Vol 28 Issue 31

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EDucation iS


Reading comprehension is the developmental foundation of a quality education. Libraries are places where students go to read, research, and write class assignments. Is Mike Miles intellectually, educationally, and spiritually qualified and mentally equipped to be an effective Superintendent of HISD? Does Mike Miles understand the Southern Association accreditation standards for a public school district or any other type of school district? Hence, all school district types have quality control standards for learning development.

One TalenTed Musician

Ryan Norman, a talented rising senior at Paetow High School in Katy ISD was selected as the gold medal winner for the local ACTSO Competition in the Music Instrumental Contemporary category for the NAACP Missouri City & Vicinity Branch in April 2023. He will advance to compete in the National ACT-SO Competition in Boston, Massachusetts in July 2023 during the 114th NAACP National Convention.

Apparently, Superintendent Miles is looking for detention space in all the wrong places for students with behavioral problems. Turning libraries into Detention Centers does not solve the issue of students with disciplinary problems. Shame, shame, shame on so-called professional educators who are masquerading as educators without absolutely understanding the importance of libraries. Superintendent Miles’s decision concerning libraries is a misguided example of miseducation administrative Musician on pg. 4

Education on pg. 3

ACT-SO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics) also known as the “Olympics of the Mind” is a national enrichment program under the administrative aegis of the NAACP. It was an idea conceptualized by Vernon Jarrett in 1976.

African-American News&Issues FREE August 20, 2023 Vol. 28, Issue 31
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
Success is one of the greatest cause of failure
- Roy Douglas Malonson
Bobby E. Mills, PhD Ryan nORMan

A Revival of God Consciousness

Freedom Without Favor and Justice Without Limits

All individuals have freedom in Christ, especially Christians, because Christians are duty called to obey God rather than man, and to fight against the dreadful effects of sin in the world.

“For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: as free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God” (1 Peter 2: 16). Because “the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8: 21).

The Holy Spirit (TRUTH) frees us from sin. Therefore, with or without manmade laws, Godly freedom will always exist (free-will). This is why we have God’s laws The Ten commandments. God’s laws do not change, because God’s laws are spiritually edited upon the hearts of individuals. Hence, there are final consequences for disobeying God’s laws, because: “As it is appointed

America Mocks Everything

It’s been a couple of weeks since the Montgomery, Alabama brawl, and I am still in shock by what happened on that day. That brawl truly showcased the state of America and just how divided we are as a nation. I am not a fan of violence, but if it comes down to protecting yourself, then violence must be the response. Not too long after this incident, many people took to the internet to mock what happened. I have seen many comical videos from people reenacting what happened, practicing in the gym with chairs, to even using clips from The Avengers, and so much more. Don’t get me wrong, the videos are funny, however, is this how will deal with serious events such as the Montgomery brawl? Is this how America copes with the devastation that unfolds before us?

Comedy is great, but is America truly dealing with the issues we should address? I believe that if we truly focus on these issues and really think about the root of it all, it is a lot to deal with. I can’t say if this was

an act of racism, or if it was an act of hatred. I don’t know how the brawl started as I was not there, but I did see plenty of videos and comedy aside, it’s heartbreaking. It’s heartbreaking to know that violence seems to be the answer these days when simple communication can still be effective. It’s also hard to see America cope with these issues through humor.

I can’t help but think about what our ancestors would say about the state of our country. How would they feel seeing the past still alive in 2023. The same fights that they were fighting, are still issues we are still dealing with.

As a parent of small children, what am I raising my kids in? What future will they have? I worry about them all the time. There is so much negative going on in the world that it is hard to see anything positive these days. How do I explain these kinds of events to them as they get older? I am not sure what the answer is to any of my questions, which is unsettling, and I don’t have faith in most of our world leaders. So, what do we do?

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Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. President/Chief Editor Contributing Writers Dr. Bobby Mills Dr. Chelsea Davis Bibb Jazz Pazz Asia Williams Tristar Web Graphics - Layout Design/Print STORIES,
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. news@aframnews.com We are looking for historical writers That can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRIES TO PROD@AFRAMNEWS.COM

Education cont.


In fact, HISD’s decision to eliminate libraries at (28) schools transforming them into Reform Schools is a prime example of a malnutrition of the brain idea that creates problems, not solve learning problems. Additionally, (57) other schools will be assessed on a case-bycase basis. A statement from Superintendent Miles enunciated that: “We understand the significance of certain programs associated with libraries and we will strive to maintain those valuable offerings.” However, the question must be asked: do they spiritually, educationally, and most of all, intellectually

understand the role and importance of libraries? This must be said, Superintendent Miles does have 20/20 vision on what is taking place in HISD, but a one-man unilaterally decision of such a monumental magnitude without community input is about as bone headed as it gets. Jesus was GOD in the flesh. He had twelve men that he conferred with before initiating a mission. Superintendent Miles if Jesus had twelve men you need at least (24). Hallelujah to GOD! Just maybe TEA is making the decisions, not Miles?

Oftentimes, students with behavioral problems are students who cannot read and comprehend. Above all, these students usually have family related

dysfunctional issues associated with their behavioral problems. Thus, Alternative Schools in HISD were created to assist students with behavioral issues but were closed. The question is why were they closed? Students usually misbehave as a basis for camouflaging and masking their inability to read and comprehend on grade level. Reading is developmental, spiritual, and mental. Students who cannot read by five have a (95%) chance of not ever reading and comprehending at grade level throughout their public-school years. Symbols motivate human behavior: good or bad. A library is a good symbol, simply because reading is spiritually developmental.

Reading promotes selfintrospection. In fact, the Bible declares: “Blessed is he that readeth,” (Revelation 1: 3a). Reading is the foundation of analytical thinking. Parenthetically, I might add, the CROSS of Jesus Christ is a positive symbol of God’s grace, mercy, and redemption. However, what God meant for good the devil and the KKK boldly represent as evil. Is HISD in transforming libraries into detention centers turning a good educational image into a bad prison-like detention system image?

HISD, God has an answer for devilish ignorance of the TRUTH, and it is recorded in the book of Habakkuk, Chapter 2 verses 2-3: “Write the

vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry” (Habakkuk 2: 2-3). Superintendent Miles you mean well, and Houston desires that you perform well, but you cannot improve HISD by yourself operating as a Lone Ranger. You are not Almighty GOD, you need help (everybody), and TSU and Prairie View are available to you as well as HISD. Selah.

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Check Out Our Proposed Designs — Meeting No. 2

METRO’s Tidwell Transit Center will be a key connection point for the upcoming METRORapid University Corridor Project and we want to make it even better.

We’re looking for suggestions on how METRO can unite outstanding transit service with housing, mobility and economic development to help enhance the vibrant Eastex-Jensen community.

For more information, go to RideMETRO.org/TidwellPlan

Tidwell Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
Join us at our next open house to review design plans based on your community input. Scan the QR code for more information. Meeting No. 2

SPORTS a skeeTeR expeRience

For decades, golf has been known to be one common sport that lacks diversity all over the world. A recent study shows that 1-18% of golfers are Black, and a little under 30% are women. Of course, that did not stop minorities from participating in the sport. When a Westfield Country Club was bought by a group of black investors in 1921, the first ever Black country club came to light, Shady Rest Golf and Country Club. Not long after, in 1937 the first all-women’s Black country club was formed, Wake Robin. Even famous boxer Joe Lewis fought for golf diversity all the way up until he died in 1981. To this day, Black country clubs are still being created and running just as smoothly as they have been for decades. Track on the other hand, is a sport that supports diversity globally, yet only about 3% of American runners are Black.

I recently spoke with my

uncle, Lawson Smart, about his experiences being a track runner in high school and college. He started playing recreational golf in his early 20s as an outlet as he no longer wanted to play basketball or football at that age. “Golfing was something to do with the coworkers. I was 21 or 22. It was something I took up when I was young,” Smart said. “Golf, or any type of physical activity you need to start early.” To him, sports like golf and tennis are great forms of physical activity where you are less prone to injuries which he recommends to anyone. Smart would compete in golf tournaments and often win. The more he won, the more he considered playing professional golf, which he started when he hit his 50s.

However, golf didn’t hold a spot in his heart like hurdles did. He was widely known as Skeeter because of his incredibly hasty feet on the track. Going to high school at Booker T. Washington, Smart competed in various track competitions and set records.

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The 1st National ACT-SO Competition was held in 1978 as an opportunity for students of color to showcase their academic and artistic abilities in up to 33 different categories. These real-life potential career paths allow students to compete in areas such as STEM, Humanities, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Culinary. Each spring, the local ACT-SO branch holds a local competition.

Students compete to earn gold, silver, or bronze medals. Students earning a gold medal at the local level advance to the National ACTSO Competition to

Musician cont. represent their local branch. Ryan’s exceptional musical abilities have allowed him to perform in various competitions with his high school band and earned him well-deserved recognition. His instrument of choice, the marimba, has African and Latino origins. Marimbists use 2-4 mallets to strike wooden plates creating a melodic sound. Through countless hours of practice and dedicated commitment, Ryan has honed his skills to captivate audiences with his unique talent and inviting performance. Ryan expressed his gratitude for the opportunity, saying, “I am honored to be

chosen as a final gold medal winner in the ACT-SO competition. This recognition motivates me to continue pushing the boundaries of my musical abilities. I am grateful to the NAACP Missouri City and Vicinity Branch for their support and to Paetow High School for fostering an environment that encourages creativity and excellence.” The 2024 ACTSO season will begin recruiting students in October 2023. If you would like to learn more about ACT-SO, please email actso@ naacpmissouricityvicinity.org or contact the ACT-SO Chair, Sharmia Jones.

Lawson Smart, 84, describing only a few of his assortment of track medals. Lawson Smart jumping hurdles in college photo. Ryan Norman

Back 2 schOOl daze

BE Impactful Foundation

is a nonprofit organization that is changing our communities for the better. The mission at BE Impactful Foundation is to champion the empowerment and advancement of people of color through their social engagement, educational outreach, and community improvement

projects. One annual community event that BE Impactful hosts is their Back 2 School Daze event.

According to Deron Gadsden, founder of BE Impactful, “Our Back 2 School Daze event is just one of the ways we strive to make a difference. With the rising costs of school supplies, we understand the burden it can place on families, and that’s why we host this

event. Our goal this year is to provide support for 300 students and 50 teachers. We believe education is the foundation for success, and with your generous support, we can make sure these children and educators have the resources they need to thrive.”

Through this event, BE Impactful has helped many families and teachers who need school supplies

every year, and this year is no exception. This year, the Back 2 School Daze event will be held September 9th at the SHAPE Community Center (3815 Live Oak Street) from 11AM3PM.

For more information about BE Impactful, or if you would like to donate to the Back 2 School Daze, you can visit their Instagram page @beimpactfulfoundation, or visit their website at www.beimpactful.net.

You can also visit one of their four donation locations at the Class Bookstore, Honeycomb Clinic, SHAPE Community Center, and Paradigm Training Center.

AFRAMNEWS.COM 5 August 20, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION sale starts august 11th every friday and saturday 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, tX 77091 713.692.1195 10% to off 40% 11am TO 5Pm 10% to off 40%
Kids from the community engaging in family fun, music, and food. BE impactful volunteers passing out school supplies to the community. The SHAPE Center, the BE Impactful team and members of the community taking a group picture to commemorate the first of many successful partnerships.

PuBlic nOTice PuBlic nOTice


The Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view specifications and submit their responses at the following link https:// houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx

until 11:00 a.m. (CST) Tuesday, September 12, 2023, for the following solicitation:

RFP 23-06-03 Mobile Equipment


Pre-proposal conferences via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation.

Notice to Proposers Request for Proposal will be received by Lone Star College for:

• RFP #888 – Financial Aid Review Verification Services. Electronic submittals due by 3:00PM, Wednesday, September 13, 2023.

• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-7926300, Meeting #2623 672 7545

• Contact: pamela.johnson@lonestar. edu or (832)813-6782.

• Must Register to Bid: http://wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/supplier.htm .   If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the on-line registration process, contact MC-vendors@ lonestar.edu.

TrOPhy hunTing

6 AFRAMNEWS.COM August 20, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION MARKETPLACE chemical Sunday School 8:15am Sunday Services 9:00am BAPTIST CHURCH church church www.shirleyannflowershop.com OPEN 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1100 PLEASE WEAR MASKS Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm FlOWerS aFramneWS.cOm African-American News&Issues cOllecTaBleS OPEN Thursday and Friday 11am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1195 PLEASE WEAR MASKS APPOINTMENTS ARE WELCOME church Willie Wright Jr Ministries, inc. “Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Prayer-minded” www.williewrightjr.com www.facebook.com/wwjrm 2810 rosedale St. houston, TX 77004 A Ministry Committed to the Worth of the WORD and Energetic Evangelism carriage 713.489.8905 281.901.4966 VINTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY, LLC TERENCE J REED, OWNER Facebook: Go Vintage, LLC Instagram govintagellc 713-489-8905/281-901-4966 vintag caRRiagE coMpany, llc facEbook: go vintagE, llc inStagRaM: govintagEllc tEREncE j. REED, oWnER V NTAGE CARR AG COMPANY LL T E C E W E F k G V C s r m o a e - - -landScaPing Landscaping by the Jelks commercial and residential terrence Jelks 6030 Pebble ln., Houston, t X 77087 cell:832.713.0102 jamesbond6030pebble@gmail.com services: Mowing, Landscape Renovation, Edging, General Lawn Clean Up, Shrub Trimming and Removal, Brush Clearing, Lawn Fertilization, Flower Bed Installations real eSTaTe Broker Associate Director of Commercial aSkrecy@kWcOmmercial.cOm WWW.hOmeSdunnrighT.cOm c. 832.541.7466 O. 281.444.3900 recy dunn ROLLOVERS • 401 (k) • 403 (b) • Pension • Profit Sharing • Deferred Comp. • IRA • ESOP • DROP • Teacher Retirement System (TRS) • Other Employer Retirement Plans incOme TaX incOme TaX
Unfiled Tax Returns • Liens • Levies (Wage, Bank, Other) • Audits • Appeals • Offer in Compomise • Emplyment Taxes • Installment Agreements • Payment Plans • Other IRS Problems
ShOe rePair

The Tulsa Race MassacRe

Lessie Benningfield

Randle, Viola Fletcher, and Hughes Van Ellis, Sr., the last three known survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, have continued their pursuit of justice. They have appealed to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, urging a swift reversal of Tulsa County District Judge Caroline Wall’s controversial dismissal of their lawsuit.

At a press conference held at the Oklahoma Supreme Court, the legal team representing the survivor expressed confidence in the likelihood of the Oklahoma Supreme Court overturning Judge Wall’s ruling.

“The facts of this case align with the longstanding property-based limitations of Oklahoma’s public nuisance statute,” said Damario SolomonSimmons, the lead attorney for the survivors and founder of Justice for Greenwood.

“The District Court’s imposition of a heightened pleading standard on the survivors is unprecedented in Oklahoma’s legal history,” SolomonSimmons continued.

“Our clients have sufficiently pleaded a public nuisance claim, as defined by the Oklahoma Supreme Court in its landmark decision on Johnson & Johnson in

November 2021.”

Randle, 107, Fletcher, 108, and Van Ellis, 102, are the remaining survivors of the horrific massacre, which destroyed the thriving Greenwood District in Tulsa and caused the loss of countless lives and property, has long been overlooked, and the survivors have been denied justice. Their legal team contends that Judge Wall’s ruling imposes an unjust and burdensome requirement on parties alleging public nuisance claims. The court mandated that the survivors provide a specific abatement remedy to address the issue before any discovery, trial, or

liability determination occurs.

The survivor’s cocounsel Randall Adams, a Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP litigation partner, said this unusual pleading standard lacks any foundation in Oklahoma’s notice pleading code or prior case law.

Further, he said the District Court allowed the defendants to violate an agreement made in open court, promising not to file new motions to dismiss the survivors’ unjust enrichment claims.

Despite the agreement, the defendants filed a second motion to dismiss the unjust enrichment claims, and to the dismay

of the survivors’ legal team, the District Court granted these baseless motions.

“It is imperative to recognize that allowing Judge Wall’s decision to stand will have severe implications for individuals and businesses across Oklahoma seeking to uphold their legal rights,” Solomon-Simmons emphasized.

He claimed that a favorable decision by the Oklahoma Supreme Court would “uphold the values of justice and fairness for all state residents and resolve the complaints of those who had suffered because of the Tulsa Race Massacre.”

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