“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
America, love is without hypocrisy or hustling. Neither is God fooled or mocked. Individuals invariably reap what they sow. erefore, “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love: give preference to one another in honor.”
(Romans 12: 9-10). Christian Right Evangelicals and Donald J. Trump have become professionals
at dissimulation. Love is about helping others become better individuals, not bitter individuals, and the GOP has become a bitter cult, a Political Party without democratic values. e Bible gives us a perfect example of why it is as di cult for a rich man to go to heaven as it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. ere are degrees of sin, but sin is sin.
God on pg. 3
History is His Story, not the Truth or Our Story.
Black History is 24/7/365, not just 4 weeks
It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of James A. Washington, Publisher emeritus of the Dallas Weekly. James was one-of-a-kind. His wit, incredible storytelling and extensive business acumen made him one of the best – from public relations, corporate communications, and advertising, to ethnic marketing, broadcast and print news, and publishing.
A highly esteemed communications professional, James was honored with the Legacy Award in 2019 National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) for his signi cant industry contributions. He was actively engaged on various boards and committees in Dallas, Texas, and beyond, receiving multiple accolades with national recognition for his exceptional community service spanning over 40 years.
His loss has le a void that cannot be lled. But we at Dallas Weekly will honor his legacy by continuing his work of journalistic excellence and community advocacy. As many may know, DW is a family business currently owned and operated by his son and DW publisher, Patrick Washington and daughter-in-law and DW CEO, Jess Washington.
- Roy Douglas Malonson For more visit aframnews.com
e Houston wards were designated before 1915 with each borough having its own strictly de ned sectors, each with its own unique culture and vibe. Since transportation was di cult a person’s occupation was the greatest reason for the part of town they lived in.
First Ward, the city’s birthplace and initial business district, is at the con uence of Bu alo Bayou and White Oak Bayou, which was once a bustling port. Now the Asian American community and the Texas Dragon Boat Association hold their annual race here each spring. First Ward swept north and west embracing the southern portion of today’s Heights neighborhood. A revitalized community with beauti cation days supports a communal garden and attracts citizens who want to be able to walk to local attractions. Many of the original landmarks have been devoured by modern downtown buildings, but existing vestiges of the original structures have been protected.
e Second Ward extended from downtown to Magnolia Park, edged by Bu alo Bayou and Harrisburg Boulevard. Excluding downtown, these boundaries remain today, boasting sparkling vistas of the skyline.
Once the neighborhood supported a considerable Jewish population. Mexican immigrants began moving in in the early 1910s and it became “Segundo Barrio”. Our Lady of Guadalupe, the original Mexican church in Houston still serves 3,500 families. From the 1920s until close to the close of the 20th century factories were the homegrown employers. ese buildings are being reborn as trendy lo s marketed with fragments of their art deco elegance to prosperous newcomers.
e Greater East End (Eado), is a richly historical neighborhood in the Second Ward. It, too, has become gentri ed, but Ninfa’s and other family-run cafes are nostalgic remembrances of the area’s working-class roots.
o en say “We” are killing each other but most of us never even shot a gun less known killed a person. Why use the word “We” when most of the time “We” know who’s doing the killing but, won’t say a mumbling word until it hits our address or one of our loved ones.
“We” still have good parents that raise good kids, but when dead beat parents produce dead beat kids “we” discredit ourselves by saying “We” gotta do better. e only “We” crowd “We” should be a part of is the informed, involved and educated crowd.
e “We” crowd only speaks of crimes when black people commit them. Yet, history has shown all races have committed crimes. Crime has no color.
e mostly Black ird Ward is famous as the home of Beyonce, but it has always been a lovely community lined with New Orleans-style cottages. It is home to two universities, as well as Emancipation Park, Project Row Houses with studios featuring visiting African American artists. From the iconic is Is It, the city’s oldest soul food restaurant, the Museum District, Miller Outdoor eater, Hermann Park and the Ensemble eater, no ward in Houston has gone through more divergent changes even as its boundaries have minimized. Fourth Ward, one of the largest original wards, is the remnants of Freedman’s Town. Beginning downtown and expanding westward along Bu alo Bayou it includes Midtown and e Breakfast Klub.
We o en hear people say, “We” got to do better, but in reality, the man or woman in the mirror may need to do better. Everything that happens in this thing called life, is not your fault unless you are truly the cause of the negativity going on in and around our communities. If you’re not a deadbeat parent, why be a part of the “We” gotta do better crowd? If you’re not robbing, stealing and killing why be a part of the We gotta do better crowd? ose that are killing innocent people need to do better. ose who are robbing need to do better. “We”, have enough coats on our backs already that don’t t “We” can’t a ord anymore. ere’s never been such a thing as a bad neighborhood, we just simply have good and bad people coming in and out of them. “We
e “We” crowd named it black on black crime. is is another coat the “We” crowd placed on our backs vs their own.
Crimes are things like burglary, the , murder, rape, sexual assault, and etc., but none of them include race. e biggest crime in America’s History was race related but sometimes the “We” crowd say forget about slavery and let’s move forward. So, I ask you again, “Are you a part of the “We” crowd?
e Bible speaks of a Rich Man that had an encounter with Jesus. Jesus asked him many questions and he truthfully answered
I have done all these things. Jesus replied “Sell all your worldly goods and follow me.” e Rich Man did not answer, he simply dropped his head, and walked away. Donald J. Trump is like the Rich Man in the Bible, except Trump has done none of the things e Rich Man in the Bible has done in obedience to the scriptures.
Trump has absolutely no God conscience at all, because he believes that he can hustle God by selling Bibles with an American ag on the cover of the Bible.
Trump does not love either God, Country, or Self. What a hypocrite, because: “A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is con dent. He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.” (Proverbs 14: 16-17). Sadly, the (73+) million Americans who voted for Donald J. Trump evidently believe that God is a divine Santa Claus that gives gi s without responsibility and accountability. e Prophet Samuel said it best: “Behold to obey is better than sacri ce, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is the sin of witchcra , and stubbornness is iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being King.” (1 Samuel 15: 22-23).
Here is a news ash for the Christian Right Evangelicals, e GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “FAKE” News, and some spiritually misguided Blacks and other minorities, and ird-Party Candidates, God will not permit Donald J. Trump to return to e White House.
God is not mocked, nor fooled. Attempting to hustle God is a losing proposition. Individuals reap what they sow, and Donald J. Trump has sown evil to the whirlwind. Trump is a rebel against God and multi-cultural democracy.
Godfearing Americans do not purchase e Trump Bible, because if you do you are participating in spiritual mockery and blasphemy against e Holy Spirit (Truth). e last time we saw Trump with a Bible it was upside-down in front of a church in Lafayette Park. Moreover, remember his comment when asked what his favorite Bible verse was, and he replied: “Two Corinthians.” is, in and of, itself is clear-cut example that Trump does not read the Bible nor attend church services. Question: during Trump’s four years in e House did we ever see him or his family attending church services.”
However, Trump thinks that he can sell Bibles to spiritually naïve individuals who desire White Privilege Autocracy, because they despise multi-cultural democracy. What hypocrites! Playing with God is a dangerous and deadly proposition. A word to the wise ought to be su cient. Young adults never desire to become fools of a fool but search your spiritual heart and mind concerning the positivity of the Biden presidency. Individuals who dislike Biden, dislike Biden because of what he has done, not because of what he has not done. Biden’s policies were designed to include all Americans socioeconomically, not only White Privilege oriented Americans. Likewise, young adults learn to submit yourselves to your Godfearing elders: “Submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him: for He careth for you.” (1 Peter 5: 5-7). is editorial is by no means hustling God by selling a witch doctor’s brew! Read it and pass it on. Amen.
Clifffdale Baptist Church
Rev Fred Sanders III
Annual Children’s Easter Egg Hung
Knights of Peter Calver Council 151
Texas State Deputy Adrian Adams, Award winner
Brither Leroy Shelly who won the Hayden Walker award for service, Ceri Warnie, Williams Welborn
Fort Bend ISD communications team receives top honors from statewide public relations association
Fort Bend ISD (March 25, 2024)
– Members of Fort Bend ISD’s communications team won 19 awards at the 2024 Texas School Public Relations Association Star Awards Program, including two Crystal Commendations, the highest honor a team can receive for projects completed during the 2022-23 school year.
e team also received eight gold star and nine silver star awards.
Crystal Commendations were awarded to the team for the design of the Sugar Land 95 Memorial t-shirt and the department’s “Choose Success” published news releases and feature.
e team earned Gold Stars for their work on special events including the district’s 2023 graduation ceremonies and a road trip for local real estate professionals; various graphic design projects including the Alyssa
Ferguson Elementary logo; and multiple published new releases and feature stories.
Silver Awards were presented for the August 2022 and January 2023 issues of the Fort Bend ISD Magazine; the Sonal Bhuchar Elementary logo; a special event celebrating Fort Bend ISD’s 80,000th student enrolling; and a variety of published news releases and feature stories.
e statewide public relations association’s annual Star Awards program recognizes communicators from Texas school districts, education foundations, education associations and organizations for their work in print and electronic media categories. More information about the Star Awards may be found at www.tspra. org/star-awards.
Members of Fort Bend ISD’s communications team won 19 awards at the 2024 Texas School Public Relations Association Star Awards Program, including two Crystal Commendations, the highest honor a team can receive for projects completed during the 2022-23 school year. (L-R) Rita Nunez, Maria Dipetta, Daniela Johnson, Chassidy Olainu-Alade, Kimberly Smith, Sonya Montgomery, Sherry Williams, Natalie Rivera and Deanna Alvarado.
On March 23, 2024, Women in Aviation International (WAI) inducted the brilliant mathematician and NASA Legend Katherine Johnson (posthumously) into their International Pioneer Hall of Fame Class of 2024 in Orlando, Florida. Other inductees included the rst female class of U.S. Air Force Undergraduate Navigators, and the U.S. Army Air Forces World War II Flight Nurses. e induction ceremony occurred during WAI’s 35th Annual Women in Aviation International Conference. According to WAI, this was one of its largest and most successful annual gatherings attracting more than 5,200 attendees, including 142 international representatives from 35 countries. WAI was established in 1992 to honor women who have made signi cant contributions as record-setters, pioneers, or innovators. With over 18,000 members across 120 countries, WAI is the largest organization in the world dedicated to increasing the number of women working in all areas of aviation and aerospace. Katherine Johnson, known as the Woman of the 20th Century, has taken her well-deserved place among the WAI International Pioneer Hall of Fame honorees!
As a nation, we must continue to remember and honor Katherine Johnson (8/26/1918 – 2/24/2020) by keeping her at the forefront of our nation’s history. Katherine Johnson’s tenure at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and now NASA, was during the decades of the 1950s and 1960s when our nation, and indeed the world, were caught up in an exceedingly dangerous Space Race during the Cold War with the then #1 World Power, the Soviet Union (now Russia). It was a time when the Soviet’s Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, threatened to “bury” America. A time when the threat of nuclear annihilation through an Atomic War was very real! ose
of us who lived through that time remember the U.S. civil defense response of vivid “duck and cover” drills under desks in schools, the warning sirens that rang out at any time during Air- Raid Drills to seek cover in “fallout shelters” that were built underground throughout the country in the event of a nuclear attack. e success of America’s space program was vital to secure America’s ultimate victory in the Space Race with the Soviet Union and perhaps avoiding World War III.
Katherine Johnson’s mathematical genius was crucial in helping the United States win that Space Race. At NACA/NASA, Johnson’s unprecedented mathematical calculations of orbital mechanics, calculating trajectories, were critical to the success of the rst and subsequent U.S.-crewed space ights: from America’s rst man in space
Alan Shepard’s Freedom 7 mission in 1961; to John Glenn’s three earth orbits in 1962; to the calculation of the trajectory for the historic rst successful crewed 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing and subsequent Apollo missions; to the Space Shuttle program; and to the Earth Resources Satellite.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, a day those of us who are old enough will never forget. But April 4th is signi cant for another reason, because on April 4, 1972, the Rev. Dr. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Congressman from New York, died in a Florida hospital. His death, although not related to Dr. King’s, occurred exactly four years, four months, and four days a er the death of Dr. King. Both men represent great losses to humanity and to African Americans in particular.
Dr. King’s achievements and sacri ces are well-known, but the accomplishments of Adam Clayton Powell have been overlooked.
Powell is the member of Congress that President Lyndon Baines Johnson went to in order to pass the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act and the War on Poverty under the Economic Opportunity
Act. He is responsible for the Arts
and Humanities Endowment Act, Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education Act, the Title VI Public Accommodatons provision of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
In all he authored more than 60 major pieces of legislation in his six years as Chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee on which the late Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm also served. He authored the Older Americans Act and the Black Lung Legislation for those su ering from years of working in the nation’s coal mines and he was a voice for all Black Americans in particular, whether or not they lived in New York’s Harlem as his Congressional District.
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. died of cancer. Martin Luther King, Jr. died of an assassin’s bullet. We must never forget either even as we honor others who came before and a er them.
e Texas Southern University Sports Hall of Fame, which was reinstated this year, has announced its rst induction class since 1996 with the selection of 24 former student-athletes, coaches and contributors. e star-studded class features a mix of current professional, collegiate and statewide hall of famers in addition to trailblazers in the sports of baseball, bowling, so ball, women’s basketball, volleyball and administration.
three-year starter who nished with 36 career home runs, 197 hits and 141 RBI.
By: LA NewsLegendary record producer and rapper Dr. Dre has received the 2,775th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Dr. Dre was honored to receive his star last month on 6840 Hollywood Boulevard, just in front of Jimmy Kimmel Studios. He received his star in the category of recording.
Fellow hip-hop icon Snoop Dogg and music mogul Jimmy Iovine joined emcee Big Boy as speakers.
ment and audio products manufacturer Beats Electronics under his belt. He discovered hip-hop stars Eminem, 50 Cent, Kendrick Lamar and Anderson .Paak at A ermath Entertainment a er founding it in 1996.
e Texas Southern University Sports Hall of Fame is an organization founded to promote a program of recognition for great athletes, coaches and supporters of the University Athletic Program. e organization works cooperatively with, and provides leadership for the administration of the University in a realization of basic beliefs and for improving the programs of intercollegiate athletics. e hope of the University is that the honorees will serve to keep alive the memories of the men and women who have brought fame and recognition to the University, City, State and Nation.
e 2024 class will be inducted during Homecoming week in October of 2024. e list of inductees includes:
Dave Bethany, Men’s & Women’s Track & Field
Former head track & eld coach at TSU for 27 years…won 46 SWAC Championships and 18-time SWAC Coach of the Year honors…claimed four men’s NAIA Championships and three NAIA titles…developed 20 Olympic athletes and 50 international competitors…founding President of the USATF Gulf Association.
Donovan Campbell
Former baseball standout dra ed by the Atlanta Braves in 1988 as a junior…
Sonja Dixon, Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, Women’s Track & Field ree-sport athlete in women’s track & eld, volleyball and basketball…earned multiple All-SWAC and MVP honors in volleyball…earned All-SWAC honors in basketball.
Clyde E. Duncan, Sr., Men’s Track & Field
Current TSU men’s track & eld coach…Duncan and the Flying Tigers held three world records under legendary track and eld coach Stan Wright…earned the title of the “World fastest Human” during his freshman year and a NAIA 60-yard dash champion…SWAC Hall of Famer.
Willie Ellison, Football Eight-year NFL veteran at running back…SWAC Hall of Famer…1,000yard single season rusher at TSU… held all-time TSU single-game rushing record.
Dr. Dwalah Fisher, Volleyball
“Dr. Dre’s contributions to the music industry are undeniable and have le an indelible mark on popular culture,” Producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame Ana Martinez said. “As a producer, rapper, and entrepreneur, Dr. Dre has continuously pushed boundaries and set new standards for excellence.”
Martinez added that the location of
Dr. Dre’s star is particularly special because it will be nestled alongside that of long-time friend collaborator Snoop Dogg.
Dr. Dre has nine Grammy Awards, record label A ermath Entertain-
He began his career as a member of the World Class Wreckin’ Cru before co-founding hip hop group N.W.A., who were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2016 and honored with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in February.
Dr. Dre then transitioned into a solo career in 1992 with debut album “ e Chronic,” which won him his rst Grammy in 1993 for Best Rap Solo Performance for track “Let Me Ride.” e Recording Academy and Black Music Collective introduced the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award at the 2023 Grammys ceremony, naming it a er the artist to honor him. Dr. Dre himself was the inaugural winner.
For more visit aframnews.com
Current TSU Assistant AD and Senior Women’s Administrator…led TSU to three SWAC Volleyball titles and fourAll-SWAC Tournament team honors… served as a head coach of the team from 1994-2010 while also coaching women’s basketball at the same time…SWAC Hall of Famer.
For more visit aframnews.com
must be held within 90 calendar days from owners must be noti ed of the hearing.”
e April 16 Board meeting will be held in the Board Room of the Donaldson Administration Building and will begin at 7pm.
Notice to Proposers Request for Proposal will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFQ #949 – Commercial Real Estate Brokerage. Electronic submittals due by 2:00PM, Friday, April 26 , 2024.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Friday, April 15, 2024, 10:00AM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2633 406 1234
• Contact: janet.bradley@lonestar. edu or (832)813-6299.
• Must Register to Bid: http://wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the on-line registration process, contact MC-vendors@ lonestar.edu.
Request for Proposal will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #947 – Legal Plan for Faculty. Electronic submittals due by 3:00PM, Tuesday, April 30 , 2024.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Friday, April 12, 2024, 10:00AM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2634 978 0757
• Contact: janet.bradley@lonestar. edu or (832)813-6299.
• Must Register to Bid: http://wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the on-line registration process, contact MC-vendors@ lonestar.edu.
As a born-and-bred Texas company, H-E-B is committed to fostering a culture of diversity & inclusion in Texas, both in our workplaces and the communities we serve. Celebrating the differences and similarities of all Texans is integral to everything H-E-B does, every day, from employee recruitment to supplier registration, store locations to in-store product selection.