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They are not left out in the preparation for the ceremony, they put on colorful clothes, prepare sumptuous meals, and may decorate for ceremonial events. The key people in the family will be seated waiting for the family of the Groom. Usually, they have their own moderator too.


The moderator of the groom knocks on the door of the bride's family and tells them the reason for their visit. It may look as if these families of the bride and the groom never met before with the conversation that takes place during the door knocking ceremony. The moderator of the groom’s family might make up a story like, “Our son was passing by your house and found a beautiful flower in your yard, and we are here to take the permission of the family to pluck the flower”. The flower in this context refers to the bride. The bride’s family will give permission for the groom’s family to enter their compound.


Both families will be seated opposite of each other, with the moderator of both sides coordinating the event. The groom makes his intention known to the bride’s parents and family while prostrating in front of them. His family and friends may also join in the formal consent and greeting of the bride’s family. This is accomplished with lots of music and dancing. After the family of the bride accepts the proposal, the bride dances in with her friends in colorful clothes. She will be asked by the moderator if she knows the groom and accepts his proposal and if the answer is yes, the family will now introduce themselves one after the other, emphasizing their relationships to the bride and groom. Eating and dancing can follow the formal introduction.

Some years back, my children asked me, “Mummy, why do people have three weddings? After explaining the details of each of the ceremonies, they all came to the agreement that the concept and the purpose of each one is unique and are worth celebrating


A proposed date for the engagement and wedding ceremony might be agreed upon during this event or may be agreed upon later.

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