Baltimore Afro-American Newspaper April19 2014

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April 19, 2014 - April 19, 2014, The Afro-American A1 $1.00

Volume 122 No. 37

APRIL 19, 2014 - APRIL 25, 2014

Voter Suppression:

By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondent It was a sunny March morning when Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner (D) and her small band boarded the No. 4 bus, beginning their trek from the

Register to Vote! Deadline June 3


Low-Wage Workers to Demand Greater Pay


Former NFL Player Chris Banks Found Dead at 41

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Charm City Spring

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Ohio’s Incredible Tactics

Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner staged a bus ride to the nearest polling place. Walnut Hills neighborhood of Cincinnati to a proposed new county Board of Elections in Mount Airy. The trip, she said, was meant to show how a decision to move early voting

Peaking on April 10, the cherry blossom trees of West Baltimore are the definition of a Charm City Spring. Photo by Alexis Taylor

Continued on A4

Vet Wages War on VA

By Zenitha Prince Special to the AFRO

For more than two decades, Chauncey Robinson has been waging war on behalf of himself and other veterans. The New York-based prisons’ ministry coordinator said that for too many veterans returning home means facing another battle – just on a more familiar front – as they struggle to obtain the rights due them in exchange for their service to their country. “Veterans are disenfranchised, disowned, neglected and abused; they’re treated like peasants by their own government,” the 53-year-old Desert Storm veteran said. “We love our country but does our country love us?” The answer seems to be a resounding, “No,” he said. “Veterans are basically not taken care of when they return home.” That is why Robinson has pursued a letter-writing campaign to congressional representatives and others, and engaged in other advocacy. Moreover, it is why he joined a

group of veterans who filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government claiming that the Department of Veterans Affairs denied veterans their constitutional and contractual rights. Gary Kendall, of Boise, Idaho, filed the first iteration of the complaint in the District Court in Idaho, in 2006. The latest 61-page version filed June 28, 2012, alleges, among other things, that employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs “delay, deny, and withhold proper medical care so as to ... accelerate the deaths of Veterans ...” “The nation has increasingly been depriving veterans of their rights in the interest of saving money,” Kendall, 61, said. “I got tired of watching my fellow veterans and friends die,” he told the AFRO. “Even though veterans are promised the best available medical care, the VA is often years behind in the quality and currentness of quality care. And there are Photo by Travis Riddick increasing numbers of veterans who spend their lives in pain Chauncey Robinson has and misery or die waiting for medical care, and that has to be been waging war on behalf stopped.” of all veterans. Continued on A3

Morgan Students Participate in Design Challenge for 2014 Gubernatorial Primary Election Hot Contest in the 45th District Liberian University By Sean Yoes Special to the AFRO

The preliminary action of the state’s 2014 June primary for the 45th District of Baltimore City actually took place in February 2013. That’s when Nina Harper, director of the Oliver Community Association was chosen by the Baltimore City Democratic Central Committee (out of a field of 10 candidates) to replace Del. Hattie Harrison, the veteran East Baltimore politician who died the month before. Harper assumed the seat despite what some argue was a dubious selection process by Central Committee members and the committee chairman Scherod Barnes. Nevertheless, Harper is the newest incumbent along with Talmadge

Branch and Cheryl Glenn, who will be running against six democratic challengers: Marques Dent, Cory McCray, Kevin Parsons, Harry Spikes, Robert Stokes Sr. and Aaron Keith Wilkes. But, perhaps the most compelling contest in the 45th is between the venerable Sen. Nathaniel McFadden, Senate President Pro Tempore, who is being opposed by veteran political operative Julius Henson. Henson spent a month in jail and was sentenced to four years probation for election law violations connected to his role in the 2010 governor’s race on behalf of Robert Ehrlich’s campaign for use of a robocall that was aimed, some argue at suppressing the Black vote. Henson was actually tried and acquitted of the voter

By Roberto Alejandro AFRO Staff Writer War ravaged infrastructure, inconsistent power, and a shortage of hot water were a few of the obstacles Morgan State University School of

Architecture and Planning students had to overcome in designing a library and student center, called an E-brary, for William V.S. Tubman University in Harper, Liberia. Thuy Do, Zoia Jenkins, and Zahra

Continued on A4 Stan Britt, Thuy Do and Zoia Jenkins

Copyright © 2014 by the Afro-American Company

Continued on A4


The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014


President Obama’s Aunt Zeituni Dies at 61 President Obama’s Kenya-born Aunt Zeituni Onyango, 61, died from cancer and respiratory ailments April 8 at the Kindred Nursing and Rehabilitation Harborlights facility in South Boston, according to news reports. She was the half-sister of President Obama’s father. Onyango was granted U.S. asylum by a federal judge in 2010, after living illegally in Boston. Her immigration status was reported by the Associated Press during the first Obama presidential campaign. She died before she was granted citizenship. According to CBS News, her death was confirmed by Cleveland lawyer Margaret Wong, who represented Onyango in her immigration case. According to the Boston Globe Onyango entered the U.S. on a visa in 2000 and sought political asylum in 2002. She was ordered to leave the country in 2003, but she stayed while she appealed the immigration decision. The appeal failed, leading to a deportation order in October 2004. Onyango stayed temporarily with friends in Cleveland after her case drew media attention in 2008. Obama wrote about her in his book Dreams From My Father, noting that she was a key source of knowledge about his family in Kenya. She attended his inauguration in 2009 but, according to the New York Times, had no contact with the president during her immigration proceedings. “After her vilification by the press during the President’s campaign, she fought hard for her legal status. She loved to travel, mostly by train, and enjoyed taking pictures everywhere she went,” Wong said in a statement quoted by USA Today. Her lawyers successfully argued to reopen her case, and she was granted asylum in 2010. In 2012, Onyango published a memoir titled “Tears of Abuse,” comparing the Obama clan to “the Baobab tree; the strength lies in its roots.” Gay Bishop’s Nomination to Morehouse Board of Preachers Triggers Online Rage “Where are leading Black pastors, honorary inductees,

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Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4602 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Washington Publisher Emerita - Frances L. Murphy II

Durham said the college has received no pushback or public outcry, however. A Morgan State University and Morehouse graduate from Los Angeles, the bishop is the pastor of the 3,500-member Vision Church in Atlanta. Burgess is the former branch chief at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. World Community Marks Rwanda Genocide 20 Years Later Hutu vs. Tutsi. Neighbor vs. neighbor. Politician vs. politician. Military vs. rebels. Almost 1 million people slain in 100 days; bodies lining the streets. Hundreds of thousands of women brutally raped or sexually mutilated, innocents maimed, property destroyed…and the world stood by. Such was the reality of the Rwandan Genocide 20 years ago, when members of the majority Hutu tribe mass slaughtered Tutsi and moderate Hutus in a political power struggle that shocked and shamed the world.

Bishop Oliver Clyde Allen III

and leading Black churches protesting the induction of an openly homosexual man into the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers at Morehouse University?-BCN1” This question is being posed on the website of Black Christian News Network One. The challenge is for “godly” people to protest the induction of Bishop Oliver Clyde Allen III, who told Ebony Magazine he’s been married to Rashad Burgess since 2002 (legally since 2009), and together they parent two children. Allen will not be the first gay minister to be inducted into the revered pantheon of preachers—the nowdeceased Rev. Peter J. Gomes, who taught at Harvard University, holds that honor. However, Allen may be the first who is married and living openly as a homosexual. Morehouse College spokeswoman Elise Durham told the AFRO that a minister’s sexuality is not part of the consideration for potential inductees. The institution issues no releases or statements as to the identity of the inductees. It merely sends individual notification of the nomination inquiring whether or not the honor will be accepted and the ceremony attended, according to the Morehouse personnel office. Allen made the announcement March 13 on his Facebook page. The issue was originally raised on the site of, which BCN1 cited as a source. BCN1 said this move will “diminish the honor of being named to the Board of Preachers to nothing,” and that “many are going to ask to have their names taken off the list.”

The international community recently observed the 20th anniversary of the racial conflagration which erupted April 7, 1994, after the assassination of Rwanda’s Hutu President Juvénal Habyarimana. “The genocide in Rwanda that targeted the Tutsi was one of the darkest chapters in human history,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at a commemoration ceremony in Kigali, Rwanda, April 7. “…The blood spilled for 100 days. Twenty years later, the tears still flow. I express my solidarity with all Rwandans as you continue your journey of healing.” Ki-moon also acknowledged the complicity of the UN and countries, such as the United States, Great Britain and Belgium, who looked on and didn’t act quickly enough to avert the tragedy. “We could have done much more. We should have done much more,” he said. “…The shame still clings, a generation after the events.”

AP Photo

Rwandans light candles of remembrance at an evening ceremony at the Amahoro stadium in Kigali. The flag of Rwanda

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The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 19, 2014

April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014, The Afro-American


Low-Wage Workers to Demand Greater Pay, Increased Rights at May Day Protest By Roberto Alejandro AFRO Staff Writer A planned demonstration on May Day seeks to advance a number of labor rights issues in Baltimore City, including a request for a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. While Maryland’s minimum wage is now set to rise to $10.10 an hour by 2018, workers who currently rely on similar wages say a larger increase is needed. The demonstration is being organized by the “We Deserve Better” Baltimore and Maryland Worker’s Assembly, a volunteer organization of community and labor organizers operating in Baltimore. Sharon Black, one of the demonstration’s organizers, feels that more needs to be done on the wage front for low-income workers than $10.10 per hour four years from now. “It’s pretty hard to swallow when it’s in 2018,” said Black of the recent minimum wage increase. “It’s pretty hard to swallow when you figure that the tipped employees are excluded from it so they’re still making the poverty wages. And then you’ve got to consider that on the estate taxes, they put a great cost of living clause in for the rich when the inheritance tax goes on, but no cost of living [increase] for the people

Vets Wage

Continued from A1 For example, Robinson said, he has been fighting the VA for proper benefits for 21 years. During that time, he alleges, his original claim files were destroyed. And, in 2012, after a Board of Veterans Appeals judge ordered that he be examined by a cardiologist to determine his eligibility for total disability un-employability impairment benefits, not only were the tests not administered by a cardiologist, but the doctor issued a report with faulty information, including omitting that Robinson was on heart medication. Though Robinson’s lawyer sent a letter informing the VA of the flawed report, it was used in determining his benefits claim, anyway. “It’s a blatant practice of fraud and abuse that the public needs to know about because a lot of young people are coming home [from deployment] and they and their families will go through the same thing,” Robinson said. “Our goal with this litigation is not just about [obtaining] punitive damages but also to force the government to clamp down on the Department of Veterans Affairs. ... Right now it is rogue.” Kenneth Beskin, Robinson’s attorney, and a former Social Security claims specialist who focuses on veterans’ cases, said the first experience with the VA is often “shocking.” “The delays in the system are unbelievable. Not only it is backlogged, but it is so arbitrary from case to case,” he said. “I think they’re overwhelmed. They have so many cases that they’re afraid [they are] going to break the bank, so they fight everything and delay everything.” But the dysfunction

on the minimum wage.” According to Howard University economist Dr. Charles Betsey, interviewed via email, “Delays in raising the minimum wage lead to erosion of the buying power of the minimum wage. For people who are paid the minimum or whose pay is tied closely to it, lags in raising the minimum wage results in loss in buying power as inflation rises.” Crystal Richardson, a volunteer and activist with the Worker’s Assembly, currently works two part-time jobs, one making $10.05 an hour and the other making $10.50. The better paying of the two requires a commute to Ellicott City by bus, a ride that can last up to two and one-half hours. Though she works an eight hour shift that begins at 11 p.m., Richardson arrives in Ellicott City at 6:30 p.m., the latest she can arrive by public transportation. Richardson makes a little over $1,000 a month, “If they don’t cut my hours down, and they gave me about four or five days a week.” While owning a car would significantly reduce her commute between Baltimore and Ellicott City, Richardson cannot afford one. Though interested in studying art and graphic design, she cannot afford to enroll in a degree program

also has “a lot” to do with “incompetence and ineffectiveness,” he added. “Once the system gets bogged down there’s no incentive to clean it up.” According to the VA Accountability Watch webpage of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, the VA has recently experienced a “rash of preventable veteran deaths, infectious disease outbreaks, and benefit and construction delays” within the system. Multiple VA Inspector General reports uncovered: hundreds of veteran patients who were exposed to HIV, Hepatitis, and other diseases due to unsanitary equipment or misuse of equipment; inappropriate shredding of benefit claims documents; lack of followup with patients at high risk of suicide; a deadly outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease; unclean facilities; at least 31 preventable deaths at VA medical centers throughout the country; and many more violations. More egregiously, though many of those problems were due to “widespread mismanagement,” negligent VA employees and executives were rarely fired and some received bonuses, the reports found. “As much as they (officials) talk about the dysfunction within the VA, no one seems to want to do anything about it,” Beskin said. Recent legislation and statements by Washington leaders seem to suggest a renewed commitment to revitalizing the beleaguered agency. House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller introduced the VA Management Accountability Act of 2014 to make it easier to demote or fire negligent VA executives; another bill implemented a five-year ban

that would help further her personal ambitions. Though she currently earns a wage in line with the $10.10 that will be Maryland’s minimum four years from now, Richardson already feels the limits of such a wage’s purchasing power. “What I don’t understand is why anybody would be satisfied with this outcome at all,” said Richardson of the wage increase to $10.10 an hour. Marvin “Doc” Cheatham, a candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates seat in the 40th district and a supporter of the rally, addressed another of the demonstration’s concerns in an interview with the AFRO: the lack of employment opportunities for youth. “It’s imperative, starting with Baltimore City, that we find more and better ways to get our young people in the feel of being employed . . . so that at an early age they can understand that for a fair day’s work they can get a fair day’s pay.” The May Day demonstration will take place at McKeldin Square in downtown Baltimore at 4 p.m. on May 1. Information on the rally and the Worker’s Assembly can be found on the Worker’s Assembly’s website at riseupbaltimore. org, or by calling the Worker’s Assembly at (410) 218-4835.

“The nation has increasingly been depriving veterans of their rights in the interest of saving money.” – Gary Kendall on performance bonuses for VA senior executive service employees and expanded tuition assistance for veterans. House and Senate lawmakers passed bills that would restore cuts to costof-living adjustments on

military pensions. A bill was introduced to ensure that the benefits of veterans who die waiting for claims would be passed on to the individual’s heirs, and on March 5, the White House extended a successful job-training

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Crystal Richardson questions the wisdom of raising the minimum wage to only $10.10 and of the delay in full implementation until 2018. program for veterans that was due to expire at the end of March. Meanwhile, Robinson and Kendall are continuing their fight on the legal front. On March 10, the U.S. Supreme Court denied their petition for the case to be heard, after it was rejected by lower courts. However, they have regrouped, and plan to refile the case with Robinson as the main petitioner. “They (Supreme Court justices)

denied it because there’s a charge of genocide, treason, and violation of the RICO statutes, and we’ve come to the conclusion that no judge was going to preside over a case with that type of inflammatory language,” Robinson said. They have also reached out to the United Nations. “We are prepared to go through world court authorities if necessary,” Robinson said. “We hope we don’t have to go there.”


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The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014

April 19, 2014 - April 19, 2014, The Afro-American


African Americans Behind on Key Factors Swaying Entry into Middle Class By Roberto Alejandro Special to the AFRO African-American children in the United States fare worse than any other group on key factors affecting economic success later in life. According to a report released in April by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, this fact highlights the necessity of focusing on the way systems operate to exclude Black children from meaningful participation in the nation’s economy. The report, titled Race for Results, collects data from all 50 states on 12 factors affecting the likelihood someone will be middle class by middle age. It then presents an index score from zero to 1,000 that makes it possible to compare how well positioned to reach the middle class children from different groups are. The higher the score, the more likely children in the relevant group will be middle class by middle age. Asian and Pacific Islander children had the best overall score in the nation, with 776. NonHispanic White children had a national score of 704, while African-American children had the lowest national score at 345. The score for African-American children in Maryland was slightly higher, at 474. Among the factors considered in the study


Continued from A1 from downtown to the suburbs would make it extremely difficult for Hamilton County voters that didn’t have a vehicle. “It took two buses – the second bus was late; one and a half hours one way, and that doesn’t even count the time voters will spend waiting to vote; a half-mile walk since the bus didn’t stop outside the site,” then they had to trod up a long driveway with no sidewalks since the building was situated some way off the street, Turner recalled. “This is patently unfair,” said the lawmaker, who was joined by other Democratic colleagues and community activists. “How many hurdles should you have to jump to vote?” According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2012 American Community Survey, almost 13 percent of Hamilton County households –mostly in Cincinnati—do not own a vehicle, creating a potential barrier to early voting given the relatively difficult access to the new site. It is but one of several new laws and policies that rolls back access to the ballot box in Ohio, voting advocates say. “Unfortunately, in the state of Ohio, our GOP-led Legislature and governor’s mansion is using their political clout to roll back the hands of time,” said Turner. “My heart hurts that we are fighting the same battles that our ancestors already fought and died for.” The current wave of restrictive voting

45th District

were percentage of fourth graders who scored at or above proficient in reading, high school students graduating on time, children who live in two-parent families, and children who live in areas where less than 20 percent of residents live in poverty. All these are factors that have been found by the Social Genome Project of the Brookings Institution to impact the likelihood that children will reach the middle class by middle age, according to Laura Speer, associate director of policy reform and advocacy at the Annie E. Casey Foundation. For Speer, the low index scores for many children of color do not bode well for the economic future of the country. “As the country gets more diverse,” said Speer, “the future prosperity of the country and our global competitiveness is going to really hinge especially on the success of kids of color.” While the report concludes that there is room for improvement among all children, it emphasizes the need for a focus on the systems that drive racial disparities in the United States, noting that “The public systems designed to help children and families have functioned in ways

“African-American children in the United States fare worse than any other group on key factors affecting economic success later in life.” advantage of the opportunity for a college education in a still heavily segregated country. Dr. Natasha Pratt-Harris, a sociologist at Morgan State University, spoke to the AFRO about the way the historical exclusion of African Americans from meaningful economic development opportunities, including access to higher education, continues to affect the ability of middle class indicators, like a college

could register and vote early on the same day; prohibits anyone but Secretary of State Jon Husted from mailing unsolicited absentee laws in Ohio began in 2010 when an omnibus ballots to voters and makes it more difficult to elections law bill, HB 194, was introduced in count provisional ballots. response to the spectacular breakdown of the Husted has also set statewide, uniform state’s voting system, such as the extremely early voting hours that contain no evening or long lines in the 2004 presidential election. Sunday hours, making it more difficult for Among provisions in the bill were some working Ohioans to vote early and negating that would cut the early voting period in half “Souls to the Polls,” an initiative of the (from 35 days to 16 days) and limit the hours faith community for early voting, to mobilize their cutting out Sunday congregations to the altogether. polls on Sundays. “Considering Secretary how popular early Husted’s platform voting had become of “uniformity” only in Ohio it was a little “sounds reasonable,” bit shocking that the Gill said, but it’s Legislature wanted to not since different reduce early voting,” said Sonia Gill, – Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner (D) counties have different populations counsel, Lawyers’ with different needs Committee for Civil and local administrators would know what is Rights Under Law’s Voting Rights Project. best for their voters. Signatures were collected for a referendum Furthermore, she added, the policies to overturn the legislation, but lawmakers disproportionately impact African Americans, repealed the bill before voters could act. who utilize early voting at higher rates. For Since 2012, however, the tide has changed, example, she cited, one study showed that bringing a flurry of legislation that could African Americans in Cuyahoga County voted reduce broad participation in the elections. early at 26 times the rate of White voters, This year, alone, the Ohio General Assembly accounting for ¼ of overall voter turnout but has passed and Gov. John Kasich (R) has ¾ of early in person voter turnout. signed bills that shave days off the early “There should have been some accounting voting period and completely eliminates for this being a preferential method [of “Golden Week,” a brief window when voters voting] for this community but there was not,” Gill said.

“My heart hurts that we are fighting the same battles that our ancestors already fought and died for.”

Continued from A1

suppression charge, but he was convicted because the political ad lacked an authority line, which is a misdemeanor. All total, he was sentenced to 60 days in jail, 30 days of home detention, 500 hours of community service and fined $1 million. Circuit Court Judge Emanuel Brown also prohibited Henson from volunteering or working in any political campaigns during his probation. So, Henson – who has a well-earned reputation as a political street fighter, a title he seems to wear with pride – decided to run

that denied opportunity to people of color – and even worked to push them down the ladder.” One example of such a system cited in the report is the G.I. Bill, originally instituted to help veterans of World War II pay for college. Implemented at a time when many of the nation’s institutions of higher learning did not admit African Americans, the G.I. Bill, while neutral on its face, primarily benefited White soldiers who were in a better position to take

for office himself (McFadden’s senate seat), which compelled Brown to sentence Henson to four more months in jail saying he violated his probation. The sentence was suspended pending Henson’s appeal. University of Maryland law professor Larry Gibson told the Washington Post, “I’ve been trying to imagine a more unpardonable sin to the Black community than voter suppression,” Gibson told the Post. “If you’re doing an ad for anyone running against Julius Henson, you wouldn’t need to address anything else.”

education, to function in the same way for all Americans. She noted that because many students of color are among the first in their families to attend college, they often have to rely on student loans to fund the enterprise. The burden of paying back those loans, even when middle class employment is achieved, prevents these students from fully entering the middle class. “People are arguably kept in their place, for lack of a better expression, because they actually have very bad debt that they possibly would not necessarily have had if it were not for their being first generation college students,” said Dr. Pratt-Harris. For Speer, it is not enough that a policy or system is neutral on its face, since the country’s history of racial discrimination influences the ability of such systems to function in the same way for all people. “There’s a difference between things being equal and things being equitable,” said Speer, “and where you see that is in the outcomes.” The report recommends that the impact of potential policies on communities of color be studied prior to implementation in order to avoid reproducing systems and institutions that produce disparate outcomes for different populations.

But then, that was probably deliberate, activists say. While Republicans tout voter fraud as the justification for increasingly restrictive elections laws there is little evidence of that phenomenon, they say. Conversely, there is more evidence that such laws are designed to reduce participation by minorities, the poor and other groups that tend to vote Democrat. “It’s politics. It’s a margins game,” Gill said. “Elections are decided by slim margins so when you manipulate the rules to create greater burdens to vote, ultimately, it’s going to reduce political participation.” The adverse impact of these voter suppression laws is magnified by recent Supreme Court decisions that gutted Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act and made it easier for corporations to influence elections, Sen. Turner said. The effect will be the “polluting” of American democracy with money and the suppression of the voices of poor and working-class Americans, she added. Turner said in addition to the March bus ride, she has highlighted and fought back against the harmful policies with legislation and other advocacy, and she is also running for the position of secretary of state in this year’s mid-term elections. She urged fellow Ohioans to take a similar stand at the polls, like they did in 2012 when lawmakers tried to enforce similarly suppressive laws. “A lot of people in 2012 gave a protest vote,” she said. “I’m hoping people will have that same spirit in 2014.”

Morgan Students Continued from A1

Naserdeghan were selected and accompanied by Stan Britt, an adjunct professor at the Morgan school of architecture, to visit the campus of Tubman University during Morgan’s 2014 spring break and participate in a design challenge with students from two other Historically Black Universities: Howard University in Washington D.C. and Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Ala. Each university sent three students along with a faculty adviser. They were then divided into three teams comprised of one student from each school. The teams each came up with a design that they then presented to representatives of Tubman University, local architects, and members of the Liberian government, including Liberia’s vice president Joseph Boakai. Britt, who has lived in Kenya and Ghana, said, “What I saw in Liberia was in many ways worse than anything I’d ever seen in any other African country.” The West African country established by former slaves from the United States, Liberia suffered through 14 years of civil war from 1989 to 2003, according to the CIA’s World Factbook. The lengthy conflict destroyed much of the nation’s infrastructure. That ailing infrastructure meant the students could not incorporate glass into their designs. Four-hundred and twenty-five miles separate Liberia’s capital, Monrovia, and Harper. Previous attempts to ship glass over that distance along the country’s largely unpaved roads had resulted in shattered panes. The conditions of the roads, which were littered with trenches that had been dug by military forces to impede travel, proved a

logistical challenge for the students from Morgan, helping to turn what would have been an 18 hour trip to Tubman University from Monrovia into a 36 hour ordeal that included the breakdown of three of the five vehicles that transported them from the capital. While the loss of so much time delayed the submission of final building designs until after the students had returned to the States, it also proved helpful in allowing the students more time to observe and study the local culture and resources of the country, enabling them to better adapt their initial design ideas to the Liberian context in which the building would ultimately be constructed. For Naserdeghan, the experience taught her that “We need to know who we are designing for. We need to know the people, the culture, and the climate, and you have to feel it in order to have a good design.” Do was inspired by her experience to join Architecture for Humanity, a nonprofit specializing in sustainable design efforts in impoverished contexts, according to the organization’s website. “I would like to get more involved in that kind of work,” said Do. Do, Jenkins, and Naserdeghan were selected for the trip based on design concepts they each developed in Britt’s ‘Design Studio’ course in the fall semester of 2013. Do was chosen for her utilization of different elevations in her roof design to aid in ventilation and lighting. Jenkins was selected for her use of local basket weaving patterns in her building facade, while Naserdeghan’s design stood apart for her incorporation of a water collection mechanism in her roof design.

April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014, The Afro-American



The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014

COMMUNITY CONNECTION students for now and equipping them for a successful future.

Middle School Students Partake of ‘Pearls of Wisdom’

Photos by Anderson Ward

Pearls of Wisdom

WOLB Host Larry Young Moves up in Talkers Magazine Rankings

Former senator and current WOLB Radio One Talk show host, Larry Young, has progressed from number 54 to 52 out of more than 3800 hosts in his 10th year of being rated one of Talkers Magazine Heavy Hundred. This is proof of consistent artistry and development since in 2005 his ranking was 99. Of the 100 Talker Magazine Talk Show Hosts seven are African American. Sen. Young attributes his success in large part to his co host- Coach Butch McAdams, his producer James Johnson, operations manager, Al Payne and general Larry Young manager, Howard Mazer.

Ashley Little explains how to apply makeup with volunteer, Kenisha Eberhart

Servings of Legacy Art and FREE Jazz Sets Unveiling @ The Avenue Bakery

Angela Kessler Henry, principal TJMS; Dawnita Brown, Ashley Little and Vonda Leighton

Kenisha Eberhart, India Chandler, Jonah Whitt and Cyncere Reynolds

Chyna McCoy, Cyniya Colbb and Reyna Reyes The young ladies at Thomas Jefferson Elementary/Middle School recently kicked off an initiative entitled “Pearls of Wisdom.” The April 11 event, hosted by volunteer coordinator Vonda Leighton, exposed members of P.O.W.! to accomplished women in the area who shared experiences and expertise and enabled them to see the benefits of academic and professional excellence. In addition to hearing some AFRO history, compliments of photographer Anderson Ward, the young women learned the real makeup of beauty and smart secrets of entrepreneurship. They were encouraged to “Wish it. Dream it. Do it.” Upcoming events include more workshops and a field trip to City Hall. Angela Kessler Henry is principal of the southwest Baltimore school community that prides itself on educating the

The Avenue Bakery Family and The Royal Theater & Community Heritage Corporation (TRTCHC) are proud to announce the installation of “Our Community’s Legacy” Photomontage, 4 p.m., May 3. The unveiling of the pictorial collage featuring our African American leaders and icons, created by Stuart Hudgins, will take place on the grounds of the Avenue Bakery located at 2229 Pennsylvania Ave. in Baltimore. The 16’x28’ montage highlights our community’s impact in the Civil Rights Movement. Following the unveiling, guests will be entertained by singer/songwriter, John Milton Wesley, a community favorite known for being as much fun to watch as he is to experience vocally. Rosa “Rambling Rose” Pryor-Trusty, noted AFRO entertainment columnist will be on hand for a booking signing of “African-American, Community, History & Entertainment in Maryland.” Guests may also contribute to the “Rebuild The Royal Theatre One-Brick @ A Time” fundraising campaign, by purchasing one or more of the 3,000,000+ bricks needed to rebuild the iconic venue. The requested donation for each brick is $5.50. To secure additional information, please contact Jim Hamlin at 443-280-2702 or Caprece Jackson-Garrett at 443.695.9384.

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April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014, The Afro-American



Women Get Unequal Pay for Equal Work

Julianne Malveaux

When John and Ann started working on January 1, 2013, John had an immediate advantage. Because women earn 77 cents for every dollar men earn, it took Ann until April 11, 2014 to earn the same amount of money that John earned in the calendar year of 2013. The issue of unequal pay is so important that President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act 50 years ago. While we have come a long way, baby, the pay gap has remained stubborn. This is why President Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act as soon as he assumed

office. This year, to commemorate National Equal Pay Day (that’s the day Ann finally earns as much as John), the president signed an executive order protecting workers from retaliation when they speak of unequal pay in the workplace (one of the ways employers can maintain unequal pay is to make discussing pay grounds for firing). The president, through the secretary of labor, is also requiring federal contractors to provide data on pay, race, and gender to ensure that employers are fairly paid. Furthermore, the Senate is considering the Paycheck Fairness Act, which may pass the Senate, but not the House of Representatives. We know all about John and Ann, but what about Tamika? If women earn 77 percent of what men earn, what about AfricanAmerican women? Women surely have come a long way, but some are moving far more slowly than others. How many African-American women are there in the Senate? Among Fortune 500 leaders? In other positions of power? What about pay? African-American women earn about three quarters of what other women earn, meaning that if it takes Ann until April 11 to catch up with John, It will take Tamika until about June 1 – about another six weeks – to catch up. Tamika earns in 18 months what John earns in 12 months. Even African-American women with the highest levels of

education experience these differences. White men with a postgraduate degree earn a median salary of $1,666 a week. AfricanAmerican women earn a median salary of $1,000 during the same time period. For all the talk of pay equity and paycheck fairness, the status of African-American women is largely ignored. It wouldn’t take much for the President, or some of those feminist groups who support paycheck fairness, to throw in a line or two about AfricanAmerican women. Nor would it hurt African-American organizations, especially those who serve Black women, to point out this injustice. Are AfricanAmerican women invisible? Don’t we count? African-American women raise the majority of our children, and shoulder many of the challenges in the AfricanAmerican community. Ignoring us in a conversation about unequal pay simply marginalizes our experiences and us. The focus on “overall” data is yet another way of marginalizing not only African-American women, but other people of color well. Reporting aggregate data gives some notion of economic progress. Reporting specific data about AfricanAmerican women and men makes it clear, for example, that African Americans experience depression-level unemployment rates. I was delighted when President Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Act, and I have been privileged to hear Ledbetter speak on more than one occasion. She is an amazing woman with a talent for “breaking it down.” When she learned that men doing the same job she did earned more money, she cried “foul” but the law said it was “too late” for her to complain. In her inimitable way, she said that grocers did not charge

her less money because she was female, nor did doctors, or anyone else. She said that higher-paid men didn’t have to make uncomfortable choices about which child would get new shoes or clothes. African-American women can tell the same story as Lily Ledbetter. Indeed, the gaps African-American women deal with are likely to be more severe than the ones Lily Ledbetter faced. The pay gap for African Americans is larger and too many live in food deserts where the cost of food is higher even as the quality is lower. Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is president emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.

Ryan Budget Represents the Height of Irresponsibility “Affluent Americans would do quite well. But for tens of millions of others, the Ryan plan is a path to more adversity.” Robert Greenstein, president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities In the same week that we marked the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and learned that 7.1 million Americans had enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan introduced Marc H. Morial a draconian 2015 budget plan. The plan increases military spending through 2024 by $483 billion – to pre-sequester levels – yet cuts non-defense spending by $791 billion. This illogical plan proposes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, end Medicare as we know it, and slash critical safety-net programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or SNAP – formerly food stamps), Head Start and Pell Grants. It is ironic that a plan called the “Path to Prosperity” is nothing more than a path to political grandstanding and partisanship that has no place among constructive efforts focused on real prosperity for all Americans, not a select few. At a time when Americans are looking to Washington for solutions to the problems of income inequality and the ever-increasing Great Divide, the Ryan budget goes in the opposite direction. Rather than

closing the gaps, it exacerbates the problems by raising taxes an average of $2,000 for middle-class families with children, according to the Office of Management and Budget, while giving the wealthiest taxpayers a break by lowering their taxes from 39.6 percent to 25 percent. The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) estimates that the “prosperity proposal” would result in the loss of 3 million jobs over the next couple of years, thereby reversing the gradual upward trend in job creation. In short, the Ryan budget, while not surprising in its familiar ideology or fanciful push towards austerity, represents the height of irresponsibility and is a blueprint for disaster for millions of hard-working Americans. It has immediately, and rightfully, drawn widespread condemnation. Ethan Pollack, senior policy analyst with the non-partisan Economic Policy Institute concluded that much like the budget Ryan proposed last year, this one burdens seniors, the disabled, and children – while cutting taxes for the rich. “Tax cuts for people who don’t need them and economic insecurity for everyone else is grossly irresponsible budget and economic policy,” he added. The non-profit Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that “Some 69 percent of the cuts in House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s new budget would come from programs that serve people of limited means. These disproportionate cuts … contrast sharply with the budget’s rhetoric about helping the poor and promoting opportunity.” The Center for American Progress called Ryan’s plan “the same conservative, top-down policies that have failed the nation’s middle and working-class families, seniors, and the economy.” The New York Times called it “destructive to the country’s future.” Thankfully, spending for the next two years was set by the budget agreement passed in the Senate and the House and signed by President

Obama in December 2013. So it is unlikely that the Ryan budget will become law in the short-term or is for anything more than show. Nonetheless, it is a dangerous “vision” for our nation. The National Urban League strongly rejects this budget because of its likely destructive impact on employment, the economy, and poverty. We urge Paul Ryan and his colleagues to drop this plan and get serious about developing a responsible budget that does not depend on hurting millions of working and middle-class Americans to benefit the richest few. I would expect that Rep. Ryan would be more conscious of the critical need to accomplish this, especially as this year’s State of Black America report and the new Black-White Metropolitan Equality Index™ finds that three of the five least equal cities in America for unemployment and two of the five least equal cities for income are in his home state of Wisconsin (Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Madison; and Milwaukee and Minneapolis, respectively). With an equality index of 23.8 percent (on a 100-point scale), Madison ranked at the bottom for Black-White unemployment (18.5 percent vs. 4.4 percent). With an equality index of 40.3 percent, Minneapolis ranked at the bottom for Black-White median household income ($28,784 vs. $71,376). The night before Dr. King’s April 4, 1968 assassination, he said: “The question is not, if I stop to help this man in need, what will happen to me? The question is, if I do not stop to help the sanitation workers, what will happen to them?…Let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation.” We can start now by stopping the Ryan budget – and even more importantly, stopping its budget-cutting fever that threatens the economic health and recovery of our nation. Marc H. Morial, former mayor of New Orleans, is president and CEO of the National Urban League.

Letter to the Editor The real information on the Conaway campaign By Belinda Conaway I would like to take this opportunity to clarify fact from fiction in your latest article, “Cheatham’s Campaign Slammed by Posters,” as well as give the readers of this historic publication a glimpse into the real Conaway campaign designed for the citizens of this great city. First and foremost, any indirect insinuation that I, or any member of my family, had anything to do with the disgraceful campaign ads put up throughout the 40th district attacking the credibility of Mr. Cheatham are blatantly false and extremely disheartening. For someone to hold up one of my campaign posters next to a despicable attack ad aimed at a candidate for a legislative district race that has absolutely nothing to do with my citywide run for Register of Wills, is both disingenuous and politically naïve. Mr. Cheatham’s quest is to become one of three state delegates in a legislative district where my brother Delegate Frank Conaway Jr. has, since 2006, been the top vote-getter, by continuing a family legacy of working on behalf, and in the best interest, of the voters. My family has a proven track record of running clean campaigns and serving the interests of the citizens of this city, without ever taking money from special interests; thereby eliminating the notion we can ever be bought and sold or serve the interest of anyone but the voters themselves. Even the author of the photo used by the Afro in this article, who insinuated we may have had something to do with these posters, has since rescinded his allegations and apologized to my family for not first contacting us to clarify these disgraceful allegations by Mr. Cheatham. I have elected to seek the office vacated by Mary Conaway, who without blemish has served the citizens of this city for 30 years as a proactive Register of Wills before retiring in December 2012. It is through her continued leadership that I learned how to be attentive to the needs of all area residents, voters or non-voters, and to educate the electorate on the very important needs of having a documented will upon their death – or the death of a loved one. It is her distinguished public service, along with the decades of leadership shown by my father, Frank Conaway Sr. – who has served the citizens of this city since 1998 as

their Clerk of the Circuit Courts – that has brought me to offer my own service to the citizens of Baltimore. I have no time, or need, to enter into any form of political trickery or deception; nor do I have a need to discredit the characteristics of a man who has continued to consider my family an ally and friend for the past two decades. The people of this city deserve more, and it is our intention to give them just that, as we seek to restore the public trust, serve the needs of all Baltimore citizens and offer an open-door policy of public service that has graciously led to the re-election of my family to various positions since the 1970s. If Mr. Cheatham wants to blame anyone for these political attacks, he should first clarify the difference between fact and fiction before making outlandish and unsubstantiated allegations. He should then move on to addressing the real needs of the voters of his district. For my family and I, will continue to offer the citizens of this city true public service and leadership, void of partisan and petty politics, giving them a real choice of leadership in the upcoming June 24th Primary Election. I hope readers will consider giving us their vote, for as time has revealed, we will not take that vote for granted. We will continue to put buffoonery behind us as we serve their many interests. Thank you and God Bless! Belinda Conaway is a candidate for the office of Register of Wills for Baltimore City.


Send letters to The Afro-American 2519 N. Charles St. • Baltimore, MD 21218 or fax to 1-877-570-9297 or e-mail to


The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014


WE’RE PROUD TO CELEBRATE 30 YEARS OF DOMINION’S VOLUNTEER PROGRAM, AS WELL AS EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE WHOSE DEDICATION HAS MADE IT POSSIBLE. To celebrate 30 years of volunteering in the communities where we live and work, Dominion has recognized 30 honorees for the personal time and effort they donated in 2013. One of those volunteers, Susie Lopez, works at our Cove Point LNG terminal right here in Southern Maryland. And like other Cove Point volunteers—who, since 2005, have spent 3,500 hours volunteering alongside a company that’s donated $2.3 million to Maryland charities over the past 12 years—Susie has found important and meaningful ways to make a positive difference through public service. In addition to recruiting and inspiring others, Susie and her family have personally participated in numerous efforts in and around their community. One that’s especially meaningful for her is Farming 4 Hunger, a nonprofit near Cove Point that grows and harvests food—ensuring that families in need don’t go hungry. Because even though Dominion helped buy Farming 4 Hunger’s bean picker, it’s the generosity of people such as Susie that will help end hunger itself.

@Dom_CovePoint To learn more visit

April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014, The Afro-American


Alisa Queens, John Kevin Mackey, Sylvia Macey

Ann Jubilee and Jeri Perkins

Contestants Carlos Pabon and Jean Lewis wait to hear their total number from the judges

Adam Milam and Lana Milam Angela Jones and Donna Cypress Carlene and Octavia Gardner

Frances Brown and Beverly Bush Dr. Gary Rodwell and Sen. Verna Jones-Rodwell

Dr. Michelle Bondima with dancing partner Niss Albaig doing the Cha-Cha

Dr. Patricia Welch and Sen. Catherine Pugh

Dr. Chiadi Onyike and Dr. Elaine Onyike

Dr. Samuel and Carolyn Ross

Sonia Stockton and Ernestine Shepherd

Ed and Paula Adami

Jeanne Hitchcock, Cynthia Webb, Linda Harris, Barbara Blount Armstrong


he eighth Annual Alzheimer’s Association Memory Ball featured its signature “Dancing Stars” competition, April 12, at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Marty Brown The Dancing Stars dazzled and and LaKeia Brown delighted the more than 800 guests at the star-studded evening event with performances of Salsa, ChaCha, American smooth rhythm, ballroom dance and other Latinstyle dances by prominent couples and individuals of the Baltimore community in civic leadership Frank Hocker and Daniel Hamm and commitment to the cause of ending Alzheimer’s disease. The Dancing Stars who received the most votes were named the “You’re Our Star” winner. Celebrity judges included Vincent Lancis, Debbie Phelps, the Honorable Katie O’Malley and Stan Stovall, news anchor, James and Jacqui Gardner WBAL-TV. The successful fundraiser garnered more than $291,774. Rickie Sampson and Gwendolyn Glenn

Renay Blackwell and Samuel Caldwell


Russell and Ernestine Jolivet

Volunteers Martena Wylie-Clinton, Harrietta Wallace, Linda Hollis

Victor and Kathy Smith

Seated, Roxanne Tagals, Mr. Tagals, Michael Wolf Standing, left, Tim Rocafort, Brent Reca, Charmene Rocafort, Natalie Edgerton, Chewnole Leyson-Wolf


The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014

“HAPPY EASTER MY DEAR FRIENDS” Well, hello my dear friends. I hope you and your family are well. I also hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather that peeps out every now and then. I have been so busy with my book signing this week; I almost forgot my duties to my readers. But that will never happen. This is the Easter weekend and many of you are going to church for the first time all year, I know how that is. Maybe you went last Sunday to get your palms that will probably dry out hanging on your dresser mirror. I know many of you are dedicated churchgoers and Easter Sunday is always the best of the best. Whatever you decide to do this weekend, please enjoy and be safe. There are a few things going on this weekend that I want to tell you about, opening with the “Uplifting Minds II” Entertainment Conference, 1 p.m. April 19 at the Security Square Mall. It is free to the public. There will be a competition of

singers, songwriters, dancers, etc. Also a lot of freebies and prizes will be given out. The National Talent competition judges are Jenneanne Collins, Paul Gardner II, Cordell Capone and yours truly, Rambling Rose. I will be looking for your face in the place! Most Worshipful Maryland Grand Lodge, Free & Accepted Ancient Yorkrite Masons is hosting a Master Mason Celebration Dance & Cabaret 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. April 19 at the Humanim Building, 1701 N. Gay St. It is a BYOB and BYOF event. For more information, call James Pope at 410-944-8147. The Women’s Challenge will host “Pasta with a Purpose,” a night of entertainment to benefit scholarship 6-10 p.m. April 25 at the Eubie Blake National Jazz Institute and Cultural Center, 847 N. Howard St. Live performances will be provided by Le Femme Totale – an all-female band made up of talented and soulful musicians and singers – featuring smooth jazz,

information, call 888-5299213. “It Happen on the Avenue,” that is what this dynamite comedy play is about. Girlfriend! It is so funnNNNY! The excellent acting makes it very entertaining. It deals with

Delegate Melvin L. Stukes invites you to an Afternoon Sip, with great food and entertainment by Phil Butts & the Sunset Band 2-5 p.m. April 18 at the Arch Social Club on Pennsylvania and North avenues. To RSVP, call 410644-5632. soul, rock, Neo Soul, R&B, and Contemporary Gospel selections. Les Femme Totale seeks to uplift, strengthen, and encourage their audience with their music. For more

Heaven 600’s Midday Diva Doresa Harvey will host the “Uplifting Minds II” Entertainment Conference April 19 at the Security Square Mall. The national “Competition Showcase” will start at 1 p.m. Rosa “Rambling Rose” Pryor will be one of the judges. For more information, call 410-366-3900. MarvaD is hosting her “Good Friday Flashback Fish Fry Party” 8 p.m. – midnight April 18 at the American Legion Post #183, 2301 Putty Hill Ave., Parkville. For ticket information, call 410-5999159. church activities as the choir prepares for a concert. When

the church burns down, meetings and rehearsals are held in bars and clubs on Pennsylvania Avenue. The scenes take place at the Sphinx Club, The Royal Theatre, an apartment on the Avenue, and other familiar places. Many of the cast you will know, such as: Randy Tilghman, the son of Charlie Tilghman, the founder and

owner of the Sphinx Club; John Carrington from Heaven 600; Robert Smallwood; and Sandra Meekins, portrayed Mom’s Mabley, just to name a few. Robert Russell directs this play and does a fantastic job. I truly enjoy myself and I know you will too. It is at the Arena Players every weekend until the first weekend of May, Friday and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 4 p.m. You must go check it out! For ticket information, call 410728-6500. The Royal Theatre presents “Amateur Night” 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. every Monday beginning May 19, hosted at the Bambou Entertainment Complex, 229 N. Franklintown Rd. Your host for the event is Ms. Maybelle. John Carrington will also be a part of the entertainment. For ticket information, call James Jones at 443-531-7138. Now look my friends, I am out of space. Enjoy the weekend, be good to others, and treat others the way you would want to be treated. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.

Ralph Matthews Jr., Former AFRO Managing Editor By Sean Yoes Special to the AFRO

Ralph Dawson Matthews Jr., a top-flight journalist who followed in the footsteps of his father as a managing editor of the AFRO American Newspapers, was a friend to Malcolm X and Miles Davis, among others. He died on April 3 at the Adelphi House, an assisted-living facility in Adelphi, Md. He was 86 years old. AfroAmerican_2014_Layout 1 3/5/14 6:59 PM Page 1 The cause of death was Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), according to

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his wife, Sharon Williams Matthews. They were married for 25 years. Matthews, who was born in Baltimore, attended Syracuse University. During summer breaks from college, he worked with his father, Ralph Matthews Sr., at the Baltimore AFRO American Newspaper. The elder Matthews, a pioneering journalist was a veteran reporter and columnist who some saw as the AFRO’s counterpart to the Baltimore Sun’s H.L. Mencken, became the newspaper’s managing editor. Matthews started as a cub reporter for the AFRO, Ralph Matthews Jr. covering religion issues, the arts and entertainment. He became the newspaper’s managing editor in 1977 and was working in that capacity in 1981when the paper’s current publisher Jake Oliver Jr. arrived as vice-chairman. “He was a cool customer…he was a veteran journalist,” Oliver recalled. “He knew just about everybody, he was well-connected with what was going on in Baltimore City, he knew who the players were, could call up anybody he wanted to,” he added. “He was a great managing editor, I enjoyed working with him,” Oliver concluded. Matthews worked at the AFRO until 1986. But, he also made major contributions as a journalist in other arenas and cities. He worked for COLOR magazine in New York, a Black publication modeled after LIFE magazine. Later, he was an important chronicler of the Black Power movement in the 1960’s and 1970’s as the creator and editor of the New York Citizen Call newspaper in Harlem. He reported on many of the important events of that movement, meeting with Malcolm X on a weekly basis. In fact, Matthews was allegedly the only reporter allowed into the meeting at the Theresa Hotel in Harlem between Malcolm X and Cuban president and revolution leader Fidel Castro in 1960. “I know he thought highly of Malcolm and the feeling was mutual,” said Matthews’ widow. “Ralph always gave credit to the brilliant editors of the Black Press who worked with (him) to hone his craft. He was a consummate professional who loved his work,” she added. During the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson, Matthews traveled the country as a writer, editor and photographer chronicling the efforts of the Johnson administration’s “War on Poverty.” According to his wife, when he was managing editor of the AFRO Matthews was able to hire Leslie King Hammond, who would go on to become a dean of the Maryland Institute College of Art. Matthews was also an early managing editor of broadcast news at Howard University’s WHUT-TV, a Public Broadcasting System (PBS) affiliate. In that capacity he managed the grant that allowed him to hire and train many young Black broadcast professionals who worked in front of and behind the camera. In his later years, he worked as an educator in the D.C. Department of Health and was also a speechwriter for Mayor Marion Barry. In addition to his groundbreaking work as a journalist Matthews was a life-long lover and advocate of jazz and a jazz concert promoter. He was often called upon to lecture on the music he loved and the musicians that made it great, many of whom he knew personally. It was through this work that he met and befriended one of the greatest jazz musicians of them all, trumpeter Miles Dewey Davis. Matthews also served as jazz historian for the Jazz Listening Group of D.C. Ralph Matthews Jr. is survived by his wife Sharon; his daughter, Marcy Crump, an entrepreneur and publisher in Baltimore; his oldest son, David Matthews, a screenwriter in New York and Los Angeles; his youngest son, Khari Charles Matthews, a computer security analyst in Maryland; a grandson, Shawn, and three granddaughters: Talia, Zora and Isabella. A memorial service for Ralph Matthews, Jr. will be held in May.

April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014, The Afro-American



Ghost Spooks Newlyweds in Irreverent Horror Spoof suspicious might be afoot on the premises. The mysterious goings-on only escalate after an inconsolable Malcolm tries to join his dearly departed pet in the grave. Turns out jealous Kisha’s ghost is determined to wreck the newlyweds’ relationship. Spells subsequently provide the convenient cover for disgusting skits ranging from Malcolm’s mating with a doll, to flatulent Wyatt’s farting in his sister’s face, to projectile vomiting. Eventually, the priest is summoned again, leading to another finale serving as a set up for a sequel. A kitchen sink comedy more shocking than funny and strictly recommended for rabid fans of the bottom-feeding franchise.

A Haunted House 2 Film Review by Kam Williams A Haunted House, an irreverent spoof of Paranormal Activity, co-starred Marlon Wayans and Essence Atkins as Malcolm and Kisha, a couple whose home was invaded by demonic forces. Along the way, she became possessed by the devil and turned on her man, despite the best efforts of an exasperated exorcist (Cedric the Entertainer). All of the above are back for A Haunted House 2, a jawdropping sequel which ups the ante in terms of gratuitous gore, sexuality, nudity, profanity and use of the N-word. Nevertheless, the review-proof teensploitation flick is apt to appeal to the same folks who made the original such a runaway hit. At the point of departure, Kisha perishes in a car accident, which Malcolm and his cousin Ray-Ray (Affion Crockett) survive. Fast-forward a year and Malcolm’s married to Megan (Jaime Pressly) and moving into a new home, along with her

kids, Becky (Ashley Rickards) and Wyatt (Steele Stebbins), and his dog, Shiloh. The shopworn cliché of a safe literally falling from the sky and flattening the pooch is the first sign that something

Fair H Rated R for violence, graphic sexuality, frontal nudity, drug use, ethnic slurs and pervasive profanity Running time: 87 minutes Distributor: Open Road Films

Wayans Weighs-In on HH2 Interview with Kam Williams Born in New York City on July 23, 1972, Marlon Wayans graduated from the High School of Performing Arts before matriculating at Howard University’s Film School. He started out in Hollywood on TV as a cast member of the Emmy Awardwinning variety series, In Living Color. Next, Marlon created and starred in the hit sitcom The Wayans Bros. Some of his other noteworthy screen credits include: The Ladykillers, Scary Movie, Scary Movie 2, Little Man, White Chicks, Norbit, Behind the Smile and Dance Flick. The versatile thespian also exhibited an impressive acting range while delivering a powerful performance as a drug addict in Requiem for a Dream. More recently, Marlon starred opposite Channing Tatum in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. And last summer he appeared in The Heat, a blockbuster featuring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Here, he talks about his latest film, A Haunted House 2, a sequel spoofing the Paranormal Activity franchise. KW: Why did you decide to make A Haunted House sequel? MW: Because the audience really, really enjoyed the first one. And I also felt like I could find a nice, natural progression for my character, Malcolm. Plus, comedically, I knew I could match or exceed what we did in the original, and make a bigger, broader movie that could appeal to a wider audience just by making some adjustments and by adding a few pieces to the puzzle. One of those pieces was Gabriel Iglesias, and another one was Jaime Pressly. KW: Harriet PakulaTeweles asks: How do you rev up a sequel so the faithful return for more while simultaneously enticing some newbies? MW: I think you have to make sure you have a little bit of the old, while adding something new. We kept Cedric the Entertainer, Affion Crockett and Essence Atkins and, like I said, we added Gabe and Jaime, and

also Ashley Rickards. I think you have to stick with the integrity of the comedy or lack thereof, and keep in stride with the humor of the movie. I don’t believe you try to sell it out. Instead, you just keep your tone and your sense of humor, because that’s what they bought into the first time. It’s all about being authentic to whatever that movie is, and not reaching too hard. KW: Paranormal facilitator Kate Newell asks: Have you had any paranormal experience in real life? MW: No, I haven’t, but I wish I had. KW: Children’s book author Irene Smalls asks: Is storytelling in the horror genre different from storytelling in a typical comedy? MW: Yeah, it is. But this is more of a typical comedy, because it’s a horror comedy with parody moments. It’s

not a parody-parody, but what is kind of parody-esque is the pacing of how we tell the jokes. I’m throwing out five jokes a page. But what I’m not doing is going, “Here is the location, and here’s what’s funny about it.” It’s kind of grounded in reality, and once it’s grounded, we take the ceiling off and go crazy places with the comedy. KW: Environmental activist Grace Sinden asks: What’s the most difficult thing about your work? And what’s the most fun, aside from making a successful movie? MW: It’s always fun. I love my job, man. There’s no greater job for me in the world. I was born to do this. I think the most difficult aspect of the job is not having much time off, or time to sleep, or time to just chill. Sometimes, fame can be a little hard. KW: Have you ever had a

near-death experience? MW: Falling off a roof. I only fell one story, but I still saw my life flashing before my eyes. KW: What is your guiltiest pleasure? MW: My guiltiest pleasure would probably be coconut sorbet and wine. KW: The Michael Ealy question: If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be? MW: Jesus Christ. KW: The Gabby Douglas question: If you had to choose another profession, what would that be? MW: Probably a lawyer. KW: The Viola Davis question: What’s the biggest difference between who you are at home as opposed to the person we see on the red carpet? MW: None! What you


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see is exactly what you get. [Laughs] KW: The Anthony Anderson question: If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose? MW: The ability to bring people back to life. KW: Attorney Bernadette Beekman asks: What is your

favorite charity? MW: The Wayans family. [LOL] KW: The Judyth Piazza question: What key qualities do you believe all successful people share? MW: Hard work, a belief in themselves, and they never stop trying. A good work ethic is the greatest talent.

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The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014 B5


Chris Banks, Former NFL Player, Found Dead at 41 By Zenitha Prince Special to the AFRO Former National Football League (NFL) player Warren Christopher Banks died April 9 at his home in Abingdon, Md., according to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. Police officers responded to a call at Banks’ home on the 1200 block of Chelmsford Court at around 8:23 a.m. and met paramedics already working to resuscitate the 41-year-old, a sheriff’s spokesman said. The former professional athlete was pronounced dead at the scene and officers found no signs of foul play. He was a Transportation Security Administration agent at BWI-Thurgood Marshall Airport, TSA spokesperson Lisa Farbstein told the AFRO. Banks, who matriculated at the University of Kansas, was the Denver Broncos’ seventh-round pick in the 1996 NFL draft. “The Denver Broncos are deeply saddened with the news that former offensive lineman Chris Banks has passed away,” the NFL team said in an e-mailed statement to the AFRO. “Our hearts go out to his family and friends.” Raised in Lexington, Mo., a small town of about 4,000, Banks, who went by “Chris,” overcame a tear to his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in his first NFL training camp, and after a stint playing in the NFL Europe, became a guard on the 1998 Broncos team that won Super Bowl XXXIII. Banks’s wife, Marie Banks, recalled the determination that propelled him to the NFL in an interview with the AFRO. “What I will always remember about him, at that point in

Former NFL player Chris Banks

our friendship, was never to give up on myself, even when it looks like I should,” she said. “That’s what I admired most about him as a friend.” It was Banks’ giving spirit that turned her relationship with him into something more, she said. “He was so giving to the kids in my church,” she added, detailing how Banks would bring game tickets to the children at her church in her hometown of Boston whenever the Broncos were in town to play the New England Patriots. Banks is survived by his wife, Marie; his two daughters, Christen and Lauryn; his parents, Warren and Florence Banks; his sister, Constance Brue; his brother-in-law, Stan Brue; his nephew, Aaron Casey; his parents-in-law. Glenn and Evelyn Worsham; and his sister-in-law, Celeste Worsham. Banks was a loving father who drove his two girls to school every day before work at BWI-Thurgood Marshall Airport, according to his wife. He is remembered by his family as a man who loved his parents, his sister, and the town of Lexington, Mo. “That was his home and he was very proud to be from there,” said Marie Banks. Asked how else she would want her husband to be remembered, Marie said, “He was a good man. He did what he said he was going to do. He meant what he said. He wasn’t a liar, he wasn’t a cheat. He was honest, he was loyal. I want people to know that men out there exist. That support their wives, support their family. He was humble, and he loved us.” AFRO reporter Roberto Alejandro contributed to this report.

AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff

Should UConn’s Coach Kevin Ollie Jump to the NBA? By Stephen D. Riley and Perry Green AFRO Sports Desk It didn’t take long for UConn coach Kevin Ollie to make a big splash at his former stomping grounds. The former Huskie coached his team to a title just two years after being named the men’s head basketball coach at the University of Connecticut. It was an underdog

hire, which led to an underdog title. At age 41, Ollie’s poise and confident demeanor helped motivate and lead Connecticut to a fourth National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) title in just 15 years. Without the chic freshmen stars that collegiate basketball has had to rely on for excitement over the past few seasons, Ollie was the big ticket, along with senior point guard Shabazz Napier. With a title

in hand in just two short seasons, Ollie has some leverage. He could command a hefty salary if he stays put or he could say hello to what could and should be offers from the National Basketball Association (NBA). After achieving a championship at his former alma mater, could Ollie make the jump to the big leagues? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Riley: It’s hard to say no when the NBA comes calling but Ollie’s already in a good place. He has his banner hanging at his former school and he’s now established as one of the fresh and famous faces of the NCAA. Leaving now would only hurt the program and put Ollie in a situation where he has to start fresh. He’s already cemented his place in Huskie history, especially after landing a title after long-loved head coach Jim Calhoun departed. The recruits should start knocking on his door after he put UConn back on the map. It only gets easier from here for Ollie after overcoming bans and other sanctions to hoist a title. The NBA will always be there but Ollie has a real chance to start his own legacy at UConn. Green: I’ve always been the believer in striking while the iron is hot and no one’s stock is hotter right now than Ollie’s. It’s the top level competition that helps define a coach’s career and with so many job openings in the NBA this summer, Ollie should find his name on the who’s-who list of big time coaches. As a former NBA player and titlewinning head coach, Ollie’s resume will definitely turn heads in the professional spectrum. Commanding a salary higher than his current won’t be an issue at all and with the 2014 draft class already being billed as a blockbuster one, Ollie would have the chance to not only make the jump but make the leap with a potential high draft pick. Riley: There aren’t too many coaches with long tenure in the NBA right now. The stability that he’s already earned himself at UConn is something that more than half of college coaches dream about. The fact that Ollie’s already won a championship instantly allows him to breathe easily for the next few seasons despite whatever his record may be. Connecticut basketball was already an alluring sale. With a young and accomplished coach

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Kevin Ollie helped motivate and lead Connecticut to a fourth NCAA title. in place, the Huskies are back on the map as a powerhouse in the NCAA. Ollie would be wise to stay put, ring in the recruits and rack up the trophies as future success is destined for the former NBA point guard turned collegiate head coach. Green: I would love to see Ollie stay put but the NCAA just doesn’t compare to the NBA. There have been several head coaches to falter once they shifted from the campus to the corporate world of the NBA but as a former player and a former player with assistant coach duties with the Thunder, Ollie has the chops to make it work. Opportunities are rare in the NBA for good gigs and there may be several attractive spots this summer with teams like the New York Knicks and Los Angeles Lakers potentially looking for new lead men. I remember no one thought Brad Stevens would leave Butler University after the terrific job he did there. But he eventually left to replace Doc Rivers as head coach of the Boston Celtics. I can see the same thing happening in Ollie’s future.



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City of Baltimore Department of Finance Bureau of Purchases Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Estimates of Baltimore, will be received until, but not later than 11:00 a.m. local time on the following date(s) for the stated requirements: APRIL 30, 2014 *HOOK LIFT TRUCKS B50003470 THE ENTIRE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT CAN BE VIEWED AND DOWN LOADED BY VISITING THE CITYS TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:46:40 EDT 2014 WEB REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) MAYOR’S OFFICE OF EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT EASTSIDE YOUTH OPPORTUNITY (YO) CENTER The Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit a subcontractor with the expertise and capacity to manage an Eastside YO! Baltimore Community Center, as part of the YO! Baltimore system. The subcontractor’s mission will be to serve eligible individuals - out-of-school, unemployed youth 16 to 24 years of age-and help them create a comprehensive individualized opportunity plan to address barriers to academic and career success, and deliver a comprehensive set of support services to assist them in reaching their career potential. Proposals are due May 12, 2014. The RFP is posted on the MOED website on the ”About Us” page: TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:44:39 EDT 2014

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: 24D14000850 IN THE MATTER OF Lamar Anthony Purnell FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO Lamar Anthony Purnell-Akparewa ORDER FOR NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to officially change the name of the petitioner from Larmar Anthony Purnell to Lamar Anthony Purnell-Akparewa It is this 26th day of March, 2014 by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that publication be given one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Baltimore City on or before the 26th day of April, 2014, which shall warn all inte-rested persons to file an affidavit in opposition to the relief requested on or before the 12th day of May, 2014. Frank M. Conaway Clerk 04/18

CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION CITY OF BALTIMORE OFFICE OF BOARDS & COMMISSIONS PUBLIC NOTICEPROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANT SERVICES PROJECT #1218 - ON-CALL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES The City of Baltimore, Office of Boards & Commissions, has been requested by the Department of General Services, to receive proposals to establish contracts with five (5) architectural design consultants to perform on-call architectural and related engineering services for the City of Baltimore.




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(MWBOO) prior to submitting the proposal. A directory of certified MBEs The work will consist primarily of the preparation of construction documents and WBEs is available from MWBOO. Since changes to the directory occur a. Absent Defendant firms submitting SF 255s should call MWBOO at (410) 396-4355 to$ 150.00 for repairs, renovations, and minor new construction related to a variety of daily, certification, expiration dates and services that the MBE or WBE is$ 150.00 public buildings and miscellaneous structures (such as office buildings, verify b. Absolute Divorce facilities, police stations, fire stations, libraries, schools, and certified to provide. MISCELLANEOUS health c. Custody Divorce $150.00 multipurpose centers). One major project may be included in lieu of several small projects provided the upset limit is not exceeded. The work may also Local Hiring Law AIRLINE CAREERS include field investigation, feasibility studies, programming, construction To place your callBaltimore 1-800-237-6892, ext. 262, Public Notices $50.00 & 5, Subtitle 27ad, of the City Code, as amended (the ”Local administration ADA alterations and cost estimating. The consul- Article begin here – Get FAA TYPESET: Wed services, Apr 16 14:44:39 EDT 2014 BUSINESS and its on rules and regulations applyNotices to contracts and per inch. tant and his team shall have the capability to perform all services necessary Hiring Law”) approved Aviation depending size, Baltimore Legal are $24.84 agreements executed by the City on or after the Local Hiring Law’s effective to prepare complete documents for the construction of various public Both the proposed Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise firms must SERVICES Maintenance training. (AFRO) date of December 23, 2013 is 1-800 applicable toItem all vendors. The Local buildings. CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION be named and identified as anwhich MBE or WBE within 6892 of the Standard Housing and Financial Hiring(SF) Law applies every contract for more $300,000 made bykey the ext. 244 Form 255 in tothe spaces provided forthan identifying outside For Proof of Publication, please call 1-800-237-6892, Aid for qualified stuDrive traffic to your City, or on its behalf, with any person. It also applies to every agreement The selected firm must demonstrate ability in the following: CITY OF BALTIMORE consultants/associates anticipated for utilization for this project. dents. Job placement asbusiness and reach 4.1 authorizing assistance valued at more than $5,000,000 to a City-subsidized OFFICE OF BOARDS & COMMISSIONS project. Please visit forMBE/WBE detailed on(in thesome requirements of existing and design of new public buildingsSERVICES million readers with just sistance. CALL Aviation -Renovation PUBLIC NOTICEPROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANT Any submittals that not include the proper instancesof Institute of Maintenance the law. -Historic preservation of public buildings one phone call & one DBE) participation will be disapproved for further consideration for this -Preparing#1218 feasibility studies and reports of field investigations 800-481-8974 LEGAL NOTICES PROJECT - ON-CALL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES project. bill. See your business Non-Affiliation -Preparing detailed, reliable cost estimates ad in 104 newspapers in -Knowledge of current federal, state and local building codes and Verifying Certification City of Baltimore, Office of Boards & Commissions, has been reMaryland, Delaware and MISCELLANEOUS The A firm submitting a proposal may not use an MBE or WBE to meet a contract regulations quested by the Department of General Services, to receive proposals to the District of Columbia TRAINING goalfirm if:1.The firm has a financial in the MBE or WBE2. The firm has -Providing appropriate and adequate manpower for a rapid response to establish contracts with five (5) architectural design consultants to perform Each submitting a SF 255 for interest consideration for a project is responsible for just $495.00 per ad anverifying interest in theallownership or WBEs controltoofbe theutilized MBE or City’s need to meet and tightrelated scheduling requirements on-call architectural engineering services for the City of Bal- for that MBEs and onWBE3.The the projectfirm areis NURSING CAREERS placement. The value of significantly involved in theand operation of theBusiness MBE or WBE(Article 5, Subtitle -Coordinating overall team approach, including MBE and WBE participa- certified by the Minority Women’s Opportunity Office begin here - Get trained timore. 28-41).Additional submitting as a prime consultant that tion, of assigned tasks newspapers advertising (MWBOO) prior to InformationA submitting thefirm proposal. A directory of certified MBEs in months, not years. fails to comply with the requirements of Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore HAS NEVER BEEN The work will consist primarily of the preparation of construction documents and WBEs is available from MWBOO. Since changes to the directory occur Small classes, no waitCity firms Codesubmitting when executing a contract is subject to the following penalties: Each contract will be limited to an overall upset fee ofrelated $2,000,000. Contract repairs, renovations, and minor new construction to a variety of daily, SF 255s should call MWBOO at (410) 396-4355 to ing list. Financial aid for for suspension of a contract; withholding of services funds; rescission of contract based duration for the start new work tasks will be two yearsas or office until the upset fee verify public buildings and of miscellaneous structures (such buildings, certification, expiration dates and that the MBE or WBE is 1-855-721-6332 x 6 qualified students. Apply health on material breach; disqualification as a consultant from eligibility to provide limit is facilities, reached, whichever occurs first; however, projects started within the police stations, fire stations, libraries, schools, and certified to provide. today to place your ad now at Centura College multipurpose services to the City for a period not to exceed 2 years; and payment for two-year period may continue beyond the 2-year time frame until complecenters). One major project may be included in lieu of several before 4.1 million read- Richmond 877-205damages incurred tion, projects but in noprovided circumstance beyond year more. The contact person for Local small the upset limitone is not exceeded. The work may also Hiring Law by the City. ers. Email Wanda Smith 2052 this project Joe Kostow (410) 396-4650. include field is investigation, feasibility studies, programming, construction @ wsmith@mddcpress. A resume for each as key personnel specialist, includadministration services, ADA alterations and cost estimating. The consul- Article 5, Subtitle 27person of the listed Baltimore City Code, asand/or amended (the ”Local ing those fromand MBEitsand WBEand firms, must be shown page provided Firms interested in submitting a proposal this Project, shallnecessary address a Hiring com or visit our website tant and his team shall have the capability to for perform all services Law”) rules regulations applyontothecontracts and within the application. of Interest” the Office offorBoards and Commissions, 3000public Druid agreements at RESORT/BEACH to”Letter prepare completeto documents the construction of various executed by the City on or after the Local Hiring Law’s effective Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215 (EMAIL: OBC.Consultants@ PROPERTY buildings. date of December 23, 2013 which is applicable to all vendors. The Local Please beapplies advisedtothat forcontract the purpose of reviewing price proposals and Since these letters are utilized to assist small minority Hiring Law every for more than $300,000 made by the Discover Delaware’s invoices, City of Baltimore defines Ita also principal of atofirm as follows: and women business enterprises in identifying potential teaming partners, BUSINESS The selected firm must demonstrate ability in the following: City, or on the its behalf, with any person. applies every agreement Resort Living without the letter should be submitted within five (5) days of the date of the project’s authorizing assistance valued at more than $5,000,000 to a City-subsidized OPPORTUNITY Resort Pricing! Milder A principal is any owning 5% for or more of the outstanding stockofof advertisement. The letter contain contact person. Failure to submit project. -Renovation of existing andshould design of newapublic buildings Please visitindividual detailed on the requirements winters & Low Taxes! anlaw. entity, a partner of a partnership, a 5% or more shareholder of a a ”letterpreservation of Interest” will not disqualify -Historic of public buildingsa firm submitting a proposal for the the Place your ad today Gated Community with -Preparing sub-chapter ’S’ Corporation, or an individual owner. project. feasibility studies and reports of field investigations amazing amenities! in both The Baltimore -Preparing detailed, reliable cost estimates Non-Affiliation Out-of-State Corporations must identify their corporate resident agent Each prime consultant this Project will be requiredcodes to complete Sun and The Washington New homes mid $40’s. -Knowledge of currentapplying federal,forstate and local building and Brochures available the application. and submit an original Federal Form 255, along with five (5) copies, to the Awithin regulations firm submitting a proposal may not use an MBE or WBE to meet a contract Post newspapers, along 1-866-629-0770 or Office of Boards and and Commissions. The Federal 255response and the five -Providing appropriate adequate manpower forForm a rapid to goal if:1.The firm has a financial interest in the MBE or WBE2. The firm has with 10 other daily Firms will not be consideredorforcontrol a specific project apply asfirm bothisa copies must be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 15, 2014. City’s need to meet tight scheduling requirements an interest in the ownership of the MBE iforthey WBE3.The newspapers five days per sub-consultant and prime consultant. Submittals may not be accepted afterincluding this deadline. -Coordinating overall team approach, MBE and WBE participa- significantly involved in the operation of the MBE or WBE(Article 5, Subtitle week. For just pennies tion, of assigned tasks 28-41).Additional InformationA firm submitting as a prime consultant that SERVS./ on the dollar reach 2.5 Thetoapplications this Project (Form cannot be supplemented with Prequalification Requirement fails comply withfor the requirements of 255) Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore million readers through MISC. anyCode additional information such asisgraphs, photographs, Each contract will be limited to an overall upset fee of $2,000,000. Contract City when executing a contract subject to the followingorganization penalties: chart, etc. All information should incorporated the appropriate All architectural, and surveying firms or listed specific the Daily Classified duration for the startengineering, of new work tasks will be two years untilin thethe upset fee suspension of asuch contract; withholding of be funds; rescissioninto of contract based pages. Applications should not be Applications shouldtosimply be proposal for the Project must befirst; prequalified the Office of Boards and on Want a larger footConnection Network in limit is reached, whichever occurs however,by projects started within the material breach; disqualification asbound. a consultant from eligibility provide stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. Commissions for each applicable discipline at time of submittal for this 3 states: CALL TODAY; print in the marketplace two-year period may continue beyond the 2-year time frame until comple- services to the City for a period not to exceed 2 years; and payment for Inclusionincurred and/or submittal of additional material may result in the applicant Project. regarding the prequalification can be obtained tion, but inInformation no circumstance beyond one year more.process The contact person for damages by the City. SPACE is VERY LIMconsider advertising being disqualified from consideration for this project. by project calling the Office of Boards Commissions on 410.396.6883. this is Joe Kostow (410) and 396-4650. ITED; CALL 1-855in the MDDC Display A resume for each person listed as key personnel and/or specialist, includ721-6332 x 6 or email Failure follow this must advertisement may Insurance Requirements Firms interested in submitting a proposal for this Project, shall address a ing thoseto from MBEdirections and WBEoffirms, be shownor onthe the application page provided 2x2 or 2x4 Advertising wsmith@mddcpress. causethe disqualification ”Letter of Interest” to the Office of Boards and Commissions, 3000 Druid within application. of the submittal. com or visit our website Network. Reach 3.6 The Drive, consultant selectedMaryland for the award this project shall provide proPark Baltimore, 21215of (EMAIL: OBC.Consultants@ Michaelprice Augins, Acting Chief fessional liability, auto liability, general liability and workers ’ compensaat million readers every Since theseand letters are utilized to assist small minority Please be advised that for the purpose of reviewing proposals and Office of of Boards and Commissions tionwomen insurances as required by the City of Baltimore. and business enterprises in identifying potential teaming partners, invoices, the City of Baltimore defines a principal a firm as follows: week by placing your letter should be submitted within five (5) days of the date of the project’s EDUCATIONAL ad in 82 newspapers in the of: April 14, 2014 owning 5% or more of the outstanding stock of MBE/WBE Requirements advertisement. The letter should contain a contact person. Failure to submit AIssue principal is any individual TRAINING Maryland, Delaware and a ”letter of Interest” will not disqualify a firm submitting a proposal for the an entity, a partner of a partnership, a 5% or more shareholder of a It is the policy of the City of Baltimore to promote equal business opportunity sub-chapter ’S’ Corporation, or an individual owner. project. VETERANS! Take the District of Columbia. in the City’s contracting process. Pursuant to Article 5, Subtitle 28 of full advantage of your Baltimore City Code applying (2000 Edition) - Minority andrequired Women’s Business Out-of-State Corporations must identify their corporate resident agent With just one phone Each prime consultant for this Project will be to complete Educational training Program, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women’s Business and submit an original Federal Form 255, along with five (5) copies, to the within the application. call, your business and/ Enterprise (WBE) participation goalsThe apply to this Form contract. benefits! GI Bill covers Office of Boards and Commissions. Federal 255 and the five COMPUTER & MEDI- or product will be seen copies must be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 15, 2014. Firms will not be considered for a specific project if they apply as both a The MBE may goal not is 17% Submittals be accepted after this deadline. sub-consultant and prime consultant. CAL TRAINING! by 3.6 million readers d Apr 16 14:44:39 EDT 2014Call The WBE goal is 10% CTI for Free Benefit is limPrequalification Requirement Analysis today! 1-888Both the proposed Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise firms must The applications for this Project (Form 255) cannot be supplemented with ited, CALL TODAY!! 407-7173 OF PUBLICATION be named and identified as an MBE or WBE within Item 6 of the Standard any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization CERTIFICATION All architectural, and surveying firmsidentifying listed in the specific Call 1-855-721-6332 Form (SF) 255engineering, in the spaces provided for outside key chart, etc. All such information should be incorporated into the appropriate for the Project must be prequalified by the of Boards and pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be consultants/associates anticipated for utilization for Office this project. CITY OF BALTIMORE HELP WANTED: x 6 or email wsmith@ proposal Commissions for each applicable discipline at time of submittal for this stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. OFFICE OF BOARDS & COMMISSIONS or visit Project. Information the prequalification process(incan be obtained DRIVERS Any submittals thatregarding do not include the proper MBE/WBE some instances Inclusion and/or submittal of additional material may result in the applicant TICEPROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANT SERVICES byDBE) calling the Office ofwill Boards and Commissions on 410.396.6883. our website at www. participation be disapproved for further consideration for this being disqualified from consideration for this project. CDL-A Drivers: Look- DESIGN SERVICES project. 18 - ON-CALL ARCHITECTURAL Insurance Requirements Failure to follow directions of this advertisement or the application may ing for Higher Pay? cause disqualification of the submittal. ltimore, Office of Boards & Commissions, has been re- Verifying Certification Department of General Services, to receive proposals to The consultant selected for the award of this project shall provide proliability, auto liability, and liability for andaworkers ’ compensaMichael Augins, Acting Chief Each firm submitting a SF 255 forgeneral consideration project is responsible acts with five (5) architectural design consultants to perform fessional as required the WBEs City of Baltimore. Office of Boards and Commissions for insurances verifying that all MBEsbyand to be utilized on the project are tural and related engineering services for the City of Bal- tion

5, 2014.

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Firms will not be considered for a specific project if they apply as both a sub-consultant and prime consultant. The applications for this Project (Form 255) cannot be supplemented with any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization chart, etc.The All such information should beApril incorporated into the-appropriate Afro-American, 19, 2014 April 25, 2014 pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:44:15 EDT 2014 Inclusion and/or submittal of additional material may result in the applicant LEGAL NOTICES being disqualified from consideration for this project. CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION Failure to follow directions of this advertisement or the application may cause disqualification of the submittal. CITY OF BALTIMORE OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Michael Augins, Acting Chief PUBLIC NOTICE TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:47:26 EDT Office 2014 of Boards and Commissions PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANT SERVICES


Issue of: April 14, 2014

Request for Bids


McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. and P. J. Dick Incorporated, a joint venture (MPJV II) is requesting Bids on All Trades from qualified Small Business (SB, WOSB, SDB, HUBZone, VOSB, SDVOSB) Subcontractors & Suppliers for the following project:

The Baltimore City Office of Boards and Commissions has been requested by the Department of General Services, to receive proposals to establish contracts with five (5) engineering design consultants to perform on-call civil/structural engineering services for the City of Baltimore.

US Army Corps of Engineers - Public Health Command Laboratory Replacement

The work will consist primarily of the preparation of construction documents for repairs, renovations, and minor new construction related to a variety of public buildings and miscellaneous structures (such as office buildings, health facilities, police stations, fire stations, libraries, schools and multipurpose centers), utilities and other facilities. The work may also include field investigations, feasibility studies, construction administration services and cost estimating. The consultant may be required to analyze existing structures for safety and prepare temporary or permanent corrective measures. One major project may be included in lieu of several small projects.

Bid date: May 7, 2014 by 5 pm EST Contact: Jennifer Crawford at (314) 919-2210 Plans and specifications are available in P. J. Dick’s online plan room:


NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for RP 14809-Wood Sports Floor Installation and Related Work at Robert C. Marshall Recreation Center will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, May 14, 2014. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon.The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 as of Monday, April 21, 2014 and copies may be purchased for a non-refundable cost of $50.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties should call 410-396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3000 Druid Park Drive, 1st Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is G90074Hardwood Flooring Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $50,000.01 to $100,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at The Site, 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 on Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. Principal Items of work for this project are: Wood Flooring The MBE goal is 7% The WBE goal is 2% RP 14809 APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor Clerk, Board of Estimates APPROVED: TYPESET: Apr 16 14:45:28 EDT 2014 Rudolph S. Wed Chow, P.E. Director of Public Works HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS UTILITIES CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RFP NUMBER: B-1756-14 The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (”HABC”) is requesting proposals from interested and qualified individuals, companies or firms to provide professional engineering and utility services to HABC to effectively manage its utility operations and advise HABC during its Energy Management, Procurement, Auditing and Energy Performance Contracting initiatives. The utilities consist of, but are not limited to, electricity, natural gas, district steam, water, sewer and oil. Therefore, HABC is seeking to engage the services of individuals, companies or firms who are qualified to assist HABC to cost effectively maintain, operate, develop, and procure all utilities for its residents within federal, state, and local laws. TYPESET: Wed WILL Apr 16 PROPOSALS BE14:44:15 DUE no EDT later 2014 than 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, May 23, 2014. OF PUBLICATION A non-mandatoryCERTIFICATION pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette CITY Maryland, OF BALTIMORE Street, Room 416, Baltimore, 21202. OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS PUBLICgoal NOTICE HABC has established a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the total PROCUREMENT OFcontract CONSULTANT SERVICES dollar amount of the proposed for Minority Business Enterprise (”MBE”) utilization, applicable to all minority and non-minority businesses PROJECT - ON-CALL CIVIL/STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING proposing to#1219 provide the requested services as the prime contractor. No goal has been established forSERVICES participation of Women-owned businesses (”WBEs”), however, HABC strongly encourages and affirmatively promotes The Cityin Office of Boards and Commissions has been requested the Baltimore use of WBEs all HABC contracts. by the Department of General Services, to receive proposals to establish contracts withshall five also (5) engineering consultants to perform on-call3 Responders comply with design all applicable requirements of Section civil/structural engineering for the City of 1968, Baltimore. of the Housing and Urbanservices Development Act of 12 U.S.C. Section 1701u. The work will consist primarily of the preparation of construction documents for repairs, and minor construction related a variety of The RFP renovations, may be obtained on ornew after Monday, April 28,to2014, at the public buildings and miscellaneous structures (such as office buildings, following location: health facilities, police stations, fire stations, libraries, schools and multipurpose centers), utilities and other facilities.City The work may also Housing Authority of Baltimore include fieldDivision investigations, studies, construction administration of Fiscalfeasibility Operations, Purchasing Department services and cost estimating. The consultant may 414 be required to analyze 417 E. Fayette Street, Room existing structures for safety and prepare temporary Baltimore, Maryland 21202 or permanent corrective measures. One major in lieu of several small Attention: Johnproject Airey, may Chiefbe of included Contracting Services projects. Tel: (410) 396-3261 Fax: (410) 962-1586 The consultant and his team shall have the capability to perform all services necessary prepare complete contractbedocuments the construction of Questionstoregarding the RFP should directed infor writing to the address civil/structural and appurtenances required in publicHABC facilities. and individualcomponents indicated above, and must include the reference: RFP TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:45:02 EDT 2014 Number B-1756-14 The selected firm must demonstrate ability in the following: CITY OF BALTIMOREDE -Civil and structural engineering design applications PARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -Civil and structural modifications to existing facilities BUREAU OFreports WATERofAND -Conducting and preparing field WASTEWATER investigations and feasibility studies NOTICE OF LETTING -Preparing detailed, reliable cost estimates Sealed Bids or in duplicate to the Board codes of Estimates -Knowledge of Proposals, current federal, stateaddressed and local building and of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for Sanitary regulations Contract appropriate 923-Roof Replacement Various Facilities the Patapsco -Providing and adequateat manpower for a rapid at response to the Wastewater Plant will be received at the Office of the ComptrolCity’s need to Treatment meet tight scheduling requirements ler, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 onparticipaWednes-Coordinating overall team approach, including MBE andA.M. WBE day,ofMay 28, 2014. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids tion, assigned tasks will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at Noon. Each contract will be limited to an overall upset fee of $1,000,000. Contract The Contract examined, without at the Departduration for theDocuments start of new may workbe tasks will be two yearscharge, or until the upset fee ment of Public whichever Works Service Center located on the first floor of the Abel limit is reached, occurs first; however, projects started within the Wolmanperiod Municipal N. Holliday Street, two-year mayBuilding, continue 200 beyond the 2-year time Baltimore, frame until Maryland comple21202 of Monday, Aprilbeyond 21, 2014 purchased tion, but as in no circumstance oneand yearcopies more.may The be contact personfor fora non-refundable of $50.00. this project is Joecost Kostow (410) 396-4650. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. All contractors on this Contract must prequalified by the City Firms interestedbidding in submitting a proposal for first this be Project, shall address a of Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested ”Letter of Interest” to the Office of Boards and Commissions, 3000 parties Druid should call 410-396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3000 Druid Park Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215 (EMAIL: OBC.Consultants@ Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a are bid utilized is submitted by a jointminority venture Since these letters to assist small (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established thepartners, JV shall and women business enterprises in identifying potential teaming beletter submitted the within bid five for (5) verification purposes. The the should be with submitted days of the date of the project’s Prequalification Category required for abidding this project F07500 advertisement. The letter should contain contacton person. Failure is to submit aRoofing ”letter ofIndustrial Interest” will not disqualify a firm submitting a proposal for the Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $2,000,000.01 to project. $3,000,000.00 A ”Pre-Bidding Information” be conducted at the Patapsco Each prime consultant applyingsession for this will Project will be required to complete Wastewater Treatment Plant, 3501 Avenue, MD and submit an original Federal Form 255,Asiatic along with five (5)Baltimore, copies, to the 21226ofonBoards April 24, at 10:00 A.M. questions received Office and2014 Commissions. TheAll Federal Formmust 255be and the fivein writingmust no later than 4:30 on Thursday, 1, 2014. all copies be submitted on p.m. or before 12:00 P.M.May (Noon) on MayAddress 16, 2014. questions may to Mr. Gurminder Engineer Submittals not be accepted Singh, after this deadline.Supervisor, Water and Wastewater Engineering Division, to the attention of Mrs. Brinica Bass, Project Manager (, Fax: (410) Prequalification Requirement 396-1769. Principal Items engineering, of work for this are:firms listed in the specific All architectural, andproject surveying Replacement existing membrane roofingbysystems at of four (4) facility proposal for theofProject must be prequalified the Office Boards and buildings; construction standing discipline seam metal at three (3) Commissions for each of applicable at roofing time ofsystems submittal for this facility buildings; and other roofing work. Project. Information regarding the prequalification process can be obtained by calling the Office of Boards and Commissions on 410.396.6883. The MBE goal is 27% The WBE goal is 10% Insurance Requirements SANITARY CONTRACT 923 The consultant selected for the award of this project shall provide professional liability, auto liability, and general liability and workers ’ compensaAPPROVED: tion insurances as required by the City of Baltimore. Bernice H. Taylor Clerk, Board of Estimates MBE/WBE Requirements APPROVED: S. Chow, ItRudolph is the policy of the City of Baltimore to promote equal business opportunity of Public Works inP.E. theDirector City’s contracting process. Pursuant to Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code (2000 Edition) ’ Minority and Women’s Business

The consultant and his team shall have the capability to perform all services necessary to prepare complete contract documents for the construction of civil/structural components and appurtenances required in public facilities. The selected firm must demonstrate ability in the following: -Civil and structural engineering design applications -Civil and structural modifications to existing facilities -Conducting and preparing reports of field investigations and feasibility studies -Preparing detailed, reliable cost estimates -Knowledge of current federal, state and local building codes and regulations -Providing appropriate and adequate manpower for a rapid response to the City’s need to meet tight scheduling requirements -Coordinating overall team approach, including MBE and WBE participation, of assigned tasks Each contract will be limited to an overall upset fee of $1,000,000. Contract duration for the start of new work tasks will be two years or until the upset fee limit is reached, whichever occurs first; however, projects started within the two-year period may continue beyond the 2-year time frame until completion, but in no circumstance beyond one year more. The contact person for this project is Joe Kostow (410) 396-4650. Firms interested in submitting a proposal for this Project, shall address a ”Letter of Interest” to the Office of Boards and Commissions, 3000 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215 (EMAIL: OBC.Consultants@ Since these letters are utilized to assist small minority and women business enterprises in identifying potential teaming partners, the letter should be submitted within five (5) days of the date of the project’s advertisement. The letter should contain a contact person. Failure to submit a ”letter of Interest” will not disqualify a firm submitting a proposal for the project. Each prime consultant applying for this Project will be required to complete and submit an original Federal Form 255, along with five (5) copies, to the Office of Boards and Commissions. The Federal Form 255 and the five copies must be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 16, 2014. Submittals may not be accepted after this deadline. Prequalification Requirement All architectural, engineering, and surveying firms listed in the specific proposal for the Project must be prequalified by the Office of Boards and Commissions for each applicable discipline at time of submittal for this Project. Information regarding the prequalification process can be obtained by calling the Office of Boards and Commissions on 410.396.6883. Insurance Requirements The consultant selected for the award of this project shall provide professional liability, auto liability, and general liability and workers ’ compensation insurances as required by the City of Baltimore. MBE/WBE Requirements It is the policy of the City of Baltimore to promote equal business opportunity in the City’s contracting process. Pursuant to Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code (2000 Edition) ’ Minority and Women’s Business Program, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) participation goals apply to this contract.

TYPESET: Wed isApr 16 14:43:49 EDT 2014 The MBE goal 27% The WBE goal is 10%

Program, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) participation goals apply to this contract. The MBE goal is 27% TYPESET: Wed isApr 16 14:43:49 EDT 2014 The WBE goal 10% Both the proposed Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise firms must CERTIFICATION be named and identified as an MBEOF or PUBLICATION WBE within Item 6 of the Standard Form (SF) 255 in the spaces provided for identifying outside key CITY OF BALTIMORE consultants/associates anticipated for utilization for this project. OFFICE OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS PUBLIC Any submittals that do not include theNOTICE proper MBE/WBE (in some instances PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANT SERVICES DBE) participation will be disapproved for further consideration for this project. PROJECT #1220 - ON-CALL MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Verifying Certification

It is the in the Baltimo gram, M prise (W

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Both th be nam The Office Boards &a SF Commissions has been requested byisthe Depart- Form Each firm of submitting 255 for consideration for a project responsible ment of General to receive proposals establish contracts for verifying thatServices all MBEs and WBEs to be to utilized on the projectwith are consult three (3) engineering designand consultants perform on-call mechanical/ certified by the Minority Women’sto Business Opportunity Office electrical engineering services for City of Baltimore. (MWBOO) prior to submitting thethe proposal. A directory of certified MBEs Any su and WBEs is available from MWBOO. Since changes to the directory occur DBE) p The work will consist of preparation construction documents forto project daily, firms submitting SFthe 255s should callofMWBOO at (410) 396-4355 repairs, renovations,expiration and newdates construction related mechanical/ verify certification, and services thattothethe MBE or WBE is electrical systems certified to a variety of public buildings and miscellaneous Verifyi structures (such as office buildings, health facilities, police stations, fire stations, libraries, Local Hiring Lawschools and multipurpose centers), utilities and other Each fi facilities. The work may also include field investigation, feasibility studies, for ver construction administration and cost estimating. The consultant Article 5, Subtitle 27 of theservices Baltimore City Code, as amended (the ”Local certifie may be required to analyze existing for safety code compliHiring Law”) and its rules and systems regulations apply and to contracts and (MWBO ance and prepare temporary permanent corrective measures. One major and WB agreements executed by theorCity on or after the Local Hiring Law’s effective project be included in lieuwhich of several small projects. date ofmay December 23, 2013 is applicable to all vendors. The Local daily, fi Hiring Law applies to every contract for more than $300,000 made by the verify c The consultant his team shallperson. have the to perform services certifie City, or on its and behalf, with any It capability also applies to everyallagreement necessary toassistance prepare complete contract documents for the of authorizing valued at more than $5,000,000 to aconstruction City-subsidized mechanical/electrical components required public facilities. project. Please visit forindetailed on the requirements of Local H the law. The selected firm must demonstrate ability in the following: Article Hiring Non-Affiliation -Designing sound energy-efficient mechanical/electrical systems for public agreem buildings A firm submitting a proposal may not use an MBE or WBE to meet a contract tive dat -Preparing Hiring L goal if: field investigations, feasibility studies and associated reports -Ability to provide energy-savings engineering studies City, or -Familiarity energy performance authori 1.The firm with has a financial interest in contracting the MBE or WBE -Familiarity Verification methods forof Energy Conserva2. The firmwith hasMonitoring an interestand in the ownership or control the MBE or WBE project tion Measures as related to EnergyinPerformance Guar- the law 3.The firm is significantly involved the operationContracting of the MBE and or WBE(Aranteed ticle 5,Savings Subtitle 28-41). -Preparing detailed, reliable cost estimates Non-A -Knowledge of current federal, state and local building codes and Additional Information regulations A firm s -Providing appropriate adequate manpower a rapid response to the A firm submitting asand a prime consultant thatforfails to comply with the goal if: City’s need to meet tight5,scheduling requirements of Article Subtitle 28requirements of Baltimore City Code when executing -Coordinating and WBE a contract is overall subject team to theapproach, following including penalties:MBE suspension of aparticipacontract; 1.The f tion, of assigned tasks withholding of funds; rescission of contract based on material breach; 2. The disqualification as a consultant from eligibility to provide services to the City 3.The f Each will limited to an overall upset fee $1,000,000. Contract for a contract period not tobe exceed 2 years; and payment forof damages incurred by the ticle 5, duration City. of the start of new work tasks will be two years or until the upset fee limit is reached, whichever occurs first; however, projects started within the Additio two-year period mayperson continue beyond 2-year time frame until compleA resume for each listed as keythe personnel and/or specialist, includtion, in no circumstance beyond one yearbe more. Theoncontract person for A firm ing but those from MBE and WBE firms, must shown the page provided this project is Joe Kostow (410) 396-4650. require within the application. a contr Firms interested in submitting a proposal forreviewing this Project, shall addressand a withhol Please be advised that for the purpose of price proposals ”Letter of Interest” to Baltimore the Officedefines of Boards and Commissions, 3000 Druid disqua invoices, the City of a principal of a firm as follows: Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215 (EMAIL: OBC.Consultants@ for a pe Since these letters small minority A principal is any individual owning 5%are or utilized more ofto theassist outstanding stock of City. and in identifying partners, an women entity, abusiness partner enterprises of a partnership, a 5%potential or moreteaming shareholder of a the letter should submitted within five (5) days of the date of the project’s A resum sub-chapter ’S’be Corporation, or an individual owner. advertisement. The letter should contain a contact person. Failure to submit ing tho aOut-of-State ”letter of Interest” will not disqualify a firmtheir submitting a proposal the within t Corporations must identify corporate residentforagent project. within the application. Please Each prime consultant applyingfor forathis Project will beifrequired to complete Firms will not be considered specific project they apply as both a invoice and submit an original Federal Form 255, along with five (5) copies, to the sub-consultant and prime consultant. Office of Boards and Commissions. The Federal Form 255 and the five A princ copies must be submitted or before 12:00 (Noon) on May 16, 2014. The applications for this on Project (Form 255)P.M. cannot be supplemented with an ent Submittals may not be accepted after deadline. any additional information such asthis graphs, photographs, organization sub-ch chart, etc. All such information should be incorporated into the appropriate Prequalification Requirement pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be Out-ofstapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. within t All architectural, and surveying firms specific Inclusion and/or engineering, submittal of additional material maylisted resultinin the the applicant proposal for the Project must be prequalified the Office of Boards and Firms w being disqualified from consideration for this by project. Commissions for each applicable discipline at time of submittal for this sub-co Project. regardingofthethis prequalification process be obtained FailureInformation to follow directions advertisement or thecan application may The ap by calling the Office of Boards and Commissions on 410.396.6883. cause disqualification of the submittal. any ad Insurance Requirements Michael Augins, Acting Chief chart, e pages. The consultant selected for the award of this project shall provide pro- stapled fessional liability, auto liability, and general liability and workers ’ compensa- Inclusio tion insurances as required by the City of Baltimore. being d

MBE/WBE Requirements It is the policy of the City of Baltimore to promote equal business opportunity CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION Both the proposed Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise firms must in the City’s contracting process. Pursuant to Article 5, Subtitle 28 of be named and identified as an MBE or WBE within Item 6 of the Standard Baltimore City Code (2000 Edition) -Minority and Women’s Business ProOF BALTIMORE Form (SF) 255 in theCITY spaces provided for identifying outside key gram, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women?s Business EnterOFFICE OF BOARDSfor AND COMMISSIONS prise (WBE) participation goals apply to this contract. consultants/associates anticipated utilization for this project. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANT SERVICES Any submittals that do not include the proper MBE/WBE (in some instances The MBE goal is 27% DBE) participation will be disapproved for further consideration for this The WBE goal is 10% PROJECT #1220 - ON-CALL MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL project. ENGINEERING SERVICES Both the proposed Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise firms must be named and identified as an MBE or WBE within Item 6 of the Standard Verifying Certification The Office of Boards & Commissions has been requested by the Depart- Form (SF) 255 in the spaces provided for identifying outside key ment General Services receive proposals tofor establish with consultants/associates anticipated for utilization for this project. Eachoffirm submitting a SFto255 for consideration a projectcontracts is responsible three (3) engineering design and consultants perform on-call mechanical/ for verifying that all MBEs WBEs toto be utilized on the project are electrical services for Women’s the City of Baltimore. certified engineering by the Minority and Business Opportunity Office Any submittals that do not include the proper MBE/WBE (in some instances (MWBOO) prior to submitting the proposal. A directory of certified MBEs DBE) participation will be disapproved for further consideration for this The consist of theMWBOO. preparation of changes construction for project. andwork WBEswill is available from Since to thedocuments directory occur repairs, renovations, related at to (410) the mechanical/ daily, firms submittingand SF new 255s construction should call MWBOO 396-4355 to electrical systems in a variety of public buildings miscellaneous verify certification, expiration dates and services thatand the MBE or WBE is Verifying Certification structures as office buildings, health facilities, police stations, fire certified to(such provide. stations, libraries, schools and multipurpose centers), utilities and other Each firm submitting a SF 255 for consideration for a project is responsible facilities. The work Local Hiring Law may also include field investigation, feasibility studies, for verifying that all MBEs and WBEs to be utilized on the project are construction administration services and cost estimating. The consultant certified by the Minority and Women’s Business Opportunity Office may be required to27 analyze systems for safety and code compliArticle 5, Subtitle of the existing Baltimore City Code, as amended (the ”Local (MWBOO) prior to submitting the proposal. A directory of certified MBEs ance andLaw”) prepare temporary or permanent corrective measures. One major Hiring and its rules and regulations apply to contracts and and WBEs is available from MWBOO. Since changes to the directory occur project may be includedby inthe lieuCity of several small agreements executed on or after theprojects. Local Hiring Law’s effective daily, firms submitting SF 255s should call MWBOO at (410) 396-4355 to date of December 23, 2013 which is applicable to all vendors. The Local verify certification, expiration dates and services that the MBE or WBE is The consultant and his havefor themore capability perform made all services Hiring Law applies to team everyshall contract than to $300,000 by the certified to provide. necessary prepare for to theevery construction of City, or ontoits behalf,complete with any contract person. documents It also applies agreement mechanical/electrical components required public facilities. authorizing assistance valued at more than in $5,000,000 to a City-subsidized Local Hiring Law project. Please visit for detailed on the requirements of The firm must demonstrate ability in the following: Article 5, Subtitle 27 of the Baltimore City Code, as amended (the ”Local the selected law. Hiring Law”) and its rules and regulations apply to contracts and -Designing sound energy-efficient mechanical/electrical systems for public agreements executed by the City on or after the Local Hiring Law?s effecNon-Affiliation buildings tive date of December 23, 2013 which is applicable to all vendors. The Local -Preparing field investigations, feasibility associated A firm submitting a proposal may not use studies an MBEand or WBE to meetreports a contract Hiring Law applies to every contract for more than $300,000 made by the -Ability City, or on its behalf, with any person. It also applies to every agreement goal if:to provide energy-savings engineering studies -Familiarity with energy performance contracting authorizing assistance valued at more than $5,000,000 to a City-subsidized -Familiarity and Verification methods for Energy Conserva- project. Please visit for detailed on the requirements of 1.The firm with has Monitoring a financial interest in the MBE or WBE tion Measures Performance Contracting andorGuar2. The firm hasasanrelated interesttoinEnergy the ownership or control of the MBE WBE the law. anteed 3.The Savings firm is significantly involved in the operation of the MBE or WBE(Ar-Preparing detailed, reliable cost estimates Non-Affiliation ticle 5, Subtitle 28-41). -Knowledge of current federal, state and local building codes and regulations A firm submitting a proposal may not use an MBE or WBE to meet a contract Additional Information -Providing appropriate and adequate manpower for a rapid response to the goal if: City’s need to meet tight requirements A firm submitting as ascheduling prime consultant that fails to comply with the -Coordinating team approach, and WBE requirementsoverall of Article 5, Subtitle 28 ofincluding BaltimoreMBE City Code whenparticipaexecuting 1.The firm has a financial interest in the MBE or WBE tion, of assigned tasks to the following penalties: suspension of a contract; 2. The firm has an interest in the ownership or control of the MBE or WBE a contract is subject withholding of funds; rescission of contract based on material breach; 3.The firm is significantly involved in the operation of the MBE or WBE(ArEach contract willasbea limited to anfrom overall upsetto fee of $1,000,000. Contract disqualification consultant eligibility provide services to the City ticle 5, Subtitle 28-41). duration of the start of new 2work tasks be two for years or untilincurred the upsetbyfee for a period not to exceed years; andwill payment damages the limit reached, whichever occurs first; however, projects started within the Additional Information two-year period may continue beyond the 2-year time frame until completion, but in no more. The contract person for A firm submitting as a prime consultant that fails to comply with the A resume forcircumstance each person beyond listed asone keyyear personnel and/or specialist, includthis is Joe Kostow (410) firms, 396-4650. ingproject those from MBE and WBE must be shown on the page provided requirements of Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code when executing a contract is subject to the following penalties: suspension of a contract; within the application. Firms interested in submitting a proposal for this Project, shall address a withholding of funds; rescission of contract based on material breach; ”Letter Interest” the for Office Boardsofand Commissions, 3000 Druid Pleaseofbe advisedtothat the of purpose reviewing price proposals and disqualification as a consultant from eligibility to provide services to the City Park Drive, Maryland 21215 (EMAIL: for a period not to exceed 2 years; and payment for damages incurred by the invoices, theBaltimore, City of Baltimore defines a principal of aOBC.Consultants@ firm as follows: Since these letters are utilized to assist small minority City. and women business enterprises in identifying potential teaming partners, A principal is any individual owning 5% or more of the outstanding stock of the should be submitted within five (5) of the date of the project’s anletter entity, a partner of a partnership, a days 5% or more shareholder of a A resume for each person listed as key personnel and/or specialist, includadvertisement. letter should a contact person. Failure to submit ing those from MBE and WBE firms, must be shown on the page provided sub-chapter ’S’The Corporation, or contain an individual owner. a ”letter of Interest” will not disqualify a firm submitting a proposal for the within the application. project. Out-of-State Corporations must identify their corporate resident agent Please be advised that for the purpose of reviewing price proposals and within the application. Each prime consultant applying for this Project will be required to complete invoices, the City of Baltimore defines a principal of a firm as follows: and submit an original Federal for Form 255, along with iffive (5)apply copies, thea Firms will not be considered a specific project they as to both Office of Boardsand andprime Commissions. A principal is any individual owning 5% or more of the outstanding stock of sub-consultant consultant.The Federal Form 255 and the five copies must be submitted on or before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on May 16, 2014. an entity, a partner of a partnership, a 5% or more shareholder of a Submittals may notfor bethis accepted this deadline. The applications Projectafter (Form 255) cannot be supplemented with sub-chapter ’S’ Corporation, or an individual owner. any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization Prequalification Requirement chart, etc. All such information should be incorporated into the appropriate Out-of-State Corporations must identify their corporate resident agent pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be within the application. All architectural, engineering, and surveying firms should listed in specific stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets notthe be included. proposal the Project must be prequalified by may the Office and Firms will not be considered for a specific project if they apply as both a Inclusionfor and/or submittal of additional material result of in Boards the applicant Commissions for each discipline time of submittal for this sub-consultant and prime consultant. being disqualified from applicable consideration for this at project. Project. Information regarding the prequalification process can be obtained by callingtothe Officedirections of Boardsofand on or 410.396.6883. Failure follow thisCommissions advertisement the application may The applications for this Project (Form 255) cannot be supplemented with any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization cause disqualification of the submittal. Insurance Requirements chart, etc. All such information should be incorporated into the appropriate Michael Augins, Acting Chief pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be The consultant selected for the award of this project shall provide pro- stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. fessional liability, auto liability, and general liability and workers ’ compensa- Inclusion and/or submittal of additional material may result in the applicant tion insurances as required by the City of Baltimore. being disqualified from consideration for this project.


de propensa-

Firms will not be considered for a specific project if they apply as both a sub-consultant and prime consultant. The applications for this Project (Form 255) cannot be supplemented with any additional information such as graphs, photographs, organization chart, etc. All such information should be incorporated into the appropriate LEGAL NOTICES pages. Applications should not be bound. Applications should simply be stapled in the upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should not be included. Inclusion and/or submittal of additional material may result in the applicant being disqualified from consideration for this project. Failure to follow directions of this advertisement or the application may


April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014 The Afro-American


TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:41:17 EDT 2014


NOTICE OF LETTING Service position of Program Manager III, Division of Airfield, Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate addressed to the Board of Estimates Grounds and Equipment. Preferred: Bachelor’s degree in of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and marked for RP 14809-Wood Aviation Management, Engineering, Aviation Science, AviSports Floor Installation and Related Work at Robert C. Marshall ation Administration, Business Administration, Recreation Center will be received at the Office of the Comptroller, Room Transportation Management or closely related field from an 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, May accredited college or university. Accredited Airport Executive 14, 2014. Positively no bids will be received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City Hall at or (A.A.E.) or Certified Member (C.M.) designation from the Noon.The Contract Documents may be examined, without charge, at the American Associate of Airport Executive or equivalent from Department of Public Works Service Center located on the first floor of the ACI. Experience: Ten years experience in airport manageAbel Wolman Municipal Building, 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, ment, airfield maintenance management or closely related Maryland 21202 as of Monday, April 21, 2014 and copies may be purairport operations position including direct experience chased for a non-refundable cost of $50.00. Conditions and requirements of the Bid are found in the bid package. managing snow removal operations at a commercial service All contractors bidding on this Contract must first be prequalified by the City airport. Five years of this experience must include experof Baltimore Contractors Qualification Committee. Interested parties ience directly managing/supervising employees. View comshould call 410-396-6883 or contact the Committee at 3000 Druid Park plete job announcement and apply online (resumes will not Drive, 1st Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21215. If a bid is submitted by a joint be accepted). venture (”JV”), then in that event, the document that established the JV shall be submitted with the bid for verification purposes. The (https://agency.governmentjobs/mdot/default.cfm Prequalification Category required for bidding on this project is G90074For additional information call 410-859-7618 Hardwood Flooring (TTY 410-859-7227) Cost Qualification Range for this work shall be $50,000.01 to $100,000.00. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be conducted at The Site, 1201 MAA is 16 an14:39:41 Equal Opportunity Employer Pennsylvania Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 on Thursday, May 1, TYPESET: Wed Apr EDT 2014 2014 at 10:00 A.M. Principal Items of work for this project are: Wood Flooring The MBE goal is 7% The WBE goal is 2% APPROVED: Bernice H. Taylor Clerk, Board of Estimates APPROVED: Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. Director of Public Works

RP 14809

INSIDE SALES ADVERTISING ACCOUNT ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE Advertising Sales Professional needed for the AFRO-American Newspapers, Entry-Level Advertising Sales Rep Washington, D.C. or Baltimore office. needed for the AFRO-American

Newspapers, Baltimore, M.D.

Position provides: • Competitive compensation package provides: • Position Salary and commission plan Competitive compensation package • • Full benefits after trial period Salary and commission plan • • Opportunity for fast track advancement

Full benefits after trial period

Candidates should be: • Opportunity for fast track • Self starters advancement • Money motivated • Goal-oriented should possess: • Candidates Experienced in online/digital sales Good typing/data entry skills • • Confident in ability to build strong territory • • Previous sales experience preferred Excellent customer service skills

• Previous telephone sales experience Please email your resume to: • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

or mail to Afro-American Newspapers Please email your resume to: Diane W. Hocker, or mail to Director of Human Resources AFRO-American Newspapers, 2519 N. Charles Street Diane W. Hocker, Director of Human Resources, Baltimore, MD 21218

2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 •Your History • Your Community • Your News


MARYLAND AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (MAA) AIRPORT DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF SALARY: $61,634 - $93,516 CLOSING DATE - April 30, 2014 MAA is currently recruiting for the Executive Service position of Airport Deputy Fire Chief. This position assists the Fire Chief/Director in the management of the overall emergency services program, along with safety, training and fire prevention programs for Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. Education: Candidates are preferred to possess an Associates of Arts Degree in Fire Science Technology, Fire Service Administration or a closely related field from an accredited college or university. Experience: Four years experience as a senior fire officer. Certification/ Licenses: Motor Vehicle Class C driver’s license. Upon application, NFPA 1021, NFPA 1031, NFPA 1041, NFPA 472, NFPA 1521 An employee appointed to this classification must obtain the following within one year of appointment: NFPA 1003, EMT-B, NIMS training ICS 100,200,300, 400,700 and 800. View job announcement and apply on line. Previous applicants will be considered and need not reapply. (Resumes will not be accepted)Submit applications online only at the following link Recruitment/Examinations & Employment, P. O. Box 8766, BWI Airport MD 21240. MAA is16 an14:38:56 Equal Opportunity Employer TYPESET: Wed Apr EDT 2014 Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Public Affairs Officer II Senior Community Outreach Liaison Recruitment#: 14-002378-001 Filing Deadline: April 22, 2014, 11:59 pm Salary: $40,547-$52,383/year (Grade 15/base-Step 9) Work that matters. DHCD is a national leader in the financing and development of affordable housing and community development lending. We now have a Senior Community Outreach Liaison position available. This position is responsible for increasing public awareness of all the programs and services in the Department?s portfolio; promoting DHCD’s housing programs and initiatives, and serving as trusted advisor to the Director of Community Outreach. Please visit to read more about this position and to submit an online application. Please note that minimum qualifications ARE REQUIRED. TYPESET: Wed Apr 16EOE 14:39:20 EDT 2014 Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)

TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:40:43 EDT 2014

EDUCATION ADJUNCT FACULTY Carroll Community College is seeking Adjunct Faculty for the Fall 2014 Semester. Additional information, including class information may be obtained at TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:40:24 EDT 2014 EDUCATION COORDINATOR OF STUDENT SUCCESS CARROLL COMMUNITY COLLEGE has a full-time, 12 month position available as a Coordinator of Student Success. Additional information may be obtained at EOE/M/F

TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 14:38:03 EDT 2014

SECURITY SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER CARROLL COMMUNITY COLLEGE seeks a full-time Special Police Officer. Additional information may be obtained at TYPESET: EOE/M/FWed Apr 16 15:34:51 EDT 2014 Career Opportunity Attorney, business law, Baltimore, MD, Masters of Law Degree Bus Law. 9-5/ 40hrs/wk, $65K. All duties and functions as a lawyer in office. Send resume to Human Resource, Trye Butler Mayo Griffith LLC, 12 E Pleasant Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. Fax: 410-685-3738.


specific ds and for this btained

Out-of-State Corporations must identify their corporate resident agent within the application.

TYPESET: Wed Apr 16 15:06:49 EDT 2014

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)

Contractual Administrative Officer III Facilities and Fleet Management Program Coordinator/ Analyst Recruitment#: 14-999999-395 Baltimore Sun Filing Deadline: April 29, 2014, 11:59 pm Size: 1/8 Pg (4. Salary: $19.44 - $25.12/hour


Morgan State University Shuttle Bus Driver

Contractual IT Functional Analyst II Grant System Manager Recruitment#: 14-999999-335 Filing Deadline: April 23, 2014, 11:59 pm Salary: $20.69-$33.03 per hour

Department: Parking & Transportation

Work that matters. DHCD is a national leader in the financing and development of affordable housing and community development lending. We now have a Grant System Manager position available. This position will manage implementation of an automated grants management system for programs administered by the Division of Neighborhood Revitalization. Responsibilities include evaluating efficiency of existing operations and processes, and developing and revising new policies. Candidate must possess strong written and oral communication skills. Please visit md to read more about these positions and to submit an online application. Please note that minimum qualifications ARE REQUIRED. EOE

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or GED; two (2) years driving experience involving the transport of passengers; a valid Maryland State Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with Passenger Bus Endorsement; must maintain the required driver's license with no more than 5 points; physical and mental health with a current Department of Transportation Certificate.

To advertise in the AFRO Call 410-5548200


Work that matters. DHCD is a national leader DL: in financing Thursday affordable housing and community development lending. Price: We $3,599.00 are good but strive to be great. DHCD is seeking a qualified enthusiastic candidate to fill an Analyst position in the FaciliAFRO ties and Fleet Management Services unit of theThe Division of - Baltimo Size: finan- 2 (3.55) x Finance and Administration. This position will provide cial analysis, planning, and implementation for various Issue: cen- 4/5 tral services to the Department, including building DL: oper- Wed befor ations, emergency response, and telecommunications, as Price: well as formulating policies and procedures. DHCD offers a $606.24, i flexible schedule, advancement opportunities, and potential of permanent employment. Please visit to read more about these positions and to submit an online application. Please note that minimum and selective qualifications ARE REQUIRED. EOE

Duties: Provides campus transportation for faculty, staff and students; maintains a professional and courteous attitude while demonstrating and delivering excellent customer service. This position is for the 2:30pm-11:00pm evening shift.

Preferred: Valid Maryland State Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with Passenger (P) endorsement with no more than 3 points. Requirements: Ability to perform pre-trip and post-trip vehicle inspections, transport passengers safely, operate wheelchair lift, communicate effectively and provide excellent customer service. To Apply: Send letter of interest indicating Job #2010-057, a Morgan State University Application for Employment, and three names of references with telephone numbers to Morgan State University, Office of Human Resources, 1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, Maryland 21251, or you may visit our employment page at NOTE: THE DEPARTMENT WILL CONTACT ONLY APPLICANTS SELECTED FOR INTERVIEW. (EEO/AA)


The Afro-American, April 19, 2014 - April 25, 2014


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