Simply Green Magazine - Issue 4, 2013

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Leading the eco-lifestyle



ISSUE 4 •  2013

eco-leaders •Professor Mark Swilling •Braam Malherbe

Future Mobility Hybrids & Hydrogen• Cool city cycling•


hip bamboo

Green Building Council Plastics|SA

Marine clean-up

Companion Planting

Beating colds & flu's naturally

Mining & biodiversity


Building the world of tomorrow 1 SG

10 l 20 enta nm sm iro nali v En our ard J Aw er nn Wi


ican Afr ited uth Lim e So ies Th er Brew

32 44 Mobility


08 General 14 Best Global Brands 42 Energy News

52 Toyota 53 Mercedes' Future Mobility 66 News

90 Healthy Sleep vs Insomnia 94 Colds & Flu's 101 Real Natural Soap


Home & Buildings


16 Sustainia 20 Land Art 26 Radicalising Sustainability 32 Braam Malherbe 128 Let's Ride

44 Future Eco Buildings 49 Building News 68 Hip Bamboo 80 Eco Furniture 83 Winter Wood Care

116 Fairtrade Coffee 117 Recipes 122 Dessert Salt 124 Chemical Imaging 126 Food Promo

Leading the eco-lifestyle • Cape Town Office • P O Box 30946, Tokai, 7966 Tel 27 (0) 21 713 0018 or 27 (0) 21 712 4665 082 579 7915 • Fax 27 (0) 21 715 2809




SG 2


Publisher & Executive Editor Chris Erasmus Consulting Editor Nicole Sherwin Creative Director Silke Erasmus

National Sales Consultants Kyle Villet Tamzen Scoulelis Studio Manager Kevin Rule

Assistant Editor Lenard Roos

Issue 4 • 2013

83 164

Volume 6 No.4 •

53 144 Garden & Environment


111 Hot off the press 138 On Safari 170 Books & CDs 173 Listings

144 Jane Griffiths 150 Celebrating Spring 152 Books


COVER PIC: 'Apple Campus 2' by Foster and Partners in Cupertino, California, USA Image © foster and partners, apple inc

161 Marine Debris Summit 166 Protecting Marine Life 168 News

164 House GS Publishing Green Spaces Publishing House

Webmaster Garry Doel



Copyright Simply Green is a registered trademark and is copyright protected worldwide. Material

Webdesign Michael-Ray Erasmus


published in Simply Green, including all

Opinions expressed in this magazine are not

artwork, may not be reproduced without

necessarily those of the publishers or staff.

the permission of the editor.

Accounts Tracy Lee Nash

ISSN 1998-1309 Green Spaces.indd 1

2/20/2008 3:51:48 PM


Flagship Member

3 SG

PUBLISHEr's note

Great leadership has this unique ability to inspire people to accomplish the seemingly impossible and Nelson Mandela has managed to influence not only South Africans but also many people from all over the world. To honour our good Madiba, we decided to profile two eco warriors – namely Professor Swilling, an authority on the key subject matter of sustainability, as well as Braam Malherbe, who also embodies this infectious spirit of leadership and adventure, inspiring young and old. Besides that we are most excited to be introducing you to the concept of Sustainia – which is all about realising that we already have many a tool and technology available to us today to create the ideally sustianable living conditions in the home, at work or any where in-between. In fact, in all aspects of life. This time we begin by introducing to you the concept behind this idea, and then we will serialize all related aspects into upcoming editions. We are confident that you will be most inspired to realize that we already have many solutions within our grasp, now we just have to have the will to create this new harmonious and ethical lifestyle that is suitable for all. For those who have been tracking our move from print

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to digital, we can report that as our 4th issue goes live, that each previous issue has enjoyed vastly increased reach compared to its predecessors. At the time of writing, Issue 3, 2013, of Simply Green had recorded more than 70 000 reads, downloads, shares etc. This extraordinary uptake – 75-80 % South African based – shows that there is a significant and growing hunger for reliable green news and information. We are thrilled, delighted and thankful. And we encourage everyone who reads our offerings to share them as widely as possible, because in the end this planet is our shared heritage and the great gift which we need to cherish and pass on to future generations.

Contributors Prof Mark Swilling is an internationallyrecognised expert in sustainable development and is Academic Director of The Sustainability Institute, University of Stellenbosch.

Giulia Criscuolo qualified as a pharmacist in 1992 and worked in the pharmaceutical industry for a few years until she discovered the world of complementary medicine. She loves dance and movement, trail running, mountain biking, adventure racing and yoga.

Vanessa Ascencao is a dynamic, inspirational and highly qualified nutritional consultant. She’s helped celebrities, business executives and many others transform their lives through a unique mind-body approach to health and nutrition.

Jane Griffiths has been growing organic vegetables and herbs in her Johannesburg garden for more than 15 years. She has published a few books and now shares her knowledge and tips with Simply Green readers.

SG Advisory Board Sean Doel is the founding editor of Simply Green. A Technical Director at WSP, specialising in contaminated land investigations and remediation. He is also passionate about what we can all do to address climate change.

Prof Bruce Hewitson is the director of the Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) and was the co-ordinating lead author on regional climate projections for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Jeunesse Park established ProGreen, SA’s first environmental communications and public relations company, as well as Food & Trees for Africa and has won many awards.

Prof Mark Swilling is an internationally-recognised expert in sustainable development and is Academic Director of The Sustainability Institute, University of Stellenbosch.

Liz Eglington (Western Cape Woman Farmer of the Year for 2005/2006) owns Buffelshoek Farm, is Chairperson of Terra Madre SA and Director and Secretary of the SA Organic Sector Organisation.

Raj Lochan is CEO of the Rose Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the recycling of used oils in South Africa, and has served on the regional committee of the Wildlife and Enviro-society of SA.

Cormac Cullinan is an enviro-attorney and governance expert who has worked on environmental issues in more than 20 countries and founded the specialist enviro-governance consultancy, EnAct.

Dr Pat Garratt is Managing Director of the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, currently sits on the Steering Committee of the International Aquarium Congress and is vice-chair of the International Aquarium Forum.

'As a leader, I have always endeavored to listen to what each and every person in a discussion had to say before venturing my own opinion. Oftentimes, my own opinion will simply represent a con-sensus of what I heard in the discussion. I always remember the axiom: a leader is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realising that all along they are being directed from behind.' – Nelson Mandela

5 SG


As a long-standing fan of the hard copy of the

just select the pages you want printed and most

magazine it is taking some time for me to get

printers will manage just fine. Problem solved. And

hooked on the digital version. All the content is

you have the magazine complete, to transfer to

super and of an excellent quality, however the

mobile platforms, or onto a flashdrive to carry with

hard copy was so useful in allowing me to cut out

you and/or share with others etc. Hope that helps.

articles, and keep them in my various files under

Feel free to give us feedback either way.

different headings. But I do understand why you

Wishing you an excellent day – Chris Erasmus

went digital. That said, could I offer an observation. Could you consider having a link for each article and/or advert wherein you have the option of

This really is a lovely magazine and, I think, looks

saving the article in PDF format somewhere on your

even better in digital format than in print. I could

computer, or can print that particular article there

be biased though. Congrats on all of your new

and then. Pretty much like with Adobe when the

numbers and potential partnerships – I hope it

option to save or print or email as an attachment is

goes from strength to strength. It is a truly global

at the bottom right hand corner of the page. Then

magazine rather than a limited South African issue,

with future editions I could save related articles all

so well done to all, and I’m delighted to be a small

under one digital file, and print those that I need in

part of your publication.

hard copy, and so on. Still love the magazine, and

Anno Torr

thank you for all the excellent articles. Thank you – Lavinia Schlebusch I’d like to say a big thank you to Simply Green for Hi Lavinia,

the Civvio T-shirt, I liked it so much I went on-line

Firstly, thanks for the kind comments. Secondly,

and bought another three. But also a really big

we like your idea but it isn't an option available

thank you for a fabulous magazine – it’s always full

off the Issuu host site when browsing through the

of useful green information.

mag (sadly). There is a solution, however. The

Kind regards, Jane Burd

trick is to download the entire magazine. When you have clicked on the cover or hyperlink to the latest cover and then, in the Issuu site, click on

Many thanks for the link to your digimag, it's nice

that cover and you will see the mag loading. Once

to see the whole thing. I have had very positive

loaded (or at least, the first part of it has loaded)

feedback on my article (Issue 3, 2013 pg 50), and

the cover image will go from small to large. At this

on the general production of your mag. I have

point, look below the image and you will see a

passed the link on to a number of people over

navigation button that says 'share'. Click on that.

here. Hope it continues to flourish.

It will then offer you further options including, on

Best wishes, Suzanne

the far right, a download button. On PCs, clicking this button will download the mag automatically to your Download folder in your My Desktop folder

What a fabulous mag. This should be compulsory

as a default. Other platforms have other defaults.


Once you have the entire magazine, in PDF format,

Kind regards, Caroline Konstant

you can then view and print whatever sections you wish – no more cutting out. You can also choose

SG 6

how to print it out so that if it's the info you are

Wow – well done Simply Green. Your digital version

after primarily, you can save on ink and paper by

is stunning. We are so proud to have our first

printing in greyscale and both sides of the paper

digital insert in your magazine.

(assuming your printer can handle that). Otherwise

Plastics | SA

Makes an impact on you, not the environment. The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class Hybrid, the world’s most efficient luxury sedan.* The new E-Class E300 Hybrid turns power and sophistication into a cleaner, greener experience. By reducing fuel consumption by up to 28% while producing up to 23% fewer CO2 emissions, it changes the way the world sees you. For more information visit

A Daimler Brand

Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African market. *The world’s most fuel-efficient model in the luxury segment.

7 SG

N ews


Wecylcers is a Nigerian-based project that aims to incentivise recycling through a text-message points system that can be exchanged for everyday items. With only 13% of potentially recyclable waste being processed by the government in developing countries like Nigeria, the initiative is encouraging citizens to take the matter into their own hands, separating their plastic bottles and aluminium cans for collection by bicycle-powered trailers. Users that sign up for the service receive points via SMS, based on how many kilos of recyclable material they have collected. Every three months WeCyclers holds an event where customers can trade in points for goods such as airtime, basic food items and household products.

Upcycled organic functional object

The Vega School of Brand Leadership and Liberty Properties, challenged Vega second year students to find their inspiration through natural products in the world around them. Students were briefed to create an organic functional object which needed to comprise of at least 75% of materials from the Atrium on 5th office development in Sandton. The project saw a group of 84 students enter. Ryan Roby, Jason Ferreira and James Gross came first with their spider web-inspired bookshelf, the Arachne (pictured).

SG 8

Actor Bill Murray openly supports Cannabis

Cannabis guerilla gardening in Germany

The guerilla gardening project by A Few Autonomous Flower Children was recently aimed at protesting the 'demonisation' of the herb in German law. Cannabis plants sprouted up all over Gottingen German after tens of thousands of seeds were planted. A website shows dozens of photos of the cannabis plants blooming in public parks, allotments, gardens and window boxes all over town – with some even growing outside the local police station. 'Everything that looks like cannabis is torn out,' a police spokesman said.


TheYoungTurks News report

Greenpeace Shard Ice Climb Six Greenpeace activists recently climbed the Shard building (over 1000ft high) in London to protest against Shell's plans to drill in the Arctic. Greenpeace activists have previously forced the closure of dozens of Shell petrol stations in London and Edinburgh for the same cause.


Fairphone: Pre-order animation

International Sustainable Development Research Conference

Alan Brent ISDRC19 chairman

Delegates from across the world gathered recently in Stellenbosch for the 19th annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society. The conference’s packed three-day program covered a range of topics around its central theme of Just Transitions. This includes the complexity of that transition, a rethinking of development that is geared more towards a greening of the developmental state, new forms of urbanism and how rapid transition towards a more sustainable living can be achieved.

did you know?


A Fairtrade cellphone?

This crowdfunded cellphone called the Faiphone claims it's the world's first openly-designed, conflict-free phone that's made with care and transparency. 'Being a slave to the big phone companies (by having contracts), means you have no control over how your phone is made, what it is made of and by whom. Many of today's phones contain hazardous rare earth elements and are made in factories where workers face dangerous and oppressive conditions,' say the manufacturers.

World's 1st Full-Color 3D Printer

The ProDesk3D by botObjects has been hailed as the world’s first full-colour 3D printer, which allows designers to pick a desired palette and quickly print the final product with a five-colour, re-usable PLA (Polylactic acid or polylactide is a thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived from renewable resources) cartridge system. This ground-breaking product – which makes self-fabrication accessible to a larger audience – is only in the pre-order phase. 'Colour simply changes everything. For most users, industrial 3D printers cost hundreds of thousands to millions of rands to purchase. An important distinction here is that the aim is to give massive advancement to everyone for a 3D printer that can exist on the desktop. We released some official product samples (see their website) that couldn’t be printed by any current 3D desktop printer. 'We also created a musical instrument – a recorder with lovely colours. Recorders were typically boring yet functional objects, but now they are fun and interesting to collect and personify themselves with the owner,' say the manufacturers.

9 SG

How long does X take to break down?

'Break down' is really a vague term and there’s also a big difference in the terms, biodegradable, degradable and compostable; not to mention the types of residues they leave behind, some of which can be toxic. It’s another good reason to recycle where we can, plus recycling energy savings for most types of waste are significant. However, we can get a general guesstimate about waste decomposition and that can help in making purchasing decisions. Glass bottle: 1 million years Monofilament fishing line: 600 years Plastic beverage bottles: 450 years Disposable diapers: 450 years Aluminium can: 80-200 years Boot sole: 50-80 years Styrofoam cup: 50 years Tin can: 50 years Leather: 50 years Nylon fabric: 30-40 years Plastic film canister: 20-30 years Plastic bag: 10-20 years Cigarette filter: 1-5 years Wool sock: 1-5 years Plywood: 1-3 years Waxed milk carton: 3 months Apple core: 2 months Newspaper: 6 weeks Orange or banana peel: 2-5 weeks Paper towel: 2-4 weeks

Earth seen from Saturn as a tiny white light in the distance

Unique photo of Earth from Saturn

NASA has released rare photographs of the Earth taken

from unusual vantage points – namely, from their spacecraft orbiting planets billions of km away. NASA's Cassini probe took photos of the Earth and its moon from its orbit around Saturn, some 1.5b km away. In the Cassini images, the Earth appears as little more than a tiny, bright blue speck, and the Moon is an even smaller blip. Saturn's rings loom large by comparison in one shot taken with the spacecraft's wide-angle lens. Such shots of Earth from the outer solar system are hard to come by, because aiming a camera at Earth from such a far distance risks pointing it directly at the sun, which can damage the camera's sensors. In this case, scientists took advantage of the fact that Saturn had temporarily blocked Cassini's view of the sun, creating the unique photo opportunity.

Data taken from the Pocket Guide to Marine Debris from Ocean Conservancy, sourced from the US National Park Service; Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota, FL and 'Garbage In, Garbage Out', Audubon magazine, Sept/Oct 1998.

OLPC XO Tablet Engadget

Eco-Products – 99% of the company’s products are made from renewable or post-consumer recycled-content

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The first of its kind, the XO Tablet designed by Yves Béhar of Fuseproject and One Laptop Per Child helps kids learn and explore their dreams from an early age. The XO Tablet has launched in Walmart stores around the United States as well as in developing countries such as Uruguay, Cambodia and Barbados.

2013 Eco-Logic Awards

Deadline for entries extended to 31 July. Does your company provide products or services that are helpful to the Earth? Then these awards would like to knowledge you. Enter here.

Outdoor Eco Adventure Travel Experience

25-27 October, Sandringham Farm, Western Cape. In conjunction with The Look And Feel Good Expo. Outdoor and health enthusiasts should expect 13 000+ visitors. Visit here.

Rocking The Daisies

3-6 October. Cloof Wine Estate, Darling. 'Play hard, tread lightly' is the annual theme – tray getting to this music event with multiple stages by foot, cycling, the train, carpooling or by bus. Visit here.


7-11 August. Johannesburg. Decorex SA has grown extensively to become a well-known pioneer brand in South Africa's interior design landscape. Visit here for more.

Earthdance Cape Town

20-22 September. The world's largest synchronised music and dance festival for peace taking place annually in over 300 locations and 60 countries worldwide. Visit here.

Kogelberg Mountain Challenge

September 6, Pringle Bay. In conjunction with the Tru-Cape Windgat Festival. An event for the whole family – an eco-fashion show, paint-a-thon and then the mountain race. Visit here.

Local plastics-to-fuel processing plant

To Somerset West inventor, William Graham, non-degradable plastic has just become a valuable resource. His modular, fully automated plastics-to-fuel processing plant converts all types of waste plastics – except PVC, because of its chlorine content – as well as tyres, into an assortment of fuels. By basically pushing a button, Graham’s plant produces a multi-fuel chemically close to diesel that can be further refined into a petrol equivalent with by-products which may include paraffin and LP gas. Visit visit for more.

Crumpled City

The Crumpled City Maps are the lightest maps in the world: soft and waterproof, they can be crumpled, squashed and crushed into a ball. What’s more, the more battered they are, the better they look. Available for over 40 world cities, including the newly released Cape Town. Also available, is the Junior Crumpled City Maps.

11 S G

OUR PLANET NEEDS YOU Calling all sustainable and green businesses

Anchor your market share and own your space in Sustainability. : @GreenExpoSA


CAPE TOWN CTICC 29, 30 NOV - 1 DEC 2013

Touareg Tents is a Cape Town based company providing Bedouin tents, canopies & Touareg Saddle Tents for the events industry. Touareg Tents specialize in working with corporate and private functions, weddings, birthday parties, music events, beach events, hotels and the film and media industries. With our tents & Touareg Saddle Tents we can transform any plain space into an atmospheric and special event. We manufacture and rent Bedouin and Saddle Tents. We have over 500 different Bedouins ranging from 30 x 20 meters to small 6 x 6 meter in a variety of colours. We have just opened a branch in JHB.

S G 12




Ever been to a restaurant or hotel and wondered what happens behind the scenes? Are your breakfast eggs free range or is your special bottle of red wine going to be recycled when you leave? A new and innovative online guide puts the power of informed choices back in your hands. We take a look.



outdoor activities and goods providers, to mention

growing nationally, Eco Atlas is a directory

a few. Featured places include a write-up, photos,

which empowers you to make ethical and

Google maps and the ability for you as visitors to

environmental choices when choosing where to

review them. There are so many people and places

eat, where to stay and what to buy. Through a

creating positive change and walking the ethical

series of 20 clear eco icons called Eco Choices

talk and Eco Atlas provides you with the map to

(pictured above) you will be able to see at a glance

find them.






which places are recycling, serving sustainable fish

Rhian Berning, Eco Atlas founder says, 'If you

or empowering their staff, enabling you to make

want to change the world, start with your wallet

informed decisions about which places, products

and change the places you visit and support. We so

and services to support. The unique search function

often underestimate our power as consumers, but

will also enable you to source locally-produced and

we are in fact extremely powerful.'

earth-friendly products.

A 2012 study done by TripAdvisor stated that

Eco Atlas is the first of its kind in this country in

71% of those surveyed would make environmentally

that it provides consumers with both the socially and

friendly choices this year. But people need the

environmentally ethical achievements of places and

information in order to make those choices. Put

services, and highlights businesses that are making

the power of choice back in your hands and let Eco

a difference. Any business can be listed as long as

Atlas point you in the ethical direction.

they meet at least one of the Eco Choice criteria. The website features accommodation, restaurants,

For more info visit

13 S G


best global gree 'Brands committed to transparency and communicating with consumers continue to outperform,' says Interbrand, the world’s leading brand consultancy and author of this year's report. We take a look at the top 20 winners.

S G 14

een brands 2013 -2.53*

11. Sony


2. Ford


12. Hewlett-Packard


3. Honda


13. BMW


4. Panasonic


14. NestlĂŠ


5. Nissan


15. Adidas


6. Johnson & Johnson 3.09

16. Samsung


7. Volkswagen


17. Mercedes-Benz


8. Danone


18. Siemens


9. Nokia


19. Coca-Cola


10. Dell


20. L'OrĂŠal


* What Interbrand refers to as 'gap score' is the difference between a brand's performance and perception scores. A positive gap indicates sustainability performance is actually higher than consumers perceive it to be. A negative gap indicates consumers perceive a brand to be more of a sustainable leader than it actually is.

Click here for the full list

1. Toyota

15 S G


BUILDING THE WORLD OF TOMORROW In this series, we will republishing excerpts from Guide to Sustainia: Exploring the Sustainable Society of Tomorrow (2nd edition). Text and research by international sustainability institute, Sustainia.

Guide to SuStainia


explorinG the SuStainable Society of tomorrow 2nd edition

S G 16

Sustainia is a destination. A destination we could reach only 10 years from now if we wanted to live healthier, wealthier, and more sustainable lives. Sustainia is not futuristic science fiction; it is a concrete and realistic proposal on how we could live a better life 10 years from now. It is not tomorrow, but close. This could happen now if we boldly

welcome to Sustainia

implemented solutions already available1. Ten years is close enough for us to be able to forecast with a high degree of precision. Thanks to years of scientific research, development, innovation, and exchange of ideas between companies and universities, we have a good idea of what is possible and what will help us create a sustainable and healthy society. Sustainia is our vision of what a sustainable world would look like, and be like to live in. It is not Utopia or a distant dream. We base our vision and concept of Sustainia on facts, solutions, and ready and available technologies2. We draw on a rich pool of authoritative sources that includes the world’s leading universities and most respected global institutions, organizations, and corporations3. Together, they provide a solid platform of research, know how, analysis, forecasts, and experience. This guide will take you on a journey to Sustainia. It is fascinating cities you wouldn’t want to leave. It is attractive homes where you would want to live.

Sustainia is a place where quality of life matters. It's a desirable place. A place you would want to go, if you knew about it. Once there, you would want to stay, make a life for yourself and your family.

We will give you a clear and concrete insight into how Sustainians – our citizens – are getting around, how they live, the clothes they wear, and how their health has improved. We don’t expect to live in a picture-perfect world in 10 years. We will still have a long way to go then, but what we do believe is the power in inspiring others to see where we could go together. We want to put forward a vision that motivates and inspires people. A clear concept of what sustainable living means, communicated in a language most people can understand and relate to. We believe firmly in empowering people by opening their minds to the benefits of a sustainable society. If we make business leaders and civil society aware of the possibilities, they have the power to move society in a more sustainable direction. A decade from now we will still face immense challenges, but by starting now we can mark the beginning of a systems transformation4. Sustainia is a step in that direction. It is a step towards the ultimate goal defined by the Brundtland Commission on Sustainable Development in 19925: Letting future

generations enjoy the same opportunities as we do today. In Sustainia, we will drive cooler cars, live in smarter houses, and eat healthier food. Our cities will be built for people, not cars. Our families will enjoy cleaner air and water. We will wear clothes that don’t cause allergic reactions nor poison our rivers and drinking water. We look forward to showing you around. 1  Copenhagen Climate Council & Climates Works Foundation. 2 2009. The business case for a strong global deal.  An extensive body of studies explore roadmaps and blueprints towards 2020, 2030, and 2050, most linked to the UN negotiating process known as COPs (Conference of Parties) aimed at agreeing on a global convention to prevent dangerous climate change, for instance, a 2°C rise in global mean temperature above pre-industrial levels, through reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses. IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. McKinsey & Company. 2007. In McKinsey Quarterly – A Cost Curve For Greenhouse Gas Reduction. OECD/IEA. 2010. World 3 Energy Outlook 2010.  See the back page of this publication 4 for an overview of our partners  Green Growth Leaders/UC Berkeley: Shaping The Green Growth Economy, 2011. 5 The UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 1992.

17 S G

Why go to Sustainia?

o ?

ce n, sng g6 ds se al al he nd ba al we ng

ens 0te at we ay

es e-

The global rates of natural resource exploitation, resource consumption, and pollution today simply aren’t sustainable. Ever more people are being added on a planet that is warming6 (absent action, we’re heading towards a 6°C temperature rise scenario7) and running out of critical natural resources. These flected in the “old” economic model. The price of a are global challenges in a globalised world. The product was based on the cost of human resources response to of bepollution, coordinated andorcollaborative. and materials, not thehas cost waste, Enviro-problems are interconnected through a natural resource depletion. well-balanced and complex global ecosystem. If we The good alter newsone is that the abilityother to parts – or part, we we have risk impacting change this tipping scenario to a more promising 8 one. We the balance altogether . have the solutions, technologies, and innovations And the effects follow specific timebound needed to become more sustainable. That is the vi9 trajectories . Global emissions of CO2 must be reduced sion we share in the pages to follow. by at least 50-85% in 2050. If we don’t initiate a We hope to inspire people and make realsustainable trajectory today, them so that emissions peak ize that a sustainable life is2020, not one of scarcity no later than we will not be and able to prevent limitations. It can be a great life were we conserve runaway climate change10. resources, pollute much less, use clean energy from The and fullthink value of natural resources was, renewable sources, carefully about how unfortunately, not generally reflected in the 'old' we produce and consume. economic model. The price of a product was based We intendon to the make people excited about sustaincost of human resources and materials, not able living, to want a sustainable lifestyle the cost of pollution, waste,for orthemnatural resource selves and their families. We believe the world has depletion. lacked a clear vision, like Sustainia, that illustrates Theprovides good news is that for wesustainhave the ability to the benefits of and arguments this scenario toto a the more promising one. We able living inchange a way that is relevant consumer, the investor, the politician, andand the innovations havethe theteacher, solutions, technologies, business leader. needed to become more sustainable. That is the

Prime Minister of Denmark

We hope to inspire people and make them realise

that a sustainable life is not one of scarcity and

for sustainable living in a way that is relevant to the

limitations. It can be a great life were we conserve

consumer, the investor, the teacher, the politician,

resources, pollute much less, use clean energy from

and the business leader.

renewable sources, and think carefully about how we produce and consume. We intend to make people excited about

12 sustainable living, to want a sustainable lifestyle for themselves and their families. We believe the

world has lacked a clear vision, like Sustainia, that illustrates the benefits of and provides arguments

S G 18

Helle thorning-Schmidt

vision we share in the pages and editions to follow.

international Energy agency and 10 intergovernmental panel on Climate Change, interWorld Bank. 7 national Energy agency & international Energy agency. 8 richardson, K. steffen, W. liver- World Bank. mann, D. 2011. Climate Change: global risks, Challenges and Decisions. Cambridge University press. 9 ipCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: synthesis report. Contribution of Working groups i, ii and iii to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on Climate Change 6

”we need InItIatIves that go beyond polItIcs, thIs Is why sustaInIa Is one of the most InterestIng thIngs we have seen for years.”

6  International Energy Agency and World Bank. 7 International 8 Energy Agency.  Richardson, K Steffen, W Livermann, D 2011. Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions. 9 Cambridge University Press.  IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: 13 Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 10 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, International Energy Agency & World Bank

Why a need for Sustainia? why A It isneed quite simple, really. A future that is appealing, For engaging, and attractive, something you want to sUstAInIA?

be a part of, has the power to promote change. Doomsday scenarios and pictures of melting icebergs can Itcatch people’s attention for a moment but how their homes and cities could be better. People is quite simple, really. A future that is appealing, engaging, and at-

are confused. And due to the way media, scientists,

a part of, has the power to promote change. Doomsday scenarios and pictures of melting icebergs can catch people’s attention for a moment but will never create the excitement and engagement necessary. These images create distance and are a barrier to action. For most people, the scientific data behind climate change and the actions they could take to create positive change are too complex10.

ability, we don’t blame them.

willtractive, never create and engagement and politicians have communicated about sustainsomething you wantthe to be excitement necessary. These images create distance and are a Sustainia is a positive and inspiring visualization

of what sustainable living means: How will my life barrier to action. For most people, the scientific data be better in a more sustainable world?

behind climate change and thehave actions What would happened ifthey Martin could Luther King Jr. had said, “I have a nightmare”? Probably not

10 much. But that is what many have done. Travelled take to create positive change are too complex . the world with PowerPoint slides about fires, des-

melting icebergs, and catastrophic floods. We We believe change erts, comes when know have tried selling sustainable people solutions by speaking We believe change comes when

to people’s fears or moral obligations. This has not

what possibilities sustainable future created the a change we need. People are not inspired, people exciting know what exciting possibilities a sustainable future holds. They need a sense of how their everyday life could be improved by changing their routines and products to more sustainable ones. Soon, they realize there is such a thing as hedonistic sustainability. Sustainability is not about cold showers, shivering through winter, no cars, and no fun. Sustainability is about improving your quality of life. People seem unaware of what sustainability means for them,

motivated, or engaged. Just the opposite.

holds. They need a senseWith of Sustainia, how we their everyday life seek to communicate in a more empowering and exciting way about sustaincould be improved by changing their routines and able living, without discarding the urgency of the matter.

products to more sustainable ones. Soon, they realise We need Sustainia because we need a clear, posi-

tive, and well-argued notion of what sustainable livthere is such a thing as hedonistic sustainability. ing entails.

in a more empowering and exciting way about sustainable living, without discarding the urgency of the matter. S G 11

Communicating the Science of Climate Change, Somerville and Hassol, Physics Today, 2011.

For the full the publication, visit Look out for more in coming editions of Simply Green.

We BeLieVe CHanGe CoMeS WHen PeoPLe KnoW WHat eXCitinG PoSSiBiLitieS a SuStainaBLe FutuRe HoLdS.

Sustainability is not about cold showers, shivering through winter, no cars, and no fun. Sustainability “Communicating the science of Climate Change,” somerville and hassol, physics Today, 2011.


is about improving your quality of life. People seem 14 unaware of what sustainability means for them, how their homes and cities could be better. People are confused. And due to the way media, scientists, and politicians have communicated about sustainability, we don’t blame them. Sustainia is a positive and inspiring visualisation of what sustainable living means: How will my life be better in a more sustainable world? What would have happened if Martin Luther King Jr had said, 'I have a nightmare?' Probably not much. But that is what many have done. Travelled the world with PowerPoint slides about fires, deserts, melting icebergs, and catastrophic floods. We have tried selling sustainable solutions by speaking to people’s fears or moral obligations. This has not created the change we need. People are not inspired,

“motIvatIon and InspIratIon for posItIve actIon wIll help us move forward towards a better future for all.” 15

motivated, or engaged. Just the opposite. With Sustainia, we seek to communicate

GRo HaRLeM BRundtLand Former Prime Minister of norway and Former director General of WHo - member of the Sustainia award Committee


19 S G


Site_Specific Land Art Plett 2013


he invitees' art typically included objects. In some instances they had already created individual pieces that could be considered land art. For each of the artists, coming to Plettenberg Bay took

them outside their normal practice, and they were forced to experiment. Each was rewarded by a distinctly interesting piece. In agreement with the local municipality of Bitou, the artworks on public land were allowed to remain for two weeks: the week of the events surrounding Site_Specific and the following week. Within this limited time scale, artists created marvellous temporary installations. Visit here for more info on the 2013 Biennale, 10-17 August in Plett.

Photos Reney Warrington

In May 2011, 13 artists were invited to Plettenberg Bay to take part in SA's first international Land Art event, entitled Site_Specific. This artist-led project was conceived by Strijdom van der Merwe and Anni Snyman in an attempt to create more opportunity for Land Art in SA. They invited local and international artists who grasped the opportunity to be part of this project. We take a look.

the land is S G 20

Urs Twellmann (Switzerland) Swiss-based sculptor Urs Twellmann uses a chainsaw as a chisel to carve wood. His dexterity with this typically loud and unwieldy machine is masterful. Stranded Aliens is composed of a single tree found on the Milkwood trail, sliced into 70 discs. Into each of these circles, Twellmann carved shallow vessels that can hold water. Twellmann positioned these bowls in a variety of locations in the shallow waters of the Piesang River Lagoon and along the beaches of Plettenberg Bay, assembling them in different temporary constellations. He documented Stranded Aliens in a number of guises with his camera, capturing the reflections of the sky as well as the change in currents that the water undergoes as it washes over the basins. Travelling frequently, Twellmann finds his inspiration in the materials that he discovers in situ. Many of his interventions only last a moment or two.

Gordon Froud & Tyron Tewson In their piece Dust to Dust, about 300 clay slip cast figurines of Tewson’s Fat Men and Froud’s Sperm Babies were hung from a tree outside the Timbershed. In time the only trace that will remain is the ground tinged with the clay of the dissolved sculpture.

'Land is soil is ground is dust. Dust to dust. The land is the beginning and the end of existence. We are from it, and we will return to it. The land is the basis of wealth, the source of food, the provider of shelter. Without the land, we cannot live. There is no doubt that we belong to the land, as fleas belong to their dog.' Anni Snyman, 2011 catalogue extract from The Elephant Rider.

the canvas 21 S G

Carol Nathan-Levin Plettenberg Bay suffered one of the worst water shortages in living memory during Site_Specific, due to the past Christmas period. This puts huge stress on available water resources. Charles Levin and Carol Nathan-Levin have lived in the area for the past 11 years. They built their home themselves and use rain water tanks to supply all their own water. Nathan-Levin conceived their Site_Specific sculpture in reaction to the building of a desalination plant in Plettenberg Bay. The pair used a 10 000l domestic JoJo rain water tank, with its bright green lightweight UV-resistant polyethylene and food-grade black lining, as their material. Levin then added his twist to the work, slicing and stretching it to give the impression it was spinning. The sculpture is stationed next to the demure desalination plant, which is tastefully built into the landscape, painted sand colour beige and surrounded by indigenous foliage. Surrounded by some of the most expensive homes in South Africa, one immediately wonders why more of these simple, inexpensive and enviro-friendly rain water collection tanks have not been installed, rather than constructing the potentially ecologically harmful brine spewing desalination plant. S G 22

Strijdom van der Merwe At low tide he created a series of circular





positioned in such a way that the ocean would wash over them. Drawn on Plettenberg Bay’s Main Beach, the circles were framed by the sea on one side and the town on the other. The gradual erosion of the drawings was transfixing and highlighted the timeless tension between man-made objects and nature, the fleeting nature of our world and time immemorial represented by the waves crashing against the shore. Making work that so quickly disappears, stands on the cusp between futile and valuable.

Andrew van der Merwe He is one of SA’s leading calligraphers and has developed one of the most in-depth repertoires of mark-making in SA. Van der Merwe has always played with sticks, scratching the sand with them. As his skill in lettering increased, so did his dissatisfaction with the types of marks he was able to create in sand. In response, he fabricated a specialised tool kit to enable him to engrave into the sand. Relishing the physical nature of drawing in the sand, as opposed to his normal practice of writing with a nib on paper, he writes in sand at about the same speed he would normally write on paper. A visual artist of the written word, he uses his beach calligraphy to question our literacy.

Angus Taylor Los (Loose) is composed of two solitary figures floating

He uses forms that have the characteristics

in the middle of Piesang River Lagoon at Plettenberg Bay.

of writing, but the strokes do not form

Constructed of sticks, each manlike figure floats down

known letters. Called Asemic writing, the

the river, held aloft by wooden branches. They seem to

reader deduces meaning not by way of the

be captured in a moment of reaching out to grasp for

content, but rather through the form and

something. A few of the poles appear to be escaping from

structure of the text.

the men, drifting down the water on their own.


23 S G



There was a time when man demonstrated his control over nature and proclaimed his advancing technological prowess by designing and producing massive wonders of engineering that towered over cities in overpowering statements. But that time has come and gone, and now a new relationship between the built and the natural worlds needs to be fully crafted and embedded. We take a look.

Eco-excellence i


ature's resources are limited,' points out Victor Bouguenon, marketing manager at AfriSam. 'We have to conserve and use them wisely

and nowhere more importantly than in constructing the built environment wherein we live. At AfriSam we realised over 15 years ago that we had an enormous responsibility to promote sustainable development and were the first cement producer to develop an enviro-policy, long before environmental and green building issues became widespread.' The culmination of AfriSam's significant investment in research and development has been the manufacture of Eco Building Cement, which halves the world's average carbon footprint for cement without compromising on the quality demanded by SABS for cement in this strength class.

in construction

AfriSam's Eco Building Cement halves the world's average carbon footprint for cement without compromising on the quality demanded by SABS for strength. responsible manufacturer intensely aware of its role in protecting the environment', is a fitting partner for

Not content with this achievement, AfriSam is adding

SAIA in promoting public awareness and debate on

its weight and expertise to the newly evolving 'green'

architectural issues.

drive for sustainability in architecture and construction

'We are encouraging architects and their clients

by supporting such programs as the SA Institute of

to look at architecture with new eyes,' Bouguenon

Architects' (SAIA) Awards for Sustainable Architecture

says. 'As with the Construction World Best Projects

and the Construction World Best Projects Awards.

Awards, we want to put human and enviro-needs and

'We are seeing a return to an understanding of

considerations back into design and construction.

the need for a human dimension in architecture,'

'We are serious about leading the way in developing

Bouguenon adds. 'We are witnessing a departure from

eco-friendly products and promoting green building

massive structures which dominate and overpower

initiatives,' he adds. 'Market response has proved

to impress, and a move towards environmentally-

unequivocally that there is a strong demand for such

responsible design. It is an attempt to integrate human

developments. We strongly urge other companies to

activities with natural systems in a holistic manner.' Sustainable architecture is still a relatively new concept in SA, so AfriSam, as a 'conscientious and

seize the vision and come on board to put SA in the forefront of the green evolution in construction and architecture.'


POSSIBILITIES THAT CONNECT A CITY AT AFRISAM WE DON’T JUST BUILD BRIDGES, WE DEVELOP SOLUTIONS THAT CREATE POSSIBILITIES. Take our involvement in the Nelson Mandela Bridge in Newtown where we pumped our Flowcrete into the 47m pylons from the bottom upwards - a process never before attempted. The bridge spanning over 8 railway tracks now connects an entire city. With the planet as one of our core values, we measure the carbon footprint of each and every one of our operations and products while actively striving to drive down our impact on the environment.

O pinion

Radicalising Sustainability Professor Mark Swilling is Co-ordinator of the Sustainable Development Program at Stellenbosch University's (SU) School of Public Leadership, and Project Leader of the TsamaHub, a focal point at SU for studies in transdisciplinarity, sustainability and complexity. What follows is his 'take' on sustainability. Above: Prof Mark Swilling and Eve Annecke, founding director of the Sustainability Institute.

S G 26


West to the Kruger Park in the East – forms

Over 60% of the ecosystems that humans depend on for both social well-being and economic development are degraded.

part of the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (VBR). With

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report 2005

ere I sit at the Leshiba Wilderness on top of the Soutpansberg Mountains, just south of the Zimbabwe border. This entire

mountain range – stretching from Vivo in the

unparalleled biodiversity, extra-ordinary cultural heritage (including the Mapungubwe World Heritage Site), breathtaking beauty and strategically located

Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, the

at the centre of sprawling peri-urban settlements,

problem is CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil

the VBR is highly contested.

fuels. It follows that from this perspective emissions

Some of our largest remaining coal reserves

must be reduced initially by using fossil fuels more

are set to be mined within the VBR using open-cast

efficiently and, over the long run, fossil fuels need

mining methods just north of the mountains (by all

to be phased out altogether.

the major companies, including some with sizeable

Although no global agreements can be reached,

Chinese ownership); land claims gone wrong are

33 countries had carbon taxes by 2013 covering

dotted across the VBR; firewood, river sand and water

850m people and approximately 30% of the global

gets unsustainably extracted all the time by large

economy. This perspective, therefore, is clearly

and small operators; vast commercial agricultural

starting to have an impact. However, even if global

estates pour countless tons of chemicals into the

warming was not happening, the planet is falling

rich red soils; and scientists can show how global

to pieces due to (a) the rapid degradation of

warming is reflected in bush encroachments and

biodiversity and the resultant threat to ecosystem

the changing nature of the small animal population

services that nature provides, and (b) resource

with uncertain knock-on effects up and down the


food chain.






In the meantime, the provincial and local

biodiversity and ecosystems perspective is interested

governments want their 'pound of flesh' from

in the negative enviro-impacts of the dominant

the tourism potential, while poverty-stricken local

modes of production and consumption. Associated

communities look to the VBR for jobs and natural

with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment that

resources. In this context, does nature itself stand

reported in 2005, this perspective gives emphasis

any chance? Can one seriously consider 'sustaining'

to the fact that over 60% of the ecosystems that

what nature has to offer as everyone takes what

humans depend on for both social well-being

they can – from the Chinese investor who needs

and economic development are degraded. Except

more coking coal to be exported to China, to

for places like Costa Rica and South Korea were

the commercial farmer who needs to add more

deforestation has been reversed, in general the

increasingly expensive fertilisers every year, to

evidence suggests that biodiversity degradation is

the local grandmother who needs wood to cook

getting worse and that the poorest people suffer the

for her many grandchildren? Or should we just

most as a result.

accept the reality of the situation and define

For example, the last global assessment of

'sustainable development' as just doing slightly less

the state of health of agricultural soils took place

harm while we inevitably destroy the source of all

in 1990 – at that stage, 23% of all soils were

livelihoods (not just human ones) – in short, maybe

seriously degraded. Since then, about 12m hectares

sustainability means nothing more than retarded

per annum of agricultural soils are lost due to


over-exploitation, including over-use of chemical





fertilisers and pesticides. Healthy soils, like water,

perspectives on sustainability. The most well-known

are renewable resources that are the emergent

is the carbon-centred perspective that equates the

outcome of interactions between countless elements

challenge of sustainable development with climate

of highly complex ecosystems. Mess with these

change. In this view, often associated with the

complex systems and unintended consequences


27 S G

A photo map of Lyndoch EcoVillage and Stellenbosch

S G 28

Plowing the fields at Lyndoch EcoVillage the traditional way

Slightly greener business-as-usual? It is time to recognise that sustainability is about all three of these dimensions: carbon emissions resulting in global warming, biodiversity degradation which undermines the ecosystem services on which all life depends, and resource depletion (in particular oil). When combined, it becomes possible to comprehend why there is much discussion since the start of the global economic crisis in 2007/8 about the transition to a 'green economy'.


lthough much of this discourse is merely about slightly greening business-as-usual, the only way to explain the rise of this discourse (and in particular the more radical versions) is with reference to the increasingly apparent unsustainability of a grossly unjust global capitalist system that exacerbates inequalities and the continued exploitation of nature. The Green Economy Report published by UNEP in 2011 made very clear what the core problem really is: 'The causes of these crises vary, but at a fundamental level they all share a common feature: the gross misallocation of capital. During the last two decades, much capital was poured into property, fossil fuels and structured financial

assets with embedded derivatives. However, relatively little in comparison was invested in renewable energy, energy efficiency, public transportation, sustainable agriculture, ecosystem and biodiversity protection, and land and water conservation.' I have no doubt that unless the underlying challenges of climate change, biodiversity degradation and resource depletion are addressed through radical innovations that must transform everyday life and deliver much greater equality (which means consumption reduction for the million or so over-consumers), we will not be able to move beyond the current global crisis into a new golden age of shared prosperity and sustainable development.

29 S G

1 2


Lyndoch EcoVillage – 1. Learning centre • 2. Community hall • 3. After-care facilities

(some of which are undesirable) are the inevitable outcome.

S G 30

rise in prices. The most popularly known work on resource

The resource depletion perspective is the

depletion is associated with 'peak oil'. This refers

newcomer to sustainability science. Associated

to the notion that, given that there is finite amount

with the work of the International Resource Panel

of oil in the ground, at a certain point the total

(IRP) – which was only established in 2007 – this

quantity of oil produced will peak and then decline.

perspective is focused on the resource requirements

Evidence seems to confirm this: despite a rise in

of the global economy. These resources include

price, average oil production per annum since 2005

fossil fuels, biomass (anything that can be grown),

has remained flat.

construction minerals, and industrial minerals and

While we contemplate these global challenges,

metals. The IRP calculated that in 2005 the global

we need to also act to find real solutions in

economy depended on 60bn tons of stuff extracted

local spaces like the VBR. We all live in them. I

from the crust of the earth – in reality, double this

live in the Lynedoch EcoVillage where I shared

amount is extracted, but only half used (the rest

with a community a commitment to exploring

contributing to enviro-impacts).

sustainability in our everyday lives. There are three

This translates into an average consumption of

conditions that need to be met when transforming

8 tons per capita, but with the average American

a local space: a shared understanding within a core

at 25 tons, the average European at 16 tons,

group of change agents that is based on trust, a

and the average Ghanaian at 3 tons. Under a

capacity for innovative practice (which means being

business-as-usual scenario, consumption by 2050

able to ignore the advice most professionals are

is set to go up to 140bn tons if everyone converged

trained to provide), and a stomach for profound

at 16 tons per capita. But if the world is to be run


in accordance with the science of the IPCC (which

If sustainability is to be more than retarded

all governments approved), average consumption

collapse, thousands of grassroots initiatives to

by 2050 at a population of 9bn people will need

build a shared sense of destiny and reconnections

to be 6 tons per capita. What the work of the IRP is

to nature will be required. There is nothing more

also showing is that evidence of resource depletion

exciting than figuring out what this means in

is evident for many resources, resulting in a steady

practice with a group of trusted friends.


lighting the way Whether for a private home, a commercial business or a wine farm, you can draw smart energy from the sun for less.

Tel: +27 (0) 21 852 7333 Email:

Soventix SA (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Soventix GmbH in Germany is involved with the development and realisation of roof top and carport solar photovoltaic plants from residential to agricultural as well as large scale solar farms. Whether you finance the solar plant yourself or sign a power purchase agreement, Soventix will ensure you’re protected from the rising costs of energy for the next 30 to 40 years. Not only will you be saving on your energy bills, but you’ll also be contributing to a more sustainable environment. Renewable energy is the future and is more affordable than energy from non-renewable sources. becoming mo 31 S G

E co I cons Extreme adventurer and conservationist Braam Malherbe is undoubtedly best known for achieving extraordinary feats like running the 4 218km Great Wall of China with David Grier, or racing 888km across Antarctica with Peter van Kets. However, he is also a passionate activist for conservation, educating and campaigning (people) at every turn to protect the environment. We take a closer look at the man and what drives his eco-quests and challenges.


man of ex S G 32

Braam's motivation provides a significant key to the man behind the adventurer.

'Having a purpose drives you – committing to

achieve something for a reason larger than yourself is a far greater incentive than just for your own selfish gratification. I ran the Great Wall of China


hy take on such extreme challenges?

If the mind can be convinced of the value of the task, there is little that is impossible.

Professor Noakes, foreword of The Great Run

and the Coastline of SA as world firsts to raise funds

remember how the ranger, Colin Johnson, held up a

for Operation Smile, which provides corrective

boiled egg and likened the thin membrane between

surgery for underprivileged children with cleft lip

the shell and egg to the Earth's atmosphere,

and palate disfigurements. Seeing those children's

demonstrating its fragility. He issued us young

lives change through the operations they underwent

guys with a challenge: "What are you going to do

was a far bigger reward than knowing I had covered

to be an asset to the earth?" I was so touched by

the distance. I believe ordinary people can achieve

this that I ran from Plettenberg Bay to Cape Town

extraordinary things if they have big dreams, plan

at age 17 with a school friend, to raise funds for an

well and minimise risks.'

Environmental Impact Assessment to be conducted

The Great Wall of China run was a feat deemed

before construction of a new jetty in Langebaan

'physically impossible' by renowned UCT Sport's

lagoon, which initially, was to be a solid concrete

Science Institutes' Professor Tim Noakes – and

wall. Today, when you visit Saldana Bay, you can

Braam says he would have never survived if it were

see the jetty has been constructed in a particular

not for the children. Professor Noakes has since

fashion to allow for unobstructed current flow; a

written the foreword to Braam's book, The Great

measure that was decided on to avoid the possible

Run, stating: 'It is not the physical challenge in an

extinction of many unique species in the lagoon

event like this where the outcome is decided, for the

because of the potential of the solid wall to alter

body is merely a slave to the mind. And if the mind

the lagoon's current flow. This small achievement

can be convinced of the value of the task, there is

cemented my dedication to protect nature and the

little that is impossible.'

environment at all costs, for without this incredible interconnectedness, there is no life as we know it.'

Are you an asset or a liability?

Braam further elaborates: 'On Earth, where we are all interconnected with nature and in the greater order of things, you are either an asset or a liability.

Braam is particularly fuelled by a need to contribute

'As a species, we tend to have forgotten the

and make a positive difference in conservation, to

basic law of nature. It is so simple yet profoundly

try to mitigate the severe enviro-threats caused by

powerful: every species gives to one or more other

humanity. He says: 'Since I was a little boy I have

species and that ensures their survival. There are

felt a deep connection with nature, which was

many simple examples of this, and here are just a

cemented when I had the opportunity to attend a

couple to illustrate: the honeybee and the flower;

Wilderness Leadership School at age 16. I clearly

the sea anemone and the clown fish. Even our

aam Malherbe

xtreme commitment

33 S G

Braam's Great Wall of China run was deemed 'physically impossible' by UCT Sport's Science Institutes' Professor Tim Noakes

Together with the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and MyPlanet, Braam has set up the EWT Rhino Fund as a beneficiary

Braam and Peter van Kets offered to carry weight from a disqualified British team so that they could reach the South Pole together S G 34

Braam ran the Great Wall of China and the Coastline of SA as world firsts to raise funds for Operation Smile

endangered rhino have a very special relationship

too many egos are involved and that there is no

with scarab beetles (commonly known as dung

single solution. The rhino crisis is, to him, a symbol

beetles). The rhinos have large communal toilets,

of a greater issue – greed and ignorance. Braam

which attract many species of dung beetles. These

believes that as conservationists we need to unite in

insects roll the dung into balls with an egg inside,

the common goal of: 'We are in this together.

scattering the balls far across the veld, burying

'While we banter on about what we should be

them just below the surface and thus fertilising

doing, another rhino is dying a painful death. It's

the ground. The rains come, the grass grows, the

time to stop talking about what we should be doing

rhinos eat, completing the circle. Everything is

and rather do whatever we can. Our world is in a

connected in an intricate web of co-evolution –

crisis, yet we bicker with more dialogue and debate

except us. It's as though so many people have lost

while smelling the stench of death around us.'

their connection with nature. Instead of learning

This problem is something that applies not only

from natural principles, understanding that there

to the issue of rhino poaching, but also climate

has to be a give and take in everything, that from

change, biodiversity loss, and overpopulation – all

nothing comes nothing, we try to control nature and

issues where profitability and economics are pitted

consume resources until there is nothing left. In the

against sustainability.

meantime, we also destroy the ecosystem's innate ability to renew itself and provide for us, because we are too greedy and think too much in the short-term. We appear obsessed with self-gratification. One of my principles is that "the greatest gift in life is giving", because only when you have purpose in your life beyond yourself, you will feel truly fulfilled and happy and can live in balance with your surroundings. This is when a paradigm shift takes place and we become the custodians of this fragile Earth system.'

A race against time Even in extreme challenges, Braam is focused on the planet. Together with his friend, Peter van Kets, Braam represented SA in what has been heralded as the most extreme race on Earth. This was the centenary race to the South Pole, when, in 1911/1912, Scott raced against Amundsen to be the first to reach the South Pole. Amundsen and his team won and all survived. Scott and his team came second and they perished on the return leg. Braam and Pete represented SA in what must be seen as

My Planet Woolworths' MyPlanet eco-initiative has chosen Braam to be an ambassador for the program – a role he takes very seriously. Together with the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and MyPlanet, Braam has set up the EWT Rhino Fund as a beneficiary. He also sits on a panel involving interested and affected parties in the rhino war. The panel comprises EWT, SANParks, Calf Rehabilitation, Private Rhino Owners

Association, TRAFFIC, the Wilderness Foundation and himself. The panel jointly decides how money raised through the MyPlanet Rhino Fund should be allocated to have the greatest possible positive impact to ensure the survival of this iconic species.

Unite for rhinos

one of the most difficult physical accomplishments on the planet today. However, Braam was not interested in winning the race but rather insisted that it be a symbolic 'Race against Time'. 'We, as humans, are running out of time. As a species dependent on the contributions of countless other species, we have lost our focus as custodians, and need to urgently restore our role as protectors rather than destroyers.' They raced 768km, unassisted, over the harshest terrain on Earth, the Antarctic plateau. Known as the 'highest, driest, coldest and windiest desert on Earth' they endured an average temperature of -45ºC. Not only did Braam and Peter finish in 3rd position in a race in which they were never truly racing other contestants, they united nations through adversity. Braam and Pete offered to carry

Braam has taken the 'rhino crisis' to heart. He is

weight from a disqualified British team so that they

convinced that we need to change our thinking in

could reach the South Pole together.

conservation. Many well-intentioned ideas, while

'Friends for life are greater than winning. If we

passion-driven, are not informed. He believes that

get over this issue of borders we begin uniting for

35 S G

Do One Thing

Braam on the Great Wall of China raising funds for corrective surgery for underprivileged children with cleft lip and palate disfigurements

the planet, and this is long overdue,' says Braam. Also, Braam challenged the SA Mint Company to mint the first-ever coins on climate-change, and not just anywhere, but at the South Pole. The Mint Company loved the idea and Braam and Peter over-struck 1 000 silver coins on climate change at the geographic South Pole.

Walking the talk Braam shares his experiences through talks to diverse audiences ranging from school children, principals and corporates, to under-privileged youth. His motivational talks often apply lessons from nature and his adventures to promote healthy business practices and personal growth. His central themes of 'making a difference' and 'purpose' resonate throughout. 'When we define success it is usually associated with financial wealth and materialistic trappings. For me, while these things may be nice to have, it is more important to ask the question "but am I significant?" If I am not making a significant contribution, then what is my purpose? There is a wonderful definition on the word "hell" I once heard: "Hell is arriving at the end of your life and meeting the person you could have been." Now that's not where I intend to be,' Braam concludes.

S G 36


'Our planet is just a little dot in the universe; we are just dots on our planet. But if we all just Do One Thing (DOT), together, we can make a huge difference.'


raam says that it is not only large corporates that create all the destruction in the environment, but it is the collective irresponsible actions of all of us. Consequently, if all of us made an effort to change small and simple everyday behaviours to act more enviro-benign, this collectively will create a tipping point to have a huge impact on the Earth. He is talking about small things, like putting a brick in your toilet cistern to use less water when flushing, or to have meat-free Mondays every week. Small, painless changes, but everyone has to be part of it. Braam has taken his mantra a step further with Business Connexion, developing a free DOT app that will enable people across the world to record their 'DOT' for the environment and to share their efforts and inspire others. 'Our goal is to create a "tipping point" of one billion activists, and I believe this is achievable,' says Braam.

37 S G

C orporate

social responsibility

SA original takes the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet won the 'Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative Linked to Loyalty' award for their 'Doing Good Is Good Business' campaign at The International Loyalty Awards' gala ceremony held at London's Grosvenor House Hotel recently. We take a look.

S G 38


A's largest fundraising program made it onto

MyPlanet Marketing Manager, who attended the

a shortlist of 200 programs from 20 different

awards ceremony.

countries with more than 80 leading brand

MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet was also shortlisted

names being considered for this year's International

in two other categories, namely 'Best Loyalty Program

Loyalty Awards. Held for the first time in 2012, the

of the Year: Retail Non-Food' and 'Best Card Based

Loyalty Awards recognise excellence, innovation and

Loyalty Program'.

best practice in the loyalty industry across Europe,

Apart from current beneficiaries and schools

the Middle East and, for the first time this year,

receiving funds monthly, MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet


also make regular stand-alone donations and is

'For MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet to receive

involved in a number of fund-raising partnerships.

international recognition is testament to the impact

Through the 'Smile for Life' campaign during

the program has had and an example of how

the 2012 festive season, MySchool and Woolworths

ordinary citizens and retailers can jointly contribute

raised R500  000 for Operation Smile so that 100

significantly to society at large,' says Pieter Twine,

life-changing operations will be conducted this year

MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet General Manager.

for children born with cleft palates and cleft lips

With over 730  000 card holders and growing,

(see pages 35 for more on this initiative). Recently

MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet is one of SA's biggest

MySchool donated R70 000 via their Thuso fund to

multi-partner community support programs and

Biblionef so that five rural schools in three provinces

includes national retailers such as Woolworths,

can receive brand new storybooks in their home

Engen, Waltons and among numerous


others. The program raised more than R36m last year for

You can sign up for a free MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card at any Woolworths store or online

over 10 000 beneficiaries, covering the full spectrum

at or call 0860  100  445. The

of schools, charities, environmental and animal

card can be swiped when purchasing at Woolworths,

welfare organisations and currently gives back on

Engen Food stops and Quick Shops, Toys R Us,

average R3m every month.

Waltons, Reggie's and selected Supa Quick, Jack's

'Two MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet initiatives

Paint & Hardware stores, Altech Netstar and on-line

were shortlisted in this particular category and we

at It is the most convenient way to

came out on top against six other finalists, including

support a cause you care about and it doesn't cost

programs from Turkcell, the leading mobile phone

you a cent, plus you can choose to support up to

operator of Turkey, Coop, the largest supermarket

three different causes.


chain in Italy and Pets at Home, the UK's largest pet shop,' says Helene Brand, MySchool MyVillage

For info: or see ad on pg 37.

e honours in London

39 S G

Energy Eskom's energy-efficiency partnership with South Africa has saved an entire power station, says the national energy producer. We take a closer look at Eskom's power-saving efforts and how it has included users from smallest to largest in an effort to reduce the national energy requirements until additional production capacity comes on line.





energy-saving programs – measures rolled out by Eskom to encourage

and support business and the householder to 'switch off what is not needed at any particular time' and 'switch to energy-efficient technologies, systems and processes' – have realised demand savings of 3 587MW since 2005. To put it into context, this reduction saved SA an entire power station's output.

A long-term effort Says Andrew Etzinger, Senior General Manager of





department: 'Although Eskom is proud of the fact that the company's energy-efficiency partnerships with the business and residential sectors are achieving reductions in the demand for energy, these savings are far from sufficient when considered in terms of the long-term energy constraints

Power-saving facing South Africa. Eskom's energy-efficiency

S G 40

initiatives and programs are working hard to make a contribution towards turning South Africa into an electricity-smart country.'

A permanent partnership The commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors have made significant progress in the pursuit of energy-efficiency as a result of Eskom's rebate

Eskom's energy-efficiency initiatives and programs are working hard to make a contribution towards turning South Africa into an electricity-smart country.

programs. Offsetting the capital outlay to implement energy-efficiency retrofits, the programs support any type and size of business that aims to make

financial year ending March 2013.

the switch to energy-saving technologies, processes

Residential sector

and systems. Similarly, the company's campaigns

Eskom runs continuous campaigns all year long

and initiatives aimed at households have seen the

aimed at encouraging households to do two things.

residential sector becoming a major contributor

One is to switch off lights and appliances – 'using

towards reducing demand pressure on the national

only what you need when you need it'. The second

power grid, a positive development that needs to

is switching to energy-saving lights, fittings,

be significantly broadened in scope and savings at

appliances and hot water systems such as solar or

a time when the necessity of planned maintenance

heat pumps.

will cause the electricity supply to be especially constrained between 5pm and 9pm this winter.

To date, most energy savings in the sector have been achieved through the implementation of the CFL Exchange Programme. The biggest residential

Business sector The Standard Product and Standard Offer rebate

energy-efficiency roll-out of its kind in the world, Eskom-accredited installers go door-to-door in

programs are two of Eskom's most prolific catalysts

neighbourhoods in towns and cities across SA to

for small– to medium-size energy-efficiency retrofits:

replace energy-intensive incandescent light bulbs

The Standard Product offers funding for

with CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps). Since 2005,

retrofitting off-the-shelf products such as

demand savings of 2 287MW have been achieved as

energy-efficient lighting systems, solar water

a result of the installation of more than 55 million

heating systems, heat pumps, and energy – and

CFLs in homes nation-wide.

water-saving shower heads. The Standard Offer funds the retrofitting of

Into the future

energy-efficient lighting systems, building

Concludes Etzinger: 'Energy constraints will continue

management systems, hot water systems,

for much of this decade, and Eskom invites all South

industrial and commercial solar water heating

Africans – the business and residential sectors

systems, and process optimisation systems.

– to join a national drive aimed at establishing

Since the inception of the Standard Product program, nearly 5  000 energy-efficiency projects have been registered on the Eskom database; approximately 4 000 of these were registered during the 12-month period ending March 2013. In the case of the Standard Offer program, 244 projects

financially smart energy usage as a business norm and a way of life.'


Visit for detailed information on how to fund the switch to energy efficient technologies, processes and systems through Eskom's range of rebate programs.

have been registered since inception, 177 in the

g partnership 41 S G



World's 1st underwater energy storage plant

A team of Norwegian research scientists has unveiled a concept that could store energy on the seabed. Conceived by Subhydro AS, the underwater pumped hydroelectric power plant would use high water pressure to create and store electricity for later use on the shore. Explaining the concept, Rainer Schramm, an inventor and founder of the company Subhydro AS said: 'Imagine opening a hatch in a submarine under water. The water will flow into the submarine with enormous force. It is precisely this energy potential we want to utilise.' 'Many people have launched the idea of storing energy by exploiting the pressure at the seabed, but we are the first in the world to apply a specific patent-pending technology to make this possible.' Subhydro and SINTEF (the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia), who are energy generation experts, have joined forces on the project due to their expertise in deep-water technology. 'We have all the expertise we need in one place,' said Schramm.' A pumped storage power plant is a hydroelectric plant which can be 'charged' up again by pumping the water back to the upper reservoir once it has passed through a turbine. This type of power plant is used as a 'battery,' when connected to the power grid.' The undersea storage power plant turbine will be connected to a tank on the seabed at a depth of 400-800m. The turbine is fitted with a valve, and when this is opened, water flows in and starts turning the turbine. The turbine drives a generator to produce electricity.

Biomimicry & wind turbines

Wind turbine designs have improved significantly in recent years, but wind farms are still pretty inefficient. That’s because traditional wind turbines – the ones with three huge blades – interfere with each other. Putting two or more large turbines in close proximity produces wind blocks and vortices that decrease the efficiency of the overall wind farm. But CalTech biophysicist and MacArthur Foundation winner John Dabiri discovered a solution to that problem by studying the movement of schools of fish. He found that vertical-axis wind turbines with blades that resemble fins can work together to more efficiently harness wind energy.

Siberia & oil drilling

Earlier this year, Shell was forced to quit drilling in the US Alaskan Arctic after a series of dangerous failures. Shell has now made a deal with the Russian oil and gas giant Gazprom to access another route to the Arctic. Recently a spill in northern Russia sent a river of oil rushing toward the Arctic Ocean, impacting local Indigenous people. After years of spills, much of Siberia has mutated into an enviro-catastrophe zone. The consequences of an offshore spill will be much worse than these previous spills if we fail to act. Click here to sign the petition against the drilling.

S G 42


Fracking Hell: The Untold Story

RenewableS 2013 GlObal STaTUS RePORT

Global Status Report 2013

First released in 2005, REN21's Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) has grown to become a truly collaborative effort of over 500 authors, contributors and reviewers, and is today the most frequently referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends. It provides testimony to the undeterred growth of electricity, heat, and fuel production capacities from renewable energy sources, including solar PV, wind power, solar hot water/heating, biofuels, hydropower, and geothermals. This latest Renewables Global Status Report provides a comprehensive and timely overview of renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy development worldwide. 2012 saw: A shift in investment patterns that led to a global decrease in clean energy investment; Continuing growth in installed capacity due to significant technology cost reductions and increased investment in developing countries; Renewables progressively supplementing established electricity systems, demonstrating that the implementation of suitable policies can enable the successful integration of higher shares of variable renewables; and The emergence of integrated policy approaches that link energy efficiency measures with the implementation of renewable energy technologies.


Download the report (PDF) here.

World's 1 st pee-powered cellphone

Scientists at Bristol Robotics Laboratory first harnessed the power of pee two years ago, and now their research has taken a giant leap forward. The team has created the world’s first system based on microbial fuel cells (which feast on urine) that can charge a cell phone. Although the idea of a pee-powered phone may gross out many, the dependable nature of the power source doesn’t require special conditions – such as sun or wind – that other renewable energy sources do. Featured in the Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, the breakthrough viably uses microbial fuel cells (MFCs) that feast on urine, creating electricity as a by-product. Although the electricity output is relatively low, the researchers, lead by Dr Ioannis Ieropoulos, were able to siphon enough power to directly charge the battery of a mobile device for the first time. Calling urine the 'ultimate waste product', Ieropoulos and his crew feel that the reliability of this biomass makes it an attractive alternative renewable energy source. For now, the breakthrough has only been able to harness enough energy for a low charge, but researchers foresee increasing power as the project develops further. The scientists hope for a future of smart toilets, where home toilets can be used as an energy convertor to help offset electric use throughout the house.

Fracking – the debate rages on

New evidence that fracking may contaminate drinking water was published recently in a study that's sure to add fuel to the fight over the controversial method of extracting natural gas from cracks in rocks. Researchers at Duke University analysed 141 drinking water samples from private water wells across the gas-rich Marcellus shale basin in north-eastern Pennsylvania. They found methane concentrations were six times higher and ethane concentrations were 23 times higher at homes within a kilometre of a shale gas well. Propane was detected in 10 samples, all of them from homes within a kilometre of drilling. 'The methane, ethane and propane data and new evidence from hydrocarbon and helium isotopes, all suggest that drilling has affected some homeowners' water,' said study author Robert Jackson, an environmental sciences professor. Two previous studies by Duke scientists found direct evidence of methane contamination in water wells near shale-gas drilling sites in north-eastern Pennsylvania. A third study conducted in Arkansas by US Geological Survey scientists found no evidence of drinking water contamination from shale gas production.

43 S G




Just a few months before his death in 2011, Steve Jobs

If you have a server room in your office,

announced plans to build a new corporate campus for

then you must know how warm it can get in

Apple in Cupertino City, California. Since then the initial

there. Unfortunately, these indispensable

$3 billion price tag for the extravagant spaceship-like

systems depend on air conditioning to

development has jumped to an estimated $5 billion,

things keep cool and working at optimal

according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Apple’s new HQ,

levels. So if you’re a company like Yahoo

designed by Foster + Partners, will cost more than the $3.9

with a more than sizeable data center

billion being spent on the new World Trade Center complex

of thousands of servers and computer

in New York – an estimate which triggered criticism from

systems, keeping that space from turning

the business community and company’s shareholders.

into a sauna of overheating network

The Apple Campus 2 will accommodate 12,000 employees

systems requires 24-hour cooling. But

and will have roughly

260,000 square meters of office

keeping the AC on full-time leads to more

spaces, corporate fitness facilities, auditoriums and a

than just a chilly room, this probably

cafeterias that could handle lunch for 3,000 employees.

comes as no surprise to you, but AC

The exterior curved glass walls will be made from pricey

systems are notoriously energy-hungry,

floor-to-ceiling panes of concave glass from Germany.

responsible large amounts of carbon

Temperature control systems will be used to automatically

to keep them running. But thankfully

open windows for fresh air, while Sulartubes will pipe

in a world where going green is on the

sunlight across the complex.

rise, Yahoo’s latest data center aims to change that energy-hungry practice into something remedied (for the most part) by nature.

S G 44



Amazon has reportedly submitted plans for a new

Google recently unveiled concept images of its

futuristic headquarters in Seattle that combines a

newest campus – a 27ha, 11-story behemoth that

skyscraper and a tri-sphere, bio-dome-like structure.

will be designed by award-winning architectural

According to the plans, the structure will be able

firm AHMM. Prior to this building's announcement,

to hold various forms of plant life and become a

Google's London operations were split between

place where employees can work and socialise in a

two offices, one in Covent Garden and one in

more natural, park-like setting. While the form of the

Victoria. The new headquarters, which will be located

building will be visually reminiscent of a greenhouse

near London's prestigious King's Cross Station, will

or conservatory, plant material will be selected for

consolidate operations into a single building while

its ability to co-exist in a microclimate that also suits

attempting to blend into the neighborhood. The

people. To encourage growth and maintain the health

new office will be made from industrial materials

of the plants, the building’s interior will include high

like steel, glass, and cross-laminated timber panels,

bay spaces on five floors totaling approximately

and it's designed to achieve BREEAM Outstanding

6 000m2 and capable of accommodating mature trees.

certification. If all goes as planned, workers will

The exterior enclosure will be highly transparent

break ground on the new UK headquarters early in

and be composed primarily of multiple layers of

2014, with completion scheduled for late 2016 or

glass supported by a metal framework. In addition

early 2017. The building is expected to create 1 500

to a variety of workplace environments, the facility

construction jobs, and while there are only about

will incorporate dining, meeting and lounge spaces,

2 000 Google employees in the UK, the new office

as well as a variety of botanical zones modeled on

will have room for about 4 500, which means the

montane ecologies found around the globe.

tech giant is likely to be hiring in the next few years.

45 S G



he exhibition component of the 6th annual

exists for global companies, who wish to gain a



footprint into Africa, to use this as a springboard




(GBCSA) Convention and Exhibition offers

to test the appetite of the South African market

an unmatched venue for responsible businesses

and to capture the undivided attention of the key

committed to sustainability to showcase their

local decision-makers in the built environment.

products, services and innovations to a network built

gaining momentum, and the steady increase in

environment. The platform affords professionals

the availability of products and services being

access to reliable and authentic 'green' products

marketed as "green", it has become essential

without having to muddle through the clutter of

for professionals within the built environment

misleading sustainability claims. The showcase

to learn about, experience, and use authentic

is also designed to facilitate discerning business-

products and services that represent best practice




S G 46

'With the green building movement increasingly








in sustainability,' says Brian Wilkinson, CEO of the

acceleration of the green economy.


Delivering a receptive audience

Connecting minds & building value

Being held on African soil for the first time ever,

As a value-add, all exhibitors receive delegate

South Africa will convene the largest international

passes to the Convention program, with a line-up



of some of the most acclaimed global thought

marketplace, comprising 92 global councils as the

leaders from the USA, Australia, Canada, Belgium

World Green Building Congress integrates with the

and Africa. Exhibitors are also able to invite

local program. This distinctive opportunity means

prospective clients to the opening cocktail function.

that local businesses in the sustainability field

Underpinned by the theme 'Rewire', this year's

can gain amplified exposure to the right global

revitalised exhibition has several new components

audience all under one roof. Opportunity also

that serve to increase the amount of exposure and




As South Africa strives to transform into a low-carbon economy, it is essential to move towards sustainable green technologies and products. However, in light of the increased availability of these green products and technologies in SA, the emphasis is rapidly shifting to focus on how one differentiates one offering from another? How do you sift through the 'green wash' or 'green sheen'? We take a look at an exhibition which could be the the ideal showcase for SA's green businesses.

product interaction for exhibitors. Among them is BrainWave – a brand new exhibition stage designed

About the GBCSA Founded in 2007, the GBCSA is an independent, non-profit

to add an energising dimension and create a

organisation that was formed to lead the transformation

platform for the sharing of fresh and challenging

of the South African property industry to environmental

ideas. Confirmed exhibitors are invited to apply to

sustainability. A full member of the World Green Building

deliver short presentations or live demonstrations.

Council, it subscribes to the Green Star SA rating

This year, the exhibition is also open for day

tool system and aims to ensure that all buildings are

visitors at a reduced rate – enabling them to access

designed, built and operated in an environmentally

the BrainWave program, reap the benefits of the

sustainable way, allowing South Africans to live and work


in healthy, efficient and productive environments.




increasing foot traffic to the exhibition. 'The Green Building Exhibition allows like-minds to connect,' says Wilkinson. 'We have created plenty of opportunity for exhibitors to engage with captains of industry and key decision-makers. The GBCSA is committed to showcasing quality products and sustainability solutions available in South Africa, and to encourage businesses not to miss out on this annual, world-class opportunity to exhibit or attend,' concludes Wilkinson.


Taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from the 16th to the 18th of October, 2013, this event is sponsored by Nedbank Corporate Property Finance. For more information visit:

'With the green building movement increasingly gaining momentum, and the steady increase in the availability of products and services being marketed as "green", it has become essential for professionals within the built environment to learn about, experience, and use authentic products and services that represent best practice in sustainability.' - Brian Wilkinson, CEO of the GBCSA.

47 S G

Be at the launch of the new Interiors Green Star SA Rating Tool

Be inspired to design healthier, happier and more productive interiors. Interiors designed with the planet in mind are better for people and profit. But that doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on aesthetics. The range of eco-friendly materials available is growing daily. Come see and hear about it all at the Global Green Building Convention and Exhibition.

Reserve your place now.

Contact us on 0861 042 272 or visit

Principal Sponsor S G 48

City and Nedbank to green housing developments

The City of Cape Town and Nedbank have entered into a ground-breaking cooperation agreement recently to ‘green’ four housing developments in Rugby, Silvertown, Ottery and Wetton. The first community which will benefit from this collaboration is the recently-launched Rugby housing development. 'This collaboration seeks to provide, improve and enhance the value of green spaces within our housing developments in a sustainable manner. It forms part of the City’s commitment to building communities, not just houses,' said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Special Projects, Alderman Belinda Walker.

31 Green Stars for SA


The awarding of Cecilia Square’s Green Star SA certification brings the number of certifications awarded by the GBCSA to 31 and a first for the town of Paarl – another milestone signalling the increased penetration of green building in SA.

Nature & the works of man

Solar Indaba

2-5 September, Mount Nelson Hotel, Cape Town. SA's flagship solar conference which will include 250 director and board level stakeholders. Download the brochure here.

GBCSA Convention

16-18 October 2013, CTICC. The 6th annual Green Building Council SA Convention & Exhibition has been somewhat reinvented under the inspiring theme 'ReWire'.


Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto's 2013 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London opened to the public recently. This year's pavilion strikes a delicate balance between nature and the works of man. Built from a network of steel beams, the geometric structure is almost cloud-like, and from a distance it appears as though mist were rising off the floor of the Kensington Gardens. Fujimoto designed the naturally day-lit structure to allow visitors to feel as though they were in nature even while protected inside the pavilion.

49 S G

B uilding N ews

1st Green Star rated building for Paarl

The new Cecilia Square office building in Paarl, which is located adjacent to the N1 close to the Paarl Mall and is scheduled for completion in September, has received a 4 Star Green Star Office Design Rating from the Green Building Council SA (GBCSA). Michelle Ludwig of PJ Carew Consulting, the green consultant for Cecilia Square, explains that Cecilia Square managed to achieve a 55% reduction in energy and a 70% reduction in water consumption by adopting simple measures such as harvesting rain water runoff and using energy efficient lighting. 'Concrete usage was minimized through the use of coffered slabs between the floor levels. Coffered slabs contain empty pockets, rather than a solid slab of concrete. These not only minimize concrete use but also have excellent thermal capabilities – meaning that the building limits the amount of heating and air conditioning required to maintain an ambient indoor temperature,' Ludwig went on to say.

Awarded Five Star Green Rating Status

Nedbank Menlyn Maine, which was unveiled last year as the first completed building inside Africa’s first ever ‘green precinct’, and the third 'As Built' Green Star rated building in the Nedbank portfolio has been honoured with a rare and highly prestigious Five Star Green Star ‘As Built’ rating by the GBCSA. Only eight buildings in SA have attained this status, the highest for completed buildings in the country. Nedbank Menlyn Maine contributes to the Nedbank Group maintaining its status as Africa’s only carbon neutral financial services organisation.

S G 50

The POWER of the National Energy Barometer Survey The National Energy Barometer Survey (NEBS) is a FREE national benchmarking service to compile an accurate comparison database so that each building owner can track performance over time, and to compare consumption against others in the same industry.

Architecture giants, the Bjark Ingels Group (BIG) , unveils twisting telus eco skytower for Calgary BIG is collaborating with the Canadian architecture firm Dialog to design the mixed-use tower for the developer Westbank Corp Calgary is a rapidly growing city and features cluster or towers in the downtown area surrounded by low-density suburban housing. Lots of people work in downtown, but not many live there, so the idea is to invigorate the area with a new residential and commercial development. The Telus Sky Tower will be located on the 7th Avenue block in downtown Calgary and situated directly next to a light rail line. A close connection with transportation ensures that workers and residents have easy access to and from the building. The lower floor plates are standard building size to accommodate traditional and larger office floor plans. As the building grows in height it gradually tapers to a slimmer width more suitable for private residences that allow in more daylighting. The exterior also twists and extrudes to create pixelated private balconies. Meanwhile the roof is used as a sky garden. Telus Sky is expected to be complete around September of 2017 and will aim for LEED Platinum certification.

• • • •

Know where you building(s) rank against the average in your category Facility managers can benchmark portfolios of buildings against each other Track your performance when you enter year after year Identify the potential energy savings you could be achieving in your category

Building categories • • • • • • •

Shopping centres Corporate headquarters General office buildings Car dealerships Banks Hotels Hospitals

Register for the 2012 Utility Year before 23 September 2013

Follow these easy steps • • • •

Logon to Register as a participant Enter the required details for your building(s) category Enter the energy use from your utility account Supported by:

Media partners

51 S G

Toyota Auris Hybrid

Best Global Green Brand Toyota has confirmed its consistent enviro-leadership by being named the world's Best Global Green Brand for the third year running. We take a look.


ore than 10  000 consumers surveyed around the world recognised Toyota for committing to sustainable enviro-leadership

and having invested in innovative vehicles such as the pioneering Toyota Prius. They also appreciated the

company's various programs designed


reduce greenhouse emissions, water and energy consumption throughout its operations.

The 2013 Best Global Green Brands report, compiled by international brand consultancy Interbrand, determines the gap between a company's enviro-performances and its actual enviro-practices.

The 2013 Best Global Green Brands report, compiled


Toyota and Lexus hybrid models including the Yaris,

Interbrand, determines the gap between a company's




Auris, Prius, Lexus CT 200h, GS 450h and the RX

enviro-performances and its actual enviro-practices.


Sales of Toyota and Lexus hybrid vehicles

In 2015 Toyota plans to commercialise its hydrogen

worldwide now stand at 5.22m, resulting in an

fuel-cell hybrid vehicle, featuring next-generation

estimated reduction of some 35m tons of CO2.

powertrain technology and approaching what the

Globally, Toyota is currently in the process of a

company considers the ultimate eco-car.

product launch cycle that will introduce new or

Recently, Toyota was named the world's most valuable automotive brand in the BrandZ Top 100

updated hybrid models. South African customers can choose from six

Most Valuable Global Brands 2013 report.


This page was made possible with the kind assistance of Toyota

M otoring

Anyone who knows anything about motoring is aware that manufacturers sometimes indulge in some puffery around new models coming on line; models that perhaps are really only superficially improved upon over their predecessors. This is most definitely not the case with Mercedes-Benz's new E-Class range. Indeed, these new cars represent a glimpse into the future of motoring. We went for a drive and took a close look before bringing this report-back to you.

53 S G


his article is not so much one of those that

available – and if you're that interested, you've

you'll find on the motoring media in which

probably already read all about it elsewhere. There

it's all petrol-head stuff about torque and

is absolutely nothing 'wrong' with this car; either

engine capacity and how fast you can get the car

from a manufacturing point of view or from a

to go above the legal speed limit or any of that

consumer's perspective and it delivers exactly as

stuff. And, while we're on the topic of petrol-head

advertised. The question that needs to be asked

reportage, what difference does it make that a car

is: Do you want/need this car? If so, it's there to be

can go 180km/h or 200km/h or 250km/h when any


one of those speeds is only going to get you thrown

But the reality is, as Mercedes-Benz CEO Dr Martin

into a prison cell for your efforts. That's all just old

Zimmerman told Simply Green during an unplanned

thinking – and silly, too. These days we need cars that are good in and around the ever-increasing volume of traffic on our roads, that reduce enviro-impacts over their lifecycles and are light on fuel (maybe, in due course here in the Deep South, that don't even need conventional petrochemical-based fuels at all), that are as safe as possible for drivers, passengers, other vehicles and pedestrians, and can still take the family out for a drive in the country without it being a major mission. In a single sentence, having driven all the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class vehicles that have recently been launched into the SA market, we can say that every one of the new range meets the above

New E-Class models lined up for some sprint, handling and breaking tests

criteria. Of course, the speedier, sportier varieties will chew through your fuel faster than the hybrid

but thoroughly worthwhile two-hour conversation

and larger-engined models, while providing that

shared while we drove the E 300 BlueTEC HYBRID

ego-boosting vooma that some people need and are

between Franschhoek and Hermanus, the long way

designed to appeal to those who shop at the top

round via Caledon, 'while there will always probably

end of the luxury vehicle market.

be a market for powerful, sporty luxury sedans, the

If you want the new E-Class AMG, then, it's

S G 54

future of urban mobility will increasingly focus on

smaller-engined, more efficient vehicles – in the

elements can be found in our accompanying piece

range of 1100-1200cc – but with much improved

on that vehicle. What's important here is that this

efficiencies, and everything you would expect in

car is a pleasure to drive, that it does the things it is

terms of technological improvements and safety

advertised to do – like warn the driver that he or she

from a larger model'.

may be wandering a little close to the white lines

And that, ladies and gentlemen, more or less

that separate lanes or your lane from oncoming

sums up Mercedes' thinking on the subject of what's

traffic (you get little feedback 'bumps' through the

coming in our motoring futures – along with a lot

steering column, as if you were driving over the cats'

of other stuff that Dr Zimmerman discussed with us

eyes that help define one lane from another). These

during that fascinating drive.

are the things you might expect from a high-tech machine made by a world-leading manufacturer, with a variety of eye-pleasing displays carrying quite a lot of info, and a general sense of luxury which Mercedes has always focused on delivering to its customers. In that sense, driving this hybrid is a seamless experience, the combustion and electric motors working in perfect sync, delivering extra instant thrust (that's torque for any petrol-heads who are reading this) from the electric motor, as do other similarly-constructed hybrids. So, no real surprises there, really, just a great deal of smooth, fun driving, with that sense that you are at the wheel of a really well-made car – all good. For any more on this model, the technical and other details can be found in the accompanying report.

Mercedes Benz experts detailing developments and improvements at the E-Class launch

Let's deal with the new hybrid and how it drives

Motoring writers taking in new E-Class model facts


first, before moving on to broader fields of interest.

What was far more interesting to us at Simply Green

Firstly, it is a genuine Mercedes-Benz, exactly as

was what emerged in the extended conversation

you might expect if you've driven an E-Class vehicle

which we were fortunate enough to serendipitously

or something similar before. The details of all its

spend with Dr Zimmerman as a passenger on our

special functions and added safety and drive-assist

excursion through the Southern Cape to Hermanus.

55 S G

Mercedes-Benz SA CEO Dr Martin Zimmerman

Aside from reducing engine sizes, remodelling

'But underlying these technical solutions is the

for urban transportation requirements in the

need to properly think through everything that

megacities of the 21st century, improvements in

goes with future mobility – that means thinking

rolling, stopping and fuel-efficiencies and improved

in sustainable terms from source material to end

safety elements, Dr Zimmerman spent some time

of life of that material, the full usage cycle. It

talking about the pros and cons of the various

also includes the human aspects of sustainability

options that now lie before us in terms of where

such as happy and productive staff, as well as our

motoring goes in the next 20-30 years or so. To

methods of production. And then there are the

say that this conversation was 'interesting' is a vast

vehicles themselves, with the need to use recycled

understatement. Without actually working in the

materials where possible, recyclable materials

vehicle manufacturing sector, it is hard to imagine

almost throughout and low-impact materials in

another situation wherein we could have had access

preference to others.

to someone so knowledgeable for so long and on

'The key is to look beyond today and consider what will be efficient tomorrow and beyond. This

such a wide range of related topics. So what does the Merc SA CEO think is coming?

covers everything from the technology of our

Well, hybrids are not a fad, for one thing – there

production methods to the technology in our

will, he believes, be hybrids of one kind or another

vehicles. That is what we've committed to, having

around for the foreseeable future. Indeed, we

realised that this is a business-critical requirement.

are likely to see many more models and varieties

I suppose that is why our East London plant has

coming on stream from not only Mercedes but

done well again this year.'

other manufacturers as we increasingly get to grips st

Of course, we discussed much else during our

with what no longer works in terms of 21 century

back-road meanderings together. And, truth to

mobility issues.

tell, the conversation was so interesting and the

'Petrol-electric and diesel-electric hybrids are

drive so easy, smooth and simple, that aside from

not perfect solutions but they are steps in the right

noticing that driver assist elements actually work as

direction towards sustainable mobility. All-electric

advertised – one such being the feedback already

vehicles are promising but there is the issue of

mentioned which one receives through the steering

infrastructure, which is expensive if we are going

column when wandering too close to the lines

to be able to recharge at something like the same

delineating one's driving lane – we didn't talk too

rate at which one can fill up with oil-based fuels,'

much about the hybrid itself.

said Dr Zimmerman.

S G 56

Simply Green's Executive Editor & Publisher Chris Erasmus readies himself for a test drive in one of the new E-Class models

As we parked for lunch and our conversation

'But perhaps the most interesting, at least to

came to its natural conclusion, Dr Zimmerman

us, is the prospect of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

gently pointed out that I hadn't actually tried the

This mobility solution too has some infrastructural

'sailing' technique which smoothes out and further

issues and costs, but they are not insurmountable.

reduces consumption. Oh well, that will have to wait

The technology has come a long way and it is

for the promised extended drive in this hybrid – and

very promising, so I would not be very surprised

when we've done that drive we're going to report

to see such vehicles on our roads in increasing

back, as is our style, on the real-life consumption,

numbers and at affordable prices in the near to

performance and drive experience which this great


new E-Class Mercedes-Benz offers.



Mercedes-Benz is particularly proud of this new E-Class range, with special mention being repeatedly – and justifiably – made of the 10 technological improvements and upgrades featured in various models in the range.


ercedes says that those models which boast the most advanced of these systems are beginning to approach the futuristic notion of a self-driving car. Obviously, they have a long way to go yet, but when long-distance and close-range radar are combined with stereoscopic camera vision, some of these cars can ‘see’ as effectively as most people – and given that they can ‘see’ in multiple directions at the same time, safety is definitely improved. For example, E-Class vehicles equipped with these features can detect a pedestrian approaching the vehicle and can help prevent an injury-causing accident as a result. And just about anyone who’s experienced a blind-spot collision or near-miss will deeply appreciate the added safety of the Active Blind Spot Assist. Among the safety and driving enhancement features which the new E-Class vehicles boast are: DISTRONIC PLUS with Steering Assist can help to take the burden off the driver when it comes to keeping the vehicle in its lane and also track traffic in tailbacks semi-automatically. For the first time, the Brake Assist system BAS PLUS with Junction Assist is able to detect crossing traffic and pedestrians too, and boost the braking power applied by the driver accordingly. The PRE-SAFE Brake can detect pedestrians and initiate autonomous braking to avoid a collision at speeds up to 50km/h.

PRE-SAFE PLUS can recognise an imminent rear-end collision. The driver of the vehicle following behind is warned by activation of the rear warning lights with increasing frequency. The PRE-SAFE system then triggers occupant protection measures to reduce the forces to which occupants are subjected. It can also firmly apply the stationary vehicle's brakes in the event of a rear-end collision to prevent secondary accidents. Active Lane Keeping Assist can now detect when the adjacent lane is occupied, in particular by oncoming traffic too. When there is the risk of a collision, the system can also prevent the vehicle from leaving its lane unintentionally, when continuous lines are present, by applying the brakes on one side. As such it makes the ideal supplement to Active Blind Spot Assist. Adaptive Highbeam Assist Plus allows the high-beam headlamps to be kept on permanently without dazzling traffic by masking out other vehicles in the beams' cone of light. Active Parking Assist enables automated parking with active steering and brake control in both parallel and end-on spaces. A 360º camera covers all four sides of the vehicle, thus enabling a uniform all-round view, including virtual bird's-eye view – a top-down view of the vehicle and its immediate surroundings. Dynamic guide lines help with entering and leaving parking spaces as well as manoeuvring.


E Class - nearly human

The New E-Class

57 S G


ď Ź

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Launch, Franschhoek

'The world's most fuel-efficient luxury-class sedan' T

S G 58

he new Mercedes-Benz E 300 BlueTEC HYBRID

for passengers or luggage) and offers an impressive

is set to make its mark in the growing

driving experience thanks to start/stop, regenerative

fuel-efficient luxury car segment launch with

braking, the boost effect, all-electric driving and

record efficiency values of 4.2l of diesel/100km and

something Mercedes calls 'sailing' – a version of

110g CO2/km, accompanied by increased torque and

open-road cruising in which the forward motion of

power output.

vehicle is optimised to reduce fuel consumption.

Its modular hybrid concept with a lithium-ion

Available as either a saloon or estate, the new E

battery does not compromise internal space (either

300 BlueTEC HYBRID is the world's most fuel-efficient

When is a hybrid more like a purebred? When it's been produced by one of the world's leading manufacturers who've taken existing and proven technologies and integrated them into a fusion of internal combustion and electric power trains, plus a whole lot more in the way of driver assists and enhanced performance characteristics. This is our report on driving the latest Mercedes hybrid. model in the luxury segment, says Mercedes-Benz,

engine combines with an electric motor rated at

which claims that with this launch it is opening up

20kW and 250Nm to produce a harmonious overall

a new chapter in the core segment for the brand,


setting new standards for luxury-class business cars.






represents a comprehensive enhancement of the S

The E 300 hybrid boasts truly impressive

400 HYBRID – and is, says Mercedes 'the clear market

performance. Its 4-cylinder diesel engine generates

leader in its segment: no body modifications are

150kW of output and 500Nm of torque. The diesel

necessary, the hybrid module is flexible and also

59 S G

silence, while the hybrid module also dampens any internal combustion engine vibrations. What's more, full climate control is available even in start/stop mode.

SailingAlong the motorway Mercedes-Benz hybrid technology offers a wealth of extra functions that enhance both comfort and efficiency, as well as helping to deliver a special driving experience underpinned by accomplished sportiness: When the car is stationary – ECO start/ stop: the internal combustion engine can be switched off when coasting on the overrun at speeds up to 160km/h, since ancillaries such as the steering, brakes and refrigerant compressor operate electrically. It is restarted quickly, smoothly and virtually silently. suitable for deployment in other model series'. The philosophy behind this vehicle may be summed






Accelerating: electrical power alone is used for moving off and driving under low load. Acceleration

compromising on comfort or utility.

from standstill is particularly powerful, since the


electric motor's full torque of up to 250Nm is

The E 300 hybrid forms part of the brand's

immediately available – and as the driver you can


feel that this vehicle has more 'get up and go' than





conventional models perform far more efficiently

a conventionally-engined comparable model.

than previously – without sacrificing driveability

Boost function: the electric motor supports the

or comfort. Here the company's engineers have

combustion engine during acceleration, such as

their sights set on fuel consumption figures in

when overtaking (we tried this and it definitely

everyday traffic, rather than on standard or NEDC


combined consumption. The manufacturer's 'real

Cruising: when the car is being driven at a constant

life safety' philosophy, which focuses on safety

speed, the engine control unit shifts the operating

benefits under real-life conditions rather than

points towards exceptionally low specific fuel

standardised crash-test results, is augmented by

consumption levels.

'real life efficiency'.

Sailing: 'sailing', as it has come to be known, is

The E 300 BlueTEC HYBRID is based on the E 250

possible at speeds below 160km/h. The combustion

CDI, yet has a higher output and some 15% lower

engine shuts down and the desired speed is

fuel consumption. On the road therefore, the E

maintained by the electric-motor alone until the

300 BlueTEC HYBRID is comparable to the E 300 CDI

battery needs recharging.

(170kW/540Nm), yet it boasts around 35% lower

Kinetic energy recuperation when coasting or

fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In terms of

braking: when the car is coasting (decelerating

vehicle weight too, the E 300 BlueTEC HYBRID is on a

on the overrun), the electric motor acts as a

par with the E 300 CDI.

generator. When the brake pedal is depressed, the


S G 60

Manoeuvring: in most cases the car uses electric power alone for manoeuvring and parking.

generator output is initially increased proportionally for greater deceleration. Only when increased brake

At the same time, hybridisation enhances ride

pressure is applied are the wheel brakes also

comfort. The car starts and moves off in virtual


maximum output of 20kW and peak torque of 250Nm at an operating voltage of 120V. The hybrid drive's electrical energy





high-voltage lithium-ion battery specially developed for use in vehicles. Its key characteristics include an output of 19kW and an energy content of 0.8kWh, allowing





on electric power alone at up to 35km/h and for up to one kilometre. Its space-saving installation in the engine compartment in place of the conventional starter battery means that the vehicle's interior dimensions




Information: an additional economy effect arises

compartment capacity remain unchanged compared

after a relatively short period of time, as drivers

to conventional engined equivalents. In addition to

increasingly apply the various fuel-savings and

serving as an energy accumulator for the electric

efficiency functions in a more effective manner.

motor, the lithium-ion battery is also connected

They are supported here by the display concept in

via the voltage converter to the 12V on-board

the hybrid models – the central display provides

electrical system, which supplies power to standard

information on the current energy flow and the

power-consuming devices such as the headlamps and

charge status of the battery.

the comfort features like air conditioning.

The hybrid module: a compact and intelligently integrated powerhouse.






numerous hybrid-specific components, such as the high-performance electronics in the engine compartment, can be directly incorporated with the

The hybrid drive unit is a further development of

internal combustion engine, thus neatly rounding off

the module from the S 400 HYBRID and is based

the modularity concept. This means that the hybrid

on the 7G-TRONIC PLUS automatic transmission.

models can be produced on the same assembly line

Distinguishing features include omission of the

as their conventional counterparts without needing

hydraulic torque converter and the addition of a wet

to be diverted elsewhere. Another plus point of the

clutch of the kind also found in the high-performance

overall concept is the scalability and compatibility

AMG models. Consequently, the electric motor can

with other vehicles and engines.

be integrated in the transmission unit in such a way that it takes up only marginally more space than the


7G-TRONIC (+65 mm). The omission of the converter

Integration of the hybrid systems without any

allows all-electric motoring as well as 'sailing' (when

body modifications has the practical benefit of

the electric motor maintains open-road cruising

not restricting spaciousness in any way, as well as

speed), which significantly boosts the potential to

ensuring that all hybrid models boast exactly the

reduce fuel consumption.

same high level of safety as their counterparts with an

The compact electric motor, which is installed

internal combustion engine – a very important aspect

in space-saving configuration in the clutch-housing

for Mercedes-Benz. Accident behaviour of the hybrid

between engine and transmission, is a 3-phase AC

has been successfully tested in crash simulations and

internal rotor magneto motor which generates a

tests, says the manufacturer.


61 S G

M obility

Proud workers at the Mercedes-Benz SA East London manufacturing plant

Mercedes philosophy w award for SA manufac Simply Green was recently invited to participate in Mercedes-Benz SA's launch of its new high-tech E-Class range (see page 53 for more on that). On the eve of the launch, it was announced that the high-end car manufacturer's East London plant had won silver in the 2013 JD Power and Associates IQS Survey, the fifth top award for this plant in five consecutive years, and a world first. The Mercedes-Benz folk were very pleased – and Simply Green took the opportunity to speak to Mercedes-Benz SA's CEO, Dr Martin Zimmerman, on what the award means and why this particular SA-based plant was doing so well.

S G 62

The plant won a gold award in 2009, platinum in 2010, gold in 2011 and now has had two consecutive years of silver awards.

consecutive placement among the top assembly plants in the Europe-Africa region in terms of new vehicle production quality. MBSA is once again the only African manufacturer

on this years' winner's podium, and now boasts one platinum, two gold and two silver awards over a five year period, all garnered by its East London plant. This facility produces the W204 C-Class for both the local and US markets, and registered only 24 problems per 100 vehicles (24PP100) surveyed. The gold award-winner in the category performed only one point better, at 23PP100 vehicles. MBSA's sister plant in Sindelfingen, Germany received a third-place bronze commendation for its production of the CL-Class and the S-Class, with score of 25PP100.








full implementation mode, gearing up for the introduction of the next generation C-Class in 2014. As one of only four Daimler AG plants world-wide selected to produce the luxury vehicle, MBSA will inject in excess of R2.5bn into the local and national economy as it prepares facilities, infrastructure and human capital for the new model launch.

Human & earth-friendly philosophy Beyond the facts of the award – and the positive upshot for local vehicle manufacturing in terms of MBSA's planned growth – Simply Green spoke to Dr

wins another cturing plant T

Zimmerman, CEO of the regional arm of this leading international vehicle manufacturer, to find out a bit more about how an African vehicle production plant managed to do so well against some of the best facilities in the world. Part of the answer was delivered before we'd even got past the formalities of introductions – Dr Zimmerman, who generally exudes an aura of calm, confident self-possession, was literally beaming with pride.

he result of the annual JD Power and Associates

Said Dr Zimmerman: ‘We are extremely happy

Initial Quality Study (IQS) is eagerly anticipated

with this exceptional result, especially as it is a

by motor manufacturers the world over. It

measure of customer satisfaction because it is

is seen as a definitive indication of supremacy in

derived from feedback from users of our vehicles

terms of quality of manufacturing in the automotive

made at this plant, the great majority of which –

industry. In the 2013 survey of new car buyers

about 80-85% – goes to the United States.

in the United States, the Mercedes-Benz South

‘The measure is derived from a sample of owners

Africa (MBSA) production plant in East London put

over a three month period following purchase or

on a sterling show, with an unprecedented 5th

leasing of one of our vehicles. This makes us very

63 S G

sensitive to customer experiences and expectations. Every car arriving in the US (from this plant) is taken through a testing process. The plant won a gold award in 2009, platinum in 2010, gold in 2011 and now has had two consecutive years of silver awards. ‘This shows that we manufacture quality products and this comes down to the quality of our employees and of our quality checks, of which there are many. An indication of one reason for the success of how we work is that we take seriously the feedback we get from the employees themselves on what improvements can be made in the production systems and processes. Another is that we have very low absenteeism with a

The Mercedes-Benz SA East London manufacturing plant's team

Quality Award facts JD Power's IQS, now in its 27th year,

99.2% attendance rate. This shows that our workers

is based on responses from more

are happy and dedicated.

than 83 000 purchasers and lessees of

‘The workers know that the more they improve, the better their work experience will be. Every day there are meetings of teams, from the production floor up

new 2013 model-year cars, trucks and multi-activity vehicles surveyed, after 90

to management. If we are missing someone, we find

days of ownership. The study is based

out exactly what’s going on, so we care for and look

on a 233-question battery designed to

after our people, and they know that.

provide manufacturers with information

‘We also have performance-based pay systems as well as rewards for consistent attendance – and we award a C-Class vehicle to a member of staff as part

to facilitate identification of problems and drive product improvement. The MBSA performance in the 2013

of our incentive schemes. ‘In view of the fact that this is the first of our production plants to have won an award of this nature five years running – we think it’s the first for any such

survey is an improvement on the score of 28PP100 in the previous year, when the

plant in the world, actually – we are definitely going to

plant also registered a silver award. In the

do something to recognise this achievement, though,

2011 survey this score for MBSA stood at

since it has just happened, we have yet to decide

31PP100, worthy of a gold award-winning

exactly how we are going to reward our people. But you can be sure that we will,’ said Dr Zimmerman.


performance at the time. Vice-president for manufacturing at MBSA, Arno van der Merwe said: 'The score is an indication

‘Part of our success lies in our commitment to

of the consistent and sustainable strides

sustainability in all aspects of our business. We are

we are making as a local manufacturer to

already the only manufacturer which is remanufacturing parts. But this is just one part of a larger program which is running right through Mercedes’ philosophy

create products of the highest build quality, that are safer and more carbon-friendly.

and way of doing business in a long-term sustainable

'This progression also clearly shows

fashion, while at the same time continually improving

the rate at which the global industry is

our products and production methods.’ For more on the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class range

improving, and the pressure to run a tight

and for an insight into the company’s local leadership’s

ship at our plant in terms of reliability,

views on future ‘sustainable future mobility’, see page

efficiency and quality in order to remain




Visit for more.

These pages were made possible with the kind assistance of Mercedes-Benz SA


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65 S G

Motoring News

Fiat Group's methane-powered TwinAir Turbo voted 'Best Green Engine of the Year 2013'

Launched last year for the first time on the new Fiat Panda, this innovative two-cylinder engine combines the environmental benefits of methane fuel supply with the power and fun at the wheel ensured by Turbo TwinAir technology. Currently the new ‘0.9 TwinAir Turbo Natural Power 80 HP’ is available in Europe only on the Fiat Panda and 500l Natural Power models as well as on the Lancia Ypsilon EcoChic. The same technology that gained the 1.4 MultiAir Turbo engine the ‘Best New Engine’ award in 2010, confirming Fiat's undisputed leadership in developing and producing small-displacement engines with high technological content and low environmental impact. In the field of alternative fuels, Fiat considers that methane engines are now the most appropriate technological choice for contributing to the reduction of pollution in urban areas and the limitation of CO2 emissions. Methane engines minimise the most harmful emissions such as particulate (practically reduced to zero), nitrogen oxide and the most reactive hydrocarbons which cause the formation of other pollutants. They also generate 23% less CO2 compared to petrol engines. Therefore, methane is the 'cleanest' and cheapest fuel available today and it is also potentially a source of renewable energy thanks to the development of bio methane.

S G 66

The 2014 Honda Accord beats other hybrids on the market (city rating)

The 2014 Honda Accord's city rating of 17.3km/l or 5.7l/100km is impressive. Notably, this is not the 2014 Honda Accord Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV), which has ability to plug in and use electric power and has achieved a 40km/l rating in electric mode, according to the EPA. The Honda Accord Hybrid is equipped with a powerful 124KW electric propulsion system as well as the all-new 2.0l DOHC i-VTEC Atkinson-cycle 4-cylinder engine. Even though the conventional hybrid doesn’t have the ability to plug in, this new two-motor hybrid powertrain does allow it to drive in electric-only mode. 'The two-motor SPORT HYBRID Intelligent Multi Mode Drive powertrain in the Accord Hybrid allows the vehicle to move through three different driving modes – EV Drive, Hybrid Drive and Engine Drive – to optimise fuel efficiency,' said Honda. The new Accord Hybrid is to go on-sale nationwide in October 2013.

GM & Honda to collaborate on next-gen fuel cell


General Motors and Honda announced recently a long-term, definitive master agreement to co-develop next-generation fuel cell system and hydrogen storage technologies, aiming for the 2020 time frame. The collaboration expects to succeed by sharing expertise, economies of scale and common sourcing strategies. GM and Honda plan to work together with stakeholders to further advance refueling infrastructure, which is critical for the long-term viability and consumer acceptance of fuel cell vehicles. GM and Honda are acknowledged leaders in fuel cell technology. According to the Clean Energy Patent Growth Index, GM and Honda rank 1 and 2, respectively, in total fuel cell patents filed between 2002 and 2012, with more than 1 200 between them. 'We are convinced this is the best way to develop this important technology, which has the potential to help reduce the dependence on petroleum and establish sustainable mobility,' said Dan Akerson, GM chairman and CEO. GM’s Project Driveway program, launched in 2007, has accumulated nearly 4.8m km of real-world driving in a fleet of 119 hydrogen-powered vehicles, more than any other automaker. Fuel cell vehicles can operate on renewable hydrogen made from sources like wind and biomass. The only emission from fuel cell vehicles is water vapour.

Charging an electric bus in under 15 seconds?

Electric vehicles are a great option for personal use, but when it comes to public transportation, the technology has its limitations. Electric buses require overhead power lines or lengthy recharge times to stay running. But that may all change with TOSA’s new 'flash-charging' stations, which can fully charge a bus in 15 seconds flat. That means the bus could be fully re-charged and ready to go in the time it takes to let people on and off at a stop. The system is being put to the test in Geneva, Switzerland in a project called Trolleybus Optimisation Système Alimentation (TOSA). As each bus comes to a stop, a laser-driven arm connects the bus to the charger, giving it a 400KW boost at selected stops. Then, at the end of the bus line, the bus can take a few minutes to recharge fully for the next trip. The electricity for the project comes from clean hydroelectricity and the charging time is so quick that it won’t interfere with the flow of transportation. The roof-mounted charging system runs both the bus itself and the interior electronics like lighting. The flash-chargers will be placed at every 3rd or 4th stop and the shape of the charger will change to suit the needs of each stop. The project is a partnership between several innovative companies, including ABB, OPI and the Geneva energy company SIG. If everything works as planned, it could spell the end for overhead lines and will give mass transit more flexibility and make cities more beautiful by removing the webbing of overhead power lines.

Tesla Motor's 4 th car for future EVs

It’s been a great year so far for Tesla – the electric automaker paid back its federal loan a full nine years early, it announced plans to triple its supercharger stations, and it scooped the green car of the year award. Now CEO Elon Musk has announced plans to follow up on the company’s success with two additional vehicles – a small SUV and a lower-priced sedan that will hit the streets as early as 2015. Currently the car company is focused on producing the Model S sedan and the Model X (pictured), a crossover SUV that will go into production next year. 'In about three to four years, that’s when we aspire to bring into production a sedan that’s about half the price of the Model S, and then shortly thereafter a small SUV as well,' says Musk. 'These should be quite affordable. The price would be on the order of $35 000.'

67 S G

Bamboo – it's the stuff green dreams are made of, literally and figuratively. A growing number of new products are using bamboo as a key component, rapidly growing the list of uses for the ancient friend-to-mankind. We take a look.

beautiful, sustainable Beautiful, versatile  T

hese days you can get something made in bamboo in virtually every consumer sector there

is – even some cars, believe it or not. Bamboo

is renowned for being a highly sustainable material, because it grows very quickly in moderate to poor soil conditions with some varieties growing up to 2m a week. The list of uses for bamboo – one of the greenest materials on the planet and, obviously one

that is both rapidly renewable and, when properly managed, highly sustainable – is long and growing (pun fully intended). It includes yoga mats, baskets, bicycles, headphones, furniture of all sorts and a host of others, some of which we'll get to shortly.

S G 68

and very green

e & very green Why is bamboo important?

Bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant on the earth

(although technically it is a grass, its stem is woody enough to be used as a wood alternative). Its renewability

is only matched by hemp. Similarly, it is among the easiest

renewable products to grow, with varieties of bamboo able to thrive in a wide range of climates, excluding desert and, without irrigation, semi-desert conditions.

Many & varied uses Among the great many uses of bamboo, some of which you are probably familiar with, and some not so much, are:

Bamboo's renewability is only matched by hemp.

Bamboo clothing – strong, silky and soft

Flooring – Bamboo flooring is every bit as good

as hardwood and much more sustainable and vastly faster to renew.

Bicycles – We kid you not. In countries like Australia and Denmark, bamboo is being used to replace aluminium in bicycles.

Paper – A great alternative to slow-growing trees. Instruments – Musical instruments actually eat up quite a bit of wood, which bamboo can easily replace without loss of quality.

Toys – Even toys are being made from bamboo these days. Your kids can play without doing any damage to the planet.

69 S G


Bamboo Warehouse fencing

S G 70

Solid Bamboo

A long history These are but a few uses of bamboo, but there are many others, both ancient and new to add to the list.


Humanity's relationship with bamboo goes back literally millennia. Its uses have evolved over time, and even in the 21st century this grass – which is considered a symbol of fertility in Chinese culture and a symbol of friendship in India – has been utilised in a multitude of ways, some of which may seem rather eccentric. Here are some more uses for this amazing material:

Footbridges – Given its durability and strength, bamboo is an easily workable, light and extremely stable building material. It withstands large amounts of weight, making it suitable for footbridges in rural settings. One such example is the Kampong Cham bridge in Cambodia, which connects two islands in the region and holds the distinction of being the longest bamboo bridge in the world. The Japanese rely on bamboo as a main building component. The footbridges, made with bamboo planks and binding materials, span chasms and river systems to enable the travel and commerce of locals living in remote areas.

Waterwheels and turbine blades – Another 'green' use of bamboo is as a building material for alternative energy installations. In many rural settings, as in Yangshuo, China, bamboo is a primary material for building waterwheels for hydropower. It is also used to make blades for wind turbines.

Kitchenware – Because of its material properties, bamboo cutting boards help keep knives sharp. Knife and other utensil handles can also be made from this fantastic resource. Bamboo steamers have been used in Asia for centuries to cook rice and steam vegetables. Bamboo

Food & Trees for Africa

Bamboo for Africa Food & Trees for Africa launched the Bamboo for Africa program in September 2010. It is now internationally accredited through the Verified Carbon Standard as a Verified Emission Reduction program. This is a greening, climate change response, corporate social investment, enterprise development and black economic empowerment program. Carbon offset opportunity is offered at R75 per ton and the cost per plant which includes community training and support is R90. The proceeds from the accumulated carbon offsets are managed to support further community development programs. The program is implemented alongside the FEED program so that bamboo crops are cared for

alongside organic produce by the emerging farmers and farm managers. Minimum plantings are 230 plants or one hectare and these are currently taking place as offsets for a number of companies at the Onverwacht farm in Cullinan, Gauteng province. Bamboo provides a high-impact carbon sequestration opportunity with multi-faceted

steamers provide a healthier option than almost any other

community beneficiation, and the program is introduced to the community with plantings at public

cooking method.

schools and on open/tribal land.

Food – You don't have to be a panda to eat bamboo.

Visit for more.

Indeed, bamboo shoots are part of China's culinary history but are also eaten in India, and can be used in a number of ways you may not have thought of before, beyond the obvious stir-fries, including dried, shredded,

Air Fresheners & Odour-Absorbers – Bamboo

pickled, braised, and curried bamboo shoot. However, a

charcoal is a versatile material used for air freshening.

word of caution – some species contain cyanide and must

When finely ground and contained, it naturally kills odours

be treated before consumption. Best to source anything

in refrigerators and other small places such as closets or

bamboo-like due for the stomach from a known and

cabinets. Beyond its odour-absorption, bamboo charcoal

reliable source. Oh, and you can make beer from it too.

also acts as a dehumidifier.

71 S G

Health & Beauty Products – Bamboo charcoal

Computer Hardware – Bamboo has been used

can also be used as a skin exfoliant. When heated,

even in computer hardware such as hard-drive cases,

bamboo charcoal is made into a medicinal vinegar, used

keyboard covers, computer mice and other types of

in places like Japan to treat minor skin conditions like

computer hardware. Many cases of Fujitsu brand prototype

eczema. Bamboo products like this are also known for

laptops have been constructed of bamboo rather than just

anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

a veneer, making them more biodegradable. Bamboo fibres are used in packing material for Dell computer

Clothing – If you haven't worn a bamboo fibre


garment, go buy one right away – it is strong, but silky

And there are still many more uses, from construction

and soft on the skin. Consequently, it has become a

scaffolding (looks scary, but is actually quite safe when

popular choice in durable, air permeable, soft fabrics,

properly put up, because it has incredible tensile strength,

and is used to make bedding, underwear, baby diapers,

comparable to steel's tensile strength); fishing equipment,

blankets, bags, hats, and much more. What concerns the

including the obvious rods but also nets and their rigging;

US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the manufacturing

folk dancing props (no kidding); weaponry, with swords

process. Because bamboo is so hardy, it is also hard to

and staves which have been used for thousands of years

refine into fibre – however, some use toxic chemicals like

as training implements in the kendo tradition of Japan

sodium hydroxide, which can cause chemical burns or

and in India for stick fighting; and even caskets for the

blindness, to break down bamboo's cells into something

greenest (and cheapest) burial imaginable.

pliable called viscose.

Truly, bamboo is one of the greenest substances on

Manufacturers claim that sodium hydroxide poses no

the planet – and you can expect it to pitch up in many

health hazard if used and disposed of properly. If

more products than have been mentioned here as things

processed in a 'closed loop' system that is supposed to

move along and the sustainability industries, along

prevent it from being released into the environment, the

with greening trends in traditional industries, become

resulting viscose is Oeko Tex 100 certified, which means

ever-more important.

that no harmful substances lurk in the finished textile, where they might rub off on your skin.

Art & Writing Materials – Bamboo's uses extend to the visual arts where common examples include bamboo painting brushes, drawing implements, and materials used prominently in sculpture. Artwork created with or from bamboo is still very much part of a living tradition and practiced by cultures throughout the world. Strips of flattened bamboo, called slips, were used for thousands of years in China before the switch to paper and even Sun Tzu's famed The Art of War, dating to the 6th century, was written on bamboo.

Motorcycle Helmets – The durability of bamboo makes it an ideal protective covering for your head as an alternative to metals or carbon fibre. At least one version of a bamboo motorcycle helmet has passed E22-05 safety standards in the UK.

Cars – Engineers and scientists at Kyoto University in Japan have utilised bamboo in the construction of electric cars. Although not the most aesthetically pleasing vehicle, the Kyoto bamboo electric car is representative of the evolution of an emerging industry now highly dependent on plastics.

S G 72

Visit for more.

Bamboo Warehouse

Bamboo Warehouse is a leading supplier of bamboo flooring and other bamboo products in South Africa. They supply some of the highest quality bamboo products, made from bamboo specifically farmed for commercial use and is therefore ecologically sustainable. See ad, right for more.

73 S G







7 8 1. Bamboo computer peripheries • 2. Kampong Cham bridge, Cambodia • 3. Kyoto bamboo electric car 4. Sunglasses • 5. Helmet • 6. Bicycles • 7. Bamboo in traditional Japanese weaponry • 8. Panda's favourite food S G 74

75 S G

Mother Nature

Mother Nature Products are proud manufacturers of great green baby products in Cape Town, South Africa, since 2006. The founding member, Joanne Austin, was impressed by the widespread use of cloth nappies, while living in London. Surprising due to their lack of space and sun. Upon returning to South Africa she decided to create a complete baby nappy system using natural, organic and recycled materials. Mother Nature Products has fast become a favoured supplier to our retailers. The number one reason is for its ethical manufacturing practices & choice of natural materials, being supporters of local suppliers and the high standard of quality & functionality. Mother Nature Products is committed to growth and innovation. We endure to be socially and environmentally aware by contributing locally through business, education and charity and to be inspired by nature. For info see ad below.

Panda Bamboo

As one of the first companies to introduce bamboo to the South African market, Panda Bamboo is one of the leading importers and distributors of a wide range of bamboo products. The company supplies only top quality A-Grade bamboo products, and is the preferred bamboo supplier of many of the country’s top cabinetmakers and flooring professionals. Panda Bamboo has supplied bamboo flooring, cladding and board products for some of South Africa’s most prestigious commercial and residential projects. Panda Bamboo is the only bamboo supplier in South Africa to be a member of all the following bodies: SA Wood and Laminate Flooring Association, the Kitchen Specialists Association, the Green Building Council of SA and the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA. For info visit or see ad on page 75.

Bamboo all in one nappy

birth to potty nappy

eco disposable nappy

swim nappy

natural skincare

Great for babies, great for nature Tel: 021 782 9117

S G 76

Natural fence

Bamboo has many different qualities such as strength, resiliency and longevity. It is ideal to use to clad an ugly boundary wall or use as a wall extension. Brightfields' moso bamboo consists mainly of two different colours, namely natural and mahogany. For more info visit

Bamboo Braai Charcoal

Bamboo Charcoal is the green way of braaing. It also allows you the opportunity of taking Charcoal as a gift to your next braai. This charcoal is manufactured from waste bamboo biomass which is extruded through a briquette machine and then heated at high temperatures in a furnace kiln. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth, is sustainable and is also used in the manufacture of boards and flooring.

ď š 20

We have 20 bamboo braai packs to give away. Email us here with your name and postal address by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance to win.


A complete fencing and screening solution for gardens, patios, pool surrounds & pergolas

Suppliers & installers of quality bamboo products:

Fumigated Top node cut Lacquer finish Termite Resistant Rot Resistant Internally wired

Tel 021 448 8548 Fax 021 447 6371 Unit 1 Tollgate Industrial Centre 12 Ravenscraig rd Woodstock

ď 77 S G


Mungo creates quality fabrics from the inception of design to the final product. All of their homeware and apparel is designed, woven and made in SA using natural fibres, in keeping with the ethos of respecting the natural environment and fair trade. See ad below for more.

S G 78



Pellet fireplaces are extremely efficient, fully automated heating

a layer of fine fly-ash as a by-product of combustion and are

systems, which can be turned on and off at the touch of a button.

carbon neutral. Choosing a pellet fireplace can reduce your

Automated functions also allow the user to pre-programme set

electricity consumption and your carbon-footprint. Calore pellet fireplaces use a unique patented system, Multifire,

operating times at their convenience. A pellet fireplace will automatically adjust its output to maintain the comfortable room

which distributes heat evenly from floor to ceiling. The system

temperature that has been selected. A GPRS kit is also available,

draws hot air from the ceiling level and distributes it via a fan on

making it possible to turn the fireplace on or off with an SMS.

the floor level. Most models can also circulate warmth to nearby

Pellets are clean burning and have a low carbon footprint. They

rooms via air ducts. To view Calore’s innovations in pellet fireplaces and built-in

are made in South Africa from sawdust and wood waste and are now available at Calore retail stores. They are supplied in 15kg bags,

fireboxes visit us at or at one of the stores

which make them easy to handle and store. Pellets create only

listed below.

Cape Town: Italcotto - 021 425 4192

Knysna: Metelerkamp’s - 044 382 0274

Johannesburg: Calore Jhb - 011 796 5098

Port Elizabeth: Selective Lighting - 041 365 2636

George: Stiles - 044 871 3222

Potchefstroom: Gas World - 018 297 4001

Klerksdorp: Gas Man - 018 462 3494

Pretoria: Stocks Flooring - 012 809 0971/3


Namibia: Calore Namibia - +264 61 246 021 79 S G


STYLE&SUBSTANCE Eco Furniture Design is a Cape Town-based company that specialises in crafting locally-made eco-friendly wooden furniture and decor. The furniture and decor is made from locally-sourced reclaimed/sustainable timber and materials. Their primary objective is to make their affordable stylish and functional furniture accessible to everyone. They have a wide variety of standard items available and can also accommodate requests. The furniture can be made either in a rustic or contemporary style.


he company incorporates three essential

ideals is to encourage individuals and organisations to

elements to create, stylish functional and

purchase locally-made products, thereby supporting local

affordable lifestyle furniture: the client's specific

job creation and industry.

needs, the use of sustainable raw materials and design

A further dimension to their philosophy is to employ

functionality of the products. They have a basic range

semi- and unskilled individuals who are naturally talented

available which can be finished either in a rustic or

and interested in carpentry and slowly introduce them to

modern style. Custom items are also available and

carpentry and make them part of their team. Should you

the team is always excited to take on challenging

not find what you need from their standard range, they

projects. They are constantly participating in various

can design and custom-make each individually requested

training courses which further develop the skills of their

item to fit your space and style perfectly. Their talented

carpenters, as well as the continuously evolving design

staff will work with you to design and build your furniture

aspect of the business.

in a manner that brings out your personal style.

Their goal is to encourage people to contribute to sustainable living in all environments, whether in the

Whether you go to them with a complete vision or looking for inspiration, they are there to help.

home or workplace, while still being able to purchase an individually-inspired quality piece. Another one of their

For more info click here.


How Nuroof Cool Works The sun’s radiation is made up of ultra violet light, visible light and invisible infra-red wavelengths. Roof surfaces capture enormous amounts of the sun’s energy because of their large surface area and angle of exposure. Nuroof Cool’s Enviroshield™ formulation reflects at least 30% of the invisible infra-red light off the roof’s surface, resulting in cooler roof surfaces.


Reflecting the sun’s energy keeps the roof surface cooler.

• Winner: Premium Paint Category • Survey of 5 000 people, by Nielsen

Lower roof temperatures mean less stress and strain on the coating and the roof – promoting longer roof life. Lower roof temperatures translate into cooler interior spaces – less air conditioning and potential lower energy consumption or increased comfort. The sun’s heating energy is scattered harmlessly back into space through the greenhouse gases – helping our planet stay cool.







S G 82



orma erior perf ce of sup n ie c s e Th



WINTERWOODCARE There is a growing number of companies offering eco-friendly paints on the market, ranging for something for every surface in the home, indoor and out. With winter upon us, it's time to look at our indoor wood surfaces, especially floors, to see what treatments work best for them in winter – and which don't half kill us with heavy VOC out-gassing.

83 S G


o-called 'natural paints' are really eco-paints

compounds used in paints really aren't –

that are either (ideally) harmless to us and

they are synthesised or chemically distilled

the environment or much less harmful than

concentrates or extracts);

their predecessors, laced as they were with toxic

compositions for all living creatures (meaning

companies in South Africa are now offering at least

known substances with a long track record of

some eco-friendly paints in their range.

human and animal use and little to no potential

While we will discuss some products and at least one manufacturer in this article, these are presented more as indicators of what's available than as a

for toxic effects for living things or toxic build-up in soil or water); Problem-free integration of raw materials

comprehensive list and readers are encouraged to

and their compositions into the natural cycle

research further – and, as always, to dig beneath the

(meaning all components break down naturally

surface claims to see that products, whether paint

into harmless sub-components and are

or anything else, really are as eco-friendly as some of the claims which are made for them.

absorbed into the natural biology); and Raw materials from sustainable resources are

The usual way to establish an authentic

preferred to synthetics. The production and

eco-friendly claim is for the product to be labelled

the growing and harvesting of raw materials

by a certifying agency as such, or to have received

as well as the complete coating must follow

some of third-party formal endorsement. But there

ecologically sound principles – and all used raw

are also small companies out there which are

materials must be declared in simple form on

producing excellent paints which haven't been

the product label.

certified simply because of the cost and time

At least one local range, Pronature, claims

involvement of such a process. So, before you buy,

that this range has only natural elements such as

ask as many questions as you feel are necessary and

beeswax, plant oils and extracts are used in all

try to cover as many of the guidelines that follow as

their products which have been purpose-made


for the treatment, protection and maintenance of

Natural paint One definition of a 'natural' paint is one that has not come straight out of the 20th century's massive

all wood and stone surfaces. These paints have no ingredients with harmful emissions such as aromatic solvents or formaldehyde.

number (mostly produced after World War II) volume

What's it made of

of some hundreds of thousands of new chemicals.

So, if one isn't using some toxic chemical-based

This is not a prejudiced point of view – merely that

paint, what's in the 'natural' variety? The answer

it is known that many of these chemicals are toxic

is usually a blend of plant oils and gum resin

either to the environment as a whole or to people

for treating and waterproofing wooden floors.

in close contact with them. This can be specially

Such treatments can be used to impregnate, treat,

true for paints which out-gas VOCs (volatile organic

protect and waterproof of all wooden floors and

compounds) and may well contain toxic heavy

staircases, as well as most furniture. It is also

metals and other seriously poisonous components

suitable for cork flooring and walling (cork tiles). By

(a good example is a product called Dieldrin, which

using such natural materials, aside from the health

was banned in SA in the 1980s, long after it was

and eco-benefits to the wider environment, one can

banned in most other places, as it contained highly

help maintain the natural wood moisture balance

toxic insecticides aimed at preventing white ant and

allowing the wood to breathe – creating a pleasant

other wood boring insect attacks).

room climate into the bargain.

The production of natural paints usually entails the following:

S G 84

Unobjectionable raw materials and their

chemicals and heavy metals like lead. Several

To seal or not to seal

No use of crude-oil based raw materials (crude

For reasons of environmental safeness and ease of

oil may be 'natural' in itself, in that it is made

restoration wooden floors should not be 'sealed'.

by natural processes, but the petro-chemical

Even though the hardness of two component

synthetic coatings can not be achieved with natural

wax balms available for aftercare which should be

coatings, synthetic coatings are also not entirely

applied at regular intervals at least three times a

safe from scratching and wear and can only be

year. Apply sparingly and polish after a drying time

repaired by complete removal and recoating.

of about an hour.

Natural coatings have the added advantage of not containing ingredients which could cause

Care & repair

harmful emissions, like formaldehyde or aromatic


solvents (VOCs), which could increase the risk of

spot-repairable and should small damages from


wear or scratching occur, just clean the area

Surface preparation







thoroughly, and sand concerned area lightly with steel wool or fine scouring pad. Remove dust and

Clean surface and sand wood to a fine, smooth-finish

apply a thin layer of the relevant treatment with a

using grit of 100 or finer. Crevices or wood defects

soft cloth. Remove excess and leave to dry for about

can be filled mixing wood dust from the sanding

12 hours. The treated area should not be walked on

with some wood filler. Fill crevices and allow to dry

for 48 hours.

for 24 hours before sanding. Surface must be dry, clean and dust-free. Cold weather and high humidity

Solid & engineered floors

will retard the drying. The durability of an oiled

A solid timber floor is literally timber all the way

wooden floor highly depends on regular cleaning

through the plank. It has advantages in that it

and care. For the first two weeks floors should not

generally offers more flexibility when installing as

be cleaned wet but only swept. Thereafter floors

the installer can machine timber profiles for joints,

are cleaned with a neutral soap solution and wiped

make-up stairs treads etc, and the choice of sealant

with a damp cloth only. There are specific oils and

can still be decided after the installation. It is also

85 S G

arguably easier to repair a solid timber floor, and as there is generally more timber above the tongue, it should last longer. Solid timber when glued down does not make the noise that is generated with an engineered or laminate floor. Solid wood is less stable than engineered flooring when being installed, and more care and expertise is required for the installation. It is not recommended to install solid timber above under-floor heating, unless using a specialised product like Elastilon, and even then gaps of up to 2-3mm can be deemed as normal in a solid timber floor with or without under-floor heating.

So, if one isn't using some toxic chemical-based paint, what's in the 'natural' variety? The answer is usually a blend of plant oils and gum resin for treating and waterproofing wooden floors. Such treatments can be used to impregnate, treat, protect and waterproof of all wooden floors and staircases, as well as most furniture.

Engineered hardwood flooring is a product made up of a core of hardwood, plywood or high-density composite and a top layer of hardwood veneer that is glued on the top surface of the core and is available in almost any hardwood species. The product thus has the natural characteristics of the selected wood species as opposed to a photographic layer (laminate flooring). The 'engineered' product has been designed to provide greater stability, particularly where moisture or heat pose problems for solid hardwood floors.

S G 86

Under floor heating Laying solid timber flooring above under floor heating is not generally recommended, unless laid on elasticised under-layer, as this allows for the excessive movement that is induced through the heating of the timber. Even then 2-3mm gaps between boards can develop. Engineered flooring would be the preferred product for installations above under floor heating. An important fact to remember is that, due to the thickness of timber

flooring (usually 18-22mm) it takes a substantial time for the heat to be transferred through the

dry mop. For sticky spots, use a soft damp cloth to gently

floor. So the under-floor heating needs to be turned

scrub the floor. If necessary, use a generic

on, and left on for a few days before the heating

hardwood floor cleaner. Do not use steel wool

really becomes effective. In addition, under-floor heating needs to be regulated to no more than 27ºC, and any temperature changes made should

or other abrasive scouring pads. Do not use harsh detergents, abrasive cleansers, or corrosive chemicals to clean your floor.

be done in small increments over a period of a few

Avoid excessive water. Use mats in the kitchen,

days. To minimise movement of solid timber floors

bathroom and laundry room to protect against

above under-floor heating, humidity and climate

spills. If a spill occurs, blot it up immediately

controls should be installed.

with a dry cloth or slightly damp mop.

Maintenance In order to maximise the durability and beauty of your hardwood flooring, it is recommended that the following practices as part of your floor's normal care and maintenance: Place doormats or rugs at entrances to collect

Use only colour-fast and non-scratch carpeting or pads on your hardwood floor. Protect the floor from furniture legs using floor protectors and do not walk on the floor with high-heeled shoes. Although hardwood flooring has effective UV inhibitors in its pre-finish, it is recommended

moisture, sand, grit and other potentially

that it not be exposed to direct sunlight for

damaging substances from being tracked onto

long periods.

your hardwood floor; Dust mop or vacuum with a soft accessory to

Pre– & unfinished flooring?

keep your hardwood floor clean from dust, dirt

Pre-finished hardwood floor is end-matched with a

or grit. Hardwood flooring cleans easily with a

tight micro-beveled edge, and has up to 10 coats

Quality suppliers of enviro-friendly German floor coatings & adhesives, as well as a superb range of wide board engineered flooring. Offices in JHB, Cape Town & Durban

Wooden Flooring, Decking & Loba Coatings


of aluminum oxide finish applied in the factory.

as there is no construction of the sub-structure

The unfinished floor comes with a square edge and

required. What is critical is the quality of the

must be sanded and sealed on site using sanding

concrete screed, and the fact that this is level. The

machines and a sealant of choice. Pre-finished

floor follows the level of the concrete screed, and

flooring once scratched is harder to repair, and

thus adjustments in height cannot be made as with

cannot be spot-repaired the way an oiled or sealed

a nailed-down floor. The glued-down option is also

floor can. Generally it is easier to replace the entire

very quiet to walk on, and gives a wonderfully solid

plank with a pre-finished floor, which is best done

feel under foot. The glued-down option is best used

by a recommended installer.

where height presents a problem in existing or new

Glue vs nails

homes, or where a quick installation is required. With both applications, a moisture test of the

A nailed-down floor is generally installed on timber

concrete screed is essential prior to the installation

batons fixed to the concrete sub-floor, using the

of the wooden floor, as one cannot tell just by

secret nailing method to fasten the floor through

looking what the moisture content of a screed

the tongue to the baton. This traditional method

may be at any particular time. In addition, a

allows for a cavity space between the floor and the

moisture barrier is required for all ground-floor

concrete, but should not be installed above bare

installations, and care should be taken prior to

earth, as was the practice when our grand parents

the installation to ensure that all sliding doors,

were growing up. Times have changed, and modern

windows etc, have been correctly water-proofed.

kiln-dried flooring does not allow for the moisture

No timber floor likes moisture from below, and

that rises from the earth, even if the floor is vented

cupping and delamination will occur if substantial

on the sides. The nail-down floor is obviously

amounts of moisture are trapped between the floor

noisier when walking on it, and gives a traditional

and the concrete.


feel that is sought by many. The glued-down floor is cheaper to install,

Endorsed by:

S G 88

For more info click here.

89 S G

Healthy sleepversus Insomnia Sleep is such an important part of your overall health that no amount of healthful food and exercise can counteract the ill effects of poor sleeping habits. Researchers have linked poor sleep to a number of health ailments, from short-term memory loss and behavioural problems, to weight gain and diabetes, for example. Giulia Criscuolo takes a look.

S G 90

Common sleep mistakes are:

three times faster in laboratory animals with severe

Using the snooze button – this interrupts your sleep

sleep dysfunctions

and can increase your fatigue. Rather get up on the

Cause a pre-diabetic state, making you feel hungry

first alarm.

even if you've already eaten, which can wreak

Irregular sleep schedule. A regular routine of going to

havoc on your weight. Furthermore, sleeping less

bed and getting up around the same time each day

than six hours per night can also radically decrease

will help promote better sleep.

the sensitivity of your insulin receptors, which will

Taking long naps during the day.

raise your insulin levels. This can lead to weight

Eating sugar before bedtime. Sugar alters the chemical

gain as the insulin will seriously impair your body's

balance in your body, which can contribute to impaired

ability to burn and digest fat. It also increases your


risk of diabetes. In short, sleep deprivation puts

Drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages too late in the

your body in a pre-diabetic state, which can lead to


plummeting health.

Sitting in front of your computer before bed time.

Sleep disturbances and sleep deprivation can also

Drinking alcohol: research shows that drinking alcohol

affect your:

makes you more likely to wake during the night,

Short term memory: Your circadian clock controls

leaving you feeling less rested in the morning. It has

your daily cycle of sleep and wakefulness by alternately

been shown that alcohol increases slow-wave 'deep'

inhibiting and exciting different parts of your brain through

sleep during the first half of the night, but then

regulating the release of certain neurotransmitters. The

increases sleep disruptions in the second half of the

part of your brain known as the hippocampus must be

night. Since alcohol is a potent muscle relaxant, it can

excited in order for the things you learn to be organised in

also increase your risk of snoring. Snorers, and their

such a way that you'll remember them later.

bed partners, often experience restless sleep leading

If your internal clock isn't functioning properly, it causes

to sleepiness and difficulty concentrating during the

the release of too much GABA. An excess of GABA inhibits


your brain in a way that leads to short term memory

Eating the 'wrong' food that disturbs good-quality

problems and the inability to retain new information.


Creativity & learning performance: Proper sleep

Dark Chocolate: though the healthiest form of

enhances performance, learning and memory by improving

chocolate from an antioxidant perspective can contain

your creative ability to uncover novel connections among

relatively high levels of caffeine that can keep you up at

seemingly unrelated ideas.

night if you're sensitive. It also contains theobromine, a

Your emotional resilience and ability to release

compound that has caffeine-like effects.

stress: Good sleepers and poor sleepers experience about

Spicy Foods before bedtime can give you indigestion

the same number of daily minor stressful events, but

that makes it nearly impossible to get a good night's sleep.

good sleepers are less disturbed by them. Poor sleepers

It is speculated that this may be due to capsaicin, an active

experience both their minor and major life events as being

ingredient in chili peppers, affecting sleep via changes in

more negative than do those who sleep well.

body temperature.

Your overall mood and mental stability: Sleep

Unhealthy Fatty Foods: when you don't get enough

deprivation can lead to symptoms of depression, and can

sleep, you're more likely to crave high-fat, high-sugar foods

even cause changes in your brain activity similar to those

the next day. But eating a high-fat diet also has impacts

experienced by people with psychiatric disorders.

on your sleep, including leading to more fragmented sleep. Impaired sleep can also increase stress-related Six to eight hours per night seems to be the optimal

disorders, including: heart disease, stomach ulcers,

amount of sleep for most adults, and too much or too little

constipation and mood disorders like depression.

can have adverse effects on your health.

Sleep deprivation prematurely ages you by interfering

Science has now established that a sleep deficit can

with your growth hormone production, normally

have serious, far reaching effects on your health.

released by your pituitary gland during deep sleep.

For example, interrupted or impaired sleep can:

Recent studies have also shown that there is a link

Dramatically weaken your immune system

between poor sleep and migraines.

Accelerate tumour growth – tumours grow two to

Disturbed sleep can also impair your ability to lose

91 S G

excess kilograms or maintain your ideal weight. Research has shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a night tend to have a higher body mass index (BMI) than people who get more sleep. This is likely the effect of altered metabolism, because when you're sleep deprived, leptin (the hormone that signals satiety) falls, while ghrelin (which signals hunger) rises. This combination leads to an increase in appetite. Additionally, sleep-deprived subjects tend to eat more sweet and starchy foods, opposed to vegetables and dairy products. Researchers have suggested that these sugar cravings stem from the fact that your brain is fuelled by glucose (blood sugar); therefore, when lack of sleep occurs, your brain starts searching for carbohydrates to keep going. Here are some suggestions that can help you get

Sleeping pills & you Most sleeping pills are 'sedative hypnotics' – a specific class of drugs used to induce and/or maintain sleep which include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and various hypnotics. Benzodiazepines are anti-anxiety medications. They also increase drowsiness and help people sleep. While these drugs may be useful short-term, all benzodiazepines are potentially addictive. Barbiturates depress the central nervous system and can cause sedation. Newer medications help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. These sleep-inducing drugs, including zaleplon, zolpidem and eszopiclone are said to be non-habit forming. They work quickly to increase drowsiness and sleep. If you are prescribed sleeping pills by your doctor, take them for a limited period of time and try to find alternative ways of treating your insomnia.

a good night's rest. Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as possible. Keep the temperature in your bedroom cool (15-20°C).


Move alarm clocks and other electrical devices away

Lose excess weight. Being overweight can increase

from your bed and avoid using loud alarm clocks as

your risk of sleep apnoea, which can seriously impair

it is very stressful on your body to be suddenly jolted

your sleep.


Increase your melatonin. Ideally it is best to increase

Reserve your bed for sleeping and not for watching TV

levels naturally with exposure to bright sunlight in the

or doing work in.

daytime (along with full spectrum fluorescent bulbs in

Establish a bedtime routine. This could include

the winter) and absolute complete darkness at night.

meditation, deep breathing, using aromatherapy or

If that isn't possible, you may want to consider a

essential oils or indulging in a massage from your

melatonin supplement. In scientific studies, melatonin

partner. The key is to find something that makes you

has been shown to increase sleepiness, help you

feel relaxed, then repeat it each night to help you

fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep, decrease

release the tensions of the day.

restlessness, and reverse daytime fatigue.

Eat a high-protein snack several hours before bed.

The following supplements have also been shown to

This can provide the L-tryptophan needed for your

aid a good night's sleep: chamomile, hops, lavender,

melatonin and serotonin production. Avoid before-bed

passion flower, valeriana, and St John's wort. Spirulina

snacks, particularly grains and sugars. These will raise

is also one of the great 'green foods' that can help

your blood sugar and delay sleep.

with insomnia as it contains protein, all the B complex

Take a hot bath, shower or sauna before bed. When

vitamins, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and zinc

your body temperature is raised in the late evening,

– all essential for calming the nervous system and

it will fall at bedtime, facilitating slumber. The

S G 92

don't exercise too close to bedtime or it may keep you

promoting good sleep.

temperature drop from getting out of the bath signals

Homeopathic remedies are also excellent in treating

your body that it's time for bed.

insomnia. Common remedies used are: Aconite, Arsenicum

Put your work away at least one hour before bed

album, belladonna, calc phos, cocculus, coffea cruda,

(preferably two hours or more). This will give

ignatia, kali phos, lycopodium, nux vomica, silicea, sulphur,

your mind a chance to unwind so you can go to

zincum metallicum. These remedies are safe and effective,

sleep feeling calm, not hyped up or anxious about

not addictive or habit-forming and one can stop them at

tomorrow's deadlines.

any time without the need to wean oneself off them slowly,

Make certain you are exercising regularly, however,

as is the case with allopathic sleeping pills.



Isn’t it time you fell in love with your bed again?

At Sealy Posturepedic® our aim is to provide healthy, happy sleep every night, to give you a great day every day. We do this by tirelessly exploring new ways to give you more comfort, more support, and more delicious luxury. No wonder people who sleep on a Sealy are often heard saying... “I love my bed!”.

Sealy South Africa 93 S G

Despite the scientifically accurate fact that one can get a cold or flu any time of the year, the reality is that winter time is when most of us have the highest chance of getting the dreaded 'lurgy'. But there are ways to ward off common viral infections such as these, and ways to treat them if you do get infected. We take a look.

Beating colds & flu's

– nature's way S G 94


s pointed out by our resident herbal and garden

troublesome little monsters.

expert Jane Griffith's, it's a great idea to grow

So assuming that you've done your best on the

your own natural and organic herbal remedies

nutrition front, but you still fall foul of a hacking,

for general immune boosting and to deal with the

snivelling and streaming-eye condition (along with

sniffles, coughs and sore throats that seem come along

fevers, head and body aches, and the rest of the

with the winter chills.

delightful viral package), your next best bet is to try

While the flu has the capacity to genetically morph

to avoid allopathic remedies as far as possible, and go

into something truly dreadful, as it did in 1918 when it

the natural route. There are herbal and homeopathic

killed in the space of just 12 months something like 40

remedies by which some swear - other folks have had

million people, at least, the reality is that most of us are

less success on these fronts and difference usually lies

going to get at least a few doses of flu in our lifetimes.

in the degree of immune suppression (most frequently

And we'll certainly get a few colds along the way,

stress-induced) that the sufferers have.

regardless of how tough our immune systems may be.

If your immune system is really in the dumps, you

In any case, most of us live high-stress, rushed lives,

may have to go for some allopathics, just to be able to

we don't necessarily get all the exercise we should, or all

get through the few days at the height of the 'disease

the rest or all the good nutrition. The result is immune

process' (naturopaths would refer to this as a 'healing

systems that are chronically stressed and, inevitably, the

crisis', but let's split hairs over semantic arguments).

day comes when virus meets less than top-form immune

Still, natural treatments can often work well even in the

system, and a cold or flu comes calling.

presence of much more powerful allopathic treatment

The first and best thing to do is to ward of the evil

programs - check with your health professional on this

little blighters before they can get a grip. And the best

as there can be some interactions of active ingredients

way to do that is to boost your immunity every way

that result in untoward effects.

you can. Despite some naysayers, research still shows

Surprising, perhaps, to some is the fact that the

that high levels of bio-available natural Vitamin C is one

good old hot honey and lemon drink works a treat both

of the best ways to go in this regard, along with high

for symptoms and for boosting your immune system,

levels of anti-oxidants, and the latter in particular can be

assuming, of course, that your lemons actually contain

obtained form a wide range of natural sources, including

significant Vit C content. Combined with this, health

most berries, (especially blue berries and goji berries).

advisors like Patrick Holford are now echoing what

Vitamin C is best obtained from natural sources

naturopaths have been saying more less forever, which

but beware that many fruits are artificially ripened

is that you need not merely take your recommended

indoors and hence have extremely low Vitamin C

daily allowance of Vit C when you get a cold or flu, you

levels. Depending on sources, methods of farming and

need but mega doses. It is very nearly impossible to

ripening, modern oranges produced using standard

overdoes on Vit C (you might get a running tummy if you

large-scale farming methods tend to have Vitamin C

do, so it's easy to tell when you've taken a bit too much)

levels which are fraction of those produced in, say, the

in the midst of a health challenge that specifically draws

1950s using longstanding traditional methods - in some

down the body's available Vit C - and in any case, this

cases a single orange from that era had more than 50

vitamin doesn't stay active in the body very long after

times the Vit C levels of some modern oranges.

it has been taken. Most of the knowledgeable sources

So if you are going to seek natural Vit C sources (see

suggest that as soon as a cold a flu begins to bite, you

Odyssey Magazine, Issue 2, 2013, page 80-91) there are

should be taking 1000-2000mg of Vit C hourly or every

many options, but the main one is to ensure your fruit

two hours. This should be the best possible quality of

and veggies are organically grown and free of pesticides

organic Vit C in the form of a complementary health

and herbicides.

product from a reputable manufacturer. This sort of Vit C

Cold and flu viruses are similar but not the same,

source isn't the same thing as synthesised ascorbic acid

and they have a high degree of genetic mutability,

as the former has much higher bio-availability than the

making them perennial problems, with constantly

latter, and therefore far more active potency in the body.

shifting envelope genes that determine how they appear

Beyond the effects of the viruses themselves,

to the body's defence mechanisms. This makes them

there is the usual problem of accompanying bacterial

95 S G

infections. Naturopaths would generally not recommend




infections, but rather riding them out using diet, supplements, phytotherapy (herbs), and perhaps also homeopathic, flower essence and other support remedies. But we can't all necessarily afford the four or five days of bed rest that would also come along with such an approach - we may need to be at that critical meeting, and hopefully be so in a way that doesn't set off health alarm bells for everyone else in the room. So a considered approach to using both natural and allopathic remedies is best. If you go to your conventional medical doctor with a cold or flu, most will give you a prescription for antibiotics, even though you may not necessarily have a significant secondary infection, even one at all. This long-standing practice is now being changed because of the development of drug resistant bacteria of all kinds, so antibiotics should revert to being used only when an infection has advanced to the point where something close to emergency intervention is necessary. This is more the case with those with compromised immune systems, those already dealing with major health problems or with a history of severe strep throat

S G 96

Home remedies Salt water

– is among the simplest and most effect

treatments. Gargling with salt water is effective at reducing throat inflammation and fighting against bacteria - and it's great as a preventive too. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Gargle for 1 minute. Don't swallow the salt water as it will aggravate any dehydration you may be suffering. For sinus infections, which often accompany strep throat, you can use salt water as a nasal spray. It will act as a decongestant and help you to breathe more easily, while actively killing the bacteria involved and rendering the sinuses alkaline and making them inhospitable terrain for troublesome bugs. * Chicken noodle soup - chicken noodle soup actually does deserve its reputation for helping stave off and beat down winter infections. Its use dates as a home remedy back to ancient Egyptian times. Partly it works because the hot broth is in itself soothing to outraged infected tissues in the throat and

clinically proven natural medicines

97 S G

or bronchitis infections. Strep throat (or more formally, streptococcal pharyngitis) is

upper trachea, if made with organic veggies,

an infection of the pharynx caused by group A streptococcal.

along with healthy free-range chicken, you

The symptoms of strep throat often include a sore throat, fever,

will be given your body a huge vitamin and

cough, fatigue, and enlarged lymph nodes - the latter, along

mineral boost just when it needs it.

with a visual inspection of the infected throat are usually the

* Other cooling and soothing foods can also

primary indicators used by health professional to diagnose strep

be used in combo with hot drinks. Sorbets

throat. The infection is highly contagious but generally subsides

(using organic fruit) are excellent as they

in 3-5 days. In itself, it is mostly merely uncomfortable, making

cool the throat down and do not add extra

the general cold/flu condition that much worse. But for some,

mucous and other components that come

strep throat may be a very serious infection requiring prompt

with dairy products such as ice cream and


yoghurt, for example.

This means that while allopathic or herbal treatment for

* Rest is perhaps the best remedy of all, but

strep throat is often unnecessary in itself, as the body will

as pointed out above, not always practical. If

usually resolve the infection as long it is given the necessary

you can manage it, though, a couple of days

supplement and food support, treating the symptoms can make

in bed with plenty of sleep will help the body

for a more tolerable and quicker recovery. There are a number

focus on and fight any infection and expedite

of over-the-counter medicines available to treat strep throat,

your recovery.

including a growing number of more natural treatments. Some of

* Inhaling the aromatic steam from a

these can be considered 'home remedies'.

hot peppermint, eucalyptus, thyme and


nasturtium tea is a really effective way to clear the airways. Peppermint is a well-known decongestant, while thyme and nasturtium are warming and stimulating, helping to fight off infection and clear catarrh. Use three teaspoons each fresh or two teaspoons dried of thyme, peppermint and nasturtium, 1/4l boiling water, with the herbs left to steep in the boiled water (add them after the water is taken off the boil) for about 15 minutes, strain and then drink. Any leftover tea can be refrigerated for later use. * Another treatment is inhaling essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, ginger,

Created by Natural Health Therapist & Iridologist, Leonie Vorster One For Throats provides relief for flu symptoms and sore throats. Eliminate bacteria before it reaches the respiratory tract. One For Throats - the natural option for sore throats and flu.

082 937 7581

S G 98

cinnamon or chamomile, adding them to baths or massage oils around the nose and sinuses. * Drinking teas made of echinacea, thyme, ginger, cinnamon, sage, yarrow, chamomile, agrimony or meadowsweet, or a combo of these herbs, will all help. Try to drink the tea at least 3-6 times daily, more often if possible. * Avoid wheat (especially highly refined flour), dairy and sugary foods and drink as much as possible, as well as eating plenty of leafy greens and non-acid fruits to help keep your system as alkaline as possible.



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S G 100



The next time you walk down the soap aisle at your favourite store enjoying the fresh, clean scents and the bright colourful packaging, pay attention. Look at the labels. The vast majority of the products on the shelf don't say 'soap' on their labels. They might be called beauty bars, moisturising bars, or body bars – but not soap. That's because these bars aren't actually soap and can't legally claim to be; they're detergents. The manufacturers have removed most of the 'good' stuff that occurs in the soap-making process, and replaced it with synthetic lathering agents and harsh chemicals. These cheap, plentiful detergent bars are not only bad for your skin, but they're also bad for the planet, too. We take a look at the benefits of using real, natural soap.

101 S G







cleanliness, the humble bar of soap is starting to fall from favour. The rise in

popularity of liquid soap has continued unabated in recent years with many of the major manufacturers dropping bar soap product lines. So which are better for the environment – liquid or bar soap? The basics of soap-making have not changed much in 2 000 years. Soap is one of the products of a chemical reaction between a fatty acid (from either animal or vegetable sources) and lye, an alkaline solution (either sodium or potassium hydroxide). An important ingredient in most soap products is sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), generally sourced from coconut oil or palm oil. But it is important to bear in mind that the expansion of palm oil plantations in Southeast Asia is responsible for significant deforestation, which means habitat loss for numerous endangered species such as orangutan as well as increased greenhouse gas emissions. Most consumers seem to recognise liquid soap as being far more practical, especially in a business or commercial environment. Pump packs of liquid

your body. But a far greater concern is triclosan, an

soap are designed to measure out a small amount

active ingredient used in anti-bacterial bar and liquid

and are consequently used very efficiently until close

soap that has been found to be a hormone-disruptor

to the end of the pack. For stability, transportability

in rats and bullfrogs. Triclosan – registered as a

and longevity, most commercially-produced liquid

pesticide and known to cause cancer, has been

soap replaces natural fatty acids with a range of

found in the bodies of wild dolphins, a sign of

laboratory-produced detergent compounds such

build-up in the oceanic food web. According to the

as ammonium laureth sulphate, glycol distearate,

National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides

stearyl alcohol and others.

S G 102

The best soap for your skin and our planet is a handmade, organic, all natural cold-process soap bar. Once you've tried one of these lathery treasures, you'll never again be satisfied with 'store-bought' bars unless they are of the ethical varieties. Today we are fortunate to be able to choose wisely due to several healthier options being available to us all now.

(NCAMP), manufacturers of a number of triclosan-

Bars of soap, in comparison, are often thrown out

containing products claim that the active ingredient

when more than half of the original soap remains

continues to work for as long as 12 hours after use.

because they have become 'mushy'. Bar soap in a

Consumers are, therefore, exposed to triclosan for

wet environment, like a bathroom, is often thought

much longer than the 20 seconds it takes to wash

to harbour bacteria, however, several studies have

their hands or face.

found no evidence of the transfer of bacteria as a

Always remember that your skin is porous and

result of washing hands with previously used bar

absorbent. It absorbs whatever it comes in contact


with, much the same as sticking something in your

Commercial soap manufacturers make it a

mouth. Chronic use of chemical-laden products will

practice to remove the glycerine that is produced

cause the body to store the chemicals in the body

during the saponification (soap-making) process.

fat or even in the brain. With enough accumulations

The glycerine is a highly profitable substance, often

of toxins in the body, illness can occur. In 2003

sold to other companies who use it to make lotions

and 2009, University of Minnesota civil engineering

and moisturisers, which your skin, now dried out


from the harsh detergent 'soap', desperately needs.

Kristopher McNeill published their discovery that

But beware synthetic colours, oils and fragrances

the antibacterial agent triclosan, when exposed to

used in commercial soaps can also accumulate in

sunlight, generates a specific group of four dioxins.






Always remember that your skin is porous and absorbent. It absorbs whatever it comes in contact with. Now, in a new study, a team of scientists from the

less likely to harm fragile aquatic ecosystems.

University of Minnesota's Institute of Technology,

Handmade bar soaps, however, often have free

have documented how triclosan is transformed into

fatty acids and a high pH, which can damage septic

dioxins that are accumulating in the environment.

systems unless the latter are regularly boosted with

And the research team has found that over the last

suitable bacteria and enzymes.

30 years, while levels of all the other dioxins have dropped by 73-90%, the levels of dioxins derived

Consider this

from the antibacterial soap ingredient triclosan have

In terms of ingredients that minimise harm

risen by 200-300%. Clearly these nasty chemicals

to fragile aquatic ecosystems, there are more

and toxins are now finding their way into our

options for environmentally friendly bar soap

eco-system. Commercial liquid soap also usually include

than liquid soap. Choose products formulated without palm oil to

EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic) acid, used in

avoid harm to terrestrial ecosystems. The soap

soap as a water conditioner and preservative, which

ingredients elaeis guineensis, sodium lauryl

is also a conduit for the take-up of heavy metals.

sulphate, cetyl alcohol, stearic acid, isopropyl

Though sometimes used for soil decontamination

and other palmitates, steareth-2, steareth-20

after heavy metal pollution, EDTA is an ecologically

and fatty alcohol sulphates may be derived

harmful liquid soap by-product. However, there are also commercially-produced

from palm oil, so check with the manufacturer. Bar soap packaging has less of an impact than

personal bar and liquid soaps that are pH neutral,

that for liquid soap. You can prolong the life of

with the acidic and basic ingredients balancing each

bar soap and prevent waste by keeping it on a

other out, which means they don't release fatty

draining tray.

acids, which cause scum and harmful build-up, into

Avoid anti-bacterial soap – liquid or bar; various

waterways. Compared to most detergents they are

studies suggest they bring no hygiene

103 S G

advantage, and cause environmental harm.

oils or fats and lye. Lye sounds a little scary, but all

If buying liquid soap, choose larger packs and

the caustic qualities of the lye are removed during

refills to minimise packaging waste.

the saponification process. When the lye interacts

At home opt for bar soap and prolong its life by

with the oils or fats, it creates glycerine. The type

keeping it well drained.

of oils and fats used make a difference in how hard

Make your own bar soap using carefully

or soft the soap bar ends up being, and how well it

selected sustainable ingredients. It's a great


homemade gift, too. Or choose all-natural,

With handmade soaps, just like with commercially

organic, handmade soap. There are several

manufactured bars, you need to read the labels. You

small businesses selling extremely high quality,

want to find soaps that use only pure, organic oils

all-natural, organic soap – yes, real soap. Sure,

or fats. If plants are used in the bars (many bars

these soap bars generally cost more than the

incorporate seeds and petals from various plants)

detergent bars. But the difference is these soap

they should be certified organic.

bars are actually good for your skin, and for the

Avoid any bars that use artificial colours or


fragrances. These are synthetic chemicals and

Just because it's handmade doesn't mean it's

you don't want them on your skin or going

good for you, however. You need to understand a

down your drain. If you want a coloured or

few things about the soapmaking process to know

scented soap bar, look for one that uses

what to look for.

organic essential oils and natural, organic

There are basically three ways to make soap.


One common way is called 'melt and pour' soap.

Another nice ingredient to find in your soaps is

There are even melt and pour kits you can buy

bentonite clay. Bentonite clay is often used to

to make cute soap shapes with your kids. These

increase lather in soap bars. It has the added

are generally glycerine-based transparent soaps.

benefit of being a natural detoxifier. Bentonite

They're not as harmful (usually) as the commercial

clay binds with and removes toxins from your

bars, but they're not what we're looking for here.

body, and it's extremely eco-friendly.

The other two methods are 'hot process' and

To sum it up, the best soap for your skin and

'cold process'. The hot process method utilises

our planet is a handmade, organic, all natural cold

heat after the saponification process has taken

process soap bar. Once you've tried one of these

place, while the cold process method does not.

lathery treasures, you'll never again be satisfied with

The cold process method takes the most time, but

'store-bought' bars unless they are of the ethical

is undoubtedly the best method for producing the

varieties. Today, we are fortunate to be able to

highest quality soaps.

choose wisely due to several healthier options being

Now, we need to discuss the ingredients. Cold process soap bars are made using a combination of

ď Ť 5

available to us. So, do yourself and your world a big favour and start using real soap.



Meadowsweet products include a wide variety of hand and body lotions, body scrubs, sore muscle soak, bath milks, bath salts, spritzers, essential oils, body butters, soaps and massage oils. Their ethos is centered on truth, beauty and goodness in all areas of our lives, and those that come into contact with Meadowsweet products may well recognise this. Their work is infused with a good dose of 'laughter' and their products are grown and made lovingly. To stand a chance of winning one of FIVE Meadowsweet hampers (valued at R295 each), send your name and postal details and the answer to the following question to by 30 August, 2013: 'Meadowsweet's work is infused with a good dose of ........?'

S G 104

ď Ť 1

Meadowsweet's products free of toxins and synthetic fragrances.

Better Earth

Better Earth offers effective cleaning products that are safer for the environment. Made from natural ingredients that are readily biodegradable, our products are not only safe for your family, but will clean your home effectively. Better Earth products are manufactured locally, are endorsed by Beauty Without Cruelty and support ethical farming practices within South Africa.

We have ONE Better Earth hamper (valued at R450) to give away. Send your details, name and postal address to, subject header 'Better Earth' by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance of winning.

A quality range of therapeutic natural body care products with the recommended medicinal dosage of essential oils that promotes Muscle Soothing, Calming, Comforting, Refreshing, Invigorating, Rejuvenation, Circulation and Skin toning.

ď Ť 5


The Bloublommetjieskloof Body Care Products contain only certified organic ingredients with additional Demeter certification of the active herbal ingredients grown on the farm. These products are truly 100% natural and organic with biodynamic health enhancing qualities. The Bloublommetjieskloof Body Care products have been shown to help with very sensitive skins and skin allergies.

We have FIVE Bloublommetjieskloof body care hampers (valued at R600 each) to give away. Send your details, name and postal address to, subject header 'Bloublommetjieskloof' by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance of winning.


Jane Rivera 083 454 9123 Email | WEB or Marietjie at the factory on 028 384 2383

105 S G

Wellness corner

SPIRITUALWELL BEING There are many aspects to well-being, many people think of wellbeing in physical and emotional terms but our spiritual wellbeing is also important. Developing some form of spiritual life can bring an immense sense of power and hope. However you choose to express a spiritual life, what you choose to believe, most spiritual practices embrace a sense of deeper meaning filled with hope. Robyn Wilkinson from Wellness Warehouse looks at the value of making prayer a part of daily life.


here is a reason that prayer forms part of spiritual

our last, best hope of restoring the Earth. My hope is to

practice for many people. Being in a prayerful

make enough meaningful connections between people

state automatically creates a sense of the sacred

and our world to form a significant global intention'.

and divine; instantly we are humbled and it is in this state

Posted on his website is an intention for earth-friendly

we more easily express gratitude and receive the healing,

awareness: 'It is my intention for the Earth that the air

the power of manifestation and the gifts we yearn for.

be clear, that the water be pure, that the ground be

Dr Dossey, author of Meaning and Medicine (Gale

nurturing, that all living things exist in harmony and

Group) cites prayer as one of the best kept secrets in

balance. May we and our descendants walk in beauty all

modern science. Spirituality and religion aside, data

of our lives.'

shows there are astonishing things you can do with

Prayer can be used in many ways but the mysterious

feeling states and attitudes. For instance, Dossey says

thing about prayer is that it is almost impossible to pray

one of the most effective ways to lower cholesterol is

for something negative or detrimental, somehow the act

sitting down for fifteen minutes a day just doing nothing.

of prayer brings an honesty and goodness.

Group prayer also has a powerful intentional effect.

If you are new to prayer and find it difficult to focus,

Philosopher and Earth worker

we are giving away a set of prayer beads. Using prayer

Frank Saxton says: 'The synergy

beads helps focus and provide the discipline to create

of group intention may now be

and form your innermost desires; express gratitude and give thanks. Prayer beads are available at Wellness Warehouse in Kloof Street and Cavendish and come with different prayers. There are prayers for abundance; for peace and harmony; a prayer to find a soul mate; a meditation on gratitude and a prayer for healing. These prayer beads are handmade by a community group in South Africa. S G

To stand a chance of winning a set of prayer beads, simply send an email with the subject header 'Wellness Warehouse' to with your name and postal details and state which of the above prayer beads you would prefer. Competition closes on 30 August 2013.

Brought to you by Robyn Wilkinson – Editor of Wellness magazine for Wellness Warehouse.

0800 live life / 548 3543 S G 106


Rain products are packaged by choice and design, in natural, biodegradable, recyclable packaging. They use handmade paper made from plant fibres and natural fabrics like wool, felt, linen, cotton and silk, all of which are biodegradable and free of formaldehyde emissions. 60% of their soap production is made using gas as a heating source, thus reducing our use of electricity, which in South Africa is generated by coal-fired power stations. None of their products are aerosol or packaged under pressure, thereby eliminating CFC production and helping protect the ozone layer. The products are natural and naturally derived and so there is little danger of harming the water system, as we do not make use of harmful chemicals.

• supports ethical farming •

A good value for money product that is better for the earth and therefore better for you!

• no animal by-products •

• no animal testing •

• 100% biodegradable• • made locally •

107 S G

inspiration & d Take one part dedicated scientist, one part ardent conservationist and one part astute businessman and you have the formulation that allows Trevor Steyn (pictured) to not only thrive in the South African organic skincare market, starting a product range on his own, but also to begin gaining a foothold in Europe, America and the Far East. We take a look.


y his own admission, when he started out in 2002, organic products were not even blips on the radars of the upper-end consumers who today readily buy them. Steyn says he

always had the vision of developing a global company and brand – but did not realise that he would end up with four – Esse which supplies salons and spas in SA and abroad, Botany, Africa Organics

which specialises in body and haircare products and research and development company Natural and Organic Formulations. Steyn studied chemistry at the University of Kwa Zulu-Natal and obtained a masters degree in 1997. His mentor, Professor Siegfried Drewes, inspired a passion for the chemistry of Africa's plants and his research began to focus on the extraction of active compounds from African plants and their possible use in anti-ageing skincare products. Esse – which in Latin means 'to be' – was the product of research into the active properties of Kigelia Africana (better known to the safari set as the sausage tree) that began two years earlier. Through determination – and what Steyn describes as the naïvety of a scientist trying to start a business – Esse was launched in 2002. 'It was an altruistic thing. I thought people needed a natural option and, in the process, I could help promote fair trade in Africa by purchasing sustainably wild-harvested raw materials from rural women's co-operatives that are members of PhytoTrade Africa. You can't help but become involved. We can't get caught on the wrong side of the biodiversity debate – harvesting must be sustainable and people must be properly paid.' Raw materials, like oil pressed from the seeds of Africa's iconic baobab tree, come from a supplier in Mpumalanga or one in Malawi. Marula oil, also extracted from seeds once pulp has been used for

S G 108

the manufacture of beer, is sourced from Swaziland and from Namibia.


Ten years down the line, Steyn has proved that it's more than possible for a business to be successful without compromising on ethics.

come up with new products.'

He does his own research in a laboratory in Richmond where

Ten years down the line, Steyn has proved

he lives and where Esse's head office is located. Manufacturing

that it's more than possible for a business to be

is done in Pietermaritzburg. He strongly believes that organic

successful without compromising on ethics.

skincare will be the future of high-end skincare.

'We are passionate about offering the safest,

'Human skin is well-adapted to exposure to the majority

most effective product possible. We believe

of compounds found in organisms living on the surface of our

that, by using very high percentages of organic

planet. We haven't had time to adapt to synthetic chemicals,

starting materials, there is absolutely no need to

so these are far more likely to have unintended consequences.

compromise on efficacy in the anti-ageing skincare

As our knowledge of skin is informed by new research (like the

market. Our Ecocert certification gives consumers

Human Microbiome Project) it becomes increasingly apparent that

peace of mind that the ingredients we use and the

skin is a complex ecosystem. Managing this ecosystem to slow

packaging we choose are safe for both them and

down ageing and optimise skin health is going to be a focus for

the environment.'

anti-ageing products for decades to come.'

Growth into the salon and spa market in SA has been relatively fast, driven predominantly by the product's excellent results on skin – as opposed to the trend in the majority of organic product offerings, which has taken time to gain traction in the local market. Export commenced to Holland in 2010. Around 60 to 70 salons in Holland use Esse products, and expansion is now extending into Belgium. In the last 18 months Esse has secured export markets in Austria, Sweden and Asia (including Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia). The most recent target is the notoriously competitive US market which has

choose certified organic for better, healthier skin - results driven skincare - wild-sourced African actives - Ecocert certified organic - the perfect choice for every skin

shown a very open and receptive response to the offering of products with uniquely potent African active ingredients. In 2010, Steyn launched Africa Organics, a hair and body care brand. 'It was our attempt to take organic to the masses at an accessible price. Africa Organics has just been completely rebranded and, although it has grown consistently and is stocked in all Dischem outlets, the primary target is America where the launch took place in March this year.' Steyn is passionate about promoting Africa's biodiversity. 'Brazil has taken its plants to the world via skin care. We have got a third of the world's plant biodiversity in Southern Africa. I want to take African plants to the world,' he says. 'Esse has always been research dominant and we will always

join our recycle initiative return 10 empties and receive a FREE 100ml product* *Ts & Cs apply. mail for details

109 S G


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For the love of the Ocean


Hot off the press ORIGAUDIO

Two months after its launch, techno-pioneer brand, OrigAudio (the “Origami of Audio”) featured among Time Magazine’s '50 Best Inventions', appealing to true creators of style. This selection includes two of its most ground-breaking audio gadgets engineered for eco-friendly, portable functionality like you’ve never experienced it before. Now for the first time in SA, this product is now available on Citymob. Made out of recyclable material, these 1W speakers need no batteries or extension cords and are universally compatible with any device that has a headphone jack (MP3 players, laptops, cell phones, CD players, etc.). For info email Zach Nossel at

Organic machine

Organic machine is devoted to creating truly phenomenal beauty products. Fully vegetarian, mostly vegan, organic wherever possible, always edible, and with a growing number of ingredients grown on site in the magical cradle of humankind. To be used as they were created, with much love, respect and appreciation. For info visit their Facebook page here.

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The Solarmonkey and Solarnut can be connected directly to your phone, iPod (it's in the 'Made for iPod' program), PDA, PSP and more, enabling you to recharge without the need for batteries or a mains power supply. The Solarmonkey works via two solar panels which generate an electric current when exposed directly to sunlight, which in turn charges your device. (Please Note: The Solarmonkey panel does not hold a charge.) Specially designed to work with the Solarmonkey, the included Solarnut reserves redundant solar energy so that if a sunny day turns cloudy whilst you're using your Solarmonkey, charging of your device is not affected. It will regulate the supply of power to your device.

We have FIVE Solarmonkey chargers (valued at R600 each) to give away. Send your details, name and postal address here by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance of winning. S G 112

David Green Timepiece Collection The David Green man or woman is contemporary, discreetly stylish and presents an understated elegance. This discerning individual appreciates time, craftsmanship and quality that is invested into the creation of each David Green Timepiece, offering a unique product that reflects the exclusivity and social messaging of a new generation. The Timepiece Collection is intricate and personal, with an emphasis on individuality and style. Hand-crafted, using processes and materials required to meet his stringent prerequisite criteria, David believes in creating only the best engineered pieces of work. Continuing the philosophy of ‘Individuality in harmony with nature’, a real leaf has been integrated into each face design, offering an individual DNA to every timepiece making it as unique as its owner. Water-resistant to an atmospheric depth of five metres, the case is made of iron-plated stainless steel, ensuring that it is not just attractive but also durable. The dial plate is crafted from brass with a mineral glass face and the genuine leather strap has been hand-stitched with green cotton – a fashionable yet striking detail which encourages immediate conversation. By choosing a David Green Timepiece, the discerning individual is able to express their individuality and personal style whilst showing an elegant vote of support for a broader social consciousness. For more info see ad, right.

We have two watches to the value of R6 000 to give away. Email your details, name and postal address here by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance to win.

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your green tv show guide The must-see shows for all things green, organic & healthy on the home front. JULY-AUgust 2013 Design-a-Garden Tues 9pm • Wed 9am • Thurs 1pm • Fri 5pm • Sat 10am & 7pm • Sun 3pm & 10pm

Don’t miss the new season of Design-a-Garden with Melanie Walker on the Home Channel. Melanie explores gardening through the ages as she explores show gardens designed by landscaping students and lectures at The Lifestyle College. She also touches base with some of the country’s top landscapers to find out the new trends in garden design.

Steven & Chris Mon 1pm • Tues 5pm • Thurs 9pm • Fri 9am • Sat 11pm • Sun 10am

Steven Sabados and Chris Hyndman, present this popular lifestyle series from CBC. Over the course of the series, the duo provide tips, tricks and lively discussions on a variety of topics and offer fun and practical solutions for the ultimate design dilemmas in feature segment, 'Ask Steven and Chris'. Steven and Chris, along with their roster of experts, are the go-to source

for ideas and expertise in home décor, food & entertaining, fashion & beauty, health & fitness, relationships, finance and much more.

Sarah 101 Mon 12.30pm • Tues 4.30pm • Thurs 8.30pm • Fri 8.30am • Sat 11am & 8pm • Sun 4pm

Sarah 101 is a dynamic back-to-basics crash course in design. Sarah Richardson, award-winning host of Sarah’s House, Sarah’s Cottage, Design Inc, and Room Service shares her expert tips and tricks to help solve your design dilemmas big and small. It’s fresh, upbeat and exciting thanks to Sarah and Tommy’s infectious enthusiasm and you-can-do-it attitude. Every episode invites you to jump behind the scenes for an insider’s guide to design rationale and decor decisions and learn how a professional with great style creates design magic in homes just like yours. Take the Sarah 101 design course and come away with the tools you’ll need to achieve style and success every time.

Candice Tells All Mon 8.30am • Tues 12.30pm • Wed 4.30pm • Fri 8.30pm

superior interiors with kelly hoppen

Candice takes viewers through the ins-and-outs of her signature makeovers while exploring a major design principle in each episode. We see first-hand where Candice gets her design inspiration and joins her as she traverses the city to see how these principles work in other mediums and art forms. Candice also gets the scoop from design industry insiders and meets up with professionals and artists doing inspiring and fabulous things beyond the world of interior design. It is a first-hand glimpse into Candice’s world, her design process and inspiration, as well as a chance to see her as we have never seen her before – up-close and personal.

Superior Interiors With Kelly Hoppen Mon 4pm • Wed 8pm • Thurs 8am • Fri 12pm

For decades, Britain's first lady of interior design, Kelly Hoppen, has set the standard for elegance and taste in interiors with her minimalist yet opulent style. Here she turns her hand to Britain's less than attractive interiors, guiding homeowners through their design projects in her own unique way.

Buy Herself Mon 10pm • Tues 11.30am • Wed 3.30pm • Fri 7.30pm Sat 10.30am & 7.30pm • Sun 3.30pm & 10.30pm

Buy Herself is a real estate, about finding a home, about taking a big step, and most of all it is about women doing it on their own. Each week, top-rated TV personality and award-winning real-estate broker Sandra Rinomato lends her expertise to a woman preparing for one of the most challenging purchases of her life – Buy Herself.

sarah 101

Show Me How Mon 7pm • Tues 10.30pm • Wed 11am • Thurs 3pm • Sat 9am &

candice tells all

6pm • Sun 2pm & 9pm

Your favourite local arts & craft show is back. Show Me How has heaps of wonderful projects that are sure to inspire you. Presenter Gloria Bastos will be at it again with her line up of fabulous guests who will be guiding you through a series of great arts & crafts. Whether it’s scrap-booking, oil paint, sugar art or getting creative with clay and mosaics, we’ll give you the know-how.

Fearless in the Kitchen Mon 10am • Tues 2pm • Thurs 6pm • Fri 11pm • Sat 7.30am & 4pm • Sun 11.30am & 6pm

Celebrity Chef Christine Cushing transforms terrible cooks into savvy, fearless chefs who can prepare tasty meals for family and friends. Each episode introduces viewers to a culinary – challenged participant who will be guided through a series of cooking-related tasks and challenges by Cushing in order to help them gain confidence in the kitchen.



Fairtrade Label South Africa has called all shoppers to 'wake up' to a new coffee experience – one that will not only tantalise your taste buds, but will also create better deals for small-scale coffee producers. This was the motif of this year’s recent fairtrade coffee week – a high-energy campaign filled with gorgeous cappuccinos, caffeine-loaded events and exciting competitions. We take a look.


or the third year in a row, Fairtrade Coffee

invest in their business and community.

Week opened South Africa’s eyes to the

Fairtrade also promotes respectful, transparent

amazing journey that coffee takes from bean

and long-term partnerships between farmers and

to cup – touching many countries and thousands of

their buyers. This enables farmers to obtain better

lives. It also helped promote the growing availability

market knowledge and buyers to secure a reliable

of Fairtrade coffee in South Africa and the rising

and consistent supply of sustainable coffee.

demand from local consumers and businesses for high quality, fairly-traded coffee.

The Fairtrade coffees available in South Africa are among the highest quality internationally. Variants

Flagship product of Fairtrade internationally,

include beans, ground, instant, and coffee capsules.

Fairtrade coffee, is becoming a trend in South

Whether you buy a Fairtrade coffee in store or drink

Africa too. Last year shoppers bought over 120

it in a hospitality outlet, you are assured that the

tons of Fairtrade coffee (17 million cups) with an

coffee was grown according to the strictest social

estimated value of R30m, a 167% increase from

and environmental standards, and that no GMOs

2011. The maturation of a local Fairtrade market

were used.


translates into increased benefits for the over 580 000 certified small-scale coffee farmers in the world: from better prices and market access, to investment opportunities in their businesses and communities.

BENEFITS OF FAIRTRADE The market price for coffee is extremely volatile. Fairtrade farmers are guaranteed a minimum price for their coffee, which allows them to farm sustainably and support their families when world market prices fall. For every pound of coffee sold on Fairtrade terms, farmers receive 20c (US) which they can

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For details on what happened at this year's Fairtrade Coffee Week visit


FUN & EASY RECIPES WITH FAIRTRADE COFFEE Last-Minute Ice-Cream Tiramisu Ingredients 30ml Fairtrade espresso coffee 60ml coffee liqueur 8 boudoir biscuits 4 scoops vanilla ice-cream 5ml cinnamon 2ml ground nutmeg 15ml cocoa Fairtrade chocolate flakes to decorate

Star Recipe from our Brand Ambassador Reuben Riffel

Preparation 1. Combine the Fairtrade espresso and the liqueur. 2. Place 2 biscuits on each serving plate. 3. Spoon over some of the espresso mixture and top with a generous scoop of vanilla ice-cream. 4. Spoon over the remaining mixture. 5. Combine the cinnamon, nutmeg and cocoa. 6. Dust the ice-cream with the spice mix and finish with some Fairtrade chocolate flakes. Enjoy!

Double Choc & Coffee Muffins Ingredients 1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup cocoa powder (tip: try dark cocoa powder!) 1tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp salt 1 free-range egg 1/2 cup canola oil 1 cup strongly brewed Fairtrade coffee, cooled to room temp. 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 cup Fairtrade chocolate (chipped) Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 180°C. In a large bowl combine all the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir in the chocolate chips. 2. In a separate bowl, lightly beat the egg and mix in the other wet ingredients: oil, vanilla and Fairtrade coffee. 3. Pour all the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix just until the flour is no longer dry. 4. Divide the batter among 12 greased or paper lined muffin cups and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a knife comes out clean. Let cool for a few minutes before serving. For a more prominent crunchy coffee flavour, sprinkle some Fairtrade coffee beans or instant coffee crystals on top of the muffins before putting them in the oven. Enjoy!

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Imagine if a mysterious plight hit the world's coffee plantations, depleting the entire planet's coffee supply? Imagine what calamity this would evoke in our societies. There might well be an incident of mass destruction with the world coming to a grinding halt. History might repeat itself with consumers resorting to quaffing beer for breakfast.


n a world without coffee, we would lose one of

the ancient Arab world, coffee became such a staple

the greatest cultural inventions that humankind

part of family life that one of the causes allowed by

has ever known. Coffee has been instrumental in

law for marital separation was a husband's refusal

bringing more people together, making more deals

to produce coffee for his wife. Coffee is the binding

happen and noting more thoughts to paper than

agent in so many of our cultural, philosophical and

anything else in our history. The great composer,

emotional events that to imagine a world without it is

Johan Sebastian Bach loved coffee so much he wrote

to imagine a much poorer world.

'Koffee Kantate'. Edward Lloyd's coffee house (founded in 1668), attracted seafarers and merchants and


eventually became the world-famous insurers, Lloyd's

The latest diet fad to hit the country is the green

of London. Similarly, Jonathon's Coffee House became

coffee bean. Klaus Becker, Managing Director of

the London Stock Exchange.

Caturra is taking 'green' coffee to an all time high

Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide with

here in South Africa, which in the long run, will

around two billion cups consumed every day. Coffee

be worth its weight in gold for the planet. Always

became the starting point of that first meeting, that

the trendsetter, Caturra has recently rolled out its

initial friendship, that lasting love; coffee has done

compostable packaging for its complete range of

this more than anything else we have ever devised. In

espresso, filter and organic coffees. The new clean

milestone. This trend is gaining momentum globally and we believe without a doubt, that it is not merely a trend but the start of a greener solution to packaging. For coffee loving and ethical consumers who are committed to minimising their carbon footprint and supporting sustainable business practices, the Organic range of ground and roasted beans is also encapsulated in this revolutionary green packaging. The organic beans are sourced from farmers who have renounced all synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. These farmers must comply with stringent standards that regulate the methods, practices and substances they use on their farms. Organic farmers manage their entire ecosystems as much as they manage a single crop because biodiversity and soil biology are crucial to create healthy conditions for agriculture. This bold initiative by Caturra is the perfect place to start by making a difference and the first step towards a truly green cup of coffee enjoyed on a greener planet.

look is now available nationwide at Pick n Pay, Spar, Makro and Food Lover’s Market stores for under R50 per 250g pack. Caturra, forever environmentally-conscious, sought advice from a UK company about enhancing their packaging to match their green ethics. These packs were specifically developed using various layers of NatureFlex renewable compostable films in their construction. During the development of these films, they were placed in a simulated compost heap. After a mere 12 weeks, they degraded completely, being fully absorbed into the soil (see video, below right). Becker says: 'South Africans consume more than made in this country to reduce, reuse and recycle. Imagine if all these people made use of compostable bags, what a significant decrease in the South African carbon footprint they could make. Now everything from Bean to Bag can be recycled. These films are perfect for the coffee market whose concerns are about sustainability and renewability and I am very excited about this concept.' Becker says further: 'In partnership with our packaging company, we have devised a very intricate pouch. We are one of first in the world to achieve this significant

We have 10 hampers of Caturra coffee valued at R300 each to give away. Send your full name and address details, here by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance to win.


20 000 tons of coffee per annum. A major shift is being

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For info: Caturra head office, Cape Town, on 021 593 1199 or visit

WIN Didiesse Frog Steamer

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We have ONE Emozione coffee hamper (including coffee machine with steamer, coffee pods and nougat bars) valued at R3 800 to give away. Send your details, name and postal address here by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance to win.

• 14 lively colours • Prepares coffee and espresso, cappuccinos and lattes, hot water • 2 thermo blocks – coffee and milk can be prepared simultaneously • High pressure steamer- immediately hot steam • Fast heat up – 1min – Energy saving • High pressure pump (up to 19 bar) • Hygienic solution – no water tank cleaning • Up to 3l water bottle tank • Low maintenance product • European quality product – designed and manufactured in Italy • Service and Repair centre local in Cape Town • Environmental friendly pods –no plastic - 100 % biodegradable • Smart Italian vintage design • 24 month warranty

For more info click here

For more info visit or call 082 87 66 160. Check out their Facebook page here S G 120


NewEnergyEfficiency Russell Hobbs, a leading design innovator of kitchen appliances, announces a new cooking technology that is faster, safer and saves more energy.


he Induction Cooker brings time-saving innovation to the modern kitchen. Not only is it rapid, healthy and safe, it is also a more energy-efficient cooking method. 'Induction cooking offers you the ultimate cooking convenience with less cost,' says Kitchen Appliances Category Manager at Home of Living Brands, Samantha van Jaarsveld. An induction cooker is ideal for all households and occasions. Its compact design and portability makes it perfect for home entertaining, garden cottages, holiday-makers, camping, caravanning and student accommodation. The Induction Cooker uses up to 56% less energy and is up to 56% faster than traditional cooking methods. It can be used for cooking, fondus, keeping food warm and heats up instantly. Celebrity Chef Martin Kobald says, 'It’s like cooking with gas but better, because it gives you more control over the cooking process with a choice of 18 power levels.' It uses induction heat to directly heat the pot or pan, which means that it is the cookware that heats and does the cooking, and not the cooker. There is therefore no residual heat loss from your cooker. Your kitchen stays cooler and your energy bill stays smaller. 'And because there are no hot elements or open flames, it is much safer,' says Chef Kobald. High temperatures reduce cooking times as well as seal

in food nutrients and taste. The Induction Cooker comes with a host of features such as pre-set (delay start), pause and timer functions. It also has five, one-touch menus that allows you to cook soups, steam, simmer, fry and stew, and you can adjust the manual cooking functions with the slide of a finger. Cleaning up is just as simple with only a single wipe required. Induction technology is compatible with induction-ready cookware. Cast iron, enamel and most types of stainless steel cookware are induction-ready. Test your cookware for compatibility by trying to stick a magnet to its bottom. Your cookware is compatible and will work with an Induction Cooker if the magnet stays in place. The Russell Hobbs Induction Cooker accommodates common pot sizes, up to 26cm in diameter. It comes with a generous 1.2m cord that gives you plenty of reach and is also compatible with invertors and generators, so you can carry on cooking when there is a power outage or during your travels. 'The Russell Hobbs Induction Cooker is the perfect addition to all households. It’s fast, healthy, energy-efficient cooking at its best.' says van Jaarsveld. For more info visit,, or scan the code below to watch the demo video.

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Salt of the Earth Oryx desert salt comes from our own African soil – from the heart of the earth. Health researcher Sue Visser reports.


e all need to get down to earth and

Unfortunately, a lot of this salt needs to be

enjoy the simple, time-honoured foods

highly refined in order to remove contaminants such

and medicines that are given to us in

as sea gull droppings, rotten debris or even particles

their most natural form. Salt is both a food and a

of dead animals from it. (Natural may mean just

medicine and without this vital mineral we could

that: untreated, with extra 'nutrients'). Refined salt

not exist.

is known as table salt, a highly denatured product.

To the connoisseur, each type of salt has a

So much so, that it produces an acidifying effect and

unique composition and imparts a special flavour

can contribute to sodium retention and high blood

to certain foods. This is why chefs of international

pressure complications. Do not pass this salt.

standing use Oryx desert salt, among other exotic

Meanwhile back at the Kalahari Desert at a very

varieties. They know how special it tastes, even if

remote and pristine salt lake, unique salt crystals

they are oblivious to the extra minerals and trace

are forming in the blazing sun. This is where Oryx

elements it provides. They may not even appreciate

desert salt is harvested. Minerals washed out of the

how this salt helps to balance their blood pressure

dwyka rocks below the earth's surface flow in three

and prevent restless legs, muscle spasms and

underground streams into a 'sacred' lake. The water

cramps. Some do know, however, that their culinary

evaporates very quickly from the solution, leaving

creations never tasted so good when they used plain

a complexity of minerals and trace elements. It

old table salt.

sparkles and will do so on the best of dinner tables

Some of us are salt snobs and like to keep a

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around the world.

collection of different types of salt from around the

The local Kalahari community has expressed

world. We know that sea salt provides us with the

their thanks for donations which they have received

key minerals like sodium and chloride, plus trace

from those who market this salt via the Transfrontier

elements and sometimes a little iodine.

Parks Destinations Foundation. The picture of the

Oryx antelope as a logo is a symbol of how this salt also helps to sustain these magnificent desert animals. Instinctively, the Oryx visit the salt pans to top up on valuable minerals and electrolytes to survive the desert heat. We, too, now have access to this wonderful and ancient salt. We can use it in the kitchen as well as the medicine chest. There is no reason to fear such a salt. It is a vital component of every cell. Our body is made out of a 70% saline solution. Salt maintains our cellular fluid balance, both within and around each and every cell. A natural salt such as Oryx desert salt helps to keep us more alkaline because it provides us with sufficient magnesium and potassium as well as the full spectrum of the other vital trace minerals. It is well tolerated by people with an iodine sensitivity that may have a bad reaction to other types of salt. But most of all, Oryx desert salt comes from our own soil, out of Africa, from the heart of the earth. Let us share this sacred salt and become the 'salt of the earth'.  For more info see ad, below.


ORYX desert SALT is a pure natural gourmet salt from the KALAHARI desert of South Africa! This salt is naturally crystal white, completely unprocessed, unrefined & sun-dried. The salt is free from any additives and contains all the minerals and trace elements naturally occurring from the ancient underground source in the correct balance and ratio for the body to utilise, essential for maintaining good health. ORYX desert SALT is harvested in a remote and pristine area in the Kalahari Desert, which is uninhabitable and as pollution free as one can get. It is extracted from an ancient underground brine lake, which is renewable and sustainable as it is fed continuously by three underground streams. The high saturated brine is pumped up, laid on the pan, crystallises in the hot Kalahari summer sun in four weeks, collected and packed. This unique desert salt has a delicious flavour! We support the Khomani San & Mier communities of the Kalahari -

Contact Samantha 074 413 8646 | 021 788 5078 |

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F ood T ech

chemical imaging & you 1 – Typical Fusarium verticilioides growth on agar medium • 2 – Positioning the Fusarium verticillioides infected kernels in the field of view of the staring imaging camera

1 2 3 – Positioning samples in the field of view of the new line scanning camera, capable of acquiring images in 10 seconds • 4 – Positive confirmation of the presence of Fusarium spores on maize kernel characterised by fungal growth on agar medium



Detecting infected maize early can help prevent contaminated crops from entering the food chain, and also reduce the risk of throat cancer linked to the consumption of infected maize products. Dr Paul Williams, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Southern African Grain Laboratory in Pretoria, reports.

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n a recent study I used a specialised camera to produce chemical images of maize kernels infected with fungi that pose a threat to human

and animal health. Through a process called chemical imaging, the camera takes photos of contaminated kernels in infrared light that measures chemical changes caused by fungi long before the visual symptoms of infection are visible to the naked eye. Different chemicals and contaminants appear in a variety of colours. It works like a fingerprint, because the different colours tell us which chemical or contaminant is present. Chemical imaging makes it possible to distinguish between compromised and healthy maize kernels in one swift measurement. One can then monitor the development of fungal growth in infected kernels

Where conventional microbiological techniques – which are labour intensive, expensive and complicated – can take up to two weeks before positive identification is possible, chemical imaging allows for rapid and accurate sorting of individual kernels to ensure quality and safety. Corrupted grains can be screened and removed before they enter the food chain.

over time. Whereas



techniques – which are labour intensive, expensive and complicated – can take up to two weeks before positive identification is possible, chemical imaging allows for rapid and accurate sorting of individual kernels to ensure quality and safety. Corrupted grains can be screened and removed before they enter the food chain. Finding these corrupted grains early is very important because maize, together with wheat, barley, oats and rice, forms part of the daily diet of millions of people. These products are consumed in a raw or processed form for breakfast (porridges), lunch (breads), supper (pastas, rice and pap) or as an occasional snack or treat. It is estimated that rice, maize and wheat provide at least 30% of the food calories to more than 4.5b people in 100 developing countries. Not surprisingly, fungal infection of maize is a global concern. Maize is prone to infection by different fungi, especially Fusarium species. Fungal spores are everywhere and, in most cases harmless. However, some spores can germinate, infiltrate grains, and grow under such conditions as: rainfall shortly before harvest and high moisture and temperature levels during storage. They occur in the leaves, stems, roots and cobs of the maize plant. Data from my study showed that three closely related Fusarium species capable of producing harmful mycotoxins (fumonisins) that can cause throat cancer in humans when they consume

infected grain products could be segregated using chemical imaging. These toxins also cause diseases in horses, pigs and rats. Chemical imaging made visualisation of radial growth rings possible by studying the growth of the three Fusarium species on a solid medium over time. These rings are similar to age rings in trees. Since these zones differed chemically, it was possible to distinguish between them, and over time it was possible to construct curves that resembled microbial growth profiles. Using conventional microbiological techniques these curves are painstakingly constructed. However, using chemical imaging it was possible to achieve the same result in a fraction of the time. Chemical imaging is suitable to distinguish between fungi that infect maize and is also safe and non-destructive. It is well suited for use in the food industry, at grain silos or in food factories. Apart from maize and other cereals, this technique can be used to inspect other food products for similar fungi or spoilage bacteria. In addition, chemical imaging can be utilised in food microbiology laboratories in combination with conventional methods as a tool for rapid detection of and discrimination between foodborne pathogens. Research is on-going and soon it will be possible to ensure safer food one image at a time.


This article is based on Dr Williams' recent doctoral study in Food Science at Stellenbosch University.

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Hot off the press Wellness Warehouse

Wellness Warehouse stocks a complete range of Wellness, organic coconut body products ranging from a coconut and vanilla scrub to a body wash and creams, which are all infused with vanilla. The Wellness coconut and vanilla body range is made from 100% natural ingredients containing no artificial fragrances, colourants and sodium laureth sulphate (SLES). The range is certified organic and has not been tested on any animals. Coconut oil, the main ingredient in the Wellness coconut and vanilla beauty range, has ample benefits for the skin. The oil in the products is a highly effective moisturizer and a safe solution for preventing and treating dry and flaky skin. It helps various skin problems including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin infections. The abundance of antioxidants in coconut also help reduce the effects of aging on the skin. Available from Wellness Warehouse nationally via the online shop: and at Wellness stores in Cape Town. Tel 0860 548 3543 for more info.

The vines, vineyards, grapes and wines are all grafted, trained, picked, and crafted by hand. De Bos Handpicked Vineyards is the premium Fairtrade offering from Bosman Family Vineyards. Every bottle captures intrinsic varietal quality which is origin specific. The vineyards are located in the cool maritime mountain slopes of the Upper Hemel-en-Aarde Valley, the Bovlei granite hills of Wellington and the Swartland scales of Hermon. | | +27 (0)21 873 3170

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Top-quality drinking water, something which for years was taken for granted, has recently become a global priority. There are many products on the market which filter drinking water, but this particular one claims to be do something that is very different to purifying it. Some filters remove unwanted sediments and tastes, but they do not kill germs. Clear water does not mean pure water; and if it's not pure, it's not safe to drink. This is where the Halo Pure water pitcher, which has recently been released in South Africa, effectively improves and disinfects water by purifying it. It kills 99.9% of bacteria, among them notable nasties such as Poliovirus, Rotavirus, E Coli, Cholera and Salmonella. The pitcher itself is stylish, lightweight, easy to pour from and compact enough to fit in your fridge, while the cartridge purifies 375l of water before requiring replacement. The Halo Pure retails at R599 and is available at selected stores nationwide.


An additives-free, vegan-friendly local product that works hard at reducing their carbon footprint. Their essential oil room mists are 100% natural and have no added alcohol, but does contain Witch Hazel as an astringent to emulsify the mixture when shaken. Witch Hazel also has many beneficial properties when sprayed onto the skin. It works great for rashes, is anti-itch, tightens the skin, relieves swelling and assists in healing wounds. They also have a delicious jam range that are 100% natural and free of artificial preservatives, colourants and fragrance. Also available are the diabetic-friendly, low GI jams.


Entrepreneur Vivian Kleynhans has risen from poor beginnings in the small fishing village of Paternoster, Western Cape to heading up a black-owned wine company, African Roots Wines, with a turnover of more than R2m a year. With her six sisters, each of whom have a stake in the business (as well as a wine named after each one of them), this month sees the highpoint of their efforts – the shipping of the first order of more than 5 000 x 9l cases of their brand to Walmart, the largest retailer in the USA.

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Let's rid 10 reasons to start using a bicycle to get around

Increasing fuel costs and dramatic climate change are just two of the many reasons riding a bike is an excellent alternative to driving. We look at smart ways to use bicycles for transportation.


ost people take the 'greenness' of bike transport as a given. But if you're just getting started – or perhaps trying to convince an employer that

bicycle commuting is a good thing – here are some good reasons to leave that car in the driveway and start covering some kilos on two wheels.


It's easier to finance a new bicycle than a new car.

Thanks to the recession, loans can be hard to find these days – even if you have good credit. But for the price of a single car payment, you can buy a well-made bicycle that should outlast most cars. Add a few hundred rand more for rain gear, lights and accessories, and you have all-weather, anytime transportation.


A bicycle has a tiny manufacturing footprint when compared to a car.

All manufactured goods have enviro-impact, but bicycles can be produced with a fraction of the materials, energy and shipping costs of a car.


Bicycles produce no pollution. Bikes don't belch poisonous fumes and CO2

into the atmosphere. They also eliminate the oil, fuel and hydraulic fluids dripped by automobiles onto the road surface – which means less toxic runoff into local waterways.

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Rarely is there anything healthier than the boost one receives from the release of feel good hormones after physical exertion 129 S G


Bikes save taxpayers money by reducing road wear. A 8-9kg bicycle is a lot less rough on the road than a two-ton sedan. Every bicycle on the road amounts to money saved patching potholes and resurfacing streets.


Bicycles are an effective alternative to a second car.

Perhaps you're not in a position to adopt a bicycle as primary transportation. But bikes make great second vehicles. You can literally save thousands

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of rands a year using a bicycle for workday commuting and weekend errands in households which might otherwise be forced to maintain two cars.


Using a bike can help you lose weight & improve your health.

The health benefits of regular aerobic exercise are well-known. Depending on your riding style and local road conditions, you could easily burn 600 calories an hour through brisk cycling. Most bike commuters report losing around 10kg during their first year in the saddle without even changing their eating habits.

Get on your bike instead of driving your car to do your errands and light-shopping

Cycling is a great way to get the kids out the house and instills healthy routines


You can store a dozen bicycles in a parking bay.

Parking lots have enormous environmental and financial impact, particularly in urbanised areas. The more bikes you can get on the road, the fewer parking spaces you need to build.

8 9

Bicycles don't burn petrol. Regardless of the petrol price, the cost of

riding a bike is always the same – next to nothing.

Cycling is sometimes faster and more efficient than a car.

Bikes are often faster than cars in congested urban areas, especially when city designers have set aside proper bike lanes. There's nothing more satisfying as a bicycle commuter than breezing past a long line of gridlocked traffic.


Studies show that bicycle commuters are healthier & happier. Enlightened employers are eager to accommodate commuting cyclists. Healthy workers are better workers – and that's good for the bottom line. Bikes are smart business and good for users and society as a whole.


131 S G


The Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN) SA was established in Cape Town in 2002. The main mission of BEN is to address poverty and mobility through the promotion of the bicycle in all its forms. Andrew Wheeldon, managing director and co-founder, explains.


t BEN, we believe in the bicycle as a large part of the solution to mobility and poverty alleviation. Through the creation of 17 centres and the distribution of over 12  000 new and used bikes, we are beginning to address job creation and access. Our training programs are ensuring that bike recipients are safe and in control of their bikes, mechanically and otherwise. The work we do in collaboration with the cities of Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria is beginning to see the start of environments that facilitate safe and secure bicycle travel. We trust this will continue long into the future, as we have not yet begun to make the difference required, and to tip the balance in favour of mass bicycle use, both in SA and beyond. Low-cost new and used bikes are imported from China and Europe respectively and bicycle containerised


Bicycling Empowerment Network

workshops are set up in different areas where there is a great need for reliable but cost-effective transport. These are then stocked with these bikes, and tools, and the project commences with the training of the project team, preferably those from previously disadvantaged sectors. The team facilitates the operation of the project in its entirety, from setting up and running of the training courses, servicing of the bicycles and working together with schools, NGOs and health care groups to address the transport needs of both learners and teachers. The team members also visit other local projects such as community centres, sports facilities and places of employment where information about the program can be disseminated. A safe route to school and work program is run in conjunction with the supply of new and second-hand low-cost bikes. Included in this program is the project for healthcare workers in the townships and rural areas, whereby healthcare workers are mobilised with bicycles, training and back-up support to address their transportation needs. The most affected by the lack of safety are the children of the poor who cannot afford own transport or public bus and have either to walk or cycle to school. Training and job creation initiatives teach individuals to think creatively about jobs and entrepreneurial projects, linking the many uses of the bicycle to income generation activities.


There is no better or more intense way to experience a country than to bike, hike or kayak through its varied landscapes. And with our choice of route options, you get to decide whether you want to explore at a leisurely pace, or exert yourself some more. Whether you want to try a longer route during the day’s activities, or head back early for a swim or a spa treatment, the choice is yours.



Savour the sights and sounds of the historic city of Cape Town

Guided cultural tour through a Cape township

ď Ť 2

Bikes & Saddles are offering ONE couple a Cape Town City guided bike ride, and ONE couple a Khayelitsha guided cycle (trips include bikes and all equipment | excellent and varied sights and arguably the best tour of Cape Town | personal service from the best guides in the industry | sparkling wine & gourmet canapes in the heart of the V&A Waterfront (City Cycle) or Township fare (Khayelitsha). Send your full name and details here stating which of the two rides you prefer by 30 August 2013 to stand a chance of winning.

133 S G

eBikes Electric Bicycle Conversion Kits

110% Green – The 1% Solution


Under the auspices of Premier Zilles 110% Green Project , Thula Lula eBikes and BEN (Bicycling Empowerment Network) have been chosen as flagship projects for 2013. In co-operation with Travel SMART, we want any business to join The 1% Solution by encouraging at least 1% of all staff to start cycling, either to work or to meetings, either with a conventional bike or with an electrically converted 2 bike from home to office or from home to public transport. If 1% of the 10m SA commuters (100 000) would cycle to work even once a week, it would be the critical mass needed to ensure that cyclists are much safer on the roads. This change in commuting could have a large impact on disposable income, on health, on the environment, and even act as an advertising medium for business by branding each bike. It is just lots of fun, offering team building opportunities, as well as easier parking for staff and increased parking facilities for the business. Safety; We are committed to making sure your staff is as safe as possible; safety instruction and equipment, route identification, plus the introduction of Share Schemes and cell phone technology to encourage bikers to ride together will be introduced. Email here or visit here – we can demo these new travel modes to any business at your convenience. 1 2

This campaign is aimed at supporting the Western Cape's intent to position itself as the Green Economic Hub of South Africa. Fold up electric bicycles are allowed on trains.

SA Mountain E bikes Electrically assisted mountain bikes are great fun and designed for enjoyment for the whole family. SA Mountain E bikes hire is a concept that essentially gives assistance to the front or rear wheel, allowing the rider to easily ascend steep hills and benefit riding in nature reserves and selected private land and farms to experience an unforgettable travel experience without having to be super fit, all you have to do qualify is to have a sense of adventure and be able to ride; all the rest is an eco friendly educational experience. See advert below for more info.

SA mountain e-bikes

1st time in SA that high class top-end electrically-assisted mountain bikes are available for hire & sale in SA in a custom assembled form.

Brian (27)(21) 859 1989 • Mobile 083 461 4567 or

S G 134

Online version here. Visit here for latest updates.

Why a bicycle map? A ‘liveable’, bicycle- and people-friendly city benefits everyone: streets are safer & more vibrant; traffic congestion & pollution and travel costs are reduced; tourism and the ‘green’ conferencing trade improve; and international investment and global competitiveness are increased. The Cape Town Bicycle Map (printed version) was developed to encourage more people to ride a bicycle for all these reasons, and more. They have identified a network of safer, connected routes (recommended by people who cycle regularly on our roads), located bicycle infrastructure, parking, and bicycle-friendly venues, and included information about cyclists’ rights, responsibilities and signage. Maps also include mountain biking trails and touring routes for leisure cyclists. For more, visit here.

The Panda Peloton


Combine your love of cycling with your love of nature and raise funds towards the WWF's conservation efforts in any race you ride, anywhere in the world. Visit here to register. If you're in JHB, how about joining the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge? Entries close Thursday 26 September 2013.

When your spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking. Arthur Conan Doyle

beautiful refurbishments custom urban cycles


135 S G

Fuel-cell cargo bike

Bike That Provides Wi-Fi & Electricity A bicycle named Levitation was recently developed which has some surprising features: The ability to generate electricity; The ability to provide a wi-fi hotspot. Levitation generates electricity as you ride. It can charge low-power devices such as cellphones, digital cameras, mp3 players, and so on. The generator does put an extra load on the pedals, though, so it will be a bit more difficult to pedal when in the generating electricity mode. Unfortunately, the bicycle’s seat does not have a suspension, but it’s just a concept bike at this point.

S G 136

Locally designed hydrogen-powered tricycle – named A hi Fambeni, Xitsonga for ‘Let’s go’ – has attracted much attention since its 2010 launch in SA as a sustainably powered goods-to-market vehicle for rural areas. It’s also an entry into the international SMART Mobility EnterPrize competition, which aims to identify existing and emerging sustainable mobility business models and innovative transport approaches that benefit the poor. A hi Fambeni’s tech was developed by students of the Tshwane University of Technology’s Resource Driven Technology Concept Centre (RETECZA), and the body designed by SA motorcycle designer Pierre Terblanche (design director for Ducati 1997-2007). The hydrogen tricycle project begun as a demonstration project for Hydrogen SA, to show what hydrogen could do for the country, says Bob Bond, project leader and board member of RETECZA. The tricycle uses 100g of hydrogen gas, has an operational speed of 25km/h, and duration of 3-5 hours. Visit here for more.

Top 10 Bicycle-Friendly Cities

1 6

Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam’s the top of the top when it comes to bicycle-friendly cities. Nearly 40% of all commutes that take place in Amsterdam are done by bicycle.


Eco mountain biking adventures through Devon Valley For a leisurely tour of the Stellenbosch Winelands of a different kind, Clos Malverne Wine Estate now saddles up exhilarating eco-biking safaris for enthusiasts to explore, experience and enjoy the splendour of the picturesque Devon Valley, off the beaten track. Hosted in conjunction with Bike & Saddle – a leading SA eco-active travel company – the Clos Malverne Mountain Bike Experience is 'sheer pedal pleasure' and allows rookie riders and serious dirt hounds alike, to explore the scenic back roads of the valley, soak up the inspiring views and indulge in a memorable wine and food experience. This exclusive trail meanders along a private 20km, mainly off-road path through the heart of the valley and the trip can be adapted to suit all levels of experience and fitness. Cost per person R495. Tel 021 813 6433, email or visit here to book.

Copenhagen, Denmark These days, a full 32% of Copenhagen residents are biking to work on a regular basis. The city's pro-bike culture goes so far as to allow you to rent a public bike for free (albeit a refundable deposit).


Bogota, Colombia Only 13% of residents own cars, which makes bicycles something of a necessity. In fact, once a week, the city closes over 70 miles of streets to vehicle traffic so that bicycle riders, joggers, skaters and others can enjoy the streets to themselves.


Curitiba, Brazil The city has been pushing cycling as the go-to mode of transportation for more than 40 years and the result has been the ubiquity of bike lanes. Brazilians have made a commitment to alternative fuels and eco-friendly transportation methods


Montreal, Canada Two years ago, Montreal embarked on an ambitious $134m plan to revamp the city’s bike trails and create a more bicycle-friendly atmosphere. Montreal also has the first urban bike-share infrastructure in North America, the Bixi program.

Portland, Oregon By creating bicycle paths that connect the urban neighborhoods, a rider can bypass auto commuting altogether. The city also offers low-cost commuter bicycles to the city's less wealthy residents. With over 260 miles of trails and paths, Portland achieves a commuter rate of nearly 9%.


Basel, Switzerland Basel features street lanes specifically geared toward bicycle riders and includes left-hand turn lanes that are unique to riders. Basel also supports a robust network of bike-rental programs.


Barcelona, Spain Barcelona also has created a green ring that runs the perimeter of the urban core. This bike path is peppered with 100 different bike stations as part of Barcelona's bike hiring program, allowing riders to rent and drop off at different locations.


Beijing, China Biking is still the best way to get around Beijing. Tons of people do it so you won’t be a lone rider, and the car traffic is so slow and congested, you’ll feel free as a bird by comparison.


Trondheim, Norway Trondheim has come up with a novel solution to riding uphill: The city features bicycle lifts that act like ski tows and allow the rider to glide up a hill without having to pedal.

137 S G

Extract taken from On Safari by Nadine Clarke, published by Struik Nature, an imprint of Random House Struik

S G 138

For info or to purchase visit Also visit, or visit the 'Get Bushwise' facebook page 139 S G

Extract taken from On Safari by Nadine Clarke, published by Struik Nature, an imprint of Random House Struik

S G 140

For info or to purchase visit Also visit, or visit the 'Get Bushwise' facebook page 141 S G

Extract taken from On Safari by Nadine Clarke, published by Struik Nature, an imprint of Random House Struik

S G 142

For info or to purchase visit Also visit, or visit the 'Get Bushwise' facebook page 143 S G

Garden Companion planting is an age-old technique used to maximise the growth and productivity of our plants. Jane Griffiths has been experimenting with beneficial bedmates in her delicious garden.


are endless combinations of plantings, where one plant benefits another. This is what companion planting is all about.

Attracting beneficial insects I was walking through my vegetable garden one morning when I spotted a gray cluster of aphids nestled into the new spring growth of my honeysuckle. My first reaction was to grab the hose and give the blighters a good blast of water. But at the time I was in the middle of writing Jane's Delicious Garden and I needed photographs of the bad guys, so I let them be. Within a week, I noticed ladybirds gathering on the honeysuckle. A single adult ladybird can devour up to 400 aphids a day. Happily feasting, they soon started to breed. It was the first time I had ever seen little yellow clusters

harles Darwin would tell the story of the

of ladybird eggs. They were expediently laid right

old lady, her cat and the clover: There once

next to the aphids so when the spiky black larvae

was an old lady who lived in a small village,

hatched out, their dinner was right there. Every

where more than the average number of old ladies

morning I would eagerly check my ladybird farm

lived. There was also more clover in the grass and

to see what new surprises had hatched. I started

the meadows produced more hay. The reason was

to feel like Richard Attenborough, albeit on an

simple. Old ladies kept more cats than most people.

insect-sized scale.

More old ladies led to more cats in the village. The

Apart from providing me with my game viewing

cats roamed the fields and captured whatever they

in miniature, this was an important lesson to me

could, particularly field mice. So more cats meant

about not panicking at the first sign of harmful

fewer mice. Mice are one of the few predators of

insects. In a food garden we are creating a food

wild bees' nests; so fewer mice meant more bees.

chain. If we want to be at the top eating the food,

Bees are essential for pollinating red clover; so

there has to be something at the bottom being

more bees meant more clover. Clover improves the

eaten. By providing the right combination of plants,

yield of hay. So, more old ladies meant the village

we can create a natural balance and invite beneficial

produced more hay.

insects into our gardens.

If we simply plant certain herbs or vegetables

There are many beneficial insects playing

next to one another in our garden, they will do our

important roles of predators, parasites and

work for us. Now that is the kind of gardening I

pollinators in our gardens:

love. There are many plants which do the work of

In addition to aphids, ladybirds also eat thrips

insecticides by repelling pests. Others are magnets

and the larvae of many leaf-eating insects

for beneficial insects, inviting bees, wasps, spiders,

Bees, bee flies (which look like bumble bees,

butterflies and others into our gardens. And there

but are not) and butterflies are the all-important

Good Companions S G 144

ompanions 145 S G


Fill the beds bordering your vegetable garden

Spiders eat aphids, red spider mites, thrips and

with chrysanthemum, coreopsis, Shasta daisies,

other insects.

alyssum, candytuft, cosmos, marigold, Queen

Dragonflies and damselflies eat sapsuckers and

Anne's lace, golden rod and various grasses.

small leaf-eating insects.

Plant some nectar flowers, like honeysuckle,

Hoverflies are natural predators of scale insects,

red-hot poker and aloes, near your vegetables.

mealy bug and mites. Their larvae feed on

If you have an archway, this is an ideal spot for

aphids, moth larvae, caterpillars and slugs.


A wide variety of spiders is extremely useful

Plant roses near your vegetables. An archway is

to have in the garden, as they eat small insect

a good spot. The roses attract aphids away from


your vegetables.

The lovely lacewing with its iridescent wings is a

Don't forget about balance – it is not a bad

formidable killer; a larva can eat over 13 million

thing to have a few aphids as they attract a

aphids in one summer.

wide range of beneficial insects, like ladybirds,

Praying mantises are also ferocious killers,

assassin bugs and hoverflies.

eating beetles, bugs and caterpillars, although

Include plants of different heights. Ground

they also eat beneficial insects such as wasps

beetles need low-lying plants, such as winter

and butterflies.

savory, for shelter and lacewings need shady

The assassin bug attacks and kills quickly,

protected areas to lay their eggs.

hence its delightful name. Coming in various

Don't kill every caterpillar you see – remember,

shapes and sizes, it eats all sorts of pests, from

each one is going to turn into a beautiful

weevils and bed bugs to stink bugs.

pollinating butterfly. Rather sacrifice some crops

Two different types of wasps patrol our gardens:

and let the cycle happen naturally.

tiny parasitic wasps lay their eggs inside many

Provide insect-sized water sources with a

pests and larger predatory wasps, which need

platform such as a log or stone for them to

protein-rich food for their young, feed on insect

stand on so they won't drown.

pests such as slugs, stink bugs, caterpillars and scale. Tachinid flies are also parasitic and use a variety

Repelling harmful insects Many strong-smelling plants repel harmful insects

of tactics to move in as 'the visitor from hell',

and by growing these throughout our vegetable

uninvited, and eat their host. Some species glue

gardens they become defence weapons, confusing

their eggs to their host, some lay their eggs on

the enemy and preventing them from settling

foliage where the targeted host will ingest them

in for a feast. These include artemisia, mint,

while they feed. Others inject their eggs directly

sage, lavender, rosemary, scented pelargoniums,

into the host's body.

tansy, feverfew and pyrethrum. Most of these don't mind being trimmed regularly, which is lucky as

There are various ways of enticing these good

I am constantly cutting off leaves to scatter over

guys into your garden:

a newly-sown seedbed or in among vulnerable

Include some fruit trees in or near your

seedlings. This not only fools birds into not seeing

vegetables (even if they are only dwarf ones).

a newly-planted area, it also protects against bugs.

The flowers of the following plants attract

If you don't have the space to grow these in among

beneficial insects: angelica, borage, mint,

your vegetables, plant them in pots and move them

buckwheat, Californian poppy, carrot,

to where they are needed.

chamomile, chives, coriander, crimson clover,

S G 146

Other useful plants are those that repel

dill, echinacea, fennel, garlic, golden rod,


lavender, lemon balm, marigold, marjoram,

eel-shaped plant parasites living in the soil. Some

mint, mustard, nasturtium, parsley, rocket, rose

lay their eggs in the roots of plants, causing knots to

scented geraniums, rosemary, sage, sunflower,

form. These block nutrients from moving up to the

tansy, thyme and yarrow.

foliage. This leads to malformed blossoms, poorly





147 S G

developed plants and yellow foliage. Vegetables

bed mates. Examples are tomatoes with basil, mint

more susceptible to nematodes are tomatoes,

with eggplant and potatoes with horseradish.

peppers, beans, squash and lettuces. Marigolds,

It can become a bit overwhelming when you start

scarlet sage, dahlias and particularly asparagus

playing with planting combinations. Don't try to

repel nematodes.

plan or map it out too much. The best discoveries

Trap crops

in my garden have been accidental. If you observe nature and become aware of the magical energy and

If you can't deter a pest then sacrifice a plant to it.

balance at work, you will gradually develop what

A trap crop lures pests away from your vegetables.

feels like a sixth sense as you become more skilled

Nasturtiums are one of the best examples, attracting

at emulating Mother Nature.


aphids away from other plants. Roses are also good for this. Other examples are radishes to attract beetles and dill to lure hornworms away from tomatoes.

Other beneficial companion plants Numerous plants have a beneficial effect on the soil and on other plants. these are very useful in an intensive vegetable garden. Some of these add nutrients to the soil, such as any plant from the legume family. All legumes have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in the soil: these bacteria take nitrogen gas from the air in the soil and feed it to the legumes. In exchange the plant provides carbohydrates to the bacteria. When these crops are used for compost or turned under as a green manure, the stored nitrogen is returned to the soil as a usable form for other plants. Because of this, legumes are called 'nitrogen fixing' plants. Other plants add nutrients to the soil by mining them from deep below the topsoil, where vegetables can't reach. Comfrey is a good example, with its deep roots sucking up potassium, calcium and other nutrients and accumulating them in its leaves. Comfrey leaves contain two to three times more potassium than kraal manure. A further benefit of companion planting is to use what I call shape-shifting plants. Harmful insects are programmed to recognise the particular shape of their delectable targets. By planting a companion close to the vulnerable vegetable, its shape is disguised. A good example is planting a rambling nasturtium, with its saucer shaped leaves, around cabbages. This hides its easily-recognisable shape. Then there are the plants which are simply good

Visit Jane's Delicious Garden at or email Jane on Photographs: Jane Griffiths & Keith Knowlton. SOURCES: Jane's Delicious Garden, Sunbird Publishers, a division of Jonathan Ball Publishers.

S G 148

BeingWaterWise The South African Landscapers Institute (SALI) Awards of Excellence is an annual event that is run nationally and showcases the work of its members. We take a look at the winner of this year's Water Wise Award of Excellence.


ALI is a national body that encourages excellence

careful plant choice and

and high standards in the landscaping industry.

flowing concrete structures

Members of SALI comply with a code of conduct that

to create an atmosphere of

ensures quality landscaping work. Rand Water recognises

nature at Alexander Forbes.

the need for landscaping professionals to include water wise


principles in their work, and to inspire this they have been

feature uses an elaborate wheel design as a focal point in

involved in the awarding of the Water Wise Trophy since the

the garden and the different uses of mulch creates texture

year 2000. In order to qualify for this award, work produced

and depth to the design. The placement of trees within the

by landscapers needs to show the implementation of water

building is sure to create a peaceful and airy atmosphere.

wise practices such as mulching, zoning and suitable plant

Careful selection of low-water-use plants means that the


garden should be able to survive well on natural rainfall. Life



Landscapes also won the overall SALI award for the work


done on the Alexander Forbes Project which is commendable

This year, the Water Wise Award of Excellence was presented

and pleasing to note that landscapers are taking Water Wise

to Life Landscapes and the wonderful design implemented at

principles to the public.

Alexander Forbes in Sandton, Gauteng. Sandton is a highly urbanised business district, and Life Landscapes have used

For further info on Water Wise see ad below.

Leaks and leak fixing ‘Irrigation’ O

Website Contact Leaks

ften a garden hose pipe is leaking from only one or two places, so there is no need to replace it with a new one. Follow the Water Wise guide to repairing a leaking hose pipe. A leaking hose pipe can waste up to 140 litres of potable water every week. Simple repairs can save you up to 560 litres a month - enough to flush your toilet almost 47 times!

For more information on how to fix a leaking garden hose, click on the ‘Leaks’ link above. For more information on being Water Wise® please visit and click on the Water Wise logo or contact us on 0860 10 10 60.

149 S G


CELEBRATINGSPRING Spring is in the air and the annual Spring Festival at Garden World offers 10 ways to celebrate the new season, shows us how to plan and plant a new garden, get inspiration from the 11 new designer show gardens featuring new talent on the landscape scene, and Rand Water's display has loads of ideas on Water Conservation. Here are a few more things to check out. Start your spring cleaning: throw out the old

child by spending time in the children's gardens,

and bring in the new. Browse through the displays

especially the little box gardens that create a world

of garden dĂŠcor and other garden goodies in the

in miniature. Add spring colour: Soak up

new 'Design Quarters'.

the colour and fragrance of Garden Diva, Lizette the

Jonker's herb and flower filled garden, as well as

spectacular showcase of the best of South African

the floral extravaganza's created by the Gauteng

flora; South Africa's own Gold Award winning 2013

Flora Union. Welcome back the birds: Let the

Kirstenbosch-SA Chelsea Exhibit, the re-creation at

kids learn how to make bird feeders at a kids craft

Garden World made possible with the support of

workshop on Saturday August 17.

Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI), Mogale

Try something new: Be swept away by Margaret

City & Clover Mama Africa. View also the Walter

& Sandy Roberts enthusiasm for herbs and healthy

Sisulu National Botanical Garden's display and enjoy

living and Charles Barnhoorn's passion for gardening

tea and scones afterwards.

with bulbs, also floral artist Leon Hefer (August 17),

Splash in a puddle: Rediscover your inner

hosted by Featherbrooke Hills Retirement Village.


S G 150





Vegetables or flowers or both? What will

morning of music through the eyes of a gardener

you be growing this year? Visit Jane's delicious

on Saturday August 24.


garden to whet your taste buds or attend her talk (August 9). Plan an outing with a friend: Sign

The Spring Festival runs from Friday 26 July - Sunday

up for one of the many morning workshops or talks.

1 September 2013 (incorporating the Kirstenbosch-SA

Experience Chelsea's '100 Blooming Years', the 100th

Chelsea Exhibit until Wednesday 21 August 2013).

Anniversary show with David Davidson and Ray

Garden World is on Beyers NaudĂŠ Drive in Muldersdrift.

Hudson (July 27), or go whacky with Lizette Jonker

Entrance to the Designer Gardens is R20 pp & children

as she uses grasses, veggies and herbs as stylish

u/12 years Free. Booking for the talks, workshops

table arrangements (August 31).

and music is essential, with Magriet / CornĂŠ on 011

Make spring music: Join Tanya Visser, Richard

957 2545 / 011 956 3003 or 083 997 6142.

Cock and Mayford Seeds for the ever popular

For more information on the festival visit

'In Tune with Nature', a rollicking, light hearted


GARDEN This garden was a challenge as it has a peculiar shape and had an existing patio. The goal was to show that small gardens can be beautiful and practical, without being a huge amount of work. Entertaining is a huge part of our lives, so the patio was very important and just an extension of the garden. The design is slightly retro, with the chosen colours and wallpaper. The design starts with the organic log path leading you through bursts of vibrant plant colour and small circles of manicured lawn to the patio where the circular theme is continued on the walls. The overall effect is simplistic modern and manageable for a busy couple or a small family. Gardens have become a lot smaller and we are demanding a lot more out of our small spaces. The design has to be a lot more accommodating to small spaces and using the patio as an extensions is essential. Practical designs, but yet still beautiful living.

151 S G

'I think the true gardener is a lover of his flowers, not a critic of them. I think the true gardener is the reverent servant of Nature, not her truculent, wife-beating master. I think Field Guide to trees of southern africa Braam van Wyk & Piet van Wyk Struik Nature • 978 1 7700 7911 0

This comprehensively updated and expanded edition of the region’s best-selling field guide to trees offers much, much more than the highly successful first edition. Fully updated text (including additional species entries) and distribution maps, numerous new photographs and a new 87-page section of full-tree photographs makes this well-loved guide even more indispensable in the field. Southern Africa has a rich variety of tree species, with an estimated 2 100 indigenous species and more than 100 naturalised aliens. Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa describes and illustrates more than 1 000 of these, focusing on trees that are the most common and most likely to be encountered. Species are logically arranged in 43 groups based on easy-to-observe leaf and stem features, and each account is illustrated by full-colour photographs of the plant’s diagnostic parts. The text also touches on the practical uses of the plants.

kirstenbosch: A Visitor's Guide Colin Paterson-Jones & John Winter Struik Nature • 978 1 7758 4022 0

Updated to include changing garden exhibits, this interesting guide to Cape Town’s world-famous botanical garden traces the history and development of Kirstenbosch, from its establishment in 1913 to the spectacular showcase of indigenous flora it is today. Prominent features of the garden are described, such as the protea, erica and restio gardens, the Dell, Conservatory and Camphor Avenue, as well as floral highlights of the four seasons. An updated layout map makes for easy navigating, and indicates walks and climbs that can be undertaken from the garden. Colourful photographs portray the extraordinary beauty of the garden, both its spectacular flora and its setting against the backdrop of Table Mountain – and make this a worthy memento of a visit to Kirstenbosch. S G 152

the true gardener, the older he grows, should more and more develop a humble, grateful and uncertain spirit.' Reginald Farrer, In a Yorkshire Garden, 1909


Find partnerships in unlikely places. Since 1993, we have collected no less than 950 000 tons of cans from our surrounding environments. By partnering with Collect-a-Can, we can increase this recovery rate and further conserve and sustain the environment. To find out how we can keep our country beautiful contact us on (011) 466 2939 or visit Recycle cans today. Sustain tomorrow.

153 S G


eco-CROWD We take a look at some


crowdfunding projects*

45 backers £2 317 pledged £10 000 goal

5 days to go*

from Kickstarter – a website which features a broad spectrum of interesting pitches for eco-initiatives. Take a look at the video of US

Shadows & Light Light up your community with a sustainable Internet enabled streetlight with zero CO2 emission – help developing areas get streetlights.


President Obama where

13 backers $2 980 pledged $53 000 goal

12 days to go*

a bill was signed recently in support of these public funded projects. *At the time of going to press.


Las Cañadas Mexico Sustainability Film & Book Project Restoring the cloud forest, living cooperatively and sustainably, and treading lightly on the Earth – that's Las Cañadas' mission.


72 backers $4 217 pledged $15 000 goal

22 days to go*

City Growers - Converting Urban Lots into Sustainable Farms

President Obama Signs the JOBS Act

S G 154

City Growers is producing green jobs by creating nutrient-dense food farms on vacant lots throughout Boston's urban neighbourhoods.

ROWDFUNDING 212 backers £16 785 pledged


£200 000 goal

21 days to go*

OnBeat Solar Headphones Use solar energy to charge any smartphone or tablet

WATCH THIS! 188 backers $18 812 pledged $21 000 goal

8 days to go*

Pitching it Check-out these other platforms AppBackr – Crowdfunding for mobile applications.

Chip-in – a widget that can be The Wood Kiln Project Build a Wood-Fired Kiln and Shed to support a sustainable model of ceramics and continue a living tradition of craft and community.

12 backers $381 pledged


$7 000 goal

20 days to go*

posted on blogs, websites, and many social media profiles and that allow individuals, private groups, NPOs, and others to raise money online.

Indiegogo – An online platform used for funding a range of campaigns.

Peerbackers – Enables entrepreneurs and NPOs to raise funding for their idea from friends, family, and peers.

Cultivate 2013: Growing into Sustainability Award-winning artists gather to cultivate dance, art and community, enlivening the cultural field in the rural town of Bethlehem, NH.

Rockethub – A funding platform and community for independent artists and entrepreneurs.

155 S G

E nviro - law


The signing of the Mining and Biodiversity Guideline by the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, and the Minister of Mineral Resources, Susan Shabangu, is encouraging. WWF South Africa (WWF-SA) welcomes such commitment and co-operation from the two ministers as it ensures biodiversity is appropriately considered by the mining industry. We take a look.



consideration within the mining industry as well as compliance

Head, Dr Deon Nel says, 'The

with the various forms of legislation governing mining



and its associated impacts significantly. Additionally, the

provides the platform for much needed

guideline should assist both the mining and enviro-sector

co-operation between the mining and

with ensuring that South Africa's sensitive water production

enviro-departments. If these guidelines

areas are recognised, duly reflected and considered during

are given the significance they deserve,

prospecting and mining application processes.


Biodiversity of


they could do much to protect important

The biodiversity gains from protection of such areas

biodiversity, contribute to water security,

cannot be overemphasised and as such WWF-SA would like


to see adherence to the guideline document becoming a




conflict around mining developments.' The document can improve enviro-

S G 156

The biodiversity gains from protection of such areas cannot be overemphasised and as such WWF-SA would like to see adherence to the guideline document becoming a requirement for all future mining and prospecting applications in SA.

requirement for all future mining and prospecting applications in SA.


Mining & Biodiversity Guidelines in sa

'However, the proof of the pudding will come in

Despite verbal support for their exclusion from

the implementation of these guidelines,' cautions

mining in Minister Shabangu's 2012 budget speech,

Nel. WWF is aware that currently there are two

it appears the process of restricting any future

applications on Minister Shabangu's desk for the

mining in these areas has stalled, and prospecting

restriction of mining activities in critically sensitive

and mining applications have subsequently been

areas. These applications, in terms of Section 49

accepted in these areas.

of the Minerals and Petroleum Development Act,

WWF-SA therefore urges Minister Shabangu to

were submitted two years ago to the Department

give immediate effect to the Mining and Biodiversity

of Mineral Resources and cover the biodiversity-rich



areas of Wakkerstroom and Chrissiesmeer. These areas are also critically important water production

Visit, follow WWF-SA on Twitter here and like

sites benefiting millions of downstream water users.

their Facebook page for more info.

157 S G


PICTURED: Present at the handover were: Luday van der Merwe (in front, seated). Standing (left to right) Paolo Terzi (Groplast), Tienie Louw (Pick n Pay Village Mall), Jenny Willis (Luday’s grandmother), Rita Burgers (Principal: Meerhof Skool), Thea Lewis (Luday’s teacher at Meerhof School), Carel Krige (Principal: Doxa Deo School), Rebecca Nxumalo (SASKO Bakeries), Adri Spangenberg (PSPC), Rodney Qutram CE Mobility.

TEENAGEHEROHONOURED A 16-year-old hero from Brits in the North-West Province, who was paralysed on Old Year's Eve while trying to protect his friend during an attempted

changed his life forever when he jumped in front of a bullet meant

for his friend, Deidre Strydom (19), on 31 December. 'There was a festive atmosphere in our neighbourhood with people shooting off

robbery, has become the latest recipient

fireworks all around us to welcome in the

of a wheelchair thanks to the 'Breadtags

of the incident. 'We were worried about the

for Wheelchairs' project administered

wanted to check if they were alright.' However,

by the Polystyrene Packaging Council

armed robbers who fired one shot in the air

(PSPC). We take a look.

S G 158


brave act by Luday van der Merwe

New Year,' Luday says, remembering the night effect of the loud noise on the animals and on their way they were confronted by three and aimed another gun at Deidre's head. Luday bravely tried to push the gun away from

PSPC Breadtag Advert.pdf



2:33 PM

PICTURED: Luday with his mother, 2 days before the accident.

Deidre when the shot went off, taking a bullet that punctured his lungs and lodged in his spine. Hearing



heroic and selfless incident that left one of their school friends paralysed from the chest down, the local communities of Hartebeespoort Dam and Brits






high-impact polystyrene in order to purchase a much-needed wheelchair for Luday. 'Over of

collected 12 Adri

3  000

breadtags in

kilos were










the PSPC. This was more






closures to purchase a state-of-the-art, custom-made wheelchair which was recommended for Luday's specific needs by CE




Mobility. The chair was handed over during a special ceremony held at the Doxa Deo School in Hartebeespoort Dam, recently. Representatives of Groplast and MFI Mouldings – two of the companies that pay for these breadtags in order to recycle them into seedling trays, cornices, skirtings, outdoor furniture, coat hangers, poles and decking – were present at the handover, along with community leaders and a TV crew who filmed the handover. 'I am very grateful to everybody who worked together to collect the breadtags for my wheelchair,' Luday says. 'A special chair such as the one that they bought for me makes it easier for me to continue with my rehabilitation program and learn how to cope with my disability. I am grateful that something good and positive could come out of this tragedy.'


For more info on Breadtags for Wheelchairs click here or visit their facebook page here.

159 S G


100% NEW LOOK Tuffy brands, the pioneers in 100% recycled refuse bags, has introduced its new packaging for its refuse bag range with a refreshed look, striking visual appearance and a consumer-friendly infographic to explain ‘What’s in the bag’.


he packaging has been revised to refresh the look of


the range of refuse bags with the high-quality inside

Murray says the new design has resulted in a cleaner

product remaining unchanged,' says Rory Murray,

less cluttered look-and-feel to make it look more modern and

Marketing Director at Tuffy Brands. 'It is important that our


claim of being 100% certified recycled is clearly stated on the packaging, so that you can make a conscious decision on your


purchase of refuse bags knowing that we are contributing to removing waste from the environment by choosing Tuffy as the only certified 100% recycled refuse bag.' Tuffy has included an easy to understand infographic on pack. 'A lot of confusion exists as to what the difference between "recycled" and "recyclable" means,' he says. 'Our product is made from 100% recycled material and as such assists in easing pressure on landfill, the inclusion of this infographic ensures that this is explained clearly thereby helping you make an informed purchasing decision and effectively transference of the message that we are the only SA manufacturer of 100% certified recycled refuse bags with product also being fully

What's in the bag?

Tuffy is the only South African refuse bag manufacturer to be fully certified 100% recycled.

For more info visit, or join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter S G 160

E co - event


Marine Debris Problem

During the recent World Environmental Week (6-8 June 2013), the first conference to look into the issue of marine debris on the African continent and its oceans was held at the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) conference centre in Cape Town. This is a report on what took place.


African Marine Debris Summit

161 S G


osted by Plastics  |  SA as co-signatory of

An area that received a lot of attention, and

the Honolulu Commitment with other

which will serve as a basis for future activities


with other African countries, was recycling



and supported by United Nations Environment

initiatives in SA that can be rolled out in other


African countries.






Environmental Affairs, the conference featured

The outcome of the event that is groundbreaking

120 delegates from various academic institutions,

was the establishment of a Network for African

government departments, conservation and animal







welfare organisations, media, plastics industry

administered by UNEP and technologically supported

members and concerned citizens.

by Plastics | SA and its partners.

Ten of the delegates were from African countries

Plans are already afoot to promote and workshop

– Kenya, Nigeria, Seychelles, Cameroun, Ivory Coast,

the Network at the Second Global Conference on

Mozambique and Namibia – as well as delegates

Land-Ocean Connections to be held in October

attending from Europe and Australia.

in Jamaica as it meets all the objectives of this

The summit, say participants, was 'an enormous


success' and has served as a platform for a formal

In short, Africa will start (although initially in

network to be managed by UNEP for African countries

a small way) on the long path of the fight against

on an issue that does not receive the same attention

marine debris. There was also a realisation that

as in the developed countries. The ills associated

making plastics the pariah of the packaging industry

with a growing population and increasing economic

was to miss the point as there are numerous other

growth will, it was reported to delegates, lead to an

sources of marine debris and contamination, some

increase in marine litter from Africa. The point of

of them very harmful. Plastics in general have the

the summit was to understand what these impacts

significant virtue of being largely or completely

would likely be and how to go about offsetting and

recyclable, offering new investment and employment

reducing them. The goals of the summit were met

opportunities, small business opportunities and an

in the following ways:

incentive to everyone from school children through

Lessons were shared on strategies and best

whole communities to clean up plastic waste while

practices to reduce and prevent the impacts of

producing an income.

marine debris. It also served as the basis for

The summit did, however, underline the urgent

assessing the latest research projects, results,

need for collective action to be taken against the

and methods. One outcome was adopting

problem of marine debris facing Africa.

the monitoring method used by the CSIRO

S G 162


'The marine environment has many challenges.

in Australia. This will mean that in due time

Global warming is visible within this sphere and

countries in Africa will be able to report on

its impact is slowly being understood. Overfishing,

marine debris using the same methodology.

acidification, chemical pollution with the added

The summit promoted international co-learning

pollution of marine debris of which the main

and identified possible areas for strengthening

product is plastic is compounding the negative

continental co-operation.

effect that humans have on the environment,' said SA

Environment Deputy Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi.

currents. International co-operation is needed to

According to Mabudafhasi, marine debris is not

create public awareness while developing ways to

just an unsightly issue that has a negative impact on

decrease the amount of debris in oceans around

tourism and human health, but it also is responsible

the globe,' said Plastics  |  SA's Hanekom. He also

for the deaths of a myriad of the creatures that

signed the Declaration for Solutions on Marine Litter

inhabit the marine environment.

on behalf of SA's plastics industry in 2011 when

'Some 80% of all plastic found in the sea has

plastics industry representatives from across the

its origins on land through littering and poor

world met in Dubai to create a global action plan for

waste management so this negative impact on the

solutions on marine litter.

environment can be reduced and even stopped,' added Mabudafhasi.

This action plan described actions and identified approximately 100 projects which were focused on

According to Anton Hanekom, Executive Director

of Plastics | SA, marine debris is a historical problem

reducing the impact the plastics industry has on the

marine environment and pollution.

that continues to grow. 'The world's oceans and

'Plastics SA was the only entity in Africa to sign

waterways are constantly polluted with a wide

the Declaration and we made it one of our goals to

variety of marine debris ranging from cans and

encourage collective action across the continent,'

plastic bags to derelict fishing gear and abandoned

explained Hanekom. 'Hosting this Summit has

vessels. Many animals, such as sea turtles, seabirds,

allowed us to clearly identify the extent of the

and marine mammals, have been known to ingest

problem of plastics in the marine environment,

and get entangled in marine debris, which may

and we are now able to work towards a sustainable

lead to loss of nutrition, internal injury, intestinal

solution. As an industry we recognise that we need

blockage, starvation, and even death,' Hanekom

to go about our business in a responsible way and,


although we may not yet have all the answers in

The extent of the problem of marine debris

place, we have created a basis from which to work

and its impact on sea mammals, fish and the

as we promote the responsible use, reuse and

environment was addressed from various angles

recycling of plastics on a daily basis.'

by international experts on the topic, including Prof Peter Ryan, Department of Zoology, Percy

Further info & resources

Fitzpatrick Ornithological Institute, University of

Plastics SA will once again co-ordinate South Africa's

Cape Town; Heidi Savelli of the United Nations

participation in the annual International Coastal

Environmental Programme; Dr George Hughes of

Clean Up, which will be taking place on Saturday, 21

the Turtle Management and Dr Martin Engelmann

September 2013. For more information about this year's

of PlasticsEurope.

activities that form part of the plastics industry's national

'Marine debris is an international concern

Clean Up and Recycle Week (16-21 September 2013),

not only because it washes up on beaches and

please visit or

shorelines worldwide, but also because debris can

be transferred from one country serving as a vector

The Declaration for Solutions on Marine Litter can be

for alien animals and plants to another via ocean

viewed at

These pages were made possible with the kind assistance of Plastics | SA

163 S G


CLEAN-UP&RECYCLE September is traditionally the month in which South Africans from all walks of life are encouraged to clean-up and recycle where they work, live or play. We take a look


his year, 16-21 September will once again

a difference in their own neighbourhoods,' explains

be 'Clean-up and Recycle Week' which will

Douw Steyn, Sustainability Director of Plastics|SA.

culminate in National Recycling Day on Friday,

'In keeping with our Berg-2-Beach campaign,

20 September and the 28 International Coastal Clean

we are encouraging celebrities, sport teams and

Up day on Saturday, 21 September.

businesses to lead by example by initiating or


For the past 17 years, Plastics | SA has been the

participating in clean-ups from coast-to-coast, across

co-ordinator of Cleanup and Recycling month. 'What

our cities, around our bountiful water sources and

originally started out as a plastics industry drive

scenic mountains,' Steyn concludes. 'We need citizens

in 1996, has since developed into a country-wide

who are willing to join forces and do their part to keep

awareness campaign that enjoys the support and

our environment litter free and pristine for future

involvement of the National Recycling Forum (NRF) and

generations to enjoy'.


all of the players in the packaging industry, including

S G 164

the glass, cans and paper converters and recyclers.

For more info on clean-up initiatives, drop off sites,

'During September we see packaging leaders united

the competition or hints and tips on how to recycle,

around a common goal – litter-free streets, rivers and


beaches – by mobilising local communities to make or

165 S G

C orporate

social initiative

protecting marine life one bin at a time

Following the successful implementation of a pilot project which uses PVC pipe as bins for discarded fishing line along the Overberg Gansbaai shoreline, beaches on the Western, Northern and Eastern Cape Coast will soon have their very own bins where fishermen can throw away their broken or used lines.


ccording to John Kieser, Sustainability Manager for Plastics|SA, more than 150 pipes were recently donated by DPI Plastics for the roll out of the next

phase of the project. 'The Dyer Island Conservation Trust, in association with Overstrand Municipality, established the Fishing Line Recovery and Recycling Program in 2010 as a best practice with which to manage the bins. We have received tremendous support from the public and the fishermen also welcomed this initiative,' Kieser said. 'We frequently see sea birds and marine life trapped or killed as a result of fishing line that was not properly discarded and removed from our oceans or beaches,' Kieser says. 'Each year, the results of the International Coastal Clean-Up show that discarded fishing line continues to be a major pollutant on our country’s beaches. To this end we partnered with the Southern African Plastic Pipe Manufacturers Association (SAPPMA)

and one of its members, DPI Plastics, who provided funding and PVC pipes which are converted into bins that

'Each year, the results of the International Coastal Clean-Up show that discarded fishing line continues to be a major pollutant on our country’s beaches,' says John Kieser of Plastics|SA.

can be erected on beaches, are resistant to the elements and corrosion and prevent the lines from blowing away'.

volunteers to remove the fishing line and hooks from

Explaining the reason for the plastic pipe industry’s

the bins on a regular basis. 'We are hoping to eventually

support of the initiative, SAPPMA Chairman Jan Venter said:

recycle the discarded fishing line bins into benches.

'Discarded fishing material such as nets, mono filament

Our wish is that this project educates the public on the

line, crayfish traps and anchor ropes are responsible

responsible disposal of plastics and the sensitivity of our

for far more damage to large marine life than any other

oceans, so that they can still provide joy for many years

marine debris found at sea. We are proud to prove that

to come'.

plastics can be used to the benefit of the environment by donating plastic pipes that provide a tangible solution to

Volunteers wishing to get involved can email John.

a problem that needs an immediate answer', he said. or visit and

The project co-ordinators are calling on committed for more.

These pages were made possible with the kind assistance of Plastics SA

C onservation N ews Extreme ice melts: The new normal?

Last July, 98% of the Greenland ice sheet surfaces melted. While losing this snow and ice may seem normal to those of us who experience different seasons, this percentage is compared to roughly 50% that usually melts during an average summer. Snow that usually stays frozen and dry in these colder areas are turning wet with melted water and research led by the Co-operative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences now shows last summer's extreme melt could soon be the new normal. 'Greenland is warming rapidly, and such ice-sheet-wide, surface-melt events will occur more frequently over the next couple of decades,' said Dan McGrath, a University of Colorado doctoral student and lead author of a paper, which reports a significant warming trend on the Greenland ice sheet. McGrath and his co-authors anticipate that by 2025, ice-sheet-wide melt events will have a 50% chance of occurring each year. That would signal the loss of the last major dry-snow zone (regions where the snow stays almost perpetually frozen) in the Northern Hemisphere. Researches used meteorological data and boreholes to generate a 60-year record of air temperatures at the highest and coldest station on the ice sheet. From 1982 to 2011, near-surface temperatures increased by an average of 0.09°C every year. 'This is six times faster than the global average,' McGrath said. Warming temperatures have expanded the lower parts of the ice sheet which are losing more snow each year than they are accumulating. 'This increases the area over which the ice sheet sheds mass while shrinking the zone that gains mass,' McGrath said. 'That will have an obvious impact on the ice sheet's mass balance.' And this imbalance will ultimately contribute to sea-level rise. The summit of the Greenland ice sheet has experienced surface melt in the past, McGrath says. But the melt events in the past were rare, happening once every century or two – in fact, only eight times in the last 1 500 years – the exception rather than the norm.

Vaal water saving project

In a new irrigation water use efficiency project in the Welkom area – covering the 12  325ha under irrigation in the Sand-Vet Water Users Association’s area of operation – Sasol and SABI (South African Irrigation Institute) have teamed up to boost efficient irrigation water use in the Vaal River catchment, in a move heralded as both 'innovative and, importantly, measurable' by agricultural and water user stakeholders. The project aims to develop and promote water use efficiency practices at farm level in the area. SABI is a NPO actively promoting irrigation water efficiency and water conservation knowledge, to ensure the ongoing growth of socio-economies and sustainability in environments.


Sushi: The Global Catch A documentary on the depletion of the world's bluefin tuna population. The film is now available on iTunes for viewing. The hunger for sushi has led to the depletion of apex predators in the ocean, including bluefin tuna, to such a degree that it has the potential to upset the ecological balance of the world’s oceans, leading to a collapse of all fish species.

S G 168

AIRS Science Team, NASA/JPL

The Earth's temperatures (seen by an infrared sensor on a NASA satellite) are on course to be as hot as at any time since the last ice age.

Global average temperatures close to 11 000-year peak

Global average temperatures are now higher than they have been for about 75% of the past 11 300 years, a study suggests. And if climate models are any indication, by the end of this century they will be the highest ever since the end of the most recent ice age. Instrumental records of climate extend back to only the late 19th century. Beyond that, scientists depend on analyses of natural chronicles such as tree rings and isotope ratios in cave formations. Shaun Marcott, a climate scientist at Oregon State University in Corvallis, and his colleagues set about reconstructing global climate trends all the way back to 11 300 years ago, when the Northern Hemisphere was emerging from the most recent ice age. After the ice age, they found, global average temperatures rose until they reached a plateau between 7 550 and 3 550 BC. Then a long-term cooling trend set in, reaching its lowest temperature extreme between 1450 and 1850 BCE. Since then, temperatures have been increasing at a dramatic clip: from the first decade of the 20th century to now, global average temperatures rose from near their coldest point since the ice age to nearly their warmest, Marcott and his team reported recently.

Aquarium Sharks released

Female ragged-tooth shark, 'Kay', was recently released back into the ocean off Gordon’s Bay's coast – after being on a four-year display at the Two Oceans Aquarium. A male shark that had been displayed in the marine exhibit at the National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria since 2011 was also released. 'Both sharks were pit tagged with VERBAC tags before going on display and were also be tagged with acoustic VEMCO tags (active for 10 years) before their release, so that their movements can be monitored should they pass one of the many receiver base stations positioned along the SA coast', explains the Aquarium’s Operations Manager Tinus Beukes. The sharks’ release forms part of an ongoing release program which was initiated by the Two Oceans Aquarium in 2004, with the release of 'raggie' Maxine. Her release set in motion the Save Our Seas Foundation Maxine, Science, Education and Awareness (M-Sea) Program, an AfriOceans Conservation Alliance (AOCA) initiative, sponsored by the Save Our Seas Foundation. Eight sharks have subsequently been released from the Two Oceans Aquarium since 2004.

Wanted: school hostels, feeding schemes, or community gardens in the Boland that want to dispose of their large volumes of garden refuse or leftover food in a 'green' way, and in addition also wish to reap the economic rewards of their efforts. Agricultural researchers at Stellenbosch University (SU) are willing to assist in these endeavours, as they are currently evaluating various methods to produce compost in large quantities. The initiative forms part of a project managed by Dr Elmi Lötze with SU colleagues Martin Wilding and Willem van Kerwel of the Welgevallen Experimental Farm, John de Wet of the Facilities Management division and Dr Elsje Pieterse of the Department of Animal Sciences. They are researching ways to recycle refuse from the University’s gardens, fruits that were used in studies in the evaluation laboratory of Horticultural Science and leftover food from the Matie hostels. It is part of an initiative by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of AgriSciences to manage the Welgevallen Experimental Farm in a more enviro-friendly way, and to develop sensible large-scale recycling solutions for the agriculture sector. Email here for more.


Participants for compost project

169 S G

P ublisher ' s C hoice

Shelf the burning question Mike Berners-Lee & Duncan Clark Profile Books • 978 1 7812 5045 7

Subtitled 'We Can't Burn Half the World's Oil, Coal, and Gas. So How Do We Quit?', this book reveals climate change to be the most fascinating scientific, political and social puzzle in history. It shows that carbon emissions are still accelerating upwards, following an exponential curve that goes back centuries. One reason is that saving energy is like squeezing a balloon: reductions in one place lead to increases elsewhere. Another reason is that clean energy sources don't in themselves slow the rate of fossil fuel extraction. Tackling global warming will mean persuading the world to abandon oil, coal and gas reserves worth many trillions of dollars – at least until we have the means to put carbon back in the ground. The burning question is whether that can be done. What mix of politics, psychology, economics and technology might be required? Are the energy companies massively overvalued, and how will carbon-cuts affect the global economy? Will we wake up to the threat in time? And who can do what to make it all happen?

Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources Rob Dietz & Dan O'Neil BK Publishers • 978 1 6099 4805 4 We’re overusing the earth’s finite resources, and yet excessive consumption is failing to improve our lives. In Enough Is Enough, Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill lay out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth – an economy where the goal is not more but enough. They explore specific strategies to conserve natural resources, stabilise population, reduce inequality, fix the financial system, create jobs, and more – all with the aim of maximizing long-term well-being instead of short-term profits. Filled with fresh ideas and surprising optimism, this book is the primer for achieving genuine prosperity and a hopeful future for all.

Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands Ian Sinclair & Olivier Langrand Struik Nature • 978 1 4317 0085 1 This one is a must for budding ornothologists. It is comprehensive guide to the bird life of Madagascar, the Seychelles, the Comoros, and the Mascarenes – an area that boasts high levels of endemism. This new, expanded edition is fully updated to reflect taxonomic changes, and now describes and illustrates 502 species. The species accounts cover the birds’ appearance, basic behaviour, preferred habitats, geographical distribution and IUCN threat status. The text is complemented by newly designed plates with labels pinpointing key differentiating features. The introduction includes maps for each island, lists the region’s 211 endemic species, and gives pointers on where to go bird-watching

S G 170

FLIGHT AT DAWN: Leadership is not About the Leader Antony J Frost Stonebridge Books • 978 1 9202 9204 1 We live complex and busy lives. Returning to nature can often provide glimpses into the simplicity we left behind centuries ago. Flight at Dawn presents examples from our natural environment that can teach us how to succeed both professionally and personally to enrich and broaden our lives. The book is structured around a visit to a wild life reserve by a father with two enthusiastic teenagers who are boiling to explore life. Tony uses the lessons, insights and experiences gained from their interaction with nature and witnessing the teenagers’ refreshing enthusiasm for the environment around them to illustrate strategies on how to make organisations and society function more productively and how to enhance personal development. While the book’s key focus is on areas of leadership and organisational behaviour, Tony also shares commentary on topical issues and on some of the vexing challenges and paradoxes of the working environment. This is an innovative book that shows the power of intuitive communication to highlight how life lessons are available to all of those who observe the behaviour of the flora and fauna encountered in the wild and how deep relationships with people and nature are crucial for our mental health and the wellbeing of society.

Power Markets and Economics: Energy Costs, Trading, Emissions Barrie Murray Wiley • 9780 4707 7966 8 It is now almost 20 years since liberalisation and the introduction of competition was proposed for electricity utilities. Some form of restructuring has been widely adopted around the world to suit local objectives. The industry now faces new challenges associated with global warming, rising prices and escalating energy demand from developing countries like China and India. The industry will have to cope with; managing emissions; managing variable energy sources like wind, developing clean coal technology; accommodating distributed generation and new nuclear stations and managing the impact of these developments on the distribution and transmission networks. It is now necessary to consider how the various market structures that were adopted have performed and how they will address some of these new issues and what further changes might be necessary. Written by an internationallyrenowned consultant engineer, this book is full of expert insight, and balances fundamental methodology and academic theory with practical information and diverse worked examples. This is an excellent reference on the topic for power system engineers, regulators, banks, investors, and government energy agencies. With its many worked examples, it is also a brilliant tutorial accessible for postgraduates and senior undergraduates in electrical and power engineering.

171 S G


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APPWORLD PARKSPOTTER Put the power of the African wildlife experience in the

Setswana. Its aim is to provide its users with a simple

palm of your hand. High-quality pics and great info

yet effective way to connect and communicate with

detailing flora, fauna and local attractions in each

fellow South Africans across cultural barriers. The app

park. Share your wildlife experiences instantly. Track

is currently being updated with a launch expected for

your journey and locate your wildlife sightings with

September 2013 to include downloads for Android and

easy swipe functionality. The latest, most up-to-date

Windows Phone by the launch, and the iOS version to

mapping as well as the latest park contact details,

follow soon after.

facilities and information. ParkSpotter Africa's current coverage comprises of Kruger National Park (North),


Kruger National Park (South), Etosha National Park,

Fuel-efficient driving techniques can save you a bundle

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and Addo National Park.

by getting the best out of your vehicle. The Glass of

Additional parks will be added for you to choose and

Water app takes the unique approach of simulating

use as and when you need. Each park's details will

a glass of water balanced on the dashboard. Jerky,

be updated whenever contact details, info and maps

inefficient driving with excessive braking or accelerating

require changes.

will send virtual water sloshing over the sides of your


glass. Once set running the app will record distance, time, estimated fuel-consumption and water spilled.

Multiple award winning PhraZApp for Blackberry is a

After each drive you can analyse your results and see

Multi-lingual South African language phrase translator

the wettest (most inefficient) parts of your journey

cellphone application which currently allows you to

pinpointed on a map, to help you to stay drier next

translate between English, Xhosa, Zula, Afrikaans and


173 S G

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