AmericA’s independence
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.
Frederick Douglas was a prominent figure during the Abolition Movement and made strides in getting himself and others to freedom. He gave a speech titled, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” in Rochester, New York on July 5, 1852, that reminded Black people to not be fooled by America’s independence. In the speech, Douglas never referred to American independence as mine or ours, he continuously used the word yours. He stated, “The freedom gained
Justice clarence thomas
This person is very dangerous for black people for reversing everything we have fought and died for.
By: Crystal LaShan
Houston’s Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) leadership is working hard to engage the community to raise funds to maintain and improve its programming. So, partnering with Tootsie was a perfect way to inspire prominent women in the Houston community to give to this worthy cause. The YWCA’s goal is to raise over 10 million dollars to build a new facility to serve the Houston community and to create a safe space for the women and children of Houston.
YWCA Houston is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. They aim to help women and girls educate, empower, advance, lead, serve, and thrive. YWCA’s vision is to help women and girls thrive without barriers and change their community.
YWCA Houston is signing up children in grades 5th – 11th for their free Youth STEM Summer Camp. The camp will be held at the Emancipation Park Cultural Center from July 11 to August 11 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. All camp instructors are engineers from Linde. Projects include model rockets, Bluetooth speakers, computer hardware, coding basics, electrical circuits, motors, clean energy, and more! Space is limited so sign up soon.
Independence on pg. 7
is yours; and you, therefore, may properly celebrate this anniversary. The 4th of July is the first great fact in your nation’s history —the very ring—bolt in the chain of your yet undeveloped destiny.” Douglas knew that no matter what, this celebration would mean nothing to him because of the shackles that were still present around many slaves. Douglas knew the “disparity between” the free and the enslaved as he mentioned, “I am not included within this glorious occasion.”
For more information about YWCA Houston programs and services for the community or to donate to this worthy cause, go to
Fundraiser on pg. 5
African-American News&Issues FREE July 2, 2023 Vol. 28, Issue 24
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
YMCA And TooTsie FAshion show
Terri Broussard Davis
Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. - Editor
A Revival of God Consciousness
Bobby Mills, Phd
Lord Alfred Tennyson emphatically referred to a dictatorial King when he stated: “Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.” Thank God for American democracy, because we can employ logical reasoning and spiritual enlightenment and ask why, and even choose to do or die. American democracy is a governing constitutional system that is of the people, by the people and for the people. Therefore, democracy is constitutionally grounded in the basic spiritual principles of human rights and human dignity as expressed in the Preamble to the U. S. Constitution. The cardinal moral truths of American democracy are these: “That all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the
It is indeed unfortunate that Christian Right Evangelicals, The GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “FAKE” News, some spiritually misguided Blacks, and other minorities have demonstrated their utter contempt for multicultural democracy at the polls. In (2016) and in (2020) (73+) million spiritually confused Americans voted for confusion (Donald J. Trump) to the nth degree. Shame! Shame! Shame! Donald J. Trump won in (2016), but thank God in 2020, he lost because of the ancestors of the (1619) Project, the children of slaves. America, understand this, the ancestors of slaves cannot save America from itself.
The Overflow
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action is defined as, “an active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for members of minority groups and for women.” It was created to help with discrimination against these groups so they can be included in jobs, colleges, government contracts, and so much more. The implementation of Affirmative Action acknowledged that there was a problem as it tried to be part of a solution. It was created for a reason and now it seems as if we are going back in time as the Supreme Court has made it unlawful for colleges to take race into consideration as a factor in admission. It is sad because the same issues that existed when the law was created are still there.
This decision will greatly impact Black and brown kids and their future. Some minority students will not be considered now for those elite colleges and universities. It’s all political and not about the people.
It means that minority students will have to work twice as hard to make themselves unique or stand out from other students. They will also have to get involved in more enrichment activities that will make their academic resume impressive. This means participating in extracurricular activities, community service, and keeping their grades up. There is no room for error. This also means that parents will have to step up and get involved in their children’s education and try to expose their kids to as much as possible outside of their own communities.
Michelle Obama spoke out about the ruling and shared a message about her journey as one of the only Blacks on her campus. She, like many others across the nation, was heartbroken about the ruling and what it means for our kids and their future. She ended her message stating, “Today is a reminder that we’ve got to do the work not to just enact policies that reflect our values of equity and fairness, but to truly make those values real in all of our schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods.”
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News: Office: (713) 692-1892 Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. President/Chief Editor
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. Contributing Writers Dr. Bobby Mills Dr. Chelsea Davis Bibb Crystal Lashan Asia Williams Tristar Web Graphics - Layout Design/Print For more visit
Governed.” Democracy as a governing system has not only been good for America, but also for other nation states as well, as those who subscribe to the basic spiritual tenets and moral principles of democracy. This is precisely why Americans sing with great joy “God Bless America.” Hence, American democracy is worth fighting for, and even dying for, but most of all worth living for future generations of Americans.
Houston AreA urbAn LeAgue AdvAncing equity LuncHeon
By: Crystal LaShan
“HAUL acknowledges the inherent significance of empowering individuals to influence their own trajectories, championing their civil liberties, and cultivating an environment of equitable treatment within the community. We convene each year for this luncheon discussion to magnify our resolve for justice, civil rights, equality, diversity, and inclusion. When we do these things, we set the stage for racial equity, social parity, the opportunity for wealth generation, and community
stabilization. That is the aim of a caring community,” said Judson W. Robinson III, President & CEO of Houston Area Urban League (HAUL). HAUL celebrated 55 years of servicing community members in achieving economic self-reliance, parity, power, and civil rights. HAUL’s corporate partners, civic organizations, and community leaders had a unique and inspiring conversation about the steps that must be taken to advance equity in 2023 and beyond. HAUL highlighted the work
they have achieved and the work they are presently executing to accomplish this goal. The luncheon was a house of who’s who in business and enterprise. It was a great way to celebrate Juneteenth in an empowering way.
Advancing Equity Luncheon Speakers included HAUL Leaders Sylvia Brooks, Former President & CEO, HAUL, Eric Goodie, HAUL Sr. Vice President, Judson W. Robinson III, President & CEO of Houston Area Urban League. The corporate leaders on the
panel were Kimberly Blasingame, Director of Talent, Acquisition, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, CenterPoint Energy, Myra Caldwell, CEO & Founder, Caldwell Consulting Services, James Harris, Sr. Director, Diversity & Inclusion and Supplier Diversity, H-E-B, Johnny Mata, Director, Greater Houston Coalition for Justice, Alex Obregon, Vice President of Finance, Comcast, and Julie Sudduth, Regional, President, PNC Bank.
Attorney Carol Guess, Kimberly Blasingame – DEI Centerpoint Energy, and Loretta Gurnell –Super Shine Girls Founder and CEO.
Monitrice Malone and HCC Trustee Dr. Regan Flowers
Prince Huff, Judson Robinson - HAUL President/ CEO, and Erick Cork – HAUL V.P.
Alex Obregon, V. P. of Finance, Comcast, John Guess, and Jamal Johnson
sHAq’s big cHicken opens in Houston
By: Crystal LaShan
Shaquille O’Neal has had a relationship with Houston for many years. More recently, his son, Shaquir O’Neal, decided to play basketball for Texas Southern University. So, it only makes sense for Shaq to open his new restaurant in the fourth largest city in the nation. Shaq’s Big Chicken had its grand opening to a massive crowd excited to take a selfie with Shaq and try his delicious chicken. Shaq was patient, caring, and kind as hundreds of fans lined up to get a quick selfie and a taste of free Chicken from Shaq’s Big Chicken. Big Chicken is a laid-back spot with great food. Shaq has admitted that the dishes offered at Big Chicken are inspired by O’Neal’s life – including the meals
he ate as a kid, so he gives his mom all the credit. Whether fried or grilled, the chicken is juicy and delicious. The unique combinations of Lucille’s Mac & Cheese, sweet potato fries, and other Big Chicken favorites make this a memorable dining experience.
Sandra and Rosie Watkins enjoyed giving Shaq a great hug.
Houston Fire Station 60 members: Jorge Funes, Perry McClendon, Dustin Davis, Michael Michna, Nicholas Dahl, Shaquille O’Neal, Stephanie Little, Jamal Barnes.
Michelle Williams and her daughter Mikenna Williams were excited to see Shaq.
Perry McClendon, Jorge Funes, Zero, and Michael Michna
Nicole Walters and Stacey Porter were excited to experience the Tootsie Fashion Show.
Tootsie Model in a perfect twirl.
Tootsie Fashion Show Models were killing the walkway.
The Tootsie model looks gorgeous in this burst of color.
YWCA Board President Dr. Janice Beal encourages everyone to shop for a great cause.
6 AFRAMNEWS.COM July 2, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION MARKETPLACE chemical Sunday School 8:15am Sunday Services 9:00am BAPTIST CHURCH church cOllecTaBleS church OPEN 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1100 PLEASE WEAR MASKS Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm FlOWerS OPEN Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1195 PLEASE WEAR MASKS APPOINTMENTS ARE WELCOME church willie wright Jr Ministries, inc. “Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Prayer-minded” 2810 rosedale St. houston, TX 77004 A Ministry Committed to the Worth of the WORD and Energetic Evangelism carriage 713.489.8905 281.901.4966 VINTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY, LLC TERENCE J REED, OWNER Facebook: Go Vintage, LLC Instagram govintagellc 713-489-8905/281-901-4966 vintAge cArriAge compAny, llc fAcebook: go vintAge, llc instAgrAm: govintAgellc terence j. reed, owner V NTAGE CARR AG COMPANY LL T E C E W E F k G V C s r m o a e - - -laNdScaPiNg Landscaping by the Jelks commercial and residential terrence Jelks 6030 Pebble ln., Houston, t X 77087 cell:832.713.0102 services: Mowing, Landscape Renovation, Edging, General Lawn Clean Up, Shrub Trimming and Removal, Brush Clearing, Lawn Fertilization, Flower Bed Installations real eSTaTe Broker Associate Director of Commercial aSkrecy@kWcOmmercial.cOm WWW.hOmeSduNNrighT.cOm c. 832.541.7466 O. 281.444.3900 recy duNN ROLLOVERS • 401 (k) • 403 (b) • Pension • Profit Sharing • Deferred Comp. • IRA • ESOP • DROP • Teacher Retirement System (TRS) • Other Employer Retirement Plans iNcOme TaX iNcOme TaX IRS PROBLEMS • Unfiled Tax Returns • Liens • Levies (Wage, Bank, Other) • Audits • Appeals • Offer in Compomise • Emplyment Taxes • Installment Agreements • Payment Plans • Other IRS Problems • Family Tours • School Tours • Church Tours • Nature Walks • Education Tours • Deer Breeding Tours • Trophy Deer Hunting • Cattle Roundups • Nature Photography • Camp Fire • Hayride • Kayak • Fishing • Day Camp • Overnight Camping • Outdoor BBQ • Ranch Breakfast TOurS ShOe rePair TrOPhy huNTiNg Less than one hour from downtown Houston and College Station 713-244-4067 28978 FM 1736 Road Hempstead 77445 (Waller County) OnE day dOE huntS $1000 hunt All yeAr Around Axis & fAllow deer whitetAil trophy hunting $4ooo and up
MulTi-sporT hAeniCke-prevosT
By: Asia Williams
Multi-sport athletes are known to have better athleticism, various skills, discipline, and outstanding leadership development. Houston born upcoming senior Shawn HaenickePrevost has surely mastered it all playing every sport in the book, which has led him to be one of the top football kickers/ punters in Texas for class of 2024. “A team is only as strong as its weakest member,” says Haenicke. At the age of three, Haenicke began playing soccer, and later played basketball,
lacrosse, and flag football at the age of eight. He also played baseball and did karate at the YMCA. Around 3rd grade he played soccer for Albion Hurricanes FC. He started out in recreational teams at the club, and then later joined competitive teams. Haenicke switched to club soccer around the age of nine, positioning in striker and midfielder until he was 12, which is when he became goalkeeper. Not only that, he also did track and field at Travis Elementary School. He continued track and
field at Hogg Middle School, where he also added wrestling, basketball, and soccer to his middle school sports list. However, it didn’t stop there for soccer and football. Haenicke made the varsity soccer team freshman year at Heights High School starting as a backup keeper, yet he continued to play for Albion Hurricanes FC club teams.
For more visit
There was no life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for Black people-only bondage. It was noted that the 4th of July should really be a day of mourning because America did not keep her promise that “all men are created equal…with certain unalienable rights.” This did not include Black people then, and in some cases, still does not include Black people today as we are still fighting some of the same fights our ancestors fought.
July 4th is recognized as America’s independence from Great Britain. The Continental Congress voted in favor of this independence on July 2nd, 1776,
and two days later the Declaration of Independence was adopted from the 13 colonies, which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson. However, while America was free, Blacks were still enslaved. July 4th became a federal holiday in 1941, and is celebrated by many people every year through parades, fireworks, family gatherings, etc. It wasn’t until January 1, 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared “that all persons held as slaves are and henceforward shall be free.” This was 87 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. For 87 years, Black
people had to sit back, and watch America celebrate freedom but continued to enslave millions of people. Although the Emancipation Proclamation took effect in 1863, there were many states, including Texas, that still enslaved Blacks. Tanesha Grant said, “The 4th of July was never about Black people,” and how we as a culture should continue to celebrate Juneteenth instead. She continued and said, “Juneteenth is just for us. As Black people, we are told we don’t deserve our own holidays rooted in our own history.
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Shawn Haenicke-Prevost
Independence Cont.
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