PG Hanbook 2013

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PG Postgraduate






National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) is the dynamic face of higher education in Pakistan. Although, barely two decades old, this premier national university justifiably feels proud of its unprecedented credentials as a centre of excellence. NUST is currently ranked 417th in the world by the Quacquarelli Symonds (THE-QS), UK ranking of 2012. In subject-wise international ranking, NUST has accomplished the feat of being rated 324th in Engineering and IT. NUST is serving the nation by providing quality education to a student populace figuring over 12000. I t s m u l t i - d i s c i p l i n a r y c a m p u s e s o f fe r undergraduate & postgraduate programmes in a wide range of fields including Engineering, IT, Medicine, Biosciences, Business Management, Economics, Environment and Applied Sciences. In the years ahead, we cherish to pursue with renewed vigour and zeal our vision of expanding not only our academic programmes but also the student intake across various NUST Schools without diluting our traditional standards of excellence. We have launched new UG programmes in Accounting & Finance and Industrial Design and, PG programmes in Science of Clinical Psychology, Energy Systems

Engineering, Career Counselling, Chemical Engineering, Bio Medical Engineering, Bio Medical Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning, Nano Sciences & Engineering and, Innovation in Educational Technologies to further diversify our already impressive portfolio. Technological supremacy is the key to shape the destiny of a nation. NUST fuels the spirit of inquiry, enterprise and dynamism in all facets of research and professional education. The dividends of our focused and sustained efforts are distinctly visible in the vibrant involvement of our students and faculty in a wide range of research projects, publications, patent filing and joint research ventures. NUST Technology Incubation Centre (TIC), and Science and Technology Ventures (STV) are some of the potent NUST initiatives to expand the base of research and development towards building the national economy. NUST is a place worth any aspiring student’s time, labour and money to claim a place in the comity of those educated in the spirit of challenging times today and tomorrow. It is a great transforming experience to live, imbibe and treasure.

Disclaimer This handbook is being issued for general information and guidance of the students joining the University in 2013 and does not form part of any contract. The University reserves the right to withdraw or make amendments in Academic Regulations and other rules/instructions as and when deemed necessary.

Contents Chapter


Page No 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 03 03


The University a. NUST at a Glance b. Constituent Institutions c. Mission d. Vision e. Strategic Thrust f. Why NUST? g. NUST Ranking h. Important Telephone Numbers


Salient Academic Regulations: Postgraduate Program mes a. Duration of Studies b. Tests, Examinations and Grading Policy (I) Minor Tests (Quizzes) (II) Major Tests / Examinations c. Question Papers d. Use of Reference Materials During Tests / Examination e. Examination Schedule f. Conduct of End Semester Examination g. Invigilators and Students Responsibilities h. Unfair Means i. Grading Scheme j. Award of Grades k. Adding / Dropping of Courses l. Final Grade m. Re-assessment / Re-checking of Papers n. Issue of Academic Transcript / Detail Marks Sheet

07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 10 12 23 13 13 13


Award of Masters’ Degree and Academic Standards for Masters Students a. Award of Master’s Degree b. Scheme of Studies c. Award of MPhil Degree (Medical Sciences) (I) Program Committee for Graduate Studies(PCGS) (II) Graduate Examination Committee (GEC) (III) General Scheme of Studies (IV) Coursework (V) Comprehensive Examination (VI) Improving Percentage (VII) Award of MPhil Degree d. Transfer of Credits e. Academic Deficiencies f. Suspension of Registration g. Probation h. Repetition of Course(s) i. Deferment of Semester(s) j. Research during Masters Programme

14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19





Award of Masters’ Degree in Business Administration / Executive Master in Business Administration / Social Sciences a. Duration of Studies b. Award of Degree c. Scheme of Studies d. Offering and Registration of Courses e. Course Registration Procedure for EMBA only f. Academic Deficiencies (I) Probation (II) Withdrawal g. Award of ‘F’ ‘I’ and ‘W’ Grades h. Repetition of Course(s) i. Clearance of ‘W’ / ‘F’ Grades j. Improvement of CGPA k. Adding / Dropping of Course(s) l. Deferment of Semester(s) m. Transfer of Credits n. Research During Master Program o. Suspension of Registration Award of PhD Degree and Academic Deficiencies for PhD Students a. Award of PhD Degree b. Coursework c. Qualifying Examination d. Academic Deficiencies e. Improving Cumulative GPA f. Research during PhD programme g. Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) h. Evaluation of the ResearchThesis i. Thesis Defence j. Deferment of Semester(s) k. Award of PhD Degree in Medical Sciences (I) Program Committee for Graduate Studies(PCGS) (II) Graduate Examination Committee (GEC) (III) General Scheme of Studies (IV) Advanced Coursework (V) Qualifying Examination (VI) Award of PhD Degree (VII) Examination and Award of PhD Degree (VIII) Thesis Evaluation (IX) Thesis Defence Institution of University Medals and Prizes a. Institution of Medals and Prizes b. Number and Value of Medals and Prizes c. Award of Medals and Prizes d. Types of Medals e. Withdrawal of the Institution of a Medal NUST Code of Conduct 40 a. General 40 b. Definition of Terms 41 c. Conduct

21 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 28 28 29 30 29 30 32 31 31 32 33 32 33 32 34 32 34 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 38 38 38 39 40 40 40 41

CONTENTS d. e. f. g. h.

Discipline Matters / Discipline Committee Acts of Ill-discipline / Prohibited Conduct Punishment / Penalty for Acts of Ill-discipline Disciplinary Process Dress Code


Financial Matters a. Financial Assistance b. Deferment of Tuition Fee and Award of Subsistence Allowance c. Procedure for Subsistence Allowance and Deferment of Tuition Fee d. Financial Incentives e. Merit based Financial Assistance f. Need-based Scholarship/Fee Waiver/Deferred Payments g. Fee Charges h. Fines/ Penalty on late payments i. University Refund Policy


Hostel Rules a. Categories of Hostel Accommodation b. Security Deposit / Hostel Dues c. In / Out Timings d. Do’s and Don’ts e. Miscellaneous


42 43 43 46 47 48 50 50 50 51 50 51 50 52 51 52 51 52 53 52 53 53 54 54 55 54 56 57 58 57 58 59

Centre for Counseling and Career Advisory (C3A) a. Counseling Services b. Student Feedback c. Making an Appointment & Centre Timings Annexure A to para 37 of Chapter II. Reassessment / Rechecking of Papers – Instructions Application form for Rechecking Annexure B to para 103 of Chapter VIII. Fee Structure

63 63 55 56 64 64 58 65 64

Undertaking (by the Students & Parents/Guardian)

68 67

67 66




NUST at a Glance

You are welcome to National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) a premier national institution committed to imparting high quality undergraduate and postgraduate education in various engineering disciplines, management sciences, information technology, medicine and basic sciences. You represent a distinguished group of students selected strictly on merit to join this, comprehensive University comprising 17 constituent schools/colleges/centres and 3 organizations. Currently, offers degree education in as many as 34 undergraduate and 64 postgraduate programmes in various NUST Institutions.


Constituent Institutions

W i t h t h e s h i f t i n g o f N U ST to H - 1 2 , I s l a m a b a d , o u r co n st i t u e nt schools/colleges/centres have been re-organized with a view to consolidating, utilizing and administering resources most efficiently. Listed below are the constituent NUST institutions and organizations. a. Military College of Engineering (MCE), Risalpur b. Military College of Signals (MCS), Rawalpindi c. College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (C of E&ME), Rawalpindi d. Army Medical College (AM College), Rawalpindi e. Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC), Karachi f. College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE), Risalpur g. School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SEECS), Islamabad h. NUST Business School (NBS), Islamabad I. School of Chemical & Materials Engineering (SCME) , Islamabad j. School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (SCEE) , Islamabad k. School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (SMME) , Islamabad l. Centre for Advanced Mathematics and Physics (CAMP), Islamabad m. Atta Ur Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB), Islamabad n. Research Centre for Modeling & Simulation (RCMS), Islamabad o. School of Art, Design & Architecture (SADA), Islamabad p. NUST Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies (NIPCONS), Rawalpindi q. Centre for Energy Systems (CES), Islamabad r. Professional Development Centre (PDC), Islamabad s. Technology Incubation Centre (TIC), Islamabad t. Science & Technology Ventures Ltd (ST Ventures), Islamabad

Mission 03.

To develop NUST as a comprehensive, research-led university with a focus on technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Vision 04.


The National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) aims to progress as a comprehensive residential institution responsive to technological change. The University aspires to make its mark as a centre of excellence, NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013



committed to meet educational and research needs of the country with an international benchmark. NUST will continue to jealously guard its tradition of outstanding teaching, research and services by evolving undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes of study in various disciplines, in collaboration with noted universities within the country and abroad. 05.

Besides imparting education in traditional engineering disciplines, information technology, medicine, management, natural and basic sciences, NUST envisages exploring and initiating higher education programmes in the emerging fields of science and technology.


In recognition of its place in the society, the University will promote wholesome interaction of faculty, staff, and students, to fulfil its obligation towards producing culturally enlightened, technologically knowledgeable, academically competent and research-oriented graduates who are prepared to lead, inspire and preserve our great traditions. The University commits itself and all its resources to fulfillment of this trust and responsibility.


Strategic Thrusts


Excellence in Teaching and Education. Provide high quality education in science and technology within the reach of all sections of the society.


Focus on Research. Undertake high quality relevant research to support the needs of emerging knowledge-based economy and society.


Spirit of Enterprise. Develop instruments and mechanism to cultivate in NUST graduates the spirit of enterprise and entrepreneurial culture and build strong linkages with industry.


Internationalization and Global Vision. Establish strong international linkages to ensure inflow of new knowledge and state-of-the-art technologies, and build, as a corollary, positive international image of our NUST and the country.


Positive Social Impact. Formulatecurricula and programmes to suit a wider cross section of the population in terms of education and absorption of new technologies.



l Member of

International Association of Universities (IAU) Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Talloires Network International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and International Association of Science Park International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013




(AMDISA) Council of Social Sciences (CoSS) Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) l Research Collaboration with Leading International Universities l ? Technology-Smart Campus l ? Hi-tech Laboratories l ? Highly Qualified Faculty l ? Research-Oriented Programs l ? Closed Relationship with Industry/User Organizations l ? Disciplined Academic Environment l Scholarships based on need, merit and performance


NUST Ranking


At global level, NUST is the only Pakistani university which has been included in the top 500 World Universities at the rank of 415 by Quaquarelli Symonds Pvt. Ltd of UK. NUST is also ranked among top 400 universities of the world in the subject of Engineering & Technology at the position of 324th position.


NUST has been ranked at 120th position amongst the top universities of Asia. In subject-wise ranking, it has been listed at 75th in Engineering and Technology, 136th in Life Sciences and Medicine, 138th in Natural Sciences, 144th in Social Sciences and Management and, 83rd in Arts and Humanities.

10. Important Telephone Numbers Main Office NUST

NUST UAN Fax No: Email: Web Site:

Registrar Directorate

Registrar & Controller of Exams Email: Deputy Controller (Examinations) Asst Controller (Examinations)

Academics Directorate

Director Academics Deputy Director Academics


+92-51-111-11- NUST (6878) +92-51-8317363

+92-51-90851040 +92-51-90851055 +92-51-90851057

+92-51-90851071 +92-51-90851073




Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate

Director PGP Deputy Director PGP Asst Director PG MS Asst Director (PhD) Asst Director Scholarship (PhD)

Finance Directorate

Director Finance Director Budget and Accounts Manager Finance

Administration Directorate

Director Administration Deputy Director Hostels

+92-51-90851061 +92-51-90851043 +92-51-90851045 +92-51-90851047 +92-51-90851046

+92-51-90851301 +92-51-90851303 +92-51-90851313

+92-51-90851501 +92-51-90851509

Mailing Address:

National University of Sciences and Technology H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan

Constituent Colleges/Schools/Centres MilitaryCollege of Engineering, Risalpur Dean O I/C NUST Affairs:

+92-923-631315 +92-923-631667

MilitaryCollege of Signals, Rawalpindi Dean O I/C NUST Affairs:

+92-51-561-5234155 +92-51-4246415

College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Rawalpindi Dean: +92-51-9278047 O I/C NUST Affairs: +92-51-9278532 Pakistan Navy Engineering College, Karachi Commandant: O I/C NUST Affairs: College of Aeronautical Engineering, Risalpur Dean: O I/C NUST Affairs: NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013

+92-21-48503001 +92-21-48503043

+92-923-631499 +92-923-631498 +92-923-631391-7Extn 7613 04

CHAPTER School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Islamabad Dean



+92-51-90854004 +92-51-90854007 +92-51-90854007

NUST Institute of Civil Engineering Associate Dean


Institute of Environmental Science & Engineering Associate Dean Website:


Institute of Geographic Information Systems Associate Dean: Head of Department:

+92-51-90854401 +92-51-90854473

National Institute of Transportation Principal:


School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Islamabad Dean +92-51-90852003 Information Office +92-51-90852400 School of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Islamabad Dean Student Coordinator

+92-51-90855001 +92-51-90855107

Research Centre for Modeling & Simulation, Islamabad Principal: Coordinator:

+92-51-90855701 +92-51-90855720

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Islamabad Dean: +92-51-90856001 Faculty Office: +92-51-90856005 Army Medical College, Rawalpindi Principal: O I/C NUST Affairs:

+92-51-561-32973 +92-51-9270257 +92-51-561-32612

Atta-Ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences Islamabad Principal: Deputy Dir Administration:

+92-51-90856101 +92-51-90856601





NUST Business School, Islamabad Dean Deputy Controller Exams: Programme Coordinator:

+92-51-90853001 +92-51-90853005 +92-51-90853257

Centre for Advanced Mathematics and Physics, Islamabad Principal: Associate Faculty:

+92-51-90855551 +92-51-90855578

School of Art, Design & Architecture, Islamabad Principal: Faculty:

+92-51-90855401 +92-51-90855425

NUST Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Rawalpindi Principal: Head of Department:

+92-51-9271778 +92-51-9271596

Centre for Energy Systems, Islamabad Principal: Project Engineer HoD Behavioural Sciences:

+92-51-90855101 +92-51-90855255 +92-51-90855856



Salient Academic Regulations: Postgraduate Programmes




Scheme/ Duration of Studies


Postgraduate Studies.-The requirement of minimum number of credit hours and duration for completing the Postgraduate Programs shall be as under :Program

Credit Hours (Minimum)

Duration Maximum Minimum (On Campus)


Master of Science (MS)


1½ Year

4 Years


Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Pure/Applied/Social/Medical 30 Sciences

2 Years

4 Years

3 Years

8 Years


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) For MS/MPhil qualified


Split PhD Programs. Postgraduate students selected on merit shall complete specified credits at a foreign university and shall be eligible for award of foreign or local degrees in accordance with regulations of that university.


Tests, Examinations and Grading Policy.


The following may be scheduled during a semester of studies for the purpose of grading:(1) Minor Tests (Quizzes). - A number of quizzes conducted frequently in each course at irregular intervals, (depending on course credit hours) throughout the semester, with/without intimation. (2) Major Tests / Exams (a)

Mid Semester Exam/One Hour Tests. A 2-3 hours test conducted at mid semester or a number of one hour tests conducted (normally one per credit hour) in each course at regular intervals with due notice of at least two days.


End Semester Examination.- The last comprehensive examination (two to three hours duration) given in each course on its completion.


Class Assignments.-A task relevant to a course of study assigned by concerned faculty to substantiate the course contents. The assignment may or may not be graded.


Practical/Lab Tests.- These tests include all such examinations/evaluations to ascertain the level of competency of practical application of knowledge acquired.


Project.- Project is a research work aimed at testing the ability of a student to translate the theoretical knowledge acquired during a course of study into practical use at Bachelors/Masters level.


Thesis/Dissertation.-Thesis/dissertation is a report comprising the original research work of a student which is counted towards the partial fulfillment of





his Masters/PhD degree. 13.

All End Semester Examinations of the University shall be held at constituent/affiliated institutions on dates and according to the schedule prepared by the respective institutions, unless otherwise approved by the Rector, and duly forwarded to Main Office NUST as per Regulation 18.


Thesis/Dissertations shall be examined and evaluated by a Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) constituted for this purpose.


Question Papers. All question papers will be set by the respective faculty and duly scrutinized, approved, and conducted in accordance with the university policy. As per the spirit of semester system, there shall be no choice in attempting the questions (unless specified otherwise). It shall also be ensured that the Question Papers are balanced with respect to the examination policy and have been prepared to cover the essentials of the whole syllabus completed by the faculty.


Use of Reference Material during Tests/ Examinations. Prior to class tests and Mid/End Semester Examinations, the concerned faculty/invigilator shall announce such books, notes or other material which can be referred to by the students during the test/examination. Examinee shall not be in possession of any other books, notes, papers, material, etc.


Examination Schedule. The Deputy Controller of Examination of the respective institution shall publish the examination schedule at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the End Semester Examination and forward a copy of the schedule to Main Office NUST (Exam Branch) for information and record. Any subsequent changes shall only be made after approved from Main Office NUST.


Academic Calendar. Director Academics shall prepare Academic Calendar of the University based on the details provided by the institutions and other directorates of Main Office NUST at least two months before the commencement of academic year, i.e., Fall Semester.


Conduct of End Semester Examination. Commandant/Principal/Dean shall approve the detailing of officers/faculty as superintendent/deputy superintendent for the conduct of End Semester Examination. These officers/faculty shall ensure the following, namely:(1)

examinees are seated in the examination room according to the seating plan prepared by the Examination Branch;


answer books used in the examination are initialed by them. No other answer books are to be used;


answer books are issued to the invigilators five minutes before the commencement of the examination and retrieved at the end of the examination; and


absentee report, if any, is prepared and forwarded to the Examination Branch





at the end of each examination. 20.

Invigilation Duties. Invigilators shall be detailed by the Deputy Controller of Examinations of the institution after approval of the Commandant/Principal/ Dean. They shall report to the superintendent/deputy superintendent thirty minutes before the commencement of examination and shall ensure,(1)

that the students are seated according to their seating plan;


that the students are warned against the use of unfair means and have been advised to surrender notes, papers or other unauthorized material before the commencement of the examination;


that no examinee is allowed to join the examination thirty minutes after its commencement;


that no examinee is allowed to leave the examination room within one hour of commencement of examination. The visits to wash rooms shall be carefully controlled;


that the question papers and answer books of an examinee detected using unfair means or assisting another candidate, is taken away and the matter reported to the superintendent/deputy superintendent of examination. The superintendent records all available evidence to be used as written proof later on; and


that the examinees write their examination code number on the front cover of each additional answer book used. If more than one answer book is used, they are stapled together. All unused answer books are handed over to the superintendent/deputy superintendent after the examination.


Invigilators' Responsibility. The invigilators shall distribute the question papers to the students according to the schedule published by the Examination Branch of the respective institution . The invigilators shall collect answer books from the students and hand over to superintendent/ deputy superintendent after the examination. The subject faculty shall remain available near the examination of their subject to clarify query, if any.


Students' Responsibility. Students shall report half an hour before the time fixed for the examination on the first day and ten minutes on subsequent days. No books, notes or documents are to be taken in the examination room except those authorized by the examiner.


Unfair Means. Any student found using unfair means or assisting another student during a test/examination shall be liable to disciplinary action. A student found guilty of such an act by the institute Discipline Committee, shall be dealt within the light of policy in vogue (For details on discipline matters refer Chapter xvii). Use of unfair means generally covers the following, namely;(1)


an attempt to have access to the question paper before the test/ examination;





use/possession of unauthorized reference material during test/examination;


any form of communication by the examinees with any one in or outside the examination room while the test/examination is in progress; and


unauthorized entry into faculty's office or that of his staff with the intention of having an access to or tampering with the official record/exam papers, etc.


Destruction of Question Papers/Answer Books/Result Sheets. The following policy of destruction of Question Papers/Answer Books/Result Sheets of all types of university exams shall be adopted, namely:(1)

Question Paper, if not part of the answer book, shall be disposed of after the conduct of the examination;


Answer Books alongwith a Sample Question Paper shall be retained till one year after the graduation of the class;


Hard copies of results shall be retained forever; and


Soft copies shall be retained forever as duplicate record at a different and secure place.

Academic Standards for Award of Degrees 25.

The basis for determining a student's grade in a course shall be left at the wellconsidered discretion of the individual Faculty/Departmental Board of Studies. Since some courses are purely theoretical, some are purely practical and some have a theoretical as well as a practical portion, the grading scheme in the format given below may be followed for the purpose of uniformity:Grading Scheme: Engineering / IT / Sciences

Nature of Exam End semester exam



Weighting (%age)

2- 3 hours



One hour

· 1 CH Course – minimum 1 OHT · 2-4 CHs Courses – minimum 2 OHTs




· 1 CH Course – minimum 2 · 2 CHs and above Courses – minimum 3


Own time




Own time



3 contact hours

1 per week for each lab CH


One Hour Test(s)*

Lab Work /Projects


*Mid Semester Exam will be held in lieu of OHTs during Summer Semester.





For purely theoretical and purely practical courses, the grading scheme is given in the suggested format. However, for subjects which have the two categories (theory and practical) combined, the final grade shall be computed by multiplying the number of credits assigned to each category with the percentage marks obtained in that category and dividing the sum of the two by the total credits in that subject. For example:-



Theory Credits 3

Practical Credits 1

% age Marks Earned Theory Practical 70


Overall grade = (70 X 3+90 X 1)/ (3+1)=75 % 27.

The overall subject percentage thus obtained shall be rounded off by the individual faculty up to two decimal points. Fractions of 0.5 or more are rounded to the next higher digit.


The performance of each student in a course of study will be graded as follows:Letter Grade

Grade Points











D+ (for UG only)


D (for UG only)









Grade Point Average GPA will be worked out by awarding relative grading on a scale of 4.00 points according to distribution gap method on the performance of a particular class by the faculty teaching the course.


To earn course credits, a student must obtain a minimum of 1.0 grade point for undergraduate and 2.0 grade points for postgraduate programs in each course.


To successfully complete the degree requirement, a student must obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.00 (2.50 for BBA), MF GPA 2.0 (for CAE) for Bachelors, 3.00 for Masters/MPhil, and 3.50 for PhD degree.





Award of Grades


Award of Grade 'F'.- In addition to 'F' grade awarded on the basis of academic failure, a student shall not be allowed to appear in the final examination of a subject in which his attendance is less than 75%, and he shall be awarded 'F' grade in that subject. The 'F' grade so obtained shall only be cleared by repetition of the course whenever offered.


Award of Grade 'I'.- A student, who, because of illness or other acceptable reasons approved by the Departmental/Faculty Board of Studies, fails to complete the required work in any course or misses any examination/test defined as under, provided his overall attendance is not less than 75%, will be given 'I' as a grade. When a student, receiving such a grade, makes up the unfinished portion of his course, he will be given a grade as per Regulation 28 at the discretion of the faculty without prejudice to the previous grade 'I'. In case a student fails to make up the coursework, he will be awarded an 'F' grade unless further extension is given by the Faculty Board of Studies.

(3) 33.


Mid Semester Exam/One Hour Tests.- Whenever a student misses Mid Semester Exam/One Hour Test due to reasons acceptable to the Departmental Board of Studies, make up test shall be arranged within the period to be decided by the Departmental Board of Studies but not later than four weeks from the original date of the missed Mid Semester Exam/One Hour Test.


End Semester Exam. Whenever a student misses End Semester Examination due to reasons acceptable to the Faculty Board of Studies, make up examination shall be arranged within the first six weeks after the beginning of the subsequent semester.

Award of Grade W. Grade W will be awarded on dropping of a course under the provisions of Regulation 33. Adding / Dropping of course(s):


Adding / Dropping of course(s) shall be allowed within the first two weeks of start of a semester. It shall be ensured that minimum number of credit hours is not less than 6 for Masters programs and maximum number of credit hours does not exceed 12.


A student taking less than the regular semester load shall not be considered for any academic honour / award.


A student shall be allowed to drop a registered course latest by 8th week of a regular semester and 5th week of a summer semester with recommendation of the HoD and approval of the Dean / Associate Dean. Letter grade 'W' shall appear in the transcript against the specific course and shall not be considered for computation of GPA.


Student having 'W' on the transcript shall not be considered for any academic honour / award.


A Masters student shall be allowed one 'W' in a semester, provided that registered credit hours do not fall below 6 credit hours in a regular semester.





The students shall not be allowed to accumulate more than two Ws at a particular time during the course of studies. (6)

Offering and Registration of Courses.- Each institution shall finalize additional courses to be offered in a particular semester well before its start but not later than the last week of the previous semester, keeping in view the resources available.


Final Grade.-The grade earned by a student in home assignments, quizzes, laboratory work, mid semester/one hour tests, end semester examination etc, shall be formalised into final result by the concerned faculty. It must be ensured by the faculty that all examination answer sheets including end semester examination are shown to the respective students prior to finalization of the results. The faculty shall prepare the final results of the students on the standard grade sheet in duplicate and submit it to the Departmental Board of Studies (DBS). The grade sheets of each course duly approved by the DBS shall be sent to the Deputy Controller of Examination.


Computation and Approval of Results. After the results are received from each Department, the Examination Branch of the institution shall compile the final results of each class. The final results shall show the grades obtained in each course of the semester, the Semester GPA and the CGPA of each student. The result sheets shall also indicate the tentative disposal (probation, warning, suspension, withdrawal) of students failing to achieve the required standard. The institution shall hold the Faculty Board of Studies (FBS) meeting within two weeks of the conclusion of the end semester examinations, and approve the result. The final result shall be formally announced by the Examination Branch after it is approved by the FBS.


Record of Results. The final result shall be recorded on the provisional semester transcript of each student. The Exam Branch of the respective institution shall prepare four copies of individual student semester transcript. The original copy shall be sent to the sponsoring authority (where applicable) second and third copy to the students and their parents/guardians. The fourth copy shall be retained in the student's permanent file at the institution. The complete semester result of each course shall be sent to Examinations Branch NUST for scrutiny and formal notification.


Re-assessment / Re checking of Papers means re-evaluation of answer(s) already checked/evaluated by the examiners. Answer books of a student, in any exam, shall not be reassessed under any circumstances. Rechecking procedure shall be carried out according to instructions mentioned in Annex A.


Issue of Academic Transcript/Detailed Marks Sheet. A student desirous of obtaining Academic Transcript/Detailed Marks Sheet may apply to Controller of Examinations NUST through his institution along with the prescribed fee, as per the policy issued on the subject





Award of Masters' Degree and Academic Standards for Masters Student


Award of Masters Degree.


On recommendations of the Faculty Board of Studies of the constituent institutions, the University shall award Masters degree to the students who satisfy the following conditions, namely:(a)

have completed prescribed credit hours for coursework and research work / projects;


have achieved a minimum CGPA of 3.0 in coursework with a minimum of 'B' grade in thesis (6 credit hours).


Scheme of Studies (MS / Mphil) (a)

Fall and Spring Semesters will be regular semesters.


Students will enroll for minimum of 6 (six) credits in Fall and Spring Semester.


Students may enroll in Summer Semester for 6 (six) credit hours of course / research work.


Students shall enroll for 3 (three) credit hours of research work (after completion of coursework) in every Semester until defense of the thesis. However, maximum of 6 (six) credit hours of research work will be counted towards degree requirement.


Full tuition fee will be charged for on-campus duration. The student who does not complete the coursework within the on-campus duration will continue to pay full tuition fee till completion of the coursework. Thereafter, he will be charged 50% of the tuition fee till completion of degree requirements.


Award of MPhil Degree (Medical Sciences)


Program Committee for Graduate Studies (PCGS for Medical Students): The PCGS shall be headed by Dean Faculty of Medicine and preferably consist of Head of the Department/Professors of concerned departments. The terms of reference for PCGS shall be:(a)


To evaluate and detail the faculty eligible for:(i)

thesis supervision (Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, Internal/ External Examiners); and


thesis committee members


To evaluate and recommend postgraduate courses and projects as proposed by thesis supervisors


To oversee and evaluate progress of the approved postgraduate research projects and course work


To recommend award of MPhil degree to the successful candidates for approval by Main Office NUST; and


To recommend transfer of credits of course work done outside NUST for final approval of Main Office NUST. Graduate Examination Committee (GEC):- The GEC shall comprise Students





Supervisor, Co-Supervisor (if any), from the major subject, and two external examiners both from major subjects. The GEC shall be named at the earliest after the acceptance of an applicant into MPhil program but not later than the end of student's first year. The GEC shall be nominated by the PCGS in consultation with the student and approved by Main Office NUST. The student's Supervisor shall chair the GEC. (3)

General Scheme of Studies (a)


Year 1.(i)

Compulsory Core Courses and Laboratory Rotations as proposed by the concerned department and approved by PCGS


Identification of thesis supervisor, research topic and preparation of synopsis.


Comprehensive examination.

Year 2.(i)

Research work for minimum one year


Final defence of thesis examination of candidates for the award of MPhil degree.


Coursework: First twelve months of the program shall consist of coursework under a prescribed syllabus as proposed by the concerned department and approved by PCGS. There shall be two periodical tests and one pre-final examination of core courses conducted by the Dept during first year. The candidates will have to pass each test / exam by securing minimum 60% marks (to work out the marks of internal assessment) prior to taking up the Comprehensive Exam.


Comprehensive Examination:(a)

At the end of first year, after successful completion of core courses, the students shall take a comprehensive examination in the subjects specified by PCGS. The syllabus for this examination shall include all subjects / coursework.


Each student shall be required to pass comprehensive examination. Pass marks for the examination shall be 60%.


If a candidate fails in comprehensive examination, he shall be given another chance (in three months). If he still does not pass, his registration shall be cancelled.



Improving Percentage:- A student may improve his percentage by taking a retest of the Comprehensive Examination in which he scored the percentageless than 70% but greater than or equal to 60%, before taking the defense of MPhil thesis exam. The permission for retest shall be given by PCGS on case-to-case basis. The retest shall be of same duration, covering the same coursework and will have same weightage as that of the Comprehensive Examination in that subject. The new percentageearned NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013



shall replace the previous percentage(whether high or low) in computing the result. (7)

Award of MPhil Degree (a)

General. Candidates who have passed Comprehensive Examination shall complete their MPhil in 2nd year and shall be awarded MPhil degree on successful completion of all other requirements.


MPhil Research, Thesis Supervision and Evaluation (i)

Synopsis. students.

Format may consist of items as laid down for PhD


Thesis shall be written after conducting the research work after approval of synopsis by PCGS under the guidance of the Supervisor to comply with the laid down criteria of NUST.


The student must submit at least one research paper for publication in refereed journal recognized by PM&DC.


At the end of 2nd year, MPhil thesis defense exam shall be conducted as under:-

(aa) Thesis evaluation by GEC of the student. The report of the two external members must be positive. (bb) Thesis defence. Dean, HoD in addition to GEC of the student. (v)

Chairman GEC (Supervisor) shall mail thesis to external and internal examiners at least four weeks prior to the defense of thesis. They shall submit evaluation reports within three weeks. Thesis evaluation reports shall be submitted to PCGS for consideration. The following shall be the disposal of reports:-. (aa) If two out of three (less supervisor) examiners give satisfactory reports, the student shall be allowed to proceed for defense of thesis examination. (bb) If two or more examiners (less supervisor) suggest minor corrections, the supervisor shall ask the student to incorporate these corrections and shall be allowed to appear in defense of thesis examination. (cc) If two or more examiners (less supervisor) indicate major defects in thesis the supervisor shall ask the student to repeat some experiments, do revision of thesis and resubmit it for evaluation within 4-6 months. It shall be resubmitted to the same panel of examiners for evaluation and decision shall be given again as mentioned above. If it is rejected again the student shall be debarred from defense of thesis examination.


Eligibility Criteria for MPhil Thesis Supervisors, Co-supervisor and External Examiners. The eligibility criteria for M Phil shall be the same as for PhD, however, faculty holding an MPhil degree shall also be eligible.


Minimum Requirement for Award of MPhil Degree. Following are the





minimum requirements which shall be met by a candidate for award of MPhil degree by NUST. Institutions/departments may specify additional requirements if considered appropriate/ necessary:(i)

Coursework. The candidate shall complete the coursework as specified by PCGS.


Thesis Credits. In addition to the course work, the candidate shall complete MPhil research acceptable to the NUST PCGS.


Transfer of Credits.Following shall be applicable in case of MS/MPhil:-


Postgraduate credits may be considered for transfer from other local approved accredited institutes or foreign reputed institutions of similar quality if they are relevant and appropriate to an approved Masters program;


only postgraduate-level courses in which at least a 'B' grade or its equivalent was received shall be considered for transfer;


only postgraduate-level courses that were completed within the last three years may be considered for transfer; and


maximum of 9 postgraduate level course credits may be transferred but the grades shall not be transferred.


the transfer of credits shall be subject to acceptance by the concerned department.


Double Registration.

The student shall not be allowed to register for more than one degree course at a time. 43.

Academic Deficiencies. A student shall be dropped from the Masters program if:(1)

the first academic Semester GPA is less than 2.00;


receives 'F' grade in more than two courses;


CGPA remains below 3.00 after completion of the coursework even after availing the chance allowed under the provision of Regulation 54 of NUST Statutes;


the student remains absent for 30 or more consecutive days without valid reasons;


attendance of the student remains below 75% in two or more subjects ('F' grade shall be awarded in the subjects in which student's attendance is below 75%); and


on disciplinary grounds when recommended by the Discipline Committee of the institution and the Discipline Committee of NUST.


Suspension of Registration.-


If a student remains absent for 30 or more consecutive days without





intimation or any valid reason, his / her admission / registration will be suspended. However, such student may resume the same program subject to meeting the following conditions: (a)

has completed minimum one Semester with minimum required GPA;


has been recommended by the respective institution.


On re-admission, the student will pay the prescribed admission fee and 50% tuition fee for the period of absence. The rate of fee will be as applicable to students of the semester which he / she joins.


While considering the case for re-admission, it will be ascertained by the respective institution that the student has sufficient time to complete his / her degree within the prescribed time limit, which will start from date of original / first admission.


No special classes / courses will be planned / arranged for such cases, other than planned classes for repeat courses.


After re-admission, his / her studies will be governed by the rules and regulations applicable to the entry he joins.


Suspension of registration, on grounds of prolonged absence, will be granted only once in the program in which he / she was originally granted admission.


Probation. A student shall be placed on probation at the end of 1st/2ndacademic semesters if his CGPA is less than 3.00 but equal to or greater than 2.00 for MS.


Repetition of Course(s). A student may repeat a course under two circumstances, i.e., to clear an 'F' Grade or to improve his CGPA. The student shall be required to complete all formalities applicable to repetition of a course, i.e., mid semester examination/one hour tests, project, assignments, quizzes, etc and End Semester Examination. The student transcript shall show both the old and new earned grades but the CGPA shall be based on the new earned grade. The student shall have to pay the prescribed tuition fee for the repeated course. A student who repeats a course shall not be eligible for top student honours/awards even if he improves it and comes in that bracket after repeating. The two circumstances under which a student may repeat a course are:-


Clearance of 'F' / 'W' Grade. If a student receives an 'F' / 'W' grade in a course, he shall be required to repeat that course, whenever offered.


Improvement of CGPA. A student may repeat a course at any stage in MS / M Phil program, in which he received the grade point < 3.0 but ≼ 2.0 in order to improve his CGPA. Procedure for repeating a course shall be as under, namely:






the candidate shall apply to the HoD for permission to repeat a course. The case shall be presented before the FBS which may permit a student to repeat a course subject to its offering and availability of necessary resources;


the student shall have to repeat the course within the time limit given by Faculty Board of Studies;


a student shall be allowed to repeat a maximum of 2 courses for MS during his entire course work apart from clearance of 'F' grade, if any.


the student shall not be allowed to improve his CGPA after completion of the degree.

Note: l The degree program shall be considered complete on fulfillment of

prescribed requirements of the degree, request of the student for final transcript / award of degree and formal notification by the Controller of Examinations. l Repetition of a failed course shall be granted by FBS subject to availability of necessary resources/faculty and shall not be used as a tool for avoiding suspension. 47. Deferment of Semester(s).A student may seek deferment from regular studies subject to the following conditions: (1)

Deferment will be requested before the start of a semester. It will be endorsed by the FBS and processed for formal approval by the Registrar;


During the period of deferment , he / she will be allowed to repeat courses already studied on payment of prescribed fee for repetition of courses but not permitted to study new courses;


He / She shall pay 25% tuition fee to maintain his / her registration;


the student has the requisite time available to complete his / her degree within the stipulated time; or


In case, a student opts to defer the first semester he/she shall have to pay 50% tuition fee (non-adjustable / non-refundable).


Research during Masters Program.

The procedure for thesis research shall be as under:(1)

all students must successfully complete a minimum of 6 credits in Masters thesis, based on a highly individualized, investigative study which shall make a significant contribution to knowledge;


subject of research shall be agreed to by the student and the research Supervisor/Advisor (thesis advisor), in consultation with Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC), when required. The topics must be original and not plagiarized, and relevant to the needs of the country;






thesis shall be graded and counted towards the calculation of CGPA for all programs;


a student who cannot complete the thesis work in the assigned on-campus time may continue to do so at his own arrangements to complete the thesis work within the maximum allowed time;


the students desirous of continuing their research after the on-campus time shall have to maintain their registration with the University and accordingly pay the registration fee as per the policy.


A student can start research work after completion of 9 (nine) credit hours of coursework provided his CGPA is ≼ 3.0. Thesis defense will only be allowed once he has attained a CGPA of ≼ 3.0 in coursework.

49. Guidance and Examination Committees (GEC). The GEC shall comprise at least three members holding preferably a PhD degree in the relevant field, in addition to Research Supervisor/Advisor who must be a PhD in relevant field. At least one member of the GEC shall be an external from another reputed national University or constituent institute of NUST or relevant organisation. The Research Supervisor/Advisor shall chair the meeting of GEC. The Research Supervisors/Advisors must be given prior necessary experience for this job by initially nominating them as members of GEC/Co-Supervisors.



Award of Masters' Degree in CHAPTER 04 Business Administration / Executive Master in Business Administration / Social Sciences 50.

Award of Masters Degree in Management / Social Sciences Program


Duration Min (On Campus)


(1) Master of Business Administration (MBA) (a)for 16 years education graduates (b) for 16 years education BBA graduates (c) for 14 years education graduates

72 36 90

2 Years 1½ Years 3 Years

4 ½ Years 4 Years 5 Years

(2) Executive Master of Business Administration


2 Years

5 Years

72 36

2 Years 1 ½ Years

4 ½ Years 4 Years


3 Years

5 Years

(3) MS Economics (a) for 16 years education graduates (b) for 16 years education graduates with Economics background (c) for 14 years education graduates

51. Award of Masters' Degree in Business Administration / Executive Masters in Business Administration / Social Sciences (1)

Award of Degree:- On recommendations of the Faculty Board of Studies of the School, the University will award Masters degree to the students who satisfy the following conditions, namely:(a)

MBA (i)

Students admitted on the basis of 4-year BBA degree will complete 36 credit hours (30 credits of coursework and 6 credits of thesis research/business project.


Students admitted on the basis of 16-year of prior non-business education will complete 72 credit hours (66 credits of coursework and 6 credits of thesis research/business project).


Students admitted on the basis of 14-year of prior education are required to complete 90 credit hours (84 credits of coursework and 6 credits of thesis research/business project).


have achieved a minimum CGPA of 3.0 in coursework with a minimum of 'B' grade in thesis/business project (6 credit hours);


have successfully completed 6-8 weeks internship (for MBA only)

(b) EMBA (i) 21

Have achieved a minimum Cum CGPA of 3.00 and completed 66 NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013


04 credit hours. Grades assigned for the business project (s) will be counted towards the calculation of CGPA.



MS (i)

Students admitted on the basis of 16-year education in economics will complete 36 credit hours (30 credit of coursework and 6 credits of thesis research).


Students admitted on the basis of 16-year education in noneconomics will complete 72 credit hours (66 credit of coursework and 6 credit of thesis research).


Students admitted on the basis of 14-years education in economics will complete 90 credit hours (84 credit of coursework and 6 credit of thesis research).

Scheme of Studies (a)

The assessment scheme shall be as follows:-

Nature of Examination End semester examination for EMBA Only



3 hours


Weighting (%age) 30 – 50 20 – 30

Mid Term Quizzes Class Participation Assignments / Project(s) / Case Studies

2 hours Own time

1 Minimum: 3 -

15 – 25 05 – 15 0 – 5* 10 – 40

*Shall be allocated only if there are no case studies.


The performance of each student in a course of study will be graded as follows:Grades

Numerical Grade

Grade Points

A B+

4.0 3.50

B C+

3.0 2.50


2.00 0.00


Incomplete Dropped






It is the University policy to workout GPA by awarding relative grading on a scale of 4.00 points according to distribution curve based on the performance of a particular class by the faculty.


To earn course credits, a student must obtain a minimum of 'C' grade for postgraduate programs in each course.


Offering and Registration of Courses:- The School will finalize additional courses to be offered in a particular semester well before its start but not later than last week of the previous semester keeping in view the resources available.


Course Registration Procedure for EMBA Only:- Course registrations shall be open till the first week of the semester. A late fee to the tune of 20% of the course fee will charged for registration from students who registers in the second week. No request for registration will be entertained beyond the second week.


Academic Deficiencies (a)

Probation (i)

Definition. A student is said to be on probation if he is deficient in academic standards and is allowed to continue studies.


Policy. A student will be placed on probation under any of the following conditions: (aa) If his CGPA is less than 3.00 but greater than or equal to 2.50 and he /she does not qualify for withdrawal; (bb) On disciplinary grounds when recommended by respective discipline committee of the School.



Withdrawal (i)

Definition.“withdrawal� means that a student is considered unsuitable for further studies at NUST and is withdrawn from the program.


Policy. A student is recommended for withdrawal by the Faculty Board of Studies as per latest policies of the University for approval by Main Office NUST subject to any of the conditions listed below, namely:(aa)

receives 'F' grade in more than two courses;


if CGPA remains below 2.5;


CGPA remains below 3.00 after completion of his coursework even after availing the chance allowed under the provision for repetition of courses for improvement of CGPA;


on disciplinary grounds when recommended by respective Discipline Committee of constituent institution and Discipline Committee of NUST. NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013



Award of “F”, “I” and “W” Grades (a)

Award of Grade 'F'.- In addition to 'F' grade awarded on the basis of academic failure, a student shall not be allowed to appear in final examination of a subject in which his attendance is less than 75%, and he shall be awarded 'F' grade in that subject. The 'F' grade so obtained shall only be cleared by repetition of the course whenever offered, so that the students are made to attend the missed course.


Award of Grade 'I':- A student, who, because of illness or other acceptable reasons approved by the Departmental/Faculty Board of Studies, fails to complete the required work in any course or misses any examination/test defined herein, provided his overall attendance is not less than 75%, is given 'I' as a grade. The student receiving such a grade makes up the unfinished portion of his course and is given a grade as per regulation 29 atthe discretion of the faculty without prejudice to the previous grade 'I'. In case the student fails to make up the course work, he receives a grade 'F' unless further extension is given by the Faculty Board of Studies.


Award of Grade “W”:- If a student drops a course under the provision of these regulations, he will be awarded “W” Grade. Repetition of Courses: A student may repeat a course under two circumstances i.e. to clear an 'F' Grade or to improve his CGPA. The student shall be required to complete all formalities applicable to repetition of a course i.e. mid semester examination, project, assignments, quizzes and End Semester Examination etc. The student transcript shall show both the old and new earned grades but the CGPA shall be based on new earned grade. The student shall have to pay the prescribed tuition fee for the repeated course. A student who repeats a course shall not be eligible for top student honours/awards even if he improves it and comes in that bracket after repeating. The two circumstances under which a student may repeat a course are:-




Clearance of W / F Grades. (i)

A student may repeat a course to clear an F / W grade. This repetition is not included in the provision allowed for improvement of CGPA.


It will be the student's responsibility to clear the failed / dropped courses subject to availability of resources and approval of Dean.


The students transcript will show both the old grade and new earned grade but the CGPA will be based on the new earned grade


The student who repeats a course to clear a W grade will not be eligible for academic honors / awards

Improvement of CGPA:-A student may repeat a course at any stage in MS program only, in which he received the grade point < 3.0 but ≥ 2.5 in order to improve his CGPA. Procedure for repeating a course shall be as under, namely:







In MS program, a student may repeat a course at any stage of his studies;


For MBA/EMBA students will be allowed to repeat a course(s) to improve there CGPA during the course of studies as allowed to other postgraduate students.


A student shall be allowed to repeat a maximum of 3 courses for MS and MBA (all streams) during his entire course work apart from clearance of 'F' /'W' grade, if any.

Adding / Dropping of Course(s) and Award of 'W' Grade (a)

Adding / Dropping of course(s) is allowed within the first two weeks of start of a semester. However, the students will ensure that minimum and maximum credit hours limit is followed as given below:-

(i) (iii)




Minimum 12 06 03 09

Maximum 21 (18 in case of MBA with 36 Chs) 12 (Fall & Spring Semester; 06 (Summer Semester) 18


A student taking less than full semester load will not be considered for any merit scholarship / academic award.


A student is allowed to drop a registered course latest by 8thweek of a regular semester and 5th week of a summer semester with the recommendation of Dean.


Letter grade 'W' will appear in his transcript against the specific course and will not be used for computation of GPA.


Student having 'W' on the transcript will not be considered for any academic honour / award.


For EMBAThe student of EMBA will be allowed to drop a course any time before the start of the End Semester exam week with an award of letter grade 'W.'


A PG student will be allowed maximum of one W in a semester; however, his registered credit hours should not fall below minimum prescribed limited for a semester, for each degree, as given above. He will not be allowed to accumulate more than two Ws at a particular time.



Deferment of Semester(s).- A student may seek deferment from regular studies subject to the following conditions: (a)

Deferment will be requested before the start of a semester. It will be endorsed by the FBS and processed for formal approval by the Registrar;


During the period of deferment, he / she will be allowed to repeat NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013


04 courses already studied on payment of prescribed fee for repetition of courses but not permitted to study new courses;



He / She shall pay 25% tuition fee to maintain his / her registration;


the student has the requisite time available to complete his / her degree within the stipulated time; or


In case, a student opts to defer the first semester he/she shall have to pay 50% tuition fee (non-adjustable / non-refundable).

Transfer of Credits. Following shall be applicable in case of MS/MPhil/MBA/EMBA:-


Postgraduate credits may be considered for transfer from other local approved accredited institutions or foreign reputed institutions of similar quality if they are relevant and appropriate to a Master's program;


only postgraduate-level courses with at least a 'B' grade or equivalent shall be considered for transfer;


only postgraduate-level courses completed within the last three years will be considered for transfer; and


maximum of 9 postgraduate level course credits (12 credits for MS/MBA/EMBA) may be transferred but the grades shall not be transferred.


Research during Master Program,-The procedure for thesis research shall be as under:-


all students must successfully complete a minimum of 6 credits in Master's thesis/business project(s) for MBA/EMBA, based on an individualized, investigative study which shall make a significant contribution to knowledge;


subject of research/business project shall be agreed to by the student and the Supervisor/Advisor, in consultation with Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC), when required. The research work must be original and not plagiarized, and relevant to the needs of the Country;


a student who cannot complete the thesis work in the assigned time may continue to do so at his own arrangements/expenses to complete the thesis work within the maximum allowed time;


the students desirous of continuing their research after the on-campus time shall have to maintain their registration with the University, and, accordingly pay the registration fee as per the policy.


for MS programs, a student can start research work after completion of 09 credit hours of course work provided his CGPA ≼ 3.0. Thesis defense will only be allowed once a student has attained a CGPA ≼ 3.0 in coursework.


an MBA student shall start research work after completion of 2 semester (36 credit hours) even if his CGPA is less than 3.00. However, thesis/business





project defence/ presentation will only be allowed once a student has attained the degree awarding CGPA of 3.00 in coursework. (g)


grade of thesis/business project (s) will be added in the CGPA of the student after defence/ presentation in MS/MBA and will be counted towards calculation of CGPA in EMBA.




Award of PhD Degree and Academic Deficiencies for PhD Students


Award of PhD Degree.On recommendations of the Faculty Board of Studies of the constituent institutions the University shall award degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the students who satisfy the following conditions. Institution/departments may specify additional requirements if considered necessary:-


Coursework. The minimum coursework required will be 18 credits of 800/900 level courses or equivalent. These 18 credit hours will be in addition to the pre-requisites specified by the PEAC of the concerned Institution.


Migration shall not be allowed in the PhD Program. Any student joining the PhD Program shall complete all the requisite courses in line with NUST/HEC policy.


Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Minimum cumulative GPA required will be 3.5 out of 4.0 in the 18 credit hours of 800/900 level courses to be counted towards PhD. (For Medical Sciences 70% marks)


PhD Qualifying Examination. Each student must pass each paper of Part A –the Subject Examinationof PhD comprehensive examination with a minimum of 65% marks and Part B – the Oral Examination, (defence of synopsis) by majority vote. In case of Medical Sciences, the pass marks in each component of PhD comprehensive qualifying examinationwill be 65%. For PhD in Business Administration, each PhD student shall have to pass two examinationsin respect of Part A (the Subject Examination), viz, Comprehensive Examination 1, covering themes and topics included in the compulsory core courses, and Comprehensive Examination 2 covering themes and topics included in the specialization field courses.


Approval of Thesis Synopsis. Each student must carry out literature survey and prepare a written synopsis of his intended topic of research and present the same along with research plan at the beginning of Part B (the Oral Examination) of the Qualifying Examination for approval.


Thesis Credits. In addition to the coursework, all doctoral students must register for at least 30 credits of doctoral research.


Successful Evaluation Report of Research Thesis. Out of the Thesis Evaluation Committee, positive report by the supervisor/co-supervisor, one local external expert and two foreign experts is essential.


Publications. A student must have a minimum of two research papers published/accepted for publication, preferably presented also, in HEC approved journals / international conferences of repute out of which at least one paper must be accepted/published in HEC approved “X” category journal for award of PhD Degree (“Y” in case of Social Sciences only). Only those publications related to the research work will be counted in which the student's name is that of the 1st author.






Thesis Defence. Successful defence of Thesis and approval by a majority vote of Defence Committee is required.


Submission of Thesis. Five bound copies of Thesis shall be submitted after successful defence within 60 days from the date of thesis defence. Request may be made to Main OfficeNUST to relax the period of thesis submission to incorporate any additional requirement of the Defence Committee.


Seminars. In case of Medical Sciences, at least two seminars shall be conducted by every PhD student on his thesis research before an audience prior to thesis defence.




A selected PhD candidate shall take a minimum of 18 credit hours of 800/900 level courses at PhD level, as specified by his GEC. These 18 credit hours shall be the courses which have not been counted towards any other degree, as, in compliance of the HEC Quality Assurance Criteria, courses counted towards any other degree cannot be double counted towards PhD coursework.


The GEC may specify additional subjects to be taken by the PhD student, if considered essential. These shall be notified as “Additional Courses” and shall not be counted towards calculation of CGPA.


In addition to the minimum 18 credit hours coursework, the pre-requisite courses, prescribed by PEAC at the time of admission, would also be included in the PhD transcript, and shall also be notified as “Additional Courses”. These additional courses shall not be counted towards calculation of CGPA.


The CGPA shall be calculated only on the basis of the 18 credit hours of courses taken by the student at the PhD level.


Institutions shall intimate results of a PhD student to PGP Directorate and Main Office NUST for notification as being done for other programs.


To complete the coursework, a student may take the courses offered by other constituent institutions of NUST with their consent and with the permission of his Supervisor through Main Office NUST.


It is the University policy to workout GPA by awarding relative grading on the scale of 4.00 points according to the distribution gap method on the performance of a particular class by the faculty teaching the course.


Qualifying Examination. After successful completion of 800/900 level courses to be counted towards his PhD with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0, the student shall take a qualifying / comprehensive examination in the subjects to be specified by the GEC. The qualifying examination shall be conducted as soon as possible after completion of the coursework but, in any case, it shall not be delayed for more than 4 months. The examination shall be conducted in two parts in the following manner:-


Part A - Written Comprehensive Examination. Question papers for the





written comprehensive examination shall be prepared by the GEC and supervised by the HoD concerned. In case the HoD is also the student's supervisor, Dean of the institution shall supervise the examination. The comprehensive examination shall be based on the entire PhD coursework plus subjects considered essential for the intended area of research. It shall consist of two papers, one covering student's major area of research and the other covering the allied or supporting subjects. The minimum pass marks for each paper in Part A shall be 65%. (2)

Part B - Oral Examination. The Dean will chair the Oral Comprehensive Examination Committee meeting with the HoD and the members of the GEC as its members. HoD and Dean/Commandant/ Principal would be voting members only if PhD qualified in the relevant field. Oral Examination will be conducted within three months after the student qualifies Part A of the Qualifying Examination. It shall be designed to ascertain in-depth knowledge, analytical abilities and aptitude of the student in his area of PhD research. The student shall defend his thesis synopsis as a part of this oral examination. The Oral Examination Committee shall determine, by majority vote, whether the student be allowed to proceed for the doctoral research or otherwise. If the number of votes for “Pass” equals the number of votes for “Fail”, then verdict of the supervisor would be taken as the final decision.


Institutions shall retain all the question papers in safe custody in their Examination Branches till award of degree and subsequently shall be destroyed according to NUST Policy. However, soft copies shall be retained in safe custody for future reference and will not be destroyed.


Unsuccessful candidates in either part shall be given one additional chance only to appear in the failed part within a time period to be decided by the GEC. Upon each failure in either part, each committee member shall submit a comment page, which would clearly document reasons for failure. These comment pages, duly signed by each committee member, shall be submitted to PGP Dte and Examination Branch at Main Office NUST by the concerned institution. A duplicate copy of these shall also be provided to the student.


Main Office NUST (Examination Branch) shall notify the result of the Qualifying Examination.


Regarding Part A of the Qualifying Examination for PhD in Business Administration program, each PhD student shall have to pass two comprehensive examinations mentioned above scoring at least a minimum of 65% marks in each examination. These shall be conducted as soon as possible after completion of the coursework, but in any case shall not be delayed for more than 4 months.


Regarding Medical Sciences, minimum 70% marks (internal assessment) in PhD coursework shall be essential for undertaking PhD Qualifying / Comprehensive Examinations, to be conducted on completion of 18 credits advance coursework. The PhD Qualifying/Comprehensive Examination shall comprise two components, i.e., a written examinations of the coursework for which the question papers will be prepared by GEC of the student and





supervised by the HoD/Dean and Viva Voce of the Defence of Synopsis PhD Research Work in the oral examination to be conducted by a committee comprising members of GEC, HoD and chaired by the Dean. The pass marks in each component of PhD qualifying / comprehensive examinations will be 65%. If the candidate fails in any of the components of the examinations, he will be given one chance to qualify and retest will not be held before three months. The rest of the regulations as described above are all applicable. 55.

Academic Deficiencies. A student shall be dropped from the PhD degree program under following circumstances/conditions:-


CGPA remains below 3.50 (75% marks) on completion of coursework even after availing three chances for improvement of grades;


fails twice in the qualifying examination;


fails to achieve the research objectives as set forth by his Supervisor / GEC within the maximum time allowed;


on disciplinary grounds when recommended by the respective Discipline Committee of the Institution and Discipline Committee of NUST; or


remains absent for 60 or more consecutive days without valid reasons.


fails in one or more course(s);


fails to complete coursework requirements in three years.


Improving Cumulative GPA. Out of the coursework counted towards PhD, a student may repeat the course in which he received the grade point of less than 3.5 but greater than or equal to 2.0, in order to improve his cumulative GPA, if it is below 3.5 before taking the qualifying examination. Procedure for repeating shall be as under:-


The candidate will apply to the Supervisor for permission to repeat a course. The case will be presented before the GEC for deliberation/approval.


The student shall have to pay the prescribed fee for the course which is permitted by the FBS for repeating. On repeating the course, the student shall get the earned grade. The transcript shall show both the old grade and the new earned grade but the cumulative GPA would be based on the new earned grade.


The student will have to repeat the course within the time limit given by the GEC.


A student will be allowed to repeat a maximum of three courses only during his entire PhD coursework.


If an elective course cannot be offered for repetition due to unavoidable circumstances, a student may take an alternative elective course with the approval of GEC and shall get the earned grades. Grades of both original and





alternative courses shall appears on the transcript. However, for calculating CGPA grade of original courses shall not be counted and those obtained in replacement/alternative courses shall be incorporated. 57.

Research during PhD Program. The procedure for thesis shall be as follows:-


all students must successfully complete a minimum of 30 credits of creative PhD research, based on a highly individualized, investigative and creative study which shall make a significant contribution to knowledge in the form of new findings/inventions;


a student having a CGPA below 3.50 shall not be allowed to take PhD Research;


subject of research shall be agreed to by the student and the research Supervisor (thesis supervisor), in consultation with the Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC), when required. It must be original and not plagiarized; and


a student who cannot complete the research work in the assigned time may continue to do so at his own arrangements/expenses to complete the research work within the maximum time allowed as per policy in vogue after the prescribed "on-campus" time.


Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC). A Doctoral GEC will be formed at the earliest after the acceptance of a student into the PhD program but not later than one month of the student's joining date. The GEC will comprise at least three PhD members in addition to the supervisor and cosupervisor (if appointed), and at least one member of GEC shall be external from other reputed universities/R&D organizations/relevant industry or constituent institutions /organizations of NUST. The supervisor must be a PhD degree holder with his name preferably included in HEC approved list of supervisors. The Head of the Department in consultation with the student and his supervisor and also with the approval of the Commandant/Principal/ Dean shall appoint the GEC. In case of an outstation member, prior approval of Main Office NUST will be sought. The student's supervisor will chair the GEC meetings.


Evaluation of the Research Dissertation


The PhD thesis shall be evaluated by a Thesis Evaluation Committee. The committee shall comprise the GEC, and at least three external experts, two of whom shall be foreign renowned faculty from technologically advanced countries.


Evaluation report by the thesis supervisor/co-supervisor, at least one local external expert, and two foreign experts has to be positive before the student





can be asked to carry out final defence. 60.

Thesis Defence. On receipt of positive reports from Thesis Evaluation Committee, defence of a PhD thesis shall be conducted as under:-


The schedule of thesis defence of a PhD student shall be announced by the institution at least 8 weeks prior to the defence to all NUST institutions and Main Office NUST for maximum participation.


The Defence Committee shall comprise the student's GEC and three external experts (i.e., one local and two foreign experts who were part of the Thesis Evaluation Committee). The participation of two foreign experts shall be arranged through video conferencing, if possible.


The student shall provide copies of Research Thesis to all the members of the Defence Committee at least 4 weeks before the defence date and 8 weeks in case of foreign experts,


The student shall present his work to the Defence Committee on the given date and time.


The Defence Committee shall give its decision with majority vote and intimate Main Office NUST about the decision for final notification. 5x bound copies of the thesis along with 5x soft copies on CDs will be prepared by the student. 1x copy for the institution Library, 1x copy for the Student's Supervisor, 1x copy for Examinations Branch Main Office NUST, who will forward it for placement in NUST Central Library after the publication of gazette notification, 1x copy for PGP Directorate, Main Office NUST for onward submission to HEC, and 1x copy for the concerned student.


Any plagiarism in PhD research work and fake documents submitted by the student, even those submitted at the time of admission shall result in cancellation of degree.


Specific Requirement/Provisions


Off-Campus PhD. There are a large number of well-established high-tech R&D organizations in the country, which are producing high quality research but are unable to benefit academically due to non-availability of required platform. To facilitate their research and to broaden the scope of research activities. NUST offers an Off Campus PhD program. The coursework is required to be completed at NUST constituent institution whereas the research phase may be conducted at an R&D organization under the supervision of a co-supervisor of the same organization.


Deferment of Semester(s).- A student may seek deferment from regular studies subject to the following conditions: (a)


Deferment will be requested before the start of a semester. It will be endorsed by the FBS and processed for formal approval by the Director Postgraduate NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013



Programmes; (b)

During the period of deferment , he / she will be allowed to repeat courses already studied on payment of prescribed fee for repetition of courses but not permitted to study new courses;


He / She shall pay 25% tuition fee to maintain his / her registration;


the student has the requisite time available to complete his / her degree within the stipulated time; or


In case, a student opts to defer the first semester he/she shall have to pay 50% tuition fee (non-adjustable / non-refundable).


Payment of Tuition Fee. PhD student will be charged full tuition fee for the oncampus duration. Thereafter, the student will be charged 50% of the tuition fee till completion of degree requirements.


Award of PhD Degree in Medical Sciences


Program Committee for Graduate Studies (PCGS):- The PCGS shall be headed by Dean Faculty of Medicine and may preferably consist of Head of the Department/Professors of concerned departments. The terms of reference for PCGS shall be as under:(a)

To evaluate and detail the faculty eligible for:(i)

thesis supervision (Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, Internal/External Examiners); and


thesis committee members

(b) To evaluate and recommend postgraduate courses and projects as proposed by thesis supervisors



To oversee and evaluate progress of the approved postgraduate research projects and coursework


To approve quarterly and biannual progress reports of PhD candidates


To approve examination results of PhD candidates


To recommend final examination of PhD candidates to Main Office NUST


To recommend award of PhD degree to the successful candidates for approval by Main Office NUST; and


To recommend transfer of credits of coursework done outside NUST (during PhD studies) for final approval of Main Office NUST. Graduate Examination Committee (GEC):-The GEC shall comprise of Students Supervisor, Co-Supervisor (if any), who have to be from the major subjects, one internal from minor subjects and two external examiners both from major subjects. The GEC shall be named at the earliest after the acceptance of an applicant into PhD program and in any event not later than one month of students joining date. The GEC shall be nominated by PCGS in consultation with the student and forwarded to Main Office NUST. The





student's Supervisor shall chair the GEC. (3)

General Scheme of Studies (a)


Year 1. (i)

Compulsory Advance Courses as proposed by the concerned department and approved by PCGS.


Identification of Thesis Supervisor and Research


Submission of synopsis to PCGS for approval


Qualifying examination and defense of synopsis

Year 2 – 3. (i)

Completion of Research Work and Thesis writing.


Three External Thesis Evaluators (foreign) and two local External Evaluators (from other universities) to be proposed by the Thesis Supervisor and to be recommended by PCGS for approval by NUST.


Evaluation of the thesis by experts from abroad and in country. At least two evaluators shall be from foreign universities of the developed world (Technologically advanced countries).


Seminar on the results of study before an audience (open house).


Oral Defense of the Thesis.


Approval and award of PhD Degree to the candidate.


Advanced Coursework: MPhil/FCPS qualified intake First twelve months of the program shall consist of advance coursework under a prescribed syllabus as proposed by the concerned department and approved by PCGS.


Qualifying Examination:(a)

Minimum 70% marks (Internal assessment) in PhD coursework are essential for undertaking PhD qualifying / comprehensive examinations, to be conducted on completion of 18 credits advance coursework.


The PhD Qualifying/Comprehensive Examination will comprise of two components:



Written Examinationsof the coursework. The question paper will be prepared by GEC of the student and supervised by the HoD/Dean.


Viva Voce of the Defence of Synopsis PhD Research Work. The oral examination will be conducted by a committee comprised of the members of GEC, HoD and chaired by the Dean.


The pass marks in each component of PhD qualifying / comprehensive examination will be 65%.


If the candidate fails in any of the components of the examination, he/she will be given one chance to qualify and retest will not be held before three months. NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013





At least, two seminars to be conducted by every PhD student on his PhD thesis research before an audience prior to thesis defence.


For evaluation of PhD thesis research, the thesis shall be sent to minimum of two foreign experts and one local (external) expert in addition to his GEC members.

Award of PhD Degree (a)



PhD Research, Thesis Supervision and Evaluation:(i)

The research thesis of a PhD student shall be supervised by one principal supervisor and co-supervisor from a matching area of expertise.


Every PhD thesis shall have external evaluators who shall be identified by the supervisor in consultation with the PCGS and approved by Main Office NUST.


The candidate shall submit a synopsis of his proposed research project at the end of 1st year for defense examination and approval by the PCGS.

The final thesis must comply with the following criteria:(i)

It must form a distinct contribution to the knowledge.


It may contain evidence for originality of the work shown either by discovery of new facts or by the exercise of independent critical judgment.


It must not include the research work for which a degree has already been conferred on the candidate by any University in the country or abroad.

Examination and Award of PhD Degree:- PCGS shall forward names of at least three foreign experts and two local experts to Main Office NUST which shall select a panel of examiners as under:(a)

Thesis Evaluation. Minimum of two external (foreign experts from the developed world (technologically advanced countries) and one local external expert in addition to GEC.


Thesis Defense. Dean, HoD in addition to GEC.


The final panel of examiners shall be proposed by PCGS and approved by Main Office NUST. All names of external examiners shall be forwarded to Main Office NUST.


Apart from the criteria specified before submission of thesis, each student shall be required to: (i)

read at least one paper in a major conference of international repute related to his thesis;


publish two papers related to his thesis, in approved and refereed journals of international repute, as first or second author as





recognized by PM&DC; and (iii) (8)

conduct at least two seminars on his PhD project.

Thesis Evaluation (a)

If the thesis is adjudged as adequate by three (including two foreign examiners whose report must be positive) out of the four external examiners from developed world (Technologically advanced countries), the PCGS shall allow the candidate to appear in the viva voce to defend his thesis.


If any of the examiners suggests major revision, additions or modifications in the thesis, the candidate shall be required to do so and the thesis shall be resubmitted for evaluation to the same panel of examiners within six months. If only minor corrections or modification were required then thesis may not be resubmitted for evaluation.



Thesis Defense. If the thesis is adjudged adequate by the examiners under clause (d) of sub regulation (2) the board of examiners shall hold viva voce. This board shall comprise of two external examiners from the approved panel and supervisor and co-supervisor of the candidate.




Institution of University Medals and Prizes


Institution of Medals and Prizes. The University shall institute Medals and Prizes along with the merit certificates to be awarded each year, from within its financial resources.


Number and Value of Medals and Prizes. The policy on the number and value of University Medals and Prizes to be awarded each year on the results of various examinations shall be decided by the Board / Executive Committee.


Award of Medals and Prizes. Gold medals and Prizes shall be awarded at the “convocation� when held. Each recipient shall be informed of his having been awarded a Medal or Prize. A recipient, not notifying the University in writing of his acceptance of the award within two weeks of the receipt of information, shall be liable to forfeit his award which may be re-awarded.


If more than one student qualify for a particular Medal on the basis of CGPA or marks (as the case may be), all shall be awarded jointly by giving a Medal to each. If there is an award for a particular position in the form of Prize money or a similar divisible award, it shall be distributed equally amongst the recipients who qualify for it on the basis of CGPA or marks (as the case may be).


Specification of Medals. The specifications of Medals shall be such as may be determined by the Board /Executive Committee from time to time.


Types of Medal. Following types of medal shall be awarded at the time of convocation:-




President's Gold Medal


Best in Academics


Rector's Gold Medal


Best in Project/Thesis


COAS / CNS/CAS Gold Medal


Best Military Student


Any other Medal approved by Board/Executive Committee.

For AM College (MBBS and BDS respectively) following type of Medals will be awarded at the time of convocation:(a)

President's Gold Medal


Best all round student


Rector's Gold Medal


Best student in academics


COAS Gold Medal


Best Military student

The following conditions shall be applied for award of Gold Medal to the best student in the project:(a)

Project will be graded.


Supervisor to recommend the best student who has contributed





maximum in completing the project, but he must have a minimum 'A' Grade in the Project. (c)

Remaining members of the team will be awarded certificates.


The Medals be awarded indiscriminately to top students without any special quota or allocation to different categories of students.


In future there shall be no Medals for MS students as these programs have been upgraded to MS leading to PhD. However, for MBA students Medals shall be awarded.


Withdrawal of the Institution of a Medal.The Board shall have power to withdraw or cancel the institution of a Medal, provided the circumstances so demand.





*NUST Code of Conduct

(To be read in conjunction with NUST Statutes/Policies)

General 74.

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) is a leading researchintensive university in Pakistan comparable to the top universities of the world. The university is committed to its mission of graduating culturally enlightened, technologically knowledgeable, academically competent, and research-oriented productive citizens, groomed to lead, inspire, and serve humanity. The University is wholeheartedly pursuing this sublime trust and responsibility with all its resources.


NUST community comprises a diverse populace of students in pursuit of academic excellence. It strives to refine the ability of students to reason and to communicate freely and clearly on their way to become responsible, morally sound, moderate and well-rounded citizens of a diverse world. The University expects these attributes to be reflected in the students' everyday behaviour, attitude and dress.


In the University's view, the prescribed sets of regulations, guidelines, and safeguards described in this chapter are necessary to create and sustain an academic environment in sync with the teaching, learning, and developmental endeavours of the university community.


Definitions of Terms


'Complainant' means a person who makes a complaint or reports a violation of the University Code of Conduct or University regulations and policies.


'Intentional' means deliberate.


'Respondent' means a person who has been accused of violating the University Code of Conduct.


'Student' means any currently enrolled person for whom the institution maintains educational records, as defined by the University regulations.


'Reckless' means careless or heedless of the potentially harmful consequences of one's behaviour, where risk of harm to persons, property or normal University operations exists or can be reasonably foreseen.


'University Official' is a person employed by the University on an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position.



Academic Dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is an act of fraud, which may include misrepresentation, deceit, falsification, or trickery of any kind that is done by the student with the purpose, intent, or expectation of influencing a grade or other academic evaluation. Academic dishonesty also includes forgery and falsification of University academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, or assisting other students in acts of dishonesty. Common examples of academically dishonest behaviour include, but are not limited, to the following: Cheating. Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials,





information, or study aids in any academic exercise; copying from another student's examination; submitting work prepared in advance for an in-class examination; taking an examination for another person or conspiring to do so. (2)

Fabrication. Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.


Facilitating Academic Dishonesty. Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.


Plagiarism. Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise; failure to attribute direct quotation, paraphrase, or borrowed facts or information.


Unauthorized Collaboration. Providing, either knowingly or through negligence, one's own work to assist a student in satisfying a course requirement, or representing material prepared by or with another as one's own independent work. In instances where students are permitted to work jointly to complete an assignment, teachers will offer clear guidelines about when and how to collaborate; if a student is unsure, it is the responsibility of the student to ask the faculty member.


Unfair Means. Use of unfair means generally covers following:


An attempt to have access to the question paper before the test/examination.


Use/possession of unauthorized reference material during a test/examination.


Any form of communication by the examinees with anyone in or outside the test/examination venue while the test/examination is in progress.


Unauthorized entry into faculty's office or that of his staff with the intention of having an access to or tempering with the official record/exam paper etc.


Moral Dishonesty. Moral dishonesty means an act which does not conform to known norms of decency.

* NUST Code of Conduct is subject to change. 81.



Application of NUST Code of Conduct. NUST Code of Conduct applies to the conduct displayed on the University premises, at NUST sponsored activities, and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the University reputation and/or the pursuit of its objectives. Each member of NUST shall be responsible for his/her conduct.


Classroom Standards. The individual faculty member is primarily responsible for managing the classroom environment. If a student engages in any prohibited or unlawful acts or other behaviour that results in disruption of a class, he or she may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class duration. Students must be protected against infringement of their rights and unfair practices.





Identification/Registration Card (a)

Each member of the University community is issued a picture identification /registration card or visitor's pass, that must be worn at all times while on University premises or at University-sponsored activities. Identification/registration cards must be presented upon entering University buildings.


Identification/registration cards are not transferable. The owner of the card will be called upon to account for any fraudulent use of his or her identification card and will be subject to disciplinary action by the University if he or she has aided such fraudulent use. The card will be forfeited if the student to whom it was issued allows any other person to use it.


Upon a card owner's withdrawal from the University, all rights and privileges related to the identification card automatically cease. If the student withdraws, or is suspended or expelled, from the University, the identification card must be surrendered to the institution.


Visitors & Guests. Students may be held accountable for the acts of misconduct of their guests during their presence on University premises or at University-sponsored activities. Visitors, including guests shall conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner consistent with orderly behaviour on a University campus.


Discipline Matters. The University is a place where the students are imparted education not only as a means to obtain degree but also to develop their personalities and to enrich the society in which they live. Therefore disciplined and organized life on the campus is extremely important. It is essential to lay down rules and regulations so as to create and sustain an orderly and decent atmosphere on the premises of NUST constituent institutions. It is with this objective that Discipline Committees have been formed on all NUST campuses. The heads of the institutions are empowered to award minor punishments, on the recommendations of respective Discipline Committees, to students found guilty of misconduct. Major punishments for civilian students shall be awarded by Rector on the recommendations of NUST Discipline Committee. However, military procedures shall continue to govern military students selected by the Services.


Discipline Committee


NUST Discipline Committee shall consist of: (a)

Chairman to be nominated by Rector;


One senior faculty member from each constituent institution to be nominated by the head of the institution, subject to a maximum of five;







Students' representative from the concerned institution;


Office in charge Student Affairs from Main Office NUST – to be member/ Secretary;


Any other member co-opted by the Discipline Committee.

The Institution Discipline Committee shall consist of: (a)

Deputy Commandant/Vice Principal/ Dean - Chairman;


Three civilian Professors /Associate Professors nominated by Commandant; and


Students' representative by rotation.


The Discipline Committee shall award punishment or penalty for a breach of discipline on the campus after giving the defaulter full opportunity to give his viewpoint.


The term of office of the Committee other than ex-officio members shall be two years.


The quorum for meeting of NUST Discipline Committee shall be five.


During an academic session, the Discipline Committee shall meet at least every two months or whenever required.


Acts of Ill-discipline/Prohibited Conduct. All students are prohibited from engaging in conduct resulting in, or leading to, any of the following:


Academic Dishonesty. Academic dishonesty encompasses all cases of violations of the University Policy on Academic Dishonesty by committing, or attempting to commit, academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty of others and unauthorized collaboration.


Abuse, Assault, Threatening Behaviour. These include intentionally or reckless acts endangering, threatening, or causing physical or mental harm to any person, or oneself, on University premises or at University-sponsored activities, or intentionally or causing reasonable apprehension of such harm including, but not limited to abusive language and/or physical or verbal intimidation, harassment, coercion.


Firearms, Explosives and Other Weapons. Use/possession of hazardous materials (biological/chemical) and any type of weapons, fire arms, explosives, crackers etc


Violation of Disciplinary Sanction. This means knowingly violating terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with NUST Statutes.


Furnishing False Information, Forgery or Unauthorized Use of Documents. Intentionally furnishing false information to the University and its officials; or misusing affiliation with the University to gain access to outside agency/services; or using false information or University resources to





compromise the name of the University. Forgery, unauthorized alteration, or unauthorized use of any University document or electronic transmission, or instrument of identification, or academic and non-academic records, signatures, seals, or stamps thereof. (6)

Disorderly Conduct or Indecent Behaviour. Engaging in disorderly or indecent conduct; breaching of peace; or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace on University premises or at Universitysponsored functions/activities. Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person while on University premises without his or her prior knowledge.


Theft. Theft, or attempted theft, of property or services on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.


Damage to Property or its Destruction. Intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging, or attempting to destroy or damage, University property or the property of others on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.


Non-Compliance with Official Direction. Failure to comply with reasonable direction of University officials acting in performance of their duties.


Violation of University Regulations and Policies. Violating University regulations or policies including amendments and additions adopted since the date of publication.


Use/sale/possession/ facilitation/distribution of drugs, narcotics, intoxicant etc on the campus directly or indirectly


Unauthorized Access to Facilities. Unauthorized access or entry to, or use of, University facilities and equipment. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University premises, facilities or equipment; or, unauthorized entry to or use of University premises.


Unauthorized Use of Computer or Electronic Communication Devices. Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources including, but not limited to:


Unauthorized access to a file, with the intention of using, reading or changing the contents, or for any other purpose.


Unauthorized transfer of a file.


Use of another individual's identification and/or password.


Interference with the work of another student, faculty member or University official.


Sending obscene, abusive or threatening messages.


Transmission of computer viruses.


Interfering with normal operation of the University computing system.


Unauthorized duplication of software or other violation of copyright laws.






Unauthorized access to, or unauthorized, mischievous or malicious use of University computer equipment or networks, or electronic communication devices, or the use of such equipment or devices to gain unauthorized access to, and/or use of, off-campus computer equipment.


Indulgence in misuse of internet and cyber offences i.e., uploading of objectionable content leading to provocation or maligning anyone.


Provoking Others to Misconduct. Intentionally using words or actions to incite or encourage others to violent or retaliatory behaviour, or other acts of misconduct.


Identification/Registration Cards. Failure to wear, or to produce or surrender the identification card upon the request of a University official.


Animals. Bringing an animal into any University building, with the exception of animals used for authorized laboratory purposes, or animals being used for security purpose for which express permission has been granted.


Demonstrations. Demonstrations exceeding the bounds of free assembly and demonstrations engaging in unlawful acts that cause or imminently threaten injury to person or property, infringes on the rights of other members of the University community leading to or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building or area.


Indulgence in political/ethnic/racial/sectarian activities or taking membership of any banned organization and participation in such like organizations for furthering the cause of a political party.


Harassment. It covers the following:


Passing remarks, placing visual or written material, aimed at a specific person or group: (i)

with the intention of causing harm to the person or group; and/or,


creating an environment which limits a student's educational opportunity.


Making unwanted verbal or physical advances or explicit derogatory statements toward individuals, which cause them discomfort or humiliation or which interfere with their educational opportunity.


Physical assault.


Gambling. Unauthorized and/or illegal exchange of money favours or services as a result of an organized or unorganized game or competition.


Smoking. Smoking is prohibited on University premises for which a policy directive has been issued.


Abuse of the Student Conduct System. Abusing the student conduct system including, but not limited to:

(a) 45

Failure to obey the notice from a University official to appear for a meeting or NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013



hearing as part of the student conduct system. (b)

Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information before a hearing body or designated hearing officer of the University.


Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a hearing proceeding.


Causing a violation of University Code of Conduct hearing to convene in bad faith.


Indulgence in acts of moral turpitude. Indecent behaviour exhibited on the campus including classes, cafeteria, laboratories etc, defying the norms of decency, morality and religious/cultural/social values by single or group of students.


Damage to the university fixtures/furniture, scribbling/carving on desks, wall chalking, misusing of lab/university equipment, etc.


Use of mobile phones in class rooms, examination halls, labs and library thus disrupting the calm of these places.


Off-Campus Conduct. Conduct occurring off-University premises be such that it should not affect the interest/image of the University


Enforcement of Code of Conduct. Matters of indiscipline would be referred to the concerned institution or NUST authorities authorized to check indiscipline matters and decide on them in line with NUST policy, rules and regulations. Parents of those students who disobey authority and violate the code of conduct will be informed. Students may be held accountable for the acts of misconduct of their guests while on University premises or at University-sponsored activities. Students who are charged with violations of this Code are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with NUST rules/regulations/statutes.


Punishment or Penalty for Acts of Ill-Discipline. Punishment or penalty for acts of ill-discipline shall be according to the gravity of the case and may be any one or more of the following:


Minor Punishments (a)

Warning in Writing. Notice to the offender, orally or in writing, that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct may lead to further disciplinary action.


Probation. Probation for a specific period.


Fine. Fine which may amount up to Rs. 10,000?


Hostel Suspension/Permanent Removal. Expulsion from the hostel for a specified period, or permanent removal from the residence hall.


Withholding of Certificate. Withholding of a certificate of good moral character.







Removal of Privileges. Deprivation from the privileges enjoyed by the students.


F Grade. Award of “F� grade in a paper.

Major Punishments (a)

Expulsion. Expulsion from the class for a specific period up to one semester.


Fine. Fine this may amount up to Rs. 50,000.


Exam Result. Cancellation of examination result.


Rustication. Expulsion or rustication from the institution for a specific period.


Degree. Non-conferment of degree/transcript.




Other sanctions or a combination of above-mentioned punishments as deemed appropriate.


Disciplinary Process


Case Referrals. Each case of ill-discipline shall be reported to the head of the institution through HOD or the warden of the hostel. Any charge should be submitted as soon as possible after occurrence of the alleged violation, preferably within 24 hours of the violation. Those referring cases are normally expected to serve as complainant and to present relevant evidence in disciplinary hearings before the NUST/Institution Discipline Committee. Depending on the gravity of the case, head of the institution will decide to award minor punishment at the institution level or refer the matter to NUST Discipline Committee for decision by the competent authority for major punishment.


Hearing of Disciplinary Cases. A disciplinary hearing is a formal process conducted by the Institution Discipline Committee. This formal process is designed to gather and consider relevant information regarding the alleged violation/s of the Code and to determine and recommend a punishment. Every effort will be made to expedite proceedings pursuant to allegations within a reasonable period.


Punishments. NUST//Institution Discipline Committee will recommend the punishment according to the gravity of the case after giving the defaulter full opportunity to give his point of view. This must be done before recommending the punishment to head of the institution/Rector.


Appeals. An appeal against the decision of Discipline Committee can be filed with head of the institution /Rector within fifteen days of announcement of the decision.


Federal/Provincial Laws and Ordinances. Violation of a Federal/Provincial law or ordinance will be dealt accordingly under these laws.






Gender Mixing. Students are strictly reminded to follow the accepted social and cultural norms of the society. Undue intimacy and unacceptable proximity, openly or in isolated areas will not be tolerated. The tendency of taking advantage of common places like cafeteria, and shops etc is objectionable and undesirable. Also students are advised to avoid movement in mix groups in the campus after sunset.


Littering. It is the responsibility of all to keep the Campus environment clean and tidy. No littering or trash should be carelessly thrown or left on the Campus premises. The designated waste boxes should be used to deposit the refuse.


Sports. All individuals and teams involved in sports are expected to show sportsmanship, respect, consideration and appreciation towards their opponents, team-mates, officials and University staff at all times.


Under no circumstances should a player or sportsperson react in a violent manner nor use any form of foul or abusive language, whether it is directed at a member of staff, match official, opponent, playing colleague, team official or spectator.


Individuals signing the player registration form are agreeing to abide by this code of conduct and will accept that any deviation from these rules will result in disciplinary action by the University.


Persons under the influence of drugs are not permitted to participate in sports activities at the University and as such the defaulters shall be liable to disciplinary action by NUST.


On a final note, please remember that no referee, umpire or official is perfect. , you won't agree with every decision that is made and, just like players, the umpires and sports officials too may make mistakes.


Dress Code. In order to maintain academic dignity and sanctity of the institution, students and staff of the university are required to wear decent dress keeping in view the local cultural values. The dress restriction is not an attempt to impose any rigidity or regimentation but is congenial to the spirit of discipline which is the cardinal feature of life style at NUST campuses. The purpose of Dress Code is to provide basic guidelines for appropriate work dress that promotes a positive image of NUST besides allowing flexibility to maintain good morale, respect, cultural values and due consideration for safety while working at laboratories. In compliance of the dress code, students shall avoid:


Wearing tight or see-through dress.


Wearing Shorts, or sleeveless shirts.


Wearing Tee-Shirts/dress bearing language or art, which appears to be provocative or indecent and is likely to offend others.


Wearing shabby or torn clothing.






Wearing jogging or exercise clothing during classes.


Putting on excessive makeup or wearing expensive jewellery.


Wearing untidy, gaudy or immodest dress in classrooms, cafeteria and university offices.


Wearing unprofessional attire in formal programmes and interviews.


All faculty members, administrative staff, support staff and students are expected to monitor this code of conduct and report any disregard or violations thereof to the institution/ headquarter NUST for taking appropriate corrective action/remedial measures. (1)

Greetings. Students are advised to adopt the habit of exchange of Islamic greetings i.e. “Assalam-o-alaikum/ Wa-alaikumusalam� while meeting and interacting with colleagues/faculty and staff of the university. This is an important aspect of Islamic etiquettes& obligations and should so reflect in our lives.


Safe Driving. Students are advised to avoid reckless driving on the campus and should abide by the laid down speed limits and sign postings to avoid penalties.





Financial Matters

Deferment of Tuition Fee and Award of Subsistence Allowance


Deferment of Tuition Fee. Such needy students as are unable to pay the fees shall be allowed deferred payment on case to case basis but shall be given degree after repayment of balance amount subsequently. Minimum 50% of fee shall be paid in each semester with remaining 50% amount to be cleared before award of certificate so that they can get some jobs.


Subsistence Allowance. In order to ensure equal opportunities and to attract more students from the backward areas the following provisions shall apply:



The hostel facilities shall be partially or wholly subsidized for the needy and bright students from the backward areas, subject to proof of their need for this concession.; and


The student shall pay back the subsistence allowance so awarded after completion of his/her degree.

Procedure for Subsistence Allowance and Deferment of Tuition Fee


Students desirous of availing this concession/assistance shall be required to apply on the prescribed form which can be obtained from the institution.


The application, duly recommended by head of the institution, shall be forwarded to Main OfficeNUST through the concerned Head of the Department.


The application shall be considered by a committee comprising Registrar, Director Academics, Director PGP, Director Finance and representatives from the respective institution as members. Director PGP and Deputy Director PGP shall act as Chairman and Secretary of the Committee respectively.


The Committee shall submit its recommendations keeping in view the state of funds under the head “Tuition Revenue� to Rector whose decision in the matter shall be final.


Director PGP shall draw up a final list of students for whom concession/assistance has been approved. Copies of the list shall be forwarded to all concerned institutions for display on the notice boards.


The awardees of deferment in tuition fee or subsistence allowance will have to provide duly authenticated undertaking by their guarantors before availing these concessions.


Forfeiture of Concession. Absence from or failure in a University examination, lack of progress and assiduity in studies, breach of discipline or reprehensible conduct, shall cause the loss of full, 75%, 50% or 25% of tuition fee/scholarships granted to any student. He/she shall be asked to pay the full tuition fee within the stipulated period, failing which his/her name shall be struck off the rolls of the institution. Rector, on the recommendations of head of the institution shall decide the revised percentage of fee concession based on the gravity of the offence/circumstance on case to case basis.



CHAPTER 100. (1)



Merit-based Scholarships Masters (a)

Selected Students will be given monthly stipend.


Tuition fee of these students is also paid by the university.


All NUST UG Resident Gold Medalists pursuing Masters from NUST will be given 100 % tuition fee waiver for the full duration of the programme.

PhD (a)

All NUST-sponsored PhD students are given monthly stipend.


NUST also pays supervisor's remuneration for the awardee PhD students.


To meet the expenses of their research, such PhD students, are also granted research fund.


During research phase of PhD studies at NUST, students also get an opportunity to benefit from collaborative/joint research training programmes with well-reputed foreign universities.


Selected PhD Students are given tuition fee waivers, if they are willing to perform TA/RA duties.


NUST takes care of even self sponsored PhD students. They are also paid for their supervisor's/evaluator's fee and essential research related expenditure.


Need-based Scholarship. NUST Need-based Scholarship scheme enables financially under-privileged, but talented students to acquire higher education. Salient features of the scheme are:


Sufficient number of scholarships/fee waivers will be granted to the batches of fresh needy entrants each year.


The scholarship will be for full duration of the programme to which a student is admitted.


Financially under-privileged students, who are unable to pay their fees and do not get need-based scholarship may be allowed deferred payment of tuition fee on case-to-case basis.


Other Opportunities. Following financial assistance opportunities are also available:


Students may also apply on their own for any other scholarship, such as those offered by



Higher Education Commission (HEC)


Shell Pakistan






Provincial Government Endowment Fund Schemes etc.


Scholarship provisions for postgraduate studies for candidates from FATA and Balochistan are also available through HEC for which they may apply directly to HEC.


Further details are available with Scholarship Section, Postgraduate Directorate. Note: The award of scholarship/financial assistance is subject to availability of funds, high performance and good conduct of students.




Civilian students shall pay fee/charges as per laid down rates/policy. The fee structures of Engineering/IT/Natural Sciences (Math) Medicine & BioSciences, Business Studies & Economics are given at Annexure B.


Payment of Student Fee




For new admissions students have to pay the admission processing fee, security and half semester tuition fee in advance at the time of admission. The remaining half semester fee has to be deposited after three months of admission but not later than 15th of December through fee invoice issued by Finance Dte.


Invoice for admission charges including first installment of first semester fee and Provisional Selection Letter will be available on NUST website.


Tuition fee is payable on semester basis except the first semester fee which is payable in two equal installments.


Students have to pay their fee in advance before the commencement of semester. Deadline for the payment is explicitly mentioned on fee invoice.


For on-campus duration Full tuition fee will be charged. The student who does not complete the coursework within the on-campus duration will continue to pay full tuition fee till completion of the coursework. Thereafter, he will be charged 50% of the tuition fee till completion of degree requirements.

EMBA Students Fee (a)

Tuition fee is payable @ Rs.14000/- per course on semester basis for the number of course (s) taken by a student in a semester.


Reading material charges are payable on annual basis.


Second week of the semester will be course add/drop period without any financial implications for the students. If the student drops a course after the second week he will be charged full fee for the course.

International Students Fee







For new admissions students have to pay the admission processing fee, security, health insurance and tuition fee for the first academic year in advance through Bank Draft at the time of admission at NUST Registration office.


Subsequent, tuition fee is payable on annual basis through Fee Invoice issued by Finance Directorate.

University Refund Policy: The policy regarding refund of tuition fee is as follows:

% age of Tuition Fee

Timeline for Semester/Trimester System

Timeline for Annual System

Full (100%) of Tuition Fee Refund

Upto 7th day of convening of classes

Upto 15th day of convening of classes

Half (50%) of Tuition Fee Refund

From 8th - 15th day of convening of classes

From 16th - 30th day of convening of classes

No Fee (0%) Refund

From 16th day of convening of classes

From 31st day of convening of classes

l Admission Processing Fee is not refundable under any circumstances. l University will not accept any claim of refund after 3 years of the comletion of

degree/ withdrawn from university and the amount of security will be transferred to the NUST Endowment Fund. (6) S.No. (1)

Fines/Penalties on Late Payments Period For first fifteen days after the due date After fifteen days up to one month after due date

National Students 5% of the total payable amount


One month after due date

Student will not be allowed to attend classes till the payment of dues.


Two months after due date

Registration shall be suspended. For reactivation of registration, the student will be required to pay the Admission Processing Fee again along with all outstanding dues.



10% of the total payable amount

International Students USD 35 USD 70

Students will not be allowed to attend classes till the payment of dues. Registration shall be suspended. For reactivation of registration, the student will be required to pay the Admission Processing Fee again along with all outstanding dues.



Hostel Rules


General. NUST Hostels have been established for the outstation students. It is expected that their stay will be rewarding and a pleasant experience. We have made a sincere endeavor to provide them all the needed facilities and comforts. These hostels provide:-


Peaceful academic environment


Good food/meals, prepared under hygienic conditions


Limited indoor recreational facilities like:



TV Room


Indoor games






Table Tennis





Allotment of Hostel Accommodation


Hostel accommodation will be allotted to outstation students who get admission in any School / Institute at NUST in H-12 Sector Islamabad Campus. If any local student (living in Rawalpindi / Islamabad), applies for hostel accommodation, his / her request will be considered after accommodating all the outstation students.


Students are required to apply on prescribed form (may be downloaded from( Hostel accommodation will be allotted by Deputy Director Hostels on first come first served basis, depending on the availability of rooms and date of application (along with draft order). On filling of accommodation, applicants will be put on waiting list.


Type of Accommodation:

106. (1)


Cubicals, single bedroom with attached washroom for PG Students.


Biseaters (Boys Hostels) with attached washroom for PG/UG Students.


Biseaters with community washrooms for UG Students.

Hostel Dues Security Deposit. Students allotted hostel accommodation at Islamabad Campus have to deposit Rs. 10,000/- as Security before occupying the room, which will be refunded when he/she leaves NUST provided nothing is outstanding against him/her. The same procedure will be followed at other campuses. Details of security deposit is as under:(a)



Rs. 10,000/-


C of E&ME


Rs. 10,000/- (in-living students only)




AM College


Rs. 5,000/-




Rs. 10,000/-


(2) Hostel Charges (H-12 Campus) (a)



Rs. 5,500/- PM


Biseater (attached washroom)


Rs. 4,500/- PM


Biseater (community washroom)


Rs. 4,000/- PM

(3) Married Students (a)

One bed apartment


Rs. 8,500/- PM


Two bed apartment


Rs. 12,500/- PM


Deposit of Dues. Dues are required to be paid on quarterly basis for which demand draft / pay order for Hostel Security & three months charges may be deposited with the form on arrival at the University. Subsequently, challan will be issued through School concerned on six monthly basis.


Fine. As a good habit, dues must be deposited as early as possible otherwise, students will pay fine / surcharge as mentioned in the fee challan / mess bill.


Attendance. To ensure security as well as presence / arrival of students in the hostels, they are required to come to Warden's office daily between 09:30 pm to 10:30 pm to mark their attendance. Student not coming for attendance will be marked absent and action will be taken as per the Hostel Rules.


Duration of Students Stay in Hostels. All those students, who are granted admission in the hostel, their maximum duration of stay in H-12 Hostels will be:-


On-Campus duration of their respective Programs.


Six months extension beyond on-campus duration is allowed to PG students, if they provide a certificate to the Hostel administration duly countersigned by Institute authority that he / she has not yet completed the degree requirements and that he / she is not employed anywhere.


For initial six months extension, students will directly apply to Dir Admin through their Institutions, and DD Hostels who will be the approving authority for the required extension.


PG Students desirous for special extension beyond above stated period will forward their request duly recommended by Head of Institute to PGP Dte who will assess the requirement of the student on merit and process the case for special extension, which will not be more than 06 months period.


Students' Guests. Guests are not allowed to visit the hostel premises. They may be entertained in the Cafeteria.






Temporary Stay in Hostels. Only on availability of surplus vacant accommodation, students applying for shorter duration, will be granted room on case-to-case basis and they will be required to abide by the Hostels rules. Application form may be downloaded and must contain the signatures of parents (Father / Mother).


Cooking in Quarters. Cooking / preparation of food is not allowed in the living accommodation under any circumstances.


Electric Appliances. No Electric appliance except refrigerator and room cooler (on monthly charges) will be permitted in students room. The defaulters will be fined heavily. However for students convenience, water dispenser / samovar is available in the hostels. In addition electric iron with stand and a micro wave oven have been provided in Girls hostels.


Pets and Animals. Pets and animals are not allowed in the hostels.


Conveyance/Driving. Following rules will be observed:


Students are encouraged to keep and use bicycles within the Campus.


Students desirous of keeping cars/motorcycles will seek written permission from DD Hostels. No vehicle will be allowed in the Hostel parking without NUST sticker.


Riding motorcycles will not be allowed without wearing crash helmet.


Inculcation of Neat and Clean Living Habits. Excellent environment is provided at the Hostels to inculcate neat, clean and good living habits amongst the students, which is ensured by:-


Frequent motivational talks/lectures.


Written instructions/guide lines through Notices.


Inspection/visits by the administration.


Appointment holders/senior students are made to set examples.


Giving them a practice during some specific time of making their rooms, common places / neat and clean surroundings.


Messing. It is mandatory for all hostelites to dine in their respective hostel messes.


Messing is arranged by own staff.


Messing amount is charged in advance on monthly basis through Mess Bill.


Rs. 6,000/- (Refundable) is charged as Mess Security on joining.


Different Students committees are formed to participate/ assist in mess/ hostel affairs.


Meal Timings. Deputy Director Messing in consultation with student's committee decides the Mess timings.






Conduct / Dress Students are advised to put on neat and clean dress. Wearing of Bermuda short, bathroom sleepers is not allowed outside the room. Students are expected to display highly decent conduct in the Hostels.


In / Out Timings


Students are not allowed to stay out of their respective Hostel after 09:30 pm (Girls) & 10:30 pm (boys). Any change will be approved by DD Hostels for official commitments only.


Students are allowed to leave campus / hostel only with written permission by the respective warden.


In/out registers must be filled in while leaving the hostel for a private purpose, failing which absence will be marked and disciplinary action will be initiated against the defaulters.

121. (1)


Do's and Don'ts Do's (a)

Be respectful to your colleagues and hostel staff/management.


Always use parliamentary language. Use of foul and abusive language with the fellow students / staff is taken very seriously.


Keep your room neat and tidy, as it can be inspected by the hostel management without any prior notice.


Utilize your PC for educational purpose only.


See the Medical Officer in NUST Medical Centre, as and when you are unwell.


Be security conscious and take care of your valuables especially Cash, Mobile Phones and Laptop etc. all by yourself. Take your valuables along when you proceed on leave etc.


Always clear Hostel Dues well in time. Defaulters will be fined.


All notices/instructions issued from time to time must be religiously followed.


Take care of hostel property, e.g., T.V, exercise machine in gymnasium, furniture in room / hostel, water dispenser/ samovar, washroom fittings and water coolers etc.


Always enter your name in the IN/OUT register i.e., while leaving NUST premises.


Report daily at the warden office on a given time for attendance.


The Hostel Warden be informed about Withdrawal / Suspension immediately.


Preserve / economize on utilization of water.


Put off all the electric switches, while leaving the room. NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013




Inform any untoward happening to Hostel Administration immediately.


Put on NUST ID Card while in the Campus.

(2) Don'ts (a)

Keeping of prohibited medicines, drugs without doctor's prescription.


Possession of following items is totally banned and those who are checked will be expelled from the hostel / University:(i)

Fire arms and daggers etc.


Alcohols, Toxic drugs, sheesha, gutkha and hashish/heroin etc.

(iii) Crackers, explosives and ammunition etc. (c)

Smoking and keeping of any kind of such items.


Misusing hostel premises/facilities other than studies.


Involvement in criminal/police cases, it will be taken very seriously to the extent of expulsion from the hostel.


Guests in the room/hostel.


Driving Motor Cycle without crash helmet. Wheeling / aerobatics are strictly forbidden.


Playing loud music in the room which disturbs studies of colleagues / neighbors.


Making noise and raising slogans.


Keeping electrical appliances, other than authorized in the rules.


Fiddling with the electric sockets/plugs/appliances etc.


Damaging any hostel property.


Involvement in politics, ethnic, sectarian and other undesirable activities. Defaulters will be expelled from hostel without any advance notice.


Collection of Chanda on any account.


Ragging of juniors inside / outside the rooms and hostels.


Gambling in any form such as playing cards (even without money at stake).


Celebrating birthday parties / mehndi functions inside the hostel rooms.


Employment or keeping of a private servant in the hostel.


Leaving lights or fans on, when out of room.


Make proxy.


Authorized Room setting will not be changed.






Damage to Property. Hostel/Mess property for example newspapers, magazines, furniture, TV, radio, cutlery and crockery etc, will not be removed by the students from a specified location. All students are expected to cooperate for the care and maintenance of property. Any student found guilty of damaging or breaking items of hostel/mess will be made to pay the cost of the item in addition to the fine / penalty.


TV Timings. Television will be closed at 2300 hours on normal working days and at 2345 hours on the weekends/closed holidays. The keys of television room will be in the custody of Hostel Warden and he/she will be responsible for ensuring the compliance of the orders. However, in case of some important sports events like World Cup/ Olympics etc. special permission can be obtained from hostel warden.


Vacations. Students staying in the hostel during vacations will abide by all rules and regulations.


Parking of Cars. Due to limited parking spaces, UG students are not allowed to keep the car.


Punishment. It is mandatory to comply with the timings and orders spelled out in these instructions. Necessary disciplinary action will be taken against the students for each minor or major violation. Following action will be initiated against defaulters:-


Students will be produced by Hostel Warden before DD Hostels for misconduct & indiscipline who is authorized to take necessary remedial measure with consent of Director Administration.


Serious violation, as and when observed, will be reported to the parents in writing.


For major breaches, matter will be referred to NUST Disciplinary Committee.


Leaving the Hostel. Whenever a student wants to leave hostel, he/she must inform in writing to the Hostel Warden minimum two weeks in advance for return of security and over paid amount on clearance day. Dues will be paid and clearance will be obtained before leaving hostel.


Discipline. Best state of discipline is expected from the hostelites, a few aspects of discipline are highlighted below:-


Ragging. Ragging physically or making unpleasant noises, disorderly conduct, doing any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raises apprehension of fear, shame or an embarrassment to the new student, which includes teasing, abusing, playing practical jokes on or causing hurt to such students or asking the new student to do any act or to perform such things (which such student will not in the ordinary course is willing to do) is strictly forbidden. Rather it is expected that seniors will help the juniors to settle down in the hostel / university. Anybody found involved in ragging will





be expelled from the University. (2)

Smoking. University is declared as a smoking free zone. Smoking is prohibited in the rooms as well as in the hostel premises.


Criminal Activities. Anybody found involved in any criminal activity e.g., theft, physical handling, using abusive language, involving in using of narcotics / supplying / helping, as well as accompanying in such activities will be expelled from hostel for the safety of other students.


Borrowing / Lending Money. Such dealings among the students as well as with the hostel staff is prohibited, Hostel Administration will not take responsibility of any such dispute / activity.


Unlawful Activity. Involvement in:-



Banned organizations and anti-state activities.


Becoming member of any student union, anti-state organization or banned organization.


Creating trouble in hostel premises including ganging, organizing strike or printing / writing / distributing pamphlets / handouts / any method for such like activities e.g., use of e-mail / mobile messages.


Giving threats to any student or staff member.


Overstaying in hostel after completion of On-Campus Duration / Specified Period / Completion of Degree.


Making loss to hostel / university property.


Misusing of hostel facilities.


Bringing / inviting non entitled persons in the hostel.


Gambling in any shape.


Smoking of any kind.


Developing illicit relationship / teasing others on mobile phone / email.



Hostel Warden, Deputy Director Hostels, Director Administration and Senior Executive staff of the University can inspect hostels (students rooms and almirahs etc) without any advance warning or notice.


Weekly inspection will be carried by Hostel Warden on every Thursday.


Monthly inspection will be carried out by the Hostels Warden on any day of the month.


Quarterly inspection will be carried out by Deputy Directors Hostels.


Medical Centre. A team of Doctors is available at NUST Medical Centre for the Health Care of students round the clock.





Laundry Services. These services are provided to all hostelites of Main Campus, free of cost. However, at other institutions these charges are as under:(1)



Rs. 250/-


C of E&ME


Rs. 330/-


AM College


Rs. 300/-




Rs. 450/-


Eating at Khokhas. Khokhas /Dhabas are placed out of bound for all the students. Defaulters would be fined. Instructions are also passed to the owners of the Khokhas not to serve the students.


Certificate as given below duly signed by the student and countersigned by the father / mother / guardian is required to be submitted by the student to the Hostel Warden at the time of joining the hostel.

NOTES: (1)

These are general guide lines to facilitate the students and ensure comfortable stay in the hostels.


Students are required to follow the above rules while staying in the hostel. Parents / Guardians are requested to go through these rules and advise their wards to strictly follow the rules. A certificate to this effect (as per the specimen) is required to be submitted by the students, duly countersigned by the parents / guardians, to the respective warden, at the time of joining the hostel.


Rules are revised / reviewed as and when required.





It is certified that Hostel Rules have been read by me and I will follow the same while staying in NUST Hostels. On violation of any rule disciplinary action may be taken against me or I may be expelled from the hostel / university.

Date:_________________ _____________________ Signature of Student

Counter Signed By

Date: ____________ ___________________________ Father/Mother/Guardian

Name: ______________________



Centre for Counseling & Career Advisory (C3A)



General 134.

NUST Centre for Counseling & Career Advisory (C3A) is a significant component of student services and offers confidential and professional service to all members of the NUST community. This service is absolutely FREE for all NUST community, as well as the immediate families of students, staff and faculty members. Counseling helps address short-term personal, social, familial or academic worries to long-term often more complex, psychological issues.


NUST is the only University in Pakistan that has an autonomous unit, with a committed team of trained psychologists and counselors. Qualified psychologists counsel, administer psychological tests and offer workshops and group sessions on pertinent issues. C3A also undertakes research projects and functions as a student/faculty support organization. Self-help brochures are also available on issues related to students' concerns. The Centre strives to take a holistic approach towards students' development so they may thrive professionally and personally.

Counseling Services 136.

Discussing personal issues with friends and family can have biased responses or a limited approach. There are times when it is appropriate to seek professional help. Counseling is a chance to talk over what is on one's mind with a trained professional who can assist, guide and help address the challenging areas of life. A new perspective of handling and coping is introduced in a caring and supportive environment.


Some of the issues addressed at C3A are:


A counselor at C3A is a trained professional who would accept individual differences, listen empathetically and seeks to help individuals pursue their goals with a healthy approach. The environment is congenial and friendly, where the counselor offers support, care and understanding and responds in a non-judgmental and non-critical way. At C3A values, choices and lifestyles are respected and people are helped to explore themselves, their feelings and interests. They are guided to make decisions, choices or changes that would help them prosper professionally and personally.


Confidentiality. The Centre remains committed to offering a discreet and confidential service and is fully aware of the vulnerabilities and sensibilities of its clients at all times. C3A abides by all personal, social, ethical and professional norms. Counseling records at C3A do not form a part of or affect a student's academic profile in any which way. Visiting the Centre and all records are kept discreetly confidential.


Harassment Complaint Cell. C3A also functions as a Harassment





Complaint Cell as per HEC policy. 141.

Students' Feedback. A few excerpts from the feedback given by students who benefited from C3A: “It was my dream to come to NUST, but after coming here I encountered a lot of adjustment issues. A friend suggested that I visit C3A and I was really amazed by the way I got their impressive response. C3A is very organized and every university should have such services. I overcame my problem by the grace of ALLAH; tips and suggestions I learnt from C3Aand my personal willingness helped.” “My visit to C3A was the first time I visited a Psychologist, despite needing help I was hesitant to contact them. However, after the first session I realized that I should have come much earlier. I received help in resolving my issues from the past that were still influencing me. Throughout the sessions, I never felt or was treated like a psycho or lunatic. The atmosphere was very friendly, casual and nonjudgmental. It has been one of the best decisions of my life.” “I am very thankful to the caring professionals at C3Awho helped me a lot to overcome my depressive features. I felt a marked improvement in my attitude, thinking and personal life. I learnt to respect and value myself. Proper guidance of the counselor also made my bond strong with ALLAH. I am thankful to you for your thoughtfulness.”


Make an Appointment

Visit us: SADA Building, Block C, Ground Floor, H-12 Campus, Islamabad Office Timings: Mondays to Fridays lSummer: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. lWinter: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00p.m. Call us:

l051-9085-1571 l051-9085-1579

Emails us:

Like us:

lOur facebook page



Annex A To Para 37 of Chapter 2



Re-Checking of Papers 1.

Fill the re-checking application form completely.


Deposit re-checking fee amounting to Rs. 500/- per paper and enclose original deposit slip along with the application form.


Mention clearly the subject/papers required to be re-checked.


An application form shall be entertained only if it is complete in all respects and is received in the office along with the prescribed fee within 15 days after the declaration of the relevant result.


Incomplete and incorrect forms shall be returned to the candidate for completion and if it is not submitted within the prescribed time limit, no action shall be taken on it.


Time-barred application shall not be entertained.


Re-checking does not mean re-assessment or re-evaluation of the answerbook. Following is the procedure for rechecking of papers:

It is ensured that:



there is no mistake in the grand total on the title page of the answerbook.


the total of various parts of a question has been correctly made at the end of each question.


all totals have been correctly brought forward on the title page of the answer book.


no portion of answer book has been left un-marked.


total number of questions attempted does not exceed the limit allowed in Question Paper.


total marks in the answer-book l tally with the marks sheet.


Viva/practical & internal assessment marks are l not re-tabulated.


The student or anybody on his /her behalf has no right to see or examine the answer-books for any purpose.


Increase/decrease in the final marks of the student will be decided according to the results of re-checking.


National University of Sciences and Technology Islamabad Application Form for Re-Checking Of Answer-Books/Papers


Name of the Candidate:


Father’s Name:


Roll No.


Examination Type:




Paper to be re -checked:


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 7.

Fee Paid: Rs.

Challan/draft No.

Bank Branch:


8. I have read the instructions given overleaf and undertake to abide by the rules and regulations of NUST. Date:

Signature of Applicant

Postal Address:

Telephone No.



Annex B To Para 103 of Chapter 8



Postgraduate Programmes: Fee Structure Misc Charges: National Students Students will pay 50% of the tuition fee during off-campus period and the duration of temporary suspension / deferment of semester (if any). MPhil/MS Medical, Bio Sciences, Social Sciences (Eco)

Business studies

PhD Engineering Management & Construction Engineering Management

Other Engineerin/ IT programs

All Programmes

One Time Charges:


MBA Rupees

EMBA Rupees




Admission Processing Fee







Security Deposit(refundable)







Semester Fee



16,500 per course










Reading Materials(Per Annum)

International Students (Fee Structure for Post Graduate Students)

MPhil/MS Medical, Bio Sciences, Social Sciences (Eco)

Business studies

PhD Engineering Management & Construction Engineering Management

Other Engineerin/ IT programs

All Programmes

One Time Charges:







Admission Processing Fee







Security Deposit(refundable)







Semester Fee



300 per course
















Reading Materials(Per Annum) Course Repeat Fee (Per Credit Hour)



UNDERTAKING (By the Students & Parents/Guardian) I,_________________________________________________________son/ daughter of___________________________________________, student of ________________________________ programme, hereby certify that I have read the joining instructions carefully and that during my stay at NUST, I shall be responsible to abide by the rules/regulations mentioned therein. I understand that I will be liable to appropriate disciplinary action for any misconduct or misbehaviour.

Countersigned By Parents/Guardian Signature: __________________

Signature: _________________

Name: _____________________

Name: ____________________

CNIC No.___________________

CNIC No._________________

Date: ____________

Date: ____________


(Note: Please deposit this certificate duly completed.) NUST POSTGRADUATE HANDBOOK 2013


HANDBOOK FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS NUST Publication Office National University of Sciences and Technology Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan


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