Proven approaches for medical language mastery 2022–2023
Medical Language Lab
§ Maximize learning opportunities. § Increase comprehension and retention.
Build the foundation for classroom and professional success.
Combine the power of your F.A. Davis Medical Terminology textbook with the energy of Medical Language Lab.
Medical Language Lab is the interactive and progressive online learning platform that guides students step by step through an immersive, multisensory experience. The platform tracks their progress until they’ve mastered word-building concepts and are ready to apply them in practice.
Working together with an integrated eBook version of your textbook, Medical Language Lab uses proven language development methods to help students master the language of medicine.
Top benefits of using Medical Language lab
Whether your course is in-person, online, or hybrid, Medical Language Lab meets the needs of multiple learning styles across the Health Science and Nursing curricula.
Real-Time Progress Reports
§ Track student participation.
§ Identify strengths and weaknesses.
Makes Medical Terminology more interesting for students.
2. Improves student engagement.
. Improves student scores. 6. Integrates technology into the classroom.
Makes teaching medical terminology easier.
Saves time for the instructor.
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NEW EDITION! UPDATED EDITION! COMING SOON! Medical Language Lab for Medical Terminology Systems, Updated 8th Edition 3
“Medical language Lab helped me focus my time as an instructor on teaching and aiding in learning medical terminology with the students and not grading.” —Candi Hume, Instructor, College of Southern Maryland
Medical Terminology texts
Whichever F.A. Davis Medical Terminology text you choose, your students will build the foundational knowledge they need to master the language of medicine, connect that language to the anatomy of the human body, and be prepared for future success.
Word-Building Essentials + Body Systems
Medical Terminology Express
Short-Course Approach by Body System, 3rd Edition
Barbara A. Gylys, BS, MEd, CMA-A | Mary Ellen Wedding, BSN, MEd, RN, CMA
Pressed for time? A word-building format, organized by body systems, provides a basic knowledge of the language of medicine by emphasizing the connections between anatomical structures and their associated medical word roots. Students learn the parts of words roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes, and then use their understanding of word parts to learn medical terminology.
§ “Medical Word-Building” tables
§ Illustrations with anatomical and word root labels
§ Recall, review, and chart note activities as well as pronunciation practice
§ Easy-to-read, non-technical language appropriate for all students
• eBook
• Medical Language Lab
• Online Resources
Short course by body systems Workbook-style exercises for the independent learner Traditional with extra student support Word-building by body system for the prepared learner
Printed Text 496 pages | 210 illustrations Soft cover | 2021 $79.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4227-9 Access Card $59.95 (US) ISBN: 978-1-7196-4230-9 Or purchase online access at Request Preview Access! Visit
Short-Answer questions teach students how to construct medical terms and understand their meanings. Easy-to-review boxes illustrate how word parts are combined to build new words and how those words are pronounced.
OF MEDICAL TERMS Essential Moderate Comprehensive Extensive ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY COVERAGE Essential Moderate Comprehensive Extensive ONLINE LEARNING eBook + Medical Language Lab eBook + Medical Language Lab eBook + Medical Language Lab eBook + Medical Language Lab LEARN
for every program need.
Updated 8th Edition
Medical Language Lab for Medical Terminology Systems,
to request your eBook or complimentary access. 5
Programmed Learning + Self-paced + Body Systems
Medical Terminology Simplified
A Programmed Learning Approach by Body System, 7th Edition
Barbara A. Gylys, BS, MEd, CMA-A Mary Ellen Wedding, BSN, MEd, RN, CMA
Take a programmed approach that builds medical vocabulary frame by frame. Students explore each body system through a summary of major combining forms, a comprehensive pathology section, and additional medical records and evaluations.
§ REVISED & UPDATED! Content and illustrations that reflect the use of medical terminology in clinical practice today, including terms related to pandemics, as well as current trends and new approaches to teaching and learning medical terminology
§ ENHANCED & EXPANDED! More emphasis on understanding the terms and concepts integral to the role of the electronic medical records (EMRs) in clinical settings
§ NEW! Terms and illustrations for diagnostic, surgical and medical procedures
Multiple Learning Strategies + Flash Cards
Medical Terminology in a Flash
A Multiple Learning Styles Approach, 4th Edition
Lisa Finnegan, PTA
How do your students learn best? A visually rich text with perforated/tear-out flash cards at the back of the book (and online) leads students to proficiency by providing techniques for multiple learning styles.
§ Printed Flash Cards
§ Color-coded prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms that correspond with color-coded flash cards
§ Color-coded tables of combining forms and abbreviations
§ End-of-chapter/section exercises, including matching and labeling
§ Full-color anatomical illustrations of body systems
• eBook
• Medical Language Lab
• Online Resources
Coming Soon!
Printed Text
About 704 pages 478 illustrations
Soft cover l Early 2023
About $99.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4616-1
Access Card
About $79.95 (US)
ISBN: 978-1-7196-4854-7
Or purchase online access at
Available now!
Medical Terminology Simplified, 6th Edition
Printed Text
$94.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-6972-7
Word Elements exercises throughout the text focus on combining forms.
A free bookmark in the printed text lets students cover the answers on the page as they respond to each question.
§ REVISED & EXPANDED! Section and chapter reviews to make them more relevant and challenging
§ REVISED! “Do Not Use” list of discontinued abbreviations and eponyms
§ Commonly used prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms throughout
§ True-to-life artwork for each body system and key pathologic condition
§ “Medical Records” activities, including case studies and critical-thinking exercises
§ Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for common diseases and disorders
• eBook
• Medical Language Lab
• Online Resources
Printed Text 624 pages | 268 illustrations Soft cover | 2020
$99.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-8953-4 Access Card
$79.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-8955-8
Or purchase online access at
6 QUESTIONS? Contact your F.A. Davis Educational Consultant at
Medical Terminology Simplified SEVENTH
Color-coded tables for each body system help students build new words from prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
Learning Style Tips
Special tips for visual, auditory, verbal, and kinesthetic learners are placed throughout this book. You can identify each type by the icons shown below.
Learning Style tips and icons show students multiple methods of learning.
Request Preview Access! Visit to request your eBook or complimentary access. 7
A. Gylys Regina M. Masters
Medical Language Lab for Medical Terminology Systems, UPDATED 8th Edition
Teach your students to build medical words before they learn the vocabulary. They begin by learning the parts of words… roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes. Then, students use their understanding of word parts to comprehend medical terminology. Mnemonic devices and engaging, interactive exercises make word building fun and easy, ensuring they retain the information they need for success.
138 CHAPTER •Digestive System
Medical Word Elements
This section introduces combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes related to the digestive system. Word analyses are also provided. From the information provided, complete the meaning of the medical words in the right-hand column. The first one is completed for you.
ElementMeaningWord Analysis and Meaning Combining Forms
About $99.95 (US)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7196-4889-9 Access Card
About $79.95 (US)
of students said Medical Language Lab was easy to use
§ Full-color photographs and illustrations and a streamlined layout
§ Coverage of health care, including diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
§ A strong focus on anatomy and physiology and pathology
§ “Body Systems Connections” tables that identify the interrelationships of each body system
§ “Medical Record,” “Word Element Table,” and “Documenting Health Care” activities
348 CHAPTER 10 •Musculoskeletal System
Medical Language Lab is the interactive and progressive online learning tool designed to guide students toward medical language fluency by using proven language development methods.
Students review what they’ve learned from the text and in class through activities and quizzes that lead to mastery by identifying those areas they are still struggling to understand.
or/al (OR-ăl): pertaining to the mouth -al: pertaining to
stomat/itis (st˘o-mă-TĪ-t˘ıs): -itis: inflammation
gloss/ectomy (gl˘os-EK-tō-mē): -ectomy: excision, removal lingu/al (LIN-gwăl): -al: pertaining to bucc/al (BUK-ăl): -al: pertaining to
This section provides practical application activities in the form of exercises to help students develop skills in documenting patient care. First, read the medical report. Then complete the activities and exercises that follow.
Documenting Health-Care Activity 10-1
Operative Report: Right Knee Arthroscopy and Medial Meniscectomy
Mouth or/o stomat/o gloss/o lingu/o bucc/o cheil/o labi/o dent/o odont/o
mouth tongue cheek lip teeth gum(s)
Medical Word Elements exercises develop word-building skills by focusing on word parts.
Documenting Health Care Activities
cheil/o/plasty (KĪ-lō-plăs-tē): -plasty: surgical repair labi/al (LĀ-bē-ăl): -al: pertaining to dent/ist (DEN-t˘ıst): -ist: specialist
orth/odont/ist (or-thō-DON-t˘ıst): orth: straight -ist: specialist
Date:August 14, 20xx Physician:Robert L. Mead, MD Patient:Jay, Elizabeth Patient ID#:20798
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Tear, medial meniscus, right knee
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Tear, medial meniscus, right knee.
CLINICAL HISTORY: This 42-year-old woman has jogged an average of 25 miles each week for the past 10 years. She has persistent posteromedial right knee pain with occasional effusions. The patient has an MRI-documented medial meniscal tear.
PROCEDURE: Right knee arthroscopy and medial meniscectomy
Orthodontists are dentists who specialize in correcting and preventing irregularities of abnormally aligned teeth.
gingiv/ectomy (j˘ın-j˘ı-V EK-tō-mē): -ectomy:
OPERATIVE SUMMARY: Examination of the knee under anesthesia showed a full range of motion, no effusion, no instability, and negative Lachman and negative McMurray sign tests.
“I loved using this system. I was feeling a little overwhelmed taking Medical Terminology since I was enrolled in 18 credit hours. The study tools and practice exercises included made exams feel like a breeze! Played a huge role in getting an A in my course.”
– Student Reviewer
Barbara A. Gylys, MEd, CMA-A (AAMA) | Mary Ellen Wedding, MEd, MT(ASCP), CMA (AAMA), CPC (AAPC)
5867_Ch06_127-178 12/01/17 12:11 PM Page 138
excision, removal
■ ■
■ ■
ACTIVITIES General Hospital
Ninth Avenue
Sun City, USA 12345
(555) 802–1887
5867_Ch10_305-356 11/01/17 11:25 AM Page 348
how to use
Extensive Word-building + Body Systems 8 QUESTIONS? Contact your F.A. Davis Educational Consultant
Language Lab
Online Resources
medical terminology in professional contexts.
• Medical
Coming Soon! Printed Text About 744 pages 193 illustrations Soft cover Early 2023
PRACTICE Engage your students with Medical Language Lab. The integrated eBook features highlighting, note-taking, and bookmarking capabilities for studying from a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. Or, it can be downloaded for access anytime, anywhere. Prefixes Direction This table lists commonly used prefixes direction well their meanings word analyses. PrefixMeaning Word Analysis circumperifrom, away from toward duction ab-DUK-sh˘ movement (the body) -duction: leading, bringing, conducting Abduction movement away from midline duction ab-DUK-sh˘ movement toward (the body) -duction: leading, bringing, conducting Adduction movement toward midline axis body. around through, across outside, outward circum/ er-k˘ E-n˘ pertaining around kidney kidney pertaining odont/al er-¯ ON-t˘ pertaining around tooth odont: pertaining rrhea flow through discharge, flow Diarrhea condition abnormally frequent discharge matter through bowel. trans/vagin/al AJ-˘ pertaining across through vagina vagin: vagina pertaining ecto/gen/ous OJ-˘ forming outside body structure) forming, producing, origin pertaining ectogenous infection originates outside tropia eks-¯o-TRO-p¯ turning outward -tropia: turning Exotropia refers turning outward eyes. crani/al pertaining outside skull cranium (skull) pertaining Figure 3-2 (continued) 5867_Ch03_031-042 11/01/17 11:16 AM Page Other Common Prefixes Many other common prefixes change meaning word. See Table for other common prefixes. CHAPTER •Prefixes Prefixes Direction—cont’d PrefixMeaning Word Analysis para-* superultranear, beside; beyond upper, above above; excessive; superior excess, beyond nas/al beside the pertaining super/ (soo-P e-or): pertaining above the upper pertaining supra/ren/al (soo-pr˘ pertaining above kidney kidney pertaining son/ic ul-tr˘a-SON-˘ pertaining sound beyond (that which heard human sound pertaining also meaning (offspring). Other Common Prefixes This table lists other commonly used prefixes, along with meanings word analyses. PrefixMeaning Word Analysis without, against mast/ia without breast mast: breast condition Amastia congenital defect, endocrine disorder, mastectomy. esthesia without feeling feeling Anesthesia may partial complete sensation without consciousness. bacteri/al against bacteria pertaining Antibacterials substances that bacteria inhibit their growth replication. contra/ception on-tr˘ EP-sh˘un): against conceiving -ception: conceiving Contraceptive techniques prevent pregnancy means medication, device, method that blocks alters processes reproduction. usually used before consonant. prefix usually used before vowel. 5867_Ch03_031-042 11/01/17 11:16 AM Page Request Preview Access! Visit to request your eBook or complimentary access. 9
Or purchase online access at Available now! Medical Terminology Systems, 8th Edition Printed Text $94.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-5867-7
Immerses students in a customized learning experience. An intuitive design allows students to navigate easily through the program while they develop medical language fluency.
Integrates the online and written content. Access codes inside new, printed copies of F.A. Davis’s Medical Terminology textbooks and Access Cards unlock Medical Language Lab for your students. (Additional codes can also be purchased.)
“Medical Language Lab was an easy-to-use platform that made learning medical terminology fun! The practice activities were especially useful for checking my understanding of the material and made me feel more confident going into exams!
– Student Reviewer
Critical Listening features audio recordings of simulated audio scenarios followed by questions to assess that the student has understood the clinical dialogue.
Electronic Medical Record Workout helps students learn essential documentation skills by asking students to recognize and understand terms they’ll use as health professionals. They can zoom in on a Medical Record; review it; and then answer questions based on its content.
Lecture videos present must-know concepts along with learning style tips to help students identify the ways they learn best.
Personalized pronunciation assessments are an inno vative way for students to master pronunciation. Their pronunciation exercises are automatically graded and then provide them with detailed instant feedback. This feedback breaks pronunciation into its lowest common denominator which is also known as a phoneme.
The Pretest creates a personalized Study Plan for each student, identifying the lessons where they need to focus their study time.
Pronunciation Guides let students practice their speaking skills by listening to audio files linked to definitions from Taber’s An Instructor Favorite! 10 QUESTIONS? Contact your F.A. Davis Educational Consultant at
Word-Building Practice Exercises reinforce the lessons in the text and online to develop students’ knowledge of medical terminology.
“Very simple to use! I’m happy this was chosen for our class because I think it really helped me gain an understanding for medical terminology. Should be used for all health profession programs!”
– Student Reviewer
Visit to listen to a Critical Listening Exercise or watch a Lecture Video sample. 11
Empowering educators, saving time.
Combining the power of a student-focused textbook with an innovative online program gives you an affordable, turnkey solution that lets you spend less time preparing and more time teaching.
Assignments are automatically graded and reported to your Instructor’s Gradebook, and with Learning Management System integration options, you will have everything you need from the very first day of class to the very last.
Customize your class.
Ultimate control is in your hands. Create the class that meets your unique needs, reflects the content you teach, and aligns with your goals.
of students would recommend that their instructors continue to use Medical Language Lab
You’ll have everything you need to teach your medical terminology class at your fingertips. Spend less time preparing and more time teaching in an active classroom.
The Dashboard is your control center, providing comprehensive metrics at a glance, including participation, average scores, average time spent, strengths/weaknesses, upcoming assignments, and discussion board posts. These give you a birds-eye view of your class(es) overall performance, as well as the content areas they are having difficult mastering so you can spend more time on remediation for specific topics in class or adjust your curriculum accordingly.
QUESTIONS? Contact your F.A. Davis Educational Consultant at
Assignments are easy to create. Simply select the lessons that you’d like your students to work through; then select the activities you’d like them to complete within the lesson. Select from ‘Critical Listening’, ‘Response’, Practice’, and ‘Review’ exercises that develop the simple to complex critical-thinking skills students need to be successful.
Student Friendly. Instructor Focused.
§ Access to Medical Language Lab
§ eBook
§ PowerPoint Presentations
§ Activity Pack
§ Active Classroom Instructor’s Guide
• Lecture Outlines
• Instructor’s Guide
• Teaching Guide
• Student- and Instructor-Directed Activities
• Evaluation Forms
§ Student Guide
§ Image Bank
§ Test Bank
Resource Kits for Learning Management Systems
Visit to learn more about the Instructor Resources available for your textbook.
FREE, ONLINE CONSULTATIONS are available for instructors using our products. You will have access to a dedicated Digital Implementation Consultant who can suggest the best ways to use our products in your course and share best practices and strategies for success.
Direct access to a specialist to answer any questions
Personalized onboarding to help set up your course
Resource library with support materials to make implementation easy
Collaboration on curriculum strategies to ensure the best outcomes
“F.A. Davis’s approach to medical terminology through the textbook and MLL site is effective and easy to use. What more needs to be said?”
– Dianne Kirk, Instructor, Northeastern State University
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Learn how Medical Language Lab can be customized to meet your needs and the needs of your class. Let us help!
Assess your students’ progress in real time.
Progress reports for every step of the way.
Instructors can monitor their students’ progress through every assignment and every lesson. At a glance, students can identify the areas where they’re struggling and where they’re succeeding to know exactly where to focus their study time.
of students said Medical Language Lab improved their scores
Medical Language Lab involves students in the learning process to create fluent medical language speakers.
Time management tools help busy students track how long it takes them to complete their assignments.
Track assignments and mastery.
Everything you need to know about how your students are performing is right at your fingertips in the “Gradebook.”
Medical Language Lab provides you with the tools to continuously assess your students’ progress throughout the course. You’ll have the information you need to monitor, track, and assess mastery.
Real-time analytics let you easily track performance and participation to identify the areas in which students are struggling and to intervene quickly in class and on assignments to ensure that they succeed.
The Gradebook details screen lets you quickly see if the students in your class have completed their assignments, how much time they have spent working in Medical Language Lab, and their grades on their assignments. You’ll also see the results of your ‘Test Bank Assignments’.
The Test Bank Assignment Builder Wizard lets you build ‘Quick’ or ‘Custom’ quizzes for each lesson and then review the results in your Gradebook, including the average score and time spent in each assignment.
14 QUESTIONS? Contact your F.A. Davis Educational Consultant at
Another way to build medical terminology competency
The Class Level Details screen shows you each individual student’s grade for each lesson.
New Assignment Options at both the class and individual level, let you choose to accept late work, change a due date, or reset the assignment completely.
Resources on
A language-origin approach.
Dunmore and Fleischer’s Medical Terminology Exercises in Etymology, 4th Edition
Cheryl Walker-Esbaugh, MA | Laine H. McCarthy, MLIS | Rhonda A. Sparks, MD
Explore essential Greek and Latin grammar to provide a rich basis for medical terminology and common English. Vignettes, engaging exercises, and references to Greek and Latin mythology make learning easy. Superb illustrations reinforce concepts and highlight etymological notes.
§ NEW & UPDATED! Incorporates medical terminology that reflects the practice of medicine today.
§ UPDATED! References the latest edition of Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.
Coming Soon!
About 301 pages | Soft cover Early 2023
About $64.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-9395-1
Available now!
Dunmore and Fleischer’s Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition $58.95 (US) ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-0032-4
Practice Quizzing options in the enhanced Test Bank let you create quizzes for an entire class, an individual student, or a group of students.
Ask your Educational Consultant for information on pricing and packaging opportunities.
Better than Google!
“I could have googled a lot of the terms instead of buying this, but I really like having a physical reference material. It is better than google because you don’t pull up 14 different things with similar names ONLY the medical definition.”
—R.M. Cook
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terms put
of health care
students can
on. 75,000+
the language
in class and clinical. NEW EDITION!
We have helped thousands of educators build more engaging and active courses to drive student success in class, on exams, and in their careers. Whether you are looking to start a new program, new to education, or an experienced instructor—you can count on us to help meet your challenges.
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MedTerm Brochure. 2022-2023