Homosexuality among Blacks
No moral judgment is being made by this editorial. Moral judgments are strictly left up to the readers. The editorial writer will only state spiritual, and empirical biological facts. Sex status is biologically and genetically fixed by God and nature when sperm and egg integrate male or female. There is no in between biological designation or status. Gender is about spiritual and moral integration of flesh and spirit (mentality). Thus, God has declared, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou
Justice clarence thomas
RaRely is the Question asked
By: Jazz Pazz
As President George W. Bush famously said, “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?” Although often quoted with a chuckle, the answer is a roaring no in the Houston Independent School District (HISD). And this is by design.
HISD is the largest school district in Texas and one of the biggest in the nation, but despite their pledge, “The Board of Education’s mission is to equitably educate the whole child so that every student graduates with the tools to reach their full potential,” it is not happening.
camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee: (male or female)” (Jeremiah 1: 5).
Biological confirmation is given by medical professionals in hospital delivery rooms to parents: boy or girl. Again, no in-between. Eternal question: why are so many Blacks seeking to make God the Creator, doctors who confirm the biological work of God, and tell the parents you have a boy or girl out of a lie? Let’s take this a step farther because, “Man that is born of a woman is of a few days, and full of trouble.
A little history: throughout the 1920s and ‘30s, the city’s all-white campuses were exclusively located in the western parts of Houston. The disfavored, deficient Black schools were restricted to southern and northeastern areas, but minority students were arguably better educated than they are now.
Homosexuality on pg. 3
In 1954, the court’s decision of Brown v. Board of Education declared that segregated schools were unconstitutional even if they were of equal quality. Prior to 1960, HISD was the biggest segregated school system in the United States. William Lawson, who was a youth minister then, advised Wheatley students to shun their school.
Mike Miles on pg. 7
African-American News&Issues FREE July 9, 2023 Vol. 28, Issue 25
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
Bobby E. Mills, PhD
HISD Superintendent Mike Miles
This person is very dangerous for black people for reversing everything we have fought and died for.
A Revival of God Consciousness
Bobby Mills, Phd
What Happened to The Supreme
Is the Supreme Court becoming supreme again based upon truth, multicultural democracy, and righteousness as its cornerstones for all Americans? America, there are two things we all know: “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14: 34). “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7a). Spiritual question: did some members of the Supreme Court have a Godly spiritual epiphany concerning multi-cultural democracy? In recent years, many Americans were beginning to believe based upon perceived partisan rulings that the Supreme Court was not so supreme given some of its ungodly privilegeoriented interpretations of settled law. Of course, we know that spiritual epiphanies do happen!
Paul’s Damascus Road spiritual experience of encountering Jesus and getting knocked off his
donkey. Also, John the Revelator heard a loud voice on the Island of Patmos and received divine revelations that sounded like a trumpet.
Throughout America’s troubled socio-racial and economic history, God has always had a Ram in the bush. President Abraham Lincoln was a blessed Ram that helped America overcome its divided loyalties: freedom versus slavery. Another Ram in the bush was Dr. Martin L. King, Jr, who was an American pastoral activist who not only sought to free Blacks from the dehumanization of racism, but also freed White minds from themselves. Dr. King helped many Whites learn how to spiritually “dewhitize” themselves by creating a looking-glassself experience, utilizing a non-violent approach.
President Lyndon B. Johnson was a Ram in the bush that God brought forth at the right time, in the right place (The White House), and for the right cause: Civil Rights Act (1964) and The Voting Rights Act Of (1965). Additionally, President Johnson initiated the War on Poverty initiative.
The Overflow
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement that was created to tackle issues surrounding racism, discrimination, inequality, and social justice against Black people. Started in 2013, the organization was in response to the acquittal of Trayon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. The movement started out strong and many began to follow and support the organization. BLM also brought national attention to many different injustices that were occurring across the nation. However, recently, many individuals have started to question the motives of the organization and if BLM is still accomplishing the same goals it set out to achieve. According to a survey by Pew Research, “About half of U.S. adults (51%) say they support the Black Lives Matter movement… but three years ago, following the murder of George Floyd, two-thirds expressed support for the
movement. The survey also discussed how “a majority of Americans say the increased focus on issues of race and racial inequality in the past three years hasn’t led to changes that have improved the lives of Black people.” Why the shift?
For me, I was really excited when BLM came about. It was a turning point for Black people to get out and start protesting like our ancestors did, and to bring a wave of change to our nation. However, I have concerns now about the intentions of the organization and if the momentum and purpose is still the same? First off, there are two different organizations within BLM. There is Black Lives Matter, which is the name for the “modern civil rights movement” that is currently going on. Then you have Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF), which is a separate entity that collects funds. Why do you need both?
In addition, what made me even more skeptical is when the organization purchased a $6 million dollar home in California (reports say around October 2020). For what?
We ARe lookinG foR hisToRiCAl WRiTeRs That can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. Please send your inquiries to prod@aframnews.com
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By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. Writers Dr. Bobby Mills Dr. Chelsea Davis Bibb Crystal Lashan Asia Williams Tristar Web Graphics - Layout Design/Print
Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. - Editor Contributing
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Homosexuality cont. He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth” (Job 14:1-2). Does this scripture give some indication of why so many Blacks chose to not be what they were created to be? Of course, we do not know why, only God knows!
However, it seems as though it is extremely difficult for homosexuals and transgender individuals to live with who they say they are, contrary to God, doctors, and parents simply because choices indeed have consequences: good or bad. Parents usually accept some level of guilt based upon love for their child assuming they did something wrong in parenting.
Gender identity is socio-psychological environmental conditioning based upon learning to integrate mind and behind. Question: why doesn’t homosexuality exist among lower forms of animal life? There are no homosexual dogs, cats, horses and so on. The answer to the question is that lower forms of animal life have no choice in sexuality because the sole purpose of sexuality among lower forms of animal life
is the reproduction of species. On the other hand, human beings have choices in all aspects of life, including sexuality. Hence, choices have consequences: good or bad. Therefore, sexuality among human beings is both repro duction of species as well as an expression of love and affection between males and females. Again, not being judgmental, because sin is sin, because: “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungod liness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrigh teousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuse” (Romans 1: 18-21). God is angry with wicked individuals, every day.
Therefore, it is of the utmost spiritual importance to understand that the word of God is our guide to salvation (eternal life). God hates sin, not sinners. Therefore, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetous
God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” (Romans 1: 26-33).
These are the spiritual truths and biological facts in order that we might clearly that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of his ruption; but he to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reaplasting”
6: 7-9).
ings are
question of WHY is homosexuality so prevalent in the Black community?
men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of
conscious of their lower forms of animal life. Therefore, human beings can spiritually morally. Again, there is no devilish judgment intended, only a declaration of God’s spiritual truths. Thus, by reading this editorial you are cordially invited to respectively respond to AframNews regarding the
The spiritual question is: are Blacks hell bent on creating a 21st century Sodom and Gomorrah society? Again, this editorial is based upon absolute spiritual truths and biological facts, and in no way intended to be condemnatory, because sin is sin for both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Gender mentality is self-identification free will choice, not biology. As a social group that has been institutionally dehumanized because of biological skin tone, we must ask why so many Blacks are willing to be flipped by others, and willing to become something that they are not biologically? Be what God made you to be, not what you desire to become, but cannot. A man can never become a woman. A woman can never become a man, because a woman cannot seed a baby and a man cannot birth a baby. Is homosexuality self-annihilation? Black people, never forget: “The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools” (Proverbs 3:35).
Mixed Knutz Movie PreMiere in Houston
By: Crystal LaShan
Houston is quickly becoming the new hot spot for emerging arts and entertainment projects. Houston is less expensive than other wellknown film and T.V. locations and has the professional crew and talent for high-quality T.V. and film projects.
Mixed Knutz is an eight-episode television S=series that was shot right here in Houston. This show depicts the life of four guys who practically grew up in the hood together and became good friends regardless of their differences. Their daily challenges come from within, which will prove that
no matter what is said or done, they have each other’s back, and that turning on each other is not an option.
We asked the Creator/Director
Shade Edwards to share insight on how her Mixed Knutz came to be.
afram news: How did you conceive this project?
shade e dwards: I came up with the name, then the concept, and wrote around those ideas.
afram news: Why did you do a Houston Premiere?
shade e dwards: Houston is where I’ve done many projects.
afram news: What was the most fulfilling
moment from this project?
shade e dwards: Completion. It took me finding the right combination of actors to bring this to life after almost three years.
Christian Cordan Eddings, who stars as Levi in the TV Series Mixed Knutz, was asked a couple of questions about his thoughts about the series.
afram news: What made Mixed Knutz so unique?
Christian Cordan e ddings: Mixed Knutz is unique because you don’t see any TV series about four guys living in an apartment together, especially four guys
in an apartment with three rooms. My character sleeps on the couch.
afram news: Can you tell us a little about your character?
Christian Cordan e ddings: My character’s name is Levi. He is an excon who has just been released and is trying to regain his life. Of course, he still has some ties to the streets but that does not define him anymore. He is the cousin of Clayton, the rich kid of the bunch, and he is the only one without a room.
Mixed Knutz Main Cast-Tyron Perry, Bobby Jarel, Middle PlayboiiTy ,Christian Cordan Eddings, and Chris Joshua.
Bobby Jarel as Marcus/Marchell, Chris Joshua as Clayton, Derrick Parsee - Supporting Cast, “Christian Cordan” Eddings as Levi, Charles Edwards - Cameraman/Cinematographer, Shade EdwardsDirector and Creator of the show, Tyron Perry as Andrew, Rashaan Harris as- Supporting Cast, and Matt Hagen as Mr. Cutlow.
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Mixed Knutz Creator/ Director, Shade Edwards.
Christian Cordan Eddings as Levi.
Houston AreA urbAn LeAgue HeALtH resource FAir
By: Crystal LaShan
From awesome community talent to health and wellness resources, free food, and plenty of water to beat the heat, were a few benefits of the Houston Area Urban League (HAUL) Health Resource Fair. It was a great event that made me proud of the progress of our community. There were many different things that attendees could enjoy, from talented kids playing the violin, to One Church at Bethel’s Family Drill Team praising God in reverence to our Ancestors, and rappers spreading empowering messages was an amazing highlight. This was a rare family-friendly event that was enjoyed by every age group that attended.
HAUL worked hard to engage and educate the community about the endless resources available for health and wellness. Thank you to their partners the Houston Health Department, United Healthcare Community Plan, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston Area Urban League Young Professionals, Houston Business Development Inc., OST/ South Union Health Improvement Partnership, Episcopal Health Foundation, Houston Area Urban League Guild, Texas Children’s Pediatrics, and the Houston Public Library for providing valuable resources that our communities need.
Entertainers outspoken Poet Bean and Poetic Prophet, JT da Golden Child and Franklean from MoSerious Entertainment, performed songs from their latest projects.
Blood Pressure Check team was ready to serve the community. Jazmin Diaz, Anastasia Vitug, Jailene Leal, Shohani Islam, and Andrea Cantu-Alvarez.
Navigator Program, formerly known as Change Happens Team, was ready to share important healthcare resources.
The Diabetes Awareness and Wellness Network team.
Extraordinary music was enjoyed by all of these talented violinists.
The MD Anderson Cancer Center Team: Erica, Liz, Valerie, and Jackie were excited to share valuable resources.
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wHitetail tropHy Hunting
Notice to Proposers
Request for Proposal will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #878 – Delinquent Tax Collection Services. Electronic submittals due by 3:00PM, Monday, July 24, 2023.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Thursday, July 13, 10:00\APM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2624 451 7389
• Contact: pamela.johnson@lonestar.edu or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http:// wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/ supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact MC-vendors@lonestar.edu.
Notice to Proposers
Request for Proposal will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #879 – Deliverables-Based I.T. Services. Electronic submittals due by 3:00PM, Tuesday, August 1, 2023.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, July 19, 10:00AM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2620 908 2162
• Contact: pamela.johnson@lonestar.edu or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http:// wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/ supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact MC-vendors@lonestar.edu.
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ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT the andeRson MusiC studio
By: Afram News
The Anderson Music Studio recently held its annual piano recital. Students in the studio were given a special opportunity to perform music they learned this year, via the internet.
Anderson Music Studio services a range of students, from primary grades to high school, to adults, along with professional musicians and music teachers. The studio has had students from as far away as Maine, but most commonly, the students are residents from Acres Homes, along with Independence Heights, Inwood, Missouri City, Spring, and Willowbrook.
Styles of music offered for study includes classical, sacred, pop, jazz, spiritual, folk, and gospel.
Students also learn composition and improvisation.
Instructor Lela Anderson is a veteran music teacher, who has taught music to students from Pre-K to 12th grade, college level and adults. Anderson has earned numerous awards as an educator,
including four awards as Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Houston ISD honored Anderson as the Teacher of the Year at Burrus Elementary and Holden Elementary, and nominee for Teacher of the Year at Kashmere High School.
In addition, Anderson was honored
son. Recital performers were Paula Reed, Kaya Carter, Megan Johnson, Milton Dennis, La’Miracle Johnson, and Miles Starkey.
Ms. Paula Reed, a registered nurse for over 40 years, is a gifted singer as well. She has sung with Houston Grand Opera, musical plays, the Houston Ebony Opera Guild, church choirs, and at community events. Her recital guests were impressed by her renditions of the spiritual “Jericho” and Scott Joplin’s The Entertainer. For her meritorious work as an adult beginner, she earned the “Yes I Can” award.
Mike Miles Cont.
as Outstanding Piano Teacher by the DeBose National Piano Foundation of Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as her students’ earned honors from competing in piano performance with students from around the nation. This year’s recital began with a musical prelude of Stevie Wonder’s “Isn’t She Lovely” by instructor Lela Ander-
Kaya Carter, who also enjoys math studies at Eisenhower High School, played a favorite tune “My Favorite Things”, from the renown Rogers and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music.” After the recital Kaya will compete in the National American Miss Contest. For more visit aframnews.com
The students followed his advice so successfully that their 90% absence rate inspired a federal judge to speed up integration. The HISD officials reluctantly and lethargically crafted a plan to cooperate. Part of this deceit was declaring Mexican American students to be white and used them to “integrate” the Black schools, while keeping Angelo children on distinct campuses. When Mexican American parents disenrolled their youngsters in protest and joined the boycotts, HISD instituted the rezoning of schools. In 1970, one dozen Black courageous students were admitted to HISD schools previously reserved for whites. This resulted in “white flight.” White families moved away from their established neighborhoods in bitter opposition to the admission of minorities into “their” schools. Bussing was so universally detested that voluntary magnet schools were instituted as an alternative.
Through all these challenges HISD has produced some remarkable citizens, none more than Phyllis Wheatley
High School in the Fifth Ward, including Barbara Jordon (1952), Albert “Al” Edwards (1955), Mickey Leland (1963), Ruth Simmons (1963), and El Franco Lee (1968).
Phyllis Wheatley High School opened as a “colored” campus in 1927, replacing what had been a white elementary school. It continues to survive in a socioeconomic environment that has roots in centuryold segregation. Many of the student body are classified as “economically disadvantaged.”
Fast forward to 2020, when one hundred students and alumni of Lamar High School felt compelled to write an open letter to share their experiences and painful memories of bigotry, discrimination and inequality experienced by Black students in Houston public schools. Their document alleges failure to appropriately address undisguised racism, the penalization of Blacks for behavior not resulting in punishment for white students, and maintaining racial division in classrooms, clubs, and supplementary pursuits at the school.
Lamar is often recognized as HISD’s most successfully integrated school. Established in 1936,
about half of its students live in the neighborhood, a wealthy white enclave, with the remaining pupils commuting from other, poorer areas. The racial mix is approximately one third white, one third Black, and one third Hispanic.
In 2015, it became the law in Texas that the state could assume control of an entire school district if one campus was deemed to be “academically unsuccessful” for five consecutive school years. Wheatley High School reached that threshold in 2019. According to Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Education Agency’s Commissioner Mike Morath, this failure along with accusations of misconduct by the elected school board required the agency to either close that campus or appoint a new board to oversee the 276 public schools in Houston Independent School District. However, many Houstonians believe the TEA’s urgency to grasp control of the entire district is more about commandeering supremacy than improving public education.
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La’ Miracle Johnson
Miles Starkey Megan Johnson Milton Dennis
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