
By: Chloé Richards
On January 20th, 2025, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. This year inauguration also happened to fall on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Trump has continuously threatened to chase his political career since the 1980s, it was not until 2015 he made a move an actually ran. On June 16th, 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for president at Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York. In November 2016, he defeated Hillary Clinton, after his first term he ran again and lost to President Joe Biden. In 2024, he ran for a 3rd time
and defeated Vice President Kamala Harris, making him, a felon the future President of the United States. Trump has said on multiple occasions that he has done a lot for Black people. “I have done more for Black Americans than anybody, except for the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln” he said in a White House briefing in June of 2020. In reality, many Black Americans do not share those same sentiments. To the naked eye, it looks like Black Americans benefited a lot during Trumps first presidency but Trump on pg. 3
Blackshear Elementary’s 5th grade student Montoia Murray wins the 29th annual MLK Oratory Competition hosted by Foley and Lander LLP for the second consecutive year in a row. She is the first, repeat winner. Foley and Lander LLP host this competition in Houston, Dallas, and Chicago.
12-year-old Cadence Williams was reported missing from her Missouri City home on Monday, January 13th she was found safe two days later. More than 140,000 Black children go missing a year.
Jasmine Crockett will be sworn in on January 28th for her second term serving the Texas’ 30th Congressional District. Crockett has gained national attention because of her strong will to fight for and protect voting rights and criminal justice reform.
Keller ISD, a suburban district in northern Fort Worth, is currently discussing the possibility of dividing the school district. The district’s four high schools would be separated, with the predominantly white high school being split off from the other three schools.
Port Arthur native and renowned artist Evita Tezeno is returning to her hometown on January 27th for a meet and greet at the Port Arthur Public Library. Tezeno is known for her vibrant mixed media collages that celebrate African American culture.
Bobby Mills, Ph.D.
America is at a serious spiritual inflection point in its march toward a just multicultural democratic society. Thus, it has rightly been said that: “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Transactional politics in the Trump Administration is on full display spearheaded by billionaire tech-industrialists. No doubt about it, transactional politics is autocratic politics to the
nth degree. The 2025 Presidential
inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 47th President is a calibration; not a celebration, because an individual can purchase position and power, but you cannot purchase, love, honor and enduring respect. Of course, the inauguration of President Trump was indeed an abnormality in the history of American democracy, and Trump’s Presidential ceremonial ritual was without spiritual-moral meaning. Therefore, in the case of President Donald J. Trump, it is “immoral man”, but moral society. With President Joseph R. Biden it was moral man, but immoral society. America, it’s a shame when democratic political discourse becomes ungodly, distorted, and spiritually upside-down. Right is right. Wrong is wrong, and individuals cannot make wrong right, and make wrong work for universal good. I am spiritually reminded of the choice that Pilate gave the Israelites when he asked what is the truth? Therefore, Pilate asked Jesus are you a king? Jesus answered: “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end I was born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto Complex on Pg. 4
Coping, Creating, Conquering
By Chloé Richards
are, recognizing our purpose, and stepping into our power with confidence.
The beauty of being young is that we have so much to offer, so many different perspectives, we are living through the transitions of the world. Many of the gifts that we have were given to us at birth, for some of us it’s creativity, compassion, innovation, or resilience, these are the things that make us unique. Our job is not to chase someone else’s definition of success but to uncover and nurture the talents and passions that we already have. If you think about the leaders and changemakers who inspire you, they did not wait for permission from the world to lead. They did not wait for a title or for the world to validate their vision. They saw a need that aligned with their purpose and acted. The same can be true for us. Leadership is not about holding a certain position; it is about influence and intention. You can lead in your community, at your school, at
For years, we have heard the phrase, “young people are the future.” But the truth is we are no longer the future; we are the now. We now carry the responsibility of shaping the world, setting the tone for future generations, and creating meaningful changes, there is no time to wait. Many of us get caught up in the idea that we need a certain amount of money, title, degree, or status to make an impact. We scroll through social media, comparing ourselves to influencers, entrepreneurs, and celebrities, believing that success is tied to how the world recognizes us. That is not reality, true leadership and influence does not come from title or status, but from understanding who we
influence does not come from your church, your job or
Trump Cont.
many things that benefited Black Americans was a continued result of the Obama Administration that rolled over during Trumps presidency.
During Obama’s first term, on March 23rd, 2010, The Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as “Obamacare” was signed into law by President Obama. For over a decade, this act has aided many underprivileged Black people seek and receive the medical attention they need. According to a report by the Commonwealth Fund “The Affordable Care Act has significantly reduced racial disparities in health care access.” Trump is calling for the removal of the ACA, he said the cost of Obamacare was too expensive and he is looking for something else. “The cost of Obamacare is out of control, plus, it’s not good Healthcare. I’m seriously looking at alternatives” he said via X (Twitter) in November 2023.
In 2020, the Trump Administration removed the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH), this rule was introduced in 2015 under President Obama it required cities that received federal housing money to continuously work toward reducing housing discrimination and ensuring fair housing opportunities. Black people historically have not been treated fairly in the housing market, and Trump removed a rule that gave them a chance at an equal opportunity. The rule was replaced with a weaker policy called, “Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice.” Trump said his new policy would protect suburban neighborhoods, but it has only made it easier for local governments to ignore housing discrimination.
In 2018, the Trump Adminis-
tration began limiting consent decrees. Consent decrees have been around since the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. Consent decrees have been used to address racial profiling, unfair treatment of Black people, and police brutality. Requiring police departments to follow specific rules. They were initially used by the federal government to address civil rights violations. In the 1990s under President Bill Clinton, they were used for correcting the ways of police departments. In 1994, after the vicious beating of Rodney King, Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. This law gave the Department of Justice (DOJ) the ability to investigate police departments for misconduct. Consent decrees were used to force departments to make changes.
The Trump Administration and former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced in 2018 that the Obama Administrations Department of Education’s issued guidance to schools would be rolled back. This guidance encouraged schools to consider other alternatives outside of suspension and expulsion, the guidance was created to address unfair disciplinary actions against Black and minority students who often received harsher punishments. This guidance forced schools to look over their disciplinary policies to make sure they were not treating minority students unfairly. The idea that excessive and unnecessary suspensions and expulsions has resulted in the school to prison pipeline. The school to prison pipeline suggests that Black and other minority students will end up in the criminal justice system because of school discipline issues.
Before Donald Trump
became president, he did many things and made many statements disrespecting Black people, proving that their best interest has never been his mission. In 1989, Trump took out full page ads in different New York newspapers, suggesting that five minority teenage boys needed to face the death penalty after being wrongfully accused and convicted of raping a white woman in Central Park. Their convictions were overturned, and they were exonerated in 2002 after the real rapist confessed. Trump never apologized to the Central Park 5, for his actions. In the
refusing to rent apartments to Black people in New York City.
Donald Trump began failing Black Americans, decades before he stepped foot into the oval office. A convicted felon will run the country, but citizens who are felons are not granted the opportunity to vote. Black people make up around 13% of the U.S. population but they make up a higher percentage of those arrested, charged, and convicted of crimes including felonies.
Many young Black voters have been miseducated and decided to vote for Trump due to stimulus checks that were
Park 5, for his actions. In the 1970s, Trumps real estate company was sued by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for housing discrimination, to stimulus checks that were received in 2020.
In 2023, famous rapper Sexyy Red publicly endorsed Donald Trump, saying that Black
people in the hood supported him because he got them out of jail and gave them free money. “They support him in the hood… But once he started getting Black people out of jail and giving people that free money. Awe, baby we love Trump. We need him back in office” she said during an interview. A year later, Sexyy Red publicly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris after hearing about Trump plans to control women and their bodies. Every Black person needs to be prepared and informed and know what it is that Trump is planning to do.
Taken from
We favor equal opportunity for our colored citizens. We pledge our protection of their economic status and persona We shall also seek to create an affirmative new atmosphere in which to deal with racial divisions and inequalities which threaten both the integrity of our democratic faith and the proposition on which our nation was founded – that all men are created equal.
Ending discrimination based on race, age, sex, or national origin demands not only equal opportunity but the opportunity to be equal. . . . We are firmly pledged to continue the nation’s march towards the goals of equal opportunity and equal treatment for all Americans, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin.
We supported the position of the Negro school children before the Supreme Court. † We believe: the Supreme Court school decision should be carried out in accordance with the mandate of the Court; continued vigorous enforcement of the civil rights laws to guarantee the right to vote to all citizens in all areas of the country; action to prohibit discrimination in housing constructed with the aid of federal subsidies; removal of any vestige of discrimination in the operation of federal facilities or procedures which may at any time be found. We pledge the full use of the power, resources, and leadership of the federal government to eliminate discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin and to encourage understanding and good will among all races and creeds.
Opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex. We recognize that the elimination of any such discrimination is a matter of heart, conscience, education, as well as of equal rights under law. ††
† See note on previous page about Brown v. Board of Education.
††This era marked the passage of three landmark civil rights measures: the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1964 Constitutional Amendment abolishing the poll tax (see note on abolishing poll taxes on page 20), and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. How did these landmark measures become law? 25 of 26
the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.” (John 18: 37-38). Pilate then said: what is the truth? Jesus the Christ or Barabas the thief. Pilate then said what is truth. “I find no fault in the man, Jesus”. It is Passover, and it is customary for me to release one prisoner. Should I release the King of the Jews or Barabas the thief? “Then cried they all again, saying not this man, but Barabbas.”
(John 18:40). Does it seem as though the same spiritual scenario played itself out in the 2024 Presidential election?
The Civil War was a serious spiritual inflection crossroads concerning whether America could ever live-up to the spiritual meaning of its universal declaration and creed that all men are created equal. Sadly, America’s political system has become too ungodly transactional and monetarily driven, and at the same time, we all know that money and power corrupt. Therefore, it is written, “godliness with contentment is great gain.
even in your home by being authentic, committed, and purposeful in your actions. Future generations are watching us, whether we realize it or not. They are looking to see how we navigate challenges, how we treat one another, and how we leave the world better than we found it. It is a big responsibility, but an incredible opportunity. This does not mean we have to have everything figured out. It is okay to grow, to make mistakes, and to change direction. The only thing that matters is that we are committed to continuing to move forward using our voice and staying true to our values. The world needs us,
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out…..For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6: 6-7, 10). Most Americans naively believe that money can buy happiness. Happiness is an internal spiritual state of being. The Gospel Writer St. Paul said it best: “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.” (Philippians 4: 11). America, attitude is life, and an individual’s attitude influences the entirety of his/ her life. This is why: “Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” (Hebrews 13: 5-6). Hallelujah.
our energy, our ideas, and our courage.
Let’s stop waiting and let’s stop doubting. Be encouraged. Let’s embrace and take advantage of the fact that we are the now, and the world is ours to shape. We don’t need approval or a certain status to step into our greatness, our job is to believe in ourselves and tap into the gifts that already inside of us. The future is watching, and it starts with us. Lead with purpose, passion, and the determination to create a better tomorrow. Do not wait, you can lead without the title.
By: Chloé Richards
In 2021 the idea that certain books should be banned in Texas became a topic amongst Texas lawmakers. In October of that year, Texas State Representative Matt Krause sent a letter to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) with a list of over 850 books that he thought should be removed from schools. Majority of these books dealt with topics like, race, gender identity, social justice, and sexuality. 11 of the books he suggested be banned talked about Roe vs Wade which was overturned the following year. There were also two books on the list by famous Black author Ta-Nehisi Coates and William Styron’s book “The Confessions of Nat
public schools to create a process to review and remove books that would be considered inappropriate. This law requires school districts to have books reviewed by a committee. The law does not directly require a statewide book ban, it does give school districts more control on what books they think need to be removed. In 2023, a school in Katy ISD bought $93,000 worth of new library books, but they were immediately put in a storage unit until they could be reviewed by a committee. From that new set of books, Katy ISD banned 14 books, put their total at 30 banned books. That same year, in Beaumont, TX a substitute middle
Frank” to students. Since 2021, the Texas Book Ban has grown in many ways. Gov. Abbott said, “I’m signing a law that gets that trash out.”
By: Bill King
This week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) once again reduced its population projections for the U.S. for 2025-2055. Last year, in its 30-year forecast, the CBO had projected that the U.S. population would be about 383 million by 2054. This week’s projection lowered the 2055 projection to 372 million, about a 2.8% decrease. If the CBO is correct, the U.S. population will grow by about 22 million or 6% (350MM→372MM) over the next thirty years. It will be the slowest population growth in the country’s history.
Senate Bill 3 was signed in 2021 by Gov. Greg Abbott that required TX a substitute middle school teacher was removed from their classroom for reading parts of “The Diary of Anne
relatively little difference, with women born here having a rate of 1.56 and immigrants only slightly higher at 1.88 – both still well below the replacement rate.
or came claiming asylum and were released pending an adjudication of their claim.
Due to the lower fertility rate, the CBO now projects that natural population growth (births in excess of deaths) will go negative in 2033. We have been barely staying positive
The CBO’s projection is based on an inflow of about 1 million immigrants annually. That is about the number legally admitted annually for the last two decades, including during the previous Trump administration. Of course, if Trump were to make good on his promises to have more restrictions on immigration and conduct widespread deportations, that could put significant downward pressure on the total population.
The lower projection is based on the fertility rate continuing at a very low level and a slowdown in immigration.
In Nov. 2024, Texas was ranked number three in the United States for book bans. There are four school districts in the state with the most book bans, North East ISD in San Antonio, TX banning 171 books, Fort Worth ISD banning 123 books, Conroe ISD banning 106 books, and Plano ISD banning 64 books. A report for the 2023-2024 school year found that there was a 200 percent book ban increase compared to the previous school year. There are over 1,000 most common banned books, 44 percent of those books included characters who are people of color, 57 percent included sexual themes or depictions, and 39 percent had LGBTQAI+ characters.
Books are a part of history, and reading is important for the growth of a young mind. Banning books from schools may be hurting students more than it is helping them. Everyone should have a say in what books are in schools, but it is also important to make sure all voices and stories are heard.
The most recent data on the fertility rate (the average number of children born to each woman) was 1.62 in 2023.
The CBO projects that it will slightly decline to 1.60 for the balance of the forecast period. However, it warns that it could go even lower. A fertility rate of about 2.1 is necessary to have a stable population.
The CBO breaks down the fertility rate between women born in the U.S. and those who have emigrated here. I was surprised that there is
for the last several years, adding about 500,000 new native-born citizens each year. By 2055, the CBO expects that the U.S. will have about 800,000 more deaths each year than births.
The wild card, however, is immigration.
The CBO estimates that the U.S. population has increased by about 10 million over the last four years due to immigration. Roughly 3 million came through the regular immigration process, legally obtaining the right to move to this country. The remaining 7 million came illegally
The CBO estimates the country’s future population to create a baseline for its projections for the federal budget, especially the effect on Social Security and Medicare. Since those programs are mostly income transfers between generations, the ratio of the working-age population compared to the retired population is critical for determining the cost and sustainability of those programs. It should be no surprise that a stagnant or declining population significantly increases the burden of those
By: Travis McGee
After every disasterHouston uses the term “HOUSTON STRONG”, but are we really or does it depend on the circumstances? Some have said Houston is tired, fed up, and some have even said until the next time something happens. Our city has had its fair share of hurricanes, floods, blackouts, and etc., but the only thing that actually gets better is Houstonians willing to help when they are ALLOWED to do so. HOUSTON STRONG is more so the drive, the will, compassion, and resilience of the people citywide vs our local government planning in a more productive -proactive manner to better assist ALL Houstonians. That includes
the Homeless /Displaced population also. The homeless problem is one that has to be addressed from a humanity/commonsense standpoint vs a political one. There’s no way to count the homeless population in any city just like those of us that do have homes really and truly don’t know what it is or how it feels to be homeless. We all know we can’t help everybody, but we all should be trying to help somebody. The homeless problem is not a new one, but in order to correct it, the CITY must allow those who are willing to help to do so. We don’t need anymore studies or experiments. We need a more proactive -productive Homeless action plan that we actually see results from. I don’t think making broad statements about like, they want to be out there or even considering all of them to
be drug addicts, mentally ill, or even violent is very stereo typical considering we all could be homeless or displaced tomorrow.
There’ve been times where our great city has been more compassionate about bats freezing vs our displaced freezing. Sometimes, commonsense has to supersede everything else especially when human life is involved. During past and present natural disasters and emergencies the public has often had to wonder what would be open or available if shelter is needed but, ALL tax funded facilities should be available if needed to house and help those who are in need. That includes the homeless population. If the policy is the problem change it, if its an ordinance change it, and most important if it’s a mindset change it. Simply saying we have a problem and throwing money at the problem without fully acknowl-
edging the problem will never fix the problem. If Houstonians want to donate food, warm items, toiletries, and etc. they should be allowed to without any red tape or citations especially in case of emergencies. I have personally witnessed, sponsored, and volunteered during hurricanes, blackouts, and floods but the only difference was, these were not homeless people receiving help that they may or may not have needed. It has always been a difference between needs and wants. It seems as if the policies changes in certain circumstances or for certain group of people like the homeless. If everybody does something, everything will get done. A great man by the name of Marvin Zindler once said,” Its hell to be poor” …. It’s also hell to be Homeless
By: Ms. Megan S. Lemly
Aviation Boatswain’s
Mate (Handling) 3rd Class Damean Jernigan, from Houston, assigned to the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6), secures an MH-60S Seahawk from Helicopter
operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations. U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forwarddeployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Amy Cocoro Mullins) Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 25 to the ship’s aircraft elevator in the Philippine Sea, Jan. 20. America, lead ship of the America Amphibious Ready Group, is in preserving a free region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass CommunicaAmy Cocoro Mullins)