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African All The Goodness of Africa

OCTOBER 2013 Vol 1 No 8

Interna�onal Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora




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Pauline Long



OWNER’S MANUAL New Cakes on the Block PEARLLITAS takes on the BEFFTAS

Kemi Oluboro Olutayo on Honey and Cinnamon Favour Nkechi Peter warns on the current fad of Noodle-mania in African communi�es everywhere


Nigerian beans becomes herby bean po�age


Nigerian Cuisine at 53 -Suya Na Number One!


An Ethiopian Encounter in London

AfricanCuisineMagazine Contributors

Kemi Olutayo Oluboro Meg Worola


The glitz of BEFFTA Media Evening Helen and Femi Kola-Ojo wed in style DIASPORA EVENTS - 3rd Uganda Uk Trade and Investment Expo

Favour Nkechi Peter

Maggie Thindwa

Taiwo Olutayo


Femi Awowade

Credits: Funke Koleoso(h�p://; Courtesy of h�p://�er/nigerian-herby-beans-po�age-recipe/


Joy Obinyan

AfrCUIican SINE All The Goodness of Africa

OCTOBER 2013 Vol 1 No 8

Interna�onal Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

the monthly update


Welcome to another edi�on of African Cuisine Magazine. Since last month, so much has happened that the end of Summer actually seems to raise the temperature of events around African food and drink. On a sober scale, the terrorist a�ack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi was an atrocious assault on a new way of life for Kenyans. We extend our condolences to all Kenyans at home and abroad. The Uganda Investment Conference held in London. It was declared open by the country’s Vice President supported by a number of cabinet ministers with a list of opportuni�es to invest in the growing economy. It was there that we met the producers of Kisubi Herbal and Lemon Grass tea amongst other food products heading out of Africa to countries in the Diaspora. And if it’s a good product, you can be sure we’ll be talking about it in African Cuisine Magazine. We also met Mr Patrick Okwalinga, the London-based caterer and restarateur who has just wri�en the first book by an African on restaurant business in the UK. More on him in the November edi�on. And this issue introduce a new feature ‘Owner’s Manual - Why.How I

Do it’ in which we talk to enterpreneurs about their cra�. Pearl is a cake maker of dis�nc�on and we welcome her to our network. Our guest on Celebrity TableTalk is the indomitable icon, Pauline Long. What an amazing woman! Lunch with her at the swanky Ethiopian Addis Restaurant in London’s King Cross went too quickly! On hand to help with our conversa�on with Pauline was Abi Falusi, an engaging discussant with a knack for se�ling our celebri�es at ease. Thanks, Abi. Favour Peter writes about the health risk of ea�ng too much processed foods and is up in arms about the current African fad of feeding on Noodles. Nigeria marks 53 year’s of independence from Britain this year. Inside are two foods ou must try out someday. Enjoy your belleful! POSTSCRIPT It was with sadness that we heard that Gbolahan Adesanya, husband of our Out&About feature last month, Folake Adesanya, passed away suddenly. May his soul rest in peace. MICHAEL O BANJO



African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa


Are You Into NoodleMania?


Everything in Moderation

onsump�on of instant noodles have increased around 40% in past one year due to busy working schedule of people instant noodles always seems to be the easiest op�on to sa�sfy your empty tummy with. Have you ever thought does this actually fulfill your body’s daily requirement of essen�al nutrients? Is this easy op�on also healthy? The answer to these ques�ons is that we should avoid instant noodles due to many reasons. Following are some of them:


High sodium content: According to codex standards 24 addi�ves in instant noodles are sodium salts whose high content can cause many hazardous health problems. Top of the list is of course hypertension then comes heart diseases, Cancerous poten�al: Substances such as dioxin, plas�cizers and Styrofoam leached from the stroke and kidney damage. containers of these noodles are known cancer Propylene glycol: An an�-freezing agent use to causing agents. retain moister in the instant noodles is absorbed and accumulate in heart, liver, kidney where they Fa�ening: We should also avoid instant noodles can cause abnormali�es. Other than this we should because they are counted as junk food. They avoid instant noodles because this ant- freezinig have loads of carbohydrates but lack all the other agent also has a capability of weakening our immune Con�nued next page > Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Con�nued from previous page > essen�al nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber etc. This excess of fat and carbohydrate can lead to obesity.

intes�nal tract in children below the age of 5. This lack of nuterant absorp�on inhibits normal physical and mental growth of a child.

Mono Sodium Glutamate: Another reason to avoid Irregular bowl moments: Noodles interferes with instant noodles is addi�on of monosodium glutamate normal bowl movements and diges�on of food due as the flavoring agent. This chemical can lead to to excess of fat and water they also cause water swea�ng, flushing, headache, nausea, weakness, reten�on which can be considered one of the cause depression, chest pain, cardiac muscle palpita�on, heart palpita�ons and arrhythmias. Other than this of irregular bowl moments. is ar�ficial consump�on of glutamate can interfere Miscarriage: Pregnant women are advised to avoid with the normal func�oning of the neurotransmi�er instant noodles as they interfere in growth of the glutamate. fetus and can lead to miscarriage. Favour Nkechi Peter is an expert om Events and Irregular metabolism: Another reason to avoid Catering in Nigeria and shares her experience instant noodles is that the ar�ficial flavoring agents, by research and writing on best practice in subcoloring agents and preserva�ves added in these Saharan Africa. She is the owner of GIFTEDnoodles can interfere in normal metabolic ac�vi�es HANDS EVENTS SERVICES and can be reached @+234-80-68268730, +234-80-55667464, Email: of the body. BB Pin: 27741E55 Interference in nutrient absorp�on: Overconsump�on of instant noodles can interfere in absorp�on of other nutrients by the gastro


Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE NEWS.REPORTS.COMMENTARY All The Goodness of Africa

Global yam conference calls for more investments on yam research, development

advantage of what research offers. According to him, “the challenge is to mobilize the investment required to conduct research and develop the yam value chain into a profitable enterprise for small and largescale operators alike.”

Wri�en by Adeleke Mainasara Increasing funding for research and development on yam will help unleash the poten�al of the crop, improve livelihoods, create jobs and enhance food security in Africa, par�cipants at the first ever global yam conference in Accra, Ghana have said. According to par�cipants who were drawn from research fields, policymakers, and representa�ves from the private sector, the recent investments in yam research are paying off, and demonstra�ng the crop’s greater poten�al than what is being realized. “Sustaining and enhancing funding support for yam research and development backed by poli�cal will are needed to unlock the crop’s full poten�al,” said the Director General of the Interna�onal Ins�tute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Dr Nteranya Sanginga. He praised the government of Japan, Bill & Melinda Gates Founda�on, and the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) for suppor�ng IITA on yam research and called on researchers to develop a vision for the crop. Known as the ‘king of crops’ because of its contribu�on to incomes and food security, yam also has high cultural value especially in tradi�onal marriages in Africa. However, the crop is under-researched due to low funding and this has limited the poten�al of the crop for allevia�ng poverty. “If we a�ract more investments to Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

advance and expand yam research globally, the an�cipated benefits and impacts will be quite enormous,” says the Ghanaian Minister for Food and Agriculture, Clement Kofi Humado. Represented by the Deputy Minister for Food and Agriculture, Ahmed Yakubu Alhassan, the minister said that there was a need to “soberly rethink through research-anddevelopment, and invest our limited resources judiciously to ensure best results.” The Execu�ve Director, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Dr Yemi Akinbamijo noted that in spite of the contribu�on to food security and incomes, African crops such as yam have not commanded the a�en�on they deserved, and have as a result remained underu�lized. “Yams are unexploited in several aspects: actual yields are lower than poten�al, u�liza�on is low for instance in animal feeds, and poten�al for diversifica�on of yam products among others is unexploited,” he said. Commending IITA for its contribu�on to yam research and development, Dr Akinbamijo said that the key to unlocking the poten�al of yam lies in science and technology and empowerment of the producers, marketers, and consumers to take

The Global Conference on Yams provides a pla�orm for stakeholders to explore recent innova�ons in yam improvement, share lessons learned, iden�fy research and development needs, and develop global alliances. Dr Robert Asiedu, IITA Director for Western Africa, and the Convener of the Global Conference on Yam said that the event provided a pla�orm for consulta�on and development of a global strategy for improving the yam sector based on gene�c enhancement; crop protec�on and mi�ga�on of risks due to pests, diseases and climate change; conserva�on of gene�c resources; preven�on of postharvest losses; improved seed systems; crop diversifica�on; and enhancing industrial poten�al of yam and improved market access.

Food UniversityTM is launched at Clinton Global Ini�a�ve Annual Mee�ng The ImagineAfrica Alliance® plans to provide educa�on and training for one million students over the next ten years NEW YORK -As a part of a global effort to promote food security and agricultural development in Africa, the Food University ini�a�ve was launched yesterday by the ImagineAfrica Alliance and President Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global


Ini�a�ve (CGI) Annual Mee�ng. The Food University ini�a�ve is an�cipated to be a game-changing approach to crea�ng sustainable jobs and a skilled workforce across Africa’s food value chain.

technical skills through a “learn while you earn” curriculum. “We are honored to be here with President Clinton to launch this cri�cally needed effort designed to ensure that Africa’s current and future genera�ons are equipped with the skills, resources and opportuni�es to successfully par�cipate in the food and agricultural sectors,” said Rick Li�le, founder and CEO of ImagineNa�ons Group. “It is es�mated that world food consump�on will require a

from many leaders across Africa. “I have been thrilled to par�cipate in the dreaming and designing of Food University,” said Dr. Ruth Oniang’o, editor-in-chief of the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutri�on and Development, and Chair of the Rural Outreach Programme in Kenya. “This innova�ve ini�a�ve will play a cri�cal role in developing the leaders, entrepreneurs and talent we need for a food-secure Africa.”

Food University is the firstever pan African ini�a�ve that seeks to develop a robust talent infrastructure by matching the supply and demand of skills, providing applied educa�onal The ImagineAfrica Alliance is opportuni�es, and uni�ng the efforts a public-private partnership of of the private, public and civil society corpora�ons, academia, sectors. Food University NGO’s, government agencies is an ini�a�ve of and investors. With the the ImagineAfrica collec�ve interest and Alliance. Ini�al resources of such a group, partners suppor�ng coupled with the magnitude the ImagineAfrica of this ini�a�ve, the Alliance Alliance and Food hopes to unleash the huge University include: produc�ve and prosperityImagineNa�ons Group, inducing poten�al of 4-H programs across agriculture in Africa. Africa, DuPont, USAID, Laureate Interna�onal For more informa�on, Universi�es, please visit www. The MasterCard Founda�on, Nando’s ...building human capacity in the African Food chain Peri-Peri, BXR Group, About the ImagineAfrica Alliance 70% increase in annual agriculture Aslan Group Africa, BridgeLeader produc�on by 2050. With 60% of the Network, DECA, Malawi Mangoes The ImagineAfrica Alliance is and the Inter-American Development world’s share of uncul�vated arable nurturing a new genera�on of land, Africa offers a real solu�on to Bank. Africans who are prepared to this challenge. This commitment succeed, engaged in decent work, helps galvanize diverse partners Through Food University, the and ac�vely pursuing their dreams. across Africa and other parts of the ImagineAfrica Alliance plans to Our mission is to provide workers, world to make this vision a reality.” provide educa�on and training farmers, and young people with the for one million students over the skills, incen�ves and opportuni�es next ten years. This new “field-toThe Alliance is launching pilot they need to succeed, while also fork” approach will help ensure a campuses over the next two years helping investors and commercial skilled workforce across the food in Mozambique, Malawi, South operators maximize their social value chain, including produc�on, Africa and Tanzania. Over the next and financial returns across manufacturing and distribu�on to ten years, the Alliance will leverage the agriculture and food value support farms, industry and whole investment, philanthropic and ecosystem. The ImagineAfrica communi�es. Food University will development funds to educate a Alliance is a unique network of be a vibrant and growing network of million students and contribute to African and interna�onal partners affiliated “campuses” across Africa, building 20 responsible agribusiness (private, public, and civil society) including farms, youth organiza�ons, communi�es that will have a farcommi�ed to working together schools, universi�es and other reaching impact by providing toward achieving these goals. se�ngs. Through online educa�on, improved access to essen�al appren�ceships and classroom community services, including learning, it will develop talent across health, educa�on, financial services, all disciplines related to the food clean water and sanita�on. value chain, from agriculture, to business, finance, management, The ImagineAfrica Alliance has built a entrepreneurship and other pla�orm of engagement and support


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa




Nigerian cuisine consists of dishes or food items from the hundreds of ethnic groups that comprise the West African na�on of Nigeria. Like other West African cuisines, it uses spices and herbs in conjunc�on with palm oil or groundnut oil to create deeply flavoured sauces and soups o�en made very hot with chili peppers. Nigerian feasts are colourful and lavish, while aroma�c market and roadside snacks cooked on barbecues or fried in oil are plen�ful and varied. 12

Capital: Abuja Currency: Nigerian naira Population: 168.8 million (2012) World Bank National anthem: Arise, O Compatriots President: Goodluck Jonathan Official language: English Language

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Suya Na Number One! shish kebab like food popular in West Africa, originally from the Hausa people of northern Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger. Suya is generally made with skewered beef, fish, or chicken. The meat is rubbed-in with tankora, a dry spice mix containing powdered groundnuts, cayenne pepper, ginger, paprika and onion powder, then barbecued. Suya is often served with a further serving of tankora and sliced onions. Suya has proved to be an extremely popular evening snack sold by many roadside vendors and restaurants in many West African cities with a Hausa population. In England it is said if you enter a town and there’s no Indian restaurant, turn away immediately. In Nigeria, if you enter a neighbourhood and there’s no-one making Suya, take to your heels. And without a SUYA is a

shadow of doubt, Suya is the most democratic of all Nigerian foods!

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

H E A LT H & W E L L B E I N G by Kemi Olutayo Oluboro



t is found that a mix of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scien�sts of today also note honey as very effec�ve medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus. Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even diabe�c pa�ents. Researched by western scien�sts:

200 people so treated) prac�cally 73 pa�ents were totally relieved of pain -- and within a month, most all the pa�ents who could not walk or move around because of arthri�s now started walking without pain.

ARTHRITIS: Arthri�s pa�ents can benefit by taking one cup of hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. When taken daily even chronic arthri�s can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their pa�ents with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week (out of the

UPSET STOMACH: Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also is said to clear stomach ulcers from its root.

BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder....who knew?

CHOLESTEROL: Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water given to a cholesterol HEART DISEASES: Make a pa�ent was found to reduce paste of honey and cinnamon the level of cholesterol in the powder, put it on toast blood by 10 percent within instead of jelly and jam and two hours. As men�oned for eat it regularly for breakfast. arthri�c pa�ents, when taken It reduces the cholesterol three �mes a day, any chronic and could poten�ally save cholesterol-could be cured. According to informa�on one from heart a�ack. Also, even if you have already had an a�ack studies show you could be kept miles received in the said Journal, pure honey taken with away from the next a�ack. Regular use of cinnamon food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol. honey strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated pa�ents COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds successfully and have found that as one ages the should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and, clear the sinuses, and it’s delicious too! and the veins.


GAS: According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that when Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas. IMMUNE SYSTEM: Daily use of honey and cinnamon Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral a�acks. Scien�sts have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles (where DNA is contained) to fight bacterial and viral diseases. INDIGESTION: Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food is eaten relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals

WEIGHT LOSS: Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast and on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. When taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.

CANCER: Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach INFLUENZA: A scien�st in Spain has proved that and bones have been cured successfully. Pa�ents honey contains a natural ‘Ingredient’ which kills the suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon influenza germs and saves the pa�ent from flu. of cinnamon powder three �mes a day for one month. Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, FATIGUE: Recent studies when taken regularly, have shown that the sugar arrests the ravages of old content of honey is more age. Use four teaspoons helpful rather than being of honey, one teaspoon detrimental to the strength of cinnamon powder, of the body. Senior ci�zens and three cups of boiling who take honey and water to make a tea. cinnamon powder in equal Drink 1/4 cup, three to parts are more alert and four �mes a day. It keeps flexible. Dr. Milton, who has the skin fresh and so� done research, says that a and arrests old age. Life half tablespoon of honey spans increase and even taken in a glass of water and a 100 year old will start sprinkled with cinnamon performing the chores of powder, even when the a 20-year-old. vitality of the body starts to decrease, when taken RASPY OR SORE THROAT: When throat has a �ckle or is raspy, take one daily a�er brushing and in the a�ernoon at about tablespoon of honey and sip un�l gone. Repeat every 3:00 P.M., the vitality of the body increases within a week. three hours un�l throat is without symptoms. PIMPLES: Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it off the next morning with warm water. When done daily for two weeks, it removes all pimples from the root. SKIN INFECTIONS: Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin Infec�ons.

BAD BREATH: People of South America, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water first thing in the morning so their breath stays fresh throughout the day. HEARING LOSS: Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing.


Click here to join Kemi’s health group for healthy recipes and health �ps. HEALTHY WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT GROUP h�p:// healthyfriendsupport/

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa



40-42 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DT Tel: 0208 7278 0679 h�p:// King’s Cross Sta�on, 5 mins walk. Our arrival at Addis Restaurant at midday found it quiet but ready for business. It’s resplendent and authen�c decor set the mood for what was to be expected. It was our first �me dining Ethiopian but our guest has been a few �mes. She guided us through the menu, men�oning that we must try the Injera. We promptly leafed through the Menu. She being a Vegan - no dairy and also being vegetarian - no meat, we expected to run out of choices. Alas, the Addis menu had dishes for both Vegans and Vegetarians and our server knowledgably described the specific reasosn why they suited both descrip�ons. So, from the Vegan list, we ordered the Yetesom Beyaynetu a mild mixed vegetable sauce made with cabbage, potato, carrots and chickpeas seasoned with our special spices. My carnivorous palate went for the Ye Beg Alicha Fi�it Mild spicy lamb stew mixed with piece of injera. The third member of our party ordered Doro Wot (hot) Chicken cooked with hot pepper and spices sauce. We ordered Mango juice and se�led into the becalmng ambience of this cosy restaurant. Music came through barely visible loudspeakers with the sonorous voices of Ethiopian women wa�ing like bu�erflies fluffing their wings. You felt transported to the ancient lands of the


THE BILL Yetesom Beyaynetu Ye Beg Alicha Fi�it Doro Wot (hot) Mango Juice x 3 Bo�led Water x3 TOTAL

£8.95 £9.35 £8.95 £3.00 £3.00 £33.25

great emperors of the Ethiopian past. And we all agreed that it was easy to have conversa�on without trying to talk over the music. Good. The food arrived in good �me. The Injera was served piping hot like an unfolded pancake unto which both Yetesom Beyaynetu and Ye Beg Alicha Fi�it were served from the bowl that bore it from the kitchen. We were encouaged to eat with our hands which we did. Naughty, naughty! The server had omi�ed to arrange how we’d wash our hands before and a�er the meal! Anyway, we soon got started and tucked into the delicious chemistry of flavours. Not to forget, the Doro Wot (hot) was astounding. For presenta�on, it scored 10/10. For flavour, 100%. We enjoyed ourselves and would certainly do Ethiopian another �me. A couple of points to note though, the first being about the washing of hands as said earlier. The second point is that the servers served us tap water inba jug when we ordered water. She did not ask us what we wanted. But small ma�er. On the whole, Addis does a fantas�c job especialy with its Vegan and Vegetarian menu which is something other African restaurants ought to emulate. Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Yetesom Beyaynetu

Mild mixed vegetable sauce made with cabbage, potato, carrots and chickpeas seasoned with our special spices.

Ye Beg Alicha Fitfit

Mild spicy lamb stew mixed with piece of injera.

Doro Wot (hot)

Chicken cooked with hot pepper and spices sauce.

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora



CELEBRITY TABLETALK All The Goodness of Africa



AULINE LONG. An amazing woman. A compendium of experience. An energe�c campaigner. An icon. When we mooted the idea of se�ng her a table in the African Cuisine Magazine Celebrity Table Talk, li�le did we know that we were engineering an exci�ng encounter with so many different dimensions. During two and half hours, we explored a range of issues, flee�ng between subjects that relay the struggles of black people in the Diaspora to the culinary tastes of African children, juggling being mum and mentor and trying to squeeze the last second out of each day doing the best possible to make a difference. That’s Pauline Long.

pe�te frame and the charm of her smile belies the enormous energy that know infuses her mul�dimensional array of work in the community. She says she wants to give to people what all her talent and �me can offer. She situates her promo�on of black ar�s�c achievement in the mirror of self-promo�on and accepts that charity begins at home. How did she get here? What’s her story? Pauline was born in Kenya but came to study in England because her father said sound educa�on was the passport to success. She built up a career in the hospitality sector and was Guest Rela�ons Manager at up-scale Mandarin Oriental in London’s Knightsbridge before venturing out to become mum and mentor.

Pauline says she grew up in a family of eleven siblings with a working Fashion designer mum The first thing that strikes you on seeing is her who had loads of sewing machines at home and size. And then her smile. The combina�on of her s�ll did her best to look a�er the home. She 18

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

gets part of her energe�c roles to that model of Pauline is her hearty laughter and expressive and a working mum being able to direct her �me as open communica�on style. And when it comes she wishes. Hence, the end of corporate 9-5 in to food, she is very knowledgable. favour of community work. She told us about Kenyan food, describing how Over our lunch interview, Pauline tells us she is a plantain becomes Matoke and her favourite food, Vegan. She has been a Vegetarian for fi�een years Mokimo, which is a Kikuyu staple from Kenya and Vegan for about two years. She tells us about which is eaten with Yamachoma and Kachimbari. the benefits of her Vegan diet and how she cooks The way she describes the food makes your with fresh ingredients daily to maximise the value mouth water. We might take up her offer to dine of food as primary source of wellbeing. A moment at her favourite Kenyan restaurant. And she says of hilarity was how her son’s school queried the she is a god cook and even if as she is Vegan, she form she filled in for his school indica�ng that ‘he can do a fabulous meal of chicken, fish or meat! is not vegetarian but can be vegetarian’ because Pauline is an ac�vist and believes in ac�on. She the boy wanted to eat sausages! One thing about urges everyone to do something - anything - to

‘Everyone has 24 hours in day. When I wake up and I find I am s�ll alive, I say Thank God for another 24 hours!’

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

I say ‘Oh my God!, I make a difference to have 24 hours!’ This the lives of others. She posi�ve approach considers poli�cians enables her to focus the least effec�ve on things that ma�er of leaders. ‘Being a to her, to her family poli�cian is a job’, she and other interests. says and that being Pauline runs East End so, poli�cians do their Studios Limited which best to keep their job oversees a range of and not necessarily interests in the ar�s�c to do the right thing. and entertainment Her views on Kenyan sector. She offers her poli�cs indicate her several pla�orms for disappointment with collabora�on with and the lack of Afrocentric strategies that Presenting Sir Trevor Macdonald, veteran broadcaster his BEFFTA Award support to established and up-and-coming upli� the condi�on of the ci�zens and the shi�ing of goal posts by groups and individuals. poli�cians that leave the people disillusioned. Pauline emphasises that mothers should take their responsibility seriously. TV and electronic Tribalism, she insists, blights Africa’s prospects. gadgets are banned in her home during the Pauline also wonders if the problems of Africa week un�l Friday evening and the family share have not been exported to the Diaspora and cited an evening every week for bonding. the lack of financial clout in the Black community as an example. She advocates trade between Black As BEFFTA UK Awards clocks 5 years, we ask businesses as one major step forward to address how she is feeling. She is very excited and this is this problem. She insists that Africans need to very clear in the way her eyes li�ed. Pauline says BEFFTA is about look within themselves honouring talented for the solu�ons to the people under challenges of today. one roof. Big and ‘The white man is small, famous, lessnot the problem, the known, first-�mers, white man is not the veterans, young solu�on, the UN is not and old - that’s the solu�on. We are what BEFFTA is all the solu�on and the about. It’s about key is unity’. sharing the Black experience and Asked how she copes encouraging talent with the challenge ...with African Cuisine Magazine interview panelist, Abi Falusi to flower. of being an ac�vist and business woman with her role as wife and A�er two hours and fi�een minutes, it was not mother, she rebu�ed that she does not see it easy to let go of the company of this charisma�c, as a challenge. ‘It’s my lifestyle, it’s my life and ebullient and confident lady of huge ability. But if I’m not playing those roles together, then I’m it was the purity of her heart, the honesty that emanated from her very soul that gave us joy that asleep.’ we had just been in the presence of one of the She says it’s about how you use your �me: ‘When finest gems of humanity. See you all at BEFFTA I wake up in the morning and I find myself alive, 2013. 20

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa


- The Ugandan UK Conven�on held the 3rd UK Trade and Investment Forum at Troxy Arena, London on Saturday 14 - Sunday 15 September 2013 with the theme’ Driving Economic Growth in Uganda. It was opened by Vice President Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi.

3rd UK Trade and Investment Forum

Cross-sec�on of guests at the conference

Official caterer to the conference, Exceline Catering Service


Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

3rd Ugandan UK Trade and Investment Forum

Paricipants mingling during the conference

Promo�ng culture at the conference Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

APRIL 2013 Vol. 1 No. 2

Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

an Afric CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

The Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora SUMMER 2013 Vol. 1 DOUBLE ISSUE

The Rise and Rise of Fast Food in Africa







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African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Recipes Across the Continent


Clam and Peanut Stew from Mozambique

Yield: 8 por�ons Matata is a typical Mozambique entree made with pumpkin leaves. We have used spinach as a subs�tute. This is one dish that wasn’t influenced by the cooking of Portugal. Imagine a combina�on like clams and peanuts and tender young greens! You may want to hold out the crushed red pepper. Start without it and add it gradually, with discre�on.

2 TOMATOES cut in small pieces 1 Tbs. SALT 1/2 tsp. BLACK PEPPER 1 tsp. CRUSHED RED PEPPER. Simmer gently for 30 minutes. Add 1 1/2 Ibs. FRESH SPINACH (young leaves) chopped finely. Cover �ghtly and, as soon as leaves have wilted, Matata is ready to serve.

In a 4-quart saucepan Correct the Seasoning Saute: 1 cup ONIONS chopped finely in Cook: 2 oz. OLIVE OIL un�l so� but not brown. Add: 4 cups CANNED CHOPPED CLAMS 1 cup PEANUTS, chopped finely Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

2 cups WHITE RICE in 5 cups BOILING SALTED WATER un�l tender. Serve over rice. 25

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

The Biography of Food No. 7

Nigeria Beans


Protein: 25 (g) here are over a 100 varie�es of beans known to man. Some of these are specific Dietary Fibre: 10.7 (g) Carbohydrates: 59 (g) to certain regions of the world. Fat: 1.2 (g) The popular Nigerian brown beans Vitamins: A, Folates are actually brown cowpeas which are Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron, cul�vated and consumed in most of Sub- Zinc, Manganese and Copper saharan Africa. This variety also exists as white cowpea. The beans are highly Note: Other ingredients added to beans during the cooking nutri�ous containing good levels of carbohydrate, protein, process such as oil and other vegetables will impact on the dietary fibre and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, overall calorie count of the dish. potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper. Uses: Brown beans are prepared and consumed in a variety Brown beans are an important crop which plays a significant of ways. Arguably, Nigerians have the highest numbers of role in the diets of Nigerians. They serve as a major source of ways/methods of cooking and ea�ng beans. They can be protein in the absence of sufficient animal protein. There are boiled and eaten alone, or in combina�on with cereals such two further categories of the brown beans namely Oloyin as rice or corn. They can also be mashed up, made into and Olo 1&2. The Oloyin beans have a naturally sweet taste soups, milled (usually with peppers, onion etc.) and fried as a and preferred in certain dishes. It is thought the the beans fri�er (akara, acaraje as it’s called in Brazil) or steamed into were introduced to Africa over 2000 years ago but Nigeria a savoury pudding (moin-moin). is currently the world’s largest brown beans producer In recent �mes, the beans have also been dried and milled accoun�ng for about 22% of total produc�on followed by into flour for use, again in different ways. Brazil. Nutri�onal Data for Brown Beans (based on 100g boiled brown beans): Calories: 378.9 (kcal)


Courtesy of Funke Koleoso(h�p://funke-koleosho.blogspot. Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Nigerian Herby Beans Pottage Recipe Courtesy of

Beans pottage is a healthy one pot meal in Nigeria that is served at any meal occasion, breakfast, lunch or dinner. Beans with its good protein content is great for growing children and adults as a way to control your carbohydrate intake, because beans by its nature is quite filling . Some people avoid beans as they can be difficult for some people to digest. Gas! Excess gas in the intestine can cause discomfort and sometimes actual pain as well as embarrassing flatulence .Why is this so? This is because Beans contain some types of starches, for which our bodies have limited stores of digestive enzymes to handle these starches. It’s the accumulated undigested or fermented starches that produce gas and is retained in the intestines and finally cause gas retention or flatulence in some of us. The gas that sends people in the same room with you racing out to get clean air away from you. Giggling is common in primary school classes as children are in the habit of realizing gas indiscriminately . It is recommended that you soak the beans and pour away the water and cook with fresh water. Also slow cooking helps to to reduce the flatulence. My twist to this commonly cooked dish is the addition of effirin/ntong/nchawun . Addition of ntong in pottages always brings that umph to dishes. I cooked this dish using a pressure cooker. The texture of the beans is just so soft but not mushy. You will find this method interesting and different. You may wish to cook normally but this will take a little more time. Enjoy your beans pottage

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

Recipe Ingredients 3 cups of brown black eye Beans 1tablespoon Tomato purée 6 cooking spoons ground Tomato/ Pepper ( previously boiled) 1 medium size Onion 10 leaves Ntong 2 tablets crayfish seasoning 1.5 liters Water Salt to taste Method 1. Pick and wash the beans. Leave in water for 30 minutes 2. Strain the water and pour beans into pot of water 3. Add the tomato purée , tomato/pepper mix, onion, seasoning, salt to taste 4. Cover pressure cook and bring to boil. 5. Cook for 35 minutes on medium heat 6. Allow pressure cooker to cool , open and return pot to burner and add the oil, 7. Turn off heat and add the ntong. 8. Serve with plantain , rice or any carbohydrate of choice. 27






All The Goodness of Africa

Femi and Helen Kola-Ojo were married on Saturday 14 September 2013 with a grand reception at Leyton Town Hall. Here is a snapshot of guests and activities. Happy married life to the fabulous couple. 28

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa



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African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa


BIDEMI ALARAN Doctor of Ceremonies superla�ve form!

OFFICIAL Caterer: Faithful & Frui�ul Events and Catering Limited 30

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


El-Royalithos Catering Institute

El-Royalithos Catering Services 1994 & 2003 WINNER NESTLE MAGGI CHEF OF THE YEAR NIGERIA

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Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

WINE & BEVERAGE REPORT Success for South Africa at Decanter World Wine Awards

and break the mould, showing regional variety, ranging from the chalky, mineral and steely to the more herbaceous and exo�c flavours, giving the wine lover a great range of choice”.

presenta�on dinner at the Royal Opera House.

exci�ng and diverse at the moment, while a Trophy win for Boschendal, Reserve Collec�on Shiraz 2011 is a testament to Stellenbosch’s established winemaking”, commented Steven Spurrier, who presented the Interna�onal Trophy winners with their cer�ficates at the night’s black-�e event.

In the Dry Aroma�c under £15 category, Paul Cluver’s Gewürztraminer 2012 from Elgin claimed the �tle a�er two years in the hands of Argen�nan Torrontés, while South Africa’s third and fourth Trophies went to Cape Point for their Isliedh 2012, and Boschendal, winning the White South Africa has taken Blend over £15 and Red Rhône varietal under joint-second place of countries awarded £15 Trophies, respec�vely. Interna�onal Trophies at this year’s Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA), the world’s largest “As well as producing a wide range of styles, South wine compe��on, winning four of the pres�gious African winemakers are going from strength to top accolades. The winners were announced strength in pu�ng their own regional stamp on in London, at the 10th anniversary DWWA Old World classics. The whites are par�cularly

The Sauvignon Blanc over £15 Trophy went to Cederberg’s David Nieuwoudt, showing that New Zealand isn’t the only New World country making world-class Sauvignon. His winning wine was the Ghost Corner Sauvignon Blanc 2012, made in an estate on the edge of the Cederberg Wilderness Area. South Africa’s Regional Chair at the DWWA, Lynne Sherriff MW, comments that within South Africa “Sauvignon Blanc con�nues to flourish Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa


Pearl Esinam Buady



am Pearl Esinam Buady from Ghana. I studied BA (Hons) Accoun�ng & Finance at the University of West London. I come from a huge family with hree sisters and a brother. I am a mum to deligh�ul li�le boy as well as an aunty to two wonderful nieces & two equally wonderful nephews, I love both jobs dearly. For me music is good for the soul so I love all types of music depending on what mood I’m in when I wake up. One morning with a gospel, raggae, R&B, Classical or Jazz tune in my head, then the whole day will be just that. I just love music and the joy it brings to one’s inner core. How did you get into cake making? I grew up helping my mum & elder sister bake so have loved from the get go. As I grew up I con�nued to pursue that passion by trying recipes as well as coming up with my very own recipes. Did you learn professionally or self taught? No I did not professionally learn it, everything I do is self taught but as you never stop learning I will love to learn it professionally at one point to do even more breath taking work for my customers. What inspires you to make different pieces. I get my inspira�on from everywhere I can find it, inspira�on is all around us, I love nature its a perfect teacher. What is special about your pieces? My work is made with quality ingredients, low fat as well as low sugar & a lot of love & passion. Do you eat lots of cake? How do you stay from indulging yourself and others? I like the occasional bite, I love seeing others enjoying my cakes instead. What’s the best and worst experience you’ve had with cakes? I have so so many best experiences but my best is when a customer first lay their eyes on their cake, that look of joy is always great for me. Havent actually had any bad


experiences so far thank God for that & I pray it stays the same. Is it art or science? Baking for me is an art, I come from a family of ar�sts & studied it for 3 years in Secondary school back home. Your favorite ingredient? My favourite ingredient is my secret ingredient, its what makes people ask ques�ons and set me aside from others. How easy is it to work with clients and their choices weighted against your professional judgement? It is not always easy weighing my clients choices against my professional judgement but I always take a bit of both & hive them be�er than they expect. What tradi�onal African ingredients do you use? Unfortunately there are no tradi�onal African ingredients in my cakes yet but watch this space:) What’s next for you as a cake maker? I’m working with some amazing people and have a huge VIP event to work for shortly so very excited about that and look forward to what’s to come. Your sister is a fashion designer. What’s the source of entrepreneurial talent in your household? Yes, my sister is the fantas�c, amazing and very talented Eli from House of Aranu,. The source of our entrepreneurial talent in our household are our parents who always encouraged us to explore our God-given talents. What advice do you have for aspiring cake makers? My advice to aspiring cake makers & indeed everyone scared to start something is to try, try and try again if you dont succeed. Find that inner strength, pray about it, follow it with ac�on & most of all believe in yourself because then & only then will others begin to believe in you. PEARLLITA LUSH DELIGHTS THE IS OFFICIAL CAKE MAKER TO BEFFTA AWARDS 2013 and you can share in her deligh�ul crea�ons at BEFFTA 2013 on 0ctober 25 and October 26 2013. Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa


Pearli�us Lush Delights


Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Random Recipe You cook it, we rate it!

Random Recipe is a reader recipe

interac�on that everyone can enjoy and which gives a kick to your crea�ve culinary talents. Here’s how it goes: Our Random Recipe Chef supplies a list of randomly-selected food items fond in the African larder.

Please send all your random recipes to Random Recipes at to reach us by 20th October 2013. The Editor’s decision on the choice of Random Recipe is final.

And what do you do with them? Create your own unique recipe, send it to us and we choose the most exci�ng one to cook at an YOU COOK IT, WE RATE IT! African restaurant near you. It’s that simple. In this issue, the African Cuisine Random Chef has put up the following food items: 1. Yam 2. One hot chilli pepper 3. One large sweet pepper 4. Fresh spinach 5. Onion 6. Cherry tomatoes 7. Garlic 8. Seasoning 9. Palm oil


Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora





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