Restore Issue No. 04 | Friendship | June 2022
In This Issue Created for Friendship Life lessons I've learned about making friends
Summer Sanity Ideas Tips to keep moms and kids content during the long summer months
What's Inside From My Heart to Yours Page 3
Favorite Friendship Quotes Pages 5-6
Created for Friendship Pages 7-8
Summer Sanity Ideas Pages 9-11
What's New on the Podcast Page 12
Copyright © 2022, ABF Communications, LLC ~ P.O. Box 1804, Queen Creek AZ 85142 Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERATIONAL VERSION. © Copyright 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. All articles written by Andrea Fortenberry, unless otherwise noted. Some articles contain affiliate links. Cover photo by Josh and Jennifer Photography.
from my heart to yours Happy June! While the official first day of summer isn't until June 22nd, it's summer in my book! My kids are out of school and we're preparing for them to head off to summer camp. I'm excited to hear the stories about all of the friends and memories they made while they're away. This is fitting because this month's magazine is all about friendship! My podcast is also focused on friendship for the next few months, with a special summer series I'm hosting with my friend, Stacey Morgan. (Thank you, Stacey for the idea!) I love how God wired us for friendship. He didn't want us to do life alone. As busy women, it can be easy for us to put friendship on the backburner, right? Life's more urgent matters can crowd out what's important and if we're not careful, we can find ourselves burned out and lonely. I hope this issue inspires you to deepen the connections with your friends and encourages you to be brave and make some new friends too.
Andrea 3
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. ~ Psalm 23:1-3a
Mom Friends, You're invited to Restore: Soul Care for Moms! The heart behind Restore is to encourage you: to give you an enjoyable night off and remind you that you're not alone in motherhood.
We're going to have inspiring worship, encouraging teaching, dessert, and a lot of fun! Invite your mom friends to join us! Moms of all ages and stages are welcome!
Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 6:30-9:00 PM ANDREA FORTENBERRY
Rock Point Church 24759 S. Power Road Queen Creek, AZ Tickets: $25
Childcare is available, pre-registration required.
Favorite Friendship Quotes Text one of these to a friend today!
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“A friend can tell you things you don’t want to tell yourself.” – Frances Ward Weller
“A friend is someone who helps you up when you’re down, and if they can’t, they lay down beside you and listen.”
“Friends are medicine for a wounded heart and vitamins for a hopeful soul.”
– Winnie the Pooh
– Steve Maraboli
“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.”
“A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.”
– Proverbs 27:9
– Elbert Hubbard “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'”
– William Shakespeare
– C.S. Lewis 55
“Friends are relatives you make for yourself.”
“A good friend will always stab you in the front.”
– Eustache Deschamps
– Oscar Wilde
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” – Muhammad Ali
“A good friend is like a fourleaf clover—hard to find and lucky to have.” – Irish Proverb “A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” – Elbert Hubbard
A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.” – Anonymous
“It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.” – Marlene Dietrich
“If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.” – Zig Ziglar 6
“I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun.” – Charles R. Swindoll 5
Created for Friendship “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 My family moved when I was in the fourth grade and I had to go to a different school. I felt shy and scared - not usually a good combination for making new friends. I remember being afraid that I’d have to eat lunch and be on the playground by myself. I feared having to ask other girls in the class if I could join them at recess. Thankfully, two sweet girls invited me first and we were fast friends. Years later when I went away to college out of state, I had the same fears all over again of not being able to make friends. Part of me was still the shy scared girl from the fourth grade. I prayed for God to bring me friends and that He would help me be brave in trying to make these new friends I desperately wanted. With some time, the answers to my prayers were delivered. I met a great group of girls in my classes and extracurricular activities. During these early months of college, I met my dear friend Amy who later was the maid of honor in my wedding.
I find that as I get older, it’s more difficult to make friends. As women, we’re often too busy that we neglect this important area of our lives. We crave friendship with other women, but we can’t figure out how to make it happen. Sometimes we move and we feel so alone being in a new place. Or for some, the children grow up and move away and you have more free time, but don’t know how to meet other women. Take notice of the other women around you in your neighborhood, at church, your workplace and at your kids' activities. Take a step of faith and ask someone out to lunch or for coffee. You could be an answer to her prayer for friendship! God created us for friendship and if you are feeling a void in this area of your life, pray that God would help you be courageous and that He would help to bring friends into your life. He is willing and able to answer your prayers! Don't ever forget that God is our best friend in every season. As you patiently pray and wait for the friendships your heart desires, lean into Him and remember that you're never alone.
Summer Sanity Ideas for the Whole Family I love the freedom of summer and the extra time to be with my kids . . . until they start making each other and me a little crazy! Over the years, I've used these strategies to help our summer run more smoothly. 1.Have a consistent, yet flexible schedule: Having some predictability in the week will give everyone something to look forward to and will help parents minimize boredom. Check Pinterest for some neat ideas and printable schedules. Consider these fun activities in your weekly agenda: swimming, trip to the library, crafts, visiting a museum and playdates with friends. Even though you have a plan for the week, keep it fluid and don’t feel chained to it if something comes up. Be flexible and allow time for spontaneity.
2. Sign the kids up for some activities: There are so many options available for summer fun! Check out swimming lessons, Vacation Bible School and activities at your local library. Check with your municipality’s recreation department, they usually offer summer camps or classes for just about every sport and interest. It’s tempting to sign them up for everything under the sun, but don’t overdo it. Kids (and parents) need time to rest and just hang out. Have the kids prioritize their activity wish list for the number of activities you can afford and manage. 3. Spend time outside: Whether that’s at the park, riding bikes, swimming in the pool or just playing in the backyard, it’s important for everyone to get some fresh air and sunshine. (In Arizona, we have to do this early in the morning or at night.) 4. Schedule alone time for everyone: Sometimes conflict arises because everyone just needs some space from each other. Make sure mom and dad get a regular date night throughout the summer. Also make time for each parent to get alone time to refresh and recharge. Summer is also a great time for each parent to regularly go out on oneon-one dates with each child.
Make a plan to swap childcare with friends so that you can all get some alone time and date nights. It makes it easy and affordable for everyone. 5. Keep Everyone Learning: Help the kids retain what they’ve learned during the school year. Also take the time to teach them something new. Consider purchasing workbooks for their next grade in school and have them work on a page or two each day. Regular reading time is also important and helpful. 6. Come Up with a Screen Time Policy: This is personal to each family, but it’s helpful for everyone to know the rules about screen time ahead of time. Consider using a timer to keep everyone accountable. (Also, sometimes it's just okay to give everyone extra screen time. It's going to be okay!) 7. Make Everyone Pitch In: If the kids aren’t currently doing chores, summer is a great time to start! Come up with a list of regular chores for each child, age appropriate of course. (You might even consider a reward system too.) 8. Have some “I’m bored” activities in your back pocket: Buy some craft kits, water toys, workbooks or a new board game. Send the kids outside for a nature scavenger hunt. Let them run through the sprinklers or play with water balloons. May these tips help you to have a peaceful, memorable summer with your families!
What's New on the Podcast Please subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. And even better― share it with your friends!
New Summer Series! My friend Stacey Morgan and I are starting something new and kicking off a summer series all about friendship! Why would a podcast about mothering have a series about friendship? Because we're not meant to mother alone! No matter what season of motherhood you're in, you need friends! Join us for this series as we talk about: Why friends are essential to good mental, physical and spiritual health Lies or myths have we believed about adult friendship How to make friends as an adult woman What vulnerability looks like in adult friendship What to do when a friendship seems to be dying or fading away Healthy ways to handle friendship hurts How to set our kids up for friendship success in their adult future The first episode is out now! You can listen in here or wherever you like to listen to your podcasts. And please don't forget to share it with your friends!
Behind the scenes: We were able to record the first two episodes in person, which was so fun! I was practically sitting in the hotel bathroom though. LOL!