New Breeding Directions at AfricaRice: Beyond NERICA
‘NERICA’1 is now a household name in Africa – a name that stands for good rice. In fact, the NERICA name is better known than that of the organization that developed it! To many, however, NERICA is synonymous with the work that earned the Africa Rice Center (ex-WARDA2) the King Baudouin award in 2000 and Dr Monty Jones the prestigious World Food Prize in 2004. In fact, there are two types of NERICA varieties: 18 upland NERICAs, pioneered by Monty Jones, and 60 lowland NERICAs (NERICA-L), adapted for both rain-fed and irrigated lowlands, which were developed later by Dr Moussa Sié and national (NARS) partners, and which earned Sié the Fukui International Koshihikari
Rice Prize from Japan in 2006.