3 minute read
Thermal Engineering / Packaging and Thermodymamics
by Tetsushi Biwa (Tohoku University, Japan)
Key Features
○ This book includes a lots of experimental results to ensure readers’ understanding ○ Equations are shown with easyto-follow derivation to improve the readability ○ Physical concepts of work flow and heat flow are explained in details in a step-by-step process
Readership: Undergraduates, graduate students and their supervisors. Researchers and engineers in the field of thermoacoustics, external combustion engines, and regenerative refrigerators.
270pp 978-1-944659-76-9 Jul 2021 US$88 £75
WSPC Series in Advanced Integration and Packaging - Vol 7
by Kazuaki Yazawa (Purdue University, USA), Je-HyeongBahk (University of Cincinnati, USA) & Ali Shakouri (Purdue University, USA)
This unique compendium emphasizes key factors driving the performance of thermoelectric energy conversion systems. Important design parameters such as heat transfer at the boundaries of the system, material properties, and form factors are carefully analyzed and optimized for performance including the cost-performance trade-off. Numbers of examples are provided on the applications of thermoelectric technologies, e.g., power generation, cooling of electronic components, and waste heat recovery in wearable devices.
Readership: Professionals, researchers, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical engineering, semiconductors, and electrical & electronic engineering.
388pp 978-981-121-826-2 Mar 2021 US$128 £115
by David S-K Ting (University of Windsor, Canada)
Lecture Notes on Engineering Human Thermal Comfort explains the quintessence of engineering human thermal comfort through straight-forward writing designed to help students better comprehend the materials presented. Illustrative figures, anecdotal banter, and ironical analogies interject the necessary technical humdrum to provide timeous stimuli in the midst of arduous technical details.
Readership: Senior undergraduate engineering students interested in engineering human thermal comfort and HVAC. Decision-makers and engineers involved in the future of energy will also benefit from a better acquaintance with HVAC through this book.
Series on Advances in Statistical Mechanics - Vol 20
(2nd Edition)
by Signe Kjelstrup & Dick Bedeaux (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
This book utilizes non-equilibrium thermodynamics to describe transport in complex, heterogeneous media. There are large coupling effects between transport of heat, mass, charge and chemical reactions at surfaces, and it is important to know how one should properly integrate across systems where different phases are in contact. There is no other book available today that gives a prescription of how to set up flux equations for transports across heterogeneous systems.
Readership: Graduate students, researchers, lecturers and professionals in physics, nanoscience and surface science.
492pp 978-981-121-676-3 Sep 2020 US$158 £140
Principles and Applications
(2nd Edition)
by Ismail Tosun (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
Thermodynamics is considered the core engineering course in many engineering disciplines. Since the laws of thermodynamics are expressed in abstract terms, it is the one of the most challenging courses encountered by students during their undergraduate education.
This eminent compendium provides a firm grasp of the abstract concepts, and shows how to apply these concepts to solve practical problems with numerous clear examples. Answers to all problems are provided. Four additional chapters are illuminated to show students how to deal with the thermodynamic problems involving nonideal pure substances as well as multicomponent mixtures. The concepts are highlighted with utmost clarity in simple language. Mathcad worksheets are provided in problems dealing with the cubic equations of state.
Readership: Researchers, academics, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and energy studies.
536pp 978-981-121-706-7 Mar 2020 US$128 £115
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