Simply Green Magazine, Issue 2, 2016-lores

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creating our TOMORROW


ISSUE 2 •  2016


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SG 2

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10 General 34 Motoring 54 Energy 78 Building 126 Conservation 136 Awards

18 COVER STORY: Elon Musk 28 Lexus 40 Sustainable brands 44 Green peace 32 Circular economy

Home 58 How to save electricity without spending money

simply • Cape Town Office • P O Box 30946, Tokai, 7966 Tel 27 (0) 21 701 1186 SG 4

Publisher Robbie Sammers

Project Manager Kyle Villet

Editor Chris Erasmus

Design Kevin Rule

Creative Director Silke Erasmus

Issue 2 • 2016 Volume 9 No.2 •



63 The power of connectedness 84 Four common office recycling mistakes

92 Bitcoins explained

Building 66 Small houses Pt1 70 Creating concrete possibilities 74 DIY 76 Get off the grid

Travel 94 Gondwanaland 105 Eco-friendly hotels 112 Hotel Verde

Conservation 128 Village of hope

Publishing House Insights Publishing 176 Main Road, Claremont Tel 021 683 0005

Copyright Simply Green is a registered trademark and is copyright protected worldwide. Material published in Simply Green, including all artwork, may not be reproduced without the permission of the editor.

Disclaimer Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers or staff.

ISSN 1998-1309

Flagship Member

5 SG



Record-breaking wildfires in Canada, with 300 South Africans sent to help. Severe and historic floods in France, especially on the Seine, and in Germany. Floods in South Africa and numerous other countries which have just experienced a drought. And, or course, 2015 going down as the hottest year on record globally. All that and yet Donald Trump (along with several of his former Republican adversaries in the US Presidential elections) denies that global warming and related climate change are real. In fact Trump, who must surely rank as one of the most ignorant and narcissistic persons to have run for the US presidency, believes the entire 'global warming scam' was dreamt up by, of all people, the Chinese. Utterly bizarre is all one can say to that assertion. But then Trump, both as an individual and as a manifestation in American politics, is both bizarre in his person and in some sense an expression of a wider ignorance and denial of what is at hand for all of us, American, South African or anyone else. His popularity rides on a wave of undifferentiated antagonism that verges on xenophobia towards anything 'not American' and which combines with a profound denialism about the underlying realities of today. In the first instance, this goes to what is troubling the US economy and, more particularly, the beliefs of the blue collar and generally disenchanted elements among his followers who, in supporting this boastful buffoon, are thumbing their noses at the US political establishment because – and they may well be correct in this aspect – it has manifestly failed to get on with the business of governing properly. We, in South Africa, know all too well how that looks. But South Africa's other ills aside, we at least are getting on with the business of creating a viable 'alternative energy' sector, whether that be IPPs feeding into the grid or businesses, agricultural producers and home owners either getting off the grid as much as possible or replacing much of their power usage with 'home-grown' energy and other off-set measures. But even in South Africa we have denialism to deal with – such as reported on in this issue – with a senior figure in the country's power production industry (Eskom's head man, no less) attempting to diminish the role played by SA's necessarily aggressive development of non-fossil fuel power generation as having been a 'disappointment'. This from a man leading the country's state-owned power producer which had so profoundly painted itself into the corner with its adamant refusal to relinquish the 'reigns of power production' to the private sector that the country was facing an estimated five years of Eskom-provided 'rolling blackouts' – at least, that is, until privately produced non-fossil fuel based power started to come significantly on line. Literally, IPPs and related efforts to generate power from 'alternative' sources (almost all wind and solar), saved our collective bacon, as the phrase goes. But it is worrying that Eskom's top man can hold views that are not vastly dissimilar in their underlying denialism to those absurdly (and also worryingly) held by a pouting poltroon of a man who may yet become the leader of the most powerful and influential country in the world. What are we to do with people who, for ideological reasons or merely for reasons of greed and vested interested, are prepared to turn away from (an estimated) 99.5% of all recent and independent climatological and related research, and who also occupy important positions with the power to deeply affect all of our futures? One answer is to bombard their social media and official businesses' Facebook and Twitter accounts with complaints and objections. Another is simply to keep up the good work, where we are involved in raising awareness or working directly on solutions to our energy and other sustainabilityrelated challenges. Most importantly, we must not give in, if only through sheer exhaustion. We must not shrug our shoulders, shake our heads and say, 'there is nothing to be done'. There is always something that may be done. If we are to have planet worth living on which we shall pass on to our children and they to theirs in turn, we must all do whatever we can in our own small ways, and join together on the larger issues we all face, presenting to the powerful in private and public sectors the face of a collective unified in

opposition to destructive, outmoded and wasteful ways of doing things. If you don't like what Eskom CEO Brain Molefe thinks of renewable energy (see page 44) then write to him, Tweet him, get into his face on Facebook. Several thousand interactions of that kind might cause him to 'catch a wake-up', as they say in this part of the world. Keep up the pressure. Never back down. For the time has come that each one of us has to decide. We either join Molefe, Trump (and a very large number of other people, either consciously ignoring the facts or simply ignorant of them) in Denial – which is obviously a state of mind and not only a 'large river in Africa', a jibe which would be funny except for the fact that the circumstances that we are discussing are far from amusing. We can win, and we must believe that we can. For example, the fact that oil has plunged to the $50 a barrel mark and is set to remain roughly in that range means that fracking in the Karoo is effectively dead when it appeared, rather, to be a dead certainty, given various government ministers' statements to that effect. This development shows that we can win, even if in this instance it was because of the economics of oil, which ironically had been driving pro-fracking sentiments among our centrist-thinking national leadership – until the price plunged. But beyond fracking there are battles to be fought on virtually ever other front with a regime still profoundly attached to the utterly outmoded notions of centralised economic control; Eskom literally does not want to 'give up the power', but when it can't produce said power, it has had no choice but to do so. Similarly, we need to drive home the sustainability point on each and every other front on which it is relevant (which is almost everything), not accepting merely lip service from our ostensible leadership, but demanding appropriate action. In the end, inevitably, the forces that are driving the greening of our energy production, and much else besides, will still be operating and forcing the hands of those who lack the vision or the backbone to make the necessary changes. What we have to do is give constant and well-argued voice to the need to actively pursue sustainability as the key element in all developments, private or public. The alternative to taking up residence in the increasingly crowded and mythical land of Denial is to become an activist, because it is action that we need. So when next President Zuma or one of his minions starts babbling on ridiculously about extending nuclear power in South Africa (and bearing in mind that we are talking about a scheme which was to cost well over R1 trillion when first embraced by the Zuma administration a few years back, now perhaps closer to double that figure) we just stop paying any attention – it will never happen in this country because we simply can't afford it. If you thought the arms deal was rife with corruption, unaffordable and unnecessary foreign technological boondoggles, what would you say to half a dozen nuclear power stations producing electricity at R4/kWh (or around four times current Eskom costs)? No. We must stand up and be counted. Black, white or somewhere in between, our futures and those of our children must be protected from idiocy in high places. Speak, Tweet, post and, if necessary and as you can, join in on the streets themselves when there are marches or protests against unaffordable and dangerous government policies around our energy future, our water and food security, and any other of the core life-sustaining elements of our lives. It is our right to do these things – and that right has been won at great cost in lives and suffering. We must use it wisely and powerfully to help drive our communities and our society towards a more sustainable future, or we face the real prospects of losing that future to greed, stupidity and all that come with those things.

Green greetings Chris & the Team 7 SG


Brian Wilkinson is the CEO of the Green Building Council. He joined the GBC in 2011 as Chief Executive Officer after some creative encouragement out of what he thought was his ‘early retirement’. At the time he was working with ILIMA Trust, an NPO involved in supporting leaders in the public sector.

Gareth Burley is the CEO of Green Business Synergy, a company that brings business together for sustainable energy solutions and projects. He consults to companies and organisations such as the SAEE, Measurement and Verification Council, Energy Saving Company QDM, Microcare Solar Manufacturers and local government.

Jane Griffiths is a television producer, writer, artist and traveller, who has grown organic vegetables and herbs in her Johannesburg garden for 20 years. Her best-selling book Jane’s Delicious Garden has led to a vegetable revolution in South Africa, with thousands of people now following in Jane's green footsteps.

Kevin James Kevin James is a sustainable business strategist and futurist. He applies systems thinking to tackle some of the most pressing environmental and social challenges facing business today, He believes that the only way to solve the many problems that our current sustainability conundrum presents to us, is to connect the dots between stakeholders, their activities and the various systems within which they all interact.

Richard Duckitt has a BSc in Environmental and Geographical Studies (UCT), an Honors degree in Oceanography and is a registered Green Star Accredited Professional for New Buildings and a Green Star SA Assessor. Promoting sustainability solutions through an integrated and collaborative approach, he considers how all elements of a building’s design, construction and management work together to meet the needs of its owners, occupants and the environment.

Richard Sherman serves as a technical advisor on multilateral environmental agreements, international environmental governance, climate change and sustainable development. He is a member of South Africa’s Official Negotiating Delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and is currently the Advisor to the Co-Chair of the Board of the Green Climate Fund and is the convenor of the African Group of Negotiators Finance Working Group.

Carole Knight is a freelance environmental writer with specialisations in sustainability, emerging trends, and globalisation. She lives in the Western Cape of South Africa. The website for BirdLife South Africa is www.

Mike Britten has a B.Comm (Econ Hons) from the University of Natal, has worked in the Rhodesian Government Economics Ministry, and became General Secretary of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Rhodesia during the sanctions war. He spent the next 25 years running his own businesses, and at the same time writing weekly economic updates on the SADC region for a variety of overseas publications. Specialised on the economics of energy, particularly renewables.

Jeunesse Park established ProGreen, SA’s first environmental communications and public relations company, as well as Food & Trees for Africa and has won many awards. She continues her work as a social activator with the African Climate Reality Project.

Susanne Karcher is a chemical engineer who runs her own Environmental Consultancy called EnviroSense. Her company specialises in the planning, development and facilitation of tailor-made governmental, industrial/commercial and residential 'Integrated Resource and Waste Management' programmes. Susanne is also the coordinator and chair(wo) man of the Southern African e-Waste Alliance (SAEWA).

Johan van den Berg is the CEO of the South African Wind Energy Association, the Chair of the South African Renewable Energy Council and the African Private Sector Focal Point for the Africa-EU Energy Partnership. A barrister, he has spent 18 years in dispute resolution; environmental mediation; climate change avoidance/ emissions trading; and efforts to deploy renewable energy in Southern Africa.

Prof Mark Swilling is an internationally-recognised expert in sustainable development and is Academic Director of The Sustainability Institute, University of Stellenbosch. Swilling has published eight edited and co-authored books, over 54 book chapters, 37 articles in refereed journals, and compiled 22 major technical reports.

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N ews 'Green' is the answer in job sector

'Please, stop!' – Mother Earth Over the past several months there has been an alarming number of dead fish and other sea creatures washing up all over the planet. In many places more than 30 metric tons of fish have washed up dead. In Vietnam the incidents of dead fish have become so bad that soldiers are being deployed to bury them. Millions of fish have washed up dead along a 125km stretch of the Vietnamese coast in one of the country’s worst environmental disasters. Soldiers have been deployed to bury tons of fish, clams and the occasional whale that began dying in early April along the north-central coast, including some popular tourist beaches. Vietnamese officials facing growing anger over the disaster have not announced the official cause of the deaths, which have affected the livelihoods of tens of thousands of families. In southern China, 35 tons of dead fish appeared in a lake in the Hainan province. Local authorities say that the fish died as a result of salinity change. Could it be climate change? Human effect on the environment? Let’s hope we can remedy some of the problem before it gets worse. S G 10

In recognition of National Environment Month, leaders in the green building sector have highlighted the industry’s potential to address both climate change and unemployment in South Africa. As one of the few industries that regularly makes the news for its growth, rather than its decline or instability, it has become a welcome source of good news for environmentalists, economists and job seekers alike. 'The built environment offers one of the biggest climate change mitigation opportunities and it’s backed by a solid business case. Designing, building and operating green buildings requires that we grow a workforce that has the necessary skills and experience to ensure that the projects deliver on their promise of ''treading lightly'' on our very stressed and fragile environment,' says Green Building Council (GBCSA) CEO, Brian Wilkinson. Recent reports from job listing giant Indeed show that new jobs in green technologies are beating out competition across the globe. 'The business world is starting to adjust to meet the criteria of the Paris Agreement, creating a big demand for sustainability know-how at every skill level – from builders to architects,' says John Schooling, Director of construction, development and renewable energy group STAG African. 'We need to leverage off this opportunity in South Africa by promoting internal development through green skills and green jobs. The private sector needs to work with government with a commitment to creating unique skills in the use of new green technologies and techniques,' says Schooling. 'We project around 6 700 employment opportunities based on STAG African’s work scope, this will go a long way in addressing high unemployment rates and upskilling young job seekers with sustainable skills.' A property industry slump in 2008 and the looming student accommodation crisis lit the fire that saw STAG African pioneer the use of Innovative Building Technologies (IBTs) for the construction of student residences. IBTs reduce construction time by up to 40% and costs by 13% through relying on 87% recycled lightweight steel frames and requiring zero water in the construction process. In recognition of this, the South African government now requires that IBTs be used for 60% of all new social infrastructure. As a reflection, the growth of green building in South Africa trumps that of established sustainability building regions such as Europe, Australia, United States, United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Brazil, this was confirmed in a World Green Building Trends survey run by US-based McGraw-Hill Construction. 'If industry and urban development is going green – and we know it is – then it is key that we equip the youth with knowledge, experience and interest in IBTs and sustainable building,' says Wilkinson. The industry is taking off in South Africa and elsewhere on the continent, and it shows great potential to address more than one challenge facing a pressured economy and planet.

Islands are disappearing

New water molecule discovery

Water is the most essential substance to human life and one of only a few things that can exist in liquid, gas and solid form. Recently, scientists discovered a new state of water molecules that displays some pretty unexpected characteristics. This discovery, made by researchers at the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, reveals that water molecules 'tunnel' in ultra-small hexagonal channels of the mineral beryl. Basically, this means the molecules spread out when they are trapped in confined spaces, taking a new shape entirely. The discovery, made possible with experiments at ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom, demonstrates features of water under ultra confinement in rocks, soil and cell walls, which scientists predict will be of interest across many disciplines. Click here for more.

According to Australian scientists, five Solomon Islands have disappeared beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean as a result of climate change. The study looked at aircraft and satellite imagery from 1947 and 2014 to examine the erosional rates of 33 islands and purports to be the first to track natural changes in the region instead of from dramatic events. Rising sea levels likely contributed heavily to the disappearance of these five islands, but it’s not the only factor to blame. The scientists also looked at wave energy to uncover a 'synergistic interaction' between waves and rising sea levels. This means that islands in areas of the ocean more exposed to buffeting from waves are likely to be impacted the hardest by climate change. In fact, the researchers found that islands in a southern, 'more sheltered' part of the Solomon Islands weren’t hit as hard; they 'did not experience significant coastal recession', Click here for more.

Climate change effects could hit us sooner than we think

Concern over the effects of climate change on sea levels isn’t new. Yet scientists thought the shift would occur hundreds of years from now, and in his new paper, retired NASA scientist James Hansen says sea levels could rise several feet in just 50 to 150 years. In the paper, Hansen and other international scientists warn that the 2°C Paris limit could still cause irreparable damage to our planet, specifically through polar ice melts, superstorms and rising sea levels that could demolish coastal cities. And those effects could be felt within decades, not centuries. The basic claim of the paper is that by burning fossil fuels at a prodigious pace and pouring heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, humanity is about to provoke an abrupt climate shift. Specifically, the authors believe that fresh water pouring into the oceans from melting land ice will set off a feedback loop that will cause parts of the great ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica to disintegrate rapidly. Click here for more. 11 S G

N ews

Newly discovered subglacial lake in Antartica a key find

Antarctica might be an icy, barren, windswept landscape today, but millions of years ago it was home to thriving forests, dinosaurs, and a breathtaking landscape replete with rivers, lakes and massive canyons. Much of its past is still sitting there, buried underneath layers of ice, waiting to be discovered in the form of fossils and geology. It's even possible that ancient creatures still live under Antarctica's ice, hidden for millennia beneath the continent's cold glacial cap. Martin Siegert of Imperial College London, a member of the team that located the putative lake says that the wide, ribbon-like lake could house some of the continent's many secrets. Since this lake would likely have been isolated, trapped under the ice, for around 25 million years, biologists are giddy at the possibility that ancient life forms could still survive within it. The fact that signs of life have been discovered at Lake Vostok (a larger subglacial lake in Antartica) only increases the odds that creatures may be lurking in these icy waters too – perhaps alien-like creatures that have evolved strange features to help them survive in such a frigid habitat. Click here for more.

Finding hope amid gloomy future

A new study by a group of scientists including Paul Ehrlich, the Bing Professor of Population Studies in Biology and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment has said that a sixth mass extinction is not far off, and calls for fast action to conserve threatened species, populations and habitat, but warns that the window of opportunity is rapidly closing. The new study, published in the journal Science Advances, shows that even with extremely conservative estimates, species are disappearing up to about 100 times faster than the normal rate between mass extinctions, known as the background rate. Despite the gloomy outlook, there is a meaningful way forward. 'Avoiding a true sixth mass extinction will require rapid, greatly intensified efforts to conserve already threatened species, and to alleviate pressures on their populations – notably habitat loss, over-exploitation for economic gain and climate change,' the study’s authors write. Click here for more. S G 12

'Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity. We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet.' – Leonardo DiCaprio

The world of Anthony Howe 'Kinetic sculpture resides at the intersection of artistic inspiration and mechanical complexity. The making of one of my pieces relies on creative expression, metal fabrication and a slow design process in equal parts.'

Greening the film industry

Do The Green Thing, an environmental charity which describes itself as a 'public service for the planet that uses creativity to tackle climate change', relaunched recently with a message to Hollywood on how screenwriters and the silver screen are contribution to the human races’ ongoing abuse of the planet. In their first editorial piece for a while, the charity playfully attack the Oscars by hacking scenes from the films with gifs that suggest greener alternatives. A plug for an SUV that could have been an electric vehicle; the addition of recycling bin, wind-up torch or a bicycle; or a pertinent rewrite to a script. The World Health Organisation is quoted as finding that films can have a strong influence on young minds, so now would be the perfect time for movies to introduce eco elements and themes that can change the course of history

TRUTH IN PICTURES 'When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realise That You Cannot Eat Money.' This prophecy is becoming a more and more brutal reality. But, even today, not every person is aware of the horrible effects our lifestyles have on nature. recently published a series of evocative photographs that will leave you speechless. BELOW: (L) A nighttime spectacle in downtown Los Angeles – the energy demand is incalculable, (R) The Indonesian surfer Dede Surinaya rides a wave of filth and trash (Java, Indonesia).

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The Cape Town Flower Show

27-30 October. The Castle of Good Hope. Annual lifestyle event bringing together gardening and universal awareness for the environment.

Sustainable Living Weekend 2016

29 Sep to 3 Oct. Vanwyksdorp. Learn about small scale organic food production, food processing and preservation, water wise gardening and much more. Click here for more

Event Greening Forum Conference 2016

21 July. Hackle Brooke Conference Centre, Johannesburg. Roger Simons, international sustainability guru, will headline a host of sustainability experts. Click here

Green Building Convention 2016

26-29 July. Sandton Convention Centre. 4 days of inspiring speakers and thought leaders, social events and networking opportunities

SAEEC 2016

8-9 November. Emperor's Palace. An important energy event of national scope for end-users and energy professionals in all areas of the energy field.



17 - 19 JUNE The workshop covers the following:

1 Why Organic. The devastation wreaked on the Planet, humans and animals as we moved AWAY from organic. 2 In depth study of the structure of HEALTHY soil. Types of soil, PH and what it means, soil minerals and what causes imbalances- and how this affects our health and soil health, understanding the ratios and relationships. 3 Micro-organisms. What they are, what they do and their essential co-existence in soil with each other and with plants. There is a plethora of books now published that deal just with micro-organisms because we are only now realising their importance. They are the army under and within the soil that we kill with our unsustainable farming and chemical practices. 4 Roots. How they work, how they take up minerals and nutrients, and their relationships with each other and the micro-organisms that live on them. 5 Compost. What is it and what is it not. Different types of compost, and how to make them. How to measure them, and use them. Practical compost making. 6 Worm farming and vermi-compost. 7 The third day deals with the specifics of orchard farming. Trees take up many more nutrients than vegetables and so correct soil mineralisation is critical to healthy trees and orchards. We go into the soil minerals in more depth, and study the symbiotic relationships and ratios that cause imbalances if not understood and managed. Disease and pest management relies on balanced healthy eco-systems and soil, and we discuss how to achieve this in detail. S G 14


LIZ EGLINGTON 028 5812014 Email here

VENUE Blue Sky Organics olive farm, Van Wyksdorp, Klein Karoo PRICE

(incl food and excl accomm, which can be organised if required)

R1500 - 2 days R750 - extra 3rd day


Making Better


The Earth Expo brings you a realistic environment to journey through your day and engage with the products and services that will help you to #MakeBetterChoices and be a more conscious and responsible consumer. We take a look.

15 S G


t is not just up to the world leaders, corporations

building materials and elements. These will all be

and governments to address climate change, it

donated to a worthy social responsibility project

is up to each and every one of us. And our

after the show.

options range from the large to the small, from

As shows are generally wasteful, the Earth Expo

the most simple change of cleaning products to

team have made it a priority to reduce and off-set

going off the grid, building green and everything

their carbon footprint by partnering with and

in between.

introducing a number of initiatives such as:

The show will host a number of workshops

A paperless system for information sharing and interaction between our visitors and exhibitors

within our five main categories namely: Food,

The 'going green' process includes encouraging and guiding those businesses not yet the darkest shade of green to address these core elements and become industry leaders in sustainable innovation. Beverage & Nutrition, Interior Design, Décor &


Landscape, Fashion & Beauty, and Technology &

printing of marketing materials;

Building. Expo speakers aim to bring the education


Uber ride-sharing for car-pooling to the show Off-grid energy to run the show and energy

CPD training for professionals to learn and earn


general misunderstanding of sustainability, usually taken to signify only organic or natural products,


lifecycles of the things we live with daily in any built environment in which we spend our time. The


which will be reported on post-show;

on sustainable living to life, addressing multiple subjects related to sustainable living and to the


their points; and •

A percentage of all ticket sales will be given

will be demystified to display the entrepreneurs,

to GreenPop for their treevolution planting

SMEs and organisations making a concerted effort to

initiatives to offset carbon costs that cannot be

promote economic growth, skills development and


job creation. Also looked at will be those addressing

Exhibitors are covering every element of living

their core business principles, material selections

while showcasing an exciting and diverse variety

and processes to become more environmentally

of products within the rooms of the Expo home

friendly and sustainable in the long term.

which include: Garden, Patio, Kitchen, Dining Room,

The 'going green' process includes encouraging

Lounge, Bedroom, Bathroom, Walk-in-Cupboard,

and guiding those businesses not yet the darkest

Kids Room, Office, Health & Wellness in the home,

shade of green to address these core elements and

and our Building & Technology to be hosted in our

become industry leaders in sustainable innovation.

Innogreen Build structure.

The Expo has added a day for a dedicated

Those behind the Earth Expo are doing their

platform to address and educate learners, inspire

utomost to bring sustainabile design and living to

future innovators, help with career choices and

as many as possible, throwing out the invitation to

provide edutainment to inform and assist them

even those not yet taken with 'greening', and all

to make the changes that they want to see in

that goes with it, to join them on their 'Journey for

their generation's response to the current global



challenges which we all face. To add true integrity Earth Expo has partnered with Innogreen Build and their partners to build one of the show structures comprising only truly green

S G 16

The Earth Expo takes place August 11-14 at Montecasino in Johannesburg. For more info see ad, right.

17 S G

E lon Musk Dreaming our future

He’s turning just 45 this month (June) but already South African-born Elon Musk has won himself legendary status as one of the world’s most forward-looking entrepreneurs. With the recent unveiling of the Tesla Model 3, the ‘Musk phenomenon’ has already become entrenched in our culture with Musk himself at the leading edge of a range of far-seeing and futuristic schemes which look to sling-shot him, his companies and the rest of us into a brave new tomorrow of electric vehicles, off-the-grid energy, space tourism, inter-planetary living and assorted related eco-adaptive technologies. We take a look at the ‘Musk phenomenon’, and what it might mean for all of us, whether we are into ‘green tech’ or not.


S G 18

19 S G


isting all the ventures of Pretoria-born Elon

than expected and marks a significant step towards

Musk, whether they be focused on his electric

fulfilling Musk's dream of super high-speed,

vehicles or his space-based ventures or one

low-cost, low-impact transportation for both goods

of several other mind-expanding visions for our

Hyperloop One says it has raised $80m in

novel titles. And yet, while some of his grander

investments to further its innovations, but that's a

schemes may still be little more than dreams hardly

drop in the bucket when it comes to the full cost

past the drawing-board stage, Musk has galvanised

of building a working hyperloop rail, such as the

an entire movement towards a more eco-friendly,

proposed connector between San Francisco and

high-tech future for us all.

Los Angeles, which Musk himself has estimated

Certainly, when Musk moved from the world

could cost as much as $7.5bn to build. For now,

of internet commercial transactions, as one of

developers are focused on creating and developing

the movers behind safe web-based e-commerce

the necessary technology before rolling out in the

with the establishment of PayPal as an industry

not-to-distant future a practical working design – a

standard, and launched into the tricky zone of

pattern of innovation which repeats the success of

electric vehicles – a deep, dark hole into which

various of his other projects and with which Musk is

other way-showers towards purely electric-based

well acquainted.

motoring have disappeared, along with their EV

In announcing the newly unveiled Tesla Model 3,

project prototypes – no-one was giving him much

Musk cut right to the heart of what his motivation

credit for being able to make a go of it.

is: the world has now more airborne carbon dioxide

But he has, in a very short span of time, done way

than any time in the last 11 million years – roughly,

more than that. Hardly a month goes by without yet

as he put it, going back to the time when our

another amazing Musk project grabbing headlines.

hominid ancestors first started walking upright.

Recently, for example, and even as his latest

The increased CO2 levels of over 403 parts per

all-electric Tesla Model 3 was being unveiled amid

million (actually a little higher than that) far exceeds

much hoopla and fanfare, his high-speed hyperloop

the targets set under the Kyoto agreement and puts

concept, the Hyperloop One, performed a full-scale

us on track for an ever-more heated planet – and

test to show off for the first time its progress. This

at a much faster rate than has been anticipated by

demonstration was really a public proof of concept

climate scientists – the consequences of which most

performance for a new form of transportation that

people can hardly grasp but which will literally be

is set to carry people and cargo at a blistering


480-500km/h. The 'propulsion open-air test' (POAT)

But it's not merely mitigating climate change

sled sped up to over 185km/h in mere seconds,

that motivates Musk – he has a 'positively positive'

putting the company's electromagnetic propulsion


system through its paces.

supposing we can get over our oil- and coal-burning

Hyperloop One began operations just over two






addiction to fossil fuels quickly enough.

years ago as Hyperloop Technologies. The new

His vision is vast, taking in a tomorrow in which

name should help Musk differentiate this effort from

hyper-speed travel, including into space with his

its only other competitor, Hyperloop Transportation

SapceX program, is as run-of-the-mill as travel by

Technologies (HTT), which has already broken

passenger jet is today. And he wants to do that with

ground on a $100m test track in California.

much-improved and long-lived technologies which

Hyperloop One has worked quickly to raise capital

demand much less from our planet's diminishing

and develop unique propulsion technology with


high-speed transportation in mind. The recent test tight-lipped with other details about the technology

No more designed obsolescence

it is using.

Planned or designed obsolescence is a notion which

used electromagnets, but the company has been

S G 20

and people.

collective tomorrow, reads a bit like a list of sci-fi

As with most things Musk puts his mind to,

may sound relatively new but is nearly a century

the high-speed propulsion system test went better

old, originating in 1924 when the American national

automobile market began reaching saturation. To maintain unit sales, the then head of General Motors, Alfred P Sloan Jr, suggested annual model-year design changes to convince car owners that they needed to buy a new replacement each year, an idea borrowed from the bicycle industry. In due course planned obsolescence became a motor industry standard, especially among US manufacturers – at least until critics, writers and activists such as Vance Packard and Ralph Nader began to make people increasingly aware of the practice, which has fallen into disfavour in some quarters but still widely practised in a variety of industries. Musk's response is, typically, to go in exactly the






manufacturing company Tesla is working to develop a new motor that could help people keep their new electric cars much longer, without expensive maintenance bills. During the company's recent investor update, CEO Musk announced that Tesla engineers are working on a new version of what has become the company's 'standard' electric drive unit (which is not standard in industry terms at all) that could have a lifespan of 'one million miles', or roughly 1.6 million kms. That's further than most people drive their conventionally-engined vehicles in


I do think there is a lot of potential if you have a compelling product and people are willing to pay a premium for that. I think that is what Apple has shown. You can buy a much cheaper cell phone or laptop, but Apple's product is so much better than the alternative, and people are willing to pay that premium.


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The reality is gas prices should be much more expensive than they are because we're not incorporating the true damage to the environment and the hidden costs of mining oil and transporting it to the US. Whenever you have an unpriced externality, you have a bit of a market failure, to the degree that eternality remains unpriced.


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their (the owners') lifetimes. The first step towards that extraordinary design goal is to achieve an endurance of 320 000kms for its electric drive units. The drive unit is the part that holds the electric motor (or motors on the dual-motor models). 'We are very happy with the quality of the drive units,' explained Musk on a conference call with investors. 'We changed the goal of the drive unit endurance from being approximately 200 000 miles to being a million miles – basically we want drive units that just never wear out. That's our goal. I think we made really good progress in that direction. The drive units that are going out now and for the last several months have been excellent.' There's pretty much no way that a petrol or diesel-powered engine could achieve such an ambitious endurance goal. But because electric engines are less complex and much more energy-efficient, with much less heat and subsequent wear and tear, Musk's goal may in fact be achievable. Electric car engines have fewer moving parts and rely on fewer fluids, so they are prone to fewer mechanical problems. The promise of an electric drive unit that could essentially last forever is just one more way for Tesla to illustrate how electric cars are superior to their gas-powered


very small piece of dedicated land could be used to capture solar energy and convert it into enough electricity to power the entire US grid. 'It's a very small amount of area that's actually needed to generate the electricity we need to power civilisation,' he said. 'In the case of the US, (it would take only) a little corner of Nevada or Utah, to power the entire United States.' And the science behind Musk's notion appears completely solid. More than enough solar energy beams down on the US each hour to match the electricity consumed in by that country in a whole year – the same is true for South Africa and a surprisingly high number of other countries too. The problem is that with current infrastructures dedicated to 19th and 20th century power production, no-one is taking full advantage of this enormous energy resource as yet. In 2014, for instance, solar power accounted for only 0.39% of the US's energy consumption. Musk is not at all phased by such facts – he envisions solar power taking the lead among energy sources by 2031. counterparts. Making a longer-lasting engine fits nicely with Tesla's 'Infinite Mile Warranty' program, which launched last year.

Solar USA Musk's vision for our futures goes far beyond EVs, however. How about the entire USA being powered by solar energy? 'Far-fetched' say the doubters, who are for the most part precisely the same people who Musk has already proved wrong on several occasions. But is this Musk idea a bridge too far? Apparently not – and he certainly doesn't think so. Recently, Musk offered his view on powering the US with solar energy. An in-depth analysis of his proposals makes it clear that he is not merely suggesting a fine-sounding notion but that his ideas have actual 'legs' and could well work. Essentially, he proposes that the whole of the US could be powered by 'a little corner of Nevada or Utah' dedicated to generating solar power. If the US government co-operated and invested in related infrastructure, it could happen in as little as 15 years, he says. In the midst of the UN climate conference (COP21) last December, Musk gave an address to global policy makers and business leaders during which the Tesla and SpaceX CEO suggested that a relatively

To illustrate Musk's concept, the Land Art Generator Initiative created a number of maps showing how little real estate would be necessary to generate the electricity needed. Based on a 20% conversion rate of sun energy to electrical energy rate – roughly optimal lab performance for solar panels currently – an area approximately the size of Spain is all the US would need to source 100% of its electricity from a clean, low-cost, and effectively endlessly renewable source.

Self-driving cars Beyond initiatives already mentioned (and bearing in mind that we haven't really got to his SpaceX vision yet), Musk is looking ahead on virtually every front imaginable. For one thing, Tesla has been hard at work developing self-driving cars. It is not yet clear when we may expect a fully autonomous Tesla model to be demonstrated but Musk has put a timeline on it, predicting that Tesla will have a truly self-driving car within the next two years. He even thinks such vehicles will respond to their master's or mistress's voice, literally, driving themselves from one coast to another just to fetch you, if that's what you want. Musk says Tesla owners will be able to use

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'summon', the Tesla vehicle self-parking feature that has been updated and improved, to call for their car no matter where it may be. Musk said on Twitter that Tesla's 'summon should work anywhere connected by land & not blocked by border, eg you're in LA and the car is in NY'. Even though no Tesla model yet released would be able to do that on a single charge, Musk has said the company will release a 1 000km-range car sometime next year, but even a model like that would require a number of recharging stops to make it from coast to coast. That's where the company's 'self-connecting robot snake chargers', which Tesla engineers have been hard at work developing, come in. In other words, your self-driving Tesla of, say, half a dozen years from now, may well be able to stop and recharge itself as needed, whether or not there is a driver on board, and even without a 'pump jockey' to make the necessary recharge connections. In arriving at such visions of what may well be the near future of motoring, Musk is not simply dreaming stuff up – he is responding to a growing pool of EV motoring enthusiasts' desires. Indeed, the very next day after Tesla released its limited Autopilot features, a trio of Tesla owners hit the road in a Tesla Model S and drove from California to New York City in just under 58 hours. The car didn't entirely drive itself, but the trio put the newly installed Autopilot through its paces, using it to coast along the highway, change lanes, and adjust the car's speed along significant sections of the road trip.

SpaceX With a person such as Musk, one may be tempted to talk of hubris, but the facts don't support such an assessment. Rather, it is as if Musk is 'tuned in' to a channel of information and possibilities for our future as a species which is being 'broadcast' to a very select few. His SpaceX program is a fine example of this. 'SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionise space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets.' So proclaims the SpaceX website to anyone who cares to browse it. Some critics, in the early days, scoffed, but Musk and those who work with

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him don't give a hoot what the nay-sayers think – they just get on with it. SpaceX has, consequently, become the world's fastest-growing 'launch service provider' – making it sound almost pedestrian for a private company to be playing such a role, previously the preserve of governments, with only Richard Branson and one or two others even in the same frame when it comes to privatising space travel. For Musk there is a simple key to our collective futures: 'Reusability. That is the key to making human life multi-planetary,' he says, with Mars being the first big step in that particularly Muskian endeavour. Musk's concern for humanity is that we not stay earth-bound for much longer, becoming true inter-planetary citizens with life-supportable and independent colonies not merely on Mars but on any and all viable locations in our solar system where humans might be able to make a 'home from home' for ourselves. In this regard his vision is truly remarkable and vast – and so far, as with his many other visionary projects, he's right on track and even ahead of the probability curve with respect to turning visions into realities.

SpaceX has gained worldwide attention for a series of historic milestones. It is the only private company ever to return a spacecraft from low-Earth orbit, which it first accomplished in December 2010. The company made history again in May 2012 when its Dragon spacecraft attached to the International Space Station, exchanged cargo payloads, and returned safely to Earth – a technically challenging feat previously accomplished only by governments. Since then Dragon has delivered cargo to and from the space station multiple times, providing regular cargo resupply missions for NASA. Under a $1.6bn contract with NASA, SpaceX will fly numerous cargo resupply missions to the ISS for a total of at least 12 missions – and in the near future, SpaceX will carry crew as well. Dragon was designed from the outset to carry astronauts and now, under a $440m agreement with NASA, SpaceX is making modifications to make Dragon crew-ready. Consequently, SpaceX is the world's fastest-growing provider of launch services. Profitable and cash-flow


The future of humanity is going to bifurcate in two directions: Either it's going to become multiplanetary, or it's going to remain confined to one planet and eventually there's going to be an extinction event.


positive, the company has over 70 launches on its manifest, representing over $10bn in contracts. These include commercial satellite launches as well as the already-mentioned NASA missions. Currently under development is the Falcon Heavy,

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It's not as though we can keep burning coal in our power plants. Coal is a finite resource, too. We must find alternatives, and it's a better idea to find alternatives sooner than wait until we run out of coal, and in the meantime, put God knows how many trillions of tons of CO2 that used to be buried underground into the atmosphere.


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which will be the world's most powerful rocket. All the while, SpaceX continues to work toward one of its key goals – developing reusable rockets, a feat that will transform space exploration by delivering highly reliable vehicles at radically reduced costs.

Powerwall Musk's visions are not all sci-fi-like super-projects, however. At his core, Musk is not merely a dreamer and inventor in his own right, but eminently practical in his vision of how to make our lives both better and less impactful on the planet. A fine example is the 'Tesla Home Battery' or Powerwall. The idea behind this initiative is to provide consumers with a home battery that charges using electricity generated from solar panels – or when utility rates are low – and which powers your home in the evening. It also fortifies your home against power outages, a la Eskom blackouts, by providing a backup electricity supply. Automated, compact and simple to install, Powerwall offers independence from the utility grid and the security of an emergency backup. A typical Powerwall system includes solar panels, an inverter for converting electricity between direct current and alternating current, a meter for measuring


research company that aims to carefully promote and develop open-source friendly AI in such a way as to benefit, rather than harm, humanity as a whole. The organisation aims to 'freely collaborate' with other institutions and researchers by making its patents and research open to the public. The company is supported by over US$1bn in commitments. Many of the company's employees and board members are motivated by concerns about existential risk from artificial general intelligence. Musk, who is involved or has founded a number of other notable ventures such as a proposed VTOL supersonic jet aircraft with electric fan propulsion, known as the Musk electric jet, has stated that the goals of SolarCity, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX revolve around his vision to change the world and humanity. His stated goals include reducing global warming through sustainable energy production and consumption, and reducing the 'risk of human extinction' by 'making life multi-planetary', battery charge, and in backup applications, a

beginning with a human colony on Mars.

secondary circuit that powers key appliances.

Nothing small in any of that, is there?

Which components are required depends on how you use your home battery.

And yet more

A self-taught computer programmer (he learned programming at age 12), Musk has two BSc degrees, in physics and economics, and despite his various other activities is both a campaigner for clean

There seems no doubt that Musk has neither run

energy and chairman of the Musk Foundation,

out of ideas nor, amazingly, the capacity to both

which focuses its philanthropic efforts to provide

dream up new approaches to old problems as

solar-power energy systems in disaster areas.

well as to launch commercially viable solutions










and implement practical ways to resolve existing

Canadian-American, enjoying citizenship of both

challenges, all the while aiming to improve human

countries, but is in reality one of the world's

living experiences.

first global citizen-entrepreneur-engineer future

Bear in mind, he is not merely the CEO of both


Tesla and SpaceX but also the product architect

What he may yet do with his life is almost

of the EV manufacturing company he founded

beyond imagining, given what he has done to date.

and chief technical officer for SapceX. As of April

But of one thing you may be sure – Elon Musk

this year (2016), his estimated net worth had

is likely to go down in history as one of the great

soared to US$12.3bn. He is also chairman of

innovator-entrepreneurs of all times, alongside the

SolarCity, an American provider of energy services

likes of his much-beloved Nikola Tesla (inspiration

headquartered in San Mateo, California, which

for his EV car-making company) and Thomas Edison.

designs, finances, and installs various solar power

More likely yet, he will eclipse even those great

systems and has over 13 000 employees.

fore-runners and simply become one of history's

Another of his involvements is as co-chairman of OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence (AI)

greatest names, if he has not already achieved that.


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M otoring

THE Exception


The all-new Lexus RX has made its South African debut. With its origami-inspired design cues, a heady mix of sharp creases and curves, an emboldened spindle grille and a whimsical 'floating' roof, the re-fashioned fourth generation RX, the luxury marque's most successful car to date, makes an undeniably powerful visual statement. We take a look.

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crossover segment, the RX has racked up more than 1.2 million sales since its

inception and with annual US sales consistently

surpassing the 100 000 mark. The RX is one of only two luxury-badged vehicles to achieve this accolade. Since its initial launch in 1998, the Lexus RX has proved immensely popular with those needing the flexibility of a sport-utility vehicle combined with the driving comfort of a luxury sedan, all wrapped up in an attractive, elegant package. Glenn Crompton, Vice President of Marketing, concedes that success brings challenges: 'Lexus

'The new RX does indeed build on the success of the previous generations through the injection of adventurous styling, increased interior space, enhanced power and, crucially, more dynamism.' - Glenn Crompton

engineers and product planners were left with the arduous task of keeping loyalists happy while broadening the appeal of the new RX – something I'm happy to say they've done admirably.

It features a new specification 3.5-litre quad cam V6 engine and eight-speed automatic transmission

'The new RX does indeed build on the success

with M (manual) Mode, for improved driveability and

of the previous generations through the injection

fuel economy. It develops 17kW more power and

of adventurous styling, increased interior space,

24Nm more torque than the superseded dual VVT-i

enhanced power and, crucially, more dynamism.

2GR-FE engine.

Frankly, it's an "exceptional" package, combining

The new engine has the additional features

the flexibility and psychological security of an SUV

of VVT-iW (Wide) on the inlet camshaft and the

with the driving dynamics familiar to sedan owners.

Lexus D-4S dual injection system of high-pressure

The fact that it comes with all the wood-and-leather

direct injection and port injection. It is the first

trappings of a luxury brand is, of course, an added

Lexus engine to combine VVT-iW and D-4S. The

benefit. It's a model that has performed consistently

continuously variable valve timing VVT-iW system is

in South Africa since it was introduced in 2006 and

shared with the new turbocharged 2.0-litre engine.

the newcomer is sure to win over new fans.'

Its greater range of adjustment means the valve

The local RX line-up comes in two 'flavours': the

timing can be advanced for greater performance

petrol V6-powered RX 350 EX and the petrol-electric

or retarded, so the engine operates in the high

hybrid RX 450h in SE guise. The RX 350 EX features an

expansion-ratio Atkinson cycle for greater economy.

upgraded 3.5-litre direct injection V6 that develops

The result is higher torque throughout the engine

221kW and 370Nm – 17kW and 24Nm more than the

revolution range. Fuel economy has been optimised

previous generation – and drives all four wheels via

by paying careful attention to the balance between

an eight-speed transmission.

direct and port injection, according to engine load

The RX 450h hybrid develops 230kW combined

and operating conditions. The Lexus VVT-iW system

system power (engine and electric motor) – a

adjusts the inlet timing to ensure reliable engine

10kW increase in combined system power over the

start in conditions of extreme cold and impressive

previous generation RX 450h – and drives all four

wide-open throttle (WOT) performance.

wheels via a CVT transmission.

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New-generation RX 350 has an eight-speed








The new RX 350 has 8% more power and seven% more

electronic control technology further adds to

torque, while returning 9% greater fuel economy. RX


previous six-speed transmission, for added driver involvement, driveability and fuel economy. New

350's new-generation 2GR-FKS engine has 221kW

The eight internal ratios have been chosen to

of power at 6300rpm and 370Nm of torque at

balance the needs of sports driving and fuel economy

4700rpm, with combined cycle fuel economy of 9.6

– with a low first gear ratio for initial acceleration,

closely spaced ratios in the intermediate gears for

known as Linear Drive-force Management. It can

performance and urban-driving economy, and a tall

initiate a quick downshift depending on throttle

eighth-gear ratio for motorway economy. First gear

position to ensure responsive re-acceleration out of

is 20% shorter than the ratio in the Lexus six-speed

a corner or a quick upshift to maintain momentum.

transmission and top gear is 16% taller. The overall

This minimises the variation in acceleration rate

spread of ratios is 44% greater than the superseded

as vehicle speed increases, for a continuous

six-speed transmission.

acceleration feeling.

The M mode provides full torque-converter

Another control technology, Downshift Control,

lock-up from third to eighth gears for 'clutchless'

ensures that downshifting response matches driver

manual shifting when accelerating and lock-up from

intention. It prioritises the time taken for the drive

second to eighth gears when decelerating. Down

force to reach the final gear step when the throttle

changes in M mode are made with the transmission's

pedal is pressed sharply, while sequence downshift

throttle blipping control matching the engine speed

control prioritises smooth transfer of drive force

to the gear. In addition, the RX 350 transmission is

when the accelerator pedal is pressed slowly.

linked to the Lexus Drive Mode Select function, with its Eco, Normal and Sport modes.

Hybrid RX 450h has 10kW or 4.5% more combined power, at 230kW, coupled with a 9.5% fuel economy

It's worth mentioning that the Lexus transmission

improvement to 5.7 litres/100km. The obligatory

software monitors throttle opening to provide

dash to 100km/h is dispatched in a very credible

the acceleration the driver requires, in a system

7.7 seconds.

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Lexus has made driveability, efficiency and packaging improvements throughout the RX 450h driveline and hybrid system. The new 2GR-FXS 3.5-litre Atkinson cycle quad cam dual VVT-i V6 petrol engine has an additional 18Nm of torque (at lower revolutions) and 10kW more power than the previous engine. The petrol engine delivers 193kW of power at 6000rpm and 335Nm of torque at 4600rpm. The Lexus hybrid system blends that power with the 123kW front electric motor and, when required, the 50kW motor in the E-Four AWD system. RX 450h has an all-gear electronically controlled

New-generation RX 350 has an eight-speed sequential-shift transmission in lieu of the previous six-speed transmission, for added driver involvement, driveability and fuel economy.

continuously variable transmission, for ideal gearing at all times and no energy loss through slippage. The new engine adopts the Lexus D-4S dual

of a V6 petrol engine, transmission damper,

injection system of high-pressure direct and port

compound set of planetary gears and two electric

injection. The compression ratio has been raised

motors/generators. The compound planetary gear

from 12.5:1 to 13.0:1 for improved power and

set acts as an electronic continuously variable

torque throughout the revolution range. The cooled

transmission, changing the transmission ratio for

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) has been further

optimum performance, driveability and economy.

refined to improve thermal efficiency and reduce emissions. The cylinder head and exhaust manifold have been integrated, to expand the driving range of the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio and reduce emissions. Special attention was paid to minimising NVH,

Drive system allows for energy-saving regenerative braking on both the front and rear axles.

Hybrid system improvements

both at the source and through new engine covers.

Lexus has further refined the power control unit

The 2GR-FXS engine stops when not required to

(PCU), hybrid battery and hybrid system electronic

propel the vehicle and electric motor power is used

control unit in RX 450h for improved driveability, fuel

for reversing.

economy, HV performance and interior comfort. The

Special features in the RX 450h design minimise

installation position of the battery cooling blower

power-drain on the petrol engine to maximise

has been changed and the height of the main body

fuel savings while also allowing vital systems to

lowered by 26mm, allowing for increased rear seat

operate when the petrol engine is stopped. The

cushion thickness and greater comfort. A pulse-type

vehicle has electric power-assisted steering and

blower has been adopted to reduce noise.

an electric-powered air conditioning compressor.

When accelerating, the power mode emphasises

The RX 450h engine does not have a conventional

performance by making better use of petrol engine

alternator or starter motor. The number one

power and the mid-range acceleration contribution

motor-generator in the RX 450h hybrid transaxle acts

from the electric-drive motor. When decelerating,

as the petrol-engine starter motor when required.

the rate of retardation and the engine sound have

Lexus RX 450h's transaxle has been improved

been tuned to give a sporty driving feel.

to increase fuel efficiency. It has a newly adopted

The sequential shift feature can be used to

water-to-air cooler for the electric drive motor

downshift the transmission for the optimum feeling

and reduced oil agitation losses thanks to a newly

of engine braking and to set up for a corner.

introduced baffle plate. The new electric motor

Lexus RX 350 and RX 450h use bespoke all-wheel

cooler helps improve fuel economy by optimising

drive systems, both designed to maximise traction,

electric-motor performance.

cornering stability and driver control while saving

The unique RX 450h front-axle driveline consists

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As well as propelling the vehicle, the Lexus Hybrid

fuel. RX 350 has the new-generation Dynamic Torque

Control system and RX 450h has an improved Lexus E-Four system.

On the passive safety front, the new RX is equipped with 10 SRS airbags including dual-stage

In a Lexus first, RX 350 and RX 450h drivers can

twin-chamber driver and front-passenger airbags,

view the torque distribution in real time on the

front passenger cushion airbag, driver knee airbag,

multi-information display.

curtain airbags and rear-seat side airbags.

All RX models have a newly adopted pre-load

The body structure of the new-generation RX

front differential for improved take-off performance

includes increased use of high-tensile strength and

and straight-line stability.

hot-stamped steels up to 980MPa tensile strength, a

COMPREHENSIVE SAFETY SYSTEM The new Lexus RX has a full suite of driver-assist

new construction method for the door surrounds and a high-strength, lightweight aluminium rear-bumper reinforcement. The brake-control system is comprehensive,

technologies including Blind Spot Monitor with

with the electronic safety features of ABS with

Rear Cross-Traffic Alert (helps when backing out

electronic brake-force distribution, brake assist,

of a parking space), ABS with Brake Assist and EBD,

traction control, enhanced vehicle stability control

Hill Assist Control, Traction Control, VSC, Vehicle

and Hill-start Assist Control.


Dynamic Integrated Management (Hybrid only), rear-guide monitor, Tyre Pressure Monitor as well as clearance and parking sonar.

For more info visit

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Motoring News

How Peugeot sees the future of motor sport The Peugeot L500 R Hybrid hugs the asphalt to deliver its full potential right from pull-away. With its wide track, low profile (just 1m high) and light weight (1  000kg), this hybrid sports car is made for performance: it takes just 2.5 seconds to reach 100km/h from standstill, and 19 seconds to cover 1km. Developed by Peugeot Sport teams, the 500-bhp plug-in hybrid petrol powertrain features two electric motors (one front and one rear) plus a 270hp petrol engine, yielding peak torque of 730Nm. Style-wise, the sleek lines run from the lion badge on the radiator grille toward the driver to end in a streamlined rear feature (a nod to the car’s century-old ancestor) highlighting the three distinctive rear lamp claws that form part of Peugeot’s design identity today.

Jaguar XE celebrates its first year with major recycling milestone As the Jaguar XE celebrates its first full-year of sales, ‘REALCAR’, the pioneering recycled aluminium project that contributes to the awarding winning sedan’s aluminium-intensive body has reached a significant milestone. Jaguar Land Rover has reclaimed over 50 000 metric tonnes of aluminium scrap, the weight of 200 000 XE body shells, back into the production process during 2015/16 – the equivalent of saving more than 500 000 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere by not using primary aluminium material. The figures are a result of project ‘REALCAR’ which involves 11 UK press shops implementing a closed loop, segregating waste aluminium scrap so that it can be sent back into production to be re-melted into recycled aluminium sheet metal for use in Jaguar Land Rover vehicles.

Toyota sells nine-millionth hybrid car Toyota's hybrid vehicles have saved their owners 25 billion litres of petrol – enough fuel, theoretically, for each of their cars to travel around the Earth, and then some. The calculation was revealed by the world's leading carmaker when it announced it has sold more than nine million Toyota and Lexus hybrid vehicles around the world. The latest milestone, achieved in April, comes as Toyota South Africa introduced its newest hybrid, the striking new Prius, in May. Toyota's parent company in Japan has revealed that the total fuel saving from its nine million hybrids represents an average of more than 2 770l per vehicle compared with driving petrol-only cars of similar size. The saving would provide enough fuel for each of those vehicles to travel at least 52 400km, or 1.3 times around the equator, based on a nominal average consumption of 5.3l/100km. Instead of doing that, of course, Toyota's hybrid owners have pocketed billions of dollars in savings. Toyota has also estimated its hybrid vehicles have resulted in approximately 67 million fewer tons of CO2 emissions than would have been emitted by petrol-powered vehicles of similar size and driving performance.

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The Tesla biohazard defense button works extremely well – if you need it Air pollution has a significant and pervasive impact on public health. According to the World Health Organization, it is now considered 'the world's largest single environmental health risk', with more than three million people dying every year as a result. This is more than twice the number of people that die in vehicle accidents each year. Inspired by the air filtration systems used in hospitals, clean rooms and the space industry, Tesla developed a HEPA filtration system capable of stripping the outside air of pollen, bacteria and pollution before they enter the cabin and systematically scrubbing the air inside the cabin to eliminate any trace of these particles. The end result is a filtration system hundreds of times more efficient than standard automotive filters, capable of providing the driver and passengers with the best possible cabin air quality no matter what is happening in the environment around them.

Electric Superbike heard the world over British firm Saietta has recently built a ground-breaking, battery-powered superbike that promises blistering performance from its radical engineering and design. Saietta may not be instantly familiar, but the company have been building electric bikes since 2008, and are a leading developer of electric motors and battery technology used by other manufacturers around the world. Their NGS (Next Generation Saietta) is a prototype with huge amounts of development still needing to be conducted before it can go into production, but it’s expected to go on sale by the end of 2016. Beneath the futuristic looks is an electric-powered superbike with a load-bearing carbon fibre battery compartment, powerful electric motor and double-wishbone front suspension. For more click here.

2017 Model S Tesla gets a new lease on life Four years after the first Model S hit the road, Tesla is giving its popular electric sedan a refresh with some new features thrown in. On the outside, the updated Model S gets a slightly refreshed face that brings it closer to the Model 3 and Model X. The front fascia is also getting new dynamic LED turning lights that will improve visibility at night, especially on winding roads. Inside the Model S now features a medical grade HEPA air filtration system (see above) that prevents particulate exhaust pollution, allergens and bacteria from entering the cabin. The Model S has been criticised for not having as luxurious of an interior as some of its gas-powered rivals, so Tesla is also adding upgraded materials and ambient lighting to the interior.

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Motoring News The Toyota Setsuna – not a toy The Setsuna concept defies the notion that cars should only be seen as industrial products loaded with the latest technologies. Toyota's unique wooden roadster was conceived to embody the affection owners grow to feel for their cars, and to show how cars continue to change and offer new value as they are taken care of with love over time. Designed by Toyota engineer Kenji Tsuji and his team, the Setsuna concept car is envisioned as a family heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation. This concept is communicated through a handsome aluminum 100-year meter with hands that count the passage of days and years over 100-year timespans. Continual growth and the 'accumulation of moments' are also symbolised with a radial flower-like metal emblem installed on the hood of the car. For more click here

Volvo set to 'deathproof' cars by 2020

VW look to make good on 2015's 'emissions-gate' In the wake of its emissions cheating scandal last year, Volkswagen has been working hard to distance itself from the diesel market. To further that mission, the carmaker has promised to launch the world’s first high-volume electric car – one that will rival other affordable EVs on the market. Can the company repair its fractured reputation by offering up a mass-market electric car that just about anyone can afford? The yet-unnamed electric vehicle will sport new 48-volt onboard power supply technology and a range of at least 265km. Volkswagen representatives haven’t talked about pricing or release dates yet, but it’s understood that the new EV will be an intended rival to the Chevrolet Bolt and Tesla Model 3. The plan to release a stand-alone EV is part of a larger strategy to repair the carmaker’s reputation, reportedly handed down by the new CEO Dr Herbert Diess, who took over after Martin Winterkorn resigned when the scandal gained international attention.

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For decades Volvo has used the safety story to win over customers. Now Volvo’s CEO has announced plans for completely 'deathproof' cars by the year 2020. 'If you meet Swedish engineers, they’re pretty genuine,' stated Lex Kerssemakers, CEO of Volvo Cars North America. 'They don’t say things when they don’t believe in it.' How will Volvo achieve such a feat? Volvo plans to use the latest autonomous technologies, like adaptive cruise control, auto lane keeping assistance and pedestrian avoidance systems to help drivers avoid a crash. Although 2020 is still four years away, Volvo is already making headway, since the Volvo XC90 SUV is currently one of the nine vehicles in which no person in the US has died in the last four years.

Chrysler plug-in minivan a world's first Chrysler essentially launched the minivan in the mid-1980s, but since then this segment has largely cooled off as buyers have transitioned to crossovers. Now the automaker has released a new model that just might bring attention back to the minivan segment. Chrysler unveiled the all-new 2017 Pacifica minivan at the Detroit Auto Show, and it will be the first vehicle of its kind with a plug-in hybrid powertrain. Chrysler hasn’t released all the final details for the Pacifica Hybrid, but has revealed the plug-in hybrid system features a 3.6L V6 and two electric motors. The electric motors get their power from a 16kWh lithium-ion battery and the Pacifica is estimated to be capable of traveling up to 50km in electric mode. In city driving, it is expected to achieve an efficiency rating of 80 MPGe. Charging the battery will take up to two hours using a 240-volt outlet. For more click here

Fuel Cell of the future

Faraday Future's impossible electric car Faraday Future recently unveiled its much-hyped FFZERO1 supercar that comes complete with 1  000 horsepower, 0-100km in just three seconds and a top speed over 300km/h. Instead of featuring a large gas-powered engine, Faraday Future's concept is a technological dream with a quad core electric powertrain. California-based Faraday Future has drawn an incredible amount of hype with plans to 'redefine the automotive experience' and has huge ambitions to change the future of the automotive industry and take on other electric rivals such as Tesla. Click here for more.

When it comes to pushing hydrogen cars, Toyota is leading the pack, and with their new concept car – the Lexus LF-FC – the company recently showed off the car's opalescent curves, an all-wheel drive fuel cell power system, and a holographic interface that lets you control the car with a wave of your hand. Lexus carefully distributed the sedan’s fuel cell stack, hydrogen tanks, and power control unit to optimise performance, handling, and road stability. The LF-FC’s hydrogen fuel cell powerplant sends power to the rear wheels and two in-wheel motors located at the front. Fittingly, the futuristic vehicle packs an array of autonomous driving technologies including 'traffic recognition, prediction, and judgement'. The LF-FC is Lexus’ first hydrogen concept car, and although it may never be produced, it defines the direction for the company’s future fuel cell endeavours. Lexus announced plans to launch a luxury hydrogen vehicle by the year 2020.

37 S G

Mobility News Student-built solar motorcycles in Kenya Three Kenyan university students are challenging transportation and energy problems in their home country with solar-powered motorcycles. Charles Ogingo, Robert Achoge and James Ogola founded Pfoofy Power & Light Ltd to come up with smart, innovative and affordable energy solutions for lighting, agriculture and transport for the rural areas of Kenya. The company looks for solutions to the problems in many spheres of Kenyan life. One such solution, called Ecotran, seeks to provide affordable transportation through the use of electric motorcycles recharged through massive solar charging stations. The technology is being tested using three locally-sourced electric motorcycles, but the team plans to scale up their initiative after receiving $100 000 from the United States African Development Fund and Power Africa for the ingenious innovation. For more info click here.

IKEA launching chainless bicycle In August, 2016, if you walk past the scads of flat-pack furniture, indoor herb gardens and solar-powered shelters for emergency victims at an IKEA store, you may find the launch of a new product that is nothing short of a revelation. The Swedish retailers will begin selling a chainless bicycle called SLADDA, and the multiple award-winning design has already been dubbed the 'best of the best'. The bicycle relies on a corrosion-resistant drive belt, rather than a traditional bike chain. IKEA claims the drive belt can last up to 16 000km, which is two to three times longer than the average chain drive. The company partnered with Oskar Juhlin, Jan Puranen, and Kristian Eke of Veryday design studio to produce the stylish bike, which sports a minimalist aesthetic and clean white frame. The unisex bike has adjustable handlebars, which means, according to IKEA, anyone over the age of 12 can use it.

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Mellow out in Yellow ride Mellowcabs, based in Franschoek in the Western Cape, offers a taxi service with fully electric minicabs designed to provide an efficient on-demand taxi service in urban areas. It fills the gap for commuters needing micro transport within a 5km radius, and can easily be hailed via the Mellowcabs app available from their website. Given that Mellowcabs emit zero carbon emissions, they are eco-friendly and much more efficient than traditional cabs. They also help to reduce traffic congestion in city centres and tie in to existing public transport systems. Click here for more info.

SA's future for eco riding in style Imperial Green Mobility is a Kwa Zulu-Natal-based company that is striving to represents the future in green mobility. All of their products have minimal to zero carbon emissions and are globally recognised as leading electric vehicles in their class. Their vehicles have a diverse range of applications across a number of industries including security, mining, logistics, manufacturing and agriculture, and they operate in both the private and public sectors, as well as for the elderly and disabled. They inspire customers through innovative transportation products and solutions to create a simpler, more sustainable future. For more click here.

Bike-stroller hybrid a huge hit

Intelligent e-bike

We all know that bikes are an eco-friendly mode of transportation. Well, what about a bike that turns into a stroller? Taga, a new mode of transportation that can easily be switched between a bike and a stroller in 20 seconds, was developed by an international team of designers and engineers who wanted to give parents the fun of a bicycle with the functionality of a stroller. Also, unlike a normal bike trailer where the child rides in the back, the Taga is set up so your child rides in between your arms. It seems like the Taga team have thought of everything, including a second child seat, a car seat adaptor, even a shopping basket. Recently, Taga sold out of two months of inventory in 72 hours and the company's website crashed. The allure of Taga is instantly evident, especially for parents who love to bike or who want to add some physical activity into the daily family routine. The easy switch between bike and stroller modes makes for seamless transitions from biking to the grocery store and carting your kid around. For more click here.

VanMoof was started by two Dutch brothers who wanted to develop the kinds of bikes that got people from A to B, without the fuss. Their SmartBike is quite unlike any other bike, as it is shipped to you with anti-theft parts and tracking already installed, making stealing it a nightmare for bike thieves. The bike has been designed to be the ultimate city bike. Unlike most bikes that get rustier with time, this one just gets smarter thanks to all the tech packed inside the frame and a dedicated smartphone app. It’s totally keyless, and can be unlocked with the tap of a finger on a smartphone or even the touch of a hand on the bike. It’ll even make sure you arrive dry, with smartphone weather notifications personalised to your commute. For more click here.

39 S G

Wate r,

S ustainable B rands

The recent Sustainable Brands Conference held in Cape Town featured some leading lights discussing local issues and global trends towards sustainability. In the following article, presented at the conference, Jason Drew discusses how the industrial revolution and modern capitalism were powered by water, and how, to an even greater extent, the sustainability revolution we are entering will depend on it.

S G 40


a t i p a

alism an


ater will define our future as clearly as it has our past. How we manage this scarce

resource, the choices we make and those that are made for us as a result of our actions will define the 21st century for individuals, businesses and nations alike. Let me explain.

d the 21

There is as much water now as when time began, you can't make more of it and you can't throw it away – water just 'is'.* It is one of the few substances on earth that is endlessly recycled. Indeed the drop of water in your morning coffee could have been in the heart of a whale or the sweat of a slave. When




kicked off there were one billion people depending on that water – today there are (more than) seven billion. Just as we have mined the earth for ancient sunlight in the form of coal and oil, so we have drained our aquifers for water to drive manufacturing and our industrial farms. One hundred cities in northern China already ration water; Beijing's future as China's capital has been under review as its growth has outstripped its water resources. Twenty four countries


in Africa will not have enough water to meet their needs by 2025 as their populations continue to grow. Our modern corporations are defined by and use unimaginable amounts of water. I would argue that Coca Cola Corporation is not in the business of manufacturing soft drinks but rather the business procuring more clean water than almost any other enterprise on earth. Intel Corporation has a water

41 S G


If we do not make better choices in the 21st century than we have in our past, we risk nothing less than the collapse of civilisation as the environmental migrations we will see will dwarf the economic migrations of the past. recycling program that claims to have saved 10

industrial revolution the rich became overweight

billion litres of water per annum – imagine what

while the poor went hungry. In this sustainability

their usage is if that is the saving.

revolution will we continue to water our lawns while

However we continue to waste water on a monumental scale both in open canal agriculture

the poor die of thirst as we take their water to make our consumer goods and food?

in the developing world and other wasteful

If we do not make better choices in the

manufacturing processes, as well as for pleasure. In

21st century than we have in our past, we risk

the US there are now 17 000 golf courses – up from

nothing less than the collapse of civilisation as the

4 000 in the 1950s. It is estimated that there are

environmental migrations we will see will dwarf the

32 million acres of irrigated lawn in the US – more

economic migrations of the past. As we have seen in

than three times the amount of irrigated corn fields.

Yemen – people can put up with hunger and political

China is following the same development trend. Our

repression – but not with a lack of water.

children may well question our sanity in using our

Let's get busy repairing the future.


precious water to irrigate our lawns – then drilling for oil so that we can spend our weekends mowing them. The first modern war over water has already taken place. The seven-day war between Israel and Jordan to take the Golan Heights was as much about

Jason J Drew was a speaker at the Sustainable Brands Conference held recently in Cape Town. For more info on the conference visit http://events.

controlling the headwaters of the Jordan River as anything else.

S G 42

Editor's note: Actually one can both 'make' water and

We need to get busy making some hard choices.

'destroy' it. The first is achieved in hydrogen combustion,

We need to move to a water-wise agriculture which

combining oxygen and hydrogen (as in some hydrogen

will require a transfer of technology and funding

fuel cell vehicles) to produce energy and water as a

to developing nations. We need to reduce our

by-product. 'Destroying' water is the energy-intensive

waste of water for pleasure and move to water-wise

process of splitting hydrogen from oxygen in water and

gardening and usage in civic spaces. Our leading

producing as separate components the two gases that

companies are already understanding that water

make up pure water. The author's point appears to be

is no longer free and are therefore managing this

that water is both endlessly recyclable and that the net

increasingly scarce and expensive resource like

quantum of water on the planet – while changing by

any other; those companies that ignore their water

tiny increments through encounters with micro-particles

footprint will fail their shareholders and employees

left in comet trails and occasionally with larger pieces

as the sustainability revolution takes hold. The real

of comets or even very rarely with whole comets – has

issue is what we decide to do with the poor, many

hardly grown in measurable terms for millions, perhaps

of whom have limited access to water. During the

billions, of years.

Water doesn’t come from a tap. Water goes on a long and complicated journey to get to you.

Visit to learn more about where your water comes from. Photo Š Hougaard Malan

43 S G

Arnot Power Station

anti-renewable en Reacting to claims made by Eskom CEO Brain Molefe, during his State of the System briefing in Cape Town recently, that Renewable Energy is a ‘disappointment’, Greenpeace has made their voice heard. We take a look at what they said.


reenpeace condemns the anti-renewable

coal-fired fleet which the utility is looking to

energy propaganda coming from Eskom

refurbish rather than decommission. This at a time

in the strongest possible terms, at a time

when more than half the assets in the global coal

when renewable energy projects have added more

industry are now held by companies that are either

than 1800MW of installed capacity to the grid in

in bankruptcy proceedings or don't earn enough

just two and a half years (which equates to 4% of the

money to pay their interest bills, according to data

total installed capacity). In fact, renewable energy

compiled by Bloomberg.

is the only technology currently delivering new

As companies begin to divest from coal in the

electricity capacity on time and on budget to South

face of catastrophic climate change, the evidence

Africa’s constrained grid.

that the global economy is moving away from

If Mr Molefe would like to discuss the use of

dependence on coal is clear. This brings to the fore

outdated technology then Eskom need look no

the question of what vested interests are causing

further than Eskom’s ailing, and hugely polluting,

Eskom and the South African government to still


S G 44


Arnot Power Station

nergy propaganda focus on coal and nuclear energy as a means to

lacks the vision to build renewable energy projects

power South Africa?

themselves then other stakeholders most certainly

Eskom has disappointed South Africa with a

will, as renewable energy is the power source

recent history of unreliable supply, rapidly increasing

of the future. In fact, a recent Ernst and Young

costs and delays in construction of the two mega

study revealed that South Africa is the 11th most

coal-fired power stations Medupi and Kusile. Coal

attractive country in the world for renewable energy

has failed the people of this country, and instead


of capitalising on cutting-edge renewable energy

Ultimately, it is time to kick-start a thriving

technology, Eskom has further disappointed the

renewable energy market that will help remove

fledgling renewable energy industry in South Africa

the barriers to small-scale renewable energy

through their inability to plan ahead and timeously

investments and allow all South Africans to benefit

connect new renewable energy projects. Lastly,

from affordable renewable energy. The time for

Eskom has disappointed business in South Africa as

vested interests setting the agenda is over; it is time

large-scale load shedding seriously damaged and

for people to take the power back into their own

constrained the economy.

hands. Eskom has a choice to either join the energy

The current position Eskom finds itself in whereby

of the future or be left behind struggling with an

they are forced to buy electricity from Independent

outdated, polluting and unreliable energy model

Power Producers talks directly the utility’s lack of

that is taking South Africa nowhere slowly.

ambition and marginal approach to investing in renewable energy project developments. If Eskom COOKHOUSE WIND FARM

Jasper Solar Energy Project

bokpoort csp

45 S G

Reinforcing Retailers' Renewable energy Bid In a report that was recently released by Greenpeace Africa, it was found that 178 400 households could be benefiting if the five major retailers namely Pick n Pay, Massmart, Spar, Woolworths and Shoprite freed up their combined energy consumption. The report also stressed that South Africa's top five retailers are key in determining sustainable growth and it is critical for them to support the country's move towards 100% renewable energy. We take a look.


n a country where electricity supply is under

utilisation which in turn will misinise the heavy strain

huge pressure and the demand for energy is

on the grid,' Pollard continues.

expected to be twice the current levels by

Greenpeace is hopeful that the shift to 100%

2030, it has become even more important to look

renewable energy will open the gap for millions of

at ways of diversifying power-generating capacity.

people to generate their own power by coming up with

'With most areas in South Africa averaging more

an alternative proposal to existing legislation, raising

than 2 500 hours of sunshine per year and average

the importance of an improved renewable energy

solar-radiation reaching levels of between 4.5 and

regulation. 'Whilst the top five retailers are significant

6.5kWh/m in one day, solar energy is the most

players in building sustainable development, this

readily accessible resource to solve the energy crisis,'


explains Warren Pollard, Sales Manager for Trina

businesses and households,' Pollard concludes.







Solar Africa – a global leader in photovoltaic modules,

About Trina Solar Limited

solutions and services. campaign

Trina Solar Limited is a global leader in photovoltaic

launched by Greenpeace, is aimed at South Africa's

modules, solutions and services. Founded in 1997 as

five top retailers promoting energy transparency,

a PV system integrator, Trina Solar today drives smart

dedication to renewable energy, greenhouse gas

energy together with installers, distributors, utilities and

mitigation and lobbying for clean renewable energy.

developers worldwide. The company's industry-shaping

'Retailers use a considerable amount of electricity

position is based on innovation excellence, superior

and therefore this campaign is a great initiative to

product quality, vertically integrated capabilities and

get them to free up enough energy to power 178 400

environmental stewardship. For more information, please

households. This will decrease their current electricity



S G 46




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www . simplygreen . co . z a 47 S G

ď ? Biz

Disrupting 'Business as Usual'


S G 48

Let's face it – the linear economy model (take-make-dispose) that humanity so enthusiastically subscribed to, without much questioning, since the First Industrial Revolution worked well to a certain point in history. Now, not so much anymore, though. Susanne Karcher, an integrated resource and waste minimisation specialist from EnviroSense, takes a closer look at how to turn our linear economic thinking into a more circular one for much reduced waste and increased sustainability over the long term.



inear' was good enough when there were fewer of us and natural resources were seemingly in abundant and never-ending

supply. Possibly all was still fine and fairly 'sustainable' until the early 20th century. That however changed dramatically after World War II when the 'Wirtschaftswunder' was declared in Germany and the likes of President Eisenhower declared an 'ever accelerating rate of consumption of goods and services by each and every American' as the sure-fire way to ramp up the war-torn economy. 'Consumption' was increasingly accepted as a means to the end of our existence – a measureable pillar for economic growth, to exhibit personal prosperity and as a 'fix' for instant spiritual

In the 21st Century, humanity increasingly faces growing evidence of severe pollution, mountains of rubbish and toxic trash on land and in oceans, plus moody climates and vanishing habitats as a direct result of this consumption frenzy.

satisfaction. It was therefore in the interests of economic growth that things needed to be consumed,

The challenge we are now faced with is to

burned up, replaced and discarded, all at an

grow an economy while being able to decouple

ever-accelerating rate.

this growth systematically from rampant resource

That was 'the growth strategy' politicians

exploitation; to redesign our linear economy into

subscribed to and the global 'Joe Public' unwittingly

a circular economy, one which not only uses less

accepted. No one really had a problem with (or

virgin resources from the outset through smarter

was blissfully unaware of) the fact that what had

product designs and more efficient processes, but

become our 'business as usual' model had ugly

which re-uses and recycles them, again and again,

side-effects in that it was incredibly wasteful and

as many times as possible. The Ellen MacArthur

inefficient. As pointed first out by Paul Hawken in

Foundation is one organisation striving to create a

Natural Capitalism, a linear economy model runs

movement that works with business, government

on a material efficiency of only 1%. To quote Annie

and academia to build a new framework for an

Leonard in the Story of Stuff: ' ...99% of the stuff

economy that is restorative and regenerative by

we harvest, mine, process, transport through this


system called a ''Linear Economy'' is trashed within six months.'

convinced the European Commission recently to sign

In the 21st Century, humanity increasingly faces

off on of a strategic package worth nearly €6bn to

growing evidence of severe pollution, mountains of

stimulate various circular economy opportunities to

rubbish and toxic trash on land and in oceans, plus

boost global competitiveness and foster sustainable

moody climates and vanishing habitats as a direct

economic growth in Europe, all while reducing

result of this consumption frenzy. One symptom of

resource dependencies, waste and pollution, and

overcompensation is the phenomenon described as

still generating new jobs.

'shopping' as a 'recreational pastime' spent to buy

The proposed actions will contribute to 'closing

things we don’t really need, paid for with money we

the loop' of product lifecycles through greater

don’t have to impress the neighbours we don’t like.

recycling and re-use, and bring benefits for both

Luckily, many people are waking up to this

the environment and the economy. The plans will

self-inflicted tragedy, and hopefully in time. This is

extract the maximum value and use from all raw

why many agree that gentle 'adjustments' of trying

materials, products and waste, fostering energy

to be 'less bad' and improve the efficiencies of what

savings and reducing Green House Gas emissions.

we do wrong in the first place does not serve us anymore by a long shot. What we need is disruption.

S G 50

This promise of smarter economic growth has

Key elements

Disruption requires that we press the 'reset'

Business sectors now need to turn the increasingly

button and re-ponder what economic growth

likely threat of their 'going extinct' in a future world

requires to be called sustainable and equitable.

of resource scarcity into an exciting challenge

in which they will have to be willing to redefine

And it is being so, by clever people redesigning

their traditional and historical 'core business'. This

products such as smart phones (like Fairphone,

includes self-challenging the meaning and purpose

Phonebloks) where parts can be replaced, broken

of their very businesses and what they are able

stuff can be fixed ourselves, teaching us how to

to offer in a circular economy with regards to

jump off that crazy mill that is effectively forcing

innovative products while replacing the need to

most people to (unnecessarily for the most part)

endlessly sell products through a switch to the

upgrade every two years.

provision of 'services'. But more on this aspect later.

Also required is something we could call

So, except for a few global pockets of excellence

'servitisation', being the move away from personal

in product and service innovation, why is it not clear

ownership of a product to access to product and

to all of us that the circular economy revolution

add-on services instead.

is on its way with tax reform as a key driver?

This one might be hard to crack and promote in

To achieve the requisite reforms, two things are

emerging economy such as South Africa where many

needed – political will and a full understanding what

previously marginalised people aspire specifically

is required to transition from linear to circular in

to follow the 'American Dream' – which may be

economic activity terms.

abbreviated for current purposes as 'to own lots of

A successful emergence in South Africa of

stuff'. So the secret is to provide stuff but keep the

the circular economy requires a mix of various

ownership with the provider (naturally the product

strategies and approaches, including, among other

manufacturer). It is not a novel idea – it’s called

things, the designing of products and circulating

leasing and that is how we used to get tied into

'nutrients' or production inputs (biological as well as

a lifelong contract with a copy-machine service

the technical ones that make our consumer goods)

provider such as Xerox or used it to finance a car.

with a maximum potential to maintain, repair, reuse

But now it has been rediscovered and applied to

and recycle in the quest for 'zero waste to landfill'.

washing machines, carpet tiles, light bulbs and even

That sounds like an obvious one, but in practice

to designer jeans.

it’s not. In a linear economy consumer goods

Firstly, not owning means people pay for use

from panty hoses to PCs are deliberately designed

only. You decide: how much dirty laundry you want

to result in fast obsolescence (whether real or

to wash, how long you want to wear those jeans,

perceived), made to break prematurely or 'designed

how much lamps you need to light up a room and

for the dump'. Single use packaging is not very

how long and bright they need burn. In that way

intelligent environmentally or otherwise.

consumption is directly linked to how much we pay.

And that needs to be challenged and changed.

The best incentive to save resources – it’s in your

51 S G

Ultimately, a circular economy is designed for product access rather than personal ownership and thereby replaces once-off selling of goods with extended product maintenance services. interest now to carefully watch your consumption pattern. In that way a washing machine can have many

essence this is an 'upside down' tax reform that

users; a much-prolonged life time and can be

moves away entirely from taxing personal services

shared too by a community. Luxury goods that

(eg in form of personal income or company taxes) but

would remain unaffordable to own for many can

links heavy taxes to the extraction (virgin minerals)

in a circular economy be accessed by so many

and use of resources instead, thereby also enforcing

more (at a reduced leasing rate as equipment ages)

the 'polluter pays principle'. Needless to say, that

and if it’s broken it’s not your problem. It will be

this will require major political will to change and

fixed or replaced by the product maker who is

replace the heart of the engine that currently pushes

now more of a 'service provider' and will ensure to

on with linear economic favouritism in the form of

keep enough technicians employed to fulfil repair

tax breaks and subsidies for bulk polluters. Sadly,

and maintenance functions. And to make sure that

prevailing tariff structures of critical resources such

product does not brake prematurely, it will be better

as electricity are provided by our parastatal to a

designed too. It’s simply a win-win-win. Less waste,

wasteful 'bulk user' with a 'capped price'. That does,

better and wider access to goods, fairer pricing (only

of course, nothing to motivate closing more resource

pay for what you consume) and the creation of jobs

loops by going 'circular'.

in the service industry. The future looks bright and the likes of Philips

Heart & minds

are already communicating it to their clients that

For the circular economy to take full flight changing

their imminent future core business is shifting that

human hearts and minds might be a far bigger

they are willing to disrupt their traditional 'business

challenge than solving technical and logistical

as usual' – not to sell lamps but to provide light.

difficulties. We live in a society where the full

Similarly, Nike see themselves in the business of

environmental and social costs are not included in

'shoeing people' and Interface gives you the service

the price paid for utilised resources. This keeps the

of 'carpeting' according to your needs and in the

existing take-make-break linear economy artificially

form of tiles. So now you can just replace the one

cheap and this is the challenge humanity faces

and send it back to them (remember they continue

now. Who will pay the interim price and provide the

to own it, so they want it back to make new tiles out

support with regards to unlocking finances, political

of it) when someone spills a glass of red wine on it.

and financial reforms to make this much needed

Ultimately, a circular economy is designed for

transition from linear to circular?

product access rather than personal ownership

That's a great question, and one that needs some

and thereby replaces once-off selling of goods with

quick thinking and smart action to get the necessary

extended product maintenance services.

outcome into our likely and desired future.

Tax Reform Another crucial step in moving towards a circular economy involves a move away from taxing services (like work labour) to the taxing of resources.

S G 52

This is the third key strategy that is required to unlock circular economy to its full potential. In

Get in touch with Susanne Twitter handle: #envirostweet



4 APRIL 2016

53 S G



Renewable energy jobs continue to rise More than 8.1 million people worldwide are now employed by the renewable energy industry – a five percent increase from last year – according to a report released recently by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) at its 11th Council meeting. The report, Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2016, also provides a global estimate of the number of jobs supported by large hydropower, with a conservative estimate of an additional 1.3 million direct jobs worldwide. Countries with the most renewable energy jobs in 2015 included China, Brazil, the United States, India, Japan and Germany. The solar photovoltaic (PV) sector remains the largest renewable energy employer worldwide with 2.8 million jobs (up from 2.5 at last count) with jobs in manufacturing, installation and operations & maintenance. Liquid biofuels was the second largest global employer with 1.7 million jobs, followed by wind power, which grew 5 per cent to reach 1.1 million global jobs.

One million solar installations for the US It took the United States 40 years to install one million solar systems. In two years, that number is expected to double. There were 27.4gW of installed solar capacity at the end of 2015, enough to power 5.4 million homes. Still, solar only accounts for 1% of the US electricity mix. However, that number is expected to triple to three percent by 2020, and with stronger policies in place could increase even faster. This year, the US solar market is projected to grow a staggering 119%, representing an additional 16gW of new installed capacity. Source

S G 54

Batteries that could last forever

The clean energy power of rain

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, have made a breakthrough using gold and some undisclosed materials that has led the team to build a nanowire battery that maintains its performance after hundreds of thousands of charging cycles. Compared to existing lithium-ion battery technology, this could shift the future of energy storage forever – and the whole thing was discovered by accident. Researchers were looking for a way to increase capacity, and stumbled across the answer. 'Mya le Thai (UCI doctoral candidate) was playing around, coating this whole thing with a very thin gel layer and started to cycle it,' said senior author and UCI chemistry chair Reginald Penner. 'She discovered that just by using this gel, she could cycle it hundreds of thousands of times without losing any capacity.'

A team of four Chinese scientists from Yunnan Normal University and the Ocean University of China recently discovered how applying graphene to solar panels turns rain into clean energy. They've developed a solar cell with an atom-thick graphene layer that harvests energy from raindrops where the water actually sticks to the graphene, creating a sort of natural capacitor. Unfortunately, at this stage, the graphene-coated solar cells aren’t very efficient yet; they are only able to transform 6.5% of the energy generated into electricity. Most solar panels are able to convert around 22%, so more research is necessary. But, this is only the beginning. Tapping into graphene’s potential, along with further developments, could have profound implications for the future of solar. Watch this space.

Solar-powered Watly provides internet, energy, and drinking water for Ghana residents When it comes to renewable energy in developing nations, sometimes a solid multitasker is the way to go. That’s the idea behind the Watly system, a solar-powered machine that stores electricity, purifies water and connects local residents to the internet. After running a pilot program with a stripped-down version of the machine in Ghana, the company is gearing up to create Watly 3.0, a bigger, better renewable energy machine.

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Reverse phoytosynthesis a game changer Biomass, typically in the form of straw or wood, can be converted to fuel through a variety of processes, but many are complicated, expensive, or have some unwanted side effects. The reverse photosynthesis process developed at the Copenhagen Plant Science Center is much cleaner, thanks to nature’s simplicity. An enzyme called lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase is added to the biomass, followed by chlorophyll. When exposed to sunlight, sugar molecules in the biomass begin breaking down into chemicals that are easier to convert into fuel, or even bioplastics. The process is efficient, too. It takes as little as 10 minutes of sun exposure to accomplish what takes other methods 24 hours to do.

Proving them wrong On Sunday, May 8, Germany hit a new high in renewable energy generation. Thanks to a sunny and windy day, at one point around 1pm the country’s solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants were supplying about 55gW of the 63gW being consumed, or 87%. Power prices actually went negative for several hours, meaning commercial customers were being paid to consume electricity. Critics have argued that because of the daily peaks and troughs of renewable energy – as the sun goes in and out and winds rise and fall – it will always have only a niche role in supplying power to major economies. But that’s looking less and less likely. Germany plans to hit 100% renewable energy by 2050, and Denmark’s wind turbines already at some points generate more electricity than the country consumes, exporting the surplus to Germany, Norway and Sweden. Click here for more

S G 56

Manmade plant creates oxygen in space London-based design engineer and innovator Julian Melchiorri believes the need for creating sustainable solutions is paramount in a world where global carbon emissions and urbanisation are growing exponentially. To this end, he created Silk Leaf, a man-made plant that needs only water and light to create oxygen in the harshest of environments. Inspired by natural mechanisms and physical phenomena, Melchiorri conducted laboratory experimentations in order to explore the potential for making devices that photosynthesise and their possible applications. Silk Leaf is the first outcome of this exploration path. Click here for more.

Floating solar farm

For a country that is quite small, Japan is in some regards leading the way to a more sustainable future. Recently, the Asian nation has begun work on a floating solar power farm that will generate enough electricity to power 5 000 homes. Multinational electronics company Kyocera is behind the project, which boasts the designation of being the world’s biggest floating solar farm. The solar farm and power plant will float on a reservoir in Japan’s Chiba prefecture, southeast of Tokyo. Kyocera says the watery site was selected because Japan simply doesn’t have enough land for a utility-scale solar farm. The Yamakura dam power plant will be outfitted with 50 000 solar panels with an overall capacity of 13.7MW. Construction is expected to be complete by early 2018.

'Birth of large-scale solar in Australia'

According to the Energy Supply Association of Australia, Australia boasts the highest rate of household solar panel installation in the world. But despite much of the continent being seemingly perfect for large scale solar, it has been slow in coming to the sun-drenched country. That could be set to change with the official opening of two plants that AGL Energy managing director and CEO Andy Vesey says 'signals the birth of large-scale solar in Australia'. The Nyngan and Broken Hill solar plants were originally announced in 2013 and are the largest operational solar power plants in Australia. Developed by AGL and located in western New South Wales, the Broken Hill plant has a power output of 53MW, while the Nyngan plant outputs 102MW, making it the largest solar plant in the Southern Hemisphere. Together they will produce around 360 000MWh of renewable energy every year, which is enough to power around 50 000 homes. Click here for more.

Dreaming of solar balloon farms New developments in solar power technology are working to maximise energy conversion, from capturing as much sunlight as possible to increasing the amount of energy converted. But no solar panel on Earth can do what NextPV is hoping to achieve. The research group is aiming to capture solar energy in the one place where the sun is shining virtually all the time: above the clouds. They say solar balloons floating above the clouds could create high-flying solar farms capable of producing clean energy around the clock. Click here for more.

57 S G


how to save electricity

without spending money

S G 58

In this the first of several articles emphasising the saving of electricity in the home, economist, business leader and regional sectoral analyst Michael Britten makes suggestions for savings in the kitchen and laundry, among other areas in the home.


ith the rapid escalation in the cost of electricity in South Africa, following the last four decisions by the National Energy

Regulator, almost everyone is trying to find ways to reduce their bills. This year's national increase of 9.2% follows increases of 24.8%, 25.8% and then 25.9%, so the trend for the future is clear. Action is required and this issue we emphasis what can be done without spending money, but rather by a shift in the way you approach your daily life. Saving electricity, like all forms of saving, requires an investment in discipline. When you save electricity you can pat yourself on the back for the contribution you are making to reducing climate change, as most current forms of electricity generation in SA contribute to CO2 emissions. The kitchen is a good place to start, where about 40% of electricity is consumed in the average household. First, it helps to understand electricity. Appliances consume different amounts of current, known as Watts. How many Watts a particular piece of equipment requires is usually to be found somewhere on the appliance, or its supporting manual. Alternatively, amps and Volts may be given, and multiplied together to give Watts (W). A thousand Watts equals a kiloWatt (kW), and multiplied by the time in use, gives kiloWatt hours (kWh), for each of which you will pay from July about R1.92, depending on your municipality or other local supplier. A large stove plate draws 2 000W on full heat. Using about 120kWh per month will cost you about R230 from July when you will be paying R1.92/kW, as is the case for most Cape Town domestic users. Similar charges will be levied in Johannesburg, Durban and other metropoles, cities, towns and regional districts.

59 S G


so running an hour a day will use about 85kW and

Reduction is the quickest and easiest method

cost over R160 per month. However, if the washer

of cutting electricity usage and, therefore, of

is run full every two or three days, it could end


up costing not much more than a daily hot water

Two actions can significantly reduce electricity

wash-up. Substantial savings can also be made

useage: using the smallest saucepan to do the job,

by switching the dishwasher off before the drying

and cutting back to 25% of power once the cooking

cycle, and drying by hand.

temperature has been reached. Modern stoves

It is well worth thinking about installing a

and sealed saucepans are made to cook at low

small geyser under your sink. While this seems to

temperatures, and the stove will continue to cook

contradict our 'without spending money' promise,

for five minutes or so after it is turned off. Using the

such an installation saves money and energy. With

smallest plate necessary will also help with saving

a small local geyser at the or near the kitchen sink,

both electricity and money as these plates use less

you will not waste the water in the cold water pipes

than half of the energy consumed by the largest

running from your existing geyser every time you

plates on a hob or hob-oven top.

turn on the hot tap, as well as saving the energy

An oven will draw about 1 900kW at full power,

expended on the heated water in the pipes from the

and the grill will be 2 000-2 500kW, so it pays to

geyser to your sink, which is wasted each time you

use them sparingly. The answer is to cook things

turn off the hot tap. So a small local geyser will pay

together. So try to plan cooking sessions in which

for itself in a relatively short time.

you cook more than one cake or roast, or multiple

You could even contemplate a switch to gas for

family meals. Modern ovens, especially thermo-fan

the local geyser in the kitchen, but that is a whole

ovens, are especially efficient at cooking several

other discussion, best left for when we deal with gas

dishes together.

as an alternative to electricity.

Modern saucepan technology allows cooking at lower temperatures, as long as you keep the lid on.

Washing machines

If you really want to save, use a slow cooker as

Modern washing machines and detergents are made

much as possible, using only about 250W. Pressure

to run efficiently with cold water, but tumble-driers

cookers are also electricity savers, as they cook

are energy-inefficient. Set you washing machine at

meals in less than half the normal time. Microwaves

maximum spin speed so clothes come out damp

at 1  000-1  200W are also fast operators and will

and hang them up to dry. In most weather clothes

also cook for minutes after switching off. If you are

will dry in 24 hours, often much more quickly.

upgrading your microwave, invest in one with a grill, where you can heat many small items which would

Turn it off

be a waste to heat the oven. Boil your hot water in

Perhaps the most 'controversial' idea in saving

the microwave, it will also allow significantly energy

electricity in the house is to turn you geyser on and


off daily. Some householders are adamant that this


S G 60

any other appliance. Most draw nearly 3 000W, and

is worth the effort and saves significant electricity. Others (including reports on the internet) strongly

Now for the electricity guzzler in the kitchen: the

believe the opposite. Our experience indicates that

dishwasher. A dishwasher uses more electricity than

worthwhile savings can be made. The main factor

'Imagine living in a home that treads lightly on the environment, generates its own electricity, heats and cools itself and consumes very little electricity while thinking for itself. Well that's the home of today and that's the home that you can invest in.' Alastair Armstrong, Elec Engineer

water and hence, electricity;

here is the nuisance of having to remember to switch on and off, but inexpensive gadgets are

think of the water that is being lost as money

available to do this for you today.

flowing down the drain, which is exactly what

Lighting When your electric lighting bulbs fail, replace them

is happening; •





save an estimated 5% of your bill;

which have reduced in price by 50% in price in •

Monitor your meter – it will tell you in good time if your usage has risen;

you will get a payback in one to two years. Both types will save electricity, but the LED saving


charges, etc, at the plug socket at night will

with LED or Compact Flourescent Lamp (CFL) bulbs, recent years, and although LED are still expensive,

Repair leaking hot water taps immediately –






at 85%, is the greater. But be careful with the

tumble-dryers, as blocked filters will mean

installation of LED bulbs, and read the instructions

higher electricity requirements.

which go with them. A 6W LED is equivalent to a 50W incandescent bulb.

Other ideas •

How much? Do all the above suggestions work and how much can one save? We can vouch for the fact that they

Gas is more efficient for cooking than

do. A friend who has applied most of the above

electricity, because of the warm-up time taken

suggestions, including switching the geyser on

by electrical stoves;

and off, has reduced their monthly bill to less than

Thermo ovens are more energy-efficient

R300, representing in the region of a 50% saving.

than the old-fashioned types because of the


airflow within the oven (but they have the energy-saving advantage only if they are not •

opened too frequently during cooking);


Shower rather than bathing – it uses less

Eskom | BC HYDRO

61 S G

N ews The Mossel Bay municipality has protected its industries from the effects of water shortage from drought with the installation of a de-salination plant. Ironically the plant was put on standby from day one, as the area's drought had broken. Government says South Africa is planned to achieve 42% of electricity generation from renewables by 2030. A major contribution would be South Africa's commitment to take 50% of the proposed Grand Inga Congo River hydro-electric scheme, but this scheme has been proposed many times in the past and fails because of the political instability of the promoters and their potential customers. With Government still tendering coal fired plants, coal will continue to be the basis of electrical generation, despite the adverse climate change implications. However, sixty six renewables projects are already on line, meaning this sector is more important than the average South African is aware of.

The University of the Western Cape, Hydrogen Systems SA and Implats have made a breakthrough in the safety of storing hydrogen in vehicles for fuel cells use. The technology of using hydrogen for powering combustion engines has been available for some decades, and in Iceland all public transport is fuel cell powered. However, the safe storing of the gas in cylinders in vehicles, and filling cylinders at fueling stations has been a concern. Using metal hydrates, cylinder storage safety is improved and refuelling takes place in seven minutes

Mossel Bay has commissioned a R210m desalination plant aimed to produce 15 million litres of fresh water daily. A result of several years of drought, terminating with near empty dams, the Government contributed R92 million of the cost, and Petrosa R80 imillion. Main user of the water would be Petrosa, but ironically the plant has been mothballed, due to better rains in the area.

The contribution of Nuclear to South Africa is still unclear. Government plans are to spend R50b on nuclear to generate 9  600MW. Planned electricity generation by renewables by 2030 is 1 7800mw. Do we really need both?

St Helena has achieved a 33% electricity generation from a solar project by Solarworld of Germany. This saves the import and cost of 300 000 litres of diesel annually.

Although Ethiopia is going ahead with its 6 000mw Grand renaissance, several African countries, particularly Zimbabwe and Tanzania, have had to turn to alternative sources when drought reduced hydro-electric outputs. Zimbabwe and Zambia both now rely on purchases of electricity from South Africa.

S G 62

L ighting

the power of being connected Over the course of the last few years, an avalanche of transformational change has swept through all industries and society at large, forever changing the manner in which we communicate, collaborate, learn, play as well as engage with friends, family and colleagues. We take a look at the impact of this transformation when it comes to lighting our world.

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From a business


mployees can now collaborate in teams composed of members from different nations as effectively as though they were

in the same room, while billions of consumers generate a vast amount of data daily for marketers, advertisers, researchers and the like to analyse. Lighting can also become part of a network, in which luminaires are uniquely identified and seamlessly integrated into the IT network within a building or even on a larger scale like a city, enabling these to share information about their status and operations. Embedded sensors allow each luminaire within the connected lighting system to act as a point of intelligence that can share information on changes in temperature or humidity, as well as activity patterns.

More uses, less power Connected lighting systems allow for many exciting consumer usage cases such as tying in Philips Hue

perspective, companies can integrate wireless communications into the lighting system, allowing them to deliver location-based services and in-context information by way of mobile apps to people in illuminated spaces.

to your music in order for the bulbs to change colours to the tune of the beat, or more practical

managers can monitor and manage a building's

uses such as setting up Hue-connected lights to

occupancy patterns, its lighting systems, as well

flash when the phone rings, enabling a deaf person

as other important services simply by opting for

to more easily know when someone is phoning

intelligent lighting systems. By gathering information on how spaces are

them. From a business perspective, companies can

being used, managers can simplify business

integrate wireless communications into the lighting

processes, optimise energy efficiency, and gain

system, allowing them to deliver location-based

deep insight into customers' preferences and their

services and in-context information by way of

tenants' needs.

mobile apps to people in illuminated spaces.

When individual users are connected through

Moreover, organisations can boost staff retention

technology their ability to do more by utilising less

by making office spaces more comfortable for their

resources is multiplied. When every light point is

employees. Office workers can personalise and

connected to an intelligent system that delivers

adjust LED lighting to their preferences and tasks

high-quality, reliable illumination and acts like a

– for instance, via the connected lighting system,

pathway for information and services, the working

making harsh office lighting a problem of the past.

space and connected lighting system within it is

For mobile access, office workers can even use a

able to allow for even greater levels of performance

smartphone app to access other building services

by employees and teams. Connected lighting systems allow for the

through a communications network. Future developments in the connected lighting pipeline




lighting that can transmit data to mobile devices.

delivery of extraordinary value beyond illumination for companies, employees as well as managers of spaces.


This is done through light, by way of embedded code. This means that building owners and facility

S G 64

For more visit

Think smart lighting Busting the myths on LEDbulbs

65 S G

E co


Tiny Hom


S G 66


ing globally It is not just the citizens of Tokyo, New York, London and Hong Kong (among other cities) who are forced to endure absurdly high population densities – it is a growing phenomenon around the world in virtually all major urban centres. In such places, land is extremely expensive, as is building on it. Therefore the tiny house movement, as it is being called, has taken off and is spreading rapidly. It's like the ultimate in downsizing, except that many first-time home buyers are opting for tiny homes. We take a look at this trend and show you some of the tiny house designs on offer. This is Part 1 of our series on tiny houses – we will follow up in our next issue with different types of tiny houses.

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ith land and building prices soaring away from affordability, even among many professional couples, the tiny

house movement is a global trend that is unlikely to fade away any time soon. In light of which it is not surprising at all that many people have been attracted to the increasingly popular idea of going small by either buying or building a tiny house. Knowing that there is such a trend (no doubt coming to South Africa soon, if it does not already apply with respect to the millions of tiny shacks which so many South Africans call home) is one thing. Doing something about building your own tiny house is quite another. If the idea appeals, it is vital to be as well-informed as possible about this tiny house trend, especially knowing what to look for in terms of sustainability, building materials (avoiding VOCs where possible,

emerges is the foremost element to a successful

for example), efficiency, and functionality.

outcome. And the individual needs of those living

One thing to remember is that everything one may experience in a bigger house or apartment

the start.

(like the flow in an open-plan family room-lounge-

One has to remember that all the usual issues

kitchen, for example) is amplified in terms of

of any house, including infrastructure questions

difficulty when it comes to a tiny house. And smart

around power, energy-efficiency, water usage

design emerges as a crucial element to make tiny

and water-saving, sewerage, and other waste

house living not merely feasible but enjoyable and

management, must all be dealt with. And one


cannot avoid other aspects of construction, such as


building within given codes, dealing with real estate taxes/rates, fire protection, security and insurance.

So far have things progressed on the international

Failure to properly or adequately think through

front when it comes to tine house living that entire

all the issues raised, plus some specific to tiny

communities have been formed around tiny house

house living, will likely mean a yawning gap between

clusters, often on shared plots of land. There is

the potential savings and simplified living that are

plenty of valuable information on the subject that's

possible, and the less fully realised reality one has

available, but at this point most South Africans will

to settle for without such clear forward planning and

simply be getting used to the idea that tiny house

use of smart design elements. In many respects,

living is not some kind of retrograde step – as

therefore, tiny house building is more challenging

opposed to the reality, which is that when done

than is the case for 'conventional' houses, especially

properly, this 'trend' offers opportunities to cut

in the planning and initial construction phases.

living costs drastically and reduce one's impact on the planet accordingly. Whether you plan to own a tiny home on an

S G 68

in such spaces should ideally be designed in from

So what is a tiny house anyway?

individual basis or as part of a shared community,

According to The Tiny Life, the tiny house trend

plenty of well-thought out planning needs to be

'is a social movement where people are choosing

part of the design process. Actually, that is a vast

to downsize the space they live in'. The typical

under-statement; in order to optimise living in

American home is around 2 600 square feet, whereas

either a single tiny house or one which may be part

the typical small or tiny house is between 100 and

of a development of similar houses, smart design

400 square feet. In other words, a tiny house is

typically between 5-25% the size, as measured

true for those who were the first to be living in 'inner

by square metres of construction footprint, of a

cities' in the 18th century at the start of the Western

conventional home. Tiny houses come in all shapes,

World's industrial revolution.

sizes, and forms, but to properly qualify for the tag,

It is really only in the last 50 years that

they should also enable simpler living in a smaller,

Americans – and many others in emerging middle

more efficient space.

and upper-middle classes around the world – have

People are joining the movement for many

began to build larger and larger.

reasons, but the most popular reasons include

But as long ago as the early 1990s, and a

environmental and financial concerns, and the desire

decade and a half before the US-instigated housing

for more time and freedom.

mortgage crash of 2007/8, there was already an

Ellen Sturm Niz writes on the subject: 'With thoughtful, innovative designs, some homeowners

awareness that bigger was not always better when it came to efficient housing.

have discovered a small house actually leads to

Witold Rybczynski wrote in The Atlantic Monthly:

a simpler yet fuller life, connecting them with

'In a consumer society, houses not only shelter

family, friends, and nature while freeing them from

people but also are warehouses full of furniture,

(excessive) mortgages, wastefulness, and an urge to

clothes, toys, sports equipment, and gadgets. It is

keep up with the Joneses.'

a measure of the growth of consumerism that one

When designing a tiny home, you have to adopt

of the things that immediately dates a house of the

the notions of 'smallest, most practical and most

1920s is how little storage space it has. In the 1920s

logical' when working through each and every

a bedroom cupboard three feet wide was considered

design element. This includes room sizes, ceiling

sufficient; today most bedrooms have a wall-to-wall

heights, and any walls you might want for privacy.

closet, and master bedrooms are incomplete if they

Small homes not new

do not have an extended walk-in closet.' So while modern homes house fewer people,

Actually it is a fallacy to describe the current


worldwide trend towards tiny house living as

warehouse vastly more things.






somehow 'new'. At various times in human history,

The tiny house trend points to a reversal of

some of them quite recent as in the post World War II

living trends in highly developed communities and

period in the US and the UK, as well as many parts of

societies which have pertained over the last 100

Europe, housing was in very short supply and out of

years – and towards a much more sustainable way of

sheer necessity, most homes were small. This is also

living with a much smaller impact and footprint.


69 S G




S G 70


ichard Tomes, AfriSam's sales and marketing executive, says that the company is so much more than merely a producer of cement, concrete and

aggregate products and related services. 'We are the brand that helps create spaces that foster life, relationships, stories and growth. At AfriSam, we are about creating concrete possibilities. 'Making a difference extends far beyond AfriSam's products and what these products can create,' Tomes adds. 'The ethos of creating concrete possibilities is deeply entrenched in the company's philosophy and values, and this is underpinned by many of the company's business practices which clearly demonstrate our commitment to a lasting legacy.'

Environmental Stewardship The company enthusiastically espouses its belief in 'creating concrete possibilities' for future generations by approaching sustainability in a holistic manner. This is achieved by investing in manufacturing processes and business practices that make a positive contribution towards conserving our planet. AfriSam signalled its seriousness about its environmental stewardship over 20 years ago with the introduction of its first environmental policy in 1994. The company continues this drive towards 'greening' the industry at several different levels simultaneously, making it a leader in environmentally responsible cement and concrete manufacturing in southern Africa. 'Environmental stewardship is a business imperative for all companies today, and at AfriSam our continued focus on this aspect of sustainability has seen best practice initiatives implemented across our operations,' environmental specialist at AfriSam, Nivashni Govender, says. Significantly, AfriSam was the first cement, aggregate and readymix producer in Southern Africa to publish an environmental policy as early as the mid-1990s. Today, the organisation has a comprehensive sustainability roadmap which covers a broad range of focus areas, including waste management, water conservation, biodiversity conservation, emissions reduction and energy management. The company has established performance indicators that continuously monitor and track compliance to the company's sustainability roadmap targets.

AfriSam-SAIA Award for Sustainable Architecture Together with

the South African Institute of Architects,

AfriSam is the founding partner of the AfriSam-SAIA Award

71 S G

for Sustainable Architecture. Since their inception in 2009, these awards from grown into SA's most prestigious sustainability awards, honouring outstanding achievements

AfriSam's continued focus on sustainability has seen best practice initiatives implemented across its operations

in sustainable architecture and creating public awareness and debate on architectural issues and sustainability in the built environment. Entries for the 2015/2016 AfriSam-SAIA Award for Sustainable Architecture closed at the end of March 2016 and significantly two new categories were introduced this year - Sustainable Products and Technology and Sustainable Social Programmes. More information about the awards and the submissions can be found on www.sustainabledesign.

Community upliftment AfriSam says that it understands that it is part of the communities in which the company operates and believes in making meaningful contributions to their upliftment. Tsholo Diale, AfriSam's Corporate Social Responsibility Manager says the company sees this as an opportunity to improve the quality of life of its employees, their families and the communities around AfriSam's operations. 'In particular, we focus on areas that can make a difference to as many people as possible,' he says. One of AfriSam's focus areas in terms of its Corporate Social Responsibility program is that of education. AfriSam, in partnership with the Department of Mineral Resources, Western Cape Education Department and the Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), created learning possibilities with the launch of a state-of-the-art multi-purpose Learning and Resource Centre in Wesbank, Western Cape, in July 2015. The Learning and Resource Centre is strategically located at Hoofweg Primary School facilitating easy access for learners from neighbouring schools and the community. With three primary schools and one secondary school in the area, more than 5 000 learners are expected to benefit from the centre. It offers e-learning (teaching through information and technology), literacy, numeracy, IT literacy and library services. The library facility serves as the mainstream teaching resource for Grade 4 to 7 learners, with the school using their existing media centre room for the foundation phase learners. 'Our role as AfriSam is to create possibilities and uphold our legacy of building communities by making it possible for people to realise their dreams for the future benefit of our country,' Diale says.


For more info:, See ad, right.

S G 72

AfriSam's ethos of creating concrete possibilities is deeply entrenched in the company's philosophy and values

73 S G



paths & patios Well-constructed paths and patios will enhance any domestic property or garden. They are practically free of maintenance, and make a satisfying home

depend on cost, personal preference and whether a formal or informal effect will

suit your home. Generally, the thicker the units, the stronger the paving will be and the greater the loads the paving will carry without distorting. The finished paving must have a minimum slope of 1 in 50 for proper drainage. Paving must

improvement project. This

slope away from buildings. Avoid low areas where

column, the first in a series for

and slopes and correct them if necessary.

Simply Green, covers all types of paving laid with open joints on either a mortar or a sand bed. It

S G 74


he paving materials you choose will

water can collect. Finally, recheck surface levels

preparing the site The ground below the paving must be firm and stable so that it does not settle unevenly with time. It must have the same slope as the finished

will give the homeowner or DIY


enthusiast guidance on selecting

the site, and preferably, the topsoil. Then trim the

Remove all roots and vegetable matter from

materials, preparing the site

bed to the correct level and slope. Soft areas and

and recommends methods of

down with, for example, a gumpole. If the fill is

laying the paving.

and then compact it.

areas that have been filled must be well stamped very dry, mix in just enough water to dampen it

materials for the mortar bed

tap each one firmly into place with, for example, a wooden mallet. Check regularly that the paving is

Cement: For the mortar bed always use cement which has an SABS mark and complies with SANS 50197-1 (common cements). Use a 1:6 cement

sand mix. Note: SANS 50197 specifies a number of properties and performance criteria. Composition and strength are required to be displayed by the manufacturer on the packaging of each cement produced. Sand: A simple way of deciding whether a sand is suitable for mortar is to mix 5kg of cement with 25kg of air dry sand and then add enough water to produce a consistency suitable for mortar. If more than 6 litres of water is needed, the sand is

at the correct slope and that the units are correctly lined up.

jointing With sand: Pour dry sand on the surface of the paving and brush it into the spaces between the units. Then water it lightly to wash the sand well down into the joints. The sand stabilises the paving by limiting the movement of the units. With mortar: For a jointing mortar mix one part cement thoroughly with four parts sand, then add water slowly and mix to a soft paste. Completely fill the joints with mortar. If the units are laid on


a mortar base, the joints should preferably be

recommended methods of laying

bedding. This will ensure a good bond between the

filled within about two hours of laying the mortar

Units less than 40mm thick should always be laid on a bed of mortar to give a total thickness of not less than 40mm. Thicker units may be laid on a

joint and bedding mortars. Dry sand-cement mix (1 part cement, 3 parts sand) can be brushed over the paving and lightly watered into place provided that the surfaces of the

sand bed.

units are smooth enough to ensure that spillage

laying procedures

cloth or brush to remove any mortar from the top

on the surface can be removed entirely. Use a wet

On mortar: Mix one part cement with six parts sand until the colour is uniform and then add water slowly. You will need soft mortar – about the consistence of toothpaste. Alternatively the in situ soil can be stabilised as follows: •

Loosen the top 50mm of soil and then spread

hardened it is difficult to remove. Where large areas are paved with mortar-filled joints, it is advisable to provide contraction joints at intervals of not more than 2m. They should be about 10mm wide, extend right through the paving

cement at a rate of 1 bag/8m .

and be filled with sand.

Mix and add water until the mix has the

curing mortar



of the paving while it is still plastic: once it has

consistence of a smooth paste. Lay small areas of about 1m at a time. Lay a 2

bed of mortar so that the paving plus mortar will be 40mm or thicker. The mortar layer thickness should not be less than 15mm. Place the paving units on the mortar, tap each one down firmly and check that it is level and at the correct slope. The mortar will rise a little into the joint between the units. On sand: Spread a layer of loose sand 25mm thick and level it off. Lay the paving units on this and

Cover paving that has been laid with mortar with wet sacking or plastic sheeting for two or three days so that it does not dry too quickly. Premature drying results in the mortar not developing its full strength and the paving may crack. Note: Methods of paving for driveways and other areas that will be used by motor vehicles may differ from the above. Consult relevant publications before building driveways or other areas which may need to take heavier loads.


These pages brought to you with the assistance of AfriSam

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THE GRID We take a look at GreenFin Financial Services, a young emerging brand, that was recently awarded the 'Gold Award' in the Business Green Economy Initiative Category at the Eco-Logic Awards 2016, hosted by Enviropaedia and supported by the National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC). The award recognises businesses that support growth of the Green Economy in South Africa. GreenFin won the prestigious award against strong contenders that included Woolworths Good Business Journey (silver), Locomute (bronze), Cape Flats Life and GreenTower Eco-V.


he high cost of electricity in South Africa

opportunity and financial solution to 'Go Green'

is possibly already putting financial strain

where they may not be in a position to afford the

on your household. The National Energy

large upfront capital investment. It is evident that

Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has granted

consumers often overlook the long term benefits

Eskom allowance to increase electricity prices by an

of going green when making purchasing decisions.

average of 8% up until 2018.

GreenFin Financial Services was designed to offer

The fact of the matter is that in the long run

clients a finance option that carries both social

solar power and other sources of green energy are

and financial benefits, striving to offer clients an

more affordable, more sustainable and worth the

alternative to the rising electricity tariffs in South

initial expense.

Africa as well as reducing their carbon footprint. This is done through the following means:

GreenFin has developed a unique finance product to assist in the initial investment into green energy


solutions without hurting your pocket even further.

Client offering The company's goal is to provide people with the

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Approved solar suppliers in your geographic

Free solar quotation platform

User friendly online finance application

Flexible repayment periods with competitive

Ndivhuho Raphula, Director NCPC-SA, presents the Eco-Logic Business Green Economu Initiative Award to Tiaan de Jager of GreenFin.

interest rates

their cash flow

repayments to closely match your electricity cost savings, thereby having little to no impact on your

Upfront payment of 100% of the installation cost directly to the business partner, improving

Where possible, GreenFin aims to structure •

Higher conversion rates, financing customers

monthly disposable income. They can approve

who would otherwise have declined quotations

your application within an hour and fund your

due to affordability

procedure (up to R250 00) within 24 hours, and have repayment terms that range from 12 to 60

Looking to the Future

months and can structure a repayment to suit your

In 2016 GreenFin has extended their service offering

unique affordability needs.

to Small, Medium and Micro-Sized Enterprises

Another bonus is that GreenFin clients have the

(SMMEs), providing them with tailor-made financial

choice of various approved suppliers meeting their

solutions. In an effort to further extend their reach

strict criteria. When using one of their approved

to other renewable initiatives, GreenFin is looking

suppliers you get five years minimum guarantee.

to partner with great businesses that are pioneers

You also get 12 month installation guarantee from

in this area. This is evidenced by their most recent

that supplier or installer.

partnerships with Calore, Enel, Umnyama iKhaya,

Business Partner offering

NVmyPower, One Energy, SA Green Vehicles and Khanyaled. GreenFin's online presence and business

GreenFin has over 800 partners in its renewable

model continues to prosper as they partner with

energy network, ranging from solar installers

likeminded companies that share a common vision

to sustainable housing providers, to a range of

of making South Africa a greener, more sustainable

other renewable energy solution providers. These



companies have recognised the benefit of partnering with GreenFin due to its unique value propositions: •

Free client referrals from applications received

For more information about the Enviropaedia winners kindly click here.

These pages proudly sponsored by Greenfin Financial Services

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B uilding


Africa’s first Multibillion Green Village is coming soon

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wisatec, an architectural and project management firm based in Cape Town, South Africa, is set to build the first multibillion Green Village of its kind in Africa. The Green Village is an upgrade of the well-known Blue Rock Resort, which boasts a magnificent view of the Blue Rock Lake, the only lake in Cape Town with crystal clear waters, with a depth of 60m and a water temperature of 27°C, ideal for water skiing and scuba diving. The Village is situated in the heart of award winning wine farms of Somerset West, a stone throw away from Sir Lowry’s Pass, just a few kilometres away from the Gordon’s Bay and Strand beaches. Plans for the mixed-use Blue Rock Village include a multi-functional Life Style Centre within the development, array of medical centres, boutiques, schools and colleges, nurseries, restaurants and cafes. The Life Style Centre is the heart of the Village, so to speak, where one can enjoy live music concerts, markets and operas. Linked to the centre, is the Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre, where one can be pampered in various therapeutic centres, or take a leisurely dip in the swimming pool. Lukas Reichmuth, Founder and Director of Blue Rock Village, said: 'The project will be market-driven, focusing on both the international market and the South African market, our apartments are designed to fit different types of individual needs. The Village comprises of 1 000 luxury residential apartments built on 40ha of land. 'As the first pioneers of Car-Free Living, our vision of Blue Rock Village is to enjoy the magnificent beauty and natural surroundings where you can truly experience the great outdoors. All parking is underground to maximise the green living and visual pleasures of nature which are connected seamlessly. It’s all about green spaces and design, combined with luxury apartment living. For convenience, we have planned a helipad for business people to commute easily between the airport and Cape Town and a train and bus station will be developed to encourage the residents to use public transport rather than private transport. The Blue Rock Village will set a precedent for future development in South Africa.' The Blue Rock Village offers different apartments with five layout types in one, two, three or four bedroom options, leaving you spoilt for choice. All apartments are meticulously designed with quality

A place with bespoke living experience for the discerning investors and a home to those who wish a lifestyle full of only the best Cape Town area has to offer.

detail throughout and all material that is used is environment friendly, and comes with a 10-year guarantee with ceiling heights at 2.8m and large, double glazed windows at 2.4m, the feeling of well-being allows the residents to have unrestricted access to the breath-taking surroundings and views from within their homes. To add to the feeling of comfort and exclusivity, each apartment is insulated for optimal temperature throughout the seasons as well as keeping out dust and noise. Keeping true to the environmentally friendly theme, Blue Rock Village is using A++rated energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, along with a water management system from shower to sprinklers and a maximum of self-generated solar power. The Blue Rock Village is to be built with technology in mind, offering a fast and reliable connection with a fibre optic system that feeds each residence, including wi-fi which will be available throughout the Village. Each residence will be equipped with intercoms and free telephonic communication between the estate residences and security. Units start from around R3.4m (depending on the exchange rate) at R45 000/ m2, with various options available. 'With all this, it is no surprise that we expect Blue Rock Village to become an exclusive prime address in the Western Cape. A place with bespoke living experience for the discerning and a home to those who wish a lifestyle full of only the best Cape Town area has to offer,' said Reichmuth.

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B uilding


TAKING homes 100% off the grid

Living the life aquatic

A new and innovative off-grid housing development in Chiang Mai, Thailand has set a new milestone in the journey towards greener and more sustainable living. Developed by CNX Construction and owned by Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, the Phi Suea House is powered entirely by a solar-hydrogen system. The world's first solar-powered hydrogen storage system provides 24-hour, year-round access to clean energy, even during periods of bad weather. The 100% self-sustaining Phi Suea House development comprises a variety of buildings, from a workshop to guesthouses, but only five of the buildings and two water features – a large fishpond waterfall and a 400m2 swimming pool with a well pump – require electricity. Each structure is topped with solar panels and comes with its own inverters. All the electricity is fed into a central energy storage system that collects and then distributes the electricity based on demand. The project includes 86kW of photovoltaics that provide an average daily power production of 326.8kWh, an amount that surpasses the Phi Suea House’s monthly 6 000kWh energy demand.

Located on the banks of the River Thames in Buckinghamshire’s town of Marlow, this flood-resistant amphibious house is designed to float and rise with the water levels during times of flooding. It was designed by Baca Architects. Clad in zinc shingles and ample high-performance glazing, the unique waterfront home rests on fixed foundations that are separated to allow the structure to float upwards when the River Thames overflows its banks. Here’s how it works: as floodwaters fill the fixed 'dock' beneath the three-bedroom home, the water levels push the buoyant house upwards. To ensure that the home doesn’t float away, the structure is attached to four guideposts that extend upwards and allow for a 2.5-m-high floodwater clearance.

build your own hobbiton Imagine living in a 120m2 tiny home that is eco-friendly and energy-efficient, yet boasts all the amenities of a conventional house. Well that's just what the folks at Magic Green Homes have devised using prefabricated vaulted panels that are then covered with soil, creating flexible green-roofed living spaces with a Tolkienesque charm. They're so easy to construct that just about anyone can build one. Because of this efficient technology, the designs can be adapted to any type of topography and customised to fit individual needs. Green Magic Homes

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UNDER THE DOME Described as the 'home of the future', Russia-based company SkyDome’s homes are built from eco-friendly materials that are useful for the home microclimate, providing energy efficiency and low rate of heat loss. Now under development in the Moscow region, the dome houses feature a spacious, modern interior with an open floorplan. The dome shape boasts some unique advantages. It can withstand the greatest load of snow as compared to any other form of house: up to 700kg/m2, wind up to 250km/h and even earthquakes up to 7 on the Richter scale. For more info click here

GREEN PYRAMIDS Located on a man-made islet in Werkendam, the Netherlands, these hulking grassy pyramids might look like an ancient architectural mystery, but underneath the green-roofed façade hides the contemporary and light-filled Biesbosch Museum, recently renovated by Studio Marco Vermeulen that celebrates the Biesbosch region’s unique culture and history.

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B uilding


ROMANCE – Eco-STYLE Portuguese design firm Friday have developed a beautiful self-sufficient home, created with a focus on energy efficiency and environmentally friendly materials to serve as an off-grid adventure for daring couples. The Floatwing boasts a small environmental footprint and can produce up to 100% of its annual energy needs over six months. Each of the four models provide different levels of autonomy depending on the type of installed equipment. The best-outfitted Floatwing is for off-grid applications and relies on solar energy, a wastewater treatment plant with advanced tertiary treatment, a mini supply water treatment plant, and stored fuel to achieve self sufficiency. In addition to renewable technologies, Floatwing’s carbon footprint is further reduced through the use of low environmentally impact materials.

Building Green writes that the most responsibly sourced materials to be those that use recycled content, come from agricultural waste, or are renewable materials for which standards ensure a reasonable level of sustainability. Extracting raw materials, even in industries that have tried to clean up their act, takes a toll on the environment through ecological impacts, land-use issues, energy use, and many other areas – but if only nonrenewable materials are appropriate, try to purchase from companies with more responsible corporate practices.

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While angular, orthogonal spaces are generally cheaper and easier to build, many people find organic shapes more pleasing to the senses, probably because it imparts a subtle connection to nature. Mexican architect Javier Senosiain's work in what he calls 'bio-architecture' arises from his belief that organic forms connect us back to our roots of living in harmony – rather than in conflict – with nature.

The House on the Cliff by GilBartolome Architects in Granada, Spain is buried into the side of a cliff and has 40cm of insulation in the concrete roof that allows for a mix of insulation and thermal inertia. It maintains an interior temperature of 19.5°C year round without additional heating or cooling. The roof is made with a handcrafted formwork system using locally-sourced deformable metal mesh.



reen building is gaining rapid momentum in Africa with office buildings in Rwanda and Namibia both receiving 6-Star Green Star ratings, certified by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA). In Kigali, Rwanda, the Nobelia Office Tower has achieved the very first Green Star rating in the country – a 6-Star Green Star SA-Rwanda – Office v1 Design rating for shell and core. While in Windhoek, Namibia, Emcon Consulting Group’s offices received a 6-Star Green Star SA-Namibia – Existing Building Performance Tool v1 rating, becoming the second Green Star certified building in the country, and the first to attain a 6-Star rating. Commenting on these landmark ratings, Brian Wilkinson, CEO of GBCSA, says: 'The pace of green building in Africa is accelerating, not only in South Africa but across the continent. Green building is a growing global movement, but its implementation varies widely by country and region, including the rate of growth in green involvement, triggers and obstacles impacting that growth and even the degree of benefits noted.' The GBCSA’s own story shows the tremendous impetus gained by South Africa’s green building movement and paints an exciting picture of a greener built environment in Africa’s future. Founded in 2007, GBCSA certified just one green building project in its first year of operation. In April 2014, it celebrated a milestone of 50 certified projects and, only one year later, that figure had doubled. Today, it has awarded 161 Green Star SA certifications, and the World Green Building Trends 2016: Developing Markets Accelerate Global Green Growth – SmartMarket Report’ predicts that South Africa could become a leader in the green building sector in the next three years. The

Brian Wilkinson

GBCSA’s Green Star SA rating tools were developed

specifically for the South African context but are also a natural touch point for green building movements and councils in other parts of Africa. The GBCSA seeks to work with other green building councils and structures like the African Network of Green Building Councils to adapt Green Star SA tools for specific local contexts – this has been done through what the GBCSA calls a Local Context Report. So far, Local Context Reports have been developed for Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Rwanda, Namibia, Mauritius, and Uganda with the GBCSA working in collaboration with the relevant Green Building Councils to certify buildings in these countries. In this way, the GBCSA is clearing the path for fledgling green building industries, like those behind the new Green Star certifications in Rwanda and Namibia. Wilkinson says: 'The Green Star certified projects showcase world-class, innovative implementations that benefit people, planet and profit. Results in the USA, Australia and now Africa clearly show there is no significant difference between the costs of green buildings compared to conventional buildings. However, green buildings show the potential to achieve better investment returns and higher valuations.' As the market becomes more aware of these benefits, the GBCSA expects green building to gain even more traction in Africa. 'Green building presents a compelling business case. Our partners, associates and Green Star certified projects have already started reaping the rewards of their green investments through lower operating costs, higher returns on their assets, minimised churn and increased productivity – all while doing their bit for the environment,' Wilkinson says.

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com mon of f recy ice c l mist ing ake s

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It is estimated that only 8% of businesses recycle their used paper and board. And even the most well-intentioned recyclers make mistakes. The Paper Recycling Association of South Africa (PRASA) has outlined some of the more common recycling blunders with some helpful tips to make sure that paper and board get to where they need to be: to recycling companies in a good, clean state so they can be reprocessed and made into new paper products.


Putting non-recyclable paper products into the recycling bin Even though they are made of paper, a number of items are not suitable for recycling: dirty paper plates, cigarette butts, tissue and toilet paper, paper towel, sticky notes, carbon paper, foil-lined, wax-coated and laminated papers, cement and dog food bags. These items cannot be recycled owing to the contamination or non-recyclability of certain elements or 'stickies' like waxes, foils, laminates and glues. How to correct this • •

Educate your employees around what is recyclable and what is not. Use printable material and posters available on for office communal areas.


Magazines and brochures, including glossy varieties


Office and shredded paper, envelopes

Cardboard boxes of any kind – dry food, cosmetic and medicine boxes; roll cores, packing cartons (flattened)

Old telephone directories and books


Paper giftwrap

Milk, beverage and food cartons (such as Tetra Pak and SIG Combibloc liquid packaging)


Wet or dirty paper and cardboard

Used paper plates, disposable nappies, tissues and toilet paper

Wax-coated, foil-lined or laminated boxes

Cement and dog food bags

Foil gift wrapping, carbon and laminated paper

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2 3

Food contamination Wet waste ends up in the paper recycling bin – this includes used food waste, cigarette butts and soiled take-away containers. This contaminates the paper and reduces its value. Paper also starts to degrade once wet. How to correct this: •

Set-up a two-bin system – receptacles for paper recycling and bins for food, liquid and non-recyclable waste with clear and simple messaging and graphics.

Contact one of PRASA's members about paper recycling boxes: Mpact Recycling, Sappi ReFibre and Neopak Recycling.

Other ways to boost your company's recycling efforts

Making it difficult and time-consuming for employees to recycle We are all human. Nobody likes to walk too far to throw something away.

•Appoint a recycling champion who is able to drive and monitor the programme.

•Regular communication is key –

posters at all 'points of disposal', emails/printed memos, newsletters, agenda item in meetings

•Showcase the successes and volumes of paper recycled to demonstrate the programme's effectiveness.

How to correct this: •

Ensure that each desk is

trained and incentivised to maintain

equipped with a tray or office

the programme. Include and thank

recycler solely for paper and

them in the communications.

board. •

•Ensure that cleaning teams are •Paper collectors will only

Install paper recycling

service offices where there is

receptacles in key locations

sufficient volume to warrant their

like at each desk, printing/

transportation costs. It makes sense

copying station; meeting and

in a larger office park to centralise

break rooms, kitchen areas

the collection area so that larger

and reception

quantities are accumulated faster.

For every paper recycling

Engage the facility manager in this

bin, there should be a


general waste bin alongside it.

•Make sure your visitors, customers

and suppliers and clients are aware of your recycling efforts through

A study showed that paper

regular communication and clear

recycling rose from 28% with one


bin per office to 94% when paper trays were located on desks.

•Staff can also be encouraged to

bring waste paper from home if the storage area is big enough.

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Not knowing what to do with your recyclables Your office has collected all this paper that it doesn't know what to do with, and after a while, it all ends up in the general rubbish. How to correct this: •

Involve cleaning teams in your recycling initiatives. If waste streams are mixed, the recyclable paper will be contaminated and become worthless – this renders the recycling programme fruitless.

Assign a sheltered area in which to keep recycled paper clean and dry.

Where possible, keep office paper (mainly white bond paper) separate from newspapers and magazines and cardboard boxes.

Partner with a recycling collection agent that meets your needs – this could be a service offered by a big company, a smaller business or an informal collector who can benefit from your paper collection.

Visit for collection programmes or buy-back centres in your area.

Support a local school or charity's recycling fundraising initiatives (such as the Ronnie Recycler programme) as your recyclable paper could boost the tonnages they collect and increase the funds raised.

Visit for a list of its members.

Know the benefits of recycling

With a paper recovery rate of 64%, South Africa has been trending upwards towards a goal of 70% by 2020 for past few years.

Every business likes to be better at reducing its environmental footprint. Knowing and sharing the benefits of your paper recycling efforts will help each person strive to do more. 1. Diversion of valuable raw material from landfill – A ton of recycled paper can save up to three cubic metres of landfill space and is used to make new paper products that we use every day. 2. Cleaner air – Paper buried in a landfill after mixing with other waste will degrade and release gases such as methane, which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. 3. Job creation – Big and small companies as well as informal collectors make money (and employ people) through the recovery and processing of clean, quality recyclable paper. 4. Feel-good factor – Staff feel more environmentally aware and responsible. Businesses who recycle and embrace a 'green mandate' have shown an increased ability to recruit and retain good employees. 5. It's the right thing to do.

To find out more, you can keep in touch with PRASA on Twitter by following @PaperRocks_SA or visiting

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Toshiba paper reuse system



enables the creation of an

• Reduces waste paper by 1/5

• Reuse of the paper by

efficient office environment where information is not kept on hand as “paper” but is saved, shared and used as digital data, preventing the accumulation of “paper” and

by reusing the paper over and

erasing the prints (average

over again

recommendation of 5 times)

• Reduction of energy used to make paper by reduction of paper consumption • Reduction of water resource by 800 tons

• Automatically scans and archives • Automatically sorts reusable and nonreusable paper • Writings with Pilots Frixon ball point pen can be scanned and erased

“information” in the office. That is to say, it achieves a no paper-stagnating office. With its ability to erase print instantly, the e-STUDIO306LP/ RD30 multifunction printing system offers a new work style that will reduce the environmental impact, reduce paper costs and bring about changes in the way of working in the office.

A d v e rt o r i a l


the inside out

For local businesses, constantly trying to drive profits in an unstable economy is already difficult enough without worrying about whether they're doing their part to decrease their environmental impact. Simply knowing where to start with green office initiatives is a challenge all on its own. We take a look.


ew businesses realise that by simply

and services while simultaneously reducing


their carbon footprint – and doing the same



they can significantly lessen their

for their clients.

carbon footprint from the inside out. As

Nashua uses leading-edge technology and

the industry leader in integrated business

proactive thinking to save both time and

solutions, Nashua is committed to reducing

resources to transform offices into greener

the environmental impact of their products

spaces. From the devices themselves and

89 S G

'As the market-leader in integrated office solutions, Nashua believes reducing the environmental impact of business is a core responsibility of modern, mindful businesses.' - Nashua CEO Mark Taylor

(MDS) eliminate the need for multiple servers,

with centralised document and data storage to significantly reduce electricity consumption in large offices.

Intelligent delivery As part of a commitment to greening their own business operations, Nashua recently began rolling

energy-saving functionality, to changing the way

out an innovative delivery solution, UTi ByBoxes,

people work, Nashua takes a holistic view of the

which is the first of its kind in the sector.

many small steps businesses can take to make a

Through a network of physical 'drop boxes', ByBoxes eliminates the need for extensive travel and

big change.

wasted time ensuring the right parts are delivered

Smart devices

to Nashua technicians at the right time across the

Nashua ensures each and every one of their multifunction devices is manufactured with the most advanced green technology.

country for seamless service delivery.

Remote networks

Quick-start technology means most Nashua MFPs

Teleconferencing and remote network access goes

take just 20 seconds to warm up – significantly

a long way to reducing the emissions generated

reducing energy consumption. Ultra-low sleep mode

through travel and associated resources. Voice over

lessens energy consumption when a device is not in

IP (VoIP) technology allows businesses to connect

use, further reducing environmental impact.

– no matter where they are in the country, or the

Automated power management ensures printers, fax machines and other equipment is automatically shut down at a pre-determined time, to avoid unnecessary power consumption.

Print Management Systems

world. Nashua offers this service as part of their integrated business solutions.

Devices made mindfully Nashua is also dedicated to supporting and encouraging





Nashua also helps clients lessen their carbon

manufacture and efficient recycling and reuse of

footprint by cutting the amount of paper they

devices and parts. Nashua devices are manufactured

print while maintaining efficiency and productivity

with a 'life-cycle' approach, ensuring they're fully

through Print Management Systems. These systems








behaviour at employee level, drawing a user's

Future-thinking business

attention to unnecessary paper waste and energy

'As the market-leader in integrated office solutions,


Nashua believes reducing the environmental impact

Intelligent device management software offered

of business is a core responsibility of modern,

by Nashua also offers unique 'Green Reporting'

mindful businesses,' says Nashua CEO Mark Taylor.

tools designed to expertly assist businesses in their

'Nashua is proud to be at the forefront of green

efforts to monitor and reduce their environmental

innovation in the workspace.

impact. This advanced tracking and reporting software allows organisations to carefully track their carbon emissions.

Central servers Bulky servers are often responsible for increased energy consumption in office spaces – they generate heat and need lots of power to support their 'always on' functionality. Nashua's

S G 90




ABOUT NASHUA Founded in 1973, Nashua Limited has a long, rich history that has seen the company evolve over the years from being primarily a hardware supplier to becoming a fully-fledged, integrated business solutions provider. With a comprehensive product range and full suite of integrated business solutions including cloud, network, print, video, financial and managed document services, Nashua creates custom solutions for unique businesses of all sizes, across all industries. See ad, right.


Real insights, real solutions. For real business insights, innovations and solutions, visit The Solutions Lab, an efficient resource for today’s busy business professional. Access business trends, commentary and interviews curated across every sector and industry. Relevant and insightful, whether you’re an SME or CEO.



the Bitcoin


Bitcoin. You've likely heard of this over some dinner conversation or while sipping on a glass of organic red, looking interested but left totally confused as to what Bitcoin is, where it can be used and how it could possibly have any effect on your life or the world around you. You're not the only one. But here's one way in which the 'crypto-currency' can be used. S G 92


here are massive changes happening

tomorrow to withdraw everything in our

in our world as we enter a time

accounts the banks would not be able

of transition and transformation,

to supply us with our hard-earned cash.

from changes in climate, interpretation

We need only to look at Greece for an

of religion, global consciousness, social

example. There is simply not in circulation

awareness, and now clearly a wake-up call

to cover all that is needed in a modern

rings to a change in how we think about


and deal with money. The banks and

Bitcoin is no internet bank

governments that claim to have our best interests at heart have for too long had tight

So, how does Bitcoin differ from a bank?

control over all aspects of our economy

Bitcoin works on a peer-to-peer network.

and somehow we have allowed this to be

In other words Bitcoin has no bank, has

the norm. This system is crumbling, being

no main server or anything that holds

held up with manipulation, duct tape, hot

coins other than the e-wallets of users.

air and promises by men and woman who

Transferring coins from my account to

are stuck in an old-school philosophy in a

yours is a direct transaction and can take

changing world.

place internationally and between borders

If we were today hit by something

in minutes for a very small fee, as opposed

similar to the cash-crunch that came with

to banks that can take days at a high cost.

the 2007/8 global economic 'downturn'/

One may have heard that Bitcoin is

crash we may find ourselves resigned

great tool for extortionists, drug lords and

to the devastation that is sure to follow.

the like to stay anonymous and beyond

Except that because of Satoshi Nakamoto

reach of the law. Yes, this is true. However

(the pseudonym for the man or group who

that is no fault of Bitcoin itself. The rand,

created Bitcoin) there are some new rules

dollar and other fiat currencies have served

to play by – and the banks don't get to say

international commerce (including of the

anything about that.

illegal, money-laundering kind) perfectly

What is it?

well for centuries. Anyone who wants to

Okay, so what is Bitcoin? Well, that is a

use by criminal of Bitcoin is not a function

very complicated question to answer and

of Bitcoin but of criminal thinking.

as there's limit to the number of words in

Revolution coming

any one article, it is therefore not possible to give a complete description of how

deal in illicit affairs will find a way, so the

We at Landmark Computers believe in the

Bitcoins are created, stored and used,

emerging revolution that is Bitcoin – at

very much in the same way I could not

last count there are over 25 000 online

explain how our fiat money (that's what

stores accepting Bitcoin through Payfast.

our banking system uses today) is created

We were, after all, the first South African

in just a few paragraphs. Perhaps a more

company to accept Bitcoin payments back

immediate question is why do we need to

in 2011 and continue to do so today. All

know this stuff anyway? We've been using

payments are done in-site where real-time

cash for hundreds or thousands of years

conversions are done on the rand/dollar

without knowing all the details of how it

rate as well as the price of Bitcoin, with a

got into our wallets. Many people don't

15 minute payment window.

even realise that 97% of all the world's

So now hopefully at your next dinner

money is purely digital (it never becomes

you have a few more facts to rattle off and

actual cash such as you can fold or put

questions to ask while sipping on your

in a pocket). If we all went to the bank

velvetly smooth red wine.


This editorial is made with the kind assistance of Landmark Computers

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African heartland Most people might want to be somewhere north of the Limpopo River – perhaps even of the Zambezi – to be declaring that one had been 'in the heart of Africa'. But just a little time at Gondwana Game Reserve's Tented Eco-Camp gives a sense of reaching back across 250 million years of time to when this land on the southern tip of Africa was somewhere in the centre of the Gondwanaland super-continent.

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rican heartland

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hat has happened to the 11 300ha of (most recently) former cattle-grazing farmland, now being transformed

into a leading private game reserve boasting all the so-called 'Big Five' among numerous other re-introduced species, between the ancient era of Gondwanaland and what we find today is far too vast a tale for these pages. But there is a deep sense of ancientness, as one puts one's foot onto the ground. The very geology – mixed, complex and speaking to unimaginably large events occurring over spans of time that we short-lived humans find nearly impossible to wrap our heads around – declares 'out loud' some of this ancient land's extraordinary history. At various times, it has been much as today, some version of scrub, heath-like and sprinkled with what most of us still call acacias (there is a new term, the Aussies having won the right to that name, but we won't bother with that since the rest of us know what an acacia is). Today, Gondwana Game Reserve's piece of Africa is described as part of the

The game on the reserve runs from elephants, rhino and lion, through hippo, impala and wildebeest to zebra and springbok, among the other 'usual suspects' of the African bush; the lone springbok in the reserve currently hangs out with the impala for safety from lions and Cape leopards, but it is about to become part of a small springbok herd soon to call this reserve home.

Cape Floral Kingdom, featuring fynbos comprised of some 2 000 species of Proteacae (proteas) and 5 000 species of Erica. But this land has also seen many other climate, vegetation and animal regimes. It has been variously lush and perhaps swamp-like, red-stained desert,

Some amazing camera trap video footage from Gondwana Game Reserve

and all but drowned under vast ancient waterflows which have carved out wide riverine sculptures that have over the ages softened and rounded to give the terrain a pleasing mix of (at a distance) gentle undulations and, where exposed as on cliff-sides, dramatic, layered depositional bands that contribute entire chapters running into the millions of years each which make up the back-story of this aged land.

S G 96

There are some 96 private villas dotted about, but they have been craftily located, and one hardly

Owner Mark Rutherford explains that the vision

notices them except on some approaches to the

for this place is in part to honour its ancient roots

reserve's main lodge, Kwena, which opened in 2010.

as a piece of a yet greater and older continent than

These have helped fund the development of the

even Africa; it is a way of putting our frequently

reserve, additional land purchase and, almost most

short-sighted human perspectives into appropriately

importantly, the introduction of a wide variety of

humbling context.


With the first purchase of farmland in 2008 –

The game on the reserve runs from elephants,

more has since been bought and yet more is in line

rhino and lion, through hippo, impala and wildebeest

to expand the reserve still further – the programme

to zebra and springbok, among the other 'usual

of action has been a combination of returning the

suspects' of the African bush; the lone springbok in

land to a more pristine state, while progressively

the reserve currently hangs out with the impala for

building the business of the reserve.

safety from lions and Cape leopards, but it is about

97 S G

to become part of a small springbok herd soon to call this reserve home. Located about an hour out of Mossel Bay in the Southern Cape, the reserve in its varied past likely hosted all of the creatures now located there, and quite likely many others too. But already if feels like so much of the rest of Africa, especially in those parts of the reserve where the obnoxious black wattle alien invaders have been eradicated. The battle with the ever-resilient black wattles is an ongoing affair and owner Mark is not convinced that the 8% eradication achieved so far – with excellent results as far as increased natural water flow and availability are concerned – will mean that all the black wattle in this reserve, and in the planned extensions to come, will be gone in his lifetime. That, he says, is a job that may have to be

Those wanting to get into what Africa is all about don't need to go anywhere further north, east or west because not only does Gondwana Game Reserve have a real right to call itself part of the African (and before that Gondwana) heartland, but it has everything going on that one could hope for.

finished by the next generation. While it is more than commendable that have

There is an active Conservation program which

committed themselves to ridding this piece of Africa

starts every Monday with departure midday on

of this horribly destructive species (thoughtlessly

Saturday and runs all-year around. The program is

imported, among other invasives, from Australia),

designed for 6 days and 5 nights, which is longer

and have combined with a charcoal-manufacturing

than the usual duration for most game reserve

plant on the neighbouring property in an excellent

visitors – but then this eco-experience is not for

piece of optimal local resource management, Mark

folks wanting to lounge around all day in 5-star

is realistic about the fact that in some places the

comfort being waited on and going for the odd

wattle dominates waterlines and ravines and is

game drive.





virtually impossible to easily clear. But he and his team are determined to do whatever it takes.


S G 98

It is, in fact, all about getting people directly involved, whether that be helping out with the alien (black wattle) eradication campaign, which continues relentlessly, taking invertebrate and amphibian

That's why it's eco-logical for the latest phase in the

surveys in freshwater sources, game counting and

reserve's development to be the setting up of its

GPS locating, and wildlife activity tracking through

Tented Eco Camp. Located some distance from the

movement-activated still and video camera footage.

main lodge and nestled in a fold in the land on the

The point is really this: those wanting to get into

valley floor, this five-tented initiative is designed to

what Africa is all about don't need to go anywhere

be almost completely off-grid – and very much down

further north, east or west because not only does

into the detail and dirt of an active eco experience.

Gondwana Game Reserve have a real right to call

Opened in October 2015, the five large,

itself part of the African (and before that Gondwana)

comfortable twin share tents set on raised platforms

heartland, but it has everything going on that one

each with a bathroom and covered deck area, are

could hope for.

matched by two additional tents for staff and a

In our short stay, we saw lions – a gorgeous

recreational communal tent which includes kitchen,

dark-maned male and his two fine females, one with

lounge, working computer station, and indoor and

a fresh kill in her jaws – and all the rest of the major

outdoor dining. There's a hang-out area featuring

Africa game one might expect. All, that is, barring

hammocks and a plunge pool, as well as an outdoor

the extremely shy local leopards, which are even

shower, just in case you want to take in views of the

more solitary, smaller and rarer than their more

bush while you get clean.

northerly cousins.

99 S G

And we also saw, some up close and personal, the numerous other species, footed and winged, which are clearly thriving under the caring hands of the reserve's wildlife management team.

Experience It is difficult to take what was an extremely personal experience – you, the bush, its creatures and some few other humans – and turn that into a travelogue that does not read like the usual sort of thing. That is because it is specifically not 'the usual sort of thing'. Gondwana's Eco Tent experience is for people who want to get their hands into the ancient dirt of Africa, step in her rich and fertile mud, sweat over obstinate pieces of nasty black wattle, while marvelling at Africa's exceptional beauty. There were magnificent sunsets with the majestic Langeberg Mountains, blue- and purple-hazed in the distance. There were fresh mornings with the rich odour of Africa's timeless soil in the nostrils. There were soaring birds of prey, apparently nonchalant ellies unconcerned by our presence, nervous wildebeest on a night-time drive, along with unidentifiable shining eyes in the Africa darkness. There were puffadders, beautiful in their southern range brighter markings and slightly smaller than their northern counterparts, but every bit as deadly, and a few unfortunate slangsteekers, maligned

Gondwana's Eco Tent experience is for people who want to get their hands into the ancient dirt of Africa, step in her rich and fertile mud, sweat over obstinate pieces of nasty black wattle, while marvelling at Africa's exceptional beauty. In terms of getting to know Africa through direct contact with its geological and ecological pre-history, there are equivalent places one may go, but few that pack so much into a relatively small piece of our aged and venerable continent, motherland to all humans.

over hundreds of years by farmers associating their common occurrence with fang marks from puffadders or maybe Cape cobras when trying to

conservation and eco-awareness top of mind, there

understand what had happened to dead livestock.

are even fewer places one could look. But it is Africa. The nights can be bitterly cold

It was and is, in short, Africa, old and new. with

and the days brutally hot. And, if you get it wrong

inquisitive humans jounced around in their seats

with one or other of the big (and some of the small)

over potholes and ruts, were not once part of this

animals and creatures of this place, it will bite you.





landscape any more than the black wattle which

So you must come prepared, both for the

plagues it. And there weren't luxury eco-tents,

conditions and what you may be called upon to

drawing their energy from the sun or low-impact

engage in as far as activities are concerned, as well

resources. As old as this land is, there weren't even

as for the wildlife.

humans for great stretches of its past.

sense of adventure – not only because there is

direct contact with its geological and ecological

some fantastic game viewing to be had and some

pre-history, there are equivalent places one may

practical, hands-on involvement in eco-conservancy,

go, but few that pack so much into a relatively

but because once one is on the ground and among

small piece of our aged and venerable continent,

the plants and animals, it feels almost like going

motherland to all humans.

back in time to experience some long-lost aspects

And in terms of getting into the nitty-gritty of off-grid living and working practically with

S G 100

Above all, though, you must take with you a

In terms of getting to know Africa through

of Africa as it was in an age before humans had over-run it.


101 S G

Gondwana Game Reserve Reservations: Tel +27 21 424 5430 Email: Website: Gondwana Game Reserve, Herbertsdale Road (off R327) Mossel Bay, Western Cape, 6505 GENERAL INFORMATION ü The Lodge opened in May 2010 ü 14 Kwena Lodge Rooms, 2, 3 and 4 Bedroom Luxury Villas ü Private meeting space up to 30 delegates ü Wi-Fi access in all public areas and select Villas ACCOMODATION (fully inclusive) KWENA LODGE (14 rooms) 2 ü 75m Open Plan room Khoi San design ü Bathroom with shower/bath ü 100% cotton bath towels ü Non-allergenic pillows ü Bathrobes and slippers ü Hairdryer ü Fully stocked mini refreshment bar ü Twice-daily housekeeping attention ü In-room safety-deposit box ü Electricity: AC 220V ü All guestrooms are non-smoking ü Inside wood burning fire places ü Private patio with view of waterhole BUSH VILLAS (14 in total. 2,3 and 4 bedrooms available) ü Ideal for families 2 ü Approximately 285m per villa ü All en suite ü 100% cotton bath towels ü Non-allergenic pillows ü Bathrobes and slippers ü Hairdryer ü Twice-daily housekeeping attention ü In-room safety-deposit box ü Electricity: AC 220V ü All guestrooms are non-smoking ü Inside wood burning fire places ü Private Deck with outside fire places ü Open plan lounge, kitchenette ü TV and DVD players

S G 102

KWENA RESTAURANT, BAR & LOUNGE (Available to Kwena lodge and Fynbos villa guests) ü Kwena Restaurant seating up to 60 guests ü Outside Dining ü Boma Dining ü Lounge & Bar ü Swimming Pool with bar service ü Africology Spa treatment room LEHELE RESTAURANT, BAR & LOUNGE (Available to private bush villa guests) ü Lehele Restaurant seating up to 70 guests and 120 cocktail style ü Outside Dining ü Boma style dining on deck ü Lounge & Bar ü Swimming Pool with bar service ü Acces to africology Spa treatment room ü Extras : Available for lunch on walk in basis, Ideal for weddings, functions and small conferences RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Gondwana Game Reserve provides the perfect safari break for Cape Town visitors. With less than a four-hour drive away from Cape Town along South Africa’s popular Garden Route, the 11,000-hectare (26,000 acre) private game reserve offers a distinctive and luxurious malaria-free safari experience. Indigenous Fynbos vegetation cloaks the undulating valleys, adding vivid colour and interest to a Big Five wilderness experience with awe inspiring views of the Langeberg Mountains wherever you look. This exclusive reserve offers guests attentive service, superb cuisine, luxurious interiors, expert game rangers, and an array of activities including World-class tourist facilities and attractions on Gondwana’s doorstep include championship golf courses, great swimming and surfing beaches and attractive coastal towns. SERVICES & FACILITIES ü Transfers arranged to George Airport ü Game Drives, and Fynbos walks ü Bush dining on request ü Babysitting on request ü Major credit cards accepted ü Complimentary Parking ü 24 Hour security ü Spa Treatment Room ü Junior Ranger Program (6 -12 years) HOTEL POLICIES ü Hotel check-in is after 2 p.m.; check-out is before 11 a.m. ü Pets are not allowed POINTS OF INTEREST ü Pinnacle Point Golf Course 25km ü Beaches 15km ü Whale watching 30km ü Deep Sea Fishing 30km ü Wine tasting 30 km ü Restaurants & Mall 30km ü Cango Caves & Oudtshoorn 85km ü Pezula Golf Course, Knysna 150km ü Fancourt Golf Course, George 60km VISITOR INFORMATION ü Language: English

TRANSPORTATION From Cape Town take N2 towards Swellendam/ George. Drive 385 Km’s until R327 Herbertsdale sign. Turn Left onto this road and travel for 14km. Turn right at GONDWANA sign – road becomes gravel road. 300m on the road forks, keep to the right following road all the way to the Reserve Main Gate. George Airport – 55km | Cape Town – 385km LOCATION 4 hour drive from Cape Town | 45min drive from George. 11,000ha Fynbos Reserve sits at base of

ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

In-room safety-deposit box Electricity: AC 220V All guestrooms are non-smoking Inside wood burning fire places Private Deck with outside fire places Open plan lounge, kitchenette TV and DVD players

ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

Transfers arranged to George Airport Game Drives, and Fynbos walks Bush dining on request Babysitting on request Major credit cards accepted Complimentary Parking 24 Hour security Spa Treatment Room Junior Ranger Program (6 -12 years)

HOTEL POLICIES ü Hotel check-in is after 2 p.m.; check-out is before 11 a.m. ü Pets are not allowed

POINTS OF INTEREST ü Pinnacle Point Golf Course 25km ü Beaches 15km ü Whale watching 30km ü Deep Sea Fishing 30km ü Wine tasting 30 km ü Restaurants & Mall 30km ü Cango Caves & Oudtshoorn 85km ü Pezula Golf Course, Knysna 150km ü Fancourt Golf Course, George 60km VISITOR INFORMATION ü Language: English ü Currency: Rand ü Climate: Temperate Mediterranean type climate ü VISA – Check with local Embassy

TRANSPORTATION From Cape Town take N2 towards Swellendam/ George. Drive 385 Km’s until R327 Herbertsdale sign. Turn Left onto this road and travel for 14km. Turn right at GONDWANA sign – road becomes gravel road. 300m on the road forks, keep to the right following road all the way to the Reserve Main Gate. George Airport – 55km | Cape Town – 385km LOCATION 4 hour drive from Cape Town | 45min drive from George. 11,000ha Fynbos Reserve sits at base of the Langeberg Mountain. Fynbos, Renosterveld and Karoo Acacia elements.


WHAT’S INCLUDED ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

5 Night / 6 Day program (Monday arrival, Saturday departure) Accommodation in remote tented bush camp in the heart of the reserve All Food (except additional snacks, soft drinks and alcohol) All linen and towels Daily Housekeeping Service All day activities and Game drives All travel within the reserve and to community activities

Opened in October 2015 5 large, comfortable twin share tents set on raised platforms each with a bathroom and covered deck area (2 additional tents are for staff) Recreational communal tent which includes kitchen, lounge, working computer station, and indoor and outdoor dining Relation area with hammocks and pool Outdoor shower The Conservation program starts every Monday with departure midday on Saturday and runs all year around. The program is designed for 6 days/5 nights.

PROGRAM ACTIVITIES ü Wildlife management ü Monitoring of the cape leopard cameras established on gondwana and surrounding area ü Bird identification and monitoring ü Translocation & veterinary care of wildlife – season dependent ü Feeding and monitoring of animals in boma – season dependent ü Bush skills and interpretation ü Veld management ü General maintenance ü Community work

103 S G


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Hotel Verde South Africa

Africa's Greenest Hotel

Hotel Verde offers a carbon-neutral stay with energy-efficiency steps that include 220 PV panels, three wind turbines, regenerative drive elevators, energy-generating gym equipment, an energy-saving heating and cooling system coupled to ground source heat pumps and many passive energy-efficient design strategies.

Our sincerest GRATITUDE to GB ENERGY SUPPLY for supplying this info to us

111 S G

H ospitality

what makes a

green HOTEL

A growing number of people are aware that Cape Town boasts one of the 'greenest' hotels in the world – and the greenest in Africa. We take a look. S G 112

113 S G


rom the moment of arrival at Hotel Verde,

but what we have learned is that if you choose to do

located almost literally next to Cape Town's

the right, ethical thing, success will follow.

airport, it is evident that this enterprise

'We knew we had to build something that was

has been driven by a vision of 'greenness' that far

resilient enough to hedge against the ever-increasing

exceeds the ambitions of most enterprises anywhere

shortage and instability of resources on a South

which have aligned themselves with sustainability in

African and global level. Our concerns, if any, were

tourism and the hospitality industry.

quickly addressed by our team of specialists led

On entry into Hotel Verde's welcoming lobby,

by our primary sustainability consultants Ecolution

one is immediately struck by the living presence of

Consulting. Many hours were spent fine-tuning a

a growing internal wall of plants.

selection of the perfect equipment, calculating and

The deeper one goes into the Hotel Verde

recalculating their potential return on investment.

experience, as a guest or as an exploration of their

The rising global trend of sustainability and green

proclaimed sustainability ethos, it becomes clear

building in particular was also a great indicator for

that the commitment so evident even from the first

us that we were making the right move. We also

encounters with this establishment are not merely

tried to focus on the real impact, as opposed to

cosmetic. Sustainability makes up the very DNA of

simply the cost; the impact on current and future

this enterprise.


It comes as no surprise, then, that the folks

'We always kept the bigger picture in mind. We

behind Hotel Verde have realised that they are in a

knew that we wanted to build Africa's greenest

position to help many others – in Africa and perhaps

hotel. But what this meant was that we were

beyond – attain the tricky goal of real sustainability

building a hotel with the end-user in mind. It would,

on all fronts.

therefore, be impossible to achieve the bigger

Consequently they have created a hospitality

picture without paying very detailed attention to

management company, Verde Hotels, designed to

every small decision, ensuring that each choice was

do just that.

seen through a sustainability lens.

But let's start at the beginning, with the

'The positive feedback from guests has been

establishment of Hotel Verde and the attainment

overwhelming, with many specifically mentioning

of its proudly held double-Platinum rating of LEED

the green aspects as a highlight of their stay. We

(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

have also seen a high level of return guests who have

from the United States Green Building Council – no

bought into the concept of greener accommodation

mean feat indeed and the achievement which has

and conferencing. As with any product, you need to

marked this hotel out as the greenest in Africa (and

continuously innovate and optimise your approach,

at time of publishing the only hotel in the world to

always introducing new things to keep your guests

have attained a double platinum certification).

happy. From the get-go we have offered our

Spending time with some of the people who

guests carbon-offsetting certificates and a reward

helped Hotel Verde to become a reality drives home

programme to encourage their stay to be greener.

the point that it was in holding both the 'big picture'

But some of the new things we have introduced,

dream of the hotel's owners and the multitude of

which have been well received, include more vegan

micro-decisions to be made at all levels and at every

and vegetarian meals, a fresh-fruit smoothie corner

stage during development and into operations that

and an infused-water station. We will also be

have made this achievement possible.

introducing a healthy sandwich bar in the coming winter at the newly named Nuovo restaurant.

Ambitious project General

from those who would use the hotel for their

Manager, explains how it felt to launch into such an

accommodation and conferencing needs, but also

ambitious project and what it's like to function in

the greater public. This means we give tours

an enterprise so overtly geared towards 'all things

to interested groups such as schools, university

green and good'.

students and companies. We also spend time


S G 114

'There is definitely a greater interest not only




'One thing is for certain, we never expected

analysing and attempting to improve our efficiency

the project to be as successful as it has become.

from an operational perspective and focus on

Attempting to push the envelope is always daunting,

working closely with our neighbours within the

Bakhresa Group & Verde Hotels build Zanzibar's Greenest Hotel The old Mtoni Marine Hotel in Zanzibar, 2km from Stone Town, is to be redeveloped into what is being marketed as 'Zanzibar's greenest hotel' in a collaboration between Bakhresa Group and Verde Hotels. It is intended that Hotel Verde Zanzibar will take sustainable development to new heights in East Africa and become a flagship for tourism in Zanzibar and Tanzania. The Bakhresa Group is one of the leading Industrial Houses in Tanzania, with its operations extending beyond Tanzania and Zanzibar to Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. Bakhresa Group Chairman Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa commissioned the Verde Hotels group to manage the development and operate the hotel as a certified sustainable establishment that offers a carbon neutral hotel experience. The group will work with Estim Construction, an organisation with a reputation for project excellence in the East African region. Hotel Verde Zanzibar will be pursuing independent certification utilising the Green Star rating tool from the Green Building Council of South Africa. Verde Hotels said it intended to integrate sustainability into every facet of their involvement in the construction, as well as throughout the hotel's daily operation. The sustainability strategies that will be implemented in the redevelopment phase include passive and active design strategies that optimise resource efficiency. Some of these include: renewable energy generation, regenerative drive elevators, grey water recycling systems, responsible procurement, waste minimisation and management and indoor environmental quality optimisation. Hotel Verde Zanzibar is to be a showcase for the integration of 5-star luxury and environmental best practice. The hotel will feature 142 ultra-stylish rooms, luxury suites, a spa, gym, various eateries, entertainment and marina. The contemporary design fused with local Tanzanian elements will be an attraction for local and international guests. The hotel has fully espoused the standards of responsible tourism. Verde Hotels is a sustainable hotel operator responsible for the success of Hotel Verde in Cape Town, South Africa. As a hotel management group, Verde Hotels specialises in a turnkey management approach that includes the construction phase of new hotels and the renovation phase of existing buildings that are subsequently operated and managed by Verde with sustainability at their core. The aim: to transcend conventional hotel and business standards while entering into a new era of environmental consciousness and responsible tourism. Verde Hotels was 'proud to have signed this management contract with the Bakhresa Group, proving that going "green" is not only viable on the triple bottom line but makes good business sense', said Verde Hotels CEO Samantha Annandale. The ethos of the Verde group and Hotel Verde Zanzibar is to align itself with a core belief of the Bakhresa group 'in continuously improving environmental performance through efficient operations, reduced impacts, natural resource and cost savings'.

115 S G

industrial precinct who are in need of support. Other

to receive this accolade. The second and most

than that, the quirks and stresses of managing a

recent certification was awarded for the 'Existing

hotel remain,' says Samantha.

Building Operations and Maintenance' of the hotel,

Africa's greenest

proving that Hotel Verde is, in fact, Africa's greenest

Hailed routinely in the media as 'Africa's greenest

hotel. That accolade has been re-affirmed with the

hotel', Hotel Verde showcases some of the most

achievement of a double-Platinum LEED certification.

advanced, environmentally conscious technological installations and construction methods, as well as

Ardent teamwork

procurement and operational practices in the world.

Hotel Verde's ardent team have collectively gone

The four-star property offers 145 rooms,

above and beyond conventional industry practices

conference facilities, restaurant, bar, indoor gym,

by dedicating themselves to a sustainable work

outdoor jogging trail and gym equipment, with an

lifestyle. From stringent waste management and

eco-pool and 24-hour deli. The hotel goes beyond

procurement policies to corporate responsibility

luxury, however, with the added value of extensive

campaigns, departmental sustainability, biodiversity

green features such as 'Carbon Neutral Stays' for

maintenance and offering a carbon-neutral hotel

both corporate customers and individual guests, at

experience. Most importantly, say the owners, it is

no extra or hidden cost to the guest or conference

the hotel's aim to create an eco-friendly working


environment in which staff health, happiness and

The hotel has garnered a number of awards

productivity are optimised.

including: Best City Hotel for Responsible Tourism

'I quickly realised that my dream to provide

at World Travel Market, London, and the Company

something luxurious and sustainable was not only

Trendsetter Award, at a ceremony held at the

possible, but it was also a business model worth

Internorga Trade Show, in Hamburg, Germany. This

sharing, with the potential to change lives and the

annual award goes to a company that demonstrates

industry as we know it,' says Mario Delicio, owner

with 'great intuition, innovation, courage and

of both Hotel Verde, Cape Town Airport, and Verde

passion – how business practices and sustainable


management can work together for optimal results'. Also in 2015, Hotel Verde was voted in among


the top 1% of hotels by Travellers Choice on

Launched during the World Travel Market Africa


tourism trade show, Verde Hotels is leading

One of the high-points came in June last year

hotel management solutions that are not just

when the hotel was awarded the highest accolade of


a 6-Star rating in the Green Star SA Existing Building

'thrivable'. Thrivability is the new frontier of

Performance tool, a first for a hotel in South Africa,

sustainability. It encompasses all that is associated

by the Green Building Council for South Africa

with sustainability but supersedes it by maximising

(GBCSA). The rating received is valid for a period

the triple bottom line of people, profit and planet.

of three years in order to ensure the building is

It is on these principles that Verde Hotels bases its

continually operated on stringent efficiency and

core foundation.

sustainability targets.





'We had the opportunity at Hotel Verde, Cape

Hot on the heels of that award came the hotel's

Town Airport, to look at everything from the ground

second LEED Platinum Green Building Certification

up with regard to sustainability and efficiency with

by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC),

the commitment to operate sustainability. But the

making Hotel Verde the first hotel globally to

latest accolade showcases that Verde Hotels is ready

achieve a double-Platinum LEED certification.

to also optimise the operation and maintenance of

The first LEED Platinum certification was awarded

existing buildings,' explains eco-consultant AndrĂŠ

in May 2014 for New Construction in the Green

Harms (Ecolution Consulting), who has utilised his

Building Design and Construction category. This

training as a mechanical engineer to develop the

established Hotel Verde as one of only six buildings

systems and technical management of Hotel Verde.

in the world, and the only one in Africa so far,

S G 116

giving Hotel Verde their double-Platinum status and







Verde Hotels Verde Hotels is a responsible hotel operator that offers a turn-key hotel management model based on the principles of 'Thrivability'. Verde Hotels integrates 'Thrivability' into the design, construction, refurbishment and operations of their hotels in order to showcase social, environmental and economical best practice. The holistic approach used by Verde Hotels aims to prove that luxury and sustainability are not mutually exclusive while providing guests with an oasis and break-away, no matter hotel location, always epitomising a brand mix of cosmopolitan style and natural outdoor lifestyle. The Verde Hotels head office is based in Cape Town, South Africa and is owned by Mario and Annemarie Delicio. Website: Flagship hotel website: For more info contact Jacques Maritz: +27 (0) 8 44 44 0775,

certification has been fundamental in allowing us to provide our potential clients with the assurance that we deliver truly sustainable and commercially viable hospitality solutions,' says Delicio. 'Managing a thrivable hotel means a higher return on investment, lower operational costs, better environmental quality, a lower carbon footprint and a higher PR and marketing value, all while safeguarding natural resources and uplifting local communities.'

A carbon-neutral experience In keeping with its commitment to environmental sustainability, Hotel Verde has partnered with impactChoice, a leading provider of end-to-end environmental sustainability solutions, to offer guests and conference delegates a carbon-neutral stay at the hotel. This is achieved by offsetting carbon emissions through responsible carbon capturing and reduction projects. Hotel Verde says it is 'proud to offer this carbon-offsetting program – the first Hotel Carbon Management Initiative (HCMI) implementation of its kind in Africa'. The program complements the hotel's other green initiatives. Being as energy- and water-efficient as possible minimises the hotel's carbon footprint, and the program offsets the carbon that is still emitted, despite numerous design measures designed to optimally reduce its carbon footprint. Hotel Verde offers every guest and conference delegate a carbon offset certificate to confirm their participation in the carbon-neutral program. Within no longer than a week after a stay, a guest receives login details to retrieve their certificate via impactChoice's online portal. The certificate includes a button for sharing on social networks, so everyone you know will also know that you are a 'green and good' conscious citizen.

117 S G

The proceeds from Hotel Verde's carbon credit

use of subsoil drainage water.

Zimbabwe, which works with communities to reduce

Eco pool: Unlike a conventional pool, an eco pool

deforestation, provide training on responsible

functions as a living eco-system. The pool uses

agriculture and improve the livelihoods of local

no salts, cholrine or harmful chemicals, rather

people. All transactions are confirmed through

the outer perimeter serves as a filtering system,

auditable micro-carbon reduction certificates which

consisting of living plants and organisms. The

can be used in audited sustainability reports

plants and organisms consume all the nutrients in

Hotel Verde believes that for both individuals and

the water, thereby cleaning it and preventing the

businesses, a focus on sustainability has become a

growth of excess algae.


Green roof: The flat concrete roof over the reception

Sustainable Design

and lobby area is covered by a vegetated roof garden. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, the

Hotel Verde was built on the vision of owners Mario

vegetation creates a habitat for birdlife, encourages

and Annemarie Delicio, whose commitment was to

biodiversity and thermally insulates the areas below

design Africa's greenest hotel. They tasked a team

and reduces the energy load on the building.

of experts with finding innovative design solutions

Living wall: The living wall mentioned earlier is a

to make the hotel environmentally friendly.

striking and beautiful feature of Hotel Verde. It's

Every aspect of the hotel is designed to be

also functional in that it helps clean the interior air.

as sustainable as possible, literally from below

Water for the plants in the living wall is provided

the ground up. With help from Ecolution, their

by drip irrigation. The water then runs into a drain

primary sustainability consultants, the hotel has

aesthetically covered by natural stones. The wall

implemented a range of systems that yield significant

receives sunlight from skylights on one side and

water and energy savings, as well as reducing waste.

light from LED grow-lamps on the other side. Unlike

These systems have helped Hotel Verde spearhead

conventional grow-lamps, the LED lamps provide

the growing trend of sustainable tourism in Africa.

all of the needed light frequencies without losing

Many green features

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Cape, the water collection is boosted through the

purchases currently go to the Kariba REDD+ project in

energy through heat. The lamps are on a timer to mimic daytime hours.

The hotel boasts so many green and sustainability

Advanced energy modelling: A system of advanced

elements that it would take quite a long time

energy modelling was used to optimise the building's

and many words to cover them all in depth. The

efficiency and compare the performance of different

following are some of the main elements worthy of

techniques, installations and products and thus


identify the cost benefit ratio.

Pontos grey water plant: Used bath and shower

Wind turbines: Three vertical axis wind turbines

water from the hotel is channelled to its Pontos grey

produce renewable energy for the hotel. Although

water plant, where it is biologically and mechanically

the payback period on the turbines is quite long, the

filtered and sterilised so it can be used again to

owners and managers believe they are a landmark

flush toilets. No harmful chemicals are used during

feature for the hotel and a statement towards their

the process. The result is water that's colourless and

belief that wind power is one solution to the world's

odourless, and perfectly suited for toilet flushing or

energy problems.

car washing, saving around 6 000l of water per day)

Photovoltaic panels: Photovoltaic (PV) panels are

WISY filter: Rain gutters feed water into the hotel's

located on the northern façade of the building

WISY self-cleaning filter which removes debris such

and on the roof. At maximum output, the PV

as leaves from the water, which is washed away with

panels produce 54kWh. This energy is used first to


charge the hotel's UPS battery. Remaining energy is

Water tank: In line with their drive to use less

channelled to essential appliances and hardware.

water, there are only eight rooms with bathtubs in

Any excess goes to wherever is needed within

the hotel. All rain water is collected in the hotel's

the hotel, to offset power from the grid. The 220

40 000l tank, located in the basement. Due to the

PV panels collectively provide about 78  000kWh/

low amounts of summer rainfall in the Western

year. The panels are cleverly positioned to assist

About LEED LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the

foremost program for buildings, homes and communities designed, constructed, maintained, and operated, for improved environmental and human health performance. There are four levels of LEED certification – Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The number of points a project earns determines the level of LEED certification that the project will receive. Each rating system is made up of a combination of credit categories, with specific criteria that projects must satisfy and a variety of credits that projects can pursue, to earn points. The LEED Category Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Hotel Verde 'Score Card' shows just how well the hotel has done in come close to an ideal level of sustainable enterprise in its day-to-day operations. • Sustainability Sites: 21 out of 26 • Indoor Environmental Quality: 8 out of 15 • Water Efficiency: 12 out of 14 • Energy & Atmosphere: 32 out of 35 • Materials & Resources: 7 out of 10 • Innovations in Operations: 5 out of 6 • Regional Priority Credits: 4 out of 4 • Total Score: 89 out of 110

'I quickly realised that my dream to provide something luxurious and sustainable was not only possible, but it was also a business model worth sharing, with the potential to change lives and the industry as we know it.' Mario Delicio, owner of both Hotel Verde, Cape Town Airport, and Verde Hotels.

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with shading the windows, while also being in the optimum positions to receive maximum sunlight. The inverter for the PV panel array shows how much energy is being received and where the generated electricity is being allocated. Plant room: The plant room is the heart of the hotel, facilitating many additional green building features. The hot and cold water systems feature extremely effective insulation, to ensure that minimal energy is lost. Hot water is circulated throughout the hotel constantly to ensure that guests have hot water as soon as they open their taps. This isn't only a convenience feature, but a water-saving feature too

the motor acts as a generator and produces power.

as it means that no running water is wasted while

Human capital investment: All staff receive green

guests wait for the water to heat up.






A geothermal field coupled to ground-source

with Hotel Verde and all staff participate in the

heat pumps has been installed to bypass the

hotel's in-house programme, Avanti (which means

need for standard air-conditioning systems, which

'moving forward' in Italian). Avanti incorporates

traditionally are one of the biggest energy-consumers

fun, interactive training and team-building with an

in a building. The geothermal field was made by

environmental and social focus. Every month staff

drilling 100 holes, each about 65m deep, into the

are updated about where the hotel is at in terms

ground. A complex network of piping, 13kms in

of its energy targets and how each and every staff

length, along with equipment specially designed

member can do their part. The focus alternates

for Hotel Verde, uses the earth as a heat source

every three months between energy, water and

in winter and a 'heat sink' in summer, boosting


efficiency and dramatically reducing operational costs.

And there's more

Lighting: Energy-efficient LEDs are used for lighting

Despite the long list of achievements, design factors

throughout the hotel, and a number of controls help

and management steps undertaken, and written

reduce the energy they consume. All public areas

about here, we have not even listed in this article

have motion sensors that activate the lights. The

everything that is being done by the hotel, its

hotel also uses light level sensors, which measure

owners and its staff to ensure that they live up to

the amount of light that's available – including

what has rapidly become an enviable sustainability

natural light from windows and skylights – and dims


or brightens the output of the lights to ensure that

In reality, the only way to truly experience the

only the required amount of light is given out at any

'greenness' that is Hotel Verde is to experience it as

time. The street lamps outside the hotel also use

a guest or as a conference delegate.


sensors. Once it gets dark, the lights automatically come on at 50% of their strength, providing security and safety lighting around the hotel's perimeter.


The lights brighten to their full potential only when

Kariba REDD+ Project Twitter: @Hotel Verde Youtube: Free site tour bookings: (+27) (0) 21 380 5500 For more info contact Jacques Maritz, +27 (0) 84 444 0775,

a motion sensor detects movement nearby. Regenerative drive elevators: Hotel Verde uses three





elevators are fitted with regenerative drives, allowing for about 30% of the input energy to be recaptured and fed back into the building. Whenever an elevator travels in the 'light' direction – that is, when a full cart is going down or an empty cart is going up –

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C s u o i c s n o C

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To prepare food is one of the main energy needs of all house holds. Liesel James looks at how the most common ways to prepare food are rather inefficient and often come at a price.

g n i k o o C hile deforestation in other parts of the world

Wonders of The Wonderbag

is mainly caused by commercial logging or

• HEALTHY: Cooking in The Wonderbag keeps the

cattle ranching, the leading causes in Africa are

moisture inside your food and nutrients don't boil away


associated with human activity. Developing countries rely

promoting healthy food.

heavily on wood fuel, the major energy source for cooking

• SAFE: Slow cooking in The Wonderbag uses less

and heating. In Africa, the statistics are striking: an

water and no risk of fire or burning food.

estimated 90% of the entire continent's population uses

• TASTY: Cooking in The Wonderbag over time

fuel-wood for cooking. Our poorer communities continue

tenderizes meat, keeps vegetables firm, allows flavours

to inhale toxins and fumes while cooking over open fires

to develop so meals are tasty and delicious.

causing serious environmental and health impacts that

• PORTABLE: The Wonderbag is perfect for

affect women and children resulting in the leading cause

transporting meals to picnics and to friends - ready to

of death and sickening many. On the contrary, the more affluent cooks use odourless electricity or gas cooking devices and are often oblivious about the impact of what their source of energy has on the environment. Most electricity in South Africa is generated by coal power stations which is a major contributor to carbon dioxide emissions, the main green house gas causing climate change. Natural gas is a fossil fuel is comparatively cleaner. However, through its extraction by fracking, it has had a devastating affect on our resources globally polluting

share and eat - piping hot. • CONVENIENCE: Keep your Wonderbag meal fresh and hot without spoiling it or prepare meals in advance, the night before, or in the morning and just reheat and serve. • INSULATES: Hot and Cold - The Wonderbag keeps things cold too, so it's a great supermarket companion to keep your groceries cold and frozen while travelling. • VERSATILE: The Wonderbag is not just a slow cooker. It's a great yogurt maker, rice cooker and bread 'prover'. • CATALYST FOR CHANGE: For every Wonderbag bought a donation is made to The Wonderbag

our drinking water which is a real threat currently in the

Foundation who distribute Wonderbags to families in

Karoo. Visit for

need in Africa. By using The Wonderbag, families have

more info on this issue.

more disposable income for education, better health

By implementing a cooking bag device such as The

(and safer food), use less fuel and help forests to grow

Wonderbag you can reduce carbon emissions by 140kg

back, which all contributes to The Wonderbag Effect.

of CO2 per year. This simple, revolutionary, non-electric

Visit to purchase a bag, get

portable slow cooker continues to cook the food once

useful tips and a variety of delicious recipes.

it has reached boiling point from any conventional

By investing and cooking in The Wonderbag, you

method. Once boiled, the pot (with tight fitting lid) is

save energy, time, money, impact on human and

transferred into a bag which insulates the pot and allows

environmental health and assist in the goals for poverty

it to continue to cook for up to eight hours without using


additional electricity or fuel. Happy conscious cooking.


For more contact Liesel:

2 

We have TWO Wonderbags to give away. Simply email taryn@insightspublishing. with your full contact details to stand a chance of winning.

123 S G

Family Food Pete Evans

MacMillan • 978 1 5098 0309 5

Pete Evans is an award-winning Australian chef, restaurateur, cookbook author, TV presenter, adventure-seeker and father. He's one of Australia's leading authorities on healthy cooking and lifestyle and is dedicated to improving people's lives through education about nutritional food and wellness. Pete is co-host of Channel 7's hugely successful show My Kitchen Rules. With two children of his own, Pete Evans knows how hard it can be to get a healthy and delicious meal on the table night after night. That's why he's put together his absolute favourite recipes for busy parents and their kids in Family Food. These meals follow Pete's paleo style of eating – no grains, refined sugar or dairy, and a focus on sustainable meat and seafood, nuts and seeds, and loads of fresh veggies. There are heaps of quick, healthy and satisfying dinner ideas:

S G 124

Chicken Drumsticks with Rosemary and Lemon, Ginger and Chilli Fish Stir-fry, Cauliflower Fried Rice with Garlic Prawns, and Easy Pulled Pork Tortillas. While all of the recipes in Family Food can be enjoyed by young and old, there are also specific chapters on baby and toddler food as well as kids' lunches and snacks that you can be sure won't be left in the bottom of the lunchbox: Chicken Pad Thai, Ham and Pineapple Pizza with Pete's special paleo pizza dough, Kale Caesar Salad and Homemade Fruit Roll-ups. Guilt-free paleo treats include Strawberry Bliss Balls, Red Velvet Cupcakes and Blueberry and Chia Ice Cream. Family Food is filled with Evans' go-to recipes when he's looking for something quick, tasty and nutritious to cook for his own loved ones, and these meals are sure to become favourites in your home too.

I Quit Sugar: Simplicious Sarah Wilson

MacMillan • 978 1 4472 9173 2

Sarah Wilson taught the world how to quit sugar in eight weeks, then how to quit sugar for life, incorporating mindful, sustainable practices across all the pillars of real, whole wellness. Now she strips things back to the essentials, simply and deliciously. She shows us how to shop, cook and eat like we used to in the days before sugar-laced processed food hit our shelves – with ease and without waste, while honouring that deep sense of pleasure that comes from nourishing ourselves and each other. Sarah gives us the 'simplicious flow', a modern manifesto that sets out how to buy in bulk, freeze and preserve, and use leftovers with flair. She unashamedly makes scraps sexy again and elevates leftovers to the main attraction. All 306 recipes – from guilt-free sweet treats to one-pot wonders and abundance

bowls brimming with nutrients – expand our knowledge of age-old kitchen processes and tend to our visceral need to be creative with food. Drawing on the latest nutrition research and kitchen hacks, this is the ultimate cooking guide for those who want sugar out of their lives and are ready to embrace the life-affirming, health-giving, planet-saving simpliciousness of real food. Sarah Wilson is a New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur. Her career as a journalist spanned 20 years, across television, radio, magazines, newspapers and online. She's the former editor of Cosmopolitan magazine and was the host of the first series of MasterChef Australia, the highest-rating show in Australian history. Sarah is the author of the international bestsellers I Quit Sugar and I Quit Sugar For Life and is director and founder of IQuitSugar. com, an online wellness program and series of bestselling e-books. Her 8-Week Program has seen more

than 650 000 people quit sugar worldwide.

The Healthy Life Jessica Sepel

MacMillan • 978 1 74353 688 9

Are you ready to nourish your body with nutrition and heal your relationship with food? Jessica Sepel, a young Sydney-based nutritionist with a BSc, and a hugely popular health blogger and wellness coach with a burgeoning private practice, has a simple philosophy: good health starts in the kitchen. Her focus is on fresh produce, prepared simply and with love. Jessica believes great health starts with positive lifestyle changes such as more sleep, less stress and a better connection with those we love. But mostly it's about the food. She shows how we can eat with a sense of deep peace and enjoyment by choosing the foods that will nourish our bodies. She recommends whole foods, simply prepared. She explains why

what we eat has such a strong effect on our mood, and shows us how to choose and prepare food that will create happiness rather than stress. With meal plans, expert advice on the nutritional value of different ingredients and over 120 delicious, nurturing recipes, this book will help you finally find the freedom to truly enjoy good food and great health. Her work with girls and young women has taught her that the common practice of counting calories and restricting food groups is counter-productive to a healthy relationship with food. Her message is 'get healthy' rather than 'lose weight'. The Healthy Life is fully photographed, and has 100 recipes, meal plans, and a kind approach to creating better health and stress-free living. Originally self-published as The Clean Life, this inspiring plan has been revised and updated, and includes 120 all new recipes.

125 S G

Conservation news

Coral reef discovered in unlikely place When you think of a coral reef you imagine a clear blue ocean? Well, guess again. A team of Brazilian and American scientists have discovered a new sponge and coral reef more than 1 000km long located at the mouth of the Amazon River.

Donation from DiCaprio to preserve Seychelles' ocean territory

The discovery, announced recently in the journal

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) recently granted $1m to help the Seychelles islands protect their ocean territory, which makes up 99% of the country.

Science, was more than three decades in the making.

The donation from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF)

Patricia Yager, a professor of oceanography and

supports a larger effort to offer financial aid to the island

climate change at the University of Georgia, and the

nation. In addition to the million dollar gift, foreign investor

sole American researcher on the project, wasn’t even

groups have agreed to a 'debt swap' agreement, which

in the area to look for reefs, at first. Her project was

calls for a restructuring of the nation’s $21.4 million debt

supposed to use the vessel Atlantis (the same one that

in exchange for ocean protection efforts. The Seychelles

discovered the wreck of the Titanic) to investigate how

government has plenty of reasons to want to protect its

the Amazonian plume affects the ocean’s absorption

surrounding seas, as much of the country’s economy relies

of carbon dioxide. But one of the senior Brazilian

on tuna fishing and water-centric tourist activities.

scientists, Rodrigo Moura, said that he wanted to use

'We champion projects like this one across the globe that use

their time on the craft to look for a reef he thought

cutting edge methods in conservation and environmental

might be in the region. Subsequent expeditions have

protection,' said DiCaprio in a press release. 'This deal will

revealed the reef is a diverse habitat, with different

enhance food security for the local people of Seychelles,

biology depending on location, suggesting that reef

help mitigate the effects of climate change on their low-lying

creatures have gravitated to the areas most conducive

island home, and protect the surrounding rich ocean

to their survival.

ecosystems for future generations.'

For more click here.

For more click here.

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Stunning Arctic Wildlife Living fossil found in China

Go on, take a break and have a look at this 9-minute video above as photographer Vincent Munier journeys with wildlife through the beautifully bleak frozen Arctic.

Chinese giant salamanders are incredible amphibious beasts that look more like monsters from a movie than something that could exist in real life. They are like brown boulder-sized animals that are unaware of how big they are. This particular salamander was found outside a cave near Chongqing, China, and is nearly 2m long and weighs approximately 50kg. Experts believe that it may be around 200 years old. The EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally Endangered) of Existence program lists all remaining species of the salamander as 'critically endangered' due to habitat destruction, pollution, over-harvesting of their food sources, and using them as a delicacy food dish. For the giant salamander to appear on this list means that a truly 'living fossil' may be nearing extinction. Their lineage dates back 170 million years ago to ancestors in the Jurassic Period. Over the last 30 years the Chinese giant salamander has suffered a large population decline. It is unclear whether this specimen will be returned to his or her place in the wild, yet hopefully the discovery will remind people of the delicate nature of the species and the need for its protection.

Living in Harmony The video above is a fantastic interview with Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace International, as well as founder of Sea Shepard. This message needs to be heard now more than ever.

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hope The Polystyrene Packaging Council (PSPC) in partnership with the Mobile Education and Training Trust (METT), a non-profit organisation, recently afforded selected guests and members of the media the opportunity to view the new Village of Hope, a R285m project that is nearing completion in Kosmos in the North West Province. We take a look.

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ased on the concept of the successful LIV Village that was founded by Tich and Joan Smith in KwaZulu-Natal in 2001, this new

20 850m² Village of Hope is situated on 285ha of land overlooking the beautiful Hartebeespoort Dam, and built entirely from a revolutionary new building and construction method that incorporates recycled polystyrene. 'There are over five million orphaned and

Building with recycled polystyrene offers government a much-needed solution for reducing building and construction costs in low-cost housing projects, as well as to the polystyrene recycling industry.

vulnerable children in South Africa, mostly due to HIV/AIDS and poverty, with 12  000 added to this

management companies to ensure a continued

every month. Like the LIV village, the Village of Hope

supply of material that will keep up with the

will exist to raise the next generation of leaders in

demand. Each week large quantities of polystyrene

South Africa by placing orphaned and vulnerable

are delivered to the site for recycling primarily by

children into a family environment with a trained

growers, nurseries and plant centres located in Brits

foster mother to love them, a school to educate

and surrounding areas, as far afield as Pretoria, who

them, and where all their physical needs are met,'

use expanded polystyrene for their seedling trays. 'We recycle 720kg of polystyrene to build a 68m2

says Hennie Snyman of METT.

house. Last year alone we recycled and diverted

Revolutionary building method

more than 613 tons of polystyrene away from landfill through our building method. Not only

The pilot programme, which effectively uses

does our solid wall system greatly reduce the use

polystyrene which has been separated at source

of cement and concrete, but also reduce the overall

owing to its patented chemical cocktail that

cost of building by up to 40%,' Hennie says.

neutralises bacteria contamination, was launched Building





government a much-needed solution for reducing building and construction costs in low-cost housing

lightweight, yet strong and incredibly solid wall structure is rock hard and ready to be used.

projects, as well as to the polystyrene recycling

Standing the test of time

industry. It successfully uses and includes coloured

METT is proud to deliver documented proof of the

and black contaminated polystyrene found in

fact that their buildings have gone through every

abundance in food packaging applications, including

conceivable test, ranging from structural and load

fast food trays, take away cups or trays used to

impact tests, to rain penetration resistance and

package meat and fresh fruit.

the so-called 'knock test' to hear if the walls have a

'Until a few years ago, only clear, colourless or white polystyrene was considered to have recycling

S G 130

The various elements are mixed, poured into slabs and left for seven days to dry before a

in 2012.

hollow sound. In each test, the product far exceeded the minimum requirements.

value. As a result, waste management and recycling

'Fire rating is obviously a very important

companies preferred to only collect and recycle

consideration for low-cost housing in South Africa

unpigmented containers, while the coloured and

where we have too many losses and deaths caused

black material offered the same excellent insulation

by fires in townships. During a recent 4½ hour burn

qualities and was readily available, but had no viable

test in a furnace of 1 800°C, the fire only penetrated

end-market,' Adri Spangenberg of the Polystyrene

1cm into the walls, giving it one of the best fire

Packaging Council explains.

ratings in the world. The SABS, CSIR and various

Thanks to Snyman and his team, however, a new

international agencies have tested or products, and

globally patented mixture was developed containing

it came through with flying colours every time,'

all grades and colours of recycled polystyrene,

Snyman says.

combined with nine different chemicals and cement.

As a result, METT has been appointed as the

The PSPC plays a facilitation role between

preferred supplier to government after various

end-users of recycled polystyrene and waste

officials visited the site of the new Village of Hope

and witnessed the revolutionary building method

fully equipped nursery school, early childhood

first hand. Plans are currently underway to build

development centre, primary school, high school

four factories per province to ensure that 68% of all


schools, clinics, and houses built by 2018 contain

agriculture. Other buildings on the site include an

waste material that have been diverted from landfill.

outreach clinic, internet café, safe haven for abused

Plans are also on the table for new factories to go

women and children, and a satellite police station.

up elsewhere in Africa in response to requests from

It will also include sporting grounds, 10ha gardens

goverments elsewhere on the continent.

designed by leading landscape architects and a

Snyman adds that the design of the first 32m² pensioner’s house has just been approved, costing






special agricultural training centre for emerging black farmers.

only around R28 000 to build. 'This is an affordable

All of these facilities are currently being

construction option that enables government to

constructed or finished off and were available for

provide the poorest of the poor with houses. But

viewing by the guests who were unanimous in their

we are not only restricted to GAP or RDP houses.

excitement and support of the project.

We were recently involved in providing material for

Long-term plans for the Village are enough

a 1600m2 designer home in Bela-Bela (previously

to make a person’s head spin as Snyman lists an

Warmbaths), as well as various three story designer

impressive array of corporates who have taken on

homes in Fourways,' he says.

the Village of Hope as their project for Corporate

'Taking scars and turning them into stars'

Social Investment. 'This will be flagship of all future projects and other villages that will be built around the country. Our aim is to ensure that we are

The Village of Hope will be able to accommodate

completely self-reliant as we grow our own food to

1  000 orphans coming from the North West

feed the children, educate them, and later on equip

province when it officially opens its doors in January

them with skills that will allow them to secure jobs

2017. They will provide long-term foster care,

in the future.'

giving children a sense of belonging in a homely environment, modelling an African village lifestyle.


'The houses are built in clusters surrounding a

'It is clear that this composite product offers great

communal play area. Each home will have a fully

potential and will be the solution for all housing and

trained House Mother, who will be responsible

social needs in our country. This is the ideal product

for looking after up to six children through the

that not only addresses the concept of green

Department of Social Welfare. Within this family

building by using material from the waste stream

environment they will receive unconditional love,

and reduces the amount of litter that is sent to our

care and nurturing. If these children are equipped

landfills, but it also increases unskilled employment,

with essential moral values and life skills, they

provides affordable construction costs and offers an

will grow up to be a generation that will influence

answer to the housing backlog by virtue of its short

positive change within South Africa, Africa and the

construction time. We are excited by the tremendous

world. We want to take children who have scars and

progress made in the construction of the Village of

turn them into stars,' Snyman explains.

Hope, and look forward to the roll-out of many more

Once completed, the project will consist of a

similar projects', concludes Snyman.


131 S G

The Re-Evolution of

Family Farmi Farming and food-growing activist Robert Small has been pushing for years to have as many people possible growing their own urban and rural micro food farms. He is also a proponent behind efforts to save the Philippi Horticultural Area on the Cape Flats. This is his story about why family farming is good for us – good for local consumption and the roots of a renewed, healthy and humane economy.

Want to take real Action from your desk and be counted upon? Sign and spread the SAVE PHA petition and protect Cape Town's future local food supply and best ground water recharge site, on this most precious land. Click here.

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t's not scientific. It cannot feed the world. The pests will destroy it.' That's what I heard from the experts,

when I joined the work to revive family farming in South Africa, straight from my training in Bio-Dynamic farming in the UK. That was in Soweto in the early 1980s. I have always felt uncomfortable with the prevailing belief that 'survival of the fittest is the driving force behind the economy and is harnessed for the good only by competition, which generates trickledown to feed the world'. This is no longer true, if it ever was. Firstly, the current world economy is shedding more jobs than it creates, despite often healthy GDP. This is not changing. Second, a fundamental insight, borne out by direct daily experience in the field over 33 years among tens of thousands of grassroots people: evolutionary and original cultural and economic impulses are actually driven by desire to serve the Good for All. The free decision, exercised daily, often under severe duress, to care for others, is everywhere directly observable, between the cracks. Survival of the fittest, like greed, is just a necessary evolutionary obstacle on the way to becoming fully Human. Thus, given ethical leadership, and modest all-round assistance – at a cost of between R10-R100 per micro-farmer per month – it is possible to produce hundreds, thousands, millions, of food-secure households, and uncountable micro-farming enterprises which produce R3 000 per month and much more, after costs. All this on pieces of wasteland no bigger than a classroom, 100m2 – or five classrooms, 500m2. Everyone needs to eat. And all modern human cultures grow around food consumption and production, for the good of all – hence 'Agri-Culture'. There are about 13.7 million taxpayers in SA, with regular incomes. They mostly buy supermarket food: chemically-treated for longevity, agri-poisoned and increasingly

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genetically modified. This doubtful produce has to be transported over hundreds – even thousands – of kilometres, at huge energy and climate change cost, to supermarkets. Now what if I offer some of the above regular income earners the chance to collect international-quality,



harvested, super-fresh and healthy seasonal food at a good price? And what if I show that, along with ensuring unlimited sustainable jobs for local family farmers, this modest purchase directly enables community-based nature conservation and climate change mitigation, while diminishing individual carbon footprint by at least 50%?

Highly productive Did you know that family farming is just as productive as (and 250% more energy-efficient than) agri-industrial food systems, which actually cause over 40% of the carbon pollution on the planet? A 30-year study by the Rodale Institute, plus other important studies, substantiate this position. Such a product is easy to sell, because 'the markets' (that is, human beings) increasingly want to get off the destructive path we are currently on. So, how is it done? Simple. Buy some of your fresh food from local family farmers. This super-fresh produce makes you jump for joy, and the farmers get enough cash to develop and send their kids to school. Or you can sponsor a family farmer so s/he can grow his/her enterprise. The problem is that family farmers among the 'poor' are still too few in South Africa. Family farmers among the 'poor' are not widely honoured because they themselves are often

Family farmers among the 'poor' are not widely honoured because they themselves are often uneducated or under-educated. They can't get access to finance and professional services the way commercial farmers can. They can't compete with big commercial farmers. In order to become financially viable, they need to build dedicated local (niche) markets for themselves. Yet they don't have the finances and professional skills to create and supply local markets. It's a classic vicious circle.

uneducated or under-educated. They can't get

S G 134

access to finance and professional services the

to permanently access bulk farming inputs cheaply,

way commercial farmers can. They can't compete

get training, professional advice and mentorship

with big commercial farmers. In order to become

according to their level of farming development,

financially viable, they need to build dedicated local

obtain monitoring and assessment assistance, and

(niche) markets for themselves. Yet they don't have

obtain guaranteed access to fair-pay (short value

the finances and professional skills to create and

chain) local markets via a local pack-sheds, or secure

supply local markets. It's a classic vicious circle.

local farmers markets.

Secret ingedient

unsustainable'. However, this objection is blind –

This is where an all-important 'new' secret ingredient

please remember that international agri-business

changes the failure game: a modest, sustained,

is subsidised in the trillions of dollars. Witness all


I hear someone say: 'Subsidy – but this is


that affordable imported food on our supermarket

R10-R100 per month per family farmer, supplied by

shelves. In South Africa, established commercial

honest agencies. This package enables family farmers

farmers are not subsidised and this has arguably led




to an extensive shrinking of the sector, who have

keep the whole show on the road, and thousands of

been predicted to diminish from 40 000 commercial

hungry tummies full of healthy un-poisoned food.

farmers in 2011 to a projected 15 000 in 2026, with huge consequences for food security.

And, if the above benefits are not enough, see how Harvest of Hope has started to make money

So why quibble about R10-R100 per farmer per

flow – a modest R1.8 million turnover in 2014/2015,

month to create healthy food and livelihoods for the

but increasing fast, into the hands of scores of


previously unemployed micro-farmers, and it keeps

Its how subsidies are applied that makes the difference. 'This wont work,' I've heard someone cry. 'Its too idealistic.'

coming. Take a look at how thousands in Cape Town already eat the freshest, most nutritious, un-poisoned food on earth, grown abundantly on little patches of wasteland. They eat good quality

And that is why I have written this article

food just like the 'rich' who go to up-market stores.

– because the above simple solution has been

Family farmers most often assert that they have

achieved, modelled and tested, once and for all,

become healthy, positive and productive. Thousands

among the 'unemployable', in Cape Town, and

of family micro-farmers collaborate peacefully and

is starting to be rolled out by family farmers in

help each other, to feed uncounted sick and poor

villages, towns and cities around South Africa –

from their gardens.

anywhere there are communities who eat fresh food.


Put a price on this and tell me if the Family Farming movement among the poor, modestly sponsored by enlightened donors, does not have

Around 3 000 active family micro-farmers in Cape

the real practical potential to overcome poverty and

Town directly feed a minimum of 15  000 family

provide innumerable jobs.


members every year, off home plots. This home garden movement is the foundation of a thriving emergent community garden movement, involving

Resources & Options

another 500 family micro-farmers in about 100

To collect a box of same-day harvest, seasonal,

community gardens. Of these, over 100 family

un-poisoned veg in Cape Town, sign up at:

micro-farmers in 30-40 community gardens are

contracted (since launch of the Harvest of Hope

To donate, to build the Family Farming movement,

pack shed business in 2008) into producing for

go to: or find out more by

the market, to create permanent micro-farming

sending an enquiry to

enterprises and to sustain self-help jobs. All costing

To find out more about Abalimi Bezekhaya, visit

R10-R100 per family micro-farmer per month, to

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Recognising & honouring environmental excellence

Environmental innovators, movers and shakers were recognised for their efforts at the annual Eco-Logic Awards gala dinner, held at the Table Bay Hotel in Cape Town recently. We take a look.



'This year's competition was a clear demonstration

theme of the dinner, many of the thought

of how eco-logic thinking is now entering in the



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mainstream,' said David Parry-Davis, editor of The

business executives, government and municipal

Enviropaedia and convener of the Eco-Logic Awards.

representatives, previous winners and 2015 finalists

'The work that so many South Africans are doing

had great fun in expressing their creativity in

to create a more sustainable environment and

their outfits including-Eco Warriors, Eco-Angles and

inspiring,' said Parry-Davis. 'Tonight we recognise

recycled materials being put to good use.

the winners, but there was not a single entry among




the hundreds that we received that did not have real merit. Each of them is making a measurable difference and creating a more sustainable environment to live in.'






'The work that so many South Africans are doing to create a more sustainable environment and inspiring.' - David Parry-Davis, editor of The Enviropaedia and convener of the Eco-Logic Awards

biodiversity sector-owned programme led by SANBI and the Lewis Foundation), with silver going to Cape Flats LIFE (Locally Indigenous Fynbos Exchange) and

Water Stewardship took the bronze. The award was

bronze to The Healthy Catchment Alliance. an EWT,

sponsored by H20.

WESSA and CSA partnership in freshwater ecosystem

The Business Green Economy Initiative

conservation and the generation of water-linked

Award: GreenFin Financial Services. Woolworths

livelihoods. The award was sponsored by Nedbank.

Good Business Journey won silver and Locomute won

The Climate Change Award winner: The

the bronze. The award was sponsored by NCPC.

EcoBrick Exchange which educates local communities

The Municipalities Award: The Berg River

on the making of simple, reusable building bricks –






done by filling PET bottles with rubbish – to construct

programme. WESSA and the Nelson Mandela Bay



Municipality won silver for its Baakens Valley

buildings. Wilcote Franchising (eco-friendly paint

Community Partnership Programme, and the City of

products) and Confronting Climate Change Initative

Cape Town was awarded bronze for its Friends and

with its carbon footprint tool for fruit and wine

Neighbours: the other side of the fence. The award

farmers, earned silver and bronze respectively.

was sponsored by Santam.

The award was sponsored by the Department of

The Eco-Community Award: Greyton Transition

Environmental Affairs.

Town, with the Recycle Swap Shop Initiative taking

The Eco Innovation Award: AqueouSphere,

silver and Mpophomeni Conservation Group winning

whose bio-engineers have developed floating wetland

bronze. The award was sponsored by CHEP.

islands that filter and clean water. Runners up were

The Eco-Youth Award: Marshall Rinquist of

Ekoguru, a system which allows for easy monitoring

Greyton Transition Town. Blake Anthony Combrinck

of energy usage, and Ceiling in a Can, a product

from Knobs and Tassels won silver and Kirtanya





which provides a simple solution to ceiling insulation

Lutchminarayan from University of Cape Town – UCT

for shack dwellers. The award was sponsored by the

Green Matter (Fellowship), Green Shift Africa (NPO),

City of Tshwane.

Green Campus Initiative (GCI – Student Society) and

The Energy Efficiency Award: Standard Bank

Fossil Free UCT (Campaign). The award was sponsored

head office with the FAABulous Stove and Riso Africa

by Pick&Pay Climate Change.

winning silver and bronze. The award was sponsored

The Eco Angel Award: Nicola Vernon of

by NBI.

the Greyton Transition town. Thabiso Nooe from

The Recycling And Waste Management

Hlohla-o-lwane the movement won the silver and



Susan Barnes from Project Dignity won bronze. The



the eThekwini Waste Materials Development



award was sponsored by Belgotex.

Lighting Lamp Recovery and Recycling won silver

The Eco-Warrior Award: David le Page of Fossil

and Abomkgereza won the bronze. The award was

Free South Africa. Makotikoti Zikhali of the Makotikoti

sponsored by Wasteman.

Arts Project won silver and Dr Marco Lotz earned the






bronze. The award was sponsored by Soda Stream.

Empowerment Network (BEN), with Mellowcabs taking

The Lifetime Achievement Award: Nosipho

silver and Imperial Green Mobility winning the bronze.

Ngaba, the Director General of the Department of

The award was sponsored by Sanral.

Environmental Affairs. The award was sponsored by

The Water Conservation Award: The DWS/




Water Project. WWF-Mondi Wetlands

programme received the silver and Woolworths

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African Responsible Tourism Awards 2016

In a special ceremony at the recent World Travel Market Africa, Mara Nabosio Conservancy took the coveted position of Overall Winner from of a selection of 24 finalists gathered from around Africa. Says Harold Goodwin, Chair of the Judging Panel. 'While some of the categories were weaker than others the judges' task in determining the winners was more challenging this year, reflecting the development of responsible tourism across Africa. All of those longlisted should be recognised as having made a significant contribution and be proud of what they have achieved. The World Responsible Tourism Awards the judges looked for winners who might educate and inspire others, and for examples of businesses and organisations which are realising the ambition of responsible tourism to use tourism to make better places for people to live in; great places to live are great places to visit. Speaking before a packed audience of over 100 tourism professionals, media, ministers and officials, Heidi van der Watt, managing director of Better Tourism Africa, pinpointed what makes the award winners the leaders in responsible tourism in Africa: 'Our winners have a vision that extends beyond the commercial – linking business success with the well-being of local communities and the longevity of their environments. They want to make profits with principles, communicate balance sheets alongside beliefs, and won’t undermine passion in the pursuit of professionalism. They are resilient, determined, humanising advocates for their destinations. They are the future of tourism in Africa.'

For a full list of winners click here.

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2016 Mandela Washington Fellowship

Catherine Constantinides has been chosen as one of the 2016 Mandela Washington Fellows under the US Department of State’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). As we celebrate Africa month and take this opportunity to highlight not only the challenges of our continent but the opportunities that exist, we also celebrate the achievements and milestones of young people across Africa and their impact on the globe at large. One such dynamic young leader is a trailblazer in her home country, South Africa, as well as across the globe. No stranger to leadership platforms and thought leadership, Catherine now adds another exciting achievement to her list of accolades. An international climate activist, social entrepreneur and food security advocate, Catherine Constantinides, is a former Miss Earth South Africa and is a passionate humanitarian who has worked throughout Africa and across the world championing human rights issues and empowering women. As a ‘voice’ of young South Africa, and an Archbishop Tutu African Oxford Fellow, recently awarded a State Award, the Ubuntu Youth Award for Diplomacy, she ensures that the continent is included in global conversations regarding the development of Africa and improving the lives of the broader community. Catherine has been selected by YALI for the establishment of numerous community outreach projects aimed at driving climate change adaptation as well as starting initiatives that show the way forward for the next generation to aspire to be socially conscious and active citizens.

Grootbos recognised as a finalist in the prestigious National Geographic World Legacy Awards at ITB Berlin

The World Legacy Awards is a partnership between the National Geographic Society and ITB Berlin, which showcases the leading travel and tourism companies, organizations and destinations — ranging from large resorts to small eco-lodges and from wildlife conservancies. Grootbos Private Nature Reserve was honoured as one of 15 finalists in the esteemed National Geographic World Legacy Awards for the work of its Grootbos Green Futures Foundation. An international team of judges whittled down over 150 entries (representing 51 countries and six continents), to just 15 finalists. The 15 finalists were divided into five categories, with the Grootbos Green Futures Foundation selected for the Engaging Communities group, classified as 'recognising direct and tangible economic and social benefits that improve local livelihoods, including training and capacity building, fair wages and benefits, community development, health care and education'. In 2015, Grootbos also became a founding member of National Geographic Society’s National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World, which acknowledges exceptional boutique hotels in extraordinary places around the world with a demonstrated commitment to sustainability, authenticity and excellence.


Bushmans Kloof Wilderness Reserve & Wellness Retreat in the Cederberg has received the 2015 CapeNature Biodiversity Stewardship Award for excellence in the field of conservation. The award highlighted Bushmans Kloof’s commitment to saving the endemic Clanwilliam Cedar tree, which is categorised as endangered on the Red Data List. Bushmans Kloof has been driving a project for the last 13 years, in conjunction with CapeNature and the local community, to present the annual Clanwilliam Cedar tree planting event in the rural village of Heuningvlei. More than 1 000 young cedar trees have been planted to date. The CapeNature Biodiversity Stewardship Programme was initiated in 2003 and facilitates conservation on privately-owned land by setting up agreements between CapeNature and landowners. CapeNature undertakes to support this management by providing advice, management plans and assistance in planning invasive alien species clearing and fire management. A celebrated conservation success story as a South African Natural Heritage site, Bushmans Kloof is home to over 150 kinds of birds, 755 plant species and over 35 species of mammals, including the endangered cape Mountain zebra and other rare species. Enriching and exhilarating outdoor experiences include nature drives, botanical walks, mountain biking, archery and fly fishing. Guided walks to some of the 130 ancient Bushman rock art sites in the reserve – some over 10 000 years old – provide deeper insight into the Bushmen in the Cederberg wilderness area.

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