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Industry News
South Africa’s Minister of Employment and Labour Thulas Nxesi promulgated the new national minimum wage (NMW) effective 1 March 2020. This is the first increase since its introduction in 2019. The national minimum hourly wage and the special wages for some categories of work will increase by almost 3.8 percent, which is approximately in line with current inflation figures. However, the unions – outraged at a previous recommendation of a 5 percent increase – commented that the minimum wage introduced in 2019 was agreed in 2017, and therefore was now much eroded.
With effect from 1 March 2020 employers shall pay contract-cleaning workers at least the minimum hourly wage as detailed in the schedule below:
Area A Area B Area C Metropolitan Councils: City of Cape Town, Greater East Rand Metro, cities of Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela. Local Councils: Emfuleni, Merafong, Mogale City, Metsimaholo, Randfontein, Stellenbosch, Westonaria. All areas in KwaZulu-Natal NB: Conditions of employment for KwaZulu-Natal areas shall be subject to the agreement concluded in the Bargaining Council for the Contract Cleaning Service Industry KwaZulu-Natal (BCCCI) published in the Government Gazette No. 38468 dated 13 February 2015. In the rest of South Africa Rate per hour R22.84 Rate per hour R23.04 Rate per hour R20.83
Subsequent to the new NMW announcement, the National Contract Cleaners Association (NCCA) NEC issued the following statement:
“As most NCCA members are aware, the national minimum wage increased to R20.76, effective 1 March 2020.
In conjunction with the NMW, all sectoral determinations, of which cleaning is one, increased with the same/similar percentage of 3.8 percent. Although this might be interpreted as a low increase, it must be borne in mind that CPI has remained in this range and it also reflects a realistic view on a depressed economy. Whereas the Department of Employment and Labour is tasked with improving terms and conditions of employment, they are equally concerned with unemployment; further hiking the increase would likely exacerbate job losses.
With effect from 1 March 2020: • Area A has increased from R22.00 to R22.84 • Area B (KZN) has increased from R22.20 to R23.04 • Area C has increased from R20.07 to R20.83 It must be noted that the increase in KZN was rather unexpected as confirmation was received from the Department of Employment and Labour that the current agreement would be extended until August 2020. The NCCA is currently taking legal advice on the situation and will advise members once there is a definitive answer. Many KZN NCCA members have taken the view to withhold increases until this matter has been finally adjudicated.
We trust the above summary is of assistance, however, should you require any further guidance or clarity do not hesitate to contact the NCCA’s national office.”
Email: national@ncca.co.za
Nilfisk donation to new Chinese hospital fighting coronavirus
Leading global provider of professional cleaning solutions and services Nilfisk announced that it signed an agreement with the Chinese contract-cleaning company, T&RAIN Group, to donate a range of cleaning machines to the new Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, China.
Huoshenshan is an emergency specialist hospital, built in Wuhan over a period of only 10 days – 23 January to 2 February – in response to the current coronavirus outbreak. The hospital is operated by the Chinese authorities and is designed to isolate and treat patients infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Nilfisk equipment arrived at the hospital on 4 February and is being used by T&RAIN Group to clean the hospital following the building and construction work that took place. This will ensure that all facilities provide an optimal hygienic standard for incoming patients, according to China Daily. Serdar Ülger, Group Senior Vice President of Nilfisk, responsible for sales in Asia and Pacific, commented: “We are deeply saddened to see the current development of the coronavirus in China and beyond. As a global company with a presence in China, we want to act responsibly and support the communities where we operate. In this case, we are putting our products to work at the much-needed Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan.”
Nilfisk offers a range of professional cleaning products used to clean hospitals across the world, including floor-cleaning machines, vacuum cleaners and high-pressure washers.