Vol 28 Issue 23

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Father’s Day scholarship Brunch

29th Bi-AnnuAl Community Re-entRy n.P. GRAduAtion

To earn a second chance in life is a rare and priceless gift. Sadly, Black youth are more than four times as likely to be detained or committed in juvenile facilities as their white peers, according to nationwide data collected in October 2019. In 2015, Black youth’s incarceration rate was 5.0 times as high as their white peers, an all-time peak. The 29th Bi-Annual Community Re-Entry Network Program Graduation (CRNP) graduates were excited, full of hope, and proud of their accomplishment. This experience provided a

new season to manifest in their lives, and every graduate was excited to take advantage of this second chance.

The program’s highlight was the testimony of Damion Walker, the Co-Producer of Truth & Justice, who was introduced by Vivian King, Producer of Truth & Justice. Damon told the audience, “On July 20, 2010, I was released after 17 years of incarceration. Not long after my release, I enrolled in the Community Reentry Network Program and later graduated.

“The fatherhood journey is the best thing I never knew I needed. It is the purest form of ever-evolving unconditional love that a person can ever expect to experience, and for that, I will be forever indebted,” said Brandon J. Carson, The Houston Morehouse Alumni Association (HMAA) Father’s Day Brunch Chairman, as he shared his insight on becoming a father. HMAA has produced its signature event, the Annual Father’s Day Scholarship Brunch, for over ten years to raise scholarship funds for Houston Area Morehouse students. Saluting fathers on the Saturday before Father’s Day, has become a treasured tradition that has raised more than $400,000 to increase equity and access to higher education.

Every year, HMAA showcases outstanding African American fathers and highlights the bond of fatherhood that binds our ties to the Houston Community. The program’s highlight is always the Maroon Tiger Father of the Year Award. Houston Area, high school students were asked to write a 500-word essay on why their father should be considered the Father of the Year. The student with the winning essay receives a five-hundred-dollar scholarship.

This year’s winning essay belonged to Christopher Augustus, an incoming Morehouse freshman from the Cypress area. Christopher stated, “My father has been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration in my life.

Scholarship on pg. 4

African-American News&Issues FREE June 25, 2023 Vol. 28, Issue 23
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
By: Crystal LaShan Photo Credit: Right Time Solutions Graduation on pg. 3 Don Taylor, Derek Garrett, Kristen Ashley, Surrell Taylor, Marlin Seale, and Brandon J. Carson Fredrick Braden and Wayne Boehm


A Revival of God Consciousness

Since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of (1964) and the Voting Rights Act of (1965), America has been involved in an uphill fight with a tremendous downhill drag seeking to ensure democracy for all citizens. However, southern states have convinced many northern states that their fight for a slave society was indeed a just fight (Civil War). The South lost the war but was never truly punished for their criminal attempt to overthrow democracy, even though Blacks were never fully included, and to this day not fully included as firstclass citizens. Most Whites usually brag concerning their socio-economic advantages over Blacks and other minorities.

In fact, Blacks never received the forty acres and the mule promised after President Lincoln was assassinated, the forty acres and the mule became a dream. The free states

Question: when will the majority of Whites see and walk in the light? Christian Right Evangelicals, “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not tell the truth: but if we walk in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin”

(1 John 1: 6-7).

Target Practice

A Georgia Police Department is under investigation after a post uploaded to Facebook went viral. The post showed a photo of a Black man being used as target practice during a gun training exercise at the Villa Rica Police Department. Many people have weighed in on this post including the Villa Rica Mayor.

behind it. Are your officers practicing their range? Or are they preparing to have an encounter with a Black man (or other races) that they plan on shooting?


Villa Rica Police Chief Michael Mansour claims that they use other photos of people for targets that include White and Asian people, but somehow the officer who posted the picture of the Black man, “mistakenly” posted that photo only. It has been said that these types of targets are also used at other police departments for training. Why use people at all? Why not just use regular shooting target templates? The ones with the circles. When you post a certain demographic as target practice for a police department, it makes you question the intent that is

more visit aframnews.com We ARe lookinG foR histoRiCAl WRiteRs That can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. Please send your inquiries to prod@aframnews.com

It was also said that this was not the first time that police departments have been in trouble for using a Black man as target practice. Just last year, the Michigan Police Department had a legal review over the same issue. The NAACP of Carroll County, where Villa Rilla is located, called this incident “extremely offensive.” Chief Michael Mansour also said that “It was not an intentional act. We do everything we can to not offend anyone.” This was very intentional. The police department had a choice, and they chose to use a Black man as target practice, and it is very offensive, and if anyone thinks otherwise, I don’t understand it. With everything that has happened in our nation regarding police and Black people in general, you would think that this would be the last thing that you hear about in the news. You would think that someone would have known better and not have posted the photo.

News: Office: (713) 692-1892 Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. Editor
Writers Dr. Bobby Mills Dr. Chelsea Davis Bibb Crystal Lashan Asia Williams Tristar Web Graphics - Layout Design/Print
Chelsea Davis-Bibb,
of the north allowed the southern confederate states to re-enslave Blacks with a new twist called the Black Codes, keeping Blacks on plantations for cheap labor. Therefore, lest we forget Blacks built the infrastructure of American society, designed The White House, and engineered the layout designed of the streets of Washington, D. C. Yet, through it all Blacks have been able to keep body and soul together, and therefore, to God be the glory for things He has done. Blacks have depended upon God through it all, and some Godfearing Whites who have consistently fought against institutional racism.
America, Is Democracy Too Hot to Handle?

Thirteen years later, I have the ultimate honor of encouraging the graduates of the 29th class as keynote speakers. I haven’t been this excited about a speaking engagement in a long time. I want to thank my friend Vivian R King for thinking of me in these moments and encouraging my gifts.”

Mr. Walker told a heart-wrenching story of being a sixteenyear-old young Black man who was a part of the wrong crowd, which led to his imprisonment at such a young age. He

was sentenced to 17 years in prison and had to re-enter the Houston community as an adult with no knowledge of how to function in a world he wasn’t familiar with. Mr. Walker’s story is a reminder of the importance of working with our youth, helping them understand the importance of making the right choices in life, being careful of whom they surround themselves with, and how one wrong choice can take your life on a different path that could change it

METRORapid Gulfton Corridor Project Updates and Public Meeting

forever. Forty-one percent of youths in placement are Black,

States. Since 2008, CRNP program of the Houston Health Department has

even though Black Americans comprise only 15% of all youth across the United

been serving the Houston Community. Their caring, multidisciplinary staff

is committed to addressing the needs of the “whole” person with innovative, evidence-based programming, and linkage to services designed to meet the needs of formerly incarcerated persons to help stop the cycle of recidivism. CRNP’s mission is to work with the community to assess, plan, and implement effective strategies to reduce recidivism, increase public safety, and successfully assist and support ex-offenders in

transitioning to becoming productive, contributing members of the Houston community. These recently returning citizens have been encouraged that their best years are ahead of them and not behind them. This program is in the Kashmere MultiService Center because most formerly imprisoned people are settling in the Kashmere Gardens area when they reenter the Houston community.

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Stronger communities.

Throughout this project, we have collected feedback from many members of the community.

Based on your input, we are proposing to:


AFRAMNEWS.COM 3 June 25, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION Graduation cont.
Bellaire Bissonnet
For more information, go to RideMETRO.org/Gulfton 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles
METRORapid Gulfton Corridor (updated) Existing METRORapid Silver Line Proposed METRORapid University Corridor Project Proposed Stations
University/Gulfton Shared Station
Learn more about
METRORapid Gulfton Corridor Project Gulfton Renwick Chimney Rock
Uptown Transit Center
Multi-Service Center
Hillcroft Beechnut
The Spring 2023 CRNP graduates with dignitaries, teachers, counselors, and special guests.

He never lets me forget my worth and potential and always reminds me to strive for excellence in everything I do. His faith in me has given me the courage to face challenges head-on, knowing he will support me no matter the outcome. Without his guidance, I can say that I would not be where I am today. The intelligence and unique perspective my father possessed has always amazed me. He has taught me to view the world differently, encouraging me to think critically and question the status quo. His wisdom has been a guiding force in my life, and I am truly fortunate to have been raised by someone with such a vast wealth of knowledge.”


Christopher’s excellent speech touched the heart of everyone in the room and especially his father, Michael Augustus, who received the Maroon Tiger Father of the Year Award.

Awarding exceptional students’ scholarships is also always a joyous part of the Father’s Day Scholarship Brunch. The scholarship funds usually benefit current and future students at Morehouse College only. However, this is the first year HMAA has decided to award a Houston Area HBCU Scholar scholarship. Each Scholarship recipient will receive at least a $2,000 scholarship. All proceeds are utilized for scholarships or scholarship programming.

The Master of

Ceremony was none other than fourtime Emmy Award Nominee Jonathan Martin, who has blessed MHAA with his talents for several years. This year’s Keynote Speaker was Dr. Robert Lee Satcher, Jr, the first Orthopedic Surgeon Astronaut for NASA. Dr. Satcher flew on the Space Shuttle Atlantis, STS-129, in 2009. He had a wealth of knowledge on the history of Black excellence throughout NASA. He shared terrific pictures of several NASA African American Pioneers who truly paved the way for a more inclusive experience for African Americans at NASA today.

HMAA 2023 honorees are consistently honored with awards named after Distinguished Morehouse Men who have been integral supporters of the HMAA. This year’s honorees included Pastor Joe Ogletree of Image Church, who was awarded the Alvin Wardlaw Mentorship Award. Kevin A. Murray, Esq., who was awarded the Albert James Price, Sr. Community Service Award; Steve Rogers, awarded the Dr. Dezra White Leadership Award, and Frank F. Wilson IV of Houston First, was recognized as the Morehouse Houston Alumni of the Year.

HMMA also takes great pride in thanking our community

partners for their continued support. Their Morehouse Houston Community Partner of the Year Award emerged from that effort, which was given to Shawntell McWilliams of Trez Bistro & Wine Bar. Mrs. McWilliams has worked tirelessly to help HMAA have several events at her establishment and support HMAA fun-

draising goals.

According to Mr. Carson, “Being a part of the local Houston community, it has always been important to us to reinforce and bind our ties to the community continually we are a part of.

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Scholarship Cont. MHAA President Derek Garrett, Don Taylor, Christopher Augustus, Maroon Tiger Father of The Year, Michael Augustus, Brandon J. Carson, and Ge’Juan Cole HMAA Parliamentarian Sledge Leonidas announces the raffle ticket winner as his daughter, Serelle Leonidas and his son, Sledge Leonidas II, helped him. Art auction winner, Mike Adams and young artist, Chloe’ Marsai enjoyed talking about her art.

United Airlines’ BeACOn OrgAnizAtiOn CeleBrAtes JUneteenth

United Airlines has supported the creation of BEACON, which stands for Black Excellence Amplified Continuously in Our Network. BEACON is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment and will continue to promote Black Excellence through their exceptional work at United and in the communities they serve. United Airlines is leading the effort to build diverse pathways for the next generation of aviators.

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Photo Credit: Apollo Productions
Pilot Arthur Davidson is guiding Ms. Turner through her simulated flight. Lt. Ally Merk, Lt. Carlos Medrano, Lt. Brandon Coleman, and Lt. Vaughn Haupt were flown in nationwide to participate in the Juneteenth celebration. Chase Bank Community Managers Ian Okoli, Cheri Green, with United Airlines Inflight Supervisor Shawn Faulkner and Capt. Brian Jackson. Houston area middle and high school students enjoyed seeing the United Airplanes up close. Houston Area students and United employees celebrating Juneteenth. Sterling H. S. Aviation student Jada Duffy, United Employee & Visual Artist, Tyler, and Mims M.S. student Jordan Brown enjoyed discussing her art.
6 AFRAMNEWS.COM June 25, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION MARKETPLACE chemical Sunday School 8:15am Sunday Services 9:00am BAPTIST CHURCH church cOllecTaBleS church www.shirleyannflowershop.com OPEN 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1100 PLEASE WEAR MASKS Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm FlOWerS OPEN Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1195 PLEASE WEAR MASKS APPOINTMENTS ARE WELCOME church Willie Wright Jr Ministries, inc. “Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Prayer-minded” www.williewrightjr.com www.facebook.com/wwjrm 2810 rosedale St. houston, TX 77004 A Ministry Committed to the Worth of the WORD and Energetic Evangelism carriage 713.489.8905 281.901.4966 VINTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY, LLC TERENCE J REED, OWNER Facebook: Go Vintage, LLC Instagram govintagellc 713-489-8905/281-901-4966 vintage carriage company, llc facebook: go vintage, llc instagram: govintagellc terence j. reed, owner V NTAGE CARR AG COMPANY LL T E C E W E F k G V C s r m o a e - - -laNdScaPiNg Landscaping by the Jelks commercial and residential terrence Jelks 6030 Pebble ln., Houston, t X 77087 cell:832.713.0102 jamesbond6030pebble@gmail.com services: Mowing, Landscape Renovation, Edging, General Lawn Clean Up, Shrub Trimming and Removal, Brush Clearing, Lawn Fertilization, Flower Bed Installations real eSTaTe Broker Associate Director of Commercial aSkrecy@kWcOmmercial.cOm WWW.hOmeSduNNrighT.cOm c. 832.541.7466 O. 281.444.3900 recy duNN ROLLOVERS • 401 (k) • 403 (b) • Pension • Profit Sharing • Deferred Comp. • IRA • ESOP • DROP • Teacher Retirement System (TRS) • Other Employer Retirement Plans iNcOme TaX iNcOme TaX IRS PROBLEMS • Unfiled Tax Returns • Liens • Levies (Wage, Bank, Other) • Audits • Appeals • Offer in Compomise • Emplyment Taxes • Installment Agreements • Payment Plans • Other IRS Problems • Family Tours • School Tours • Church Tours • Nature Walks • Education Tours • Deer Breeding Tours • Trophy Deer Hunting • Cattle Roundups • Nature Photography • Camp Fire • Hayride • Kayak • Fishing • Day Camp • Overnight Camping • Outdoor BBQ • Ranch Breakfast TOurS ShOe rePair TrOPhy huNTiNg Less than one hour from downtown Houston and College Station rsdeerranch.com 713-244-4067 28978 FM 1736 Road Hempstead 77445 (Waller County) OnE day dOE huntS $1000 hunt all year around axis & fallow deer whitetail trophy hunting $4ooo and up

6th annual pearlanD Juneteenth celeBration

On June 19, 1865, troops in Galveston, Texas told slaves they were free long after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, two and half years prior. Annually, we celebrate June 19th to recognize the end of slavery in Texas. On the 17th of June 2021, Juneteenth became an official federal holiday. The 6th annual

Juneteenth celebration on June 17, 2023, hosted by the Brazoria County MLK Celebration Committee, and the Brazoria County NAACP at the Pearland Town Center, featured around 34 vendors ranging from blackowned businesses, small businesses, and highly favored businesses, eight

different sponsors, food trucks, and live performances. This annual event provided an opportunity to promote black businesses, and to bring the community together while receiving education on the federal holiday. Morgan Rue, a 15-year-old baker created Munchies by Morgan two years

ago in 2021. Morgan grew up with a strong love for baking in Cleveland, Ohio before pursuing it in Texas some years ago. “When I was younger, I had an EZ bake oven,” Morgan said, “and my dad is

a chef, so I think it’s just me following in his footsteps.” With an entrepreneurial family, it only felt right for Morgan to start her very own company within her main interest. Her tent at the event

featured her very own homemade cookies, cupcakes, and most popularly her cake pops.

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Monica Lynn, owner of Unique Affair. Morgan Rue owner of Munchies by Morgan.
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