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AICC culture magazine African Whistle


First and foremost, I am thankful to the Almighty for inspiring this vibrant publication. I am also especially deeply appreciative of my family' continued contributions and encouragement It is a testament to the ardent support and commitment made by members of the editorial team and other benefactors that this venture is a success. Finding the right minds to guide the editorial process has been a welcomed challenge and so far a fulfilling exercise. May the Almighty reward bountifully all contributors to this effort.

The African Whistle seeks to showcase original African native cultures to a new generation of readers with a unique design in style and featured content. Our goal is that with this magazine, AICC would leave an indelible impression on the minds and in the hearts of all peoples eager to learn of our African culture and give the next generation of people of African descent a sense of prideful belonging which in time sparks an interest in their ancestral land.

It is with great joy and enthusiasm we welcome you to this literary safari; this excursion into the heart of Africa's mystique! A blast for all! Enjoy.

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