History is His Story, not the Truth or Our Story.
Black History is 24/7/365, not just 4 weeks
-Roy Douglas Malonson
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
By: Bobby E. Mills, PhD![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240309151659-2859838a6baede96ab7067e88c816af9/v1/991bdc9563121550f67adb5f746f94e4.jpeg)
History is His Story, not the Truth or Our Story.
Black History is 24/7/365, not just 4 weeks
-Roy Douglas Malonson
America is spiritually losing generation a er generation, because we have forgotten that: “Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.” (Psalm 90:1). In the Black community we are experiencing generational curses without spiritually understanding that God will never break faith with us, even though we sin against His Commandments and ourselves. us, there are many curses, but the number one curse in the Black community is family disintegration. Seventy- ve percent of all families in the Black community are without a male father gure. Family spiritual brokenness is the overriding problem in the Black community. Family brokenness produces spiritual brokenness from God, because individuals are attempting to live apart from the reality of God. God is LOVE, and apart from God is spiritual brokenness. If individuals attempt to live apart from God, they invariably live in the reality of the devil. God created
family as the foundational institution of society. In so doing, God spiritually required that husbands be obedient to their wives by loving and protecting them. Likewise, wives are to be spiritually obedient, and love and comfort their husbands. Children are to obey their parents, by understanding that to spare the rod is to spoil the child. More importantly, parents must train up children in the spiritual way of the Lord. As a result, none of this is spiritually taking root in Black families nor American society in general. Love child gone wild, and babies having babies.
is is the crux of generational self-annihilation. ere is simply too much ungodly disintegration taking lace in Black families. Mental health and eating habits have become serious generational curses. Health is wealth, and individuals dietarily are what they eat. Gluttony personi ed. Lest we forget, Black on Black
Timing is everything in all things, especially in the political arena. ank God for on time Congresswoman Shelia Jackson-Lee, because God is an on-time God. God knows what we need, better than we know, what we need. Given the ungodly partisan climate in Washington, D. C., Houston, and the state of Texas, we needed an experienced, seasoned, and successful politician in Washington, D. C. Congresswoman Jackson-Lee is the right person, at the right time, and for the right reasons. Congresswoman Lee lost the mayor’s race simply because she entered the race too late, not because of her lack of accomplishments and leadership respect. Many of Houston’s in uential community and political players had already endorsed a mayoral candidate. Of course, Congresswoman Lee’s adversaries understand better than some misguided community leaders and voters that the Congresswoman has in uence in Washington, D. C. For example, Congresswoman Jackson-Lee has access and in uence with the President, Vice President, Cabinet O cials, the Minority Leader, and most of all, she is highly respected by her colleagues. ese are unique professional leadership qualities, attributes, and contacts as a means of getting the job done for the citizens of the State of Texas, especially the 18th Congressional District. us, Congresswoman JacksonLee is a stateswoman for all seasons. Finally, Congresswoman Jackson-lee is a woman of God, wife, mother, grandmother, and a citizen of the world. Shelia has visited our church worship services in faithful prayer, honored all community service events listening to community concerns, and accessing what needs to be done.
For more visit aframnews.com
Question: has America become traumatized to the nth degree of normalizing political criminality? If so, we need to pack it in, because we have become uncivilized animals, without moral conscience. Individuals are free to choose between death and life. Life is about choices. Choices have consequences: good or bad. Hence, individuals can choose to be law abiding, because they know the Divine Lawgiver. Or individuals can choose to become devilish lawbreakers, because they lack God conscience and have an ungodly devilish lawbreaking mind. Hence, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” (Proverbs 18: 21). Normalizing criminality is death personi ed. e desires of individuals ought to be their kindness, because it is better to be a poor individual rather than a liar. us, “Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.” (Proverbs 19: 1). e advent of Donald J. Trump into the political arena marked the beginning of normalizing criminal activity and enticing (73+) million Americans to become a part of his criminal enterprise. No doubt about it, Donald J. Trump has a criminal mind, and he is using the caretakers of the law (Judges) to assist him in law-breaking, even e
Supreme Court Justices. What an abomination to God, and principles of law and order.
e empirical proof of Donald J. Trump’s lawless mind is his own bold devilish statement:
“I can shoot someone in the middle of Fi h Avenue and my supporters will support me”. What a shame, because sadly Trump was correct concerning the delity and loyalty of at least (73+) million supporters. is, in and of itself, is insanity to the nth degree. Loyalty to a devilish man rather than the spiritual tenets of e Preamble and the Constitution is a downright dangerous and deadly nation-state proposition.
e Bible spiritually warns us concerning trusting, because: “When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart. Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.” (Proverbs 26: 25- 26). America, know this when you speak truth forth rightly to devilish individuals, you will nd them wanting, because: “ e man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.” (Proverbs 21: 16). No one is above God’s Laws, especially in a multi-cultural democratic society. God’s laws will be enforced to the bitter end, because: “As it is appointed unto men once to die, but a er this the judgment:” (Hebrews 9: 27). In America’s spiritual march towards a more perfect and just union under the reality of God with liberty, and justice for all there is untold confusion and chaos. Trumpism has become a major impediment stumbling block.
Owning one’s own home has long been a smart way of building intergenerational wealth that most minorities have denied. During the pandemic, with low interest rates and government stimulus programs, the homeowner’s racial gap contracted, but since then it has expanded into the widest chasm in a decade according to the National Association of Realtors. In July, the Federal Reserve recommended even more constraints. eir proposed changes would force banks to keep more capital for residential mortgages mad with smaller down payments. To accomplish this, banks will demand higher mortgage rates for borrowers who can a ord to pay only a minimum down. ey claim that such loans are less reliable, so banks should protect themselves by retaining greater reserves against defaults. Advocates say this is necessary to ensure the banking system remains sound.
e NAACP, the National Urban League and the Urban Institute are all skeptical. e Urban Institute’s investigation into the scheme’s bearing on lowerincome minorities determined it as “particularly perverse in the face of e orts by the bank regulators and other government agencies to encourage banks to increase their lending to precisely these borrowers and communities.”
Meanwhile, Black home loan applicants are usually more likely to be denied loans than others. What’s an aspirational homeowner to do? Working aged whites are more than twice as likely as Black and Latino households to get sizable nancial help from parents or other elders; African Americans are more likely to be helping their parents and other family members. Restrictions like these may make alternative nancing arrangements, such as rent-toown, seller- nanced mortgages, and land contracts seem more attractive, but they are more dangerous, more expensive, and o er scarcer consumer protections and oversight than traditional mortgages. ey more o en result in default and the loss of the home, and all monies paid. Still, there are legitimate options for those who qualify. e City of Houston sponsors three programs under their Home Buyer Assistance Program. One is a no-interest, forgivable loan (https://recovery.houstontx. gov/dr17/hbap/) o ering up to $30,000 to income-quali ed Houstonians who are rsttime homebuyers, or who have not owned a home in the last three years. Another is for homebuyers who lived in Houston during Hurricane Harvey (August 25, 2017) and are either buying their rst home or replacing a home lost due to Harvey. e third targets shoppers who want to buy near an A- or Branked school, who are willing to place the land underneath their home into the Community Land Trust. e application approval process for these takes about six weeks.
crime is absolutely ungodly. Likewise, wholesome family mental health is mostly environmental, and contributes to family disintegration, because life apart from God is insanity. America is losing generation a er generation, because of our immorality and spiritual disobedience against the will of God. Too many Americans have broken faith with God, themselves, as well as others. Hence, evil is running wild in American society, even though a remnant of God’s people remains steadfast in the Faith. Life in the twenty- rst century is characterized by bold sinful immorality, gun violence, and spiritual confusion,because we are living in a crooked and perverse world. e advent of Donald J. Trump into the political arena in (2016) has only exacerbated societal confusion, bold lying, political corruption, and societal violence. Trumpism has produced a bold ungodly corrosive impact on American society. Seventy-three million Trumpeters would rather buy guns than Bibles. In fact, the power of God’s truth is rejected by far too many twenty- rst century Americans, because they spiritually do not understand: “Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of
God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;” (Philippians 2: 14-15). God’s faithfulness transcends generational curses, because: “ e Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” (Psalm 100: 5). America, lest we forget, the radicalized incident of President Trump removing peaceful demonstrators from a public park to use a church as a political prop, and to use the Bible as a demonstration of his Faith and obedience to the will of God. However, God in His in nite wisdom had Trump to hold the Bible up-sidedown, as Trump’s life is spiritually upside down. In due time, Trump will nd himself spiritually broken, materially broke, because a fool and his money will soon part. Most of all, by law Trump might nd himself in prison, and hopefully lost generations of all races, creeds, and political persuasions can overcome the misguided and ungodly White Privilege Autocratic doctrine of exclusion in a multi-cultural democratic society. Prayerfully, the next generation will follow the spiritual tenets of God, and not the devilish isms of ungodly men. Do not read these words of spiritual inspiration in isolation, share the editorial with others. Selah!
Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has received the NAACP’s George “Mickey” Leland Humanitarian Award, which is given annually by the civil rights organization to a person who displays outstanding service to the Houston minority community by assisting with a signi cant minority cause.
“ ank you for this extraordinary honor and for everything that the NAACP Houston Branch does in the ght for justice, equality and opportunity,” Commissioner Ellis said a er receiving the award on Friday, February 23, 2024, at the organization’s Freedom Fund Advocacy & Awards Gala. “Mickey was and is still a beacon of hope who tirelessly fought to defend the rights, lives and dignity of the poor and oppressed down the street and across the globe.”
e local NAACP established the award – which also recognizes Commissioner Ellis for supporting and promoting e orts for the social, political, and economic betterment of the minority community – a er Congressman Leland’s death in 1989 in a plane crash during a mission
in Ethiopia. Leland is known for his outstanding contributions to the struggle of human rights as well as his e orts to house the homeless and feed the hungry Commissioner Ellis, who was mentored by Congressman Leland and worked as the congressman’s chief of sta , has initiated Harris County programs that create jobs, provide a ordable housing, reduce poverty and provide guaranteed income for lowincome families.
“ roughout my public service, Mickey’s spirit has been a guiding force,” Commissioner Ellis said. “In Harris County, we are translating that spirit into action, delivering hope through transformative, equitable investments to serve and empower our communities. And, as Mickey would tell you, nothing is more fundamental than ensuring people have a roof over their head and food on their plate. He understood how relentless poverty and the gnawing ache of hunger consumed a person’s mind, body and soul.”
YES Prep Public Schools — one of the fastest growing and highest performing public charter school systems in the U.S. — is celebrating a remarkable 63 teachers who earned the coveted Texas Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) this year for their exceptional impact on students’ achievement. is brings the total number of TIA recipients at YES Prep to an impressive 145. is state-funded program honors teacher e ectiveness based on rigorous student growth data and YES Prep’s comprehensive evaluation system, the Teacher Pathway. YES Prep’s TIA recipients surpassed rigorous growth targets by going above and beyond expectations, cra ing engaging lessons, tailoring support to individual needs and fostering strong relationships that fuel academic success.
Earning a TIA designation isn’t easy – it takes dedication, expertise and a passion for igniting young minds. But the rewards are signi cant: stipends ranging from $3,000 to $32,000 are distributed over ve years, providing well-deserved recognition and nancial reward for deserving teachers.
YES Prep believes powerful teachers are the key to unlocking student potential and college readiness. By o ering robust nancial incentives that re ect
their outstanding performance, YES Prep is not just rewarding teachers, it is investing in the future of its students.
“Our mission is about opportunity for all students, and these teachers embody our e orts. e TIA recipients at YES Prep aren’t just educators, they are inspiration personi ed. ey pour their hearts into their cra , creating classrooms where learning is vibrant, challenging and deeply rewarding.
ey see the potential in every student and relentlessly work to help them reach their full potential,” YES Prep CEO Mark DiBella said. “A heartfelt congratulations to our phenomenal TIA recipients. Your commitment to excellence is an inspiration to us all, and we are incredibly grateful for the positive impact you make on our students’ lives.”
Mission West Elementary has been selected to serve as a Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE) Demonstration School for high performing, majority-minority schools in the state.
TABSE Demonstration Schools are part of the Dr. Jay Cummings Demonstration Schools Collaborative whose purpose is to bring together high-performing K-12 schools from across the state to share best practices and serve as an inspiring model for other school leaders to raise achievement levels.
TABSE Demonstration Schools Committee Member and Assistant Professor, University of Houston –Clear Lake, Dr. Queinnise Miller said, “As a TABSE Demonstration School, [Mission West Elementary] will carry the exemplary distinction of being one of a small select group… that every school across the state will be eager
to emulate.” Mission West Principal Jorge Pena, Assistant Principal Elainea Bennett and other sta members shared campus instructional strategies, systems and replicable practices at the annual TASBE conference held last week in Houston. “ e designation as a Dr. Jay Cummings Demonstration School is both humbling and a testament to the commitment of our remarkable teachers and sta , who go above and beyond for student success,” Pena said. Mission West was recently recognized as a 2022-23 Gold Ribbon School by Children At Risk, a research and advocacy nonpro t organization. Gold Ribbon Schools are high-poverty, highperforming schools that receive an A or B grade in Children At Risk’s annual school rankings.
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YES Prep is expanding and growing its team of extraordinary PK-12 educators. As part of the YES Prep team, teachers grow as authentic leaders and experience extraordinary career opportunities through development, competitive total compensation and recognition for their impact. ose interested in joining YES Prep’s life-changing mission can apply here.
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By: Dignity MemorialAlma Jean Young graced the world withher beautiful presence on June 18, 1929. She was born the daughter of Tom and Elizabeth Williams in Bartlett, Texas, and was the youngest of 3 children.
Jean received her formal education at Fisher Elementary School in Bartlett, Texas. Later, her parents moved to Lubbock, Texas, where she completed high school. She continued her education in Prairie View, Texas, at Prairie View A&M University (est. 1876 e rst state-supported college in Texas for African Americans), where she received her Bachelor of Science in Physical Education. Jean received her Texas Teacher’s Certi cate and taught rst grade, mostly in Galena Park Independent School District, for 30 years. Jean was also a dietician for Hermann Hospital in Houston, Texas, where she promoted public awareness of proper nutritional standards and habits.
Being a teacher is more than a job; Teachers are essential members of our society, and it’s a calling. Jean was a pillar of knowledge, mentorship and inspiration. Jean and all teachers leave a lasting mark on every child’s life. During her
professional career, in 1992, she received an award from Who’s Who Among American Teachers. Jean retired from teaching in May 1993 and noted her motto: “I’ll get up when I want to, do what I want to, go where I want to and enjoy life to the fullest if it’s God’s will.”
Shortly a er nishing college, Jean moved to Houston, Texas and married Mell L. Young. Mell and Jean were married until the Lord called him home in 1971. To this union, three (3) children were born.
Growing up in a faith- lled family, Jean accepted Christ at an early age. She credits her faith to being nurtured at Progressive Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. Jean was a faithful and active member for 60+ years, originally under the leadership of Rev. B. J. Lewis and currently under the leadership of Raymond H. Hillis.
Jean’s most proud experience was being a member of the Elegant Elders.
On February 15, 2024, Jean peacefully departed life surrounded by family and friends.
For more visit aframnews.com
Notice to Proposers
Request for Proposal will be received
• RFP # 945
Gases, Welding Gases, Core Welding Items, Flat Bar, Pipe
Plate Supplies. Electronic submittals due by 5:00PM, ursday, March 28, 2024.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Monday, March 18 at 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting # 2632 447 8289
• Contact: dina.sauser@lonestar.edu or (832)813-6532.
• Must Register to Bid: http://wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the on-line registration process, contact MC-vendors@ lonestar.edu.
e Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view speci cations and submit their responses at the following link https://houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 4:00 p.m. (CST) Monday, April 8, 2024 for the following solicitation:
RFP 23-03-01 End User Computing Devices, Accessories, and Services
A pre-proposal conference via Microso Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab speci c to this solicitation.