Feb - Apr Prayer Guide

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FEB - APR 2015

PRAYER GUIDE “God shapes

the world by


The very life and prosperity of God’s cause

even its very existence -

depends on prayer full force Prayer puts God in

- E. M. Bounds

in the world.


FEBRUARY Spotlight on...

AE South Africa is currently headed up by Michael Cassidy, Darryl Naidoo and Mike Odell in Pietermaritzburg, a small city near Durban. South Africa celebrated twenty years of democracy this year and still faces many challenges with a high rate of unemployment, crime, corruption and HIV/Aids. Join us as we support our South African team in prayer this month.





W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . O R G

Please Pray for South Africa 1. Join us as we thank God for his amazing provision last year. Thousands have come to the saving knowledge of Christ and more have heard the good news. Ask that God bless African Enterprise in 2015 and that even more people will come to understand God’s love. 2. Women in Malawi began the tailoring training program yesterday. Pray that the women would be touched by the love of God as they begin this new phase of life. 3. The Foxfire Ministry is a youth discipleship program in AE. Our Foxfires are passionate about sharing the gospel with youth in engaging ways. 4. Pray for the AESA Board as they begin to look for a new AESA Team Leader. Michael Cassidy, Darryl Naidoo and Mike Odell are currently leading the team. Please pray that God would give them wisdom in finding the right candidate. 5. Pray for the Missions Team in AE South Africa as they build relationships with churches and organizations across the country, that these relationships would be strengthened and lead to fruitful open doors. 6. Ask God for clarity of insight and initiative regarding the right doors opening for missions in 2015. 7. Please pray for AE’s CEO and International Team Leader, Stephen Mbogo and his family. Ask God to guide him in wisdom as he leads this ministry forward in what God has for it in 2015. 8. Pray that the Lord would enable Foxfire Director, Julian Yon, to reach his target of adding another Foxfire Team to the existing two by 2016.

The AE South Africa team poses together during their Fired Up! Mission to Pretoria University last year. 13. Thank the Lord for the many ministry associates who work with AE South Africa on particular projects. 14. Valentine’s Day - Pray that God would show his love to the lost and open the eyes of the blind. “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” 1 John 4:12 15. Pray for Michael and Carol Cassidy and their family and ask God to bless them this year. Pray that God would bless Michael as he writes his memoirs and does extensive travelling and speaking. 16. Pray for Sindiswa Matyobeni as she heads up the children’s ministry and radio ministry. Pray that the Lord would increase her territory and capacity. 17. Pray for potential missions to the University of KwaZuluNatal and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. 18. Pray for AESA finances as we are dependent on almost 100% of our support from inside South Africa. 19. Please pray for our team in Kenya led by Edward Ngaira. Ask that God would give them wisdom as they continue to plan events for 2015 and for the Eldoret Mission in July. 20. Thank God that he rules over the world and that he holds the nations in his hands. 21. Bless and thank the Lord for His unfailing provision for the AE South Africa Team. 22. Pray for unity within the body of Christ in South Africa. Ask that churches would fully grasp the importance of reaching out to their community.

9. Ask that God would give wisdom, discernment and creativity to Gary Almeida as he finds ways to breathe new life into the AESA Training Centre.

23. “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15. Join us as we thank God for the millions of people who have heard the gospel through African Enterprise over the last 52 years.

10. Pray that the Lord would create a new unity, integration and commonality of purpose between the AESA Ministry Team and the Training Centre.

24. John Richards is the COO of African Enterprise and based in the UK. Please pray that God would bless him in his vital role and give him wisdom for the finances in AE.

11. Pray that the Lord would provide the resources to fund new training programs at AESA headquarters. The longtime tenant has left which puts extra pressure on the budget but also affords new possibilities for ministry.

25. Pray for the leaders of South Africa. Ask that God would give them godly council and wisdom in their roles.

12. Pray for Stephen Lungu as he preaches the gospel across South Africa. Pray that the Lord would open many doors for him. Pray also for Rachel, his wife, as she is involved in prayer ministry.

27. Pray that people involved in evil plots will be stopped and that their plans will come to nothing.

26. Who are your local leaders? Pray that God will guide them to godly decisions for your area.

28. Pray for the AE South Africa Foxfire Team as they begin their training for the year ahead and for their commissioning service today.

MARCH Spotlight on... The AE Team in Malawi is led by Enoch Phiri. They have several programs that run throughout the year, including a Foxfires team. AE Malawi was recently commended by the wife of the Vice President for their excellent work in Malawi! Join us as we support them in prayer this month.

Please Pray for Malawi

The AE Malawi Foxfires team preaches to a group of people in the local market.

18. Pray for the Muslim population in Malawi. Often mosques will offer gifts to families that convert to Islam. Ask that God would give these families understanding and the boldness to stand for truth.

4. Today is World Cancer Day. Please pray for the millions affected by cancer worldwide and their families. Ask that God would raise up skilled doctors in Africa.

19. Read Matthew 28:19. Pray for the missions we are planning this year. Ask that God would begin preparing people’s hearts today.

5. Pray for the Foxfire team in Malawi. The Foxfire Malawi team led over 1,100 people Christ last year. Thank God for these young people that are so excited to share the gospel.

20. Ask that God would bless AE Malawi’s efforts to fundraise within their country.

6. Songe Chimbambo is the Pan African Missions Director for African Enterprise. Please pray that God will bless Songe as he pushes forward in planning for the next Pan African Mission in 2015. 7. Malawi is among the worlds least developed nations. Pray that God would give the government godly wisdom in building the economy and addressing these issues. 8. Read 1 Chronicles 16:24. Thank God for his Word being proclaimed all over Malawi. Ask for provision and protection for the African Enterprise Malawi team this year! 9. Pray for AE Malawi’s tailoring school, which reaches out to vulnerable women who are taught sewing and life skills which will help them create a better life for their families. 10. Pray for our team in Ghana and Bernard Sachie who is the acting team leader. Pray that God would bless them in 2015 as they seek ways to reach their nation. 11. AE Malawi has two vehicles which are quite old and require a lot of maintenance. Ask that God will provide the means for new vehicles. 12. Janet Mwenda is the Director of Social Action Projects in AE. Please pray that God would bless her and her heart to see the broken healed. 13. Pray for the 900+ people who accepted Christ during the Kauma Mission last year. Ask that God would continue to draw their hearts to him. 14. Pray that the churches in Malawi would embrace the call to missions and partner with AE Malawi. 15. Read James 5:16. Ask that God would bring reconciliation among the churches in Malawi and that they would work together to reach people with the gospel 16. Pray for our team in Uganda and Paul Ssembiro who leads

21. Pray that AE Malawi would have more opportunity to preach the gospel in media outlets. 22. Pray that God will protect the AE team in Malawi from persecution and violence while preaching the truth of God’s word. 23. Today the International Board gathers in Harare, Zimbabwe. Ask that God would bless the board as they gather to discuss the importance 24. Pray for Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe and the government of the country. Ask that God would give godly people influence and that God would right the wrongs of injustice. 25. Pray for protection over the members of the International Board as they make their way back to their own countries. 26. Read Psalm 145:18-19. Ask that God would answer the prayers of those in Malawi who are already prayer warriors for this nation. Ask that he will raise up many more 27. Join us as we pray for John Kalenzi and the AE team in Rwanda. Pray blessing on them and wisdom as they pursue a three-year plan to reach Kigali, the capital city. 28. Ask God for the provision of good rains which will lead to enough crop yield in Malawi for the whole year. Many families depend on their crops for survival. 29. Pray that God would protect and strengthen the marriages within the African Enterprise staff. Ask God to bind couples closely together in spite of busy travel schedules and many days apart. 30. Ask that God would protect the nation of Malawi against war or anything that would cause destruction and violence. 31. Pray that God would increase the influence of the church on the government and that godly principles would be used to build up Malawi for future generations.


3. Thank God for the peaceful elections that took place in Malawi in May 2014. Pray that peace would continue to prevail in the country.

W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . O R G

17. Today is St. Patrick’s Day! Please join us in praying for David Ebbs and the board in AE Ireland. Ask that God would bless them and expand the reach of AE in Ireland.


2. African Enterprise Malawi is led by Enoch Phiri. Please pray for Enoch and the rest of the team. Ask that God would open doors to communities and churches who will become mission partners.


the team there. Ask that God would lead them and give them grace as they continue preparations for their mission to Mbale in September.


1. Malawi is nicknamed ‘The Warm Heart of Africa’. Ask that God would warm Malawian’s hearts with the knowledge of His love for them.

APRIL Spotlight on... AE Kenya is led by Edward Ngaira and based in Nairobi, the capital. Recently Kenya has been the victim of several terror attacks focused on non-Muslims. Pray with us for Kenya and for the large mission that will be taking place in Eldoret this year.





W W W . A F R I C A N E N T E R P R I S E . O R G

Please Pray for Kenya

Many came to the Lord in at the Isiolo Mission last year.

1. This year, AE Kenya will hold their mission in Eldoret. The mission will seek to mobilize 1,000 volunteers evangelists and hold more than 1,000 gospel meetings during mission week. Pray for the AE Kenya team as they work hard to set the groundwork for the mission.

16. Ask that God would replace all unjust and ungodly leaders with ones that seek justice and have godly morals.

2. Pray that God would go before the AE Kenya team in all the preparations for Eldoret. Ask for divine guidance and direction.

18. Join us today as we pray for John Shikuku, the missions director of AE Kenya. Ask God to bless him and his family.

3. Read Isaiah 53:5. As we celebrate Good Friday today thank God for removing all hindrances from us coming into his presence. Thank you for being the feet that bring African Enterprise to the cities of the lost in Africa.

17. Pray that God would reveal himself to the Muslims in Kenya and worldwide.

19. Pray for unity among churches in Kenya and that communities would set aside their differences for the sake of the gospel. 20. Pray that local churches in Kenya will grasp the vision for missions and engage with the AE team to reach Eldoret for Jesus.

4. Pray for the people that came to the Lord during the Isiolo mission during 2014. Ask God to strengthen them in their new faith and draw them close to himself.

21. Pray that various media outlets will open up to the AE Kenya team so that they can proclaim Jesus on the airwaves of Kenya!

5. Read Isaiah 60: 1-3. Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Join us in thanking God for defeating death. Ask that God would reveal his glorious splendor to the lost and hurting in Africa.

22. Pray that the youth and university students of Kenya will be called to Christ. Ask for a revival among the youth of the nation.

6. Pray for the church leaders in Kenya. Ask that God would refresh them and give them strength to continue in spite of their struggles.

23. Ask God to bless the steering committees and those involved in the planning of the Eldoret mission. Ask God for provision of all they may need and that he would go before them in all their ventures.

7. Join us today as we pray for Wilfred Mmari and the AE Tanzania team. Ask God to bless them in their local fundraising efforts and in their plans for their mission this year.

24. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

8. Read Ps. 96:3. How can you declare the glory of God today? 9. Uhuru Kenyatta is the President of Kenya. Please pray that God will surround him with godly council and Kenya would be blessed through his leadership. 10. Today, lets pray that leaders across Africa would reach out to Christ for guidance. 11. There are an increasing number of terror attacks in Kenya which are specifically targeted at non-Muslims. Ask God’s protection on Christians in Kenya and ask that all evil plans will be stopped. 12. AE CEO Stephen Mbogo arrives in Belgium today and will be visiting many churches in Europe. Please pray travelling mercies for him and all that are with him. 13. Pray for the AE Kenya team as they return to Isiolo to mobilise the local churches for the Eldoret Mission in July. Pray for receptive hearts and strong commitment from the believers in Isiolo. 14. Pray for Mel Mesfin, the team leader for AE Ethiopia. Mel makes significant impact in the universities of Ethiopia and disciples thousands of people every year. 15. Stephen Mbogo was instrumental in organising the National Prayer Breakfast in Kenya. Pray that as the next event approaches, leaders would be touched by the love of God and the leadership of Kenya would be blessed.

25. Today is World Malaria Day. 90% of malaria deaths are in sub-saharan Africa. Pray for the medical clinics that are run through AE and for the volunteers that have been trained in malaria awareness. 26. Pray for the leaders of the city of Eldoret. Ask that their hearts would be prepared for the gospel of Christ. 27. Today, we want to pray for Leonard Kiswangi and the team in AE Democratic Republic of Congo. Ask for God’s blessing on the team and their efforts to make a deeper impact on the nation. 28. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of those in government positions in Eldoret. Ask that they would give AE full access to the city for the glory of God. 29. For the next five days, the AE Kenya team will be in Eldoret town laying the foundations for the July mission. Pray for a successful time of planning and that God would open new doors for the mission. 30. Read John 3:16 Thank God for all he is doing and will do for the AE Kenya team as they seek to make Christ’s love known all over the country. 31. The AE Team is in Nakuru Town today developing partnerships for the Eldoret mission in July. Pray that the churches there will engage with AE in bringing the gospel to Eldoret.

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