We the People
We need to start holding each other accountable.
We the People
We need to start holding each other accountable.
St. Peter Catholic High School, located at 6220 La Salette St., is the rst Catholic Career and Technical Education (CTE) high school in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. e original Pre-K – 8th grade school at the site closed in 2019. It reopened at the start of the 2023 – 2024 school year as a CTE high school to ll an identi ed need that was missing in the portfolio of Catholic schools in the Houston area. Ninth grade students started at the St. Dominic Center and moved into their newly renovated school building in February 2024.
e school features four pathways which include Business, Construction Management, Education, and Information Technology (IT). Ninth grade students follow a general course load and declare their pathway at the end of the ninth-grade year. Students will also attend Mass monthly at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church next door to the school, with some students in the role of altar servers. “ e school o ers a private Catholic opportunity and features small classes,” said Tim Scalzitti, Director of Advancement.
Roy Douglas Malonson
State Representative, Hon. Albert Ely Edwards was born in Houston, Texas on March 19, 1937. Edwards is the sixth child out of the sixteen children born to Reverend E. L. Edwards, Sr. and Josephine Radford Edwards. He graduated from Phyllis Wheatley High School, and attended Texas Southern University, earning his B.A. degree in 1966.
At the age of forty-one, Edwards entered politics and was elected to the Texas State Legislature from Houston’s House District 146. His rst major goal was to ensure the establishment of a holiday that recognized the emancipation of slavery. In 1979, legislation recognizing Juneteenth Day, initiated by Edwards, passed the Texas State Legislature and was signed into law. Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, is an annual holiday in fourteen states of the United States. Celebrated on June 19th, it commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in
is week, a sta member accused a colleague of being racist, sparking a deep dive into the murky waters of bias. Questions like “Can Black people be racist?” and “How o en do we confuse actions like stereotyping or microaggressions with racism?” bubbled to the surface.
ese terms o en get tangled up, so let’s break them down with a bit of help from Urban Dictionary:
• Stereotype: A generalized truth about a particular culture or group.
• Microaggression: Everyday verbal or nonverbal slights or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate derogatory messages targeting people based on their marginalized group membership. Microaggressions can include:
o Microassaults: Direct, intentional discriminatory actions.
o Microinsults: Subtle verbal or nonverbal communications that convey rudeness and insensitivity.
o Microinvalidations: Communications that subtly exclude or nullify the thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of a person of color.
For example, asking a less experienced white counterpart to clarify something a Black boss said is a microinvalidation. is particular one bothers many professionals more than others. As a Black woman, being knowledgeable and account-
able is a point of pride. Racism: Desiring to bene t from the oppression of others, especially maliciously or at the detriment of other races. Understanding implicit bias is crucial. Everyone must examine their roots and the mindsets they inherited. Descendants of slavery in the South, for instance, must recognize the unintended consequences of that history. Non-people of color must also scrutinize their backgrounds. If visible disparities and di erences upset someone, it’s a personal issue. In a country built on the backs of immigrants, including whites and Blacks, what’s understood doesn’t need explanation. Upon closer examination, what seemed like perceived racism o en turns out to be advocacy for Black and Brown professionals and clients. In the professional world, judgment and stereotyping are common experiences. However, it’s essential to acknowledge participation in these behaviors. For instance, when encountering a Black hoodie and the scent of marijuana, instant negative thoughts may arise, but awareness and self-checking are crucial. is behavior doesn’t make someone a bad person; it makes them an honest person. Advocacy for marginalized communities becomes a personal responsibility. Fighting for Deaf people of color, for example, highlights how professionals in this eld o en have low expectations for these students. Having a deaf Black brother makes this ght personal. Fighting harder for students of color becomes necessary because of the treatment they receive.
ere are several empirical reasons why Black men have always been subjected to socioeconomic dehumanization. Institutional racism against Black males by White males is paramount. Lack of positive Black male leadership roles in family structures as well as structural economic impediments is another primary reason. e Law Enforcement Constabulary unfairly look for reasons to dehumanize Black males., the George Floyd execution is a primary example. ese statements of facts are not excuses for non-productivity, only truths related to the why of it all. When Blacks were brought to America as slaves, Whites gave Blacks a “Pie in the sky” form of Christianity. Even in the twenty- rst century most Whites do not embrace Bible-based, Jesus exampled Christianity, even though America’s governmental system is based upon Jadeo-Christian Principles. Most Whites do not desire to embrace Biblebased Jesus oriented Christianity, they want something for nothing, because of their desire for material things. Christian Right Evangelicals are the classic example. Family is the basic unit of every society, and it is within family units that spiritual moral unity of purpose is fostered. Family breakdowns engender societal breakdown. Consequently, Black women could move in and out of the
socio-economic structure more easily than Black men, because Black women posed no threats to the authority of White males. e objectives of White men have always been to make Black males feel as though they are anything but a man, and they have succeeded with many Black males. is is precisely why, in the twenty- rst century, so many Black males have become ungodly feminized. erefore, the faith of Blacks in God and the Black church experience have been the saving grace.
America is a multi-cultural democratic society based primarily upon a totem pole social strati cation system, and historically Black people are at the bottom of the Totem Pole, not by choice or chance, but by the design of Whites utilizing chattel slavery. Institutional racism as the mechanisms buttressed by guns, guns, and more guns. erefore, the societal cliché goes like this: if you are White, you are alright. If you are brown stick around, but if you are Black get back. Making skin-color God is a sinful dangerous proposition. is social fact is primarily why most southern states tend to be at the bottom of the socio-economic totem pole as the poorest states in the union, because southern states tend to not wisely utilize their human talents and resources. It is wake-up time for Black men. Too many Black men are being paid by White men to convince other Black men, especially young Black males who cannot think for themselves to be fool hearty: “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Most African Americans know that the term “Jim Crow” represented the personi cation of segregation in America following Reconstruction as a means of reuniting a post Civil War America. e Jim Crow segregation laws represented the American version of the “separate but equal” doctrine of the then U.S. Supreme Court’s response to Plessy vs. Ferguson Decision which created “separate but equal” for the races in America.
Plessy vs. Ferguson Decision which created “separate but equal” for the Conservative Right.
e Conservative Right, which is manifesting itself in election o cials of the Republican Party and now the United States Supreme Court itself, would seek to roll back all social gains made since the Brown Decision of 1954, which in e ect reversed the “separate but equal” Jim Crow doctrine which was further outlawed with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1965. is law and the Voting Rights Act gave new meaning to the “Equal Protection Clause” of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. What we see today in the halls of the United States Congress is a Conservative Right Republican movement that no longer honors the Constitution nor the Oath of O ce these people took when they were sworn into ofce. What we see at all levels of State government where members of this Conservative Right hold o ce or positions of in uence, is an e ort to either reverse, abolish or gut any laws or public policies that appear to speak to the rights of individuals who are not a part of the Conservative Right. ese changes, if successful, will ultimately lead to the restoration of “Jim Crow” living conditions, especially for people of color and anyone who appears to have rights that are in con ict with the
e rising tenth grade class will double in the 2024-2025 school year based on students accepted to-date. Incoming freshmen have also been admitted, and the school is currently accepting applications for the 9th and 10th grade seats. e rst graduating class will occur in 2027. e goal is for students to graduate with their high school diploma and industry certi cations that will jumpstart their careers. As a CTE high school, St. Peter participates in E-Sports instead of traditional sports and competes against other schools in coding and technology.
school. e school will not only serve Houston’s Catholic community students but will be available to all students and families seeking an alternative to public high-school, highcost private school, or charter school.
e curriculum for SPC was developed using several guiding principles. SPC has built in ‘life-skills’ into the curriculum which includes personal nance, resume development, personal marketing, and additional critical life components that will further prepare students who seek to become independent and begin their careers immediately following high school.
e high school has already established partnerships with construction
by the Archdiocese and community
dents and families who are seeking a Catho- lic secondary
St. Peter Catholic - A Career and Technical High School was designed by the Archdiocese and community partners to be a ordable to all students and families seeking a Cathosecondary education high
companies for the Construction pathway, insurance companies and banks for the Business pathway, St. omas University’s Cybersecurity Department for the IT pathway, and the Catholic School O ce of the Archdioceses for the Education pathway. ese industries are expected to experience tremendous growth for job opportunities in the Greater Houston area.
Such a government will eliminate the
Such a government will eliminate the concept of “due process”. ese actions will lead us closer to the goals of Project 2025, which is the Blueprint for the next conservative President of the United States.
What can those of us who see what is coming and disagree with the new order the Conservative Right has in mind, do? We can vote like never before. We can register in such numbers and wait in such long lines and vote by mail and early ballot, that the ground swell of our numbers will out vote the Conservative Right and perhaps even vote some, if not most, of them out of o ce. We can make sure that we get Jury Duty for the trials of those Fake Electorates and that we watch very closely the selection of people for the Electoral College in all States. We can treat every state as a battleground state and make no assumptions. We can remember what omas Je erson spoke when he said, “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Freedom.” Where do you stand?
e youth piano students of the Anderson Music Studio recently performed in their annual event , “RECITAL 24”. It was located in the Recital Hall of the wonderful Houston Piano Store. e performers were Milton Dennis, Kya Carter, La’Miracle Johnson and Megan Marshall. ey played a variety of musical styles and favorite tunes from composers/arrangers in- cluding
artists Joe Pace , Kirk Franklin , and Rich Mullins, along with a Disney television theme song, and two french folk songs.
Recital ‘24 recognitions went to each student. In addition, La’Miracle Johnson earned the Most Improved Award, while Megan Marshall earned the Pianist of the Year Award.
e studio’s owner/instructor is Lela Anderson. Aside from the performers
in the recital, her virtual studio has adult students, who are professional musicians as well as novices. Ms. Anderson is a retired music teacher who has taught grades pre-k - 12 to college and adult students. She has been recognized as an outstanding educator by the Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, Houston ISD, the International Who’s Who in Music,
Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators, and the DeBose National Piano Foundation of Southern UniversityBaton Rouge. Anderson , who enjoys teaching and performing a variety of musical styles, is also a published composer. She arranges music for her students as well. Study at her studio encompasses theory, all styles of music, technic , composition and improvisation.
Yes, it takes a village, but where has the village been? As we look at the current state of our Community the Village has been missing in action for some time now. We all remember what the Village used to be vs what it is compared to now. It consisted of every man, woman, and child which made up families that made up neighborhoods, communities, schools, and churches.
e Village used to feed, clothe you, bury you, celebrate you, and even whoop you etc., because it was all love that made the Village the Village.
get yours, it is not my problem, we got to do better, I am better than you, holier than thou, and bougie uniformed people who only o er their Opinions. e sad part about these di erent mindsets that they were all raised by the Village is they just lost their way.
less Hoods because we do not even know our neighbors or lookout for one another and those that we did know died o and the heirs of the deceased have sold the properties and moved out.
By: Curtis Bunne Village I knew was very tight knit, you know like one big family, but those days are long gone. Nowadays it is all about Me, Myself, and I, I got mine you got to
It 365 days (about 12 months) in a year that we have a new opportunity each of those days to get involved and informed if we choose to do so vs reacting to issues, giving uninformed opinions, even spreading false information on social media that a ect us all in some way.
Our Neighborhood have become Neighbor-
e community does not communicate, research, or organize to make the Village better and stronger, because they choose to not be involved or inform but criticize those involved and ghting for them. Our schools whether elementary, middle, or high school all have become Big overaged day cares that receives bare minimum support from parents, the school district, some of the sta
Alonzo Adams, growing up as the only child in Plain eld, New Jersey, spent much of his childhood in solitude. Due to a rare condition requiring two nose surgeries, he became further isolated from his peers. However, his solace came in the form of art. By the time he reached h grade, Adams recognized his innate artistic talent. Despite initially
turn when he discovered the work of Charles White, a Black artist known for his poignant depictions of Black life. Encouraged by a supportive professor, Adams switched his major to ne arts and began his journey as an artist.
“ e Start,” his rst oil painting depicting a runner poised for a race, symbolized the beginning of his artistic
entertainment, with Basketball Hall of Famer Alonzo Mourning being his most notable collector. Despite his success, Adams remains humbled by the support his work receives, preferring it to speak for itself.
Adams’ connection to celebrities extends beyond his art.
beginning of his artistic career. Since then, Adams has emerged as one of the nation’s foremost artists capturing the essence of Black culture. His clientele includes prominent gures from the worlds of sports and
aframnews.com pursuing engineering at Rutgers University at his mother’s behest, Adams quickly realized it wasn’t his true calling a er struggling with calculus. His life took a pivotal
aframnews.com or the alumni.
Notice to Proposers
e Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view speci cations and submit their responses at the following link https:// houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 4:00 p.m. (CST) Monday, July 15, 2024, for the following solicitation: RFP 24-02-05 IT Contractors RFP 24-05-05 Recruiting Services
Pre-proposal conferences via Microso Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab speci c to this solicitation.
Notice to Proposers
e Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view speci cations and submit their responses at the following link https:// houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 11:00 a.m. (CST) Tuesday, May 28, 2024, for the following solicitation: RFP 24-04-02 Environmental Assessment & Testing Services Pre-proposal conferences via Microso Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab speci c to this solicitation.
Texas. While serving in the legislature, Edwards also founded his own real estate company.
eory which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch of our government under what is called, “A Unitary Executive eory interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States.” is plan is designed for a “Republican President” such as seen with the Donald Trump Presidential candidacy for 2025. Under this plan the following changes would take place, some immediately: (1) Slashing funding for the Department of Justice (DOJ); (2) Dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security
By now most Americans, but not all, have either heard of Project 2025 or seen some reference to it. But too many still don’t know how this radical blueprint will change life in this country as we know it. e sad truth of the matter is the plan is hidden in plain view where we all can see it, but few are paying attention, other than those who have planned the changes. e plan is called Project 2025, known as the Presidential Transition Project. is project will make widespread changes across our entire government in economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. e main idea behind these proposed changes, as put out by the Heritage Institute, is what is called an Executive
of Homeland Security (DHS); (3) Eliminat-
ing the Department of Commerce and ending the independence of various federal agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC); (4) Abolishing the Department of Education; (5) Removal of protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity; and (6) Termination of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs as well as a rmative action. Project 2025 advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Trump’s adversaries by
invoking the Insurrection of Act of 1807. It recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country. It promotes capital punishment and the speedy “ nality” of such sentences. Although the project does not promote a speci c candidate, many contributors have close ties to Donald Trump and his presidential campaign. is project is proposed under what the Heritage Foundation calls its “Mandate for Leadership” and has been publishing this list of proposed changes to run parallel with each presidential election since 1981. It calls this Trump’s adversaries by the federal government and its agencies. e
proposed changes, as put out by the Heritage Institute, an Executive
ough deeply involved with local issues, Edwards remained active in many issues outside the Texas State Legislature. In 1983, Edwards was appointed as a member of the board of Operation PUSH. Edwards also served as the Texas State Director of Reverend Jesse Jackson’s two presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988. In 1986, Edwards also founded Operation Justus, a community faith-based organization that serves as a referral service for persons with social problems and
concerns. Edwards was also arrested in Houston and went to jail for peacefully demonstrating against apartheid in South Africa in 1987. Edwards le the Texas legislature in 2007 a er twenty-eight years of serving the people of District 146. As a veteran member of the Texas Legislature, Edwards served on three in uential committees. He was the Chairman of the Rules and Resolutions Committee, Chairman of Budget and Oversight of the Ways and Means Committee, and a member of the Appropriations Committee. Al Edwards Sr. passed away on April 29, 2020.
Mandate its “Policy Bible”.
We stand with the Black community to empower, inspire and build a better future for all.