Vol. 29, Issue 25
AfricanAmericanNews&Issues:YourTrustedSource: 85,000WeeklyCirculations,212,500+Readers,and 150,000+FacebookCommunityandstillgrowing
Vol. 29, Issue 25
AfricanAmericanNews&Issues:YourTrustedSource: 85,000WeeklyCirculations,212,500+Readers,and 150,000+FacebookCommunityandstillgrowing
By: Carlos R. Phillips II, Ed.D.
On June 17, 2024, Dr. Carlos R. Phillips II, Principal of Booker T. Washington High School and the High School for the Engineering Professions (BTWHS/ HSEP), visited Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Kakata, Liberia for a formal campus assessment and collaboration of the Global Learning Exchange STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics). is will be the second international Global Learning Exchange collaboration between the students of BTWHS/HSEP and students from another country, the rst collaboration was with the students of Rydings College, which is located in Karoi, Zimbabwe.
Dr. Phillips was invited to visit BWI by Madam Louise McMillan Siaway and Mr. Jonathan Paye-
Layleh. Madam Louise Siaway is the CEO of Sehwah Liberia Incorporated, a non-for-pro t organization that promotes education through networking and she is a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Jonathan Paye-Layleh served as president of the BWI Alumni Association for ve years and he represents the President of Liberia (Joseph Boakai) on the institute’s board of governors. BWI is known as one of the most notable and premiere vocational high school and technical institutions in Liberia, which was founded in 1929. During the visit, Dr. Phillips was able to meet Dr. Nancy Freeman, who is the rst female principal of BWI to discuss the school’s rich history and next “Addressing
It would be very powerful if the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Indians would come together as a voting block. They can control the democracy of this country. (Now that’s power)
- Roy Douglas Malonson
By: Bobby E. Mills, Ph.D.
It is an historical fact that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is precisely why God told the Israelites you do not want a King. The Israelites refused to take God’s advice that came through the Prophet Samuel, and they chose Saul as their King and suffered the consequences thereof. America, we do not need a King, because there is only one King, the King of glory, honor, and power: “Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory, honour and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelation 4: 11). On July 1, 2024, the not so Supreme Court of the United States set in motion legal principles that potentially will allow Donald J. Trump to become King Trump validating Trump’s claim that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. Trump believed this when he was not President, and if Trump becomes President on Novem-
ink your speedily appreciating home assessment in the Black neighborhood of your ancestors is a blessing? ink again. As wealthy as you feel now, you may not be able to afford to live there much longer.
As communities gentrify, poorer properties transform to two-story mansions with wrap-around porches that resemble overseer’s houses and “exclusive” townhomes with organic grocers and trendy cafes o ering $35 hamburgers on the corner. e in ux of new wealth increases pressure on rents displacing original residents. Since property owners can o en pro t more by selling their buildings than renting them there is little incentive to maintain them.
Urban renewal is another modern scheme making Black people subject to the caprices of capitalism.
At the terminal stage of exclusion people are forced out of their historic homes as the area becomes una ordable. ey must accept longer commutes and the rupture of the community support provided by their previous neighbors and nearby family.
Gentri cation creates more white and fewer Black homeowners, leaving even less wealth under Black control. And Houston is gentrifying faster than any other Texas city. In its glory days of the 1920s
and ‘30s the Fi h Ward was e ervescent with entrepreneurs. About forty Blackowned businesses prospered on Lyons Avenue. It was the neighborhood that produced Congress representatives Barbara Jordon and Mickey Leland. Now its poisoned soil and air have provided government money to relocate legacy residents, but newcomers are taking advantage of “north eado’s” depressed market by buying up whole parcels for development. is has inspired suspicion among the holdouts that the diminished cash awards to those who move may be camou age for a plan to acquire the land for restoring and reinvesting in it. Culturally rich Houston’s ird Ward is committed to resisting the fate of the nouveau riche aspirants. Some residents there remember when Sears and Fiesta were the retail rulers, when Black-owned businesses speckled the area. One way the residents are organizing is through informative community events like bike riding. Routes sometimes pass landmarks like Emancipation Park, the El Dorado Ballroom, Project Rowhouses or Texas Southern University, where their history is displayed. Although the average price of a home in ird Ward approaches a half-million dollars, a ordable housing units are still being built. e Citadel on Elgin opened last year for low-income seniors. Additional a ordable housing is planned for opening next year, with rents from $800 to $1,260, all of which help preserve the history and heritage of the neighborhood.
e Devil and his Imps can never win. America lies can never win over the eternal truths of God, and that’s a fact. A man can only think that he can win. Trump and his MAGA Cult IMPS think that they won the debate, because of super cial optics. Trump gave his supporters what they desired a clown show based upon the best imitation of the devil, with his facial expression based upon a complete disregard for the truth. In almost two hours, Trump told more than (30) fact-check lies. When individuals are building a nation-state based upon the eternal truths enshrined in the Preamble and the U. S. Constitution lies have no role in democratic political discourse. On the other hand, if your mindset is to build a White Privileged Autocracy, Putin style, then lies, lies, and damn lies are your primary tools. ere are no two ways about things. It’s God’s way, because “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24: 1). America, it is a Godly privilege to be a part of the greatest multicultural democracy the world community has ever known. e only thing that was greater is when God had prophets whom he selected to equally divide and distribute goods and services. Of course, the Israelites were
not satis ed because they could not co-opt God’s Man, the Prophet Samuel. erefore, they wanted a King because they knew that they could co-opt the King. Now, we know why Christian Right Nationalists, e GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “FAKE” News, and some Blacks and other minorities desire Donald J. Trump, because he has already been co-opted by rich men, and the international exchange system, and they must show deference to him. Moreover, we all know why Trump desires a no check and balance system as a get out of jail free card, and a pay to play environment as a way of accruing wealth. Trump has demonstrated that he will throw anyone under the bus, even his own family members just ask Mary Trump. It is not practical to change Presidential leadership horses in the middle of the stream, because that’s political suicide. Biden with all his faults, elderly, slowness of speech, stuttering, and slow in the processing of words is better and more Godly prepared to serve a multicultural democracy than Donald J. Trump who has similar issues. Above all, Trump is a chronic habitual lair who has disdain for multicultural democracy and human decency, and this is an empirical fact. erefore, give US Joe Biden everyday in the week and twice on Sunday, because it is spiritually written: “And we know that all things work together for good, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8: 28).
Learning Cont. steps as they plan for their 95th school anniversary on June 29, 2024. As a part of the formal assessment and campus overview, Dr. Phillips conducted several interactive lectures with the students of BWI in their respective programs of study (ex. Agriculture, Plumbing, Cabinetry, Engineering, Accounting, Home economics and Auto mechanics). Based on the discussions with the student groups, he was able to develop a fouryear plan to help the students build a state-of-the-art restroom facility on their campus that has “hot water” as a basic necessity. is project has been named, “ e Benjamin Project,” which is named a er Benjamin Kolleh, a freshman General Building Trade Plumbing design student. Students from each eld of study will play an integral role in the formulation of the project, conducting research and soliciting support (directly similar to the work done by Dr. Booker T. Washington and the building of Tuskegee University). e theme of this project is “EFFORT: Built on the Foundation of TEAM- WORK” which was derived from a fresh- man agriculture student
named, Catina Brown. Dr. Phillips met Catina as she and several students were working on the farming area. She described how much work is required of students on the farm, and how they are able to accomplish the task together through teamwork.
Students from BWI and BTWHS/ HSEP will collaboratively participate in this project-based learning through communication via the internet/social media. Additionally, all students from BWI will receive guidance from their instructors in each course to help identify the location on campus, seek resources from outside stakeholders which will include, but are not limited to nancial contributions, materials/ resources and other signi cant components. is project will have the appropriate water and sanitation needs for a state of the art restroom. is will be the model for others to be created on the campus.
Since a consistent ow of electricity is a challenge on campus and throughout Liberia, students will use solar energy as a unique component of this project. e use of alternative energy for international projects will also be the second project conducted in Africa by the students of BTWHS/HSEP, Dr. Tyechia Phillips, Madame Lou-
ise Siaway, President Joseph Boakai and Johnathan Paye-Layleh. e rst project was conducted on the campus of Rydings College. e team developed a wind turbine and solar panels in June 2024.
Among the profound learning conversations and the visionary approach, the students have for their campus, Dr. Phillips also shared his assessment and vision with a formal meeting with His Excellency, President Joseph Boakai, on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 in the President’s Mansion. President Boakai was impressed with the assessment and gave approval for “ e Benjamin Project.” President Boakai’s stated that he wanted to hear, “Less talking and immediate action,” as he excitedly responded to the upcoming work and the future enhancements for BWI. Dr. Phillips also presented the President with an o cial BTWHS/HSEP desk plaque that has an embossed school seal. is upcoming school year will be the tenth year that Dr. Phillips will return as the principal of BTWHS/ HSEP and he is excited to begin this project as another huge milestone for the Engineering and Leadership students of BTWHS/HSEP. Dr. Phillips believes that by allowing students to participate in project-based
learning, the students of BTWHS/ HSEP have the ability to learn innovative leadership skills that can positively change or add value to the world. Additionally, the skills that the students learn are invaluable tools that will allow them to excel as they matriculate through high school and move into post-secondary learning or careers. For more information about this project or donating, please contact Mrs. Roxanne Castillo (rcastil7@houstonisd. org), school secretary at 713-696-6600 or Dr. Carlos R. Phillips II (cphilli2@ houstonisd.org).
By: Patrick Marley
In its immunity decision Monday, the Supreme Court emphasized the longcherished ideal that no one in America is above the law, not even the president.
e court’s dissenters and a chorus of critics said the majority had undercut that notion, elevating the president to a king who can easily avoid prosecution. ey warned of future presidents unbound from the rule of law who could freely engage in criminal activity. And they pointed to the prospect of a second term for Donald Trump — the man whose indictment on charges related to his e orts to overturn the 2020 election prompted the Supreme Court to weigh in — as a moment when their worst fears could be realized.
of Trump for his past behavior can advance in some form. But holding Trump and other presidents accountable will be far more di cult a er Monday’s ruling, he said.
Like the court’s dissenters, led by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Becker cited hypothetical examples of presidents ordering the military to kill their political rivals.
“If a future president sitting in the Oval O ce were to want to commit crimes, up to and including subverting an election or remaining in power against the will of the American people, this opinion, in my mind, could provide a road map for that,” said David Becker, the executive director of the Center for Election Innovation and Research.
Becker, a former voting rights attor-
ney with the Justice Department, said he believed the prose- cution
“If the secretary of defense does it, and whether it’s successful or not, everyone involved in that crime could be prosecuted save for one person — the person who ordered it,” Becker said. Before Trump, no current or former U.S. president had ever been charged with a crime, though some have come close. Richard M. Nixon was forced to resign for his involvement in the Watergate scandal and later received a pardon from his successor, Gerald Ford. Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean said Monday that had the court’s ruling been in force in the early 1970s, history could have turned out very di erently.
¿Alguna vez soñó que era posible recibir más de $2 millones en becas y ayuda nanciera? Para un estudiante del área de Houston, este sueño es una realidad. Nacida y criada en Houston, Briseida Sánchez se graduó recientemente de Avalos Pathways en la Escuela de Tecnología y, como estudiante de Crédito Dual, también obtuvo su título asociado en Ciencias Aplicadas para Estudios Paralegales de Lone Star College-North Harris. Con solo 17 años, la estudiante de primera generación no solo recibió el dinero que necesita para asistir a la universidad de su elección,
La historia se repite en tiempo real, invirtiendo el reloj. Roy Douglas Malonson
Por: Megan Brown, Navy Office of Community Outreach
La Subo cial de 3ª Clase Clarissa Hernández, originaria de Houston, Texas, sirve a la Marina de los EE. UU. asignada al Centro de Entrenamiento Trident (TTF) de Bangor en la Base Naval Kitsap, puerto base de los submarinos de misiles balísticos y de misiles guiados de la Costa Oeste.
“Al jugar baloncesto en mi escuela secundaria y estar en la escolta, aprendí la importancia de ser un jugador de equipo”, dijo Hernández. sino que también puede elegir entre 18 escuelas.
Educacion continúa en la página 4
“Obtuve la admisión automática a la Universidad de Houston, Texas A&M, la Universidad de Texas en Austin, Vassar College y la Universidad Colgate”, compartió Sánchez. “Al nal, decidí comprometerme con la Universidad de Pensilvania”. Los planes inmediatos de Sánchez son aprender sobre tantas áreas del derecho como sea posible para poder decidir en qué área le gustaría ejercer en el futuro.
Hernández se graduó de la escuela secundaria Cypress Ridge en 2017.
Las habilidades y valores necesarios para tener éxito en la Marina son similares a los que se encuentran en Houston.
Marina continúa en la página 2
Por: Roycelyn J. Bastian
Las mujeres han ingresado en masa a programas de o cios cali cados en la última década, pero muchas empresas están buscando contratar más. Lone Star College ofrece programas y recursos para alentar a más mujeres a ingresar a industrias dominadas por hombres.
“Lone Star College invierte tiempo, dinero y recursos para ayudar a los estudiantes a ingresar a campos que ayudan a hacer avanzar nuestra sociedad”, dijo Bennie Lambert, Ph.D., presidente de LSC-North Harris. “Contar con mujeres profesionales más capacitadas trabajando en entornos tradicionalmente masculinos ofrece una gran riqueza de conocimientos diversos y proporciona a nuestras mujeres más jóvenes sólidos modelos a seguir que trabajan para abrirles las puertas”.
El informe Angi’s List 2024
Skilled Trades estimó que el 41 % de los trabajadores vio que más mujeres ingresaban a industrias de o cios calicados en los últimos cinco años, y el 62 % dijo que más mujeres elegirían esos campos si hubiera trayectorias profesionales diseñadas para ellas. LSC ofrece varios programas de o cios cali cados y una licenciatura en Fabricación de energía y gestión de o cios para capacitar a los estudiantes, incluidas las mujeres, para ingresar a estas profesiones exigentes.
“Con la actual escasez de mano de obra en la industria
de o cios cali cados, nunca ha habido un mejor momento para que las mujeres sigan carreras altamente cali cadas, con altos salarios y alta demanda”, dijo Cruz Casiano, Ed.D., directora de LSC-North Harris. , División de Carrera y Tecnología Aplicada.
Si bien las mujeres representan casi la mitad de la fuerza laboral en Estados Unidos, se las mantiene fuera de industrias típicamente dominadas por hombres. LSC se compromete a aumentar el número de trabajadoras en los campos de la automoción, la construcción, el diésel, la electricidad, la refrigeración, la climatización, la fabricación y la robótica.
“Nuestros esfuerzos para promover la participación femenina en estos campos se re ejan en nuestras estadísticas de inscripción”, dijo Osvaldo Caballero, director de Tecnologías de Construcción de LSC-North Harris.
“Lone Star College se esfuerza por tener una representación diversa en nuestro cuerpo docente de liderazgo, lo que lleva a un aumento del 7% en la inscripción de estudiantes femeninas en programas de o cios cali cados”.
Mientras crecía, eresa Arnold, estudiante de HVACRefrigeración de LSC-North Harris, observó a sus padres operar su empresa de soldadura y disfrutaba trabajar al aire libre con su padre y sus hermanos. Con una mente mecánica, Arnold, becaria de Johnson Controls (JCI), supo
desde el principio que quería aprender a arreglar y hacer que las cosas funcionaran, pero tuvo dudas.
“Al ser una mujer en un campo dominado por los hombres, los hombres no esperan demasiado de ti hasta que puedas demostrar que no sólo puedes hacer el mismo trabajo sino posiblemente mejor”, dijo Arnold. “Las mujeres tienen que ser más inteligentes y trabajar más duro. Cuando las mujeres
tuvieran el impulso de buscar algo fuera de su zona de confort”.
Chelsea Caballero, estudiante de ingeniería mecánica de LSC-North Harris, quiere dejar un impacto como ingeniera e inspirar a otros a seguir sus pasos. Caballero es pasante en National Oilwell Vargo (NOV) a través del programa Learn and Earn de LSC-North Harris.
duro. Cuando las mujeres escuchaban que sabía soldar o andar en motos de cross, generalmente respondían: “Nunca podría”. Tal vez podrían haberlo hecho si
“En la Marina, te encuentras con muchas personalidades diferentes, por lo que es importante saber cómo trabajar en equipo y cómo interactuar con diferentes personalidades”.
Hernández se unió a la Marina hace tres años. Hoy, Hernández se desempeña como técnico de sonar (submarinos).
“Me uní a la Marina para viajar”, dijo Hernández. “Mi abuelo también estuvo en el ejército, así que siempre supe que quería estar en el servicio”.
Conocidas como los “Apex Predators” de Estados Unidos, la fuerza submarina de la Armada opera una gran ota de embarcaciones técnicamente avanzadas. Estos submarinos son capaces de realizar rápidas operaciones defensivas y ofensivas en todo el mundo, para promover la seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos. Un componente importante de esa seguridad marítima tiene su puerto base en la Base Naval Kitsap, en Washington.
Hay tres tipos básicos de submarinos: submarinos de ataque rápido (SSN), submarinos de misiles balísticos (SSBN) y submarinos de misiles guiados (SSGN).
Los submarinos de ataque rápido están diseñados para cazar y destruir submarinos y barcos de super cie enemigos; atacar objetivos en tierra con misiles de crucero; transportar y entregar Navy SEAL; realizar misiones de inteligencia, vigilancia y reconocimiento; y participar en la guerra contra las minas. El SSN clase Virginia es el submarino más avanzado del mundo en la actualidad. Combina capacidad de sigilo y carga útil para satisfacer las demandas de los comandantes combatientes en esta era de competencia estratégica.
Los submarinos de misiles balísticos de la Armada, a menudo denominados “boomers”, sirven como elemento de disuasión estratégico al proporcionar una plataforma indetectable para misiles balísticos lanzados desde submarinos. Los SSBN están diseñados especí camente para patrullas sigilosas, extendidas y el lanzamiento preciso de misiles. El SSBN clase Columbia será el submarino más grande, más capaz y más avanzado producido por los EE. UU., reemplazando a los actuales submarinos de misiles balísticos clase Ohio para garantizar una dis-
uasión estratégica continua basada en el mar hasta la década de 2080. Los submarinos de misiles guiados brindan a la Armada capacidades de misión de operaciones especiales y ataques sin precedentes desde una plataforma clandestina y sigilosa. Cada SSGN es capaz de transportar 154 misiles de crucero Tomahawk, además de un complemento de torpedos pesados que se dispararán a través de cuatro tubos de torpedos.
La disuasión estratégica es el programa de seguro de nitivo del país, según funcionarios de la Marina.
Como miembro de la fuerza submarina, Hernández es parte de una rica historia de 124 años de la plataforma de armas más versátil de la Marina de los EE. UU., capaz de llevar la lucha al enemigo en defensa de Estados Unidos y sus aliados.
La Fuerza de Submarinos del Pací co maximiza las fortalezas de conocimiento, sigilo, agilidad, potencia de fuego y resistencia de la Armada.
“Los hombres y mujeres de la Fuerza Submarina del Pací co se encuentran entre nuestros mejores y más brillantes estadounidenses”, dijo el Contralmirante Richard Seif, Comandante de la Fuerza Submarina de la Flota del Pací co de los EE. UU. “El ritmo de actividad en toda la fuerza es vertiginoso, y nuestra capacidad de permanecer en la escena, sin ser vistos, sólo es posible gracias a su arduo trabajo y pensamiento crítico.
Somos letales, de gran alcance e increíblemente capaces, y disuadimos la agresión gracias a nuestra ventaja demostrada en el dominio submarino”.
Dado que el 90% del comercio mundial viaja por mar y el acceso a Internet depende de la seguridad de los cables submarinos de bra óptica, los funcionarios de la Marina continúan enfatizando que la prosperidad de los Estados Unidos está directamente relacionada con el reclutamiento y la retención de personas talentosas de todo el tejido rico. de América. Hernández sirve a una Armada que opera muy lejos, en todo el mundo y las 24 horas del día, promoviendo la prosperidad y la seguridad de la nación.
Su objetivo es retribuir a la comunidad y darles voz siendo su defensora. Por ahora, Sánchez está decidida a hacer lo mejor que pueda y tomar un día a la vez.
¿Conoce a algún estudiante de secundaria al que le gustaría aprender más sobre el Crédito Dual? Si es así, visite LoneStar.edu/DualCredit o envíenos un correo electrónico a NH-DualCredit@LoneStar.edu para obtener más información.
Si está interesado en estudios paralegales, asegúrese de visitar nuestro sitio web en https://www.lonestar.edu/ programs-of-study/paralegal-studies. htm. Nos estamos inscribiendo para clases de verano y otoño ahora mismo, así que asegúrese de visitar LoneStar. edu/LearnMore para programar una
cita con uno de nuestros asesores y comenzar a plani car su futuro. Nuestra próxima sesión de verano comienza el 11 de julio y el semestre de otoño comienza el 26 de agosto. Estamos ansiosos por saber de usted.
Lone Star College-North Harris 2700 W.W. Unidad orne Houston, Texas 77073
Lunes – Jueves: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Viernes – Sábado: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Lone Star College inscribe a más de 80,000 estudiantes cada semestre y brinda transferencia académica y educación profesional de alta calidad y bajo costo. LSC está capacitando hoy a la fuerza laboral del mañana y rede niendo la experiencia de los colegios comunitarios para apoyar el éxito de los estudiantes.
Un día de cacería incluye alojamiento y comida.
A menos de una hora del centro de Houston y de College Station
By: Dwight Daniels
In 2022, the City of Houston received a $750,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor for a solar jobs program to provide career opportunities for residents without college degrees and living in under-resourced and underserved neighbor-
e city turned to HCC for help in putting training in place. e college received about $250,000 to cover tuition, fees, tools and exams to train interested students in solar photovoltaic installation skills through next summer. Now, a year a er receiving the
grant, ve graduates have earned their certicates at the HCC South Campus in classes held over 10 weeks.
“Houston and its surrounding areas, with abundant sunlight, have signi cant potential for solar energy generation,” said George Davis, Continuing Education-Construction Trades director at HCC’s Central College. “Our certi cates are designed to equip residents and businesses with the knowledge to e ectively harness this renewable energy source.”
the con dence they will need to install solar systems on their own in a career sector that is growing at about 4.8 % annually, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. e median salary for such jobs is about $49,000 per year.
grow to completely understand them when they make the theory happen rsthand.”
New certi cate holder, Travell Williams, moved to Houston from Chicago two years ago and heard about HCC’s o erings.
energy eld because everyone should be concerned about energy independence.”
As the demand for sustainable energy solutions grows, so does the need for a skilled workforce.
“As a major energy hub,Houston can lead this transition by training professionals through dedicated solar classes,” Davis said.
Gabe Cuadra, a former hoods. energy executive, teaches the class to give the students
“We provide a strong balance of theory and hands-on application,” Cuadra said. “It is really rewarding to see students who initially tried to memorize concepts,
“I was a so ware engineer in the tech industry, but I knew I was in a career eld where layo s were happening all the time,” he said. “I wanted to be a part of the green
Williams said he plans on earning more HCC certi cations and is taking AutoCAD (computer-aided design) classes so he can learn how to design photovoltaic systems and own his own business.
e Houston Independent School District is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may log in to view speci cations and submit their responses at the following link https://houstonisd.ionwave. net/Login.aspx until 5:00 p.m. (CST) Wednesday, July 24, 2024, for the following supplemental solicitation for the following projects: RFP 24-04-07 Career and Technical Education Pre-proposal conferences via Microso Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab speci c to this solicitation.
By: PfizerNews
While the spotlight right now may be on the disadvantages African Americans face while ghting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), they are also disadvantaged throughout the health care system when combating other diseases.
Compared to their white counterparts, African Americans are generally at higher risk for heart diseases, stroke, cancer, asthma, in uenza and pneumonia, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS, according to the O ce of Minority Health, part of the Department for Health and Human Services. One possible contributing factor: e Centers
African Americans are more likely to die at early ages for all causes, as young African Americans are living with diseases that are typically more common at older ages for other races. For example: High blood pressure is common in 12% vs. 10% of blacks vs. whites aged 18-34 years, respectively. It is common in 33% vs. 22% of those aged 35-49 years, respectively. Diabetes is common in 10% of blacks aged 35-49 compared to 6% of whites.
Stroke is present in 0.7% of blacks aged 18-34 compared to 0.4% of whites the same age.
Stroke is common in 2% of African
compared to 1% of whites aged 35-49 and 7% vs. 4%, respectively, in those aged 50-64.
e CDC said that social factors compared to others in the U.S., speci cally whites, affect African Americans at younger ages: unemployment, living in poverty, not owning a home, cost-prohibitive e ects of trying to see an MD, smoking, inactive lifestyle, or obesity.
A white paper from Cigna went further, acknowledging mental health disparities between African Americans and white patients. ey noted blacks are 20% more likely to report psychological distress and
50% less likely to receive counseling or mental health treatment due to the aforementioned underlying socioeconomic factors.
they added. logical distress and ing factor: e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 2% of African Americans
ber 5th, 2024, the Supreme Court on July 1, 2024, gave Trump legal permission to become King Trump. What a shame, because there is absolutely no shame in the not so Supreme Court’s White Privilege Game. More importantly, on November 5th, 2024, the world will know whether America is a multicultural democracy or a White Autocracy. God help US. America, there will always be White privilege threads and roots of Hitlerism and Mussolini’s doctrine, because of notions of European White privilege. Racism drives individuals insane. In the twenty-first century, we are still fighting the isms and schisms of the Civil War. The Supreme Court has absolutely no shame in its White Privilege game, buttressed by a misguided Black male, Justice Clarence Thomas, who does not understand that ice is ice, because all ice freezes at (32) and below degrees.
Another area of health care there is a disparity is among renal disease. Blacks and African Americans can su er from kidney failure at as much as 3 times the rate of Caucasians, according to the National Kidney Foundation.4 Black patients represent as much of a third of all patients in the U.S. receiving dialysis for kidney failure, though they don’t represent anywhere near that proportion of the U.S. population, they added.
America, “A man’s gifts maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” (Proverbs 18: 16). Judging before obtaining all the facts is a dangerous life proposition. However, the empirical facts concerning the leadership mentality style of Donald J. Trump is recorded in (35,000) fact checked lies, two criminal convictions, and three pending criminal indictments. Trump’s MAGA Cult followers, know this: “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.” (James 3: 16-18). Genuine wisdom comes from heaven, and not from the not so Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is sowing seeds of societal discord rather than societal unity based upon the principle that no one is above the law. It appears that the not so Supreme Court is carnal minded, rather than legal minded: “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” (Romans 8: 6-8). Therefore: “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.” (Proverbs 19: 5). America, God is not fooled nor is He mocked, individuals reap what they sow, and Donald J. Trump has sown to the whirlwind. What makes an individual attractive according to the wisdom book, Proverbs, is kindness. Thus, “The desire of a man is his kindness, and a poor man is better than a liar.” (Proverbs 19: 22). On July 1st, 2024, The Not So Supreme Court canonized lying, without spiritually understanding that God hates: “A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” (Proverbs 6:17). Amen.