By: Chloé Richards
For generations a college degree was the golden ticket to success in Black communities. Today, that idea of what success looks like is being challenged by young Black people.
Young Black people have found ways to make money from their phones, never having to work a 9-5, creating their own schedules and being their own boss. Simply posting videos on various social media apps or being entrepreneurs has allowed young black
people to make money that most people who work regular jobs would not make in their lifetime. e reality of student debt is o en not discussed when young Black students are being told to go to college, according to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) 72% of Black graduates nish college in debt, a debt for many that is o en never paid o . Many graduates also graduate and work jobs that do not require a Degree on pg. 3
Success is one of the greatest causes of failure.
- Roy Douglas Malonson
By: Chloé Richards
e image of Santa Claus has been a white man for decades. As our world becomes more diverse, why hasn’t the image of Santa changed to re ect that diversity? For Black people, this lack of representation is especially felt during the holiday season.
Black children, see Santa, the gi giver, as a white man which can reinforce the idea that certain roles of importance, authority, and good deeds are reserved for white people. Representation matters, not just in media or politics, but in the very traditions that are celebrated by Black families worldwide.
Santa on pg. 4
Bobby Mills, Ph.D.
America, we all know that a gangster is a member of a group of criminals. In a gang independent thinking and decision making do not exist. Unfortunately, the GOP has been hijacked by a group of individuals who think like gangsters, not political statesmen. What an ungodly multi-cultural democratic shame! America, know this: God is angry with the wicked every day. Hence: “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being
understood by the things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power, and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” (Romans 1: 18-20). No doubt about it, God cannot be fooled nor mocked, individuals shall reap what they sow, because: “as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this judgment:” (Hebrews 9: 27a).
President Trump’s approach to political governance is to appeal to the socialized prejudices of individuals, because he has no universalized solutions to the basic needs of all human beings: food, clothing, and shelter. Hence, Trump has created a dysfunctional overly partisan GOP political culture in American society that is unable to solve universal basic need issues, only create political dysfunctions, societal confusion and social conflicts. MAGACult Followers have been materially
Gangsterism on pg. 3
It was not what we thought. It was not rural rage. It was not in ation. It was seething resentment, grievance, and nostalgia for the way we never were: a white, Christian nation of intact, happy families where everyone was blond, beautiful, straight, employed, and ablebodied.
It was also not our fault. In spite of the predicted “spike” in Black support for Trump, Black men rejected Trump more resoundingly than any other group except Black women. White Christian nationalism is white evangelical’s belief that Christians are mandated to victory in a cosmic war to vanquish evil and reclaim “their” country; to “return” it to an exclusively white Christian nation. ere are plenty of self-appointed “leaders” of this
movement, but their revered “heroes” of January 6th are their true prophets.
But it is worse than that. ese are the Americans who re-elected a shrunken celebrity who covets our attention, admiration, our envy, and our fear. ese “values voters” championed a rabidly racist, twice impeached, convicted sexual abuser who incited a sadistic insurrection when he lost the last election. is consortium devoutly imagines that “discrimination against white Americans has become as big a problem as discrimination against Black Americans and other minorities.”
eir chief compares his self-in icted legal liabilities to “the persecution of Christ”. He likens himself to the Messiah. He refers to “our religion” in speeches to his apostles. His mission is to “free” white Christian America. He declared that one of the rst acts of his second term will be to set up a task force to root out his perceived “anti-Christian bias”. In one of Frederick Douglas’ autobiographies, Douglas recalls hoping that since his recent owner
Nationalism on pg. 3
“We Africans in America have been socially engineered to reject our past, and far too many of us live in a state of suspended animation. We deny the historical realities confronting us daily. Too many of us mistakenly believe that the past has no bearing on the present and is unrelated to the future. Thus, we have been conditioned to live our lives disconnected from cultural values, principles, and ideals - essential for peaceful living.”
- Anthony T. Browder
degree or jobs that don’t have anything to do with their degree eld. Some, continue on to graduate school hoping that that may help them get a better job but in reality, it is only putting them in more debt.
forced to do something you do not want to do.
accepted Jesus, he would emancipate his slaves, or least “make him kind and humane.”
College is still necessary for those who wish to become doctors, lawyers or educators. However, many students are choosing some of those paths because they guarantee success, those professions will always be needed. Today, many Black graduates are becoming teachers because of the money incentive and the teacher shortage, a path that they chose because they had to not because they wanted to. A never-ending cycle has been created, go to college, get a job that sustains your living, work until you retire, and then die. Most people hate their jobs, and there is no room for joy when you are
e economy and rise in in ation, makes this shi in mindset essential. Young Black entrepreneurs and content creators are creating lives for themselves that provide exibility, creativity and most importantly nancial freedom. Now we must ask the question, “why follow a traditional path when you can create your own?” ere are countless ways to live a ful lling life without following a certain path.
As we continue to rede ne what success truly means, it is clear that the future is lled with endless possibilities. For some success is about more than just a degree or two, it’s about creating a life that aligns with your values, passions, and visions for the future. Now, we must ask ourselves: What does success look like for me?
for joy when you are
Instead, “If it had any e ect on his character, it made him more cruel and hateful in all his ways. He was ostentatious about his piety—praying morning, noon, and night,” joining revivals, and hosting travelling preachers, but he used his faith as license to in ict unprecedented pain and su ering upon his slaves. White Christians expect to impose their supremacy on us, too. Over one third believes the federal government should “stop enforcing” the separation of church and state and “declare” the United States a Christian nation. Almost
conditioned and socialized into a devilish self-centered mindset that does not allow them to comprehend these spiritual words of inspiration: “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Su cient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Matthew 6: 33-34).
Ignorance has absolutely no respect for socio-economic statuses, because ignorance is environmentally
a third foresee the federal government advancing its “Christian values.”
Republicans’ passion for theocracy created an opportunity for venerated gures like William (“Dutch”) Sheets, whose motto is “We decree that America shall be saved!” He predicts a ird Great Awakening proclaiming that “Trump is a necessary part of this reformation.”
But white Christian nationalism is not biblical. No scripture endorses white Christian nationalism. People who claim their nationality places them under Christ’s favor deny the Gospel truth. People who elevate their country to Christ are idolators.
Christians know this earth is not our home. We live on Earth,
acquired and perpetuated through interpersonal socialization, family, friends, business associates, schoolmates, pastoral “church” indoctrination, media outlets, and so on. As a reality reminder, individuals are born as well as die by themselves. Death is not a group experience, but an individual experience. Human living is a community interpersonal experience, not an individualistic enterprise. Every human being is born into a family system. Hence, what life do we have if we do not have life in community, under the will and reality of God and based upon the Two Great Commandments: “ ou shalt love the Lord thy God
but our true citizenship is not of this world (Philippians 3:20, John 18:36).
Christians submit to earthly leaders (Romans 13:1). White Christian nationalists are determined to commandeer any governmental dominance, even to the point of violence, if that power does not align with their principles
Obeying earthly directives doesn’t equate submitting to an ungodly culture. We will defend our principles.
When political turbulence lurks, we will stand rm not on any worldly institution, personal conviction, or righteous cause. We will only recognize the authority of God. with all thy heart, and with all thy mind. is is the rst and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, ou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22: 37-39). If individuals truly love God (TRUTH) and their neighbor, they will invariably keep the Two Great Commandments. Sadly, too many hypocritical Americans are willing to transplant, institute and accept being governed by manmade “isms” (racism, classism, and sexism) rather than obey God’s eternal Two Great Commandments. God only has one rulership and governance standard, and it’s based upon love, not hate and revenge, because love covers a multitude of sins. Amen.
e guides will be with you all the way and show you around property, a er the hunt you can spend time shing, target shooting, horse shoeing or just relax.
Taken from justiceatthegate.com
belief that racial and religious minorities must have the right to live, the right to work, the right to vote, the full and equal protection of the laws, on a basis of equality with all citizens as guaranteed by the Constitution. †
and were elected; and at the national level, several Democratic U. S. Senators were members of the Klan. Despite the existence of the Klan and other racist groups within the Democratic Party, Truman nevertheless worked to change his party. In 1946, he became the rst modern President to institute a comprehensive review of race relations – and not surprisingly, he faced strenuous opposition from within his own party. In fact, Democratic U. S. Senator eodore Bilbo of Mississippi called on every “red blooded Anglo Saxon man in Mississippi to resort to any means” to keep blacks from voting.
e website for the Democratic National Party properly acknowledges Truman’s important contributions, declaring that, “With the election of Harry Truman, Democrats began the ght to bring down the barriers of race and gender.” Truly, it was under Harry Truman that Democrats began – that is, they made their rst serious e orts – to ght against the barriers of race.
† Southern Democratic Governors, fearing that Truman might succeed in his civil rights goals, denounced his civil rights agenda and proposed a meeting in Florida of what they called a “southern conference of true Democrats” to plan their strategy to halt civil rights progress. at summer at the Democratic National Convention when Truman placed into the national Democratic platform the strong civil-rights language that appears above, it resulted in a walkout of southern delegates. Southern Democrats then formed the Dixiecrat Party and ran South Carolina Democratic Governor Strom urmond as their candidate for President. urmond’s bid was unsuccessful. (Strom urmond later had a dramatic change of heart on civil rights issues and in 1964, he le the Democratic Party. In 1971, as a Republican U. S. Senator, urmond became the rst southern Senator to hire a black in his senatorial o ce –something no southern Democrat in the U. S. Senate had ever done.)
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this Republic is the equality of all individuals in their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. is right of equal opportunity to work and to advance in life should never be limited in any individual because of race, religion, color, or country of origin. We favor the enactment and just enforcement of such federal legislation as may be necessary to maintain this right at all times in every part of this Republic. We favor the abolition of the poll tax as a requisite to voting. † We are opposed to the idea of racial segregation in the armed services of the United States.
Yes, Black children today will remember that the rst Black woman ran for the presidency. is historic event even in uenced them. Still, they won’t remember having a picture with a Black Santa or Christmas decorations with a Black Santa on them. Both are equally important.
It was during the administration of Harry Truman that Democrats began their first efforts to address racial barriers. Santa Cont.
Representation in all forms sends an important message about what is possible for anyone. When Black children see gures like a Black Santa, it helps them realize they can also have the values that these gures represent. For example, values such as kindness, generosity, and joy. In the same way, seeing Black people in leadership roles, such as heroes in books and movies, helps shape children’s beliefs. e lack of a Black Santa can also be compared to there being only one Black Disney Princess.
When you go into grocery stores, malls, buy t-shirts, and Christmas decor White Santa is the standard. ere
are also not many children’s Christmas movies that have a Black Santa.
e absence of a Black Santa is a reminder of the ways society constantly fails to show diversity for all people. Children from other races grow up with multiple role models who look like them, Black children have historically been denied that same luxury. e need for a Black Santa is not just to appeal to children, but to create opportunities for actors, artists, performers who love Christmas and to portray a beloved character during the holidays. It’s not about adding diversity to a tradition but rede ning what it means for traditions to belong to everyone especially Black people. Everyone should move forward in creating a space for Black children to see themselves in the things that make them happy. How can future Black generations be taught about the power of representation if we continue to deny them the access to see themselves in the icons that