Nelson Mandela Day Spirit of Peace & Prosperity 2024

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Spirit of peace

Truth Reconciliation Justice Forgiveness Prosperity & Peace


Bishop Trevor Mwamba

The Reverend Meredith Ward

Ambassador Isaiah Chabala

Reverend John Zhang

Professor Wale Idris Ajibade & others


United Nations Staff Recreation Council Singers

New York Youth Festival Orchestra

Spirit of peace & PROSPERITY

Nelson Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela Day serves as a profound embodiment of the Spirit of Peace. At its core, the day symbolizes the relentless pursuit of peace, justice, and reconciliation, echoing the very essence of Mandela's life and legacy.

Mandela's journey from prisoner to president exemplifies the transformative power of forgiveness, compassion, and reconciliation in the pursuit of peace. Despite enduring decades of unjust imprisonment, Mandela emerged not as a harbinger of vengeance but as a beacon of hope and reconciliation for his nation and the world. He embraced dialogue over division, forgiveness over resentment, and unity over discord, laying the foundation for a peaceful transition to democracy in South Africa.

The spirit of peace inherent in Nelson Mandela Day extends beyond the borders of South Africa, inspiring individuals and communities worldwide to confront injustice, inequality, and conflict with courage, empathy, and determination. Mandela's unwavering commitment to peace and reconciliation serves as a timeless reminder that lasting peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of justice, equality, and respect for human dignity.

On Nelson Mandela Day, we are called to embody the Spirit of Peace by promoting dialogue, understanding, and empathy, fostering reconciliation and healing, and advocating for the rights and dignity of all people regardless of race, religion, or background. Through acts of service, solidarity, and compassion, we honor Mandela's legacy and contribute to building a more peaceful and just world for future generations.

In essence, Nelson Mandela Day is not just a commemoration of one man's remarkable life but a celebration of the enduring spirit of peace that he embodied and the transformative impact it continues to have on our world today. As we reflect on

Mandela's legacy, let us reaffirm our commitment to advancing peace, justice, and reconciliation in our communities and beyond, ensuring that his vision of a better world becomes a reality for all.

Nelson Mandela Day encapsulates the Spirit of Peace by intertwining forgiveness, reconciliation, and universal prosperity into its core message and mission.

Forgiveness lies at the heart of Mandela's remarkable journey. Despite enduring 27 years of unjust imprisonment, Mandela emerged not harboring bitterness or seeking retribution but extending forgiveness to his captors and oppressors. His ability to forgive transcended personal grievances, embodying the transformative power of reconciliation in the pursuit of peace. Mandela's act of forgiveness became a beacon of hope, inspiring individuals and nations to overcome the shackles of hatred and division.

Reconciliation, another pillar of Mandela's legacy, serves as a pathway to healing and unity. Mandela understood that lasting peace requires acknowledging past injustices, fostering dialogue, and building bridges between communities. Through initiatives such as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Mandela sought to confront South Africa's painful history of apartheid, promote understanding, and pave the way for a future founded on mutual respect and dignity. His commitment to reconciliation exemplifies the Spirit of Peace in action, demonstrating that reconciliation is not a sign of weakness but a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Universal prosperity is the third dimension of Mandela. Day's ethos embodies Mandela's vision of a world where all people enjoy equal opportunities and access to resources. Mandela believed that true peace could not exist in a world plagued by poverty, inequality, and injustice. He dedicated his life to eradicating

Spirit of Peace & Prosperity



DATE July 18 2024


VENUE: 325 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022

THEME: Healing the Soul of Nation

ORGANIZER: African Views Organization

PARTNERS: St. Bart’s Holy Hill, Visionary Empowerment,

GROUP PERFORMANCES: United Nations Staff Recreation Council Singers, NY Youth Festival Orchestra

SOLO PERFORMANCES: Alexander Pattavina, Kristin E. Hoffmann


In November 2009, the UN General Assembly declared July 18 "Nelson Mandela International Day" in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom. General Assembly Resolution A/RES/64/13 recognizes Nelson Mandela’s values and his dedication to the service of humanity in the fields of conflict resolution, race relations, the promotion and protection of human rights, reconciliation, gender equality, and the rights of children and other vulnerable groups, as well as the upliftment of poor and underdeveloped communities. It acknowledges his contribution to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world. The Spirit of Peace events are scheduled around the birthday of President Nelson Mandela, who remains an inspiration and has become a lighthouse for the Spirit of Peace initiatives.


The convention is an observation of the United Nations’s mandate for the world's celebration of Nelson Mandela in honor of his vision for peace. A myriad of cultural and social issues, as well as policies, will be highlighted and discussed in the spirit of peace. The expected outcome includes unprecedented cross-sectional international opportunities for partnerships specifically for the purpose of promoting and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals: 1 (End Poverty) 8: Employment and Economic Growth 9 (develop industry encourage innovation and develop infrastructure); 10 (reduce inequality). 11 (improve quality of life in communities and cities) 16 (Promote peace, develop strong institutions, 17 (Encourage global partnership for the goals.) The Spirit of Peace conference is geared towards achieving these goals.

Nelson Mandela’s Initiative

Why is Truth and Reconciliation Important?

“Ordinary South Africans (people) are determined that the past be known. It is better to ensure that it is not repeated. They seek this not out of vengeance but so that we can move forward together in the future. The choice of our nation is that the past should be revealed but that it comes to be known in a way that promotes reconciliation and peace. - Nelson Mandela

“This generation of little children is the 7th generation. Not just Indian children, but white, black, yellow, and red. Our grandfathers said the 7th generation would provide new spiritual leaders, medicine people, doctors, teachers, and our great chiefs. There is a spiritual rebirth going on.” - Clyde Bellecourt

The Spirit of Peace captures the vision of President Nelson Mandela, encourages solidarity with the cause of humanity, and fosters good human relations.

“I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all. I stand here before you not as a prophet, but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands.”

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others.”



5:00 pm to 5:10 pm Welcome remarks Program Overview

Reverend Meredith Ward

5:10 pm to 5:20 pm Prelude Snowflakes Composer-Shuai Zhang: China New York Youth Festival String orchestra

5:20 pm to 5:30 pm Mandela’s Dream

5:20 pm to 5:30 pm Siyahamba Kukanjeni Kwengos (We are marching in the light of God): South Africa

Professor Wale Idris Ajibade

UN SRC Singers

5:30 pm to 5:40 pm Overture to An Occasional Oratorio (HWV 62), George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) Deutschland/UK Alexander Pattavina

5:40 pm to 5:50 pm Prayer for Peace

5:50 pm to 6:00 pm Non Potho Reposare by Giuseppe Rachel. Text by Salvatore Sini Arr. L. Pietropoli : Italy

5:50 pm to 6:10 pm Mandela’s History and Legacy

6:10 pm to 6:15 pm At the Core

6:15 pm to 6:25 pm Mandela Day: What is peace and Why is it important

6:25 pm to 6:30 pm Imagine: Composer- John Lennon

6:25 pm to 6:30 pm Guadalquivir Tonada Tarijeña by Gilberto Rojas Arr. Claudio Sanseverino: Bolivia

6:30 pm to 6:35 pm Spirit of Peace & Prosperity

6:35 pm to 6:40 pm Male and female duet: The Prayer: Composer: David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager, Tony Renis and Test

6:40 pm to 6:45 pm Re-introduction of the Orchestra and the Choir, and the Singers

6:45 pm to 6:50 pm The Road Home Tune: ”Prospect” 1835, adapted by Stephen Paulus

6:50 pm to 7:00 pm

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Closing statement and vote of thanks Refreshments!

Reverend John Zhang

UN SRC Singers

Ambassador Isiah Chabala

Kristin E. Hoffmann

Professor Wale Idris Ajibade

New York Youth Festival String orchestra

UN SRC Singers

Professor Wale Idris Ajibade

New York Youth Festival String orchestra

Reverend Meredith and Dr. Ajibade

UN SRC Singers

Reverend Meredith, Ambassador Chabala, Reverend Zhang, Professor Ajibade, joined by Choir and Orchestra

Why it is important for African Views to Partner with St. Bart's Church in New York in celebrating Mandela Day on July 18

these systemic barriers advocating for social and economic empowerment and championing the rights of the marginalized and oppressed. Mandela's pursuit of universal prosperity reflects his unwavering commitment to building a more equitable and inclusive society where every individual can thrive and contribute to the collective well-being of humanity.

In essence Nelson Mandela Day serves as a testament to the transformative potential of forgiveness reconciliation and universal prosperity in fostering lasting peace. As we commemorate Mandela's legacy let us heed his call to action embrace the Spirit of Peace and work tirelessly to build a world where forgiveness heals reconciliation unites and prosperity flourishes for all.

Partnering with St. Bart's Church in New York to celebrate Mandela Day on July 18 holds significant importance for African Views for several compelling reasons:

Global Reach and Visibility: St. Bart's Church located in New York serves as a prominent hub for community engagement dialogue and advocacy on global issues. By partnering with St. Bart's Church African Views can amplify the reach and visibility of Mandela Day ensuring that Mandela's legacy and message resonate with diverse audiences across the world.

Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Partnering with St. Bart's Church facilitates cross-cultural collaboration and exchange fostering mutual understanding and solidarity between African communities and the broader international community. Through shared events and initiatives African Views and St. Bart's Church can promote dialogue celebrate diversity and build bridges of friendship and cooperation.

Mobilizing Resources and Support: St. Bart's Church boasts a robust network of supporters volunteers and resources dedicated to advancing social justice and humanitarian causes. By partnering with the church African Views can tap into these resources and mobilize support for Mandela Day initiatives including community service projects educational programs and advocacy campaigns.

Amplifying Advocacy Efforts: Mandela Day is not only a commemoration of Nelson Mandela's legacy but also an opportunity to advocate for issues that align with Mandela's values such as human rights equality and social justice. By partnering with St. Bart's Church African Views can amplify its advocacy efforts leverage collective influence and drive meaningful change on local national and global levels.

Inspiring Action and Engagement: Mandela Day is a call to action inspiring individuals and communities to make a positive difference in the world through acts of service kindness and solidarity. By collaborating with St. Bart's Church African Views can inspire and mobilize people from diverse backgrounds to participate in Mandela Day activities fostering a culture of active citizenship and social responsibility.

In summary partnering with St. Bart's Church in New York to celebrate Mandela Day on July 18 provides African Views with a unique opportunity to expand its reach engage with new audiences mobilize resources amplify advocacy efforts and inspire meaningful action towards a more just equitable and compassionate world.


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN, including the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs

•In June 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, more than 178 countries adopted Agenda 21, a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment.

•Member States unanimously adopted the Millennium Declaration at the Millennium Summit in September 2000 at UN Headquarters in New York. The Summit led to the elaboration of eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to reduce extreme poverty by 2015.

•The Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation, adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa in 2002, reaffirmed the global community's commitments to poverty eradication and the environment, and built on Agenda 21 and the Millennium Declaration by including more emphasis on multilateral partnerships.

•At the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, Member States adopted the outcome document "The Future We Want" in which they decided, inter alia, to launch a process to develop a set of SDGs to build upon the MDGs and to establish the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The Rio +20 outcome also contained other measures for implementing sustainable development, including mandates for future programmes of work in development financing, small island developing states and more.

•In 2013, the General Assembly set up a 30-member Open Working Group to develop a proposal on the SDGs.

•In January 2015, the General Assembly began the negotiation process on the post-2015 development agenda. The process culminated in the subsequent adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 SDGs at its core, at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015.

•2015 was a landmark year for multilateralism and international policy shaping, with the adoption of several major agreements:

• Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (March 2015)

• Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development (July 2015)

• Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 SDGs was adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015.

• Paris Agreement on Climate Change (December 2015)

•Now, the annual High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development serves as the central UN platform for the follow-up and review of the SDGs.

Today, the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) provides substantive support and capacity-building for the SDGs and their related thematic issues, including water, energy, climate, oceans, urbanization, transp ort, science and technology, the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), partnerships and Small Island Developing States. DSDG plays a key role in the evaluation of UN systemwide implementation of the 2030 Agenda and on advocacy and outreach activities relating to the SDGs. In order to make the 2030 Agenda a reality, broad ownership of the SDGs must translate into a strong commitment by all stakeholders to implement the global goals. DSDG aims to help facilitate this engagement.


St. Bartholomew's Church commonly referred to as St. Bart's is an Episcopal parish located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan New York City. Renowned for its stunning Byzantine-inspired architecture and historical significance St. Bart's stands as a spiritual cultural and architectural landmark. Situated on Park Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets the church serves as a vibrant center for worship community outreach and cultural events reflecting the diverse and dynamic nature of New York City.


St. Bart's is distinguished by its striking facade which combines elements of Romanesque and Byzantine styles. The exterior is adorned with intricate mosaics detailed stonework and an impressive triple-arched entrance. The church’s distinctive dome and the large rose window are particularly noteworthy


adding to the architectural grandeur of the structure.

The interior of St. Bart's is equally impressive featuring a spacious nave elaborate mosaics and stained-glass windows that depict biblical scenes and saints. The main altar is a focal point crafted with exquisite detail and surrounded by a semicircular apse. The church also houses a renowned Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ considered one of the finest in the world which enhances the liturgical and concert experiences with its rich and resonant sound.

St. Bart's is not only a place of worship but also a hub for cultural activities.

The church hosts a variety of events including concerts art exhibitions and lectures. Its community programs such as the food pantry and soup kitchen reflect its commitment to social justice and outreach.


The origins of St. Bartholomew's Church date back to 1835. The original church was located on Lafayette Place on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and was designed in the Gothic Revival style. As the congregation grew a larger space was needed prompting a move to Madison Avenue and 44th Street in 1872 where a new building was constructed.

The current location on Park Avenue was acquired in the early 20th century with the cornerstone of the present church laid in 1917. The design by celebrated architect Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue represented a departure from the traditional Gothic style opting instead for a blend of Romanesque and Byzantine influences. The church was completed in 1930 following Goodhue's vision even after his death in 1924.

St. Bart's was designated a New York City Landmark in 1967 and its interior received landmark status in 1981.

Today St. Bartholomew's Church remains a beacon of faith history and culture in Manhattan. Its enduring presence and ongoing activities continue to enrich the lives of its parishioners and the broader community making it a cherished institution in New York City.


New intelligence from global narratives and ancient Wisdom

AfricanViewsisanonprofitorganizationinSpecialConsultativeStatuswiththe UnitedNationsEconomicandSocialCouncilfocusingonthewell-beingofsociety by promoting cultural sustainability and cultural harmony through social research community assessment resource mapping and project development. TheorganizationhasitsbaseinAccraGhana.AfricanViewsGhanaservesasthe hubandprovidesagatewayforalltheorganization'soperationsandprojectsin Africa.


An African View is a way of seeing the world. When we combine this view with thevarious ways the world sees Africa and how Africans see themselves we begin to realizethemultiplicityofperspectives.And as we begin to notice differences in our perspectivesaboutourselvesfromdifferent culturesdifferent nationsacrosscontinents professional disciplines academic faculties ethnic groups nationalities andacross time a tapestry of global African cosmology emerges forming the African Views collectively.

community of reciprocity. The Cosmology also inevitably establishes a need for an African ontology. One that embarks on a journey of self-discovery through participation understanding and cultural assimilation. In the traditional African worldnooneis "independent"and noman is an island. It is an interdependent world. This forms the basis of African philosophy. The combination of Ubuntu and Medemer provides a common background and understanding of a particular domain and fieldofstudythatensurescommon ground for those who study and curate the information we call African Views. This is

The African Views of the Universe have been thoroughly researchedandsystematizedbutmuchmoreremains tobedocumented Manyoftheseviewsareexpressed orally in myths legends proverbs wise sayings and practical ways like rituals dances art and symbols found in African cultures old and new. This picture shows among other things the beauty of cultural diversity an underlying commonality or similarity of views traits traditions inclinations and behaviors across Africa and the Diaspora reflecting local variations

African views of the universe are curated as people continuetoreflectupontheirlifeexperiencesintheir respective societies and the perception of their roles andresponsibilitiesintheworldatlarge Thisconcept makes the African cosmology and ontology a most valuabletreasuremisunderstoodandunexplored.

No human society can exist without some form of view of the world in which it lives. African views provideanawarenessofthediversityandcomplexity of African existence and consciousness of the world. So as African peoples worldwide went through life experiences and changes in the environment including historical current and future challenges more ideas were generated concerning their understanding of the world These ideas were by no meansstaticwhich inthedueprocessof changehave comedown to thecontemporary invarious ways and throughmultiplemeans.Ideasfromonegenerationto another continue to persist despite the challenges of time.

The sustainability of Africans lies in their nature of resilience. While much has been lost much more has been gained as well. New lands were inherited modernlanguages andnew traditions developed new nations were founded new cultures developed and layers of resistance seemed unstoppable despite all the odds It is essential to put all these into perspective and look deeper within to find the strengthtoovercomeanychallenge.

Itisinthisspiritthatsomeofushavechosentocome together and endeavor to capture with remarkably few exceptions the evolution of ideas in the African world without compromising the integrity of the existentialdichotomyofthesecularandsacredorthe

physical and spiritual or the practical and the hypothetical In African views there is harmony rationalelogicandasenseoftheuniverse

Inourassessmenthoweverimperfectourobservance ofrelativeideologies isnotonlyofthosewithAfrican heritage alone but inclusively and conclusively encompassing views principles and doctrines about Africa and those which are descriptive and determinant of the people of African descent worldwide.

Thismakesourworkpermanentandcumulativefrom thetransferoftheAfricantraditionsofonegeneration to another. Themore diversetheyarethebetter they become Woulditbesomethingofvalueifthoseideas could be captured and interpreted in qualitative and quantitative values not only for documentary purposes but also for their utilitarian values especially in understanding and interpreting historical challenges engaging current challenges and preparing for future challenges? These were original thoughtsthatpreparedusforthefoundation.

AsLeopoldSenghorputsitcultureisthelastrecourse to sanity When we are lost we turn to our cultural compass This is the basis upon which we have formed the African Views Organization. Our research and analysis are based on linking transformative strategies with cultural harmony through collaborative global intelligence media and developmentframeworks Itisnotalwayseasybutwe relishthechallenges

African Views was conceived in Bahia Brazil in 2006 It was registered in December 2009 in New York the United States of America. It was registered with the United Nations Economic and Social Council in 2014. It was registered in Accra Ghana in October 2020 As Nana Otu Lartey puts it African views must have a home in Africa Ghana is prepared to take that responsibility Lincolnallthatbindsusisthefaiththat right makes might For the sake of all humanity we dare to take this duty personally and give it our absolutebestasweunderstandittilltheend


New intelligence from global narratives and ancient Wisdom

African Views is a people’s organization that is run by its constituents. Because it is for the truebenefitofthepopulacetheorganization'saimandgoalaretopromoteandcontributeto peace and cultural harmony in the society in which we operate. People with strong levels of motivation and the ability to work well in teams are valued by us. Innovators idealists and future leaders who can effectively communicate their ideas and insights and put them into practiceinsupportofyourgoalofpeaceandprosperityarepositiveenthusiasticpeoplewho wanttoexplorenovelhypothesesandinnovativeapproachestosolvesocio-culturalandgeopoliticalproblems.BecausetheAfricanspiritisabenignhumanspiritwevalueit.Weplacea strong emphasis on the African continent when promoting cultural understanding and harmony in diversity which is our basic principle. This defines the African spirit as a distinctivehumansoulthatisextraordinarilyvisionaryandpeacefuldistinctfromtheAfrican race and African class and is encompassing and embraceable for all humanity. Our basic valuesarebuiltonthisempatheticattitudeofforgivenesssustainablesolutionsandbravery.

AV Board meeting dinner in NYC
AV volunteer associates over the years

UN SRC Singers

UN Staff Recreation Council Singers




❖ Alina Escobar, Guatemala

❖ Bileena Vorauer, Austria

❖ Courtney Smith, USA

❖ Erica Gaston, USA

❖ Florencia de Castro, Uruguay

❖ Joan Felli, Ghana

❖ Silvia Märkli Garcia, Spain

❖ Sandra Iranzo, Spain

❖ Xiaoman Zhang, China


❖ Francesco Frova, Italy

❖ MarkAnthony USA/Guyana

❖ Max Brundu, Italy

❖ Patrick Cruz, Philippines

❖ Rami Jourieh, Syria

❖ Ramón Holguin, Venezuala

❖ Supreme Dieudonne, Haiti

❖ Carmela Zenarosa Philippines

❖ Cynthia Lully Namibia

❖ Kelli-Ann Kerr Trinidad and Tobago

❖ Elizabeth Shirokova USA

❖ Maja Vasilijevic Montenegro

❖ Maria Farrugia Slovakia

❖ Mariela AlonsoArgentina

❖ Naoko Shindo Japan

❖ Nicole Hunt Trinidad and Tobago

❖ Paula Serrano Argentina

❖ Preethika Kulanthavelu Malaysia

❖ Sanja Kujundzic Serbia


❖ Bernard Michael de Leo, Philippines

❖ CJ Zenarosa, Philippines/USA

❖ Joshua Kneidl, USA

The United Nations Singers founded in 1947 is a club affiliated to the UN Staff Recreation Council (UNSRC). Its members consist of current and former staff of the United Nations affiliated organizations and national delegations as well as members of their families and several talented singers from New York. They come from all walks of life and from all over the world. The singers perform folk songs and classical choral music from many countries in their original languages. They are designated by the UN as unofficial ambassadors of

goodwill and convey a message of peace and tolerance and a celebration of other cultures and religions through music. They are a small-scale example of what international cooperation can accomplish.


The UN SRC Singers aims to spread the message of peace and understanding among nations through the art of choral music and its vision is a world in which all peoples are united for peace.


New York Youth Festival Orchestra

New York Youth Festival Orchestra

New York Youth Festival Orchestra


Olivia Huang

Regan Wang

Sherry Xu

Yolanda Sun



Lucy Zhang-Soprano

Director: Yolanda

Orchestra Conductor: Paul Little

Piano Accompaniment: Adam Ali


Ivan Wong

Niran Zuo

Olivia Chen

Olivia Huang

Regan Wang

Sherry Xu

Sophia Wei

Suri Liu

Sonia Yong

Suri Lin

Wesley Shum

Zoe Fan

Zoe Jiao

Concert Master: Kevin Zhang

Orchestra Members:

Abigail Chen

Augustus Chen

Andrew Liu

Brenda Yang

Cristina Song

Chanlene Liu

Gloria Song

Harrison Zhang

Jensen Wu

Wish Chen

Stanley Shum


New York Youth Festival Orchestra a cradle for future musicians The New York Youth Festival Orchestra was founded with the goal of discovering and cultivating outstanding young music talents providing a professional education platform for young music lovers and building a stage for social art practice. The New York Youth Festival Orchestra will spare no effort to provide the youth orchestra with rehearsal venues rehearsal music services large instruments used in rehearsal and teaching staff and will continue its excellent and professional management model to build the youth orchestra into a city cultural business card with social influence.

to make the youth orchestra a cultural landmark with significant social impact.

The New York Youth Festival Orchestra was established to discover and nurture exceptional young musical talents. Our mission is to offer a professional educational platform for young music enthusiasts and create opportunities for social artistic practice. We are dedicated to providing rehearsal spaces rehearsal music services large instruments and expert teaching staff. Our commitment to excellence and professional management aims

In addition to our core mission, we strive to foster a sense of community and collaboration among our young musicians. Through regular performances workshops and master classes, we provide our members with invaluable experiences that enhance their musical skills and broaden their artistic horizons. We believe that music has the power to transform lives and bring people together. Young musicians in our orchestra gain confidence discipline and a deep appreciation for the arts. Our programs are designed to challenge and inspire ensuring that each member reaches their full potential. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to shape the future of music and create lasting memories for our young artists. The New York Youth Festival Orchestra is more than just an ensemble; it is a vibrant community where passion for music thrives, and dreams take flight.

The Rt. Revd. Dr. Musonda Trevor Selwyn Mwamba

MusondaTrevorSelwynMwambaisPresident National Independence Party (UNIP) Zambia’s party.

is a rare combination: a respected figure Anglican Church and ecumenically an accomplished leaderwithexperienceinlawandfinance.

1987 to 2000 Provincial Secretary (General ChurchoftheProvinceofCentralAfricathatis Church in Botswana Malawi Zambia and


Bishop Mwamba is the author of a delightful book Dancing Sermons published by Maclean Dubois (2006) Reprinted by SPCK2007.

Heis featuredinoverseven booksofAlexanderMcCall Smith’s bestsellingseriestheNo.1DetectiveLadies’Agency.

2004 Bishop Mwamba served as a lawyer and respected international institution Standard was Head of Legal & Compliance Corporate Company Secretary he had a distinguished career representingthebankontheworldstage.

BishopofBotswanain2004andin2013tookup United Kingdom and Germany. In his various roles church he has placed an emphasis on conflict mediationandreconciliation.Maintainingaconstant abilitytobringpeopletogetheracrosspoliticaland he has gained a reputation as a convenor and is Chair of the Peacebuilding Advisory Group indaba led initiative that is politically neutral the experience and expertise of its constituent supportpeaceanddevelopmentinSouthernAfrica anddialogue.

working in Cabo Delgado Mozambique is creating an engagement to ensure all communities are mutual respect and ubuntu to de-escalate

Bishop Mwamba appeared as himself in the Number 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency film directed by Anthony Minghella and televisionepisode.

HewasrecentlyawardedtheHonoraryFreemanoftheLondon Borough of Barking and Dagenham the highest award that the CouncilsintheUnitedKingdomcanbestow.

BishopMwambawaseducatedinZambiaAmericaandEngland. HetrainedforthepriesthoodatSt.Stephen’sHouseOxford.



M.Phil.SocialAnthropology(UniversityofOxford) 1998





Human Spirit

The Reverend Meredith Ward

The Reverend Meredith Ward serves as Associate Rector for Pastoral Care at St. Bartholomew’s Church in New York City. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary where she was awarded the James Muilenberg Prize in Biblical Scholarship. She also received an M.A. in Art History from Columbia University and has a B.A. magna cum laude with honors in Art History and French from Tufts University. Meredith began her career in theNewYorkartworldworking at galleries and eventually opened up her own gallery on Manhattan’sUpperEastSide.

Meredith serves on the Diocesan Council and the Episcopal-Jewish Relations Committee of the Diocesan Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission. She is particularly interested in the intersection of art and spirituality and the ways in which art can be used as a medium for spiritual study prayer and contemplation. She is also committed to interreligious engagement and dialogue and has a passion for exploring the Jewish roots of Christianity.

In the Diocese of New York

Harmonious Spirit

Alexander Pattavina is the Associate Organist and Choirmaster at St. Bartholomew’s Church in New York, where he also leads St. Bartholomew’s Choristers. Alex earned his Bachelor’s (2018) and Master’s (2020) degrees in Organ Performance from The Juilliard School, where he studied with Paul Jacobs. A native of Stoughton, Massachusetts, Alex was immersed in a musical environment as a boy chorister at St. Paul’s Choir School, HarvardSquare,theonlyCatholicchoirschool for boys in the country. After graduating, he becametheirfirst-everOrganScholar.Whileat Juilliard, he served as an organ scholar at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Manhattan and later at Christ Church Bronxville, New York. For three years, Alex served as Director of Music andOrganist atthe Churchof St.Agnes, a Catholic parish next to Grand Central Terminal.

Alex won first prize in both the 2019 Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival (Hartford, CT) and the 2014 L. Cameron Johnson Memorial Competition(Storrs,CT).Anavidcomposeras well, Alex’s composition for choir and organ, All in a Stable Cold and Bare, was written for and premiered by the choir of Christ Church Bronxville. The work is published by Hal Leonard. His organ solo work, Prelude on an Evening Melody, was the first piece of music performed at the opening of the newly restored and renovated Christ Cathedral (Orange County, CA), formerly the CrystalCathedral.AlongsidetheJuilliardorgan department, he took part in a historic, eighteen-hour marathon performance of the complete organ works of J.S. Bach held at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Manhattan, sponsored by WQXR-FM. He has performed with the Juilliard Orchestra and the Hartford Symphony Orchestra and is a frequent organ recitalistthroughouttheUnited States.Hecan beheardonthe2022album, Stokowski and St. Bartholomew’s Choir: A Prodigious Pairing, accompanying St. Bartholomew’s Choir. Alex is passionate for creating and fixing things, both in and out of musical contexts: whether composing, creating spur-of-the-moment improvised music at the organ, 3D-printing partsforhisat-homepracticeorgan,restoring miniature German model trains, or reviving a ca.1970sunfretted,double-strungclavichord.

Echoes of Love Light Truth & Peace.

KristinHoffmannisaJuilliardtrainedsingerconscious musician and producer. She is the vocalist for the internationallyacclaimedshowBELLAGAIA. Astrong advocate for peace and Earth/Ocean conservation Kristin opens sonic-emotional heart spaces in which powerful new awareness connection and healing can flourish. She works regularly with other thought leaders and change-makers to amplify important wisdomforourtimesthroughthepowerfulvehicleof music.

Kristin trained in opera with acclaimed teachers Lorraine Nubar and Zehava Gal andcomposition with Rob Mathes and Behzad Ranjbaran. After spending multiple years in her early career on major labels Capitol Records and Interscope Records Kristin concluded that in order to be in highest alignment withherlife’smissionshewouldneedtothinkoutside ofthetraditionalmusicindustryboxandembarkona road less traveled. Fascinated with music’s regenerative and transformational capabilities she went on to study with French sound healing pioneer Fabian Maman and in most recent years with legendary harmonic overtone singer Timothy Hill (of theHarmonicChoir).

Kristin has performed throughout the world from environmental concerts to peace symposiums including; TEDx San Francisco The Emoto Peace Project concert in Tokyo the signing of The Fuji Declaration at Mt. Fuji and with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London. Her Song for the

Ocean was performed at Sydney Opera House by a choir of 800 Australian children. She is currently on the board of FIONS (Friends of Institute of Noetic Sciences) an active member of The Evolutionary Leaders an "Heartist" and a musical ambassadorfortheorganizationUNITYEARTH. Most recently Kristin composed and produced the new anthem for The Holomovement supporting radical collaboration in action and welcomed a brand-new album into the world entitled RainShine ~ Sonic AlchemyforSoulAwakening.

❖ Recipient of the UNITY EARTH Champion “Keeper oftheFlame”Award2023

❖ Visioneers Lifetime Achievement Award in the categoryofMusicandPeace2022

❖ Song for the Ocean performed at Sydney Opera Housebychoirof800children

❖ Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation recognition forcomposingFGMAnthem

❖ Gandhi’s BE Magazine Honorary Global ChangemakeroftheYear2016

❖ Ayurveda’sWorldCertificateinAyurveda

❖ Ayurveda’sWorldCertificateinAyurvedicCooking

❖ MusicalAmbassadorforUnityEarth

Navigating the Global Stage The Journey of Ambassador Isaiah Z. Chabala

Ambassador Isaiah Chabala's life exemplifies diplomacy and service to humanity spanning countries and shaping international relations.Born and reared in Zambia his path to diplomacy was defined by excellence and curiosity. Ambassador Chabala's distinguished career was built on education.His1969BachelorofArtsinEconomicsandFrench from the University of Zambia prepared him for his career.

Postgraduate Foreign Service Studies at St. Peter's College

Oxford University UK 1970–71 and Fiscal Studies at Bath University UK 1982–83. He earned a master's degree from Columbia University's School of International Affairs demonstratinghiscommitmenttomasteringglobaldiplomacy.

Ambassador Chabala entered the sphere of power and influence with a strong academic foundation. His diplomatic career included representing Zambia at the UN and chairing COMESA in Brussels Belgium. As Zambia's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Switzerland Belgium France Italy Luxembourg the Netherlands Portugal and Spain Ambassador Chabala promoted Zambia's interests worldwide. As Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the EU in Brussels he honed his diplomatic and negotiating skills.

In several international organizations and activities Ambassador Chabala has been instrumental. His global governanceeffortsrangedfromrepresentingZambiaattheUN FoodandAgricultureOrganization(FAO) andIFAD toserving as a Permanent Delegate to UNESCO in Paris France. AmbassadorChabala's Zambian government roles showed his devotion to economic growth and cooperation. He has significantlyshapedZambia'seconomicpoliciesandstrategies as Under-Secretary in the Budget Office and Economic Affairs Director of Economic and Technical Cooperation Deputy Permanent Secretary (Economics and Finance) in the Cabinet OfficeandSpeechWritertothePrimeMinister.

Ambassador Chabala influenced academia and international organizations beyond diplomatic and governmental roles. He represented Zambia on the UNICEF Executive Board and UNDPGoverningCouncilandwasViceChairmanofUNETPSA. Diplomacy economic progress and global cooperation were Ambassador Isaiah Chabala's mantras throughout his tenure. Hislegacyinspiresfuturediplomatsandpoliticiansreminding us that diplomacy can create a more peaceful and wealthy world.

Since retiring from diplomatic service after 31 years he has pursued his spiritual calling the divine mission of service justice and peace. Visionary Empowerment Inc. a nonprofit 501(c)(3)charitableorganizationdedicatedtogenderequality andwomen'sempowermentwasfoundedbyhim.

He supports the UN and sits on the boards of UN-accredited women-founded NGOs. He was UN NGO Committee on SpiritualityValuesandGlobalConcernssenioradviser.Hewon the 2017 UN Spirit Award." He founded and runs the Divine Empowerment Mission whichpromotes capacity building and services that empower vulnerable people and marginalized communitiesspirituallysociallyculturallyandeconomically.

Besides these duties Ambassador Chabala has been a board member of Innovation Africa since 2008 and its UN representative. He chairs the African Views Organization board. He promotes multilateralism love truth justice and peace. He is an usher and greeter at Manhattan's St. Bartholomew's Church his spiritual home. He is on the New York Diocesan Task Force on Tanzania the Welcome and HospitalityCommitteesFaithinActionTeamGardenGuildand Living Christ Sangha Meditation Group as well as GreenFaithNYCamultifaithclimatejusticecampaign.

Echoes of Faith

The Journey of Pastor Zhang Shengguang

In the vibrant tapestry of Pastor John Zhang Shengguang's life faith weaves a golden thread illuminating every step of his journey. Born into the embrace of a four-generation Christian householdhischildhoodwasnurturedbythegraceandwisdom of believers who came before him. It was amidst this environmentofspiritualrichnessthathispathtowardsministry begantotakeshape

In April of1999 within thesacred wallsof Zhushikou Christian Church in Beijing Pastor Zhang experienced a profound calling. Baptized and enveloped in the embrace of Christianity he embarked on a lifelong journey of devotion and service. His commitment to spreading the gospel would later lead him to becometheSeniorPastoroftheHolyMountainChurchabeacon oflightguidingsoulstowardsspiritualfulfillment

Pastor Zhang's academic pursuits mirrored his fervent dedication to his faith Graduating from the Tianjin Conservatory of Music in China and later from the Faith Theological Seminary in New York he equipped himself with both the spiritual and intellectual tools necessary to serve his community. Grounded in the scripture of Colossians 1:28 his ministryphilosophyemphasizedtheuseofvariousartformsto convey the vision of the church touching hearts and souls with the transformative power ofChristian literature painting music film and more. His creative endeavors bore fruit in numerous groundbreaking projects each a testament to his unwavering commitmenttospreadingthemessageofChrist.

The premiere of the first Chinese-language original sacred musicsymphonycantata"Cristo"inMarylandin2016markeda significantmilestoneinhisartisticjourney.Subsequenttoursin Washington and New York brought his music to ever-wider audiencesenrichinglivesanddeepeningspiritualconnections Beyond the realm of music Pastor Zhang's dedication to Christian art extended to the visual realm. He spearheaded the first Christian Contemporary Art Exhibition in New York in 2018layingthefoundationforanannualeventthatwouldgrow inscaleandsignificancewitheachpassingyear.FromBaltimore to Manhattan his exhibitions became showcases of faith-

inspired creativity fostering dialogue and reflection within the artistic community. In 2022 Pastor Zhang's vision reached new heights with the inauguration of the International Forum on ChristianArtAestheticsinNewYork.Gatheringscholarsartists and theologians from around the globe the forum became a crucible of ideas sparking innovation and collaboration in the pursuitofartisticexcellencerootedinfaith.

As the years unfolded Pastor Zhang's influence continued to resonate far and wide. From the publication of his contemporaryChristianliteraryworkstotheinternationaltour of his art exhibitions his impact knew no bounds. In every endeavor his unwavering faith remained the guiding force inspiring all who crossed his path to seek perfection in Christ. Today the echoes of Pastor Zhang Shengguang's faith reverberateacrosscontinentsatestamenttothetransformative power of devotion and the boundless potential of artin service tothedivine.Inaworldhungeringformeaningandconnection hislifestandsasabeaconofhopeilluminatingthepathtowards spiritualenlightenmentandeternalgrace.HefoundedHolyHill BaptistChurch,andHolyHillCulture&ArtsFoundation.

Nana Dr. Wale Idris Ajibade African Dream Faith in Humanity

Dr. Wale Idris Ajibade, known as Wale Idris, is a distinguished economist, sociologist, and academician, currently serving as a Professor of Sociology at Essex College. Born to a prominent royal family in Yoruba land, he studied in Vienna, Austria, and hasmadeNewJerseyhishome Heisthevisionaryfounderand Executive Director of African Views (AV), a non-profit organization with consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Through African Views, Dr. Ajibade is dedicated to enhancing societal well-being by championing cultural sustainability and harmony through rigorous scientific and empirical social research, community assessments, resource mapping and appropriation, as well as innovativeprojectdevelopment.

At the forefront of AV's initiatives is Dr. Ajibade's groundbreaking framework for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which includes pioneering programs like the African Cultural Exchange. This initiative fosters connections between classrooms in Africa and America, as well as those on other continents, promoting cross-cultural understanding and collaboration from an early age. He has also spearheaded impactfulprojectssuchasAfrican HealthDialogues,advocating for the establishment of the African Center for Disease Control to address pressing public health challenges, promoting the advancement of women across cultures, racial reconciliation, andgenderharmony.Heistheco-founderoftheFoundationfor CulturalDiversity.

Dr. Ajibade's global influence extends across various domains, including youth empowerment, environmental sustainability, gender equality, and peacebuilding. He has designed and implemented initiatives such as Green Africa, Culture Diplomats, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Anti Violence Against Women Act (AVAWA), demonstrating his commitment to positive social change on a global scale. Additionally, his advocacy for African and Caribbean summits and visa-free travel for the African Diaspora reflects his dedication to fostering unity and reconciliation among diverse communities.

Ajibade brings a wealth of experience in finance and international business. With a robust background in economics and finance, including roles at esteemed institutions like Standard&Poor's,ReutersAmerica,andCitibankPrivateBank, hebringsauniqueperspectivetohisworkattheintersectionof academiaandsocialimpact.Dr.AjibadeholdsanMBAinfinance and has pursued advanced studies in business administration, public administration, and the humanities, with doctoral degreesineconomicsandphilosophy.

A true polymath, Dr. Ajibade is also an accomplished author, speaker, and linguist. He has delivered speeches at prestigious venues worldwide, including the US State Department, the UnitedNations,andtheAfricanUnion,addressingcriticalissues such as peacebuilding, gender equality, and corporate social responsibility. Fluent in English, German, and Yoruba, his multilingualism reflects his deep appreciation for diverse cultures and traditions. Among his notable literary contributions are "The Long Struggle for Gender Harmony in Afghanistan," "100 Peaceful Solutions for the Advancement of Women across Cultures," “Forgiveness Unites All Americans,” and his upcoming book, "A Warm and Peaceful Home: The Evolution of Nigeria." These works exemplify his commitment to advancing knowledge and understanding of issues of global significance

Inrecognitionofhisoutstandingcontributionstoacademiaand society, Dr. Ajibade has been awarded the honorary title of Ambassadorof PeacefromtheUniversal PeaceFederation, and he holds a chieftaincy title, Nana Ankobiahene, from the Dwenase traditional district of Ghana, as well as an honorary indigenous American chief-sachem from the Mattakessett people of New England. He is well recognized among the Maroon people in Suriname, French Guiana, Guyana, and other parts of South America. His dedication to promoting peace, sustainability, and cultural harmony continues to inspire individuals and communities around the world, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of humanity. Among his several publication is the Long Struggle for Gender Harmony in Afghanistan

Inadditiontohis illustriouscareerinthenon-profitsector,Dr


independent group global leaders founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007. This assembly of influential figures was created with the vision of contributing their wisdom, leadership,andintegritytoaddresssome oftheworld'smostpressingproblems.


NelsonMandela's Vision:Inspiredbythe traditional role of elders in African communities, Nelson Mandela sought to create a platform where former heads of state, senior diplomats, and renowned advocatescouldworkindependentlyand beyondtheconstraintsofanynationalor politicalinterest.

Inauguration: The Elders was officially launched on Mandela's 89th birthday, July 18, 2007, in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former Archbishop of Cape Town, was appointed as the group's first chair.

women's and children's rights.

Kofi Annan is the former SecretaryGeneraloftheUnitedNations.

Campaigns:Theyhavelaunchedinitiatives to combat child marriage, improve maternal health, and ensure access to educationandhealthcareforall.

Climate Change and Sustainable Development:

political ambition, they can speak out boldlyandindependentlyonglobalissues.


Graça Machel is an international

Other notable members included Jimmy Carter, former President of the United States, and Mary Robinson, former PresidentofIreland.




The Elders have played crucial roles in mediating conflicts in various regions, including Myanmar, Sudan, South Sudan, andtheKoreanPeninsula.

Promoting Peace: They work to support peaceprocesses,encouragedialogue,and advocate for non-violent solutions to conflicts.


Championing Equality: The Elders have beenvocaladvocatesforgenderequality, racial justice, and the protection of humanrightsglobally.

Climate Action: Recognizing the global threat of climate change, the Elders have actively promoted sustainable development and encouraged governments and corporations to commit toreducingcarbonemissions.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): They support the United Nations' SDGs, working towards ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperityforall.


IntegrityandMoralAuthority:TheElders' influence stems from their personal integrity, moral authority, and the respect theycommandinternationally.


Free from the constraints of office or

Advisory Role: The Elders offer guidance and support to current leaders and institutions, helping to shape policies and initiatives that foster global cooperation andstability.

Raising Awareness: Through their public engagements, writings, and advocacy, The Elders raise awareness about critical global issues and mobilize support for positivechange.

The Elders continue to uphold Mandela's legacybyworkingtowardsaworldwhere justice, peace, and human rights are accessibletoall,embodyingtheprinciples of collective wisdom and compassionate leadership.

On his 89th birthday 18 July 2007. Nelson Mandela announced the formation of The Elders: a small dedicated group of leaders who will work objectively free from any vested personal interest to help address global challenges.

Thank you!

Views Organization, St. Bart's Church in New York, Visionary Empowerment, the Contemporary Christian Art Foundation, UN SRC Singers, and all our partners, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for joining us in celebratingNelsonMandelaDay.

Your participation in this significant event has made it profoundly impactful andmemorable.NelsonMandela'slegacy of peace, justice, and human rights continues to inspire us all, and your presence underscored the importance of hisvisioninourongoingeffortstocreate abetterworld.

Your dedication to upholding Mandela's principlesthroughyourworkhasbeen a guiding light for many. By standing with us on this special day, you have reaffirmed our shared commitment to these values and strengthened our resolve to continue making a positive impactinourcommunities.

Thank you for your unwavering support and for honoring Nelson Mandela's legacywithus. Welookforwardtomany more opportunities to collaborate and advancethecauseofjustice,equality,and humandignity.

With deep appreciation, African Views Organization,St.Bart'sChurch,NewYork Youth Festival Orchestra, Visionary Empowerment, Holy Hill Baptist Church and Contemporary Christian Art Foundation, UN SRC Singers, and All Our Partners.


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