The Afro-American, February 4, 2017 - February 10, 2017
Founders Tribute Dr. Erness Hill, Chair, Angela Nicholas, co-chair, Frances Gaines
Lydia Mussenden (seated front), Shirley Montgomery, Gwendolyn Howard, Shirley Stokes, Lucretia Billups, Susan King, Flora Johnson
January symbolizes the 104th anniversary of the founding of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the 95th Anniversary of the chartering of Baltimore Alumnae Chapter. On Jan. 28 at the Martin’s Valley Mansion in Cockeysville, Md. the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter paid honor to the twenty-two bold and daring collegiate women who founded Delta Sigma Theta Sorority on January 13, 1913 at Howard University. The celebration featured a red-carpet affair with a champagne reception, Founders Tribute, Baltimore Alumnae past presidents Gwendolyn Lindsay, Eleanor Matthews, Rita Cooper, Beverly Boston, Sarah Wax Figures of Vashti Turley Murphy and Thelma Banks Cox on site, Individual and Chapter Service Smalley, Laura Phillips Byrd Awards.
Betty Bates, honoree, Vashti Turley Murphy Award
Helen McDonald, Ann Branch, Gladys Rice, Mildred Harper
Elizabeth Arnold Wlliams and Juanita Tynes Tillery, co-chairs, Prayer Breakfast
Evelyn Sample Oates, former North Atlantic Regional Director, Dr. Scheherazade West Forman, president, Rho Xi Omega Chapter, Joy Elaine Daley, 30th North Atlantic Regional Director, Erma Barron, past North Atlantic Regional Director
Sharonne, Dr. Gloria Williams
Derrick Johnson, Year Up Graduate
The Honorable Catherine Pugh, Mayor, Baltimore City, Joan Pratt, Comptroller
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Rho Xi Omega Chapter members celebrated their annual Founders Day Prayer Breakfast on Jan. 28 at Martin’s Valley Mansion in Cockeysville, Md. More than 500 people enjoyed the songs performed by the Chapter Chorale. Joy Elaine Daley, the invited speaker, said, “Continue to strive and make a difference in the community.” Golden and Silver Star tributes, and chapter awards were presented, including the Cultural Pearl Award, the highest award given by Rho Xi Omega to Janeen O. Jackson.
Rhonda Clyburn and Nina Spencer both received the New Soror Award
Nicole Cameron Becketts and Laurie Dickerson received the Sisterly Spirit Award
Year Up, a program that provides high school students with skills development, courses eligible for college credit and internships on a college campus, on Jan. 20 celebrated its latest graduating class at Baltimore City Community College. Keynote speakers and special guests included Gordon F May Ph.D. president and CEO of Baltimore City Community College, Calvin G. Butler, Jr CEO of Baltimore Gas and Electric, and Roland R. Selby, Jr., executive director of Year Up Baltimore.
Graduate Briana Clemons- John Hopkins IT
Marilyn McDonald, Brenda Sykes, Toby Pulley, Valerie Mattison-Brown
Pam Gaddy, Rev. Ruth Travis, Kenyatta Adams, Gloria Herndon
Ruby Jackson, Donna Cypress, Joanne Mack, Robin Mack
Chapter members wearing banners depicting Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Founders
Past presidents of Rho Xi Omega are Vivian Braxton, Tracey Barbour, Karen Barland
Alice Cole, chair, Founders Day, Mayor Catherine Pugh, Mayor of Baltimore, Dr. Thelma T. Daley, 16th National President, Lisa Robinson, WBAL-TV reporter
Gordon F. May PhD President and CEO BCCC, Roland R. Selby Executive Director of Year Up, Keynote Speaker Calvin Butler, CEO of BGE
Marsha Logan represented Morgan State University for its partnership with Rho Xi Omega Chapter, with Dr. Scheherazade West Forman
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Jo Ann Jolivet, Helen Anderson, Sheryl Nelson, Judge C. Yvonne Holt-Stone
Golden Sorors are LaVerne Gaither, Dr. Brenda Bowe Johnson, Cynthia Porter, Anastatia Benton
Silver Stars members were recognized for 25 years in the sorority
Photos by Dr. A. Lois De Laine
Roland R. Selby, Jr Executive Director Year Up Baltimore Year Up Graduates Courtesy photo
Guest and Sandy Dilworth (Board Chair, Vice President, IT Operations CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield.)
Tanisha O’Donoghue
Horsetail Tech Sponsors
Photos by Kaili Nichols
The Afro-American, February 4, 2017 - February 10, 2017
Winston Chaney, WYCB 1340 AM Master of Ceremonies Lovely Lady Boutique models
The 48th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. DC Support Group Scholarship Luncheon & Fashion show was held on Jan. 15 at Martin’s Crosswind in Greenbelt, Md. The event’s theme was “Remember! Celebrate! Act! KING’S Legacy of Courage for Our World.”
Vene’ A. LaGon, Miss American Classic 2016 and Winston Chaney Humanitarian Award Recipient Lonnie Bunch III, director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture accepted by John Just-Buddy and D.C. MLK Support Group members Gwen Johnson, chairwoman of the board; Helen V. Tate, founder; Beverly Harrison Griggs, president
Phil Feaster Maryland Scholarship Recipient, Joan Jordan (center) with D.C. MLK Support Group members Gwen Johnson; Joyce Feaster; Frank Kennedy; Beverly Harrison Griggs; Wyonette Brown, 1st vice president and Winston Chaney
Luncheon attendees
Special guest Dr. Roger A Mitchell, Jr., chief medical examiner for the District of Columbia (far left) with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. D C Support Group’s 2017 Planning Committee Photos by Robert Bennett
On Jan. 21 tens of thousands of women from across the nation gathered in Washington D.C. for the Women’s March on Washington to protest President Trump and his policies against women’s health and civil rights for all people.
Alotta Taylor, Lakieshe Hawkins and Rae Martel
Janet Mock, American writer, TV host, transgender rights activist, author of the New York Times bestseller “Redefining Realness”
Van Jones, American commentator, author and non-practicing attorney
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., president and CEO, Hip Hop Caucus
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Greater Washington Urban League Chair of the Board Michael P. Akin (left) and March participant
Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker Angela Davis, American political activist, academic scholar, and author
Alicia Keys
Jo-Ann Callender, Kimee Selassie and Amrill Salvary
Loretta Poteat and Lara Young Tikeshia Beanford, Bebra Jenkins and Kathleen Martindale
Doxie McCoy, Shari McCoy and Karen Robinson
Photos by Rob Roberts
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