DeMonic Thinking
By: Bobby E. Mills, PhD
Black society is in a spiritual tailspin of demonic vanity thinking that is destroying the moral order of the Black community. The only way we can spiritually improve ourselves is that we must come to know ourselves in God. Sadly, there is a demonic spirit of vanity running wild in the Black community that is producing unnatural same-sex-desires. It’s not about love. It’s about unnatural pleasure. Sadly, Blacks are becoming a slave to pleasure and material things, and God is not pleased. The Gospel writer Paul warned us concerning perilous times, when individuals would become
lovers of the creature, rather than the Creator. “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1: 26-28).
Thinking on pg. 3
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.
“Education was something that I tried to run from,” said Gordon Williams, who is the Television Studio Operations Manager at Lamar University. He originally went to school to study radio, television, and film, but with teaching, he can still be creative and embed film into the work he does at Lamar. He also found that working in education “is a lot more rewarding” than his initial thought decades ago.
Growing up, Williams took a special interest in television and always watched the news, movies, sitcoms, and just “wondered how it all came to be.” This curiosity led him to Lamar University in the mid-nineties. “Being at Lamar is a dream come true. I believe creativity is one of my life’s purposes, so being able to work and be creative and create opportunities for others has always been a passion for me.”
Beaumont on pg. 4
African-American News&Issues FREE August 6, 2023 Vol. 28, Issue 29
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
Beaumont’s Black History
Success is one of the greatest cause of failure
- Roy Douglas Malonson
Gordon Williams
A Revival of God Consciousness
Bobby Mills, Phd
From Ivy League to No League
Harvard University is the most prestigious institution of higher learning in the world community. Thus, Harvard does not belong to White Privilege, but to eternal posterity (succeeding generations). In fact, (8) of America’s (46) Presidents are graduates of Harvard University. It goes without saying that Former President Donald J. Trump is not one of the eight, but Former President Barack Obama is a cardcarrying member of the club of eight. Four of the Supreme Court Justices are also graduates of Harvard University, including the most recently appointed Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson.
We are looking for historical writers That can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community.
Additionally, some of our most successful business personalities are also graduates of Harvard. With all of Harvard’s extraordinary success in every academic arena; even Harvard has some well-known graduates who absolute failures in every facet of life are, especially in politics. Hence, even prestigious acclaimed Harvard University has graduated some complete and absolute educated fools and every
Harvard University should red-line Senator’s Holly’s law degree, because he does not spiritually understand either law or the Lawgiver (God)! Now we come to Governor Ronald DeSantis of Florida, and to understand the spiritual as well as educational ignorance of DeSantis is like attempting to harness lightning in a jar. It is completely impossible for mankind.
The Overflow
Keep The Libraries
Norman Cousins said it best, “A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.” The library was a place for me to escape as a child. A place where I could find a good book to get lost in. During my youth, I loved listening to the librarians, I loved conducting research for a project, and so much more. To me, the library is the heart of the school. It is very saddening that HISD’s Superintendent Mike Miles wants to convert the school libraries into disciplinarian centers. At what cost? It was also noted that with the disciplinarian centers, students who are misbehaving will be sent to the center to watch class virtually. Libraries offer numerous benefits for students. For one it provides them access to information and resources. Not every student will be going home to a computer or access to WIFI. What about those students who used the library for
a computer to do their assignments, projects, etc. Where do those students go? In addition, some libraries have been used where students can go for tutorials and to learn from other students. For some students, it is also a hang out spot for clubs and organizations to have their meetings and socialize. Most importantly, research has shown that libraries are effective with students. According to the U.S. National Commission on Librarians and Information Science, ‘’Across the United States, research has shown that students in schools with good school libraries learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized test scores than their peers in schools without libraries.” If research shows that students are successful with libraries, why not keep them? They have a positive impact on students and can be considered a safe place for them as well.
I really hope
Superintendent Miles will reconsider his decision on converting the libraries. It will truly be a disservice to all students, faculty, and staff. We need our librarians and we need our libraries.
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Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. Bibb Jazz Pazz Asia Williams Tristar Web Graphics - Layout Design/Print
Dr. Bobby Mills Dr. Chelsea Davis
commonsense American knows precisely who they are! For instance, Senator Ted Cruz who allowed Donald J. Trump to sinfully speak ill of his wife and father, without a Godly challenge. Of course, we all know that his country of origin (Cuba) was just like a Southern Confederate State, and his attitudes toward Blacks give witness to his socialized origin. God knows that this is not the stellar hallmark of an esteemed Harvard university graduate. America let’s examine two more noted examples of complete morons who are esteemed Harvard graduates: Senator Josh Holly and Governor Ron DeSantis. Would a Harvard graduate who is a U. S. Senator walk across the Capitol ground during an attempted overthrow of America’s multi-cultural democracy and give a White Power sign with his left-hand?
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Thinking cont.
For example, in our desire for competitive sport competitions as well as entertainment, we have opened the flood gates for sexual identity confusion, especially in the female sporting arena. Of course, there are always exceptions. In our penal system, we warehouse Black males in an ungodly manner, and oftentimes they turn inward and become lovers of themselves. Let’s be perfectly clear concerning sexuality there is no such thing as bisexuality, because once a male goes on the other side of midnight, there are few returns to God’s divine light. This is why God says he gives homosexuality over to a reprobate mind. It’s in the mind, not the behind. Therefore, women do not
be fooled or misled. If a male has had a homosexual affair, God knows, he will have another, because God has said he turns homosexuality over to a reprobate mind. What is, is what it is. Sexuality whether heterosexuality or homosexuality is sexual activity, not a sex status. The statuses are male and female (Genesis 1: 2728). Know this, Black people, we are fighting against demonic vanity-oriented madness in our communities, and we had better turn to God before it is too late. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6: 12). Blacks are no longer chattel slaves but are spiritually developing
a demonic slave mentality to sin, and sinful self-destruction. The source of self-destruction institutionally are the demonic chains being placed on the minds of generation after generation because of the destruction of Black families, the ungodly prosperity teaching in our churches, which in turn, only benefits pastors and their devilish morons. The miseducation of our children in public schools is shameful; for example, North Forest ISD and Houston ISD being placed in state receivership, and this educational situation has been taking place down through the ages. A White system of power, privilege, and pleasure placed physical chains on Black bodies. Only Godly Black minds can
take chains off Black minds, because Whites are not going to save Blacks from Blacks. In other words, Whites cannot free and will not free Blacks from themselves. Black people, we are fighting a demonic battle especially against Christian Right Evangelicals, The GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “FAKE” News, and some spiritually misguided confused Blacks and other minorities who do not know God, because of their mindset and devilish gun culture they believe in concerning guns, guns, and more guns, not God. In fact, mass school shootings are a clear devilish indicator that they do not care about the well-being of their own children, because as a society we have more guns than citizens. The
Afro-American news is simply a voice crying in the wilderness of spiritual ignorance; repent, repent, repent, because it is beginning to stink to high heaven, and the ungodly aroma does not please God. The pandemic did not change our spiritual mindset, climate change is not changing one’s mindset, and it is as hot as HELL, both physically and mentally. The threat of nuclear war and “selfannihilation” has not changed us. Hence, if you look back, you will spiritually understand that self-destruction is gaining on us, and we might be on the verge of becoming another Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence, those who look back can easily become a pillar of salt, or even worse our children, and children’s children can turn into pillars of salt. Black people, it is
“Come to Jesus Time,” ride on King Jesus, ride on, because: “For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 8: 35). Moreover, Black people, “the wage of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6: 23). The Gospel Writer Paul warned us concerning loving the creation more than the Creator, because perilous times of selfannihilation will come upon one, because you are here today, and gone today, not tomorrow. No doubt about it, we are living in a difficult period for Christian service. Amen!
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sale starts august 11th every friday and saturday 6130 Wheatley St. houston, TX 77091 713.692.1195 10% to off 40% 11am TO 5Pm
Beaumont Cont.
Putting this passion to work, Williams has worked on two projects that are historical, inspiring, informative, and simply, phenomenal. These projects include The Beaumont Race Riot of 1943 and The Charlton-Pollard Neighborhood.
For The Beaumont Race Riot of 1943, the idea came from a book he received.
“Twenty years ago, an actor that I worked
they continued with research, conducted interviews, and just sat on it for several years. It was around 2012, that they decided to do something with that research, and a documentary was born. If you are not familiar with the Beaumont Race Riot of 1943, “during June of 1943, the Black community was preparing their Juneteenth celebration. Ten days
Pollard Neighborhood, Williams said that the Department of Communication and Media was approached by Exxon Mobil, and they wanted to give money to help students get hands-on experience working in the media. Exxon Mobil then suggested they study The Charlton-Pollard Neighborhood. So, Williams and his coworker at the time started doing research, and the stories they
information left on the edit room floor for the documentary as there was not enough time to tell the entire story of the neighborhood. “It is just an introduction to hopefully get people to learn about the oldest Black neighborhood… and students had the opportunity to work on the crew to learn this history from people, and the emotion that you saw on camera was reflected in the
you don’t necessarily agree with the history, if you’re in a room with someone that doesn’t look like you where you can just have a discussion about history…and hear different perspectives, I think that’s valuable. That’s the power of creativity. Creativity allows you to have communication with others if you will.”
For the great work that Williams and his colleagues has done, he received
happening there. And I think, again, those stories need to be told, they need to be shared.”
with gave me a book about Black movie posters from the early 19 hundreds. And there was a line in the book that said race riots happened in Detroit, Los Angeles, and Beaumont, Texas in 1943. Growing up in Texas, we all took Texas history, but this was something that I had not heard of. So, I started researching, then started talking to my colleagues, and we started doing research for a documentary.” The documentary didn’t take off like they wanted to, so
later, the Ku Klux Klan had scheduled their regional convention in the area. To add to this powder keg, one rape and one alleged rape involving Black males assaulting white women occurred. One of the women was a daughter of a shipyard worker. Enraged, over two thousand shipyard workers and close to a thousand citizens ransacked homes and business in the black section of downtown Beaumont.”
For The Charlton-
came across from talking to people “were amazing.”
“The “Southend” or Charlton-Pollard was established by Charles Pole Charlton, a freed slave that came to Beaumont in 1869 who established schools for Black along with Reverend Woodson Pipkin. Charlton’s son Terry, along with Titus Thomas Pollard, were principals of the black schools who combined their efforts to form Charlton-Pollard High School in 1924.”
Williams stressed that there was a lot of
students.” The students were able to learn valuable experience and hands on experience about life and the community. “I believe this story is universal and it brings back that sense of nostalgia that we all feel for the community that we grew up in.”
When discussing our nation today regarding history and how there have been laws put in place to try and erase or diminish Black history, Williams said, “I feel like whether you like history or not, it happened…Even if
a congressional commendation and was honored with special congressional recognition from the office of U.S. Representative and Texas native Brian Babin. “I am still wrapping my head and heart around it. I do know that it means exposure for these stories, which is very important, and receiving the award, during the anniversary of the race riot that occurred 80 years ago…I was speechless at times because there is alignment
Williams wants everyone to be encouraged and motivated by the stories he and his team created and hope it’s an opportunity for people to go out in their communities and find out about the hidden gems like The Charlton-Pollard community, and to share those stories with others.
“I hope other people are just as inspired as well, because these stories they need to be told. We hear about all the main historical figures and narratives that we’ve been hearing about over the last decades, from slavery to The Civil Rights Movement, but there are smaller stories that haven’t even been told yet, or that we don’t even know yet. So, I’m hoping that people are motivated to, to tell these stories.”
Tiana Johnson, James Cottingham, Valarie Flores, Producer Gordon S. Williams, Delicia Rocha, Producer Jonathan Tippet, and Ivan Rivero.
Photo Credit: Lamar University Press
Tommy Byers, Lanie Brown, and Gordon Williams
Photo Credit: Josh Wilson
Gordon Williams and Lanie Brown
Photo Credit: Josh Wilson
Black Tech ReseaRcheRs aRe changing The game
By: Asia Williams
As we know, the AI (Artificial Intelligence) takeover is among us. Jobs are being replaced left, and right yet being widely created within the AI development industry. Not only are jobs becoming widespread in the industry, but black AI researchers are as well. The future of AI is a common concern of citizens, but black AI researchers have
been changing the game significantly. A well-known Black Stanford graduate and computer scientist Timnit Gerbu has a passion for pursuing diversity in technology. Gerbu was a former Google employee co-leading a research team called Ethical AI Team. When she criticized Google’s lack of hiring minorities and then wrote a
paper highlighting the dangers of large language models, she was soon laid off by Google. However this only made her realize that Google was the wrong environment for her to pursue the work she wanted, so she decided to continue her work on her own. “That really clarified that I couldn’t really do that kind of work in a setting like Google,”
Gerbu said in a recent interview. “So, I started a nonprofit called the Distributed AI Research Institute to do this work.” Distributed AI Research Institute, also known as DAIR, was created by Gerbu with the desire to have an institute where people are distributed around the world impacting AI and social development.
Yet Gerbu is not the only one who is seeking an ethical change in AI. Computer scientist Rediet Abebe grew up with a passion for mathematics, but questions revolving around discrimination and inequality in Cambridge sparked an interest. Abebe focuses her work on the discrimination and inequality in
economic welfare, housing, and education that is often overlooked. “I think about ways in which discrimination plays out in these domains,” Abebe said in a 2021 interview.
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PuBlic nOTice
The Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view specifications and submit their responses at the following link https:// until 10:00 a.m. (CST) Tuesday, September 5, 2023, for the following solicitation:
RFP 24-07-08 Houston ISD Procurement Card Program
Pre-proposal conferences via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation.
6 AFRAMNEWS.COM August 6, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION MARKETPLACE chemical Sunday School 8:15am Sunday Services 9:00am BAPTIST CHURCH church church OPEN 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1100 PLEASE WEAR MASKS Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm FlOWerS aFramneWS.cOm African-American News&Issues cOllecTaBleS OPEN Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1195 PLEASE WEAR MASKS APPOINTMENTS ARE WELCOME church Willie Wright Jr ministries, inc. “Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Prayer-minded” 2810 rosedale St. houston, TX 77004 A Ministry Committed to the Worth of the WORD and Energetic Evangelism carriage 713.489.8905 281.901.4966 VINTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY, LLC TERENCE J REED, OWNER Facebook: Go Vintage, LLC Instagram govintagellc 713-489-8905/281-901-4966 vinTage caRRiage coMpany, llc facebook: go vinTage, llc inSTagRaM: govinTagellc TeRence j. ReeD, oWneR V NTAGE CARR AG COMPANY LL T E C E W E F k G V C s r m o a e - - -landScaPing Landscaping by the Jelks commercial and residential terrence Jelks 6030 Pebble ln., Houston, t X 77087 cell:832.713.0102 services: Mowing, Landscape Renovation, Edging, General Lawn Clean Up, Shrub Trimming and Removal, Brush Clearing, Lawn Fertilization, Flower Bed Installations real eSTaTe Broker Associate Director of Commercial aSkrecy@kWcOmmercial.cOm WWW.hOmeSdunnrighT.cOm c. 832.541.7466 O. 281.444.3900 recy dunn ROLLOVERS • 401 (k) • 403 (b) • Pension • Profit Sharing • Deferred Comp. • IRA • ESOP • DROP • Teacher Retirement System (TRS) • Other Employer Retirement Plans incOme TaX incOme TaX IRS PROBLEMS • Unfiled Tax Returns • Liens • Levies (Wage, Bank, Other) • Audits • Appeals • Offer in Compomise • Emplyment Taxes • Installment Agreements • Payment Plans • Other IRS Problems ShOe rePair TrOPhy hunTing Less than one hour from downtown Houston and College Station 713-244-4067 28978 FM 1736 Road Hempstead 77445 (Waller County) OnE day dOE huntS $1000 hunT all yeaR aRounD aXiS & falloW DeeR WhiTeTail TRophy hunTing $4ooo and up
if donald trump is convicted
Can Donald Trump still run for President despite facing federal charges?
Can he serve as President if he’s convicted of any of the dozens of federal charges he’s facing?
Richard L. Hasen, a Law Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, specializing in election law, believes that Trump could serve as President again in 2024 if he wins the
“The Constitution has very few requirements to serve as President, such as being at least 35 years of age. It does not bar anyone indicted, or convicted, or even serving jail time, from running as President and winning the presidency,” Hasen told CNN. However, whether a President could serve while incarcerated remains largely unknown.
“How someone
would serve as president from prison is a happily untested question,” Hasen said.
Trump is facing serious criminal charges, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of official proceedings, and conspiracy against rights. There are other charges related to mishandling classified documents and a scheme involving a payment to an adult film star.
These are separate from the federal indictment tied to the special counsel’s investigation. Should Trump be convicted before the 2024 election and still emerge as the victor, he might attempt to grant himself a pardon, Hasen suggested. However, the legal validity of such an action remains uncharted territory. “Whether he can do so is untested. The Supreme Court may have to weigh in,”
Hasen added, pointing out that Trump could potentially appeal a conviction to the conservative-leaning Supreme Court. Conviction at the federal level or in New York would have consequences beyond the presidency.
If Trump is found
guilty of a crime, he would not be allowed to vote in Florida, where he currently resides, until after completing any punishment given to him.
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