May - July Prayer Diary

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MAY - JUL 2015

Last year marked 20 years since the Rwandan Genocide. Today, Rwanda is a strong and successful country. Join us as we thank God for all that He has done in Rwanda and all He will continue to do. By God’s grace the AE Rwanda team has been very effective in preaching the truth of the Gospel to Rwandans. Join us as we cover them in prayer!

Please Pray for Rwanda 1. Today is Rwandan Independence Day! Let’s begin this month by giving thanks to God for the nation of Rwanda. Thank God for the way He has brought much healing and blessing to the country in the last decade. 2.


Pray for the staff and many volunteers on the AE Rwanda campus. Ask that God would continue to increase their influence in the city and continue to open doors to new evangelistic opportunities. Please pray for John Kalenzi, the AE Rwanda Team Leader and Emmanuel Kwizera, the AE Rwanda Missions Director. Ask that God would bless their families and keep them safe. Ask God to give them wisdom in planning their upcoming mission (Sept).


Pray that the local churches in Kigali would fully grasp the importance of evangelism in their communities and that they would partner together to be most effective in outreach.


In Rwanda, there is a national prayer movement called ‘Watchmen of the Gates’. Thank God for these intercessors and ask God to bless them as they seek His will for Rwanda. Ask God to give more people a burden for intercession.





W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . C O M

Spotlight on Rwanda


Last year, AE Rwanda trained over 500 university students in evangelism and disciple-making and more will be trained this year! Please join us in praying that God would give boldness to those sharing their faith and actively discipling the converts!


Ask God to bless Stephen Mbogo (ITL/CEO of AE) as he guides AE in fulfilling its vision. Pray blessing on his family and safety for them while Stephen is travelling.


Paul Kagame is the President of Rwanda. Pray that God will surround him with Christian advisors who understand Biblical principles and continue to grow Rwanda into a strong country.


Ask God to bless Wilfred Mmari and his staff in AE Tanzania. Ask God to give wisdom to the team as they try to educate communities on the dangers of Female Genital Mutilation and teach them Biblical principles for their lives”

10. Literacy rates in Rwanda have risen substantially in the last decade, however, there are many who still struggle. Pray for AE Rwanda as they actively reach out to oral learners. Ask that God would open the hearts of those who hear the Gospel. MISSION WEEK - ELDORET, KENYA 11. Today marks the start of the Eldoret Mission in Kenya! Pray that God would draw His people to Himself and that many would surrender their lives to Him this week! 12. Open air meetings are happening throughout the week and will be attended by thousands of people! Ask for God’s blessing on the meetings and that many hearts would be opened and people healed! 13. Pray for the lunch midday meetings happening today and throughout the week, targeting professionals from all fields. Pray that God would prepare their hearts for the message and that their eyes would be opened to the truth.

A Rwandan man prays for his country during the discipleship training last year where 500 students were trained in evangelism.

14. Pray for our volunteer evangelists who will be going door to door telling people about Jesus this week! Ask God to protect them and lead them to the right people at the right time. 15. Thank God for our Kenya Foxfire team. Ask that God would be with them as they minister in schools and universities throughout the week! 16. Every evening the Jesus Film will be shown in the markets of Eldoret. Pray that the equipment works and that many hearts will be touched by seeing the goodness of God toward them. 17. Pray for the volunteers and counsellors who are following up with new converts. Ask that God would give them wisdom and grace in introducing people to a life with Christ. 18. Today is the closing rally of the Eldoret Mission. Join us in thanking God for the many who came to Christ this week! Ask God to bless the local churches as they disciple the new believers. 19. Pray for the Rwanda team as they seek to develop godly leaders in their discipleship programmes. 20. Pray new media avenues would be opened up to the Rwanda team! 21. Janet Mwendwa is the Social Action Director. Pray that God would bless her as she oversees our Aid projects. Ask for blessings for her family and safety as she travels. 22. Pray for the Great Lakes region of Rwanda. Ask that God would calm tensions there and bring reconciliation and restoration to that area. 23. Ask that God would bless AE Ireland and help them to spread the word about AE in that region. Pray that Irish believers would catch the vision for evangelising Africa! 24. Pray for the outreach to the Eastern Province from Aug 2 - 9. Ask that God would bring many people into the Kingdom. 25. The genocide in Rwanda left many orphans. Pray that God would “place the lonely into families” and that they would know the love of their heavenly Father. 26. Today marks the beginning of the National Prayer Conference (26-31) in Rwanda which has gathered over 400 intercessors! Let’s join with them in prayer! Begin by thanking God for Rwanda and its leaders who are under God’s authority. 27. Ask that the Gospel will reach even the deepest darkest parts of the city and that lives would be changed. 28. Ask God to unite the churches in the nation and to move mightily among them. 29. Ask God to raise up godly leaders and advisors within the government and that the nation would prosper because of it. 30. Ask that the church would understand the importance of reaching out to the youth of Rwanda. 31. Pray that God would bless AE Rwanda as they seek opportunities to bring the love of Jesus into every heart in Rwanda.


W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . C O M

Ethiopia is a country of rich cultural and religious heritage, being the home of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, a defining feature of their national identity. Drought, famine and civil & border wars have left many challenges in the country but its people are vibrant and peace-loving. Join us in lifting the country and its AE team up in prayer this month.

The AE Team in Democratic Republic of Congo is lead by Leonard Kiswangi. Established in 1996, The AE DRC team has had a huge impact on this nation. DR Congo has been devastated by two civil wars which killed millions of civilians and stunted the countries economic and social growth. DR Congo’s currently ranks second to last in the Human Development Index. The culture of corruption and power seeking in the government makes development difficult in spite of the fact that the DRC is rich in natural resources.

Please Pray for Ethiopia

A church in Ethiopia is full to the brim of students who came to hear the Gospel.

Please Pray for DR Congo

17. Thank God for those churches that partner with AE Ethiopia, offering discipleship training to students in over 200 cities across the country. Ask God to continue to strengthen that partnership.

1. Give thanks For God’s faithfulness to us over the 19 years that AEDRC has been operating and for all the lives that have been changed.

2. Pray for grace and strength for the AE Ethiopia staff - Team Leader, Melisachew Mesfin and Secretary, Rahel Anbereber – as they do an immense work for the kingdom.

18. Pray for pastors working in Ethiopia and throughout Africa,. Ask the Lord to give them strength in their work and protect them from burnout and exhaustion.

2. Give thanks for the prayer days (June 2-6 & Nov 17 -21) organized by AE International which will give courage and inspiration to supporters and staff worldwide.

3. Pray for local church leaders in Ethiopia that they will be an example of Christ’s love to those in their communities who follow Islam, Judaism and Paganism.

19. Pray that the Ethiopian church would be able to train and send out local missionaries to reach those who need to hear the good news of Christ.

3. Read 1 Thes 5:16-18 and join with the AEDRC team as they use this passage for their 2015 prayer theme.

4. Pray for the elections taking place at the end of this month. Ask that God’s hand will guide those elected and surround them with godly council.

20. Many churches partner with AE Ethiopia to educate local children. Pray for God’s provision for the teachers in these programs and ask God to show His unfailing love to the children.

5. Ethiopia was one of the earliest areas to be introduced to Christianity. Pray for a deepening of faith and understanding of the Gospel among the Ethiopian Church.

21. Please pray for smooth preparations for AE’s mission to Gonda in Northwest Ethiopia later this year. Pray that the love of Christ would be brought to hearts of all that hear.

6. AE Ethiopia disciples over 15,000 students each year. Pray that the Ethiopian youth would have their lives changed by the gospel and avoid the temptations of alcohol and drug abuse,

22. About 40% of Ethiopia’s population is below the age of 15. Pray for the children of Ethiopia, that God would touch their hearts and bring them to genuine knowledge of Jesus Christ.

7. About 1/3 of Ethiopia’s population follows Islam. Please that Jesus would touch these Muslim’s lives through the work of AE and the local church.

23. Alcohol and drug addiction is claiming a large percentage of the population in Africa. Pray that those who battle these addictions would find release and hope in the Gospel of Christ.

8. Thank God for the seven-year education program developed by AE for young children. Pray that it would continue to be effective and life-changing for those who cannot afford education.

24. Ethiopia goes to polls this week to elect a new government. Please pray for peace and fairness, that the Lord would bring caring leaders to the necessary positions.

9. Pray for the International Board of AE, that the Holy Spirit would guide them in making wise and God-honouring decisions that will lead to the Gospel.

25. Ethiopia hosts the African Union headquarters. Pray for the African Union as they work together to promote unity and solidarity among the nations of Africa.

10. Pray for church leaders in Africa that they would be free from the temptation to preach a false gospel.

26. Pray for the women in Ethiopia involved in the sex trade. Ask that Christ would bring them to Himself and give them new hope.

11. Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, is Africa’s fourth largest city. Pray that AE Ethiopia will send the gospel out in powerful ways among the diverse groups of people that live there.

27. Please pray that local leaders in Ethiopia would come to a true faith in God and would act in ways that display His love.

12. Pray for Bernard Sachie, AE Ghana Team Leader as he meets with local pastors today in preparation for the GA East Mission in October. Ask that God would grant him favour. 13. Ethiopia has a population of about 90 million people; pray that more of these souls would come to Christ through the Gonda Mission taking place in December. 14. Pray for those living in rural Ethiopia, battling drought and living in poverty, that the Lord would answer their calls for physical and spiritual nourishment. 15. Pray for the families of AE Ethiopia staff members, that they would also be touched by the Gospel and would find strength in supporting the work of their loved ones. 16. Pray for those who gave their lives to Christ in AE Ethiopia’s University mission last year, that they would remain strong and find a supportive community within local churches.

28. Today is Derg Day in Ethiopia, a national holiday remembering the collapse of an oppressive regime. Join Ethiopian Christians in praying for continued peace. 29. Thank God that He is Sovereign and knows all our concerns. Ask that He would draw the people of Ethiopia to Himself. 30. Pray that God would protect and guide Team Leader, Melisachew Mefsin, in his work for AE Ethiopia and all the decisions he must make. 31. Corruption is a huge problem in many African nations. Pray for the leaders of Africa that the Holy Spirit would keep them from corruption and open their eyes to the truth of the Gospel.

4. Pray that God would open new doors for ministry to Leonard and the DRC team. Ask that God would shower them with blessings this year. 5. Give thanks for global supporters like you who encourage all the AE Teams as they serve God in Africa. 6. Over the next few days we will be praying for the preparations for the Mission to Goma, DRC in August 2015. Today, lets ask that God would begin to prepare hearts and that He would draw many people to himself during this outreach. 7. Pray God would prepare the way before the AE DRC Team’s Goma Mission as they train the team participants , raise funds, plan the outreaches and ensure a functioning planning committee.

Kinshasha - Capital city of DR Congo 19. AE DRC has been asked for its input in creating a more peaceful environment at the prison in Goma. Thank God for His favour and ask that He will give wisdom to Leonard Kiswangi in what actions to take and how to be most effective for Christ in the prison. 20. Pray that AE Australia/New Zealand and AE Canada will have new opportunities to share the exciting story of God’s work in Africa. 21. Pray with us for the AE DRC Land Acquisition Project. A ‘matching funds’ gift has been given to the office toward construction of a building which would give them space to operate in a greater capacity as well extra offices to rent out for extra income. Ask that God would provide all the funds needed for this exciting opportunity! 22. Pray for Joseph Kabila, President of DRCongo. Ask God to surround him with godly advisors who have biblically sound advice. Pray against corruption and power-hungry influence. 23. DRC has suffered many wars which has stunted its growth as a country. Ask God to strengthen the infrastructure of DRC so that its citizens can prosper in a peaceful environment.

8. Ask that God would provide the funds needed for the Goma mission and that every precious cent would be provided.

24. In DRC, 48 women are raped every hour. Please pray protection over the women on the DRC team and all AE staff women as they travel around Africa sharing the good news of Christ.

9. Pray that the political climate in DRC will continue to stabilise and allow the mission to go ahead unhindered.

25. Pray for safety in travel for the AE DRC Team, as the daily commute is long and time consuming in perpetual traffic jams.

10. Pray spiritual and physical protection over the AE DRC Team as they press forward in the Goma Mission preparation phase.

26. Thank you for praying for the ministry of AE! You are upholding AE’s work before the throne of God and we cannot do it without you. Join us in praying God’s blessing on AE in 2015 and that many people would come to deeply understand the salvation He offered humanity through Jesus.

11. Pray for the follow-up phase of the mission in October 2015; that the local churches would fully engage with the mission and be active in discipling new believers. 12. Pray for Leonard Kiswangi as he leads the AE DRC Team, that he will know God’s peace and guidance.

27. Pray for all the Boards connected with the AE Teams and Support Offices, ask God to guide their spiritual, financial and practical goal-setting.

13. Pray for each AE Team member, that they will keep physically and spiritually able to carry out God’s work. Find a list of team leaders on our website:

28. Pray for AE International Staff, as they seek to bring into fruition AE’s call to evangelise the cities of Africa!

14. Pray for Enoch Phiri of AE Malawi as under God he guides the direction of the Malawi Team. 15. Pray for Paul Ssembiro, Team Leader of AE Uganda, as he and his team seek new avenues of outreach. 16. Pray for the families of our AE Teams, that they will be kept safe from harm and illness while the AE staff & volunteers are away. 17. Pray for the follow-up of the 2014 Matadi Mission in DRC which will bringing discipleship training to those who received Christ. Pray that the converts would grow strong in their new faith! 18. Ask for open doors to the prison in Goma which has appalling sanitary conditions. Ask that many would come to the Lord there.

29. Pray for Krista Burns AE’s Int’l Communications Manager. Ask that she may receive inspiration, and God’s leading as she plans the Global Prayer Diaries, and collects stories about how God is moving in Africa! 30. Pray for the International Board (AE’s governing body) as they enable AE’s vision to be carried out so that many more will hear the gospel in Africa. Pray also that more people like you would be moved to give to the work of African Enterprise.

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W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . C O M

1. Today is May Day! Pray in celebration of the new life that Christ brings to the people of Ethiopia and all over Africa through the work of AE.

“Kinshasa Congo” by Irene2005 - Wikimedia Commons



Spotlight on DR Congo...



Spotlight on Ethiopia







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