Baltimore Afro-American Newspaper May 31 2014

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Volume 122 No. 43

May 31, 2014 - May 31, 2014, The Afro-American A1 $1.00

MAY 31, 2014 -JUNE 6, 2014

Federal Court Order Sought to Block N.C. Voter Suppression Law

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The Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP, speaks to reporters. By Zenitha Prince Senior AFRO Correspondent Fifth in a series detailing states’ efforts to keep citizens from voting. As hundreds of Moral Monday protestors swarmed the North Carolina capitol building decrying the Legislature’s enactment of a wave of conservative laws May 19, civil rights lawyers were filing a motion in federal court to block the state’s omnibus voter suppression law from disenfranchising voters during the November general elections. “While the voters of North Carolina were attempting to have their voices heard in the statehouse, the lawyers were bringing this important motion to the courthouse,” said Denise Lieberman, Continued on A3

Maya Angelou 1928-2014

The world mourns the passing of a ‘Phenomenal Woman.’ See Tribute on B4

Charles Village Barber Shop Serves as Community Resource By Roberto Alejandro Special to the AFRO

Photo by Dorothy Boulware

Sundiata Osagie, Reflections Eternal owner, enjoys a game of chess with his friend, Brother Marty.

Former Paratroopers Solve Mystery in Time for Memorial Day By Robert M. Matthews Sr. Special to the AFRO Photo by Robert Murphy Matthews Sr. The 69-year-old mystery of the final resting place for an Army paratrooper of the all MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Black 555th Parachute Infantry Fred Donner, National Smokejumpers Assoc.; Tony Battalion was solved, thanks Woods, Philadelphia Inquirer; and Trooper Robert to a former Army paratrooper, Murphy Matthews display the Baltimore chapter flag at a former smoke jumper and a the grave of Pvt. Malvin L. Brown, U.S. Army. reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer. PFC Malvin L. Brown was a member of the 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion (Triple Nickles) that had been deployed during World War II to northern California and Oregon in 1945, to reinforce the smoke jumper program, which trained paratroopers as airborne fire fighters. The U.S. Forest Service conducted the training. The purpose was to fight forest fires started by the Japanese balloon bombs launched from Japan. Continued on A4

Sundiata Osagie and Andwele Ra opened the doors of Reflection Eternal, a barber shop just south of North Charles and 25th streets, in 2008. Always intended to be something more than a barber shop, Reflection Eternal has become a community and personal development resource for Baltimore’s Charles Village area. Osagie described the vision for the business as “a barber shop that was more like a forum for people to come in

Continued on A3

Street Wars Yield Younger Victims, Recurring Traumas lived in the penumbra of traumatizing violence. In 2012, the last year for which complete data are The last Monday of each available, May has been Baltimore set aside by City saw 216 national decree murders, 317 as a day of rapes, 3,635 remembrance robberies, for those who and 4,657 have died aggravated while fighting assaults, in our nation’s Prince George’s County saw three-year-old Jayson according wars. But for to data many in places Holland die of a drug like the District overdose this past January. available of Columbia on the or Baltimore Governor’s City, the beat of the war Office of Crime Control and drum is not a phenomenon of Prevention website. foreign theaters or something In April of this year, encountered in history books, 14 year-old Najee Thomas but the exhaustingly persistent became the eighth person age tempo of a daily existence Continued on A4 By Roberto Alejandro AFRO Staff Writer


The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014


Your History • Your Community • Your News

The Afro-American Newspapers

Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters 2519 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4602 410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 Washington Publisher Emerita - Frances L. Murphy II Chairman of the Board/Publisher - John J. Oliver, Jr. President - Benjamin M. Phillips IV Executive Assistant - Takiea Hinton - 410-554-8222 Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200

Gama Droiville

Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - 410-554-8271 -

Shot Twice in Eye, 13-Year-Old Helps Lead National Anthem at Mets-Yankee’s Game

Baltimore Advertising Manager Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 -

Even before he sang the national anthem May 15 the crowd at Citi Field was on its feet and cheering. Gama Droiville, an East Flatbush teenager, was helping to lead the Star Spangled Banner at a game between the Mets and Yankees just a month after being shot twice in the eye. The 13 year-old was hit by two stray bullets that police said were intended for someone else when a gunman opened fire outside the Brooklyn pizzeria where Gama was standing with his aunt. The boy was rushed to Kings County Hospital where he was treated for gunshot wounds to the eye socket, police said. It was the same hospital, according to the New York Post, where a 24-year-old man, who police believe was the intended target, was taken after being hit once in the leg in the same incident. Droiville was released from Kings County the following week after treatment, making what hospital officials said is a full recovery. While at the hospital, Droiville spoke at the hospital‘s community advisory board meeting, joining representatives of the Kings Against Violence Initiative (KAVI). “I just want to say thank you to everybody for the prayers and support, and to just keep me in prayer,� Droiville said. The Kings Against Violence Initiative, a hospital-based group, fosters violence intervention and prevention strategies, targeting young men and women who are being treated at hospitals. In addition, KAVI has a school-based program that focuses on prevention, mentoring and personal development strategies for at-risk youth. According to the Daily News, police arrested Kareem Potomont, 21, of Brooklyn and charged him with attempted murder

Director of Finance - Jack Leister - 410-554-8242 Archivist - Ja-Zette Marshburn - 410-554-8265 Director, Community & Public Relations Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243 Editorial Editor - Dorothy Boulware News Editor - Gregory Dale Production Department - 410-554-8288 Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager Sammy Graham - 410-554-8266

Washington Office 1917 Benning Road, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002-4723 202-332-0080 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297 General Manager Washington Circulation/Distribution Manager Edgar Brookins - 202-332-0080, ext. 106 Director of Advertising Lenora Howze - ext. 119 - Business Solutions Consultant Elaine Fuller - ext. 115 - Office Administrator - Mia Hayes-Hawkins - ext. 100

Customer Service, Home Delivery and Subscriptions: 410-554-8234 • Customer Billing Inquiries: 410-554-8226 Nights and Weekends: 410-554-8282

Remembering Lee Martin, Morgan State Track Star of the Early 1960’s


Open Houses*

June 10, 4 – 8 p.m. Surrattsville High School

June 18, 4 – 8 p.m. Waldorf Jaycees

6101 Garden Drive Clinton, MD 20735

3090 Crain Highway Waldorf, MD 20601

June 19, 4 – 8 p.m. Thurgood Marshall Middle School 4909 Brinkley Road Temple Hills, MD 20748

*The same information will be presented at each meeting. Stop by anytime. The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) is accepting public comments on the 2010 Corridor Preservation Study to define the Preferred Alternative going forward for the 2014 Southern Maryland Rapid Transit Study (SMRT). Public comments will assist in defining the need for, purpose of, and scope of a high-capacity rapid transit improvement along the MD 5/US 301 corridor from the Branch Avenue Metrorail station to the Waldorf-White Plains area. The SMRT Study is part of a long-term planning process to evaluate the alternatives for an alignment and to select the appropriate transit mode (light rail or bus rapid transit).

We welcome your comments and suggestions MTA project staff and consultants will be available to answer your questions throughout the evening. Written comments can be submitted at the open house or by visiting For More Information For information on the 2010 Corridor Preservation Study and the Southern Maryland Rapid Transit Study, visit the website or contact project staff by email at

Locations are accessible for people with disabilities. Please contact the department listed below to make arrangements for: special assistance or additional accommodations; printed material in an alternate format or translated; hearing impaired persons; and persons requesting an interpreter. All requests must be received one week in advance. Los sitios tienen acceso para personas con discapacidades. Por favor pongase en contacto con el departamento de la lista de abajo para nacer arreglos: ayuda especial o adaptaciones adicionales; material impreso en un formato alternativo o traducido; personas sordas y personas que solicitan un(a) intĂŠrprete. Todas las solicitudes deben ser recibidas con una semana de antelaciĂłn. ! * #! ) #$%! . - # " ) + #$. % #$ " $ $ #, $ %! . %$+ )$ + !" .$, "+ . #! ( , ! * ! $ , +' # # ! %) . ! ) $ +' $ " # & " $ "% ' . + ' ! * - . # # + # %' ! * ! " ) # !" #+ + +$, !" #$ + " ) % - 8 <$/ <+9 ? I & ;' * / = "/ 2 G(- <+9 E B4 (# ,)8 .- @ 9% C < +9 D1 F 3H 7 5K 3CG( ! J 6 :A: > B 3CG0 A( MTA Office of Customer and Community Relations 410-767-3999 | 866-743-3682 | TTY 410-539-3497

S. Lee Martin, a former Morgan State track star and well known member of the Baltimore business and service community, died at the age of 76 on May 17. Born in Buffalo, N.Y., Martin was captain of the legendary Morgan State track team of the early 1960’s; during which time, he was rated as one of the top halfmilers on the East Coast. He also ran the anchor leg on Morgan State’s championship one-mile and sprint medley relay teams. Former AFRO sports editor, the late Sam Lacy, referred to Martin as “the ace half-miler,� and wrote that “Lee ranks with the best collegians in the country. His 1:53.1 clocking is more than five seconds faster than Bob Ridley, his nearest rival in the CIAA (Central

Intercollegiate Athletic Association).â€? Martin and the other members of the Morgan State’s track team were local celebrities in Baltimore. Even their opponents knew what time it was when the Morgan State Bears were in town. “When you knew you were going up against Morgan State, it was intimidating,â€? said Dr. Harold T. Amaker, who Lee Martin competed against Morgan State in the late 1950s as a member of the Virginia State College track team. “Lee Martin, Paul Winder, those guys were known as the best.â€? Martin was active in student affairs at Morgan, where he served as polemarch (president equivalent) of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and business-advertising manager of the college newspaper, The Spokesman. He was later inducted into the Morgan State Athletic Hall of Fame. After earning his B.A. in political science in 1962, Martin entered the U.S. Army. As a member of the Armed Forces Track Team, he competed in the Military Olympics in Brussels, Belgium, and received special recognition for ability and sportsmanship. He toured the Middle East as a Goodwill Ambassador before being honorably discharged with the rank of first lieutenant in 1964. After returning to civilian life, Martin was known around Baltimore as a leading real estate broker. His involvement in the Baltimore community included serving on the boards of directors of the Morgan State University Foundation, the Lafayette Square Community Center and the YMCA for the Greater Baltimore Area. “I learned a lot from Lee in the field of business and community relations. A lot of the ballplayers‌, Lee helped them get their real estate license,â€? said longtime friend Valerie Fraling. “There was nothing you could ask of him that he wouldn’t do.â€? Wayne Family, Grambling State Achieve Guinness World Record – 40 Family Member Grads of Grambling Over Six Generations The Wayne family of Marion, La., recently turned the world’s spotlight on Grambling State University when they earned recognition from the Guinness World Book of Records for most family graduates of a single university. The historically Black university, best known for the legacy of Eddie Robinson, who coached a storied football team at the school for 56 years, is located in Grambling, La., about 40 miles away from Marion, where the Wayne Family has its roots. Hattie Wayne, who runs a public relations firm in Dallas, Texas, undertook the task of pursuing the world record after she attended an alumni event in Dallas last August and realized just how many of her relatives had passed through the institution, the Dallas News reported. The Grambling graduate immediately fired off the application to Guinness World Records then spent months rifling through boxes of paperwork, making dozens of phone calls and shooting off a chain of e-mails as she sought to establish her family’s claim to fame. Last month, she told the Dallas News, her months of hard work paid off. “We are delighted to confirm that you have successfully achieved a new Guinness World Records title. ‌ You are officially amazing,â€? the e-mail from Guinness officials read, as quoted by the newspaper. See more on


The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - May 31, 2014

May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014, The Afro-American


Former Officer Creates Awareness Campaign for Brain Injury Survivors By Iyana Parker Special to the AFRO “I believe that no matter what you’re going through you’re a survivor, if you’re waking up everyday, alive and breathing you’re a survivor,” says Teresa Rigby a 30-year-old former Baltimore City Police officer. On June 21, 2011 at approximately 9 a.m., Rigby was the first to respond to a call on interstate 83 of an accident with no injuries. It was a misty and rainy day, and certainly one that she will never forget. As Rigby stood between her police cruiser and the Jersey wall filling out paperwork, police say that the driver of a convertible Saab lost control of the wheel and slammed into her cruiser, which then struck Rigby causing her to fall 30 feet off the side of the interstate. This devastating fall left Rigby fighting for her life and in an ongoing state of recovery. She sustained multiple injuries including: a mild

traumatic brain injury, dizzy spells, headaches, and multiple crushed bones in her face and body. Although Rigby survived, almost three years later she has yet to fully recover. “I see a different person when I look in the mirror, some days I feel horrible, but I’m grateful to be here and I just want to be able to help people from this point,” Rigby said. Recently, Rigby became a member of the Brain Injury Association of Maryland, and a member of the Trauma Survivors Network of Maryland. With the help of these two organizations, Rigby has put together a survivor awareness campaign using camouflage hats embroidered with the words “83 survivor.” The hats cost $20 each and the proceeds are donated to The Brain Injury Association of Maryland. “I decided to donate the proceeds to this particular organization, because I believe it is a great way to raise awareness about brain injuries, and because I believe that every day I wake up I choose to be a survivor. Since I can no longer

Barber Shop

Continued from A1

and have open discussions. The logo on the window says it all.” An eye reminiscent of an Egyptian hieroglyph adorns the shop’s window. Where the pupil resides stands the image of a man, arms crossed, looking back towards the eye that reflects his image, a symbol of the selfreflection and dialogue the shop hopes to inspire among its patrons. “The idea is for you to leave here with a different perspective on how you see things,” Ra said. To that end, the shop sells books on history, plays documentaries on issues affecting the African-American community, and seeks to cultivate cross-cultural engagement. “What’s your history? What’s your culture? How can I learn from you versus dealing with these prejudices that we have about each other,” said Ra, adding later,

Voter Suppression Law

Continued from A1

senior attorney with the Advancement Project and part of the legal team that filed the complaint. “This demonstrates the power and breadth of the movement and how the legal effort is just one aspect of the important broader movement building in North Carolina.” The North Carolina NAACP—which leads the Moral Monday movement— and its legal team filed their motion and its 95-page brief jointly with the League of Women Voters plaintiffs and with interveners representing youth voters in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina. The request for a preliminary injunction against HB 589 was filed on the grounds that the new voter restrictions violate the 14th, 15th and 26th Amendments as well as Section II of the Voting Rights Act. “Without same-day registration, without the full schedule of early voting, without voter protection from vigilante poll watchers, without the ability to cast provisional ballots if you mistakenly go to the wrong precinct, people in North Carolina will be disenfranchised during November’s critical elections,” said the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, president

Teresa Rigby, 30, is moving forward with recovery and life after a tragic accident on I-83, three years ago, turned her life upside down. patrol the streets of Baltimore I want to help others and give back to the community in this way,” Rigby said. Rigby is a leader. She recently celebrated her retirement surrounded by friends, co-workers, and loved ones, and was able to make an

“When we come into the barber shop it’s neutral ground because nobody’s going to tell me that I can’t talk to you. Nobody’s going to tell me I can’t have dialogue and get to know you and understand you.” Beyond having an opportunity to learn from others, those dialogues also enable Osagie and Ra to build partnerships with other

$800 donation to The Brain Injury Association of Maryland from the proceeds of her survivor hats. For Rigby and others who suffer from traumatic brain injuries, recovery and treatment is an ongoing and vital process. The Brain Injury Association of Maryland suggests that “anyone with signs of moderate or severe TBI should receive medical attention as soon as possible.” While little can be done to reverse the initial brain damage caused by trauma, treatment focuses on stabilizing the individual to prevent further injury. Imaging tests are used for TBI diagnosis. Treatment is devised to meet the need of the individual and can include “physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/ language therapy, psychology/ psychiatry, and social support.” Rigby can recall being a very active before the accident, loving

“I see a different person when I look in the mirror, some days I feel horrible, but I’m grateful to be here and I just want to be able to help people from this point.”

college was an option for them are connected to college professors who mentor and guide them through the college application process and direct them to educational resources. Osagie and Ra have also partnered with the Academy for College and Career Exploration High School, taking on two students per year as interns, teaching them about running a business but also that success is more than red or black ink on a ledger. “Success in not always money,” said Ra of the lesson he and Osagie seek to impart on their interns. – Andwele Ra “Success is . . . supplying jobs for other people. There’s members of the Charles Village community, brothers out here that are looking for jobs enabling a ground level effort aimed toward but can’t find jobs, but I have the ability to community development. Osagie and Ra employ a man. All our chairs are filled, so that link patrons in need of work with more means somebody’s not going hungry.” established professionals who can help place In the same vein, Osagie and Ra are keyed them in jobs. Young men who never thought into a community of Black businesses in the Charles Village corridor that help sustain

“The idea is for you to leave here with a different perspective on how you see things.”

of the North Carolina NAACP and architect of the Forward Together Moral Movement, in a statement. “Disproportionately, those disenfranchised will be people of color, seniors, women, youth, the disabled and other minorities.” In the brief, the legal team, which comprises North Carolina Central University law professor Irv Joyner, attorney Adam Stein and lawyers from Kirkland Ellis, LLP and Advancement Project, argue: “Defendants do not (because they cannot) dispute that HB 589 imposes disproportionate burdens on African Americans. Indeed, at the time it enacted HB 589, the General Assembly had before it (or previously had been told) that African Americans used early voting, SDR, and out-of-precinct voting at far higher rates than whites. The evidence shows, moreover, that the elimination of these practices will interact with existing socioeconomic conditions to impose material burdens on African Americans’ ability to vote. North Carolina has an unfortunate and judicially recognized history of racial discrimination, and the effects of that discrimination persist to this day.” HB 589 began solely

as a restrictive photo ID requirement for voters. After languishing for months, it gained new impetus after the Supreme Court June 2013 ruling in Shelby v. Holder, which disarmed Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. Relieved of the obligation to seek federal preclearance for new voting changes, the North Carolina Legislature quickly revived H.B. 589 and used it as a vehicle to push forward a dizzying array of new impediments to voting and to roll back voter protections, bloating the bill to nearly 50 pages, Lieberman said. Despite the challenges of the post-Shelby legal landscape, Lieberman said she believes their request for a preliminary injunction and the underlying challenge to HB 589 will be successful. “We believe that our brief compellingly demonstrates that voters will be irreparably harmed if the provisions of HB 589 are allowed to go into effect for the upcoming elections,” she told the AFRO, “and that we have established a high likelihood of success on the merits, warranting a grant of a preliminary injunction to block implementation of the law while the case makes its way through the courts.” The NC NAACP legal team expects to argue its case for a preliminary injunction in federal court this summer. A date for the hearing has not yet been scheduled. Added Barber: “We did not stand idly by last summer when extremists passed the worst voter suppression law seen in the South since Jim Crow, and we will continue to take our fight for the simple, unfettered right to vote into the courts and into the streets this summer.”

to exercise and working as a police officer. “I have come a long way and in the process I learned so much,” Rigby said. “Even though I didn’t want it to, my entire life has changed because of this accident. Now I’m

just trying to move on. I just wish the driver would have driven more cautiously.” Though Rigby has been through a lot and still has a ways to go in her full recovery, she maintains a humble, inviting, and bubbly personality, encouraging others to stay close to God, and never give up.

each other through collaboration and mutual promotion. Need a place to eat? Osagie and Ra might direct you to the Terra Cafe, a restaurant on 25th and St. Paul whose owner, Terrence Dickson, once did plumbing work for Reflection Eternal before transitioning to starting his own business. Osagie and Ra assist Maurissa Stone-Bass, the owner of the Living Well, a community development space operating across Charles Street, by holding onto a key for the studio that persons renting the space can pick up when assigned to use it. In return, Osagie and Ra will be able to use the space for a chess tournament that they hope to put on in the near future. Chess, Osagie explained, requires the sort of thinking skills Reflection Eternal was created to promote and cultivate. “We want you to leave out of here with something that makes you say, ‘Damn, where am I at in my life? What am I doing? Where do I want to go?’” said Osagie.


The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014

May 31, 2014 - May 31, 2014, The Afro-American


Turning Point Clinic: A Life Changer for 11 Years By Jonathan Hunter Special to the AFRO In 2003, the Rev. Milton Williams of New Life Evangelical Baptist Church saw that his church members in dire need of help beyond the pulpit. “Very humbly, I was preaching with all my heart to people in the church pews and I was giving them my best and they would leave my church and get high,” Rev. Williams told the AFRO. “I knew I needed to look at additional outreach services that would help folks not use.” His vision soon became a reality and he created Turning Point Clinic, a substance abuse treatment center. “Eleven years in business as a treatment center and now the largest treatment center in the world is reason enough to celebrate,” Rev. Williams said at the May 22 anniversary celebration at his church. “We have fought long and hard to be where we are today and to know by God’s grace we are alive and well and exceeding our mission...We have reason enough to celebrate.” Turning Point carries out the vision of its founder to be a faith-based clinic, melding medication and counseling with a balance of spiritual intervention. Located in the heart of East Baltimore, Turning Point has opened its doors to help everyone suffering from any form of substance abuse. During the ceremony, Rev. Williams outlined the severity of the drug

Street Wars

Continued from A1

18 or younger murdered in Baltimore City in 2014 after being felled by gunfire in Cherry Hill, according to homicide data collected by the Baltimore Sun which counts 75 total homicides in Baltimore this year so far. A week prior to Thomas’s murder, 17-year-old Michael Mayfield, a promising young man weeks away from his high school graduation, was murdered as he sat in a minivan parked outside his uncle’s house in West Baltimore. Tyquane Fetter, 18; Raysharde Sinclair, 18; Gregory Ware Jr., 18; Jowan Henry, 17; Lavar Crawford, 16; and Dejuan Willis, 17 were the others aged 18 and under who fell to violence this year. In nearby Washington D.C., 17 year-old Jonathan Adams was stabbed to death in February, while two infant homicides that occurred in late 2013 were classified as murders and closed with arrests. Prince George’s County saw three-year-old Jayson Holland die of a drug overdose this past

problem, noting that Baltimore has been named the “heroin capital” of the world. “Obviously, Baltimore needs more treatment capacity. We take in 150 new and readmitted patients each month. We have tripled in size in two years. But, today I announce that we must immediately cease accepting new patients. Why? We simply have no room,” Rev. Williams told those in attendance. In response to their need for more space, Rev. Williams announced the purchase of a 10,000 square foot property directly across from their Milton Avenue location, to be used as an Outpatient Mental Health Center and Intensive Outpatient Program. Turning Point currently has 100 employees working in the medical, clinic, and health and administration departments. Additionally, Turning Point has licensed nurses, technicians, and doctors. Many patients credited the staff for getting them on the right track. Some of those in attendance shared their testimonies of how the clinic has made a huge impact in their lives. Kimberly Holdclaw-Dey was a

“Turning point has been a blessing in my life because not only can I come here for treatment and mental health, I also have spirituality and church.” –

January that police believe was too large to have been a case of accidental ingestion. His father, Thomas Holland, has been taken into custody and charged with first degree child abuse and manslaughter. On May 10, Akinleye Warner, also of Prince George’s County, was stabbed to death while reportedly accompanying three acquaintances to a drug transaction. The effects of traumatic events such as these ripple well beyond their immediate vicinities or victims and can place a particularly heavy burden on youth forced to constantly renavigate a grief process for which even adults are rarely adequately prepared. “Most of us who live or work in Baltimore have been traumatized by the violence,” said Dr. Philip Leaf, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence, in an interview with the AFRO. Dr. Leaf served as the director of the Baltimore Child Development-Community Policing Program (CDCPP), a program that ran 1996-2009, seeking to reduce the occurrence and effects of violence in Baltimore City by


honorees ````` `````



Calvin Butler, Esq.

Community Investor Award

Michael E. Cryor

Willard Hackerman Legacy Award

Thomas LaVeist, Ph.D. Director, Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions Johns Hopkins University

Angela Celestin

Emerging Leader John Bugg

Managing Director of Human Resources OneMain Financial, a Division of Citi

State Farm Agent State Farm Insurance Company


JUNE 14, 2014 • 7pm MARTIN’S WEST

$200 per ticket $2000 per table of 10 buy tickets now Sponsorship opportunities are available.

working with victims and communities in which violence occurred. According to Leaf, the process of grieving usually lessens the impact of trauma over time. In places like Baltimore city, however, children—whose brains are not fully developed until their 20s—are often afflicted by new traumas before that grieving process has had a chance to run its course. The post-traumatic stress caused by this persistent experience of trauma can lead to aggressive or hypervigilant behaviors that are too often mistaken for disciplinary problems rather than recognized as the coping mechanisms of persons not yet emotionally equipped to handle post-traumatic stress in a healthier way. The Rev. Dr. Andre Humphrey worked with Dr. Leaf on the CDCPP and continues to serve as a community liaison for the Baltimore City Police Department, reaching out to the families of victims of violence. Rev. Humphrey, himself of victim of trauma when his son was murdered in 1997, feels that in order for there to be an effective reduction in the amount of violence suffered in Baltimore City, the relationship between the police and the community has to improve. Such an effort, Humphrey believes, requires a better appreciation for the fact that many young people get involved with drugs and crime not because they lack goodness, but because they feel a pressure to find some way to support their families financially. “I’m not saying that if the police encounter a criminal, they’re supposed to have ice cream and cake with them,” said Rev. Humphrey in

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an interview with the AFRO, “but treat them like a human being.” The Rev. Willie Ray, founder of Save Another Youth, a nonprofit working to reduce violence among young people in Baltimore City, made a similar point, noting that young gang members “greet each other with affection. . . . so they’re not far from being reached.” Rev. Ray feels that more adults who have successfully navigated the difficult conditions of Baltimore City need to become engaged as mentors to young people struggling to do the same, rather than be lulled into complacency by the comfort they have achieved. Ray is also campaigning for local churches to purchase vacant buildings in their surrounding areas to convert them into facilities where young people can spend their time rather than on the streets. Both of the ministers noted that the city has shut down many recreation centers in a conversation with the AFRO, marking a decided lack of financial investment in youth that abandons them to the streets. Rev. Humphrey said more funding should be made available not only to serve youth, but to address the needs of victims of trauma, a lack of support that has limited his efforts to expand his work throughout Baltimore. Dr. Leaf notes that, while there are many great mental health clinicians and initiatives operating in Baltimore City, the immensity of the problem of violence continues to outpace the available resources. LaTrina Antoine and Courtney Jacobs contributed to this report.

Former Paratroopers

Continued from A1

CEO Baltimore Gas & Electric Company

President The Cryor Group, LLC

recovering heroin addict who was homeless. But now, because of the program, she has housing and a better future. “Turning point has been a blessing in my life because not only can I come here for treatment and mental health, I also have spirituality and church,” said Holdclaw-Dey. “Before [Turning Point] my family couldn’t recognize me. I was ashamed to be around anybody. So, I lost weight I was like 100 pounds. Now, I have a relationship with my kids and grandkids and have housing now. I’m a happier person.” Also, Penny Wooten, who had been addicted to heroin and cocaine for 25 years, detailed her journey to being clean. She tried other methadone recovery programs, but none had seemed to work like Turning Point. “Out of all my recoveries this has been Kimberly Holdclaw-Dey the first place that I have ever gotten clean and stayed clean,” Wooten shared with the AFRO. “If you follow the rules and regulations of the program, take the suggestions, get yourself a higher power, there is nothing you can’t do.”

The National Smokejumper Association, the 555th and U.S. Forest Service became interested in recent years in finding his grave, missing since 1945, with the intention of placing a historical marker. Brown was the only 555th member to die, and is considered the first smokejumper to die on duty in America, falling from a tree during a fire jump. Tony Wood of the Philadelphia Inquirer, who had researched Brown, and Fred Donner of the National Smokejumpers Association; along with Robert Matthews of the 555th PIR

Association Baltimore chapter, tracked down the location of the Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Brooklyn Park, Md. where Brown was buried, after years of research. Two days before Memorial Day, a flag was placed on his grave by the research team. The grave had a stone marker placed by the U.S. Army in 1946. The 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion, which was born during the time of a segregated Army, was assisted by the all White Smokejumper Association, to find and honor their brother in arms.

May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014, The Afro-American


Votefest 2014 Ramped Up Registered Voters By Roberto Alejandro Special to the AFRO Over 4,000 registered voters in Baltimore City have been removed from the voter rolls since the 2012 presidential election.

The 2008 and 2012 presidential elections saw 67 and 66 percent voter turnout in Maryland, according to the United States Elections Project, an information source on elections research by Dr. Michael McDonald, a

Cameron Myles, Larry Young and Travis Winky In the state of Maryland, if a jury notice or any correspondence from a local board of elections to a registered voter is returned, the local board of

professor at George Mason University and a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, according to its website. The last two midterm elections in 2010 and 2006 saw that Register by June 3 to vote in the percentage drop to approximately June 24 primary election. 47 percent in the Old Line State. elections will send a second For Young, the lack of correspondence to verify the voter engagement during midaddress, according to Abigail term elections is a mistake. Goldman, deputy director “If we do not see the of the Baltimore City Board voters come out in strong of Elections. If that second numbers around this country,” correspondence is also said Young, “we could very returned, the voter is placed well see red states putting on an inactive list. forth candidates and winning Once placed on the that could beat the blue states, inactive list, if that voter and that could lead the Obama then fails to vote in the administration to become [a] next two general elections, lame duck.” one gubernatorial and one According to Young, the presidential, he or she is goal for Votefest 2014 was to removed from the roll of register at least 1,000 people, registered voters altogether. with the assistance of the That’s one of the reasons Baltimore Urban League, the

used to the fact—or none of us are—that the primary has come so soon, so we’re trying to do the best we can to keep people pumped up,” said HillAston. In order to register to vote in Maryland, you must be

Photos by JD Howard

a U.S. citizen, a Maryland resident, and at least 16 years old, according to the State Board of Elections website. While anyone 16 years of age or older may register, you must be 18 in order to vote in any elections. Additionally, anyone with a past felony conviction is eligible to register and vote so long as he or she has completed serving any courtordered prison term, including parole or probation.

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Tessa Hill Alston, Pres Baltimore NAACP and Del Nathanial Oaks WOLB 1010 Radio One annually sponsors Votefest, which was held May 17, at Coppin State University. A number of organizations registered new voters, 467 thus far, as well as anyone whose registration might have been purged since the last federal election, prior to this year’s June 3 deadline for voting in the June 24 primary. “Quite frankly this campaign has been very dry, and the people are not as excited as we want them to be,” said former Sen. Larry Young, one of the on-air personalities of Radio-One, and the coordinator and host of Votefest 2014, in an interview with the AFRO.

Baltimore City Branch of the NAACP, and the National Action Network—all cosponsors of the event. With 467 so far, the community leaders are setting up in Mondawmin Mall, June 3, to register as many as they can before the rolls are closed that day. This is the first year in Maryland in which the primary election will be held in June rather than the fall, according to Tessa Hill-Aston, president of the Baltimore City NAACP, giving community organizations less time to register voters prior to an election than they have had in the past. “A lot of people are not

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The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014

BCPS to hold free College Application Boot Camp Baltimore County Public Schools will hold a free, two-day College Application Boot Camp for students in the Class of 2015 on June 26 at Loch Raven High School in Towson. During the two days, a representative from Tufts University will discuss the admissions process, while

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BCPS English teachers and school counselors will lend assistance with writing college essays and understanding financial aid, respectively. Auxiliary informational sessions will review Naviance, an online resource geared toward promoting college- and career-readiness, and the college search. Students interested in participating in the boot camp must RSVP with their school counselors by June 6. Offered annually to rising seniors by the school system’s Office of School Counseling, the boot camp provides students with an opportunity to jump-start the college application process. This year’s boot camp will be the second for the school system. Last year, more than 300 students and approximately 170 of their parents attended the boot camp to learn about the Common Application, essay preparation, NCAA eligibility, selective admissions, applications to military academies, state scholarships and other financial aid.

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May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014, The Afro-American



Morgan President Wrong; University Board Absolutely Right Morgan State University President David Wilson was wrong in attempting to preempt or otherwise influence the final judgment of the Maryland Federal District Count by proposing several joint programs with Towson University. However, the Morgan State University Board of Regents was absolutely right in realizing that proposing those programs under current state policies, practices and conditions only promotes the State’s strategy for maintaining a Dwight Pettit system of higher education which the court declared to be in violation of the U.S. Constitution. That insight appears to have resulted in a withdrawal of the President’s proposal, but not before the public was reminded once again of the continuing rift between the President and his governing Board over the best interests of the University. President Wilson’s program proposals, whether intended or not, clearly support the State’s senseless argument that the State can eliminate historic and future program duplication by leaving in place unconstitutional duplications that the Court deems to be at the root of disparities in funding, mission and facilities at the Historically Black Institutions. More importantly, the proposal of the joint programs provide a window into supposedly confidential mediation talks between the State and the Coalition representing the HBIs which are, in fact, being played out constantly in the pages of the Baltimore Sun and other media. Sometimes those revelations are cloaked in what may appear on the surface to be innocent press stories or balanced and objective articles related to public colleges and universities. A good example is the announcement of former Baltimore mayor Kurt Schmoke as the next President of the University of Baltimore where the individuals being quoted stopped just

short of declaring UB rather than Morgan ,the legislatively designated urban institution, to be Maryland’s public urban university. In other instances, there appears to be more direct accounts of mediation discussions. A May 26, 2014 article quoted state leaders as saying during mediation they are exploring shred programs between Historically Black colleges and universities and other state institutions of higher learning as a possible remedy to unnecessary duplication. What is more, the Sun’s latest editorial on the Morgan’s board’s refusal to embrace their president’s proposals for joint programs under the current ground rules lay the groundwork for blaming Morgan if the mediation is unsuccessful. Taken together, this carefully scripted and well-orchestrated set of initiatives by the state and its minions are part and parcel of what U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder meant when he described for the Morgan graduating class of 2014 the subtle nature of the continuing threat of racial discrimination in this country. Holder explained that outbursts of bigotry are not the true markers of the struggle that still must be waged since the greatest threats do not come in screaming headlines or discriminatory statues lie “separate but equal”. The true indicators are more subtle, appear race neutral, cut deeper, and their terrible impact endures long after the headlines have faded and there racial outbursts have been denounced. What Holder has described is precisely how the State of Maryland has managed for so long to escape accountability for its discriminatory system of higher education and HBI students, faculty, staff and other constituencies must not continue to bear the brunt of redress. Also, to the extent that HBI presidents and

Remembering Veterans in Ways That Count

Whenever the mention of failures in the Veterans Administration bubbles up, I always flash back to Allen Curry, Tim Squier, Daniel Carpenter and, most tragically, Jonathan Schulze, four Iraq War veterans who in 2007 were suffering in relative obscurity like hundreds of thousands of fellow battered warriors – all victims of Veterans Administration backlogs. Back then, little attention was being focused on the gauntlet veterans had to endure to receive medical care at the VA. A few journalists were writing about the problem, but, to be honest, the story wasn’t getting much traction. The VA wait for returning veterans had grown from four to six months. Still, there were no Congressional hearings or senate panels. There were no irate elected officials. And nobody in Congress was calling for the head of the Veterans Administration to resign. But there was Curry, then 47, emotionally and physically wrecked by the war, unemployed and on the verge of losing

Ron Harris

Dishonoring Our Vets

The last Monday in May, Memorial Day, is for honoring those who died in service to our country. It is tragically ironic that around the same time we are honoring and remembering the dead, we are learning about deficiencies in the Department of Veteran’s Affairs that negatively affects the quality of life for those who were injured during their term of service. Allegations that many Julianne veteran’s hospitals and Malveaux medical centers do not assist those veterans needing medical care within the mandated 30 days are troubling. Some say that the lengthy waits may have been a factor in the deaths of as many as 40 veterans. The access problem is compounded by poor record keeping at some veteran’s hospitals, making it impossible to verify how many veterans waited for medical attention and the length of their wait. The controversy has led to calls for Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki to resign, but it is unclear whether his resignation will serve any but a symbolic purpose if the medical treatment of veterans does not change substantially. In this highly partisan environment, it makes no sense for the

others seek to conspire with the State against their institutions, the governing board must act forthright even if that means incumbents are not reappointed at the expiration of their respective terms. This is a pivotal moment in the history of higher education in Maryland and the outcomes of this litigation will have broad impact on issues of race and education for many years to come. While it may not have been clear why the Morgan Board made certain decisions in the past, there is no doubt they are on the right side of the joint program debate. Finally, if the State if serious about resolving the Coalition litigation, it should declare a moratorium on any programs’ considerations involving the non-HBIs until the litigation is settled. Otherwise it can only made a bad situation even worse. Attorney A. Dwight Pettit is a former member of the Board of Regents, Universit

his house after waiting two years with no results for the VA to adjudicate his disability claim. He had been a Chicago postal worker making $60,000 a year before he was called to Iraq as a reservist. His war injuries left him unable to work, the government agreed, but still no check. Down south in Copperas Cove, Texas, a little town off Highway 190 about 53 miles southwest of Crawford, thenPresident George W. Bush’s “White House West” retreat, Daniel Carpenter was struggling to feed his wife and three small children. He had been an Army sergeant and medic, but war injuries had left him unfit for service and he had lost his more than $3,000 monthly salary. But despite being unable to hold a job due to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the accompanying medication, the VA said he was only 60 percent disabled and issued him a monthly check of $1,125. Tim Squier lived in Coldwater, Mich. with his wife and child. He also hailed from one of those small towns from which came most of the service men and women who fought in America’s two wars on terror. Squier was a wreck -- bad knees, bad back, screwed up hearing, all courtesy of the roadside bombs that had hit his vehicles. He had PTSD and his short term memory was shot. During a flashback, he almost killed his 11-year-old. Nearly penniless, he too was awaiting VA’s judgment. And then there was former Marine Jonathan Schulze. Schulze, 25, from Stewart, Minn., population 588, a recipient of two Purple Hearts for injuries, hanged himself four days after being told he was 26th on the waiting list for 12 beds in a VA ward for mental illness. The media had reported other returning veterans who had also committed suicide. As a journalist, I talked to Iraq war veterans who were literally fishing in nearby lakes to feed their families, begging up the poorest parts of the cow from the local butcher, living in ragged trailers with no electricity. Many told me that they

felt their country had abandoned them. All the talk about supporting the troops, they said sadly, was just talk. When those and other stories came out in 2007, there was no moral outrage from Georgia Congressman David A. Scott. Nor do I recall Congressman Jeff Miller of Florida or lots of these other guys – Democrats and Republicans -- being all worked up. I know, because I was covering Congress at the time. But there were these two, a junior senator from Illinois and newly-elected Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill. In response to veterans’ stories in the Boston Globe, the Washington Post and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, McCaskill and then-Sen. Barack Obama sponsored a bill with numerous provisions to reduce the VA backlog. Missouri Sen. Christopher ‘Kit’ Bond, a Republican, cosponsored the bill to make it bi-partisan legislation. When he introduced the bill, Obama said, “Courageous men like Allen Curry, Daniel Carpenter and Tim Squier, who put their lives on the line to serve our country, should not have to face a second battle when they return home.” Perhaps, Obama and McCaskill were just trying to make a name for themselves. Maybe they were grandstanding. Who knows what goes on in a politician’s head. But I do know this. None of this is new. Since that day in 2007, there have been VA reports of tens of thousands Iraq and Afghanistan veterans either homeless or near homeless, thousands more who lost or were losing their houses to foreclosure. There were reports of suicides, failed marriages, madness and more. And I wonder, how these good and earnest federal legislators – and the media ---managed to keep their moral indignation about these matters bottled up until now? I’m guessing those veterans are asking the same question.

White House to offer Shinseki’s head on a platter to satisfy the hyper partisanship of growling Republicans. Veterans, and those who represent them in Congress, come from all parts of the political spectrum. It ought to be in everyone’s interest to improve access to health care for veterans. There are other issues regarding fair and compassionate treatment for veterans that must be considered. The recent killings at Fort Hood, Texas suggest that there is insufficient focus on mental health issues for our military, with the rate of Army suicides doubling between 2004 and 2009. Many veterans say that one of their stressors is the inaccuracy involved in evaluating their disabilities that have come from their service. Missing limbs, impaired mobility, extreme stress, and insomnia are all factors included when a monthly disability check is calculated. Many take issue with the evaluation, and challenge an evaluation may take several months (or years). Even inaccurate claims are difficult to obtain for some veterans. More than 611,000 claims were backlogged (which means veterans had waited for more than four months for their claims to be processed.) The number dropped this year to 344,000 claims, which is still too many veterans waiting too long for help. The recent exposure of long waits for medical treatment just scratches the surface of the way that veterans are welcomed back into our society. Military skills are not easily converted to civilian labor force skills, unemployment rates for recent veterans (those serving since 2001) are often high – 9 percent for veterans, compared to 6.3 for the entire population. President Obama has urged private sector employers to

give priority to hiring veterans who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, but unemployment rates, though falling, remain high. Minority and women veterans had even higher unemployment rates, and often greater challenges. More than 58,000 veterans are homeless, representing about 12 percent of the homeless population. More than half have disabilities or mental health problems. As many as 70 percent of homeless have substance abuse problems. There would be fewer homeless vets if the mental and physical health needs of veterans were addressed when these soldiers leave the military. When our soldiers return from fighting for our country, they face a new fight – a fight to be treated fairly. That means shorter waits for medical attention, more focus on mental health issues, more assistance in reentering the job market, and more counseling to help families adjust to new household dynamics. Veterans should not have to fight for this kind of assistance. Haven’t they fought enough? Regardless of whether we agree with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we often thank our military for their service. Thanking a homeless veteran, or one who has waited more than 30 days for medical attention is lip service if the “thank you” is not accompanied by the assistance that so many veterans need. Memorial Day ought to be a day to commemorate the dead, and improve the ways we treat the living.

Ron Harris was an embedded journalist twice during the war in Iraq and wrote extensively about the war’s effect on veterans as a national and congressional reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is president emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.


The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014

COMMUNITY CONNECTION Amanda Kimbers Named 2014 BIG EAST Outdoor Track & Field Most Outstanding

of hard work coming back but Coach (Greg) Lambert and my teammates really pushed me and helped me out tremendously. She ran a season-best 11.45 to easily win the 100m. She followed that up one hour later with a win in the 200-meter dash, timing in at 23.81. Following a year of not running due to injury, Kimbers looks true to form and is running as well as she was in 2012 when she qualified for the U.S. Olympic Trials. (Courtesy Georgetown Sports websites)

visit SECU at

JHB Hope Foundation Donates GlideScope® to Northwest Hospital to Benefit Children

SECU’S Board Chair Honored for Contributions to Business and the Community

Amanda Kimbers

Female Track Performer

The Georgetown University track & field team recently added to its credit 11 event titles, including eight individual and two relay titles. The Hoya women finished second among eight teams with 128 points behind Villanova (218) while the men placed third of seven teams with 157 points behind Villanova (225.5) and DePaul (166). All-American Amanda Kimbers (Baltimore, Md./ McDonogh) is having quite the farewell season. At the 2014 BIG EAST Indoor Championships, Kimbers won her first individual BIG EAST title and she added to that a win in the women’s 100- and 200-meter dashes. For her efforts, she was named the 2014 BIG EAST Outdoor Track & Field Championships Most Outstanding Female Track Performer. This is the first time a Georgetown student-athlete has garnered the honor since it was made a separate award from the Most Outstanding Field Performer in 1993. Prior to that, there was one award - the Most Outstanding Performer and the last Hoya to win that award was Suzanne Girard in 1984. The last major award winner for the Hoyas was Buky Bamigboye as a co-recipient of the 2006 Women’s Field Most Outstanding Performer. “I don’t think I would have wanted to end it any other way,” Kimbers said after accepting her award. “It was a lot

Donald Tynes Sr., chairman of the Board of Directors at SECU – the largest state-chartered financial cooperative in Maryland, with over 230,000 members and assets of $2.7 billion – has won two prestigious awards for his contributions to business and community service. The African Methodist Episcopal Church – 2nd Episcopal District recently named Tynes the “Bishop’s Man of the Year for Community Service” during the 198th session of its Baltimore Annual Conference. A week later, the Zeta Sigma Alumni Chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity honored him with its “Bigger and Better Business Award” during its “Dare to Dream” Awards Banquet. “We are very proud of Donald and his outstanding record of achievement, which serves as a model for all of us to emulate,” says Rod Staatz, SECU president and CEO. A native Baltimorean, Tynes leads the SECU Board Donald Tynes Sr. of Directors in formulating and governing the corporate policies and practices, and establishing administrative procedures for compliance with federal laws and the State of Maryland’s Office of Financial Regulations. Tynes is a graduate of Dunbar High School, earned his bachelor’s from Morgan State University and an Executive MBA from Loyola College of Maryland. Tynes currently serves on the staff of the Carl Murphy Fine Arts Center at Morgan State University and functions as business manager for the Morgan State University Choir. Since1982, he has been an active member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and is a life-long member of Waters AME Church, where he serves as Trustee Pro Tem. For additional information about SECU and Mr. Tynes,

Jesus House Donates GlideScope to Northwest Hospital The JHB Hope Foundation, a global outreach ministry that is part of Jesus House Baltimore, has donated a pediatric GlideScope® to Northwest Hospital in Randallstown to provide lifesaving treatment for the youngest patients in the hospital’s emergency department, ER-7. The pediatric GlideScope® is a piece of equipment that is especially designed to fit into the obstructed airway of a small child so that a breathing tube can be placed into the throat to keep the airway open. It uses video technology so doctors can see a real time, distinct view of where to place the tube safely, accurately and quickly. “On behalf of Northwest Hospital, I would like to thank the JHB Hope Foundation and its members for their heartfelt generosity, not only for the pediatric GlideScope®, itself, but for the time and effort they spent raising the funds for this donation,” said Brian White, president of Northwest Hospital and senior vice president of LifeBridge Health. “Their partnership in our community is vital and appreciated.” Members of the Jesus House Baltimore and the JHB Hope Foundation stopped by Northwest Hospital recently to see for themselves how the pediatric GlideScope® works and to meet grateful staff members who will be using it. “The Giving Back to Our Community initiative is in our DNA, and it is an important part of our mission to have a positive impact in our neighborhoods. By partnering with great organizations, we continue to uplift the communities we serve,” said Dr. Godwin Okojie, executive director of the JHB Hope Foundation. “The passion and joy of Northwest Hospital employees when they saw the GlideScope® was very contagious.”

Anthony Brown’s Plan for Maryland: •

Universal, Voluntary Full Day Pre-k

Support and Strengthen Our Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Closing The Achievement Gap

Safer Streets, Safer Schools

Job Training

Anthony Brown for Governor Election Day is June 24th, vote early June 12th - June 19 th Learn More at BY AUTHORITY: BROWN-­ULMAN FOR MARYLAND. GERARD BODEN, TREASURER.

May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014, The Afro-American

T Elaine Ebron, Marcia Hill and Thelma Lovelace

he women of First Apostolic Faith Church on South Caroline Street in Baltimore come to worship every Sunday with their heads covered in reverence. This past Mother’s Day was no exception. Young and not as young, waved their heads in praise with the most stylish, colorful hats in town. Apostle Cornelius Showell is pastor of the church.


Earnestine Hatton and Charlotte Boyd

Gloria Gilchrist and Sherry Campbell

Portia McAdory

Floryne Spence, Jeanette Watkins and Cherise Hudson Ra'Chael Brown and Olivia Brown Brenda Showell and Jean Lyerly

Jackie Middleton, Mother George Redd and Carolyn Carey

Odessa Jefferson and Jacqueline James Loretta Sharp, Louella Smith and Debbie Womack Photos by J.D. Howard

Hundreds of participants were “S.T.E.M.-u-lated” at the recent fair and career expo presented by Dunbar High School for Health Professions and the Harbor City Chapter of the Links. The partnership between the two has included experiences such as a visit to UMBC’s Imaging Research Center, assuming STEM school supplies that were delivered to

Damian Matthews, graphic designer

students in Liberia, using race car trials to build rocket racers and engaging in a Cyber Security Day at Lockheed Martin. Harbor City Links provides more than 2,000 service hours per year. Dunbar’s programs include biotechnology, emergency medical technology, accounting, nursing and health care delivery systems.

Second place participant award winner, Tyesha White

First place participant Award winner, Ms. Clayborne

Anthony Freeman, grandmother, Theresa Pack and Chandra Harvey, Carnegie Institution for Science

Panelists: Werner Garbon, Dr. Irene Aninye and Otis Sprow

Panelists: Dr. James Wood and Shannon Sutton

Panelist, Dr. Damien Meyers, Western High School biomedical sciences director

Panelist, Dr. Elijah Saunders, UM School of Medicine

Panelists: D'Andrea Walker (MTA) and state Sen. Nathaniel McFadden

Student participants “Lab Rats” Robotic Club: Ibukun Alo, Kevin Ingram, Tyriek Charles and Lawrence Totty, facilitator

Balto. City Councilman Carl Stokes

Kristina Kyles, Dunbar principal Photos by Anderson Ward

Fashion designer, Jody Davis Elizabeth A. Williams, Carol Foreman, Eileen Carpenter, Martha Gay and Candace Simms, standing, chapter president

Mentoring panelists

Dr. Mary Washington, Merry C. Macer, event chair; Wanda Better-Davis and Audrey Quarles


The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014

He is honoring Ms. Maybelle, Fabulous Friends, Tim Watts, Daisy Brown and yours truly, Rosa Pryor. Also, being honored in memory are Will Franklin for the O’Dell’s Reunion, Bobby Starr of the Intruders, and Shorty Buise for the Pennsylvania Avenue Reunion. For more information, call 410-929-1360. Steve “Smokey” Scribner and Last Chance Entertainment will host a fun day 5-9 pm June 1 at the Forest Park Senior Center, 4801 Liberty Heights Ave. A cabaret with live entertainment, BYOB, BYOF, vendors, dancing, and a lot of fun. For ticket information, call 410-466-2124. There is so much to do and so many places to go, but there is not enough space to tell you about all of them. I am out of space and out of time, I am sorry I can’t tell you more. But, if you need me, call me at 410-833-9474 or email me at UNTIL THE NEXT TIME, I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.

So Many Places to Go

Hello, hello my dear friends, I have been very busy in the past couple of weeks. I believe I attended over six events last week and had book signings at all of them. My fingers are numb, but I enjoyed every moment of it. It truly was a lot of fun. Looking at the photos this week in my column, I know you can tell one event in particular stands out. That event was the Tri-County Maryland Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Literary Café & Jazz Brunch. Honey Child! This was awesome! The program was well put together and many authors were there displaying their books, including yours truly. The book signing was fantastic. It was well attended, I sold many books, and the food was absolutely the best. This event was held at a place I believe is a well-kept secret. No longer, I am spreading the word. Girlfriend! I have been to many hotels, motels, rooming houses, and bed and breakfast lodging all over the country doing what I do, but I must say, this particular place, called the Victorian Candle Bed & Breakfast, I will put in the top five. It is kind of secluded, yet surrounded in beauty. Let me tell you a little about this awesome place. First of all it is located in Hollywood, Md. It has beautiful rooms named “The Cozy Corner” and “The Johnson Room,” just to name a few. There is the Penthouse Suite with a private entrance as well. It can accommodate your next offsite conference in the M.E. Butler gathering room, which can hold about 85 people. The outdoors is beautiful for weddings and rehearsal dinners, office parties, and couple or group retreats. It is clean and they serve breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner for special occasions. The icing on the cake is that it is owned by an African-American couple, Susan and Jim Dexter. For more information, go to their website: Or call for reservation at 301-373-8800. Now, before I run out of space, there are a few events I want to share with you. One is the “Baltimore, DC, and beyond Old School Reunion,” a cabaret style, BYOB and BYOF, produced and hosted Roberta Berry, president of Tri-County by Brian Hall, DOT Entertainment. It will Maryland Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma be a hell-la-va affair from 5-9 pm June 1 Theta Sorority, recently hosted with her at the Patapsco Arena, 3301 Annapolis Rd. sorority a fantastic Literary Café & Jazz It will be hosted by Randy Dennis, Court Brunch last week at the Victorian Candle, Man, Robert of Jimmy Briscoe’s Little located in Hollywood, Md. Beavers, and Carlos of the “Whatnauts.”

Susan Dexter, co-owner of the Victorian Candle Bed & Breakfast, located 25065 Peregrine Way, Hollywood, Md. For more information, call 301373-8800.

The Victorian Candle Bed & Breakfast has some of the finest rooms in Southern Maryland. It’s a well-kept secret that must be let out of the bag. Each room has a queen-size bed, full bathroom, television, telephone, high-speed internet access, refrigerator and so much more. For more information, call 301-373-8800 for reservation.

Eastern Star Sister Joan D. Campbell is the 2015 candidate for “Imperial Outside Spy” of the Imperial Court Daughters of Isis. Angels for Joan is hosting a KickOff Extravaganza for her at the Grenadier Club, 1226 McCulloh St. in Baltimore from 8 p.m. to midnight May 30.

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May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014, The Afro-American



Inside the Hotel Rwanda

The Surprising True Story ... and Why It Matters Today Review by Kam Williams “Hotel Rwanda was promoted as a story about ‘the quiet heroism of one man, Paul Rusesabagina, during the Rwandan Genocide.’ I knew Paul Rusesabagina. All the people who survived inside the hotel ... knew Paul Rusesabagina. No one among us has ever thought of him as altruistic, let alone heroic. On the contrary, of all the people who were within the hotel during the genocide, he would quite possibly be considered the furthest from a hero… Rusesabagina had been a war profiteer, a friend to the architects of the genocide, a man willing to starve those without money while hoarding piles of food, drink, and riches for himself.” Excerpted from the Introduction (page xxx) In 2004, the film Hotel Rwanda received widespread acclaim for its heartrending account of how one man had singlehandedly shielded over a thousand Tutsi refugees from certain death during the Rwandan Genocide by hiding them in the hotel he managed. Don Cheadle earned an Academy Award nomination for his powerful portrayal of Paul Rusesabagina, an apparent modern-day saint suddenly mentioned in the same breath as Oskar Schindler, the German factory owner who had saved so many Jews from the Holocaust during World War II. Rusesabagina was subsequently celebrated by Amnesty International and other organizations as he embarked on a world tour during which he collected countless prizes and honorary degrees, including the Wallenberg Medal,

the National Civil Rights Museum Freedom Award and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to name a few. And, to this day, he’s remained in demand as a revered icon and inspirational speaker sought to recount his uplifting tale of unparalleled bravery in the face of ethnic cleansing. What a difference a decade makes! Over the intervening years, telltale cracks gradually appeared in the image Rusesabagina had so carefully cultivated with the help of Hollywood and the human rights community. Those swirling rumors came out into the open when Rwandan President Kagame referred to the supposed paragon of virtue as a total fraud. Now, Hotel Rwanda survivor Edouard Kayihura has collaborated with journalist Kerry Zukus to set the record straight once and for all. Their book, “Inside the Hotel Rwanda: The Surprising True Story ... and Why It Matters Today” painstakingly deconstructs Rusesabagina’s

self-serving myth about what transpired. Truth be told, he was never a hero but rather a Hutu sympathizer and war profiteer who had extorted money from the frightened folks seeking refuge on the grounds of his hotel. According to Kayihura, “He treated ... us as his personal cash register ... Refugees were refused entrance unless they could pay him.” Furthermore, “The hotel was protected by UN peacekeepers and any attempt to kill was aborted by them ... Paul Rusesabagina had absolutely nothing to do with any of this.” Kayihura’s damning assertions are supported by the recollections of many of his fellow countrymen who had sought refuge at the hotel for the duration of the bloody conflict. Assuming this eye-opening opus is accurate, a debt of gratitude is owed Kayihura and Zukus for belatedly exposing a very slippery character as a shameless charlatan.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Wolverine Travels Back in Time in Latest for the Sake of the Future Review by Kam Williams X-Men: Days of Future Past represents the seventh episode in the storied mutant series, and is the third directed by Bryan Singer who also helmed X-Men 1 and 2. This installment is loosely based on the 1981 Marvel Comics (issues #141-142) of the same name, a convoluted tale in which one of the superheroes is sent back in time to prevent an impending disaster threatening the present. The story unfolds in a dystopian future where we find a race of robots called Sentinels slaying mutants and subjugating humanity. X-Men founder/leader/brain of the operation Dr. Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) summons his surviving protégés to a meeting in a

Magneto (Ian McKellen) takes flight. monastery in China to hatch a plan to preserve the planet. With the help of “phasing” Shadowcat’s (Ellen Page) quantum tunneling ability, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) slips through a portal to a parallel universe in 1973. His mission there is to stop fellow mutant Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) from murdering Trask (Peter Dinklage), the diabolical genius who invented the Sentinels.


Happy May 28–Jun 29

Why would you want a vanquished villain to be reincarnated? Don’t ask. After all, that’s one of the easier leaps of faith this flick’s farfetched plot expects you to make. If you need a plausible plot, then you might be too close-minded for this imaginative sci-fi. Try on for size the novel notion that President Kennedy was killed “because he was one of us.” OK, let’s see, so JFK was assassinated for being a mutant? Why not? Just a couple of years ago we learned from another movie that Abraham Lincoln was a vampire slayer. Revisionist history? Or little known fact? You be the judge. What’s next, Dwight Eisenhower as an alien? But I digress. Fortunately, X-Men 7 audience members will be very richly rewarded for taking flights of fancy, provided they succeed in suspending their disbelief. Don’t try to make sense, for instance, about how you go back in time, reverse a long-deceased person’s demise, and not simultaneously unravel myriad aspects of reality which have already subsequently transpired. Instead, simply sit back and enjoy a sophisticated period piece unfolding against a nostalgic backdrop littered with staples of the ‘70s ranging from lava lamps to waterbeds. This adventure even brings out of mothballs a number of favorite characters we haven’t seen in a while, such as Storm (Halle Berry), Rogue (Anna Paquin), Cyclops (James Marsden), Iceman (Shawn Ashmore), and Colossus (Daniel Cudmore). Don’t forget to sit through all of the credits for a decent-length teaser about X-Men 8: Apocalypse, coming to theaters in May of 2016. X-Men, a fabled franchise that like a fine wine, just keeps improving with age. Excellent HHHH Rated PG-13 for nudity, profanity, suggestive material and intense violence In English, French and Vietnamese with subtitles Running time: 131 minutes Distributor: 20th Century Fox






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The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014

Maya Angelou Remembered and Trending AFRO Staff


AFRO file photo 1995

ocial media waves became electrified with the overflow of emotion at the news of the passing of much loved poet, author, activist and friend, Maya Angelou, May 28, at the age of 86. “Maya Angelou was a force of strength, beauty, and resilience whose voice will be missed around the world. Her ability to grasp strands of hope in even the most devastating circumstances has inspired generations of Americans, and her capacity to express her story through her poetry and prose made her an international icon,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) “Despite experiencing poverty and violence in her childhood, Ms. Angelou danced with Alvin Ailey, acted on Broadway, taught at Wake Forest University, spoke at a Presidential inauguration, and advanced the Civil Rights Movement. In each of these roles, she served as a model of grace and determination for those who face adversity, often speaking directly to them with incomparable phrases like, ‘You may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I’ll rise.’ AFRO Facebook fan Rebecca Schetler called her an “extraordinary woman.” LaShonda Davis called her, “Our Queen.” Dr. Linda Fisher said, “You are light and darkness, you are earth and air. I know why the caged bird sings.” News of her death was followed closely by a Facebook post under the name of her son, Guy B. Johnson, that said, “Her family is extremely grateful that her ascension was not belabored by a loss of acuity or comprehension. She lived life as a teacher, activist, artist and human being. She was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace.” He ended with his assurance that “she is looking down on us with love.” Poet Nikki Giovanni said of her friend, “She did everything 100 percent so that’s a good thing. If she fell in love, she got married. When she fell out of love, she got divorced. I loved that about her, because she wasn’t always trying to justify something.” Oprah Winfrey posted on her Facebook page, “What stand out to me most about Maya Angelou…is how she lived her life. She moved through the world with unshakeable calm, confidence and a fierce grace,” adding “She will always be the rainbow in my clouds.” Angelou once said, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” Amen.

Zakiyyah Seitu with Angelou

Maya with Oprah Winfrey at Angelou’s 65th birthday celebration

AFRO Article April 29, 1972

May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014, The Afro-American



AFRO Sports Desk Faceoff

Should Magic Johnson Buy the Clippers? By Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley AFRO Sports Desk Soon sports conglomerates, business titans and ordinary billionaires will be lining up to purchase the Los Angeles Clippers from now disgraced owner Donald Sterling. But who’s the favorite? Several names have been floated but one single person continues to draw the most support: Magic Johnson. The nowretired Los Angeles Laker star continues to find himself in a war of words with Sterling through the press, but Johnson’s name continues to gain steam from supporters who are favoring him to take over the reins as the team’s newest owner. Johnson, a hugely successful businessman, has denied the possibilities but as the National Basketball Association (NBA) gets set for a fire sale of the team, should the former Laker become the newest Clipper? Perry Green and Stephen D. Riley of the AFRO Sports Desk debate the question. Riley: Absolutely. Johnson’s business acumen and visibility would do wonders for the Clippers as they continue to pick up the pieces from the Sterling fallout. To have a chance to share a building with the Lakers while still competing with

them would be a refreshing sight as the Lakers-Clippers rivalry intensifies. It would almost be a “stick-it” to Sterling maneuver should the resulting new owner of the team happen to be a minority. Johnson normally has the Midas touch when it comes to investments and having his hands over the Clipper organization at a time when the roster is filled with big names and prestigious coaches would be an alluring opportunity for the Laker Hall of Famer. Green: For all the vicious words that Sterling has said about Johnson in recorded conversations that have been released to the media, it would be difficult for Johnson to loan him even a few pennies, let alone cut a check for millions of dollars. I can see Johnson taking the diplomatic approach and reserving his investment money for other opportunities that he can wholeheartedly embrace. Sterling continues to bury himself in the media with each recorded sentence and Johnson forking over a large sum of money to a bigoted business man would sour what would normally be a great idea. You can’t insult people and then expect them to do business with them. Riley: For all of Johnson’s business decisions that he’s had to orchestrate over

couldn’t be a better possible scenario. Johnson would represent clear racial change and even provide an upbeat image for those who are HIV-positive. It would be a positive for all parties involved and another impressive accolade Johnson could add to an already stellar resume.

Magic Johnson Courtesy Photo

the past few years, I’m sure that he has come across some very rude, and perhaps bigoted, participants of business deals. But this would be more than just business; it would be the start of a culture change. To take the entire Sterling fiasco and emerge from it with Johnson as an owner

Green: Johnson doesn’t need to become the owner of the Clippers to set examples and be a role model because he’s been doing it for decades already. Refusing to do business with Sterling and his wife, Shelly, who the NBA is designating as the liaison for the sale, would definitely be more admirable as opposed to him simply taking over the reins. I have to believe that pride is more important than profit to Magic and one of the most respected alltime great sporting figures doesn’t have to purchase a basketball team from an undeniable racist to prove anything to us. Johnson as the Clippers owner would be a new twist in an already convoluted tale and probably cause a few sleepless nights in the Sterling household but it isn’t something that those hurt by Sterling’s comments absolutely need. And besides, Johnson’s basketball legacy will forever be tied to the Lakers. Seeing him as the newest Clippers owner probably wouldn’t sit right for those associated with Laker nation.

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B6 The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014

The Author’s Corner been an avid writer since his days in high school during the late 1990’s. He enjoys the creative process of all writing genres, whether religious, poetic, science fiction, historical, biographies or action adventure. What was the impetus for writing this book?

The driving force behind writing the book was to explain to my son that life is not all about fast money and cars; to show him that people should work hard to possess a good and happy life. And taking the easy route is not always the best route to take.

What’s the overall theme?

Willie Gibbs

Title: The Hole Author: Willie Gibbs & Dameon Gibbs Release Date: June 10, 2014 Willie Gibbs is a native of Baltimore. He is a devoted father to his son Will Gibbs. He believes that his experiences as a young adult help to prepare and mold him into the adult that he needed to be for his son. After many trials and tribulations he received his GED at the age of 36 and went on to establish his own music business. Dameon Gibbs holds a bachelor’s in anthropology and world history and a master’s in classical studies. For the past five years he has worked with inner-city youth in Baltimore. He has

To explain that hard times in life can be overcome through perseverance and that people do not have to settle for the life they have at the current moment.

What surprised you about the development of the book?

What surprised me most was actually finishing. I was really shocked that I did not know I possessed the ability to write such a dense book. I had never written a book before but with my brother Dameon’s help I was able to do what I always thought about doing.

For what audience is your book written?

Young Adults, Urban Readers, Adults, Inspirational Readers and Parents.

What one thing do you want the reader to remember forever?

That there is always somebody in the world that may be going through a more difficult time than they are. And to know that although the hole maybe

deep, it still can be climbed out of. What did you learn during the writing process?

I learned that I possessed the ability to achieve my dreams, by first having faith and then by believing in myself.

Any advice for aspiring writers?

Never give up on their dreams. If they desire to be a writer then they must pursue it with a burning desire and not to allow circumstances to quench them List other books you’ve written. Books by Dameon Gibbs: The World Around Them, The Seven Days of God, The Wall of Jerusalem and The Anointed One.

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE CITY Case No.: 24D14000534 IN THE MATTER OF Shanan Lee Jones FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO Shannan Lee Jones ORDER FOR NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to officially change the name of the petitioner from Shanan Lee Jones to Shannan Lee Jones It is this 12th day of May, 2014 by the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, ORDERED, that publication be given one time in a newspaper of general circulation in Baltimore City on or before the 12th day of June, 2014, which shall warn all interested persons to file an affidavit in opposition to the relief requested on or before the 27th day of June, 2014 Frank M. Conaway Clerk 5/31

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A pre-proposal meeting will be conducted on Wednesday May 28, 2014 at 3:00 pm at the New Windsor Town Hall, 211 High Street, New Windsor, MD. Proposals must be submitted by 3:00 PM, Monday, June 30, 2014.

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The complete RFP may be seen on the Town website,

TYPESET: Wed May 28 10:25:53 EDT 2014



The final study will be presented to the New Windsor Mayor and Council

For more information contact Frank Schaeffer, Town Manager at 410-635-6575 or

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May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014 The Afro-American



The Afro-American, May 31, 2014 - June 6, 2014




For 40 years, the Cove Point LNG Terminal has worked to protect the health and natural beauty of the Chesapeake Bay—and we won’t stop now.

As Dominion moves forward with its Cove Point LNG export project—which

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will provide a significant economic boost to Calvert County—our top priority

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are minimal.

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We’re proud that Calvert County has come to expect this spirit of stewardship

Dominion has an extensive environmental conservation plan in place at Cove

from us. After all, we’ve provided $2.3 million in charitable grants and donations

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percent of the land will remain a pristine nature preserve.

the Chesapeake Bay’s oyster population, and led an initiative to save the largest

The nearby freshwater marshlands will still provide homes for several species

freshwater marsh on the bay’s western shore.

of insects, amphibians and plants. We’ll keep using indigenous plants in

In short, Dominion understands the importance of respecting the environment

our landscaping. We’ll collaborate further with environmentalists to protect

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