Quarter 4 AE Newsletter

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ZIMBABWE: Harare Pan-African Leadership Initiative KENYA: Thousands reached with the Gospel in Eldoret SOUTH AFRICA: A gang leader surrenders to Christ




Harare Pan African Leadership Mission - September 2015


Switched On - Port Elizabeth


Great Eldoret Mission


SA Gang Leader Saved!

“I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4 ESV)







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Dear friends, African Enterprise shares God’s desire that all people be saved and have just conducted two of the biggest missions in AE history; first to Eldoret, Kenya in July and then to Port Elizabeth in August. Over 200 local churches and 1400 mission volunteers were moved to be part of the Eldoret mission that reached over 8000 people! During the Switched On Mission to Port Elizabeth, 5000 people gathered in a cricket stadium for the opening ceremony alone! By the end of the week 80,000 school children had been reached with the Gospel and over 1,700 people came to salvation. These numbers show that God is moving among the people of Africa through the work of AE. But we have not and cannot stop; in September we targeted some of Africa’s top leaders. In the 1980s and 90s the world looked at Africa with great hope in what was called the “new generation” of African leadership. Many strong leaders have risen up and done good for their countries – Nelson Mandela of South Africa, as well as Africa’s first elected female head-of-state, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia. Others, however, have battled wars in places like the Congo, Ethiopia-Eritrea, and Somalia, there is still widespread corruption and rising unemployment in many of Africa’s countries and a huge influx of refugees driven from the homes. The continent is in need of Gospel-driven, truth-filled leaders. In light of this, AE’s Pan-African Mission this year, in Harare, Zimbabwe from September 19th – 27th targeted top leadership from every sector of society – the military, judicial, academic, religious and political spheres. AE reached out to the country’s most influential leaders in an effort to change hearts with the Gospel. Read the stories here and as you do, pray for the leaders of Africa’s nations! Pray for God’s wisdom and peace in their lives, that they may work for the good of their people and the peace of their countries. God desires all peoples to be saved; from kings and presidents, to professors and policemen, not only the poor but also the rich and influential.


COVER PHOTO: Volunteers stand in front of Town House in Harare City, having just completed sweeping the streets in a symbolic gesture of cleaning up the city not only physically, but also spiritually. Editor: Krista Burns / Rachel Bell Design & Layout: Krista Burns African Enterprise AFRICAN HARVEST is published four times a year for distribution to friends and supporters of the African Enterprise ministry.


from the CEO

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Vice President of Zimbabwe, Emmersen Mnangagwa, addresses the crowd at the National Presidential Prayer Breakfast, hotel by AE


“Tsvaira Moyo” - Sweep My Heart, Sweep My Soul


Anderson, a local NGO Dr. Michael leader; “that you could bring a “DR. CASSIDY HAS JUST SHARED THAT PEOPLE Cassidy, founder of standard of righteousness to African Enterprise, NEED TO ASK WHO IT IS THAT LEADS THEIR this country.” addressed the crowd She was one of five of successful people: LEADERS,” SAID VICE PRESIDENT MNANGAGWA. “I Zimbabweans that stood “I don’t care if you’re rich, HAD NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT MYSELF; I THOUGHT wise, clever, or powerful,” to pray for the country at a National Presidential said; “it’s not enough to IT WAS ENOUGH THAT WE SIMPLY LED THEM!” he Prayer Breakfast in Harare, be patted on the back by on Saturday, September society and have nice big cars and houses unless you 26th. It was the penultimate event of this year’s Harare know Christ. That’s what really, really matters.” Pan African Leadership Initiative and was attended by He told them all that the most successful thing anyone about 500 local leaders, an AE team from all over the can do in life is to choose to have a relationship with world, and the Vice President of Zimbabwe, Emmersen Jesus. “If you give your life to Christ today, he gets your Mnangagwa. money, your influence, and your political power, he gets everything,” he said.

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he room was filled with hundreds of Zimbabwe’s leaders, some of the most successful, influential and hard-working people in the country: city councilors, businessmen, women leaders, diplomats, high school students, heads of NGOs , pastors and more – all were gathered around tables and each person danced, clapped and lifted their hands and voices to God, together. “Lord, we pray that the walls of destruction in Zimbabwe would be spiritually torn down,” prayed Jacqueline



In the four days preceding this prayer breakfast, AE held daily meetings for each specific group of Zimbabwean leaders, bringing them together and challenging them to lead with integrity in whatever their sphere of influence. Zimbabwe is a nation that claims to be 80-85% Christian. However, though Christianity is seemingly widespread, it very often represents a shallow understanding of the Gospel. This is a situation that the Harare Pan African Leadership Initiative sought to address in reaching out to leaders from every walk of life. Including the Presidency. “Dr. Cassidy has just shared that people need to ask who it is that leads their leaders,” said Vice President Mnangagwa. “I had never thought about it myself; I thought it was enough that we simply led them!” After the breakfast, and as the final event of a week focused on top leadership, over 300 people met at Harare’s Town House to sweep the city and pick up litter. It was an act that mirrored the servant leadership of Christ and symbolized the need for a cleaning up of our hearts. At the cleaning, CEO Stephen Mbogo reminded those gathered that they all need to look inward. “As we clean up the city,” he said, “let’s look inside where there is hatred, tribalism, and corruption, and clean up inside ourselves.” “Tsvaira Moyo,” the crowd sang, which means, sweep my heart, sweep my soul.

Sounds of worship to Jesus engulfed the conference center at Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare as some of the most influential people in the country sang songs of praise and prayed for God to move mightily in Zimbabwe.







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Harare Pan-African Leadership Initative


Testimonies “It was a really beautiful event because it brings together business and the praise of God. Sometimes I think that I am where I am because of my own doing but after today I know that God is leading me and that I am here today by His grace! He has been the One to give me the wisdom and ideas that I need in my business. I’m going to share all these things with my employees so that they also know that we need to put God first in everything in order to prosper. I think it’s important that every woman out there understands the grace of God and how God can impact their business.” Nyasha - Women’s Event

I liked what the speaker said about identity crisis. It was something that I think we really struggle with. We don’t know who we are so we do what we see on TV or what our friends do. Thank you to everyone who helped with this program. It has really opened my mind to see that I can do more than just sit at home. Education is a good thing but there is more that I can achieve as a person in Africa. I can help other people too! Nigel - Youth Event

Port Elizabeth “Switched On” - South Africa

R E M E M B E R T O V I S I T O N L I N E W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . C O M


in over eighty five different schools, in prisons, police he “Switched On” Mission officially opened stations, magistrate courts, businesses, old age with a festival at St George’s Cricket Oval with Christian bands including We Will Worship who homes, drug rehabilitation centres, on the university campus, at sports lunches run by well known sports took part in the “Fired UP” Mission at the University people, in hospitals, clinics, on street corners, in of Pretoria last year. 5000 people gathered and were welcomed by Danny Jordaan, mayor of Port Elizabeth, parks, taxi ranks, at music concerts, “youth bashes” and more. after which the crowd in unity prayed for him, the Dieter Lubbe, part of Errol Naidoo’s Watchmen on City Manager who was also in attendance, as well as the Walls film crew, was in PE to film a documentary the rest of the leadership of the city. Michael Cassidy on ‘Switched On’, and preached on “The storms of “THIS MORNING WE WENT TO A SCHOOL was overwhelmed life”. He spoke about different by the open doors storms we face in life. But, WITH THE FOXFIRE TEAM. WE MADE AN into the schools. At he told the crowd, no ALTAR CALL AND THE ENTIRE SCHOOL one of our morning meetings matter how big the he encouraged the team to storms are, Jesus can PUT THEIR HANDS UP AND PRAYED THE continue working together in calm them. Stephen this, “This morning we went Lungu followed by sharing SINNER’S PRAYER! to a school with the Foxfire his testimony. He spoke on Team. We made an altar call and the entire school the many storms in his own life, and how Jesus had put their hands up and prayed the sinner’s prayer! calmed those storms and had given him peace. We’ve just come from Advocates for Africa and there Many people responded to the call to give their are currently six or seven schools under legislation. lives, as well as the storms in their lives, to Jesus. So this window that you guys have now is a grace Counsellors worked for hours after the end of the gift. But it’s not a gift you can take lightly. I want to meeting leading people to Christ, praying with them encourage you to keep taking this opportunity way and taking their details down so that they could after AE leave. You know that in certain American continue to build their friendships and invite them schools if you are even seen to be praying you to join a local church. Patrick Douglas-Henry, one will have legislation against you. I just want you to of the local pastors, said, “One of our counsellors appreciate what God is doing and appreciate the experienced the power of God in a very meaningful magnitude of it. It is an act of God. This word ‘unity’way. The young man who he prayed with could not it’s been an overwhelming, disorientating thing... We understand what was being said at first because he was so deaf. His hearing was so impaired that he was don’t even know how to respond to this. It’s raising the recipient of a disability grant from the government. our expectations putting this film together! I know it’s going to be infectious to the whole of Africa as we The counsellor laid hands on him and Jesus healed put it out onto the airways... What God is doing here the deafness. Then he could hear and receive the is going to encourage people that we can trust Him Gospel of Salvation in Jesus.” for whole cities. These last few days have challenged During the week of proclamation the “Switched me to the core to believe God for whole cities to turn On” team including Vanessa Goosen, Gary and to Christ.” Debbie Kirsten, Afrika Mhlophe, Errol Naidoo and many other local and visiting evangelists, ministered





he Eldoret Mission in Kenya during July every zone to run programmes for students. The 2015 was the largest in recent AE history jails, hospitals, slums in every zone were reached with nearly 200 hundred churches and and thousands of doors were knocked on with the 1400 mission volunteers involved. Eldoret is the message of the gospel. fifth largest city in Kenya and was a strategic point Joseph told us, “One morning during door to to impact with the Gospel within Kenya. The city door evangelism, a man saw us coming and began was strategically divided into five zones (North, running to us. He knelt down with tears in his eyes South, East, West and Central) so that the AE Team and said, “I want to receive salvation.” We didn’t could effectively reach each portion of the city. The even preach to him! Another woman was about to go generosity and willingness of the volunteers and to the hospital to try to sell her kidney because she churches to come alongside each other for the sake had nothing to eat. As she prayed with us to accept of the gospel Christ she became was yet another I WAS DIRTY LIKE ALL THIS RUBBISH, BUT WHEN GOD CAME so excited she burst indication that from her house INTO MY LIFE, HE MADE ME CLEAN... HE DECIDED TO ACCEPT declaring to everyone it truly was time for Eldoret and that was around, “I CHRIST RIGHT THERE ON THE SIDEWALK for this important am saved today!” mission. She will no longer try to sell her kidney as she knows The first act of the mission was as symbolic that God will provide for her every need.” as it was physical. Hundreds of AE’s mission Even in the evenings the mission did not stop. volunteers descended on the centre of Eldoret to One of the local teams went into the pubs and clean the gutters and the rubbish tips. Passers by the brothels to preach the gospel. Sometimes in looked perplexed as to why all these people would spite of all our efforts and planning we see that suddenly come and start cleaning things that no one God is still definitely in control. One evening the wants to clean. It was a symbolic act of devotion to police conducted a raid on prostitutes and as two the city as well as an expression of their desire for of the women fled they looking for hiding, they God to cleanse the city and it’s people from their sin. found themselves on the doorstep of some of the One volunteer said, “One man stopped to ask AE mission volunteers. The group welcomed the us what we were doing. He could see that we were prostitutes in, gave them a meal and shared the cleaning the dirtiest places. Places that no one else gospel with them. The women accepted Christ that would dare touch. I told him it was because once I evening and stayed in their home until morning. was dirty like all this rubbish, but when God came Over the 10 day mission over 103, 394 people into my life he made me clean and we want to share were presented with the Gospel and 8,672 people that with others. He decided to accept Christ right accepted Christ! Join as we thank God for his there on the sidewalk.” incredible generosity and faithfulness in Eldoret. As the mission kicked off across the five zones We are so thankful to our donors across the world reports of salvations started flooding in. On the first who gave financially and prayed for this mission. It’s day in the central zone alone, 700 people accepted because of you that Eldoret has been touched so Christ. Teams were sent to nearly every school in deeply with the Gospel.


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Great Eldoret Mission - July 2015

South African Gang Leader Turns To Christ n the two-week run-up to the Switched On told the Pastor, “I came to repent and to be healed. I Mission in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Pastor want to be saved. I want to live a straight life now.” Kenny Nonkonyana decided to pitch a tent Pastor Kenny prayed for Xola and his physical injury and hold nightly meetings for anyone who was partially healed. The greater healing, however, has wished to come. Little did he know the powerful impact taken place in his heart. this simple act would have on that community. Following this, about fifteen of Xola’s gang came “At first the outcome was not much. Then on the to accept Christ and it has made a difference in the third day we saw the power of God moving in the tent; community already. In that area, robberies and crime I prayed for a girl who was involved in witchcraft and are a common, daily occurrence, but from the time the God delivered her. After that first miracle we saw many tent ministry began, the robberies ceased. people come to the tent and we began adding fifty “Over the weekends we would normally have chairs every day.” people sleeping in the tent to guard it,” Pastor Kenny Before long, 500 chairs weren’t enough for all those said. “One day the gang asked me why we still do this who came and people had to take turns standing. Then because if anyone would rob the tent, it would have one day, in walked been them! So Xola, a gang they told me to I CAME TO REPENT AND TO BE HEALED. I WANT TO BE leader in the go and sleep at SAVED. I WANT TO LIVE A STRAIGHT LIFE NOW infamous local home and that the ‘26 Gang’ of Port tent would be safe.” And it Elizabeth. His reputation preceded him and it wasn’t a was. “Leaders in my church who go out to preach on good one. the streets in the mornings, were held up at gun-point “In this area everyone knows me, even the children,” twice in two weeks. But since the tent meetings started he said. “The police would frequently come to my they have been safe! One of the guys who held them at house to do raids. I smoked Tik and also Mandrax and gun-point gave his life to Christ in this tent.” among the gang I was the notorious one.” The ‘Switched On’ mission has transformed the Before that day when he walked into Pastor Kenny’s community. “We go and preach in front of the taverns tent, Xola had shunned God and the church. and the clubs. One club is open till 5am, so at 5 o’clock “I didn’t want to come to church,” he said. “I didn’t in the morning every Saturday and Sunday a group of even want to hear about church. If someone told me young people go there to preach outside. Souls are about church I would tell them, ‘Go away!’ I told myself, born again at that club.” if I was to go to church I would think about robbing Praise God for the souls brought to Christ through people’s cell phones, or that other gangs would come the Switched On Mission! Pray for Xola that the Lord looking for me.” would provide him with a job to keep him from going In his heart, however, Xola always knew those back to crime. Pray that he would be healed fully. things were taking him nowhere. About six months ago Please pray also for the ministry that continues in that he was stabbed in the back of the head and the left area, that the Lord would unify the churches to work side of his body was paralysed completely. When he together to reach further into the community with the heard about the miracles and healings taking place in love of Christ. this mission tent, he decided to go see it for himself. Perhaps God could heal him too. He walked in and


T O V I S I T U S O N L I N E W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . C O M

Xola, local gang leader gave his life to Jesus at a tent meeting during the Switched On Mission in Port Elizabeth.



and together

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