Afirmativa Magazine 37 - English version

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Once upon a time there was a Black Stallion ...............................6

The family in Kenya ............................................................................32

José Antonio Dias Toffoli, Ministry of the Federal Supreme Court ...............................................................................................10

Netinho de Paula, city representative ........................................33

Marco Aurélio de Mello, Ministry of the Federal Supreme Court ..............................................................................................11 It was worthwhile to believe ..........................................................12 José Sarney, President of the Congress ....................................14 Orlando Silva, Ministry of Sports ...............................................15 An evaluation on Obama´s government ....................................16

Obama and Zumbi united through education .........................34 Sérgio Dávila, Executive Director/Folha de S. Paulo ...............38 Robson Caetano da Silva, Olympic Medalist ...........................39 Waiting for the source of inspiration .......................................40 Benedita da Silva, Federal Congresswoman – PT/RJ .................43 The post Obama era and the aspirations for black power .....44

Nelson Narciso, Ceo HRT Oil & Gas África ............................20

Heraldo Pereira, Journalist and political expert/Globo TV network ........................................................................................48

Ives Gandra Martins, Lawyer and Emeritus Professor at Mackenzie University ..................................................21

Paulo Paim, Senator – PT / RS .................................................49

A black swan ..................................................................22 Marcos Oliveira, President of Ford Brazil ...................24 Luciano Coutinho, President of BNDES ......................25 The resident daughters of the White House ..................26

A defender of the hope – Dulcinéia Novaes and Fábio Vinicius Novaes Vieira ...............................................................................50 Oprah Winfrey´s statements .....................................................53 Obama conquers Brazil ..............................................................54

At the First Lady´s Pace ...................................................28

Abdias Nascimento, Former Brazilian Senator and founder of IPEAFRO ....................................................................................63

Edvaldo Brito, Deputy Mayor for the city of Salvador ....31

Yes, we can!, José Vicente ............................................................64

ndex Afirmativa Plural is a publication of Afrobras – Afro Brazilian Social and Cultural Development Society – Documentation Center and printed by: Unipalmares Publishing Ltd, Brazilian Registration no. 08.643.988/0001-52. Bimestral release. Year 8, 37th edition. Contact information: 843, Av. Santos Dumont/Ponte Pequena • São Paulo/SP – Brazil • ZIP Code 01101-080 • Telephone: (55 11) 3229 4590 • Internet:

EDITORIALIST: Rejane Romano (Mtb. 39.913) • (rejane@

EDITORIAL COUNCIL: José Vicente • Francisca Rodrigues • Ruth Lopes • Cristina Jorge • Nanci Valadares de Carvalho • Humberto Adami • Sonia Guimarães.

COVER: photo Marcelo Carnaval/Agência o Globo.

EXECUTIVE AND EDITORIAL MANAGEMENT: Francisca Rodrigues, Journalist (MTB. 14.845 – PHOTOGRAPHY: J.C. Santos. COLLABORATORS: Ana Luiza Biazeto, Daniela Gomes, Eliane Almeida and Silvana Silva.


Afirmativa Plural • Edição 37

SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISEMENTS: Rejane Romano ( • Telephone (55 11) 3229-4590. PUBLICITY: Maximagem Mídia Assessoria em Comunicação • Telephone (55 11) 3229-4590.

EDITING: Alvo Propaganda & Marketing (revistas@alvopm. PRINTING AND FINAL WORKS: Vox Editora. TRANSLATED: pages 5, 64 and 65 by Solange Martinez. Other pages by Ebony English (


Yes,we can! March is an important month to the black community. And certainly the last one will be remarkable in both Brazilian history and Brazilian black people’s history. In 1960, South African men, women and children were dead by policemen from Apartheid organization, by claiming the freedom to enter and exit both public and private spaces of their own country. It was March 21st, then this date was proclaimed as International Day Against Racism by the United Nations organization. Also in March 2011, Brazil was visited by one more American President. But this time it was quite different. The 44th President of the United States is a black man, in a racist country with only 13% of people from this ethnic group amongst the population. Brazil, the biggest black contingent out of Africa, and with the most of their self declared black citizens, Mr Barack Obama and his family must have thought they had landed in the wrong country, where there was only white people.

clared black people according to data from IBGE, a statistics research government agency? I wonder if he, as many others presidents, maybe had thought he was in Argentina, maybe? But then he went to Rio de Janeiro and, as every good famous visitor, he knew a local shantytown. And obviously he must have feel any relief for there he saw many people who look like him, from the same race. The population who lives in the local shantytown has mostly black people, as in all poor Brazilian regions, they are clearly in poverty line. What should had thought Mr. Obama and his family? I wonder if they believed that the future had come to Brazil as the American President said? Or are we already the future country, since most part of our population, which is made by black people are still kept apart from society or public life? What does Brazil set apart for us, the black people? I wonder if we would say in the near future “yes, we can”? Or will we keep on fighting for

According to what was written by the president of the Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares, Mr José Vicente, in his article concerning the forego Mr Obama’s visit, “the President will note that there will be no black people neither to meet him at the airport among Brazilian ambassadors nor during the meetings with people of high position to discuss public or private questions. He saw that, differently from the American basis, in Brazil he will meet no black people in high echelon or position, nor even in hundreds companies located in this country”. And so it happened. When they met Mrs Dilma Rousseff at the Palácio do Planalto there were no black people to meet Mr Obama and his family. There were few ones amongst that selected group, but they came from the American escort. Also at the lunch with undertakers and statesmen there were no black people. During the Forum with entrepreneurs, no president, executive or high manager was black. I believe that Mr Obama, who must have done his homework studying Brazilian history, had asked himself in which country he actually was. If he made no mistake for this is not a country with 51% of self de-

years and years to come for a place in the sun? For opportunities that allow us to prove that we are so able to surpass in importance as Mr Obama did? Mr Obama’s election to be the United States President was one of those events that annoyed the whole world, that affected many people, mainly to black people like us in Brazil. This is the reason that made us decide to make this special edition. A homage to Mr Obama and his family. Why? Let’s see: Mr Obama built his path under the educational aspect, for he understands that education is a fundamental element to the progress for both citizens and nations. By this same ideals, Afrobras and Faculdade Zumbi understand that it is fair to dedicate this unpretending homage to this man, a symbol of changing that makes us dream. We hope that someday Mr Obama come to visit the Faculdade Zumbi dos Palmares, where 87% of its students are self declared black people. Here he certainly will not feel solitaire, but at home. Here both he and we can. Enjoy the reading to everyone! Mrs Francisca Rodrigues, Executive Editor.

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Once upon a time there was a Black Stallion…

Photo: Getty Images/AFP

By Eliane Almeida

Monteiro Lobato predicted in his book entitled “O Choque das Raças – The Clash of the Races” (renamed “The Black President”, later on) that in the year of 2228 a Black man would become the 88th elected president of the United States. A 1926 Science Fiction piece, written from allegedly racist and prejudiced viewpoints, the book tells the history of the struggle for the presidency among a white female feminist, a radical white candidate and a popular black man. Along the plot, white folks revenge their defeat by sterilizing the winners by using a softening hair product. Lobato, the Prophet, was wrong. Such president would come in some 220 years before the one described in his book. In 2008, the black man Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States. His life has always been a great kaleidoscope of situations. He is the son of a white woman from Kansas married to a Black father from Kenya, and Obama is a Leo-born individual, birth on August 4th, 1961. He came to life in Hawaii and lived his childhood in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather, but he indeed became a citizen of the world in the U.S.A. A Harvard´s graduate, he could have taken either a teaching or a law oriented career, but he chose to look after people, instead. Being in touch with the poverty of the so called Third Edição 37 • Afirmativa Plural 7


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Photo: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

World certainly had a major influence on his decisions. Obama attended the Occidental College in Los Angeles, where he took his first steps towards a political life. His first appearance happened during an anti-apartheid rally. Nevertheless, he wanted some more. He decided to let his nomad blood speak louder and he set out across the nation. So he went to New York where he studied Political Science at Columbia University. Afterwards, he moved to Chicago, where he worked on a program that fostered low income citizens to take part of the political process of the country. When Barack Obama joined Law School at Harvard, he still worked as an organizer on South Side´s communities, a region composed of former low income workers from local steel factories and other plants. After a year attending the university, Obama secured a summer job at a law office in Chicago, where he met Michelle, also a student at Harvard who became his wife and the mother of his two daughters, later on. When he finished his course at Harvard, Obama returned to Chicago to follow on his real vocation, that is to say, a political career. At first he preferred a modest position, but Obama never gave up on his seducing charm to establish his pathway as a politician. He was then an activist on civil rights issues. In 1996 he was elected Senator for the State of Illinois. In the year of 2000 he ran with former Black Panther´s member Congressman Bobby Rush, and Obama lost. Then he decided to move even higher on his electoral intents. He wanted federal Congress. And up he went. Dur-

ing the fall of 2004, Barack Hussein Obama was elected federal senator for the United States. And, as most likely expected, he started voicing the presidency and was indeed elected president in 2008. After 2 years of his mandate as president of the United States, Obama has faced enormous obstacles to act as the leader of the

most powerful country of the world. The dream of the African Americans is still far from the expected outcome. Without the support on the actions promised during his presidential campaign, Obama swims against the tide and struggles to address some issues to the best of his knowledge. Though bestowed the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, Obama still con-

tinued sending U.S. troops towards Middle East when in fact the promise was to remove them from Muslim territory. The most recent action that cornered his moves was the interference on Egypt´s conflict where an alleged suggestion for a peaceful strategy was imprecisely proposed and that raised criticism from various instances.

During the 22 months of Obama´s campaigning for the presidency of the country, he adopted a speech for change on the U.S. reality and the candidate became an icon of this transformation. His speaking attempted to translate the desire of the African Americans and this was actually observed, given the results of the elections. The hope for

a new era was demonstrated upon the popular participation at the last elections, the biggest one registered in the U.S. history. Obama faced the challenge and the American people continue to believe. “Yes, he can”. In 2009 Obama was granted the Nobel Peace Prize for both his antinuclear campaign and peace for the world.

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Photo: Disclosure

The fight for the civil rights and the affirmative action policies obtained a broad relevance within human societies during recent decades. On a legal perspective, a reflex from this is seen in the approval of an extensive normative program that could both favor inclusion and restrain discriminatory attitudes. The ascension of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States of America is a symbol of the historical achievement of this process, one that has been conducted by generations of men and women, regardless their ethnics, for the cause of the radicalization of the concept of human dignity. The politician Barack Obama has to be distinguished from the symbol that he represents. This dissociation is necessary so that we do not confuse eventual accomplishments or failures of his administration with the symbolic and also concrete inexorable gain that his position as the ultimate leader of a country bearing indelible racial problems has been. As for Brazil, Obama´s presidency portrays a double meaning. And that means the modeling of both the advantages of an effective racial democracy and the expectancy that he gets a more realistic comprehension of the country.

José Antonio Dias Toffoli, Ministry of the Federal Supreme Court. 10

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Photo: Disclosure

For several reasons throughout History, an overwhelming discredit was thrown upon people submitted to the slavery system. A great many years of evolution were necessary until the societies could abolish, by means of profound legislative improvements, the privileges of treatment based on color, race and creed. The victory of Barack Obama, a Black man climbing to the Presidency of the United States, a country where the racial segregation had once been legally enforce, has obtained an emblematic message: he was seen as the best candidate, taking in consideration his intellectual capability as well as his technical and moral background, apart from his respective physical traits, skin color, name or origin. A singular situation also happened among us – the election, for the first time, of a woman, to the highest national political position. Hopefully this scenario becomes one of the starting points for thriving relations between Brazil and the U.S., whose improvement still urges for the overcoming of prejudices from both sides. Should we surmount the fallen tupiniquim anti-Americanism and having Brazil been understood according to the greatness it represents, will both quoted American Nations from north and south become partners in the acting in favor of the construction of a future based on multilateral progressive point of view.

Marco Aurélio de Mello, Ministry of the Federal Supreme Court.

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it was worthwhile to How do we express the felling for the fulfillment of a dream? Indeed unexplainable in words, nevertheless totally perceptible through gestures and glances. The smile on the face and the eyes filled with tears are enough to illustrate the happiness upon the perception that the dreadful barrier has been overcome. A barrier stretching so far back in time that no longer it makes sense why it still does exist. The barrier of skin color is yet segregating


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believe By Rejane Romano

along the 21st century. Notwithstanding, a message has been given to the world after Barack Obama´s victory on the presidential elections of the United States: it is worthwhile to believe and focus on a dream. Having an African American chairing the most powerful nation of world reignited the hope for change and sparked the hibernated faith that people change, ultimately. Even from right here in Brazil, thousands of kilometers away from this

moment of racial effervescence, Zumbi dos Palmares College has followed, step by step, the trajectory of the man who has made History. The leading egalitarian educational institution from Brazil oriented for the inclusion of country´s Black population towards the Brazilian mainstream, Zumbi dos Palmares College did not pose solely as a viewer of the developing facts. Both the management of the college and the enrolled students orga-

Photos: J.C. Santos

nized themselves in several supporting rallies since the beginning of the campaign until the desired conclusion of Obama´s victory. For that, a huge lit banner with the saying “Barack Obama – We Are Together!”, was exposed in campus. Being visible from the top due because of its being attached to the roof of the facility, as well as in the façade of the school, the billboard not just called the attention of the bystanders nearby, but also of the excited local press. Hovering choppers covered the area reporting the support given by the students from the institution. Support not limited to the hanging of such unusual banners. It was necessary to expose the happiness and the commitment spotted along this moment in History. By mobilizing an all pro-Obama army, several people from the campus collected over two thousand signatures coming from all Brazilian states and also including support from abroad and via internet. This document, having previously received the support from the U.S. Embassy, in accordance to a specific program oriented to the recognition of the task of inclusion for minorities, enabled the Rector of

Zumbi dos Palmares College, Mr. José Vicente, to hand deliver these signatures to a given Obama´s election committees. It was a way to affirm that each of those names also made part of History. Those names contributed, in their own way, for the change. Black housemaids, since the time of the slave ships all the way to the kitchen of the farm´s main house, struggled to learn and retain the necessary information that could be passed over to the remaining slaves. In order to give more exposure to the increase of supportive claims favoring Obama, Afrobras(Sociedade Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Sócio Cultural/Afro-brazilian Social and Cultural Development Society), trustee of both Zumbi dos dos Palmares College and Afirmativa Plural Magazine, made use of printed publication channel to spread the opinion of great names of the Brazilian scenario concerning the relevance of having a Black man heading “The Empire”. Those were three cover essays and several other reports citing the importance of Obama´s election. Experts from several paths of life,

politicians, businessmen, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians and activists exposed their considerations throughout the pages of Afirmativa Plural, clarifying the readers´ opinion on the moment that the world was going through and what the global black community would probably have to expect from those days on. Such dedication has been compensated. The outcome of the elections was a joyous moment in the best Zumbi´s style. Lots of music, balloons, drumming, Samba School demonstration and the happiness written all over the face of the crowd were the ingredient of this celebration. The phrase “Yes, We Can”, in fact became a part of each of those people´s lives. As truly believers that “we can”, the party jam lasted for unbreakable hours and once again called the attention of the local press. And, last but not least, crowning the efforts and the initiatives that have made this dream come true, there is nothing like the chance to eyewitness this accomplishment at close range. Mr. José Vicente was present at the Inauguration Day and according to his own words, it represented “a singular and joyful moment”.

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Photo: Disclosure

I am one of those who have received the election of Barack Obama as the emerging of a new great moment for human kind, drowned it is in the worst crisis of recent times. His message awoke such a sense of confidence that he can´t fail. As of the 1950s, the affirmative action policies were implemented in the United States, and they promoted an extraordinary transformation in the American society. Not even the biggest dreamers could have thought then that the 21st century was to be inaugurated with the coming of a young black leader to the White House. As usual, the alliance of poets with politicians made it feasible what seemed to be impossible. And Obama has arisen not as a traditional politician, but on the same level of the great tradition of American leadership as Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt or, last but not least, Martin Luther King. What we wish to his country and to the world – and to the cause of racial equality – is that he establishes himself as a great man of our times and as the black statesman who brought back the hope.

José Sarney, President of the Congress.


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Photo: Disclosure

The fact of Barack Obama being today the President of the United States has an extraordinary historical relevance. It is a role model of great value, with several implications. A Black man became the main leader of the greatest world power. But that is not all there is to it. What really matters is how he got there: through a process in which his solid academic schooling was essential. This trajectory shows to the U.S. society and to ours how essential education is towards the achievement of the goal of social and racial equality. Obama´s administration prizes it as a pillar for development, contrary to his antecessor. It is vital, by the way, to highlight the leading role of universities in regards to sportive cooperation between Brazil and the United States.Many of our athletes are used to training at U.S. institutions. What is happening now is the opposite: basketball players from the U.S., for instance, are playing at our teams. Sports unite nations and this proximity tends to become more significant.

Orlando Silva, Ministry of Sports.

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Photo: © Alex Slobodkin - istockphoto

By Daniela Gomes


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In November of 2008 Barack Hussein Obama was elected the first Black president of the United States. After winning a tight campaign against republican candidate John Mackain, Obama became the 44th man elected president of one of the strongest economies of the world. Against all the odds, Obama put apart the focus on the racial issue and then zeroed in on the tradition of the American people in transforming adversities. Mainly because of his motto, “Yes, we can”, Obama became a symbol of the yearned change for a country that faced one of the worst crises of their history. In 2009, after a year of mandate, Obama obtained his greatest victory, when he obtained approval for the reform towards the health system program, the same one that aimed to extend the coverage of the health policies to nearly 100% of the American population. But in 2010, the criticism g rew harder and Obama was no longer seen as a kind of savior and he started facing a high level of rejection. The strongest blow came on November 2nd, when the Republican party secured the political majority in the Congress and that could make it unviable for Obama to honor the remaining of the promises made during the presidential campaign. What is behind so much criticism? What makes a president who has been elected with over 69% of approval fall in consideration against the population in less than two years of mandate? Could it be that the racial issue is a factor that influences on Obama becoming a target of so many negative reviews? In order to answer these ques-

tions, Afirmativa Plural talked with Roosevelt Thomas, one of the most respected consultants on diversity from the United States; David Morgan, American Express Vice President; Joyce Hicks, journalist and finally Debra Lowe, real estate insolvency consultant. We asked them to give their opinion on the subject. Afirmativa Plural: How do you analyze the first years of Barack Obama in the government? Roosevelt Thomas: I believe that he has done a praiseworthy job, but some people might say that he has been struggling to do a lot in such a short time. Joyce Hicks: I believe that president Obama has done a great job since he took the presidency. An unprecedented deficit has been passed to him and he became president in a time when the United States found itself extremely divided. He arrived to the position intending to join (the democrats) with the republicans and the independents and certainly he has tried to unite the people, but the political environment has not been favorable towards this goal. Debra Lowe: I believe that the president is doing a wonderful job, if we take in consideration the economical circunstances that the country experiences nowadays. Massive job dismissals and high cost for food, energy, water and health care produce an environment that I had never seen before. President Obama inherited a big deficit that came from Bush´s administration and that caused many families to lose their houses and jobs and that forced the American economy to move back for some years.

David Morgan: President Obama has had a good performance on the resolution of urgent economic issues faced by the country when he took up the position. He refined and implemented an economical rescue program that allowed the banks to estabilize their financial status so that they could continue loaning money to companies and small enterprises. He promulgated an extensive reform on the health care program that both enlarged the coverage of benefits and eliminated over 200 billion dollars on health care costs altogether. Afirmativa Plural: In your opinion, what could be improved for the next years? Roosevelt Thomas: I believe that Obama will have different challenges to face in the next two years, as far as the Republicans will be a majority at the Congress. Therefore, it doesn´t mean to have to do things in a better way, necessarily, but doing things in a different way, instead. Joyce Hicks: Unfortunately I believe that the time for the president Barack Obama to continue offering his handshake to the Republicans and compromise what he esteems the most is over. He has not assumed a unilateral position in his government, but the republicans have been trying to impede, stop or change nearly every legislation and regulation that he proposes. (The most notable one is the reform on the health care system). He has just two more years to reach his goals and there is absolutely no time left for him to get involved with Republicans who visibly are not willing to work with him, and that is obviously a hard task if we take in considerEdição 37 • Afirmativa Plural 17

ation that the Republicans are now a political majority at the Congress House. Debra Lowe: I hope that the economy starts to get better and that we can come up with a health care program that is reasonable for the workforce. David Morgan: Obama still needs to work harder to reduce the high level of unemployment and also consolidate more advancement in order to end the war with Afganisthan. Afirmativa Plural: Do you believe that he has failed at fulfilling the promises made during the campaign? Roosevelt Thomas: I believe that it is still too early for us to get to a definite judgement on that and I believe that he has honored many of his promises. Joyce Hicks: On the contrary, President Obama has promised a reform on the health care system during his campaign, and after many presidents and politicians merely talking about this issue for decades, he was able to finally get it approved. Probably it has not been yet the complete program that we all wished to have, but Obama has made a great advancement in the extension of the coverage towards more vulnerable citizens of this country, and that is quite an accomplishment. He has approved a financial reform, he has increased fund raising to assist U.S. war veterans, he has issued an executive order to review the restrictions concerning researches on Stem Cell and that were imposed by Bush´s administration and he has also expanded financial aid in benefit of low income college students. Debra Lowe: I believe that the 18

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president has not honored his promise to reduce the advantage that major corporations have in the Congress. Not only president Obama, but all Senators and Congressmen are there to obtain great benefits from the contributors and get whatever bribes they can with lobby agents. They´re all bought and sold out for one dollar. David Morgan: The president has done a great job in keeping his promises made during the campaign,

He is the president of us all, and under this perspective, I think that he has been attentive to the black community.

Roosevelt Thomas

though a little late. He has demonstrated a committed capability to work with the republicans in order to promulgate legislation. He has kept the promise not to raise taxes on families with an incoming level lower than USD$ 250,000, he decreed a reform on the health care system and he reduced the number of troops in Iraq. Afirmativa Plural: In your opinion, has he done everything possible to improve the situation of the African American population?

Roosevelt Thomas: He is the president of us all, and under this perspective, I think that he has been attentive to the black community. Joyce Hicks: Everything that was possible? I don´t think so, but his policies have been primarily oriented to help the working class and less privileged people. And I would say that a great and disproportional number of Americans of low income is of black ethnics, so he has done a lot to help black Americans. He has also set a wonderful role model on the success that a black man or woman can achieve when we put good education and hard work together. Debra Lowe: No, our president walks the razor´s edge, but that is not just about President Obama, many blacks became indulgent here in America. Some of them have lost that fight feeling that existed some 40 years ago. When the problems come around, there´s really no one who could lead the fight on this account. President Obama and the legislators can do more, but we, as a people, we have to get back to demanding the addressing of this issue and take a position of fighting for what we want. David Morgan: The president receives various criticisms when the focus turn to those issues affecting the Black population. He has secured an important solution towards black far mers. However, many people say that he hasn´t done enough to fight the high level of unemployment and the execution mortgage on black Americans. He hasn´t got much done about hiring black people in his administration. Afirmativa Plural: Do you believe

Photo: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

that the fact that the president is a Black man is one of the reasons for his receiving so much criticism? Roosevelt Thomas: In some cases, that could be true, but I couldn´t say how far it goes. Joyce Hicks: On the present circumstances, I believe that any other democrat president would get relentless criticism. However, the Tea Party (an ultra-rightist movement created in 2009 that demands for fiscal accountability) didn´t exist during the eight years of mandate for President Bush and that administration generated an enor mous and unprecedented deficit. It just doesn´t make any sense that an entire political movement would wait until this president got to be elected. And besides that, we have heard some outrageous allegations saying that Obama was

not born in the U.S.A., so he couldn´t righteously be elected and this authenticity quest on a newly elected president is a new action that none of the previous presidents had ever to certify before. The same way that some affirm that he is surrounded by “terrorist friends” and that he is Muslim (though the evidences proving the contrary). These facts don´t differ clearly from everything we have already seen against a president of the United States. The racial relations, the return of segregation in schools (as seen in Raleigh, North Carolina) also seem to be more dangerous ever since president Obama has been elected and that put many people to ask: why? There is clearly something that is easily perceivable as far as we now have the nation´s first black president.

Debra Lowe: That´s a fact! Many people hate him. President Obama is a very intelligent, handsome and charismatic man and he has all the attributes that many white men would like to have. He deals with the elephant in the room that many black men and women fight daily: hatred! Some of them I don´t know why, but that is deeply rooted ever since childhood times in the family background. David Morgan: No, though I believe that there´s a portion of the population opposing to the president based solely on his race. I think that much of the criticism has to do with his positioning in some issues, as the high level of unemployment and the struggle of the opposite party to retake the power.

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Photo: Disclosure

The United States is a role model for the world and the election of a Black president means that it is possible not only to wish for but also to reach a relevant position. President Barack Obama doesn´t highlight his speech as a black representative nor addresses a racist speech. He does more than that: He inserts in his pronouncements and actions all the racial issues coming from the minorities. The conjuncture calls for changes in all aspects, and change is made by the people and it is undeniable that the world is changing. The fact that president Obama and president Dilma do represent minorities in power may raise a sense of identification between both. The Brazilian president, known for being very pragmatic, is always attentive on technical and administrative affairs. She has an eye for business. These characteristics could be very important for the settling of opportunities for Brazil and the establishment of a win-win relationship with the U.S. government. As a Brazilian, I am optimistic.

Nelson Narciso, Ceo HRT Oil & Gas África.


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Photo: Disclosure

As a partisan of the Natural Right, I don´t give support to the idea that sex or race can change anything concerning discrimination. We should never have discrimination. We´re just one single species. The elections of Barack Obama and Dilma Rousseff are indications that we are on the way to a world without discrimination. The election of a Black man for the presidency of the United States shows that the country has overcome years of prejudice. At the helm of the government, Obama has been trying to supply the needs of the least assisted communities, but contrary to what was observed around his Brazilian counterpart, he hasn´t obtained the same receptivity and in fact has lost partial support. As for the contact with the Brazilian government the expectancy is that there will be less confrontation and more negotiation. President Dilma doesn´t have the same charisma of president Lula, but she has a more managerial and technical profile and that in fact can be highly positive for the relationship between the two countries.

Ives Gandra Martins, Lawyer and Emeritus Professor at Mackenzie University.

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Foto: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

By Ana Luiza Biazeto

In the United States, a country known for its strong tradition concerning ideological debates on Politics, the election of Barack Obama has a symbolic representation for History. Here is a self declared racist nation electing a Black man – bearing a progressing, including, pro-diversity and modern speech – intended to lead a country immersed in an overwhelming economical crisis at the occasion. To assume this context is not an easy task, therefore it is essential to try to understand it so as to set the current analysis and the criticism about the current U. S. government. The election of President Obama sets the definitive inclusion of African Americans into the political establishment of that country. According to Mr. Carlos Melo, Professor of Politics at Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa em São Paulo/Institute for Teaching and Research in São Paulo (Insper-SP), “somehow, U.S. racism had to swallow that and this is something very positive. However, we better not delude ourselves. The opposition to everything that Barack Obama represents is still considerable, because he is a Black intellectual democrat man and, concerning the U.S. international politics, a president willing to promote connections based on the respect for beliefs, traditions and religions”. Racism in the U.S. is still an insoluble problem, a daily violence indeed and, as stated by Professor Melo, it is partially disguised by other “reasonings”, as accusing Obama, for instance, of being a “socialist”. “This criticism, hitting both Obama´s social ideology and his public policies at the same time, brings about a cultural effervescence prone to reject ‘the Black president”, as well”. It is necessary to overcome all

of this”, says the Professor. Mr. Antonio Carlos Alves dos Santos, Economist and Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo/Pontiff Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP), believes that Obama stands out for being, among other traits, fascinating, sophisticated and for walking away from the typical politician stereotype.“His speeches are real classics. There is this symbolism: he is young, he has a charming family, he has that enchanting manner; it is a landmark, in fact.” As for the crisis that began before the election of Obama, still according to Professor Santos, the American economy has shown signs of recovery, since the new president took over the government and, besides that, there have been two major changes since 2010, “the health care system act approved last year – offering medical insurance to millions of U.S. low income people – and the enactment of a historical law allowing homosexual citizens to serve the U.S. Armed Forces, halting a federal decree enforced for the last 17 years”. For Mr. Santos, the health system reforming issue, although denied by the conservative portion of the U.S. society, “is crucial for the low income people, that is, the African American community”. Even though he understands the challenges, the restraints and the difficulties, Professor Santos “expected clearer and more pedagogical clashes, and I expected that Obama would attempt to mobilize more the half of the American society that trusted in him, and this half being modern, cosmopolitan and democratic, contrasts all the way from the WASP (White Anglo Saxon and Protestant) other half of the

U.S. society. “Anyways, I hoped that he cooperated even more to impede the inevitable collision in a society so divided by such distinct portions”. Because of the initial expectancies stemming from the election of Barack Obama, Mr. Melo still believes in changes, for “the process is not finished yet and History moves on day by day”. One of the current concerns is that besides representing the minority, the defeat of the democrats in the U.S. Congress puts Obama´s political maneuvers in risk of being stagnated until the end of his mandate. “I don´t foresee the possibility of major actions to be implemented. He will try to keep whatever has been accomplished in the first two years of his term. His preoccupation is the recovery of the American economy, with the increase on the number of vacancies towards workforce. That is the maximum that he can do”, analyzes Santos. Concerning reelection, keeping up with Mr. Santos opinion, it is necessary that President Obama lead American voters to an extensive job offer policy. “For the public, it is important the kind of job creation that, though away from the ideal, seems to be better. The chances for Obama are strong, because he also has a proposing rhetoric and he embodies family issues in his speeches”. The couple Michelle and Barack Obama shows that, even in an unfavorable scenario, it is possible to change and that concrete actions are being taken since President Obama has led the United States. “An elected president, criticized, though facing racism, is the hope in relation to human kind. He is not the Ugly Duckling; he is a swan, a great president indeed”, claims the coordinator from PUC. Edição 37 • Afirmativa Plural 23

Photo: Disclosure

The world is passing through transformations, and it is bringing new realities. The fact that Obama is the first black President of the U.S.A. shows the importance of the person, regardless his or her race. This would be impossible some 15 years ago. Brazil has soared to the world as a solid and safe emerging country for the last years and the coming of Obama only shows how important Brazil is nowadays as a country when it comes to the consolidation of the world´s economy. About the first two years of his mandate, Obama has taken the helm in a very difficult and critical moment, and the U.S.A. is still recovering from the crisis of 2008. The American people have lost their buying power and the president needs to take actions towards retaking overall growth. Nowadays, the economy is growing again, the reform on social, economic and health issues are being done on a clever manner and it will certainly have a positive impact inside the American continent and in the world as a whole.

Marcos Oliveira, President of Ford Brazil. 24

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Photo: Disclosure

The visit of President Barack Obama will be an important moment for the alignment between Brazil and the United States. He will come across a renewed country that has achieved its place as a participant on major global roundtables. Nowadays Brazil talks on the same terms with global powers and we are legitimate for having put into effect a model that conciliates growth, social inclusion and respect to Democracy. We also should not disregard the symbolic force that draws both the leaders of the two countries: Obama, as the first African American to reach the Presidency of his country, and President Dilma Roussef, the first woman ever to rule Brazil. I am sure that both Presidents will know how to make use of a common view in search of a fairer society as a driving force of an even more fruitful cooperation.

Luciano Coutinho, President of BNDES.

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the resident daughters

White of the

House Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9, daughters of Barack and Michelle Obama, are the youngest residents of the White House since the Kennedys´ siblings in 1960. They are, presently, the dwellers of one of the most coveted real estate properties in the world. With more than 130 rooms, the house is the place where they will grow up. For several times, parents Obama and Michelle have said that the well being of their daughters is what´s concerned them the most. Home chores like doing their beds and fixing their bedrooms are included in the daily tasks of the two daughters. Since Obama has been elected president, the parents do their best to keep the children away both from the spotlight and media coverage´s attention. Daily stuff as scoring a low school grade, for instance, might eventually leak to the press and get spread all over the country. Though spoiled and well treated dear daughters, Obama and Michelle assure that Malia and Sasha are provided with a lifestyle as normal as possible. Both girls attend private school, practice sports, own a pet dog and have their childhood and preteen idols. Their routine moves on quite busy, outside school. Malia plays soccer and tennis and also practices piano and flute. She loves taking pictures. Different from other presidential parents, known for spoiling their siblings a bit too much, the Obamas have very strict home rules. TV and computer time, for instance, is restrained. Dessert is not served at all meals. And they are expected to help on household chores. Who said it is easy to be the President´s daughter? Edição 37 • Afirmativa Plural 27


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Photos: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

According to the popular saying which states that “in a relationship between a man and a woman, the husband has to be the head”, from this emerges a pun declaring that “the man has to be the head of the relationship, given that the woman is the neck, thus she controls the head as she desires”. The fact is, as in many other popular sayings, in this one there is an eventual truth, since there are many stories of couples in which the wife has equal or even more representativeness than the husband. As for Michele and Barack Obama, since the period of the campaign one can observe an active Michelle. From the start of Obama as president of the United States, the first-lady didn´t appear at all to be a drab person by her husband´s side. Having a strong personality, she masterly takes care of her husband and children, aside with conciliating social work and keeping herself elegantly confident. Her marvelous dressing skills were worthy of comments at the Vogue and Vanity Fair Magazine. She figures at the list of the most well dressed woman in the World. Recently, Michelle caused astonishment by using a 60 dollar dress during an interview at the NBC network. It was a customized dress in which the first-lady even gave a personal touch by combining an obi style orange belt and high heels yellow shoes. After being called “pushy” by revealing that in her perception Obama is a common husband, a man that if necessary should help her with the house work, she over-

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Photo: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza


came the gossip by proving to be a simple woman, that doesn´t let success get to her head. In interviews she has affirmed that besides living in the White House her daughters have to know that this is a temporary situation, given that, the girls also have their daily dose of a “normal life”: they make their own bed and are as independent as possible. Nowadays, the first-lady is recognized by her association to beneficent actions in the USA. In February 2010 she launched the campaign “Let´s Move” at the National level, focused on the fight against child obesity, that is considered one of the main threats to America´s health and economy. The numbers can prove that approximately 32% of the American children and adolescents suffer from overweighting and obesity, according to the last available data. Around 20% of children between 6 and 11 yearold and 18% between 12 and 19 yearold are obese. Just as the dance presented by the couple at Obama´s Inauguration, Michelle and Obama seem to be keeping their pace. They transmit to the world an image of a promising family. Despite the difficult mission of occupying the post of a black first-lady of the USA, with all the attention of the world pointing at her, Michelle stands up to her husband´s affirmation: “ She is the rock of the family, a tough woman that keeps me with my feet on the ground”.

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Photo: Disclosure

The choice for Barack Obama was a kind of expiation of the American people. How come a contingent that contributed for the growth and the wealth of the country can´t take part of the decision as well? The election let the people from the U.S. pleased, but it didn´t mean that the society was equally compromised with the needs coming from the minorities. That will indeed demand a great deal of skill from the president to not hurt the feelings of a portion of the American society. As for Brazil, Barack Obama needs to be more receptive. We´re that kind of people who have dignity and we are not subalterns. And our market place is enormous, after all. Nowadays Brazil plays a key role in the international community and it would be important for both countries to strengthen the current partnership even closer.

Edvaldo Brito, Deputy Mayor for the city of Salvador / BA.

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Photo: AFP Photo

Mamah Sarah - grandmother

the fami l y in

Kenya Part of Barack Obama´s family is still living in Kenya, a country located in Eastern Africa. Obama´s Uncle Said and his grandmother, “Mamah Sarah”, as she is also known as in that region, live there. Kogelo, a small village that is homeland to the family, was just provided electricity supply services right after Obama had been elected president in the United States. Now, local residents will also be prized with a museum and the school of the small location will be refurbished and it will be baptized under the name “Obama”.


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President Obama´s uncle, Said Obama, works for an NGO in Kisumu, the region´s capital. The Obama family has never been well off in that whereabouts. The president´s father could only succeed in living in the United States to study thanks to a scholarship granted by the University of Hawaii, where old Obama met Ann Dunham, the mother. U.S. President Barack Obama has been to Africa a few times (last visited registered in 2006). Nowadays, because of Mamah Sarah´s popularity, that has bothered her a little, some

reinforcement has been made to the grandmother´s house, in fact the president´s father´s stepmother (she is Barack Obama´s grandfather´s third wife). But regardless the apparent harassment, her daily habits remain the same and without any knowledge of English, she speaks the language of the tribe, called “Luo”. The history of the African side of Barack Obama incited the curiosity of the British filmmaker and writer Peter Firstbrook. The book entitled “The Obamas: the untold History of an African family.”, launched in February, 2011, tells the saga of the Obama family since the year of 1250. The work focuses on and describes the sequence of 23 generation of a family that has experimented migrations, wars, foreign invasions and death along the historic trajectory of Kenya. The author indicates the differences between life of the Obamas both in Kenya and in the United States. With some luck, the Kenyans can earn up to 2 USD a day. As for the American Obamas, they live in the most important house of the world: the White House. Another curiosity appointed by the author is that if Barack Hussein Obama lived in Kenya with his family he would not be of great relevance within the tribe, since he is the father of two girls. But the writer emphasizes that “it is important to remember that the grandfather of the president was born in the Iron Age. Onyango was born in 1895 in a society that was not moved on wheels and that didn´t use a written form of language. His grandfather had not seen a white person up until he was 11 years old. Going from Onyango straight to president Obama in two generations only is quite of an absolutely remarkable achievement.”.

Photo: Disclosure

The election of Barack Obama was one of the most interesting presidential campaigns in the History fo the United States. Electing a Black man to lead one of the most powerful economies of the world was possible because the American people believed, as we Brazilians did, that the feeling of hope is capable of outdoing fear. In these times of economical crisis and constant wars, electing Obama makes us believe that yes, we can build a fairer society, one that respects and appreciates differences. We don´t have room for discriminatory thoughts and behaviors anymore, those that could segregate a person based on race, creed, ethnics or gender. To my knowledge, our fight for equality has achieved some advances and the elections of Obama and Dilma Roussef are typical examples. The meeting of the first Black President of the United States with the first female president of Brazil should, among other things, work to strengthen the fight against racism and against all the other forms of discrimination.

Netinho de Paula, Entertainer and city representative – PC do B / SP.

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Photo: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

The election of the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, is the evidence that old paradigms eventually give room for new ways of thinking, new ways of living and new ways of facing up to overall worldwide differences. We are not living on a long wanted paradise among peoples, but it is possible to spot, here and there, different reconfigurations within societies, and they move on immersed on their own History. The arrival of a Black man to the Presidency of the United States is an advent that seemed impossible. Do we live, therefore, in a world of dreams or are these the dreams of Martin Luther King – and the dreams of the black population and their supporters – that little by little come into reality? It is also the dreams that the students from Zumbi dos Palmares University have fulfilled. Walking over short footsteps indeed, but still with significant expressivity. If in the past the parents of some of these students could only gain access to major enterprises facilities through the back entrances, nowadays, due to a number of concerted efforts, it is the time for their successors to not only walk through the main hall, but also in equal conditions to climb their corporate careers. This change happens only because of the waking up to the liberating path of education, the same one utilized as a pacifying tool in the construction of a new world, where individuals are distinguished by their knowledge level and not by the color of their skin. Obama, who constructed his trajectory under this prism, attended the Universities of Harvard and Columbia, and through his political calling, he worked his way to the White House.

President Obama has the understanding that education, a word mentioned in a great many number of his speeches, is one of the fundamental elements for the progress of citizens and nations. So is the task of Zumbi dos Palmares University, an initiative that might look like a dream in Brazil, a nation yet so unequal. Sometimes it is hard to believe that 80% of the students taking Zumbi´s seats and hallways are black, knowing that the remaining universities barely reaches 2%

of black students, nationwide. Since 2004 Zumbi University has been contributing to the construction of new facts for the Black population of Brazil, namely the unsatisfied part of the Brazilian social structure that has largely occupied designated post-slavery low rated niches of the society such as unprivileged workforce confinement, low income and schooling levels, mortality indexes and urban violence reports, among other several aspects that highlight the open Edição 37 • Afirmativa Plural 35

Photo: Milton Nespatti

racism shown on statistical data. It is through such struggle that nowadays the institution is internationally recognized. In March 2010, Zumbi University was chosen by the U.S. Embassy in Brazil to receive U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, by the occasion of the only non-official Hillary´s appointment while she moved around on bi-national issues. Based on the similarities of ideas, the university and the students have declared support to Barack Obama since the beginning of his candidacy and the whole campus sheered up on every step climbed and they all seem to understand the depth of the challenges concerning the management of a country the size of the United States. After all, it takes courage to break through barriers and Zumbi University community has demon-


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strated to have that. On January 2011, by the time of an official pronouncement, education was one the topics addressed by President Obama. “We have to win this race intended to bring education to our children. We have to teach them that success is hard work, discipline”, emphasized the U.S. President. The first Black oriented Brazilian university was also established with supreme persistence and belief in culture, diffusion of citizenship values and, ultimately, respect for diversity and for the equalization of social opportunities. The university, as President Obama has done, also came up to bring hope and to promote changes. Evidence of this is the fourth Business Administration class graduated in 2010. Considering the previously graduated classes, they sum up to

more than 800 administrators certified by Zumbi University towards the local workforce. Of these, 40% are employed at major banking institutions – Bradesco, Itaú, Santander and Citibank – after internship programs offering positions for junior financial executives, due to agreements signed between the university and the financial institutions. The first generations of graduated Black university students are being produced at Zumbi´s and that motivate their own family members to seek different job positions and to reach, at last, the status of Brazilians of good self-esteem, all proud of their cultural roots. Contemporary and veteran Zumbi University students have demanded for academic changes and optimization, so that besides the certification

Photos: J.C. Santos

on Business Administration, the university also offers Law School, Publicity, Pedagogy and Surface Transport Technology courses. Another evidence of the recognition for the achievements reached by Zumbi dos Palmares University is the participation of the sponsors of honor of the first three graduating classes: in 2007, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; in 2008, former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso; and in 2009, São Paulo State governor, Geraldo Alckmin. During the delivery of a speech in the beginning of the year, President Obama also declared that education “is the key to competition”. Besides that, Zumbi University manages to offer to the 1800 students at campus the importance of both diversity and interdisciplinary learning. Through education and the autonomy of all citizens, President Obama and Zumbi University do believe that; yes, we can and we will make the difference!

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Sérgio Dávila, Executive director / Folha de S. Paulo.


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Photo: Disclosure

The election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States was a positive surprise for the country and for the world. Externally, the U.S. people faced an unprecedented rejection index on global public surveys, a heritage from the eight years of George W. Bush´s bellicose policy and two major wars (one equivocally sparked, Iraq´s; and another badly conducted, Afghanistan´s). Internally, the election occurred in a very incisive divisional moment of the country and, at least for a while, that worked to rebuild the political bridges required to get the country to overcome the worst economical crisis to hit the U.S.A. in decades. During his campaign, Obama portrayed himself as a supra politician and a postracial man. The Democrats tried to avoid the color of his skin becoming a major topic on his statements, because he was more concerned to establish himself as a moderate politician that could be accepted by the white working class. And still, the racial issue was preponderant in some crucial moments of his plea, as when Obama, then a presidential candidate-to-be, had to come out in public to justify alleged racist affirmations made by his former religious mentor. Now, in the beginning of his third year of mandate, Obama walks on the habitual trajectory of the U.S. statesmen which is to step away from domestic issues and give more room to foreign politics in their agenda. And it is in this context that the visit to Brazil, Chile and El Salvador takes place. The fact that the Democrat will be received by Dilma Rousseff and not by her antecessor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, will help the bi-national relations, since she tries to make a distinction from the former president when it comes to foreign affairs issues.

Photo: Disclosure

There was a very intense emotional factor surrounding the election of Barack Obama. Among other issues, it meant to have to choose between the first woman and the first black man to the presidency of the United States. Upon Inauguration Day, ongoing issues demanded for a more rational approach. Obama is the president of the most powerful country of the world, but he is also the most fragile. He walks the razor´s edge. A wrong decision can bring up serious consequences within and outside the country. Nowadays, the supporting political basis of his government is narrower and more negotiation will be demanded. Obama has succeeded in honoring some of the promises that he stated during his campaign, but we can´t disregard the fact that the string of global crisis has been constant and profound. As a black man and also as a man of an exacerbated sensibility, because he has a more human oriented rapport than his antecessors. And his background as a lawyer who assisted low income communities portrays that very clearly. Since he is the President of the United States, he is always requested because of his global representation and, after all, the unexpected has happened, though Jesse Jackson had already tried and failed, I mean, a black man becoming the president of the United States and the phrase “Yes we can” became a motto and changed a little the American pride between Republicans and Democrats.

Robson Caetano da Silva, Olympic medalist.

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Photo: J.C. Santos


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Students from Zumbi dos Palmares University – the only university in Latin America focusing on the inclusion of afro descendants – and its creator, the Afrobras – Afrobrazilian Society of Social Cultural Development – have endeavored in the mission of bringing Obama to São Paulo and to the university campus. Expecting the President, both institutions worked hard to sensitize the American Government. Folders, Banners, TV programs were the artifices used to attract the attention of the one who is an inspiration to many. Zumbi dos Palmares University as other American Universities has emerged from an Affirmative Action that seeks equal opportunities for black and white throughout education. Under the slogan: “without education there is no freedom”, Zumbi has graduated in 2010 its 4th class of Business Administration and the first class of Surface Transportation Technologies. Besides that the University also offers diplomas in Law, Pedagogy and Publicity. The arrival of Obama to Brazil once again has touched the heart and feelings of Zumbi´s students. By knowing that their idol will be near, the one that serves and an example to be followed, the students are now eager to be side to side with Obama.

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him to know the University. In addition, a special folder has been made and sent to Obama reporting the support from the college´s community to him since his candidature up to nowadays. Produced in a material with such a sophisticated finishing, the folder contains pictures of the banners, the

party with balloons and the Samba schools exhibition celebrating his victory. Also the TV Show “Negros em Foco” (Blacks in Evidence) made a series of special interviews headed by Jose Vicente, the University´s Rector, with major business man of the national scenario. The show had the participation of Marcos Oliveira, Ford´s President to Brazil; Antoninho Marmo Trevisan, President of Trevisan Business school; Paulo Skaf, President of São Paulo Industries Federation – FIESP; and Alvaro Jabur Maluf, President of Colombo Shirt Manufacturer.

Photos: J.C. Santos

Since the election of the one who would become the first black president of the Unites States, Zumbi dos Palmares University, as well as Afrobras, have taken a position of unconditional support. The sentence “yes, we can” has become a symbol of an equality ideal, bringing back the dreams of those who are gone without witnessing this moment, but established the basis for such an election to occur one day. As a first initiative a huge banner has been placed at the entrance of the University, welcoming to Brazil the President of the United States, and more than that, inviting

Photo: Disclosure

Barack Obama inflicted expectations, overcame prejudice and obstacles and has always indicated with determination the possibilities of internal and external changes. The symbolism of being the first black American president is very strong and representative for itself. The changes are not as dynamic as necessary, even less dynamic as we desire, but even so, they occur by the force of the necessity, by the growing understanding of the population and overall by the changes that are happening on people´s lives. May God shine to us all and that Martin Luther King´s dream be closer and closer to becoming true.

Benedita da Silva, Federal congresswoman – PT/RJ.

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Photo: © Kamaga - istockphoto


the post

era and the aspirations for black

power By Rejane Romano


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Photos: J.C. Santos

The election of Barack Obama, a Black man in charge of the strongest power of the world, has shaken and still shakes the disposition, the imagination and the perception of young black Brazilian folks. “Many are those who report the change in their confidence concerning the potentialities of black people in these “Obama´s” times. In 1966 the Black Panthers, a political party that supported the cause in defense of Black people in the United States, had to fight to protect the ghettos against police brutality and even against tax payment and the sanctions imposed by the “White America”, as well. Presently, Barack Obama is seen as the personification of what many activists of the Civil Rights Movement demanded and have been demanding for with their up-raised clenched fist: All Power To The people. The allusion that everything is possible for those who produce determination and purpose, regardless the color of their skin, is also what motivates the young students from Zumbi dos Palmares College. If in old days many of these young students had the sole objective to become the family´s first member to ever reach college level, nowadays they are aware of the chances to climb to a directing position at any given company, thanks to a special Internship Program that the College has started with major local and foreign enterprises and hopefully, as observed with Obama, they will reach the top of glory for being the winners on a presidential election. The effects of Obama´s victory are scattered throughout the world. Therefore, and attempting to get the opinion from young black individuals, Afirmativa Plural interviewed the students of the first and the only college focused on the inclusion of Blacks in Latin America. Please check what Obama represents for the lives of these students from Zumbi dos Palmares.

The whole world wanted Obama. His election demonstrates that the mindset of the society has developed upon the acceptance of a black man in power. That was a necessity and it had to be him. Compared to the United States some 50 years ago, the big change and the one of highest relevance has been this election, in a country where there is a population of less than 10% described as black. Here in Brazil we are more than 50% and we are nowhere close to that level. Fabricio Máximo 5th semester – Law School student

The election of Obama has been a determinant fact concerning racial inclusion. The United States have in their History a sad retrospective of both segregation and discrimination, but they have struggled to overcome this situation and they have shown to the world how much capable we black people are. Obama has opened the doors for and he has also demonstrated to the world that there is room in power settings for people of black ethnics, not only in the United States, but in the whole world!.

Talita Domingos 3rd semester – Business Administration student

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To see Obama elected as the president of the greatest power of the world gave us the motivation to believe that we also can become leaders in Brazil. Here we have already seen a metallurgical becoming president, as it was with Lula and now we have a female president, Dilma Roussef. Who knows, maybe in the near future we will have a Black (as president). Obama makes us believe in the future. To see him in charge lights the flame on our hope.

Photos: J.C. Santos

I admire Obama because he is a president facing difficulties and he is showing strength to overcome them. His determination reflects throughout the world. I am sure that he will beat all the odds. Flávia de Oliveira 1st semester – Pedagogy

Caio Moura 4 th semester – Business Administration student

Though Obama is far off at the White House he opened the doors for us Black folks here in Brazil. He has proved to us that we can get to wherever we aim to go. I really hope that he gets to be reelected.

Adeta Dandara 4th semester – Business Administration student


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The election of Obama is a great achievement in a country that has always had such a great distinction between blacks and whites. His behavior works as an incentive for us. No matter how hard the challenges, he has shown that we have always to keep on searching for our ideals. The history of his life demonstrates that.

Photos: J.C. Santos

João Paulo 2nd semester – Surface Transport Technology

“ Obama is “the man”, for me. He is a myth. Mainly after all he has achieved for the United States. He is my source of inspiration. His positioning during the crisis and the project that he has implemented have been great. He is ahead of his time.

Sincerely speaking, I noticed that in the beginning there was some speculation on how it would be with a black man in charge. Nowadays, I observe some derogatory comments attributing probable flaws in his administration to the color of his skin. They don´t even take in consideration the scenario that Obama inherited from his antecessor´s management. I admire Obama because he doesn´t take decisions to please this or that, in fact he struggles to address the priorities of the country. It really gets on my nerves when they try to assess him by the color of his skin, and mainly when I see black folks in accordance to this kind of racism.

Cleiton do Padro 2nd semester – Publicity

Ana Gomes 3rd semester - Business Administration student

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Photo: Disclosure

During the presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama was considered an “outsider”, but anyone who has read his biography could realize that he prepared himself before becoming senator and president. Prior to being elected, he had already accomplished a relevant task in legal affairs. He was an academic and a thinker. As president of the United States, he is a reference for the rest of the world. Barack Obama was a candidate of the minorities and he was elected to govern for the majority. And still, he did not voice a racial speech. He has a gregarious attitude that was demonstrated ever since he set out to campaigning. It is no longer advisable for a politician to turn his head to his own country only, in the present world´s scenario. Environmental, security and economical issues need to be assessed as a whole and Barack Obama has the proper profile for this sort of debate. Brazil, for instance, should not be dissociated from the Mercosul and from Latin America. The visit of the U.S. president to our country is one more formality on which some punctual issues could be raised.

Heraldo Pereira, Journalist and political expert / Globo TV network.


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Photo: Disclosure

When Barack Obama was elected the first Black President of the United States, it reminded me specifically of having felt such similar energy with the election of Nelson Mandela, in South Africa, and the election of Lula in Brazil. In the day of the announcement of Obama´s victory, it was possible to hear the beat of the drums coming from all five continents. Children and elderly hit the streets, hand in hand, celebrating the hope which proved that a new world is possible; a more fraternal one, where diversity comes to be respected and appreciated. There is no doubt that this moment is historical, revolutionary and emblematic. Obama represents a new plural and democratic multiracial stage. And this is a stage imposed by modernity not only to the U.S.A., but to the whole world. The trend for equality of opportunities and for general rights has been sought by all democratic nations. The visit of President Obama to Brazil is important for us to deepen the economical, commercial, educational, humanistic, technological and political relationship (with the U.S.). We have been following these two first years of mandate of Obama´s government, a time that has been challenging indeed. He managed to approve both the reforms on the health care and Wall Street´s financial systems, but he feels the burden stemming from the conflicts existing in Middle East and from the recovery of the U.S. economy reflecting on people´s lives from all corners. According to my judgement, Obama will need a second mandate to show his full capability. When I see the Black President Barack Obama, my emotion still emerges and I feel the flame of hope for a life of equal rights lit in the eyes and the hearts of the people.

Paulo Paim, Senator – PT / RS.

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Photos: personal file

a of the

Dulcinéia Novaes


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By Dulcinéia Novaes

Barack Obama, Barack Obama... – a name that sounded... different. A name that could even raise a certain uneasiness because of the sonority that the evocation provoked. I confess that the first time I heard his name, as incredible as it sounds, wasn´t from the journalistic settings. My son, Fábio Vinicius, who is somewhat updated on global politics affairs and on black racial issues as well, had already detected, through his readings, a probable black candidate for the presidential elections of the United States. “He studied at Harvard, Mom.” And my son promptly gave me details on Obama´s life. Senator Obama, laywer, book author. An intelectual, in short. I even thought, at that time: Does a black man has real chances to run for president in a U.S. electoral campaign? Daahhh! That is pure speculation?!? And I´d say more: to get the presidency of that country...? When it comes to racial discrimination my son normally revolts against and, because of that questioning, he replied to me and reset my memory: “Black folks have more political representativeness in the U.S. than black people in Brazil”, he insisted, enthusiastically. There were some books of and about Barack Obama in the United States. There was absolutely nothing on him in Brazil. Not one single translated book on Obama. Fabio never rested easy though, until we imported a “Dreams

An authentic leader by Fábio Vinicius Novaes Vieira*

Photos: personal file

from my father” volume – a book telling the history of Barack Hussein Obama´s life. And what a satisfaction when we got the first print work on Barack Obama´s life in hands! “It was in 2004 when we had our first real contact with Barack Hussein Obama´s character, by reading “Dream From My Father: A Story of Race an Inheritance”. By the way, a very surprising biography. Born on August 4th, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, he is the son of a U.S. citizen mother from Kansas (who also had British, Irish and German roots) with a Kenyan father, since early life Obama went through unccountable situations that motivated him to go in search of his own origins. In his trajectory of life we can list the divorce of his parents, the moving to Indonesia with his mother, the return to Hawaii where he was raised by his maternal grandparents (to whom he became very close), the experience of living in a multiracial community composed mainly of Japanese and European people, among other passages. Therefore, it all created in little boy Barack a necessity to find his roots. In fact, he declares that, when he was 12 or 13 years old, he stopped telling his mother´s ethnics to both whites and blacks, because he noticed the changing on the behavior of these people in relation to him. He was just a boy right between two worlds. After his Political Science graduation at Columbia´s University in New York, in 1983, Barack moved to Chicago. In that city he developed a very important program with the local community, connected to social organizations. It was a maturing and learning process where keeping focused and the wish to succeed (always present in his life) became better structured. To that matter, his intense interaction with several members of the society and the voracious reading of realistic authors and great names from the civil rights struggle of the 1960´s have influenced the contemporary president of the United States. Nevertheless, a question remained unanswered: “Who am I?” Because of this restless self questioning, and after this specific period in Chicago, Obama decided to seek his roots. He then visit his family from his father´s side in Kenya, where he rescued a great portion of the memories for his first book “Dreams from my Father” (2004). Well, all the experiences portrayed by Obama demonstrate how his extraordinary leadership skill was developed. He who, according to the American people, is a member of the Joshua Generation, an icon of this generation of

Barack Obama is someone who demonstrates to be Box in all his public appearances or even along very authentic, Um líder autêntico the statements on his books or interviews given by friends “ Barack Hussein Obama é alguém que or family members. This kind of authenticity, as well as demonstra em todas as suas aparições pú- of an his confidence, is not a coincidence. It is the result blicas ou mesmo noshimself. relatos Particularly, de seus livrosI believe intense journey towards ou entrevistas de amigos e parentes, that many Afro-descendants just like me haveserlived the muito Este tipo de autenticidatype of questautentico. that he has experimented during his youth de, bem como sua autoconfiança não the ocorand that unavoidably will culminate with return to rem por acaso. É fruto de uma intensa jorour roots, which is African. As late Martin Luther king nadasay: para“Who dentro si We mesmo. ParticularJr would aredewe? are the descendants of que muitos afrodescenslaves.mente, We arecreio the offsprings ofjovens dignified men and women assim como eu viveram esse and tipo chained de who dentes were kidnapped from their homes in pela qual ele slave busca ships as animals. Wepassou are thedurante heirs ofa asua great and juventude queknown inexoravelmente culmina exploited continent as Africa. We´re the heirs of comofo humiliation, retorno à nossa que é africapast full fire origem, and assassination. I personna. Como diria o grande Martin Luther King ally am not ashamed of this past. I am ashamed, indeed, Jr. “Quem somosdehumanized nós? Somos to descendenof those who became the point of tortes de escravos. Somos a prole de homens e turing us in that way”. This kind of self knowledge and mulheres dignosis que foramfor arrancados de of the this intense journey essential the building seus lares e acorrentados emObama navios has. como type of exceptional character that Someone animais. Somos the os herdeiros de umon grande who leads by setting example based integrity and e explorado continente como performance. A person fit toconhecido the challenge of taking África. Somos os herdeiros de um passado over the control of the most powerful nation of the humilhação, fogo e assassinato. Eu pesworlddeduring the worst known crisis. Certainly Obama´s soalmente não me envergonho desse paselection for president has been the historical fact, among thosesado. that Envergonho-me, I have witnessed,sim, the daqueles one that que has se emotiontornaram desumanos a ponto de torturarally affected me the most. Obama represents the victory modo.” Esseand tiposisters. de autoconheof usnos all. desse We, the brothers The siblings of cimento, esta intensa jornada é algo fundaMother Africa. “Yes, we can” *college student mental para a construção do tipo de caráter excepcional que ele tem. Alguém que lidera pelo exemplo, com integridade e desempenho. A pessoa à altura do desafio de assumir o leme da nação mais poderosa do mundo durante uma das maiores crises que já ocorreu. Com certeza sua eleição para presidente foi o acontecimento histórico ao qual presenciei, Fábio Novaes Vieira,repreestudante ,quePor mais meVinicius emocionou. Obama universitário senta a vitória de todos nós, todos os irmãos e irmãs filhos da Mãe África. “Yes, can!” Novaes Vieira Fábiowe Vinicius

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sible to disregard what was happening in America. As the political campaign warmed up, our support to him grew bigger. At the convention that confirmed his nomination by the Democratic Party, Barack Obama delivered a historical speech. Charismatic, he talked about freedom, fighting racism, foreseeing a nation of all races. He also talked about the end of the Iraq War. A pacifist! He was the candidate who proposed big changes. Afterwards he would say: “The world has changed and we have to change with it”. We followed up on each political survey statistics and we sheered with his advancements during the presidential dispute! The slogan for the campaign, “Yes we can”, was contagious. All of that boosted our admiration for him and our hope to see a black man assuming the position of president of the United States. On that November 4th, 2008, we could barely believe. It seemed like a dream! A marvelous sensation came, nearly an ecstasy, upon the confirmation of Barack Obama as the president of the United States. A fact that tasted like an unusual victory. He was simply the first black man to ever lead the most powerful nation of the planet. A good reason for the pride of us all, Afro-descendants. TV repórter in Paraná. Master in Comunication and Languages and College Teacher.

Photo: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

highly educated African Americans. And there´s more to it: according to the author of “Inside Obama´s Brain – Sasha Abramsky (2009), “(the Joshua was) a generation committed to both historical knowledge as well as a historical sense of mission. A sense of debt and obligation to those (people) who came before. Those heroes who sacrificed themselves and overcame several barriers. The most powerful man in the world, called “Barry” by his friends and family, is also able to deal with racial issues as no other man. Although the African Americans correspond to nearly circa 13% of the population of the United States, Obama succeeded in putting together Blacks, Hispanics, White and Asians aligned to a Nation. The journey to self knowledge taken since early stages of his life confers priceless characteristics to Barack Obama, like: emotional intelligence, focus, discipline, organization and self confidence. According to statements made by his friends and colleagues, Obama is “someone who feels comfortable for being himself.” He can struggle for an extraordinary ambition and keep himself upright at the same time, he can keep himself loyal to the principles that have made him who he is. After the reading of his first book, we acquired other publications about Obama. Obviously that from this moment on, it was impos-

Photo: Disclosure

I really don´t believe that Obama has been disappointing, because I understand how hard it has been for him and I think that when he stepped on the road he did it with the real intention of doing the best for the United States and for the people of this country. So I believe that not doing it is not intentional and I believe that that is a learning route for anyone.

Oprah Winfrey´s, * Statement given during an interview to Piers Morgan Tonight TV program, on CNN.

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Photo: Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

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Afirmativa Plural • Edição 37

Brazil By Rejane Romano

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Photo: Marcello Casal Jr/Abr

On March 19th, at 07h:31 p.m. the airplane of the 9th U.S. President to ever step on Brazilian soil did land in Brasilia. The big difference then is that this president is the first African american to assume the utmost leading position of the world and that was the first time he ever visited Brazil.

Photo: Roberto Stuckert Filho

While in Brasilia, Barack Obama delivered the speech at Palácio do Planalto, opening it up with the relationship between Brazil and the United States, then going to the demonstrations in Libya and finally recalling President Dilma Roussef´s courage during dictatorship times in Brazil. Since the first moment the U.S. leader indicated that the “Letter of Intent would be awesomely good”.


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Photos: Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

Photo: Elza Fiúza/Abr Photo: Elza Fiúza/Abr

The first Lady, Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia accompanied the President, always attentive to the locations to be visited. Mrs. Obama, taken as one of the best-dressed women in the world, confirmed that impression. Attired in appropriate long dresses for each visited place, producing various well groomed and refined clothing, Michelle displayed her strong and remarkable personality. The First Lady payed homage to the Brazilians during her visit to Cidade de Deus community, in Rio de Janeiro, as she did put on a green and yellow dress. While still in Brasilia, Michelle could have a little flavor of Brazil when she watched a Capoeira and percussion performance at Oca da Tribo. As for Rio, on March 20th, a truly army was mobilized to guarantee the


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The visit to Cidade de Deus was historic. President Obama even briefly walked off of his security detail somewhat to wave at local residents. Together with his wife and daughters, he watched a capoeira performance and even exchanged some soccer ball kicks with the children from Cidade de Deus.

Photo: Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Abr

Photo: Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Abr

security of the Obama family. Over 800 men, armored cars, White House connected state-of-the-edge technology and helicopters escorted the president at all visited sites.

For the local residents, the impression taken from the U.S. President was unanimous: “A wide-smiling simple man”, they said. At 14h30, those 1800 invitees who packed up at Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, witnessed a relaxed Obama, with no ties on,

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Photo: Valter Campanato/Abr Photo: Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Abr

spreading grace as he made use of several words in Portuguese. Besides, Obama indicated some knowledge on Brazilian music, customs and writers. The first sentence from the charismatic Obama was: “Olá Cidade Maravilhosa”, in a slightly affected accent. He then thanked the attendees for being there on a Vasco X Botafogo game day, demonstrating how well aware he was of the importance that Brazilian people give to soccer matches. Obama went on even further, using his knowledge about Brazilian culture when he cited “Black Orpheus - Orfeu Negro”, a production inspired on a Vinicius de Moraes´ work, which the president declared to have seen in his childhood with his mother, who became enchanted with Brazil through the im-


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ages seen in the film. “And I never imagined that this country would be even more beautiful than it was in the movie. You are, as Jorge Ben-Jor sang, “A tropical country, blessed by God, and beautiful by nature”, Obama highlighted, amidst applauses.

During all his speech the U.S. leader reinforced the importance on the bilateral partnerships between the Unites States and Brazil. He then talked about the similarities in the independence struggles of the two countries and how important that

Photo: Valter Campanato/Abr

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Photo: Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Abr

moment of Brazilian History was for the establishment of Democracy. “Brazil today is a flourishing democracy — a place where people are free to speak their mind and choose their leaders; where a poor kid from Pernambuco can rise from the floors of a copper factory to the highest office in Brazil” Obama also emphasized that “the progress made by the Brazilian people has inspired the world. More than half of this nation is now considered middle class. Millions have been lifted from poverty. For the first time, hope is returning to places where fear had long prevailed. I saw this today when I visited Cidade de Deus — the City of God” and he


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completed, “As one young resident said, “People have to look at favelas not with pity, but as a source of presidents and lawyers and doctors, artists, and people with solutions”.

African heritage, it’s absolutely vital that we are working with the continent of Africa to help lift it up. “That is something that we should be committed to doing together”.

The U.S. President abundantly used the word “together”, transmitting the clear message of intentional equal partnership with Brazil, concerning sustainability and security issues, as well as supportive actions towards African countries. “From Africa to Haiti, we are working side by side to combat the hunger, disease, and corruption that can rot a society and rob human beings of dignity and opportunity. And as two countries that have been greatly enriched by our

During his speech, Obama said that he intends to come back to Brazil for the Olympic Games in 2016, in Rio de Janeiro. At the end, he quotes writer Paulo Coelho. “With the strength of our love and our will, we can change our destiny, as well as the destiny.

Photo: Disclosure

The visit of the U.S. President Barack Obama to Brazil, led by President Dilma Rousseff, registers a moment of great symbolic dimension, due to the fact that each of these heads of state has overcome a barrier: the one of race and the one of gender, respectively. Each President, therefore, endow themselves with their own greatness for having succeeded in so many stages, for knowing how to take part in a collective task, for crossing the frontiers of what was expected from them based on their gender and racial conditions.The elections leading to their assuming of power also reflect the onset of important changes in their respective countries.These two leaders incarnate the expectancies and hopes for both the less privileged and those discriminated against, and because of that both of the presidents are to face difficulties and resistances from conservative sectors. Each president obliges themselves to negotiate and give ways in order to keep their projects alive.Regarding Obama, besides the crisis in the financial sector that crippled the U.S. economy, the hateful rightist reaction has enhanced racism and drowned several projects he has proposed to build up. U.S. military, now acting in Iraq and Afghanistan, is still sustained by a deeply rooted institutional racism. The figure of a black president does not eradicate this racism from the military-oriented mindset of a country whose internal democracy is interpreted through the violent and unbridled search for the opening of all terrains in the world suit to any economic exploitation in their benefit. Nevertheless, the fact that nowadays a black child can benchmark oneself against such presidential figure means a very fundamental and positive change.

Abdias Nascimento,

Former Brazilian Senator and founder of IPEAFRO - Institute of Afro Brazilians Researches and Studies.

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we can By José Vicente

For liberty and citizenship were the voices that shouted, the meaning of fight and the most sacred reasons that rocked the heroic battles and dreams from our ancestors. By their honor and to homage them they gave their lives and their hope in conviction and eternity. It was in defense of liberty, in justice and equality that in 1955, Mrs Rosa Parks, a black American dressmaker refused to give her seat in the back of a bus to a white man, as the laws of her country determined. It was in defense of equality and justice that, in 1960, in the city of Shaperville, South African black men, women and children were blasted stumbled by the well-aimed shot from Apartheid forces, for they claimed for liberty to both enter and exit in public or private places in their country. The election of Mr Barack Obama to be the President of the United States of America was one of those single events that revived the hope and spread optimism every place in the planet where there were lack of faith and pessimism, that allowed a


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general atonement from the dreams and utopias that rocked the belief and the fight of our ancestors. In contradition to the American archetype, Mr Obama, the nonsense, stimulated the imagination of the most American citizens compressed it to his own person, the metaphor of his political message: the need and the possibility to American society jump forward to begin a new time. Surprisingly, the country which historical course and social relations were strongly marked by discrimination and racial aversion against a black people minority suffraged in the ballot-box by the votes from a white people majority, the rising to the main position in the nation, the first black American President, elected by the most black and white population of the country. As soon as they stepped on Brazilian soil, Mr Obama and his family noted the likeness of his everyday duties and path and, safely, they had to review the historic memory of the reasons and requerements of the sacred fights made by their either long

forgotten or contemporary ancestors. In the country of the most long lasting black slavery of the history, the fifth population of the planet, the biggest black contingent out of Africa, and with the most of its citizens being self declared black people, the president noted that there was no more than a single black general to pay reverence, more than one journalist to listen to his confidences. Mr Obama noted that there were no black people to meet him at the airport amongst Brazilian ambassadors, not even taking part with him of political or undertakers meetings of high position. He checked that, differently from the American basis, Brazil, the seventh worldwide economy did not meet on high echelon and even in all employers list, a black man among hundreds of American companies settled in this country, as well as it would be difficult for him to find any black people working on Brazilian companies. The representative president noted that, differently of the price and the promise of citizenship which was de-

Photo: Disclosure

fended with the blood of their ancestors, while his country, 60 years after the end of Apartheid’s laws gives us a black president, there was no black people ordering in the most recognized Brazilian restaurants, even if there is any law to prevent them to do it. At last, he noted that it will not be easy to honor the ancestors’ memory and beliefs and perform the sacred obligation of safety restoring the gift of liberty to our future generations, as he announced during his taking office speech. And he also noted that, in Brazil, even if he tries to suggest that the future has come, the cold reality will conduct us to agree that it still remain at the corner. But as I could testify by myself at the speech to Brazilian people, at the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Theater, Mr Obama is both the expression and the inflexible fountain of belief, strength and immemorial luminosity. He is the inspirational source and the self materialization of possibilities. He is the live reality of the surpass power. A man and an idea transformed into a symbol of force that exceeded what was inconsiderate and idealized by a ravishing way themeaning of changing which was inwardly invoked and desired by his citizens. An extraordinary act, and an actual revolution. If South African Apartheid delegated Mr. Mandela, the democracy and the liberty to South African people. If American Apartheid delegates Mrs Rosa Parka, Mr Martin Luther King, the Human Rights and Mr Obama as President of the United States, nothing and nobody can stop the fullness for both democracy and equality to Brazilian people. Yes, we can. *José Vicente, rector of Zumbi dos Palmares College.

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