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African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora

The Market for African Food and Drink in the Diaspora The Diaspora Africa economy is responsible for repatria�ng more than US$60bn to African countries. This amount outsrips the total volume of Aid money provided by foreign donors. This is a testament to a vibrant African diaspora connected in many ways to African goods and services. Apart from the resident Diaspora, a huge number of Africans travel regularly between their home countries and different parts of the world. One thing they always want: African food and drink. Not only do they want to eat and enjoy the best of Africa’s food and drink in the Diaspora, they also want to share this pleasure with their friends who may not be Africans. African Cuisine Magazine is the pla�orm that connects all these parts of the African food and drink jigsaw. African Cuisine Magazine is distributed free of charge. It is an A4 publica�on, full-colour, forma�ed in PDF. The magazine is emailed to subscribers and made available on www. It offers a range of opportuni�es to suit every adver�sing budget and message. READERSHIP Adver�sers and partners can also reach a wide ranging audience of consumers in the lifestyle and entertainment segment within resident Diaspora communi�es around the world. We also provide access to the mobile Diaspora ci�zen propelled by a huge of amount of travel between African and the major metropolitan hubs of the Diaspora like London, Paris, Brussels, Atlanta, Toronto and Ro�erdam. Part of the experience is discovering African food and drink in Europe, America and other parts of the globe. Therefore, African Cuisine Magazine is an invaluable tool for companies desiring to promote their products and services in this way. The readership also includes a virile primary audience comprising hundreds of company directors and managers at several levels in the private sector and public sector officials with oversight responsibility for different aspects of the African food and drink sector in the Diaspora and in Africa. African Cuisine Magazine has an interna�onal audience across the African Diaspora with outreach to governments on the African con�nent through contact with African diploma�c and consular missions in the Diaspora. PUBLISHING The magazine is published twelve �mes a year, in ten issues, available on-line and also printed as special edi�ons and specialist publica�ons at other �mes of the year. This provides our partners with addi�onal promo�onal and sponsorship opportuni�es.

We reserve the right to refuse adver�sing.

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Magazine Celebrating the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


2013 Editorial Calendar February Health & Wellness March The Women’s Issue April Ea�ng Out May Meat & Poultry June Venues & Recrea�on July Summer & Drinks August Special Edi�on September Entertaining/Kitchen October The Food Business November Cakes & Confec�onery December/January Holiday/Party Season Calendar subject to change without no�ce

African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora

African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora


2013 RATE CARD Adver�sing Rates A. Full Page (H 265mm x W 185mm)

£420 £250

B. Half Page (H 130mm x W 185mm) HORIZONTAL C. Half Page (H 265mm x W 90mm) VERTICAL D. Quarter Page (H 130mm x W 90mm) HORIZONTAL

£250 £180

E. Quarter Page (H 185mm x W60 mm) VERTICAL


F. Back Page (H 265mm x W 185mm) G. Inside Front Cover or Inside Back Cover (H 265mm

£550 £520

x W 185mm)





2/3 Spread



1/2 Horizontal Spread

Website Adver�sing

•all ads run of site • pricing is net, per month Leaderboard, 728x90 ................................................£550 Square 1, 300x250 ....................................................£550 Square 2, 300x250 ....................................................£550 125x125 ad below the fold .......................................£225 Anchor, 468x60 .........................................................£75 Online ad changes (moves or cancella�ons) need to be submi�ed in wri�ng at least 30 days prior to the start of the month in which they are scheduled to run.

Adver�sing Condi�ons 1. All adver�sing is subject to Publisher’s approval. Rates, condi�ons and space units are subject to change without no�ce. Posi�oning requests that are not paid for are not guaranteed. Publisher may reject adver�sements without liability, for any reason or no reason, including those that Publisher deems inappropriate or incompa�ble with its standards and those that have been previously acknowledged or accepted. Publisher may place the word “adver�sement” or otherwise add or delete text to or from ads, which, in Publisher’s opinion, resemble editorial ma�er. Publisher does not accept cancella�ons a�er the publica�on closing date. Publisher may print any adver�sement received before then and collect the full amount shown on the inser�on order. A 15% commission will be paid to adver�sing agencies recognized by Publisher. No commissions will be paid on produc�on and mechanical charges. 2. Payment terms are net 30 days a�er date of invoice. Publisher may apply payments from Adver�ser or its affiliates to any other debt owed to Publisher or its affiliates. Adver�ser and its affiliates shall remain liable for all outstanding sums owed to Publisher and its affiliates. Adver�ser will be charged interest on all past due payments at the rate of 18% per year or the highest legal rate, whichever is lower. Adver�ser, its affiliates and any applicable agency are jointly and severally liable for all payments to Publisher and its affiliates. Publisher is not bound by any terms or condi�ons that are unwri�en or that appear on order forms or copy instruc�ons when those terms or condi�ons conflict with or alter any provision contained in Publisher’s rate card or its policies. 3. Adver�ser and any applicable agency jointly and severally represent that they are fully authorized and licensed to use and publish (i) the names, portraits and pictures of living and dead persons, (ii) all intellectual, private and proprietary property, and (iii) all tes�monials and other ma�er contained in any adver�sement submi�ed by or on behalf of Adver�ser, and that the adver�sement is not libelous, an invasion of privacy or otherwise unlawful. 4. As part of the considera�on to induce Publisher to publish adver�sements, Adver�ser, any applicable agency and their affiliates agree to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Publisher and its affiliates from and against any and all losses, damages (including consequen�al, incidental, special and puni�ve damages), liabili�es, costs, fees and expenses (including court, collec�on and legal fees and expenses) incurred, arising out of or related to (i) the content and publica�on of the adver�sements and (ii) the failure of any contest related to the adver�sements to comply and conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, statutes and rules. 5. Publisher’s aggregate liability to Adver�ser and any third par�es for any and all reasons shall not exceed the amount paid by Adver�ser to Publisher for the applicable adver�sement. Publisher shall have no liability in all cases resul�ng from events that are beyond its reasonable control. In no event shall Publisher be liable to Adver�ser or any other party for consequen�al, incidental, special or puni�ve damages. Publisher is not liable for errors in pubset reader service numbers, booth lines or ad indexes. 6. Ads may be moved from one issue to another, with the excep�on of specially priced posi�ons, within the same calendar year if your sales representa�ve is contacted prior to the original issue’s close date as indicated on the 2013 Editorial Calendar. 7. Online ad changes (moves or cancella�ons) need to be submi�ed in wri�ng to your sales representa�ve at least 30 days prior to the 1st of the month in which they are scheduled to run. 8. For any eMedia crea�ve being served by a third party, the Rich Media code must be provided in a .txt file. We cannot accept .htm or .html files. We require the code in a hard copy format that cannot be altered at a later date.

African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora

African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora Classified Adver�sing What is the opportunity? Classified adver�sing is a way in which small to medium sized businesses can communicate with and sell their services and products to our readers. The classified sec�on is primarily a des�na�on point where the readers of our magazines will locate to search for selected items. We create des�na�on points for your advert by using headed sec�ons making it easy for the reader to navigate to to find the advert. What are the benefits? We allow you to tailor the size of your advert to match all of your marke�ng requirements from budgetary through to campaign length which means you can be in full control of your adver�sing within our magazines. Classified adver�sing is grouped en�rely in a dis�nct sec�on from the rest of the magazine and iden�fied through �tled sec�ons which make it easy for our readers to locate your advert. Classified adverts

allow you to interact with our readers and place a direct call to ac�on from your advert. You will be adver�sing in a relevant sec�on alongside your compe�tors where you can show your unique proposi�on to our readers. How can I use it? Classified advert sizes range from as li�le as a 3cm x 1cm to a full page all based on a single column cen�metre rate meaning you can communicate with our highly targeted audience depending on your requirements. What makes Dennis classified adver�sing different? Our specialist magazines can direct our wide range of loyal readers to your advert through �tled classified sec�ons. Dennis Publishing’s unique brands and highly trusted editorial content mean that the readers trust in the adver�sing that is carried in our magazines is increased because of the emo�onal bond they have with the brand.

Adver�sing Deadline & Specs Adver�sements must be booked using the a�ached booking form and received by 1st day of publica�on month, adver�sements must be emailed to in JPEG, PDF or Word document. Bleed Ads 5mm each outside edge •All artwork is to be provided as high quality print ready PDF •Please include trim marks •Fonts must be embedded/converted to paths and outlines. •Output should be CMYK. Images, pantone colours and RGB images should all be converted to CMYK. •African Cuisine Magazine takes no responsibility for adver�sements containing graphics of poor resolu�on or that have not been converted to CMYK. Supplying Artwork and Inserts •Please email artwork that is 4MB or less in size to: Mul�ple Month Ad Placements If booking mul�ple placements, it is the responsibility of the adver�ser to forward new artwork by deadline. If no new artwork is received for follow-on issues, African Cuisine Magazine will repeat original artwork. Adver�sers are responsible for ensuring artwork complies with applicable laws. Enquiries: Email: or Telephone: +44 7450972851/ +447727655669 Adver�sing Policy Adver�sing of Products Adver�sing of products is accepted. The standard adver�sing rates apply to all products adver�sed by manufacturers and suppliers. Adver�sing Discount Mul�ple month adver�sement placements a�ract a 10% discount for booking three or more consecu�ve adver�sements. Mul�ple placement bookings will be discounted and charged in full at the �me of the first adver�sements. Advertorial Policy African Cuisine Magazine has the right to independently review products as editorial, but will not promote individual suppliers or publish prices. To do so is considered as advertorial. Suppliers wishing to provide product reviews as advertorial will be charged according to the adver�sing rate guidelines.


African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora

African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora

Edi�ons Please select which edi�ons you are booking Jan | |

Feb | |

Mar| |

Apr | |

May| |



July | |

Aug| |

Sept| |

Oct | |

Nov| |

Dec |


Adver�sement Discounts Please select which discount apply • Members of Recognised Business and Professional organisa�ons and Educa�onal Ins�tute/Not for Profit organisa�ons/ 20% discount • 3 or more consecu�ve adver�sement placements 10% discount • Agreement Amount To calculate the Total Agreement Value • Adver�sement cost per placement £ Number of placements | | Sub Total £

Discounts applicable £

Total Agreement Value (incl VAT) £

Payment Type Please select your payment method Cheque [made payable to Gnitavonni Limted] Direct Debit [Please include reference: “African Cuisine Mag”] and advise payment date___/___/__ Tick [ form].

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PLEASE ALSO SIGN THE TERMS & CONDITIONS PAGE OVERLEAF Terms and Condi�ons Payment and Pricing - Invoice and receipt will be issued at �me of magazine distribu�on. - Payment is strictly 30 days from issue of invoice. - Agency Commissions are not available. Discounts - Mul�ple placement discounts do not apply on retrospec�ve bookings. - Mul�ple placement bookings will be discounted and charged at the �me of first adver�sement. - Members must be current with the associa�on at �me of booking to receive discount. Artwork - African Cuisine Magazine does not take any responsibility for poor resolu�on of graphics, or font . and graphics not converted to CMYK or outlines. Price does not include artwork development or changes to artwork. - It is the responsibility of the adver�ser to ensure that artwork is supplied to specifica�ons. - If booking a mul�ple placement, it is the responsibility of the adver�ser to forward new artwork within

African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora

African Cuisine Magazine repor�ng the best of African Food and Drink in the Diaspora �meline. If no new artwork is received for follow on issues, African Cuisine Magazine will repeat original artwork. - Adver�sers are responsible for ensuring artwork complies with English law and local laws applicable in your jurisdic�on. Agreement Amount To calculate the Total Agreement Value Adver�sement cost per placement £ Number of placements. [


Sub Total £


Discounts applicable £ [

Total Agreement Value (incl VAT) £ [


Agreement I have read the terms and condi�ons of the Agreement, and understand the booking rates, discounts and associated costs that may be charged. Signature...................................................

Print Name....................................................................

Forward Completed Agreement To: PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH PAGES OF THE BOOKING FORM & SIGN THE TERMS & CONDITIONS ABOVE. Date............................................................... Email: Don’t forget to email your adver�sement in JPEG, PDF or Word document as per the specifica�ons outlined on this booking form and email by the deadline date to: Email:

New customers’ fIRST time discount

25% off

• Series of 5 advertisements 20% off • Series of 8 advertisements 30% off Contact : Meg Banjo E-mail: Direct Tel: +44 (0)7727 655 669

African All The Goodness of Africa

MAY 2013 Vol. 1 No. 3


Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

THE PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSIBILITY DEA L Why helping to keep your customers in good shape can reap rewards

LIBERIA Finger Licking Food from the Land of Liberty


Collins Archie-Pearce

cra�-master of Sierra Leonian cinema in the Diaspora



African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora


BUSINESS REPORT The Business Of African Food In the Diaspora An Insight Into A Growing Behemoth

All The Goodness of Africa

TRAVELLER’S KITCHThe Gambia: A Li�le is Never Too Much


DRINK & BEVERAGE REHave you been called to the African bar?


All The Goodness of Africa

African CUISINE All The Goodness of Africa

APRIL 2013 Vol. 1 No. 2

Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the

MAY 2013 Vol. 1 No. 3

Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the Diaspora

MARCH 2013

Magazine Celebra�ng the Best of Africa’s Food & Drink in the

An Unpalat-

The Rise and Rise of Fast Food in Afri-

THE RESPONSIBILITY DEAL Why helping to keep your customers in good shape can reap rewards LIBERIA Finger Licking Food from the Land of Liberty


Collins Archie-Pearce

table manners with the master of Sierra Leonian cinema in the Diaspora

MAKE YOUR MARK IN AFRICAN FOOD AND DRINK IN THE DIASPORa Adver�sing and Partnering Enquiries Email - Call Michael Tel +447450972851 Call Meg Tel +447727655669

African Cuisine Magazine


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