eyes of your people The hospitality of your smile The ―stertorous‖ laugh of your happy people
Γεσξγία Σαζηνύιε _________________________________________________________________________________
Try to find money And buy something new Try to bring yourself back, Back to the ancient market. The famous ancient market of Greece Where the ethos and speech dominate, Now donate yourself, to the new product, The product of wealth and pain.
Αξρνληνύια Σαζνύιε _________________________________________________________________________________
He wasn‘t a clown. Look at his head, he was wearing a crown. Not as a king, but as the most talented in the acting thing. So simple, so plain, nothing in him reminds you the rain. Only the sun, the glorious sun that plays with the clouds for fun. He said; laugh as much as you can He said; laugh as there is no tomorrow He said; laugh as it is the only reason for existing He said; laugh, enjoy, be happy Oh my good fellowmen, he said, smile with no fear, no doubt, no shy cause you have me now as an alibi. Smile, smile, smile
Βαζηιηθή Σάζζνπ _________________________________________________________________________________ BLACK SEA Moon‘s light softens my skin, a fresh smell of moisture and salt Emerges through the crash of black wave. Feeling immortal while falling into this endless hug of serenity
At the blossom of his life, when he caught up a line: ―Hold infinity in the palm of your hand‖ he read. His sight became foreign, his home transformed into an unexpected beauty of serenity. The only friend to tell him to think, was there, into his hands staring at him. Looking down again he noticed a devastating reflection. The reflection of himself.
Ξαλζή Σνπξνύηζηθα _________________________________________________________________________________ 10- PAGES
I just look as being touched I offer pleasure, escape, breathe as being used or misused A time away from your all is my chance to shine unsuccessfully mistaken most of the times. Existence of enclosure and enclosing heavy or light, colored or blackened read or not knowledge provider to illiterate eyes of education Only tiny little tears of larger water touch me violently moldy pieces of my priceless lifetime. And I wither, I cease my being conforming to the news dumping my silent contribution.
How sparkling to demonstrate me through your wonderful eyes and your cosmic neck Lining over to book my trust trembling eyelashes on you viewing the overwhelming. It is just because I care too much to show too much for you to wonder Fingertips and toes having written the same echoing story The one that presents our odor and projects it onto us. This strange mysteriousness This great mystification The only reason why I lick the words tonight.
ΚΑΠΟΗΟΤ Ο ΚΟΜΟ ΜΟΤ Αλνκνηνγελήο θαηαγξαθή αιιφθνησλ ζηνηρείσλ Οηθνγέλεηα θαη παηξίδα ηείρε ζηελ κηθξή ειεπζεξία ηφζε πνπ κε ππεξθαιχπηεη αξηζκεηηθά ή κήπσο ζπλαηζζεκαηηθά; Λεκφλη θίηξηλν ή ρισκφ ζην πέξαζκα ηνπ ρξφλνπ κνπ γηαζεκί παγψλη ξίδαο κνπ παξαθιάδη. Πνίεζε ηδενγξακκάησλ καθξηλψλ αιιά πξνζσπηθψλ. Έλσζε ηνπίσλ εμαθνινπζεηηθψλ ζηα δχν ηεο ςπρήο κνπ. Αλαθαιχπησ ηε δσή ζηελ αθηνγξακκή ησλ ηαμηδηψλ κνπ.
Long forgotten and released as if one has not met her strangely enough she‘s outcast from within the first one needed as a pole, Fire burning, wisdom transferring. Had you been more careful things would not have fallen apart. Struggling to preserve the loss to fill in what‘s missing drifts away into the night when the straight light of my eyes betrayed her and the senses of my truth erased her
Αξηζηέα Καηεξίλα Σζηαβνύ _________________________________________________________________________________
Ννηψζε ζηα ρέξηα ζνπ λσπφ ην ρψκα πνπ ζθεπάδεη ην πεπξσκέλν θαη ζ‘ αθνχζεηο, θάησ απφ ην θσο ηνπ θεξηνχ ηελ αηκφθπξηε ζησπή ησλ απηφρεηξσλ
My cigarette has burnt I had to grab my pen The smoke turned into circles The nightmares touched my hand
The moon up to the sky Everything smells like your own perfume The star begins to fly Your absence hugs the time and I refuse to die.
Φσηεηλή Σζώλε _________________________________________________________________________________ ΜΗΝΧΣΑΤΡΟ Φάρλνληάο ηε, Αθνινπζψληαο ηε, Θα ηελ βξσ ηελ άθξε, Αξθεί λα ην θαηαιάβσ. Λαβχξηλζνο κέζα εδψΠαληνχ δξφκνη πεξίεξγνη, Παληνχ εγψ λα ςάρλσ, Αξθεί λα ην βξσ. Ζ Αξηάδλε Αξηάγλε Γίλνληαο ην κίην ηεοΑθήλνληαο ειεχζεξε ηελ έθθξαζε, Αξθεί πνπ ηελ βξήθα.
All I know, is that sadness Does not have a home here, Where life prevails, Where sun is hidden.
Seduction by the light A far away salvation Faded way to the sky Like a plan we apply
The road full of them The sky full of them At night all blues blend Making what we all intend
Αλησλία Φιέληδεξε _________________________________________________________________________________
I think of you and I see you I dream of you and I smell you; You are close to me and I touch you and I cannot wait to taste you.
Δηξήλε Φιώξνπ _________________________________________________________________________________
He asked me to explain to him what was on my mind when I wrote the story about him. I said it was like a journey full of music love and passion. He agreed.
Μαξία Υαηδετσαλλίδε _________________________________________________________________________________
―And it was so plain, so monstrously plain, resembling the vivid rainbow penetrating the sky when the storm passes by.‖
Γηνλπζία Υξηζηνπνύινπ _________________________________________________________________________________ ΑΚΟΤΓΟΝΣΑ ΣΡΗΣΟ Δίλαη ιεπθφ ζαλ βακβάθη θαη ηαμηδεχεη ςειά ππφ ηνπο ήρνπο ησλ ρνξδψλ κηαο θηζάξαο αλάκεζα απφ πξάζηλα θιαδηά, ζ‘ έλα γαιάδην θφλην. Σν έραζα, κεηά απφ έλα παξαηεηακέλν πεηάξηζκα βιεθάξσλ– φπσο θαη ηηο πην βαζηέο ζηηγκέο καο.
WHY I AM NOT A PAINTER I am not a painter, I am a poet. Why? I think I would rather be a painter, but I am not. Well, for instance, Mike Goldberg is starting a painting. I drop in. "Sit down and have a drink" he says. I drink; we drink. I look up. "You have SARDINES in it." "Yes, it needed something there." "Oh." I go and the days go by and I drop in again. The painting is going on, and I go, and the days go by. I drop in. The painting is finished. "Where's SARDINES?" All that's left is just letters, "It was too much," Mike says. But me? One day I am thinking of a color: orange. I write a line about orange. Pretty soon it is a whole page of words, not lines. Then another page. There should be so much more, not of orange, of words, of how terrible orange is and life. Days go by. It is even in prose, I am a real poet. My poem is finished and I haven't mentioned orange yet. It's twelve poems, I call it ORANGES. And one day in a gallery I see Mike's painting, called SARDINES. (1971)