Dolphin-tourist monitoring sessions Fishing activity monitoring sessions: Conservation Club lessons: Coral bleaching & fish identification surveys: Nursery Adult Class Kanga Ladies
LANGUAGE LESSON: Kiswahili ‘Hamna shida’ translates as ‘no worries’
Tess, an ex-volunteer, returned as Education Coordinator in January. Jucelia has joined us from Antelope Park as Project Manager. The Community Centre has had a toilet built!
A new Road Safety Project was designed and delivered to 4 Nursery Schools in partnership with the local community, and has been nominated for a Responsible Tourism Award!
There’s been a 74% increase in the number of Adult Education School pupils - a direct result of the incredible work our volunteers do!
Adoption & implementation of new Maasai Literacy and Remedial teaching techniques, which has resulted in a significant increase in the number of attendees.
Kizimkazi Library opened after a year’s worth of fundraising and hard work. It contains 750 books and 15 different genres!
Conservation Club pupil attendance increased from 47 to 98 (108% increase!) a reflection of the value of the curriculum and information our volunteers provide to the Kizimkazi Community.
Expansion of our coral reef bleaching monitoring work to encompass the east and west coast, including 3 individual reefs in Pungume, Kizimkazi and Jambiani.
We have successfully designed and built a Dolphin information board in Kizimkazi, the first source of information for volunteers and tourists alike, who would like to know more about the dolphin species in the area and ethical practices during their engagements.
Christian Plamper , Education & Community Project
254 hours were spent working with the local community on everything from beach clean-ups to painting!
We have developed a teaching space at our community school which is more than just fit for purpose, but which our pupils and volunteers are proud of!
Our community activities offer direct engagement opportunities with the local population, providing the space for cross-cultural relationship building which is identified as a key highlight of many volunteers’ time in Zanzibar.
Our Ethical Dolphin Tours are seeking to tackle the negative implications of tourism on dolphin’s head on! We offer free training to local boat drivers who in turn can provide ‘Ethical Dolphin Tours’ as a sustainable and viable alternative to “the dolphin chase”.
4 local drivers trained!
34 Ethical Dolphin Tours provided.
Simone Bothe, Germany
Inne Mareell, Belgium
The Zanzibar Team!