By: Chloé Richards
For centuries, Black women have answered the call to serve their country, even when the same country denied them basic rights. Today, they represent onethird of all women in the armed forces, twice their representation in the general U.S. population. Their contributions are not only important to the military but also the Black community as a whole. Black women have faced many challenges while serving in the military, from racism, sexism and unfair policies. They are a vital part of the armed forces; their contributions matter not just to the
military but to the Black community, proving that Black women can excel even in the toughest environments.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed
- Booker T. Washington
By: Bobby E. Mills, PhD
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit with Gerald Womack. Gerald is a well-known highly respected real estate developer. I meet Gerald in the early nineties at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Fifth Ward, Texas. Pastor C. L. Jackson was the senior pastor. Pleasant Grove was the first modern day dome church facility in America built by a Black church congregation. The first thing out of Gerald’s mouth was it is a shame that the Pleasant Grove dome, as a religious monument, has been torn
During the Civil War, Harriet Tubman worked as a spy and a nurse, helping Union soldiers. Susie King Taylor was the first Black woman to write about her time as a nurse and teacher during the war. In World War II, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion became the first group of multiethnic, predominately Black women to serve overseas in Europe. They were Heroes on pg. 3 Womack on pg. 7
Bobby Mills, Ph.D.
The in-coming Trump Administration will be characterized by a billionaire moneychanger mentality, and at the same time, it has been spiritually written that: “For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6: 10). Therefore, despite overwhelming historical evidence, to the contrary most secular minded materialistic individuals believe that money
can buy happiness and solve all problems. Rich individuals who lust after money invariably end up caught in an endless cycle of self-destruction, because it is spiritually written: “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income.” (Ecclesiastes 5: 10). This is the folly of riches; individuals always want more than they have. King Solomon was the wisest and richest man the world ever knew, but he did not find happiness in wealth. President Trump is THE CLASSIC modern-day example of an individual seeking happiness in wealth. Real happiness is an internal state of spiritual being (peace of mind). America, trust me, President Donald J. Trump is not a happy camper. Sadly, and to America’s detriment, Trump has transformed
the spiritual mentality of the Grand Ole Party into a Grand Ole Problem for America as well as the world community. Money is a CRUEL Master, because money rejects the universal dimension in humanity that we are all equal in human dignity before the Throne of God, and that we all deserve, and at the same time are undeserving. Therefore, America: “Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of his flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6: 7-9). President Trump has assembled the wealthiest Presidential Governing
Administrative Cabinet in the history of America’s Democratic Republic, (13) billionaires with plenty socio-economic conflicts of interests. Therefore, absolutely nothing that Trump is proposing will benefit the working class and poor individuals who voted for him. In contrast the combined wealth of all of Biden’s cabinets selections totaled (118) million dollars. Tragically, President Trump’s governing economic policies are designed to enrich whom is the question of questions? In fact, America, the Trump administration will not be about the public servanthood kind of service, but self-service and billionaire service. Hence, it is about money, honey. Making Governance on pg. 4
“We Africans in America have been socially engineered to reject our past, and far too many of us live in a state of suspended animation. We deny the historical realities confronting us daily. Too many of us mistakenly believe that the past has no bearing on the present and is unrelated to the future. Thus, we have been conditioned to live our lives disconnected from cultural values, principles, and ideals - essential for peaceful living.”
- Anthony T. Browder
Heroes Cont. protect their hair, and I think it’s great the regulations have become more flexible.”
tasked with getting mail to soldiers in a timely manner. These women worked in difficult conditions, no heat, inadequate lighting, and they also worked seven days a week. In 2009, President Obama recognized several 6888th veterans for their service, in 2022 the U.S. House of Representatives voted to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the women of the Central Postal Directory Battalion.
Black Women are leaders and role models in every branch of the military. Charlotte Webster, a veteran who served 20 years as a light-wheeled vehicle mechanic, said she wanted to set an example, “I stayed in that field because I didn’t see other women, and I wanted to lead.”
Webster didn’t plan on joining the military, at least not at first. “My dad told me ‘Once you graduate, I want you out of the house,’” she said. A high school junior at the time, she approached an Army recruiter and started preparing for military service.
Black women in the military have had to navigate challenges unique to their identity. Recent changes, like more inclusive hairstyle policies, reflect a growing acknowledgement of their needs. Webster remembers how earlier polices were different. “We were required to wear wool berets, which were rough on our hair,” she said. “Now, I see women sewing silk into the lining to
The visibility of Black women in leadership roles have grown over the years. Marcelite J. Harris became the first Black woman general in the U.S. Air Force, and Michele S. Jones became the first woman to serve as Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve. “I see Black women leading entire units, not just squads or platoons like I did. It’s become the norm,” Webster said.
These advancements not only showcase their capabilities but also inspire younger generations to envision themselves in positions of power. This representation challenges stereotypes and shows that Black women can excel in any role.
In 2021, Lt. Gen Nadja West, a retired three-star general, became the highest-ranking Black woman in U.S. Army history. West was also the first Black Army Surgeon General, first Black woman active duty major general, and the first Black woman major general in army medicine.
Black women’s military contributions extend far beyond the battlefield. They bring leadership, diversity, and a commitment to inclusion. Their service also challenges false narratives about Black women, proving their capability and dedication to serving their country. “I see Black women in the ranks of being officers, leading entire units into combat. Things that were unheard of before; we’ve come
a long way” Webster said. It is important for citizens to recognize the contributions for those who have served. “Just a simple thank-you on Veterans Day means so much,” Webster said. “It’s nice to see people acknowledge our service without assuming we’re all broken by it.”
not somebody pushing you to
Young Black women should not be completely opposed to joining the military, there are many benefits to develop lifelong skills, build community, and thrive as a leader. For those considering the military, Webster offers advice, “Do your due diligence. As long as that’s what you want and it’s not somebody pushing you to do it. Talk to people who’ve vital part of Amerinity, and thrive as a leader. For those considering the military, your due diligence. As long as
served, both those with positive and negative experiences before making a decision.” The contributions of Black women in the military represent more than service, they symbolize resilience during adversity. They have fought battles both on and off the field, breaking barriers that once seemed unbreakable. By telling their stories and remembering their contributions, their legacy is honored and serves as a reminder to the world that Black women have always been a vital part of America’s history.
e guides will be with you all the way and show you around property, a er the hunt you can spend time shing, target shooting, horse
Taken from justiceatthegate.com
kinds, in relation to (1) full rights to vote, (2) full rights to engage in gainful occupations, (3) full rights to enjoy security of the person, and (4) full rights to education in all publicly supported institutions. Recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States relating to segregation in publicly supported schools † and elsewhere have brought consequences of vast importance to our nation as a whole and especially to communities directly affected. We reject all proposals for the use of force to interfere with the orderly determination of these matters by the courts.
† In 1954, the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education finally struck down state segregation laws in education, thus reinstating what Republicans had done nearly seventy-five years earlier in the 1875 civil rights bill. The southern Democratic response to the Court decision ending segregated education was twofold: a response of words, and a response of actions. In the category of words, 100 Democrats in Congress – 19 U. S. Senators and 81 U. S. Representatives – passed the “Southern Manifesto” denouncing the Court’s decision. T hose 100 Democrats declared that desegregation was “certain to destroy the system of public education” and that there would be what they called an “explosive and dangerous condition created by this decision.” At the state level Democratic Governor Herman Talmadge of Georgia issued a written attack on the Court decision and promised that there “will never be mixed schools while I am Governor.” Mississippi Democratic Governor James Coleman, when asked in an interview on “Meet the Press” whether the public schools of Mississippi would ever be integrated, succinctly replied, “I would say that a baby born in Mississippi today will never live long enough to see an integrated school.” This was typical of what many southern Democrats did in the category of words. But the Democratic response went beyond words and also included actions. Following the (to be continued in the next issue).
ment in the field of civil rights and commits itself anew to advancing the rights of all our people regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin. In the area of exclusive federal jurisdiction, more progress has been made in this field under the present Republican Administration than in any similar period in the last 80 years. † The many Negroes who have been appointed to high public positions have played a significant part in the progress of this Administration. Segregation has been ended in the District of Columbia government and in the District public facilities including public schools, restaurants, the (to be continued in the next issue).
† Given the actions of President Eisenhower on civil rights issues (see note on previous page regarding Eisenhower and civil rights), it was not surprising that in his 1956 reelection, Eisenhower – like Republican Presidents before him – received significant support from black voters. Following his reelection, Eisenhower continued his civil rights efforts. In 1957, he proposed a bold civil rights bill to increase black voting rights and protections – proposals promptly blocked by Democratic Senator James Eastland of Mississippi, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In fact, Eastland is credited with killing every civil rights bill that came before his committee in the 1950s, and his committee was literally known as the burial ground for civil rights legislation in the U. S. Senate. When Senate Republicans sought to keep Eisenhower’s civil rights bill from going to Eastland’s burial ground, only 10 Senate Democrats joined in that effort. Nevertheless, those few Democrats, combined with the strong Republican numbers, was sufficient; they were able to prevent Eisenhower’s bill from going to Eastland’s committee. With Eastland unable to kill the bill in committee, other Senate Democrats responded with a filibuster against the civil rights bill. In fact, South Carolina’s Senator Strom Thurmond, still a Demo- (to be continued in the next issue).
the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. Trump has already declared before he assumes office, it is going to be hard bringing down the prices of the necessities of life: food, clothing, shelter, and gasoline! During the political campaign Trump said, it was going to be easy, and now that he will be President, it’s difficult. What does it mean when a politician lies? On the other hand, most Americans know that in a capitalist society the means of production is owned by private individuals and private corporations, not the government. Once again, and at the same time, we all know that ungodly
reality difference between a self-centered politician and a Godly statesman. Therefore, will someone, please give President Trump and his gang of Billionaires this wise Godly advice for creative living: “A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.” (Ecclesiastes 7: 1). More importantly, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.” (Proverbs 22: 1). America, Trump’s billionaire cabinet, desires to redistribute the wealth of the nation to the billionaire class, and at the same time, destroy the social safety net for poor and working-class Americans. What an
Governance Cont. ungodly shame! politicians will lie, in time, on time, and all the time. Thus, there is a stark
Durante siglos, las mujeres negras han respondido al llamado de servir a su país, incluso cuando el mismo país les negó derechos básicos. Hoy, representan un tercio de todas las mujeres en las fuerzas armadas, el doble de su representación en la población general de Estados Unidos. Sus contribuciones no sólo son importantes para los militares sino también para la comunidad negra en su conjunto. Las mujeres negras han enfrentado muchos desafíos mientras servían en el ejército, desde el racismo, el sexismo y las políticas injustas. Son una parte vital de las fuerzas armadas; sus contribuciones son importantes no sólo para el ejército sino también para la comunidad negra, lo que demuestra
que las mujeres negras pueden sobresalir incluso en los entornos más difíciles.
Durante la Guerra Civil, Harriet Tubman trabajó como espía y enfermera, ayudando a los soldados de la Unión. Susie King Taylor fue la primera mujer negra en escribir sobre su época como enfermera y maestra durante la guerra. En la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el 6888.º Batallón del Directorio Postal Central se convirtió en el primer grupo de mujeres multiétnicas, predominantemente negras, que sirvió en Europa en el extranjero. Se les encomendó la tarea de hacer llegar el correo a los soldados de manera oportuna. Estas mujeres trabajaban en condiciones difíciles,
La historia se repite en tiempo real, invirtiendo el reloj.
- Roy Douglas Malonson
Por: Sharon C. Jenkins
¿Está listo para catapultar su pequeña empresa hacia el futuro? A medida que nos acercamos al 2025, el panorama del marketing está evolucionando a una velocidad vertiginosa. ¡Pero no tema, superestrella emprendedora! Lo tenemos cubierto con estrategias de vanguardia que diferenciarán a su empresa e impulsarán un crecimiento fenomenal.
Aproveche el poder de la personalización impulsada por IA
Imagine un mundo donde cada cliente sienta que su marketing le habla directamente. ¡Con IA, este sueño se vuelve realidad! Implemente herramientas de creación
pg. 4
Los propósitos de Año Nuevo son una tradición consagrada que muchas personas adoptan a medida que cambia el calendario. Para muchos, la llegada de un nuevo año simboliza un nuevo comienzo, una oportunidad para dejar atrás viejos hábitos y abrazar un cambio positivo. Las resoluciones a menudo se centran en la superación personal, ya sea centrándose en la salud, aprendiendo nuevas habilidades o fomentando mejores relaciones. El comienzo del año ofrece un momento de reflexión, en el que las personas evalúan el año pasado y establecen intenciones de crecimiento personal en los
próximos meses.
Las resoluciones comunes a menudo giran en torno al bienestar físico, como
perder peso, hacer más ejercicio o adoptar hábitos alimentarios más saludables. Estos objetivos aprovechan el deseo universal de mejorar la salud física, sentirse con más energía y vivir más tiempo. Sin embargo, el desafío no radica sólo en establecer estos objetivos, sino en mantener la disciplina y la motivación para seguir adelante. Muchas resoluciones fracasan a medida que avanza el año, cuando el entusiasmo inicial disminuye o las realidades de la vida cotidiana interfieren con el progreso. Además de las resoluciones relacionadas con la salud, muchas personas se fijan metas de desarrollo per-
metas de desarrollo personal, como leer más libros, aprender un nuevo idioma o
avanzar en sus carreras. Estos objetivos tienen más que ver con el crecimiento intelectual y la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos o habilidades. Reflejan un deseo de evolucionar y esforzarse más allá de los límites existentes. Para algunos, las resoluciones pueden incluso extenderse al crecimiento emocional y psicológico, como practicar la atención plena, cultivar la gratitud o mejorar el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal. Estos objetivos ayudan a las personas a sentirse realizadas y conectadas con un sentido de propósito más profundo.
A pesar de los desafíos que a menudo acompañan
que a menudo acompañan la consecución de los propósitos de Año
Nuevo, el proceso tiene valor. El acto de establecer metas, reflexionar sobre las propias prioridades y esforzarse por mejorar puede generar una sensación de logro y significado. Incluso si las resoluciones no se logran por completo, el esfuerzo hacia la superación personal puede conducir a cambios positivos y a una autoconciencia más profunda. Al final, los propósitos de Año Nuevo tienen menos que ver con la perfección y más con el crecimiento: con comprometerse a ser mejores, aunque sólo sea en pequeños aspectos, a medida que avanzamos hacia el nuevo año.
Héroes Cont.
sin calefacción, con iluminación inadecuada, y además trabajaban los siete días de la semana. En 2009, el presidente Obama reconoció a varios veteranos del 6888 por su servicio; en 2022, la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos votó a favor de otorgar la Medalla de Oro del Congreso a las mujeres del Batallón del Directorio Postal Central.
Las mujeres negras son líderes y modelos a seguir en todas las ramas del ejército. Charlotte Webster, una veterana que trabajó 20 años como mecánica de vehículos de ruedas ligeras, dijo que quería dar el ejemplo: “Me quedé en ese campo porque no veía a otras mujeres y quería liderar”. Webster no planeaba unirse al ejército, al menos no al principio. “Mi papá me dijo: ‘Una vez que te gradúes, te quiero fuera de casa’”, dijo. En ese momento, estudiante de secundaria, se acercó a un reclutador del ejército y comenzó a prepararse para el servicio militar.
Las mujeres negras en el ejército han tenido que afrontar desafíos exclusivos de su identidad. Los cambios recientes, como políticas de peinado más inclusivas, reflejan un reconocimiento cada vez mayor de sus necesidades. Webster recuerda que las políticas anteriores eran diferentes. “Nos exigían que usáramos boinas de lana, que eran ásperas para nuestro cabello”, dijo. “Ahora veo mujeres cosiendo seda en el forro para proteger su cabello, y creo que es genial que las regulaciones se hayan vuelto más flexibles”.
La visibilidad de las mujeres negras en roles de liderazgo ha aumentado a lo largo de los años. Marcelite J. Harris se convirtió en la primera mujer negra general en la Fuerza Aérea de los EE. UU., y Michele S. Jones se convirtió en la primera mujer en servir como sargento mayor de la Reserva del Ejército. “Veo mujeres negras liderando unidades enteras, no solo escuadrones o pelotones como lo hacía yo. Se ha convertido en la norma”, dijo Webster. Estos avances no sólo muestran sus capacidades sino que también inspiran a las generaciones más jóvenes a imaginarse a sí mismas en posiciones de poder. Esta representación desafía los estereotipos y muestra que las mujeres negras pueden sobresalir en cualquier rol. En 2021, la teniente general Nadja
West, general retirada de tres estrellas, se convirtió en la mujer negra de mayor rango en la historia del ejército estadounidense. West también fue la primera cirujana general del ejército negro, la primera general de división negra en servicio activo y la primera general de división negra en medicina del ejército.
Las contribuciones militares de las mujeres negras se extienden mucho más allá del campo de batalla. Aportan liderazgo, diversidad y compromiso con la inclusión. Su servicio también desafía las narrativas falsas sobre las mujeres negras, lo que demuestra su capacidad y dedicación para servir a su país. “Veo mujeres negras en las filas de oficiales, liderando unidades enteras al combate. Cosas que antes eran inauditas; Hemos recorrido un largo camino”, dijo Webster. Es importante que los ciudadanos reconozcan las contribuciones de quienes han servido. “Un simple agradecimiento en el Día de los Veteranos significa mucho”, dijo Webster. “Es agradable ver que la gente reconoce nuestro servicio sin asumir que todos estamos destrozados por él”.
Las mujeres jóvenes negras no deberían oponerse completamente a unirse al ejército; existen muchos beneficios al desarrollar habilidades para toda la vida, construir una comunidad y prosperar como líder. Para aquellos que estén considerando el servicio militar, Webster ofrece un consejo: “Hagan su debida diligencia. Siempre y cuando eso sea lo que quieras y no haya alguien que te presione para que lo hagas. Hable con personas que han trabajado, tanto con experiencias positivas como negativas, antes de tomar una decisión”.
Las contribuciones de las mujeres negras en el ejército representan más que un servicio: simbolizan la resiliencia durante la adversidad. Han librado batallas tanto dentro como fuera del campo, rompiendo barreras que alguna vez parecieron inquebrantables. Al contar sus historias y recordar sus contribuciones, se honra su legado y sirve como recordatorio al mundo de que las mujeres negras siempre han sido una parte vital de la historia de Estados Unidos.
de contenido impul-
sadas por IA para crear correos electrónicos, publicaciones en redes sociales y anuncios hiperpersonalizados que resuenen con las preferencias individuales. Aproveche el análisis predictivo para anticipar las necesidades y los comportamientos de los clientes, lo que le permitirá ofrecer productos o servicios incluso antes de que sepan que los necesitan. Comience de a poco segmentando su lista de correo electrónico y utilizando IA para generar líneas de asunto personalizadas. Observe cómo se disparan sus tasas de apertura a medida que los clientes se sienten vistos y comprendidos.
Cree experiencias inmersivas con AR y VR
¡Transporte a sus clientes a un mundo donde su producto o servicio cobra vida ante sus ojos! Desarrolle demostraciones de productos en realidad aumentada que permitan a los clientes visualizar sus ofertas en su propio espacio. Organice eventos o recorridos virtuales utilizando tecnología de realidad virtual, brindando a los clientes una experiencia de marca única y memorable. Por ejemplo, una tienda de muebles local podría usar realidad aumentada para permitir que los clientes “coloquen” sofás en sus salas de estar a través de una aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes, lo que aumentaría las ventas en un 35 %. Estas experien-
cias inmersivas diferenciarán a su negocio en un mercado competitivo. En 2025, ninguna empresa es una isla. La colaboración es clave para ampliar su alcance y llegar a nuevas audiencias. Asóciese con microinfluencers de su nicho para crear contenido auténtico y cercano que genere participación. Explore las apariciones de invitados en podcasts para compartir su experiencia y atraer nuevos clientes. Por ejemplo, una pequeña panadería que se asocia con un bloguero gastronómico local podría ver un aumento del 50 % en el tráfico peatonal. Estas colaboraciones generan credibilidad y exponen su marca a audiencias nuevas y comprometidas.
Adopte la revolución de los eventos híbridos
El futuro no es completamente digital ni completamente presencial: ¡es la combinación perfecta de ambos! Organice talleres o seminarios híbridos que permitan la asistencia tanto en persona como virtual, maximizando su alcance. Incorpore elementos interactivos como encuestas en vivo o sesiones de preguntas y respuestas para mantener a ambas audiencias comprometidas. Utilice un muro de redes sociales en vivo durante los eventos para mostrar las publicaciones de los asistentes y fomentar un sentido de comunidad. Al adoptar el modelo de eventos híbridos, puede crear experiencias inclusivas que satisfagan diversas preferencias.
Liderar con un propósito: marketing de impacto social
En 2025, los clientes no solo compran lo que haces, sino que compran por qué lo haces. Alinea tu marca con una causa que resuene con tus valores y los de tu público objetivo. Comparte tu historia de impacto a través de imágenes atractivas y narrativas sinceras en todos los canales de marketing. Por ejemplo, una cafetería local que se asoció con un proyecto de reforestación y plantó un árbol por cada 100 tazas vendidas, vio aumentar la lealtad de los clientes en un 70 %. El marketing impulsado por un propósito no solo genera confianza en los clientes, sino que también crea conexiones significativas.
A medida que avanzamos hacia 2025, estas estrategias serán tus armas secretas en el mundo en constante evolución del marketing para pequeñas empresas. Recuerda, el futuro favorece a los audaces e innovadores. Entonces, ¿cuál de estas emocionantes estrategias implementarás primero?
¡El momento de revolucionar tu marketing es ahora!
¡Actúe ahora! Programe una consulta gratuita después de las vacaciones con nuestros expertos en marketing para adaptar estas estrategias a las necesidades únicas de su negocio. Su historia de éxito futura comienza aquí: ¿está listo para escribirla?
Un día de cacería incluye alojamiento y comida.
A menos de una hora del centro de Houston y de College Station
By: Sharon C. Jenkins
Are you ready to catapult your small business into the future? As we approach 2025, the marketing landscape is evolving at breakneck speed. But fear not, entrepreneur superstar! We’ve got you covered with cutting-edge strategies that will set your business apart and drive phenomenal growth.
the Power of AI-Driven
Imagine a world where every customer feels like your marketing speaks directly to them. With AI, this dream becomes reality! Implement AIpowered content creation tools to craft hyperpersonalized emails, social media posts, and ads that resonate with individual preferences. Leverage predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and behaviors, allowing you to offer products or services before they even know they need them. Start small by segmenting your email list and using AI to generate personalized subject lines. Watch your open rates soar as customers feel seen and understood.
Immersive Experiences with AR and VR
Transport your customers into a world where your product or service comes to life before their eyes! Develop AR product demos that allow customers to visualize your offerings in their own space. Host virtual events or tours using VR technology, giving customers a unique and memorable brand experience. For example, a local furniture store could use AR to let customers “place” sofas in their living rooms via a smartphone app, boosting sales by 35%. These immersive experiences will set your business apart in a competitive market.
In 2025, no business is an island. Collaboration is key to expanding your reach and tapping into new audiences. Partner with micro-influencers in your niche to create authentic, relatable content that drives engagement. Explore podcast guest appearances to share your expertise and attract new customers. For instance, a small bakery partnering with a local food blogger could see a 50% increase in foot traffic. These collaborations build credibility and expose your brand to fresh, engaged audiences.
The future is neither fully digital nor entirely in-person – it’s the perfect blend of both! Organize hybrid workshops or seminars that allow both in-person and virtual attendance, maximizing your reach. Incorporate interactive elements like live polls or Q&A sessions to keep both audiences engaged. Use a live social media wall during events to display attendee posts and foster a sense of community. By embracing the hybrid event model, you can create inclusive experiences that cater to diverse preferences.
In 2025, customers don’t just buy what you do; they buy why you do it. Align your brand with a cause that resonates with your values and those of your target audience. Share your impact story through compelling visuals and heartfelt narratives across all marketing channels. For example, a local coffee shop partnering with a reforestation project, planting a tree for every 100 cups sold, saw customer loyalty increase by
70%. Purpose-driven marketing not only builds customer trust but also creates meaningful connections.
As we hurtle towards 2025, these strategies will be your secret weapons in the ever-evolving world of small business marketing. Remember, the future favors the bold and the innovative. So, which of these exciting strategies will you implement first? The time to revolutionize
your marketing is now!
Take Action Now!
Schedule a free consultation after the
holidays with our marketing experts to tailor these strategies to your unique business needs. Your future success story starts here – are you ready to write it?
down for housing development. Gerald is truly an unusual business professional who has always had a profound Godly vision for the future. A living testament to Gerald’s visionary prospective concerning business development is the block of Almeda in Third Ward where his office is located, Gerald Womack assisted in redeveloping and beautifying the entire block. Womack Development is a fullservice real estate license brokerage firm that has a vision for the future.
On the next corner on Wheeler Avenue is the former office of Mack Hannah Enterprises, dilapidated and utterly in shambles. In passing I mentioned that to Gerald, and he retorted that this will not happen to Womack Real Estate Enterprises. Out of curiosity, I asked Gerald to explain why Womack Real Estate Enterprises would live after God calls him home, and jokingly
I said, because you do know this is not your home. Gerald smiled, and replied, “I have an insurance policy for five million dollars on my life designed solely to perpetuate the existence of Womack Real Estate Enterprises”. Therefore, when I die Womack Real Estate Developers will not die. Additionally, Gerald replied I have set in place an oversight accountability system and institutional structure that ensures the successful survival of the business. To say the least, I was amazed at both the intellectual as well as spiritual insightfulness.
Recently, Gerald Womack received The John E. Wolf Community Service Award. The award is in honor of President John E. Wolf from (1938-1939). The award is given annually to a Houston Area Realtor (HAR) member who has made outstanding charitable contributions to the community,
primarily outside of the real estate development industry. The criteria for the award include leadership and service in charitable organizations as well as special service organizations. Thus, the award is given to a member of HAR who has an exemplary reputation for community service. For example, on Monday, December 23rd , Gerald assisted Bridging the Digital Divide with a computer give away to Foster Care Families. It is with heartfelt honor and congratulations that the African American News and Issues recognize and honor the business development character as well as the charitable giving spirit of Gerald Womack. Gerald, congratulations, best wishes, and may you walk gently through the world, and know its beauty all the days of your life.