We the People
Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
We the People
Race is an arbitrary socio-economic societal status, not a biological status. God created human beings, not races. Race is a socio-cultural designation xed by the dominant culture of a particular nation-state. South Africa is an exception, because Whites in South Africa are the minority race, yet White South Africans rule by the barrel of guns, guns, and more guns. Race in America is socio-economic political brainwashing, which in turn, can be described as sucker-psychology. God gives every human being free-will choice. erefore, individuals marry, not so-called races. is is why dating, and marriage are based upon
personalized free-will individual choices, not racial societal- xed status designations. Again, individuals date and marry, not races and nation-states. Moreover, individuals cannot tell their spiritual hearts who to love, date or marry. e spiritual biproduct of marriage is a gi from God, a baby. Babies are to be loved, nurtured, and cultivated into productive adulthood. Question: why then do we have so much devilish societal confusion concerning race, dating, and marriage, even though less so than in the past? Making skin-color a god is the primary source of the Problem,
We need to start holding each other accountable.
- Roy Douglas Malonson
Reverend William “Bill” Lawson
By: Sharon C. JenkinsHouston and the civil rights movement have lost a towering gure with the passing of Reverend William “Bill” Lawson, the esteemed founder of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, at the age of 95.
Reverend Lawson, a lifelong advocate for justice and equality, passed away Tuesday morning, leaving behind a legacy of social activism that spanned decades. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, he was raised in Kansas City, Kansas, where he developed a passion for civil rights and social change.
In 1955, Rev. Lawson arrived in Houston to work at Texas Southern University (TSU), where he quickly became a central gure in the ght for civil rights.
As a parent, taxpayer, business owner, community leader, or overall, just concerned citizen, we must be concerned about the takeover of the Largest school district in Texas. e largest district in Texas and the highest taxing entity on our tax roll. HISD has been the district of the Haves and Have Nots since its existence, but over time less and less funding has come from the great state of Texas, also known as the T.E.A. (Texas Education Agency). We can easily compare the T.E.A. to an absentee parent. ey are aware of their responsibility, but choose not to take it seriously or assume the accountability for their own actions or lack thereof.
e T.E.A. is charged with overseeing the progress, necessary improvements, funding, and overall oversight of our school district from the state level, but the state has not done too much of anything other than take our tax dollars and some for decades. e taxpayer funds the Houston Independent School District, on average, We the People make approximately 90% of HISD’s budget and less than 10% normally comes from the state of Texas. Our district really should be independent because most of our funding comes from us. Not only do we take care of HISD, but we also take care of smaller districts
and charter schools through our recapture payments since we are considered a property rich state even though our local schools are su ering nancially. If we cannot a ord to pay teachers, for programs, keep schools open, pay sta , etc. why should we be sending anything back if it is needed here? If they really want our district to improve, allow us to keep our money, properly fund it, make trades an option just like college, and do away with standardized testing. Teachers must be allowed to teach again for students to learn. e only thing the testing proves is that they do not mind wasting money on it. e price tag is almost $100,000,000 a year with a 5-year contract. Our schools in Texas can bene t from $500,000,000 over a 5-year span. e T.E.A. is to report to our Texas legislature who are supposed to insure equity, equality, transparency, accountability, and funding through meaningful legislation vs bad legislation like HB 1842 and SB 1882. e only thing that is going to save this District other than GOD himself is GOOD legislation written with plenty of common sense. e T.E.A. has authority over charter and public schools, the only di erence is our tax bills say Houston Independent School District, but we are forced to take care of both.
that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3: 16-17).
On April 24,2018, the largest protest in HISD history took place with the most registered speakers of any protest prior to its occurence. e protest was called the Death of a School District. It was the rst attempt at a T.E.A. takeover, but we stopped it.
ere are very few men that we spiritually know beyond a shadow of doubt that their footsteps were ordered by the Lord. Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church is a living spiritual testament to the life and community service works of Pastor William “Bill” Lawson. Pastor Lawson established Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in 1962. Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church is housed between two prestigious universities Texas Southern University and e University of Houston; whereby students could come and praise God with glad spiritual hearts and thanksgiving, worship with the congregation, and be received with a loving and gracious spiritual heart as children of God, regardless of race, creed, or color. A spiritual leader is one who leaves a Godly legacy as a heritage for others, and Pastor Lawson’s legacy is spiritually re ected in the current pastoral leadership of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, Pastor Marcus Cosby. A Godly Pastoral Leader is one who spiritually follows God, trusts God, and always seek to do the will of God, William “Bill” Lawson was such a pastoral leader, because he knew that: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is pro table for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
According to the Holy Bible: “Whoso ndeth a wife ndeth a good thing: and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” (Proverbs 18: 22). Pastor Lawson was married to Audrey Ho man for (61) years. From that blessed marital union three daughters: Melanie, Roxanne, and Cheryl. e Bible admonishes us to: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22: 6). e Lawson daughters are a true spiritual re ection of this scriptural verse. e Bible spiritually teaches us: “ e steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” (Psalms 37: 23). Pastor Lawson was nationally known as a Civil Rights Leader. In the 1960’s Pastor Lawson worked with Dr. Martin L. King, Jr helping to desegregate Houston as well as America. Pastor Lawson talked, walked, and marched with a King, while maintaining the common spiritual touch. Additionally, Pastor Lawson was a ectionately known as Houston’s Pastor, and he established the MLK, Jr Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) o ce supporting TSU’s students during the sitin-demonstrations. Rudyard Kipling spiritually had a man such as Pastor William “Bill” Lawson in mind when he penned the poem “IF”: “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming you.
because White is right, and everything else is wrong is societal insanity to the nth degree. God is God all by Himself. Skin-color is not God. More importantly, the image of God is spiritual, not anthropological. Herein lies the crux of the arbitrary spiritual socio-economic political problem race, dating, and marriage is based upon a system of human socio-economic exploitation. A spiritually wise Black man, Willie Brannon, once told me, and a friend, Charles Moore that White men do not have a problem with Black men or other minority men marrying their daughter(s), but they do not want non-white men marrying their wives’ daughters. Readers might have to read the sentence twice or maybe even thrice to spiritually understand the socio-economic meaning. Just in case you missed it, their wives’ daughters are White. e Bible tells us that it is good to be married, because “Whoso ndeth a wife ndeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord.” (Proverbs 18: 22). erefore, o entimes notions of individual freedom are usually spiritually misguided.
No matter how devilishly we attempt to socio-economically de ne and rede ne marriage. Marriage is a spiritual-love union instituted by God and based upon the spiritual four-fold foundation: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:” (Genesis 1: 27-28).
God made absolutely no reference to skin-color. Skin-color is White men attempting to play God, and we all know why, potential extinction of the so-called White race. erefore, marriage from God’s perspective is based upon Godly spiritual love between a man (male) and a woman (female) for purposes of procreation of species kind, and societal moral order. God only requires that individuals be spiritually evenly yoked, and therefore, God asked the question: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3: 3). Goes the family: Goes society. Lower forms of animal life, only sexually mate when they can biologically reproduce species
kind. Human beings have free-will choice in all things, especially sexual expression, sexual activity, and the bed is unde led in marriage between males and females. Hence, human beings can express sexuality as love and devotion or as an expression of maximizing the pleasure principle, not just as biological reproduction. A major dysfunctional factor in twenty- rst century America concerning marriage, divorce, and family breakdown is the notion that family is an economic institution rather than a spiritual love union ordained by God. America herein lies the crux of our societal problem; families have economic functions, but families are not economic institutions. God created family as a spiritual unit based upon Agape spiritual love, the highest form of sacri cial love that transcends worldly circumstances. Dating and marriage are individual choices based upon Agape spiritual love, not arbitrary racial socio-economic categories, and dynamics. erefore, when individuals are in right spiritual relationship with God, they can invariably be in right standing with each other. Hence, let’s make it perfectly clear God has family on his mind, all the time. America, if we could only spiritually understand this Christian precept concerning marriage and family: “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication: let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence, and likewise also unto the wife unto the husband: e wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise, also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.” (1 Corinthians 7: 2-4). A spiritually good marriage is based upon a forgiving and giving, “give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together; and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” (Luke 6: 38). If you are married or planning to marry this editorial is a good spiritual guide. Read it and pass it on. Selah!
Harris Health System, UTHealth Houston, Harris County and City of Houston o cials were on hand last week for the groundbreaking ceremony for a new $1.6 billion hospital on the Harris Health Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital Campus in northeast Houston.
e 12-story hospital–slated to become the county’s next Level I trauma center replacing the aging LBJ Hospital – is expected to open in late 2028.
e project signals the start of Harris Health’s $2.9 billion investment in its multiphase, multiyear strategic facilities plan to add a new Level-I capable trauma hospital, renovate the current LBJ facility, expand the capacity of existing Harris Health Ben Taub Hospital, and add three new health centers in Northwest, Southwest and Eastern Harris County.
“LBJ and Ben Taub were built over 30 years ago, and in that time our community has grown exponentially,” said Esmaeil Porsa, MD, president and CEO, Harris Health System. “ e addition of a Level I-capable trauma
addition of a Level I-capable trauma center will be the rst of its kind in Harris County outside of the Texas Medical Center and is vital in meeting the growing needs of our region, as
is the expansion of our primary care platform with new clinics.”
e groundbreaking which featured executives and board members of Harris Health and UTHealth Houston, along with philanthropic supporters from the Harris Health Strategic Fund and Harris County Hospital District Foundation, took place in an open-air tent holding hundreds of onlookers, with music provided by the local Kashmere High School Stage Band known as under Soul.
“ is is the beginning of a monumental improvement in our medical infrastructure to provide state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional healthcare for all Harris County residents. e expansion of this hospital is way overdue and will go a long way to helping us better meet the needs of our sta , our patients and our Harris County residents,” said Harris Health System Board Chair Andrea Caracostis, MD.
Read more at aframnews.com
In a heartening tribute to literary enthusiasm, Sharon C. Jenkins of Houston, Texas, has been selected as the distinguished recipient of the 2024 Texas Authors Advocate Award. is esteemed accolade, bestowed by the Texas Authors Institute of History, Inc., celebrates Ms. Jenkins’ unwavering commitment to supporting Texas-based writers and their cra . Jenkins, known a ectionately as “Super Author Granny,” is a best-selling, awardwinning author and a stalwart in business communications, entrepreneurship, book
coaching, publishing, and marketing. By day, she’s a thriving entrepreneur; by night, she transforms into the formidable “Super Author Granny,” a literary force. With a genuine love for God authors, and literature, Sharon’s mission is twofold: empowering authors to embrace their roles as scribes and aiding grandparents in preserving their life stories as legacies. Currently pursuing a Doctorate in Strategic Communications, she stands as a trailblazer in both literary and Christian circles. Her radiant
presence and profound wisdom inspire all who encounter her, solidifying her legacy as she continues to ascend to even greater literary heights.
e news of Ms. Jenkins’ honor will be unveiled during the Lone Star Festival in Seguin, Texas, on June 1, 2024. is announcement heralded her dedication to championing the endeavors of Texas Authors, a cause that has resonated deeply with her community.
Read more at aframnews.com
e chief of the Houston Police Department retired abruptly amid an investigation into more than 260,000 incident reports since 2016 that were not investigated, including sexual assaults and other felonies, because of a “lack of personnel.”
e departure of the chief, Troy Finner, was announced by Mayor John Whitmire during a City Council meeting on Wednesday. He praised the chief and called him a “friend” but said that “new information” related to the suspended cases was distracting the Police Department.
A er the council meeting, Mr. Whitmire told reporters that the retirement had come a er he had discussions with Mr. Finner on Tuesday.
“I dealt with it because it was a distraction to the mission of the men and women in H.P.D.,” the mayor said.
e Houston Police Department has been under intense scrutiny since February, when the chief announced a review of more than 4,000 sexual assault cases that had been suspended because of a purported lack of personnel to pursue investigations.
at inquiry soon ballooned to include a large number of felonies as well as misdemeanors,
which had been given the same internal code — “SL” — meaning they had been suspended for personnel reasons.
A 2014 analysis of the department’s sta ng found tens of thousands of cases that were not investigated, including thousands of assault cases. Mr. Whitmire has said the code for suspending a case because of a lack of personnel was created soon a er.
e department had more than 5,300 o cers in 2014. Now, it has about 5,100. While the mayor acknowledged that the department had sta ng issues, he said the code had been used to dispense with cases that should have been prioritized, including serious crimes.
Mr. Whitmire lamented that the widespread
use of the code had not triggered someone to go public earlier, in order to raise alarm about the need for more sta . e chief said last month that all of the suspended sexual assault investigations had been re-examined and that most had been appropriately closed, cleared or suspended. But others had been suspended that should not have been, including 80 cases in which DNA from the crime scene matched a potential suspect in a national database who remained on the loose. e department said it was now pursuing those cases, and others it identi ed in the reexamination.
e Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation (TWEF) successfully hosted its 20th Annual International Women’s Leadership Summit at Hotel ZaZa in the Museum District, co-chaired by founder Deavra Daughtry and philanthropist Reggie Van Lee. e sold-out event, featuring special guest Tyra Banks, raised over $300,000 for the TWEF Eagle Scholar Program, providing scholarships to deserving students. Over 600 attendees experienced a day lled with inspiring workshops, networking opportunities, and special events. e Summit included a private VIP reception honoring “Men Who Empower Her,” a VIP Business Soiree hosted by Harvard University alumni, and interactive sessions with global entrepreneurs and business executives. Special guests included the CEO of a 150-yearold Japanese company,
Orime Fujita, television producer Ron DeShay, and Managing Director of Live Nation Philippines Rhiza Pascua.
Fox Houston’s Caroline Collins emceed the luncheon, which featured a reside chat with Tyra Banks, moderated by Fox Houston’s Damali Keith. Banks shared her journey from supermodel to successful entrepreneur and Emmy award-winning television personality, inspiring the audience with her stories of resilience and reinvention.
e success of the event was made possible by the generous support of its Title Sponsor, Enterprise Holdings LLC, and its Supporting Sponsors: Fujita Group, Charles Schwab Bank, Farouk Systems, Rice University, Comerica Bank, United Airlines, Radio One, LIPF, Signet World, L.L. Academy, BDO USA, Mattress Firm, and
Fox 26. eir commitment to upli ing the next generation of leaders was key to making the Summit a success.
During the luncheon, Deavra Daughtry presented the 2024 International Leadership Award to Tyra Banks and the 2024 International Business Leadership Award to Rhiza Pascua. Before concluding the event, Daughtry surprised TWEF Eagle Scholar Emarion Miller with a $10,000 scholarship, demonstrating the profound impact this Summit has on young leaders.
Additional Eagle Scholars, Charles Wiltz and Alexandria Mo ett, also shared their personal stories with the audience, highlighting the transformative in uence of TWEF’s scholarship program.
Read more at aframnews.com old Japanese company,
During his tenure at TSU, he and his wife, Audrey Lawson, founded the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in 1962. Starting with just 13 members, the church grew under his leadership to become a beacon of hope and advocacy in Houston’s ird Ward, eventually boasting over 12,000 members. “Whatever title you may have used to describe him,” remarked Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, “it has been said many times that Rev. Bill Lawson was ‘Houston’s pastor.’” roughout his life, Rev. Lawson was deeply involved in the Civil Rights Movement, hosting luminaries such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at his church and supporting student activists protesting segregation at TSU.
underprivileged and promoting community development. WALIPP has been instrumental in establishing educational programs and a ordable housing initiatives in Houston’s ird Ward.
In 2018, Rev. Lawson was appointed to a citywide commission focused on improving gun safety in local schools and communities, highlighting his ongoing commitment to addressing pressing social issues.
Recognizing his profound impact on the community, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis described Rev. Lawson as a “pioneering force” in the civil rights movement, emphasizing his unwavering dedication to justice and equality.
Samuel Kar and Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza, Rev. Lawson was a champion of civil rights and a bold preacher of God’s love in action. His great love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and his dedication to the Word of God, made him a credible witness to the power of God’s reconciling love for all people.”
“He courageously fought for the rights of Black people at a time when doing so could have meant death,” remarked Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee. “He was a world-class mind who for decades used his voice and in uence to advocate for oppressed people in Houston, throughout the U.S., and across the globe.”
Beyond his pastoral duties, Rev. Lawson co-founded WALIPP (the William A. Lawson Institute for Peace and Prosperity) in 1996, a non-pro t organization dedicated to advocating for the
Rev. Lawson’s daughter, Melanie Lawson, a prominent journalist at KTRK, continues to carry forward her father’s legacy through her work in the media. As news of his passing spreads, tributes and condolences pour in from across Houston and beyond, a rming Rev. William “Bill” Lawson’s enduring in uence as a preacher, activist, and advocate for social change.
Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, had this to say about the passing of Rev. William “Bill” Lawson, “Rev. Lawson was a remarkable and beloved Pastor in the local Houston community. Along with Rabbi
During an interview with Khambrel Marshall of Channel 2 in 2018, Rev. Lawson was asked about his desired legacy. In response, he expressed his hope of being remembered as someone who remained true to the essence of the gospel. According to him, the gospel emphasizes the importance of aiding the less fortunate by providing them with food and clothing. If he succeeded in faithfully ful lling this aspect, he would be content with being recognized in such a manner.
Rev. “Bill” Lawson’s body will be available for public viewing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on ursday, May 23. e Community Service of Celebration will take place at 6 p.m. on the same day, followed by the Congregational Service of Celebration at 11 a.m. on Friday, May 24. Both commemorative services will be held at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, located at 3826 Wheeler Avenue in Houston.
With No Labels abandoning its bid to run its “unity ticket” in 2024, the last hope for a moderate alternative to the duopoly of our incumbent parties for this election cycle vanished. is cycle began with great excitement in the middle of the political spectrum. e parties had careened so far toward the edges that it seemed a moderate alternative would nally emerge. In addition, to the No Labels e ort, Andrew Yang’s Forward Party merged with the SAM Party and the Renew America Movement to form a new party that could have been that moderate alternative.
But it was not to be. A er spending millions on ballot access, No Labels was unable to nd a credible candidate willing to run under its banner and the Forward Party has shrunk into irrelevance. With an election cycle that began with so much hope and enthusiasm for upsetting the duopoly, what went wrong? Fundamentally, these movements ignored history. We have only had one successful third party in our country’s history. at was the founding of today’s Republican Party in the 1850s. At that time, the Democrat and Whig parties were the dominant parties. However, as the country grappled with the issue of slavery, both shirked from addressing the most important issue of that generation. So, a group of principled Americans decided to band
together in a new political party that would take the issue head-on.
A er the passage of the KansasNebraska Act in 1854, that opened those two states to slavery, many in the Whig and Free Soil parties broke with their parties and began to form state Republican parties, mostly across the Mid-West. More support quickly followed in New England and among Christian denominations opposed to slavery, the Methodists and Quakers, in particular.
e rst convention was held in September of that year in Illinois, where the name “Republican” was o cially adopted. at year the Republican party won the governorship of Michigan and a number of incumbents in Congress joined the party. ere were seven senators who identi ed as Republicans in the 34th Congress (1855-1857) and about 30 Republicans participated in a uni ed opposition caucus in the House.
Interestingly, Lincoln was not involved in the early days of the party, opting instead to attempt to revive the collapsing Whig party. His early misguided e orts remind me of some of my moderate Republican friends who believe the ReaganBush golden years will someday return.
Voters in Senate District 15 have elected ER nurse and political activist
Molly Cook to ll the unexpired term of Houston Mayor John Whitmire. Cook’s margin of victory indicates her strength heading into the Democratic primary runo later this month.
Molly Cook jumped out to a sizable lead over State Representative Jarvis Johnson when Harris County released the early voting numbers in the special election Saturday evening. By the time the uno cial nal results came out early Sunday morning, Cook led by more than 2,000 votes out of about 16,000 cast — more than 14 percentage points.
During the campaign, Cook emphasized her experience as a medical professional and focused on issues such as energy a ordability, abortion rights, gun safety, protecting public education, and LGBTQ+ rights. Her victory in the special election makes her the rst openly LGBTQ+ state senator in Texas.
Molly Cook previously challenged John Whitmire for the Democratic nomination for Senate District 15 in 2022. She lost that race by 58.4% to 41.6% but gained name recognition.
Cook will face Jarvis Johnson one more time in the Democratic primary runo May 28 to determine who will represent the party against Republican
candidate Joseph L. Trahan in the general election. The winner of the November contest will represent SD 15 in next year’s legislative session. The last time a Republican won SD 15 was more than 50 years ago, making the winner of the Democratic primary runoff the heavy favorite in the general election.
Cook’s victory in the special election will count towards her seniority in the Senate if she wins the primary runo and general elections. In the meanwhile, it means SD 15 will have representation in the Senate if Governor Greg Abbott summons the legislature back for a special session this year.
As a born-and-bred Texas company, H-E-B is committed to fostering a culture of diversity & inclusion in Texas, both in our workplaces and the communities we serve. Celebrating the differences and similarities of all Texans is integral to everything H-E-B does, every day, from employee recruitment to supplier registration, store locations to in-store product selection.