June 6, 2015 - June 12, 2015, The Afro-American
Commencement speaker, Rep. Elijah Cummings, left, and Bowie State University president, Dr. Micky L. Burnim
The singing of the Alma Mater
Graduates’ processional
Faculty members
Faculty and special guests
Farewell remarks by senior class vice president Kelly Wallace Cassandra Clayborne, summa cum laude with a 4.0 grade point average
The BSU Madrigal Singers
Conferring of degrees by Dr. Weldon Jackson
John A. Word Sr., president, BSU National Alumni Association inducts new alums. Look Mom and Dad...we made it! Greetings from LaVesha Huff, president, Graduate Student Association
Robert Jamerson III, Robert, Yolanda Epps, Rhonda Spinner, Chergel Abbott, Kara Brown, Aaron Abbott, graduate; Denize Jamerson, Al Abbott, Poiter Abbott, Gwen Blade, Darnell Brown and Clinton Whitaker
Jessica Cullins-B.S. Criminal Justice; Ashley Hooston-B.S. Criminal Justice and Kenyetta D. Hazel- B.S. Communication
Deandre Smith, Lona Smith and Talmow C. Smith
Ciera Dotson, Jewel White, Mondrahm Miller, Amirah Lockhart and Afryea Lucas
Maya Dolby, Tanisha Brown, Marissa Massey-B.S. Communications, Kayla Hubbard-B.S. Psychology Cum Laude, Kierstyn Jeffries, Unique Arnold and Foluke Ogunmola
To purchase these photos and more visit the Photography page under the Arts and Entertainment tab on afro.com. To purchase this digital photo page contact thinton@afro.com.
Photos by Rob Roberts
The Afro-American, June 6, 2015 - June 12, 2015
Roderick Johnson, pres., SGA
Kandace Thomas from Los Angeles, Calif. with dollar decorations
Graduate Myeshia E. Peacock and daughter Madison
Photos by A.R. Ward
The graduating class of 2015 2nd Lieutenant being commissioned into the U.S. Army by Capt. Joy Eastlach
Andrea Reuben and Kristina Saxon
Richard G. Exum, CSU Foundation Board Chair
Dr. Sadie R. Gregory, provost, vice president
Dr. Emerson “Randy� Hall Jr.
President Mortimer H. Neufville
Janiera Jackson CSU 2014 and Shannon Wellington CSU 2015
Coppin Choir
Graduate Sandra Ray
Michael McCoy Graduate Myeshia E. Peacock with sisters Alisha and Marissa
Preylen Thompson waiting to go on stage
Keynote speaker Johnny C. Taylor, president/CEO Thurgood Marshall College Fund
Jose Baez with daughter Julianna and family
Trey Hair Prof. Vanessa Coles
State Sen. Nathaniel McFadden enjoys the commencement
Jay Hurst, Danielle Tolliver, Yvonne Jackson, Claude Garner and graduate Claudia Garner
June 6, 2015 - June 12, 2015, The Afro-American
Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, Howard president, welcomes the graduating class
The induction of the graduates into Howard’s Alumni Association by Chris Washington, president
Morgan Freeman, Doctor of Humanities
Dr. Elsie Scott The Welcome- Tyrone L. Hankerson Jr., B.A. legal communication, School of Communications
Ursula Burns, commencement speaker and Vernon Jordan, Board of Trustees
Greetings from Stacey J. Mobley, chairman, Howard University Board of Trustees
The passing of the torch from Alexis Jones, Class of 1965, to Jasmine N. Hart, magna cum laude, B.B.A., marketing, School of Business
Rev. Anthony J. Brownlow, M.Div/ MBA and Rev. Dr. Cain Hope Felder, professor, Biblical Studies, Howard School of Divinity Rev. Marcia L. and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson
Rev. Dr. George E. Holmes and WHUR DJ Tony Richards
Noah, Kai Dabney, Alexander Dabney, Jeffrey Hernandez, Tami Dabney and Shnae Walker
Lt. Col. Darryl Terrell, Air Force ROTC and Lt. Col. Crede Lyons, Army ROTC Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) with graduates
Courtney Howard, magna cum laude, B.A., telecommunications management is surrounded by her family and friends. They are Felisa Woods, Dr. Crystal Johnson, Madison Howard, Calvin Evans II, Shirley Combs, Jamie Nealy, Calvin Evans Sr., Wade Philip Howard-Parker, Phillip Howard, Jermaine Woods and Christian Howard
Aneesal Duke, Joii Duke, Lashawn Moore and Jazzmine Duke
Photos by Rob Roberts
Chloe M. Martin, master’s, personality psychology and Dorneshial Thomas, master’s, clinical psychology
Jamie Glover, front, Brittney Johnson, Reta Johnson, mother; Ariel Johnson, daughter; Minnie Johnson, grandmother and Mark McKintosh. Patrick Freeman, uncle, back and Hoseatta Williams, godmother
Afnan Shakoori and Shatha N. Zarnogit Alicia Sandidge, Chasity Sandidge, Richard Sandidge and Cheryl Taylor
The Afro-American, June 6, 2015 - June 12, 2015
The class of 1965 had a large attendance. The Honorable Graca Simbine Machel, chancellor, University of Capetown was the Commencement speaker. Class of 1965 class agent, Carol Whitaker with Dr. Darryl Talley Foundation board member Rev. Marsha Evans Holmes with Dr. Marcia Henson Coakley and Sharon Evans Attaway
Dr. Burney Hollis read the citations for the conferring of honorary degrees.
Dr. David Wilson, Morgan State University president
Morgan State University Choir performed “Some Day.” Rev. Dr. Frances Murphy Draper, Board of Regents vice chair Board of Regents
Faculty members Prof. Melvin Miles, far right, conducted Morgan’s band on “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Dr. Patricia Welch, dean, School of Education and Urban Studies
The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, chairman, Board of Regents
2nd Lt. Commissioned Officers recognized were Andresa Turner, Harold Ogunbo, Elijah Lake
Some of the 2015 graduates
To purchase these photos and more visit the Photography page under the Arts and Entertainment tab on afro.com. To purchase this digital photo page contact thinton@afro.com.
Photos by Dr. A. Lois DeLaine
June 6, 2015 - June 12, 2015, The Afro-American
Biology major, Lenjo Kilo and his mother celebrate his graduation.
Grand Marshall, Professor Wadgy Mahmoud, Ph.D.
National League of Nursing CEO, Dr. Beverly Malone accepts Honorary Doctor of Science degree
Graduate Sherla Cannon and her father Nathaniel Cannon
Capital Guardian Youth Challenge Color Guard, Washington, D.C. Rev. Dr. Rosetta Bryson (UDC Alumna, ’92) senior pastor, Word of Life Kingdom Church, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Senior Class President, Leon Lockett
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson speaks to graduates.
Dr. Edwin J. Nichols (center) is awarded Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters by Board Chair, Dr. Elaine Crider and Interim UDC President James E. Lyons
Professor Richard Odom, UDC choral conductor
Courtesy photos
The Afro-American, June 6, 2015 - June 12, 2015
Tawfeek Matuq, student commentator for the Class of 2015, graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering.
The UMES Concert Choir sings “Battle Hymn of the Republic. “
Dr. Gregory L. Parham, assistant secretary for administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture gave the commencement address.
The UMES Department of Public Safety Color Guard presents the colors as the National Anthem plays. Shabria Johnson, Baltimore, Md., received her B.A. in English.
Jasmin Dixon, Baltimore, Md., listens as Dr. Terri Smith reads her name to receive her B.S. in business administration.
Lindsay Wallace receives her B.S. in exercise science from Dr. Bell.
Douglas Moore, with his B.S. in business administration with a concentration in marketing, will begin his career as an analyst with the Balto. Department of Transportation.
Assante Thomas, Washington, D.C., graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in criminal justice
Dr. Juliette B. Bell, UMES’ 15th president, gives her opening remarks. Trevon Bowers, Baltimore, Md., receives his B.A. in sociology.
Corrinne Russell, Baltimore, Md., receives her B.S. in general agriculture.
The international flags complete the processional for the 128th Spring Commencement. Aundrea Townsend from Clinton, Md is pleased to have her B.A. in English. Courtesy Photos
June 6, 2015 - June 12, 2015, The Afro-American
Vivian Hayes, Reba Coates, Bunny Bey, Gail Leach
Monica R. Maith, Marva Stephens, Joyce Roach, Donna Phillips
Adrianne Watson, Brian Walden, Robert Watson, Kisha Hopkins
he Baltimore County Chapter of Les Gemmes invited friends and family members to attend their Diamonds and Denim cabaret that was held, May 30, at Diamondz on Liberty Road in Baltimore Les Gemmes (Baltimore County) co-founders County. Janyce Brown Cunningham, Mary Radcliffe, The event was held exclusively to increase funds for first president, Betty Pettiford scholarships for high school students who are overlooked for the mainstream scholarships from non-profit organizations and private funding corporations. Students from Baltimore County, Baltimore City and any other public school system in the State of Maryland may apply for the scholarships. Once enrolled in a college or university by September of the school year, two (2) students will each receive a scholarship of $1,000 to assist Charlene Rowley, Lynnea Mitchell, Daphne Shropshire with their college expenses. Established in 1955 in Virginia, the Les Gemmes has 17 chapters all located east of the Mississippi River. The Baltimore County Chapter of Les Gemmes was chartered in 1999, and Mary Radcliffe served as first president. Remaining charter members are Janyce Brown Cunningham, Betty Pettiford, Yvonne Shorter, Pat Blackwell, Charlene Rowley Barbara and Norman Glen, Berniece Jackson, Regina Battle and Shirley Davis. Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Thaddeus Logan and Marsha Logan
Terry Smith, Janyce Brown Cunningham, William Cunningham, Monica R. Maith
Shena Thomas, Theleasa Jackson, Randetta Hamilton
Joyce Turpin, Michael Turpin, Jerilyn Turpin, Constance Whittington Earlene Giles, Wilbert Sturdivant, James and Shirley Davis
Helen Walker, Regina Williams, Shirley Chavis Donald Rainey, Judy Rainey, Dr. Angela Seaton
Verdeen Cornish, Phyllis Street, Douglass and Katrina Jones
Gail Leach, Baltimore County, with DC Chapter, Germaine Tyer, Tanya Ransom, Gerrie Gree, and Dr. Kathleen White, Baltimore County
Arthur Brown and Gail Leach
Grace Singletary, Robert Burkett, Pat Blackwell, Louise Keating
Deborah and Lee Brown, Pat Waddy, Maxine Goodman, Stanley Williams
Felicia Woodland, Yvette Hopewood, Robert Burkett, Grace Singletary
Les Gemmes Kevin Blackwell, Candice Lyle, Jason and Shaney Whittington, Alexcia Wattie, Jon Miller
To have your pictures on this sponsored page, contact thinton@afro.com.