Brandon L. Simmons, Chairman of the Texas Southern University Board of Regents, announced during today’s meeting of the Board of Regents that James W. Crawford III was selected as the sole nalist for president of Texas Southern University.
“I applaud the work of the Presidential Search Committee in identifying an extraordinary leader who will shepherd Texas Southern University during such a consequential time for higher education,”
said Simmons. “Jim Crawford has served students as a university president and board member. He has served as one of our country’s top lawyers as Vice Admiral and Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, where he advised Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. He is a husband and father of twin sons. Texas Southern is proud to deliver leadership focused on preparing graduates to ourish in a thriving
TSU on pg. 3
History is His Story, not the Truth or Our Story.
Black History is 24/7/365, not just 4 weeks
In the vibrant tapestry of Houston’s history, few gures shine as brightly as Ronnie Jones, a titan of the city’s trucking industry. Born and raised in the west end of the Heights, Ronnie’s journey to prominence began with humble roots and an unwavering work ethic.
In 1971, Ronnie’s family relocated to Acres Homes, where he quickly learned the value of resourcefulness and resilience. Even as a young student at Regan High School, Ronnie balanced his academic pursuits with various entrepreneurial endeavors. From selling vegetables on his bus route to peddling Watkins Products door to door, Ronnie, Ronnie was always on the lookout for opportunities to support his family.
- Roy Douglas Malonson For
Upon graduating in 1977, Ronnie embarked on a path of self-employment, starting with humble tasks like moving people, cutting yards, and making deliveries. In August of 1979, he took the leap and established Jones Delivery Service, laying the foundation for what would become a renowned enterprise in Houston’s bustling landscape.
America let’s stop the madness. Skin-color should not be a societal status designation, and legislation cannot resolve the problem of institutional racism, because society cannot legislate morality. Skin color is the will of God. erefore, if individuals say they love God, and hate their brother, they lie: e Two Great Commandments. In fact, God has said: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sancti ed thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5). erefore, sex-statuses are spiritually and biologically determined at conception, male, and female created by God: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis 1: 27). e image of God is spiritual, not anthropological, and skin-color is not a part of the equation. erefore, skin-color is a man made arbitrary socioeconomic societal designation system based upon the desires of elites to create a social strati cation system instituted and designed to discriminate against individuals based upon skin-color, and social class designations: something for nothing. Racism is about privilege, without responsibility. e devil’s desire is to divide and subtract.
In so doing the devil creates confusion, and that’s a fact. Hence, in a democratic multicultural society we must learn to live in peace and harmony with God’s truth or most of us will live in a hell and die and go to hell. America there is an equalizer, and its name is death, because: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but a er this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27). Joshua said it best: “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the ood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 15). America do not get it spiritually twisted as evidently Christian Right Evangelicals have regarding statuses and choices, because they have become very ungodly by preaching false doctrines, and partial truths across Christian pulpits, making it all about lies. Apparently, Christian Right Evangelicals have spiritually forgotten that God knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb, and therefore: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20). God’s will is that we become fruitful and multiply, and that’s no lie, because children are a gi from God.
e o cers and members of e National Black United Front (NBUF) extend our warmest condolences to the family and friends of our brother Omowale Olanrejawu at this time of his transition. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Brother Omowale served as the NBUF-Houston Chapter Secretary for many years. In this capacity he made great contributions to our organization. He gave his time, expertise, and resources willingly to all our endeavors. His impactful contributions extended to providing signi cant nancial backing to the NBUF headquarters in Houston and making foundational contributions to our annual Sankofa Caravan honoring our ancestors. He
is widely acknowledged for his outstanding historical research on the African presence in Texas/Galveston, notably uncovering the convict lease system exploited by the Imperial Sugar Company. A pioneering visionary in anti-police brutality and community empowerment e orts, he leveraged personal nances to secure speakers from around the globe and maintained a committed presence at protests, rallies, forums, and humanitarian aid initiatives. In short, this brother was totally committed to the liberation of African people.
Texas economy.”
“ roughout this process, I have learned so much about Texas Southern University, and I am honored to join this esteemed institution with such a rich history,” said Crawford. “I look forward to working collaboratively with faculty, sta , students, alumni, and the community to uphold and elevate our commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and economic empowerment as we advance our mission of transforming lives and creating leaders.”
Crawford comes to Texas Southern from Felician University, where he served as president for nearly two years a er lling the role of interim president of the university for nine months. Since his appointment in June 2021, Crawford made numerous contributions to Felician including overseeing the completion of the Wellness and Recreation Center and other large capital projects, as well as the creation of the STEM Center in Kirby Hall on the Lodi campus. Crawford’s higher education experience includes service on the Board of Trustees of his alma mater, Belmont Abbey College.
On January 7, 2021, U.S. Congressman Al Green took the oath of o ce to serve the people of Texas’ 9th Congressional District and began his tenth term in the United States House of Representatives. As a veteran civil rights advocate, he has fought for those in society whose voices, too o en, are not heard.
Congressman Al Green currently serves on the House Committees on Financial Services and Homeland Security. On the Financial Services Committee, he serves on three subcommittees: Diversity and Inclusion, Housing, Community Development, and Insurance, as well as Oversight and Investigations. On the Homeland Security Committee, he serves on two subcommittees: Border Security, Facilitation, and Operations, as well as Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.
RE:WhyIvotednoonTheIsraelSecuritySupplemental AppropriationsActof2024
An experienced leader, Crawford served in the United States Navy for more than 30 years, retiring as a Vice Admiral and its 43rd Judge Advocate General (JAG). He has served as the head of the Naval Legal Service Command, legal counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Sta , and commander of NATO Rule of Law Field Support, Afghanistan. Crawford served under six Presidents and was Lead Counsel for the principal military advisor to Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. He was a trusted voice for the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and Secretaries of Defense Robert M. Gates and Leon Panetta. As the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, Crawford led 2,400 judge advocates, enlisted employees, and civilian employees of the Navy’s global legal organization.
Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, Congressman Al Green’s family taught him the importance of positive preparation through education and righteous resistance to overcome persistent injustice. He attended Florida A&M University, Howard University, and the Tuskegee Institute. Before receiving an undergraduate degree, he enrolled in the urgood Marshall School of Law, where he earned his Juris Doctorate in 1973. As a law student, he earned awards and commendations in the areas of Federal Procedure and Con icts.
For more visit aframnews.com
Upon graduating from law school, Congressman Al Green co-founded and co-managed the law rm of Green, Wilson, Dewberry, and Fitch. In 1977, he was elected Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas, where he served for 26 years before retiring in 2004. During his time as judge, Congressman Al Green served as president of the Houston Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for approximately ten years. Under his leadership, the organization grew to unprecedented heights, increasing membership from a few hundred to many thousands and the sta from one to more than ten.
For more visit aframnews.com
Years back Gary and I hired a man with great tree expertise to trim the trees about our home. We chatted frequently and he became a friend while beautifying our trees. He told of his “past life” as an executive with an o ce in a high rise within a big city. While sitting at his desk one day he looked from his 7th oor window and saw a tree-trimmer at work. He thought, “ at’s the life I want to live.” So a er studying how best to do this earthy art, he started this new endeavor of trimming trees–and became superbly good at it. en a disabling accident found him depending on a doctor’s prescription for pain medications. He functioned well although everything about life was hard for him. en came the time when opioids gained national attention due to their overuse by millions of people whose doctors were not closely monitoring the use of them. Many doctors, as well as our friend’s doctor, started warning their patients, as much as possible, about their prescription usage.
Our friend, now living on a “minimal amount” of the opioids as compared to what his doctor had permitted previously, found it far from adequate for managing his constant, agonizing pain. He called me, “Joy, I think as a
chaplain you may be able to answer a question for me. What do you think God will do in my case if I take my life?”
I felt tremendous compassion for his plight. en, without hesitation I told him that we have a merciful God, a loving God—and added that I believe we are to see our challenges on earth as opportunities to grow in our strength and through God’s help to be able to handle them. Yet, there are instances wherein a person has formidable pain and their back is against the wall to the point they can no longer tolerate living and breathing here on earth…some do make that nal, momentous choice to end their life.
Who can know if in that veracious moment the person takes his or her cause to the throne of God in prayer. I would like to believe that our Creator comprehends all and that person who is so sick goes straight into the loving arms of God. Yet, life is such a gi . And all judgement belongs to God. Our friend was one who talked with us frequently about his love of Christ and of his prayers to be faithful. We prayed with hearts brimming with concern for him. Two years passed when we received a call informing us that our friend had ended his life.
Por: Bastian, Roycelyn
“Imagine the Possibilities” fue más que el tema en la StarGala anual de Lone Star College Foundation, celebrada el 13 de abril en el hotel y centro de convenciones e Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Pintó una imagen de cómo los estudiantes de LSC logran futuros más grandes y brillantes, gracias a los generosos patrocinadores que regularmente donan a la fundación.
“Estoy realmente agradecido con todos los que asistieron a este evento que cambió vidas y que apoya a nuestros estudiantes”, dijo Mario K. Castillo, J.D., rector de LSC. “Las oportunidades de recaudación de fondos como StarGala ayudan a los estudiantes a acceder a una educación de calidad sin la pesada carga nanciera”.
Stargala continúa en la página 3
Por: Michael Keeney
Rose Avalos, miembro de la junta directiva de Aldine ISD, y Rose Avalos, miembro de la junta directiva de la Fundación Educativa Aldine, le presentan a Diana Serrano, estudiante de Aldine ISD, su beca AEF.
En un evento histórico, la Fundación Educativa Aldine (AEF) organizó por primera vez su ceremonia anual de becas durante el horario escolar, garantizando que todos los estudiantes pudieran participar, dado que muchos trabajan después de la escuela. A pesar de las preocupaciones iniciales, la ceremonia contó con una participación impresionante, con la asistencia de más de 200 familias y seres queridos en M.O. Centro Educativo Campbell. El evento también se transmitió en vivo en línea y obtuvo más de 500 visitas.
La ceremonia comenzó con un Meet and Greet privado en el M.O. Foyer Campbell, donde se mezclaban becarios y donantes. Lo más destacado de la noche fue una conmovedora sorpresa de parte de nuestro socio, Whataburger: una carpa con mesa conmemorativa que declara con orgullo “Graduado 2024” para cada estudiante.
Linda Flores Olson, directora de Aldine Education Foundation, dio la bienvenida a los asistentes y destacó la importancia de esta ocasión trascendental: “Hay pocas cosas tan emocionantes como un nuevo comienzo, y comenzar la universidad es de nitivamente uno de los nuevos comienzos más importantes para los estudiantes del último año que se gradúan. ¡Felicidades!”
El evento contó con una presentación de Colores Patrios por parte de Aldine HS JROTC y un compromiso encabezado por Aurelio Manriques de Ávalos PTECH. La Dra. LaTonya Go ney, superintendente de Aldine ISD, brindó una cálida bienvenida, seguida de saludos de la presidenta electa, Dra. Charlotte Davis, en nombre de la junta directiva de la AEF, reconociendo a los funcionarios electos y a los deicomisarios por su apoyo.
: 713-692-1892 Escritores Contribuyentes
Por: Van Rysdam, Bill
La revista Hispanic Outlook on Education reconoció a Lone Star College como uno de los principales productores de títulos para estudiantes hispanos y latinos en la nación. LSC ocupó el cuarto lugar entre los colegios comunitarios que ofrecen títulos de licenciatura, otorgando un total de 3,598 títulos a estudiantes hispanos y latinos en 2021-2022. “Lone Star College se compromete a brindar recursos y apoyo a todos los estudiantes para obtener su título y llevar una vida exitosa”, dijo Mario K. Castillo, J.D., rector de
LSC. “Estoy orgulloso del trabajo realizado por nuestro personal docente y personal para garantizar que nuestros estudiantes estén bien preparados para un futuro brillante”.
El informe señaló que en el otoño de 2022, los 50 mejores colegios comunitarios que ofrecen títulos de licenciatura inscribieron a 419,753 estudiantes hispanos/latinos, un aumento de 22,750 estudiantes con respecto al otoño de 2021. El informe también incluyó que casi la misma cantidad de estudiantes hispanos/latinos estaban matriculados en los 50 mejores. Los colegios
comunitarios que ofrecen títulos de licenciatura estaban inscritos en los 50 mejores colegios comunitarios que no ofrecen títulos de cuatro años, lo que destaca la creciente importancia y presencia de los colegios comunitarios que otorgan títulos de licenciatura.
“Mi experiencia en Lone Star College ha sido fundamental para dar forma a quién soy hoy”, dijo Richard Aguilar, estudiante de LSC-North Harris y bene ciario de la beca de ensayo de LSC Chancellors. “El impacto de mi trayectoria educativa en Lone Star College ha dirigido mi vida hacia un futuro más
brillante y prometedor”. Además de ser reconocido como uno de los principales productores de títulos, LSC también fue clasi cado como el tercero con mayor número de estudiantes hispanos y latinos en la nación entre los colegios comunitarios que ofrecen títulos de licenciatura, inscribiendo a más de 28,200 en 2022. Esto es según el último datos proporcionados por el Sistema Integrado de Datos de Educación Postsecundaria, una parte del Centro Nacional de Estadísticas Educativas. Para mas visita aframnews.com
Houston ha perdido a un destacado servidor, líder y juez nativo de Houston, Armando V. Rodríguez. El 4 de febrero de 1940 nació en los amorosos brazos de su madre, Dolores Villarreal Rodríguez y su padre Jesús María Rodríguez. El 5 de marzo de 2024, “Súper Martes”, el Señor eligió al juez Armando V. Rodríguez para estar con Él en el cielo. Nacido en “ e 5th Ward” de Houston, Texas, obtuvo la licencia para ejercer la abogacía en 1967 y se convirtió en el primer juez hispano de un tribunal municipal de tiempo completo en Houston. En 1972, el comisionado Squatty Lyons lo nombró para el tribunal recién creado del Juez de Paz del Condado de Harris, Precinto 6, Lugar 2, donde sirvió honorablemente durante 45 años.
Stargala continúa de la página 1
La Fundación LSC recaudó más de $624,000 durante StarGala. Entre los patrocinadores se encontraban e Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center como patrocinador visionario, Diane & Seth Sharr como patrocinador conmemorativo y Comcast, Entergy, Ogletree Deakins y PBK como patrocinadores Dream Maker. Además, el personal y los voluntarios de LSC donaron su tiempo y esfuerzos para ayudar a que el evento de este año fuera un éxito.
Visite LoneStar.edu/Giving/ StarGala2024 para obtener una lista completa de patrocinadores y suscriptores.
“Soy una graduada de Lone Star College y una rme defensora de la educación de calidad, y creo que la oportunidad para que todas las personas accedan a una educación asequible es fundamental para una comunidad vibrante”, dijo Paula Mendoza, miembro de la junta directiva de la Fundación LSC y presidenta de StarGala. “Lone Star College aseguró mi camino hacia el espíritu empresarial e hizo posible la trayectoria profesional de otros”.
Nicola Merritt, estudiante de LSCKingwood y becaria de la Fundación LSC, le da crédito a LSC por inculcar en ella y sus compañeros la creencia de que todo se puede lograr, gracias al apoyo inquebrantable de consejeros, profesores, directores y donantes desinteresados.
“Mi misión es retribuir, instando a los adultos jóvenes a abrazar la educación y alentando a mis compañeros de mi edad a que nunca es demasiado tarde”, dijo Merritt. “La educación trasciende la edad y las circunstancias; es un viaje abierto a todos, independientemente de sus antecedentes o línea de tiempo”. Merritt se graduará y recibirá su pin del programa LSC-Kingwood Respiratory Care en mayo. Sus planes incluyen obtener una licenciatura en Ciencias de la Salud y del Comportamiento, con especialización en administración de atención médica.
En StarGala, la Fundación LSC también anunció el nuevo programa de Becas de Alimentos que utilizará donaciones para proporcionar comidas a los estudiantes en el campus.
GRADCafe by Project GRAD es una ventanilla única intergeneracional de información, recursos y expertos que ofrece orientación GRATUITA a los estudiantes del condado de Harris que se preparan, solicitan e inscriben en programas educativos o de capacitación. El equipo brinda apoyo y asesoramiento a estudiantes y familias que necesitan ayuda
para saber por dónde empezar.
Así es como GRADCafe puede ayudar: ayudar a los estudiantes a encontrar y postularse para universidades a nivel local y en todo el país. Ayude a navegar y comprender el mundo de la ayuda nanciera para ayudar a pagar la universidad.
Apoyo en la plani cación de carrera.
Apoyar la comprensión del proceso universitario y la transición. Orientación sobre cómo establecer objetivos y herramientas de plani cación.
Programe una cita hoy para conectarse con un experto.
Visita: gradcafe.org
Correo electrónico: gradcafe@ projectgradhouston.org
Llamar: 832-325-0325
Un día de cacería incluye alojamiento y comida.
A menos de una hora del centro de Houston y de College Station
Notice to Proposers
e Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view speci cations and submit their responses at the following link https:// houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 11:00 a.m. (CST) Tuesday, May 28, 2024, for the following solicitation: RFP 24-04-02 Environmental Assessment & Testing Services Pre-proposal conferences via Microso Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab speci c to this solicitation.
Notice to Proposers Request for Proposal will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #950 – Facilities Management Services. Electronic submittals due by 3:00PM, Friday, May 24, 2024
• Mandatory: Site Walk-through – See bid document for site visit schedule.
• Non-Mandatory: WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Monday, April 29, 2024 @ 3:00PM; call-in number 1-408-7926300, Meeting #2632 457 9706
• Contact: Pamela.Johnson@lonestar.edu or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http://wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the on-line registration process, contact MC-vendors@ lonestar.edu.
Notice to Proposers Request for Proposal will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #948 – Armored Car Services. Electronic submittals due by 3:00PM, ursday, May 9, 2024.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Friday, April 24, 2024, 10:00AM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2633 508 1909
• Contact: janet.bradley@lonestar. edu or (832)813-6299.
• Must Register to Bid: http://wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the on-line registration process, contact MC-vendors@ lonestar.edu.
It is with a heavy heart that I reach out to you today to pay tribute to an extraordinary individual whose impact on our community will be felt for generations. Clara Caldwell was not only a beacon of light in our beloved city but a personal inspiration to me and many others.
Clara’s journey began as a union steward at the Weingarten grocery chain, marking the start of a remarkable career in labor advocacy that saw her rise through the ranks of U.F.C.W. Union Local 455. Her tenure with the Texas AFL-CIO and presidency of the Texas State A. Philip Randolph Institute highlighted her deep commitment to the trade union movement and
her e orts to bridge the gap between labor needs and the African American community’s concerns.
As your Councilwoman, I have the privilege of recognizing in uential gures in our community, and when my sta recently asked whom I would like to honor as the Civic Leader of the Month for District D, Clara Caldwell was the undeniable choice. I am truly glad that I gave her her owers while she could smell them. A phenomenal woman, a dedicated mother, and a pillar of strength, Clara tirelessly served the people of Houston. Her contributions to our city are beyond measure. She believed in accountability. Yet when I received her delicious
spaghetti while working the polls, I knew she loved and supported me. Clara also made signi cant contributions to civic engagement through her active participation in the League of Women Voters, life membership in the NAACP, and board membership at Houston’s Sunnyside Multi-Service Center. Her devotion to St. Philip Neri Catholic Church and dedication to her family, including six children and ve grandchildren, highlight her multifaceted role as a leader, advocate, and family pillar.
As a born-and-bred Texas company, H-E-B is committed to fostering a culture of diversity & inclusion in Texas, both in our workplaces and the communities we serve. Celebrating the differences and similarities of all Texans is integral to everything H-E-B does, every day, from employee recruitment to supplier registration, store locations to in-store product selection.