26 minute read
Mechanical Engineering
by Hassan Mahfuzn (Florida Atlantic University, USA) & Vinod Dhanak (The University of Liverpool, UK)
Key Features
○ Most of the books in this area are collections of papers from conferences that do not provide a continuous flow of materials towards developing nanocomposites. The information is rather discrete ○ The proposed book will have a seamless approach combining various facets of developing nanocomposites including basic science, synthesis and fabrication procedures, various characterization methodologies, and in-depth discussion of results
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in nanocomposites.
250pp 978-1-84816-482-6 Feb 2022 US$119 £99
by Roderic Lakes (University of WisconsinMadison, USA)
Key Features
○ Materials science perspective on composites; prominent author who pioneered many of the concepts ○ Draft version used and tested as a textbook ○ Treatment of current topics in new heterogeneous materials
Readership: This book is intended as a course pack for senior and graduate students to understand physical properties.
280pp 978-981-121-636-7 Aug 2020 US$78 £70
Frontier Research in Computation and Mechanics of Materials and Biology - Vol 4
by Xiaoming Zhou (Beijing Institute of Technology, China) & Gengkai Hu (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
The book starts with a simple mass-in-mass chain model to illustrate the concept of negative mass due to internal resonance and its impact on wave transmission. The practical transformation theory for controlling acoustic waves is explained. Pentamode acoustic metamaterials and related cloaking design are also included. Finally, the book ends up with the sub-diffraction-limited acoustic imaging based on metamaterials.
Readership: Researchers, academics, professionals and graduate students in mechanical engineering, condensed matter physics, new materials, classical mechanics and applied physics.
300pp 978-981-4641-68-5 Apr 2022 US$130 £108
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Vol 1
Analysis and Prediction
by Marius Ungarish (Technion — Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Written by a renowned author who is a recognized authority in the field, this unique compendium assembles the relevant knowledge into a systematic and unified framework. The presentation is gradual from the elementary to the frontier, and accessible to readers with only a basic background in fluid mechanics and applied mathematics. This will facilitate the systematic acquirement and application of available knowledge to both practical problems and further research.
Readership: Professionals, researchers, academics, and graduate students in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, mechanical engineering, and ocean engineering.
816pp 978-981-122-594-9 Dec 2020 US$198 £175
by Hongjian Liao, Hangzhou Li & Zongyuan Ma (Xi’an University of Technology, China)
This book also doubles as a textbook with an explanation of basic theory, knowledge, and skills in soil mechanics as well as the most updated codes and standards in China. Also included are guidelines at the beginning of each chapter and English–Chinese–Japanese translations of frequently-used words and expressions in the Appendix. It aims to be a reference book for students and technical staff.
Key Features:
○ Case studies related to the construction of infrastructures in China ○ Introducing the geotechnical properties of some “problematic soils” which are widely encountered in China, e.g., loess and expansive soil ○ The first author has a rich teaching experience of soil mechanics for more than 30 years
Readership: Students in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, mining engineering, and transportation engineering.
268pp 978-981-3238-50-3 Oct 2020 US$98 £86
Ship and Offshore Structural Mechanics - Vol 1
Engineering Applications
by Yong Bai (Zhejiang University, China) & Jeom Paik (University College London, UK)
This unique compendium introduces FEM (Finite Element Methods) as a general numerical technique for the solution of various engineering problems. Since the majority of applications of FEM are in the realm of mechanics including solid, fluids, structural and soil, descriptions in this book are focused on the important applications in structural engineering and science.
Readership: Researchers, professionals, academics and graduate students in civil engineering, mechanical engineering and ocean engineering.
Numerical Simulations and Applications
by Steve C S Cai (Louisiana State University, USA) & Lu Deng (Hunan University, China)
This book documents fundamental knowledge, new developments, and state-of-the-art applications related to vehicle – bridge interactions. It thus provides useful information for graduate students and researchers and therefore straddles the gap between theoretical research and practical applications.
Readership: This book will provide fundamental knowledge and state-of-the-art applications related to vehicle – bridge interactions for graduate students and researchers. Practicing engineers and other professionals in bridge engineering will also find it useful.
544pp 978-981-121-641-1 Dec 2020 US$158 £140
by C M Wang (The University of Queensland, Australia), H Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology, China), N Challamel (University of South Brittany, France) & W H Pan (The University of Queensland, Australia)
Key Features
○ This book is the first of its kind on the Hencky bar-chain/net model for buckling and vibration analyses of beams, columns, frames, arches, rings and plates ○ This book contains easy-to-use computer codes for buckling and vibration analysis of beams, frames and funicular arches ○ This book contains exercises and answers that are useful to academics who are teaching stability and vibration of structures Readership: Senior undergraduate students, graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the field of structural analysis, academics who are teaching courses on structural stability and vibration.
308pp 978-1-78634-798-5 May 2020 US$128 £115
by Amr A Adly (Cairo University, Egypt)
This unique compendium deals with magnetic media exhibiting hysteresis computationally efficient phenomenological models that may be utilized in a wide spectrum of both coupled and non-coupled situations. The main factors affecting the behavior of media exhibiting hysteresis — such as magnetic field, mechanical stress and temperature — are dealt with from a higher-level perspective.
Readership: Professionals, academics, researchers, and graduate students in electrical and electronic engineering, superconductivity & magnetic materials and mechanical engineering. MMC based VSC Technology in Power Systems
by Chan-Ki Kim (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, South Korea), Seung-Il Moon (Seoul University, South Korea), Kyeon Hur (Yonsei University, South Korea), Jang-Mok Kim (Pusan National University, South Korea) & Gilsoo Jang (Korea University, South Korea) This book is a result of collaboration between industry and academia. It provides theoretical insights into the design and control of MMC technology and investigates practical aspects of the project planning, design, manufacture, implementation, and commissioning of MMC-HVDC and multi-terminal HVDC transmission technologies; filling the knowledge gap between the technology specialists and VSC-HVDC project developers and key personnel involved in those projects.
Readership: For graduate students and professionals dealing with HVDC.
496pp 978-981-121-229-1 Apr 2021 US$148 £130
Frontier Research in Computation and Mechanics of Materials and Biology - Vol 2
by James D Lee (The George Washington University, USA) & Jiaoyan Li (Idaho National Laboratory, USA) As an advanced monograph, this unique compendium can also be used as a textbook for several graduate courses, including continuum mechanics, finite element methods, and advanced engineering science theories. Extensive problems are provided to help students to better understand the topics covered. Readership: Professionals, researchers, academics, and graduate students in engineering mechanics, mechanical engineering, general materials science, continuum physics and mathematical modeling.
524pp 978-981-120-148-6 Jan 2020 US$158 £140
Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures
edited by Luis Rodríguez-Tembleque (University of Seville, Spain), Jesús Vázquez (University of Seville, Spain) & M H Ferri Aliabadi (Imperial College London, UK)
Key Features
○ Predicting and optimizing the wear performance of tribological systems is of great interest in many mechanical applications, this book is written by leading experts to report on Computational Modelling and experimental studies on wear in practicing engineering applications ○ A good reference book for engineers and researchers alike ○ Designs are evaluated with high-accuracy simulations prior to fabrication. Extensive testing is conducted, including for wear volume, wear rate, surface height distribution, and profile measurements throughout the wear process. The effects of boundary conditions and the importance of taking wear sliding directionality into account in the modelling process are discussed Readership: This book is written for PhD students in Mechanical Engineering, whose research topics are clearly governed by wear and surface damage due to mechanical interface interactions. It also serves as an update on the most recent numerical or experimental studies on wear in practicing engineering applications and/or materials.
262pp 978-1-80061-068-2
by Bo Liu (Beihang University, China), Cuiyun Liu (Beihang University, China), Yang Wu (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China) & Yufeng Xing (Beihang University, China)
This useful reference text focuses largely on numerical algorithms, but also introduces some latest advances on high order mesh generation, which often has been regarded as the major bottle neck for the wide application of high order FEM.
Readership: Professionals, academics, researchers, and graduate students in engineering mechanics, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering and civil engineering.
430pp 978-981-123-675-4 Jul 2021 US$158 £140
Theory and Computations
by Rashid K Abu Al-Rub (Texas A&M University, USA)
Key Features
○ Material on this topic is rare and scattered ○ The contributors to this volume are prominent ○ The book really intends to be of practical application to instructors with hands-on approach
Readership: Students, teachers, researchers. Also a library reference.
600pp 978-981-281-397-8 Jun 2022 US$190 £158
(2nd Edition)
by Jiashi Yang (University of NebraskaLincoln, USA)
As a continuation of the author’s previous book An Introduction to the Theory of Piezoelectricity (Springer, New York, 2005) on the threedimensional theory of piezoelectricity, this book covers one- and two-dimensional theories of piezoelectric structures including rods, beams, plates and shells. In addition to the so-called low-frequency motions of extension and bending, high-frequency motions of thickness shear and thickness stretch are also considered for certain applications unique in resonant piezoelectric devices. Both single-layer and multi-layer structures are treated. Nonlinear effects due to large deflection or large shear deformation are also discussed. The emphasis in on the development of structural theories with various levels of sophistication for different applications in piezoelectric devices.
The book is heavily influenced by R D Mindlin’s early contributions to this field. It is destined to be one of the most systematic and comprehensive books on piezoelectric structures. This second edition is a major reorganization of the first edition with multiple additions as well as deletion of chapters and sections.
Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in engineering mechanics, civil engineering and mechanical engineering.
316pp 978-981-122-679-3 Oct 2020 US$118 £105
Frontier Research in Computation and Mechanics of Materials and Biology - Vol 3
by Jun Yan (Dalian University of Technology, China) & Gengdong Cheng (Dalian University of Technology, China) The book presents a set of novel, efficient and systematic concurrent multiscale optimization methods by considering the distribution of the material in macro-scale and the unit-cell configuration design in micro-scale simultaneously. Different from the traditional optimization method that is performed in a single scale, the proposed methods could generate a great deal of improvements in structural performance through the multiscale structure-material concurrent optimum design. Readership: Professionals, researchers, academics, and graduate students in engineering mechanics, materials engineering and computer computing.
264pp 978-981-121-653-4 Jan 2021 US$98 £85
Frontier Research in Computation and Mechanics of Materials and Biology
by Sheldon Wang (Midwestern State University, USA) & Lucy Zhang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
This compendium provides a broad introduction of original immersed boundary methods and current extension in computational mechanics communities. It highlights a comprehensive review of immersed methods in the context of computational fluid and solid mechanics.
Readership: Researchers, academics, professionals and graduate students in mechanical engineering, numerical analysis & computational maths, nonlinear science, and ocean engineering.
400pp 978-981-3234-50-5 Feb 2022 US$138 £121
Step-by-Step Tutorial for Versions 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0
by Krassimir Dotchev (University of Portsmouth, UK) & Ivan Popov (University of Portsmouth, UK)
The book is suitable for beginners and intermediate users. The other books on Creo resemble reference manuals, cover only some applications, and provide exhaustive list of commands and descriptions that are more suitable for intermediate or advanced users
Readership: Valuable to undergraduates, graduates, researchers and practitioners in the fields of Mechanical, Manufacturing, Aerospace, and Automotive Engineering — as well as general Engineering departments — who requires guidance on using Creo Parametric in CAD/CAM subject areas. Other readers include those studying degree apprenticeships in mechanical engineering, students at technical colleges and general online users looking to improve their skills in CAD/CAM.
340pp Feb 2021 978-1-78634-945-3(pbk) US$48 £40 978-1-78634-933-0 US$98 £85
by Vyacheslav M Ryaboy (MKS Instruments, USA)
The unique text covers some topics that are important for optomechanical applications but are lacking in general vibration texts, such as dynamics and stability of elastically supported systems with high centers of gravity, physics of pneumatic isolators, and application of dynamic absorbers to vibration-isolated systems.
Readership: Professionals, academics, researchers, and graduate students in mechanical engineering, acoustics, optics, systems engineering and control.
225pp 978-981-123-733-1 Dec 2021 US$88 £75
by Ming Xie (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Hui Chen (Tongji University, China) & Zhencheng Hu (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Key Features
○ The book exposes readers to the fundamentals of perception, decision and action ○ The book contains original publications of the authors ○ It is an original book by experts in the field ○ It is a book accessible to students, and of interest to young researchers and experts
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, control engineering, automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, and electronic engineering; researchers and practitioners in automotive and automation industries.
404pp 978-981-4271-63-9 Feb 2021 US$88 £73
Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics - Vol 5
Theory and Applications
by Zhen Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore) & Chang Shu (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
This unique professional volume is about the recent advances in the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). It introduces a new methodology, namely the simplified and highly stable lattice Boltzmann method (SHSLBM), for constructing numerical schemes within the lattice Boltzmann framework. Through rigorous mathematical derivations and abundant numerical validations, the SHSLBM is found to outperform the conventional LBM in terms of memory cost, boundary treatment and numerical stability.
Readership: Professionals, academics, researchers, and graduate students in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, engineering mechanics and mathematical physics.
276pp Oct 2020
978-981-122-849-0 US$98 £85
Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics - Vol 1
Theory and Applications
by Liming Yang (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Yan Wang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China), Zhen Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore) & Chang Shu (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
This unique compendium documents the recent developments in CFD based on kinetic theories, introducing flux reconstruction strategies of kinetic methods for the simulation of complex incompressible and compressible flows, namely the lattice Boltzmann and the gas kinetic flux solvers (LBFS or GKFS). LBFS and GKFS combine advantages of both Navier-Stokes (N-S) solvers and kinetic solvers.
Readership: Professionals, academics, researchers, and graduate students in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, engineering mechanics and mathematical physics.
380pp 978-981-122-468-3 Aug 2020 US$138 £120
Statics and Applications
by Jay F Tu (North Carolina State University, USA)
The indispensable volume is suitable for undergraduate students to learn the subject in greater depth, for graduate students to review essential skills in force analysis correctly, and for practicing engineers to review and refresh key concepts. This useful reference text also presented numerous application examples for readers in solving daily practical problems.
Readership: Professionals, researchers, academics, and graduate students in mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics.
332pp 978-981-121-378-6 Aug 2020 US$98 £85
by Anatoly S Yudin (Southern Federal University, Russia) & Dmitry V Shchitov (North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia)
Key Features
○ Provides a mathematical model adequate to the problem of complex shape of shells, taking into account the new metric and the physics of plastic behavior of the material ○ Gives an original semi-analytical method that allows the user to effectively solve essentially nonlinear problems ○ Application of real-life engineering problems are included in the book
Readership: Recommended for researchers, graduate students and advanced undergraduates studying physical and mathematical engineering as well as scientific and technical workers dealing with thin-walled structures.
Theory and Applications
by Iliya I Blekhman (Laboratory of Vibrational Mechanics, Russia)
Key Features
○ The author is one of well-recognized pioneer in the subject, who published one of the classic in the subject, 30 years ago ○ Inside this new edition, includes a section devoted to an additional amplification of the concept of synchronization and contains a general definition of synchronization and studies of various special cases
Readership: Graduate students and professional in the topics of synchronization in science and technology.
350pp 978-981-4719-28-5 Jun 2022 US$138 £115
Solutions to Problems
by John Dirk Walecka (College of William and Mary, USA)
Key Features
○ Provides a clear, self-contained, calculus-based introduction to classical mechanics ○ Only a good concurrent course in calculus and familiarity with the basic concepts in physics are assumed; it is otherwise self-contained ○ Although relatively concise, the presentation takes one from Newton’s law to Hamilton’s principle of stationary action and lagrangian continuum mechanics ○ The analysis extends up through the lagrangian mechanics of irrotational, isentropic fluid flow and sound waves
Readership: First year undergraduate students, and all physicists interested in the topic.
152pp Oct 2020 978-981-122-762-2(pbk) US$38 £35 978-981-122-494-2 US$78 £70
by John Dirk Walecka (College of William and Mary, USA)
Key Features
○ Provides a clear, self-contained, calculus-based introduction to classical mechanics ○ The concise analysis advances through the lagrangian mechanics of irrotational, isentropic fluid flow and sound waves ○ Contains an extensive set of accessible problems that enhances and extends the coverage
Readership: First-year (honors) undergraduates, other physicists and engineers interested in the topic.
184pp Apr 2020 978-981-121-823-1(pbk) US$38 £35 978-981-121-743-2 US$78 £70
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A
by Erik Steur (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium), Toshiki Oguchi (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan) & Henk Nijmeijer (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Key Features
○ The first book to deal systematically with synchronization for networks with time-delayed diffusive coupling. The topic is of great practical relevance, but so far, few systematic procedures are available ○ The authors have leading positions in the study and understanding of synchronization, having extensively published on this subject ○ The text is unique in unifying most of the approaches on the topic so far
Readership: Graduate students, researchers and academics interested in complex systems and control theory.
250pp 978-981-4569-80-4 Feb 2022 US$101 £84
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B
edited by Jan Awrejcewicz (Lodz University of Technology, Poland), Rajasekar Shanmuganathan (Bharathidasan University, India) & Minvydas Ragulskis (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Key Features
○ Expounds the state-of-the-art advancements on theory, analysis on numerical simulation, novel applications and future directions in the field of chaos and complex dynamics ○ Covers new and novel emerging topics of investigation ○ Presents a comprehensive overview of recent developments in chaos and complex dynamics that is useful to a wide inter-disclipinary audience
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in nonlinear dynamics, applied physics and mathematics.
750pp 978-981-122-189-7 Dec 2021 US$178 £155
Topics in System Engineering
by Mofeed Turky Rashid (University of Basrah, Iraq) & Luigi Fortuna (University of Catania, Italy)
Key Feature
○ Labriform swimming robot, concave pectoral fins, differential drive principle, glider model and center of mass and buoyancy
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, mechanical and mechatronics engineers.
300pp 978-981-123-739-3 May 2022 US$108 £95
Groupoids in Continuum Mechanics
by Manuel de León (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain), MarceloEpstein (University of Calgary, Canada) & Víctor Jiménez (Universidad de Alcalá (UAH), Spain)
Key Features
○ The use of groupoids in continuum mechanics is very new and has served to open new lines of research that will afford a new vision for topics such as growth and morphogenesis ○ This monograph is also devoted to more recent applications to Continuum Mechanics ○ This monograph may be a necessary reference for researchers in elasticity. On the other hand, in the opposite direction, it is a good example of how differential geometry can be applied to mechanics, which will make this monograph attractive also to pure mathematicians Readership: Graduate and postgraduate students interested in Continuum Mechanics, Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry. Researchers in Elasticity, Applied Mathematics and Differential Geometry. And those taking a master or doctorate course that seeks the interaction between mathematics and mechanical engineering.
228pp 978-981-123-254-1 May 2021 US$88 £75
(In 2 Volumes)
by John G Papastavridis (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Key Features
○ No volume of such scope [comprehensiveness + level + readability (multiple complementary notations, clear figures) + extensive list of references / bibliography] has ever been written, in any language — there are no real competitors. Like the author’s other mechanics works, this is a UNIQUE and “BEST BUY” book (see e.g. amazon.com, amazon.co.uk) ○ The project has already drawn very encouraging and enthusiastic comments from several distinguished academic colleagues and professionals from the US, Europe, and Russia Readership: Teachers, and Researchers in most areas of engineering.
1680pp Oct 2021 978-981-4603-04-1(Set) US$384 £319
World Scientific Series: From Biomaterials Towards Medical Devices
edited by L’Hocine Yahia (Université de Montréal, Canada)
Key Features:
○ Written by a multidisciplinary team of various specialists in the field of ligament reconstruction and anatomy including orthopaedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, engineers, experts in manual therapy, anaesthetics, veterinary science, etc. ○ Examines the history, recent evolutions and future perspectives of ACL reconstruction ○ The movements of the knee joint, the function of the ligaments controlling these movements and the role of ligament repair in ACL surgery techniques are reviewed Readership: Orthopaedic surgeons, medical students, biomedical science students, biomedical engineering students, biomedical science/engineering teachers, Sports medicine students/teachers, School of Health and Rehabilitation Science, Physician for the Athletic Department, Biology and biomecAthletic Department, Biology and biomechanics teachers/students.
404pp 978-981-120-462-3
by Fuxiang Han (ShanghaiTech University, China)
Key Features
○ The book is calculus-based. Calculus is intensively used in the elucidation of physics concepts and ideas ○ Materials are updated to the present-day frontiers of science and technology wherever possible. The reader can get to know how the fundamental physics principles are being utilized in current science and technology ○ Relevant subjects are treated coherently. With this treatment, the reader may feel like reading a wellwritten novel when a part of the book (for example, Newtonian mechanics) is studied Readership: Undergraduate students in science/engineering field and physics lecturers.
400pp Feb 2022 978-981-4596-97-8(pbk) US$58 £48 978-981-4596-96-1 US$118 £98
by Fuxiang Han (ShanghaiTech University, China)
Key Features:
○ A detailed solution is provided to every problem. For a problem that is not straightforward, the underlying physics principle(s) and idea(s) will be spelled out very clearly ○ Useful problem-solving techniques are developed in some problems ○ Basic numerical techniques can be learned and practiced in some problems Readership: Undergraduate students in science/engineering field and physics lecturers.
500pp Jan 2022 978-981-4602-03-7(pbk) US$58 £48
by SpencerKuo (New York University, USA)
Key Features
○ There are many journal articles, monographs, and advanced reference books in this subject area, but a textbook to introduce this topic area systematically is not available ○ This book is presented from the physics and engineering point of view, rather than from the mathematics point of view, it makes this book easy for the physics and engineering students to accept it ○ It prepares students with an understanding of wave phenomena and knowledge of solving wave propagation problems, which enable them to expand their studies into related areas Readership: Students and professionals in linear waves and nonlinear waves courses.
Intermediate Level
by Lock Yue Chew (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) & Elbert Chia (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Key Features:
○ This book puts forth perspectives, concepts and methods that are usually skimmed through in freshman courses due to their advanced nature and insufficient time ○ While advanced in nature, the materials covered do not approach the difficulty of a sophomore’s course in mechanics based on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics ○ This book serves to bridge the gap between these two levels
Readership: Junior undergraduate students in Physics and Engineering. Lecturers of Physics and Engineering courses, looking for ideal materials to ease students’ learning.
172pp Aug 2020 978-981-121-437-0(pbk) US$28 £25 978-981-121-310-6 US$68 £60
An Analysis of the Chinese Innovation System
by Gao Bai (Duke University, USA)
In this book, the author mainly focusses on the innovations of products and processes, especially product innovation, which involves the selection of technology route, technology system and technology source. Therefore, the innovation in HST here refers to the selection of technology route, technology system and technology source, as well as, the new products developed and manufactured according to the selection. With the in-depth study, the author would like to provide outlook for development in this area in the next stage.
Readership: Researchers and academics in the field of Civil Engineering.
456pp 978-981-120-674-0 Jan 2021 US$158 £140
by Lei Cui (Curtin University, Australia) & Jian S Dai (King’s College London, UK)
Robots interact with the world through curves and surfaces — the subjects of study in differential geometry. This book applies the moving-frame method, developed extensively by Élie Cartan, and the adjoint approach, conceived by Ernesto Cesàro, to study the kinematics of two surfaces subject to rolling contact and sliding – rolling contact to demonstrate the applications in robotic in-hand manipulation.
Readership: Undergraduate students, graduate students, engineers, and researchers in the field of biorobotics.
224pp 978-1-78634-842-5 Mar 2020 US$88 £75
Materials and Energy - Vol 15
(In 3 Volumes)
Volume 1: Structure, Properties, Modeling and Applications of Amorphous Chalcogenides Volume 2: Structure, Properties and Applications of Oxide Glasses Volume 3: Structure, Properties, and Applications of Tetrahedrally Bonded Thin-Film Amorphous Semiconductors
edited by Alexander V Kolobov (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Russia), Koichi Shimakawa (Gifu University, Japan), Ivar E Reimanis (Colorado School of Mines, USA), Nikolas J Podraza (University of Toledo, USA) & Robert W Collins (University of Toledo, USA) Editor-in-chief: P Craig Taylor (Colorado School of Mines, USA)
Key Features:
○ This three-volume set is unique in covering all essential aspects needed in the vast field of amorphous materials ○ The editors of these volumes and the authors of each chapter are world recognized experts in their respective fields
Readership: Physicists, chemists, materials scientists, advanced graduate students, professional scientists looking to change specialties.
1548pp Feb 2021 978-981-121-555-1(Set) US$850 £750
by Hiroyasu Saka (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan)
“... the author uses color drawings in twodimensions (2D) and three-dimensions (3D) to help the reader better understand what is happening in the phase diagram. Examples of ternary compounds include important alloys such as stainless steels (Fe-Cr-Ni). These illustrations greatly help one to visualize important points described in each diagram and clarifies difficult processes by also including a step-by-step description of key points through the graph ...” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
Phase diagrams are a MUST for materials scientists and engineers (MSEs). However, understanding phase diagrams is a difficult task for most MSEs. The audience of this book are young MSEs who start learning phase diagrams and are supposed to become specialists and those who were trained in fields other than materials science and engineering but are involved in research and/or development of materials after they are employed.
Readership: Students, researchers and professionals in materials science and engineering.
188pp 978-981-120-370-1 Jan 2020 US$78 £70
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Editor-in-Chief: Hoang Pham (Rutgers University, USA)
IJRQSE is a refereed journal focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of reliability, quality, and safety in engineering. The journal is intended to cover a broad spectrum of issues in manufacturing, computing, software, aerospace, control, nuclear systems, power systems, communication systems, and electronics. Papers are sought in the theoretical domain as well as in such practical fields as industry and laboratory research. The journal is published six issues per year. It is intended to bridge the gap between the theoretical experts and practitioners in the academic, scientific, government, and business communities. Review articles and case studies are also welcome in addition to innovative works in all key areas of the journal.
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Editor-in-Honor: Wang, Jaw-Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Editor-in-Chief: Lu, Tung-Wu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
This international, interdisciplinary journal aiming at publishing up-to-date contributions on original clinical and basic research in the biomedical engineering. Research of biomedical engineering has grown tremendously in the past few decades. Meanwhile, several outstanding journals in the field have emerged, with different emphases and objectives. We hope this journal will serve as a new forum for both scientists and clinicians to share their ideas and the results of their studies.
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications explores all facets of biomedical engineering, with emphasis on both the clinical and scientific aspects of the study. It covers the fields of bioelectronics, biomaterials, biomechanics, bioinformatics, nano-biological sciences and clinical engineering.
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Abstracting/Indexing: Academic OneFile | Baidu | Chemical Abstracts Service | CNKI | CnpLINKer | Compendex | CrossRef | Ebsco Discovery Service | Ebsco Discovery Service | EBSCO Electronic Journal Service (EJS) | EMA | Emcare Index | Embase | Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) | ExLibris Primo Central | Google Scholar | INSPEC | J-Gate | Naver | National Science and Technology Libraries (NSTL) | OCLC WorldCat® | REAXYS Medicinal Chemistry (selected articles) | Scopus | The Summon® Service.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr V K Jain (Prof Retired) (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems publishes original papers pertaining to the state-of-the-art research and development, product development, process planning, resource planning, applications and tools in the areas related to advanced manufacturing including advanced manufacturing technologies.
The journal addresses: Manufacturing Systems, Collaborative Design, Collaborative Decision Making, Product Simulation, In-Process Modeling, Resource Planning, Resource Simulation, Tooling Design, Planning and Scheduling, Virtual Reality Technologies and Applications, CAD/CAE/CAM Systems, Networking and Distribution, Supply Chain Management, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies.
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Abstracting/Indexing:Academic OneFile | Baidu | Business Source Complete | Civil Engineering Abstracts | CNKI | CnpLINKer | Compendex | CrossRef | Ebsco Discovery Service | EBSCO Electronic Journal Service (EJS) | Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) | Engineering Source (Ebsco) | ExLibris Primo Central | Geobase | Google Scholar | INSPEC | J-Gate | Naver | National Science and Technology Libraries (NSTL) | OCLC WorldCat® | ProQuest Technology Collection (Material Science & Engineering Database) | Scopus | The Summon® Service.