2 minute read
Open Access
Birgit Weyel, Wilhelm Gräb, Emmanuel Lartey, Cas Wepener (Eds.)
International Handbook of Practical Theology
Series: De Gruyter Reference September 2022 English, Approx. 650 pp., 5 fig.
HC *RRP € 82.95[D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 9783110644555
PDF ISBN 9783110618150 ePUB ISBN 9783110618396
A practical theology, that wants to face the complexity, plurality and differentiation of situations and contexts of religious practices from a global point of view, needs to refer to the discourses that shape them. The contributions can be divided into the sections ‘concepts of religion’, ‘religious practices’, and ‘discourses’, their aim is to identify the respective religious-cultural context and the related framework of interpretation.
Interculturality; ritual practice; religion; globalization
B. Weyel, University of Tübingen, W. Gräb, University of Berlin, E. Lartey, University of Atlanta, C. Wepener, Stellenbosch. Kirstine Helboe Johansen, Ulla Schmidt (Eds.)
Practice, Practice Theory and Theology
Scandinavian and German Perspectives
Series: Praktische Theologie im Wissenschaftsdiskurs 28 May 2022 English, IX, 286 pp., 14 fig.
HC *RRP € 99.95[D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 9783110743760
eBook *RRP € 99.95[D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 PDF ISBN 9783110743791 ePUB ISBN 9783110743883
How might practice theories and engagement with practice contribute to and advance theological study of religious life? Bringing together Scandinavian and German scholars of theology, religious studies and sociology, this volume explores and discusses how theological engagement with practice, theoretically as well as empirically, might profit from theories of practice developed in other disciplines.
Practice theory; religious practices; contemporary Christianity; empirical theology
Kirstine Helboe Johansen and Ulla Schmidt, Aarhus University, Denmark. Martina Kumlehn, Ralph Kunz, Thomas Schlag (Hrsg./Eds.)
Dinge zum Sprechen bringen
Performanz der Materialität. Festschrift für Thomas Klie
[Making Things Speak: The Performance of Materiality; Festschrift for Thomas Klie]
Reihe/Series: Praktische Theologie im Wissenschaftsdiskurs 30 Juni/June 2022 Deutsch/German, IX, 340 S./pp., 8 Abb./fig.
Geb./HC *€ 99.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00 ISBN 9783110744323
eBook *€ 99.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00 PDF ISBN 9783110762853 ePUB ISBN 9783110762891
Alltagsdinge und Artefakte rücken im Kontext der Forschung zur materiellen Kultur zunehmend in den Fokus der Praktischen Theologie. Die Beiträge des Bandes nehmen diese Entwicklung auf. Sie stellen Dinge wie z.B. Glocke, Salböl, Kerze, Kanzel, Losungsbuch, Kalender, Sitzkissen, Grabstein, Bergschuhe, Schieferplatten, Tattoo, Maske oder Smartphone ins Zentrum und entfalten ihre ästhetische, religionskulturelle und praktischtheologische Relevanz.
Artefakt; Hermeneutik/Religion; Kollektives Gedächtnis; Sachkultur
Everyday things and artefacts are the focus of practical theology in the context of material culture research. The chapters in this volume take up this development. They shine the spotlight on things like bells, holy anointing oil, candles, pulpits, books of maxims, calendars, seat cushions, tattoos, masks, and smartphones, and unfurl their aesthetic, religious-cultural, and practical theological relevance.
Material culture; hermeneutics of religion; arctefacts; commemorative culture
Martina Kumlehn, Universität Rostock, Ralph Kunz, Universität Zürich, Thomas Schlag, Universität Zürich.