Baltimore-Washington Afro American Newspaper April 2 2016

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Volume Volume 124 123 No. No. 35 20–22

April 2, 2016 - April 2, 2016, The Afro-American A1 $1.00


APRIL 2, 2016 - APRIL 8, 2016

Inside AFRO Editorial: Bush Endorsement of Cruz: A Loser’s Bigotry Embrace

Baltimore’s City Lights



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Accusation Spurs Change



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representative’s “word is bond?” That is, we the people of Baltimore City really should wise up and not expect much from the bobbing figureheads littering our mailbox with glossy literature, coming by each election season for pictureperfect church visits, and

Civil Rights

Betty Dukes Continues Fight for Workers’ and Women’s Rights By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Join Host Sean Yoes Monday-Friday 5-7 p.m. on 88.9 WEAA FM, the Voice of the Community. 22

47105 21847

Maryland State Legislation Supports Segregation –--Elected Officials In the Dark and Content to Remain There At what point is it suitable in Baltimore to give elected representatives a pass on doing their jobs effectively? It’s a serious question. Would it matter if they are two years “young” to the State Assembly or whether they are pushing twenty years of trekking to Annapolis? Are constituents too idealistic in believing and trusting that an elected

Listen to Afro’s “First Edition”


The Black woman who took one of the world’s largest corporations to the highest court in the land said recently that she will continue to fight for gender equity and for the rights of employees in the workplace. Betty Dukes, who retired from Wal-Mart after 21 years last year, after fighting her employer in court for 15 years, was the principal speaker at a press conference that was held on March 29 at the National Press Club. The purpose of the event was to commemorate the Continued on A4

promising they’ve got “nothing but love for [us] Baby.” Downright shameful and disheartening is what it is. If it isn’t apathy and outright failure on the job, then how then can the Baltimore City delegation members, and more importantly representatives of Districts

43 and 40, explain their cluelessness about the impact Senate (SB1052) and House (HB1607) bills (the ‘2016 Merger Bills’) may possibly have upon Baltimore City’s historically Black higher-ed institutions Coppin State and Morgan State Universities? The sponsors of both the House and Senate versions of the “2016 Merger Bills” are two Baltimore City state representatives, respectively Continued on A3

Hip Hop Caucus Launches 2016 ‘Respect My Vote!’ National Campaign The event featured celebrity spokesperson, Charlemagne Tha God, the New York based radio host of “The Hip Hop Caucus Founder Breakfast Club” and and CEO, the Rev. Lennox artists such as rapper 2 Yearwood, recently launched Chainz, who advocated a nationwide campaign to for more urban youth urge and assist young adults involvement and support in urban areas to vote. The in politics and voting. first summit of the 12th annual “Hip Hop has always – Rev. Lennox Yearwood “Respect My Vote! campaign, been political from was held March 22, in New York City. its inception, and tells the story of the Continued on A4 By Lauren Poteat Special to the AFRO

“Hip Hop has always been political from its inception...”

Teen Gets 6 Months in Jail for Part in Freddie Gray Unrest By The Associated Press

Courtesy photo

Betty Dukes took Wal-Mart to the Supreme Court on behalf of workers’ rights.

A teen who smashed a traffic cone through a windshield of a city police car during the unrest following Freddie Gray’s death last year in Baltimore will spend six months in jail. News media outlets report that 19-year-

old Allen Bullock was sentenced March 29 after pleading guilty last month to damaging property during the unrest. Under the plea deal, Bullock was sentenced to 12 years in jail, with all but six months suspended. He must also serve five years’ Continued on A4

Copyright © 2016 by the Afro-American Company 410.332.0033



By Saschane Stephenson

• Walmart


Photos by Anderson Ward

Performers parade through downtown Baltimore during the Light City Baltimore 2016 while onlookers took in the sights behind the ship The Pride of Baltimore II.

New Model for Youth Success

Apr 8–May 8 At Towson University

DETROIT ’67 By Dominique Morisseau

In association with Detroit Public Theatre


“A poetic play of


The music and politics of the Motown era sizzle in the background of this sharp drama that follows one family’s survival amidst the Detroit riots of 1967.


The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

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NATION & WORLD Jamaican Native Named Dean of D.C.’s American U. Law School

Ghana to Remove English as Teaching Standard in Schools

By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondent

Ghana’s Minister of Education Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang recently announced plans to revoke English as the primary medium for instruction throughout the nation’s entire education system. There have been several proposals urging Ghana to eradicate English as a basic teaching device for all schools, however, concrete action only officially began to take place during the October 2015 Shared Prosperity Forum, held at the University of Ghana, where Agyemang argued the importance of teaching in native languages. Agyemang, a former university professor and vice-chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, was reported as saying she was determined to ensure Ghanaian school children would be taught in their mother tongue, according to and other news outlets. The Minister of Education said the reason why the educated working class has not been better able to develop Ghana is because of the insistence on English education and that reverting

Camille Nelson, who made history as the first Black woman to clerk for the Canada Supreme Court, has been named dean of the Washington College of Suffolk University Law at American University in Camille A. Nelson was Washington, D.C. She begins recently named dean of the her new post July 25. Washington College of Law Nelson’s appointment is at American University in significant given the paucity of Washington, D.C. women of color at executive levels of the legal profession. According to the American Bar Association, there are only 11 African-American women at the helm of the nation’s law schools. Hailed as one of the nation’s most powerful Black lawyers and legal diversity advocates, the Jamaican native is an accomplished writer and lecturer, whose work focuses on the intersection of critical race theory and cultural studies, with particular emphasis on criminal law and procedure, health law and comparative law. “I consider myself a legal anthropologist as it were,” Nelson told Diverse Issues in Education about her focus on the “identity dynamics” that lie below the surface of society. “We’re digging and bringing to the surface things that others don’t know exist or frankly don’t want to deal with. I think that has clearly broad reach not only in criminal law but beyond.” In a memo discussing the appointment, American University Provost Scott Bass said Nelson “brings vitality, enthusiasm, and fresh ideas to one of the nation’s most distinctive law schools.” “She has our full confidence in her ability to lead a dynamic faculty, staff, and student body to the next level of impact in legal education,” Bass continued. “The Washington College of Law is fortunate to attract such an experienced candidate ready to lead a law school whose very founders were women. It is only fitting that she is able to draw upon this rich tradition and institutional legacy.” Nelson is currently a professor of law at Suffolk University Law School in Boston, where she has served as dean from 2010-2015. As dean she was an innovator, who—among other accomplishments–established Suffolk’s Institute on Law Practice Technology and Innovation and also instituted the nation’s first program concentration in legal technology and innovation.

By Lauren Poteat Special to the AFRO

“Because the Koreans were taught in a language they understand, education picked up; because we are teaching our children a language they can’t even follow, we are drawing them back.” – Minister Agyemang to instruction in our native languages will “change this country.” Minister Agyemang buttressed her stance by illustrating recent changes in Korea. The Asian country, which used to be on par with Ghana, is now way ahead in terms of economics and development after returning to their indigenous tongues and removing English as an educational staple, she argued. “Because the Koreans were taught in a language they understand, education picked up; because we are teaching our children a language they can’t even follow, we are drawing them back,” Agyemang reportedly said. Ghana’s move mirrors actions in other African nations such as Gambia and Tanzania, who earlier last year announced their plans to terminate the use of former colonizers’ languages and focus on indigenous languages as the channel of instruction within their school systems.


The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 2, 2016

April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American


Segregation Continued from A1

Delegate Curt Anderson and Senator Bill Ferguson. For those who have been watching the movement of the two bills, the primary questions being asked while heads shake in disbelief and boiling frustration are, “Why sponsor and vote for the bill?!” and “Did they understand what they were reading?!” What’s at Stake Here? The 2016 House and Senate bills, bearing the title of The University of Maryland Strategic Partnership Act of 2016, both cloak a merger which moves an entire University of Maryland administrative center into Baltimore city, Coppin State and Morgan State Universities’ backyard, with millions of dollars in state funding going to already well-developed and funded traditionally White institutions like Towson University and University of Maryland-College Park. We previously shared the following excerpt from the opinion memo from The Coalition for Equity and Excellence in Maryland Higher Education, et al. v. Maryland Higher Education Commission (the ‘Coalition Lawsuit’) case which determined two things specifically: (1) that the State of Maryland nurtures racial discrimination in a higher education context, and; (2) that the State of Maryland preserves or prolongs segregated conditions in its universities “by and through its continuous policies and practices” regarding academic programs and the unnecessary duplication of academic programs at Traditionally White Institutions (TWI) where those programs first originated at the Historically Black Institutions (HBIs). The Coalition Lawsuit was brought and won by an alliance of students, faculty, alumni, and supporters of Maryland’s four HBIs, which includes Morgan State University and Coppin State University in Baltimore (the ‘Coalition’). The Court found that the state of Maryland in its higher education policies had never truly abandoned segregation practices which landmark cases like Brown v. Board of Education and United States v. Fordice sought to resolve. The proposed 2016 Merger Bills presently being considered by our representatives circumvent what the Court has asked the State of Maryland to do in the Coalition Lawsuit— fix the results of the State’s lingering practice of “de jure” segregation. The Bills also highlight the contradiction of the State’s resistance to a Coalition proposal submitted in the Coalition Lawsuit for the merger of U of Baltimore into Morgan. Enough Already Last week, there was an announcement that leaders in the General Assembly had found and agreed to give $290 million in “aid” to jumpstart growth in Baltimore. Senate President Mike Miller, champion of the packaged funding and supporter of the 2016 Merger Bills, worked with House Speaker Michael E. Busch in crafting the multi-milliondollar deal that reportedly includes money for a program at Towson University but nothing directly to Morgan State or Coppin State Universities. Busch was quoted as saying, “It’s an opportunity to show the country, if you will, that you can have a renaissance in these urban communities that seem to have fallen on hard times.” But smart people need to challenge the motives of the leaders and ask, “Haven’t we

had enough short-term misplaced solutions Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity – Gamma Chapter; to Baltimore City’s issues? When is the State Iota Phi Theta Fraternity – Alpha Chapter; of Maryland and its leaders going to sit down Zeta Phi Beta Sorority – Gamma Chapter; and layout multi-million dollar funding to Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority – Beta Tau help grow Coppin and help establish and Chapter; Alpha Nu Omega Fraternity – grow Morgan State as the “Urban Research Alpha Chapter; Alpha Nu Omega Sorority University for the State of Maryland” as was – Alpha Chapter; Groove Phi Groove Social designated by the General Assembly in 1998?” Fellowship – Mother Bear; Kappa Kappa There is more than enough evidence Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity – Eta to show that investing in higher-education Gamma Chapter; Malika Kambe Umfazi institutions and infrastructure around academic Sorority – Njeri Zubari Queendom Chapter; campuses establishes Pershing Angels Sorority – an anchor point which Company J-8-5; Pershing subsequently removes blight, Rifles Fraternity – Company establishes better housing, J-8; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia attracts stable income-earning Fraternity – Pi Eta Chapter; residents, jobs and without fail Sigma Alpha Iota Music creates a boon in economic Fraternity for Women – Kappa development and an uptick Xi Chapter; Swing Phi Swing in services by community Social Fellowship – Marali businesses. Nubia Bear Chapter; Tau Beta Is any portion of this Sigma National Honorary $290 million going to benefit Band Sorority – Epsilon anyone impacted by last Omega Chapter; and Delta Chi April’s unrest? Coppin State is Xi Honorary Dance Fraternity Courtesy photo but a 10-minute walk from the – Zeta Chapter. Saschane Stephenson West Baltimore area of unrest The gauntlet has been writes that supporters of and is surrounded by blight set down before the listed HBCUs need to speak out with not a penny spent toward organizations today, and against the University of bettering the surrounding Maryland schools merger. before you as a reader. infrastructure. Is it not strange Can you open your mouth that Maryland’s leaders would and raise your voice as loud as rather invest tax-payer dollars in short-term the faithful belligerent members of the NRA? solutions instead of in proven long-term School spirit and support is more than showing investments that turn around communities like up for snapshots on Homecoming Day. Is the those surrounding Coppin State University? present state of Morgan State University and If Morgan State University is “Maryland’s Coppin State University not worth fighting Public Urban University,” then why are the for? Is the future of your alma mater Morgan leaders of the Maryland General Assembly and State and Coppin State not worth fighting for? the Baltimore City state delegation working so hard at keeping Morgan in the shadows and A Call to Action inferior to the largely White institutions under The marching orders for every concerned the University of Maryland system? Why and frustrated person are as follows: would elected leaders co-sign the 2016 Merger (1) Call and email the offices of each Bills that throw more money at schools in the Baltimore City state representatives for the well-heeled University of Maryland system, 43rd and 40th Districts, as well as the offices that move more segments of that system of each member of the Baltimore City State into Coppin and Morgan’s backyard, and Delegation—especially those who are Senate generate unreasonable additional competition Members in the Appropriations and Budget for students and resources to the possible and Taxation Committees, every day from now detriment of Baltimore’s HBCU’s? until April 4, 2016.

Baltimore City delegation members’ office phone numbers and email addresses can be found at: mdmanual/07leg/html/gacobcit.html. (a) Ask for answers on why they (members) have supported the bill, and voice your objection on any support for the House and Senate bills (HB 1607 and SB 1052) (b) Insist that they do not vote in support of the ‘University of Maryland Strategic Partnership Act of 2016’ bills because doing so will financially harm and stunt the future of historically-Black Coppin State and Morgan State Universities (2) Show up in peaceful protest at any Committee meeting on the named bills— meeting dates are posted on the Maryland Legislature website. Just search for HB 1607 or SB 1052 in the “Find Legislation: By Number:” box [go to:]. It is not enough to be frustrated when legislators are asleep while driving at the ‘serving-constituents’ wheel, you must say something and, or, do something. Being taken for granted by elected officials is no longer an option in 2016. If Not Now, Then When? If the Maryland legislators from all counties, and specifically the Baltimore City state delegation members, have lost their courage to stand up and do what is right and required under law to stop the State of Maryland from continuing to covertly perpetuate segregation tactics under the guise of a feel-good merger wrapped up in the University of Maryland Strategic Partnership Act of 2016, then remind them of what courage looks like. Remind Maryland legislators today that your wishes count and you will remember how they chose to vote for or against Coppin State and Morgan State Universities when you’re looking down at the Ballot box. Stand up, Speak Up, for Morgan and Coppin State Universities. Saschane Stephenson is a former U.S. Presidential Management Fellow and an alumni of Howard University School of Law.

Is There Time to Fix Things? Yes. As of today, we are winding down to the critical period in which the Senate or House version of the University of Maryland Strategic Partnership Act of 2016 bills can die. Sine Die is fast approaching and so is the rush to push bills to the finish line. On March 30, the House Appropriations Committee and the House of Delegates voted to approve HB 1067 with 17 amendments, none of which address the harm to Maryland’s HBCUs. The House’s approval is not a mirrorimage to the previously-approved Senate bill (SB 1052), which means the Senate has to take up the bill once more to see if they want to make the same 17 amendments. Therefore, there is still room to have the Senate address and avert the detrimental impact on Morgan and Coppin State Universities. The Senate is expected to view SB 1052 no later than April 1 as the final voting days in the Assembly run April 4 through April 11. Who is Responsible to Turn Things Around? You are. You, as in: the readers of the AFRO newspaper; residents of Baltimore City; students, staff, and faculty of Morgan State University and sister school Coppin State University; alumni and family members, friends and supporters. “You” also includes the current pledges and members of the following Greek chapters of the National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations and fraternal organizations of the Council of Independent Organizations (CIO) who are being called out: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity – Beta Alpha Chapter; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority – Alpha Delta Chapter; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity – Alpha Iota Chapter; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity – Pi Chapter; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority – Alpha Gamma Chapter;

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The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

April 2, 2016 - April 2, 2016, The Afro-American


By The Associated Press The rapper known as “C-Murder,” who once recorded an album while locked up in jail, may have done it again — this time in a maximum-security Louisiana prison, where he is serving a life sentence for a teenager’s killing. Prison officials are investigating whether the rapper, whose real name is Corey Miller, recorded music for an upcoming album while in the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. Miller, 45, is still challenging his 2009 murder conviction and life sentence. His latest appeal is pending before the Louisiana Supreme Court. One of the songs on his latest album is called “Dear Supreme Court/Under Pressure” and includes a plea for the Supreme Court to free him. “I had no gun. Didn’t know the victim. My position still stands. It’s blatant lynching of the system,” Miller raps on a recently released video for the song. An actor portrays Miller in the video, which shows supporters holding “Free C. Miller” signs on the New Orleans court’s front steps. Miller denied recording anything at Angola but refused to take a polygraph test when investigators questioned him, state Department of Corrections spokeswoman Pam Laborde said in a statement. In 2005, the rapper released an album recorded while he was incarcerated at the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center in Gretna. The recording, made with the help of an attorney, angered then-sheriff Harry Lee, who restricted what Miller’s attorneys could bring into the jail. Laborde said the current investigation began in January

when reports of a new C-Murder album surfaced. It hasn’t turned up any “conclusive” evidence that Miller recorded music at the prison, she said, but the investigation remains open. The album “Penitentiary Chances” is scheduled to be released on April 15, according to Miller’s manager, Manuel Ortiz. Ortiz said Miller recorded all of the vocals on the album while under house arrest several years ago, before his 2009 conviction. “He had a studio at his home,” he said. “He has recorded an ungodly amount of unreleased music.” A judge sentenced Miller to life in prison in August 2009 after a jury convicted him of second-degree murder for the fatal shooting of 16-year-old Steve Thomas at a Harvey nightclub in 2002. Rachel Conner, Miller’s attorney, said her client is “justifiably frustrated” but hopes the Supreme Court “will give him his day in court.” “He is innocent of the shooting of Steve Thomas, and yet he is serving life without parole at Angola,” Conner wrote in an email. Laborde said prisoners aren’t allowed to record albums or songs or maintain social media accounts. Accounts linked to Miller “appear to be very active,” she added. “The department regrets that the victim’s family (and much of the public) cannot be spared from this,” she said. “However, it appears that associates of the offender are responsible for content on these pages and it is very difficult for investigators to remove the pages.”

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Rap Song Allegedly Recorded by Inmate Sparks Probe

Rapper Corey Miller, known as “C-Murder,” is being investigated by prison officials over whether he recorded music for an upcoming album while in the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola.


Continued from A1

Courtesy photo

Rev. Yearwood and New York radio host “Charlemagne Tha God” advocate for urban youths to vote.

Hip Hop

Continued from A1

oppressed, that overtime helped shape policy. Hip Hop and politics are critical to each other and it is important for people to understand that their vote is critical and that democracy is not a spectator sport. You can’t say anything if you don’t vote,” Yearwood told the AFRO. The Hip Hop Caucus was formed in 2004, following Russell Simmons’ Hip Hop Summit Action Network, Puff Daddy’s (Vote or Die) campaign, Jay Z’s “Voice Your Choice,” and the AFL-CIO’s “Hip Hop Voices.” Yearwood’s goal is to bring the power of the Hip Hop community to Washington, D.C., where he’s lived most of his life. There is no date for the D.C. Caucus yet, , he said. “Celebrity input is so important because they actually take issues that everyday youth may not know about and make them relevant. Beyoncé’s Formation video was political and told a story. We can now take that story and address climate change, police reform, [and] women’s rights, and apply it to the next steps of policy change,” Yearwood said. In 2008, the Hip Hop Caucus featured celebrities such as T.I. and Keyshia Cole. “In the past primary in Florida, 1 in 4 Black people could not vote because of their criminal background, zapping power from the community. That is why we are currently working on voting reforms, speaking at Black universities, going to community centers, and encouraging members of the community to get involved,” Yearwood said. In addition to voting, the caucus works on other issues, including the Gulf Coast Renewal Campaign, a response to Hurricane Katrina that stopped illegal evictions of Katrina survivors and holding police and government entities accountable for their injustices, according to its website. “We use Hip Hop to make sure our voices are heard and to strengthen democracy. Everything Beyoncé did in Formation can’t be done without voting. Historically, people of color died to give you a chance to vote. That alone should motivate you, regardless,” Yearwood said.

fifth year anniversary of the Wal-Mart vs. Dukes U.S. Supreme Court case which ruled, 5-4, that the 1.6 million female employees of WalMart couldn’t use the classaction suit format to recover damages for gender pay and promotion discrimination. Dukes, who lives in northern California, told a group of women’s rights advocates and reporters at the event that the fight for gender equality in the workplace continues despite losing the court case. “Women have such a long way to go and have come a long way,” Dukes said. Maya Raghu, the director of Workplace Equality of the National Women’s Law Center and a speaker at the event noted that women earn 79 cents to every dollar that a man earns. “The numbers are worse for women of color,” Raghu said. Raghu said that onefourth of women who earn minimum wage on their jobs are women of color and more likely to be their family’s breadwinner than White women. She said that

66 percent of all people who would earn more money under increasing minimum wage efforts would be women and the tipped wage, where workers are paid according to tips and less so by salary, are having to get by on $2.13, and the majority of those are female. Raghu urged the audience to support U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s (D-Md.) The

Capital Area, praised Dukes for her work for gender equity in the workplace and said there is plenty need for her type of advocacy in the District. “In D.C. there are 60,00090,000 people who don’t possess a high school diploma or a GED,” Smith said, noting that Dukes got her GED at 30. “Many of these people are women and they are without

“Women have such a long way to go and have come a long way.” -Betty Dukes Paycheck Fairness Act, which would allow employees to share information about their salaries without being disciplined or losing their jobs. She also urged the passage of Sen. Robert P. Casey’s (D-Pa.) bill, The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which would prohibit discrimination against women who are pregnant in regards to company policies. Tamara Smith, president of the YWCA of the National

credentials to compete in the city’s job market.” Smith said that women need to support each other when it comes to seeking employment and she touched on the country’s politics when making a point about women advancing in their careers. “We need a woman in [corporate] boardrooms and leaders of organizations,” she said, “and we need a woman in the White House.” Dukes said her foundation,

criticized as too high. The six Baltimore officers charged in Gray’s death were released on bonds of between $250,000 and $350,000.

Gray, a 25-year-old Black man, died last April of injuries received in police custody. His death sparked widespread protests.


Continued from A1

probation, complete 400 hours of community service and get his GED. The $500,000 bail set for Bullock last year was

Baltimore Police Department via AP

These six Baltimore police officers, top row from left, Caesar R. Goodson Jr., Garrett E. Miller and Edward M. Nero, and bottom row from left, William G. Porter, Brian W. Rice and Alicia D. White, all face charges relating to the death of Freddie Gray in police custody last April.

The Betty Dukes Foundation, seeks to empower female workers and other marginalized populations in the labor force to fight discrimination and abusive practices in the workforce. She touched on politics briefly when she said “how can some in our society embrace an individual like Mr. [Donald] Trump” and the reason why times are so contentious is “because everything in Washington is on lockdown.” Dukes is asking people to support “The Equal Employment Opportunity Restoration Act of 2012 that is co-sponsored by U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and U.S. Rep. Rosa De Lauro (D-Conn.). The bill would negate the Wal-Mart vs. Dukes ruling and allow employees in companies to sue in a class action format. “We as Black people cannot look at life through rose-colored glasse s,” she said. “We need to see the real world. Remember, there were good slave masters during slavery but our people were still slaves.”

April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American


Mississippi Black Woman Pleads Guilty to Terrorism Charge


Jaelyn Young, left, and her fiance, Muhammad Dakhlalla, both pleaded guilty to terror charges.

By The Associated Press In her farewell letter as she was leaving to join the Islamic State group, Jaelyn Young told her family she was guilty. “I found the contacts, made arrangements, planned the departure,” prosecutors say she wrote last August. “I am guilty of what you soon will find out.” On March 29, she admitted the same to a federal judge in Aberdeen, Mississippi, pleading guilty to one count of conspiring to provide material support to a terrorist organization. U.S. District Judge Sharion Aycock will sentence the 20-year-old Young at a later date. The former Mississippi State University student faces up to 20 years in prison, $250,000 in fines and lifetime probation. Her fiance, Muhammad Dakhlalla, pleaded guilty March 11 to a similar charge and also awaits sentencing. The daughter of a school administrator and a police officer who served in the Navy reserve, Young is a former honor student, cheerleader and homecoming maid at Vicksburg’s Warren Central High School. Prosecutors have said Young converted to Islam while studying chemistry at Mississippi State University, led toward the Islamic State group in part by online videos. Like Young herself, prosecutors have said she’s the one who prodded Dakhlalla into the plan to join

the terrorists. The couple was arrested Aug. 8 before boarding a flight from Columbus, Mississippi, with tickets for Istanbul purchased using her mother’s credit card without her mother’s permission. Authorities say the couple contacted undercover federal agents in May, seeking online help in traveling to Syria. Both are jailed in Oxford. Court papers say Young announced her conversion in March 2015 and began wearing a burqa, a garment worn by some Muslim women to cover their face and body. “After her conversion, Young distanced herself from family and friends and felt spending time with non-Muslims would be a bad influence,” prosecutors wrote earlier this month. The statement said Young increasingly complained about the treatment of Muslims in the United States and United Kingdom. Prosecutors said that, after watching pro-Islamic State group videos, she began to view the fighters as liberators. They said Young approvingly cited a video of a man accused of being gay being thrown off a roof to his death by militants and also expressed approval of the shooting of five members of the military in Chattanooga, Tennessee. “Young continually asked Dakhlalla when they were going to join (the Islamic State group) and began to express hatred for the U.S. government and to express support for the implementation of Sharia law in the United States,” prosecutors wrote. By May, she had begun seeking advice online on how to travel to Syria, eventually making contact with undercover FBI employees. Earlier charges state that her Twitter page said the only thing keeping her from traveling to Syria was her need to earn money. “I just want to be there,” she is quoted as saying. Young specified her skills with math and chemistry and said she and Dakhlalla would like to be medics treating the wounded. At one time, Young said she planned to camouflage her journey as a honeymoon, but later disregarded the plan. The FBI said Dakhlalla and Young both expressed impatience with how long it was taking for them to be issued passports, and the charges say Dakhlalla paid $340 to expedite passport processing on July 1. “Do not alert the authorities,” Young wrote in the farewell letter to her family, little knowing the FBI knew about her plan. “I will contact you soon. I am safe. Don’t look for me because you won’t be able to retrieve me if you tried. I am leaving to become a medic.”










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3/22/16 1:38 PM


The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

AFRO Editorial


Bush Endorsement of Cruz: A Loser’s Bigotry Embrace Jeb Bush has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president in a desperate attempt to deny Donald Trump the Republican nomination for the White House. Bush isn’t doing America any favors. In fact, by endorsing Cruz, the Republican from Texas, Bush, the humiliated former Florida governor, is also supporting Cruz’s blatant racist proposals. Cruz is traveling the country touting his new convoluted idea for police to step-up their policing of “Muslim neighborhoods” across the country in a response to last week’s terrorist attacks in Brussels. He said increasing the police presence in “Muslim neighborhoods” is just like monitoring local gang activity. But it’s not. Cruz is misguided -- and he’s dangerous. It’s a classic Republican strategy: Strike fear in the hearts of the electorate by telling them people of color are treacherous. “If you have a neighborhood where there’s a high level of gang activity, the way to prevent it is you increase the law enforcement presence there and you target the gang members to get them off the streets,” Cruz told CNN. “I’m talking about any area where there is a higher incidence of radical Islamic terrorism.” “We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” Cruz said. He added that America can’t afford to give in to “political correctness.” Cruz’s racially-offensive “Muslim neighborhood” plan also harkens back to dark days where former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover secretly monitored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and black civil rights advocates in the 1960s. Cruz, much like Hoover, is singling out people of color, essentially suggesting that all Muslims are somehow tied to terrorists. It’s an insane notion and here are a few critical questions that Cruz has sidestepped: What exactly constitutes a Muslim neighborhood? How many Muslims have to live in a community for Cruz to declare the area a “Muslim neighborhood?” And who in the Cruz campaign will conduct the head count? Cruz’s proposed policy is ludicrous, racist and it may even be illegal. Once again, Cruz shows that he is completely out of touch with many Americans and has no compassion or respect for people of color, which is why we believe all minorities across this country need to unite in order to insure that Cruz does not move to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. next year. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson correctly criticized Cruz, by politely calling Cruz’s comments “inflammatory.” “We’ve spent a lot of time building bridges to American Muslim communities as you know because the Islamic State is targeting those communities to carry out attacks, to conduct attacks in the homeland,” Johnson , who is African American, told MSNBC. “So we spent a lot of time working with Muslim communities, American Muslim communities, and they’re not a monolith; there are many of them across the country, to help them help us in our homeland security efforts.” President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential frontrunner, and New York Police Commissioner William Bratton have all criticized Cruz.

“We already patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods, the same way we patrol and secure other neighborhoods,” Bratton wrote in an op-ed in the New York Daily News last week. “But no, we do not single out any populace, Black, White, yellow or brown for selective enforcement.” Meanwhile, Jeb Bush, who was heckled by Trump for most of his campaign, is hoping through Cruz to do what he could not do himself directly. Derail Trump’s bid for the White House . “For the sake of our party and country, we must move to overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena, or we will certainly lose our chance to defeat the Democratic nominee and reverse President Obama’s failed policies,” Bush said last week. Cruz’ racist bigotry must be challenged at every opportunity and Bush, the one time “Golden Boy” of the Republican establishment who dropped out of the presidential race in disgrace last month, should do the American public a major service by disappearing quietly into the obscure segment of American political history reserved for those politicians the public has emphatically stamped as LOSERS. Bush’s attempts to elevate Cruz by ignoring the bigotry that too often dribbles from Cruz’s declarations, only substantiates Jeb Bush’s prodigious and sorrowful inadequacy as a political leader whom we could never justify supporting.

Don’t Drop the Voting Baton Contrary to the opinion of some commentators, I remain convinced that our nation’s African American voters will once again vote in record numbers during this critical election year. We will vote, and encourage everyone we know to march with us to the polls, as if our families’ future will be dramatically affected by the outcome — because it will be. Will our engagement in Elijah Cummings choosing the next President and Congress be dampened because President Obama will not be on the ballot? I do not believe so, at least not in any significant way. There is little doubt that African American civic participation was encouraged by President Obama’s historic election and re-election campaigns in 2008 and 2012. However, as someone who was actively involved in those campaigns, the deeper motivation underlying our successful engagement was the disastrous experience of minority communities during the top-down, trickle down economic policies of the Bush Administration years. We have not forgotten that pain, whatever some pundits would have us believe. Moreover, I fully expect to join President Obama on the campaign trail this year, when the leading Democratic presidential candidates are competing to establish who best can build upon and expand our President’s successful initiatives. Meanwhile, the Republican candidates have been fighting about who will do the most to discard our President’s achievements in economic recovery, health care, environmental protection and foreign policy.

Clearly, the Republicans are not competing for our votes — and that is their fundamental, strategic error. Consider these facts: In 2012, for the first time in any presidential election, eligible African American voters voted at a higher rate (66% vs. 64%) than did our Caucasian countrymen and women. As analysists for the widely respected Cook Political Report have concluded, African American voters accounted for President Obama’s entire margin of victory in seven states: Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. I recall these facts because, this year, the balance of political forces in our country again makes the active and enthusiastic engagement of Americans of Color a decisive factor in the Presidential Election. Notwithstanding the efforts to suppress our votes by Republican legislators, Republicans in the Congress and a slim 5-4 majority of the Supreme Court, I am convinced that the active participation by Americans of Color in voter registration drives, voter-turnout campaigns and election day mobilization will determine the direction of the Presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States for years to come. I should also note that the seven states in which African American voters were essential to President Obama’s 2012 victory are the same states (along with Illinois, Wisconsin and North Carolina) in which we have the ability to restore the United States Senate as the truly deliberative governing body that our Constitution envisions. Here is why, despite the nay-saying, I remain so confident. As President Clinton was always fond of reminding us, it’s all about the math. The Pew Research Center concluded last month that the American electorate this year will be our nation’s most racially and ethnically diverse ever. Nearly one-in-three eligible voters on Election Day (31 percent) will be African American, Hispanic American, Asian American or another ethnic minority.

There are nearly 11 million more eligible voters this year than there were at the time of President Obama’s 2012 reelection — and more than two-thirds of this growth in the American electorate (7.5 million) has come from racial and ethnic minorities. Understanding these facts is important — especially so because of the active efforts to make us doubt the candidates who have our best interests at heart and doubt our own ability to elect the government we need and deserve. We must have confidence in our own competence to build upon President Obama’s legacy and truly reform the government of our country. Our chant has always been “Yes, we can.” Together, we can succeed in this election year, but only if we all work together for the positive changes that our nation needs — and if we live up to the determination and courage of an elderly woman whom I met at our polling place in 2012. The lady (close to 90 years of age, barely able to walk, and knowing that she may have been voting for the last time in her life) was brimming with pride. Yet, as I listened to her thoughts, I knew that she would have faced great difficulties voting in states that suppressed her vote. Like so many of our senior citizens, this wonderful woman must have felt that she had been running in a marathon — and now, she needed to pass on the baton to the next generation. We are that generation — the new majority of Black and White, Brown and Yellow Americans — and what that wonderful, courageous and principled woman would tell us this Election Year is this: “Don’t drop the baton.” Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

Use Your Tax Refund to Gain Financial Breathing Room For many Americans, tax refunds represent the only money they receive during the year that is above and beyond their normal pay. Maximizing the benefit from this lump sum payment and deciding how to allocate it among various priorities – savings, debt, household expenses and more – is often a challenge. This year, consider spending your refund a little Laurie Fryer differently. Use the money to gain financial breathing room and set yourself up for success the rest of the year. Paying down high-interest debt or padding your savings account can help

alleviate financial stress long after tax season is over. There are four rules of thumb to consider. Start an emergency fund. If you don’t have an emergency fund to ease the stress of the next unexpected expense, direct a portion of your refund toward establishing one. Consider contributing 70 percent if you are just getting started. If you already have $2,000 in savings, allocate 20 percent of your refund to keep it growing. Pay off debt. If you have an emergency account already, consider using 50 percent of your refund or bonus to pay down high-interest debt. If you used a large portion of the refund to establish your emergency fund, set 20 percent aside to pay down debt. Reward yourself. Consider “paying” yourself 30 percent if your emergency fund is over $2,000; if under $2,000 this number should be 10 percent. If you are planning a summer vacation or weekend getaway, use your refund to prepay the hotel room or plane tickets. Often you can get a discount on

hotel rates if you pay in advance – and you won’t have bills to pay when you get back. Review your tax withholdings. Finally, if you received a sizable refund, you may be paying too much in taxes throughout the year. Consider adjusting your tax withholdings so that less money is taken out of each paycheck. You can use that money to increase your contribution to an employersponsored retirement plan or health savings account. Tax refunds can be a welcome financial windfall, but they are easily spent and forgotten without a plan. Resolve to do things differently this year. Saving more, paying down debt and even adjusting your withholding allowances can give you greater financial confidence all year long – not just during tax season. Laurie Fryer is the retail region executive for SunTrust Banks , covering the Greater Washington/Maryland/Virginia region.

April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American

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The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

“Thank You for Your Support.”

Melissa Sherrod

Vice President of Corporate Affairs Exelon

Donna Cooper Region President Pepco

The Pepco Holdings-Exelon Merger: Affordable, Reliable and Sustainable Electric Service. We at Pepco and Exelon thank you – our customers, the community and our partners – for your support of our merger. Now that the merger is approved, you can look forward to several customer benefits, including tens of millions of dollars for a customer investment fund that will be used for customer bill credits, energy-efficiency programs and low-income assistance. In addition, the merger sets higher requirements for Pepco to increase the reliability of electric service, which means fewer and shorter power outages. Plus, over the next 10 years, millions of dollars in charitable contributions will continue to go to local nonprofits that serve Pepco customers. We look forward to continuing to serve you every day with affordable, reliable and sustainable electric service.

For more information about our merger, visit

Paid for by Exelon Corporation.

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April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American

WASHINGTON-AREA Voter registration deadline is May 15.


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D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s new budget is set for public hearings.

Mixed Feelings Follow ExelonPepco Merger

Bowser Presents $13.5 Billion D.C. Budget to Council By James Wright Special to the AFRO

By James Wright Special to the AFRO On March 23, the Public Service Commission voted 2-1 in favor of the ExelonPepco merger, creating the largest utility company in the country. Chairman Betty Ann Kane cast the lone dissenting vote. The $6.8 billion transaction is official, with Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the U.S. Justice Department supporting it. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), who previously blocked the merger in an effort to negotiate more favorable terms, issued a terse statement, after the vote. “It appears the Public Service Commission favors government and commercial ratepayers over D.C. residents,” she said. “Instead of a three-year rate increase reprieve we negotiated, it appears that D.C. residents will be hit with a rate increase as soon as this summer.” While members of the D.C. Council declined to vote on the merger, members Mary

“We’re happy with the commission’s decision for both residents and employers in D.C.” – Anthony Williams Cheh (D-Ward 3), Charles Allen (D-Ward 6) and Elissa Silverman (I-At Large) voiced their opposition to the merger on Twitter. Sandra Mattavous-Frye, the District’s People’s Counsel, said the merger “appears to be a blow to District residents and the parties to the original settlement agreement.” The first settlement agreement, negotiated by Exelon and Pepco officials with the Bowser administration, included amenities like a one-time $50 credit on the utility bills, relocating some of Exelon headquarters to the District, no rate increase until 2019, and 100 union jobs in the city. However, earlier this year the commission rejected Continued on B2

Photos by Rob Roberts

Hundreds of people flocked to the Tidal Basin in Northwest D.C. March 26-27 to enjoy the warm weather and see the fully bloomed cherry blossoms. The city’s annual Cherry Blossom Festival began on March 20 and will run until April 17.

Pending Rape Case Results in HU Policy Changes the lobby and front entrance of the dorm where the female student alleged she had been raped. They proceeded throughout the main campus. A Howard University student, who is also employed as The accused student employee was formerly employed by a resident assistant in the university’s College Hall South the University of California Los Angeles. According to officials dormitory, was recently accused of sexually assaulting another at UCLA, the student was fired and banned from the campus in Howard student. The accusations have unveiled concerns about 2014 for falsifying information to obtain employment with campus a rape culture on campus, which has led to policy changes at the police and “build social relationships” with young women on the university. campus. According to the police, the student was also banned Scores of Howard student-protestors spilled into the streets last from the school because of a domestic violence accusation and week, chanting “no means no,” as part refusing to give back his employment of #TakeBackThe NightHU, a broad identification. protest for all victims of sexual assault So far, there has been no comment on campus following online accusations from Howard on whether the school against the resident assistant. The – Howard Students knew the accused resident assistant student was accused of two sexual had been banned from UCLA when the assault cases occurring in February of Department of Residence Life hired him. this year and in May of 2015. The AFRO In a statement to students March 23, is not publishing the resident assistant’s name because he has not in response to one of the demands of the #TakeBackTheNightHU been formally charged with a crime. protestors, the university said it changed its policy to include The demonstration was intended to “bring attention to the rape background checks for all employees, including students. culture at Howard and hold the administration accountable for how Howard officials said they could not release information they treat victims,” a flyer from the #TakeBackTheNightHU protest regarding the rape investigation against the student. “We do take said. According to news reports, several rapes have occurred on this very seriously,” Candi Smiley, the school’s deputy Title IX Howard’s campus, but have not been thoroughly investigated. coordinator, said. She said the school could not release information Holding signs with the protestors’ demands, students crowded about the case because it would be illegal. By Tatyana Hopkins, Howard University News Service

“No means no”

D.C. Council Wants to Pay People Not to Commit Crime By Shantella Y. Sherman Special to the AFRO To address an increase in violent crime within the District, the D.C. Council recently unanimously approved a bill that includes a proposal to pay residents and some youth a stipend to not to commit crimes. The bill is now headed to the mayor’s office for consideration. Sponsored by Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie (D-Ward 5), the Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results Amendment Act of 2016 (or NEAR Act), hopes to discourage recidivism, while providing behavioral therapy. While many residents agree that something innovative must be instituted to curb violent crimes, offering stipends remains a sticking point for many. “I want to prevent violent crime – particularly gun violence – by addressing Courtesy Photo the root causes and creating opportunities for people, The bill is sponsored by particularly those individuals D.C. Council member who are at the highest risks Kenyan R. McDuffie of offending,” McDuffie, a (D-Ward 5). former prosecutor, said in a statement following the vote. “Implementing the NEAR Act means effective and sustainable crime prevention for District residents, as one homicide in the Continued on B2

Amid Rising Prices, D.C. Council Chairman Offers Property Tax Tips By James Wright Special to the AFRO

Phil Mendelson, chairman On March 23 at Turkey of the D.C. Council, wants Thicket Recreation Center in Ward 5 and on March 26 at the residents to make sure they aren’t paying too much in Anacostia Library in Ward 8, property taxes. D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) held his annual “Tax Town Hall Meetings” that focus on the District’s real property assessments. The workshops, led by his office and staffed by employees of the Office of Tax and Revenue, are in their 12th year and are designed to help District homeowners make sure they are paying the right amount of property taxes. At the Anacostia Library, Mendelson told a small gathering of residents that taxing real property is a favored tool for collecting revenue by many municipalities including the District. “Real property taxes are popular among government leaders because it is not as volatile as sales or incomes taxes,” the chairman said. “Real property tax is based on wealth and it is more progressive in the collection process. If you are a lowincome resident, you tend to pay less tax.” The chairman said residents get two notices in the mail early in the year: a property tax bill and a proposed assessment of the property that is owned. He said that the assessments are generally assumed to be correct by employees of the Office of Tax and Revenue but residents should review their bill anyway for errors. Mendelson said that if a D.C. homeowner disagrees with the Continued on B2

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) recently presented her $13.5 billion budget for the District to the D.C. Council that includes $2.5 million for more police officers, $4.8 million for summer youth jobs and looks to take over the D.C. jail. On March 24, Bowser briefed members of the D.C. Council on her fiscal year budget plan entitled: “A Fair Shot”. This is Bowser’s second budget since taking office. “In a city as prosperous as ours, every resident deserves as fair shot-no matter who you are or what ward you live in,” the mayor said. “The Fair Shot Budget is geared toward making life better for Washingtonians today, as we prepare for a strong, healthy and prosperous future.” Bowser’s proposed budget includes $100 million to build and support more affordable housing units and $220 million for District of Columbia public schools as well as $75 million to enhance the

“The Fair Shot Budget is geared toward making life better for Washingtonians today, as we prepare for a strong, healthy and prosperous future.” schools’ programming. Other highlights include $12 million to put more ambulances on the streets and $2.5 million to the Office of United Communications for additional training of personnel; $10 million to delay the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families “cliff”, which is an effort to keep families from falling into dire poverty as their TANF benefits are set to expire; $5.9 million to programs to support returning citizens and $4.8 million for full funding of the Mayor Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Program. Bowser said she wants to provide $2.5 million for a Continued on B2


The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

D.C. Police Arrest Teen Suspect in Student Metro Slaying By Briana Thomas Special to the AFRO The Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police arrested 17-yearold Maurice Bellamy on March 29. Bellamy is accused of being involved in the killing of a 15-year-old boy, who was fatally shot on March 26 at the Deanwood Metro station in Northeast D.C. According to police, the shooting happened at about 4 p.m. in the 4700 block of Minnesota Avenue NE where they found Davonte Washington, 15, suffering from a gunshot wound. Washington was taking the metro to get a haircut for Easter Sunday with his mother and two sisters when he was approached by the suspected shooter, family members said. “They were on the platform. [His mom] said the guy walked up to them and asked him what was going on,” Leonard, Washington’s grandfather, told News4. “He said, ‘Nothing.’ The guy said, ‘I’ll shoot you,’ and he shot him. Just like that.” According to D.C. Courts, Bellamy will have a preliminary hearing on April 22 at 9:30 a.m. The suspect is not eligible for bond. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier announced, at a news conference, March 29 that the arrested teen will be charged with second-degree murder while armed as an adult. Washington, the victim, was a freshman at Largo High School in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Authorities have not released a possible motive. “Of all the tragic things that we see when it comes to violence, nothing is

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Bellamy is accused of being involved in the killing of a boy who was fatally shot on March 26 at the Deanwood Metro station in Northeast D.C. more senseless than this case, in my opinion,” Lanier said. Along with the recent arrest, Metropolitan Police announced March 25 that they arrested five homicide suspects in three days. Arrests include: Tavon “Juice” Stewart, 23, a suspect in connection with the fatal shooting of Rudolph Garris of

Suitland, Maryland, was arrested March 23 and charged with second-degree murder while armed. Garris, 25, died at a local hospital after being shot on March 1 in the 4200 block of 6th Street in Washington Highlands in Southeast, D.C. Authorities arrested Alphonso Roberts on March 24. He was charged with second-degree murder while armed. Roberts, 32, is a suspect in the Feb. 10 homicide of Maurico Walker, 23, in the 1900 block of 18th Street SE. Oxon Hill, Maryland resident Ronald Bruce Thomas was also arrested and charged with first-degree murder while armed on March 23. Thomas, 29, is suspected in a murder that happened over three years ago when Dontel Price, 21, from Northeast D.C., was struck by gunfire on May 18, 2013, on S Street NE. On March 22, a juvenile female was arrested and charged with second-degree murder while armed in connection with the deadly stabbing of Amanjanea La-Shell Whitley from Southeast D.C. Whitley, 18, was fighting in the 4800 block of Benning Road. She died at the hospital, according to police. Anthony Wade from Southeast D.C. was arrested and charged with second-degree murder while armed on March 22. Wade, 29, is a suspect in the March 9 fatal shooting of Aubrey Dansbury. Dansbury, 27, was shot in the 800 block of Chesapeake Street SE. She died at a local hospital on March 17. As of March 30, there have been 26 homicides in D.C., which is equal to the number of homicides in D.C. during the same time a year ago.

Crime Bill Continued from B1

District is one too many. We know that we cannot simply arrest our way out of crime; prevention is key. This comprehensive bill is a step in the right direction.” McDuffie’s program, modeled after a Richmond, California Program where participants receive up to $9,000 per year, would cost $4.9 million over four years, including $460,000 a year in stipend payments, according to the District’s independent chief financial officer. While Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) has yet to allocate funding for the program, some citizens believe it would be worth every cent. Marco Artis, a Ward 7 resident who has spent nearly half of his adult life in the penal

system, said he applauds McDuffie’s vision of incorporating mental health and behavioral modification courses into a program to keep violence at bay. However, the stipends, according to Artis, could become problematic. “McDuffie advocates hard for young people and I like that he wants to really treat the person as a victim of the society around them, rather than just a violent person. I didn’t want to fight and commit crimes, but I had to defend myself and I had to feed myself,”Artis told the AFRO. “It’s one thing to fix the person, but if you don’t address the neighborhood, the environment, you are setting someone up to have what money they earn being good citizens, taken from them.”

“There is so much random, violent crime in my neighborhood, that I would support any program that ends the crime, and offers an alternative to prison,” Ward 8 resident Chanel Brewer told the AFRO. “We have some young people shooting up bus stops and robbing everyone they see, and a whole lot of others who are the victims of those committing the crimes. We have to address this without packing everyone off to prison.” Under the bill, city officials would identify up to 200 people each year who are considered at risk of either committing or becoming victims of violent crime. Those people would be directed to participate in behavioral therapy and other programs. If they fulfill those

obligations and stay out of trouble, they would be paid. The District saw a 54 percent increase in homicides last year. Additionally, in recent months social media and news footage have documented scores of unprovoked attacks on unsuspecting citizens by young people. McDuffie’s efforts would adopt a public health approach to crime prevention and intervention by addressing the root causes of crime in what he believes are long-term, sustainable ways that include law enforcement, workforce development, and social services agencies. As of March 30, there have been 26 homicides in D.C. and violent crime has risen by 15 percent from the same period a year ago.


Continued from B1 the settlement agreement. Nevertheless, Matavous-Frye said she will do her job and protect District consumers. “Despite the commission’s perplexing approval of a proposal that [our office] and most of the other settling parties rejected, the Office of the People’s Counsel is fully prepared to continue to aggressively advocate for ratepayers and fight to ensure that rates remain affordable for consumers, particularly for our most economically vulnerable residents,” she said. Power DC, an umbrella organization of progressive environmental, civil rights and citizen rights groups, has been a major opponent of the merger and said “the fight is not over.” “Our organizations and the citizens we represent will fight Exelon every step of the way to ensure that D.C and the region do not suffer the same fate as Exelon’s other customers,” a statement on Power DC’s web site said. Power DC has consistently pointed to Exelon’s acquisition of Baltimore Gas and Electric as an example. When Exelon

acquired the Baltimore power company, residents in that city noticed an immediate rise in rates despite promises by Exelon not to do so immediately. “We join together as one company to play a vital role as a leader in our industry and the mid-Atlantic region,” Chris Crane, chief executive officer of the Chicago-based Exelon, said. “We’ve made a number of commitments to customers in all of the Pepco Holding utilities’ jurisdictions-the District, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey, and we look forward to getting to work to deliver those benefits to our customers.” Those benefits include a $72.8 million Customer Investment Fund, including $25.6 million in rate based credits; $11.25 million in funds for energy efficiency and energy conservation program especially for low-income residents, and $21.55 million to promote the District’s sustainability agenda through pilot projects to modernize the electric grid to accommodate more distributed energy resources.

Chris Stukes is a political activist in Ward 8 and is nervous about the merger. He told the AFRO while the merged company will provide some benefits for residents in his ward; it may not be beneficial for the middle class. “I think that the merger means more rate hikes for citizens and people cannot afford that,” Stukes said. “There is already displacement taking place in this ward and the rate hikes will just turn people away from the city.” However, others embraced the deal wholly. “We’re happy with the commission’s decision for both residents and employers in D.C.,” said former D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, executive director of the Federal City Council, a pro-District business advocacy group. “The merger is a win for reliability, financial integrity, sustainability, and corporate responsibility. Lifting the uncertainty around this agreement will benefit the economy and allow us to move forward with a stronger utility partner.”

With the District’s real estate market soaring in price and demand, there

deduction, senior citizen property tax relief, historic properties program, and the lower income homeownership tax abatement. The homestead deduction of 50 percent of property taxes is for homeowners who are 65 and make under $125,000 while the senior citizen tax relief program offers a tax credit of $127,000 for residents who are 70 and have lived in their homes for 25 years. “Under the senior citizen program, you

Property Tax Tips Continued from B1

assessment of their property they must file an appeal by April 1. “In regards to the appeals, you can fax it, mail it, do it online and bring it in person,” he said. “When you file an appeal, an assessor can give you the assessed rates on comparable properties. This is important because we have had instances where someone bought a house for $400,000 but it was assessed at $600,000 because of where it was located and that’s not right.”

D.C. assesses income, sales, and property taxes for its operations. The tax rate

“The council has adopted different strategies to mitigate the tax.” – Phil Mendelson for District homeowners is 85 cents per $100 of assessed value.

have long been complaints by senior citizen groups and low-income advocates that

property taxes are too high and give an unfair advantage to those with higher incomes. Mendelson said that he and his council colleagues have heard the concerns of those affected groups and have acted. “The council has adopted different strategies to mitigate the tax,” he said. “We want property to be used and not stand dormant.” Mendelson mentioned the District’s tax relief programs including the homestead

can defer the tax bill,” he said. The chairman said if a resident isn’t satisfied with the result of their April 1 appeal, the next step is to take the matter to the Real Property Tax Appeals Commission within 45 days of the date of the April 1 decision. This second-level appeal will be decided by Feb. 1, 2017, and if the homeowner is still dissatisfied, a complaint can be filed with the D.C. Superior Court by Sept. 30, 2017.


Continued from B1 program that will put 60 more officers on the streets in less than half of the training time, which is generally six months. Delroy Burton, the outgoing chairman of the D.C. Police Union, said any action to increase the number of police officers on the force is welcome. “I think it is critical that the police force is fully staffed at the level of 4,000 officers,” Burton told the AFRO on March 24. “It used to be 5,200 in the 1980s until Marion Barry stopped hiring officers at one time. We are in a staffing shortage because within the last 24 months, we have lost 817 officers to retirement and some officers are leaving because the workload they have to endure.” The budget also includes funds to takeover the Correctional Treatment Facility in D.C. to house local federal inmates who

are near the end of their sentences. The mayor’s plan to end homelessness in the District will include $20 million to close D.C. General and replace that facility with short-term housing in all of the city’s eight wards. Lesser known budget items include supporting families during their bout with homelessness with $1 million, $1.8 million to help support families with rapid rehousing and $700,000 for homeless youth initiatives. Bowser has allocated $179 million to help renovate the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library and invested $98.7 million to continue to improve the United Medical Center. The D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute is an advocate for the city’s low-income residents and publishes studies and papers on

public policy in that area. Its executive director, through its blog, said that while the budget “maintains and adds important investments” to help D.C. residents, the proposed budget leaves large gaps in meeting the needs of the poorest residents.” The blog, in its March 24 analysis of the budget, said that TANF assistance is inadequate because the time limit for people who have used up their benefits is only extended for a year; rental assistance gets no additional resources and there are no new housing vouchers; and there are no additional investments in early child care and education. D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) announced a Committee of the Whole public hearing on the mayor’s budget on April 4, the day city officials return from Easter recess.

April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American



COMMUNITY CONNECTION ‘Hip Hop Diplomacy’ American University’s School of International Service is hosting an event by the Next Level group, a diplomacy group that aims to use hip-hop as a diplomatic tool. The event will showcase DJ and rap performances and a discussion on diplomacy. The event will be held at American University. 4400 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. on April 1 from 3 p. m. – 4:30 p. m. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit hip-hop-diplomacy-at-au-sis. ‘On My Mind/In My Heart’ Director Goldie Patrick and playwright Caleen Jennings are hosting an event called “On My Mind/In My Heart: The Voices of Women in Public Housing at the Anacostia Arts Center� on April 1. The Anacostia Arts Center is located at 1231 Good Hope Road S.E. and the event will start at 8 p. m. The event highlights women such as Linda Brown, Robin Fields, India Fuller, and Rhonda Hamilton among many others who tell stories of life within D.C.’s public housing system. A short discussion, facilitated by Empower DC’s Public Housing Organizer Schyla RedBlackngreen, will follow the event. Admission is free but donations are encouraged. For more information, contact Parisa at 202-234-9119 ext: 100 or parisa@

New Carrollton, Md.

Iota Gamma Chapter 85th Anniversary Brunch Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Gamma Chapter will hold its 85th Anniversary Brunch on April 2 at the Metropoints Hotel, 8500 Annapolis Road at noon. The Sorority will honor seven women at the event, called “The Power of She� Awards, celebrating

women that serve as agents of change and that are leading in their respective fields and industries. Honorees include: Regine Elie, executive director of Healthy Babies Project of DC; Roberta Speight, founder and owner of Speight Speaks; La’Tanya Barnett, founder and owner of Forever Free Books; Patricia Green of Spectrum Beauty Academy; Shay Ogundiran, owner of Chocberry Kreations; Monique Ferrell, director of the Army’s Sexual Harrassment/ Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) office; and Dionne Bush, DionneInc., LLC. For Tickets or to be a sponsor, vendor or give donations, visit

Triangle, Va.

Prostate Cancer Awareness Fair Mount Zion Baptist Church, 18410 Chapel Drive, will hold a Prostate Cancer Project-Health Awareness Fair for men of all ages on April 2 from10 a.m. to noon. The two hour educational session will provide information about the disease and the importance of prostate cancer screenings. For more information, contact Kenneth Gross at or 703-4286733 or Stanley Wooten at stanley.e.wooten. or 301-225-2793.

Homicide Count

Washington, D.C.

Zuvaa hosts ‘Pop-up Shop’ at Studio 52 The Zuvaa Marketplace group is hosting a pop-up shop event on Apr. 2-3 from noon to 8 p.m. at Studio 52, 1508 Okie Street N.E. Zuvaa is a brand that specializes in creating clothing that is fashionable, hip, and African inspired. The pop up shop will include the unveiling of some of Zuvaa’s latest styles for the Spring and Summer. The event is open and free to the public. For more information and to RSVP, visit

Past 2016 7 Days Total

Washington, D.C.

26 2

Data as of March 30

Black-Owned Business D.C.’s H Street: Some Businesses Strive, Others Struggle Amidst the new expensive condominiums, busy upscale bars and restaurants, and the city’s only streetcar, Black entrepreneurs on the once riot-torn H Street in northeast D.C., are working hard to cash in on the community’s new prosperity and dramatically changing landscape. For some, business is booming, but, others are struggling to stay afloat. Halftime Sports Bar, open for a year, is doing very well, said owner Kim Falwell. The restaurant and bar stays full, she said. “We show all sports games all year round,� she said. “Right now it is busy with March Madness. When it’s cold, we are busy with football.� On the other hand, Carolyn Thomas, owner of The C.A.T. Walk Boutique, said business is rough. “The place isn’t paying for itself,� Thomas said. “I work for the federal government, and if I didn’t, this shop would not be here.� When Thomas first decided to open a store, a good friend recommended H Street, but she was skeptical because she grew up in Washington and knew how the area once was. “There was tons of crime and drugs,� she said. “When I would ride the bus through here, I used to be scared and jump to the other side of the bus. Now, the neighborhood has changed so much.� Despite her skepticism, Thomas opened her store on H Street. She said she hoped it would prove to be a good location for business. So far, she said, it has not. “I don’t have steady customers,� she said. “I just have a few regulars that may come in every few months, and a few

idea to possibly increase sales. “I really think a White presence in here would help too,� she said. Ironically, her friend, who owns a business in another part of the city, said she thought she needed a “Black presence� in her store. Thomas said she thinks the Kandace Brown, Howard University News Service street needs more retail Smokey of Smokey’s Barbershop & stores along Oldies on H Street the corridor to attract a larger people that may just stop in.� audience. “So many people Thomas, who is Black, are so focused on going to get said after talking with a those drinks and head to the White friend, who also owns bar, they aren’t coming in the a business, she came upon an

stores,� she said. “We need more decent retail stores along here because then maybe more people may come in.� Moe Abdi, owner of Eurostyles, a men’s and women’s clothing store, echoed Thomas’ thoughts. “There are too many bars here,� said Abdi, who opened his store in 2004. “Sure, the bars are good for people in the neighborhoods, but not for business owners like me.� For Smokey’s Barbershop & Oldies, on H Street since 1966, business is not like it once was, according to the owner, who asked to be referred to as Smokey. According to Smokey, the construction of the many new restaurants and bars has made parking difficult for customers who once lived in the neighborhood, resulting in

from 73 percent in 2000 to 45.2 percent in 2010, while the White population has grown from 22.4 percent in 2000 to 47.7 percent in 2010. “At one time all of these chairs were filled,� Smokey said, gesturing towards the 15 or so empty chairs in the shop. “Now, they aren’t.�

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April 5 – May 8

Jonny’s Baptist. Charlotte’s Jewish. ‌and gay? What will the parents say?

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Photo of Shayna Blass and Xavier Scott Evans by Christopher Mueller.

By Kandace Brown Howard University News Service

a big loss in clientele. “With all of these places opening up here, business is getting worse,� he said. His clientele has gone down a lot over the last 10 years, he said. According to the U.S. Bureau of Census, the Black population in the H Street neighborhood has dropped

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For these pictures and more go to

The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

Photos by Rob Roberts

The Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority in association with the Prince George’s County Delta Alumnae Foundation held its 40th Annual Scholarship Benefit Fashion Show and Luncheon March 20 at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland. The theme was “Couture 1913: Lights/Camera/Action; 4 Decades of Scholarship and Style.” Approximately $85,000 in scholarships were given to local winners who will be or are already attending college.

Scholarship recipients

Tim and Daphne Maxwell Reid Dorothy Ellerbe, Janice Sims, Connie Machaba, Mary Estella Armstrong and Joan Davis

Derrick Rutledge, Maryland District Court Judge Erik Nyce and Maryland Circuit Court Judge Dorothy Engel

Micheline Bowman, FOX5 News Vanita Hamilton and Diane Venable

Rep. Donna Edwards(D-Md.) and Judge Herman Dawson

Prince George’s Council member Karen R. Toles (D-District 7),Del. Carolyn J. B. Howard (D), State’s Attorney Angela D. Alsobrooks, Theljewa Garrett, Delta eastern regional director and Rosie Allen Herring, United Way

The Powell Foundation (standing) Regina Bryd, Pamela Holmes, Belinda Coleman, Angela Holmes and Rev. Colette Rice. (seated) Michelle Thomas, Sheri McNeil, Karen Thompson and Juanita Thompson

Felicia B. Billingslea, Marcia L. Harris, Carolyn Jones, Kim Whetstone Wilson and Lisa Gamble

Paulette C. Walker, national president Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

Dayna Fleming, Delta chapter member

Delta Fashion Show committee

Golden Egg Winners

The Psi Nu Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity in coordination with the Nannie Lee Recreational Center in Alexandria, Va. hosted its annual Easter Egg Hunt & Extravaganza March 26. The event was focused on children up to the age of 12. There were also several activities, including a moon bounce, musical chairs, drawing and a bubbles exhibition. The Friends of Rabbits organization, a non-profit rabbit rescue group based in the D.C. and Baltimore metropolitan areas, showed off some of their rabbits at the event.

Sinthea Myrick Kelly, chair Fashion Show Committee

Winston Tavares and Brian Davis

Psi Nu Bunny with a little boy Melvin Stallings and Jeryl Payne, president of NoVA NPHC

Photos by Reginald Parker

Roseann Bindner and Jennie Morgan

Owen Wilson and Golden Egg Winner

Jennie Morgan and a little girl

To see more of these photos and purchase them visit To purchase this digital photo page contact Takiea Hinton: or 410.554.8277.

April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American

Film Review



‘Batman v Superman’ is a Bitter Disappointment Besides those superficial bells and whistles, director Snyder exhibits an annoying Let’s face it, Christian fondness for support Bale’s Batman was going to characters with nothing be a hard act for any actor much to do, from Clark to follow, especially Ben Kent’s colleague Jimmy Affleck who had already Olsen (Michael Cassidy), proved underwhelming as a to his boss Perry White superhero when he played (Laurence Fishburne), to Daredevil back in 2003. Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred And the departure from the (Jeremy Irons). The film also franchise of Chris Nolan, features a plethora of cameo the legendary director of the appearances by celebrities critically-acclaimed Dark Neil deGrasse Tyson, Knight trilogy, only served Anderson Cooper, Brooke to lower expectations even Baldwin, Soledad O’Brien, further. Nancy Grace and Dana Bash Thus, it’s no surprise that who merely distract from, Batman v Superman: Dawn rather than advance, the plot. of Justice would indeed prove More enjoyable are the to be a bitter disappointment. relatively-purposeful roles Courtesy photos The picture was directed by played by Lois Lane (Amy Laurence Fishburne is one of the stars of ‘Batman v Superman.’ Zack Snyder who also helmed Adams) and Wonder Woman the 2013 reboot of Superman, (Gal Gadot). But by the time the longgrows increasingly awaited battle royal impatient since we’d with Luthor and his much rather see henchman Doomsday our beloved heroes (Robin Atkin quickly resolve their Downes) finally rolls differences in favor around, you’re so of joining forces to tired of peeking at By Maliik Obee fight a real villain. your watch that you Special to the AFRO After all, there just want it over and Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill star in Batman is an eminently done with as fast as Houston rapper Scarface is the epitome of longevity, with a decorated career spanning v Superman. detestable adversary possible. Make it over 25 years. Your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper has achieved every level of success and waiting in the wings helped established the South as a hip-hop power. Scarface is far from underrated, but his stop! we’re forced to endure the in the person of the album The Fix didn’t get the commercial recognition it deserved in 2002. A classic case of meaningless machinations of diabolical Lex Luthor (Jesse Artists like Eminem, Nelly, Jay-Z and Ja Rule dominated the airwaves in 2002.Scarface moviemaking excess a convoluted adventure less Eisenberg). Too bad this became the President of Def Jam South in 2001, ending a rocky relationship with Rap-A-Lot resulting in a patience-testing concerned with coherency tortoise-paced blockbuster Records. With stiff competition from label mates like Cam’ron, and Jay-Z burning up the blockbuster adding up to way than with atmospherics, takes forever to arrive at that charts, Scarface was expected to deliver on his first Def Jam release – and he did. less than the sum of its parts. action and special F/X. epic showdown. Instead, Production on the album was handled by heavy-hitters like The Neptunes and Mike Dean, as well as Kanye West before he took off as an emcee. Featured artists include Beanie Sigel, Jay-Z and Kelly Price, but it’s Scarface’s storytelling that carries the album. The lead single, “On My Block,” is a perennial classic story of Scarface’s trials and tribulations growing up on the streets of Houston. The Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway “Be Real Black For Me” sample soothes the ears as Scarface reminisces. “Guess Who’s Back” is probably the most memorable track on the album, as the Kanye West By Lauren Poteat “You can never recapture time or claim produced beat has been Special to the AFRO it again once it’s gone,” Senghor said. “The used by plenty artists for biggest sacrifice of time is the loved ones freestyles. Shaka Senghor is an ex-con who is and the family you miss from making poor Jay-Z spits, “We make changing the lives Americans, both old and choices.” a great combination young, with his recently released book which Since being released from prison in 2010, don’t we? Me and the documents his experience in the American and winning the Black Male Engagement FACEMOB every time we justice system. The book is a New York Times Leadership Award in 2012, Senghor has also face off.” best-seller. become the director of strategy and innovation The three-headed In “Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death and at Cut 50, an organization devoted to reducing monster that is Beanie Sigel, Jay-Z and Scarface lyrically spar on the track, trying to best each other as they trade street stories. One of the biggest draws of Scarface is – Shaka Senghor his brutal honesty, his willingness to put his life on wax with no holds Redemption in an American Prison,” Senghor incarceration rates by 50 percent over the next Courtesy image barred. Although he has recounts his 19-year prison experience, after 10 years and becoming co-founder of “Beyond While Scarface’s ‘The Fix’ didn’t sell well when it was since become a Muslim, being sentenced in 1991. He shot and killed Prisons,” a group trying to humanize criminal released in 2002, that shouldn’t stop you from picking it several tracks on The Fix a man in Detroit when he was 19 years old. justice reform. up. are dedicated to Scarface’s Senghor then spent “I want to shed light battles as a Christian. seven years in solitary on the prison system The albums second single “Someday” featuring Faith Evans is a one-on-one conversation confinement. and work towards with Jesus Christ. “I am humbled by the decriminalization, With lines like, “Seems like every other Wednesday I’m attending a wake, but I don’t overwhelming reaction mental illness, solitary question you, I know that’s your way,” the song comes off as a genuine plea for help and to my book, however confinement and help forgiveness, as Scarface does what he does best – battle his inner demons. my success is not in those who have been The historic beef between Jay-Z and Nas captivated rap fans in 2001, and Scarface being a New York Times incarcerated, transition refused to take part when he gave Nas a verse on “In Between Us”. bestseller. I realize back into society,” he In Scarface’s 2015 autobiography “Diary of a Madman” he writes about making Nas my real success every said. change his verse after he dissed Jay-Z. time I receive personal In addition to working “After Nas turned in his verse for “In Between Us,” I did have to tell him to tone it down. letters from the parents, on prison reform, He took some shots at Jay on the original and I didn’t think that would be appropriate,” he teachers, educators and activism and mentoring wrote. prisoners impacted by young people, Senghor Nas and Scarface take turns sharing stories and life lessons on loyalty and deceit between my life,” Senghor told also delivers lectures friends. the AFRO. He said his at various universities, The 13-track album flows like a movie, as Face covers a range of topics and dilemmas in greatest accomplishments Courtesy photo including the University his life. Each featured artist does their part, delivering top notch verses and hooks. stem from counseling and Shaka Senghor new book, ‘Writing of Michigan. Each track is solid, adding to the direction and feel of the project. There isn’t any forced mentoring young people. My Wrongs: Life, Death and “Most importantly, club or love songs, just raw uncut Brad Jordan, Scarface’s real name. With strong opening He said his I want the youth to Redemption in an American Prison,” sales and great reviews, it’s a crime that this album hasn’t sold better, but that shouldn’t stop turning point came believe in their selves is a best seller. you from picking it up. when he received a and see that they all have In a genre founded on the perception of reality, it doesn’t get much better than Scarface. “heartbreaking” note potential. That’s one of If you are looking for an artist that you can play in your car as well as make you think and from his 11-year-old son that said he knew the the main reasons why I lecture and why my reflect, then get your fix. reason why his father was in jail and asking biggest dream is to one day speak and lecture him not to murder anymore. at Howard University,” he said. By Kam Williams Special to the AFRO

called Man of Steel. The first problem with this terribly-flawed, second offering in the DC Extended Universe series rests in its interminable 2-and-1/2 hour running time that could have easily been trimmed down to less than 90 minutes. For example, why bother revisit the backstory about what inspired Bruce Wayne to become Batman, when the murder of his parents had previously been addressed in numerous other episodes? The second issue with the production has to do with Batman and Superman’s (Henry Cavill) being cast as adversaries for the bulk of the film. Yes, the source of the tension between the two is adequately explained, but the audience nevertheless


Don’t Overlook Scarface’s ‘The Fix’


Author Changes Lives with His Experience Behind Bars

“I realize my real success every time I receive personal letters from the parents, teachers, educators and prisoners impacted by my life.”


The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016


Terps Sweet 16 Run Not Far Enough By Mark F. Gray Special to the Afro By no means was a 27-9 record that included a spot in the semifinals of the Big Ten Conference Tournament with a trip to the Sweet 16 a failed season. But for the Maryland Terrapins, who were built for a run to the Final Four this year, there is

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unrealized potential in College Park as the eyes of the college basketball world focus on Houston this weekend. Maryland regained its presence nationally and was a top 10 caliber team for most of the year. However, the flaws in offensive strategy and physical toughness manifested themselves once again in the season ending loss to Kansas that were symptoms of their inconsistency down the stretch. Under head coach Mark Turgeon Maryland has won 55 games over the last two years. They advanced to the second weekend of NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2003. A trip to the Sweet 16 is a huge step forward for a program ready to take its place amongst the nation’s elite. However, it magnifies where they must get to genuinely compete for a national championship. Turgeon has recruited the transcendent talents of guard Melo Trimble and forward Diamond Stone who were McDonald’s High School All Americans and are projected as first round picks in the NBA Draft if they choose to leave school early. He complemented them with transfers Robert Carter, Jr. from Georgia Tech and Rasheed Suliamon from Duke. Talent was not the reason that Kansas jettisoned them from the big dance with relative ease in the South Regional. Maryland’s season ended because when they needed to get a (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)

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Kansas forward Landen Lucas (33) blocks the shot of Maryland guard Melo Trimble (2) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game in the regional semifinals of the men’s NCAA Tournament in Louisville, Ky., March 24. Kansas won 79-63.

big basket they couldn’t. If they needed a big rebound it never happened. When they needed a critical stop on defense they +*/#+)!-2 +0*/2 %-#-+0* . couldn’t get one either. These were problems that started in $%!&% %# % % #$ &# #( !

late January and Turgeon never found the answers especially against the number one overall seed in the tournament. The & " ! ! & # irony of the loss to the Jayhawks is there are probably more & $ " ! % ! # $ % " "! # ! NBA prospects on the Terps roster. " "% #! $ % # ! ! " $ # # ! #! Maryland was disjointed offensively. Despite their talent & ! "! " & " the parts never seemed to fit. Stone and Carter gave them a )%..%+* /0 !*/. -! )%//! potent inside combination that Turgeon couldn’t blend. They

! ""#$ "" "" # # ! combined for 13 points on 13 shots against Kansas. The 111 &+$*.+*.$+1. +) Terps penchant for perimeter shooting was another downfall. ''' "" " "# $ "' Trimble, Suliamon, and Jake Layman had carte blanche to fire away as they went 6 for 43 from beyond the three point arch in their three tournament games. There were too many weapons to endure lengthy A scoring draughts like the PR ATT LIBR ARY ’S ANN UAL GAL eight minutes of second half futility against the Jayhawks. t Centr al Libra ry 400 Cathe dral Stree The Terps were able to overcome woeful shooting ------- ------- --against Hawaii because their An evening of fun with delicious food, dancing talent, size, and pedigree to the Mood Swings, and a rare look at the were too much. Matchups Pratt’s special collections. normally define how the tournament goes in March. South Dakota State and Hawaii was an easier draw. While you can’t diminish the significance of both tournament wins it wasn’t like they beat power teams from major conferences to make the Sweet 16. If Maryland had played a team comparable to their Big Ten rival Indiana as Kentucky did in the second round the aftermath would’ve been a totally different post season narrative. Final Four teams Syracuse and Villanova are not more talented than Maryland but l Tickets: $250 Black Tie Optiona they play with a toughness Complimentary Valet Parking that doesn’t allow them to ---- ---- ---- ---- lose. When the Terps got mrpratt punched in the face this Tickets—online at 4 year they often backed -311 545 ) (410 : tion rma For more info down. Great teams have ------- ---- ---the intangible to punch ams ad Proceeds will support the vital progr back which defined former ry. services at the Enoch Pratt Free Libra Maryland coach Gary Williams legacy. This team embodies Turgeon’s Midwest SILENT Take Home a Piece of the Pratt! AT THIS YEAR’S s, upbringing but he may AUCTION you can place bids on old-time card catalogue have to add more fire and brimstone to his program for Maryland to hang another national championship banner in the rafters of Xfinity Center. /0- 2 3 0* 2 3


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Superior Court of Payment Policy for legal notice the District of District of Columbia advertisements. Effective immediately, The Afro American Newspapers will require prepayment for PROBATE DIVISION publication of all legal notices. Payment will be accepted in the form of chwecks, credit card or money Washington, D.C. order. Any returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee and may result in20001-2131 the suspension Administration No. of any future advertising at our discretion. 2014ADM1033

Rose C West AKA Rose Calbert West TYPESET: Tue Mar 15 13:40:26 EDT 2016 TYPESET: Wed Mar 16 12:11:54 2016 AD NETWORK Decedent LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGALEDT NOTICES Elton F Norman Esq com or visit our website The Norman Law Firm at SUPERIOR COURT OF Superior Court of PLLC THE DISTRICT OF the District of 8720 Georgia Ave. Ste COLUMBIA District of Columbia 703 VACATION PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION Silver Spring, MD Washington, D.C. 20910 Washington, D.C. RENTALS Attorney 20001-2131 20001-2131 NOTICE OF Foreign No. Administration No. OCEAN CITY, APPOINTMENT, 2016FEP24 2016ADM221 MARYLAND. Best NOTICE TO Date of Death Christine Cunningham CREDITORS November 20, 2015 Decedent selection of affordable AND NOTICE TO Anita Ashok Datar NOTICE OF rentals. Full/ partial UNKNOWN HEIRS Decedent APPOINTMENT, Edwina Findley Dickweeks. Call for FREE NOTICE OF NOTICE TO erson , whose address is APPOINTMENT CREDITORS brochure. Open daily. 1304 W 2nd Street, #550 OF FOREIGN AND NOTICE TO Holiday Resort Services. Los Angeles, CA 90026, PERSONAL UNKNOWN HEIRS was appointed personal 1-800-638-2102. Online REPRESENTATIVE Yvonne C Parker, whose representative of the reservations: www. AND address is 7105 Tarquin estate of Rose C. West NOTICE TO Ave, Temple Hills, MD AKA Rose Calbert West , CREDITORS 20748, was appointed who died on July 2, 2014 TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 12:12:58 EDTwhose 2016 ad- personal representative without a will, and will Sanjeev Datar LEGAL NOTICES dress is 95 Manor Dr. of the estate of Christine serve without Court suS a n F r a n c i s c o , C A Cunningham, who died pervision. All unknown 94127 was appointed on December 25, 2015 heirs and heirs whose Superior Court of personal representative with a will, and will serve whereabouts are unthe District of December 10, 2015, without Court supervi- known shall enter their District of Columbia Service of process may sion. All unknown heirs a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s PROBATE DIVISION be made upon Jeremy D a n d h e i r s w h o s e proceeding. Objections Washington, D.C. Ranchlin, Esq., 1100 whereabouts are un- to such appointment 20001-2131 Connecticut Ave., NW, known shall enter their shall be filed with the Administration No. Register of Wills, D.C., Suite 340, Washington, a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s 2016ADM279 DC 20036 whose des- proceeding. Objections 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Elizabeth E Hayden ignation as District of to such appointment (or Floor Washington, D.C. AKA Columbia agent has to the probate of de- 20001, on or before Elizabeth Ellen Hayden been filed with the Regis- cedent´s will) shall be September 25, 2016 Decedent ter of Wills, D.C. filed with the Register of Claims against the deMichael D Breads, Esq cedent shall be pre8737 Colesville Road, Claims against the de- Wills, D.C., 515 5th cedent may be pre- Street, N.W., 3rd Floor sented to the underLL-100A signed with a copy to the S i l v e r S p r i n g , M D sented to the under- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Register of Wills or filed signed and filed with the 20001, on or before 20910 with the Register of Wills Register of Wills for the September 18, 2016. with a copy to the underAttorney District of Columbia, 500 Claims against the de- signed, on or before NOTICE OF Indiana Avenue, N.W., cedent shall be pre- September 25, 2016, or APPOINTMENT, Washington, D.C. 20001 sented to the under- be forever barred. PerNOTICE TO within 6 months from the signed with a copy to the sons believed to be heirs CREDITORS date of first publication of Register of Wills or filed or legatees of the deAND NOTICE TO this notice. with the Register of Wills cedent who do not reUNKNOWN HEIRS with a copy to the under- ceive a copy of this notice Henry E Forde, whose Sanjeev Datar by mail within 25 days of signed, on or before address is 1964 RosePersonal September 18, 2016, or its first publication shall mary Hill Dr, #B3, Silver Representative(s) be forever barred. Per- so inform the Register of Spring, MD 20910, was TRUE TEST COPY sons believed to be heirs Wills, including name, appointed personal reREGISTER OF WILLS or legatees of the de- address and relationpresentative of the estate cedent who do not re- ship. of Elizabeth E Hayden, Date of first publication: March 18, 2016 ceive a copy of this notice Date of Publication: AKA, Elizabeth Ellen Name of newspapers by mail within 25 days of March 25, 2016 Hayden, who died on its first publication shall Name of newspaper: July 7, 2015 with a will, and/or periodical: so inform the Register of Afro-American and will serve without The Daily Wills, including name, Washington Court supervision. All un- Washington Law Reporter address and relationknown heirs and heirs Law Reporter Edwina Findley ship. whose where-abouts are The Afro-American Dickerson Date of Publication: unknown shall enter their TYPESET: Tue Mar 15 13:39:51 EDT 2016 Personal 03/18, 03/25, 04/1/16 March 18, 2016 appearance in this Representative Name of newspaper: proceeding. Objections Afro-American to such appointment (or TRUE TEST COPY Superior Court of Yvonne C Parker REGISTER OF WILLS to the probate of dethe District of Personal cedent´s will) shall be District of Columbia TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 Representative 03/25, 4/1, 4/8/16 filed with the Register of PROBATE DIVISION Wills, D.C., 515 5th Washington, D.C. TRUE TEST COPY Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 20001-2131 Superior Court of REGISTER OF WILLS Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Administration No. the District of 20001, on or before 2016ADM218 District EDT of Columbia 03/18, 03/25,Wed 04/1/16 TYPESET: Mar 16 12:11:21 2016 September 25, 2016. Sean O Dillard PROBATE DIVISION Claims against the deDecedent Washington, D.C. cedent shall be preNOTICE OF 20001-2131 sented to the underSuperior Court of APPOINTMENT, Administration No. signed with a copy to the the District of NOTICE TO 2016ADM243 Register of Wills or filed District of Columbia CREDITORS Lloyd W Alward with the Register of Wills PROBATE DIVISION AND NOTICE TO AKA with a copy to the underWashington, D.C. UNKNOWN HEIRS Lloyd William Alward signed, on or before 20001-2131 Tyrone T. Watson, whose Decedent September 25, 2016, or Administration No. address is 1294 Defense Mindy Felinton be forever barred. Per2016ADM247 Hwy, Gambrills, MD 932 Hungerford Dr. sons believed to be heirs 21054, was appointed Eloise Y Spicer Suite 29A or legatees of the depersonal representative Decedent Rockville, MD 20850 cedent who do not reNOTICE OF of the estate of Sean O. Attorney ceive a copy of this notice APPOINTMENT, Dillard, who died on NOTICE OF by mail within 25 days of NOTICE TO December 4 ,2015 withAPPOINTMENT, its first publication shall CREDITORS out a will, and will serve NOTICE TO so inform the Register of AND NOTICE TO without Court superviCREDITORS Wills, including name, UNKNOWN HEIRS sion. All unknown heirs AND NOTICE TO address and relationa n d h e i r s w h o s e Carmela Purvis, whose UNKNOWN HEIRS ship. whereabouts are un- address is 4824 Fort Tot- Leslie Berry, whose adDate of Publication: known shall enter their t e n D r i v e , # 2 0 3 , dres is 3620 ConnectMarch 25, 2016 a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Washington, DC 20011 , icut Ave., NW #22, DC, Name of newspaper: proceeding. Objections was appointed personal 20008, was appointed Afro-American to such appointment representative of the personal representative Washington shall be filed with the estate of Eloise Y Spicer, of the estate of Lloyd W Law Reporter Register of Wills, D.C., who died on January 26, Alward AKA Lloyd WilHenry E. Forde 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 2012 without a will, and liam Alward, who died on Personal Floor Washington, D.C. will serve without Court December 4, 2015 with a Representative 20001, on or before supervision. All unknown will, and will serve withSeptember 18, 2016. heirs and heirs whose out Court supervision. All TRUE TEST COPY Claims against the de- whereabouts are un- unknown heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS cedent shall be pre- known shall enter their whose whereabouts are sented to the under- a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s unknown shall enter their 03/25, 4/1, 4/8/16 signed with a copy to the proceeding. Objections a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Register of Wills or filed to such appointment proceeding. Objections with the Register of Wills shall be filed with the to such appointment (or with a copy to the under- Register of Wills, D.C., to the probate of designed, on or before 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd cedent´s will) shall be September 18, 2016, or Floor Washington, D.C. filed with the Register of be forever barred. Per- 20001, on or before Wills, D.C., 515 5th sons believed to be heirs September 18, 2016. Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Claims against the deor legatees of the deWa s h i n g t o n , D . C . cedent who do not re- cedent shall be pre- 20001, on or before ceive a copy of this notice sented to the under- September 25, 2016. by mail within 25 days of signed with a copy to the Claims against the deits first publication shall Register of Wills or filed cedent shall be preso inform the Register of with the Register of Wills sented to the underWills, including name, with a copy to the under- signed with a copy to the address and relation- signed, on or before Register of Wills or filed September 18, 2016, or with the Register of Wills ship. be forever barred. Per- with a copy to the underDate of Publication: sons believed to be heirs signed, on or before March 18, 2016 or legatees of the de- September 25, 2016 , or Name of newspaper: cedent who do not re- be forever barred. PerAfro-American ceive a copy of this notice sons believed to be heirs Washington by mail within 25 days of or legatees of the deLaw Reporter Tyrone T. Watson its first publication shall cedent who do not rePersonal so inform the Register of ceive a copy of this notice Representative Wills, including name, by mail within 25 days of address and relation- its first publication shall ship. TRUE TEST COPY so inform the Register of Date of Publication: REGISTER OF WILLS Wills, including name, March 18, 2016 address and relationName of newspaper: 3/18, 3/25, 4/1/16 ship. Afro-American Date of Publication: Washington March 25, 2016 Law Reporter Name of newspaper: Carmela Purvis Afro-American Personal Washington Representative Law Reporter Leslie Berry TRUE TEST COPY Personal REGISTER OF WILLS Representative

TYPESET: Mar 23 12:13:19 EDT 2016 03/18, 03/25,Wed 04/1/16 TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS


Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2014ADM1033 Rose C West AKA Rose Calbert West Decedent Elton F Norman Esq The Norman Law Firm PLLC 8720 Georgia Ave. Ste 703 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Attorney

03/25, 4/1, 4/8/16



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NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ TYPESET: Tue Mar 29 15:49:38 EDT 2016 PHONE NO.:____________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ______________________________________ Superior Court of District of (Room, Apt., House, the etc.) District of Columbia INSERTION DATE:_________________ PROBATE DIVISION

Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2016ADM299 Dixon White AKA Legal Advertising Rates Dixon A. White DecedentEffective October 1, 2008 Winfred Jean White TYPESET: Tue Mar 29 15:49:59 EDT 2016 1310 Irving Street, NE Washington, DC 20017 PROBATE DIVISION Personal Representative (Estates)Superior Court of the District of NOTICE OF 202-332-0080 District of Columbia APPOINTMENT, PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO PROBATE NOTICES Washington, D.C. CREDITORS 20001-2131 AND NOTICE TO Administration No. UNKNOWN HEIRS a. Order Nisi $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks 2016ADM307 Winfred Jean White, whose address is, $1310 b. Small Estates (single publication 60 perClementine insertion Juanita r v i n g S t r e e t , N E . , Lewis c. Notice to Creditors IWashington, DC 20017, Decedent TYPESET: Mar 29 15:50:16 B. Lewis, Prose $180.00 was appointed personal 1. Domestic $ 60 perJulian insertion per 3Tue weeks representative of the 4638 Hayes Street NE 2. Foreign $ 60 per insertion $180.00 per 3 weeks estate of Dixon White Washington, DC 20019 Superior of AKA Dixon A. White$who d. Escheated Estates 60 perAttorney insertion $360.00 per 6Court weeks the District of NOTICE OF died on March 10, 2012 e. Standard Probates $125.00 District of Columbia APPOINTMENT, with a will, and will serve PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO without Court superviWashington, D.C. CREDITORS sion. All unknown heirs CIVIL NOTICES 20001-2131 AND NOTICE TO and heirs whose Administration No. UNKNOWN HEIRS $ 80.00 whereabouts are una. Name 202-879-1133 12:13:42 EDTChanges 2016 2015ADM1278 known shall enter their Julian B Lewis, whose Shirley Ann Johnson b. Real Property address is 4638 Hayes $ 200.00 appearance in this proceeding. Objections Street, NE, Washington, Decedent to such appointment (or DC 20019 was appointed Ara D. Parker personal representative 5827 Allentown Rd to the probate of de- COURT FAMILY cedent´s will) shall be o f t h e e s t a t e o f Camp Springs, MD 202-879-1212 filed with the Register of C l e m e n t i n e J u a n i t a 20746 NOTICE OF Lewis, who died on Wills, D.C., 515 5th RELATIONS DOMESTIC APPOINTMENT, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor December 7, 2015 withNOTICE TO out a will, and will serve W a s h i n g t o n , 202-879-0157 D.C. CREDITORS 20001, on or before without Court superviAND NOTICE TO O c t o b e r 0 1 , 2 0 1 6 . sion. All unknown heirs UNKNOWN HEIRS Claims against the de- a n d h e i r s w h o s e $ 150.00 a. Absent Defendant Ara D. Parker, whose adcedent shall be pre- whereabouts are undress is 5827 Allentown sented to the under- known shall enter their $ 150.00 b. Absolute Divorce signed with a copy to the a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Rd., Camp Springs, MD c. Custody Divorce 20746, was appointed Register of Wills or filed proceeding. Objections $150.00 with the Register of Wills to such appointment (or personal representative with a copy to the under- to the probate of de- of the estate of Shirley Johnson,&who To place your ad, signed, call 1-800-237-6892, 262,will) Public up died cedent´s shall Notices be Ann$50.00 on or before ext. October 1, 2016, or be filed with the Register of on May 21, 2009 without depending on size, Baltimore Legal Notices are $24.84 per inch. a will, and will serve withforever barred. Persons Wills, D.C., 515 5th N.W., 3rd Floor out Court supervision. All believed to be heirs (AFRO) or Street,892 1-800 unknown heirs and heirs legatees of the decedent W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . where-abouts are For Proof of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. 244 on or before whose who do not receive a 20001, copy of this notice by mail October 1, 2016. Claims unknown shall enter their within 25 days of its first against the decedent a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s publication shall so in- shall be presented to the proceeding. Objections undersigned with a copy to such appointment (or form theEDT Register TYPESET: Tue Mar 29 15:49:38 2016 of NOTICES LEGAL Wills, including name, to the Register of Wills or to the probate of deaddress and relation- filed with the Register of cedent´s will) shall be Wills with a copy to the filed with the Register of ship. Superior Court of undersigned, on or be- Wills, D.C., 515 5th Date of Publication: the District of fore October 1, 2016, or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor April 1, 2016 District of Columbia be forever barred. Per- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Name of newspaper: PROBATE DIVISION sons believed to be heirs 20001, on or before Afro-American Washington, D.C. or legatees of the de- October 1, 2016. Claims Washington 20001-2131 cedent who do not re- against the decedent Law Reporter Administration No. Winfred Jean White ceive a copy of this notice shall be presented to the 2016ADM299 Personal by mail within 25 days of undersigned with a copy Dixon White Representative its first publication shall to the Register of Wills or AKA so inform the Register of filed with the Register of Dixon A. White Wills, including name, Wills with a copy to the TRUE TEST COPY Decedent address and relation- undersigned, on or beREGISTER OF WILLS Winfred Jean White fore October 1, 2016, or ship. TYPESET: Tue Mar 29 15:49:59 EDT 2016 1310 Irving Street, NE be forever barred. PerDate of Publication: 04/1, 04/8, 4/15/16 Washington, DC 20017 sons believed to be heirs April 1, 2016 Personal or legatees of the deName of newspaper: Superior Court of Representative cedent who do not reAfro-American the District of NOTICE OF ceive a copy of this notice Washington District of Columbia APPOINTMENT, by mail within 25 days of Law Reporter PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO Julian B. Lewis its first publication shall Washington, D.C. CREDITORS Personal so inform the Register of 20001-2131 AND NOTICE TO Representative Wills, including name, Administration No. UNKNOWN HEIRS address and relation2016ADM307 Winfred Jean White, ship. TRUE TEST COPY whose address is, 1310 Clementine Juanita Date of Publication: REGISTER OF WILLS I r v i n g S t r e e t , N E . , Lewis April 1, 2016 Washington, DC 20017, Decedent Name of EDT newspaper: TYPESET: Tue Mar 29 15:50:16 2016 Julian B. Lewis, Prose was appointed personal Afro-American 04/01, 04/8, 04/15/16 representative of the 4638 Hayes Street NE Washington estate of Dixon White Washington, DC 20019 Law Reporter Superior Court of AKA Dixon A. White who Attorney Ara D. Parker the District of NOTICE OF died on March 10, 2012 Personal District of Columbia APPOINTMENT, with a will, and will serve Representative PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE TO without Court superviWashington, D.C. CREDITORS sion. All unknown heirs TRUE TEST COPY 20001-2131 AND NOTICE TO and heirs whose REGISTER OF WILLS Administration No. UNKNOWN HEIRS whereabouts are un2015ADM1278 known shall enter their Julian B Lewis, whose 04/01, 04/08, 04/15/16 address is 4638 Hayes Shirley Ann Johnson appearance in this proceeding. Objections Street, NE, Washington, Decedent to such appointment (or DC 20019 was appointed Ara D. Parker to the probate of de- personal representative 5827 Allentown Rd cedent´s will) shall be o f t h e e s t a t e o f Camp Springs, MD filed with the Register of C l e m e n t i n e J u a n i t a 20746 NOTICE OF Lewis, who died on Wills, D.C., 515 5th APPOINTMENT, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor December 7, 2015 withNOTICE TO out a will, and will serve Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . CREDITORS 20001, on or before without Court superviAND NOTICE TO O c t o b e r 0 1 , 2 0 1 6 . sion. All unknown heirs UNKNOWN HEIRS Claims against the de- a n d h e i r s w h o s e Ara D. Parker, whose adwhereabouts are uncedent shall be presented to the under- known shall enter their dress is 5827 Allentown Rd., Camp Springs, MD signed with a copy to the a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s Register of Wills or filed proceeding. Objections 20746, was appointed with the Register of Wills to such appointment (or personal representative with a copy to the under- to the probate of de- of the estate of Shirley signed, on or before cedent´s will) shall be Ann Johnson, who died October 1, 2016, or be filed with the Register of on May 21, 2009 without a will, and will serve withforever barred. Persons Wills, D.C., 515 5th believed to be heirs or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor out Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs legatees of the decedent W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . who do not receive a 20001, on or before whose where-abouts are copy of this notice by mail October 1, 2016. Claims unknown shall enter their within 25 days of its first against the decedent a p p e a r a n c e i n t h i s publication shall so in- shall be presented to the proceeding. Objections undersigned with a copy to such appointment (or form the Register of Wills, including name, to the Register of Wills or to the probate of defiled with the Register of cedent´s will) shall be address and relationWills with a copy to the filed with the Register of ship. undersigned, on or be- Wills, D.C., 515 5th Date of Publication: fore October 1, 2016, or Street, N.W., 3rd Floor April 1, 2016 be forever barred. Per- W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . Name of newspaper: sons believed to be heirs 20001, on or before


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TYPESET: Wed Mar 30 12:07:02 2016 TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 TYPESET: 12:14:24 Tue2016 Mar 29 15:50:46 EDT 2016 LEGALEDT NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGALEDT NOTICES


03/25, 4/1, 4/8/16

Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2016ADM253 Dorcas Clark Crosby Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Syande Crosby, whose address is 2528 13th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Dorcas Clark Crosby, who died on February 14, 2016 with a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before October 1, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 1, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 1, 2016 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Syande Crosby Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 04/01, 04/8, 04/15/16 TYPESET: Tue Mar 29 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia 15:49:15 EDTDIVISION 2016 PROBATE Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2016ADM272 Agnes Cecelia Chase NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Freda K Chase and Lowell G. Chase, whose addresses is 1721 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Agnes Cecelia Chase , who died on June 2, 2015 without without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before October 1, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 1, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 1, 2016 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Freda K. Chase Lowell G. Chase Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 04/1, 04/8, 04/1/16

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY INVITATION TO BID INVITATION NO.: 150080 SDWMR CONTRACT BLOOMINGDALE The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) is soliciting bids for Invitation No. 150080: Small Diameter Water Main Replacement Contract Bloomingdale. The following listing enumerates the major items of work included in the contract: *Approximately 0.87 miles of water mains and associated valves and appurtenances. *Copper water services 2 inch and smaller in public and private space. *Curb stop /curb stop box, meter box and penetration through building wall and connection to first fitting inside the building including installation of a shut-off valve and pressure reducing valve. *Permanent pavement and surface restoration.The project requires completion within 200 calendar days from date of Notice to Proceed (NTP). This project is estimated to cost between $3,000,000.00 and $5,000,000.00 DC Water will receive Bids until 2:00 p.m., local standard time on May 4, 2016. This project may be funded in part by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A Fair Share Objective for Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises participation in this work of 32% and 6%, respectively, has been established. The program requirements are fully defined in USEPA’s ”Participation by Disadvantaged Enterprises in Procurement under EPA Financial Assistant Agreements - May 27, 2008”. The Davis-Bacon wage determinations shall apply. DC Water Owner Controlled Insurance Program will provide insurance. Bid documents are available at the Department of Procurement, 5000 Overlook Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20032. Sets of Bidding Documents can be procured for a non-refundable $50.00 purchase price each, payable to DC Water. Payment must be in the form of a money order, certified check or a company check. Documents can be shipped to Bidders providing a Federal Express account number. The DC Water Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant is a secured facility. Persons intending to pick-up Bidding Documents are to contact the Department of Procurement at 202 787 2020 for access authorization. For procurement information contact Mrs. DeNerika Johnson; email (voice 202 787 2113). For technical information contact: DETS-Construction.Bid.Inquiry@ View DC Water website at for current and upcoming TYPESET: solicitations.Wed Mar 30 12:05:00 EDT 2016 Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 15:51:38 EDT 2016 Administration No. 2016ADM306 Richard C Richardson Jr. Decedent Cinnamon Butler 1377 K Street, SE, Unit 1 Washington, DC 20003 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Kimberly Curtis, whose address is 3955 Lexington Grove Court, Missouri City , Texas 77459 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Richard C. Richardson Jr., who died on August 1, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before October 1, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 1, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: April 1, 2016 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Kimberly Curtis Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS 04/1, 4/8, 4/15/16

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Superior Court of the District of District of Columbia PROBATE DIVISION Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2016ADM267 Peggy J. Kornegay Decedent Clarissa T. EdwardsLaw Office C Thomas Chartered 2402 Lenfant Square SE Washington, DC 20020 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS C h a r l e s K o r n e g a y, whose address(es) is 2406 Lenfant Square SE, Washington, DC 20020 wasappointed personal TRUE TEST COPY representative of the REGISTER OF WILLS estate of Peggy J Kornegay, who died2016 on July TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 12:15:26 EDT 03/25, 04/1, 04/8/16 7, 2015 without a will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unSuperior Court of known heirs and heirs the District of whose where-abouts are District of Columbia unknown shall enter their PROBATE DIVISION appearance in this Washington, D.C. proceeding. Objections 20001-2131 to such appointment Administration No. shall be filed with the 2016ADM191 Register of Wills, D.C., Herbert Ray Beverly 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Decedent Floor Washington, D.C. Scott L. Little 20001, on or before 3814 Deep Hollow Way September 25, 2016. Bowie, MD 20721 Claims against the deAttorney cedent shall be preNOTICE OF sented to the underAPPOINTMENT, signed with a copy to the NOTICE TO Register of Wills or filed CREDITORS with the Register of Wills AND NOTICE TO with a copy to the underUNKNOWN HEIRS Cary Beverly, whose ad- signed, on or before dress is 132 R Street, September 25, 2016, or be forever barred. PerNE, Washington, DC 20002, was appointed sons believed to be heirs personal representative or legatees of the deof the estate of Herbert cedent who do not reRay Beverly, who died on ceive a copy of this notice March 8, 2015 without a by mail within 25 days of will, and will serve with- its first publication shall out Court supervision. All so inform the Register of unknown heirs and heirs Wills, including name, whose whereabouts are address and relationunknown shall enter their ship. Date of Publication: appearance in this proceeding. Objections March 25, 2016 to such appointment Name of newspaper: shall be filed with the Afro-American Register of Wills, D.C., Washington 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Law Reporter 12:15:53 EDT 2016D.C. Charles Kornegay Floor Washington, Personal 20001, on or before Representative September 25, 2016. Claims against the decedent shall be pre- TRUE TEST COPY sented to the under- REGISTER OF WILLS signed with a copy to the 03/25, 04/1, 4/8/16 Tue Mar 29 Register of Wills or filed TYPESET: with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before Superior Court of September 25, 2016, or the District of be forever barred. PerDistrict of Columbia sons believed to be heirs PROBATE DIVISION or legatees of the deWashington, D.C. cedent who do not re20001-2131 ceive a copy of this notice Administration No. by mail within 25 days of 2016ADM283 its first publication shall so inform the Register of Armentia N Rhymes AKA Wills, including name, address and relation- Armentia Rhymes Decedent ship. Nathan A. Neal Esq Date of Publication: Law Offices of Nathan March 25, 2016 A. Neal, PLLC Name of newspaper: 209 Kennedy Street, Afro-American NW Washington Washington, DC Law Reporter Cary Beverly 20011-5214 Personal Attorney Representative NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, TRUE TEST COPY NOTICE TO REGISTER OF WILLS CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO TYPESET: Mar 23 12:15:00 EDT HEIRS 2016 03/25, 04/01,Wed 04/8/16 UNKNOWN Herlene E Beard, whose address is 3109 EllenSuperior Court of wood Drive, Fairfax, VA the District of 22031, was appointed District of Columbia personal representative PROBATE DIVISION of the estate of Armentia Washington, D.C. N Rhymes AKA Armentia 20001-2131 Rhymes, who died on Administration No. July 17, 2015 without a 2016ADM261 will, and will serve with Daniel Luther Rucker Court supervision. All unDecedent known heirs and heirs Thomas P Hartnett, whose whereabouts are Esq unknown shall enter their 209 Pennsylvania Ave appearance in this SE proceeding. Objections Washington, DC 20003 Attorney to such appointment (or NOTICE OF to the probate of deAPPOINTMENT, cedent´s will) shall be NOTICE TO filed with the Register of CREDITORS Wills, D.C., 515 5th AND NOTICE TO Street, N.W., 3rd Floor UNKNOWN HEIRS Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Wanda Rene & Danyela 20001, on or before Vick, whose address is, October 1, 2016. Claims were appointed personal against the decedent representative of the shall be presented to the estate of Daniel Luther undersigned with a copy Rucker , who died on to the Register of Wills or March 27, 2015 without a filed with the Register of will, and will serve withWills with a copy to the out Court supervision. All undersigned, on or beunknown heirs and heirs fore October 1, 2016, or whose whereabouts are be forever barred. Perunknown shall enter their sons believed to be heirs appearance in this or legatees of the deproceeding. Objections cedent who do not re12:14:42 2016 to such EDT appointment ceive a copy of this notice shall be filed with the by mail within 25 days of Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd its first publication shall Floor Washington, D.C. so inform the Register of 20001, on or before Wills, including name, September 25, 2016. address and relationClaims against the deship. cedent shall be preDate of Publication: sented to the underApril 1, 2016 signed with a copy to the Name of newspaper: Register of Wills or filed Afro-American with the Register of Wills Washington with a copy to the underLaw Reporter signed, on or before Herlene E Beard September 25, 2016, or Personal be forever barred. PerRepresentative sons believed to be heirs or legatees of the deTRUE TEST COPY cedent who do not reREGISTER OF WILLS ceive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of 04/1, 04/08, 4/15/16 its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 25, 2016 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Wanda Rene Rucker Danyela Vick Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY REGISTER OF WILLS

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proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before September 25,2016 2016. 12:16:13 LEGALEDT NOTICES Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before September 25, 2016, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of Publication: March 25, 2016 Name of newspaper: Afro-American Washington Law Reporter Novella G. Jackson Personal Representative


whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent´s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Wed Mar 23 TYPESET: Wed Mar 16 Street, 13:14:11 EDT 2016 N.W., 3rd Floor TYPESET: LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20001, on or before September 25, 2016. Superior Court of Superior Court of Claims against the dethe District of the District of cedent shall be preDistrict of Columbia District of Columbia sented to the underPROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION signed with a copy to the Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Register of Wills or filed 20001-2131 20001-2131 with the Register of Wills Administration No. Administration No. with a copy to the under2015ADM1521 2015ADM000603 signed, on or before Lillie B Gamble Mildred Edwards September 25, 2016 , or Decedent Decedent be forever barred. PerNOTICE OF Anita Isicson Esq APPOINTMENT, 4616 Fessenden St., sons believed to be heirs or legatees of the deNOTICE TO NW CREDITORS Washington, DC 20016 cedent who do not receive a copy of this notice AND NOTICE TO Attorney by mail within 25 days of UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE OF its first publication shall Willie B Donaldson, APPOINTMENT, so inform the Register of whose address is 5001 NOTICE TO Wills, including name, Box Turtle Court ,Indian CREDITORS address and relation- Head, MD 20640 was apAND NOTICE TO ship. pointed personal repreUNKNOWN HEIRS sentative of the estate of A n i t a I s i c s o n , E s q , Date of Publication: March 25, 2016 Lillie B Gamble, who died whose address is 4616 on October 28, 2015 Fessenden St., NW, Name of newspaper: without a will, and will Washington, DC 20016, Afro-American serve without Court suwas appointed personal Washington pervision. All unknown representative of the Law Reporter Syande Crosby heirs and heirs whose estate of Mildred EdPersonal where-abouts are unwards, who died on OctoRepresentative known shall enter their ber 11, 2010 without a appearance in this will, and will serve with proceeding. Objections Court supervision. All un- TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment known heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS TYPESET: Wed Mar 16 14:12:13 2016 the shall be EDT filed with whose where-abouts are 03/25, 4/1, 4/8/16 Register of Wills, D.C., unknown shall enter their 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd appearance in this Superior Court of Floor Washington, D.C. proceeding. Objections the District of 20001, on or before to such appointment District of Columbia September26, 2016. shall be filed with the PROBATE DIVISION Claims against the deRegister of Wills, D.C., Washington, D.C. cedent shall be pre515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd 20001-2131 sented to the underFloor Washington, D.C. Administration No. signed with a copy to the 20001, on or before 2016ADM237 Register of Wills or filed September 18, 2016. with the Register of Wills Claims against the de- Leonard A Coombs with a copy to the undercedent shall be pre- Decedent NOTICE OF signed, on or before sented to the underAPPOINTMENT, Sepetmber 26, 2016, or signed with a copy to the NOTICE TO be forever barred. PerRegister of Wills or filed CREDITORS sons believed to be heirs with the Register of Wills AND NOTICE TO or legatees of the dewith a copy to the underUNKNOWN HEIRS cedent who do not resigned, on or before September 18, 2016, or Lauren Cameron and ceive a copy of this notice be forever barred. Per- Crystal L Miller and by mail within 25 days of sons believed to be heirs Lynette C Coombs and its first publication shall or legatees of the de- Anthony C Rodriguez , so inform the Register of cedent who do not re- whose addresses are Wills, including name, ceive a copy of this notice 1216 Longfellow St. NW, address and relationby mail within 25 days of Washington, DC 20011 ship. its first publication shall 814 Crittenden St., NE, Date of Publication: so inform the Register of Washington, DC 20017 March 25, 2016 Wills, including name, and 9313 Woddberry St., Name of newspaper: address and relation- Lanham, MD 20706 were Afro-American appointed personal re- Washington ship. presentatives of the Law Reporter Date of Publication: estate of Leonard A Willie B Donaldson March 18, 2016 Coombs, who died on Personal Name of newspaper: March 10, 2014 without a Representative Afro-American will, and will serve withWashington out Court supervision. All TRUE TEST COPY Law Reporter Anita Isicson unknown heirs and heirs REGISTER OF WILLS Personal whose whereabouts are 4/1, 4/8/16 Representative unknown shall enter their 3/25, TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 appearance in this proceeding. Objections TRUE TEST COPY to such appointment (or REGISTER OF WILLS Superior Court of to the probate of dethe District of TYPESET: Mar 09 cedent´s 15:22:16 EST will) 2016 shall be 03/18, 03/25,Wed 04/1/16 District of Columbia filed with the Register of PROBATE DIVISION Wills, D.C., 515 5th Washington, D.C. SUPERIOR COURT OF Street, N.W., 3rd Floor 20001-2131 THE DISTRICT OF Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Administration No. COLUMBIA 20001, on or before 2016ADM234 PROBATE DIVISION September 18, 2016. Barbara Ann Chappell Washington, D.C. Claims against the de- Lehman 20001-2131 cedent shall be pre- Decedent Foreign No. sented to the underNOTICE OF 2016FEP24 signed with a copy to the APPOINTMENT, Date of Death Register of Wills or filed NOTICE TO November 20, 2015 with the Register of Wills CREDITORS Anita Ashok Datar with a copy to the underAND NOTICE TO Decedent signed, on or before UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE OF September 18, 2016, or Frances Lehman, whose APPOINTMENT be forever barred. Per- address is 1336 Otis OF FOREIGN sons believed to be heirs Place NW, Washington, PERSONAL or legatees of the de- DC 20010 was appointed REPRESENTATIVE cedent who do not re- personal representative AND ceive a copy of this notice of the estate of Barbara NOTICE TO by mail within 25 days of Ann Chappell Lehman, CREDITORS its first publication shall who died on September Sanjeez Datar whose ad- so inform the Register of 8, 2015 without a will, dress is 95 Manor Drive, Wills, including name, and will serve without San Francisco, Califor- address and relation- Court supervision. All unnia 94127 was appointed ship. known heirs and heirs personal representative Date of Publication: whose whereabouts are of the estate of Anita March 18, 2016 unknown shall enter their Ashok Datar, deceased Name of newspaper: appearance in this by the Register of Wills Afro-American proceeding. Objections for Montgomery County, Washington to such appointment State of Maryland on Law Reporter shall be filed with the December 10, 2015, Lauren Cameron Register of Wills, D.C., Service of process may Crystal L. Miller 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd be made upon Jeremy D Lynette C Coombs Floor Washington, D.C. Rachlin, Esq., 1100 Anthony C Rodriguez 20001, on or before Connecticut Ave, NW, Personal September 25, 2016. Suite 340, Washington, Representative Claims against the deDC 20036 whose descedent shall be preignation as District of TRUE TEST COPY sented to the underColumbia agent has REGISTER OF WILLS signed with a copy to the been filed with the RegisRegister of Wills or filed TYPESET: Tue Mar 29 15:56:11 EDT 2016 ter of Wills, D.C. with the Register of Wills Claims against the de- 03/18, 03/25, 4/1/16 with a copy to the undercedent may be presigned, on or before sented to the underSUPERIOR COURT OF September 25, 2016, or signed and filed with the THE DISTRICT OF be forever barred. PerRegister of Wills for the COLUMBIA sons believed to be heirs District of Columbia, PROBATE DIVISION or legatees of the deBuilding A, 515 5th Washington, D.C. cedent who do not reStreet, NW., 3rd Floor, 20001-2131 ceive a copy of this notice Washington, DC 20001 Administration No. by mail within 25 days of within 6 months from the 2016ADM50 its first publication shall date of first publication of Estate of so inform the Register of this notice. Kenneth Roger Bond Wills, including name, Deceased address and relationSanjeev Datar NOTICE OF ship. Personal STANDARD Date of Publication: Representative(s) PROBATE March 25, 2016 TRUE TEST COPY Notice is hereby given Name of newspaper: REGISTER OF WILLS that a petition has been Afro-American Date of first publication: filed in this Court by Rich- Washington March 11, 2016 ard Gary Bond for stan- Law Reporter Name of newspapers dard probate, including Frances Lehman and/or periodical: the appoint-ment of one Personal The Daily Washington or more personal repreRepresentative Law Reporter sentative. Unless a comThe Afro-American plaint or an objection in TRUE TEST COPY accordance with Super- REGISTER OF WILLS TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 12:37:13 2016 Di- TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 3/11, 3/18, 3/26/16 ior CourtEDT Probate vision Rule 407 is filed in 03/25, 4/1, 4/8/16 this Court within 30 days from the date of first pubSuperior Court of Superior Court of lication of this notice, the the District of the District of Court may take the acDistrict of Columbia District of Columbia tion hereinafter set forth. PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION 0 In the absence of a will Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. or proof satisfactory to 20001-2131 20001-2131 the court of due execuAdministration No. Administration No. tion, enter an order deter2016ADM253 2016ADM275 mining that the decedent Mildred R Martin Dorcas Clark Crosby died intestate Decedent Decedent NOTICE OF Novella G. Jackson Date of First Publication APPOINTMENT, 4209 Farmer Place March 25, 2016 NOTICE TO Fort Washington, MD Names of Newspapers: CREDITORS 20744 Washington AND NOTICE TO Attorney Law Reporter UNKNOWN HEIRS NOTICE OF Syande Crosby, whose Washington APPOINTMENT, address is 2528 13th AFRO-AMERICAN NOTICE TO Street, NW, Washington, Richard Gary Bone CREDITORS 221 46 Street NE DC 20009, was apAND NOTICE TO pointed personal repre- Washington, DC 20019 UNKNOWN HEIRS sentative of the estate of Signature of Novella G. Jackson, Dorcas Clark Crosby , Petitioners/Attorney whose address is 4209 who died on February 14, Farmer Place, Fort 2016 with a will, and will 03/25, 04/1/16 Washington, MD 20074 serve without Court suwas appointed personal pervision. All unknown representative of the heirs and heirs whose estate of Mildred R. Marwhereabouts are untin, who died on Novemknown shall enter their ber 25, 2015 witha will, appearance in this and will serve without proceeding. Objections Court supervision. All unto such appointment (or known heirs and heirs to the probate of dewhose whereabouts are cedent´s will) shall be unknown shall enter their filed with the Register of appearance in this Wills, D.C., 515 5th proceeding. Objections Street, N.W., 3rd Floor to such appointment (or Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . to the probate of de20001, on or before cedent´s will) shall be September 25, 2016. filed with the Register of Claims against the deWills, D.C., 515 5th cedent shall be preStreet, N.W., 3rd Floor sented to the underWa s h i n g t o n , D . C . signed with a copy to the 20001, on or before


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TYPESET: Wed Mar 30 16:09:41 EDT 2016



NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates OCEAN CITY, of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for Water Contract No. 1343-Water Appurtenances Installations and Small Main Repairs MARYLAND. Best & Installations at Various Locations will be received at the Office of the selection of affordable Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on rentals. Full/ partial Wednesday, April 27, 2016. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 weeks. Call for FREE A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, brochure. Open daily. City Hall at Noon.The Contract Documents may be examined, without Holiday Resort Services. charge, in Room 6 located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of Friday, 1-800-638-2102. Online April 1, 2016 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of reservations: www. $50.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Qualification Committee. Interested parties TYPESET: Wed Mar 30 16:16:54 EDT Contractors 2016 HOUSE FOR should call 410-396-6883 or contact the Committee at 4 South Frederick RENT Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established House For Rent the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is B02551 2714 Kinsey Ave. Water MainsCost Qualification Range for this work shall be $4,000,000.01 3 bedrooms to $5,000,000.00 1.5 bathrooms A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at the 3rd Floor porch front and backyard renting for Large Conference Room of the Bureau of Water & Wastewater, Abel $850.00 close to near Wolman Municipal Building on April 13, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. by schools and shopPrincipal Item of work for this project are: Urgent need water main ping area ready for repairs and replacement as necessary, including, but not limited to, immediate occupancy replacement/installation of various size new ductile iron pipe, valves, fitInterested please tings, and appurtenances, replacement/installation of fire hydrants, small contact (residential) meter settings and meter vaults, renew and replacement of BJR Associates 410-542-8118 existing water services, sidewalk restoration, curb and gutter, and roadway paving, as required. TYPESET: Wed Mar 30 14:47:00 goal 2016 is 9% LEGAL NOTICES The MBEEDT The WBE goal is 2% IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: 24D16000869 IN THE MATTER OF Nazeef Ali Mohammed FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO Garry Shaun Wyche ORDER FOR NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to officially change the name of the petitioner from Nazeef Ali Mohammed to Garry Shaun Wyche

APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor Clerk, Board of Estimates APPROVED: Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. Director of Public Works TYPESET: Wed Mar 23 15:38:50 EDT 2016 CITY OF BALTIMORE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for FTA NO. MD-04-0033 CONTRACT NO. TR14306 HIGHLANDTOWN TRANSIT STOP IMPROVEMENTS will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204 City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. April 27, 2016. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of March 28, 2016 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $50.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call (410) 396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3000 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is A2602 Bituminous Concrete Paving. Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $300,000.00 to $499,999.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on April 19, 2016 at 417 E. Fayette Street, Charles L. Benton Building, 7th floor. Principal Items of work for this project are 5” Concrete Sidewalk 8,993 SF and Bus Shelter 6 EA. The DBE goal is 24% TYPESET: Wed Mar 30 14:47:25Clerk EDT 2016 APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor, Board of Estimates



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It is this 21st day of March, 2016 by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that publication be given one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Baltimore City on or before the 21st day of April, 2016, which shall warn all inte-rested persons to file an affidavit in opposition to the relief requested on or before the 5th day of May, 2016 City of Baltimore Lavinia G. Alexander Department of Finance Clerk Bureau of Purchases TYPESET: Wed04/1/16 Mar 30 14:47:52 EDT 2016 Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore will be received until, IN THE CIRCUIT but not later than 11:00a.m. local time on the COURT FOR following date(s) for the stated requirements: BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: April 13, 2016 24D16000873 *PROVIDE AND DELIVER VARIOUS TREES IN THE MATTER OF FOR TREE BALTIMORE Rakin Aban Zamil INITIATIVE B50004506 FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO April 27, 2016 Alan Donnell Mayo *LEASING PASSENGER AND CARGO VANS ORDER FOR B50004551 NOTICE BY *BRUSH WOOD CHIPPER B50004558 PUBLICATION The object of this suit is THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT to officially change the CAN BE VIEWED AND DOWN LOADED BY name of the petitioner VISITING THE CITY’S WEB SITE: from TYPESET: Wed Mar 30 17:17:09 EDT 2016 Rakin Aban Zamil to Alan Donnell Mayo YOUR CITY, YOUR BUDGET It is this 21st day of April 12, 2016; 6 to 8PM March, 2016 by the CirWar Memorial Building (101 N Gay St) cuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that pub- Join the Bureau of the Budget and Managelication be given one ment Research for the City´s annual Budget time in a newspaper of Pop-Up. Engage with staff to learn how the general circulation in budget for each of the City´s priority outcomes Baltimore City on or invests in a better Baltimore in Fiscal 2017. before the 21st day of This event will be followed by the Taxpayer April, 2016, which shall Night Hearing, where citizens are encourwarn all inte-rested aged to share their views on the budget with the persons to file an af- Baltimore City Board of Estimates. Visit fidavit in opposition to for more informathe relief requested on tion. or before the 5th day of May, 2016. Lavinia G. Alexander Clerk 04/01/16


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TYPESET: Wed Feb 17 13:37:30 EST 2016

Infinite Transformations, LLC is seeking to hire IEP-Aides to work within the Baltimore City Vicinity. Individuals must have experience working with school-age students, education requirement, High School Diploma/College Credits (48), pass a criminal background check, and love working with students. Experience include working with special need children (Autistic, ADHD, Emotional Dis.). Respond by submitting your resume to: or Fax Resume to 443-660-9347.

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April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American


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Port Covington. This is big. Baltimore big. A waterfront redevelopment like no other on the East Coast. But more than that, it’s a bold vision for Baltimore that will fuel economic growth, bringing thousands of jobs to Baltimore City. It will mean new manufacturing and retail space for local entrepreneurs like Aaron and Jason from The Treason Toting Co. to design and sell their bags. Port Covington will be open to everyone, with new parks for families and new ways to reach the waterfront. At the heart of it will be the new world headquarters for Under Armour, built in Baltimore, grown in Baltimore, staying in Baltimore.

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The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

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April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American



Race and Politics

Police Brutality Trial Re-Focuses Light on Tyrone West

Voter registration deadline is April 5. Registration is as easy as going to voterservices.

YOU HAVE LESS THAN 5 DAYS! Community Organizations

Year Up Shows New Model for Youth Success

Photo by Anderson Ward

Baltimore’s Light City, a festival of light, music and innovation, goes until April 3. ‘Peacock,’ by Tim Scofield and Kyle Miller, is one of the light art installations on view to the public.

By James Bentley AFRO Associate Editor Year Up Baltimore is a one-year workforce training boot camp for young adults looking to improve their futures. Aimed at 18-24-year-olds the program endeavors to create higher education and career pathways for its participants, many of whom have lacked access to the resources that would have placed them on the traditional “college-to-career” path. Year Up Baltimore is part of Year Up, an organization founded in 2000 by Gerald Chertavian in Boston, Ma. The program has graduates working at companies like JP Morgan, American Express and FaceBook. Year Up now has 19 locations nationwide with plans to expand in the near future. Year Up Baltimore is currently operating out of Baltimore City Community College (BCCC). Participants take college courses on the campus and receive college credit in one of two tracks: Year Up cyber security Dr. Gordon May, President Baltimore or information City Community College; Belinda technology with Stubblefield, National Site Director, plans to expand Year Up; and Roland R. Selby, Jr. into general Executive Director, Year Up Baltimore business. Roland Selby, executive director of Baltimore Year Up, told the AFRO, “We did a study in the Baltimore metropolitan area to see which careers were in demand. We were looking for entry level positions within these large corporations and IT is a hot field as well as cyber security, which is a fast-growing field. We have a number of cyber security companies is the Baltimore area as well as a host of subject matter experts in the field. We are looking for the students to be able to learn a skill that’s transferable and allows them an opportunity for growth.” Selby joined Year Up Baltimore in November of last year after working at IBM. “I found the mission was extremely timely and worthwhile. This type of work is something that has always been in my interest. I’ve worked diligently over the Continued on D2

Photo by Kristina Wilbekin

Pat Roberts, senior vice president, MECU, and her daughter Chelsea celebrated her 60th birthday on Jan. 3 at Bluestone Restaurant in Timonium.

Baltimore Mayoral Candidates Debate Issues on Larry Young Show By Deborah Bailey Special to the AFRO Five of the 29 mayoral candidates for Baltimore answered the call to “rise and shine” for Radio One’s mayoral forum on March 24. The event was put on by WOLB -AM 1010 radio host, and former Maryland State Senator, Larry Young. Young believes Radio One represents a unique outlet that needed to give voice to the candidates in spite of multiple mayoral forums and debates that have already been held during election season in Baltimore. “I feel that the community still needs more access to the candidates. We are (Radio One) going to ask questions that other news outlets will not ask,” said Young before the program began. Elizabeth Embry, Senior staff in the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, 7th District City Council Member Nick Mosby, Maryland State Senator Catherine Pugh, 12th District City Council member Carl Stokes and David

Photo by Deborah Bailey

Elizabeth Embry, Nick Mosby, Catherine L. Pugh, Carl Stokes and David Warnock were guests on the Larry Young Show. Warnock, businessman and philanthropist joined the live broadcast aired during the 8:00 – 9:30 a morning drivetime slot. True to his word, Young did ask about the specific neighborhood concerns that some other forums may not have emphasized. In addition to the large scale issues of criminal justice reform, the future of Baltimore City Schools, inclusive community development, taxes and accountability, candidates were asked about improving trash pick-up and other block-

by-block resident concerns. Young also gave the candidates the opportunity to respond to the urgent issue of their choice with a specific improvement plan for the city. For Embry, the issue was housing. “Federal housing police created segregation so Federal policy should have a role in ending it” she said. “I will immediately invest local dollars and seek state and federal support for the North Avenue and Penn Avenue corridors. These are two of the greatest sectors of our city Continued on D2

Wesley L. Stubbs, Douglass High Grad, Dies at 92 By AFRO Staff Wesley L. Stubbs, 92, of southwest Atlanta, died March 13. He was preceded in death by his wife, Carolyn A. Stubbs, parents, James and Mary Stubbs, and brother, Melvin “Ike” Stubbs. Wesley was born in Gloucester, Virginia and reared in Baltimore, Maryland. He graduated from Frederick Douglass High School in 1941, where he was vice president of his class and played quarterback. He attended Howard University in Washington, D.C. on a tennis scholarship and graduated in 1948, after service in the U.S. Air Force. Wesley was a mathematician with the Department of Defense and worked at the Pentagon. In 1969, he and his family moved to Chevy Chase, Maryland. Wesley was a longtime member of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church,

Courtesy photo

Wesley Stubbs worked for the Department of Defense and the Pentagon before his death. where he was an elder, deacon and taught Sunday school. After his wife’s death in 2007, Wesley made a life in Atlanta, Georgia with his daughter and her family. He looked forward to reading the New York Times, discussing current events, playing bridge every Friday with the Anne Woods Bridge Club and his active participation as a

member of the Regency Park HOA board. He is survived by his daughter and son-in-law, Weslie and Earl Robinson; granddaughter, Erin; sister and brother-in-law, Audrey and Semuel May; brother-inlaw, George Amonitti (Mary); nephews, Stuart May (Pia), George Amonitti, Robert Amonitti (Linda), and Glenn Amonitti (Yoshie). A Memorial Service was held at North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA.


Past Seven Days

A civil trial against three Baltimore City police officers, who allegedly Sean Yoes brutalized a Northeast Senior AFRO Baltimore Contributor man during an arrest in 2013, began last week. Fate forever links that arrest to the death of a man while in police custody a few weeks later, who was a symbol of the Baltimore law enforcement reform movement, before Freddie Gray. On July 1, 2013 Abdul Salaam was nearing his home in Northeast Baltimore with his three-year old son in the back seat of his car, when he glimpsed an image in his rearview mirror most Black men loathe, a police vehicle approaching from behind. According to Salaam, the next few moments would quickly escalate from mere dread to his life being imperiled just steps from the sanctity of his home, while his little boy watched in horror. Salaam (who is the plaintiff in the civil case along with his young son), now 37, says police jumped from their vehicle with their guns drawn and began yelling at him. He says he put his hands out the window of his car holding his wallet and seconds later he was yanked from his car, dragged across the ground and dumped on his head, twice. By this time several of his neighbors had emerged from their homes to protest Salaam’s treatment and videotape the beating. Eventually, he was handcuffed and shackled and taken to Northeast police precinct and then to a hospital. He was charged with not wearing his seatbelt, talking on a cell phone while driving and (of course) disturbing the peace. In a court proceeding in October 2013, prosecutors didn’t pursue any of the charges by police. Salaam is alleging assault and battery, false arrest, false imprisonment and the violation of his civil rights as he seeks damages. As traumatic and life changing this ordeal has been for Salaam and his son, the deadly sequel connected to his arrest and alleged abuse in his backyard played out less than three weeks later on July 18, 2013. That was the day two of the three officers who arrested Salaam, Jorge Bernardez-Ruiz and Nicholas David Chapman initially engaged Tyrone West, 44, near an intersection in the 1300 block of Kitmore Road Continued on D2

55 2016 Total

Data as of March 30


The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

Year Up

Continued from D1 years on helping our young adults in the community and the opportunity presented itself, so I had to take advantage of it.� Year Up Baltimore looks for students that are hungry for

success, determined to succeed and seeking an opportunity to better themselves through one of the fields of focus. As the name implies, it is a yearlong program that gives students the opportunity to earn a stipend based on their performance. That’s right, Year Up pays its students to get an education. Selby stressed that this “is not a handout, it’s a hand up.� Year Up students sign a contract saying they will be punctual, attend class daily and deliver assignments on time. Selby said, “Employers hire for skill but fire for behavior. So our program is really dedicated to teaching and training our students how to be effective in the workplace and develop leadership skills for future


growth.� After six months of working on skills like conflict resolution, workplace etiquette and how to dress for success in a business environment the students are placed in internships with companies like Johns Hopkins, Laureate, MedStar or CareFirst throughout the metropolitan region. Year Up seeks a livable wage for its students within these companies starting at $16/hour. Selby says some students have been offered employment at local companies starting at $50,000.00. Currently Year Up works with 30 different companies throughout Baltimore to place its students for internship opportunities. The goal of the program is that all students will either be employed full-time or enrolled at an academic institution full-time at the completion of the Year Up program. The next Baltimore Year Up is currently taking place and there will be an informational session on April 15 on the campus of Baltimore City Community College. Volunteer and mentor opportunities are currently available. To learn more or to volunteer, visit

Discrimination Continued from D1

create 1,000 housing units, provide Housing Choice Vouchers to at least 2,000 families, market the units to potential tenants who are least likely to apply, and introduce legislation that prohibits discrimination based on source of income. “The agreement is very clear that we are to do what we can to encourage the construction of low-income housing but the county was not going to build its own housing,� said Michael Field, Baltimore County attorney, in a statement.

Race and Politics


in Northeast Baltimore, not far from Salaam’s home. West died on that day after being beaten with batons, kicked, punched and maced by up to a dozen law enforcement officers, including Ruiz and Chapman during what has been described as a wild melee that escalated after a so-called, “routine,� traffic stop. West’s family members and others believe if Ruiz and Chapman had been disciplined -- specifically assigned to desk duty -- in the wake of the arrest and alleged assault of Salaam, West could be alive today. Tawanda Jones, West’s younger sister -- who had loaned her brother the Mercedes Benz automobile he was driving the day he died -- has emerged as the family’s leader as they pursue justice for their loved one, and an activist against police brutality. She has been in attendance every day of Salaam’s trial and for the first time she encountered in person the two officers she blames most for her brother’s death. “It’s basically been surreal, I actually never thought I would have enough courage to look them dead in the eyes,� Jones said. “The first day I saw them and connected a face and saw how big these officers are, because at the end of the day they made up this foolishness about how big my brother was as if it was justification for them to brutally murder my brother,� she added. “This all could have been prevented if they had taken Abdul Salaam seriously.� Jones and her family contend it’s been more than 970 days and counting (since West’s death) that they have been seeking justice for their loved one. “Even though Ruiz, Chapman and all those killer cops are still walking the beat, that brutally murdered my brother, we’re walking the beat with them and we’re letting people know this is what happened, this is what they did and this was not right,� she said.

and should be restored to their historic significance.� Stokes believes Baltimore’s failing K-12 system needs day-one attention from the Mayor’s Office. “As mayor of the city, I will be the CEO of Baltimore City Schools. Every other jurisdiction gives at least 50% of its budget to schools. Baltimore gives 3% of its budget. I will seek to immediately raise that to 30%,� Stokes said. Mosby also felt strongly about youth and education but differed from Stokes in approach. “It’s about being responsible to Baltimore’s most valuable asset – our children. We need to go after Baltimore’s lead paint manufacturers. We must do a paradigm shift from a schools-to-prison pipeline to a schools-to-work pipeline.� Pugh said there was need for municipal tax reform. “I don’t believe we should reduce property taxes irresponsibly. Let’s make our city’s boarded up houses available through a dollar house program. Let’s give those homeowners willing to buy and repair these homes a lower tax rate and get the properties back on the tax rolls.� Warnock, took on criminal justice reform and job creation as the most urgent need the city faces. “I’ve been fighting for automatic expungement for non-violent crimes in Baltimore. We need to look at our housing program as a job opportunity� he said, emphasizing the need to create opportunities for entrepreneurial youth and young adults. “We need to give our students the tool kit their need to get a job in this economy.� Radio One/Praise 106.1 and WOLB 1010AM will follow-up the Mayoral forum with a live studio debate between U.S. Democratic Senatorial Candidates on Tuesday April 5th from 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 am. Young believes the city is focused on the upcoming elections. “If you would have asked me about community involvement 30 days ago, I don’t know. But now, the interest is definitely increasing.�

Continued from D1


Sean Yoes is a senior contributor for the AFRO and host and executive producer of First Edition, which airs Monday through Friday, 5-7 p.m. on WEAA 88.9.


A 25th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, April 16 at Horseshoe Baltimore 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. Dinner, dancing, auctions & more! Honoring BGE and Susan Sachs-Fleishman XXX TPVUICBMUJNPSFMFBSOT PSH t

The Urban Affairs and Aging Committee of the Baltimore City Council will meet on Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 3:30 P.M, in the City Council Chambers, to conduct a public hearing on City Council Bill No. 15-0497. CC 15-0497 ORDINANCE - Urban Renewal Jonestown - Amendment _ FOR the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Jonestown to add a new disposition lot to the Renewal Plan, to revise Exhibit 1 to reflect a land use change in a portion of the new disposition lot, and to revise Exhibit 3 to reflect the addition of the new disposition lot; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date. BY authority of Article 13 - Housing and Urban Renewal Section 2-6 Baltimore City Code (Edition 2000) NOTE: This bill is subject to amendment by the Baltimore City Council.

SBLC programs are partially supported by grant funding from the Department of Labor, Licensing, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the State of Maryland.

Sharon Green Middleton Chair

Continued from D1

April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016, The Afro-American

The Weather is Breaking, It’s Time to Party Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather we are having now. It is time to really get out of the house and enjoy what God has designed for us. The tress are beginning to get green leaves again, I see some colorful flowers peeking through the gardens, the Big Lots, Home Depots, and Wal-Marts are packed with folks getting lawn and porch furniture. Mannnnnn! What a different a day makes. Now that you have finished your shopping, let me help you out with a few outings for you to take a break and enjoy. These are just a few suggestions of places and events you should go and have some fun. Take out your calendar and check this out: “Dreams of Tomorrow Event”, featuring Isaac Parham, Amij, The Secret Society Band, Rodney Kelley, Sr., Ki Ki Merritt, Tiara Waters, Shuga Shang and many more young artists, hosted by Greg Alexander

Eubie Blake Cultural Center on April 5 at 6:30 p.m. for the photo exhibit, and yours truly, Rosa Pryor, will speak about the Pennsylvania Avenue entertainment and venues from back in the day. Also, I am doing a book signing there too.

Roosevelt Fletcher, a member of the Banderleros’ Motorcycle Club and owner of Kings/ Brickhouse on Winters Lane in Catonsville passed away and his funeral will be held at Vaughn Greene Funeral Home, 8728 Liberty Road in Randallstown. Viewing is April 3 from 2-6 p.m.; Wake will be held April 4 at 10 a.m. and the funeral will follow. on April 3 from 3 p.m.-6 p.m. at the Gordon Center for Performing Arts, 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue, Owings Mills, MD. For more information, call 410-5049779. “Baltimore Presentation of Pennsylvania Avenue” Cheryl Goodman invites you to the

Craig Alston, featuring Nia Simmons, Marcus Mitchell, JSoul and MyCah Chevalier will perform at the Eubie Blake Cultural Center; 847 N. Howard Street on April 2 from 7-11 p.m. Ticket includes food and cash bar. For ticket information, call 443-900-9699. “Next Phaze Presents the Craig Alston R&B Project” on April 2, from 7 11 p.m. at the Eubie Blake Culture Center on the 4th Floor. Ticket includes Next Phaze Jazzy Wings, Saffron

Grammy Award Winning Artist, Regina Belle with special guest saxophonist Isaac Parham at the Gordon Center for Performing Arts, 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue in Owings Mills, Maryland on April 9 at 7 p.m. For ticket information, call 443-8589781.

Vernard Gray is showcasing and organizing, “Art 4 Children/Youth Resources” an event at the New Motor House located at 120 W. North Avenue on April 2, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Parents and folks are invited, free admission. For more information, call 202-262-7571. Rice & Cornbread, cash bar, desert station and a lot of live entertainment provided by: Nia Simmons, Marcus Mitchell, JSoul, and MyCah Chevalier and of course Craig Alston. For more information, call 443-900-9699. “Another Great Event by Roger Harris” have and intimate evening with

“Ultimate Old School Day Party” presented by “4 Guys Entertainment & Team Dollar Bill” on April 10 from 5 p.m.-10 p.m. featuring live entertainment by Doug E. Fresh and by DJ Mike Crosby at the Patapsco Arena, 3301 Annapolis Road. For more information, call 443-8654470. “Black Memorabilia, Fine Art & Crafts Show” will be held April 9 and 10 at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 16 Chestnut Street in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Show hours on the 9th are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on the 10th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be many vendors from across the country with fine arts and crafts for sale, including slavery artifacts, historical documents, books, stamps civil war artifacts, paintings,


prints, textiles, autographs, toys, advertisements, photos, political and educational exhibits, seminars and celebrity autographs sessions. There will be plenty of good food and free parking. The show is indoors and will be held rain or shine. For more information, call 301-649-1915 or email: and tell them Rambling Rose told you. Well, my dear friends, I got to go and rest my weary body, I had exploratory stomach surgery last week, and just to find out I have an “inflamed ulcer”, a terrible situation! But I am okay, the doctor said for me to take off a month, but he truly forgot he was talking to “Rambling Rose.” I am doing great each day. So I will see you on the flip side. Remember, if you need me, I am only a phone call away at 410-833-9474 or email me at rosapryor@ Please do not Face Book me information I will not get it. Until the next time, I’m musically yours.

MD. Other entertainment guests are Nia Simmons, Marcus Mitchell, JSoul and MyCah Chevalier. Call 443-900-9699 for more information.


COMMUNITY CONNECTION Send your events to For more community events go to

Free & Enslaved: A Spectrum of 19th Century African American Life Join Dale Green and Heather Andrea Williams for lectures, history and stories about 19th century free and enslaved Black communities on April 2 at 1 the Reginald F. Lewis Museum, 830 E Pratt St. Contact 443-263-1816 for more information. Jazz and Dinner April Sampè and Next Phaze are presenting the Craig Alston R&B Project on April 2 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Eubie Blake Cultural Center, 847 North Howard Street, Baltimore,

Voter Registration Drive If you are not registered to vote and to want to register, a voter registration drive will be held at Mondawmin Mall, 2401 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore on April 5 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.



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For these pictures and more go to

The Afro-American, April 2, 2016 - April 8, 2016

The elephants from the Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus paraded past Baltimore’s Lexington Market on March 23. This was the 33rd, and final, annual ‘Brunch with the Elephants.’ The elephants dined on the world’s largest stand up vegetarian buffet of red & yellow apples, bananas, carrots, loaves of fresh Italian bread and watermelon. In addition to brunch, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s Ring Master and silly clowns were on site bringing smiles of joy to children of all ages. Good time music performances were by Norm & Friends. The Circus is moving the elephants to Florida to retire them. This was the last show for them to work as circus animals.

Terrence Terrante and Alethia Johnson preparing food for the elephants.

Brigette Dobyns and grandson Bryce Epperson

Announcer, David Shipling

Elephants crushing watermelons

Photos by JD Howard

Local officials, military personnel, and citizens gathered together March 10, as the Capitol remembered Harriet Tubman with its 16th Annual State of Maryland Harriet Ross Tubman Day of Remembrance and Underground Railroad Programs. The program was dedicated to the legacy of Harriet Tubman but also, recognition of the Harriet Ross Tubman Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Janice Curtis Greene. Janice is an accomplished storyteller who has been telling African American and multicultural stories for over 20 years. The afternoon was very eventful with a Harriet Tubman reenactment by Janice Curtis Greene, who sang spirituals and told the story of Harriet Tubman during her life Lou Fields and as a slave. Rahsheim Wright Tubman Day programs were also held in Baltimore, Annapolis, Cambridge, Randallstown, and throughout Maryland.

Midshipman Ashanti Curry

Attorney Lynne Peace, Sophia Chester, Addie C. Eckardt, and Lou Fields

Kelly L Vaughn

Addie C. Eckardt

Elizabeth Fitzsimmons with video presentation and remarks

Paris Greene and award recipient Janice Curtis Greene Yvonne HardyPhillips and Errol E. Brown

Rahsheim Wright and Lyn Twyman

Photos by Chanet Wallace

Dale Glenwood Green, Theodore H Mack and Gloria and Winston Wilkinson

Grandmother Edna

CAPT Pat L. Williams, Chief Diversity Officer

Shirley and Jeff Supik

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